#sparky thoughts
sparkedblaze · 2 months
do yall think easter was just a bad early april fools prank?
“guys hes gone!”
“omg hes risen! he really is the son of god!”
“we must start writing his story!”
“share it with the world!”
“guys it was a prank, his body-“
“silence judas!”
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kikker-oma · 1 year
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@skyward-floored for you! You said you wanted Sky or Hyrule to feel pain, right?? Well, I hope this does something for you😈😉
Sorry this took so long, I've had so many ideas but so little time and, honestly, motivation lol
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boneinator · 2 months
(first let's all pretend it's still Friday , ok? Ok.)
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I'm still being annoying about fanbots so y'all get this 💥 some of the artstyles in the ogs were pretty different to mine so I had to make Choices (and fully design Sparky. Omg) but I hope it's still ok
(Mainframe belongs to @butterbolted-automaton, Octavia to @galaxystargurl110, Sparky to @hummingbirdspark, Drone to @spacejunker, Stripy and Starry to @tealares/@asmogorna and Rose to @thoughts-and-lovely-illusions !!)
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flesheatingmoth · 10 months
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i think about stick of truth style way too much to be healthy. i could also not be arsed to color this entire thing
some explanations under the cut
i've always found the idea of human stan to be quite boring, especially since it's not actually mentioned in the game at all. from what i know, at least. i've played it a few times but it never presented him as a human. idk where that idea came from. i guess his description said he was raised by elves, but i dont think that necessarily means he's human
my very elaborate and unnecessary backstory for him is that sharon is an elf and sheila's right hand maiden. she managed to fall in love with randy, a human farmer and bard, when seeing him singing at a tavern. she ran away from her duties as the queen's right hand to live with randy on his farm, and had two children, shelley and stan. unfortunately, the village that they lived near weren't fond of human-elf relationships and burned down the farm, chasing them out of town. shelley ended up getting cursed to be the she orge that she is in the game, and sharon, as a last ditch effort, gave stan over to sheila and asked her to protect him. sheila still felt affection for sharon as her old best friend, so she agreed and raised stan to be a knight. he and kyle grew up alongside each other and stan became kyle's personal knight
human-elf relationships aren't illegal but they're very taboo with the tensions between larnion and kupa keep, so half elves are generally outcasted. stan is the first half elf to join the royal guard and lot of people want him off of it
stan is also a ranger in game and has sparky as his wolf companion, so i thought it would be fitting for him to have a disney princess moment and be friends with wolves lol. the wolves help patrol the forest surrounding the elven capital and report back to stan directly. he knows how to communicate with them
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settingorange · 6 months
I got that dog in me
The dog:
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zibiscusloon · 7 months
Because it's impossible to choose one, rate and order the cameos/easter eggs you loved most in the movie
I’m gonna go with some of my favorites off the top of my head! There were so many across the whole movie and I loved each and every one, lol
(Note this is in no specific order!)
1. Chica’s fucking Magic Rainbow
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My friend Axe ( @gayfrogsarecool ) caught this lil easter egg while we were watching the movie and it managed to flood back so many memories. So.. many… memories…. (All of yelling at a rude ass rainbow-)
I’m probably in a minority of people who loved Fnaf World during its initial release, so I really wasn’t thinking there’d be a World reference! It was really sweet to see!
2. Balloon Boy (lil bastard-)
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I can’t believe I’m admitting that this lil shit is the only animatronic who managed to succeed on every single fucking jumpscare. He got me each time— There was no excuse for them to work every time! He was literally just standing there! But noooooo, Freddy biting Max in half only gave me a brief pause of “Oh.” But the batterie thief himself is the one who made me jump from my seat- what the fuck-
3. Sparky the Dog! (And Sparky’s Diner!)
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Every single fan who has been around since Fnaf 1 knows who Sparky the Dog is! The original hoax character. I remember when I was little and I’d be up watching theories trying to debunk whether or not he was a real character! A fan character was a big surprise and seeing that he even has an in universe diner themed around him made me feel like a kid again! (Only this kid now gets confirmation of a Canon Sparky-)
(Also Imma just say his movie design is adorable I love him sm-)
4. Carl & The Cupcake
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Noticed this one out more recently! So during the whole segment where Max & her friends are picked off one by one by the gang I learned that the dude that the Cupcake straight up mauls happens to be named “Carl”! I have no idea if it was intentional or not but it could be a nod to The Cupcake’s fanon name!
5. The Ella springlock suit
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So Ella on her own was a rather eerie and intriguing concept from the books (Saying this as someone who is still really iffy with how the whole “Charlie is a Robot” concept was handled)
But seeing her as her own animatronic in the movie really managed to bring up her creep factor! She just looks so ragged and forgotten, she looks like a creepy af porcelain doll (and I love that-). Makes me wonder if we’ll ever see animatronic Ella up and running (probably not but it’d be cool none the less!)
6. Cory & Matpat!
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Coryxkenshin has always been a comfort channel for me! I always found his content genuinely nice, genuine, and I have a habit of going back to plenty of his old game playthroughs when I’m feeling down. Man also got jumped by BB- you and me both pal-
When I tell you the cackling I had from the whole “That’s just a theory” line, cheeky son of a- (also I now hc Ness as the Hurricane local menace who is a constant thorn in William’s side cause he keeps breaking into the Pizzaria on the weekends looking for evidence and shit from the MCI)
7. And Of course..
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I mean did they really expect to have this as the end credits song and for me to not loudly sing it? Childhood in song form-
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brooklynisher · 4 months
I enjoy your art and value your Steam Powered Giraffe opinions.
Therefore, which robot is most likely to own and use roller skates/blades, and what would they look like?
- @steambot-sparky
First of all: Thank you :]
Second of all: My first thought went to The Spine due to Roller Skate king.
I find Roller Skate King to be a unique song in terms of their Hero songs because it deviates from the original formula quite a bit. If you listen to Captain Albert Alexander, Rex Marksley, and Airheart back to back, you’ll notice that they have a really similar structure. But this song is much different, focusing mainly on how cool the Roller Skate King is rather than his life story. Also the genre. It all makes that song seem like a massive tribute to Roller Skate King rather than just another story. Also, “Roller Skate King, knight me if you can, 'cause I wanna roll with you across the land”
I think he’d wear simple black and red skates since those are his favorite colors canonically. Maybe he’ll put a little glitter on the red parts if he wants to spruce it up a bit. But only a modest amount.
Zer0 might canonically have roller skates if you consider the Not Live and Not in Person! show canon. They’re mentioned during the whole, The Spine is stealing all of Zer0’s wheels segment.
I like to think he’d go for a purplish blueish colored skate. I guess I associate that with the Lyin’ Awake music video more than anything else, but that palette suits him. He would like that they stand out under black light. He would also try putting glitter on, but he wouldn’t be nearly as neat and as careful as The Spine would be. It’d get everywhere.
Honorable mention: Hatchworth I feel like isn’t much of a skater, but he does love his Heelys.
The others I feel like the others would enjoy skating, but wouldn’t really be too into it.
Rabbit wouldn’t go out of her way to roller skate, but wouldn’t mind joining her siblings. She’d still have a good time. She’d like those vintage looking skates with the dull colors and the few curvy lines from the back of the skate to the center. Of course, she won’t be afraid to add her own personal changes. She might prefer blades over skates.
The Jon would probably be the most likely to skate around unprompted. Not necessarily because he loves it, though he probably does, but more because he likes to be unpredictable. He’d wear black skates with a simplified rainbow pattern plastered on the sides.
Upgrade is more into, what she considers superior, ice skating. Though she is a bit out of practice. She would find herself imaging it more than doing it. She’d wear pretty pink skates, complete with satin textured ankles.
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smol-stardust · 2 months
That thing in soulmate aus where they can suddenly see colour when they meet their soulmates. HOW do they always know what colour is what right away?!
Like if I didn’t know colours and could suddenly see them I’d think I was high and misname all the colours and look like an idiot
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smashwolfen · 3 months
I got mad brain fog from a migraine today but I just had a thought and scribbled, okay hear me out-
What if the sides of Electrikes head are just, pinned back ears, and thats just how they sit naturally and its not just its hair/fur?
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Can they move? Can they flop?
Manectrics got earholes so theorectically the ears are just stuck up against the mohawk too but their also separated in the linework so they have to have independent movement? Maybe????
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I dunno this is too much thinking during a post migraine spell, but I had to get the thought out XD
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megamind2010 · 1 year
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absolutely monumental day for blue and gold fans
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sparkedblaze · 16 days
sparky’s unpopular opinion that has been on the mind for many a night (explanation under the break so i don’t have a long post taking up your feed):
all the young dudes has done immense damage to the marauders fandom
don’t get me wrong. the fic is good. you can tell that the person who wrote it put their heart and soul into a fic about something that they loved. you can see every little fun detail they put into it.
the story isn’t exactly my thing. but when you’re creating with that much emotion and passion and love? it’s hard to not fall in love with it.
i get that
but when i get hate dms on instagram telling me that my portrayal of pandora lovegood is wrong because i made her maiden name something that isn’t rosier, or how i write peter (as a person with both good and bad and not just a written off follower of james and sirius, which is apparently insane to people), it kind of puts the fic in a dark light.
i’ve read a decent chunk of it, but i couldn’t make it through because of how the author writes some of the characters. most notably peter, as he’s written out of most scenes via detention or girlfriends, even though the thing that made his betrayal so heartbreaking was the fact that he had been close to james and lily.
what made the betrayal so harsh and unbelievable was him being good friends with them. the world believed that sirius black, james’ best friend, betrayed him. because they’d both been friends with him.
and to be told that my interpretations of any said characters were wrong because of a fanfiction?? it’s just wild, and makes me incredibly upset.
harry potter is a massive fandom, and the marauders fandom is a sizeable subset of that fandom! so to say that one person’s interpretations are just Right because you like their fic is wild.
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happycabbage · 2 years
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Sassy Elizabeth and her opinions that definitely matter the most...
02x02 The Intruder
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sparky-is-spiders · 3 days
Sometimes (especially when I was younger) I would wish that I could just drop all my emotions in someone else’s head so that they could sort out what I was feeling for me or tell me what was happening in there.
Anyway I think Jon could probably benefit from a romantic partner who can do that for him (or at least might find it appealing) which is yet another reason why Jonelias is so viable I think.
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gutterfuuck · 22 days
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spyrkle4 · 4 months
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A catified design of my MCSM OC Sunny!
She's a ginger tabby with with large cream markings
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Imagine how beautiful Blake looks from Yang’s point of view
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