ya got any ideas for gawain in your au? came up with a neat oc idea for gawain and the green knight. there's a lot of potential for a cute little monster transformation story seeing as a lot of the mythos features the green knight as being somehow transformed by morgan ^_^
I'm so glad you asked this... I actually had an old concept of this...
After ditching the G.S.A..... Morgan took on another apprentice (after Sir Dragato), "Gawain," and he's come to claim the seat as leader of the GSA.
He knew he wasn't as strong as the other knights... and a part of him always knew he'd never reach the legendary status as the others, so he made a deal with the devil (Morgan). He was her pawn... her puppet to secretly control the GSA in her name.
Gawain was supposed to be Meta's call to action to return & Dragato's "ah- ha" moment (my mentor was a scumbag to me).
But in the end, Gawain (my OC)... I had to cut him from the story. They took away too much from Dragato's storyline... and Meta's call to action is a different one.
So, these are my HCs if Gawain were in "Metamorphosed."
And @camachine, if you want to use it in your story, please feel free, you have my full blessing~
And for those of you who haven't read @camachine's "Metamorphosed" please do so before you keep reading, there will be several references/spoilers. (and it's a good read)
I drew reference from Gawain's original story "Gawain & the Green Knight," his original story... But I also drew from the modern retelling of The Green Knight (2021) the film She's his mother.
This is also considered a continuation of the previous work...minus the Gwynn revival...
Okay, so in "Metamorphosed," Gawain is the nephew of Arthur. The son of his other half-sister (Anna)... another one of Sir Uther's illegitimate kids and Morgan's sister. Yes, their mother cursed the Pendragon's name.
In the OG Arthurian legend, she's called Morgause (sometimes she's called Anna)... and it's too close to Morgan for me, so she's Anna.
This means she cursed the kids too... (Morgan had to get her pettiness from somewhere), however, if they wanted to avoid the curse... they just had to carry out their mother's will.
However, Anna wants to move on and live in peace, so she cuts Morgan out of her life. She married the love of her life (King Lot). She gets pregnant with Gawain and BAM! She dies giving birth to him... (Again, being a Pendragon means you're cursed!!)
King Lot falls into grief: and guess who he blames... baby Gawain! Since then, Gawain has put a lot of pressure on his son from the moment he was born... he would say to his young son, "You better make yourself useful and make yourself worth it..."
From the start, little Gawain had such an innocent desire to just be a great knight... so he could earn the love of his father... but he was never good enough for him... he just needed to be the perfect heir & knight so maybe... just maybe for once, his father to look at him...
No, in fact, his King Lot would deny he even had a son... because it would remind him that his dear wife was gone! As a result, Gawain would hide away in some far part of the castle... so he wouldn't be seen by anyone.
Then, one night, a monster comes and raids the castle... a basilisk (they assume it's one of Nightmare's monsters), but Gawain sees a ghostly figure... a green knight?
Wanting to prove himself, he dives right in to save his father. Everyone else is afraid, but Gawain isn't (well, he is.... but he's not missing out on the chance to prove himself to his father!) He chases after this ghost knight... while Morgan puts out an illusionary spell.
Making it look like this basilisk has killed Prince Gawain instantly (petrifying & swallowing him whole) & King Lot is now full of grief and regret. His son protected him despite all those years of coldness... and still loved him. Desperately wishing he could see his son again and apologize to his son.
Meanwhile, the real Prince Gawian follows the green knight (who is actually Dame Morgan in disguise) into an abandoned castle... and defeats him. (In refer. to the film The Green Knight 2021)
The ghost congratulates him on having their test of bravery and virtue... and says, "Since you've defeated me, you are now the Green Knight... and have earned my axe & title." However, Gawain is not easily convinced "No-no, one ever gets anything for free in this life... that's what my father says..."
Telling himself there must be more to this...The green knight offers it to him three times, sweetening the deal each time: "Along with the axe, I'll give my castle as well, and you'll be the perfect knight that you've always wanted to be..."
Gawain is tempted by each one, but something in his gut tells him not to... just as he's about to leave...the third offer is him something he could never refuse... "You'll get to have a mother again~"
With this... they'll be a family again... THIS IS IT!? Gawain (like in the original tale, Gawain gives into his human desire but "the desire to stay alive,"... it's the desire to see his mother).
Without hesitation, he grabs the axe only to be cursed instantly... As a result, Morgan makes him the"Green Knight..." endowing him with her dark Faye magic (making him into a monster- Basilisk) and in the process, he also loses his memories...
With Morgan rewriting it to this narrative:
Morgan was his mother, and their father abandoned them after he was turned into a monster (by Nightmare). He was afraid to be associated with him because of Sir Uther's regimen in the G.S.A. (and wanted no retribution.) And his cruel father even wanted to prove his allegiance to Uther & the GSA... but his mother wouldn't allow it. His mother saved him from his evil father, and as a result, he (his father) left them. And plans to destroy the GSA and make it a safer world for her and her precious son!
Basically, this gives him (Gawain) reason to hate the Pendragons (Sir Arthur & his family) as well as having unwavering love & loyalty to "his mother," who did everything to protect him because "she loves him so much"~ Plus (him being half-monster) it's a great reason for keeping him from going outside so often so he's not recognized as King Lot's. (The curse altered his appearance, but if you look hard enough, you can see it's Gawain under there.)
Lucky for Morgan... (despite knowing they had a prince)... the kingdom barely knew what the young prince looked like. Only coming out when it was necessary... Gawain did this intentionally so as not to upset his father with his present. (Oh how convenient~)
(Almost if not all) Arthurian interpretations Morgan always uses her kids as tools for revenge... Gawain's no different~
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The orange color represents the Lothian Kingdom (King Lot), but after being cursed, the original color is turned red (red - Morgan).
Their name changed to Yvain (In Arthurian lore that is the name of Morgan le Faye) And then his monster form... Basilisk.
According to my source, a basilisk is a "hybrid chicken-serpent" but to make things easier for myself I just keep thinking about one one from Harry Potter (but @camachine feel free to change up the monster form for the guy already.)
But his smaller, default form would be a snake. (Basically, to symbolize he's a "snake" within the GSA.) He'd collect secrets and intel through the walls of the GSA and bring it back to Morgan.
She plans to destroy everything Sir Uther built (the GSA)... with Gawain being her most valuable chess piece. Taking over the GSA and installing him as the new leader... she's more than fulfilling her promise to help become "the perfect knight," she's basically ensuring he'll be that best. (She'll just happen to be rulering through him... Momma's gotta get something outta this!)
Not only that (despite having his memories erased), Gawain's core hasn't changed. He's still the same young lad desperate for love & praise... the thing he's never gotten from his father. And because of that, he was willing to do anything for his dear mother~
It's actually easy for Morgan to be, good to this kid... after all, she's still his auntie... (She's basically Mother Gothel from Rapunzel...)
A part of her is still upset with he sister (Anna) for abandoning her (for not wanting to get involved with their mother's curse). Using her sister's son as her pawn was just her way of getting back at her... dear sister... Speaking of siblings let's talk about Sir Arthur.
After finding out that she had a half-brother, she discovers that Uther actually acknowledged him (Arthur) as his son and denied her as his daughter... UNACCEPTABLE!
So what does she do... make him feel the same jealousy & inadequacy she's felt... all those years Uther denied her. And what does she do... she rubs her loving relationship with her son right in his face... (Kindly remind him of how bad he screwed up his relationship with his son...)
Dame Morgan rolls up with Gawain (now being called Ywain her son), who has just been accepted as one of the higher-ups... since someone got kicked off (Arthur) of the high council.
And how did Gawain manage to get it in such a short amount of time, you may ask?
Remember, our dear Gawain was a prince after all... he still had muscle & instinctual memory of his royal training. was clever, polite, graceful, respectful... (he's everything a prince should be... ) And Morgan can take credit for it all, for raising him so well~
(fake) Mother & son just happened to be off to celebrate, But then she sees Arthur as they're leaving and "OH HOW COULD SHE MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!"
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Sir Arthur (of course, was suspicious)... he never heard of Morgan being married before... let alone having a son. (Especially after flirting with his wife all those years ago...) Plus, this boy looked familiar...
(And he should... Arthur met King Lot and his son... years ago that twice even...)
But Morgan's a grade-A+ actress... and can play "the bitter ex-wife who's still trying to forget about her divorce..." perfectly. And doesn't miss the chance to remind him about his deceased wife Gwynn... who was killed by(Arthur) his own hand. And she ever so gracefully brings up her son... & ever so subtly shows off their bond, rubbing it in Arthur's face.
And Gawain (ever the faithful son) sees what she's doing and allows his mother to fawn over him in public. Even allowing her to call him "her his little apple." A nickname she'd call him ever since he was a little lad (that was his favorite memory of her). (TOO BAD IT'S FABRICATED... :')
I definitely wrote this within the timeline where Arthur stabs Falspar while he was trying to kill Meta Knight and fails... (or this could fit around where Falspar & Dragato leave the GSA after the wedding)
(But move it around wherever you want! :3 )
I'd like to think it's after the stabbing because in the sense Morgan's basically saying: "Oh look, it's my darling son that I love very much! Arthur, what did you do with yours... oh that's right, you stabbed yours... I'd never do that! Look at what you lost! SUCKS TO BE YOU!"
Arthur sees this sweet, touching scene between mother & son, and he can't help but envy them. (Reminding him all too well that he's all alone in the world, because of his own actions.) After successfully guilt-tripping Arthur, the two gleefully leave him in tears. Little did he know Arthur had just let the most dangerous duo in the galaxy slip from his grasp!
At that moment... had Arthur not been wrapped in his own personal problems he could have recognized (if he, looked hard enough) Gawain and saved him.
But even if he did... by then (after the incident,) Arthur's reputation had been already destroyed. Had he not wasted his time accusing an innocent man (Meta Knight) of treason. And now, because of his own decisions, a guilty woman walks free (Morgan), and the galaxy's gonna suffer for it (Dammit, Arthur!)
Despite putting on a "show" she's actually a good (evil) mom... she's supportive, kind, nurturing, loving, but not out of the kindness of her heart. She's merely fulfilling the end of the bargain...
To be still under her spell, Morgan must continue to fulfill her promises to him. Castle (given), perfect knight (taking over the GSA), and loving mother (check).
As long as Gawain believes her to be his mother, then he's forever under her spell. (Because that's what he wanted). He does have the power to save himself (the red flags are all there) once he realizes that he can break free... (but it's not that simple.)
Morgan poisoned his mind, yes, but this is a sweet poison. In the memories she created, he gave him the normal childhood he'd always wanted. A loving mother who adores him he loses that and will have to accept that he was a lonely prince who was ignored most of his life and is hated by his father.
As long as Gawain wants her love, he'll continue to be under her spell.
I wrote in a way that Gawain could save himself if only he'd realize that he doesn't have to be perfect... that he was always worthy of love, and that he doesn't need her (Morgan's) love, and that he was always enough. The spell would be broken!
(The original tale of Gawain & the Green Knight was supposed to represent one's acceptance of human flaws and that one can not be perfect... so that's why it's the key to set him free! SELF LOVE & ACCEPTANCE!)
Or if King Lot can find & recognize his son and snap him out of this mess. After the incident, Lot vowed to find the body of his son... but has yet to find it, so he's holding out hope that he's still alive. But then, again Lotty (King Lot) ... had you just loved your son properly none of this would have happened!
Those are my HC for Gawain, if he existed in "Metamorphosed," @camachine, thank you so much for your question! Even though I had scrapped him from KBASW, I'm so glad I got to revive him for your Kirby (au), it was so much fun! Hope you enjoyed it!
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glitterspeckle · 1 month
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Nyann? Nwynn?
I ran out of orb drawing power... but drawing the whiskers was very satisfying
( @galapathy )
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loaflovesdoodling · 10 months
Here is a fan-made cover for @camachine 's Kirby fanfic, Metamorphosed! :D
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reckonslepoisson · 2 years
Metamorphosed (2020), Weirdo Hairdo (2020), Osees
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Blink and several Osees releases can simply pass you by. In preparing for A Foul Form I somehow realised that I had missed not one but two new(ish) significant John Dwyer works, Metamorphosed and Weirdo Hairdo. Both are krauty garage pieces much like Face Stabber (2019) and Protean Threat (2020); Metamorphosed is rather concise and catchy while Weirdo Hairdo indulged in a more longform, jam-based format. Both, if you’re a Dwyer and Osees fan, are unmissable.
Pick(s): ‘Electric War’, ‘Tear Ducks’
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shentheauthor · 26 days
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metamorphesque · 4 months
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― Ovid, Metamorphoses
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2000s lolita brand stores from glb vol. 13
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strawberryteabunny · 6 months
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transparent version of the art in this post 🖤 by mitsukazu mihara from the Gothic and Lolita Bible
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anghraine · 3 months
I'm feeling like supporting some women's wrongs! (And rights, but definitely also wrongs.)
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"average greek myth involves a god turning someone into something else" factoid actualy just statistical error. average greek myth involves 0 gods turning someone into something else. metamorphoses ovid, who lives in exile & writes over 10,000 transformation myths a day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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cemeterything · 10 months
bruises really are kind of fun visually speaking. like ow fuck i walked into a wall :( hoooooly shit my skin is purple
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fannyrosie · 1 month
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I had no idea where I was going with that outfit, and I ended up with a mashup of 60s mod, classic l0lita and English hunting tweed suit?
Outfit rundown Jacket: second-hand Innocent World Skirt: second-hand Métamorphose temps de fille Turtleneck: second-hand Cecil McBee Beret: thrifted Bag: offbrand Shoes: old Queen Bee Fox pin: Little Rose Planet Grape brooch, train pin and ring: thrifted
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gasstationlolita · 9 months
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Gothic-leaning Snaps — GLB 34, GLB 62, KERA 214, KERA 225
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viviesquisse · 2 months
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Scans of Kira Imai "Caramel Candy" Artbook 2006
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hycinthrt · 4 months
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you are laughing, his dying head sunk into his shoulder like a broken flower and you are laughing
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rainedragon · 4 months
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Metamorphose Coordinate No.005 (~2000)
左: 100179 総レースボンネット Black 7,900円 670124 ラッパ袖ベビィドオル Black 24,800円 120609 パニエ Black 9,800円 260179 ドロワーズ幅広レース Black 7,900円 970122 王冠バッグL Black 22,000円
右: 100132 幅広レースヘッドドレス White 3,200円 670124 ラッパ袖ベビィドオル White 24,800円 120609 パニエ White 9,800円 260179 ドロワーズ幅広レース White 7,900円 970219 バレリーナシューズ White 19,800円 970120 王冠バッグS White 20,000円
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