#Meta Quest 3 adoption
在過去的幾年裡,我們見證了虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)從一個遙不可及的概念,逐漸變成日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。從遊戲到教育,從房地產到遠程工作,VR技術已經穿透了社會的各個層面。最近從Steam平台上披露的數據中,我們可以一窺這一技術在遊戲社區中的普及情況。 根據這些數據,Oculus Quest 2以40.45%的使用率高居榜首,而Valve Index HMD則以18.65%位列第二。這兩款裝置的差異不僅反映在市場份額上,也體現在它們所代表的兩種截然不同的VR體驗。Oculus Quest 2的成功在於它的便利性和可訪問性,它是一個完全無線的裝置,提供了一個相對低廉的進入門檻,使得VR技術得以迅速普及。而Valve…
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tiffanybluesclues · 6 months
HELLO! I'm making an obnoxiously long meta about the inconsistencies of Dick's and Bruce's relationship. I'm ALMOST finishes but I need an instance of adult-ish Dick Grayson saying that he didn't want Bruce to be his father pre-flashpoint
Also if you have instances of the writer hammering they're brothers pre-flashpoint that'd be cool as hell too, but I already got at least one instance of it (when dick goes to college)
Thank you in advance!!!! I'm still on the Kory-Bruce meta lmao I'm so annoyed he barely mentions her lmaooo
Somewhere in the decades and decades of pre-Flashpoint DC Comics, there may be an instance where Dick Grayson (as an adult or at least as a teenager) said he didn't want Bruce to be his father, but I've never seen it and I'm kind of glad I haven't because tbh based on what I *have* seen it would be Dick lying to himself.
I'm guessing the page that inspired your quest is this court scene from "Batman: Year 3" (1989)?
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– Batman #439, 09/1989.
Maybe it was a modernized explanation for why Bruce took Dick in as a ward instead of adopting him – as opposed to the version in Batman #213 (08/1969), with the court saying Bruce couldn't adopt because he was a bachelor.
Something that speaks volumes to me is that in the same story as the above court scene, in the preceding issue actually, Dick thinks to himself that Bruce was like father to him. There is no internal conflict in this statement, no thought about how he at some point didn't want this. "He was like a FATHER to me and I LOVED him." He follows that up with a sad reminder of the distance between him and post-Crisis Bruce: "...and though he could NEVER bring himself to say it, I know he loved me too."
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– Batman #438, 08/1989 or 09/1989.
You're familiar with the college-send-off, so please keep it in mind when you read this scene with [regard to] Bruce and pre-Crisis Jason.
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– pages from Batman #376, 10/1984.
Alfred's response makes sense, it's a good explanation. It's also a complete rewrite of history, so these two are lying to themselves – or, more likely, the writers are trying to emphasize the current day stakes and emotions at the expense of the past. With the above panels in mind, let's look again at how Bruce actually reacted when Dick left home...
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– pages from Batman #217, 12/1969.
Oh suuuuure, he definitely didn't mope around feeling lonely and depressed at all – and closing up Wayne Manor and moving out was a ~totally~ chill and non-dramatic reaction to Dick leaving for college... lol, okay, Bruce. I guess 159 issues and almost 15 years can make memories faulty.
The following are two pages I saved because of their references to the history that Bruce and Dick share. I want to highlight the page on the left though, because on a single page this comic manages to pay respect to the long history between Dick and Bruce while also disrespecting Dick's role as a surrogate son in Bruce's life.
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– pages from Detective Comics #533, 12/1983; The New Titans #61, 12/1989.
That final yellow panel is so rude to me lol, like how dare you say "for the first time" as if like-a-son-to-him Dick Grayson didn't happen.
Comics from the 60s and 70s were probably the peak time for the idea that Bruce and Dick were like brothers. As far as I can tell though, writers didn't really have other characters describe them as brothers. I've seen mentor & apprentice, friends, partners, guardian & ward, knight & squire, and (primarily when there are no other children in the mix) of course Dick is also described as Bruce's heir pretty often.
I feel like, compared to Batman comics, the 1980s Teen Titans comics were more willing to say Bruce and Dick had a father and son relationship. Donna even contrasts her sisterly relationship with Diana to the parent and child relationship of Bruce and Dick during "Who Is Donna Troy?"
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– The New Teen Titans #38, 01/1984 (Donna); The New Titans #61, 12/1989 (Alfred); The Brave and the Bold #197 04/1983 (Golden Age/Earth Two Bruce Wayne).
At least they let Earth Two Bruce remain true to Golden Age vibes.
My headcanon is always that he is the Bruce who every Dick Grayson grew up with, regardless of era, regardless of rewrites. Here are some panels that kind of support that – a significant factor in how Dick views Bruce is that he had a "softer" version of him than the man we see now.
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– Batman: Gotham Knights #26, 04/2002 (Barbara); Nightwing #134, 09/2007 (Dick in flashback); Batman #437, 08/1989 or 09/1989 (Dick again).
A repeated theme from Dick is that he is insecure about his place in Bruce's life, and in some instances Bruce even made it clear that Dick's role was as a soldier, or at best a partner, and that being part of his family was conditional.
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– left: pages from Robin: Year One - Part 2, Part 3, Part 3, Part 4, 01/2001.
right: panels from Robin: Year One - Part 4, 01/2001; Batman: Gotham Knights #43 09/2003; Action Comics #613, 08/1988; same; Nightwing #134, 09/2007; Nightwing Secret Files #1, 10/1999; same.
With that underlying insecurity, and the deep love and loyalty that Dick has for Bruce, I think that by the time he came of age it's likely that Dick actively wanted Bruce to be his father.
The first 20 or so issues of Gotham Knights offered some great material about their familial relationship (leading up to the adoption storyline). In issue #14 Dick writes a letter that he still never send. I swear half the delay in my response was probably me deciding which panels to include from this because it is a gold mine for the kind of meta you're writing.
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– panels from Batman: Gotham Knights #14, 04/2001.
& with that I've hit the image limit, but I'll reblog with some panels on the point about how Bruce and Dick were often described as friends (something I saw possibly just as often as ward and heir).
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acutecoral · 11 months
Anyways, that was a fun first day! Especially given my main povs are mostly in Red Team, which...well, I honestly did not expect them to have spiralled that hard the last half an hour? It was glorious to have witnessed though. Despite the frustrations and drawbacks, they really did claw it back?? Somehow??
I'm still sort of in a state of being overwhelmed, since I had like 14 tabs on and swapped between povs when I had to, and somehow that hit a level of stimulation that wasn't debilitating but just enriching for my brain which is one of the funniest things that came out from this.
We enjoyed seeing Charlie tryhard at being tactical??? We didn't realise until he mentioned it, that for a good 3 hours, he had not cracked a joke and went off being a spy and eavesdropper to help protect and give an advantage to his team. Like damn.
Carre was a GOAT?? HOLY SHIT???? And also, it was great that Cellbit managed to help bridge the communications between Carre and the rest of the team, after having gotten really great at spanish thanks to Roier. But man, that was unexpected but pleasant as they rallied with each other to fight back and complete the quests.
But my personal favourite moment is how BOLAS?!??!?! started fucking spiralling. The frustration had built up so much, the event pushed them SO HARD, that they threw out their Whole Ass character arcs out for EVERYONE IN THE TEAM TO HEAR. I am not sure if that was just them being meta so it's not actually a canon confession, BUT!! THE FACT THAT THEY DID!! THEY FUCKING TOLD ALL OF THEIR TEAMMATES THEIR DEEPEST SECRETS.
It's funny!! Like MAN. WHAT A DAY.
Other fave moments:
-Etoiles being sad about killing Jaiden and Philza. Him wanting to be with Red and have fun with his broooosss. He kept apologising lmao
-Tubbo and Carre's beef, but Carre apologises and Tubbo forgives him, that was really sweet
-Etoiles and Roier!!! Yessss give me more interactions of their cubitos thank youuu
-Bad being BOLAS?!?!?!?'s enemy #1 LMAO
-Foosh fucking CRITTING BAD, JESUS THAT WAS SO QUICK??? He did not escape damn
-Carre being hunted by Tubbo and Niki, and Cellbit helping coach him on how to hide his name in the map and he manages to kill Tubbo and Niki instead, JESUS
-Charlie's rants, nuff said
-Charlie and Cellbit fucking doing a stick fight pvp (Etoiles would have loved it so much, please let the man chill with Red next time he misses his friends)
-Tubbo and Aypierre??? Team up??? Oh my goddd, I'm so happy to see them working on the same side, like reminded of the fact that Aypierre had wanted to adopt him when Tubbo was first announced to join LMAO
-Fit reverting back to his good ol 2b2t self, my man is toxic, let’s go, it's good enrichment for him, probably reminds him of the Incursions he participated 🥰
-SPREEN AND DANTDM CANONICALLY DEAD??? I mean, I feel it's a bit of a sad reveal since that means they don't have plans to come back to the server, but at least their characters got some sort of closure...?
-RUBIUS???? LOGGING IN??? BEING TURNED MORTAL???? Too bad with issues on his game not working, that sucked, hope that works next time and the admins help him to fix it and he joins!!!
-Bad??? Stealing Jaiden's strawhat??? BRuhhhhhhh
-Charlie goading Bad to a battle?? I think that was hilarious, but then the Sun Became A Deadly Laser and Charlied dried
-Phil did the entire Casulones emote oh my god, they finally did it
-But!! Red chose him to be the leader, and I thought that awesome, that's so deserved
-The bonfire, live sacrifices, and planned descent to cannibalism 🥰🥰
-Charlie joining other peoples vcs near the end and just BROKENLY checking in on them and telling them the plans of BOLAS???!?!?! and literally giving them the coords to their base LMAO
-Baghera killing Phil, Phil waving her goodbye before DEAD
-FOREVER SAYING THE WORDS THE BLACK CUCURUCHO GAVE HIM???? Not sure if anything came of that yet, but OHHH BOYYY
-The post-event wind down where everyone is chatting and vibing and talking to one another, that was a vibe and was really chill as everyone played tetris and watched each other's streams, and complimented Tina's tetris skills
Honestly, I'm sure there was so many fun moments despite everything, my streamers had fun despite the frustrations and discouragement
I am ecstatic where they may change about things going forward! I trust Q and the Admins to listen to the feedback from people and see how they can shift things to balance it out. We'll see!
Until then! Back on the bus we go!
Remember to stay clear of the pvp! You don't want to find yourself in the way of an axe or a sword swing!
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snazzyladreal · 11 months
kirbandee and kirfluff for the ship bingo?
okay I got both of these
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Mostly I can see them having that childhood crush quality to them, being awkward but in love and caring for each other a lot. They do cute shit like Bandee baking cookies and pies and Kirby trying to eat them, so it ends up in a play fight that leaves the kitchen a mess. Overall I really like it, one of my favorite ships. They obviously care about each other a lot, and they also kinda mirror metadede to a minor agree.
btw, personally I see meta and ddd adopting Bandee, while Kirby is more of just Meta’s trainee but they still have a close relationship
10/10, just some wholesome lads being in love and having fun together
2. Kirfluff
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Okay, I don’t like it that much. It has potential, I don’t hate it, but I just don’t like it that much. Kirby and Fluff just seem more like friends to me, and that’s all I can really see them as. Might have to do with that being the first Kirby game I played with my best friend at the time, and it was always just two yarn kids going on a quest together.
it’s perfectly fine if other people like or love this ship, but it just isn’t my thing.
3/10, from what I have seen of it, it’s cute
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jayasuriyan · 9 months
Integration of AI and Blockchain: All You Need to Know
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The convergence of AI and the metaverse
Interestingly, this convergence has its roots in the same hardware that powers it. GPUs, known for rendering rich virtual spaces, are the same workhorses that train AI models. Their parallel computing capabilities not only make them invaluable in AI development, but also in bringing the complex environments of the Metaverse to life. This synergy is evident in the rising value of GPU manufacturers like Nvidia, highlighting the intertwined growth of artificial intelligence and virtual reality technologies.
Looking ahead to 2024, the convergence of AI and the metaverse is shaping up to be a fundamental advance in our technological journey. We are about to witness how AI transforms the act of creation within the metaverse. This year, we predict that AI will evolve beyond its current capabilities, allowing creators to create expansive virtual worlds simply through the power of description. The metaverse will no longer require complex skills in 3D modeling and animation; instead, it will respond to the creative impulses of Human thought, which AI brings to life.
The trust architecture of tomorrow
The year 2023 was a crucible for blockchain, with the industry going through legal challenges and corporate upheavals. These tests, reminiscent of the growing pains of any technological breakthrough, heralded the maturation of blockchain. Amid this legal maelstrom, the essence of blockchain – the digitization of asset ownership – remained resolute and unscathed, continuing its march towards the technological revolution.
We envision blockchain merging into the fabric of the Internet, similar to the invisible but vital protocols that power our emails and instant messages. This convergence will make blockchain assets become a native dialect of the digital realm, essential and, most importantly, invisible to the user. Interacting with blockchain will be as simple as sending an email, with its hidden complexities and omnipresent efficiency and security. In this future, blockchain development services is not just a technology; it is a silent orchestrator of digital trust and ownership.
Synergies between virtual reality and the metaverse
In 2023, virtual reality (VR) has risen to become the next frontier in human-computer interaction, providing unprecedented bandwidth for digital communication and embodying the essence of presence. This leap forward has been driven by advances from major hardware manufacturers, with the launch of Meta Quest 3 and the long-awaited VR headsets from Apple and Nintendo. Every step in this area is not just about technological progress; It is about redefining our own perception and interaction with digital spheres.
Looking ahead to 2024, we are on the brink of a watershed moment in the spatial computing industry. The potential use case of experiencing events like the NBA Finals from the best seats in the stadium, all from the comfort of home, is set to capture the imagination of the masses. This experience, bridging the physical and digital worlds, will likely be a catalyst for widespread adoption among the early majority. The road ahead for virtual reality is long and full of potential, but the convergence of technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and advanced hardware is setting the stage for a seismic shift.
The cultural and economic impact
In the narrative of our digital evolution, Generation Z emerges as the vanguard of a new cultural epoch. Born in a world where virtuality is as real as the air they breathe, these digital natives are the first to fully immerse themselves in the fruits of technological convergence. His initial, playful and experimental forays into the creation of memes and digital artifacts are nothing more than the prologue to a deeper and more significant change. With AI-powered tools and the metaverse at your fingertips, they don't just use technology; They are reshaping it, subjecting the digital universe to their imagination and whims.
We see these young minds not only embrace but master the art of creation within these new realms. They are the pioneers of a world where user-generated content is not just a hobby but a new economic frontier. In their hands, creativity and innovation become more than expression; They are the keys to unlocking new forms of value and influence. The power once held by a select few over coding and legal complexities is now democratized in the hands of these young creators, heralding a future where the digital realm is limited only by the imagination.
In 2024
As the year 2024 progresses, we find ourselves on the cusp of a transformative era in technology. The integration of AI, blockchain and virtual reality is creating a new digital landscape. This convergence is more than a mere fusion of technologies; It is a revolution in the way we interact with the digital realm. The advancement of AI is redefining creative possibilities in the metaverse, allowing environments to be shaped solely by thought. Blockchain evolves into a fundamental layer of digital trust, making asset ownership part of the fabric of the Internet. Virtual reality, on the brink of a breakthrough, will radically change our sensory experiences in digital spaces.
Fundamentally, this technological synergy is the playing field of Generation Z, who are not only users but active creators and modelers of these areas. Their commitment to these technologies is not just about leisure; It is the forging of a new economic and cultural landscape where imagination is the main currency.
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onedirectdeals · 16 days
Kiuet 4M Link Cable Compatible with Meta/Oculus Quest 3/Quest 2/Pro/PICO4 Accessories VR Headset, High Speed Data Transfer Cord USB 3.0 Cable Type C Light for Gaming PC/Steam VR
Price: Buy Now Last Updated: USB 3.0 A to USB C link cableSpecificationLength: 4M/Color:greyMaterial: nylon braidCurrent: 5V3ATransmission speed: 5Gbps Rugged USB 3.0 link cableThe included Velcro strap secures the cable and to prevent disconnection while moving. The 90-degree angle design makes the game easier and more comfortable.The usb type C interface adopts tinplate laser welding, refuses…
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technothinks · 3 months
“ Exploring the Dynamics of Software Development with Technothinksup Solutions Pvt Ltd.”
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Blog Short Description: Embark on a journey into the realm of software development with Technothinksup Solutions Pvt Ltd. Discover how our expertise in crafting robust, scalable, and innovative software solutions can propel your business towards success in today's digital landscape.
Blog Details: In an increasingly digitized world, software has become the backbone of modern business operations. From streamlining workflows to enhancing customer experiences, well-designed software solutions can drive efficiency, productivity, and growth. At Technothinksup Solutions Pvt Ltd, we specialize in leveraging cutting-edge technologies and agile methodologies to deliver bespoke software solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of software development and unveil the transformative power of technology-driven innovation.
1. Understanding Your Business Requirements: AtTechnothinksup Solutions Pvt Ltd, we believe that successful software development begins with a deep understanding of our clients' business objectives, challenges, and opportunities. Through collaborative consultations and comprehensive requirements gathering, we work closely with stakeholders to define project goals, scope, and success criteria. By aligning our strategies with your business vision, we lay the foundation for a successful software solution that drives tangible results.
2. Agile Development Methodology: Agility lies at the core of our software development process. Adopting agile methodologies enables us to adapt to evolving requirements, minimize risks, and accelerate time-to-market. Our multidisciplinary teams collaborate iteratively, breaking down complex projects into manageable increments and delivering value incrementally. By fostering transparency, flexibility, and continuous feedback, we ensure that our solutions evolve in tandem with your business needs.
3. Custom Software Design and Architecture: One size does not fit all when it comes to software solutions. At Technothinksup Solutions Pvt Ltd, we believe in crafting tailor-made solutions that address the unique challenges and opportunities of each client. Our seasoned architects and developers leverage their expertise to design scalable, resilient, and future-proof software architectures that lay the groundwork for sustainable growth. Whether it's developing web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise systems, we prioritize performance, security, and usability to deliver exceptional user experiences.
4. Quality Assurance and Testing: Quality is non-negotiable in software development. Our dedicated quality assurance team employs rigorous testing methodologies to ensure that every line of code meets the highest standards of reliability, functionality, and performance. From automated unit tests to manual acceptance testing, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for perfection. By identifying and resolving issues early in the development lifecycle, we mitigate risks and deliver software solutions that inspire confidence.
5. Continuous Support and Maintenance: Our commitment to client success extends beyond the initial deployment of software solutions. We offer comprehensive support and maintenance services to address any issues, implement updates, and optimize performance over time. Whether it's troubleshooting technical issues, scaling infrastructure, or integrating new features, our dedicated support team is always on hand to provide timely assistance and ensure the continued success of your software investments.
Meta Tag Description: Unlock the power of software development with Technothinksup Solutions Pvt Ltd. From custom design and architecture to agile development and quality assurance, we deliver innovative software solutions that drive business success. Explore our comprehensive approach to software development and harness the full potential of technology for your organization.
Read Full Blog or Article : Exploring The Dynamics Of Software Development With Technothinksup Solutions Pvt Ltd. - Technothinksup Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
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bullzeyemedia · 4 months
Elevating Home Services: Bullzeye Media Marketing's Strategic Partnerships
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These days, home services are truly a very competitive industry and being different is a must. This innovative undergoing is meant for Bullzeye Media Marketing as it focuses on partnerships to fuel the growth process to the next level. To this end, the strategic partnership with these tech goliaths, Google, Facebook, Bing, and meta among others is germane. 1. Google Partnership: Illuminating Visibility It is not merely an affiliation with Google; it is the quest toward the golden road to shining. With Google Ads and Analytics, the probable clients are approached at the right times, namely when they are in search of home services, elatedly outcompeting rivals in a bid to implement specific techniques. 2. Facebook Marketing Partner: A Foundation for Developing Connections The all-encompassing approach at Fandos means we are a Facebook Marketing Partner that drives real connection in the digital world. To a certain extent, it is possible to create advertised campaigns that target specific audiences and therefore foster deep and meaningful connections rather than simply racking up the click-through rates. 3. Bing Partnership: Broadening Horizons Diversification empowers resilience. By working as Bing Partner, it becomes possible to expand the reaches of the client beyond typical platforms, going directly to the numerous possibilities that Bing encompasses to connect with potential buyers in new channels. 4. Meta Business Partnership: This is what means to really embrace the immersive experiences – not yet perhaps, but soon it will be. Metaverse, we take the helm. Through Meta Business Partnership, it becomes possible to adopt immersive advertising experiences and to engage with users perfectly through multiple touchpoints such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Of course, Bullzeye Media Marketing firmly adheres to the formula of supercharged home services growth through strategic partnerships. What we have here is not just search engines, social networks, or online services, but partners who contribute to shaping success narratives.
Read more: Journey To Next-Level Home Services
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meritmeter123 · 5 months
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The Definitive Faceoff: Meta Quest 3 versus Apple Vision Pro
The Meta Quest 3 and Apple Vision Pro stand at the forefront of the virtual and augmented reality realm, each offering unique features and capabilities. This comparative analysis aims to simplify the intricate landscape of spatial computing, aiding in your decision-making process.
1. Hardware and Performance:
Meta Quest 3:
Boasting a formidable Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 processor, the Meta Quest 3 delivers enhanced processing power. Its 4K+ Infinite Display, with a resolution of 2064 x 2208 per eye, promises crisp visuals. The device offers a 90 Hz refresh rate, with a planned upgrade to 120 Hz, and features a compact design, 40% smaller than its predecessor. Additionally, its AR passthrough enriches the mixed reality experience.
Apple Vision Pro:
Powered by the groundbreaking Apple M2/R1 System-on-a-Chip (SoC), the Apple Vision Pro features a Micro-OLED display, offering 4K HDR per eye with Micro-OLED technology. Boasting 23 million pixels, it ensures unparalleled sharpness and detail. Innovative functionalities such as spatial audio and eye-tracking further enhance its appeal.
2. Style and Convenience:
Meta Quest 3:
The Meta Quest 3 is praised for its improved comfort and sleek design. Its built-in adjustability allows for a personalized fit, although some users may experience motion sickness during prolonged usage.
Apple Vision Pro:
Aligning with Apple’s aesthetics, the Vision Pro features a sleek and innovative design. It offers intuitive controls and motions, though some users find it heavy and uncomfortable for extended periods.
3. User Immersion and Experience:
Meta Quest 3:
Adaptable to various users, the Meta Quest 3 delivers a high-powered GPU and display, enhancing the gaming experience. However, concerns regarding fit and comfort may deter some users, alongside its premium price point.
Apple Vision Pro:
Revolutionizing the industry with its immersive AR/VR experience, the Vision Pro incorporates innovative features like spatial audio and eye-tracking. Nonetheless, its high price tag and battery life concerns may limit accessibility.
4. Accessibility and Price:
Meta Quest 3:
Positioned as a more budget-friendly option, the Meta Quest 3 may still pose affordability challenges due to its premium features.
Apple Vision Pro:
While offering revolutionary technology, the Vision Pro comes at a high cost, appealing predominantly to tech enthusiasts and early adopters.
In conclusion, the Meta Quest 3 caters to a wider demographic with its gaming capabilities, adaptability, and reasonable price, whereas the Apple Vision Pro targets those seeking cutting-edge AR/VR experiences and are willing to invest. Ultimately, the choice between the two devices hinges on individual preferences and priorities in the realm of spatial computing.
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equitymatch · 6 months
AR and VR Pioneers: A Closer Look at Leading Companies Harnessing Augmented and Virtual Reality for Competitive Advantage
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have become revolutionary forces in the rapidly changing world of technology, transforming both business sectors and user experiences. This exploration delves into the cutting edge of technology, highlighting the leading companies harnessing AR and VR that are obtaining a clear competitive advantage. These pioneering companies are revolutionising how individuals engage with digital information, from immersive gaming experiences to ground-breaking marketing efforts. Many startups in platforms like EquityMatch have now integrated this immersive technology into their business model. This has also caught the eye of investors when it comes to startup funding.
Many AR and VR companies are emerging in the business sector. A classic example would be a startup like Visualax Ltd , which is an AR-based company that is now experiencing a lot of competitive advantages in its landscape. However, there are revolutionary companies that are the key players in the global landscape which are as follows.
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Among the leading companies harnessing AR and VR, Apple leverages these technologies strategically to gain a competitive advantage. Apple provides a worldwide community of developers with the innovative ARKit framework so they can create fascinating AR experiences for iOS users. In-depth entertainment and learning resources are included in this integration, in addition to helpful applications like the "Measure" app. Customers may inspect products before purchasing due to Apple's innovative use of AR in the retail industry, which enhances the shopping experience and helps funding business growth.
Apple's existing substantial, attractive, and widely accepted digital ecosystem covering amusement, work, and social is its primary competitive edge in achieving its vision. Moreover, Apple highlighted how the Apple Vision Pro transforms the idea of AR and VR, revolutionising how individuals engage with digital information (Nel, 2023). Apple distinguishes itself from competitors, capturing the attention of tech enthusiasts, and strengthening its market domination by effortlessly integrating AR and VR into its ecosystem. While the company continues to focus its efforts on research and patents, the adoption of AR and VR ensures its continuing dominance in technology while also gaining startup funds for expansion across a range of sectors.
Meta strategically uses these technologies as one of the leading companies harnessing AR and VR to create a unique competitive edge. A variety of VR headsets are available from Meta through its VR subsidiary, Oculus, which redefines gaming and social interactions. Oculus VR is a part of Meta's ecosystem, which is growing and developing to provide its consumers with more value and help the business expand its market. Oculus Quest and Quest 2 have revolutionised how individuals interact with virtual worlds by allowing social networking and gaming to coexist seamlessly. The new Meta Quest 3, which is expected to launch fully in late 2023, is smaller, significantly stronger than its predecessor, and created for advanced AR (Blain, 2023). 
By setting the standard for these innovations, Meta not only strengthens its position as one of the leading companies harnessing AR and VR but also creates the framework for promoting funding for businesses within the metaverse. This concept of a collaborative digital environment has the power to fundamentally alter the way people communicate, work together, and participate in a wide range of operations, strengthening Meta's competitive advantage in the rapidly changing field of digital and technological experiences.
Magic Leap
As the technological landscape is always changing, Magic Leap effectively uses AR and VR technologies to gain a significant competitive advantage. Magic Leap specialises in spatial computing and develops immersive mixed-reality experiences that smoothly integrate the virtual and real worlds. By allowing users to engage with virtual information in real-world settings, the Magic Leap One headset transforms recreational, educational, and business processes. The introduction of Magic Leap 2 also makes it possible to have more immersive experiences with an additional convenient 260g headset. Virtual components can be generated ideally for each eye using data from eye-tracking sensors built into its lenses, allowing virtual objects to emerge at any depth (Leap, 2023). By offering customers interesting and engaging technical experiences, Magic Leap not only establishes itself as one of the leading companies harnessing AR and VR, but also maintains its competitive edge. Additionally, Magic Leap's strategic startup investments demonstrate its commitment to fostering the expansion of the AR and VR ecosystem. The business solidifies its place as a leading force influencing the evolution of immersive experiences as it keeps expanding the limits of spatial computing.
Unity Technologies
Unity Technologies, a company well-known for its dominant 3D game engine, effectively employs AR and VR to create a unique competitive edge in the tech industry. Unity has become an inspiration in the AR and VR atmosphere by providing an efficient framework for developers to develop immersive experiences. The commitment of Unity to making these technologies more accessible places it among the leading companies harnessing AR and VR and strengthens its competitive advantage. Furthermore, Unity's involvement in the AR and VR ecosystems lay the groundwork for funding business expansion and driving technological advancements. Its adaptable engine makes it possible to produce fascinating software and games that break down conventional barriers. In addition, Unity has been collaborating with companies that operate several major airports to create digital twins of their operations (Kolo, 2023). As Unity broadens its reach, it becomes increasingly important in determining the direction of immersive online experiences using AR and VR technology.
In conclusion, within a constantly evolving technological landscape, the ground-breaking initiatives of the aforementioned leading companies harnessing AR and VR have not only changed entire industries but have also created a variety of unique opportunities. As these businesses obtain startup funding and advance, their inventions continue to provide a competitive advantage, leading individuals into a future where the effortless incorporation of the physical and digital worlds is no longer a distant vision. In platforms like EquityMatch, many entrepreneurs have integrated AR and VR technologies into their startups. There is no doubt that integration of this immersive technology will help leverage a business!
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saskia105 · 6 months
The Future of VR and AR: Samsung's Bet on Micro OLED Technology
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Samsung Display CEO believes micro OLED technology will revolutionize the VR and AR market by 2027-2028
The use of micro OLED technology in virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) headsets has been gaining traction among enthusiasts due to its improved response times, deeper blacks, and higher resolution per eye. While not widely adopted yet, industry experts believe that micro OLED is the next logical step for VR and AR devices. Samsung, known for its expertise in display technology, is now positioning itself to lead the way in this emerging market.
In a recent lecture at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Samsung Display CEO Choi Joo-Sun expressed his belief in the significant market potential of micro OLED technology. He stated that the market will begin in earnest around 2027-2028, citing the need to overcome various technical aspects and cost considerations before wide adoption can occur.
The Advantages of Micro OLED Technology in VR/AR Headsets
Micro OLED technology offers several advantages over traditional OLED displays in VR/AR headsets. With just a small one-inch diagonal lens, micro OLED provides improved response times, deeper blacks, and higher resolution per eye. These enhancements enhance the overall immersive experience for users and create a more realistic virtual environment.
One notable example of micro OLED implementation is the Bigscreen Beyond, a desktop headset that showcases the potential of VR technology. However, due to the high cost associated with micro OLED displays, leading brands like Meta and Valve have yet to adopt this technology in their mainstream headsets.
Samsung's Vision for VR and AR Headsets
With the success of products like the Valve Index and Meta Quest 3, as well as the growing interest in augmented reality devices like the Apple Vision Pro, the market for VR and AR headsets is poised for significant growth. Recognizing this opportunity, Samsung is setting its sights on developing VR and AR headsets equipped with micro OLED technology.
While 2027 may seem far off, the VR industry moves at a deliberate pace, and Samsung understands the importance of careful market observation and preparation. The affordability of micro OLED technology will need to improve before widespread adoption can occur. In the meantime, enthusiast products like the Bigscreen Beyond and the rumored Meta Quest Pro iteration will serve as testing grounds for these advancements.
The future of VR and AR is closely tied to the development and adoption of micro OLED technology. Samsung, with its display expertise, is positioning itself to lead the market in this area. While the widespread adoption of micro OLED in VR and AR headsets may still be several years away, the potential for enhanced immersive experiences and realistic virtual environments is promising.
As the market continues to evolve, consumers can look forward to more affordable and advanced VR and AR headsets that leverage micro OLED technology.
Whether you already own a PCVR headset or recently purchased a Meta Quest 3, the VR gaming landscape is constantly expanding. Check out our recommendations for the best VR games available now, and stay tuned for future releases that will take advantage of the latest advancements in VR technology.
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techbloggingfool · 7 months
Finally! Meta Enables 120Hz for Quest 3 Cable Link
The Meta Quest 3 headset has been limited to a ninety-hertz refresh rate while connected to a gaming PC via link cable. The previous generation Quest 2 had started that way but was eventually upgraded to one-hundred and twenty hertz. The left many of us early adopters wondering if, or when the Quest 3 might enjoy the same upgrade. That day has come. Upgrade your Meta Quest 3 and the Oculus apps…
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bitcoincables · 7 months
Tech and Market Trends: Bitcoin Surge, Nvidia Rise, AI Growth, and Virtual Reality Competition
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Bitcoin soared past $50,000 and reached a $1 trillion market valuation after receiving approval for a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund by the SEC. Nvidia, a leader in AI, surpassed Amazon and Alphabet to become the third-largest U.S. company. However, unexpected inflation reports raised concerns about the pace of Federal Reserve interest rate cuts and led to losses for four out of the five largest U.S. tech companies.
The AI sector is undergoing a transformation compared to the internet boom of the 1990s, with Palantir Technologies and Nvidia emerging as key players. Analysts predict a $1 trillion investment in AI within the next decade. Meanwhile, Tesla's stock may see growth with stable pricing and increased Full Self-Driving adoption, potentially improving auto gross margins and investor confidence in the company's profitability.
Amidst the tech giants' stock gains over the past year, there are worries about market overheating and potential bubbles. Additionally, affluent individuals are relocating from high-tax states to tax-friendly states like Florida and Texas, reshaping the economic and demographic landscape. Competition in the virtual reality space intensifies as Meta's Quest 3 headset is praised for its quality compared to Apple's Vision Pro, challenging assumptions about price and quality.
Read the full article on the latest developments in tech, AI, virtual reality, and market trends.
#Bitcoin #AI #Tech #Inflation
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VR Immersive Experiences in Games
Being a game buff, VR as having the ability of providing an immersive experience has always excited me. The virtual reality (VR) technology has gone through a lot, leading to a wide application in such diverse areas as education and training, simulations, healthcare, among others. This blog post entails my views about how VR affects gaming by presenting a few examples of immersive VR games.
VR is a powerful tool for gaming.
The novelty of VR gaming lies in the fact that it cuts the player away from his/her external reality and involves the body into the gaming process. It surpasses traditional gaming by making players live it up through their involvement in the game world. Furthermore, the adoption of VR to different cultural heritage settings like museums and exhibitions as well as virtual reality games continues to grow.
Examples of Immersive VR Games
Half-Life: Half-life: Alyx is considered to be one the best and most captivating VR game, with the highest storytelling and visual immersion standards. The game is very well built with mechanics and physics that captures you.
Lone Echo: It has a very interesting story, amazing visuals and physics features that make this one of the best VR engagements.
The Gallery: A pioneer despite being an older one, The Gallery and its sequel had immersive storytelling and gameplay embedded in a VR.
Resident Evil 7: This biohazard horror game utilizes the tension-filled quality attributed with VRs to present a scary experience for players.
Echo VR: Echo VR, is a virtual reality competition game mixing sport with FPS under gravity less conditions.
Challenges and Future Potential
The potential benefits associated with virtual reality gaming notwithstanding, the journey is not without hiccups. One of the major problems lies in the price of VR equipment that might be too high for many clients. Other important structural problems to virtual reality gaming are high content development costs and market fragmentation.
Nevertheless, VR technology keeps advancing, and so are more interactive encounters tomorrow. In turn, using a device like the Meta’s Quest 3 VR headset in conjunction with VR and AR expands creative possibility in gaming. Besides, with time VR technology will be used in making more new and intriguing games whose parameters exceed those allowed for ordinary virtual reality.
Personal Perspective
Being a gamer, I look forward to what lies ahead in VR gaming as more of such enhanced gaming options become available. The presented cases in this post illustrate how effective VR can be for creating intriguing game environments which are very immersive. With increased development of technology and the designer’s exploration of new ways of employing VR, a larger number of sensational and intense games should be expected later on.
Hamad, A. and Jia, B. (2022). How Virtual Reality Technology Has Changed Our Lives: An Overview of the Current and Potential Applications and Limitations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, [online] 19(18), p.11278. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191811278 .
Theodoropoulos , A. and Antoniou2, A. (2022). Virtual Reality Games in Cultural Heritage. [online] Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. Available at: https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/33196  [Accessed 25 Dec. 2023].
Kraynov, M. (2023). VR Gaming: Navigating Challenges for Mainstream Success. [online] Spiceworks. Available at: https://www.spiceworks.com/tech/innovation/guest-article/vr-gaming-key-challenges/amp/  [Accessed 25 Dec. 2023].
ReflectingThePast (2023). What’s the best VR game you played in terms of overall immersion in storytelling and graphic fidelity? [online] Reddit. Available at: https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/14dged2/whats_the_best_vr_game_you_played_in_terms_of/  [Accessed 25 Dec. 2023].
Moore, E. (n.d.). Designing VR Games and Experiences Worth Playing | Toptal®. [online] Designers. Available at: https://www.toptal.com/designers/virtual-reality/designing-vr-games  [Accessed 25 Dec. 2023].
Bojarski, M. (2022). 10 Totally Immersive VR Games And Experiences. [online] ScreenRant. Available at: https://screenrant.com/immersive-vr-games-experiences/  [Accessed 26 Dec. 2023].
Porokh, A. (2023). Best PC VR Games: Immersive Experiences Beyond Reality. [online] Kevuru Games. Available at: https://kevurugames.com/blog/best-pc-vr-games-immersive-experience/  [Accessed 26 Dec. 2023].
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cyberwavedigest-23 · 9 months
Best Gaming Gifts for 2023
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Searching for the ideal gift for gamers can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not well-versed in the world of video games. The coveted gaming gear often comes with a hefty price tag, and expenses can quickly add up. Although many items in our guide to the best gifts for gamers are on the expensive side, don’t be discouraged. We’ve also included a selection of items that cater to smaller budgets.
Below, you’ll find the well-established essentials such as Microsoft’s Xbox Series X and Series S, Sony’s PS5, and the Nintendo Switch OLED. However, if you’re shopping for a dedicated gamer, chances are they already own one or more of these consoles. Not covered in our roundup are the latest Windows-enabled handheld consoles like the Lenovo Legion Go and Asus ROG Ally, which, while carrying a hefty price tag, are not yet ready for widespread adoption.
Delving deeper into the gaming realm, Meta’s Quest 2 retains its status as the best VR headset, even with the recent release of the Quest 3. While the Quest 3 is newer, the Quest 2 is still a solid option, and its lower price can be a significant factor when you’re purchasing multiple gifts. It’s worth noting that our review of the Quest 3 is still pending, and our opinion may evolve after completion. Sony’s updated PlayStation VR headset, the PSVR 2, is also excellent but comes with a price tag comparable to the PS5, which is necessary for its use.
These impressive options are incomplete without essential accessories like gaming headsets, mice, and keyboards. While more budget-friendly, these accessories can still be relatively costly. We are diligently exploring numerous options across various price points, and we will continue to add more recommendations right up to the last possible moment.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Acumen Research and Consulting predicts the metaverse market will grow to $4 trillion by 2032, driven by the popularity of virtual and augmented reality technology. North America and the Asia-Pacific region will drive adoption. TikTok parent ByteDance is well-positioned to lead the Asian expansion, Acumen said, while American companies Meta Platforms and Microsoft are leading the push in the West. In Asia, the growth will likely be driven by an increasingly tech-savvy online gaming community, while the $42.3 billion US metaverse market is expected to retain its dominant market position. Companies Must Decide How to Use Technology Acumen predicts that metaverse companies face several challenges in reaching this goal. These include privacy concerns and how to unify platforms into a virtual continuum. Blockchain, the open-ledger technology behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, will likely provide the economic backbone of this virtual world. It will allow users to exchange cryptocurrencies and other tokenized assets without an intermediary. Read more: Top 11 Companies Building in the Metaverse in 2023 Developing software, services, and hardware and understanding how to use new technology must be high on companies’ agendas, Acumen notes. Presently, different companies have focused on different elements depending on their core strength. Apple’s Vision Pro headset (Pro) targets Apple users looking for an augmented reality experience. The Pro superimposes a user interface over a person’s real world and offers novel ways to interact with the hardware. The move makes sense, considering Apple’s hardware design strength and its products’ ability to interact seamlessly. Meta’s Quest 3 headset, on the other hand, targets improving the reproduction of a person’s appearance in the metaverse. The technology encodes facial expressions and sends the encoded data to another person’s Quest over the wire.  The recipient can see a lifelike rendering of the sender, making it seem like they are in the same room.  This niche of the metaverse plays to Meta’s core business, which is generating revenue through social connections. Meta headset | Source: Lex Fridman William Quigley, a co-founder of Worldwide Asset eXchange, predicts that the digital twin market, the industry that develops workable digital equivalents of physical items, still faces technical hurdles.  An example of a digital twin could be a virtual musical instrument that sounds the same in the metaverse as its physical counterpart in the real world. A firm like Roblox, with its roots in physics simulation, could play a pivotal role in advancing this technology, having already created virtual worlds and marketplaces for brands like Gucci and Chipotle. Read more: Top 10 Metaverse Platforms To Watch Out for in 2023 According to Acumen, the digital twin market reached $9.5 billion in 2022. The firm expects this niche to expand to $274 billion by 2032, provided the technology progresses as expected.  Quigley predicts digital twin technologies will only mature around 2030. Until then, he expects businesses to emerge that can bring physical assets onto the blockchain through tokenization.  Do you have something to say about metaverse market growth, the role of tokenization, or anything else? Please write to us or join the discussion on our Telegram channel. You can also catch us on TikTok, Facebook, or X (Twitter).
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