#Methods for Smoking Cessation
joyleafaus11 · 2 years
Smoking Cessation Clinic an Effective Treatment for Smokers.
Smoking addiction is harmful equivalent to a person facing any chronic disease since it also causes vast health issues such as lung cancer, throat cancer, respiratory, and majorly liver issues. Therefore, we have observed that smokers also get irritated with this issue as it wastes lots of money and distracts them from concentrating on daily activities. They also look for an effective and easy way to quiet their smoking, but all take lots of hassles and unstrategic ways. However, it is found that many smokers found Smoking Cessation Clinic an Easy and Effective Treatment. 
A smoking cessation clinic can be a simple and successful technique to address tobacco addiction and usage. This offers smokers the most intense treatment available, resulting in quitting smoking. Several tactics and methods, as well as some products, are available to help smokers quit smoking. Nicotine e-cigarettes, liquid nicotine, and nicotine pods are examples of these. In order to Quit Smoking Hypnosis, there is a staff who assists and provides proper consultancy. The clinic also provides nicotine prescriptions that healthcare professionals only provide.
Joy leaf is a leading player in the market that has successfully treated those who were getting addicted to nicotine. Our professionals helped the people to get out of this situation and live better lives along with a proper focus on daily activities. We also provide nicotine cessation products such as e-cigarettes, liquid, and pods which are really effective for the patients. Moreover, our consultancy also benefits many people, and our methods help to erase the craving for smoking.
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zankalony · 1 year
Kissing Cigarettes Goodbye: My Life-Changing Decision to Quit Smoking
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.– Socrates Three years ago, I made a decision that has dramatically impacted my life in more ways than I could have ever imagined. It wasn’t a decision to start a new hobby or pick up a new skill, but rather a choice to let go of an old habit that had been holding me back for far too long. I…
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yuesya · 5 months
Reach the optimal outcome.
An explosive detonation, an eruption of golden light. In the aftermath, the ground runs red with blood. Corpses line the path of stars, utterly silent in death.
Weigh the factors.
An explosive detonation, an eruption of golden light. Hoarse shouts. This time, there yet remains those who resist, who lift their weapons in defiance. But it’s not enough–
Find the way.
The future is a nebulous thing, difficult to glean and impossible to control. But not impossible to influence, and not impossible to change. Elio has glimpsed the fateful future that awaits them all. He knows what must be done, and so he will bow his head to destiny. Make the necessary preparations, nudge things along in the right direction; all so that when the time comes…
When the time finally comes…
Elio closes his eyes.
… The Aeon of Destruction, Nanook. A being whose goal is the cessation of all life, who views the birth and existence of the universe itself as a mistake. The Antimatter Legion serves His will, commanded by their generals: Phantylia, Zephyro, Irontomb–
Something is… very different in this simulation. Chance, or coincidence?
There are seven Lord Ravagers. Emanators of Destruction who carry out their Aeon’s bidding, and leave nothing but deathly silence echoing in the stars along their wake. But now, there is an eighth that is present among their ranks when Elio looks into the future again.
How curious.
It comes as an unexpected surprise, certainly, that there is yet another who draws the gaze of the Ruin Author. But it’s not an impossibility. After all, the universe is vast, and there are countless factors working in tandem that all affect the future.
The eighth Lord Ravager bears a vaguely humanoid appearance, but there is no mistaking them for something human. Their entire body is white, and filled with cracks. Like marble stone, filled with veins of gold. Blades shatter uselessly upon their skin as it strides among the stars, untouchable. Some form of invulnerability? What of their abilities? If there was to be an eighth that Elio also needed to account for, then–
The Lord Ravager opens their eyes.
And the world falls silent.
The Lord Ravager glances dispassionately at their surroundings, and an entire world dies.
… Elio cannot allow this.
The Lord Ravager descends from the stars. Opens their eyes, and–
The Lord Ravager descends from the stars. They are met with burning flames in resistance, but emerge unharmed from the inferno. Then, they open their eyes–
The Lord Ravager descends from the stars.
The Lord Ravager descends–
The Lord Ravager–
Elio focuses upon the Lord Ravager and concentrates. There is little doubt that this is most dangerous of all the Lord Ravagers. Who were they? Where did they come from? How did the Aeon of Destruction find them?
It’s not easy, but looking into the past is far a simpler task to accomplish than simulating the future. The past only records what has already occurred, and there’s no changing events that have already been set in stone.
Elio sees–
A beautiful world, lush with life.
Smoke curls into the air. Screams. Monsters walk the lands–
Elio looks silently into the rapidly-changing scenery, and understands. The eighth Lord Ravager comes from a small, isolated world, one that hadn’t properly developed any methods of interstellar travel, nor established connections with other civilizations. And before they had any chance to do so… they were found by a Stellaron.
It’s easy enough to guess the rest of the story from there.
The eighth Lord Ravager. The sole survivor of a dead world. Sometime after the total destruction of her world, she must’ve caught the Aeon of Destruction’s attention. But for such an isolated world, how–?
Enemies from beyond the skies. Kill.
Enemies from beyond the skies. Kill.
Enemies from beyond the skies. Kill.
A girl stands upon the barren earth motionlessly, broken sword in hand. The eighth Lord Ravager, before she was cast into the Warforge by the Aeon of Destruction and remade anew.
… A lone girl, guarding the broken husk of a dead world even long after there remains nothing for her to protect.
The Antimatter Legion. That explains it, then. The Antimatter Legion somehow found this world after its end, and following that…
Long white hair streams out behind the girl like a banner as she tosses her broken weapon aside. The defeated enemies before the not-yet Lord Ravager disintegrate.
Then, she suddenly tilts her head upwards. Eldritch blue eyes lock directly onto Elio’s own.
“Who watches?”
Elio’s eyes snap open.
Bright lights. The aroma of coffee. It’s mostly quiet on the Stellaron Hunters’ ship right now, and the parlor area is empty –save for a young woman with red-violet hair who looks up from her coffee with a smile. Kafka.
“Something the matter?” she asks.
“… We need to change course,” Elio says. 
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writtenbynath · 2 years
What hypnosis can and cannot do
On the one hand, I am inclined to reiterate that I don't have all the answers because I'm just a human being in her thirties who only has limited experience. On the other hand, I am a woman on the internet, I probably need to prove that I know what the fuck I'm talking about. So, with that in mind: I am a hypnotherapist who majored in psychology and social sciences, and I teach kinksters about hypnosis and consent.
What hypnosis can do
People often ask me what hypnosis can be used for. They know little about it, they've seen some unlikely things in the media, and they wonder how to separate facts from fiction. The first thing I like to explain is how the American hypnotherapist Dave Elman devoted his life to teaching hypnosis to doctors and dentists. Because hypnosis is a really effective anaesthetic for small procedures, Elman developed a foolproof method that any person who is not even a hypnotist could use to hypnotise a person. It's a sad story really, because despite all of his efforts his method never really caught on, despite the fact that his son continued his legacy and is still teaching hypnosis in the USA today. Medical professionals rarely use hypnosis as an anaesthetic, despite its scientifically proven efficacy. I've still taught some people self-hypnosis to help people relax and feel less pain at the dentist or the tattoo parlor.
But hypnosis can do so much more than that, it's not just about helping you relax. It's an incredible tool that can help you instantly connect ideas and feelings together, which can be used to learn or unlearn habits and behaviours, to overcome fears and to make other positive changes in your life. Hypnosis can for example be a great help for smoking cessation, something that people often struggle with for a long time. Typically, only one hypnotherapy session is needed to help a client to never touch cigarettes again. The same can be done for nail-biting or stress eating, but such things may require a few more in-depth sessions to figure out what is causing this behaviour to continue against the client's wishes and to help resolve internal conflict that may be holding the client back. A hypnotherapist who is also a qualified psychologist can help their clients overcome trauma, unlearn old coping mechanisms that are no longer useful, and learn new ways to deal with their emotions and the challenges life throws at us instead.
But here's where shit gets murky
Psychologists and hypnotherapists work with a person's mind, and we can't see the mind, we can't dissect it or make a map of it. Psychiatry and neurology has taught us many things about the effects of brain chemicals and how the brain works, but it remains difficult to predict what kind of effects a drug designed to help against psychoses or epileptic attacks will have on a patient. We may be able to scan and study the brain, but that doesn't mean we know how the human mind works. Psychologists and hypnotherapists only have models and metaphors to work with. And in my not so humble opinion, hypnotists often seem to forget that the tools we work with are just that: metaphors. The unconscious or subconscious mind? It's a metaphor that helps us understand that a person is not aware of everything that happens in their own mind, it is not a separate entity with a mind of its own. Metaphors are powerful tools when it comes to understanding the world around us. Something as simple as anthropomorphising an object we interact with has a big impact on our behaviour, for example. And another metaphor hypnotherapists often use is regression.
When you're in a hypnotic trance you can use your imagination to vividly visualise metaphors and memories, just as vividly as when you're dreaming. And it can be a helpful therapeutic experience to use this ability to vividly reimagine a moment from our past, to examine our feelings about this moment, to understand why this moment had so much impact on us. We can learn something about what is bothering us, and what we need to overcome our problems. This is why even past life regression and guided meditation journeys can be valuable, cathartic experiences: because they are an exercise in letting our imagination create a metaphor for our struggles, which in turn helps us accept ourselves and be happier. So if you thought I was going to mock people who believe in past lives, you're wrong. The problem is not with people who use hypnotic trance for more spiritual experiences, it is more nuanced.
How human memory works
Regression, like the word hypnosis itself and many other technical terms in the field of hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming, is a misnomer. We don't really return to a moment in our past, we imagine it. The way memories are stored in the brain is not like a computer or a filing cabinet at all, our memories are flawed and biased by our own perceptions and feelings. Every time we recall a memory it changes a little, as if we're not actually remembering the original moment in our life, but the last time we recalled this memory instead. Yet many stories about hypnosis are about retrieving and reliving memories, even though it is simply not humanly possible to use hypnosis to "uncover what truly happened back then", let alone to remember things from our early childhood, or from the womb, or a past life.
The big problem with the dream-like experiences we can have in a hypnotic trance is that they can feel super real, and when we are hypnotised we are extra suggestible. If the person helping you regress to this "memory" tells you with the authority of a therapist this is a real memory it is incredibly believable. What is worse, research by the FBI has shown that creating a false memory is alarmingly easy with certain interrogation techniques. The frequency with which people in relationships gaslight each other also shows that no hypnosis is required to fuck with people's memories. So my point here is: it's good to be incredibly critical of hypnotists who claim to help people remember the past more clearly. Though forensic hypnosis exists, it has never been proven to actually provide accurate information. It is not an effective way to use hypnosis, and it doesn't help with the credibility of hypnosis in general.
Why I as a hypnotherapist curse so much
There are many things that fuck with the credibility of hypnosis in general. Not just people trying to use it in ways that simply don't work, like I just mentioned, but also for example fun stage shows that use hypnosis. It is real hypnosis that a stage hypnotist uses to make people come up on stage and pretend they are a chicken, just to name the most obvious example. And that example doesn't help with our academic image, does it? But you know what really, really fucks with our credibility? "Hypnotists" who never actually hypnotise people.
Two things are at play here. One is the trend where self-help gurus are only out to sell their seminars and make money, instead of actually teaching people how to help themselves. This trend motivates hypnotists to try to sell hypnosis recordings, to the point where it might start to resemble a multi-level marketing scheme, which results in people who sell their services as hypnosis but really they make you listen to a hypnotic script that they didn't even write or adjust to your situation.
The other thing is, and this is probably the reason why Dave Elman's method never caught on (although I'm pretty sure aggressive marketing of anaesthetic drugs also played a role), that in order to hypnotise a person the hypnotist must make an effort to understand how that person thinks. Many famous hypnotists and experts in neurolinguistic programming have developed techniques and models that can help a hypnotist understand how people think. And those techniques and models are often detailed in books they try to push on people because they just really want to make money, which brings us back to my previous point. Many of the techniques in those books may not actually be bullshit. The problem is, again, with the people who treat metaphors as truth, who stick to the script and neglect the fact that therapy is about making a connection with another human being, helping them deal with the struggles of life.
Fucking mesmerism
And this the part where I rail at the charlatans and misguided souls who really ruin the reputation of hypnosis. It started way back when Franz Mesmer thought he had invented energy healing. Although Mesmer's claims about how that works were debunked in the late 1800s, many people still practice mesmerism today. Yes, you read that correctly. The thing with mesmerism is that because the technique is a precursor to hypnosis, it brings the client into a relaxed and suggestible trance, which greatly increases the placebo effect. I would like to point out that I am actually a believer with some knowledge about energy healing. Having studied reiki and some pagan forms of energy manipulation, my not so humble opinion about mesmerism is that it is not only bullshit, it can also be harmful.
Practitioners of mesmerism will often half-heartedly use techniques taken from hypnosis and from energy healing to help their clients become more open and accepting, and then encourage the client to relive the memories that are still bothering them from the past, which has a high risk of retraumatising them. Mesmerists will silently watch their clients resolve the images unfolding in their mind by themselves, without offering the client any new coping mechanisms. Perhaps some people who practice mesmerism are really out to help other people, but for fuck's sake, if you really wanted to help people, do your fucking research and don't place your faith in shit that's been debunked over a hundred years ago! Go with reiki, that is well-documented, well-taught stuff! And there are awesome energy healing traditions from other corners of the world as well, you could learn those! Or here's a radical idea, you could learn how real hypnosis works! I know it's a chore to wade through the self-help gurus who just want to make money selling more NLP seminars, but if I could do it, so can you! Learn some fucking psychology and the dangers of retraumatising a person by making them think about the shit that happened to them in the past!
Ok that's enough for now
Thank you for accompanying me on this train of thought, we have now arrived at our destination. I realise that the end of the ride was a bit rough, but I hope you learned something about hypnosis in practice, and why the reputation of hypnotherapy is so shady. If you're still wondering what kind of hypnosis things I teach to kinksters, that is a topic for another time. I write a lot about hypnosis kink, but my patreon is for smut. If you enjoy hypno smut, have a look at the stories on my Patreon and consider becoming a patron. If you want to talk about what hypnosis can and cannot do, leave a comment.
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noisytenant · 1 year
how safe are weed vapes compared to like regular vapes? I've recently heard vapes are like horrible for you cus you're just smoking a shit ton of chemicals but does that depends on what's being smoked?....since you said the weed is just being heated up is there less chemical intake overall or just less combustion byproduct like you said before (sorry if this makes like no sense I'm not familiar with this stuff at all or how it works lol but I also had a really bad experience with edibles and have bad lungs so I just wanted to know a bit more)
Hey sorry for responding so late I had gotten most of this post done after you first sent it but I ran out of energy and got too perfectionistic. Anyways here it is:
Excellent question! The first formal modern e-liquid vape was only released in 2003, though various attempts had been made earlier, which means we are still researching the long-term effects they have on health. When the average person says "vape", they almost exclusively mean "e-liquid vape".
Currently, what we can see about e-liquid vapes: They're not very good. They do reduce some smoking risks (no tar) but introduce other risks, and have a reputation of being safer and a potential smoking cessation aid while a reality of unregulated and poorly sourced ingredients which can cause acute and lasting lung damage.
Dry herb vaping, which is what I recommend, is much more straightforward, but only recently popularized and thus still needing more research.
At the risk of being a square: Any time you intentionally inhale something other than air, you're introducing more risk than if you simply never smoked or vaped anything. But like don't let that stop you, we take on risk all the time, that's what harm reduction's all about babey
Dry Vapes are Not Vapes
A vape or e-cigarette is a device that heats and vaporizes a liquid carrier with a suspension of the psychoactive chemical, either nicotine or THC. These are what people think of when they think of vapes, and these are generally the most problematic for having untested and unregulated chemicals while being touted as healthier.
A dry vape/dry herb vaporizer is the method I recommend, which heats the plant material (or concentrate like wax--I haven't done this myself personally) and evaporates the cannabinoids and terpenes without combustion. It's basically like baking your weed in a tiny oven.
This method was popularized most recently in 1993 with Eagle Bill's Shake and Vape, though apparently the principle of boiling vapor has existed since ancient times.
General Smoking Health Risks
Tobacco and weed both produce "tar" when burned--a catch-all for a variety of chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic, produced during combustion. The tar isn't made from the THC or the nicotine, but from the plant matter itself and its additives. If you burn plant matter and inhale the smoke, you inhale a certain number of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals.
There is some conflict on if smoking weed causes cancer. It certainly doesn't carry the same correlation as tobacco, but the reasons are unknown. We don't have long-term studies verifying a connection between the two. Very preliminary lab tests suggest that THC and CBD have antitumor effects, but it'll be a while before we can figure out the deal. There is still risk!!!
Regardless, the deposition of tar in lungs is an irritant and increases risks of things like bronchitis. For someone with asthma or weak lungs, smoking of any kind causes problems.
E-Cigarettes, or e-liquid vapes
E-cigarettes were manufactured to counter tobacco cigs starting in 2003. An e-cig heats a liquid with a suspension of nicotine, atomizing it into droplets of vapor that are then inhaled.
The liquid is usually propylene glycol or glycerol with other additives like flavorants. It seems like propylene glycol and glycerol have been safe for ingestion as a food additive, but being atomized in an inhaled form is pretty new and the effects aren't well-known.
The major issue is that we don't have a standardized and proven-effective vape juice formula. E-liquid is poorly regulated and many samples contain entirely unidentified substances.
This is the major cause for concern.
THC vape liquids have similar issues, including being cut with Vitamin E acetate, which was correlated with a string of vaping-related lung disease, though not fully confirmed to be the culprit.
Hopefully this delineates why vaping, as in e-liquid vaping, is problematic, and why dry vape is comparatively safer.
Why dry herb vape?
The boiling of the material introduces fewer (but not 0) unknown or undesired chemicals into the airstream. You're primarily getting the cannabinoids.
On a user experience level: It's quite weed-efficient, the weed tastes better w/o the smoke, it produces less smell, the vapor is less harsh on the lungs (you can and will still cough if you inhale too much tho), not much less portable than a joint
You can get a bong adapter and get megahigh still (I do have a bong but I don't like getting that fucked up)
Some vapes can heat concentrates, wax, etc. for potent highs (I haven't done this. But you can. Research yourself)
The already vaped bud (AVB) can be saved and reused for edibles, extracts, and concentrates; it's gonna be stripped of a lot of the psychoactives already, but not all of them--obvs be mindful of dosing here
Downsides: You do have to recharge battery vapes and get over the learning curve of batteryless (I'm pretty shit at using mine). You also have to clean your equipment every once in a while which is nbd for me who likes cleaning but yknow it does require upkeep. Easier than cleaning a bong tho
So, could you dry vape tobacco?
You can, but you probably shouldn't. Nicotine itself is highly physically and psychologically addictive and classified as toxic, and while it isn't considered carcinogenic, it is potentially a tumor promoter.
Pretty much everyone I know who's on nic tells me they don't like it, they wish they could quit, and they would never want me or anyone else to start.
Last, some Dry Herb Vaporizer Tips
Controlling the temperature allows you to control which cannabinoids are released to a certain extent.
Hot vapor can still irritate your lungs. Keeping a relatively low temperature (Guides indicate the best range) and having a long enough vapor path that the vapor can cool will help you have a smoother inhale.
Do not use a vaporizer with cheap elements. Plastic near the heating element will cause by-products.
Contaminants and pesticides can be inhaled, source your material appropriately
Overheating can still cause combustion. You will smell, taste, and see smoke if this happens.
All the physical and psychological risks of weed are present--Take it easy, know your limits, don't vape or smoke when you're in an unstable state, etc.
Thanks for reading, I hope this helps you make informed decisions and potentially find a way of intaking weed that suits your needs :) If you have any more Qs I'll try to answer (IN FEWER WORDS)
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healthylifewithus · 11 months
"A Guide to Keeping Your Heart Healthy: Simple Steps for a Healthier Life"
Introducing the Healthy Heart Solution Kit:
To support your heart health journey, you may want to consider the "Healthy Heart Solution Kit." This comprehensive kit is designed to help you maintain a healthy heart through natural, science-backed methods. It includes:
To get full details click here
Heart-Boosting Supplements:
These supplements are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that support heart health. They can help reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, and promote overall cardiovascular wellness.
2. Healthy Eating Guide:
A detailed guide that provides you with meal plans and recipes to follow a heart-healthy diet. It also includes tips on portion control and making smart food choices.
3. Exercise Plan:
A customized exercise plan that's suitable for your fitness level and designed to improve heart health. Regular workouts can strengthen your heart muscle and reduce the risk of heart disease.
4. Stress Management Techniques:
This part of the kit provides techniques and practices to help you manage stress effectively. Stress reduction is essential for maintaining a healthy heart.
5. Quit Smoking and Alcohol Cessation Guide:
If you smoke or consume alcohol excessively, these guides can be incredibly helpful in breaking these habits, which are detrimental to your heart.The Healthy Heart Solution Kit is a convenient and comprehensive resource to help you on your journey to a healthier heart. By incorporating its components into your daily routine, you can reduce the risk of heart diseases and improve your overall well-being.
Get this amazing product by clicking here<<
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Your heart is a remarkable organ, tirelessly pumping blood throughout your body to keep you alive. It plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. However, with the hectic pace of modern life and unhealthy lifestyle choices, heart problems have become increasingly common. The good news is that you can take simple steps to keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart diseases. In this article, we'll explore some easy-to-follow tips to maintain a healthy heart and introduce you to a product, the "Healthy Heart Solution Kit," that can support your heart health journey.
Eat a Balanced Diet:
Maintaining a heart-healthy diet is essential. Focus on consuming a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit your intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of salt. A balanced diet can help regulate your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and weight, all of which are key factors in heart health.
Exercise Regularly:
Regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining good heart health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, per week. Exercise helps strengthen your heart, improve blood circulation, and maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, it can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.
Manage Stress:
Stress can take a toll on your heart, so it's important to find healthy ways to manage it. Consider practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Taking time for yourself, pursuing hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones can also reduce stress and promote a healthy heart.
Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol:
Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease, as it damages blood vessels and increases the risk of blood clots. If you smoke, seek help to quit. Also, limit alcohol consumption, as excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure and other heart-related issues.
Get Sufficient Sleep:
Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Inadequate sleep can contribute to obesity, high blood pressure, and other heart problems. A consistent sleep schedule and a comfortable sleep environment can help improve your sleep quality.
If you want your heart, healthy please click here<<
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criminal-sen · 11 months
Shoutout to the person who commented on a vent post about quitting nicotine for surgery with 'advice' that was not only incorrect but potentially dangerous (they suggested I not only wean off with cessation aids like lozenges, patches etc but try to 'get back on' using the same method????? Like oh I'm thinking about smoking a cigarette, better slap a whole ass nicotine patch on my body, a product meant for people with habits, and then.. idk what was supposed to happen next but the hypothetical person in this situation is probably already very ill) and they prefaced this 'advice' by apologizing and saying they've never used nicotine and are just fuckingm guessing��‍♂️ like okay??? I understand your intentions aren't nefarious here but there's this thing we all do when we don't know what we're talking about and it's called staying quiet
The comment was on my sideblog by someone I don't know and I'm PRAYING they never see this bc I'm really not trying to be a jackass. But it happened like a month ago and I still can't stop thinking about it..
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raedear · 2 years
please feel free to ignore unasked for advice but i've sent this to a couple friends trying to quit smoking - my dads a psych professor who studies smoking cessation and per him an effective technique is scheduled reduced smoking over 3 weeks, so you smoke 25%, 50%, and 75% less but you try to only smoke at scheduled times not when craving it. which is supposed to detangle your brain cues to smoke. don't have the personal experience to verify effectiveness but yeah! also my grandma had like a little stone bear she would mess with to do something with her hands so possibly fidget toys can help
That's the tapering method and it has absolutely worked for me in the past! I was hoping because I had managed to avoid buying cigarettes and instead and had been vaping it would be easier, but it's actually so much worse, so I'll probably go buy a packet of fags and make it last me a month until I'm sick at the sight of them ✌️
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NAPP Offers Discounts on Health & Wellness
The savings members enjoy on health-related goods and services are only one of the numerous advantages of belonging to the National Association of Personal Health Professionals (NAPP). This page details a few well-known businesses that offer NAPP members special discounts.
Consider Active & Fit Direct if you're searching for a budget-friendly workout program that provides excellent health and wellness savings. The program offers savings ranging from 20% to 70% at various fitness classes.
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You must be 18 or older to apply for the program. A working email address is also required. You will also need a prepaid credit or debit card. There will be an enrollment fee of $25. Taxes that may be due will be included in all pricing.
Free digital exercises are also available on Active&Fit Direct. There are 9,000 fitness videos available, all of which address different subjects. These films include diet, fitness, sleep, stress, and more advice. They range from comprehensive activities to customized workout programs.
A Blue365 Health & Wellness Discount is an excellent method to reduce the cost of medical expenses. This initiative works with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, a charity that offers health insurance to more than 110 million Americans and its 34 independent member businesses. You must register online and agree to their service terms to participate. Weekly bargains and a monthly drawing for a $25 incentive will be delivered to you. Everybody benefits from this.
The Blue 365 website also provides other advantages relating to health and fitness. Members enjoy various alternatives, including telemedicine and virtual personal training. The business also ensures you know the medical benefits you have previously received. Even a step-by-step manual is provided to assist you in getting started. You will also gain access to the Blue 365 Rewards Program and other advantages.
Members may use various tools and programs via Optima Health and Wellness to enhance their health. Optima covers your wellness requirements, including free smoking cessation programs, online workout videos, and virtual medical appointments. Additionally, they offer discounts on anything from eye tests to massage treatment.
Additionally, Optima provides its staff with a range of educational opportunities. They offer a monthly schedule of webinars on health and wellbeing. These are intended to inform and inspire employees to enhance their wellbeing. The firm even provides on-site tests in cases where there are at least 20 participating workers.
In addition to a virtual medical visit, online fitness videos, disease management experts, and illness management guidelines, Optima offers a comprehensive range of health and wellness services. Optima Health also provides an online wellness purchasing platform for members to access their health-related goods, services, and information. However, you must register to access the forum.
Members of plans may also take advantage of Optima's many health and wellness discounts. Discounts on hearing aids, herbal supplements, massage treatments, and spectacles are a few of them. One of the top wellness product and service lineups is offered by them.
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starzpsychics · 2 years
S:6 E:273 Interact live Feb. 1st, 2023 With host Natalie Sist and guest Drake Easburn when we discuss potential feature opportunities for Drake surrounding hypnosis and how the practice is supportive in your life. http://tobtr.com/12193267
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stopsmokingart99 · 2 years
Why Is It So Hard To Stop Smoking?
The 28-Day Stop Smoking Challenge
It’s time to get of that Habit, which is ruining your life!
Techniques Proposed For Smoking Cessation:
This campaign is a major event carried out in England each year. Various methods and alternative products are suggested to help make it easy to stop consuming conventional cigarettes. Some of them are mentioned below:
(Read More)
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Before and After: The Shocking Reality of Hair Transplant Success
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Hair Transplantation: Your Comprehensive Guide to Regaining Confidence
Hair loss can deeply affect self-esteem and confidence, prompting many to seek effective solutions. Fortunately, hair transplant procedures provide hope for those looking to restore a fuller head of hair. This comprehensive guide explores the essentials of hair transplants, from pre-operative preparations to post-operative care, helping you navigate your hair restoration journey confidently.
Preparing for Your Hair Transplant:
Thorough pre-operative preparation is crucial for a successful hair transplant. It starts with an in-depth consultation with a qualified surgeon, where you can discuss your goals and medical history. The surgeon will assess your scalp, design your hairline, and determine the number of grafts needed. Understanding the costs involved and exploring payment options is vital for financial planning.
Following pre-operative instructions is essential for optimizing results and ensuring a smooth recovery. These instructions typically include dietary guidelines, smoking cessation, and adjustments to any medications that could interfere with the procedure. Preparing your scalp by keeping it clean and free from products is equally important. Managing expectations is key; patients should have a realistic understanding of potential outcomes and limitations.
The day before the hair transplant is important for setting the stage. Prioritize relaxation and ensure you get adequate sleep to promote rejuvenation. Avoid certain medications that can thin the blood or increase bleeding risk, as advised by your healthcare provider. By following these recommendations, you can approach your procedure with a calm mindset and optimal readiness.
The Hair Transplant Procedure:
The hair transplant procedure is a carefully orchestrated process aimed at achieving natural-looking results. The common technique which is used mostly Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). This method involves extracting individual hair grafts and implanting them into the areas experiencing hair loss. Each step — from graft processing to recipient area preparation and hairline creation — is meticulously executed to ensure the best outcomes. Various anesthesia options are available to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure.
Post-Operative Care:
Your journey continues through the post-operative stages, where patience and diligence are vital. In the immediate aftermath, you may experience swelling, redness, and discomfort, making rest and gentle scalp care essential. As days pass, scabbing and potential itching may occur, requiring careful management to avoid complications. Gradually, as scabs fall off and hair begins to shed, you will start to see new growth, providing hope for the final results. Over the following months, significant hair growth and increased density will culminate in renewed confidence and joy.
Individual Considerations
Both male and female patients have unique considerations and outcomes, necessitating tailored approaches. Before-and-after photos serve as powerful testimonials, showcasing the transformative impact of hair transplants and illustrating the journey from hair loss to restoration. In India, cultural factors and cost advantages shape the hair transplant landscape, making it an appealing option for those seeking effective solutions.
Complications and Risks
While hair transplant procedures are generally safe, they carry inherent risks, including infection, bleeding, and scarring. It’s essential to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon, as well as to diligently follow pre-and post-operative instructions to mitigate these risks.
Knowledge is power in the realm of hair transplantation. By understanding the process, managing expectations, and seeking personalized consultations, you can make informed decisions that align with your goals. While complications may arise, the potential to restore confidence and enhance self-esteem through successful hair transplants is invaluable. Embrace this journey, celebrate your milestones, and look forward to renewed vitality and self-assurance.
For the best hair transplant experience and results, visit Cutibless — your destination for top-quality hair restoration in Bangalore.
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susantaylor01 · 11 days
How to Remove Upper Belly Fat
Belly fat in the upper region, also referred to as visceral fat, presents major health concerns and is linked to a higher chance of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and various metabolic conditions. This fat gathers around important organs in the belly, rendering it more hazardous than the fat that collects just under the skin, known as subcutaneous fat.
Understanding the components of upper belly fat and managing it through a combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes is crucial. Visceral fat, stored around the abdominal cavity is linked to a variety of health risks. Superficial fat is the layer of fat located just beneath the skin, which provides insulation, protection, and energy storage. 
To tighten loose abdominal muscles, it is essential to incorporate regular core-strengthening exercises into your routine. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can help to reduce overall body fat.
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Causes of Upper Belly Fat
Body fat can accumulate around the upper belly for various reasons, such as poor diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep, stress, genetics, age, hormonal changes, and pregnancy. 
Sugar, refined carbs, and trans fats can trigger an anti-inflammatory response that leads to abdominal weight gain. 
Lack of exercise can lead to weight gain, especially if you're not burning off energy. 
Chronic stress triggers an overproduction of cortisol, leading to weight gain around the midsection. 
Genetics can determine where the body stores fat, but there's not much you can do about it. 
Age slows down metabolism, and where fat is distributed can change with age. 
Hormonal imbalances may result in an accumulation of abdominal fat. 
Pregnancy does a lot to the body, and weight is often part of the territory.
Non-Surgical Methods to Reduce Upper Belly Fat
Calories and exercise are huge parts of losing weight, and lifestyle changes can be additional ways to reach your goals.
Diet and Nutrition
Maintaining a well-rounded eating plan is crucial for shedding excess abdominal fat. Eating foods high in nutrients and cutting down on unhealthy fats aids in the process of melting belly fat. 
Keeping the body well-hydrated also aids in improving general health and in the fight against weight gain, which in turn helps in lowering body fat and avoiding weight gain.
Successful workouts such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength training focus on reducing belly fat. 
Mixing cardiovascular activities with strength exercises enhances muscle growth, accelerates metabolism, and encourages the shedding of fat, assisting in the decrease of belly fat and the distribution of body fat.
Stress Management
Reduce stress to lose fat. Coping mechanisms like yoga, deep breathing, and mindfulness can help, and an 8-week stress management program can decrease BMI.
Hydrate More
Drinking plain water regularly can help prevent lifestyle diseases by cleansing the body and keeping it hydrated. It also helps melt stubborn fat and kick-start weight loss without side effects.
Adequate Sleep
Lack of sleep affects our body's metabolic activity by reducing ghrelin and leptin levels. Ghrelin tells us when to eat and when to stop, while leptin tells us to stop eating. 
8 hours of good-quality sleep daily is necessary for optimal health and preventing weight gain.
Stop Smoking
Smoking can lead to several diseases. Quitting can be tough, but a cessation plan with a doctor can help overcome cravings and improve breathing and activity.
CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved method for stubborn fat in the abdomen, thighs, and underarms. 
It involves marking the area, applying a gel, and using a cooling applicator to lower the temperature of fat cells. 
This results in the natural elimination of these cells over 1-3 months and up to 26% fat loss. It is a permanent fat-loss solution with no downtime.
Cryolipolysis freezes unwanted fat cells, causing them to crystallize and be eliminated by the body. 
It effectively reduces upper belly fat and other areas like thighs, love handles, and under the chin.
This treatment is non-invasive, requiring no recovery time, delivers effective outcomes in just one session, and is appropriate for various areas of the body.
Surgical Methods to Reduce Upper Belly Fat
Liposuction can reduce upper belly fat, but spot reduction is not possible. Overall lifestyle changes are necessary for long-term success. 
Benefits include a more contoured appearance and increased self-confidence, but risks include infection, scarring, and irregularities in skin texture. 
Consult a certified expert for personalized advice. 
Liposuction should be seen as part of a comprehensive approach to health and wellness.
Reverse Tummy Tuck
A reverse tummy tuck is a surgical procedure to reduce upper belly fat by removing excess skin and tightening the remaining skin and muscles. 
It can improve appearance and confidence, but there are potential risks such as infection, scarring, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. 
Recovery involves resting and wearing compression garments. 
Consult with a qualified surgeon to discuss individual needs, risks, and recovery expectations.
Full Tummy Tuck with Muscle Repair
A full tummy tuck with muscle repair can reduce upper belly fat by removing excess skin and fat and tightening abdominal muscles. 
It can be complemented by a holistic approach that includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, and lifestyle changes. 
The procedure involves making an incision, removing excess fat and skin, and performing muscle repair to create a flatter and more toned appearance. 
Regular exercise and a balanced diet can also aid in maintaining results. 
It should be seen as part of a comprehensive approach to overall health and wellness.
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Strange mountain tea removes 3lbs every 4 days
Wrapping Up
Working out your upper body strengthens muscles, but you can't spot-treat fat on your upper belly. Make a weight loss plan to get rid of fat deposits in your stomach. A combination of cardio and strength training exercises is key. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can aid in burning calories and reducing body fat. However, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for effective fat loss. Spot reduction is not possible, so regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and lifestyle habits are crucial for long-term fat loss and overall fitness. Be realistic about how quickly you want to lose weight and remember that fat is not always a sign of health. Consult a doctor for healthy weight loss goals.
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Unlocking the Power of Hypnotherapy: How It Can Improve Your Life
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for personal transformation, offering individuals a pathway to overcome various physical, emotional, and psychological challenges. In Melbourne, professional hypnotherapists provide tailored sessions designed to tap into the subconscious mind, fostering deep and lasting change. Whether you are looking to quit smoking, manage anxiety, or boost confidence, hypnotherapy can offer a holistic approach to well-being. Here’s how a hypnotherapist can help you unlock the potential within.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses guided relaxation and focused attention to bring about a heightened state of awareness, commonly referred to as a trance. In this state, individuals are more open to suggestions that help reframe thought patterns and behaviors. Hypnotherapy is not about losing control but rather about gaining better control over issues like stress, phobias, or negative habits.
How Does Hypnotherapy Work?
During a hypnotherapy session, a trained hypnotherapist guides the individual into a relaxed state, allowing the conscious mind to take a backseat. The therapist can then communicate directly with the subconscious, helping to address issues that may be deeply rooted in past experiences or habitual thinking. This approach can be especially effective for people struggling to change certain behaviors or manage psychological conditions through conventional methods.
Conditions Hypnotherapy Can Help With
Hypnotherapy has been used to address a wide range of issues, from everyday stress to more complex conditions. Some of the most common areas Hypnotherapists in Melbourne can assist with include:
Anxiety and Stress Management: Hypnotherapy helps individuals relax and manage their responses to stress. By addressing the subconscious triggers of anxiety, clients often experience long-term relief from symptoms.
Weight Loss and Eating Habits: For those who struggle with emotional eating or unhealthy habits, hypnotherapy can reframe the relationship with food and encourage healthier choices.
Smoking Cessation: One of the most well-known applications of hypnotherapy is helping people quit smoking. By altering the subconscious triggers that fuel the habit, many individuals successfully stop smoking after just a few sessions.
Phobias and Fears: Whether it’s a fear of flying, heights, or public speaking, hypnotherapy can desensitize and reprogram the mind to reduce irrational fears.
Pain Management: For chronic pain sufferers, hypnotherapy can serve as an alternative pain management technique, reducing dependence on medication and improving quality of life.
Sleep Disorders: Insomnia and other sleep-related issues can be treated through hypnotherapy by calming the mind and reducing anxiety or stress that disrupts sleep.
Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem: Hypnotherapy can help instill positive beliefs and eliminate self-limiting thoughts, making it a great tool for enhancing personal development.
What to Expect from a Hypnotherapy Session
A typical hypnotherapy session begins with an initial consultation where the therapist will discuss your goals and the challenges you wish to overcome. The actual hypnotherapy session involves guiding you into a relaxed state through calming techniques, such as deep breathing or visualization. Once in this state, the therapist will offer positive suggestions to reframe your thoughts or behavior. Sessions are usually between 45 minutes to an hour, and the number of sessions required depends on the complexity of the issue.
Is Hypnotherapy Safe?
Yes, hypnotherapy is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified professional. It is a non-invasive and drug-free therapy that has helped many individuals improve their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The key is to choose a certified and experienced hypnotherapist who can tailor the sessions to your specific needs.
Choosing the Right Hypnotherapist in Melbourne
When choosing a hypnotherapist, it’s important to do some research to ensure they are qualified and experienced. Look for therapists who are registered with professional bodies, as this demonstrates a commitment to high standards of care. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations from others can also help in finding a trusted practitioner.
Final Thoughts
Hypnotherapy offers a unique and effective way to address a variety of challenges, from managing stress to overcoming deep-rooted habits. For those in Melbourne looking to explore this transformative therapy, working with a professional hypnotherapist can be the first step towards creating positive, lasting change in your life. With the right guidance, hypnotherapy can help you tap into your subconscious mind and unlock your full potential.
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3rreflexology · 17 days
The Complete Guide to Reflexology Treatments in Killumney: Wellness and Healing at 3RReflexology
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Reflexology is a powerful, holistic therapy that helps promote healing and balance in the body through the application of pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, face, and ears. At 3RReflexology in Killumney, we specialize in a wide range of reflexology treatments, offering personalized care to support your overall well-being, reduce stress, and alleviate pain. This article will guide you through the various reflexology options available at 3RReflexology, ensuring you find the best treatment for your needs.
1. Reflexology: A Natural Path to Wellness
Reflexology is based on the concept that specific points on the feet, hands, face, and ears correspond to various organs and systems within the body. By stimulating these points, reflexologists aim to improve energy flow, relieve stress, and promote the body’s natural healing process. At 3RReflexology, we are dedicated to providing expert care for clients in Killumney and surrounding areas, helping you achieve balance and improved health.
2. Reflexologist in Killumney: Expert Care You Can Trust
At 3RReflexology, our highly trained and licensed reflexologists offer a range of services designed to meet your individual needs. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, managing stress, or looking to enhance your overall wellness, our team is here to help. With years of experience and certifications in various reflexology techniques, we are proud to be recognized as one of the best reflexology centers near Killumney.
3. Facial Reflexology Near Killumney: Rejuvenate Your Skin and Body
Facial reflexology is a unique treatment that focuses on stimulating pressure points on the face to promote healing and rejuvenation. By activating these points, facial reflexology helps to reduce tension, improve circulation, and even enhance the appearance of your skin. Japanese facial reflexology is particularly popular at our clinic, known for its relaxing effects and ability to improve the skin’s tone and texture. If you're looking for a gentle yet effective way to improve both your appearance and well-being, facial reflexology near Killumney is an excellent option.
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4. Plantar Reflexology in Killumney: Foot Care for Better Health
Plantar reflexology, also known as foot reflexology, is one of the most popular reflexology treatments at 3RReflexology. This technique involves applying pressure to specific points on the soles of the feet, which are believed to correspond to various organs and systems in the body. Foot reflexology in Killumney can help relieve tension, reduce pain, and improve circulation, making it an ideal treatment for those suffering from chronic conditions such as headaches, digestive issues, or back pain. If you’re searching for the best reflexology foot massage in Killumney, our skilled therapists will tailor the treatment to meet your unique needs.
5. Auriculotherapy Killumney: Healing Through the Ear
Auriculotherapy, or ear acupuncture, is a powerful method of stimulating specific points on the outer ear to address a wide range of health concerns, from stress and anxiety to pain management and addiction support. At 3RReflexology, our Ear Acupuncture Clinic in Killumney offers this gentle, non-invasive therapy to help you restore balance and improve your well-being. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, emotional distress, or seeking a natural approach to support weight loss or smoking cessation, auriculotherapy near Killumney can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine.
6. Hand Reflexologist in Killumney: The Power of Touch
Hand reflexology is another highly effective treatment that targets pressure points on the hands to improve overall health. At 3RReflexology, our hand reflexologists in Killumney use this technique to relieve stress, reduce pain, and promote relaxation. This treatment is ideal for individuals who prefer a more localized approach or are dealing with hand-related issues such as arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome.
7. Fertility Reflexology in Killumney: Supporting Your Journey to Parenthood
For couples struggling with fertility issues, reflexology can be a supportive, natural therapy to enhance reproductive health. Fertility reflexology in Killumney focuses on stimulating specific points on the feet to balance hormones, reduce stress, and improve circulation, all of which are essential for optimizing fertility. Whether you're preparing for conception naturally or undergoing assisted reproductive treatments, reflexology for fertility in Killumney can help create a more harmonious environment for conception.
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8. Pregnancy Reflexology Killumney: A Safe, Gentle Approach
Pregnancy can bring about physical discomfort and emotional stress, but pregnancy reflexology in Killumney offers a safe and gentle way to support your body during this important time. Our licensed reflexologists are trained to provide treatments that focus on relieving pregnancy-related symptoms such as back pain, swollen feet, and fatigue. Reflexology can also help prepare your body for labor and promote relaxation throughout your pregnancy journey.
9. Reflexology Massage Killumney: A Holistic Approach to Pain Relief
A reflexology massage combines the therapeutic effects of reflexology with the soothing benefits of massage therapy. This treatment is designed to release tension, improve circulation, and promote healing by targeting specific pressure points on the feet, hands, or face. At 3RReflexology, we offer customized reflexology massage treatments in Killumney to address your individual needs and enhance your overall well-being.
10. Licensed and Certified Reflexologists Near Killumney
When choosing a reflexologist, it’s essential to ensure that the practitioner is both licensed and certified. At 3RReflexology, our team of experts is fully trained and certified to provide a wide range of reflexology treatments. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the highest standard of care, whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, managing stress, or looking to improve your overall health.
11. Reflexology for All Stages of Life
Reflexology is a versatile therapy that can benefit people at all stages of life. From newborns to the elderly, reflexology offers a natural way to promote healing and balance. At 3RReflexology in Killumney, we offer specialized treatments for clients of all ages, including child reflexology, which is gentle and effective for supporting children's health and wellness.
12. Nutrition Coach Killumney: A Holistic Approach to Wellness
In addition to reflexology treatments, 3RReflexology also offers personalized nutrition coaching to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Our nutrition coach in Killumney will work with you to develop a customized plan that supports your body's natural healing processes, whether you're aiming to lose weight, manage a health condition, or simply improve your overall diet.
13. Why Choose 3RReflexology in Killumney?
At 3RReflexology, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive range of reflexology treatments designed to support your health and well-being. Our certified reflexologists are dedicated to providing personalized care that addresses your unique needs, whether you're seeking relief from pain, stress, or looking to enhance your overall wellness. With our holistic approach, you can trust that you're in expert hands.
Book Your Session Today
Whether you're searching for auricular therapy near Killumney, reflexology foot massage, or specialized treatments like fertility reflexology, 3RReflexology offers a range of services designed to promote healing, relaxation, and balance. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and start your journey to better health.
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upnowapp · 21 days
Hypnosis Recognized by Medical and Psychological Associations: Effective for Pain, Anxiety, and More
Hypnosis has gained recognition and endorsement from various medical and psychological associations worldwide. It is acknowledged as an effective method for managing chronic pain, anxiety, smoking cessation, and other issues. The British Medical Association's reports from 1892 and 1955 affirmed hypnosis's effectiveness in pain relief and treatment of psycho-somatic conditions. Similarly, the American Medical Association recognized hypnotherapy as a valid medical treatment in 1958 and recommended its inclusion in medical school programs.
The American Psychological Association (APA) also endorses hypnosis, emphasizing its therapeutic benefits for a wide range of conditions, including pain, anxiety disorders, and habit disorders. APA's Division 30 focuses on advancing research and education about hypnosis.
For more details on how hypnosis is recognized and utilized by medical and psychological associations, please visit the full article here.
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