#Michael seemed so happy during the filming of GO
flagbridge · 9 months
I Saw the Phantom Proshot at the NYPL
Happy 36th birthday to Phantom's first preview on Broadway! I was going to save this post for the actual 36th, but I figure all of us need some more Phantom Broadway "original" content since the official Insta accounts are reminding us today that Phantom is no longer (though it should be) on Broadway. I'm going to post about what I saw, and I'll follow up on January 26 with all my answers!
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Some time ago, @or-what-you-will and I went to the NYPL's Theater on Film and Tape Archive, and viewed the archival pro shot of the Original Broadway Cast of Phantom of the Opera, filmed live on May 25, 1988. There is only one copy, and its purpose is artistic preservation (not commercial distribution--the library owns it). It was kept under lock and key during the show's run. All information about how to access the archive is on the website. I can't really tell you anything more besides what's out there because it will become identifying. You get set up in a room with monitors and can pause and rewind, although you can't touch the media.
This was not my first TOFT proshot, but it was the best-filmed. Some, there's a single camera just parked, or there's some generation loss because of when the tape was transferred to digital. This had absolutely vivid colors, a multi-camera shot, and brilliant and clear soundboard audio. I heard lyrics I have never heard (especially during Notes when everyone is singing over one another), the sound balancing was so good. It was as transformative as seeing it live.
These are all the notes we took while there (apologize if they can seem disjointed) More below the cut.
-Multicam shot
-amazing audio (soundboard), vivid colors
-Raoul/Barton is crying in his voice during the auction
-there’s a “voice” that sounds like a woman singing with the overture (maybe a theramin?) We jumped in shock at this. We've never heard this before, not even on soundboard.
-Sarah Brightman comes on stage during the Hannibal rehearsal, moving across the stage with Meg during “Rome not Roma”--so she dances in the front row during the Hannibal ballet
-Hannibal ballet then has 10 dancers and since Christine is in the whole thing, there is slightly different choreo
-there’s a synth under Meg’s “he’s there, the phantom of the opera” 
-Firmin lights a cigarette and Andre (Future Phantom Cris Groenendaal) stops him right before “Think of Me’ which makes the “Defense de Fumer” on the back of the curtain make even more sense
-Think of Me Gala skirt is not as full (but of note, Carlotta’s Elissa costume is much more ornate than we have now or even at the end of Broadway)
-Raoul sings slightly different notes in Think of Me. Steve Barton goes down a few notes on “young and innocent” (it’s not belted) and is clearly wistful. 
-The think of me cadenza is absolutely effortless
-The “Bravi, Bravi” is haunting and perfectly sound balanced!
-Meg can actually sing and the Angel of Music harmonies work
-Raoul (Steve Barton) is nervous before going into the dressing room. He taps his fingers on the banister and takes a deep breath before going in
-He’s also nervous inside the dressing room–you can see him going from seeing an old friend to suddenly having feelings, being attracted to her. When he’s standing behind her he has a slight moment when he nearly touches a lock of her hair. 
-Raoul is wearing a ring on his right hand (signet?)
-Steve Barton says MY Little Lotte
-Christine (Brightman) is excited about meeting the Angel of music and has a wanting and longing in “Enter at LAST master” (in a way that Lily Kerhoas does now and we haven’t had many Christines who do this) 
-The picture is VERY CLEAR and NO WASHOUT when we see Michael Crawford appear in the mirror for Phantom’s entrance. You see everything
-When the door opens for Raoul to the dressing room after they go through the mirror, it opens slowly (vs banging open). It’s the same tempo that Phantom moves to take Christine through the mirror
-1925 Phantom silhouette vibes at the first “sing for me” 
-Not a particularly aggressive cape twirl, but def a twirl. 
-They get VERY close on “turn your face away”, almost kiss (like, Russians, Panaro/Joseph close) 
- he has a nice portcullis sprawl but she does not press against him, there is visible space between them the entire time
-”Caress” and “hear it, feel it” are explicitly seductive, the former in how it’s sung, the latter because he self-caresses on “feel it”
-the “Touch me” in touch me/trust me is half sung/half spoken order, she strokes her hand over the mask and he does not pull away
-He does have a little panic when she faints and he covers her with the cloak. He’s holding her hair when he sings to her there
-At the unmasking, MC holds for a brief moment before covering his face with his hand so the audience gets a peek of the deformity (before “damn you”) 
-Vixen not viper
-Crawls on knees, not stomach. We get…lots of crying and whimpering 
-Christine sees his face a lot during this sequence. MC lowers his hand as soon as he’s on her side of the stage from “secretly dreams of beauty” to “Oh Christine”, when he turns away–but she is looking at him the entire time. MC is angled right by a mirror shard so we can see a bit of the deformity reflected back
-Right before “come we must return”, MC is about to cup her face with both his hands before changing his mind–she starts to reach for him as well. 
-His Mandarin robe is much longer than we have now (ankle length vs calf length) 
-This Giry has witch vibes
-Steve Barton is playing eager puppy Raoul and it shows even though he looks older (Barton was 35 at the time)
-The sound balancing is so good that you can hear lines you don’t normally hear during Notes 1 and Prima Donna–including the Managers thinking that Christine has just been off with Raoul all night. 
-Sarah Brightman does a different pose on the bed as the pageboy during Il Muto. She crosses her legs vs putting her hands on her hips. 
-Firmin yells “the role of Christine Daae” to the proscenium, clearly directed at Phantom
-Barton Raoul’s “There is no Phantom of the Opera” comes off more as “Christine this is just some dude” vs “he doesn’t exist at all.” 
-Raoul loves Christine so much. He strokes her hair gently to comfort her right before “No more talk of darkness”--his eyes are soft and he’s genuinely caring and concerned (vs trying to be a hero) 
-”All I ask is for one love one lifetime”--different lyrics, she does it twice (This is on soundboards from the time)
-Raoul puts his face to Christine’s hands at the proposal. 
-Christine is clearly kissing his cheek right next to his mouth during the kiss (the final lair kiss is a real kiss) 
-Christine’s “I must go” is not as playful as we often see it later. She really is trying to go. 
-Raoul is nervous at “Christine, I love you”--he lowers his head for a moment worried that he said something wrong. He’s excited when she replies “order your fine horses”
-AIAOY Reprise: Michael Crawford is partially slumped over the angel, he’s holding hands with it to the audience’s right, and arm is slumped over on the left. We get a lot of anguished weeping, and little distressed moans as Christine and Raoul sing, there is rocking and head shaking and then covering his ears. It’s a HUGE difference then when he stands up fully for “You will curse” (he does this again during final lair between “unfeeling scrap of clothing” and “pity comes too late) 
-He also roars before standing
-The Phantom laugh/cackle continues well into the chandelier drop into intermission at the light cut out for about 15 seconds. 
Act II
-Carlotta masquerade costume has no mesh in the skirt–it’s much more of a see-through skeleton crinoline, so the feature is the purple tights
-Not surprising since Sarah Brightman is a dancer, but Christine does the proper choreography during Masquerade--she's the center of attention. Barton also does quite a bit of dancing.
-There’s an organ (almost like a circus organ) underlying the finale during masquerade
-Red Death double doesn’t run down the stairs, he stays at the top
-Giry/Raoul exchange after masquerade–both holding the lantern and super closeup
-Reyer is clearly gay–coded. Some voice and hand gestures during Sitzprobe
-Wishing–only one “help me say goodbye” (when did the second one get added?)
-”Far-reaching” gaze, Wandering Child is a duet
-Piangi says “conquest” is assured (at some point, this became “congress”)
-Michael Crawford imitates Piangi until “past the point…”
-Sarah as Christine is listening intently to Phantom’s voice and immediately noticed something is off–she doesn’t figure it out right away but she notices something. She is suspicious the entire time. It's not clear when she knows for certain.
-Christine never flees from him, during the first caresses, he hovers over her body, she turns to kiss him, he turns away, her hand lingers on her back, before she gets up to sing her solo part away from the table
-Michael Crawford’s hands are in in his crotch when Christine’s singing on the other side of the stage (“you have come here”)--he’s moving his palms in his lap the whole time, his hands are shaking, we only get glimpses of him, most of this part it’s focused on her
-There is none of the arm waving circling while their hands are held, she takes his hands, he switches his grip to hold one of hers, and they keep them on him
-She figures it out when she reaches down–she’s holding his hands above him and she pushes her left (our right) hand down and he pulls and she notices something–we can only see to his upper waist but her hand disappears and her expression changes, it’s implied he has an erection
-she doesn’t ever feel the mask, either accidentally or on purpose
-She doesn’t actually ever try to escape. It’s not the current West End or the past blocking–but more accurate in that she is aware of the situation and plays along. She keeps going with the blocking
-they both get up and keep singing, neither drags the other to the centre, they move together and keep singing 
-The last “return”--he sings it at the unhooding, she doesn’t
-”Say you’ll share with me”--he is really pleading and almost crying on “say you want me” 
-The managers don’t come out to try to usher her offstage, she doesn’t signal to them to stay
-When Phantom gives her the ring, she takes it, but doesn’t put it on–she just holds it
-He doesn’t scream at the unmasking, he just looks shocked and sad
-Ratcatcher order is different–it’s after Raoul and Giry’s first lines, that’s the indication that Giry needs to turn around, Giry screams
-Phantom is crying at “flesh” and through “unfeeling scrap of clothing”, he’s also hunched over through this sequence, and then stands to his full height at “Pity comes too late.”
-Phantom makes a big show of raising the portcullis, hands fully raised
-Raoul swats at Erik with one hand (the other is still on the noose) when Phantom grabs Christine on “start a new life” 
-Phantom is probably the “minimum” amount of rough as we see Phantoms be with Christine in this sequence, as in, he’s definitely scary and menacing but he’s not harming her. He does grab her and spin her around on “start a new life with me.” There are a few wrist grabs (which is book accurate). He’s realizing more that his plan is absolutely crumbling. We get some shots of him on the organ looking panicked.
-Phantom makes a low growling noise before “you try my patience”, which is delivered quickly and almost casually. It is not menacing as some later Phantoms do. 
-”Pitiful creature”..MC’s hand is subtly shaking by his side
-The kiss: the 1st one MC stands with “claw hands” at his side, on the second one, the “claw hands” start shaking
-MC hunches over after he burns the noose
-He stands over the monkey, conducting it with one hand, he is mimicking the symbol clashes, he doesn’t touch it or cover its face
-When Christine returns the ring, his hand shakes as he takes it, he’s hunched over again. 
-She does seem conflicted about leaving, but she doesn’t press her hand back around his, she holds out the ring and his hand shakes as she takes it. She doesn’t linger very long. 
-He says a second “I love you” after she’s gone.
-He’s about to say it a third time, he says “I love…” and then see the veil, and grabs it and screams into it, and then turns and sees the boat leaving
-He sobs and keens a lot
-Raoul bends in the boat to caress Christine’s face on “say the word”)--this is halfway across the stage as opposed to during the stage right exit.
-Deliberately cracks voice on the "can" in “you alone can make” 
-MC Cradling the veil like a baby at the very end
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SEND ME YOUR QUESTIONS! You can put it in comments, reblogs, AMA or DM's. I will answer all of them on January 26!
271 notes · View notes
staged romance | luke hemmings x actress!reader
summary: when you get the role of a lifetime, luke struggles to support you when he finds out who your scripted love interest is 
word count: 10.8k
warnings: misogyny, arguments, drinking, jealousy, swearing, mentions of cheating, angst
author’s note: the title of the movie/book and the show were smth i made up on the fly so it’s not to be affiliated w other books/movies that are called that lol, it’s all a coincidence. this is also not proofread!
second author's note: the last bit was rushed in the end but let me be clear! my intent was to portray a loving realistic relationship with healthy communication of feelings and borders. of course, things like that are tough to convey in a one-shot alone. talks of jealousy and cheating is heavily mentioned throughout the text, but it is not my intent to make luke appear toxic or y/n seem unfaithful. the two are in a healthy relationship that gets plagued by jealousy, insecurities, and stupid social media! i, in no way, shape, or form, condone toxic relationships and try my best to let that show in my writing. please consult a trusted loved one if you are experiencing a toxic relationship. i love yall and hope the best!
happy reading lovelies <3
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“I’m sure you boys are incredibly busy now more than ever,” the interviewer said, referring to the band’s many new surprises in store. “I can’t help but wonder what you guys are most excited about.”
Luke was nodding along to the woman, barely paying attention and silently hoping for the interview to end faster. Ashton had always teased Luke for having a blank stare during these interviews and the fans have caught on, too, but he couldn’t help being bored talking about the same things over and over again. 
“So busy,” Michael agreed, taking the reins on the question. “We’ve got new music coming out, we’ve been working nonstop to release them and film music videos, too. Not to mention our tour coming up in a couple of months. But to speak for the boys, I think we’re all pretty excited to have our music featured in a movie.” 
Ashton was quick to chime in. “Yeah, we’ve worked real hard on this one, we were in the studio for hours trying to perfect it and we hope we did the movie justice.” 
The interviewer shifted through her binder of notes and questions. “It’s safe to say everyone is stoked to hear it in theaters,” she concluded. “But the question that’s been on everyone’s minds is, Luke, how do you feel about writing a song for a movie your girlfriend is the face of? Could you walk us through that process?” 
Calum quietly nudged Luke in the side, bringing his attention to the woman sitting before them. “Oh yeah,” Luke coughed, readjusting his posture in his chair. “I’m super excited to help bring this story to life, it’s been a real journey to go through the entire process of it all. I’m especially proud of y/n for getting the lead role, it’s been a dream of hers to get this far and I’m so lucky to have her in my life and watch her grow as an actress.” 
“Aw,” Ashton leaned into his mic, making the boys laugh. “So cute.” 
“Very cute,” Luke retorted with a small smile. “She’s great and definitely deserves this role; she’s worked so hard on it and it really shows on the screen. As for the music, I agree with Ash when he said we worked our asses off on it. y/n definitely put in a lot of input on this one, not actually, but she was a great inspiration throughout the writing and producing process.”
Michael grinned at his friend, picking up his mic. “He’s downplaying it,” he quipped. “When the producer reached out to us to write something up for the movie, Luke was really into it. I mean reading through the tidbit that the producer sent us, rereading the book the movie was based on, all of it. Out of the four of us, Luke was really the one who took the wheel on this project and y/n was a big part of the reason why.” 
Luke turned red at Michael’s explanation, but it was true. He was ecstatic to hear they wanted 5 Seconds of Summer to add to their soundtrack, and he was even more excited to hear it was for the very movie you just received the lead role for. You both found out the news on the same day and were over the moon excited. 
“I got the part!” you yelled, running down the hall to Luke’s office with Petunia following close behind you. “Babe! I got the part-”
Luke swung the door open, a look of disbelief on his face. “They want us to write a song for the movie,” he announced. 
Your eyes were wide at his news. In an instant, you jumped into his arms and he caught you, spinning you around as you both let out shouts of joy. Luke peppered kisses down your face and neck, anywhere he could reach, in pride. 
“I’m so proud of you, baby,” he told you earnestly. “I’m so so proud of you. You earned this!” 
“We earned this,” you corrected him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling into a kiss.
“Guilty,” Luke sheepishly admitted to the interviewer. “I love my girl, what can I say?”
The woman let out a chuckle before getting back into the interview. “All the fans are happy to hear that,” she told him. “Last question and it’s for Luke again;  so Michael said that you read the book for “What Lies Between Us,” and so you probably know that there are a couple explicit scenes in there, particularly between the lead and her love interest, played by Harry Styles. We all are very aware of your past with One Direction, having toured with them and gaining your fame through the tours. How do you feel about your girlfriend and friend coming together for these intimate scenes?” 
The boys “oohed” immaturely as Luke blushed, shaking his head. You had already told him there would be scenes like that in the movie, not because he was jealous or would prevent you from doing them, but just to be open with him. After a discussion, the both of you were on the same page about the scenes, agreeing that it’s just work and holds no value offset. 
“Yeah, n/n told me about them,” Luke chuckled, taking a sip of water. “And I don’t have anything to say about them. y/n is a great actress and so is Harry. They’re respectable workers and take their job seriously. I trust them both, not that that matters.” 
“Well said,” the interviewer applauded. “So even beyond the explicit scenes, do you mind that they will be portraying lovers throughout the film?” 
Luke set his water on the ground. “I mean, who doesn’t love Harry Styles, he’s handsome,” he joked playfully. Luke’s crystal blue eyes stared deeply into the camera. “No, I don’t mind at all. It’s all for the movie. Styles may have my girl in the morning and afternoons, but at night she’s mine to hold to sleep.” 
Luke entered the bedroom, sighing loudly as he hunched over to throw off his shirt. You had been laying there waiting for his arrival home, reading over your agenda and going over your lines in your pajamas under the covers. Petunia was sleeping soundly at the foot of your bed, unbothered by his usual antics. 
“You’re home late,” you mused, setting your pen down. “Everything okay, bub?” 
Luke moaned and groaned while kicking off his dress pants and replacing them with his more comfortable pair of sweatpants, eventually falling face down onto the bed. You giggled at his dramatics, your hand going to play through his blond curls. He relaxed at your touch as he reached for your hand and kissed it softly. 
“Do you think Harry is more handsome than me?” he asked, eyes peering up at yours. 
You raised your eyebrows curiously. “Do you want the answer of a 1D fan since high school or the answer of your loving girlfriend?” you joked. You and Luke both knew how deep your love for One Direction was as a teenager. He loved to tease you about your posters and t-shirts, not to mention the Harry Styles cardboard cutout you received as a birthday present one year.
Luke let out another grumble as he rolled onto his back. You scooted forward to rest his head on your lap. “Both,” he decided. 
You hummed, resuming your twirling of Luke’s hair. “Well as your girlfriend,” you began. “I think you are the most handsome man to ever walk this planet.” 
“And the 1D fan?” he begrudgingly asked.
You took your finger and softly traced along the bridge of his nose, trailing down to his jawline. “I think Harry Styles is very very handsome,” you answered. Watching Luke scrunch his nose in childish jealousy, you leaned in closer. “But I think the lead vocalist of the band that opened for One Direction was way better looking, sweeter, and all around so much better,” you whispered as though you were letting him in on a secret. 
Luke pushed you away, sighing loudly once again as you threw your head back in laughter. “That’s the girlfriend speaking!” he whined. 
“We’re one and the same, Lu,” you scolded playfully, reaching for your boyfriend. “Just because my seventeen year old self was too obsessed with Harry doesn’t mean I don’t love you and find you all the more attractive now.” 
Luke let out an unconvincing huff, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “What’s gotten into you, bub?” you asked, concern taking over your curiosity. 
“The interview was all about you and the movie today,” he responded, tucking himself into bed and taking his spot beside you, nestled warmly in your chest. 
You snorted, resting your hand back into his hair. Not only were his curls extremely soft at the touch and soothing to play with, you knew -while he would never admit it aloud- Luke loved when you played with his hair. “Didn’t realize I was a tough topic to talk about,” you jested. 
Luke rolled over so he was practically laying half of his body on yours. “Nooo,” he said, voice muffled by your shirt. “You know I love to talk about you, baby. It’s just I got a question about you and Harry being love interests.” 
You stiffened, clearly caught off guard. “Oh,” you could only muster out. 
The musician nodded, burying himself into your chest and wrapping his arms around your waist. “People can be so annoying sometimes,” he huffed in frustration. “Why would I care if my girlfriend is playing Harry Styles’ love interest? It’s not like it changes anything between us or between me and Harry.”
“It’s because people are misogynistic and gross,” you explained with an equally upset frown. “Just because I’m a woman in the film industry, they think I’m going to fling myself at any man I act with. It was the same for my last movie. I don’t understand why people are so quick to judge and point fingers.” 
Luke lifted his chin and cupped your cheek affectionately. “I’m so sorry this is what you have to deal with everyday,” he apologized. “It’s bullshit, and I’ve made it crystal clear that you should be respected and valued for your work, not who you kiss or whatever on the screens.” 
“You can always shut down the questions if they ask you,” you reminded him. “You don’t have to make yourself uncomfortable.”
Luke bit his lip in thought, a habit you found adorable and mesmerizing to watch. “But I’d rather answer these questions and stop the narrative about actresses and showmances. It’s not fair for you guys to be scrutinized about your love lives and image while male actors never get those kinds of questions.” 
Your lips trembled in awe of Luke’s small rant. You had never felt so loved and appreciated by the man like you did right now. He was ever a gentleman in a world of childish boys. “You know I love you, right?” you asked him with a tearful smile. 
Luke raised his thumb to the corner of your eyes to wipe away a stray tear. “It’s the bare minimum to support my girl,” he told you. “I love you, too, baby.”
Settling back down under the covers with your lover, you rested your head on top of his. “You don’t have to worry about me and Harry,” you reassured him. “It’s strictly business between us, and he’s aware of that.” 
“I’m not worried,” Luke said, his eyes fluttering closed. “Get some sleep, love. You got an early morning ahead of you.” 
The next morning, you woke up refreshed with your boyfriend still fast asleep beside you. You smiled to yourself, taking a mental image of the singer nestled beside you. His arm was snug around your waist and his nose was buried in your chest, a normal routine you’ve found the both of you falling into when he was home from tours. What you hated the most was ending said routine when you had to wake up before him for filming. 
You slowly removed his arm and slid out from under the sheets, trying to not wake him. Of course, ever the heavy sleeper, Luke remained asleep, taking one of your pillows as an adequate replacement for you. You quietly began your morning routine of brewing coffee for yourself, brushing your teeth, and styling your hair. Petunia followed behind you, being the momma’s girl she was. You let her go outside as you got started on preparing breakfast. Normally, you’d make breakfast and coffee for two but you were called for an earlier shoot, barely before sunrise, so Luke would no doubt be asleep for a while.
Finished with breakfast and giving Petunia her required pets and kisses, you went back upstairs to get dressed for the day. You thought you had been relatively quiet, but nonetheless the singer woke up to you, half dressed, on the other side of the room.
“What a sight for sore eyes,” his raspy voice praised.
You turned your head around as you slipped on a pair of pants, rolling your eyes at him. “You should be asleep,” you scolded lightly. 
“And you should still be in bed with me,” he reprimanded in the same tone. Luke lazily reached across the bed for you, only short by a few inches. 
“I have to be in for an early shoot,” you reminded him. “You know I’d be asleep right beside you if I had the choice.” 
Luke groaned, making you laugh as you ruffled his hair similar to how you’d pet Petunia. “Why can’t you call out?” he whined like a toddler. 
You kissed his forehead and set for the door. “If I did, I’d be out of a job,” you told him. “Then who would Harry kiss on camera?”
“Not funny!” Luke yelled out as you grabbed the rest of your things and left your home. 
“Love you!” you shouted back, closing the door behind you. 
Luke rolled over back to his side, grabbing his phone and absentmindedly scrolled through Twitter. He figured that since he was already awake, he might as well look through his notifications before formally getting up. 
On Twitter, he realized in the bottom of his screen that he received thousands of tagged mentions. Curious, he clicked on the icon to see multiple photos of you and Harry outside the studio. You two were snuggled under a blanket, far too close for his liking. The smile on your face was one Luke was familiar with because it was the look you always gave him. Jealousy burned in his chest before he realized it. 
outofstyles: harry styles and y/n l/n is a pair we didn’t ask for but ended up needing SEVERELY
stylesupdatesdaily: styles-l/n was NOT on my bingo card this year but i am here for it!!! #styles-l/n #wlbumovie
lukehemmingslipring: why are people shipping harry and y/n when she’s been dating luke since way before the SGFG era??? and why am i fucking with it???
y/nismother: @lukehemmingslipring don’t tell me they broke up because if they did love isn’t real :(
y/nismother: @youngblood__irwin SEND THE LINK PLEASE!!!!!
Luke frowned at the back and forth in the comments, as well as additional tweets he was tagged in regarding the Hemmings vs. Styles drama, a drama he didn’t even knew had begun. Frustration and envy brewed inside him despite his strong attempts to fight the urge. He had promised you he wouldn’t get jealous. Hell, he didn’t expect himself to feel this way. He knew you, of course. And he knew Harry very well. In his right mind, he knew there was nothing behind the photos nor your staged romance. But the damn photos and tweets and people raising the question of the stability of his relationship…anger was clouding his mind and he could barely think straight. 
By the time you got to set, you were rushed into hair and makeup. You were used to the fast paced nature of the studio and settled into your routine with ease. As your hair designers twisted and pulled your hair back to prep for your wig, you saw a familiar figure catch your eye. 
“Good morning, darlin’,” Harry greeted with a chaste kiss on your cheek. You snorted at his thick Southern accent he had been practicing all year long. While he had improved significantly, you found that his drastic change from a charming British lad to a cheeky Southern man was still too bizarre to get accustomed to.
“Hello, honey,” you said back in a Chicago accent, remembering to stay still for the dressers to apply your wig. The accent you portrayed was one that your character had, a sharp-tongued divorcee. “Didn’t expect you to come in on time.”
“Love, I’m always on time,” he chuckled, sitting beside you to allow the artists to work their magic. “You’re just cooped up in your trailer doing God knows what with that husband of yours.” 
You laughed, eyes shut as your dear friend and makeup artist Alisha applied eyeshadow. “Not my husband,” you corrected him. 
“Well you’ve been dating him long enough for him to might as well be,” he joked. “You seriously mean to tell me Hemmings hasn’t put a ring on your finger?” You nodded as much as you could, considering Alisha was very adamant on perfecting your concealer under your eyes. “Well, he’s got to get a move on before I make a move myself.”
The two of you laughed, knowing the banter was light and all jokes. “Careful now, sweetheart,” you said, reverting back to your Chicago accent. “Mr. Hemmings might get a little jealous.” 
“Can’t have that now, can we?” he drawled, back in his Southern accent. “But you make such a pretty little wife on screen, how can I resist?” 
“You tease!” you exclaimed, clutching your heart and remaining in character. “Mr. McClantire, you know I’m a faithful woman.” 
Finished with his makeup, Harry stood up and readjusted his suit jacket. “Mrs. Abernathy, a lady like you should be cherished,” he explained, taking your hand and brushing his lips against his lightly. “I’ll meet you on set.” 
You chuckled, taking your hand back to fix your hat your stylist had expertly pinned to your head. “I’ll see you then, Mr. McClantire.” 
Leaving you be, Harry left the dressing room and gently closed the door. Alisha clicked her tongue at the British singer turned actor, shaking her head. “Always a tease, isn’t he,” she hummed, applying hair spray liberally. “He better watch himself or the media will end up in a frenzy with his flirtatious attitude.” 
“He’s a sweetheart, I know he means no harm,” you defended him, sipping your tea serenely. “I do believe he’s been seeing someone though so I know there’s no weight to his words. But I do admit his habits are going to make Twitter go crazy. Luke has already gotten wind of some of the news and gossip.” 
Alisha rested her hand on her hip, lips pursed in thought. “Only a matter of time before he gets jealous,” she mused playfully. 
“He won’t,” you said back, not expecting Alisha’s warning.
“Oh honey,” she shook her head. “You know men, they’ll get jealous.” 
Luke looked at the TV through the mirror reflection in his dressing room as he adjusted his dress shirt’s sleeves. Nearly a while had passed since the finish of filming and it was a matter of days until the movie’s premiere. Your schedule consisted of plenty of interviews and promo events which resulted in more drama tabloids being released about you and Harry. A scowl rested on his
and Harry on the screen talking with the host of the show. You were animatedly telling a story while Harry’s arm rested behind you. Albeit casual, Luke couldn’t help but glare at the gesture. 
“If looks could kill, he’d be dead,” Ashton mused from behind the blond singer. 
Luke brushed off his comment, turning away from the vanity. “I just wish he’d keep his bloody hands off her,” he muttered enviously. 
Calum was distractedly scrolling through his phone on the couch, no doubt bored, waiting for their cue to get on stage. “And sit fifty miles away from her?” he suggested plainly, sarcasm dripping from his voice. “Mate, they’re friends, of course they’re going to sit beside each other.” 
“But with his arm around her?” Luke pressed impatiently, fighting the urge to run his fingers through his hair. You reminded him constantly before arriving at the studio to not touch his hair. You’d worked so hard to style and gel it while he focused on his makeup. The blond settled for crossing his arms on his chest and tapping his foot. 
“Yeah,” Michael agreed with Luke. “He should cut it off,” he joked, dodging Luke’s swat of his hand. 
Ashton patted Luke’s shoulder, setting him down on the couch. “Calm down, Luke,” he instructed. “Take some deep breaths or else you’ll pop a vein. I understand how annoying publicists have been with Harry and n/n, but you shouldn’t let them get to you.” 
“How can I when they talk about my girl?” Luke seethed, his composure rigid. “They talk about her like she’s a fame chaser, going after Harry for publicity even though she’s been practically an A-lister since she was a kid.” Luke shuffled in his seat, frown permanently on his face. 
“Then I hardly see how Harry’s got anything to do with it,” Calum raised an eyebrow. 
Luke stood up from the couch as quickly as he had sat down. “Because he’s–he’s–” Luke stumbled over his words. Finding no reasonable excuse, he angrily kicked his foot against the table only to yelp in pain, clutching his foot and jumping up and down. “That fucking pretty boy.” 
Michael sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can’t really give into those gossip tablets, can you?” he genuinely asked. 
Luke paused, long enough for the boys to shake their heads in disappointment. “It’s the hair!” he lamely blamed, throwing his hands in the air. 
The boys’ conversation was interrupted by a set assistant, knocking on the door while opening it. “Five minutes till your performance,” the boy squeaked. 
Ashton was the one to speak up for the group. “Thanks, Roberto,” he said gratefully. The moment the boy left, Ashton turned to the boys. “We’re going to discuss this more later after the show. Luke, please be civil with Harry.” 
“Says the one who fucked his sis-”
“None of that now,” Ashton cut Michael off, not wanting to rehash his past. “Now let’s get on stage before they have our heads.” 
The boys made their way down to the set, hiding discreetly behind the curtains. A frenzy of assistants scurried by, ensuring that the boys had their instruments and everything was perfect before they got on stage. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, Five Seconds of Summer!” 
The stage manager nodded at the cue, ushering the boys through the entrance. Luke was the first to walk through, waving at the audience and smiling at fans screaming in the back. They got settled on the side stage, instruments in tow as they turned to the host of the night. 
“Thank you for having us, Jimmy,” Luke spoke into the mic, trying not to wince at the squealing girls in the crowd. His eyes were trained on you, who had stood up and clapped for the band as they came in. You were now seated, eyes sparkling in excitement. 
Jimmy Fallon leaned back in his chair. “We’re glad to have you, Luke,” he responded. “Hope the dressing room wasn’t too snug for your guys?”
“Oh no Jimmy, we quite enjoyed it,” Ashton answered from behind his kit. “Reminds me of the good old days when we’d share Luke’s bedroom to change before filming our performances on YouTube.” 
The crowd laughed at Ashton’s quip, Jimmy especially as he shook his head in laughter. “Good to hear,” he said. “And what do you guys have for us today?” 
Michael was next to take the lead. “Well initially we thought we were going to perform our song for What Lies Between Us,” he began, followed by more applause and cheering. “But we thought it would be better to leave that for the premiere.” 
“Correction: our publicist thought it would be better,” Calum joked, however there was no fabrication behind it; their publicist did think it would be best.
“So we decided to play a song from our album that’s yet to come out,” Michael finished. “Jimmy, this is “Bad Omens.”” 
The crowd loved the song as much as you did, finding that song to be one of your favorites of the album. Upon finishing the song, the boys set down their instruments for the backstage staff to collect and made their way to the couches. 
You and Harry stood up to greet each of them, Harry with a handshake and you with a kiss on the cheek. Luke took your hand, kissing you brightly on the lips before sitting down beside you. Jimmy made a cheeky face, teasingly looking at you and your boyfriend. The crowd chuckled at his behavior and you did the same while Luke kept his hand possessively on your knee.
“Well this is a new development,” Jimmy mused, folding his hands on top of his desk. 
You waved off his comment with an airy giggle. “Oh this?” you asked, gesturing between you and Luke. “Old as time.” 
“We’ve actually been together for what, a little over ten years now?” Luke explained, glancing over at you with a proud smile. He relished the feeling of the crowd clapping and whooping at your relationship. 
Jimmy whistled at Luke’s comment. “And no ring on the finger?” he pressed. “I mean, you’ve had to have thought about it before?” 
You nodded reassuringly. “Oh a million times,” you responded. “But God knows that when you deal with one of these boys, you have to deal with all of them.” You jabbed your thumb at the three boys to the left of you, shoving their lanky arms against each other as they tried to get comfortable on their seats. Luke cleared his throat to get their attention, the boys flushed in the face as they quit their quarreling. “I’ve known them since they went on tour with One Direction and we finally ended up dating afterwards. But now, I’m ready to get married and settle down. I’m just waiting on Hemmings, here.” 
Luke chuckled at your last comment, seemingly taking them lightly. You furrowed your eyebrows at his reaction, but decided not to act upon it. “She’s very much so anticipating that question, Jimmy,” he confessed. “It’s only a matter of time, but I’m in no hurry. This one, however…” he trailed off, grinning at you.
“A girl has dreams,” you defended yourself. 
Jimmy snapped his fingers at your words, a thought coming back to him. “Yes, you certainly do!” he exclaimed, reaching under his desk for a frame as he changed the subject. Confusion and hurt brewed inside you, but you quickly pushed those feelings down. “y/n, you’re not a stranger to dreams, right?”
“Oh, definitely not,” you agreed with a dubious expression on your face. 
“So I hope you don’t mind when I show a little memento from the past your mother sent over.”
“Oh God,” you groaned, turning to hide your face in Luke’s shoulder. “What did she send over now? I told you to lose her number, Jimmy.” 
Jimmy raised his hands up in surrender. “She makes a great lunch partner,” he defended himself. “y/m/n, if you’re watching tonight, we’re still on for Tuesday?” You rolled your eyes as Harry threw his head back in laughter. “Joking, joking, not really, but-” 
“Jimmy,” you said in a warning tone. 
“Alright, alright,” he relented. “Anyways, your mother found a letter you wrote back when you were in middle school to the tooth fairy-”
Michael choked on his own saliva, jerking forward. “n/n, you still believed in the tooth fairy when you were in middle school-”
“I don’t want to hear it, Clifford,” you clipped back through your teeth as you smiled rigidly. You still had one last baby tooth in at the time, you still had your hopes out for the mythical creature.
Jimmy raised his hand to cut off the side chatter as he read from the framed letter. “And you, at age thirteen, had one dream that you wished the tooth fairy would grant you.” 
“Dear Tooth Fairy,” he read aloud as you crumbled in embarrassment. “I have finally lost my last tooth, so I guess this will be the last letter I can send you.”
“Aww,” the boys gushed in unison, causing you to shoot them an icy glare. 
“To end this amazing tooth filled saga, I have one last wish. You see, it’s been my dream to meet One Direction.” 
“Jimmy!” you screamed, covering your face in humiliation as the memories started to flood in. Luke covered you in his arms as you folded over yourself, laughing along but equally curious about what was in the letter.
Jimmy, nonetheless, continued reading. “And I have a favorite singer in the band. If you could pull some strings and make Harry Styles my boyfriend, I swear to you I’ll write a letter to you everyday -even though I have no more teeth to give you- and will solemnly swear to be your best friend forever. Let him be my boyfriend, pleaseeeeee.” The audience let out a boisterous laughter as Jimmy emphasized your silly, childish writing. “Love, y/n.” 
More clapping filled your ears as you raised your head to face Jimmy. In the corner of your eye, you saw Harry resting casually beside you, facing you as he leaned against the couch. 
“I’m flattered,” Harry told you, an amused smile resting on his lips.
You pressed your lips in a straight line. “Thanks, Har,” you deadpanned. 
He patted your shoulder in a friendly manner. “No, it’s real sweet,” he reassured you. “Truly, cute, even.” 
“That’s not all we have,” Jimmy spoke up as he put away your framed letter. He waved off your groans and complaints. “It’s not bad, not bad. I’m sure you all remember the Golden Globes back in 2012 when y/n made her first appearance in the hit TV show, The Last Elites of Cardenia.” 
The crowd cheered as a photo of you as a child appeared on the screen. It was a shot of you in the show, dressed up in your furs and pearls as per your character, Cecilia. The next photo was of you on the red carpet with your show family. Your braces were highly visible in your smile, making you wince at the rough photo. 
“I loved that show,” Ashton sighed, full of nostalgia. “Cal, Michael, and I would binge that show every night after concerts.” 
“You didn’t watch it, Luke?” Jimmy asked curiously.
Luke sheepishly shook his head. “No, I didn’t,” he answered honestly. 
“I’m offended, babe,” you teased, your hand over your heart in mock offense.
Michael snorted. “It’s not like he didn’t like the show,” he told you. “He just could barely follow the storyline whenever you popped up on screen.” 
The boys gave Luke playful punches as he blushed. “I-I couldn’t help it!” he exclaimed. “You were just so cute on screen, you were my celebrity crush for the longest time. I mean you were a right entitled bitch in the show but meeting you in real life, I just was-“
“So down bad,” Ashton finished for him. Luke was about to correct him but you were quick to cut him off. 
“Baby,” you cooed, pinching his cheek. 
Jimmy laughed along with the conversation, pointing towards the screen as he spoke. “Speaking of celebrity crushes,” he continued. “We have this old footage of you on the red carpet answering some questions.” 
The day was bright as you appeared on the screen. A youthful innocence covered your entire self, from the way you gathered yourself to your voice. A woman was behind the camera, only her hand holding the microphone could be seen.
“And who might you be?” the woman asked you. 
You smiled brightly. “I’m y/n!” you chirped. “y/n l/n but most people know me as Cecilia from The Last Elites of Cardenia.”
“Nice to meet you, y/n, I’m Mei,” the woman greeted, shaking your hand. “This is your first time here at the Golden Globes, how are you feeling?” 
“Oh, I’m sooo excited, Mei,” you answered honestly and giddily. You could hardly stand still. “My mom picked my outfit today so I’m feeling very confident and pretty!”
“And who do you want to see most today?” 
You cocked your head in thought. “Harry Styles!” you exclaimed. “I heard One Direction’s going to be at the after party, so I really hope to see him. He’s my biggest celebrity crush,” you gushed unabashedly.
The clip ended and everyone turned to you, where you were frozen and wide-eyed.
“Where the hell do you find this stuff, Jimmy,” you sighed, face palming annoyedly. 
“Oh, the vault, you know,” Jimmy responded cheekily. “But that leaves us wondering how you feel now, starring alongside your celebrity crush in the film “What Lies Between Us?”” 
You tapped your chin. Harry glanced over at you. “Be honest, darling,” he reminded you in a sing-songy voice. 
“Well I can definitely say that my teenage self is absolutely losing her mind,” you answered. “It’s something out of a dream, if you think about it. I mean, I never knew I’d come far enough to star in a highly anticipated movie, nevertheless star alongside Harry. It’s a blessing, surely, but now, I think that fangirl side of me has been laid to rest.” 
Jimmy turned to your boyfriend. “And what do you think, Luke?” 
The musician gave the host a close lipped smile. “Whatever makes n/n happy,” he settled brusquely.
Jimmy, satisfied with his response, began asking questions for the other boys about touring and their music. You whipped your head around and raised an eyebrow at Luke for his short response, but Luke didn’t make eye contact with you. Concerned, you reached for his hand on his knee but he pulled back, folding his hands together. Never had you felt more confused and isolated than you did at that moment. You used to be able to read his mind, but now it felt like he’d closed his mind in walls you couldn’t seem to get past. 
“What was that about?” you demanded, following closely behind Luke as you walked into your shared home. 
After that awkward end to the show with Jimmy Fallon, you, Harry, and the boys went out to dinner. You thought that moment with Luke was just a one-off thing, but he remained in his rigid composure for the rest of the night. The boys would talk boisterously throughout the dinner, sharing stories of the past tours with One Direction and catching up on life afterwards. But Luke was the only one who remained silent, opting to focus on his glass of red wine he never seemed to finish. You made attempts to speak to Luke, nudging him or trying to meet his eyes from across the table but he refused to look up the entire time. Frustrated, you let it be but it was clear you were upset to the rest of the table. Harry had even pulled you aside after you all paid for your meals, asking if things were alright and if he had overstepped at all. You reassured him he did nothing wrong, it was Luke who was being childish at the moment.
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he brushed you off, heading upstairs to your bedroom. He removed his suit jacket and started unbuttoning his dress shirt nonchalantly, as if he hadn’t done anything wrong or pissed you off. 
You entered the bedroom, heels kicked off as you crossed your arms on your chest. “Let me refresh your mind,” you spat. “You’ve been nothing but rotten towards Harry and I tonight. What’s gotten into you? I thought you said you wouldn’t get jealous-”
“And I’m not,” Luke fought back. “God, you can be so conceited sometimes, y/n.” 
“So that’s what it is?” you snapped back. “I’m just being self-centered and your head isn’t stuck up your ass?” 
Luke aggressively pulled his sleeves up, leaving half of his buttons undone while placing his hands on his hips. “Yes, it would appear so,” he answered shortly. “You’re overthinking what’s going on, y/n, I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Do not gaslight me, Luke Hemmings,” you ordered, walking up to him to stand chest to chest. “I know your mother taught you enough for you to know that is not the way to go when arguing with me.” Luke huffed, giving in on that one statement because you were right; he did know better.
“Fine,” he muttered. “I am upset. And I have every reason to. I don’t like how close you and Harry have gotten, okay?”
Your jaw dropped in utter shock. “You mean my coworker?” you clarified sarcastically. “I’d hope I’d be close with him considering we’re playing lovers in the damn movie-” 
“There you go again!” Luke’s voice boomed across the room, throwing his hands in the air. “You and Harry being lovers. Sometimes I’m led to believe it’s more than for the movie with the photos I’ve seen and the mere way you act with him.” 
“Luke, I have no idea what to tell you,” you fumed. “We are acting. I have no romantic feelings for him and he has none for me. He’s seeing someone, for crying out loud! I thought you had enough trust in me to know nothing is going on between me and him.” 
“I do trust you,” he argued. “But you couldn’t possibly look me dead in the eye and tell me you didn’t have romantic feelings at all during filming. You have been crushing on him for far too long for that to just go away.” 
You hesitated, your face burning with frustration and humiliation. You hated to admit there was some truth to his statement. “I-I,” you stumbled over your words.
Luke’s nostrils flared as he glared at you, proving his point exactly. You threw your hands in the air. “He was a celebrity crush from when I was a teenager, Luke!” you shouted exasperatedly. “I had a little crush, that was it! And maybe it resurfaced a little at the beginning but I swear to you I don’t have those feelings anymore. It was a childish crush, Luke, you’ve got to believe me when I say that. I love you.” 
Tears lined both of your eyes as you went to reach for his hand. Your thumb grazed his ring, the one you bought for him for your first anniversary. “I really don’t know,” Luke whispered, slowly pulling his hand away.
Your heart shattered at his words, falling to the ground you stood on. You had dedicated ten years of your life to this man, ten of the best years of your life to him. You grew up with him, made the best and worst mistakes of your lives, and survived all of that together. He was your person, your lover, your one being that you’d lay down your life for. Yet, the moment your relationship is tested, he falters. But you couldn’t blame him. One little crush resurfacing, and that managed to wipe out everything you ever created for yourself over the past decade.
You took a deep breath, fighting the urge to fall over and sob on the ground. Your hands opened and closed into fists as you took a step back. “Fine,” you said, shaky and uncertain. Luke almost caved at your voice, the mere way you spoke. You had always carried yourself with dignity and confidence. He was the one who stripped you of that, and you were just a shell of who you once were. 
“I think I’m going to spend the night at Crys’s,” you told him, walking over to your closet and pulling out a bag. “It’s clear we both need space and time apart.” 
Luke shook his head, taking your wrist. “Don’t do that,” he said. “Your premiere is in two days, you’re going to be worn out and exhausted if you don’t sleep right. I’ll head over to Cal’s and you can stay here.” 
Taking back your wrist, you continued to pack your things. “It’s your house, Luke,” you reminded him. “Don’t worry, I’ll be okay spending the night with Crys and Michael.” 
“Don’t bother them,” Luke insisted. “They’ve been busy building the nursery for when they plan on trying for a baby and-” 
You winced at his words. He didn’t understand how much he hurt you with them, where he was only looking out for their sake and not yours. Realizing the deeper meaning behind his words, Luke tried to correct himself when you just raised your hand to stop him. He had said enough for the night, and so had you. 
“I’ll find a hotel,” you finally decided. Luke was silent, heart aching and yearning for you, but too frozen to speak up and do anything about it. Finished packing, you zipped up your bag and turned back to him. “Goodnight, Lukey,” you said, kissing him on the cheek before leaving the house entirely. 
Driving down the streets of L.A. you managed to find a small hotel on the side of the road that looked safe enough to spend the night. Carrying your bag, you pathetically entered the hotel in your dress from the late night show and a pair of flat shoes you slipped on before leaving. Your hair was no doubt a mess, no longer styled to perfection as Alisha once had it. Your mascara was probably running down your face, too. God, you looked like a mess in front of this poor worker. 
The boy lifted his eyes to meet yours, slowly recognizing who you were but deciding to not speak on it. You looked like you had gone through enough tonight. “Room for one?” he asked you. You wordlessly nodded, rummaging through your bag to find your wallet for ID and your card. Handing them to the worker, you kept your gaze on your bag. In the process, you found your phone and checked your notifications. 
Lukey &lt;;3: please let me know when you arrive safely
You: im here now
Lukey &lt;;3: okay, love. use the card i gave you to pay for your room
You: no, it’s fine.
You left the conversation at that, not caring if it were dry. You were exhausted and didn’t want to fight with him anymore. You had no more fight in you to give him. 
The boy behind the desk handed you back your things along with your key card for the night. “Let me know if you need anything at all to improve your stay,” he told you politely. 
You fought the urge to scoff at the boy. Like you could do anything to improve your stay, tonight was hell as it is. But you reminded yourself it wasn’t his fault you were arguing with the love of your life; it was yours. Thanking him quietly, you made your way to your room and tossed your bag on the foot of your bed, tucking yourself in next, still in your evening wear. You didn’t care if you’d ruin your dress or damage your face from leaving your makeup on overnight. It was too much for you to deal with right now. 
Lukey &lt;;3: goodnight, y/n
read 2:43 am
The next two days were utter torture for Luke. He kept contact with you through it all, ensuring that you had eaten, slept, etc. but that was all you’d tell him. Luke couldn’t decide whether or not he was grateful for your shortness with your words, if it would make him cave and go to you and forget everything or make him more upset. He was grateful he had your location still on his phone, and you had his. At least he could check on you and make sure you were alright and not in any trouble. 
Luke was also guilty of checking if you had gone to Harry’s house. Guilt and upset rumbled in his stomach, as he felt like he crossed a boundary and invaded your privacy. But how could he not be curious about your whereabouts when you had confessed to him you still had some feelings toward Harry? It didn’t matter that you said those feelings came and went. What would happen if you tied the knot and you changed your mind about him? 
Luke had trusted you with his life. He took your word as true most of the time, but now he was unsure. He wasn’t sure where he lied with you now. He loved you still, yes, and he’d still sacrifice his own happiness for you. Perhaps he blew things over proportion between the two of you. You swore you still loved him and no longer felt anything for Harry. But why did Luke still feel something wrong in his chest? 
He still had mixed feelings about your argument on the night of your premiere. Luke was in Ashton’s living room, quietly sipping on a beer as he waited for the rest of the band and their significant others to meet them there to travel to the theater together. 
Ashton slipped on his jacket, entering the room and looking over at his friend. “y/n not joining us tonight, mate?” he asked. He knew what had happened those nights ago. He was the first person Luke called the moment you left, staying on the phone with him until five in the morning. You had even called him later that day to ask for his advice. He was grateful you both thought of him as an older brother figure, and he wanted nothing more than to get you both together to talk through it. 
Luke set his bottle down, not wanting to get drunk on your important night. “No,” he replied with a heaved sigh. “She texted me that she’ll get there on her own because Alisha wanted to do her hair and makeup.”
Ashton sat down beside him, patting his back. “That’s good she’s still talking to you, right?” he brought up, trying to look on the bright side. 
“Only because I made her swear to keep me updated,” he grumbled. “If it weren’t for that, I think she’d block my number.”
“Now that’s not true,” Ashton told him seriously. 
Luke shrugged his shoulders. “I practically told her I didn’t trust her anymore,” he said, ashamed of himself. “But it’s fair, isn’t it? I knew in my stomach that there was something going on between her and Harry.”
“But there wasn’t,” Ashton reminded him. “She said her feelings toward Harry resurfaced, but she didn’t act on them in any way.”
“But what if one day she wakes up and realizes she can do so much better than me?” Luke asked, voice cracking. He didn’t want to think about that, but that’s all his mind would conjure. “Then she’ll leave me for him and I’ll be the idiot that was strung along the whole time.” 
Ashton leaned back on his sofa. “I think you owe y/n more credit than that,” he said. “She loves you, she said so herself. And if she really wanted Harry, she wouldn’t have fought for you like she did.”
“You’re right,” Luke supposed. “I just feel so guilty now.”
“You can talk to her after the premiere,” Ashton settled. “Trust me, she wants to talk to you, too.”
The two were interrupted by Ashton’s door swinging open to reveal the remaining boys and their significant others. Ready to go, Ashton and Luke joined them outside to hop into Michael’s car. 
Luke got settled in the back seat, reaching for his seat belt when Crystal turned around to face him. “How are you holding up, bub?” she asked, a comforting smile on her face.
He grimaced but tilted his head in response. “Definitely could be better,” he said earnestly. “But Ash helped me through it.”
Crystal reached behind her to pat his knee soothingly. “I’m glad,” she said. “y/n’s the same. I stopped by her hotel this morning to catch up on things.”
“And she’s okay?” Luke leaned in, interested in learning anything about your whereabouts and how you’re doing. 
Crystal put on the same expression as Luke. “About the same as you,” she responded. “But don’t worry, everything will work out in the end.” 
Luke braved a smile. “I hope so.”
The carpet leading up to the theater was packed with reporters and photographers trying to get a glimpse of the actors featured in the film. The band was far behind, stuck in the traffic of people stopping them to ask a few questions. 
“Boys!” a man called out. “Over here! I’m here with Vanity Fair.”
The boys shared a glance and went up to the man. “My name is Aamir and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about tonight.”
Michael stood in the front, taking Aamir’s extra microphone. “Let’s hear them!”
“This is the first time your music is being featured in a movie as big as this,” Aamir stated. “How are you all feeling?”
Calum drew in a breath, deciding to take this question. “I mean, how can we feel?” he responded. “It’s a mix of feelings, I can tell you that. I think on behalf of the band, we’re all just really nervous but excited to put out this music for the film. It’s really different from our typical kind of music, but we hope you all love it the same.” 
“I’m sure we’ll all love what you have in store for us,” Aamir said confidently. “Luke, how are you feeling tonight? It’s a big moment for your girlfriend, y/n l/n, as this is her first lead role in a highly anticipated movie. Can you give us an insight on how y/n is feeling and how you both prepared for tonight?”
Luke tried to not let his rigidity and awkwardness show on camera. There was enough dubious press about the two of you after that show with Jimmy Fallon. “I’m sure she’s over the moon about tonight,” he answered, eyes flickering to the camera. “She’s been so excited for this moment and all her hard work has come down to tonight.”
“And how have you prepared together?” Aamir repeated his second question with curiosity as to why Luke didn’t answer in the first place.
Luke bit his lip, trying to answer without showing he was completely unsure. “Well-“
Cheers erupted from the crowd as a limo approached the carpet. Luke thanked God for that distraction because everyone -including himself- turned to see what the commotion was about. 
You stepped outside of the car, dressed in a long white gown that resembled a wedding dress. Luke could only describe you as ethereal as you shyly waved to the photographers and interviewers. He’d never seen you so shy in public, since you’d been in front of the cameras since you were a child. Your eyes were trained on the ground, a shaky smile on your face that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
Reporters shouted at you, desperate to get a word or two with you. Dazed by the flashing lights and loud noises, you took a step forward to where the people were blocked by a gate. In your nervous stature, you began to tremble, hands reaching out for stability but struggling to do so. Your ankle gave way, causing you to fall to the ground. People shouted and “ooh’ed” but no one ran in to help you. 
Rushing forward, Luke ran over to you and wrapped his arm securely around your waist as he guided you back up. You gasped, looking up at your savior and realizing who it was. His name was on your lips but no sound could come out; you were too shocked to say anything since you hadn’t formally spoken to him in days.
Luke gave you a reassuring smile, eyes glancing down at your lips to silently ask for permission to kiss you. You nodded, allowing him to cup the side of your face to kiss you softly. The moment your lips met his, you felt yourself get regrounded. Knowing he was by your side, you felt like yourself again: more confident. 
The press ate up yours and Luke’s stunt, taking photos left and right of the two of you. You pulled away, your hand on his chest and feeling his heart beat quickly. “Thank you,” you whispered. Luke gave you a small nod but remained silent as he led you to the reporters. 
A young woman caught your attention, pointing her microphone in your direction. “Are you alright, y/n?” she asked you, camera pointed at you. “I’m Irina with TMZ. We’re happy to see you tonight!”
Nerves began to creep in as you drew a blank at her question. Luke’s hand squeezed your hip comfortingly, providing you with the stability and strength you needed to get through the event. Nodding to yourself, you opened your mouth to answer. 
“I’m doing great, thank you,” you answered. “Just some first premiere nerves but they never killed anyone! I’m just really grateful Luke was here to save me from that little trip there.” 
Irina pointed her microphone at Luke, who was taken aback but spoke nonetheless. “Anything for my girl,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “It’s her big night and I’m her biggest supporter. She’s my rock for concerts, I’m her rock for premieres. We have each other’s backs.”
Your eyes were stuck on Luke, mesmerized by his face and how his eyelids glistened in the light from his eyeshadow, no doubt from the palette you gifted him on his birthday last year. The corners of your lips quirked upwards, a warm and fuzzy feeling growing in your chest as you looked up at him with pride and love. You almost didn’t hear the interviewer’s final question. 
“y/n, it’s been all over social media how you had a long standing crush on your co-lead, Harry Styles,” Irina stated. You felt Luke’s hand tighten around your hip without him realizing, no doubt irritated by that question. “How did it feel to kiss him and perform in intimate scenes with him?” 
As you opened your mouth to respond, Luke cut in. “Respectfully,” he began. “I think y/n’s work goes far beyond who she kissed or who she did what with. She’s been in the film industry for as long as I can remember, and definitely deserves more questions that dive deeper than who she harbors romantic feelings for.” 
The interviewer’s face flushed in embarrassment. “Of course,” she agreed, rushing to apologize. You simply waved her off, politely excusing both yourself and Luke out of the conversation with grace. 
Luke remained by your side as you made your way through the reporters and photographers, staying silent unless asked a question. You thought he wouldn’t look at you from the way his eyes never met yours -except for when he kissed you, of course- but in fact, he had stared at you the entire time you spoke. Nothing but adoration filled his mind when he listened to you speak about the work you worked so hard to make. It made all of your past problems fade to gray, and he nearly forgot about your whole argument. 
Once you entered the theater, you expected Luke to pull away to find the boys but he didn’t. You stopped in your tracks to turn to him. “You can go back to the boys now,” you whispered gently to him.
Luke was taken by surprise at your words, and hurt flashed across his face. “Do you want me to go?” he asked you.
You were quick to shake your head. “No!” you rushed. “I just thought…you know, it’s your big day, too. I figured you’d want to spend it with them.”
The blond took your hands in his and kissed them softly. “I want to be by your side through it all,” he assured you. “I haven’t seen you in days, and I don’t want a petty fight to get between us and celebrating your greatest achievement.”
Your publicity manager approached you, checking her watch every second or so anxiously. “The movie’s about to start,” she reminded you hurriedly. 
You were about to tell her to give you both a few minutes, but Luke stopped you. “We can talk more later, okay?” he said. You agreed wordlessly, leaning in to give him a quick peck on the lips. 
“Let’s go in together, babe,” you decided. Luke resumed his position beside you, entering the theater together proudly to watch the film the both of you dedicated so much time and effort into. And as Luke took your hand while you both sat in your seats, you knew that everything would be okay in the end. 
Once the movie had ended, Harry invited you and the boys to his home for the afterparty but you politely declined, opting to spend the rest of the night with your beloved boyfriend. 
Now, you and Luke took a walk around the finally quieted city, hand in hand. You were grateful you brought another pair of shoes with you because your heels were killing you, and you were more thankful for Luke who insisted on holding your strappy heels for you as you continued your walk. 
“I really can’t thank you enough for saving my neck there on the carpet,” you said in a slightly teasing tone. “I would have actually melted into the floor if you didn’t come to my aid.”
“I meant what I said when I said I always had your back, y/n,” Luke replied, eyes trained on the sidewalk. 
A pregnant silence followed as you made your way through the city, taking in the lights and cool summer air without any fear of paparazzi following close behind you. You found yourself nervously playing with the rings on Luke’s fingers as you tried to find the right words to say.
“I’m sorry for that night,” you began, avoiding his questioned gaze. “I should have been more open to you about how I felt from the beginning, but I really do promise that I don’t have any feelings for him. Not anymore, at least. It was a teenage dream come true, but…”
Luke raised an eyebrow at you. “But?” he pressed gently.
You stopped walking, turning to cup his cheek affectionately. “But that’s not my dream anymore,” you finished. “My dream is to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. Whether or not you decide to marry me, I want you in my life for all the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’m really sorry for ever making you doubt my love for you, and I’m sorry for not being receptive to your doubts and insecurities.” 
“What makes you think I don’t wanna marry you?” he asked you. “Of course I do. I want to see you walk down that aisle with a dress as giant or as small as you want, as long as you become Mrs. Hemmings at the end of it. Or if you don’t want to take my last name, that’s fine, too. I don’t care if you want a big or small wedding or a wedding at all. If you want to take that oath in the townhouse and officially be mine -and I, yours- I’m perfectly okay with that, too.” 
You bit your lip, trying to fight back your tears. “I was just nervous,” you confessed. “I knew you were upset by those questions about me and Harry, but I was upset, too. I just never told you how upset I was.” A stray tear trickled down your face but you stubbornly wiped it away, not wanting to cry. “We’ve been together for ten wonderful years, and all people would ask me is “when are you getting married?” “when is he going to propose?” And at first, I was fine with it. But the more people asked, the more anxious I was about the stability of our relationship.”
When Luke’s face gave away he wasn’t exactly following what you meant, you continued to explain further. “I’ve read so many tweets and articles about how undesirable I am, from the moment I turned sixteen. And the fact that you kept pushing off the idea of us getting married,” you looked away, embarrassed by your reaction to all of this. “It hurts, Lukey. And I know marriage isn’t a thing to rush into and I don’t want to force you into anything you don’t want, but those drama tabloids just make me feel so insecure.” 
“I didn’t know you felt that way,” Luke frowned, pity settling in, but you waved your hand to brush it off.
“It’s stupid,” you decided, wiping away the extra tears that managed to escape. “I’ve always told you not to give into the press and social media, yet here I am doing that very thing. L-let’s focus on you, Luke.”
“We can talk about my stupid jealousy another time,” Luke fought to stay on topic. “y/n, why didn’t you tell me you were feeling like this? If I had known, I would have said something-”
“But that’s not how proposals work, Lukey!” you exclaimed. “It’s not something you do out of pity. It’s a decision you make when you’re sure and you’re not! That’s okay, I don’t want you to make a decision you’ll only end up regretting just to please me in the present.” 
Luke took your hand in his, forcing you to look up at him. “Why do you think I’d ever regret marrying you?” he questioned. “y/n, you’re the love of my life. You’re definitely not my first girlfriend but I intend for you to be my last. You’re it for me, n/n. I do want to marry you and I intended to propose, I just wanted to find the right time and place for it. As for my behavior the past few months,” he sighed. “It wasn’t right of me to villainize you and Harry. You’re friends and coworkers, of course you’re going to get close. And I knew that the press would twist the narrative to make it seem like you guys were more than friends. I should have felt secure enough in our relationship to trust you completely, but I was also too insecure to let that be. 
“Harry’s great. He’s talented, a better singer than I’ll ever be, and kind hearted. I’ve always felt like I was in his shadow, and seeing him with you made me feel self-conscious all over again. And all those news posts about him being your celebrity crush as a child made me angrier. I know it’s not something I should have blamed you for, I was just so jealous I could barely think straight.” 
Luke stepped closer to you, his breath grazing your face. “I’m sorry for being jealous and ever doubting you,” he said honestly. “I should have trusted you when you said you no longer felt anything for him.”
“I’m sorry for brushing you off and not listening,” you said in response. “I promise you, Luke, you’re it for me, too.” 
Luke choked back a laugh of disbelief, grateful for this whole ordeal getting resolved as he bent down to kiss you deeply. Your hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him in closer to finally taste him, smell him, feel him again. 
Once you pulled back for air, you crinkled your nose as you smiled. “Does this mean we’re engaged?” you asked curiously, eyes sparkling with happiness and love. “You know, since we’re in agreement and everything.” 
“I would have preferred to get down on one knee and that whole spiel,” Luke sighed dramatically. “But yes, I do suppose we are engaged.” 
Grinning, you pulled him back down for another kiss. “We can get to that sappy stuff later,” you insisted. “I just want to spend the rest of my night with my husband-to-be.” 
thank you so much for reading! please like and reblog if you enjoyed! <3
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pers-books · 10 months
Jemma Redgrave: ‘Doctor Who will keep me young’
The actress would be happy to be remembered for the sci-fi series, she tells Dominic Maxwell
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Jemma Redgrave: “My character wanted to make her way on merit. That wasn’t difficult to play”
Dominic Maxwell
Saturday November 25 2023, 12.01am, The Times
Jemma Redgrave has a problem. “Every time I get a new office,” she says, “it blows up.” Granted, she admits, the first time we saw her office — in the 50th anniversary Doctor Who special of 2013 that featured Matt Smith and David Tennant — it was in the Tower of London, and that one has stayed standing. Otherwise, though, in her role as Kate Stewart, the head of the Doctor’s paramilitary allies UNIT, her workplaces seem to routinely explode. That they seem to get swankier and swankier each time only seems to make them more vulnerable to the zap gun.
She won’t give anything away, and the BBC is keeping under wraps each of the three 60th anniversary specials, which start tonight. Yet you have to fear for the giant floating Marvel-style Unit HQ that features in the trailer. Redgrave doesn’t appear until the final part, which pits David Tennant’s returning Doctor against Neil Patrick Harris’s Toymaker, a villain not seen since 1966. She will, however, be the one other holdover from the 50th anniversary specials. “Yes,” she says with a disbelieving smile over morning coffee in a north London café, “I think it’s just me and David.”
She and her sons, now aged 29 and 23, had watched the series ever since it returned, after 16 years off our screens (a one-off comeback starring Paul McGann aside), in 2005. She wondered for a while why seemingly every other actor she knew got a role in it. Hers, though, has proved to be the longest-running.
She first played Kate Stewart opposite Smith in an episode in 2012. She didn’t realise the significance of the surname at the time: Stewart is the daughter of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, the head of Unit from 1968 to 1975, during the eras of Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. All of which is catnip to the fans, some of whom, as emissaries from Doctor Who magazine, were on set doing a story on her first day. They helped her to join the dots.
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As Kate Stewart in the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials (BBC)
Stewart, after all, didn’t use her full name. “She didn’t want to take advantage of her connections and wanted to make her way on merit,” Redgrave says. As the daughter of an actor (Corin Redgrave), the niece of two actresses (Vanessa Redgrave and Lynn Redgrave), the granddaughter of actors (Michael Redgrave, Rachel Kempson) and the cousin of actresses (Joely Richardson and Natasha Richardson), she knew where Stewart was coming from. It can be tedious spending your time fending questions about how you’ve got where you are today, after all.
“That you’re some sort of nepo baby? It can be, can’t it? Sometimes those questions go on and on and on, many, many, many, many years down the line.” Redgrave, a gifted under-player of a scene, gives a surprisingly full-hearted chuckle. “So that wasn’t a difficult scene to play.”
Redgrave appears only sporadically, but has rubbed shoulders with six doctors: Smith, Tennant, Peter Capaldi, John Hurt (in the 50th special), Jodie Whittaker and, coming soon, Ncuti Gatwa, who will take the lead once Tennant’s celebratory trilogy is done.
There have been rumours that Stewart and UNIT are getting their own show, but Redgrave insists that this is news to her. Then again, it’s rare for her to be permitted to admit even that she is in the first Gatwa series. She has to sign an NDA each time she shoots the show so that nobody, with the exception of her partner, who may be staying with her in Wales during shooting anyway, knows what she is working on.
She understands the rationale for this, although it can become absurd. During lockdown, because travel was restricted, the BBC sent a car to her north London home to pick her up for filming. On the way to the car she bumped into Smith, who lives in the area, walking his dog. He asked where she was heading. Cardiff, she told him. He asked what she was working on. “I said, ‘I can’t possibly tell you. I’ve signed an NDA.’ And he said, ‘Oh well, send them all my love.’”
Redgrave is a young-looking 58. Her extensive stage work includes appearing in a London production of Chekhov’s The Three Sisters with her aunts. Her TV work includes starring in the series Bramwell as well as recurring roles in Holby City, Grantchester, Silent Witness and Cold Blood. How would she feel if the world remembered her most for her sporadic role as the head of UNIT?
“I think that’s OK,” she says. “I grew up watching Jon Pertwee. And Jon Pertwee doesn’t change in my imagination. The people I grew up watching don’t get older in my imagination and I will remain in the imagination of the children who watch this 60th-year episode. And that is a kind of lovely thing. So I’m very happy to be remembered as Kate Stewart. Also, she’s a formidable woman. She has humour and heart and courage. And she’s vulnerable and aware of her limitations. So she’s kind of human in every possible way, even though she exists in a world of aliens and tech.”
On the subject of “the sci-fi stuff”, she admits that jargon and technobabble can be hard to play: the plot may need it, but it’s hard to bring much of yourself to. So she tries to find some emotional resonance of her own. “Either that or you just play it fast. It’s one or the other.”
She has found, too, that the fans will support her in other roles. Recently she appeared in a play, Octopolis, at the Hampstead Theatre in London. “And a lot of Who fans came to see that, which is a lovely thing. She’s a great character, but partly the reason that UNIT has continued through this series is because fans have been very vocal in their love of those storylines.”
When she was growing up, it took her a while to admit that she wanted to be an actress. “My parents split when I was young. My mum [Deirdre Hamilton-Hill] supported me and my brother. There wasn’t a lot of money around, but we did get taken to the theatre. And I think growing up in the theatre, and particularly not having a fear of Shakespeare because I encountered him on the stage and not in the classroom for the first time, was a great privilege.”
It was a trip to see the Wars of the Roses Shakespeare history plays at the RSC in Stratford when she was 13 that convinced her she wanted to act. “Before that I’d played my cards close to my chest. I didn’t have much confidence. I was quiet about it because there were a lot of people in my family who acted.” When she told her father, he gave her a complete Arden set of Shakespeare plays, and wrote “to commemorate your decision to become an actress” on the front page.
She went to the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, after which she began to work regularly. She appeared in a TV film, The Relief of Belsen, with her father, and in Howards End with Vanessa, but beyond that has ploughed her own furrow. So is the family connection one she can celebrate at this point?
What’s lovely, she says, is going to a set and having crew members come up to her and tell her they worked with her father, or her aunt, or her cousin or her brother Luke, a successful cameraman. “And usually anybody who says ‘I’ve worked with somebody in your family’ says it because they loved working with them. So it’s suddenly not quite such an intimidating environment.”
Family fame is dwarfed by sci-fi fame anyway. “I’m ‘her from Doctor Who’. And if you’ve got a body of work behind you, people don’t talk about the name. I just feel lucky that I come from the family that I come from because I grew up with books and theatre, which is a proper privilege. There wasn’t a lot of money, but there was that, and that’s worth everything.”
Doctor Who is on BBC1 and iPlayer from November 25. Jemma Redgrave’s episode is on December 9
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silvercabarets · 4 months
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I don't remember the year exactly, I think it was in 2003. The place I do know. It was the hotel where we stayed at Madonna di Campiglio, in the Italian Alps, that Philip Morris closed at the start of every year for Wrooom, the presentation event of the racing teams they sponsored. Ferrari, basically. Sometimes someone from MotoGP would show up. Some dozens of journalists were invited to Wrooom, which consisted of official events — such as press conferences and sponsor promotions –, others of pure leisure — dining on the top of some mountain to ski down carrying torches, snowboarding lessons, superb lunches with the snowy peaks as a backdrop — and some more not on the itinerary. Among the latter, epic parties and late nights doused with whatever was in the bar. It was during one of those late nights that we all got together in one of the hotel's small lounges for another drink, and another one, and another one, enemies of the end that we were, when Schumacher showed up dressed as a bride, put a skirt around Barrichello's waist and took his partner for a dance, laughing nonstop, while a Brazilian friend of Rubinho's played something on the piano. (It wasn't a time of phones with cameras, let alone social networks and live streaming devices. It's always necessary to remember that, because many people seem to believe those things have always existed, which leads to a certain indignation when they're faced with unseen and "inexplicable" images against the instagrammic and tik-tokic logic of seeing the world.) We all burst out laughing and Thais, my wife at the time, had a small 135 mm film analog camera. She took three photos and continued having fun, like all of us. It was simply the recording of a happy moment. I didn't even notice at the time that she had snapped the photos. The next day, however, Ferrari's press officer, Luca Colajanni, came looking for me at breakfast in his urgent and dramatic manner. “Flavio, Flavio, for God's sake, did you photograph Michael as a bride?”, he asked. “I didn't, but Thais did”, I answered, laughing again, and so did she. Luca was scared to death that those photos would be published. It was his image, Ferrari's image, oh no!, oh heavens!, what are we going to do now?, and faced with all that despair I told him that we had already sold to English tabloids, it was late, which left him even more terrified. So, afraid that he might have a heart attack, I gave him a sincere scolding. “Luca, vaffanculo, it looks like you don't know us!”, I said, which seemed to put him at ease. “This will never be published, it's a personal photo, calm down, don't be a bother. Sit down and eat a croissant.” Afterwards, and for years, whenever I wanted to torment Colajanni I would call him aside and say that I needed money, so I had sold the photos, and he would send me to hell, and I believe he doesn't even remember anymore, it's been a long time [...]
Flavio Gomes, 2021
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 months
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Take a Sip by the Lake
This fig set was inspired by a behind-the-scenes video from the filming of Word of Honor's Episode 6.
We have a playful Gong Jun here making Zhehan laugh during the rehearsal for the poison sucking scene:
I laughed when I first saw this set! The exaggerated facial features are so silly and fun.
The seller originally designed the figs and planned to sell it with the rock they're sitting on:
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However, when it came down to it in production, the seller cancelled the rock due to cost and told all the buyers to just make it ourselves out of ultra light clay. This plan didn't sound great to me, just given my lack of time and ability, but you get what you get.
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Sure enough, these two figs arrived with no rock at all.
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These arrived...and sat. For a long time! I've had these hanging out in my tray of "needs serious help" figs for, well, quite some time. This weekend, though, I decided it was time to start tackling that tray, and this seemed like the easiest one to start with. How difficult could a rock be? Famous last words, I know.
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I downloaded a coupon for one of my local craft stores and headed out. Michaels had quite the array of Sculpey and Fimo clay packets. I ended up buying "grey granite" Sculpey clay, since I liked the idea of not having to paint the rock.
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I probably spent 20-30 minutes putting a rock together - I made it too small at first, and then realized pretty quickly that not only did I need to make it bigger, but I needed a higher area in the back for Gong Jun to rest his hand on. I started gently arranging the figs on the rock as I worked, so that I'd have indents in the clay to go off on as I modeled.
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Here's the finished rock. You can see the indents there for A-Xu's robe to slot into.
Gosh, I was happy with it when I finished it, but in the harsh light of my camera I have to admit it doesn't look as good as I thought it did.
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Here's the top view. Looks a little better there, right?
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I baked the rock for about 40 minutes. I'm not entirely sure if that was enough, but it seemed to be pretty well cooked.
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Happily, all the little marks the figs made when I pressed them into the clay made them very easy to assemble on the rock. A little bit of glue, and they sat pretty solidly.
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Not looking too bad, actually!
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Oh no, I take it all back. I worked so hard at getting Gong Jun's hand to rest right on the rock...what happened??? I must have glued him a little bit too far up on the rock. Ugh.
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UGH. It really is not resting on the rock! The crazy thing is, when I look at it just in my hand, it really looks like it's resting right on top.
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I'd say it shrank during baking, but it didn't. I think this is just some poor eyesight. Well, you can see how I did design it to be a perfect resting place.
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All I can see is the hand not touching the rock, but I will say the modeling the fig maker did on their hair is really nice. This whole set is really quite cute, if a little ridiculous! Which I'm enjoying, of course.
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Here's a close up of the drugman bite.
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This is a very small set - all the figs I have in this style run fairly small. You can see the size compared to a "regular" fig in most common style.
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This clay actually has the faintest sparkle to it, just like actual granite. It's really hard to photograph it - I brought it out in the sunlight to try to capture it, but all you can see is some light spots that look like dust. It's actually quite subtle and pretty though.
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I took some bottoms-up pics before I glued them to the rock. You can see their boots and pants quite well from this angle.
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With how difficult a rock was to make, I can't even imagine modeling these. It's all computer driven I imagine, but still.
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...not sure why I cut off the bottom of this pic when photographing! My goodness.
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Well, at least from one angle I'm glad to see the hand looks firmly on the rock!
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The fig maker included box card art and an even more exaggerated rendition of the art on a pin? Mirror? I can't recall now, it's been so long. You'll notice the fig maker even included the little kissy lips that were on the video as well.
Well, I get a good chuckle out of this fig set - Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan had so much fun on set, and it's nice to see how lighthearted and happy this is!
Material: Resin
Fig Count: (+2) 531
Scene Count: 38
Rating: Mwah! 💋
[link to the Master Post Index]
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"Something always held me back or stood in my way"
I wanted to go over these words and how they ring true with Aziraphale in dealing with his feeling for Crowley. This is an ever evolving series on Aziraphale, since I always seem to find a new piece that fits his puzzle. So let's keep this journey going, who knows, maybe one day I will figure it out.
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I can never get over how unreservedly happy Aziraphale is during the dance. We are all caught up on how contagious he is, with that smile in his eyes and that small giggle of pleasure. He gets to have his dance with Crowley, and we are dancing along with them.
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Crowley, bickering the whole time, we are in danger, but Aziraphale is not registering what he is saying at the time, one can't help but laugh at how endearing this whole scene is.
If we knew then, what we know now, how fleeting this magical moment would be, but alas, we did not, and so the road to our heartbreak begins.
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I wanted to post this here, it is from Call Me by your Name, a wonderful movie that I recommend you give a watch. To quote the film director - Luca Guadagnino - "We should always be very earnest with one's feelings, instead of hiding them or shielding ourselves." 
This particular sentiment reminds me a lot of the dilemma that Aziraphale has with his feelings and being in love with Crowley throughout the centuries.
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If there was to be a confession by Aziraphale to Crowley on how much he loved him, the thing that stood in their way was the offer, the one thing that Metraton knew he could not say no to. This was the first stumbling block that prevented that from occurring.
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Crowley did the only thing, the desperate thing, and gave Azirphale his all, in one kiss. All I see is a demon, pouring every last bit of his love for him, the passion is raw, without shame or care. And for a fleeing moment, Aziraphale reacts, we all almost had a glimmer of hope.
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Why did we have a glimmer of hope, its this right here. He was going to say "I love you", but he held back, he decided that forgiveness is the path to take. Michael Sheen's acting, his face showing every possible conflict and then final decision, makes this scene so intimate to the viewer.
Such simple words, "held me back or stood in my way," but convey such a powerful emotion when put in this type of context. Aziraphale wants to do good, but something is holding him back and standing in his way, Metraton's offer, his wish to do good, to fix things and make them right for everyone.
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gender-trash · 17 days
not to be abrupt or vaguely out of the blue, but do you have any fun recent book/music recs? you seem like you like cool stuff and my to read/ to listen list is looking sad. or film/tv recs anything goes.
yeah absolutely, i am basically always delighted to rec books/music!!
books (fiction):
the goblin emperor: i read this for the first time recently and was just completely charmed by it. recommended if you like plotty court intrigue fantasy with a good-sized pinch of conlang. me @ maia (the protagonist/pov character):
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the scholomance trilogy: not exactly a deep cut, at least among tumblr users who read fantasy, but on the off chance you haven't read it: it's good.
a tale for the time being: okay so i don't normally into litfic but once in a blue moon i'll pick some up and it'll obliterate me. alternates between the pov of a japanese teenage girl's diary and the middle-aged author-insert character in british columbia who finds the diary after the girl tosses it into the pacific ocean; plays with time in a fun way. subtle magical realism my beloved.
(and there's no such thing as an easy job has a similar subtle magical realism vibe, but is overall much less of a tearjerker. highly recommend.)
several people are typing: a guy gets isekai'd into his work slack; the story is told entirely via slack messages. this is a super quick read, and very funny. especially if you have a job that involves using slack.
the machineries of empire series: aauauahahahahgggh i need one of those mspaint drawings of a stick figure covered in blood to describe my feelings on this one. fucked-up science fiction (you... COULD call it lesbian space atrocities, i suppose!) that drops you in on the deep end trying to figure out what all these words mean and then you slowly figure out that it's technical terminology describing the torment nexus that powers society. killer shit.
song for the basilisk: admittedly i did not read this particularly recently but i will take any opportunity to rec it. patricia a. mckillip writes really good high fantasy (check out how many times she shows up in the mythopoeic awards list!) and, of all the books of hers that i've read, this is my favorite.
danmei (chinese boys-love novels) in english translation is like half of what i've been reading lately -- my all time favorite is the scum villain's self-saving system, which has eaten my entire brain (it's good in itself; it's great for chewing on in the form of meta and fan activity), but i also recommend guardian (the third and final volume of the official english translation is the book i most recently finished reading) and devil venerable also wants to know (no official translation but this fan TL is quite decent; i bound myself a physical edition, so i also have a typeset PDF i'd be happy to DM you if you're interested.)
books (nonfiction):
(going to be briefer here, since you specifically asked for "fun" books and my nonfiction taste is a little unhinged.)
one of my current reads is michael szonyi's the art of being governed -- this is an academic monograph about how military families in the ming dynasty handled their obligations to the state. during the ming dynasty, it was possible for families to designate themselves "military families", which was a tax-advantaged status but obligated them to provide one (1) man to serve in the army at all times (so if he dies or deserts, eventually the family back home would have to cough up another one). (and, by "serve in the army", often what is meant is "you are employed by the military to farm, which is more or less what you would have done back home anyway.")
if you're the kind of guy who reads patio11's bits about money or enjoys ssc book reviews, you will likely also enjoy dan davies' the unaccountability machine, which is a brief exploration for a popular audience of the (dysfunctional) system dynamics of large institutions like corporations and governments. very accessible and nontechnical, but with pointers to the Deep Lore if you subsequently want to seek it out.
the world of the shining prince: this is a book about what it was like, culturally, to be an aristocrat in the heian period. since i have never in my life come within either 1,000 miles or 1,000 years of being a heian period aristocrat i find this deeply fascinating. however, my friends and family have started laughing at me whenever i bring up information about the heian period. read at your own risk.
sei shōnagon's pillow book: sei shōnagon was a heian period aristocrat! she seems to have enjoyed it, but it is something of a shame that she died approximately a thousand years too early to make a tumblr account, because otherwise i feel she would have LOVED blogging. i'm reading the penguin edition (trans. meredith mckinney) and it is, fortunately, quite thoroughly footnoted, but i haven't read any other translations so i don't know if there is a better one out there.
today what i was listening to on loop was the chainsaw man ost, which is a mixture of, like, the usual sort of j-rock you find in a shōnen soundtrack and slow-paced atmospheric stuff, and somehow it works really well together. recently i've also been listening to this playlist a lot because it's the playlist i made for a fic i'm currently writing.
other songs i've been listening to this summer, in no particular order:
sungazer is music theory youtuber adam neely's jazz band; lately they've been experimenting with hypertuplets and i'm super into it.
sometimes i find electric six's vocalist really irritating and sometimes it's exactly the juice my brain needed, and i have no idea what controls this. possibly the phase of the moon.
spotify recommended me this song and i listened to it on loop for like an entire work day and then clicked on the artist name to learn more, which i didn't. googled the song just now while making this post and apparently it was in a video game? the more you know.
i've been listening to irontom a lot this summer (and, um, a lot of similar music that i eventually stuffed in a playlist entitled "music with blown-out audio channels"). it's just, you know, the vibe.
(if that's not enough, here's my "summer 2024" spotify playlist. go ham!)
somehow, "watching things" is a skill it is possible to be bad at, and baby i'm winning last place.
the one tv show i've managed to watch in i think the past four months is chainsaw man, mentioned above. personally i really like well-animated shōnen with a cool soundtrack and i don't care that much about its other qualities; however, the protagonist is a dipshit teenage boy whose greatest life ambition is to touch a boob, so if this frustrates you you probably won't enjoy it very much.
i really really wish more people would watch legend of hei, a chinese animated film in the same corner of concept-space as studio ghibli. it's cuteeeeeee <3333
maybe someday i'll finally finish watching oh my general, a cdrama (free on youtube!) about a female general (ye zhao) who for reasons gets in an arranged marriage with the emperor's dipshit nephew (zhao yujin). this is peak fucking content because ye zhao is constantly saying gay shit by accident and swanning about being cute/badass in probably-historically-dubious armor. also as with all cdramas the costuming is completely off the shits.
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captainimfangirling · 7 months
Lisa Frankenstein Review
Really wanted to see this movie because 1) I love the 80s even though I'm not from the 80s, 2) I'm a fan of Kathryn Newton from Supernatural, and 3) love zombie romance (like Warm Bodies).
Overall I thought the movie was ok. I didn't think it was worth going to the theater for (movie tickets cost so much these days plus I take the bus). I think you should wait until it streams and seems like a lot agree because there was only like 5 people in the theater with me and it just came out few days ago.
Cole Spouse's character is my favorite even though he hardly said anything but he was very expressive. I enjoyed the animation in the beginning of the film telling the story of The Creature. It explains why he did what he did.
Warning: Spoilers
The creature knew what it was like falling in love with someone and for that person to not love them back and fall for someone else. When he saw Taffy's car he knew she and Michael were in a relationship and it as going to hurt Lisa like how his past love hurt him. So he took Michael's d*ck because he thought hey I can use this to make Lisa happy when you can't.
Lisa to be was more confusing than the monster. What was the point of having her mother killed by a psycho murderer? Was it to make her desensitized to seeing someone get killed by the creature? It doesn't make sense to me since it only happened once to her. I think it would've been more interesting if she actually did kill her mother and her reaction to seeing people get killed the creature would've made more sense.
One thing I'm disappointed about is that the trailer makes it seem like Lisa was in love with the Creature during the entire movie but really she was in love with Michael. I feel like she started falling for the Creature when she realized how much he loved her. I mean it would've been ok if it didn't feel very sudden.
Also did anyone think the Creature acted too modern? It's not just about him knowing how to drive but he knew about fashion. He's from the Victorian Era, he would've gotten Lisa to put on something that would've covered her ankles not give her black sexy lace outfit.
I hated her step mother but she was right about Lisa being a selfish person. I mean she did go through something traumatic but still she was very self centered. Like when she got mad at Taffy for sleeping with the boy she had a crush on after everything Taffy did for her. I think Taffy would've fought with her mother about putting Lisa in the mental hospital if given the chance. Also Lisa didn't even realize the Creature was in love with her until the very end when she didn't get the man she wanted. She didn't seem to care when the Creature was cried twice (it was the smell of his tears but still). Also she didn't even notice how better looking the creature was getting after he kept getting electrocuted. If she at least said oh you're looking more handsome maybe I can see it has her falling for him.
The last scene was opened ended. I think the Creature killed someone for a tongue so he can speak to Lisa at her grave. She heard him from beyond the grave and decided to come back when lightening stroke her grave (exactly what happened to the Creature in the beginning). So it's his turn to take care of Lisa like she did for him. Another theory is that the Creature became like a mad scientist stealing Lisa's body to electrocute it to bring her back to him. Either way I think they're gonna keep killing and stealing body parts for Lisa because she's the new bride of Frankenstein.
Like I said it's was a fun movie but wait until it's streaming. It actually gave me Totally Killer (from Amazon Video) vibe because that movie was also set in the 80s. Why are new movies set in the 80s? Times are very hard right now (for a while) and people tend to gravitate towards those times when life was simpler and fun. The 80s does look like a lot of fun with all that color and music.
Will it become a cult classic? I have no idea because I don't get why some movies become a cult classic even though they suck.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Halloween Cinderella; Eddie Munson x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this was for a favor for a dear fav. blog of mine @sweetpeapod when she needed some help in clearing out some requests so to the requester who asked this of her during her last event, look no further than here.  Now I made some changes to the request (just some small minor stuff to fit with the time period and all that) but other than that the only warnings are swearing, cheating, some minor angst but also some fluffy, comforting and a bit flirty Eddie.  Hope you enjoy this my lovelies and to @sweetpeapod​ thanks for sending this fic my way, had a blast writing it and I’m happy to help anytime you want your inbox cleared of some work :)
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*Halloween 1984*
I still don’t even understand why I even came here to begin with? All I wanted to do was stay at home, do candy duty and just wait for this day to be month to be over.  Not to say that I don’t like Halloween cause I do, but the fact that my douche of a boyfriend dumped me just a week before we would go as our couple costumes of Kane and Ripley from Alien.  That’s something I can’t look past, especially when he admitted to cheating on me with some slut from the swim team.
So my best friend/brother from another mother Ferris (who was dressed as Michael Myers) thought it would still be a good idea for us to go to the party just to rub Jefferson’s face in it.  And believe me when I say that it is hard to say no to Ferris Worthington, the boy’s as stubborn as a mule and won’t take no for an answer.
And that’s where I am.  Sitting in my car, parked right outside Heather’s place where the party was debating whether or not I should go in or just drive away and lock myself in isolation.
“Goddamn it Ferris. Why do I always let you talk me into these things seriously why?” I said talking to myself.  “Because I was a jackass in a previous life. Now grow a pair and get your sexy Ripley butt in there!” I said knowing what he’d say if we had drove together.  “I hate you so much, you better be in there and I swear there better be some serious booze if not a little buzz of the Mary Jane.” I said muttering to myself again as I got out of the car and locked it.
I walked up to Heather’s house and opened the door and already blaring music was playing, streamers were flying everywhere, and over a hundred people were already in the large mansion.
“Think I’ll also be needing some earplugs too and maybe whiskey instead of beer to drown this noise out.” I said adjusting my fake rifle further up my shoulder.  I had been fabricating with my dad since the start of summer, he actually works on indie horror films so he’s gone some weapons and makeup sculpting skills.
As I walked through the crowd of seniors and even a couple of juniors that somehow managed to sneak in, I noticed a problem.  Ferris said he’d be dressing up like Michael Myers from Halloween, well I’m barely at the living room and already I spotted three different Michael Myers masks.
“Brilliant move Ferris. Seems like every freaking guy in here had the same idea you did.” When I finally got to the living room, low and behold there were about seven, maybe 10 other Michael Myers at the party.  I mean Jesus Christ there are other slasher killers you can choose from; Freddie Kruger, Psycho’s Norman Bates, Leatherface, Jason, any of those guys but nope everyone chose Michael Myers.
Again not that there’s anything wrong with it, Jamie Lee, perfect final girl material and an extreme badass next to Sigourney Weaver, but come on guys.  Ferris could’ve at least given me something to distinguish himself from all the other Michael Myers’ at this party.
“Okay so first thing I’m gonna do is find that smug son of a bitch, then kick his ass for making me search for him, and then drink, drink, drink.” I said to myself before going in and walking to the first Michael Myers costume I saw.  “Ferris?!” the person turned to me and motioned to them to take their mask off. They removed their mask and I saw it was one of the football players.
“Sorry.” He told me before putting his mask back on.  Okay one down, nine to maybe a dozen or so to go. I moved through the crowd, keeping my plastic rifle close to me and walked up to the next Michael Myers I saw.
“Ferris is that you under there?!” the person lifted up their mask and it was some other random dude, probably from either another school or even a former graduate (by a year or two).
“You got the wrong guy, sweetheart. But if you stick around, I can make you forget about him.” He said as he eyed me up and down with a lustful look in his eyes.
“Yeah and I’d like to tell you a joke about my vagina but you’re never gonna get it.” I said walking away annoyed.  One by one I asked each Michael Myers I saw to remove their mask, but all of them turned out to be a bust.
I was now by the drinks deciding to just get me some spiked punch and just accept the fact that either Ferris had ditched the party all together and lied to me, or the little shithead is hiding somewhere knowing I’d probably kill him for making me search for him.
I soon took notice of another person coming up as Michael Myers coming to get a glass of punch.  I set my cup down and turned to the guy and told him.
“Need I ask if that’s you Ferris?” the guy soon turned his attention to me and removed his mask.  Unlike the rest of the guys who had short hair underneath, this guy had long, shaggy brown hair.  Deep brown deer like eyes, maybe even puppy brown.  “Oh.” I said dejectedly returning to my drink.
“Just what every boy dreams of hearing from someone who's just seen your face for the first time.” He told me.
“I’m sorry. Really I didn’t mean anything by it, it’s just I’ve been searching for my friend for what feels like hours. He told me he came as Michael Myers and low and behold, almost every guy came in dressed like the guy.”
“I know. At first I was gonna come as Freddie Kruger, but then one of my little sheepies whose part of the drama department in charge of makeup fell sick and couldn’t come to work on my makeup.”
“No kidding, they were really gonna do that?”
“Yeah. Said his dad or uncle or whatever works with VFX makeup in Hollywood. Has his own shop and everything of all the face casts and costumes he’s sculpted. Would’ve been so metal but unfortunately I got stuck with Old Michael. No offense the dude is one badass mother fucker, but the mask just suffocates me.”
“That’s a shame. Cause that is a very lovely face, a really handsome face that I’d hate to see be suffocated and—” oh shit please tell me I did not just say that to some stranger.  I slowly turned to him to see him pondering on what I just said with a smirk before he turned to me and asked.
“Lovely face? No wait scratch that, really handsome face?”
“Can I just the spiked punch made me say it?” I gulped defeatedly.
“You know what they say, drunken lips brings out sober thoughts.”
“That doesn’t even rhyme!”
“Who cares if it does?”
“I do!”
“What are you? The rhyming police?”
“Yes and I’m placing you under arrest for crimes against poor rhyming.” He laughed before saying.
“Whatever you say, Ellen Ripley.”
“You know you’re the first person to actually say who I am.”
“Uncultured swine’s!” he said exasperatedly as he gasped and placed his hand over his heart dramatically.
“Right!? Alien is a badass movie. If they ever think about making a second movie they better not fuck it up.”
“You never know.” He shrugged.  “But if I may be inquired to ask your real name? Just so I can put a name to the girl who called my face handsome.”
“(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n).”
“Munson. Eddie Munson.” We shook hands as I said.
“With an intro like that, surprised you didn’t come as James Bond.”
“Ehh, cool guy but boring films.”
“Oh don’t tell me…..”
“Uncultured swine!” I exclaimed.  Once again he shot his hand to his heart and threw himself backwards which made me laugh.  “How could you think the Bond films are boring!?!”
“I’m sorry but they drag the plot too long and the humor is kinda stale.”
“Which Bond films have you seen?”
“What was that last Bond film that came out last year?”
“Oh Octopussy with Richard Moore? Okay I will give you that, that one wasn’t as good. But if you get to watch any of the Sean Connery ones, I swear you’ll think he’s the best Bond ever.”
“Okay, I’ll hold you to that.” A brief moment of silence came around us.  It wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward but—comforting? “Hey, I don’t normally ask this but uhh…..do you wanna step outside? Party’s getting more crowded and all that. I was gonna offer that to you earlier when I saw how dejected you seemed earlier.”
“I’d actually like that. Promise not to murder me once we get outside Michael?” I teased his character’s name at the end.
“Oh sweetheart, if anyone’s gonna murder anyone it’s you who’d murder me Ripley. You took on a fucking alien with an extended alien tongue. Compared to that, I’m mere child’s play.” So Eddie and I walked out of the house and into the backyard.
Hardly any people were outside.  Most of them having a quick smoke break or to get some air from the mass of bodies that occupied the house.  As Eddie prepared himself a smoke, he offered me one and I thanked him and he offered up his lighter.
I took a deep inhale before exhaling the smoke as I felt the cigarette between my index and tall finger.
“So the guy you mentioned earlier, you said his name was Ferris?”
“Yeah, Ferris Worthington.”
“Hold on, Ferris Worthington?” he asked me as he turned to me.
“About yay-tall, short brown hair, always wears a sweater vest?”
“Yeah. Wait how do you know him?”
“You kidding me? Ferris the Cunning Paladin. Dude may dress like a nerd but he’s one smart son of a bitch in my campaigns. He told me he was gonna dress up as Jason from Friday the 13th and I’ve been looking for him everywhere. We were gonna try to battle it out in front of everyone. Find out just who would really win in a fight.”
Oh that little shit! I’ll kill him I swear!
“Really? Cause like I said before, he told me he was gonna dress up as Michael Myers. Seems we’ve been played.”
“It would seem so.” He said taking an inhale of his cigarette.
“I should’ve known. I’ve known that boy since we were in kindergarten and he always does shit like this. He knew I didn’t want to come to the party anymore and he still managed to somehow convince me only to stand me up just like my douche of an ex-boyfriend!” I ranted angrily and when I turned to see Eddie looking at me stunned I exhaled deeply and shook my head. “I’m sorry. You probably don’t wanna hear me rant, so I wouldn’t blame you if you left me to my misery.”
“I may be known as the ‘Freak of Hawkins High’, but being the King of the social outcasts does come with its priorities.”
“And what’s that?”
“Being a good listener. Since I’m not so stuck up in my head of my own vanity and pride, I can take time to truly listen to those who need to rant, scream or shout. Not like those who follow the force conformity of ignoring other people’s problems.”
“I don’t know Eddie—”
“I won’t pry, if you tell me to drop it, we’ll drop it. But—you do seem like you really need to rant, and it seems like Ferris didn’t really take your feelings seriously.”
“Lately he hasn’t.” I took another intake from my cigarette before exhaling the smoke out and stomping on the last bit of bud that was left.  “My ex-boyfriend, cheated on me with some bimbo from the swim team. And he told me he had been cheating on me for five months while we were still together. Not only that but he dumped me for said bimbo through a note he put in my locker.”
“Jesus what a cowardly dick.” I laughed coldly.
“I wish there was a word to describe him. Couldn’t even work up the balls to break up with me face to face. Anyway, we had planned to come together to this party with me as Ripley and him as Kane. Even made a tiny alien baby to have pop out of his chest and everything.”
“That would’ve been so metal.” I nodded.
“I hated him so much. So much so that I felt like Halloween was ruined for me. I’ve actually wanted to do a couple’s costume ever since we went out. I planned, prepped and tried to come up with a cool costume duo that wasn’t gonna be predictable or standard.”
“I hear yah. I may not look it but I can respect a good costume couple, and already seeing you I would’ve like to have seen that.”
“Sorry to disappoint in not having the other half.”
“Not disappointed. You still look pretty badass. I mean your rifle alone looks awesome.”
“Just your basic nerf gun that I painted and redesigned a bit.”
“Metal.” He said impressed.  “And seriously, I meant what I said when I called your ex a cowardly dick. He shouldn’t have done that to you.”
“I know I shouldn’t let it get to me this badly but—he was the first guy who really took interest in me. And not just because he wanted to have someone to fuck or please him. We did have a lot in common, but then it turns out he had to fuck some other girl behind my back just to keep what was between his legs satisfied. Sometimes I feel like something’s wrong with me.”
“Hey,” he came in front of me.  His head tilted downward so he could try to look me in the eye. Eventually I looked up at him and he continued, “There is nothing, okay absolutely nothing wrong with you. The relationship failed because of him, not you. If he couldn’t see the beautiful woman that was standing right at his side, then it’s his loss.” I felt my cheeks heat up as I crossed my arms over my chest and said.
“Did you just—call me beautiful?”
“I’m not the only one with a good looking face.” He said with a small grin.
“Eddie, I appreciate the comment but…..if this is some attempt for you to be Prince Charming and swoop in on a girl who’s emotionally vulnerable, this isn’t the right way to go about it.”
“I know. I’m just giving a lovely girl a compliment. I don’t expect anything in return.”
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?” We turned around and speak of the devil there stood Ferris with his lifted up Jason Vorhees mask.  “This was not how I pictured this going!!”
“Did you seriously think I would want another relationship so sudden after my last one?!” I snapped.
“If it gets you to stop mopping, yes! Plus you guys were really hitting it off! C’mon Eddie’s a good guy just kiss him already!” I shook my head at Ferris.
“Permission to beat the shit out of this little turd, my lady?” Eddie asked me.
“He’s all yours.” I said.  Eddie put his mask back on and as quick as lightning, he charged at Ferris who let out a girlish scream and went running for the hills.  I shook my head and decided to just head home knowing that all of this was just Ferris Worthington’s scheme to make me have another man just so I would stop my bitching and mopping.  
Monday at school, I was opening my locker to get my trig book when a note fell out of my locker.  I picked it up, unfolded it and read it.
Hey Ripley,
The party was fun, sorry about Ferris. He says he’s sorry for what he did. And don’t worry, even if he doesn’t mean it, I’ll make sure he pays for it at our next D&D campaign hehehe (devil face drawing).
Anyway, I meant what I said about both your ex being a douche and you being beautiful.  Now I’m not trying to flirt or start an instant relationship but if you ever want to rant or punch someone, give me a call.  Just know you’ve got someone on your side who will really listen to you, be your punching bag, or even a shoulder to cry on and won’t complain at all. Hope to see you around the school, or just reach me here.
Eddie aka Michael Myers #9
He even drew little devil horns around his name.  I smiled and folded the note and put it in my flannel pocket over my heart.  I grabbed my book and headed off to my trig class with a slight pep in my step.
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
I remember once seeing somewhere that on the good omens 2 poster Crowley had a ring on his finger but try as I might, I can’t seem to find it anywhere now. Just wanted to know if maybe you’ve seen it before and might have a picture of it cause I’m dying to see it again
Hi, Anon! I've heard lots of ideas/theories about the GO 2 poster, but I'm not sure about Crowley having a ring on his finger. I took a good, long look at the poster after receiving your message, but Crowley's hands aren't too visible and I can't seem to spot a ring anywhere:
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The one thing I do remember that is relevant to your query is that the theories about Crowley (and Aziraphale) wearing rings first seemed to start when a video was released of Michael and David wishing a woman named Edna a happy birthday during the filming of GO 2:
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It was quickly pointed out that both Michael and David had their hands (not so subtly) hidden behind their backs for the entirety of the video, which lead to the fan theory that Aziraphale and Crowley are wearing rings. It's also notable that both their hands are seemingly deliberately hidden on the GO 2 poster, too, so this could lend credence to the idea of rings.
So I know that isn't what you were specifically looking for, but I hope it was at least somewhat helpful. If anyone knows what this Anon is referring to, re: the GO 2 poster and Crowley wearing a ring, feel free to comment on this post (or send me a DM). Thanks for writing in! xx
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madam-kumo · 1 year
Identity V characters as Music
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(I did skip some because I had no idea what to do for them. Also Major spoiler warning)
Emily Dyer (doctor)
Nurses Office by Melanie Martinez.
For obvious reasons
Freddy Riley (Lawyer)
The Fine Print by The Stupendium
He mentions in his backstory that he hopes to find a better job than the "menial" job he has with a low wage.
Kreacher Pierson (Thief)
Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
He literally steals parts from the ciphers.
Emma Woods (Gardener)
Dandelions by Ruth B.
A happy song for a happy character. (Emma is literally so cute, she deserves it)
Servais Le Roy (The magician)
Circus by Brittney Spears
Where do we find magicians? A circus...
Martha Behamfil (Coordinator)
Bang! by AJR
Martha has a gun. That's it.
Fiona Gilman (Priestess)
W.I.T.C.H by Devon Cole
I was gonna go with Dragula by Rob Zombie but that felt too aggressive for Fiona.
Tracy Reznik (Mechanic)
Puppet Boy by Devo
It has the cheerful sound to it like Tracy does but I chose this song because I love her mechanical dolls (they underrated).
Vera Nair (Perfumer)
Francis Forever by Mitski
I feel like this song sums up how Vera felt after murdering her sister.
Kevin Ayuso (Cowboy)
Country Girl by Luke Bryan
I gave him the most southern song I could physically think of.
Margaretha Zelle (Female Dancer)
Liquid Smooth by Mitski
I think this song shows how Margaretha felt and how she saw herself just before coming to the manor.
Sergei (Weeping Clown or Joker)
Cigarette duet by Princess Chelsea
This song is pretty much a nutshell of when Sergei was having problems with Margaretha and was trying to convince her to stay with him.
Aesop Carl (Embalmer)
Coraline Opening Song
If you paid attention to when the other mother is making the doll then you can see when she lays the great aunts doll on what looks like a kit of some kind then you can see that it's an embalming kit. (My favorite movie song for my main)
Norton Campbell
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off
I saw somebody use it in an edit when he attacked Orpheus and Melly so I think this song fits.
Patricia Dorval (Enchantress)
Come Little Children from the Hocus Pocus 1993 film
I always got the vibe that Patricia is very family oriented and tries to avoid social conflict when she can so a peaceful song like this literally being sung by a witch is something Patricia would enjoy. (I love this woman so much)
Mike Morton
Freak by Sub Urban
I couldn't really think of one without repeating so I decided on this one.
Demi Bourbon
Alcoholic Friends by Dresden Dolls
I think this was how she felt after her brother got the invitation to the manor.
Victor Grantz
Message man by Twenty One Pilots
I think this song fits him because I'd imagine he's very observant since he's so quiet so not a lot of people know much about him but he knows a lot about others.
Andrew Kreiss
Tears to Shed from the Corpse Bride film
The movie is about death and the song is about comparing yourself to others. Nothing else fits quite like this one does. (I can't describe how much I adore Andrew)
Luca Balsa ("Prisoner)
Welcome to the Internet- Bo Burnham
I feel like Luca matches the overall chaotic vibes this song has and he would probably explain the internet just like Burnham did (very quickly and kinda passive aggressively)
Melly Plinus (Entomologist)
Entomologist by GHOST
Need I say more
Edgar Valden (Painter)
My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstones
This song sounds happy like Edgar
Ganji Gupta (Batter)
The Sports Wii theme song
This is what he gets for beating up my poor Geisha during rank
Anne Lester (Toy Merchant)
Pogo- Living Island
A cheerful song because she deserves it (I have a soft spot for Anne mains)
Ada and Emil (Phycologist and the Patient)
Dark Red by Steve Lacy
I love their relationship so much
Orpheus (Novelist)
Satisfied by Marina and The Diamonds.
I don't know, just seems fitting.
Alice Deross (Journalist)
Ramalama (bang, bang) by Róisín Murphy
If you've ever heard this song, you know exactly why I chose this song.
Leo Beck ( Hell Ember)
We'll meet again- Vera Lynn
This song is probably something he would listen to on repeat to hope that it will help him reunite with Emma. (I'm gonna cry)
Jack (The Ripper)
Run Rabbit Run by Flanagan and Allen
I have a feeling that he's one of those killers that taunts his victims so this song fits.
Violetta (Soul Weaver)
Spider's Web by Melanie Martinez (my favorite portals song)
She's literally a giant spider. (And I love her for that)
Michiko (Geisha)
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
Michiko just wanted to marry the man the man she loved but it was ripped away by her lovers father. (I wanna give my main a hug so bad)
Joseph Desaulniers (Photographer)
Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
You saw this coming, don't lie to me
Burke Lapadura (Mad Eyes)
Rainbow Factory by Glaze
He works on machines and stuff. I don't know, I'm running out of ideas.
Yidhra (Dream Witch)
Puppet Boy by Devo
This is the only song I'm repeating because it fits so well.
Robbie (The Axe Boy)
Teenage Dirt Bag by Wheatus
I feel like it matches his energy as a kid with way too much energy and mischief in his little body.
Mary (Bloody Queen)
Where's your Head at? by Basement Jaxx
You could say she lost her head....I'm done.
BonBon (Guard 26)
Blow! By Ke$ha
His ability is that he can make these explosive thingies when he chair someone.
Ann ("Disciple")
Brutus us by the Buttress
This song was the first thing that came to mind when I saw her, obviously.
Antonio Paganini (Violinist)
Sex with a Ghost by Teddy Hyde
I feel like the "woman in the mirror" could be replaced by the devil he made a deal with.
Galatea Claude (Sculptor)
Breezeblocks by Alt-J
This perfectly describes how I think Galatea felt when her statue was destroyed by her father.
Percy (Undead)
Zydrate Anatomy by Alexa PenaVega, Paris Hilton, and Terrance Zdunich
Another song I can't really explain why but it feels right.
Grace (Naiad)
Siren by Kailee Morgue
Perfect for Naiad by the title alone.
Phillipe (Wax Artist)
Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall
His backstory has always freaked me out a bit since he literally has a corpse covered in wax glued(?) to his shoulder.
Keigan Nicholas Keogh (Clerk)
The Principle by Melanie Martinez
I feel like Clerk would be the kind of person to subconsciously abuse her power like the principle does.
Alva Lorenz (Hermit)
Rat by Penelope Scott
Alva says he will never know the true answers to humanity so I feel like this song fits into that phrase.
Ithaqua (Night Watch)
Below the Surface by Griffinilla
This song was the first thing to come to mind for him so I'm gonna keep it.
Sangria (Opera Singer)
Ballad of Jane Doe from the Ride the Cyclone musical
Jane doe hits some of the highest notes in this song I've ever seen in a musical and I just feel like Sangria would really like this song.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 9 months
Happy hols, Ange and everyone else. ❄️🎄🎄🎄❄️
Finally got home and watched Saltburn and I have thoughts.
SPOILERS (?) below :
First of all, I didn’t feel Michael was creepy or anything. Sure he was sort of weird at times, and also possibly annoying , but the one character I genuinely disliked was Farleigh , and of course, Oliver.
Keoghan is amazing at his craft — you can feel the crazy radiating off him, despite Emerald’s + hair and makeup team’s efforts to make him seem normal and pitiable. I could go on and on about his face, it’s so. ..expressive and so unique.
A lot of Oliver Quick’s behavior isn’t surprising , because well…let’s just say — men have a very predictable manifestation of behavior and sexuality when it’s delves into obsession, particularly with other men. (I’m saying men here because this is about Oliver and Felix and the story built around and between them vs if it had been with Venetia or Elspeth etc).
I’m surprised Fennell didn’t turn it up a few notches and make it worse (more shocking) , but to each their own.
You feel bad for Michael because he does end up alone, as is seen during the scene with end of year exams. But frankly, he dodged a bullet, loser that he is. Although I wonder - would his crazy have come out as a result of Oliver’s crazy?
(P.S : has anyone gif-fed the end of year exam scene with Ewan in a suit , yummmmm. Also love his little teef, 🐰, they’re so cute)
holly jolly and all that 🎅🏻🎄🎅🏻🎄🎁🎁🎁
I think Michael and Felix are the only two genuine people in the entire film. I started out hating Felix, but you quickly realise he has a heart of gold, but his privilege has made him a bit thoughtless.
I think Elspeth ended up being my favourite character, she’s so funny!
Barry’s talent is insane. His performance had me gripped. I spotted the twist from a mile off though. I said when I first saw it that you have to be working class yourself to predict it, but didn’t elaborate further as I didn’t want to spoil it. Now most people have seen it, I will.
Straightaway, when Oliver says his parents are dealers/addicts, I thought “you’re not really poor”. And that’s because it’s a stereotypical middle class belief that the working classes are all drug addicts, anyone that is genuinely working class knows better and would not describe themselves or their family as such.
@barbieaemond gif’ed the scene of Michael coming out of the exams.
Hope you’ve had a lovely festive break so far!
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
I’ve been waiting for 2x04 bc it’s one of my faves so i should say this ep was watched after his check up where he told a nurse about it and the nurse told him he actually watched it when it aired. To which my brother went ‘well watch it again bc I have to talk to someone about it man, she *points to me* is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.’ Anyway: ‘oh it’s pride weekend? Wait WEEKEND? Don’t you fuckers get a whole month? *points at me* dont start, that was meant lovingly’.. ‘so Godiva is like the Trixie of Libery Avenue? That reminds me i gotta watch her new youtube video..’ ‘maybe.. the reason your drink isn’t selling is that hair, sir that is outrageous!..why is he helping a homophobe. Although he’s just an employee so i get it, ill allow it one time Bri Bri’ ‘oh she has a motorcycle? I do too! Maybe this is how i start to like Mel..but mine is broken bc i fell..*he is currently sad over the motorcycle*’ at this point he was so angry at Mikeys coworkers that he paused the ep, went outside for a smoke, came back looked at the tv and went ‘not cool guys, that’s just tacky’ ‘who’s godiva again?! THE LIBERTY VERSION OF TRIXIE IS GONE?! OH NO POOR TRIX- i mean godiva’ ‘OKAAAY TED GET YOURSELF SOME DICK! Good for you! Maybe less talking bc it doesn’t seem to be your thing’… ‘is he making the drink gay? well that’s- WHY DID HE PUT ON THE GOOGLES TO SUCK HIS DICK? SIR YOU WILL CHOK- well i guess that the point’ he got very sad at the scene of Justin painting the sign. He forgot Justin was an artist and now he’s sad bc he can’t do it anymore..’ITS JEN! AT PFLAG! I knew i could count on you! She reminds me of our mom (cut to me saying our mom is a black woman) well..i didn’t specify HOW she reminds me-you know what? Leave me alone, I’m clearly going through something..oh god the shirt. I’m happy for her but Michael would not make me proud…unless he changes like 60 things about himself overnight’ btw he is feeling so proud of himself rn bc he swears that he is “chill” all while bouncing his leg so much my house is shaking. ‘IS THAT THAT BAT FUCKER?!! AT A GAY HOSPICE?! IS THIS SOME KIND OF A FUCKING JOKE?! HE DID NOT JUST WISH AIDS ON HIM AND DURING PRIDE?! oh kid i am your biggest fucking enemy right now, i hope you have an explosive diarrhea’ ‘okay so Mel used to be fun? What happened? Where did she go wrong?…A PITY FUCK?! TED DESERVES BETTER! WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP JOKE IS THIS! That guy wasnt even that pretty so don’t worry Ted’ he got mad again here but less mad then before so no smoke break! ‘Oh he sobered up fast when he realized it wasnt a dream. Bri bri we need to talk about how youre in love. I swear I won’t tell anyone! OH FINALLY I AGREE WITH MIKE, IT WAS A SICK JOKE! Oh..i just know if that fucker did anything, Brian would be fighting right now..now i want to see Brian throw a punch, do you think he knows how to?..OH NO JUSTY, WE ARE GOING TO PRIDE! You are supposed to be proud of..wait what is he supposed to be proud of? Dick sucking skills? *looks at me genuinely* id be proud of that if i was him’ ‘oh my god! The ugly hair homophobe! NOW WHY DID HE SAY THE F WORD?! HE ISNT ALLOWED TO SAY THAT WHAT THE HELL! AND DURING PRIDE?! FUCK YOU!’ And we are back outside for a smoke break.. not to make my brother a liar from the last ep but he is NOT calm. ‘Okay im cool again..as long as no hetero pisses me off anymore. I love that big flag! Do you think they filmed this during actual pride?..WE ARE NOT LETTING BAT FUCKER WIN! Okay seriously now, how bad is Brians mom because he keeps making people march with their moms.. is that bc she wouldn’t do it if she kne- oh god i am now sad for Brian wanting to march with his mom but cant. This is too much for me to handle on a random Friday!..oh brian knew about that fucker? You know what? Hes a little rude but he keeps wanting everyone to just be them. I fuck with that! I shall do that too! But after i get back to my normal life bc this *waves hands* is not it’ 1/2 of 2x04
Your brother being pissed about Brian working for a homophobe... wait until he gets to Stockwell arc.
Does your brother watch...drag race? Is he a Trixie Mattel fan? I am seriously dying over this. Comparing Godiva to Trixie... bless. I don't know how accurate I feel that comparison is but I would need to sit with it to think of a better comparison. I take my drag race comparisons seriously.
Mel used to be cool... what happened? Lindsay! LOL
And that bat fucker! I love it. He's so protective over Justin and Brian. He's so worried about what Joan did to Brian and your brother is in for a sad sad shock.
And his take on Brian and Ted - "He keeps wanting everyone to just be them" is so so so accurate.
Your brother may be high off his butt on painkillers but he's very accurate in his takes.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
The Strange Case of Wordgirl and Miss Crimes: A Fanfic
It all started with a film. Well it actually started on a Show and Tell/ Career day. The issue was that at Becky’s school, their new principal, Mr. Frostwood, had accidentally forgotten about organizing a career day for Woodview Elementary after he was hit by one of Miss Question’s confusion attacks during a crime spree of hers. The poor guy was a mess trying to make things up and not get in trouble with the school board. He soon came up with the idea of combining Show and Tell day with Career day which would work technically since kids were bringing in their parents who were showing off what they did. Everybody is happy. That wasn’t the issue for Becky. She didn’t have a problem with this compromise of school holidays. She wasn’t even bothered by the fact that one of her classmates parent’s was an exterminator who handled in getting rid of pests from homes and buildings which included mice. Actually, Michael’s dad was friendly with the critters he gotten rid of. He would capture pests with non harmful methods and then release them back into the wild. He would also spray the building with harmless, yet long lasting repellent, that would keep the pests away. What Becky Boxleitner did have a problem with was the short documentary film that Michael’s dad decided to show the class that featured the lives and habits along with various facts about different pests. Unfortunately this film included mice as well. Miss Davis was on sick leave that day so a substitute was running Becky’s 5th grade class. There was nothing wrong with the substitute. She did her job in checking to make sure the film was suitable for young audiences. One snag was that this sub did not realize that one of the students she was temporarily watching had a parent who was part mouse. Becky could only sit and watch, her fists clenched, her ears and eyes tuned to try and block out the sounds and imagery but make it look like she was paying attention. Unfortunately Becky could still hear the narrator in the film talk about mice and their lifespans and health habits. She couldn’t help but focus as the narrator spoke about the short lifespan of mice, the various diseases mice can catch which can be lethal if left untreated, how predators of mice can even eat species of mice bigger than they were. Intrusive thoughts filled Becky’s head again. Her dad had always reassured her that his body was still genetically stable after the accident. ‘But what if he could be lying just to make sure she wasn’t worried about him? What if he thought he was fine but is actually getting worse? What if one day Squeaky succeeds in taking over her dad completely? What if one day her dad doesn’t look human at all? What if one day she can no longer recognize the man that is her father?’ Becky snapped out of her worrying thoughts as the film ended and the lights came back on. “Okay class. Let’s thank Mr. Utters for enlightening us about his career as an exterminator.” The substitute stated. The class thanked him and then left the classroom one by one to go either home or to extracurricular classes. Becky then saw her friends coming towards her. They had concern and confused expressions on their faces. "Are you okay Becky?" Scoops asked. Becky finally snapped out of her worrying state and spoke to her friends. "Oh yeah. I'm fine Scoops. Why do you ask?" Becky fibbed. She did not want he friends to be anymore worried about her situation with her dad than they were already were. Violet paused a bit before speaking. "We noticed you seemed upset at the film Michael's dad showed us." Violet had a deep suspicion at why Becky was lying to them but was not going to force it out of her. Becky felt a hand on her shoulder as she turned to see Bob place a comforting hand on her shoulder. He was worried about her as well. He knew the reason why she was looking upset throughout the film. Becky huffed in annoyance. She knew her friends were worried about her but she didn't want them to be. She was fine. She would be fine. Finding a cure for her dad was her mission alone to bear.
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helloworld82604 · 2 years
Ok so @twelvebomshell-blog hi! I'm sorry it took so long to respond but here is my response to this article you sent and asked my to look at about Finn and Duke and the Peaky Blinders movie! I'm gonna put it under the cut because i started to ramble...
Ok so this is really late but I was finally able to get around to reading the article! (I'm sorry it took me a bit classes got busy and then thanksgiving was too) But I finally got to read it and It was pretty interesting! 
First off I agree with you and can't really see Finn as a villain. I really think that like the article mentioned with how he was kinda isolated from his family he really doesn't have the ability to go head to head as the others did. Plus even with his character I feel like he'd be more likely to actually just leave with his wife and not come back. Like even is he is furious and hurt about what happens I can see it being the breaking point where he just doesn't want anything to do with them at all even if it means revenge. 
I also agree with you about Duke. I didn't really like his character much and I really do think he was just thrown in last minute as a plot point after Helen McCrory died🥲 I think it was SK's way of trying to get another young person in the film since Finn (Michael) can't be in the movie anymore and Harry wants to do other stuff (which is understandable) and I don't think SK wanted to make Charlie take over the business. Plus I can't see Tommy abandoning a child even if it was from a one night stand. It would have made for sense for Duke to be one of John's sons coming back. Or even Arthur's son! Heck it would have made for sense for him to be a half brother of theirs than it did for him to be Tommy's long lost son. 
And back to the point I really don't completely blame Finn for Polly's death as he was taken advantage by Billy. The Finn and Billy relationship seems to be like why S1 Tommy and Grace's could have been (minus the romance) if Grace hadn't changed sides. I think Finn really didn't know what Billy was and saw him as a brother after John died. 
So over all I think the article was interesting and brought up some good point however I personally don't think we'll see as the big bad or if we see him at all. Or at least I don't think it would be the best plot for the movie if he was the bad guy. I feel like the whole family betrayal phase has happened more than once with the family (First Tommy putting everyone in jail and the Michael being Michael) and I feel like if they did it again it may be over played. I think it would be more interesting if it focused more of WWII and how that's affecting everything rather than just the family drama. I honestly kind hope Finn's role is done in the way that if he isn't there I can pretend he started getting a better life and survived the war and stuff😂 At least one of the Shelby siblings needs to get a happy ending. 
But if he was part of the movie I do have an idea for what part I'd like him to play. Because if he isn't in the movie I want him to live but if he is I hate to say it but I can see him dying in it. I feel like it would be some sort of poetic irony if he dies during the war and the only way his remaining siblings find out about is either when the KIA letter comes or when like Mary come back with their kid and like runs into the siblings and just goes off on them in her grief for all they did. I actually have a story planned out with an idea involving Finn and WWII that I really want to write out and post to my other account but idk if I'll get to it before December😂 
And yeah, sorry for the rambling😂 long story short I found the article interesting, I agree with you able Dukes Character, and As much as I like Harry Kirton (or what I know about him) I don't think he's going to make an app wrench as Finn in the movie. I think Finn's time with the family has passed and considering the coming events he's not likely to survive WWII especially if SK continues with his pattern of killing everyone off. 
Once again I'm sorry it took a while to get back to you about it! I had to start studying for midterms and then my thanksgiving was busy and now I have like two weeks before my finals start and I wasn't able to get on here much! Thank you for sending me the link! It was interesting to read and even though I slightly dread what will happen I'm interested to do what happens in the movie!! I hope you have a great day!! Thanks for discussing with me in enjoyed it and your more than welcome to ask more if you want!❤️❤️❤️
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rawiswhore · 2 years
Shawn Michaels x Fem Reader- "Problem"
I've created this female professional wrestling original character that lives rent free in my head, and my wrestling original character's gimmick was a slut/nymphomaniac.
However, I've wondered if she should play this Dean Yeagle's Mandy bimbo-type character, or play a "Three's Company"-esque jiggle TV character.
Then again, the Attitude era was about shock value and sexual content, and went on during the same time "South Park" was at the height of its popularity (and a running gag on "South Park" was that Cartman's mom is a slut), and was going on during the same time "The Jerry Springer Show" and Howard Stern (which invited porn stars, nymphomaniacs, sluts, strippers and hookers), Lil' Kim and Foxy Brown (who started the trend of sexually explicit female rappers) and "Sex and the City" were all at the heights of their popularity.
One of the most iconic, notorious moments in professional wrestling history was on a "Monday Night Raw" episode that had aired on September 15th, 1997, where Shawn Michaels strutted to the ring wearing these tight black biker shorts that showed off a huge, massive bulge in his crotch area.
That bulge was a sock stuffed down his bike shorts to show off the outline of his penis, and when he stood in the ring, he eventually jumped up and down and kept pointing to his huge bulge, eventually to lay on the ring on his back and thrust and hump the air while his hands motioned and pointed at his crotch.
That moment caused a lot of controversy even back then---so much so Shawn Michaels was fined for it.
However, when Vince McMahon saw that moment, he soon stated that the World Wrestling Federation needed more attitude and that aforementioned Shawn Michaels moment is stated to have started the Attitude era.
When Vince McMahon saw that moment, he said the WWF needed more edgy content, and that's what lead to the Attitude era.
Even though you were happy about the WWF becoming edgier and more adult oriented, especially considering you felt like you weren't really being yourself in the WWF in 1996 and 1997, there was a problem you had related to the WWF becoming edgier you had to address to.
But not to Vince McMahon.
Shortly after that "Monday Night Raw" episode where Shawn Michaels kept pointing to his bulge while wearing biker shorts and Vince McMahon said the WWF needed more "attitude", you stood with Shawn backstage and talked with him.
You weren't talking with him during a "Monday Night Raw" or "Shotgun Saturday Night" episode or even a pay-per-view, and your discussion wasn't filmed and broadcast on television for people to see.
"I looooooved that moment when you put a sock down your shorts to make it seem like you have a boner" you confessed to Shawn with a naughty smile on your face, your eyes looking into his eyes, standing close to Shawn until your chest was touching and nudging his chest.
Your confession made Shawn sheepishly chuckle and smile.  
"I knew you would" Shawn said with a smile.
"Vince McMahon said that he wants the WWF to have more 'attitude'" you mentioned, your fingers crooking like quotation marks when you said the word "attitude". "And I'm okay with that, in fact, I'm happy about it"
"Me too" Shawn agreed, nodding his head. "I wanted the WWF to be...edgier before you even joined the company"
Before you probably even started watching the WWF.
Shawn paused his sentence a little while to think of a word to describe what he wanted the WWF to be like, and he decided on "edgier".
"Seeing you with that fake boner bulging through your shorts" you mentioned, your index finger running up and down his chest as your mouth smiled and your eyes looked at his crotch. "Y'know how female wrestling valets flirt with opponents to distract them?"
Shawn nodded his head.
Of course he knows that
"I'd love to suck on and lick your cock covered by your tights in the ring as a distraction" you confessed, your eyes scrolling up to his eyes to look into them, you put emphasis on the word "love" when you confessed that and placed your hand on his chest. "Especially considering the WWF now wants an edgier direction"
Shawn's eyes grew wide and his eyebrows raised when he heard that you'd love to suck his penis covered by his tights.
"But...there's a problem" you argued, although not sounding angry, your mouth pouting and your voice sounding less sexier than before. "Hunter and I sometimes help you out and join you in the ring, and I can't really probably suck your cock if you were Hunter's opponent since I'm Hunter's valet"
Shawn nodded his head, agreeing with you.
"And you'd probably get fined a lot of money like I did recently" Shawn added.
"Fuck those people who fined you!" you exclaimed with an angry, disgusted look on your face and in the tone of your voice.
Shawn nodded his head, raising one of his hands to give you a high five, to which your hand collided into his hand and gave him a high five, although you didn't hit his hand too hard.
Eventually, you couldn't suck on Shawn's dick as a distraction if he was Hunter's opponent since he as well as you were members of D Generation X.
"Even though I love being Hunter Hearst Helmsley's valet and all" you mentioned, your face and your voice looking and sounding calmer. "Not only would I love to distract Hunter, but since Hunter does the pedigree, where he, y'know, put's someone's head in between his thighs and holds their arms, I'd love it if in a wrestling match Hunter spanked my ass when he's about to do a pedigree on me"
"I know you'd love Hunter spanking you in a pedigree" Shawn brought up with his head slowly nodding.
"I don't have to wrestle against Hunter" you explained. "I can just be a valet for someone else and try to distract Hunter, and then Hunter will pull me into the ring, put my head in between his thighs and then spank my ass"
"I understand" Shawn replied. "Would you try to suck on Hunter's dick if it was covered by his tights in a pedigree?"
"Hell yeah!" you stated, although not sounding so angry.
"A lot of wrestlers' tights and singlets are all sweaty from all that wrestling" Shawn mentioned. "You'd be tasting nasty, salty crotch sweat on their tights and singlets"
"I know" you admitted, pouting your lip. "Plus, I'd be tasting the fabric of their tights and singlets, which isn't a pleasant taste, I'll just have to pretend it doesn't taste nasty"
"I bet the WWF is going to make you play what you're really like backstage" Shawn referred, referring to how you're a very sexually promiscuous slut and nymphomaniac behind the scenes backstage and when the cameras aren't rolling.
"Oh, without a doubt"  you said. "Even if the WWF didn't make me play that, I'd come up with that idea for a gimmick, like how Stone Cold came up with his redneck gimmick"
"And how Razor Ramon's Tony Montana character was Scott Hall's own idea" Shawn added.
Even though you eventually and unfortunately couldn't suck on and even lick Shawn Michaels' and Triple H's penises covered by their tights in the ring due to you being a member of D Generation X (as well as being the Sunny to their Bodydonnas and Stacy Keibler to their Dudley Boyz), you playing a promiscuous, slutty nymphomaniac came true.
And even sucking and licking male wrestlers' private parts as a distraction in the ring came true next year by the time the WWF changed its logo to that scratch logo and its name to "WWF Attitude".
In fact, sucking on a male wrestler's penis covered by his tights or singlet was your signature distraction, like how Stacy Keibler's signature distraction is turning around, grabbing her skirt, lifting it up and showing off her ass cheeks, and Debra's signature distraction is opening her top up and showing off her puppies (and I don't mean baby dogs), albeit her breasts are covered by a bra.
However, on a "Monday Night Raw" episode broadcast and aired on television in August of 1998, during one of those "coming up next" vignettes where the guitar riff to Slam Jam's "We're All Together Now", you were backstage in the locker room sucking on Triple H's penis covered by his jockstrap.
At the beginning of 1998, you, Shawn and Triple H did this photoshoot for a magazine, where you were squatting in between those 2 and sucking and licking their dicks covered by their tights.
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