#Megamind fandom
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erin-ashh · 5 months
No because you guys don’t understand, this is my favourite screen shot to ever exist in the entire WORLD EVER?????? Megamind’s nervous smile and Roxanne just being done, she stands on BUSINESS for her man!!!
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moxiemitchi · 3 months
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Minion for Minion Day!!! First time drawing him and he's so fun and cute with all his little danglies and stickie-outies!
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fandomcentral101 · 4 months
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Megamind and Roxanne Megamind Rules 1x01
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ric505 · 4 months
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thoughtfulraven · 7 months
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He's heeeereeee!!! I'll be getting him up on my Etsy probably this coming Saturday!
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ramjam-jamming · 5 months
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With the... Negativity surrounding the trailer for the new megamind movie/show, my brain's wires started wiring and, welp, here's my idea for a Megamind show: Megamind has to learn how to be a proper hero, and Metroman/Musicman (who is still retired) acts like a mentor, from the sidelines.
Here's a dive into how the villains (evil bernard evil bernard) and characters would work ⬇️
He still has the attitude and mannerisms of a villain, as he retains his old personality, but is learning the values of being a super hero. He evil-laughs when winning and such, and also is rather awkward around the citizens of metrocity, but is trying his best. He's still trying to win over their trust.
By the end of the movie, I'm pretty sure everyone still believes Megamind killed him, which would definitely hinder Megamind's ability to gain their trust. The general public still thinks Metroman's dead, but there are multiple rumours and conspiracy theories of him still being alive, as he still goes out and could be occasionally spotted.
Bernard, who is a megamind expert, becomes an antagonist. He has a collection of Megamind's old thrown away machines, plus merchandise. He believes that megamind has lost himself and is "boring" now. As such, he uses the holo-watch (found in Megamind's trash) to steal his appearance and cause Havoc, turning the public against him and "bringing back" the villain he's an """expert""" on. Of course, this plan fails, but he becomes a recurring villain whose objective is to return megamind to his old self. This is either through recreating him (holograms, robots, etc) or straight up trying to manipulate him into going back to his old habits. He's still emotionless and seemingly bored most of the time though. Always having a horrible time.
The Child
Specifically the child from "the button of doom" who gets the dehydration gun and turns his mother into an ice cube. I enjoy the idea of a full on villain bratty child who can't be sent to jail, bc he's a child. (Sort of like the kid from Word Girl and the little girl from Powerpuff girls) He could also reflect how Megamind was as a kid. in the end the child isn't literally evil, just immature.
I'm also changing The doom syndicate from a squad Megamind used to be a part of to fellow villains who Megamind hated. (I know they are based on a cut concept for the movie but it was cut for a reason, megamind shouldn't have been part of a squad at all, he only had Minion, that's kinda the point). My idea is that Megamind was the sort of "main villain" to metroman, and he used to make fun of the rest for being his "side villains" lmao. (I would love for metroman and megamind to have a lego joker-batman sort of thing going on)
Also, what if the villain scene was sort of competitive. They didn't have any respect for each other, and they all worked alone. Until now, considering from their perspective Megamind killed Metroman. They see him as a bigger threat now, and also want to beat him up bc he was the most annoying "fellow villain". As such, they join forces and form the doom syndicate. Although, I do like the idea of them appearing one by one across the show before forming the squad. (Perhaps like a season finale)
Tighten is tricky because he's been dealt with in the movie and it'd be repetitive to fight him again. Although, I think some random scientist villain giving him powers again could have potential, as he's the number 1 Megamind hater and is easily manipulated... Food for thought
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thesunlikehoney · 5 months
ok but the thing that drives me up the wall with the megamind fandom is this pervasive idea of "oh he was actually good the whole time, he just needed to be given a chance" because-- NO!!! That Is Not How That Went.
the whole point of megamind isn't that he is some misunderstood hero, it's that he is The Villain!!! he revels in ruining people's day! he wants to be feared! he wants to cause chaos and mayhem and yeah it's all tied up in childhood trauma of his good intentions being continually and willfully misunderstood, yeah he made his choice to be the bad guy thinking there was no other thing he could be, but it was still very much a choice!
megamind still very much made that paint bomb and built that robot suit and kidnapped that reporter. stole that art. stole that money. terrified those people. rejoiced when he thought he'd finally managed to kill his rival. when he's depressed minion suggests a kidnapping to cheer him up and for a few seconds it works. the slave army segment on tv. like yeah it's all played in a very humorous way but megamind is not a good person, and that's the point.
it all comes down to that conversation with roxanne in the rain. because he's been lying to her. he's been lying to her for months and was fully prepared to keep on lying to her as long as he could get away with it, and she calls him out on it. it doesn't matter if he's nice, it doesn't matter if he makes her laugh, what matters is that he tricked her and lied to her and would have continued to do so. what matters is that he killed a man and terrorized a city. what matters is his actions.
when he apologizes to minion, he says, "please don't make this city pay for my wrongdoings." megamind has finally come to terms with the fact that he did some fucked up shit, and he is ready to take responsibility. for his whole life this prison has been home, but it's also still very much a prison. he is locked up to keep people safe. he is locked up as a punishment for his behavior. and when he is finally ready to put aside his villainy and become the hero the city needs, he leaves the prison for the last time.
no matter why he made the decisions he made, he still made them. he still hurt people. he has to make the choice to stop hurting people and start helping them. he has to make the choice to stop being the villain and start being the hero. it's isn't about the audience's perception of him shifting it's about megamind realizing he's gone too far and now he has to become a hero to save his city from the consequences of his own villainy.
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stolascrowned · 3 months
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Professional Sinnamon Roll by: StolasCrowned Sometimes Bernard does shit like this and it makes Roxanne feel like she is going insane. Based on (x).
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steponmedean · 1 year
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The blue daddy's back 😭🛐🩵
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Official anouncment that Part 2 of Season 1 of Megamind rules will be returning to Peacock on June 20th!
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21st June on Stan
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Taken from our Evil Lair Discord group, here is the current list to stream Megamind Rules in different countries:
"Megamind Rules!" Show Availability:
USA: Streaming platform: Peacock https://www.peacocktv.com/ **Date: ** March 1st AUSTRALIA Streaming platform: Stan https://www.stan.com.au/ Date: March 2nd UNITED KINGDOM (Unknown) Other Countries: Currently unknown. You may need to consider getting a VPN to use Peacock from your location. (The UK and AU have trademarks set, so it's likely you'll be getting it as well.)
"Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate" Movie Availability
USA: Streaming platform: Peacock https://www.peacocktv.com/ **Date: ** March 1st AUSTRALIA (Note: Unconfirmed, but assumed. See <#983559635455856651>) Streaming platform: Stan https://www.stan.com.au/ Date: March 2nd (?) UNITED KINGDOM Streaming platform: Sky Cinema https://www.sky.com/tv/cinema Date: April 7th
(Below info is pulled from FlixPatrol https://flixpatrol.com/title/megamind-vs-the-doom-syndicate/streaming/)
BRAZIL Streaming platform: Amazon Prime https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0GQ8FGUVP06TWTZLX0J4XOJNKM/ ALGERIA, BAHRAIN, CHAD, EGYPT, IRAQ, JORDAN, KUWAIT, LEBANON, LIBYA, MAURITANIA, MOROCCO, OMAN, QATAR, SAUDI ARABIA, SOMALIA, SOUTH SUDAN, TUNISIA, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, YEMEN Streaming platform: OSN https://osnplus.com/ DENMARK (Megamind mod Dommedagssyndikatet) Streaming platform: Via Play https://viaplay.dk/film/megamind-mod-dommedagssyndikatet-2023 FINLAND (Megamind vs. Tuomiosyndikaatti) Streaming platform: Via Play https://viaplay.fi/leffat/megamind-vs.-tuomiosyndikaatti-2023 ICELAND Streaming platform: Via Play https://viaplay.is/movies/megamind-vs-the-doom-syndicate-2023 NORWAY (Megamind og Dommedagssyndikatet) Streaming platform: Via Play https://viaplay.no/filmer/megamind-og-dommedagssyndikatet-2023 SWEDEN (Megamind och Undergångssyndikatet) Streaming platform: Via Play https://viaplay.se/film/megamind-och-undergangssyndikatet-2023 Other Countries: Currently unknown. You may need to consider getting a VPN to use Peacock from your location. (The UK and AU have trademarks set, so it's likely you'll be getting it as well.)
Please support Dreamworks to show demand for more Megamind content! We've waited this long-- show them it matters!
Please do what you can to watch Megamind Rules from a legit source so that Dreamworks can get paid. With more views, there is higher chance of being for another season and/or ANOTHER movie.
DW constantly treats Megamind as an afterthought and gave the team a very small budget to work with on the show. They put their hearts into it and made something very fun and cute! Let's show our gratitude by giving back all the support we can.
The Animators Union may be protesting for better wages this summer (as is their right!) so by watching their work, we can give back to them!
Please don't allow Megamind Rules to become lost media. Please help us to keep something beautiful in this world.
If you're fan and want to join a cool and fun loving group, feel free to hop in and say Ollo!!
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erin-ashh · 5 months
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moxiemitchi · 4 months
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He's a changed man, and he's ready to reenter society as a solid citizen!
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auratale · 5 months
Have A Mind-blowing Megamind Monday!
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jottles · 3 months
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to me this is the same guy
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inbarfink · 3 months
Anyways I know literally no one was asking this question but if Dr. Horrible were to ever watch ‘Megamind’, it’ll just get under his skin in such a visceral way. He’ll be so pissed off at it. Like, it’s got the brilliant, sympathetic Supervillain Protagonist who was bullied all of his life by the full-of-himself superhero and then… he has NO plan to improve the city once he takes it over? No ethos outside of the aesthetic? The superhero is played sympathetically?? The supervillain learns the error of his ways and becomes a superhero? This isn’t just an affront to how Dr. Horrible views supervillainy, but to his whole sense of identity.
For him, with his whole view of what supervillainy is and how the world works, this is like some Insidious Corporate Propaganda that exists for the sole purpose of watering down supervillainy, and the kind of resentment and frustrations at society that brought him into supervillainy, into something mainstream-y and placating that does nothing but uphold the status quo. 
And he would make a scathing review of it for his Blog, and he’ll try and play it, like, mocking and condescending and above-it-all. Like, this is just dumb slope for the masses, brainwashing junk food for babies - obviously he doesn’t really care about something so stupid. But, like, you can totally tell that it has touched a nerve. 
He would, however, have No Thoughts about Hal Stewart. Like, Hal’s storyline wouldn’t make him reconsider the way he thinks about Penny, and it wouldn’t make him feel insulted or defensive. He would mention Hal’s existence at, like, one line of his review and then go back into complaining how bullshit it is that Metro Man didn’t stay dead. Billy just doesn’t have the self-awareness to even notice any of the possible parallels between himself and Hal.
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