#Mexican breadfruit
jillraggett · 5 months
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Plant of the Day
Thursday 25 January 2024
The evergreen shrub Monstera deliciosa (Swiss cheese plant, custard plant, fruit salad plant, Indian ivy, Mexican breadfruit) climbs using aerial roots. This is a commonly grown houseplant with heart-shaped, pinnatisect and often perforated, glossy deep green leaves and there is a variegated form, Monstera deliciosa 'Variegata'.
Jill Raggett
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heartsoftruth · 14 days
Surinamese is your number 1? I don't think I've ever tried or even considered Surinamese food. But now I really want to try it knowing that it's someone's number 1. LOL And yes I hear gumbo is supposed to be delicious and flavorful, so I'm not sure what they put in Lewis' gumbo in that video. Traditionally it has all kinds of meat, so maybe the vegan version isn't great because of that (somehow i doubt it).
I've always wanted try grits too. I'm just not thrilled about the texture.
My top 5:
Yeah I'm mixed so gotta show some love to Surinamese food and it's truly really good. Also has a lot of Indian influences! Oooohh! I like your top 5 too! I've never eaten anything from Jamaica or Trini, but I do see the first one quite a lot with Spinz haha. What is that huge thing he was eating today? Breadfruit. The name gives the idea it's fruit but I think he put it on the bbq or something? I forgot about Mexican, but indeed that is also so good!!! Too much good food in the world haha.
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monstera plant fruit how and when to eat it
The Monstera plant, also known as the Swiss Cheese plant or Mexican breadfruit , is a popular trendy houseplant that has been captivating green thumbs around the world. Why monstera plant famous? the plant is widely adored for its aesthetically pleasing leaves, many are not aware that it produces fruit. In this article, we will dive into the green world of Monstera plant fruit, from what it looks…
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culinarybegginer · 6 years
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Loaf of cranberry and pumpkin seeds.
-1 kilo of wheat flour. -1/4 tablespoon yeast. -1/2 tablespoon salt.-200 gr cranberries. -150 gr pumpkin seeds. -350 milliliters water.
**Before the preparation, in a little recipient add yeast and a little quantity of hot water, mix well and add some sugar to feed the yeast, this step makes more and better bread alveolis.** -In a big bowl, make a kind of volcano with dry ingredients and in the middle add the liquid ingredients, add only the water that you think it's necesary. -Knead until activate the gluten, leave to stand for 12 hours (could be more time, I left it like 32 hours and that gave it a more concentrate flavor). -After, fold it and leave to stand 1 hour. -*Pre-heat the oven at 437°F (225 °C).*   -Pre-heat a casserole for 15 minutes. In this time you can make the form (it's round like the picture). -Bake it for 30 minutes with the casserole's lid. -Take off the lid and bake for another 10 minutes.
-Casserole with lid. -Bowls. -Measuring spoons.-Measuring cup. 
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chemburstudio · 2 years
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These two plants that I had grown to this almost specimen size in this monsoon and subsequent months are going to stay with my friend at his home at Kurla from today. I will meet them whenever I visit his home, his Mom is devoted gardener and I’m sure they will be happy with her. Epipremnum aureum, (also known as Devil’s Ivy, golden pothos, Ceylon creeper,hunter's robe, ivy arum, house plant, money plant, silver vine, Solomon Islands ivy, marble queen, and taro vine.)It is called Devil’s vine because it is almost impossible to kill and it stays green even when kept in the dark. It is not Philodendron variety. And the second one in the pictures is Monstera deliciosa.( Fruit Salad Plant. Window Plant. Swiss Cheese Plant. Mexican Breadfruit. Ceriman. Tarovine. ) Called 'Fruit Salad Plant' because the ripened fruit has a pineapple-banana odour and fruit salad taste (avoid eating it though because when it's not ripe yet, the fruit is very poisonous). Monstera has a thick trunk with "fish eyes" that grows on the ground. Wiki explains that ‘The fruit may be ripened by cutting it when the first scales begin to lift up and it begins to exude a pungent odor. It is wrapped in a paper bag and set aside until the scales begin popping off. The scales are then brushed off or fall away to reveal the edible flesh underneath. The flesh, which is similar to pineapple in texture, can be cut away from the core and eaten. It has a fruity taste similar to jackfruit and pineapple. The unripe green fruits can irritate the throat and the latex of the leaves and vines can create rashes in the skin, because both contain potassium oxalate: that is the reason why the fruits have to be consumed when the scales lift up.The black irritant fibres can be swept off with the application of a little citrus juice.’ ‘Dear friend , all the best with a devil and a monster! ‘ I told him ‘ close your eyes and wish anything , these two creatures will fulfill your wish ‘ https://www.instagram.com/p/CYyYcWtPNFk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Monstera deliciosa, the Swiss cheese plant, Delicious monster, Fruit salad plant, Fruit salad tree , Ceriman, Monster fruit, Monsterio delicio, Monstereo, Mexican breadfruit, Mindowleaf, Balazo, Penglai banana ,Split leaf philodendron.
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plantanarchy · 5 years
I want to ask you about monstera's! I went to a ten acre nursery/orchard today and I noticed they had some monstera's growing beneath trees and when I asked the owner if they had any for sale he mentioned that they had a very interesting fruit. anyways I'd always been under the impression that they were an ornamental plant, and had no idea that they bore fruit. and then I thought maybe there were different varieties of monstera and I just thought I'd ask you! bc you seem familiar with them
Nope he was right! Their fruit is actually the reason they're called Monstera deliciosa. And also why they have the common name "Mexican Breadfruit". They aren't likely to fruit as a houseplant but it's supposedly very tasty.
Here's an unripe fruit I saw at a botanical garden:
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They get even larger than that and then I believe you have to do some sort of peeling or removal of the outer bit. I don't know what it tastes like but it would be interesting to try!
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brittanyeburgard · 5 years
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More calla lilies today, which aren't lilies at all- they're aroids! Members of the Araceae family are commonly known as aroids or arums and have a spadix inflorescence (a fleshy stem covered in tiny flowers) often accompanied by a spathe (a petal- or leaf-like bract curving around the spadix). In monecious aroids, the female flowers are typically at the bottom of the spadix and the male flowers at the top. A number of different species of aroids are eaten around the world, including Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (elephant foot yam), Colocasia esculenta (kochu, taro, dasheen), Xanthosoma (cocoyam, tannia), Typhonium trilobatum and Monstera deliciosa (Mexican breadfruit). Usually the starchy corm is eaten, though leaves and flowers also have culinary uses. #Araceae #callalily #aroids #arums #Zantedeschia #botany #botanize #plants #nature #art #science #scientificillustration #botanicalillustration #illustration #plantart #sketch #inksketch #penandink #brushpen #lineart #linedrawing #ethnobotany #edibleplants https://www.instagram.com/p/BuhZL_3FFaG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fo24e0pckabm
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healiapp · 2 years
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Taro root, also called eddo or dasheen, is an edible rootlike plant stem from the Araceae family. Food plants in this family are typically underground stem crops that are high in starch, like the elephant foot yam and the Mexican breadfruit. It is thought that taro has been cultivated as early as 5000 BCE in Southeast Asia, South India, and Africa.  Ever since Polynesian travelers brought this starchy root vegetable on their journey to the Pacific Islands, taro became an important part of the diet within Hawaiian culture. The leaves and roots of taro were used in traditional herbal medicines for digestive issues like diarrhea and wound care. While the main carbohydrate form in taro is starch, it is a highly digestible fibrous food that presents part of the starch in a resistant form. Resistant starch can be liberated from the small intestine and be fermented in the colon to cause several beneficial health effects like probiotic function, improving mineral absorption, and maintaining blood glycemia.* Taro has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor profile that is often consumed as a cooked vegetable, or incorporated in dessert puddings and bread. Find delicious recipes that use taro in your @healiapp today! *Ribeiro Pereira, P., Bertozzi de Aquino Mattos, É., Nitzsche Teixeira Fernandes Corrêa, A. C., Afonso Vericimo, M., & Margaret Flosi Paschoalin, V. (2020). Anticancer and immunomodulatory benefits of taro (Colocasia esculenta) corms, an underexploited tuber crop. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(1), 265. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22010265
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leafytimes · 3 years
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꧁ “Plant Names” Tags ꧂
❁ Albuca spiralis (a.k.a. Corkscrew Albuca, Frizzle Sizzle, Frizzle Sizzle Plant)
❁ Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’ (a.k.a. Alocasia Frydek, Green Velvet Alocasia) 
❁ Aloe vera (a.k.a. True Aloe) 
❁ Aloe zebrina (a.k.a. Zebra Leaf Aloe) 
❁ Caladium bicolor (a.k.a. Angel Wings, Heart of Jesus) 
❁ Calathea makoyana (a.k.a. Peacock Plant)
❁ Calathea roseopicta (a.k.a. Rose Painted Calathea,  Rose-Painted Calathea) 
❁ Colocasia esculenta (a.k.a. Taro, Kalo, Dasheen, Elephant Ear) 
❁ Cotyledon tomentosa (a.k.a. Bear’s Paw)
❁ Crassula alstonii 
❁ Curio rowleyanus (a.k.a.  Senecio rowleyanus, String of Pearls, String of Beads) 
❁ Echeveria parva 
❁ Epipremnum aureum (a.k.a. Pothos, Pothos aurea, Golden Pothos, Devil’s Ivy) 
❁ Euphorbia ritchiei (a.k.a. Monadenium ritchiei) 
❁ Goeppertia insignis (a.k.a. Calathea insignis, Rattlesnake Calathea, The Rattlesnake Plant) 
❁ Goeppertia kegeljanii (a.k.a. Calathea musaica, Calathea musaica 'Network')
❁ Haworthia cooperi (a.k.a. Cushion Aloe, Cooper’s Haworthia) 
❁ Hypoestes phyllostachya (a.k.a. Polka Dot Plant, Freckle Face) 
❁ Lepismium houlletianum (a.k.a. Snowdrop Cactus) 
❁ Monstera adansonii (a.k.a. Swiss Cheese Plant, Swiss Cheese Vine) 
❁ Monstera deliciosa (a.k.a. Swiss Cheese Plant, Fruit Salad Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Hurricane Plant, Window Leaf) 
❁ Pachyphytum oviferum (a.k.a. Moonstone, Sugar-Almond Plant) 
❁ Peperomia prostrata (a.k.a. String of Turtles) 
❁ Pilea peperomioides (a.k.a. Chinese Money Plant, Missionary Plant, Lefse Plant, Pancake Plant, UFO Plant, Pilea) 
❁ Sedum rubrotinctum (a.k.a. Pork and Beans, Jelly Bean Plant) 
❁ Scindapsus pictus (a.k.a. Satin Pothos, Silver Vine, Silver Pothos, Silk Pothos) 
❁ Soldanella alpina (a.k.a. Alpine Snowbell, Blue Moonwort) 
❁ Syngonium podophyllum (a.k.a. Arrowhead Plant, Arrowhead Vine, Nephthytis, African Evergreen, American Evergreen) 
❁ Tillandsia butzii 
❁ Tradescantia zebrina (a.k.a. Inch Plant, Wandering Jew) 
❁ Vanda falcata (a.k.a. Neofinetia falcata, The Wind Orchid) 
❁ x Graptoveria ‘Moonglow’ (a.k.a. Moonglow Graptoveria) 
Alternative Tag(s): 
❁ specific epithet unknown (meaning the genus is known, but the specific epithet is not)
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꧁ “Genus” Tags ꧂
❁ Albuca 
❁ Alocasia 
❁ Aloe 
❁ Anthurium 
❁ Begonia 
❁ Caladium 
❁ Calathea 
❁ Coleus 
❁ Colocasia 
❁ Cotyledon 
❁ Crassula 
❁ Curio 
❁ Echeveria 
❁ Epipremnum (commonly known as “Pothos”) 
❁ Euphorbia 
❁ Ficus 
❁ Goeppertia 
❁ Graptopetalum 
❁ Haworthia 
❁ Hypoestes 
❁ Lepismium 
❁ Lithops 
❁ Maranta 
❁ Monstera 
❁ Pachyphytum 
❁ Peperomia 
❁ Philodendron 
❁ Pilea 
❁ Sedum 
❁ Sempervivum 
❁ Scindapsus 
❁ Soldanella 
❁ Syngonium 
❁ Tillandsia 
❁ Tradescantia 
❁ Vanda (includes the former genus “Neofinetia”)
❁ x Graptoveria (hybrid of Echeveria & Graptopetalum) 
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eriki · 3 years
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Lunch: Snapper, Yogurt, Cucumbers, Dill, Portobello Mushrooms, Scallions, Mexican Chili Flakes and Breadfruit with Basil and a hint of Truffle Oil https://www.instagram.com/p/CK_5uwABWn6/?igshid=nzjn420bhewy
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whatsofieats · 6 years
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Also went to try Breadfruit, it was yummy but a bit expensive compared to Mexican prices. We ordered the piggies in a blanket, meatballs and spaghetti, falafel bites and the enchiladas filled with soyrizo, chickn and beans which were my least favorite. Everything else was super tasty 🍝🌯🌭
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lalitmohansethee · 4 years
Fruit salad plant, fruit salad tree, ceriman, monster fruit, monsterio delicio, monstereo, Mexican breadfruit,
 windowleaf, balazo, Penglai banana, split leaf philodendron, Swiss Cheese plant,
Monstera deliciosa
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houseplantguru · 7 years
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It's #monsteramonday! This is the fruit of the monstera called Mexican breadfruit. This was taken at #annascrippswhitcombconservatory in #Detroit with a big lense as it was was waaaaaay up on the palm tree. #statepark #conservatory #gardenchat #island
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growninhaiti · 7 years
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Monstera deliciosa is a species of flowering plant native to tropical rainforests of southern Mexico, south to Panama. Common names include fruit salad plant, fruit salad tree (in reference to its edible fruit, which tastes similar to a fruit salad), ceriman, Swiss cheese plant (or just cheese plant), monster fruit, monsterio delicio, monstereo, Mexican breadfruit, locust and wild honey, windowleaf, balazo, and Penglai banana. The pod it produces has a fruity taste similar to jackfruit and pineapple. The unripe green fruits can irritate the throat and the latex of the leaves and vines can create rashes in the skin, because both contain potassium oxalate: that is the reason why the fruits have to be consumed when the scales lift up. #growninhaiti #mexicanjackfruit #monsteradeliciosa #haiti #ayiti #wild #organic #nogmos #nopesticides #noherbicides #preservation #reforestation #edible
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papshmear · 7 years
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Yo it’s ya gurl Monstera deliciosa aka Mexican Breadfruit aka Splitleaf Philodendron aka Ceriman aka Swiss Cheese Plant aka Hurricane Plant!!
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