#Michael Sullivan
arista-essendon · 6 months
im going insane
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this is actually so soft and precious.
this lethal, snarling, prickly, traumatized, assassin trusting only trusting his best friend to help him, and allowing only him to touch his person, even though hadrian has no experience, is so tear jerking😭❤️‍🩹🥹
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
Here’s Riyria Revelations as funny textposts I found on Pinterest
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The Pickerings(and Hadrian)
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Hadrian and Royce
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Arista and Hadrian
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oni-official · 2 months
I found an ODST pod marked “Sullivan”.
Looked to be empty, the damn thing made a crater on impact! It landed in a shed somewhere.
What do?
Somebody will come pick it up. Then, you can forget about it.
Make sure to forget about it.
Or we'll have to ensure... bad records.
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halobirthdays · 10 months
Happy birthday to Commander Michael "Sully" Sullivan!
Today is his -487th birthday!
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Sullivan enrolled in Corbulo Academy of Military Science and was assigned to Hastati squad alongside Thomas Lasky, whom he befriended. He was not proficient in combat exercises but had a knack for hacking. After the Covenant attack on Corbulo Academy and his subsequent rescue by Blue Team, he joined the UNSC Navy.
While initially a cheerful teenager, the attack hardened him, and he developed the opinion that humanity should defeat the Covenant by any means necessary. This ideology, and his skills as a hacker, caught the attention of the Office of Naval Intelligence, who assigned him to Section One--its intelligence gathering division.
In 2558, Sullivan approached reporter Benjamin Giraud with an offer to conduct a series of interviews about the Master Chief. This, of course, was a propaganda front, and Giraud was fed false sources who would corroborate ONI's claim that Master Chief enlisted in the Spartans. ONI never intended to reveal the actual origins of the SPARTAN-IIs and intended to use Giraud to legitimize the story they created.
After uncovering information that conflicted with ONI's story, Giraud contacted Sullivan several times to confront him with the discrepancies. Sullivan maintained that any discrepancy was the result of bad records. Eventually, Giraud would stop trusting Sullivan and begin his own investigation, which would culminate into revealing the truth during a conference between ONI and the UEG. When Sullivan discovered this, he had Giraud captured and sent to Midnight Facility. Post-war, he was promoted to Senior Communications Director for ONI Section Two--its propaganda division.
In canon (~2560), he is turning 50!
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literatureandtrees · 4 months
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currently devouring
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grissomesque · 2 years
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authortobenamedlater · 7 months
Also from last night’s Forward Unto Dawn fic research, because sometimes you go in looking to finish a story and end up with another plot bunny:
Sometime after Circinius, maybe a day or maybe several years, Sully tells Tom he’s sorry for hurting his foot because that biofoam could have saved Chyler. Tom is horrified that Sully feels guilty about this and tells him they didn’t know Chyler was hit, and she might have died anyway. Sully isn’t consoled by any of this. Tom finally says “Chyler wouldn’t want you to think this way, Sully, and neither do I.”
This is going to the bottom of the fic priority list because it might be a struggle to get this level of angst out. I only have so much capacity for that. And I have a hard time writing Lasky without his bride anymore.
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sparkedblaze · 11 months
Hi I’m coming to you from hiding out at work to bring you the wildest most fucking out there hc I’ve ever considered:
Francis “so that’s what they call a family” Sullivan is the brother of Michael “there’s no way I am putting those kids back in danger” Sullivan
Livesies is just a nightmare Francis has of Michael going through the strike instead of himself, with the same adopted pseudonym. It’s been years since the strike, he actually made it to Santa Fe and that’s why all the people are different because he doesn’t *quite* remember everyone. Each reiteration of Livesies is another nightmare. Same names. New faces.
He dreams of Michael being bigger and better and everything he wasn’t. Of Michael staying. It’s why Denton isn’t there, Katherine is instead.
Santa Fe Prologue is Francis wishing he’d been better to Crutchie. Wishing he’d gotten to know the boy and actually be friends with him instead of just seeing him as That Annoying Little Brother.
Santa Fe itself turns from longing for an escape to longing for *family*
Seize the Day goes from boys excited to stand up for themselves to almost a bitter ballad about being courageous (*cough instead of, say, running to Santa Fe cough*)
Bottom Line gives an insight to what Pulitzer’s thinking is. But not like an adult would think of it. “Proud of themselves and so grateful to me, they’ll be begging to pay even more.” Pulitzer was greedy, but he wasn’t stupid. He would’ve known that the boys weren’t gonna be *happy* to pay more.
Medda goes from this kind of jaunty, aunt-like figure to what Francis wants-what he *needs*-a mom.
Then he meets Katherine. Not Denton, not Sarah, Katherine. Maybe he couldn’t face either of them. Maybe he wanted something new. But, Katherine sometimes loving him out of nowhere would probably be explained by Francis not knowing what love looks like, especially from a girl.
King of New York doesn’t include him, probably because Francis, again, *couldn’t face them*, especially celebrating a win like that.
LETTER FROM THE REFUGE. It’s not in the first few nightmares. He hasn’t had time to fully wallow in his regret. But, once he realizes, the guilt starts eating at him. He’s now including Crutchie in a bigger part in his nightmares. He’s dreaming about how Crutchie was probably scared to death in the time without him in the Refuge.
But he also couldn’t send Michael there.
Watch What Happens Reprise is Francis *longing* for someone to *want him* to come home.
Katherine being Pulitzer’s daughter-without telling him- is Francis feeling betrayed in his own way. Not by anyone in particular, but just in general. By people he was supposed to be able to trust.
Brooklyn’s Here is Francis being pissed that Brooklyn took *so fucking long* to join the strike.
Once and For All. Francis vaguely remember that happening. He kind of remembers what happened. But, all he knows is Michael will Do Better Than Him. He has to Do Better. He has to *Be* Better.
He has to stay.
Other things that kind of prove the point:
•Livesies Jack isn’t called Cowboy. Francis-even in his worst nightmares-couldn’t stand seeing Michael bear the weight of his legacy.
•Livesies Jack is an artist. Maybe showing Francis has had time to slow down, and actually *enjoy* the little things in like. Like the sunset. The moon. Horses. Swimming. Little things.
•92sies Jack lacks a passion-particularly for the newsies- that Livesies Jack *thrives* on. Livesies Jack is doing everything to keep those kids safe, and 92sies Jack is doing everything for more selfish reasons (money, leaving)
•Santa Fe, to Livesies Jack, is more of a dream. A fictional place he can paint to escape to. 92sies Jack has a Very Good Idea of what Santa Fe is like.
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thresholdbb · 8 months
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Michael Sullivan: That’s a fine tattoo. Are you off a ship?
Chakotay: You could say that
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Michael Sullivan (top)
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undescribed1mage · 9 months
Category, Rating, & Archive Warnings: Gen, Teen & Up, Major Character Death
Fandom: Newsies - All Media Types, Hard Promises (1991)
Relationship(s): Jack Kelly & Michael Sullivan, Jack Kelly & Charlie (Hard Promises), Spot Conlon & Jack Kelly, Crutchie & Jack Kelly
Character(s): Jack Kelly (Newsies), Michael Sullivan (Hard Promises), Spot Conlon, Crutchie (Newsies), Minor Characters
Additional Tag(s): Pre-Canon, During Canon, Whumptober 2023, Diary/Journal, but also, Letters, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Jack Kelly needs a Hug (Newsies), Angst with a Happy Ending, Jack Kelly is Not Okay, Female Spot Conlon, Hard Promises I love you dearly but goddamn are you hard 2 tag, UK Cast for Appearances, Title from a Crywank song, Crutchie is called Sean, not because I think that's his name but because there's already a Charlie in this & I don't wanna mix them up, Bad Things Happen Bingo, Everyone except Jack & Michael are just mentioned, but they're mentioned a lot, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Letters written from Francis Sullivan in New York, New York to Michael Sullivan in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
[WRITTEN FOR THE WHUMPTOBER & @badthingshappenbingo PROMPTS: Journal & Journal/Diary Entry.]
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arista-essendon · 10 days
Hey, know the “I’d die for you” thing?
You should totally fill one out for the different Riyria characters
hey i'm so sorry for how long it took me to respond to this, but here it is!!
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 11 months
“…and years spent with Royce has taught Hadrian intimidation was a useful tool in saving lives. This wasn’t the lesson Royce intended him to learn but Royce wasn’t the best teacher.”
-Professional Integrity by Michael J Sullivan
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cccovers · 6 months
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Bizarre Adventures #33 (December 1982) cover by Michael Sullivan.
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grayrainbow173 · 1 year
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My newest J7 story is ready for you to read! It is a bit darker and less happy than my usual stuff but life isn't always good, is it?
Summary: Seven watches as Michael Sullivan proclaims his love for Katie O'Clare and something snaps inside of her.
Missing scene from the episode "Fair Haven" (S06E11).
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easolinas · 1 year
Review: Theft of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan
Review: Theft of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan
Royce the thief and Hadrian the swordsman are known as Ririya — for the right price, and given enough time, they can steal pretty much anything. They are also the last people you would expect to be suddenly in the middle of a massive political and religious war, but that is what happens in “Theft of Swords,” the first of Michael J. Sullivan’s Riyria Revelations omnibi, which compiles the first…
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