beracun · 2 years
Mewawancarai Marcel Thee
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Di Joyland 2022 kemarin akhirnya saya menonton Sajama Cut lagi, lupa kapan terakhir kali tepatnya menonton merekai. Malah teringat pertama kali menonton mereka di Soho, Plaza Semanggi, sekitar tahun 2005 dan pengalaman yang paling berkesan ketika mereka manggung di Jakarta Noise Fest, 2008. Tentu saja bersamaan dengan waktu yang berjalan, banyak terjadi perubahan pada band tersebut, tapi yang tetap sama adalah kehadiran Marcel sebagai vokalis, ia bagai highlander yang tidak lapuk dimakan waktu. Apa ya rahasianya? Saya jadi penasaran, sehingga saya memutuskan untuk berkenalan dan mewawancarai beliau.
Gimana cara Marcel membagi energi serta kewarasan sebagai pekerja, suami, ayah, dan musisi independen?
Sudah begitu lama saya melakukan semuanya secara bersamaan, jadi sejujurnya sudah organik saja. Yang saya bisa bilang adalah semuanya bisa dengan relatif mudah saya lakukan karena saya memiliki partner dan anak-anak yang sangat mengetahui dan senang dengan sejauh mana arti musik bagi hidup saya. Kebebasan untuk loncat-loncat kegiatan selalu ada. 
Partner yang meminta kita “membagi waktu” seperti pacaran remaja, bukanlah partner yang sebaiknya dijadikan pasangan. 
Kalau pekerjaan, saya sama seperti mayoritas orang, juga selalu berusaha menyeimbangkan kerja keras dengan kewarasan - Meskipun tentunya tidak pernah mudah, dan kadang ingin istirahat dan kabur saja. Namun sama juga seperti banyak orang, tantangan itu tentunya adalah salah satu realita yang harus kita hadapi saja. 
Usia Marcel sudah di atas 30, tapi sepertinya wawasan musik Marcel nggak stuck di suatu era dan terus berkembang, gimana cara Marcel biar selera musiknya tetap terjaga? 
Saya setiap hari mendengarkan musik baru - khususnya album baru. Saya selalu haus akan karya musik yang bagus, dan sekarang semakin mudahan mendapatkan itu kan. Saya menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini juga sambil mendengarkan musik baru di YouTube, dan juga album album lama yang waktu dulu tidak bisa saya beli. Jadi memang natural saja.
Sejak awal berdirinya, saya melihat para personil Sajama Cut selalu “diremajakan”, apakah ini upaya agar Sajama Cut tetap relevan dengan zaman atau ada alasan lain? 
Haha tidak sengaja juga sih kalau soal umur. Formasi kita yang sebelum ini juga relatif seumuran dan ada yang lebih tua dari saya, seperti Asra (dari Pandai Besi/ERK). Kalau pergantian pemain memang untuk memastikan musiknya selalu “hidup” dan bergerak; bukan hanya pengulangan pendekatan yang sama terus. Secara artistik, kita masih roda yang berputar.
Penasaran, siapa role model Marcel Thee untuk fashion atau dalam bergaya?
Sejujurnya, tidak ada yang spesifik tapi saya suka film-film Amerika dan Perancis klasik dimana karakter-karakternya terlihat suave. Tapi saya tidak merasa itu jadi influence. Saya suka band-band yang terlihat seperti geng yang keren. 
Mulai dari menamai album Godsigma, sering mem-posting JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Sebesar apa pengaruh anime sama kehidupan Marcel?
Sama seperti banyak orang seangkatan saya, anime dan mecha robot/ super sentai adalah bagian besar dari hiburan masa kecil kita - Begitu juga manga. Sebenarnya sih saya suka karena banyak alasan; gambar yang keren, ide-ide cerita yang unik. Kalau JJBA saya suka karena beraninya Hirohiko Araki dalam merubah, bukan hanya karakter-karakternya, tapi bentuk dan bahkan genre ceritanya. Tapi identitasnya selalu terasa. Saya merasa Sajama Cut terinspirasi hal itu. 
Coba share tiga 80’s atau 90’s anime yang menurut Marcel harus ditonton sama gen-z.
Hmm…Ini lebih karena nostalgia, tapi kalau anime: Akira, Night on the Galactic Railroad, mungkin Saint Seiya seri TV nya. 
Mengutip wawancara Marcel bersama Notes from Rookies, “Gue lebih banyak baca buku-buku spiritual.” Bagaimana sebenarnya seorang Marcel memandang spiritualitas?
Kemanusiaan saja sih. Bagaimana kita bisa menjadi kehadiran yang berguna dan baik bagi orang orang lain. Bukan hanya tidak saling menganggu, tapi saling mengangkat jiwa raga satu dengan lainnya. Antitesis dari agama. 
Sajama Cut udah terbentuk dari 1999 hingga sekarang, siapa aja band lokal seperjuangan yang udah nggak ada kabarnya, tapi Marcel kangen banget pengen nonton atau harapkan mereka merilis sesuatu lagi?
Kalau seperjuangan kurang tau ya - Tapi band-band lama yang saya rindu termasuk Toilet Sounds, Puppen, The Sastro, Sel, Klepto Opera. 
Waktu wawancara bareng Eka Annash di DISKAS, Marcel sempat bilang pengen banget dapet kesempatan untuk bisa bikin scoring untuk film. Idealnya film seperti apa yang akan cocok scoring-nya dibikin sama Marcel?
Asal skripnya berkualitas dan berbobot, saya terbuka. Belum ada perbandingan juga soalnya, jadi saya mau mulai dimana aja. 
Apa yang akan terjadi sama hidup Marcel seandainya dulu memilih untuk tidak pulang ke Indonesia dari studi di Australia lalu tidak meneruskan Sajama Cut?
Wah menarik. Saya rasa saya tetap akan main musik sih, tapi mungkin dengan orang-orang yang berbeda. Yang pasti, masih akan berkecimpung di bidang kreatif. 
Kompilasi You Can Be Anyone You Want (A Tribute To Sajama Cut) sudah bisa kamu dengarkan di Spotify atau nikmati dalam bentuk CD.
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hi, I saw ur post about requests and I was wondering if you could do maybe a jealous Zion (he’s my best boy uwu)? I absolutely love your blog and I think your content is perfect the way it is🥰 (not all of us are horny, I can assure you ;))
Thank you!! I hope you enjoy the request. Hopefully, I kept everyone in character!
Pairing: Zion/You
The day started off pretty well. You went out on patrol with Harry in the morning, and since you had a good roll with him going, you decided to keep hanging out through the day. You sat with him in 1-C during the break when there was nothing to do around the school and even ate with him during the dinner meeting. You and Harry didn’t get to talk often, so you appreciated that you got to make up for lost time today. He was a nice guy to be around!
You never seemed to notice the glares Zion was giving off the entire time.
Don’t get him wrong, Zion liked Harry plenty. Maybe he could be a bit of a wuss in Zion’s mind, but he knew how to get stuff done and stop conflict before it could even start. Zion could respect that. And he knew you were safe with Harry, but… did you really have to look so happy about it? You never looked so excited to hang out with him. What was so interesting about Harry?
The next morning you decided to sit next to Zion until the meeting started. He felt a rush of victory (that he wouldn’t dare verbalize) that you decided to hang out with him out of everyone else, as childish as that may seem. You two began to chat casually, joking like you usually do, until Harry walks into the room.
You light up when you see him and say something rather nonsensical in Zion’s opinion, but Harry seems to get it as he bursts out laughing with you. Immediately, his mood dampens.
Must be some sort of inside joke…?
Thankfully, Harry sits by himself at the other side of the room, not furthering your conversation any more. Good. What was so funny, anyway?
Zion was so busy practically glaring at Harry that he didn’t notice Lawrence had walked in until he clapped his hands twice in order to get everyone’s attention.
“We’ll do things like usual today,” he starts. “We’re pretty stocked up for food, so I feel comfortable skipping a town search for today. We’ll do patrols just like normal, but that will be it. Harry, you’re with me for today on the first floor, and Eugene is with ___-“
“Nope,” Zion interrupts without a trace of remorse. He reaches over and places a hand on your head, messing up your hair with a grin. You curse at him and quickly fight his hands away before smoothing your hair back in place. You’re way too cute. “Kid is with me today.”
Don’t fight me on this.
“Oh?” Lawrence raises an eyebrow in interest. “Any particular reason why?”
“Any particular reason why not?” He quips back and Lawrence only smiles.
“I suppose not. Then Zion will be with ___on the second floor, and Ethan and Eugene will be together outside the school.”
“Wh- don’t I get a say in this?” You try to defend yourself and Zion just rolls his eyes.
“What, you saying you don’t want to be around me anymore?”
You immediately answer with a shake of your head. “No! It’s just- ugh. Whatever,” you grumble and grab at Zion’s arm, dragging him out of the meeting room. “Let’s go.”
The two of you start your patrol in relative silence, a silence that makes Zion worry if maybe he did something wrong. “Hey…” he starts, trying to look down and gauge your expression. “Did I mess up?”
You sigh. “No, not really. I just hate when you treat me like a kid, you know? You don’t need to make my decisions for me.”
“Right…” Zion can understand that. He sort of feels a little guilty, now. “I don’t think you’re a kid. I just, uh, really wanted to… patrol with you today.”
Ugh, he feels like such a sap. But it’s all to make you feel better, right? He can make peace with sounding a little stupid if it’s for you.
Zion groans, rolling his shoulders back with a grimace. He really doesn’t want to say it out loud. “Can’t you just be flattered I wanted to hang out with you and move on?”
“I am flattered! But flattery doesn’t come from you very often, can you blame me for being curious?”
“Whatever!” The redhead nervously fidgets with the metal bar on his arm, not looking directly at you. “I just wanted to hang out because you had so much fun with Harry yesterday and I thought that was stupid, alright? I wanted you to, I don’t know,” God, he’s never felt more like an idiot, “wanted you to realize you don’t need to hang out with Harry in order to be happy or something. I can do that too… I think?”
You don’t say anything for probably only a couple of seconds, but to Zion, it feels like an eternity. His face feels almost as red as his hair.
God! This sucks! Expressing how you feel sucks! Why didn’t he just make a joke or something??
Eventually, he feels you grab onto his arm and when he looks down at you, you’re smiling. “Zion, you big sap,” you bring him into a small hug. “You don’t have to be jealous of the others. You already make me happy, so don’t worry, alright?”
You break the hug before he truly wants it to end, but that’s fine. He scratches the back of his face and barely notices that your face is probably just as red as his. He breaks out into a grin and laughs lightly. “Yeah, alright. As long as it stays that way, I won’t beat the other guys up, I guess.”
“Can I talk about this to the guys?”“Absolutely not!!”
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farseerdri · 6 years
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More random old shit. It’s really been way too long ... Kahrion belongs to @akaiba Ced belongs to @bioticanders
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prplpnk · 7 years
A Merekai/Caraenyl Dragon Age AU Short
Summary: Once Champion of Kirkwall, now Inquisitor, Merekai Hawke looks for the mage that got away.
Rating: E
Word Count: 637
Merekai belongs to the amazing @farseerdri
 “Where is he?!” Merekai Hawke growled, his Anchor-marked left hand wrapped tightly around the templar’s neck. He held the man aloft, green eyes sharp and free hand ready to conjure up flames to further persuade the templar to cooperate. The Champion, now also titled Inquisitor, slightly squeezed his captive, glare growing darker. “Tell me!”
The templar in his grasp choked, frightened eyes gazing at Merekai’s companions, finding no friendly gazes among them. He pointed toward a staircase that spiraled up the make-shift Circle Tower the fool rogue templars had occupied. “H-H-He’s at the top!”
Merekai tossed the templar aside, barely acknowledging the clang of his armor as he hit the stone wall. It didn’t matter to the Inquisitor, only he mattered and Merekai was already darting up the stairs, jumping two or three steps at a time. Of all the places to end up….
A letter had been left behind for Merekai. He read it carefully, felt guilt build up in his gut, and immediately asked Leliana to track the mage who had sneaked away. Not that she wasn’t already on his trail… his false trail. The mage apparently did not want to be followed and it ended up being Merekai’s mabari hound, Korveris, who picked up the mage’s scent.
He was not worthless; true, Anders had figured out how to cure the werewolf curse from not only Merekai but also the werewolves still hiding out in the Brecilion Forest. It was only because he had done so much research and made so many different alchemical concoctions that Anders had been able to see what was missing, with him being an expert at healing magic. He was still wanted within the Inquisition.
Tracking the mage had lead Merekai and his party to a very small town at the foot of the Frostbacks; once abandoned it was now inhabited by rogue templars. They had hunted many mages and brought them to their “Circle,” where the lucky ones were imprisoned or killed. The unlucky ones….
Merekai quickened his pace, the stairs leading to a small landing and a single door. There was no padlock and the Inquisitor’s heart raced as he pushed open the door and crossed the threshold. The room was fairly small with a single bedroll in a corner beneath the only window, a bucket in another corner (which Merekai could only guess was the chamber pot), and a table with various flasks and instruments used with alchemy. A redheaded individual sat at the table, his pointed ears holding back his long hair.
The individual stood, back to the suddenly silent Inquisitor; Merekai’s mouth had gone dry. He’s alive, was all he could think even as the mage turned to face him. His mouth, usually smiling brightly, was now in a neutral line, freckled cheeks were pale like the rest of him instead of flushed with color; his eyes, once golden, always sparkling with emotion, were now a light brown… and empty. And upon his brow the sunburst marking of the Chantry.
Merekai felt ice grip his chest. No….
“Hello, Inquisitor,” he said, voice hollow and words devoid of any emotion, not the voice Merekai remembered. “There are no demons here; why have you come?”
For you… Merekai choked on the words, his strength bleeding from him as despair gripped his heart and he fell to his knees. His vision blurred as tears burned his eyes and he whispered, “Caraenyl.” The redhead did not react, merely stood there, staring with unfeeling eyes as the Inquisitor crumbled at his feet.
It was too late.
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needlesslycryptic · 7 years
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@farseerdri’s OC Merekai, commissioned by @veritasrose!
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lintasmedia · 5 years
Solusi Agar Tidak Ragu Saat Merencanakan Resepsi Pernikahan
Solusi Agar Tidak Ragu Saat Merencanakan Resepsi Pernikahan
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Menjelang hari pernikahan adalah momen yang sangat dinanti nanti oleh setiap pasangan, tidak terkecuali orang tersayang. Pada awalya merekai sangatlah bingung ketika mencari paket pernikahan atau catering pernikahan di Jakarta, karena banyak sekali vendor wedding organizer dengan katering pernikahan yang ada di kota ini
Biasanya calon pengantin banyak yang berfikir takut susah, takut gak punya…
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merisaseana-blog · 6 years
Angel Lelga Ceritakan Kronologinya Alami Keguguran, Ini Responsnya Saat Disebut Merekayasa Kehamilan
Merisa Seana Angel Lelga Ceritakan Kronologinya Alami Keguguran, Ini Responsnya Saat Disebut Merekayasa Kehamilan Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Angel Lelga Ceritakan Kronologinya Alami Keguguran, Ini Responsnya Saat Disebut Merekayasa Kehamilan Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Angel Lelga Ceritakan Kronologinya Alami Keguguran, Ini Responsnya Saat Disebut Merekayasa Kehamilan Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Angel Lelga Ceritakan Kronologinya Alami Keguguran, Ini Responsnya Saat Disebut Merekayasa Kehamilan Dikutip TribunSolo.com dari Kompas.com, Angel bercerita, kejadian itu bermula saat dia dan keluarga berlibur ke Bali. http://www.unikbaca.com
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garamterang · 4 years
Introduksi Pada Iman Reformed Bagian 2: Iman Reformed Adalah Evangelikal
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Oleh John M. Frame
Sering kali sulit bagi orang Kristen Protestan yang percaya pada Alkitab untuk mengetahui mereka harus menyebut diri mereka apa. Kata "Kristen" itu sendiri dan pernyataan "orang Kristen yang percaya pada Alkitab," bisa juga kabur, bahkan menyesatkan (lihat pembahasan sebelumnya). "Ortodoksi" memberikan kesan tentang para imam yang berjanggut. "Konservatif" berbunyi seperti suatu posisi politikus atau seorang yang tempramental dibanding dengan suatu keyakinan reiligus. "Fundamentalis" pada hari ini memiliki konotasi yang tidak menyenangkan, yaitu dianggap sebagai anti-intelektualisme, meskipun pada masa lampau fundamentalis diaplikasikan pada sarjana-sarjana Kristen yang sangat agung.
Saya pikir istilah yang paling baik untuk menjelaskan orang Kristen Protestan yang percaya pada Alkitab adalah istilah "evangelikal," meskipun istilah itu telah menjadi rancu sepanjang sejarah. Istilah itu digunakan oleh para reformator Lutheran untuk mengindikasikan karakter dari gerakan itu, dan sampai sekarang di benua Eropa kata "evangelikal" kurang lebih sinonim dengan "Lutheran." Namun, di dunia yang berbahasa Inggris, kebanyakan penggunaan istilah "evangelikal" dikaitkan dengan kebangunan rohani dari "kebangkitan evangelikal" di abad delapan belas di bahwa pengkhotbah Jon Wesley, George Whitefield, dan yang lain. Teolog Wesley adalah Arminian sedangkan teologi George Whitefield adalah Calvinis; jadi gerakan evangelikal itu sendiri memiliki unsur-unsur Arminian dan Calvinistis. Banyak denominasi-denominasi di dunia yang berbahasa Inggris sangat dipengaruhi oleh gerakan ini.
Di abad kesembilan belas, banyak denominasi yang tadinya dipengaruhi oleh gerakan evangelikal telah menjadi liberal. Bukan merupakan hal yang aneh untuk mendengar orang liberal seperti Charles Brigg menyebut dirinya sebagai "evangelikal"; "evangelikal liberal" pada waktu itu tidak dianggap kontradiksi. Orang masih mendengar istilah itu dalam referensi pada istilah teologis Inggris, meskipun penggunaannya tidak konsisten pada poin itu. Tetapi di Amerika, istilah itu sejak Perang Dunia II telah secara umum dibatasi secara teologi pada posisi konservatif. Setela hperang itu, sejumlah orang Kristen konservatif tiba pada konklusi bahwa "fundamentalisme" merupakan suatu konsep yang negatif dan merkea mengadopsi istilah "evangelikal" sebagai suatu desrkipsi yang menjelaskan dirinya sendiri, kebalikan dari penggunaan di abad ke delapan belas. Di antara mereka adalah Carl F. H. Henry, Harold John Ockenga, dan John Howard Pew penganut teologi Calvinistis; yang lainnya bukan penganut teologi Calvinistis. Jadi "evangelikal" menjadi sebuah payung yang menaungi orang-orang Kristen reformed dan non-reformed, yang menganut pandangan yang tinggi terhadap Kitab Suci dan penganut dari "iman yang fundamental."
Tidak semua orang reformed telah bersedia untuk menerima sebutan "evangelikal." Di satu sisi, orang reformed kadang-kadang ada yang tidak menyetujui kebangunan rohani, meskipun sebagian pengkhotbah kebangunan rohani seperti Whitefield adalah reformed. Jadi, sebagian orang reformed telah engan untuk menerima suatu sebutan yang muncul dalam konteks kebangunan rohani. Di sisi lain, karena banyak orang reformed tidak mau bergabung dengan Arminian yang memiliki sebutan yang sama, karena kepercayaan bahwa ada perbedaan yang besar secara teologis. Jadi, bagi sebagian Calvinis, termasuk Cornelius Van Til, "evangelikal" berarti "Protestan yang non-reformed."
Saya menolak penggunaan ini, terlepas dari pendapat yang diberikan oleh mentor saya Van Til. Penggunaan yang diberikan oleh Van Til tidak historis, karena secara historis kata evangelikal mencakup Calvinis. Lebih penting lagi, bagi saya kelihatannya kita memang membutuhkan istilah untuk menyatukan orang-orang Protestan yang percaya Alkitab, dan sebutan yang cocok untuk tujuan hanyalah "evangelikal."
Menurut pandangan saya, kaum reformed dan kaum evangelikal disatukan atas dasar banyak poin doktrinal yang signifikan, bisa diargumentasikan bahwa keduanya disatukan atas dasar yang paling penting. Jadi, saya tetap menyatakan bahwa iman reformed adalah evangelikal.
Apakah kepercayaan utama dari teologi evangelikal? Seorang evangelikal, berdasarkan definisi saya, adalah seseorang yang mengakui teologi Protestan historis. Hal itu mencakup kepercayaan-kepercayaan berikut ini:  Allah adalah satu Pribadi, yang maha bijak, adil, baik, benar dan berkuasa, realitas terakhir, berhak di sembah secara ekslusif dan ditaati tanpa perlu dipertanyakan, yang telah menciptakan dunia ini dari yang tidak ada.
Manusia, diciptakan menurut gambar Allah, berdasarkan kehendaknya tidak mentaati perintah Allah, dan karena itu layak mendapatkan upah maut. Sejak saat itu, semua umat manusia, kecuali Yesus Kristus, telah berdosa terhadap Allah. Yesus Kristus, Putera Allah yang kekal, menjadi manusia. Ia (secara harafiah, sesungguhnya) lahir dari seorang dara. Ia melakukan mujizat-mujizat. Ia menggenapi nubuat. Ia menderita dan mati bagi dosa kita, menanggung kesalahan dan hukum dari dosa kita. Ia dibangkitkan secara fisik dari kematian. Ia akan datang kembali (secara hurufiah, secara fisik) untuk mengumpulkan umat-Nya dan untuk menghakimi dunia.
Keselamatan dari dosa datang bagi kita bukan atas dasar perbuatan baik kita, melainkan melalui menerima karunia yang cuma-cuma dari Allah melalui iman. Iman yang menyelamatkan menerima pengorbanan Kristus sebagai pengorbanan kita, sebagai satu-satunya dasar dari persekutuan kita dengan Allah. Iman yang menyelamatkan semacam itu tanpa disangkali telah memotivasi kita pada ketaatan.
Kitab Suci adalah firman Allah yang membuat kita bijak dalam keselamatan. Doa bukan hanya sekedar meditasi atau pengembangan diri, melainkan suatu percakapan yang tulus dengan Pencipta kita dan Penebus kita. Di dalam doa kita memuji Allah, mengucap syukur, memohon pengampunan, dan membaut permohonan yang membawa perubahan yang konkret dalam dunia.
Pernyataan-pernyataan ini dapat disebut "hal-hal yang fundamental daria iman." Mereka merepresentasikan pusat dari injil biblikal, dan di atas injil ini, kaum reformed disatukan dengan semua kaum evangelikal. Saya terluka pada waktu mendengar kaum reformed mengatakan bahwa "kami tidak memiliki hal yang sama dengan Armenian." Sebenarnya, kita memiliki injil biblikal yang sama dengan mereka, dan itu hal yang besar. Saya pasti berargumen bahwa teologi Armenian tidak konsisten dengan injil itu. Tetapi saya tidak dapat meragukan bahwa kebanyakan dari mereka percaya injil itu dari hati mereka.
Berdasarkan pemahaman ini, kaum reformed ini tidak hanya berdiri dengan saudara-saudari Arminian mereka di dalam mengakui kebenaran biblikal, tetapi mereka juga bersama-sama melawan kekorupan yang sama dari iman. Kita berdiri bersama semua kaum evangelikal melawan humanisme sekuler, bidat, gerakan Zaman Baru, dan tradisi liberal dalam teologi. "Liberal" yang saya maksudkan disini adalah jenis teologi apa pun yang menyangkali hal-hal "fundamental" yang mana pun. Dalam pengertian ini, saya mencakupkan sebagai yang "liberal" bukan hanya kaum modern zaman J. Gresham Machen, termasuk juga tradisi neo-ortodoksi (Barth dan Brunner, kaum "modernis yang baru" menurut Van Til), dan gerakan terkini seperti teologi pembebasan, teologi proses, dan teologi pluralis. Gerakan yang lebih terkini sering dikontraskan dengan liberalisme, tetapi seperti yang saya percaya kita butuh satu istilah untuk menjelaskan semua orang Protestan yang percaya pada Alkitab, demikian pula saya percaya kita butuh satu istilah untuk menjelaskan orang-orang yang mengaku Kristen, yang menyangkali satu atau lebih dari yang fundamental; dan "liberalisme" merupakan istilah yang terbaik untuk tujuan itu.
Saya akan meringkaskan beberapa rumusan yang biasanya ada dalam tradisi liberal dalam kategori yang diselaraskan dengan pernyataan-pernyataan 1-6 di atas:
1. Allah adalah "melampaui personalitas," melampaui yang baik dan yang jahat, "tidak menuntut ketaatan atau menghukum dosa atau menjawab doa.
2. Dosa bukan merupakan ketidaktaatan pada suatu hukum eksternal bagi manusia, melainkan keterasingan dari yang lain dan dari kemanusiaan yang sejati dari orang itu.
3. Yesus hanya seorang laki-laki yang dengan berbagai cara dikaitkan dengan Allah. Mujizat yang harafiah dan kebangkitan adalah tidak mungkin, tetapi mereka ada lambang dari suatu relitas yang lebih tinggi.
4. Keselamatan bukan berasal dari pengorbanan Kristus yang bersifat substitusi, atau melalui iman kepada Kristus sebagai cara keselamatan yang ekslusif. Semua yang diselamatkan atau "orang yang selamat" adalah merekay ang mengikuti berbagai etika dan program-program politik.
5. Kitab Suci merupakan tulisan manusia, bisa keliru dan cenderung pada kekeliruan, yang dengan cara bagaimana mengkonuminasikana berita ilahi.
6. Doa pada dasarnya penghormatan pada diri sendiri.
Sebagaimana yang kita lihat dari injil evangelikal sangat berbeda dengan penyangkalan liberal akan injil itu. Oleh karena itu, sangatlah penting bagi kita untuk memiliki posisi yang jelas dalam hal ini. Saya secara khusus mendorong mereka yang mulai belajar teologi untuk memperhatikan isu ini secara pribadi. Ini adalah waktu dimana saudara harus jelas tentang relasi saudara dengan Allah. Apakah saudara percaya bahwa Allah yang dinyatakan di Kitab Suci ada? Dan bahwa Ia adalah Tuhan yang agung dari langit dan bumi? Apakah saudara percaya bahwa saudara secara pribadi berdosa dan saudara hanya layak untuk mendapatkan murka-Nya dan hukuman yang kekal? Apakah saudara percaya berdasarkan perbuatan saudara sendiri (termasuk diantaranya kehadiran di gereja, pelayanan Kristen, benar secara intelektual) dapat menyelamatkan saudara, atau hanya di dalam kebenaran yang sempurna dari Kristus?
Apabila saudara tidak pernah menjawab pertanyaan sejenis ini, saya mendorong saudara demi Kristus untuk menjawabnya sekarang! Tidak semua orang yang masuk seminari adalah orang yang percaya dalam pengertian semacam ini. Adalah mudah untuk menipu diri sendiri pada waktu saudara telah melalui kehidupan Kristen. Semasa saudara belajar di seminari, kembali ke dasar dengan cara ini makin lama makin sulit. Pada saat saudara menjadi ahli teologi, saudara bisa menjadi bangga atas pencapaian saudara, dan karena itu saudara tidak sabar terhadap siapa pun yang menyatakan bahwa saudara butuh menjadi seperti anak kecil dan menaruh seluruh kepercayaan saudara pada hikmat orang lain. "Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu; jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri" (Ef. 2:8, 9).
Artikel “Introduksi Pada Iman Reformed” pernah diterbitkan di Jurnal Veritas 8/2 - Oktober 2007
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rumahinjectssh · 8 years
Tidak Adil, Pasutri Pembuat Vaksin Palsu Yang Membahayakan Nyawa Orang Banyak, Hanya Diejerat Kurungan 9 Tahun - FROM RUMAHINJECT
Kasus Vaksin palsu yang menghebohkan jagat tanah air kapan lalu ternyata harus diakhiri dengan penahanan yang dinilai banyak orang sangat tidak adil, bayangkan ndengan kasus Jessica yang divonis 20 Tahun penjara, padahal korban hanya seorang, penjual vaksin palsu yang membahayakan dan sudah pasti disengaja karena motiv ekonomi ini malah hanya divonis 9 Tahun dan 8 Tahun saja,, apakah ini yang disebut hukum yang tidak adil, atau masihkan vonis ini akan berubah ??? mari kita simak informasinya saja dulu
Pasangan suami-istri pembuat vaksin palsu, Hidayat Taufiqurahman-Rita Agustina, divonis masing-masing 9 dan 8 tahun dalam sidang putusan di Pengadilan Negeri Bekasi, Senin, 20 Maret 2017. Majelis hakim yang diketuai Merper Pandiangan menganggap bahwa keduanya bersalah sehingga Hidayat dihukum 9 tahun dan Rita 8 tahun. Menurut majelis, vonis itu telah sesuai fakta persidangan yang menghadirkan saksi mencapai belasan orang. Vonis tersebut lebih ringan dari tuntutan jaksa, yakni 12 tahun penjara dan denda Rp 300 juta subsider tiga bulan penjara untuk kedua terdakwa. [ads-post] Dalam fakta persidangan, kata hakim, disebutkan bahwa Hifayat dan Rita  memproduksi lima jenis vaksin, yakni pediacel, tropacel, engerik B, tuberculin, dan havrik 720. Adapun  bahan yang dipakai ialah aquades, antitetanus dan lainnya yang dibeli di Pasar Proyek, Bekasi Timur. Keduanya nekat memproduksi vaksi palsu lantaran tergiur dengan keuntungannya karena ajakan terpidana lain, Iin Sulastri dan Safrizal. Bahkan, sampai-sampa merekai nekat keluar dari pekerjaannya sebagai perawat di sebuah rumah sakit swasta. Penasihat hukum terdakwa, Rosihan Umar, mengaku kecewa karena vonis kepada kliennya dia nilai cukup berat. "Saya sudah menyarankan agar mereka banding," kata Rosihan. Menurut Rosihan seharusnya majelis hakim mempertimbangkan faktor ekonomi, bukan karena terdakwa sebagai produsen vaksin palsu. Semula dia berharap vonis hanya denda atau maksimal 5 tahun penjara. "Ternyata dijerat dengan beberapa pasal tentang kesehatan," kata dia.[tmp]
eng ©Rumahinjectssh - This Post Is From Rumahinjectssh - Do Not Remove 
from Berita Menarik UntukMu http://rumahinjectssh.blogspot.com/2017/03/tidak-adil-pasutri-pembuat-vaksin-palsu.html
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prplpnk · 7 years
A KaiCara short
Merekai’s late coming home from a trip. Caraenyl misses him.
Genre: Fluff ‘n’ Stuff
Rating: T (Suggested Smexins, Language)
Word Count: 1,333
Merekai belongs to @farseerdri and is used with permission
 Caraenyl was pouting, he could always feel it. The only word used to describe his pouts was heavy; his lips drawn in a sharp frown, pulling his round cheeks down, his brow tight over his eyes in a scowl, and large ears drooped upon his head. He didn’t want to be pouting, knew there was no point to it, but couldn’t help the expression no matter how he tried.
It was just so stupid! Caraenyl had been single before, for a long time in fact, and had gotten along just fine being alone. It’s not the ‘alone’ part that’s bothering me.
The redheaded kyta’an once again parted the heated blanket to let some of the living room’s cooler air take away the heat surrounding him. Usually, when he’d been on his own, a heated blanket was all he needed to keep himself cozy, curled up on the couch knitting or watching television or reading and would ensure he’d be snug and warm as he slept.
Now, however, Caraenyl only felt… disgusted with his once favorite way to keep warm. The heat it emanated was harsh, no matter the setting the kyta’an set it at, reminding him of flames upon a grill. A searing heat that would give food the outward appearance of being cooked, but be raw and cold in the middle.
He had gotten spoiled.
Ever since Caraenyl had started dating and living with his boyfriend, he found himself not needing the heating devices at all, so long as Merekai was around. The large wolven was more than happy to accommodate his shorter redhead whenever he wanted to snuggle, which was most of the time. The heat that radiated off Merekai was gentle, for Caraenyl truly didn’t know how else to describe it. It was always comforting to the redhead, helping to calm him at his lowest, and there was nothing like pressing himself against the wolven’s thickly furred chest, nuzzling against the muscles and breathing Merekai’s scent deeply, letting his boyfriend’s strong, reassuring heartbeat slowly lull Caraenyl into a deep, peaceful sleep.
The kyta’an sighed sadly, his pout lightening only slightly. He missed his Merekai. The wolven had been at a business convention all week, was supposed to be home that day in fact, but unexpected bad weather had delayed Merekai’s travel and he wasn’t sure when he’d return exactly.
Caraenyl tipped to his left, plopping into a fetal position upon the couch beneath his once beloved heated blanket, dark golden eyes barely registering the show he’d put on the television in an attempt to keep his mind occupied. He couldn’t really focus on anything, even knitting hadn’t gotten anywhere. The kyta’an tried his best to get cozy beneath the blanket and huffed out another sigh, this one more annoyed. When will he be here?
Time ticked by, Caraenyl dazing on the couch as his show played. He couldn’t tell how long it’d been when the front door to the house opened, but his immediate thought wasn’t that of his boyfriend. No need to get his hopes up about that.
However, his ears perked up at the sound and he listened. If it were Luuk’tan, he would have called out his presence before closing the door and Neffren usually hums the last song he heard in the car.
There was a couple sounds Caraenyl recognized as feet upon the doormat, a heavy clack as the door was closed, light clinking from keys being placed upon a hook beside the coats and a deep, growly sigh that the kyta’an recognized in an instant.
Forgetting the blanket he was wrapped in, Caraenyl jumped off the couch, only to tumble into a roll as the cloth caught his legs. A couple swift kicks removed the blanket, which was immediately forgotten as the kyta’an dashed down the hall into the foyer. His face lifted into a bright smile when he saw his beloved wolven still standing by the front door, barely halfway out of his snow-covered jacket, and he couldn’t help himself.
Caraenyl ran toward Merekai, jumping up and vaulting off a little decorative table that sat against the wall, flying toward his boyfriend. The wolven noticed the flying redhead at the last moment, barely keeping his balance when Caraenyl glomped, wrapping his arms around Merekai’s fur-covered neck, burying his face within the thick mane, legs hooking around his boyfriend’s waist.
Merekai had to take a step back, obviously not prepared for such a thing, but only a moment later chuckled and embraced his redhead.
The kyta’an took a slow, deep breath, inhaling Merekai’s scent as if it were a rare treasure he’d never have again. The wolven smelled of pine and snow and it brought so much comfort to Caraenyl. His clawed hands combed through warm, soft fur and Caraenyl sighed happily; finally his beloved was home.
“I missed you, too.” Merekai’s voice made the kyta’an’s ears twitch pleasantly. Talking on the phone truly was not the same as hearing him in person.
It wasn’t until the wolven chuckled again Caraenyl suddenly realized exactly what he’d done. Heat filled his freckled cheeks as he quickly released Merekai and took a step back from him, trying to hide his embarrassment behind red bangs.
Had he truly just run and jumped onto Merekai like that? Like he was desperate to touch, smell, hear him again? Truthfully, Caraenyl was, but it had only been five fucking days! Way to make yourself look like the clingy type, dumbass!
Caraenyl’s tail twitched at his humiliation and annoyance with himself as he tried to recover. “Wel-welcome home!” He looked up through his bangs and blushed further at the amusement gleaming in his boyfriend’s glowing green eyes. Attempting to put the incident behind him, the kyta’an asked, “How was your trip?”
Merekai’s toothy smile made Caraenyl blush a bit more; he always did find it extremely attractive when the wolven smiled like that.
“It’s alright, Cara,” Merekai reassured, cupping the redhead’s face, being mindful of his claws. “I may not have been expecting it, but that was the best welcome home greeting I’ve ever gotten.” He leaned down, gave a small lick to Caraenyl’s temple, then nuzzled the kyta’an’s head, which Caraenyl automatically reciprocated. Merekai's strong arms wrapped around Caraenyl and pulled him into a tight, warm embrace as the wolven whispered, “Thank you.”
The kyta’an’s face was warmer than ever as he mumbled, “An-anytime,” into his boyfriend’s chest, not feeling quite as foolish anymore.
“Tonight I’ll show you just how much I missed you,” Merekai added, his voice dropping to that sexy octave that always made the redhead shiver.
Caraenyl paused, needing a moment to think properly as those words put all kinds of naughty thoughts and images within his mind. His cheeks felt as if they were on fire as he muttered, “We… could go to bed now….”
Merekai laughed, a deep yet lighthearted sound that had the kyta’an smiling. His boyfriend pulled away from the hug and put his hand around Caraenyl’s waist, guiding him to the kitchen. “Help me make some dinner first, I’m starving.”
Caraenyl giggled and nodded, the heated blanket remaining forgotten upon the living room floor.
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prplpnk · 2 years
Under the Moonlight
Summary: Merekai's chill walk takes an unexpected turn.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some Mostly Non-Descriptive Nudity, Non-Human Characters
Words: 1,480
Merekai belongs to @farseerdri
Merekai Korveris slowly breathed in the cool night air, enjoying the calm ambience around him. It had been some time since he was able to appreciate something as simple as a late night walk; the sudden loss of his wife and son had been a constant flickering rage in his heart, persistent and stubborn as time passed. The pain left him angry and empty, never able to calm enough to be the human he still was beneath the fur, teeth and claws of his wolven body. However, through a very patient and caring partner and some time with one of the wolven elders, Merekai had finally felt more at peace than he had in years.
He walked through the forest surrounding the small wolven village, the leaves and foliage still wet from a short storm that had passed through a few hours before. The clouds had cleared and bright beams from the full moon fell through the branches about him, making the area sparkle. It was very picturesque and Kai regretted for a moment not asking his partner, Jin-chou, to accompany him. Jin had a knack for taking amazing photos and creating gorgeous landscape paintings; the surrounding forest as it was would make for the perfect wall mural, once they decided to find a place to settle down, of course. Merekai made a mental note to at least tell Jin about that idea.
His musings were interrupted as he neared a pebble-covered path close to the treeline and heard someone walking the more open trail. Kai saw long, dark red hair between the branches and caught a quick glimpse of a pale, freckle-covered face. An adorable face he recognized.
Karaendir Leishyd had only been in the village for a month or two. He was fairly quiet and kept to himself, so no one really knew much about him. That was something Kai wanted to change; now that he had more control over his emotions, maybe he could at last approach the redhead and ask him out without the fear of a rejection throwing him into a furious rage.
The only thing that stopped Merekai from doing so in that moment was the late hour; what was Karaendir doing out here? True, many denizens of the town were more nocturnal than diurnal, but this was a fairly remote area away from the village itself. It just felt a bit odd, especially considering the redhead already lived in a remote location.
Karaendir’s steps were determined as he walked down the path and Kai decided to tail him, his curiosity getting the better of him. Just making sure he’s alright, he told himself as he stuck to the trees and quietly followed the redhead. Nothing wrong with that.
Karaendir didn’t deviate from the stone walkway and soon Merekai realized he was heading toward Lake Celeste, a large, windy body of water that filled an area between the Three Sisters Mountains. The lake was beautifully clear during the day, one could see right through to the deceptively deep floor. On a night like this, with the bright moon in the star-filled sky, the lake practically shimmered in the moonlight, almost appearing to glow with the moon’s reflection gently wavering on its surface.
A short pier reached out over the water; a popular area for fishing and swimming. The earlier storm seemed to ward off the rest of the population tonight and Karaendir stepped onto the wooden walkway.
Merekai remained hidden behind the trees, watching silently as the redhead slowly gazed around him. Karaendir was still and quiet, although Kai, being part wolven, could smell some anxiety on the gentle breeze. He scowled slightly; was Karaendir okay?
After a few moments of looking around him with cautious, dark golden eyes, Karaendir released a heavy sigh and shook his head, a small smile curving his lips. Then, to Kai’s surprise, he began removing his clothing.
Skinny dipping?! was his shocked thought as the redhead carefully folded his oversized sweater upon the pier and slipped off his flip-flops. Didn’t think he was the type….
Merekai tried to be a Good Boy and not ogle the pale man as he pulled off his soft-looking pajama pants, but truly couldn’t help a glance at the perfectly round rump presented to him as Karaendir stood at the end of the pier. The moonlight nearly made the other’s pale complexion glow and Kai watched as the redhead put both arms above his head and jump into the sparkling water with a gentle splash.
He chuckled to himself, wanting even more to get to know the new outsider, and debated if he should chance joining him for a quick swim. Although their interactions had been fairly few, it had quickly become apparent Karaendir had a very low blush factor and when those freckle-covered cheeks and pointy ears turned pink, dark gold eyes turning away, he certainly became irresistibly cute to Merekai. There were a couple times he had to stop himself from scooping the redhead up and taking him away from everyone; some deep, instinctual feeling would overcome the wolven to protect.
The want to keep Karaendir safe had been there the moment Kai had seen the redhead, but he realized it wasn’t nearly as overwhelming as it had been. A very good thing, as he really didn’t want to suddenly grab someone he truly didn’t know and kidnap them to some cave or far away location and keep them hidden away against their will.
I’m in control now, Merekai thought with some pride. I can keep these instincts in-check; no awkward ‘I did this because I felt I had to’-style first date for sure!
But was now really the right time to approach the redhead? Kai hadn’t decided yet, but a cold thread of worry began to weave into his mind.
The water was still. The breeze calm, only carrying the sounds of crickets and frogs over the lake. No splashing, no ripples from movement. Just a tranquil, quiet night.
Where was Karaendir?
Fear blossomed in his heart like an icy rose and Merekai stepped away from his hiding spot behind the trees to get a better look over the water. No sign of anyone was around. What happened? Did Karaendir come out here so late to do something awful?
That instinct to protect flared up with a vengeance and this time Kai let it overtake his thoughts. It shoved away the fear and the part-wolven began stepping onto the pier, determined to find the redhead and bring him to the surface. I have to help him!
Just as Merekai made it halfway across the short pier, there was a splash of water and the part-wolven stared as Karaendir burst from the lake. His pale skin was covered in deep blue-purple scales that wrapped in intricate designs around his torso and arms, the scales thick over the fish-like tail that he now had instead of legs.
Karaendir twisted in the air, his entire merfolk form leaving the water, and Merekai swore time slowed. He stared in awe, moonlight shimmering over the redhead’s body, making him appear ethereal over the water and Kai couldn’t look away. He was enthralled at the beauty he was witnessing, only vaguely noticing the redhead’s eyes were closed as spun around, his usually dark red hair now actually glowing a soft neon red, a color also matched by his freckles. He was gorgeous, a perfect creature Kai had never laid eyes on before.
Another loud splash and the part-wolven blinked rapidly for a moment, the spell broken, Karaendir once again vanishing into the lake.
Merekai stood for several, long moments. His thoughts were scattered, his heart thundered in his chest, and mouth dry. Swallowing thickly, he took a shaky breath as one coherent thought crossed his shell-shocked mind; …maybe now isn’t the right time.
Swiftly, and as quietly as he could manage, the part-wolven backed away from the pier. Deciding against slipping back into the woods, he quickly made his way toward the house he and Jin were staying at. His thoughts were jumbled, the image of the fish-tailed Karaendir burned in his memory and he wanted to keep them there.
His attraction to the redhead only intensified and Merekai knew he had to pursue this, before it drove him to unlearning all he had recently learned about keeping the more instinctual side of himself under control. …after a day or two to calm down. Right now, that want to take Karaendir away was stronger than it should be and Kai definitely did not want that to be a first impression. I told myself no awkward first date, he reminded. Let’s keep that promise.
Merekai took a deep, calming breath as he walked the path, again grateful to finally have his control back.
He would not let it get the better of him again.
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prplpnk · 7 years
The battle against the Legion carries on. Caraenyl, who has been safely holed up at the Hall of the Guardian, only wants one thing.
This took me way too long to write lol. Please enjoy! <3
 My Dearest Kai,
 I hope this letter finds you doing well. Congratulations on being named Shadowblade, we have to celebrate that when you have the time. You must be very busy, with all this nonsense I hear coming from the Broken Shore; it feels like ages since you last wrote me, but I more than understand that you have very little time to yourself these days.
The Tirisgarde are keeping me busy with research; I’ve lost count of all the books I’ve read about Felo’melorn, but at least the fictional ones were a nice break from the monotony of facts and speculation.
This might not be possible to answer, but do you know when you’ll be able to meet up again in Dalaran? It’s alright if you can’t plan too far ahead, with keeping a strong presence on the Broken Shore, coming to the aid of people when packs of Legion randomly invade, plus setting up raids on the strongest Legion holds. I wish I could be there with you, fighting by your side, but nobody will give me permission! Archmage Hikoto says I’m not ready and that I’m most needed in the Hall, but I don’t really buy that.
Hardly a moment goes by when I don’t think of you. Please, please stay safe and don’t do anything too reckless or I’ll write El and Luu and ask them to drag you away.
I love and miss you, very much.
 All My Heart,
After letting the ink dry, Caraenyl carefully folded up the painfully short letter, placed his love’s name upon it, and fed it into the magical portal upon the mailbox within the Hall of the Guardian, his home for nearly the last year. He sighed, hoping Kai wouldn’t be disappointed with how short it was.
Cara had been writing to Kai at least once a week since he’d been stuck in the Hall, a floating mage tower above Dalaran. At first, it was easy enough to fill up two or three pages, but of course back then had also included updates to his health and the wonders of being in such a magically-charged place; something the mage hadn’t experienced in years.
Now, with the charm warn off, his body fully healed, and his mundane job, Cara seemed to have very little to write to his fiancé about.
The mage sighed and made his way up to the sleeping quarters. It was getting late; most of the apprentices and those who maintained the Hall were getting ready for sleep, while others readied for the night shift.
Caraenyl’s bed was small and cold, sitting in a large room with many other similar beds, most already filled with softly snoring mages. Cara got beneath the covers, not bothering to change into nightclothes as they were never warm enough. Curling up tight, he knew it would be another night with little sleep. The large fire floating in the center of the room gave off a gentle glow, but little to no heat and the mage could never get warm enough.
He drifted off only to be awoken a couple hours later by a severe chill down his spine. Cara was freezing and he got up, keeping his blankets wrapped around him, walking towards the glowing fire. He almost thrust his hands directly into the flames, but it still took several seconds for him to feel the heat against his skin. The mage placed his slightly warm hands upon his face, a feeble attempt at transferring the heat.
Several minutes of this only managed to wake him up instead of really warming him and he groaned quietly in defeat. Tossing the blankets back onto the self-making bed, Caraenyl grabbed his long cloak and headed through the nearly empty halls to the portal that lead to the city.
Dalaran was only slightly warmer than the Hall, but still floated very high up; Cara was convinced it kept the chill from Northrend. The city was fairly quiet, the lanterns giving off a warming glow as towers stretched into the starry sky. Most of the shops were closed, save for blacksmiths and armorers; adventurers darted in and out of those buildings despite the late hour. The mage slowly walked the streets, letting his mind wander. He found it difficult to not think about Merekai and Elithuin, his dear lovers. It had been some time since he’d seen either of them; the Legion was keeping everyone on the front lines busy, including all of Cara’s friends.
Caraenyl sighed heavily, plopping down upon a bench near the bank on the Horde side of the city. He felt so useless; he’d been healed for many months now, but he still wasn’t allowed down into the Broken Isles.
It had been a mistake, poor judgement on his part. Cara had been so excited to actually defeat the Legion when they first returned to Azeroth (they were the ultimate force behind the destruction of Silvermoon, thus the true killers of his family) that he didn’t wait for the others. He had ventured into Val’sharah to first assist the druids with driving out the new kind of Nightmare that was poisoning the land. The Nightmare, as the mage found out, was vicious and unrelenting. Caraenyl had barely been able to get away from some kind of swamp creature and had been severely hurt in the process.
Twisted ankle, broken ribs, fractured wrist, broken arm, slight concussion, black eye and a myriad of bruises, bumps and lacerations; the healers at Dalaran were sure to point out every injury to Kai and El, who had both rushed to the mage’s side upon receiving the news. Neither looked happy and Cara couldn’t blame them. He promised to not do that again and to rest.
With Caraenyl not being in any condition to fight, the leader of the Tirisgarde suggested he help Edirah, the Tirisgarde Researcher, with looking into the full history of Felo’melorn. Cara found he didn’t have much choice and agreed, sitting at a table surrounded with books day after day. The mage quickly found that, while he did enjoy reading, doing research was extremely boring.
During the last year, Cara found himself certain of two things. One, Edirah was keeping most of the good books for herself and passing on the second-grade to crap books about the legendary weapon to Caraenyl; and two, Archmage Hikoto, leader of the Tirisgarde, had been asked by Kai and El to keep him safe.
The mage felt more than ready to be out on the field, killing demons and helping to destroy the Legion, all beside his lovers. All his requests to do so, however, had been denied.
He hugged his knees upon the bench; what he wanted more than killing demons was to just be with the men he loved again. He missed them so much; at least they’d see each other more on the front lines and could sleep together in tents between battles. Cara wanted to feel their warmth beside him again as he slept.
“Feeling sorry for yourself, are you?”
The mage jumped a little at the voice, looking up to see an undead woman walking up to him. She wore dark leather, her head hooded and face covered with a mask. Caraenyl could only make out the eerily dark sockets where her eyes should have been and he swallowed nervously. “E-excuse me?”
“You’re Caraenyl,” she stated flatly, standing beside the bench.
Cara glared a bit in suspicion. “How do you know my name?”
“I’m a member of the Uncrowned; Shadowblade Korveris talks about you all the time.”
The mage’s ears perked up. “You know Kai?”
“A little,” the rogue said, rolling her shoulders, “though I feel I know you more. The Shadowblade worries for you and that’s why I’m here.”
Sitting up, Cara smiled. “Kai sent you!”
“No, the stubborn fool doesn’t know I went looking for you. Doesn’t know a lot of things, that one.”
Confusion swirled around the mage’s head. “Well… you found me. What do you want?”
“You’re turning the Shadowblade into a tight knot of worry; he’s sending half of the Uncrowned to watch you when he should be sending them to spy on the Legion.”
“Why would—”
“Because of your letters!” the rogue snapped, her slightly hoarse voice sounding even more grated. “Every letter you send mentions how you want to go to the front lines in this war, but the Shadowblade knows you’re not ready and is fearful you’ll do something stupid.”
Caraenyl scowled, standing before the slightly shorter undead. “It’s been a year! A year of taking it easy, reading books, doing boring research; I am ready to fight!”
The rogue simply looked at him for a moment, Cara still not sure if eyes filled her dark, creepy sockets, before quickly striking. Her left foot swung out, scooping the mage’s right foot out from underneath him and he fell back, his right leg locking at the knee harshly, making him cry out as he hit the cold walkway. Pain shot from his knee and he reached down to gently rub at it, stiff muscles screaming at the touch.
“That injury is older,” the undead stated, crouching beside Caraenyl, “and it seems it never healed properly.”
The mage hissed, adding a bit of ice to his knee and choosing not to comment. It was an old injury, one incurred while invading Draenor. His right leg had pretty much gotten mangled while destroying the Dark Portal; once proper portals had been set up back to Azeroth, Cara had been escorted back home while his loves continued the fight against the Iron Horde. His leg took the longest to heal, but even then he had been warned that it might not ever be the same. The muscles healed too tightly around his knee and while Cara learned to walk without a limp, sudden movements that put too much weight or pulled the muscles taught across his knee would cause severe pain.
‘This time was supposed to be different….’ Caraenyl shook his head as the pain ebbed. “You got me with a cheap shot, I can handle myself.”
“Like you did in Val’sharah?”
The mage tried not to flinch as he sat up, slowly rubbing his knee. “I’ve admitted that was my fault. I should have waited for Kai and El to join me there.”
“You shouldn’t have gone at all!”
Cara glared at the rogue, starting to get annoyed. “If Kai had been there—”
“Then he’d been the one hurt, covering for you!”
“I wouldn’t let that happen!”
“How could you stop it? You couldn’t keep yourself from getting hurt, let alone protecting anyone else!”
Caraenyl’s hands curled into fists. “I nearly lost Kai on Draenor… I will never let that happen again.”
“He nearly lost you on Draenor! That’s why he’s keeping you away from battle now!” The rogue sighed, her next words soft. “He’s already gone through the loss of people he loves; Shadowblade Korveris doesn’t need to go through that again.”
Cara’s expression softened and he looked away, remembering Kai had been married many years ago and lost his wife to disease and childbirth, his child died only a couple years later due to a heart problem. That’s when he’d moved to Gilneas, abandoning the farmhouse he had.
Silence fell between them as Cara remembered his fiancé’s expression every time his past family was brought up, the sadness in his eyes and that spark of fear the mage could never understand. Maybe he did now. It was for him; looking back, the mage realized that fear was about losing another love. Caraenyl couldn’t blame him, he still had similar fears of Kai leaving him, although not as strongly as he once did.
Maybe… maybe the mage was being a bit selfish, wanting to fight beside Kai despite his knee. This undead rogue was right, he really was in no condition to fight properly and hold his own without putting those around him at a greater risk, too.
Caraenyl nodded softly in understanding; the rogue helping him to his feet. Her hands felt colder than his as she held them, again looking right at the mage’s face. “I hope the next letter the Shadowblade gets will ease his worries.”
Cara smiled a little and gently squeezed her hands in response, nodding again. His voice felt tight, his heart knowing what he should say to Kai but still not fully wanting to.
“The last thing I have to tell you is this: If you get yourself killed and put Korveris through that trauma again I will personally ask the Dark Lady to raise you as undead so I can kick your ass myself.”
The mage felt the blood drain from his face at the threat and he swallowed his fear to settle uneasily in his gut. “U-understood!”
The rogue stared for another moment before releasing his hands and walking away, cloak billowing behind her.
Caraenyl watched her back, confused for a moment before it fully dawned on him who he’d been talking to and he called out, “Avalina?!”
The undead woman stopped, looking over her shoulder. “That’s your only warning,” she stated and continued on the path, soon disappearing around a corner.
Cara stared after her, frozen in shock. Had that been Kai’s late wife? Would a member of the Uncrowned be worried or upset enough with how Merekai was behaving to come find the mage and talk to him about it? Cara had a feeling the person he’d talk to was in fact Avalina Korveris, but really had no way to prove it. Not that he really wanted to run to Kai and tell him; if that was Avalina, she would have told him, right? And if she didn’t, there was a reason for it and Cara realized it wasn’t his place to say anything. How happy would Kai be, anyway, knowing that his late wife was one of the walking dead?
Shaking off that revelation, Caraenyl returned to the Hall of the Guardian and climbed back into his small, cold bed. He no longer had any urge to sleep, but his still-sore knee needed to be put up for a few hours. He kept it iced as he stared out a nearby window, thinking about the next letter. It would have some finality to it and he wondered how his fiancé would handle it.
Several hours passed, sunlight was just starting to peer through the window. Cara’s knee felt better, but he was still careful as he made his way down to the desk he’d been occupying for the last year. He got out a fresh piece of parchment, ink, and his favorite quill and started to write.
 My Dearest Kai,
 I know I wrote you only yesterday, but there is something we need to talk about.
First, I’m sorry for the selfish way I’ve been lately. I guess you’ve always known that my right leg didn’t heal properly and I am no longer valuable in a serious fight. I see that now and I’m sorry to worry you. I no longer want to fight with you, not if it means I could be the reason behind injuries or loss of life. I was being stubborn.
Which brings me to my question; would you like me to go back to our home in the Hinterlands? I’ve learned the portal spell to Dalaran quite well by now so it wouldn’t be a problem to bounce back and forth to see each other whenever you get the time.
It’ll be hard being so far away from everything, but I’d rather be waiting for you to return safely than you constantly worried about my safety.
I love you, Kai. I look forward to your next letter.
 All My Heart,
 The mage sighed, once again waiting for the ink to dry before folding the letter, addressing it to Merekai, and placing it into the portal upon the mailbox in the Hall. A small smile graced his lips when he returned to his desk.
Cara would wait; soon they could have their wedding and be together forever.
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prplpnk · 7 years
Within the Light
Caraenyl waits for someone to return to his life and Merekai... well, he’s just worried it’s too cold for that.
Genre: Fluff ‘n’ Stuff, minor Hurt/Comfort
Rating: T (Language)
Word Count: 2830
Merekai and Elithuin along with the backstory plot belong to @farseerdri (who is awesome, by-the-by) and used with permission. Idea from days 1 and 2 of @downwithwritersblock ‘s list of December Prompts
Within the Light
 The lamp post stood at the corner of Main and 15th. It stood tall and had intricate metalworking designs around the bulb and always got repainted black during the warm months. Even during the rare power outage, that lamp was always a beacon in the darkness; a marker for those seeking comfort from dark, lonely nights or storms. A respite from the chaotic way Main Street could flare up, especially during special events and holidays. The corner of Main and 15th was near the south end of the thoroughfare and most of the town’s traffic stayed north of quiet 15th Lane.
The night was cold, as was to be expected during the Snow Cycles, but Caraenyl didn’t let that bother him. He sat, completely bundled from head to toe in a thick coat, hand-knitted hat (which he had been very proud of, made with room for his large, cat-like ears and a big puff-ball atop the hat in a deep purple color) and gloves that matched and big, comfy boots. The bench he’d seated himself on sat beside the large lamp post, it’s natural glow comforting to the redhead as he waited.
Caraenyl had always liked this particular lamp post, his lamp post, he liked to say. Ever since moving to the little town almost fifteen years prior, the post seemed to be a part of the redhead’s life. It was the first recognizable landmark he memorized, telling him 15th Lane was right there. It helped him make his way home on late nights when he couldn’t sleep or guide him away from the constricting crowds.
It was where Caraenyl first met his love.
The thought made him bite the inside of his cheek, maybe a bit too harshly, and he inspected the wrapped package upon his lap again. It had to be perfect; the redhead probably spent way too much time and wrapping paper insuring the design matched up as he taped it on. He’d added a flashy bow and curled ribbons to give it some flare; Elithuin did like it when he went over-the-top for him. At least, before he….
Caraenyl shook his head and sat up a bit straighter, dark golden eyes scanning the mostly deserted Main Street in an attempt to distract himself. The Festival of Lights was in full swing; everything was decorated with fake, green pine boughs and lit with strings of lights, various colors flickering in store windows and along the street. It really was a pretty sight and the redhead smiled slightly.
Tonight saw most of Main deserted; it was the final night of the festival. Most were home with their families celebrating the age-old holiday. Only a couple small eateries were open, mostly serving those who had no place to go or who didn’t want to celebrate. Caraenyl was tempted to count himself as one of them.
No, he told himself, glancing down the empty street. I do have someone to celebrate with! He’s… he’s just late! He wiped at his cold nose, sniffling slightly. The redhead failed to remember just how late Elithuin was, even as the math slowly stacked up in his mind. He pushed it away and settled in onto the bench, nuzzling into the large scarf wrapped around his neck. Elithuin would be here, he was sure of it!
Snow started to lazily drift down from the dark sky, the flakes reflecting the lights and shimmering in the air. For a while, Caraenyl was content watching the snow flicker around him, remembering the few times this type of weather had made him smile. Touch had felt warmer, smiles were wider, and his love… was genuine.
He didn’t realize how long he’d been zoning out in the cold, until his gaze dropped to the gift upon his lap, now lightly covered in snow. A small shock of panic shot through the redhead as he carefully brushed the fresh powder off, hoping none had melted to ruin the paper. It would ruin the surprise!
About then he noticed a figure walking up to him. Caraenyl’s eyes darted up, a small gasp hitching in his throat as the silhouette was initially similar to…. It only took a moment for Caraenyl to see it wasn’t Elithuin, however, and he released a long breath and looked away. It’s still early… I can wait longer.
“Excuse me.” The person Caraenyl had mistaken for his old lover stopped before him. The redhead slowly turned his gaze at the stranger. The lamp’s light illuminated the snow already gathering on the tall wolven’s light coat and thick, dark gray fur. Glowing green eyes gazed down at Caraenyl with warmth and a flash of concern; if the redhead were honest, that expression made his heart flutter a little. Thankfully his pale, freckled cheeks were already flushed from the cold, so his blush wasn’t as noticeable.
He buried his face a bit more into his scarf anyway as the wolven spoke. “I’m, uh, Merekai Korveris and I own the bakery over there,” he pointed with his clawed thumb over his shoulder toward a small shop named Lina’s Bakes across the street. “Working late tonight and… I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been out here for a while.”
“W-waiting for someone,” Caraenyl stuttered out, now realizing how cold he was, despite all the layers he’d put on.
Merekai’s expression softened further, his smile genuine, if giving off just a hint of shyness. “Well, would you like to wait inside? It’s warmer in there and I can get you some hot chocolate.”
The redhead wanted to jump headfirst into that offer, however the stubborn side of him hesitated. “That… sounds nice… but….” He glanced up at the lamp post and back down at the present in his lap.
A heavy, clawed hand fell onto his shoulder and those green eyes were gazing warmly at him. “No worries, you can get a clear view of the lamp post from there. I’ll even help you keep watch, promise.”
Warm building with a chance of a hot drink? Caraenyl really did want to stay beside the lamp, where they had first met, but he also couldn’t remember what it felt like to be warm anymore. He nodded his agreement and stiffly stood up, gift in his arms, and followed the wolven across the street and into the toasty bakery.
Merekai sat him down at a window-side booth and was true to his word; the redhead had a perfect view of the lamp post. He carefully placed the present beside him and huddled in his thick coat, a chill settled firmly around him. Caraenyl kept a look out for only a few minutes before the wolven returned, setting a large mug of hot chocolate (with cream on top!) upon the table and then a big bowl of steaming soup and one of those teeny loaves of bread fancy restaurants served.
The redhead’s jaw dropped and stomach growled the moment it was placed before him. His eyes shot to Merekai, who appeared extremely pleased with himself at Caraenyl’s reaction and simply winked before walking back behind the counter, fluffy tail slightly wagging.
The kyta’an’s own tail twitched at that, but his expression fell as he looked back at the food. It smelled so fucking good and he hadn’t eaten much that day… but he didn’t have any money.
Merekai soon returned with a bowl of his own and an even bigger mug of hot chocolate, sitting across from the redhead and immediately saw the mood change. The question in his eyes was all the redhead needed and he shook his head.
“I can’t aff-”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Caraenyl hesitated; had he heard that right? “But it’s only right I-”
“You are cold and hungry, right?” the wolven interrupted again. “Well… even if you weren’t, this is the season about taking care of each other, isn’t it? I’m decent at reading people and right now it seems to me what you need is a warm place, hot meal and good company.” A wide grin spread on his face. “Two outta three ain’t bad, right?”
The giggle that escaped Caraenyl’s mouth was a surprise even to him; he didn’t usually laugh this time of year. It seemed to be all the conformation the wolven needed, however, and pointed to the redhead’s soup. “Hurry before it gets cold.” A final smile and then Merekai was diving into his own soup.
Caraenyl followed suit, although the first spoonful nearly gave him an orgasm; the soup was even fucking better than it smelled. It was of the chicken variety and had delicious little dumpling-like things floating around the broth that brought even more flavor exploding over the redhead’s tongue. The hot chocolate was no different; so fucking good Caraenyl nearly burned his tongue drinking too much of it in one gulp. It all had to be hand-made, no one could buy boxed stuff and make it taste this fucking good.
The hot meal did the trick, though. The annoying chill had been subdued with awesome food and halfway into the bowl Caraenyl looked up to see the wolven gazing at him, an amused grin on his face. The redhead felt his cheeks burn; he had just scarfed down his food rudely, hadn’t he?
“Sorry,” he whispered. In an attempt to be more dignified, Caraenyl grabbed a nearby napkin and wiped his mouth before placing it upon his lap.
Merekai’s chuckle was a low rumble that warmed the kyta’an in a way he thought would forever remain cold. “There’s nobody to impress here, don’t worry,” the wolven reassured.
Caraenyl nodded, but took a slower pace as he continued eating, savoring the flavor. How the hell was he supposed to go back to instant noodles now?!
“Who’s the gift for?”
The question was half-expected, but even so the full spoon stopped halfway to Caraenyl’s lips and he glanced at the wrapped box. “…my boyfriend,” he responded, unable to hide the sadness in his tone.
“...ah.” The sound was short and quiet, but the redhead could’ve sworn he heard disappointment in it. “Is there a particular reason he’s not here with you celebrating the holiday?”
And here he was; Caraenyl was terrible at lying. It wasn’t something he shared much and even he didn’t understand most of what happened, but he couldn’t tell the truth because he honestly didn’t know himself. However, saying “I don’t know,” had only gotten him suspicious looks and friends being hurt because “he didn’t trust them enough to tell them.” That had never been the case… but when it comes to romantic scandals, people will believe what they want.
Those people had mostly been friends with Elithuin, anyway, and really the only reason why the redhead had known them was because he’d been dating Elithuin.
“Sorry if I hit a sore spot,” Merekai said suddenly, his gaze still gentle and warm, “you don’t have to answer.”
Caraenyl shook his head; although it did still hurt, it was because he missed Elithuin more than anything. And it had been… a while, maybe now…?
“He… left.” It was the only truth the redhead was certain of and they only way he could think to tell it was simply. “So I… wait for him to come back.” Caraenyl scooped more soup into his mouth. So far, it was helping to keep the sting of tears to be barely noticeable.
“How long have you been waiting?”
The exact number, down to the second, flashed within the redhead’s mind. He never could get that part of him to stop caring. Then again, he could never truly stop caring, which was probably why he didn’t really have any friends anymore. Why he couldn’t move on.
Taking a deep breath, Caraenyl spit out the inexact time, “Eight years,” and shoved more soup into his mouth. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.
His ears flattened onto his head, almost invisible within his hair, as he waited for the inevitable “what”s and reprimands and told how pointless it was and how stupid he is.
…but it never came.
Caraenyl glanced at the wolven to find Merekai’s expression still soft, his green eyes staring somewhere over the redhead’s shoulder, glossed over with a bit of sadness. He then turned to look out the window a moment with a sigh, claws gently tapping on his emptied bowl, though it seemed like an absentminded action.
“That’s where you met him, right? Under the lamp post.”
The redhead blushed again, swirling what little remained of his soup around. “It’s that obvious, huh?”
The wolven merely shrugged with a sigh and turned his attention back to Caraenyl, offering him a sad smile. “It’s not a bad spot.”
Caraenyl smiled in return; Merekai had lost someone in his past, too. Most definitely not the way the redhead had, but he could easily recognize the mourning in his eyes. It was something Caraenyl had convinced himself not to do, not until he’d talked with Elithuin. A lot of good that’s done me.
They remained in mostly comfortable silence as they finished their meal. Caraenyl offered to help with dishes, but Merekai wouldn’t hear of it, even gave the kyta’an another hot chocolate to go and walked him back across the street.
The lamp post’s glow seemed even more comforting now as snow continued to fall silently around them.
Caraenyl gave the wolven one of his rare, genuine smiles. “Thank you so much for the food.”
“Not a problem,” Merekai said, his tone once again mostly light, although the redhead could now make out the sadness hiding beneath it. “Hey, if you ever wanna stake out this spot again, you are more than welcome to do so from inside the bakery.”
Caraenyl’s smile widened a bit. “I’d like that.”
There was a pause, both in action and words on Merekai’s part, and he cleared his throat. “Uhm, well, have a good night… er…”
It was then Caraenyl realized with horror that he’d never introduced himself properly. Fuck! Moron!
His face burned again as he bowed slightly. “I’m sorry! My name is Caraenyl!”
There was that chuckle again. “Then have a good night, Caraenyl,” the way his name rolled of his tongue… was it supposed to give the redhead goosebumps? “May your lights always shine in the darkness.”
That cheesy holiday saying somehow felt… honest coming from Merekai. It was nice.
“And you as well, Merekai.” Why did Caraenyl’s still sound cheesy then?! It was his turn to awkwardly clear his throat and with a quick, “Bye!” he turned on his heal and headed down 15th Lane, face burning.
He stopped several steps later and looked behind him, watching as the wolven went back into his shop and began cleaning up. The lamp post flickered and for a moment, the only light Caraenyl could see was that of the bakery, of Merekai within, and he felt something in his heart lighten.
It was only for a split moment; the lamp’s bulb probably needed replacing soon and yet….
Caraenyl smiled behind his scarf, adjusted the package under his right arm again and held the hot cocoa in his left hand close as he continued down the snowy sidewalk to home, silently thanking the lamp post for showing him the way once more.
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prplpnk · 7 years
Sweet Tea: The Store
A Merekai/Caraenyl Short
Caraenyl has a tiny problem.
Rating: T (Language)
Word Count: 778
Merekai belongs to the awesome @farseerdri
Sweet Tea: The Store
Living within the wolven-run Territories was great. The people were nice, governments fair, and housing affordable. Caraenyl could hardly find anything bad to say about his time in a small town just outside a lush forest, except for maybe one teeny thing.
Most wolven averaged over six feet tall; with that average came downsides to being a mere five-foot, six-and-a-half-inches (five-eleven if one counted Caraenyl’s cat-like ears!). Like shopping.
Caraenyl gazed longingly at the box of teabags sitting just out of his reach on a high shelf. His favorite kind, he was out, but the box had been moved up a few shelves and, even standing on his tip-toes, the redhead could not reach his tea. He didn’t dare climb the shelves; with his luck, Caraenyl would end up breaking the shelves and make a huge mess and have to apologize and embarrass himself. This grocery store usually had step stools in every isle in case someone height-challenged needed a boost, but a quick glance informed the redhead that the stool for that isle was missing. Most likely grabbed for a quick use in another isle and never returned.
He sighed, staring up at the box again. It looked like he was going to have to find a worker and ask for help in retrieving his tea, though he was hesitant. What if someone else grabbed that box before he got back? Was it the last one they had in stock? What if asking for help just led to him saying something stupid or doing something dumb and he made the worker feel uncomfortable enough that he gets banned from the store? Caraenyl couldn’t have that! This was the only grocery store in the area that sold his tea!
The redhead scowled, internally slapping himself. Stop over-thinking this! Go ask for help, idiot! He stared for a few more minutes, silently willing for the box to come down on its own. Introverted as he was, Caraenyl didn’t feel he was very good at socializing. He was pretty good at procrastinating, though. This was probably the only instance where procrastinating worked.
A hand appeared on Caraenyl’s right, easily reaching the box of tea and lowering it down for the redhead to grab. He looked over to see a tall, extremely handsome human standing beside the kyta’an with a gentle smile framed by a well-trimmed goatee. Green eyes almost sparkled as they gazed down at Caraenyl and the kyta’an could feel his cheeks begin to warm.
“Ya looked like ya wanted it.” The stranger’s voice was low, calm and had a light accent, instantly soothing and Caraenyl’s ears flicked at the sound. Caraenyl was hardly an expert in human languages, but he had studied some of them and this one was familiar… Irate? No. He knew it started with an I… had something to do with clovers? Whatever it was, the redhead knew he liked it.
“Still with me, lad?” he asked, lightly shaking the box before Caraenyl’s face.
The kyta’an jumped a bit, his star-struck brain desperately trying to catch up with the very kind act this handsome and sex-TALL human had done for him. His hands were slightly shaking as he took the box of tea with a nod. “Yeah, I… wanted it,” the words tumbled from his mouth clumsily and they weren’t exactly what he meant, but his brain just refused to keep up.
“There ya go, then.” The stranger gave Caraenyl a gentle pat on the shoulder before whisking past him; he was halfway down the isle before the redhead realized he didn’t even thank the man.
Acting before thought was apparently how he did things now, as he suddenly turned toward the stranger’s retreating back and yelled, “Thank you!” The man threw an amused smile and small wave over his shoulder as he vanished around the corner of the isle
Heat filled Caraenyl’s freckled cheeks as he realized he probably was just the teeniest bit too loud; people were peeking at the end of the isle, some of them looking annoyed. Putting the box of tea in his basket, the redhead turned on his heel and marched down the other way, hoping to give this embarrassing situation a very wide birth. A wolven lady giggled as he passed and he felt his cheeks burn. Maybe being banned from the store wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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prplpnk · 7 years
Yarn that Binds
Merekai had quite the surprise when Caraenyl moved in.
Genre: Fluff ‘n’ Stuff
Rating: T (Language, Death Mention)
Word Count: 1293
Merekai belongs to the awesome @farseerdri -- based on the Day 4 prompt from @downwithwritersblock list: How many sweaters do you even need?
Yarn that Binds
 “You can’t keep them all!”
“I made them! They’re like my children!”
Merekai held back is growl of frustration as his short, red-haired, too-cute-for-his-own-good boyfriend held a pile of his hand-knitted sweaters close to his chest. Those sweaters were a drop in the bucket compared to the full collection, which was scattered about Merekai’s suddenly very small bedroom in no less than twenty large storage bins.
He ran a hand through his black hair, trying is best not to shout and keep his more bestial side at bay. Caraenyl didn’t deserve that, no matter how stubborn he was being in the moment.
Merekai had left his boyfriend for an hour, telling him to thin his collection so it could fit in the house they now shared. After the time passed, however, Caraenyl had merely removed most of the projects from the first bin and placed them into the “keep” pile, and left the “donate” bin completely empty.
The house had been built by Merekai himself, many years ago for the family he’d had then, and by no means would anyone consider it small. Merekai was a fairly large individual, standing well over six feet tall and with a broad build to match, he made sure he’d be comfortable in his own house.
He never realized his boyfriend was a pack rat when it came to his knitting projects. Not that they weren’t good; Caraenyl’s knitted garments were better quality than most from major retailers, and he could pump them out pretty fast, too. But this wasn’t a storage facility. Sure, a few bins Merekai could accept and see the use for, but the hoard that Caraenyl had? It needed to be trimmed down; he didn’t want the walls of the house to become lined with bins, causing not only a fire hazard but an avalanche threat as well. How embarrassing would it be to be smothered to death by a mountain of sweaters?
“Even parents know when it’s time to let their children leave the nest, Cara,” the taller man tried, keeping his tone soft.
Caraenyl only shook his head and held onto the sweaters tighter. “But these don’t need to leave, Kai! Please, I’ll keep them out of the way, I promise!”
“Where?” Merekai asked, his frustration starting to leak into his voice. “The musty basement? Stuffy attic? Dump money into a random storage shed five miles away you’ll only visit to stuff more of your projects into? You want to keep all this,” he swung his arms around, indicating the entire collection, “just to have it rot?!”
The movement was slight, but Merekai very easily caught it; Caraenyl’s bottom lip twitched and the taller man saw the sheen of unshed tears within his boyfriend’s large, dark golden eyes.
Merekai sighed, his irritation immediately cooled at the sight of his boyfriend. This means so much to him….
He kneeled before the bed, where Caraenyl sat with his legs crossed, knowing he could be intimidating without trying. Now at least he was at eye-level with the redhead. “Is there… more to it?”
Caraenyl looked away for a few moments, sniffing and taking a couple deep breaths. Merekai waited patiently as his boyfriend composed himself.
“My uhm… my dad,” the redhead began softly, “he loved that I knitted. Growing up, I didn’t get along that great with my siblings, so I picked up knitting. Made everyone in the family sweaters and socks and gloves and hats… but no one really liked them. Except for Dad.” Caraenyl smiled a little. “Every holiday or birthday, Dad looked forward to opening my present the most. He loved every sweater and hat and socks… my siblings hated that, but I was glad I could make him happy.” The smile slid from his lips and he nuzzled into the sweaters. “And… then Dad got sick. He was in the hospital for over a year and a nursing home until his death…. He passed away a few days before his birthday. He never saw the final sweater I-” The redhead choked on a sob and Merekai immediately placed himself on the bed and wrapped his arms around Caraenyl to hold him close.
Death was never easy to deal with, Merekai knew that all too well.
Caraenyl cried for a minute or two before looking up at Merekai, a slight blush on his freckled cheeks. “Sorry,” he muttered.
Merekai shook his head. “Don’t be.” He gently wiped the tears away with his thumb and gave his boyfriend a reassuring smile, but after hearing that, the taller man had an idea why Caraenyl couldn’t let his projects go. “So you keep all these things around… because you want to give them to your dad?”
Dark golden eyes widened as they gazed up at Merekai, surprise flashing within. Caraenyl then looked away, his brow furrowed and expression intense for a few minutes.
Caraenyl never swore out of the blue like that and hearing the innocent-looking redhead curse almost made Merekai laugh. The redhead just said bad words so cutely, he couldn’t help it sometimes. Merekai did hold back in this instance, however, and he gently rubbed Caraenyl’s back.
“I didn’t know your father,” Merekai stated, keeping his tone soft, “but do you think he’d want you to keep these projects around? They brought such happiness to him; I think he’d want you to share that with others, don’t you?”
The redhead’s smile was small, but still reached his eyes. “Thank you Kai, but….” He glanced around the room before landing upon Merekai with large, dark golden eyes. “All of it? Right now?”
That face… that pleading tone…. Fuck.
Merekai sighed, most definitely not in defeat, in relief. Yeah, relief that his boyfriend was finally listening to him and that puppy-face had nothing to do with it. Nothing.
“Well… how about this,” the taller man suggested, “why not give some away on your stream?” Caraenyl had been able to make a living strictly on knitting through streaming his progress while he worked. It was moderately successful, at least enough for him to live off of and pay for more yarn, and he’d built a decent community of it. “And maybe put some of the more intricate pieces up for charity auction? I guess I can deal with the bins for a little while as you thin it out.”
Caraenyl’s smile brightened considerably. He dropped the sweaters still in his grasp to instead wrap his arms around Merekai’s neck in a grateful hug and gave him a quick kiss. “Thank you Kai!”
Merekai could only smile in return; there was the bubbly Caraenyl he loved. He helped his boyfriend move the bins into the redhead’s computer room and promised to help when he’d do the giveaways and auctions. As Merekai went downstairs to start supper, he absolutely did not think that Caraenyl had him wrapped around his finger.
Not at all, even as Merekai smiled; like it was a bad thing.
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prplpnk · 7 years
A (fairly) short KaiCara fic.
Enjoy :)
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