#Miami Boba
whewchilly · 5 months
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Media Day at the Miami GP | 2 May 2024
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kill4n3f · 6 months
so good ube taro boba tea
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iamthinkingagain · 9 months
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8/10 Creme Brulee Milk tea :) personally, i am not a fan of tapioca pearls but the drink itself was so good ! i was thirsty and it was humid and hot in florida, so i downed this drink pretty quickly ! i got regular levels on everything (sugar, ice, yada yada) and got extra creme brulee as a topping. Not much to say here, it was a sweet drink ^_^ it actually tasted like a regular milk tea, just with a little bit if carmelized sugar, not much creme brulee :c i had a few of the pearls and they were nice and soft ! I got this from Mogee Tea :)
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bemodreamy · 1 year
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My redneck neighbor Doug's interpretations on various 'Bad Batch' characters: Side Character Edition!
I'm chuffed that everyone thinks my neighbor Doug is funny: he really is a gem. I had no idea we'd bond over Star Wars and crappy weather, but here we are.
Naturally, I had to bother him about other characters that showed up on The Bad Batch, so, here we go!
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Phee Genoa: Ah-ha, that there’s Church Lady. You know her, she’s got a big square in her pocketbook and you don’t know if it’s pound cake or a brick, because the Lord saves but He can’t help you in the alley when you’re in Treme and the streetlights just turned on. She has two ex-husbands who are both preachers and they turned to Jesus because they are so scared of Church Lady in court. 
(So I guess he’s saying Phee has raw WHO DAT energy, for my Saints fans out there)
Cid: Looking at this fat lizard bitch makes me hungry. I call that one Houma-BBQ because I’m guessing we could feed a whole parish fire station based on the size of her tail. I wish she’d shut up, she reminds me of my mother-in-law. 
Cad Bane: Homeboy looks like a Sesame Street character who teaches Big Bird about concealed carry laws. I call him Gun Safety Muppet. I don’t like him because he shot my Wife and I’s Boyfriend on the other show and his robot needs to be tossed into a wood chipper. 
(“I’m not gay, but Jenny and I…well, we would make an exception to that man. You ever see ‘Deadwood’? Man is fine. I’m not GAY.”)
Fennec Shand: That’s The Chick that’s in Everything. She was on ER and Boba Fett and I think a Marvel show too? I like her. Hope she kills Gun Safety Muppet and hurls his blue ass into a dumpster. 
Howzer: That’s my niece’s boyfriend, Jorge. We all love Jorge, nice guy, owns an auto repair shop and always remembers plates and napkins for the cookouts after church.
Gregor: Jorge’s cousin, Manny. Met him once at Christmas in Miami, nice guy, only drinks brown liquor and insists everyone arm wrestle him. But he’s got a good job as a PE teacher, we respect education, come on now. 
The Martez Sisters: Aw, man, it’s Jorge’s Unemployed Sisters. I hate it when they show up for Christmas and get into fights with my momma. 
(“Doug, you know they’re not related to the clones at all, right?” “Says who?” “The PLOT?” “Eh, they’ll change it, just watch.”)
Mayday: Aw, I liked this guy so much! That’s Sassy Park Ranger, he’s the type that gives you your camping permits, warns you about the bears, and then is all disappointed when you don’t properly stow your food and the bears destroy the campsite. I need to go back to Little River Canyon, that place was pretty. 
Lt. Nolan: THAT STUPID BLOND JACKASS. (Doug was so enraged by the guy he had nothing else to add. Damn.)
Senator Chuchi: Why does this lady make me want a blue slushie? I’ll call her the Sonic Special. They need more Sonics here in the north, they really do. 
Cody: That’s Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend, he’s sad all the time. We know why. (Confirmed that Doug is a Codywan shipper and I don’t know what to do about that)
Royce Hemlock: Is that Jimmy Neutron after he grew up and became one of those guys that’s on the internet all the time writing creepy things? It’s Jimmy-the-Scientist. He looks like the type of person dogs get weird around.
Rex: That's Rex. He's a king. Respect him.
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blossom-hwa · 2 months
miami nights | l.mh
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pairing: Minho x gender neutral!reader genre: fluff, slice of life warnings: cursing, alcohol + underage drinking (be responsible kids) word count: 4.7k notes: — changes made to skz ages: 00 line + jeongin are all graduating high school, mc/changbin/minho/chan have all just graduated college — for the record I don't hate miami as much as this fic might suggest, I'm just really fucking bored here Miami is boring. Minho is less boring. Put two and two together and this city still sucks, but maybe having Minho is enough.
Stray Kids Masterlist
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"I'm bored."
Minho doesn't even bother looking at his camera. "You've said that maybe ten thousand times in the past half hour."
"Yeah, because I meant it." You roll over your bed again. "I'm so fucking bored."
His sigh crackles through the FaceTime call. "Well, it's not like it's New York City, where we could do fucking everything."
"But it's Miami. Sunny Miami." Minho barks out a sharp laugh and you do an impeccable job of ignoring him. "Beach, sun, swamp. People come down here for vacation all the fucking time, there must be something to do."
He holds one hand up to the camera. "Everglades." One finger down. "Wynwood." Another finger. "Some nature estate." A third finger. "Beach." A fourth. And then, a long pause.
"Some other nature estate?" you offer.
Minho flaps his hand at the screen. It's his laptop screen, which you know because he's been glued to his phone for half of the FaceTime. "They're all the same and you know it."
Unfortunately, you do know it. There are only so many times you can walk Vizcaya or sit by the Deering Estate before they all end up coalescing into one big mush of ocean and grass in your brain. Beautiful the first few times. Pretty the next. Then just part of the landscape. Some might say you sound ungrateful, but you've lived here for eighteen damn years. You think you have a right to complain. Besides, how many times can you go to the beach before sand sticks itself so far up your ass that you decide you're never wandering into the ocean's depths again?
It's your turn to sigh this time. "So what are we doing tomorrow? Food? Boba?"
Minho's eating something now, so his voice comes out muffled. "What else is there to do?"
It takes too much effort to roll your eyes so you just stare at the ceiling. "Pick me up at twelve."
. . .
[12:36am] to: minnow just had the most terrifying moment of my life went to get water after everyone had gone to be didn't put on my house slippers bc it was supposed to be quick turned on lights ROACH NOT THREE FUCKING FEET AWAY FROM MY BARE FUCKING FOOT it's dead now but I have to throw it away 🤮 save me
[12:38am] to: minnow HOKY FUCKJNG SHIT IT WAS STILL ALIVEN I TRIEDT O SWEEP IT PU AND IT STARTEDD RUMNING AWAT NOW IT IS FUCKING DEAD oh god there is a separate leg that needs to be swept up I just lost ten years of my life
[12:40am] from: minnow cool
. . .
Seungmin is also there when you and Minho enter the Chipotle, so you end up sitting with him. He looks appropriately done with life, as befits a high school senior. "Oooo, skipping class," Minho singsongs before flicking him in the back of the head.
"Shut up," he mutters, slapping Minho's hand away. Or he would have if Minho wasn't so fast. "It's all useless now, I've already gotten into college."
You just laugh, dumping your Chipotle bowl in front of him. "Fail your AP exams and I disown you as my son," you warn cheerily. You nearly hit your head on one of the cheap fluorescent hanging lights as you sit down on the tall stool. There are fingerprints smeared all over the metal countertop and the cracked covering of the stool scratches your thighs. Maybe it was a mistake to wear shorts today. "What are you going to say if this goes on your permanent record?"
Seungmin gives you the stink eye. "Like they'll stop the valedictorian from graduating," he retorts. "And when the fuck did you two get back? I didn't realize you'd graduated already."
"Aww, missed us?" Minho beams, his eyes and mouth all turning into little slits that make him look far more threatening than he is. Actually, he looks like that meme of the cat staring straight at the camera that looks like it's smiling but its mouth is basically just a line with the slightest curvature at both ends. Felix would know what you're talking about. "We got back two weeks ago."
"And you didn't bother to tell us?" Seungmin sniffs.
"We did," Minho says. "You just don't check the group chat."
"You haven't even tried to congratulate us." You wipe away an imaginary tear.
He rolls his eyes, but you detect a little smile on his face that isn't just your own delusion. "Congrats, or whatever."
"I knew you cared!" you cheer, reaching over the table to give him a hug, despite half of the restaurant glaring at you while Seungmin attempts to fight you off. Minho just watches the whole scene unfold, his usual Cheshire Cat half smile stuck on his face.
Seungmin leaves soon after. You make a dramatic plea for him to stay, complete with a seated reenactment of Caesar's stabbing with Minho as Brutus and by proxy Seungmin, because Seungmin leaving is akin to Brutus stabbing Caesar who is you, or whatever. "No, my favorite child, don't go," you wail even as the workers start looking your way. "I'll buy you boba."
Minho snorts. "What are you, his parent?"
"What are you, a fucking loser?"
The offer of boba doesn't work because Seungmin has physics during his last period so he needs to be back in time to catch that class or his teacher will actually probably write him up (she's an evil old woman), and for all his skipping class Seungmin is still a mostly-goody-two-shoes who doesn't actually want anything horrific on his permanent record. So you and Minho finish your bowls alone with a side of healthy bickering, and then you walk back out into the disgusting heat to Minho's shitty little Toyota Corolla.
You almost don't catch the keys before they hit you in the face. "You drive," Minho says, opening the passenger side door.
"I'm not fucking driving." You drop the keys on his lap. "I only have a permit and I'm not on your stupid car's insurance."
"And I am an adult over twenty one with a license, and I trust that if you fuck up my car, I can throw you under the bus and say I was being kidnapped." He throws them back at your face and you screech. "You need to practice, so drive."
Minho wins because he's already in the passenger seat and the heat is sapping away your will to live, which includes your will to wrestle Minho out of that seat so you can take his place. So you end up in the driver's seat, sweating even more because the air conditioning in this car has been busted since last summer, and then you fudge your way out of the parking lot and down the road.
"If you say a word I will fucking kill you," you say.
Minho rolls his eyes and continues looking at his phone.
You manage to reach the boba shop in one piece. Minho orders his regular and you choose one of the new fruit teas on the menu. You find an empty round table with only minimal spillage in a corner of the shop and sit there in silence, sipping your drinks. You pull out your phone. Minho is still on his.
Ten minutes later, you crack. "This place fucking sucks."
"You just figured that out?" Minho mutters. He's chewing his straw as he obnoxiously slurps a boba pearl into his mouth. He's doing that on purpose just to annoy you but you rise to the bait anyway.
"Don't do that, it's disgusting." You put your phone down. "There's just nothing to fucking do. Almost makes me want to go back to college."
"You sure as hell weren't saying that right before graduation."
You debate the merits of slurping up a boba pearl just to take it out of your mouth and throw it at him. "Because I wasn't in buttfuck shit suburban Miami then."
Minho rolls his eyes. You do not throw the boba pearl, but only because you don't want sticky hands. Instead you lapse back into silence, the only sounds being Minho's occasional slurp and your ensuing complaint.
At two, your boba cup is empty and so is your will to live. You've seen the same Instagram reels at least twice, scrolled through Tumblr to oblivion, even poked at Sidechat before immediately closing the app after reading the first post you saw. You can't figure out the last three words on the New York Times Spelling Bee and you've already reached Genius status for the day so you have very little motivation to continue. "Let's go to Target," you say.
He makes you drive again and you yell at him the entire way because you're shit at directions so you have no idea how to get to Target despite having lived here for over a decade, and he won't stop looking at his phone the entire car ride there even while giving directions. You take a wrong left turn at some point and end up on the highway for five minutes. You blame him, obviously. Minho threatens to buy Starbucks just to pour on your head.
You don't buy Starbucks at Target because you just had boba. Minho picks up some vitamins, which he needs, and you find a weighted unicorn plushie, which you also need. He claims he doesn't need the matching dinosaur plushie but you dump it in his arms anyway and he carries it for an entire two hours until you get to checkout, which tells you everything you need to know. You snatch it out of his arms to pay for it and he threatens again to buy Starbucks to pour over your head. You tell him threats don't work the second time if he doesn't make good on them the first time. Unless you're Hyunjin, who's scared of everything.
You end up getting Starbucks anyway just before you leave because Chan and Changbin got back in town today and instead of being jet lagged like normal people they want to see everyone again, so you text the group chat and end up with nine orders including yours and Minho's. You refuse to drive this time. Minho mocks you the entire way to Changbin's house and you threaten to throw his plushie out the window.
Chan gives good hugs. So does Changbin. It doesn't stop you from making fun of them for being gym bros who don't miss a day to work out, not even during finals week. It also doesn't stop you from mocking Chan for his age.
"We graduated in the same year," he complains.
"But you got a Masters combined with your Bachelors," Minho says, grinning. "You're one degree ahead and you've been in school for five years instead of four so you're old."
Then Seungmin comes swinging through the door, four other gremlins following close behind, and you get to be called old by the five boys you practically raised ("You're not my dad!" "Vine's been dead for over ten years, shut the FUCK up.").
"What's with the plushies?" Felix eventually asks. He's already eyeing your unicorn. You hug it closer. Even though you love Felix, you will not cede that plushie to anyone. 
"Went to Target," Minho says, carrying his dinosaur by the scruff of its neck. "Got plushies. And Starbucks." He leaves out the bit where you spent most of your two hours there snickering at the stupid holiday cards in the gift section and making fun of the Colleen Hoover books randomly displayed around the store, but it's implied.
You all traipse into Changbin's living room because he's the only one with Mario Kart and enough controllers for all of you. It devolves into a big screaming mess within fifteen minutes and someone spills Chan's coffee. No one notices at first but then Minho, mom friend supreme, yells for everyone to shut the fuck up and get towels to clean up the growing mess. Only Chan and Hyunjin respond, Chan because it's his coffee and Hyunjin because Minho is going to make good on his threat to air fry him someday, but Minho bars Chan from cleaning the mess because it's not his fault and it's his coffee so you end up going out to buy him a new one while Hyunjin sops up the spill. Mario Kart continues as usual.
After placing in the bottom half for almost every game in an hour, Jisung switches the game to Smash. After beating Changbin gets boring, you boot him the console and kick Jisung and Minho's collective ass instead. Then the sky is darkening, and you all remember that Changbin's rich kid community has a waterfront view, so Chan shuts off the TV mid-game and you all bicker your way out of the house and to the beach.
The sun is setting and for all that you dislike the beach, the view is nice. Pink and orange rays stream from the horizon and cast a soft glow on the scene that makes everyone look vaguely angelic, even though you all are the furthest from a group of angels you could ever be. You perch on a chunk of limestone and watch Seungmin shove Jisung into the water.
There is a very good reason why Changbin's neighbors hate you all.
The sky gets darker. Minho picks you up with much screaming and dumps you into the water, but on your feet so only your legs get wet. On principle you still have to get revenge so you dump a handful of water over his head and then narrowly escape getting dunked in the ocean by kicking him in the knee before he manages to grab you.
You end up on the rocks again, rough limestone pressing marks into your thighs as you watch the moon slowly pick its way into the sky. Chan and Felix are looking for shells even though this beach is more pebbles than sand, while Seungmin and Jeongin are egging on Hyunjin and Jisung splashing each other in the water. Changbin has spread himself out on the sand and almost looks asleep. Minho sits next to you on the rocks and puts his head on your shoulder. You complain for a bit about his sweaty hair but it's fine.
You're so focused on the sunset that you don't notice that Jisung and Hyunjin are no longer playing fuck-around-and-find-out in the water. You don't even notice that they've come around you from behind. All you do know is that you suddenly hear the click of an iPhone camera and then Jisung whooping behind you.
"The fuck—"
He's holding his phone and it's clear he took a photo of you and by proxy, a photo of Minho. You screech again, on principle, but it's too late. A ping from your phone tells you Jisung has sent the photo to the group chat.
"I'm going to kill you," you promise.
"It's a good photo!" Jisung insists, all the while backing away.
You look at Minho for backup. Instead, you watch him open the message and, after scrutinizing the photo with a nonplussed expression, save it. "What?" he says when he notices your scandalized glare. "It is a good photo."
You look at the picture. With the darkening sky, you and Minho look like shadows on the rock, haloed softly by the last rays of the sun sinking under the horizon. The ocean shimmers gently, waves lapping quietly against the shore. His head is on your shoulder and even though only your backs are in the shot, an air of contentment exudes from the scene. You don't even look sweaty.
Something unknown builds in your stomach, vaguely nostalgic, some kind of sad, but also soft and a little bit sweet. More good than bad but you feel a bit empty, for some reason. "I guess," is all you can answer, and Minho doesn't say anything more. But when you return to Changbin's house, still damp and noisy, you slip into the bathroom and save it to your phone, too.
It is a good photo, after all.
. . .
[12:50am] from: minnow why the fuck are you still online
[12:55am] to: minnow I could ask you the same dipshit
[12:57am] from: minnow I asked first dipshit
[1:01am] to: minnow can't sleep dipshit do something abt it
[1:02am] from: minnow what am I a genie?
[1:02am] to: minnow would it kill you to be nice once in your life
[1:03am] from: minnow yes
[1:05am] to: minnow touché asshole
[1:10am] to: minnow if you go to sleep now tomorrow will come faster
[1:11am] to: minnow you mean another whole day of nothing?
[1:12am] from: minnow see you get it
. . .
[2:15am] to: minnow do you ever wonder what it would be like if we never met (message unsent)
. . .
The kids graduate on a Wednesday morning, so Minho picks you up early. You're sitting at your old piano when he lets himself in, staring at some sheet music you used to be able to play five years ago. You can still play it, as you are currently finding out. Badly. With a lot of wrong notes.
You hit a wrong chord. Minho doesn't even flinch. "You're not dressed," he says.
You wave him off vaguely. "Later," you say, and play the right chord this time.
He doesn't say anything, just lies down on the couch and stares at the ceiling while you plink plunk your way through the rest of the piece. He claps. You get changed. He throws you the car keys. You wrestle him out the passenger seat as peacocks watch menacingly from the front lawn, then threaten to poke his eye out if he tries that again.
Chan and Changbin are already there, responsible adults that they are. You and Minho find them in the stands, the kids' parents sitting a couple of rows down. Chan warns you not to make a scene in front of the adults but he's the loudest when each of the boys walks across the stage, so you heckle him semi-quietly from all sides until the ceremony is over.
The four of you head to Minho's while the five new grads get lunch with their parents. Chan insists it isn't a good idea to day drink so you save the bottles of vodka for when the kids arrive, which they do towards the evening. You play Smash until they show up and you and Minho battle for first place fifteen times in a row.
Minho's parents are out of town but the cats are here, winding around all nine pairs of legs when the kids enter the house, newly graduated, caps and gowns abandoned. Food is ordered, shots are poured, and libations are made for each of the newly minted adults in the room with Chan overseeing everything because he doesn't drink. Half of you are underage but that half are all over eighteen, and you say if they're old enough to get drafted they're old enough to drink. Anyway, the youngest is Jeongin and he once sampled fifty different energy drinks in one sitting because Chan was in LA and he had no supervision. He's still alive. A shot or two won't kill him.
There's Smash. There's Mario Party. There's another round of shots and congratulations to the soon-to-be-college-freshmen, then Seungmin finds a bottle of wine and they pour it out for the college grads too. Your head starts feeling fuzzy halfway through the third round of Mario Kart so you lie down on the ground, and Soonie curls up on your chest so you are legally not allowed to move anymore.
The noise settles into a buzz in the back of your head. You yell when Jisung finally places third in Mario Kart and Minho drops a cat onto your head. Eventually, though, the yelling begins to peter out, and when Jeongin starts snoring around two in the morning, Chan calls it quits and begins arranging people around the couches to sleep.
You're not sleepy, though, so long after everyone else is passed out in various positions around the living room, you head into the kitchen for water. You're still at least tipsy so your reflexes don't do so well when footsteps sound behind you and you try to turn around to see who it is.
Minho, drunk as he is, catches you by the shoulder. "Just me," he mumbles. He only looks a little more alert than you.
You nod and finish your water but you don't feel like going back to the living room, where everyone is snoring and it smells like booze. Instead you go to the dining room and lie under the dining table. Minho joins you shortly after.
"What are we doing here?" he asks.
"Being drunk."
He seems to accept that as an answer. You stare at the bottom of his dining table. You've been to Minho's house so many times over the past few years, but somehow you've never seen the table from this angle. It captures your attention for a few minutes. Or maybe an hour. Time isn't real.
"I'm bored," Minho announces.
You look at him. "That's my line."
"And I stole it."
You huff. "Then what the fuck do you want to do?"
No Target. No boba. No beach, and none of that matters since there's no car because you're both shitfaced. It's some stupid hour of the morning, anyway.
Minho raises his hands. Splays out all his fingers against the underside of the table. "Never have I ever."
You stare. "That's so fucking stupid."
"You're so fucking stupid."
"Your mom's so fucking stupid."
"...You take that back."
"Fine." You relent only because Minho's mom is a lovely woman and even drunk, you already feel bad.
Minho grabs your arm and shoves your hand up next to his. "Never have I ever punched someone in the face."
It's not a hard game to play, even drunk. The rules aren't difficult and you and Minho know enough about each other that each time one of you says something, another finger goes down. Both of you have one finger left and your brains are starting to feel fuzzy not just with alcohol but with drowsiness too, so it takes a bit longer for Minho to think of something. Not that it stops you from being a little shit. "Hurry up."
"I can't fucking think," he complains.
"Then say something both of us have done," you snap, waving your last finger around. "Just hurry up."
"Fine." The air seems to change but you're too drunk to really pay attention to it. "Never have I ever been kissed." He folds his last finger.
You don't.
There's a beat of silence. Even without looking you can feel Minho's eyes roving from your still lifted finger down your arm and over to your face, where you are still resolutely staring at the dining table bottom and not back at him. "You've never been kissed," he says, almost incredulous.
You snort. You won the game, but the single finger you're still holding up looks really, really sad. "No need to rub it in."
He grabs your shoulder and that forces you to look at him. You blink. He doesn't say anything and for several seconds or seventy-two hours you don't either. "What the fuck do you want?" you eventually mumble.
"Just shut up," he says, and kisses you.
Minho seems cold but he's actually very warm, a fact that you are reminded of when he presses his lips to yours. Your hand falls limply, the lone finger forgotten as he pulls you to him. His eyes are closed and after a moment yours shut too. You don't know if you can look at him now. It's already too much just to feel.
You pull away for air. Minho holds up your hand and folds all fingers down. "Now you've been kissed," he says. You can't read his expression in the darkness.
Cat eyes seem to glow in the dark. "Because I've liked you since we met, and I think you like me too."
You like me too.
You roll the sentence around your mind, feeling the words bounce off your skull. Minho is mean. Kind. Annoying. Pretty. He knows your boba order and doesn't talk when you don't need to listen. His cats like you and you like them. He complains that you're boring but he hangs out with you all the time and he has never made you feel less than what you are, even when you play the piano shittily in front of him. You think of the photo Jisung took of you two last week and how you've made it your phone's home screen. You think of perfunctory complaints, a sunset, and his head on your shoulder with a weird feeling in your stomach.
You hold his hand. "I guess you're right."
He smiles. You can see it in the dark. And it's not the patented Cheshire Cat grin of evil and mischief; not really, at least. It's softer and sweeter and you recognize it as one of the sides of Minho that he rarely shares. Like when a cat allows you to rub its belly and purrs instead of scratching.
You end up in his room, still on the floor because the bed is too annoying to get to. He's lying on his back, dinosaur plushie under his head, and you're draped over his stomach. You can feel him breathing slowly, steadily, softly.
"Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we never met?"
"...Could you just let me fucking sleep?"
"Be so for fucking real."
You can hear him rolling his eyes, but you can also hear him collecting his thoughts. "Well," he says, and you think he might be smiling, "Miami would be a lot more boring without you."
. . .
[9:14am] from: minnow before you try to overthink things yes I meant what I said last night tell chan if he wakes me up again I'll egg his car when he least expects it
. . .
Miami is stupid. There are peacocks and alligators and iguanas that fall out of trees in the winter. It's sunny all the fucking time and if it isn't it's pouring rain and in both cases there are mosquitoes out for your blood. Every time you walk outside it feels like you're melting into soup and the invasive ducks will give chase the moment you show weakness or fear. Cockroaches roam your home. So do weird millipedes and tiny lizards and idiot moths. Everything is hot and humid and stupid, and it's boring.
"I'm bored."
Minho rolls his eyes. "You are incredibly fucking annoying."
You pinch him. "Yeah, because I'm fucking bored."
"We could kiss."
Contemplative silence on your end.
"...Solid plan."
You hate this fucking place. It's boring and there's nothing to do but go to the beach or become one with the pavement. But there's Minho, and you'll never admit it if anyone asks, but you think that might be enough.
. . .
[6:45pm] to: minnow open ur fucking door
[6:45pm] from: minnow what happened to please and thank you
[6:46pm] to: minnow I will throw your boba in the sewer so fucking fast
[6:46pm] from: minnow you wouldn't dare
[6:47pm] to: minnow [image attached] don't underestimate me
[6:47pm] from: minnow I'm opening the door I'm opening the fucking door don't fucking do it
[6:48pm] to: minnow I knew you loved me
[6:49pm] from: minnow god I fucking hate you
[6:50pm] to: minnow aw I love you too <3
[6:51pm] from: minnow jesus fucking christ
[6:41pm] to: minnow say it back babe ik you want to
[6:42pm] from: minnow for fuck's sake I love you too
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Reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed this, and have a lovely day :)
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marubazt · 8 months
playlist #15
te dedico as melhores canções
te dedico melhores cantores poetas
Eu apresento o meu amor para ti.
és minha maior riqueza e inspiração
penso em ti escutando a minha playlist
boba, romântica, crítica e apaixonante
te vejo em canções de Rita Lee,
Marisa monte, Tribalistas, Djavan ..
Henrique e Juliano .. cê sabe.
és tão especial para minha vida
te quero ao meu lado sempre.
“ gás dentro do meu pulmão, tô escrevendo essa pra você ” — miami brocasito.
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floridatamagotchiclub · 4 months
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It's happening! Our first ever meet up will be Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 at 1 PM. Come to the Aventura Mall with a friend and your tamas to BRING BACK THE 2004 NOSTALGIA‼️🐣🌴
Let the excitement run free making connections with others, showing off your collection or finding your tama a mate!💗
Our meetup event is welcome to those who own or collect tamagotchis/v-pets and for all that are curious and enjoy making friends. Follow this account for updates.
○Reminder: We will be meeting outside (Ground Level) by the Apple Store. Look out for the Balloons 🎈 We plan to go to a Boba spot in the food court located in the mall. *Boba/food are not provided.*
Address: 19501 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura, FL 33180
📷 Instagram @ florida.tamagotchi.club
#florida #tamagotchi #tmgc #tamagotchiconnection #floridatamagotchiclub #virtualpet #bandai #miami #freeevent #meetup #tumblelog #feed #nostalgia #virtualpet #tumblr #newpost #instagram
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☕ cozy things tag game
stuff that brings me, the mun, joy
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comfort food(s): sesame tofu, seaweed salad, fried rice, chips & salsa, mexican rice
comfort drink(s): dr. pepper, taro boba, red bull classic
comfort movie(s): Finder's Fee, Wonka, The Little Mermaid (1989), To Grandmother's House We Go, Double Double Toil and Trouble, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Re-Animator, Brain Damage, Young Guns, The Lost Boys
comfort show(s): Miami Vice, The Real Ghostbusters, og TMNT, Mr. Nightmare (and a few similar YT channels), Chip 'N' Dale Rescue Rangers, Adventures of the Gummi Bears, DuckTales, Swat Katz, The Young Ones (1982)
comfort clothing: athletic slides/flip-flops, thick cotton tees, Goodfellow & Co lounge pants, my F13 hoodie, certain lounge pants
comfort song(s): pretty much the entire Wonka (2023) soundtrack but especially A Hatful of Dreams, Sweet Tooth, Hoverchocs, and You've Never Had Chocolate Like This. Every single Martin Fry/ABC song but especially Look of Love, How to be a Millionaire, Show Me, By Default by Design, King Money, Love's A Dangerous Language. Karma Chamelon, King of Everything, My God, Time (Clock of the Heart), and I'll Tumblr For Ya by Boy George/Culture Club. Behind the White Door (Windows). Every single Donald Fagan/Steely Dan song but especially Almost Gothic, Glamour Profession, Only A Fool, Gaslighting Abbie, Things I Used to Know, Mary Shut the Garden Door, Haitian Divorce, Hold Onto That Slinky Thing, and Kid Charlemagne. CATS 1998, Starlight Express (original London), Music of the Night c. MIchael Crawford. I have SO MANY MORE comfort songs from the 80s, it's actually a disgusting amount !!
comfort book(s): After Dark My Sweet, Pet Sematary, Haunted Summer, Brain Damage novelisation, The Flesh in the Furnace
comfort game(s): whatever the current main series Pokemon game is at the time (in this case Violet), DOOM/DOOM II/DOOM 64, og FNAF & FNAF: Security Breach, and a handful of some ancient PC games I can't remember the names of atm
tagged by: @exquisitexagony sama <3 <3 <3
tagging: @everyoneismytoy, @smolcuriouskitten + anyone who wants to do eet! :-P
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simlaninmagic · 2 years
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Hello Everyone,
Back again to post another random scene dump.
All the scenes were made in Blender 3.0
They should all work in CYCLES AND EVEE (I mostly use CYCLES)
All the scenes were built around the camera so they are mini not huge scenes
You can change the lighting to however you feel works best for you.
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Spirit Halloween Interior
Wakuda Las Vegas Hallway
Miami Nights Hotel Room
Random Photo Op 2
Random Photo Op Window 
Small Boba Tea Shop
Random Atlanta Window View
Times Square Halloween Aesthetic Photo Op
Somewhere in Miami
Sonic Drive Up Menu Photo Op
Walmart Checkout
Halloween Aesthetic Living Room
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Do Not Claim My Scenes as Your Own
Do Not Put My Scenes Behind a PayPal
Do Not Edit The Scene
Thank you for reposting @blender4sims
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Note: The order of the scenes listed is how I have them pictured :)
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pocket-mobster · 2 years
1-11 & 46
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
• boba fett (star wars)
• pete dinunzio (the eltingville club)
• engineer (team fortress 2)
• pyro (team fortress 2)
• jacket (hotline miami)
• ice pick joe (goncharov)
there's probably more but that's all i can think of right now
2. lighter or matches?
lighter (id love to get around to buying one someday even if id have no real use for one)
3. do you leave the window open at night?
no my screens have been broken for Years, and im so not used to having it open that it'd feel Weird and Wrong
4. which cryptyd being do you believe in?
jinkx monsoon
5. what color are your eyes?
a mild, not-super-aggressive greenish-blue
6. why did you do that?
heavy-handed character development
7. hair-ties or scrunchies?
clippers. i would never let my hair get anywhere near long enough for either of those to be an option
8. how many water bottles are in your room right now?
4 empty, 3 of varying degrees of fullness
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
iced, but 95% of the time i have it hot cuz it weirdly feels easier even tho its not. like somehow id rather steam milk than just like... pour in the cold milk. tho ive been worried that pouring espresso shots directly into a glass is a bad idea, and i havent gotten around to finding out if thats true and if so what the Correct method is.
10. would you slaughter the rich?
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
im real fickle with hobbies, but my most consistent one is thinking about making music without actually doing it. ive been at it for about 8 years which is really long for me. the thing i actually do the most (that isnt doomscrolling) is good ol vidya. jubeat's the current favorite, but microsoft excel is a perennial classic
46. favorite holiday film?
ive never really had strong opinions on any of them, but i guess i like the nightmare before christmas more than the others? if we broaden the scope of the question to include (american) thanksgiving—since it essentially marks the beginning of the holiday season imo—then id say fantastic mr. fox on a slight technicality since it's my favorite film of all time, period
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dollyllama108 · 2 years
‘80s High School AU (Part 40): MAKEOVER
Colliding heads with another mom, Liwei reflects on how ausipcious a time this is for her son to have a makeover.
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After the ‘70s invented disco and bisexuality, the early ‘80s followed through with himbos and crop tops. It is when even straight people gave up on trying to look straight. This is a fantastic era for him.
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Xiyuan pops a hip and pretends not to care that Sim David Bowie is scrutinizing the entire world from his chest. Liwei shakes her head. If anyone tries to whisk her son off on an impromptu trip to Sulani, they’re going to miss their flight with that amount of metal on his waist. The laces on the shoes are irrelevant, though, because she has no idea security theater is going to amp up 21 years later.
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Xiyuan fist pumps. Woo! Miami! But Liwei shakes her head. There is an acceptable level of Florida, and this way overshoots it. She motions to her son to turn the Florida slider down 90% of the way, and he immediately understands the gesture.
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Xiyuan shrugs: he’s taking a risk with this one, but it’s his colors and why not go experimental? Liwei shakes her head. It’s not that the kids would make fun of him—they don’t have the context awareness to recognize clothing as gender nonconforming and bully someone because of it—but because if Lily Feng sees this, there’s no telling how she’d act.
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Liwei shrugs her shoulders. Fine. Whatever. Behind her, in a different universe, someone is laughing too hard at the green corduroy pants and Oxfords to want to change this.
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The clothing having been chosen, Liwei gestures to her son to come closer. There is one last thing that must be done.
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Liwei takes off Xiyuan’s glasses, revealing HE WAS HOT ALL ALONG!!!
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Then she puts them back on, revealing that THE GLASSES MAKE HIM HOTTER!!!
Intro | Part 39 | Part 41
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treattrials · 2 months
Devil Fruit Boba: Soboba Island vs Navigators Dream vs Captain Buggy
Quick Note:
Devil Fruit Tea Studio is a small business exclusive to Florida, at the time of writing this. They theme their location and Signature Drinks with the popular anime 'One Peice'. This is their smaller location on a mall strip, located in 8665 Coral Way, Miami, FL 33155. I recommend you check it out if you are able, I go there frequently with family, and we love it!
Soboba Island:
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Image taken from an Instagram post from Devil fruit Tea Studio's Instagram.
Flavor and Texture:
Soboba Island was the first and only fizzy drink they had at the time I first found this location. The other two drinks I listed, which are also fizzy in nature, didn't come out until this year in these recent months. It was refreshing. It didn't feel like a soda drink, by which I mean it wasn't overfilled with syrup. They put actual strawberries in the drink, and I assume they also put actual lychee's in as well.
The popping boba only adds to the pleasant texture of the drink.
The ice to drink ratio was also perfect for the price as the ice was ground into bite-sized pieces which only took up 1/5 of the drink. Whenever I ordered this drink, it was because I ate something, or planned to also order one of their Korean Corndogs. It doesn't feel too heavy, and it is perfect for a late evening, or a hot day.
Navigator's Dream:
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Image taken from an Instagram post from Devil fruit Tea Studio's Instagram.
Flavor and Texture:
Navigator's Dream is themed around Nami, one of the members of Captain Luffy's crew, and I liked the little reference toward her orange trees in the drink through the flavor. It is fizzy and refreshing.
It tasted a bit like a sour gummy, which was pleasant, I think the raspberry and orange iced tea did a good job at it. The mango jelly is also quite good. I personally do not like Jello textures, but it is much firmer than that. I like to chew it as I continued to drink.
Personally, I also add popping boba as it goes down as easily as the drink, then tip the cup over and chew all the jelly at the bottom.
Captain Buggy:
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Image taken from an Instagram post from Devil fruit Tea Studio's Instagram.
Another fizzy, character themed drink. Captain Buggy is the leader of a pirate crew themed around clowns. One of the first things my sister and I thought when drinking it is that it tasted strikingly similar to a Rocket Pop. The drink is exactly how it looks in the image. It isn't my favorite due to the lack of more flavor combinations, but it is a pleasant experience. The raspberry iced tea worked well with the mango jelly, but the Navigator's Dream did a far better job in my opinion.
0 notes
Looking to add a feeling of fun and personality to your day-by-day outfits? Look no further than the Boba Fett Hawaiian Shirt! This very unique shirt combines the iconic Star Wars grapheme, Boba Fett, with the really vivacious and so mellow vibes of Hawaiian-inspired prints.Whether you're head out for a chance, day with friends, attending a summertime barbecue, or simply require to create a forge statement, the Boba Fett Hawaiian Shirt is a quite various bit that can effortlessly elevate your style.Pair it with your favourite jeans or shorts for a relaxed and very comfortable appear that noneffervescent exudes coolness. The lightweight textile keeps you feeling saucy and well-fixed all day long, making it a hone prize for warmer weather.For a more refined rig, bed the Boba Fett Hawaiian Shirt below a blazer or jacket. This unexpected pairing adds an element of fun to a more dressed-up ensemble, making it an nonesuch select for casual power environments or eve gatherings.Don't be really afraid to experiment with different combinations and accessories to micturate the Boba Fett Hawaiian Shirt genuinely your own. Add a bold belt, colourful sneakers, or yet a fedora to complete your unique style.With its eye-catching plan and well-heeled fit, the Boba Fett Hawaiian Shirt is a must-have add-on to your closet. Embrace your enjoy for Star Wars piece maintaining a fashionable and daily esthetical. Shop now and let the thrust of forge be with you!
Relate : https://maximumparadisesandwich.tumblr.com/post/740296280622972928/are-you-a-fan-of-the-iconic-mickey-mouse-get
May Be You Like This Product:
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abysscronica · 11 months
other than One Piece what other fandom are you in? or better what shounen did you watch?
You mean to talk about or submit ask on it? I don't know about fandoms per se, but I can tell you the media I'm familiar with.
This is my Anime Planet profile, I use it to keep track of the manga I read & anime I watch. It's public, so have fun.
You can find the rest of the media I'm familiar with under the cut divided in categories.
The Peanuts poetry!
Corto Maltese for the artwork more than the plot
Lucky Luke
TMNT (original series)
Tex here and there
Alan Ford (before reboot) here and there
Batman (stories with Joker and/or Harley Queen before the reboot)
Marvel comics: everything mutants-related and the major crossovers from the beginning until 2010s
TV series and movie franchises I somehow appreciate or know enough, in categories:
Please keep in mind that the comments are my opinion and my alone! You're entitled to love and hate whatever you want, always.
Comfort shows (yes, leave me alone):
The Office
Sex and the city
Emily in Paris
(first three are for comedy, fourth is for vibes, and last two are there mainly because of outfits & scenery, I really don't care about the plot)
Epic fantasy series:
Game of Thrones good up to season 5
The House of the Dragon liked it
The Lord of the Rings trilogy LOVE LOVE LOVE IT
The Hobbit trilogy okay?
The Rings of Power didn't enjoy it
Primal amazing
The Witcher good to laugh & pass time & Cavill
Shadow and Bone cute
The Dragon Prince cute
Avatar, the last Airbender loved Aang, Korra okayish
The Legend of Vox Machina cute
Urban fantasy series:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer good
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina season 1 good, season 2 okay, the rest you can skip
The Walking Dead first three seasons nice, then dropped
Once Upon a Time season one good, then dropped
Wednesday cute
Superheroes series:
all MCU movies and series (Netflix & Disney+) too many to comment, ask me if you're curious
Spiderman (1994) good
Batman the animated series great
The Boys & Gen V enjoyable
Invincible enjoyable
Space opera (and similia) series:
Star Wars original trilogy the only one I respect
Star Wars prequel trilogy meh
Star Wars new trilogy what the hell was that?
Star Wars... filler duology? Rogue One is good
The Mandalorian enjoyable
The Book of Boba Fett some episodes are good
Futurama good at the beginning
Doctor Who (new series) watched up to Capaldi, the first seasons are good
Star Trek new trilogy cute
Rick & Morty love it
Other sci-fi series:
Arcane amazing!
Stranger Things seasons 1 & 4 are good
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) enjoyable
Alice in Borderland enjoyable
Love Death Robots like it a lot
Heroes season one only
Crime/suspance or so:
Squid Game enjoyable
Breaking Bad okay
Sherlock first two seasons good
CSI (LV & Miami) first seasons great
OITNB love the beginning and the end
Thirteen Reasons Why first season only worth it
The Dropout very good
Killing Eve ups and downs
Vintage series:
Happy Days
Zerocalcare's series as an Italian, really appreciated them
Band of Brothers loved it
The Crown enjoyable
Cobra Kai okayish
Community first seasons enjoyable
Sex Education cute
The Queen's Gambit very nice
Scrubs cute
The Looney Tunes (many but not all the series) too many, ask me if you're curious
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theultimatefan · 11 months
Bernthal, Weller, Charmed Duo, Parrilla Added To FAN EXPO Portland Celebrity Lineup, January 12-14
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Jon Bernthal (“The Punisher,” “The Walking Dead”), Peter Weller (RoboCop, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension), the “Charmed” duo of Holly Marie Combs and Rose McGowan, and Lana Parrilla (“Once Upon a Time,” “Spin City”) have been added to the celebrity lineup at FAN EXPO Portland, set for January 12-14, 2024, at the Oregon Convention Center.
The five join the first wave of stars announced earlier this month that includes Danny Trejo (Machete, The Book of Boba Fett), the "Daredevil" tandem of Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio, Peter Cullen (Transformers) and Jason Lee (Vanilla Sky, Almost Famous).
Bernthal played the lead “Frank Castle” in the Netflix Marvel series “Daredevil” after a popular run as “Shane Walsh” in the AMC hit drama “The Walking Dead.” The classically trained Bernthal most recently starred in last year’s “American Gigolo” on Showtime and has appeared in such large-scale productions as World Trade Center, The Pacific and Rampart, and has had guest roles on top TV series like "CSI: Miami," "Boston Legal," "Without a Trace" and "How I Met Your Mother."
Accomplished actor, director, voice over artist and occasional professor Weller’s amazing career has taken him from the mean streets of old Detroit to the final frontier of space. He has appeared in more than 50 films and television series, notably in the title role in 1987’s RoboCop and its sequel RoboCop 2 and as the title character in the quirky 1984 sci-fi cult film The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.
Combs starred in "Charmed," which ran for eight seasons and has adopted a huge, loyal following since, as "Piper Halliwell," one of three witch sisters fighting evil in modern day San Francisco. That followed her breakout role in 88 episodes of the hit series "Picket Fences" and later led to appearances in more than 30 series and movies and a long run as "Ella Montgomery" on "Pretty Little Liars."
Her “Charmed” co-star McGowan played long-lost sister "Paige Matthews" for the final five seasons of the series. The Italian-born actress first caught major attention for her role as "Tatum Riley" in the horror blockbuster Scream (1996) opposite Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox and David Arquette. She has appeared in more than 60 films and shows as an actress and is also an accomplished producer and director.
Parrilla appeared in 156 episodes of the ABC hit fantasy/adventure series “Once Upon a Time” between 2011-2018, for which she earned several awards, including TV Guide’s Favorite Villain, and numerous nominations. She has had recurring roles in hits “Spin City,” “Boomtown,” “24” and “Windfall,” and co-starred as “Lana Trammell” in this year’s Netflix release of the second season of “The Lincoln Lawyer.”
FAN EXPO Portland features the biggest and best in pop culture: movies, TV, music, artists, writers, exhibitors, cosplay, with three full days of themed programming to satisfy every fandom.
Single-Day Tickets, Three-Day Passes, and Ultimate Fan Packages for FAN EXPO Portland are available now. Advance pricing is available until December 28, 2023. More guest news will be released in the following weeks, including line-up reveals for comic creator guests, voice actors, and cosplayers.
Portland is the second event on the 2024 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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