#Michael x Maria wedding
dayscrazed · 1 year
THE FINAL CHAPTER of my AU where Michael was adopted by the Evans’ instead of Max. 
Based on RNM 4x13. Every person does their part to stop Clyde. Max and Michael need to train with Tezca, who shares a warning about Oasis. Deep Sky employees, Liz, Kyle and Alex utilize their resources. In the aftermath, there's a wedding to plan and a dying planet to strategize around. The futures of Max, Alex, Michael, and Liz hang in the balance of this decision. 
Differences from Canon: - Clyde still needs Bonnie to get rid of his mark. Clyde never had Shivani figure out how to give Clyde the powers that Bonnie took, so he doesn’t have the blue flame. So he doesn’t fight the group, just escapes with her. - Tezca never went into the portal so she’s alive on earth and able to train both Max and Michael. She says a line inspired by 4x12. - Their training is inspired by 4x05 and 4x12. Max and Michael’s fear and struggles reflect their respective backgrounds. - She is also able to tell them about the problem on Oasis rather than sharing a memory. Michael and Max both borrow canon Max lines. - Alex is healed so he helps in the search for Clyde. - Rosa’s power is echolocation so she goes with Dallas to search. - Maria doesn’t need to experiment at Deep Sky. She needs to back up Isobel. - Liz’s brain isn’t regressing, so she can figure out the solution with Kyle. - Alex and Kyle are able to reconnect. - Isobel and Maria are guarding the portal. Max and Michael both show up to fight Clyde. - Max says the line canon Michael says when all is said and done. - The wedding is planned for not so soon after Clyde’s defeat. Max highlights the significance of the gazebo. - Max talks to Alex about Oasis reflective of canon Max in 4x13, but Alex’s response is inspired by his lines from 4x01 and 4x11. Since they don’t know the state of Oasis, their plan involves scouting before both Max and Michael use the blue flame to reignite. Max and Michael’s conversation is inspired by swapping their lines from 4x13 as well as canon Michael’s speech from 2x05. - Liz replicates the solution to dissolve the mark, so Tezca can travel through the portal. - Michael tells Liz about Oasis but insists that she is his home, using canon Michael lines from 4x11 as well as Max’s from 4x13. Liz is finally able to admit her doubts that she wasn’t able to when they were moving in together and ends up in that same committed headspace. With a callback to 4x01, Michael responds like canon Max in 4x13, which is similar to canon Michael in 4x11. - At the wedding, unfortunately Sanders is not in attendance. But Greg is! Max and Michael’s relationship is stronger than canon, which by extension inspired Alex and Greg’s brotherly relationship. - Alex, not having a history of getting in the middle of Maria’s love life, does so now, and feels self-confident enough to advise her not to cheat on Greg or be impulsive about her feelings. Over the course of this fic, Maria and Dallas have also had less time to bond than canon. - When Alex decides to change his name, he has different reasons as he is changing it to Alex Evans. - The group has time to plan and prepare for the journey to Oasis. Michael brings a special gift that would’ve been potentially valuable and possible in canon. Max’s relationships with his siblings have evolved differently, so the pod squad goodbye scene is similar but different. - Max and Michael’s ending scenes are reflective of their canon counterparts.
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soracities · 11 months
would you be willing to share books or poems with your favorite or even pretty writing / prose? thank you 😊
oh Absolutely
A Moth to a Flame, Stig Dagerman
For Two Thousand Years, Mihail Sebastian
The Bloody Chamber, Angela Carter
Her Body and Other Parties, Carmen Maria Machado
The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros
The Waves, Virginia Woolf
Mrs Dalloway, Virginia Woolf
The Sea, John Banville
The Tenderness of Wolves, Stef Penney
Possession, A.S. Byatt
The Memory Police, Yoko Ogawa
The Thirteenth Tale, Diane Setterfield
The Book of Delights, Ross Gay
Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys
i am lewy, Eoghan Ó Tuairisc
A Tale for the Time Being, Ruth Ozeki
Seiobo There Below, Laszlo Krasznahorkai
The History of Love, Nicole Krauss
The Carpenters Pencil, Manuel Rivas
Books Burn Badly, Manuel Rivas (full disclosure: the language in this book is HARD)
How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone,  Saša Stanišić
From A to X: A Story in Letters, John Berger
Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy
A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini
Still Life with Oysters and Lemon, Mark Doty
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera
Paris, When It's Naked, Etel Adnan
A Ghost in the Throat, Doireann Ní Ghríofa
Four Bare Legs in a Bed: Stories, Helen Simpson
South of the Border, West of the Sun, Haruki Murakami
A Field Guide to Getting Lost, Rebecca Solnit
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, Patrick Süskind
The Things We Don't Do, Andrés Neuman
We Love Glenda So Much and Other Tales, Julio Cortázar
Letters to a Young Poet, Rilke
All We Saw, Anne Michaels (poetry)
Collected Poems of Vasko Popa, Vasko Popa (poetry)
Barefoot Souls, Maram al-Masri (poetry)
Without an Alphabet, Without a Face, Saadi Youssef (poetry)
"In Spite of Everything, the Stars" by Edward Hirsch
"I Can Tell You a Story" by Chuck Carlise
"The Roses of Saadi" by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
"The Stare" by Sujata Bhatt
"Stolen Moments" by Kim Addonizio
"Moonlight Sonata" by Yannis Ritsos
"No Title Required" by Wislawa Szymborska
"I Sleep A Lot" by Czeslaw Milosz
"Prayer for the Mutilated World" by sam sax
"Try to Praise the Mutilated World" by Adam Zagajewski
"I Cannot be Known" by Paul Eluard
"The Cinnamon Peeler" by Michael Ondaatje
"Filling Spice Jars as Your Wife" by Kai Coggin
"Persimmons" by Li-Young Lee
"This Room and Everything in It" by Li-Young Lee
"When We With Sappho" by Kenneth Rexroth
"On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous" by Ocean Vuong
"Not Even This" by Ocean Vuong
"Elegy of Fortinbras" by Zbigniew Herbert
"Wedding Poem" by Ross Gay
"Transformations of the Lover" by Adonis
"Cloves" by Saadi Youssef
"Punishment" by Seamus Heaney
"I've Dreamed of You So Much" by Robert Desnos
"Bleecker Street, Summer" by Derek Walcott
"Cave Dwellers" by A. Poulain Jr.
"De Humani Corporis Fabrica" by John Burnside
"The Great Fires" by Jack Gilbert
"The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart" by Jack Gilbert
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jule1122 · 1 year
Malex Fic - You know I love you so
Written for the @yearoftheotpevent June challenge of “(accidental) love confessions.”  I wanted to give Michael and Alex some time to enjoy getting back together and to tell people about their new relationship so I added a few days to 3x09 between Kyle being released from Deep Sky and Alex getting sucking into the Lockhart Machine.  This really just some fluff about them telling everyone they are in love.  Their are brief references to past Miluca and Forlex.  As always, this is a Maria friendly fic.
You know I love you so on AO3
Title from “Yellow” by Coldplay
Summary:  There first date is still a few days away.  It's too early for Alex and Michael to say "I love you."  At least to each other. 
Michael sits at the bar, fiddling with his empty beer bottle until Maria comes over.
“Want another,” she asks, already handing him a new bottle.
“Good to see you back in action,” Michael smiles.  “But are you sure it’s not too soon?”
Maria rolls her eyes.  “I wish everyone would stop asking me that.  I’m fine, 100% fine, even certified by both Liz and Kyle.”
“Alright I’ll back off,” Michael holds out his hands in surrender.  “But you can’t blame us for caring about you.”
Maria’s stance softens, and she smiles at Michael.  “I’m lucky I had so many people on my side, I know that.  But what about you?  I heard you and Alex had quite an adventure of your own.”
It’s an opening Michael can’t ignore, but instead of the carefully worded explanation he planned, he blurts out, “ I love him, Alex, I mean.”
“I know,” Maria’s smile gentles.  “He loves you too.”
Michael blushes and ducks his head, but doesn’t deny it.  Alex hasn’t said the words - neither of them have which makes Michael’s confession even more awkward - but Michael feels them.  He feels them in the way Alex kisses him, the way he smiles at Michael’s dumb jokes and the way he holds him in bed, no space between them.
“It doesn’t mean I didn’t love you too,” he says.  And Michael knows that is what he’d really come here to say.  Alex comes before and after - and hopefully forever after - but he doesn’t want Maria to feel like she was just a pit stop along his way back to Alex.  
“I know that,” Maria takes his hand off the bottle where he’d been picking at the label and squeezes it.  “I loved you too.  A relationship doesn’t have to last forever to be important.  We had a good thing together, it was what we both wanted and needed at the time.”
“And now?”  Michael can’t help but ask.
“And now we’re friends.  You’re where you need to be and I,” Maria hesitates for a second.  “I’m figuring it out.”
“We have a date this week,” Michael confesses, a disbelieving thrill of excitement in his chest just from talking about it.  “We wanted to tell you first before you saw us or heard about it from someone else.”
“That’s great,” Maria’s smile is wide and genuine.  “I shouldn’t have said when I did before, but I really do expect an invitation to the wedding.”
Michael knows he should brush it off, but he can’t bring himself to pretend it’s not what he’s always wanted so he draws an “X” over his heart, “Promise you’ll be first on the list.”
“I’d better be.  Now go bother your siblings,” Maria points to where Isobel and Max are sitting, having come in sometime while they were talking, “so I can get some actual work done.”
“Here you go,” Kyle sits next to Alex and sets their drinks on the table.  “Boring beer for you and a Pomegranate Pluto Martini for me.”
Alex makes a face when he sees just how bright Kyle’s drink is.  “So this is why you wanted to meet here instead of the Wild Pony?  Because Maria won’t make you drinks that glow.”
Kyle throws back his head and laughs.  “Just wanted to celebrate my clean bill of health. There’s nothing like Taylor Swift Drag Night to make you feel alive.”
It’s a fairly quiet Tuesday at Planet 7, no drag queens in sight yet, but Alex thinks he understands what Kyle is trying to say.  “I’ll drink to that,” he agrees, tapping his bottle against Kyle’s glass.
“I’ll have you drinking one of these by the end of the night,” Kyle says, quickly downing his drink and signaling one of the bartenders for another.
Alex just shakes his head.  He’s been to Planet 7 a few times with Forrest, but it’s not really his kind of place.  Kyle, on the other hand, seems completely comfortable.  He knows most of the staff by name, has glitter highlighting his cheekbones, and Alex is pretty sure he’s wearing lip gloss.  He doesn’t know what to do with any of that, but tonight is supposed to be about Kyle having a good time so he’s trying not to think too much.
“So tell me what I missed,” Kyle prompts him once his new drink has been delivered.
Michael is the first thing Alex thinks because Michael is all he thinks since their kiss on the patio.  He tries to push away the images of Michael’s smile after they kissed and the way his body looked spread out over Alex’s bed.  “Nothing much,” he answers as casually as he can..
“You got laid,” Kyle’s eyes widen, and he points at Alex.  “Who was it?  Is he here?”
Alex looks around quickly just in case Michael showed up while he wasn’t looking even though he knows Michael is at the Wild Pony with Max and Isobel.  He’d declined Alex’s invitation to join him, sending him off with a kiss and a promise to take pictures if Kyle did anything embarrassing.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says, doing his best to stonewall Kyle.
“Don’t lie to me.  I know that look.  It’s the same look you had after you hooked up with Forrest.  Is  it Forrest?  Did he come back because he can’t live without you?   He didn’t convince you to run away with him did he? I just got out of coma, don’t leave town again.”
“What is in that thing?  Alex eyes Kyle’s drink suspiciously.  “You shouldn’t be this drunk after one and half drinks.”
“It’s more like four.  I had few before you got here.  Devon makes a mean martini,” he waves his hand carelessly in the direction of the bar and the bartender winks at him.  “But don’t change the subject.  You definitely got laid, and I want to know if you’re running away with some cute guy and leaving me behind.”
“I’m not running away with anyone,”  Alex admits with a huff.  
“So it’s not Forrest.  Who is it?  If you don’t tell me I’ll just get Isobel to get it out of you.”
Alex winces because nothing the Air Force taught him would prepare him for being interrogated by Isobel  “It’s Guerin.  Michael,” he corrects.
“Oh, thank God,” Kyle sighs dramatically.  “The sexual tension between you two was getting uncomfortable.”
“There’s no sexual tension,” Alex protests.
“Maybe not now,” Kyle wiggles his eyebrows.  “But the last time we were all out together, and he was playing pool, the things he did with the pool stick to get your attention were very suggestive, educational too, but mostly suggestive.”
Alex blushes, “It’s not like that.”
“It’s not sexual?”  Kyle sounds doubtful.  “Because I know you got laid”
“Ok, yes I got laid,” Alex cuts him off.  “But it’s not just sex.  I love him,” he admits without meaning to.
“Oh,” Kyle’s brow furrows for a second before a bright smile blooms on his face.  “That’s awesome, dude.  I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks, I’m pretty happy about it too,” he admits, finding it easy this time to say just how much Michael means to him.
Michael walks away from his conversation with Maria smiling and wondering if he should text Alex even if it means interrupting his night with Valenti.  When he gets to their booth, Max and Isobel are having a whispered conversation that stops once he sits down.
“What’s up?” he asks when they both turn to look at him.  He really hopes it's not another Jones emergency.  He wants his date with Alex before the next pile of shit hits the fan.
“Nothing,” Isobel says too brightly.
“You and Maria looked like you were having a pretty intense conversation when we got here,” Max says.
“Not really,” Michael shrugs.  Intense seems like too strong of a word, important yes, but it’s not like they were fighting.  “Just wanted to talk to her about something.  And make sure she’s feeling alright.”
“It’s nice that you are so concerned, but we don’t want you to get hurt,” Isobel reaches across the table and takes his hand.
“Ok?”  It’s a question because Michael really has no idea what she’s talking about.  He feels like he walked into the middle of the wrong conversation.
“Michael,” Isobel sighs and sits up straighter, taking her hand away.  “You know Maria is seeing Greg Manes.”
“Greg’s not the Manes I’m in love with so I don’t see why that would be a problem,” Michael shrugs.
“You mean Alex, right?”  Max asks.
Michael rolls his eyes, “I sure as hell wasn’t talking about Flint.”
“Does this mean we can finally talk about your secret, sordid teenage affair with Alex Manes instead of just hinting about it?” Isobel leans forward eagerly.
“No, and it wasn’t,” Michael makes a face and Isobel raises one brow at him, “sordid.”  He’ll give her secret, but there was nothing sordid about how they felt about each other.  Sure, they fucked it up later, but when he fell in love with Alex it made him feel lighter and hopeful.
“Does he know how you feel or are you still waiting for the right time?  You know the weird emo poet guy is gone,” Isobel tells him.
“Oh, he’s very aware,” Michael smirks, thinking of how thoroughly he’d demonstrated his feeling this morning.
“So you’re back together,” Max, ever the romantic, smiles.
“No,” Michael corrects, but he feels bad when Max’s face falls and Isobel rushes to comfort him.
“Maybe he just needs time,” she says.  “He wrote you a love song after all.”
“We are together,” Michael admits.  “Just not back together.  What we had before is over, and we need to start fresh if this is going to work.  Can’t keep looking back.”
Max winces a little, and Michael knows he’s thinking about his own complicated history with Liz.  
“So when did it happen?  Who made the first move?  Was it romantic or one of those fighting until your kissing moments?” Isobel bombards him with questions, most of which he has no intention of answering.
Michael leans back in the booth and sighs.  “It’s still pretty new, and it’s still not sordid,” he makes another face at that word. “Although the sex is,” he trails off and lets out a low whistle.
Max drops his face into his hands, but Isobel claps her hands, “Tell me everything,” she demands.
“Iz, no,” Max looks up and glares at her.
“What, even you can admit they are hot together.”
“And it’s not secret this time,” Michael says, drawing their attention back to him.  “We have a date this week.”
“That’s awesome, man,” Max beams at him.
“When is it?” Isobel asks.  “I’ll need an hour, no two hours, to get you ready.”
“I can dress myself,” Michael objects, looking to Max for support.
Max laughs, “Don’t look at me.  She has a whole section of my closet marked off for date clothes and knows if I don’t use them.  I’m thrilled she has someone else to torture.”
“I wouldn’t have to do that if I could trust you to get changed before you go out,” Isobel scolds Max.
“Hey, I thought women liked a man in uniform.”
“Not that ugly brown uniform you wear.  Now, I remember how Alex looked in his dress blues for the parade,” she smiles dreamily and turns to Michael.  “Does he ever wear that for you?  Because he should.  The role play possibilities are endless.”
It’s Michael’s turn to cover his face with his hands.  “Maybe we should have kept this secret,” he groans, but no one believes him.
After their respective nights out, Alex and Michael went back to their own homes, and while they exchanged texts about how their evenings had gone, they hadn’t seen each other.  Alex was surprised by just how much he missed Michael even after only a few days together, and pleased at how he isn’t afraid to let Michael know it.  So it was no hardship for him to leave early enough to pick up three coffees instead of one and stop by the junkyard on the way to work.
He leaves his own coffee in the car and heads toward the garage with the other two.  As expected it’s Sanders who he sees first.  Alex isn’t sure if he has an alarm system on the driveway entrance or he just spends all his time watching for cars, but he always appears the minute someone gets out of their vehicle.  
“Car trouble?” Sanders asks as he makes his way to Alex.
“No, sir, just stopped by to see Michael.”  Alex lifts the coffee cups a little higher in the air.
“So you’re coming by in the daylight now, out in the open, instead of sneaking around hoping no one sees you?”
Alex feels a flush of shame on his face.  He was never embarrassed to be seen with Michael, just afraid, but he knows how he looks.  “You’ll be seeing a lot of me now.  I’ll do better by him,” he says as confidently as he can.  “I love him,” he adds because Sanders is Michael’s family, and Alex wants him to know he’s serious.
“I could have told you that.  One eye,” he taps his patch, “but I’m not blind.  Don’t know why I have to keep reminding people of that,” he grumbles.  “And you’ll both do better because you’re not a couple of scared kids this time.  You’re not hiding from that no good daddy of yours, and he’s not so used to secrets he wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped him in the face.”
Alex laughs because he’s not wrong, but “No, now we're just dealing with his,” Alex pauses and reconsiders his words because he can’t bring himself to call Jones Michael’s father in front of the man who really should have that title.  “Now we’re dealing with Jones and all my bullshit from a decade in the Air Force.”
“Never gonna be perfect,” Sanders grunts.  “But you’re better together than you are apart.  Start with that.”
“Thanks,” Alex shifts on his feet. He wasn’t expecting to have a heart to heart with Sanders so soon.  It makes his anxious to see Michael, to be reassured he hasn’t fucked things up already.  “Here, this is for you,” he thrusts one of the coffee cups at Sanders.
He sips it cautiously then smiles before narrowing his eye at Alex. “Michael tell you how I take my coffee?”
“Nope, he told me you take it black.”
“Idiot,” Sanders mumbles under his breath.  “Guess coffee runs are your job from now on.”
“I can do that,” Alex agrees easily.  Sanders' approval is worth the hours he spent reviewing the footage he hacked from the coffee shop to find out Sanders preferred coffee is a double espresso latte with half vanilla, half coconut and almond milk.
“Best be on your way before Michael glares a hole in my back waiting for me to let you go.  Guess I know why he’s been smiling like a loon these last few days.  Probably explains the limp, too.”
Sanders walks away leaving Alex choking on air.  But he spots Michael waiting in the doorway of the garage, and his smile is worth the embarrassment.
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zablife · 2 years
Pink Venom
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Jack Nelson x Kathleen "Kit" (OC-Jack's fiancee) x Gina Gray
Summary: Newly engaged Jack and Kathleen seem like the perfect couple until Gina arrives and begins to make trouble. Will her plan to win Kathleen work?
Author's Note: Requested by a lovely anon who wanted to see a love triangle with Jack and Gina vying for the attention of the reader. I changed it to an OC. Please note there is NO INCEST!!
Warnings: language, drinking, cheating, fighting, mention of sex
Boston, March 15, 1933
The organ player began Ave Maria once more as the guests shifted uncomfortably in their seats. The old wooden pews creaked and a few coughs could be heard amongst the wedding guests, but no one dared utter a word as they witnessed Jack’s hands curl into fists at his sides, clenching tightly until his knuckles turned white. The wedding that should have begun an hour ago was woefully late, so much so that the priest leaned into the groom asking feebly, “Perhaps someone should check on your bride, Mr. Nelson?” 
Jack gritted his teeth as he thought, Goddamn right. Where the hell is she?
London, October 1932
“Michael? Michael!” Gina shouted as she tugged on her calfskin gloves. She swished down the hallway quickly searching the rooms until she came to his office, noting how he didn’t bother to look up at her from his ledgers. 
“Michael I was calling you!” she said as she tapped her foot impatiently.
Michael looked up slowly with an annoyed expression asking, “What is it, Gina? I’m busy.”
“I need my allowance,” she said giving him a doe eyed stare. 
“You’ve spent three times your allotted expenditures for the month already. Why do you need more?” he asked leaning back in his chair and pinching the bridge of his nose. Her demands were becoming relentless.
“I’m going shopping with Uncle Jack’s new fiancee and I don’t want to be embarrassed. Do you want me to look like a poverty stricken charity case in front of her?” she pouted at him.
Michael knew a temper tantrum was inevitable if he let her continue so he reached into his desk for the roll of bills he kept for emergencies and counted out the maximum he was willing to part with for her frivolous shopping spree. Handing it across the desk with a huff, he held her hand tightly as he warned, “Behave yourself, Gina.”
She slid her hand away smoothly and placed the money in her purse as she smiled sweetly at him. “Don’t I always, dear?” 
“You must be Kathleen,” Gina said, leaning in for an air kiss to the woman’s cheek.
“Please, we’re about to become family. Call me, Kit,” the young woman said with a kind smile. She was not at all what Gina had expected. Although she knew her uncle liked young, attractive women she had no idea he had chosen someone this young. They were practically the same age.
“Alright, then. Kit,” Gina said pronouncing the last syllable precisely as she sized up the woman who would become her aunt. She was breathtaking, that much was true.
“Jack has told me so much about you. He says you’re missing home as much as I am. I have to admit, I’m anxious to return to Boston. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to the weather here!” she said gesturing toward the misting rain outside the shop window.
Gina mirrored her polite smile with a noticeable lack of sincerity. She hoped the conversation would improve throughout the day. She hated small talk because it usually signaled a complete lack of imagination and a woeful shortage of gossip. Still Gina knew how to make her own fun if none were readily available and she felt the need for mischief creep up on her before she could stop herself. Not that she would have wanted to.
“Shall we have a look?” Gina said removing her gloves and taking a stroll. Kit nodded in agreement and they walked on together.
As Gina listened to Kit discuss her privileged upbringing and well-connected parents, Gina understood why her uncle was so eager to marry her. However, she doubted Kit had any idea what she was getting herself into by marrying one of Boston’s most notorious gangsters.
After hearing all about the wedding planning, Gina couldn’t stay silent any longer. “And how are you getting on with the children? Are you ready to step in as their new mother?” she asked, raising an eyebrow in Kit’s direction. 
Kit stopped short and held her breath for a moment. No one had asked her about this yet as most people thought it impolite to bring up anything regarding Jack’s status as a widower. She was glad no one had broached the topic before because she was nervous about the arrangement. The children were quite young and adorable, but no one would ever replace their own mother. 
“They’re precious children. I’m honored to become their step mother,” Kit said softly. “In time Jack and I hope to have children of our own as well,” she said looking down at the floor shyly. 
“Well, that is admirable. The children need stability after all that’s happened…watching as their mother was forced to leave them,” Gina said. Kit looked up at her with furrowed brow wondering why she’d used that wording.
“Wh- What do you mean by that?” she said.
Gina stepped closer and placed a hand on Kit’s forearm gently. “My uncle isn’t perfect, but I can see you’re going to be good for him,” she said, searching her eyes carefully. “Yes, loyal to him.” Then she broke away to walk ahead as she continued with a wave of her hand, “Aunt Maggie didn’t understand him at all. That’s why she ended up where she did.”
“Buried at St. Matthew’s?” Kit asked with a confused look.
“Is she? Well that’s a new one on me,” Gina replied, “Oh, Kit, perhaps we should have spoken sooner.”
Two weeks later…
“You happy to be home, doll?” Jack asked, stroking Kit’s cheek gently as he placed her suitcases inside her Boston apartment.
“Mmm-hmm,” she said. She thought back to the unpleasantness of her last weeks in London and how upset she’d been after spending time with Jack’s niece. Her face fell at the thought and Jack was quick to notice her sudden change in demeanor. 
“You still thinking about Gina’s crazy lies, huh?” he said sadly. “God, I’m so sorry she scared you like that,” he said sympathetically pulling her into his arms for a kiss. She pressed her cheek to his chest feeling the beating of his heart and the warmth of his body, wanting to believe his numerous denials. However, there was something about the way Gina had spoken to her that made her seem like far more of an authority on the matter.
“Hey, you going to be alright for the New Years Eve party?” Jack asked hooking a finger under her chin. “We’re gonna be entertaining the most important people in the city, you know. I need you, Kitty Kat,”he said smoothly leaning in for a kiss.
Kit melted into him and when she pulled away, she smiled lovingly at him. “I’ll be better than alright so long as I have you.”
“That’s my girl,” Jack said with a broad smile. 
New Years Eve 1933
Kit had made her rounds on Jack’s arm, greeting the endless stream of party guests. She’d chatted merrily with all of them until she spotted Gina enter the room. Pulling herself closer into Jack’s side she whispered, “Jack, darling, you didn’t tell me your niece would be here.”
“Michael had business in New York and Gina phoned yesterday to see if she’d be welcome for a visit. I didn’t have the heart to tell her no,” he said. “It’s not a problem is it?”
Not wanting to ruin the mood of the party, Kit replied, “Of course, she’s welcome.”
The night wore on without incident. Gina found plenty of people to entertain her and Kit soon found herself unaware she was even in attendance until a few minutes after midnight. Stepping out onto the balcony, she found a somber Gina smoking lazily. She appeared to have been crying, but she still looked as beautiful as ever, barely a hair out of place as she stood regally in her gold satin gown. 
“Gina, is something the matter?” Kit asked, approaching carefully. She couldn’t stand the sight of someone in tears, even if it was a person who had hurt her feelings not so long ago.
Gina shook her head softly, exhaling a stream of smoke into the night air.
“Please talk to me. Do you miss Michael?” Kit ventured again, unwillingly to leave when she feared something important may have happened.
Gina scoffed as she extinguished her cigarette beneath the heel of her shoe. “How can I miss a man who’s never around?”
“Jack said he had business in New York. I assume it must be urgent if he had to work over the holidays,” Kit said trying to be diplomatic.
“There’s always something more important. The business, his family, every fucking thing before me,” Gina said bitterly as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.
Kit looked away unsure of how to comfort her. “Well, tonight you’re with Jack and me so we’ll look after you. We’re very glad you came,” Kit offered, trying to think of some way to cheer her up.
Gina looked at Kit hopefully and walked toward her, stumbling a bit as she made her way over. She must have had too much champagne, Kit thought. Gina grabbed onto Kit’s arm and Kit held her steady. 
“You can’t imagine how lonely I am, can you? No one to kiss on New Year’s Eve.” She looked up into Kit’s enormous blue eyes and asked “Will you kiss me?” 
Then she leaned in and placed a soft kiss to her lips, delicate at first and then lingering in its warmth as she pushed her chest into Kit’s arm. Kit’s breath caught in her throat as she felt her pulse race at the contact. Then she stood frozen as Gina broke away, smiling dreamily as she ambled back inside as though nothing had happened.
One week later…
Kit lingered outside Jack’s office, waiting for him to end an important call before venturing inside with the question that had been running through her mind since the party. When would she see Gina again? Pushing the heavy door aside, she crossed to Jack’s desk hesitantly.
“Jack, darling, I was wondering if you could tell me if Gina will be joining us for dinner this evening?” she asked trying to sound as casual as possible. 
Jack barely looked up from his desk, shaking his head. “Um…no, not tonight,” he replied, distracted by the note he was making on a pad by the phone.
“That’s a pity,” she said to herself, but loudly enough Jack heard.
Looking up at her quizzically, he knitted his brow asking, “Why is that, sweetheart? You best friends with Gina now?”
Her heart thundered in her chest, wondering if he’d seen their kiss on the balcony. Thinking quickly she stammered out an overzealous response. “You said we should be kind to her, that’s all. And I don’t want another surprise appearance. I have to have time to do the shopping you know!”
Jack broke into a wide grin as he stood and took her into his arms. He kissed her gently and tilted her chin up toward him. “Want to be the perfect little wife for me don’t you, doll?”
She nodded in silent agreement and straightened his tie dutifully. Stepping back toward his desk he searched through a stack of papers adding, “Don’t worry, Michael’s back in town and he’ll keep Gina out of our hair. I know you want to focus on planning the wedding.” He gave her a wink and she smiled back at him. 
“I have to get to a meeting. That guest list you wanted me to make is here somewhere in this mess. Can you find it for me, Kitty Kat?” he pleaded, looking down at his watch.
“Sure, Jack,” she said, returning the quick kiss he delivered on his way out the door. She sighed as she listened to his footsteps thudding down the stairs, her heart rate returning to normal with the diminishing sound.
Collapsing into his chair, she began her task of sorting through the mountain of paperwork in front of her. She chuckled at his disorganization wondering how he found anything in such disarray. It took nearly twenty minutes to find the list Jack had asked her to find, written in his elegant, but cramped handwriting. Just as she was tidying the last of his papers, an open ledger caught her eye and as she read, the contents made her eyes go wide.
Two days later…
Gina waited patiently for the quiet sobs on the other end of the line to die down. “Kit? What’s happened?” she asked.
“He denied it, but it’s exactly as you said, Gina. I found the accounting books in his study,” Kit explained, twisting the telephone cord in her fingers until the wire cut the circulation painfully. She hadn’t been spying on Jack. It had been an honest mistake, looking through his papers to find the guest list for the wedding. He had invited her to do so. He must have left the book open thinking she wouldn’t understand the meaning of his notes, but she had connected the dots.
“It was all there. The money he’s been sending to Palm Beach to keep his wife Maggie away. I feel like a fool,” Kit said. 
Gina sat at her desk, pursing her lips. She hadn’t wanted to hurt Kit, but she deserved to know the truth and now she had it. However, she sensed there was more and she waited as Kit continued.
“He’s got other accounts as well for two more women. Did you know about them?” she said sniffling.
Gina bit her tongue, unsure how to answer. Her uncle had always been a womanizer so it didn’t surprise her to learn he had mistresses. It seemed unfair for him to be cheating on Kit already, especially because she was such a perfect bride. However, quality never mattered. It was quantity Jack was after. He had to be loved and admired by as many women as possible. His ego practically demanded it. 
“Kit, it’s not a good idea for you to be alone right now. You’ve had a shock. Why don’t you come over and we’ll talk,” Gina said tracing a pattern on her desk with her fingertip. 
February 1933
“You going out with Gina again today, sweetheart?” Jack asked, coming to stand behind Kit as she applied her makeup at the vanity. 
“Yes, she’s helping me at the final dress fitting,” Kit replied with a sweet, yet insincere smile.
Jack massaged her shoulders with his large hands, attempting to dislodge the visible tension she held in her neck. “You’re so tense, sweetheart,” he remarked. “You nervous about the wedding stuff?”
Kit’s eyes flicked up to meet Jack’s in the mirror and she simply hummed in agreement. 
“Well, don’t be. I’ve got plenty of people to help you out, ok? I don’t want you to worry about a thing,” he said placing a kiss to the spot below her ear where he knew she was ticklish. She reacted instantly, swatting him away with her freshly manicured hand. 
“Jack, I’ll be late,” she whispered, ducking here head. And he breathed a heavy sigh, frustrated by their lack of intimacy recently. He assumed it was the stress of their impending nuptials, but it was far more.
The thought of him touching her in that exact spot brought back memories of the day she had visited Gina. She’d been overwrought, accepting one too many drinks as they discussed what she should do about her fiance. Gina sat beside her on the sofa, listening sympathetically as Kit explained all the reasons why she couldn’t call off her wedding to Jack.
Gina leaned forward to emphasize her point, “You don’t have to do this, Kit.”
“Do what?”
“Make everyone happy when you’re miserable. Jack isn’t worth it. Think about what you want for a change.”
“I want someone to love me the way I love,” Kit said and her face was so hopeful and naive, Gina couldn’t help but stare.
Gina stroked Kit’s knee in slow, soothing circles. “That’s all I wanted when I married Michael, but he let me down too. Men aren’t capable of kindness or devotion.”
Kit’s hand began to shake as she placed it over Gina’s. It wasn’t fear, but anger that rose in her throat next. “Gina, how can they get away with treating us this way? How will we recover?”
The lamplight sparked the gold fleck’s in Gina’s hazel eyes as she replied with steely determination, “Because we’re stronger than they are. And what they’ve done is nothing compared to what we’re capable of,” she said clasping hands with Kit.
Kit looked confused, shaking her head she lamented, “I doubt anything I did would make Jack feel my pain.”
Gina smirked as she leaned toward Kit, placing her lips at the shell of her ear and whispering, “I’ll tell you a little secret, Kit. It’s not about pain, it’s about power. They’ve hurt us, but not like we’re going to hurt them,” placing a featherlight kiss just below Kit’s earlobe. 
Kit’s breath hitched at Gina’s words. They made her feel in control of her life again and she was intoxicated by the feeling. Turning her head toward Gina, she captured her lips in a desperate kiss, lacing a hand through her platinum bob and pulling her impossibly closer.
March 15, 1933
Jack stalked to the back of the church with all the guests watching and whispering behind him as he went. His ears burned in embarrassment as he attempted to hold his composure and failed.
Anxious to find the cause of the delay, he pushed the heavy doors at the back of the chapel harshly, squinting as they opened onto the brightness of the midday sun. He held a hand over his eyes, searching for his bride, but found the street in front of St. Stephen’s empty. Jack shoved his hands in his pockets and paced as he thought.
At that moment the doors opened once more and Michael came barreling toward him, shaking a small piece of paper under his nose. “Thieving American bastard!” he hissed. “You and your niece planned this all along to take everything from me!” He threw a punch, but it didn’t connect as Jack ducked in the nick of time. As Jack stood to straighten himself, Michael pulled at his lapels and tried to push Jack into the brick facade of the church front, but Jack overpowered him, turning the tables and pinning him to the wall.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Jack demanded to know, curling a hand over Michael’s throat.
Michael lifted the letter to Jack’s eye level, crushing the note with his fist and Jack snatched it away quickly. He threw Michael unceremoniously onto his ass in the church yard as he skimmed the contents, his breath coming in short gasps as he realized the gravity of the situation. 
By the time you read this, I’ll be on board a luxurious ocean liner far away from you and your bullshit. There’s no point in looking for me or the fortune you’ll certainly find missing when the markets open on Monday. Don’t bother asking why, you know why. You’ve been a terrible husband to me and now it’s time for you to pay the price. If you’re thinking of revenge, which I’m sure you are, know that your cousin Tommy won’t be helping you. Now that your mother is gone, he holds no further loyalty to you. In fact, I’ve told him all about your dealings with the Billy Boys so I’d recommend going into hiding yourself.
P.S.-Tell the jilted groom to check his breast pocket. Then he'll know I stole his bride. By the way, we’re fucking.
“What the fuck?” Jack exclaimed through clenched teeth and dug into his jacket, producing another small note which had gone unnoticed until now. He read it with Michael looking over his shoulder at a distance.
You’ve hurt me more than you could possibly know, lying to me and the children about your wife’s death and keeping whores behind my back. I don’t know how you could do that to someone you care for. Gina has taught me what it is to be truly loved and I’m going away to make a life with her. She warned me that you might try to threaten me. Well I won’t be bullied into submission any longer. If you try to find me, I’ll tell everyone the truth about Maggie's whereabouts and your attempted bigamy. You'll find the safe in the house is empty of all the cash and jewelry as a parting gift I feel I deserve and I’ve also taken the incriminating ledgers to keep you honest. Your business partners would likely agree that you have some trouble in that department. 
Yours unfaithfully,
“Is this some kind of sick joke? Did you put her up to this to make me a laughing stock?” Jack asked, feeling the bile rise in his throat.
“Your niece just stole an untold amount of money from me and threatened to have my own family execute me and you think this was my plan?” Michael asked, stumbling backwards to take a seat on the church step.
Jack ran a hand down his face, feeling the blood drain away. “I always knew Gina was rotten, but to go and do a thing like this,” he muttered to himself. Then he turned to Michael in anger, “You couldn’t control her for one goddamn minute and she goes and ruins both our lives?”
Michael pointed a finger at Jack spitefully, “If you hadn’t wanted to fuck everything that moves, your fiancée wouldn’t have come crying to my wife! You arrogant prick!” At that, Jack’s shoulders started to shake with involuntary laughter, a response to the stressful situation at hand. 
“Are you fucking laughing?” Michael asked, face contorted in disgust. 
“They really got us by the balls, huh?” Jack said in disbelief, shaking his head. He joined Michael on the step and dropped his head into his hands. The two men sat next to each other in stunned silence for some time, wondering how two dames had managed to steal their money and their reputations out from under them. Meanwhile, Gina and Kit stood on the deck of the SS Monroe, toasting their newfound happiness.
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cadybear420 · 2 months
My HSS Edits Masterlist (NOTE: List is subject to frequent updates)
I've now relocated all HSS edits into a new separate masterlist from my original Choices Edits Masterlist because of the Tumblr 100-link limits. Chances are I'll be doing this again.
You can also see all my edits by searching #cadybear's edits on my profile or on Tumblr, but it'll be a very incomplete list because Tumblr's search functions are ass. Plus a handful of the posts on my profile are just my own reblogs of my stuff. So, here's a more collective and organized list.
I do indeed accept requests/suggestions for edits! However, they can take a while, and I do reserve the right to turn down a request if it's something I'm uncomfortable with editing or is way out of my league of editing skills.
Aiden Zhou Edits (focusing mostly on canon events and outfits)
Aiden in OG HSS f!MC's Premium Pool Party Outfit
Aiden in a OG HSS f!MC Premium Homecoming Dress
Casual Beach Party Outfit for Aiden
Aiden if he didn't have a six-pack
Aiden in OG HSS f!MC's Premium Prom Dress
Aiden in ID m!MC's Hunter Outfit from Book 2
Aiden in a MTFL MC Premium Outfit
Aiden in a ROD MC Premium Outfit
Attempting Eyeliner on Aiden
Aiden in a premium suit outfit for MC from TNA (plus alternate colors)
Aiden in a premium suit outfit for MC from TNA (plus alternate colors)- Eyeliner Versions
Cunt Era Aiden Compilation
The Evolution of Aiden's Cunt Era
Aiden in DLS m!MC's potluck outfit
Aiden in a FR MC outfit
Bad Boy(?) Aiden
Aiden in a TCH MC Premium Outfit
Aiden in a DLS f!MC Premium Outfit AKA Barbieland Aiden 1
Barbieland Aiden 2
Barbieland Aiden 3
Evie Ayana (my f!MC) Edits
Original Evie intro, ft. Evie in a "Kiss My Abs" crop top
Evie wearing the Jade Necklace from Aiden
A new button for Evie's jean jacket
Evie x Aiden Edits
Prom Photo Edits
Halloween 2023 Couples Costumes
Power Couple Crop Tops
Wedding Headcanons, includes edits for their Wedding Outfits
Misc. Characters Edits
Michael in a ILW m!MC Outfit
Myra Khandaar: Full-Body Casual Sprite plus an Alternate Version
Myra Khandaar: Full-Body Sprites
Sydney Kym: Full-Body Sprites
Misc. MC Edits
Alan Parke Outfit Prototypes
Group Edits
Winter Casual Outfits for Aiden, Caleb, and Michael
OG HSS Gang: Pajamas
Aiden, Caleb, and Michael in some fancy upscale-ish dresses
Evie, Emma, and Maria in some fancy upscale-ish suits
The Guys' Squad: Original Photo + Proper Formation
HSS Prime Character Edits
HSS Prime Katherine if she was in Choices HSS
Choices HSS Autumn Brooks: Full Body Sprites
Choices HSS Julian Castillo: Full-Body Sprites
Choices HSS Koh Sunya: Full-Body Sprite
Choices HSS Mia Warren: Full-Body Sprites
Choices HSS Mia Warren in her old Hearst cheer uniform
Choices HSS Nishan Khandaar: Full-Body Sprite
Choices HSS Payton Saunders: Full-Body Sprites
Choices HSS Sakura Watanabe: Full-Body Sprite, plus how I made this and other half-body-sprite-to-full-body-sprite edits
HSS Prime MC Gala + Gala/Julian, request fulfilled for @rosesnink
General MC Edits
HSS f!MC if she had a buff bodytype option
HSS MCs with un-Genderlocked Hairstyles
CG/Yearbook Photo Edits
Genderswapped Poses for Cheerleader MC Yearbook Photo
Prom Photos: Maria x Michael
HSS:CA Edits
Cher (HSS:CA f!MC) but if she could choose to be the witch in the Enchanted Kingdom play
Cher (HSS:CA f!MC) and Rory swap Tempest musical roles
Misc. HSS Crossover Edits
OG HSS x ILITW: The gangs at homecoming together
OG HSS x ROD: Aiden and Adelaide Cousins Photos
OG HSS x ROD: Aiden and Adelaide Cousin Photo: (Semi) Matching Outfits Edition
HSS x ID: Aiden and nb!MC Luca's Outfit Shopping Trip Series (Luca belongs to @aria-ashryver)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5, featuring tattoos
Part 6: The Beach Episode, Part 1 and The Transparent Files for their Swimsuits
Part 7: The Beach Episode, Part 2
Part 8
OG HSS + ID Squads doing the Jingle Bell Rock dance from Mean Girls
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I’m trying to do a Michael x Maria wedding but I’m struggling
Thoughts please!
I’m drafting up a m&m picspam post for their future / au wedding but I’m struggling because;
I just don’t even know if they would have got married...
But I like to think they did because if an 18 yr old dude who claims his GF drives him crazy, STILL considers the question when one of his work mates asks if he’ll eventually marry her (instead of shooting it down in flames), then you KNOW he’s thought about it at least once. 
And if she drops plates at the hypothetical idea of Michael proposing, then you KNOW that not only does her heart stop at the very mention of the idea, but all bodily function (such as grasping) cease to exist too.
Michael wanted a family of his own and somewhere to belong 👏🏼more 👏🏼than 👏🏼anything, so I feel like maybe marriage isn’t such a crazy idea for him to consider. Having said that...
It definitely would not have been traditional, which begs the question...
If they *did* tie the knot, how did they do it? In a roadside church like Max and Liz, in a town hall, in the woods, at the beach? 
Even though it’s AU, I’m keeping it canon with it being a sort of on-the-road, or hiding-from-the-special-unit type thing, so I’m not considering a massive hoe-down in Roswell where Amy makes 100 pineapple cream pies and asks Jim to walk Maria down the aisle in a my-gypsy-wedding-style meringue dress or anything super romanticised / OTT like that.
I’m also considering the fact that (in the last 4 books that were written post-Graduation) m&m ended up in LA, so maybe it’s a beachy boho thing. But I just have this feeling that Michael isn’t a fan of beaches and only begrudgingly ever goes to one if it means he gets to see Maria in a bikini. And I don’t think she’d agree to get married in a bikini, soooo...
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horanghaechan · 2 years
LOVER (M.G) - Chapter 4
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pairing: Michael Gray x original female character chapter: 4 pov: written in 3rd person genre: ‘rivals to lovers’, romance, mature content/smut, fluffy? warnings: S3 spoilers, non canon stuff. main character is BRAZILIAN therefore, there are references to 1920's brazil. keep in mind that the world at that time wasn't like the world we live nowadays, so there are offensive behaviours along the story. read at your own risk. english is not my first language, so any mistakes please tell me <3 disclaimer: this is the english translation of my portuguese fic 'Lover', based on Taylor Swift songs and Peaky Blinders S1-S3. This is PURE fanfiction.
London, England, 1924
Maria Clara had just arrived from Lady Theodora’s house after an Afternoon Tea – that served to explain the entire chaotic situation of the past week. Both Thea and Louis were very sorry for Tommy’s premature widowhood and made sure to double the amount of the donation they made on the charity dinner.
The truth is that Marie didn’t want to take money from her friends for that reason... She didn’t even understand what happened: someone entered the party, according to Polly’s reports, shouted ‘For Angel’ and shot Grace. There was also another issue, confirmed by Tommy and Arthur, about the sapphire necklace Grace wore that night being cursed. Obviously, Marie preferred to cling to that explanation, for acknowledging that Angel had masterminded an entire plan of extreme retaliation for what the Blinders had done on Tommy’s wedding (and to his restaurant) was too disturbing.
If he lost Lizzie, Tommy lost Grace... The main difference, though: Lizzie was alive.
She shook her head, tired and sad. Things weren’t looking good, and watching Tommy go all the way back into his dark side was frightening.
As she opened the door to Ada’s living room, her dismay grew.
“What are you doing here?!”
“I tried to contact you several times, and Louis told me that you’d be together in the afternoon.” Robert stood up, holding a bouquet of white roses. “Papa’s going to make a big donation to the Institute and asked you to tell Mr. Shelby there’s a party at our country house this weekend...”
“You could have called Arrow House, he’s there.”
“We called, but he’s not answering.” He gave her the flowers. “We, the Pearsons, are very sorry for Grace’s death. We also sent a condolence letter to him.”
“I see. Thanks.” She looked at the bouquet. “I thank you on Tommy’s behalf.”
“We know he’s not ready to return to social circles yet, but in the name of the Pearson’s and Barbosa’s friendship, Papa thinks you should go as a representative of the Shelby Company... To calm rumours down and pretend to have everything under control.”
“Of course.” Marie nodded professionally. “I will discuss this with the boys, and I’ll call back to confirm my presence later. Need something else?”
“No.” The man looked uncertain. “I mean… Is it safe for you to stay here alone? After all the Shelbys been through... Wouldn’t you rather stay with us at Pearson House?”
“I’m not alone, as you could see from the housekeeper who let you in.”
“But there is none...”
“Isaiah and Finn are here, too.” She quipped. “I appreciate the concern, but I’m safe.”
“Alright.” Robert got up. “Still, Pearson House is always open for you, if you see it fit.” He adjusted his coat and hat. “We’ll be waiting for your call.”
Marie remained seated with the flowers on her lap. It was just what she needed! As if she’d ever consider staying with the Pearsons, willingly subjecting herself to psychological torture! She already had enough problems with the Blinders, she didn’t need more.
“Gray.” She heard Robert’s voice at the top of the stairs.
Had she conjured her main problem?
Or was he the Devil himself?
“Pearson.” Michael’s hoarse and low timbre was unmistakable.
Maria Clara moved quickly, heading for the door to close and lock it before he reached it, but it was in vain. The moment she touched the doorknob, Michael walked in.
“Milady.” He had a slightly cynical expression, however, his jaw was set and that only made him fifteen times more handsome. She stared at his green eyes, then at his mouth. “You weren’t trying to lock me outside, were you?”
“Of course not!” She snapped. Liar. “I just escorted Robert to the door.”
“Of the living room? How sweet of you, Your Grace.”
“I’m polite to those who deserve it.” She lifted his chin, hating herself for behaving so childishly on his presence.
Michael’s attention was fixed on a spot behind her, and Marie looked over her shoulder, trying to identify what it was. On the sofa, there were the flowers.
“Ah, yes.” He let out a chuckle. “Especially when they give you gifts, I suppose?”
“They’re not for me, they’re for Tommy and Grace.”
“And why didn’t he take them to Arrow House?”
“Tommy is not receiving.” Marie said through gritted teeth.
“But you are.” Michael walked past her, studying the bouquet and sitting down.
“What do you want, Mr. Gray?”
“A shot of whiskey, to begin with.” He discarded the roses, tossing them onto the side table and relaxing on the sofa.
“Feel free to pour it yourself, pretend the house is yours.” Stomping, she took a seat in the armchair that Robert was before. “What is the reason for your illustrious visit?”
“Well…” He got to his feet, taking off his suit jacket.
Maria Clara swallowed hard at the sight. She’d always loved that kind of outfit, and the Blinders were known for their great style… Michael wasn’t far behind. With each new suit, Marie was sure she’d never seen a man so gloriously dressed. The vest was her personal favourite, and it looked even better when she could see the silver armbands holding the shirt close to his elbow. Even though most of the boys dressed similarly, Michael managed to carry the outfit more elegantly than anyone else.
Maybe he really was different.
With his back to her, Marie had a few seconds to memorise his shoulders and entire torso, down to his pants and… She shouldn’t be staring at his ass, right?
After helping himself, Michael leaned against the sideboard and sipped his drink.
“I came to announce that, apparently, Tommy is receiving. He wants to see us Monday night. And by ‘see us’, I mean you too.”
That was a surprise.
“Did he explain why? Isn’t it too early for him to be back at work?”
“I wouldn’t know.” He shrugged. “Mum says he’s using it as an excuse not to face grief, but being Tommy, I’m not really sure.”
“Poor lad.” Marie sighed. “It must be terrible to lose the love of your life.”
“And that’s why I’ll never fall in love.” Lifting his glass, Michael simulated a toast.
“How’s that?” She gave a nervous laugh. Now what?!
“Yeah. I’m not going to fall in love and risk going through what he’s going through, not to mention the whole feeling is a huge distraction from business.”
“I don’t see how you could prevent that from happening.”
“Well, just watch.”
“I don’t want not to fall in love.” She grimaced. She didn’t want to be in love with him, but she couldn’t give up the feeling altogether. After all, when the right man come along, Marie should be ready and with an open heart.
“Typical of women.”
“The last time I checked, I was one!” She retorted. Soon, her cheeks flushed as she grasped the suggestion the phrase offered. It was a bad choice of words!
“My, my.” Even with the distance between them and few lights on, Marie noticed the glint of mischief in Michael’s eyes. “If it isn’t an interesting scene, eh?”
The man was abominable!
“Now that you’ve given the message, why don’t you go away? I’d like to rest.”
“Go away? Where, if I’m to sleep here?”
Marie wanted to bust her head open in the corner of the fireplace.
“If you’re going to stay, then I’ll drink too.” She got up, already drained of energy. Arguing with him was fun and stimulating, but exhausting.
“As much as you drank at Tommy’s wedding?”
“What did you say?” She froze.
“Everyone noticed that you and Lizzie were drunk. Crazy and drunk.”
“We had our reasons, okay?!” She lifted her chin, as she had been taught to do to command respect. “And no, I won’t drink that much tonight.”
Michael, despite his chagrin, served her.
“What did Robert want here besides the flowers?
“Nothing much.” Marie dismissed. She’d talk with Tommy, John, Arthur and Polly about the party… As soon as she arrived in Birmingham.
“I doubt that. I heard him say something about Pearson House being open to you and a call.” Michael’s brow rose.
“Why don’t you mind your own business?!”
“Because I already did that today, now I want to snoop on yours.” He smirked.
“Is there anything else you need to do? What about Isaiah and Finn? Maybe you guys can hang around and leave me alone, huh? Maybe Charlotte wants your company...”
His smile grew.
“Oddly enough, I’m quite unoccupied tonight.”
Maria Clara gave up. She shook her head and sat back down with her whiskey glass. Right now, she’d give anything for a chocolate cake and her father’s hug. Not caring about being unchaperoned or the fact that her visitor was a man, Marie got rid of her shoes and socks, relaxing her feet on the armchair’s support stool.
“What’s it? Have I annoyed you enough already?”
“Oddly enough, yes.” She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.
“You’re no fun at all, Your Grace.”
“I was serious about wanting to rest, Michael.”
“If I promise to keep quiet, can I stay here?”
“You can do whatever you want, as long as you keep quiet.” She nodded.
Because her eyes were closed, Maria Clara didn’t see the devilish smile he opened. Michael approached the couch, rolling his shirt sleeves up to his forearms. Getting rid of his shoes, he took out a cigarette, already expecting their next argument. He blew a lot of smoke and cleared his throat like Tommy usually would do… But Marie didn’t bother. He wanted to stand by the armchair and smoke right on her face, even if it was childishness at its peak, and it’d make her hate him even more.
They heard loud noises and men’s laughter, signalling that Finn and Isaiah had arrived from wherever they had gone. Maria Clara opened her eyes slowly, finding Michael’s attention fixed on her… It was terrifying, and at the same time, delicious. He didn’t usually even acknowledge that she was close — unless he wanted to piss her off.
“Is there something on my face?” Marie mimicked him.
“No.” He grinned, bringing the cigarette to his lips.
Isaiah walked into the room feeling the weirdness of that moment. He didn’t expect Maria Clara and Michael to be in the same place in silence, barefoot and with him smoking so close to her without stressing her out.
“I didn’t know we had a visitor.” He commented. “Look Finn, your cousin came.”
“Weren’t you going to spend the night at Lady Tumblewood’s house?” Finn turned to Marie, confused.
“Me? Never! Edward is in that crying-all-night phase and I’m not very tactful with children under two who aren’t from my family.” Marie faked a quiver, as if to indicate fear. “Besides, tomorrow I have to leave early.”
“And she had other people to see.” Michael feigned indifference.
“Oh?” Isaiah sat in the other armchair. “Who?”
“Michael.” Marie growled.
“What? Did I lie?” He batted his lashes in false innocence.
“What did he want here? Who let him in?” It was cute that Finn was angry.
“He came to bring flowers for Tommy and Grace, because he couldn’t get in touch with him before. I received them in their name and thanked him, just that.” Marie waved a hand. “It was not a big deal.”
“And he invited her to live at his mansion whenever she wants.”
“Did I lie?”
“For Lord’s sake, you annoying prick!” She rolled her eyes, livid. “Listen, don’t you guys have anywhere to take Michael tonight?”
The three of them laughed and she felt like a clown.
“Is it true that Pearson told you that?! You didn’t accept it, did you?”
“Of course not! The day I voluntarily agree to be under the same roof as Robert for more than a few hours, you can take me to a madhouse!”
“We’ll keep that in mind.” Michael stubbed out his cigarette. “Are you lot hungry?”
After the boys’ positive replies, Marie got up and rang the bell to call the housekeeper. They would eat in the living room instead of the dining room.
Wadbury Park, Mendip Hills, Somerset, England, 1924
Wadbury Park’s entrance seemed more antique than Maria Clara remembered, but just as beautiful and elegant. When she arrived in England, she had stayed there for a few weeks before going to Birmingham and, well, the bet happened.
Mrs. Pearson was at the door welcoming the guests; the matron smiled as Marie got out of the car, but her smile died when she saw Michael joining the Brazilian. His presence would be more than welcomed… After her plan to marry Marie into the family came true.
“Marie! Mr. Gray!” Golda waved. “What a pleasure to see you both!”
“Likewise, Mrs. Pearson.” Michael nodded politely.
“We came as a replacement for Tommy... And Grace.” Even though there was no need for an explanation, Marie felt she had to clarify. “I hope this won’t be a problem.”
“Of course not!” The effusive denial indicated that yes, it would.
Mrs. Pearson expected Marie to come alone, so she didn’t get any other rooms prepared besides the one next to her son. Now, with Michael, she’d have to change Marie’s location so they could be close to each other… And this would make it quite hard for Robert.
“Everyone’s in the game room eating and drinking while we wait for the remaining guests to arrive. Gilbert will accompany you.” Mrs. Pearson indicated a butler behind her.
“Thank you.” Marie smiled politely.
The first night offered a cocktail instead of dinner. Next day there would be field activities and a picnic lunch. If she was honest, Maria Clara would say she was looking forward to getting in touch with nature after so long... Maybe they’d let her take her usual horse and spend all day riding around Wadbury’s lands.
She decided on a champagne dress and her emerald earrings. But right after she’d arrived at the ballroom, Mrs. Pearson didn’t even give her time to breathe, escorting her to a group of ladies, and consequently, keeping her close by until Robert finished talking to his father’s friends. Scanning the entire space, as Lady Fauxton commented about her favourite book for the month, Marie saw Michael surrounded by women.
There weren’t a lot of them, for the majority at that party were already married or elderly, but... About four or five of marriageable age and, as far as she was concerned, single.
Jesus Christ! She sounded like her own mother!
Shaking her head slightly, she tried not to notice the dark suit he wore, nor the cigarette he smoked... He should be arrested for being so handsome!
It was very sad to admire him from afar, and to be forced to digest the butterflies that took over her stomach every time she saw him… Or when she heard his voice or he called her by her name… Even when he annoyed her.
Jealousy stressed her out, since it was stupid to feel that way for someone you didn’t have a relationship with. One that, probably, she would never have – he himself had said he wouldn’t fall in love. She had loved him for almost three years now and it was such a waste of time! Maybe she should reconsider marrying Robert, after all.
She wouldn’t relate to those dumb ideas! Not after everything he did!
Someday a man would come along and shake her world like Michael did, but the difference was that he would love her too. And they would live happily ever after, just like she deserved.
“Marie, we’re going to start the orchestra. Would you like to dance first with my Robert?” Mrs. Pearson inquired, knowing that it’d be impolite for the girl to deny it.
“Sure.” Marie faked a smile. “What is the first piece?”
“A waltz.”
Maria Clara wanted to curse... Loudly.
As Robert approached her, Marie felt ashamed that she had reconsidered marrying him. Again, it’s not that he was ugly or a really bad person… But, well, he had bet her for a horse! That said a lot about the kind of husband he would be, right?
The two waltzed in silence, as there was nothing to be said. She focused her attention on their footsteps and the melody, her eyes fixed on Robert’s tie.
Michael changed his drink after finishing his cigar. He took a deep breath, blocking out the voices around him. Maybe he could escape to the garden without anyone noticing... It would be awful if he had to ask one of those girls to dance or be coerced to do so.
Excusing himself, as if he’d found someone, he headed for the French doors that led into the hall. When he was in the hallway to the hall, he heard voices close by.
“Robert, no.” It was Maria Clara.
“Please! I promise we won’t stay more than five minutes.” The prick begged. “Just so Mom will get happy and not make me ask you for another dance.”
“No, Robert.” She retorted, firmly. “And I’d like you to let go off me.”
“I know I’m not your favourite person in the world, but...”
Michael rolled his eyes, his body moving before he could finish listening to whatever bullshit Pearson had to say. With strong steps, he entered the hall.
“Oh, there you are!” He hollered as soon as he laid eyes on her. She was tense, posture as straight as ever, her face contorted in quivering discomfort.
“I’ve looked for you everywhere!” He stopped by her side. “Thought you had left and given up showing me the garden.” Of all silly things he could say, that was the biggest one.
“Oh, by all means!” She nodded quickly. “I was dancing with Robert, but now I’m free. Shall we go, then?! There’s an entrance out there, to one end of it.”
Would Michael regret that later? Probably. However, Marie seemed so desperate to get out of there that he couldn’t stop himself.
“You don’t mind if I steal Maria Clara for a few minutes, do you?” Turning to Robert with a scowl, he offered his hand, as if proving that he didn’t need to drag Marie by force.
“Of course not.” Robert released her. “Please, make yourself at home.”
“Thanks.” Michael closed his fingers over hers, holding them together.
With long strides, they went out into the garden. The light poles were on, helping them to see the path clearly, the yellowish glow reflecting on her dress. Although they had already distanced themselves from the house, their hands were still intertwined.
“Thank you for that.” She broke the silence.
“What did he want?”
“It wasn’t a big deal.” The fact that she flinched and crinkled her nose indicated that yes, it was a big deal.
“Then why did you look like you were about to run away?”
“It’s just that I don’t like being around him anymore, after... You know.”
“Indeed.” Michael nodded. “But what did he want?” He pressed.
She laughed humourlessly.
“To spend a few minutes together in the library so Mrs. Pearson would think we were getting along again and... Well, leave us alone.”
“That’s the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard in my life!”
“Pearson wanted to be alone with you for a reason, Maria Clara, and he was using his mother as an excuse. It’s not very hard to figure out what would happen once you were found there with him.” Michael rolled his eyes, stopping next to a bench and staring at her. “Peace would be the last thing you’d have after that.”
Marie was astonished... She couldn’t believe it. Robert wouldn’t be a scoundrel... In fact, he wasn’t smart enough to plan such things!
“That’s absurd, Michael.”
“Go there and test your luck, then.”
She shook her head in denial.
“He’s not that smart.”
“It doesn’t really take wisdom to get under a lady’s skirts, Your Grace.”
“Did I lie?”
“Precisely! A gentleman wouldn’t do such a thing!”
“Oh, so we’re talking about nobility.” He smirked.
“More or less. I mean, not only nobility of blood, but of character.”
“And you consider Robert a gentleman?”
“Yes, despite not being born ‘with a title’, he has all the other attributes.”
“Even after he bet you for a horse?”
“That was...”
“Or tried to force you to go with him to an empty library?” He interrupted her.
“Well, I think they were... Two desperate and childish attitudes?!”
Michael let out a sneer.
“If those ‘desperate moves’ still make him a gentleman, then I wrote the etiquette book!” His voice dripped with sarcasm and outrage.
“What I mean is that I know Robert’s a slob, but apart from those two occasions, he hasn’t done anything more alarming that spoiled his good manners.” She rolled her eyes. “And yes, Michael, I think that when you’re not trying to be the biggest scoundrel alive, your manners are remarkable. Thea also agrees with me!”
Not like that, but he needn’t know it.
“Are you complimenting me?” A smug smile curled on his lips.
“Oh, for God’s sake!” Marie was about to raise her hands as a reflex of her anger, when she realised that they were still intertwined. She’d gotten so comfortable with his touch that she’d just… Forgotten to let go of him. Her cheeks coloured in a blink. “You can let go of my hand now, please.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said you can let go off me now.” She shook her arm.
Michael did it as if he’d been burnt.
“Well,” Marie cleared her throat. “And what did you choose for tomorrow’s activity? Will you participate in the games or just the picnic?”
Wow, what a sudden change of subject. However, Michael preferred it that way, because if she hadn’t said anything, he would’ve stayed there, mortified with himself.
The next morning was sunny and begging for a ride. Ana Vera had separated Maria Clara’s usual riding attire – unlike English fashion dictated, Brazil had accepted the use of pants for ladies when they practiced sports, following the French style. The riding hat was also different: she would wear a sailor hat, which was smaller and very delicate, adorned with a ribbon of the colour of her riding coat.
“If every time I wear something ‘atypical’ meanwhile mixed up with the Ton a tragedy happens, we’ll go back to Brazil, okay?” She looked at her lady’s maid.
“Are you sure you don’t want to put the dress on?”
“Yeah. I don’t even remember how to ride sideways.”
“I don’t think they’ll let you use some other saddle, Marie.”
“Nonsense.” Marie stood up, putting on her hat. “I’ve been here before and did it.”
As she had not gone down for breakfast, instead eating in her room, Maria Clara managed to hide from everyone until the barn – it was still early, and many were either sleeping or eating. Her luck increased when she noticed that she was alone with the horses. Her other visits to Wadbury Park made her familiar to their horses, so she knew which ones could be ‘shared’ and which had specific riders. And her favourite was a shared one.
“Hello.” She smiled at the bay. “Do you remember me, Aeon?”
First, what made her like him the most was his name. Aeon, in Greek mythology, meant ‘eternity’, one of the names for the titan Chronos (her favourite titan) – Marie was passionate about Greece, mythology and their meanings. Then, the American Quarter was really smart and friendly, in addition to having a beautiful chestnut coat.
The Brazilian remained alone while she prepared the horse. Taking advantage of her stride of luck, she dashed with Aeon toward the field, beyond the lake and the orchard.
Michael walked along with Lord Tumblewood and Stanford, Pearson’s best friends (of course the giant arse didn’t show up), to the stable. The two of them showed him the family horses and which ones were the best to ride.
“And here we have Aeon.” Stanford pointed to an empty stall.
“Here.” The man stared into the empty space, aghast. “Where is he, Louis?”
“I don’t know?! Robert swore that all the horses would be here, especially Aeon, as he is Marie’s favourite.” The other frowned.
At the sound of her name, Michael connected the dots. It was obvious Maria Clara had taken the animal, since Ana Vera told him that ‘Milady had gone out in her riding habit early in the morning’. The shocking part was that it was past noon and she hadn’t returned.
“Is there a horse I can take now?”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I want to ride it?!” Michael raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, well, it makes sense.” Louis nodded. “You can use Fjør, he is fast and tough. I usually ride him when I come to Wadbury, so it’s been trained as well.”
Fjør didn’t need much encouragement to start trotting. As Michael was also a thoroughbred English owner, he knew they were powerful and quite temperamental, so he had no difficulty dealing with that race. He let the horse choose its course, as he had no idea how big the property was. With luck, he’d bump into Maria Clara somewhere.
Almost five minutes after starting to explore the land, he spotted a giant mahogany-coloured smudge, and on top of that, a mix of dark and light blur, resembling the figure of a woman. Which was odd, since in England ladies didn’t ride astride. However, the lady in question differed a little from the others present at the party – after all, she was a Blinder. The contrast increased as he came closer, taking in her clothing. To everyone in his family or in Birmingham, this was no surprise, but to the Ton...
Maria Clara was wearing trousers.
If there was an inch of notion inside her head, it certainly worked at a specific time. Or it was Michael who couldn’t handle the fact that Marie was, actually, a woman. The green gown… He still had nightmares (or were they dreams?) about that night.
Aeon made a quick turn, not in the opposite direction, but towards Fjør. He stopped his trot, waiting for the stallion to catch up.
“Good morning, Your Grace.”
“Michael.” She greeted him, panting and blushing. Michael’s eyes scanned her thighs marked by the trousers, and her calf covered by the tight boots.
“Enjoying your morning?”
“Yes, very much.” Marie nodded. “Aeon and I were going to the orchard to rest, weren’t we, garotão?” The last bit came out in Portuguese, just like she used to call Apollo.
‘Big boy’.
The Brit’s attention went from the delicate hands that caressed the horse’s mane to her torso, boobs not so evident thanks to the frilly blouse. However, he remembered what they looked like… Because the green gown didn’t leave much to the imagination.
“Yeah. The Pearsons have a relatively large area for apple farming here, and the pasture is better than on the rest of the property.” Marie indicated some trees after the lake. “Do you want to join us?”
“Want to race over there?”
“Whoever loses will have a penalty?”
“Of course... Maybe do something the other wants, without questioning or nagging?” Michael suggested.
“So, you’ll stop smoking near me for a week.” Maria Clara winked, and without warning, rushed ahead with Aeon.
Michael chuckled and followed her, but he was at a disadvantage since she left early and he didn’t knew how to get to the orchard. Still, the small ‘race’ was fun. It had been a long, long time since he felt as free and relaxed as he did in that moment.
Judging by Fjør, the horse felt the same way.
Maria Clara was grinning like a champion as she let Aeon graze near a tree that, despite trying hard to learn about plants, she had no idea what it was called. Michael showed up soon after, and she braced herself for a scolding about cheating.
“John thought you wouldn’t last three days with us; but the truth is that you were born to be a Blinder. Cheats even in a friendly race...” He clicked his tongue, making a ‘tsk’.
“I’ve learned from the best.” She took off her hat, fixing her hair. “Pedro also had a habit of cheating and I ended up realizing that either I did the same, or I would always lose to him. Papa says I have a competitive nature.”
“You’re very close to them, aren’t you? Sometimes I hear you on the phone with your family, I don’t understand a damn thing you’re saying, I just notice that the tone of your voice becomes different.”
“It could be because of Portuguese, you know? They say it changes when we speak another language.”
“I didn’t know, but I think it’s not only that. It seems softer, more affectionate?!”
Marie blinked in surprise. That he paid attention to her while talking to her father was shocking enough, but that he noticed any change in her voice was unthinkable. Could she feel important and slightly happy for finding that out?!
Was that a compliment or just an observation?
“Well, I’m very close to them, yes.” She stared at the sky. “I don’t want to talk about it or else I’ll cry.”
“Then talk about my penalty. You won, I’m yours to torture.”
Maria Clara lowered her attention to him. It was so unusual for them to be sharing a truce, even more so after she’d cheated in a ‘friendly race’. And now, he was hers… For a penalty, but anyway! Michael should mind what she said.
There was an idea crippling in, but Marie knew it would be the biggest humiliation ever, and she wasn’t willing to go through it like that.
“Can I choose it later? There’s a lot to consider.”
Turning her back on him, Maria Clara studied the tree Aeon was tied to. It was big, full of branches and the trunk had some depressions that would serve just fine for climbing. When she was younger and didn’t have to worry about etiquette, she used to climb trees with her brothers; as soon as she grew up, she did it when she went out to help her father with something on the farm and there was no one around to see her. Taking a deep breath, she took the urge and leaned into one of the spaces to start climbing.
“Marie?” Michael’s voice indicated confusion.
“One second, I’m almost there.” She curled up on a branch and wrapped her legs around it, just like a sloth would do. With one last thrust, she turned and managed to sit up.
“What the hell are you doing?!”
“Reliving my childhood.”
“Did you climb trees back then?”
“Is there a child in the world who hasn’t?”
“Possibly not.” Michael shook his head, frowning. In less than a second, he’d took off his blazer and followed her.
Maria Clara took a brief moment to analyse him. The casual attire without the vest was accompanied by a suspender, which looked just as beautiful on him and made her furious. He was so handsome! Manly! Captivating!
And seeing him there, propped up between the trunk and the branch she was on, was possibly the closest she’d ever known to ‘Henry’, Michael’s past.
“Did you also do that at home?”
“A lot. I didn’t know your parents let girls do such… Boyish activities.”
“I have two older brothers, Michael. There was nothing Mama would forbid that João or Pedro wouldn’t help me do later, without supervision... Well, until they were teenagers and changed completely, then I had to learn to get by alone.”
“Ah, so you were always a Blinder.” He smiled at her, amused.
And her world stopped spinning.
It was a different smile. It wasn’t cynical nor forced. He smiled as if it was natural for Marie to make him smile, as if they weren’t always quarrelling and almost at war. Her heart, once so resolute in seeking a new man to adore, decided that it was enough. Perhaps she would never find eyes as bright and uniquely green as his, or a voice so husky and pleasant to hear, let alone a jaw so sharp and shoulders so broad.
She was pathetic and fully aware of that fact.
“Is there something on my face, Your Grace?” The question came out softly, pulling her out of her reverie.
“Michael,” She cleared her throat, shaking her head. “I think it’s almost lunchtime and Mrs. Pearson is probably looking for me.”
“I see.” He nodded, jumping to the floor. “Need help getting down?”
Marie denied it, but as she returned to the trunk, she realised that it might be necessary. Her boots were quite slippery in the heels, and it would be impossible to stand on tiptoes there. Her face flushed at the thought of falling to the ground.
“Maybe I’ll need it; my feet don’t fit here and the sole is slippery.”
“Try to stand up and throw your body forward, I’ll catch you.”
“I can’t, they don’t fit!”
“From above, milady.” He rolled his eyes. “No, forget it! It’s best if you go back to the branch and hang by your arms as you did before, I’ll pull you by the legs.”
“E-excuse me?!” She stammered. “Y-you can’t...”
“Do you prefer to fall to the ground like an apple?”
“I hate it when you’re right.” She huffed.
Marie tried to focus on what she was doing, but her mind went blank at the thought of him putting his hands on her legs, on her thighs. No man had ever touched her like that before! And he would… Her face burned, and it wasn’t from the effort of holding still.
Michael realised that it’d be a little embarrassing for her, of course, but if he was going to be honest with himself, he was having fun. However, the joyful feeling ended when he stopped practically below her ass; he then turned, so he could be in front of her knees. It took a few seconds for him to reach out and grab her by the calf, pulling her to him. His touch travelled upwards as her body went down.
Soon they were face to face, his hands on her hips.
Her cheeks were flushed and her eyelids were half-closed… The same expression of a woman after an orgasm. Alright. No way. That wasn’t the right time for thoughts like that and Maria Clara wasn’t the right girl for them. Definitely out of boundaries, forbidden access! Still, the seed had been planted, and as if there were no moral left in his head, Michael imagined scenes of what it would be like if the two of them slept together. They came naturally, having his hands on her waist didn’t help it at all.
When he tried to pull away, his feet didn’t move, and she grabbed his arm.
That was absurd.
“I know what your penalty is.”
Air caught in his throat.
Deep down, Michael knew it too.
Instead of answering, Maria Clara just got closer and kissed him.
‘Kissed’ wasn’t the best definition, for she didn’t know what to do – she’d never been kissed before. So, after a few seconds, she pulled away completely.
“Oh. W-well, that was spectacular.” She alleged, panicking. “Thank you. We’re done. Now I-I’m going to...” Her freaking out was cut off by Michael’s mouth.
He pressed her against him and against the tree, trapping her. Spectacular?! In which planet did Maria Clara live on? Had Robert never... Or had she never...? The answer was obvious from the tension in her entire body; it was like kissing a statue.
“Two people, Your Grace.” He whispered against her lips. “It takes two people for a kiss to happen. If you stand still, there’s no way.”
“I-I don’t know what to do.” Marie sounded unsure. “I’ve never... It’s my first time.”
As insane as it was, Michael revelled in her statement. He was a young man and a gypsy by blood, there was a wild spirit running through his veins, and knowing that he was Maria Clara’s first made the beast wake up. Ambitious and insatiable were also some of his characteristics. Did she want ‘spectacular’? ‘Spectacular’ she would have.
Opening his eyes, he focused on her honey-coloured irises, reaching for her delicate hands and placing them on his shoulders. Cupping Marie’s cheek, Michael took it easy, making her comfortable. As ambitious as he was, he was never selfish; so, if it was good for him, it should be good for her too. He gave her quick peck, then a longer one. When he felt her relaxing, he stayed longer, opening his mouth slightly and teasing her with his tongue, then backing away again. Maria Clara squeezed his shoulders, lifting her chin ever so slightly that if he had been a little further away, he wouldn’t have noticed. He repeated the kiss from before, caressing her face and stoking her curiosity. This time, Marie mimicked him as if she had understood what was happening – despite not being the complete truth. However, nothing could have prepared her for that moment.
It was awkward, wet, mind-changing and completely glorious.
Michael pressed her more tightly against the trunk and kissed her for real. He didn’t pull away nor tried to control it. She could feel the change in his body, as if she had opened an animal’s cage and it was famished... She was the feast. Letting her instincts command too, Marie allowed herself to wrap her arms around his neck, one hand resting at the back of his neck and lightly scratching the well-cut hair there. The intensity between them increased, leaving the atmosphere thick as she tried to understand all that giving and taking, while Michael sank into an abyss of pleasure, innocence and lust.
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roxy206 · 3 years
Ship Game
Movie/TV ship questions; answer with a GIF; no repeats
Tagged by @mego42 & @foxmagpie & @lanafannabanana thanks y'all!
1. First Ship - Fran & Max from The Nanny. Oh, Mr. Sheffield!
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2. First OTP - Maria & Captain Von Trapp in The Sound of Music.
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3. Favorite Current Ship - Shocking, I know! Those two idiots from Good Girls.
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4. Shipped from the first minute - Rick & Evie in The Mummy!
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5. Wish they had been endgame - Jules & Michael in My Best Friend's Wedding. Every single time I watch this movie I still hope they'll end up together.
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6. Wish they had been canon - Elliot & Olivia from SVU. I'm gonna need these SVU / Organized Crime crossovers to fix this!!
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7. Ship everyone else hates - I don't think I have a ship everyone hates... So here's one that my IRL friends probably wanted me to shut up about because I talked about it so much & they didn't watch the show. Rayna & Deacon from Nashville.
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8. Don't even watch the show but still ship - I suddenly can't think of a single ship that's come across my timeline?! I guess the couple from One Day At A Time.
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9. Wish they had a different storyline - Mulder & Scully from The X Files. They should have gotten together in season four.
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10. Actually endgame - Leslie & Ben from Parks & Rec. I love you & I like you 💕
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Tagging @fondful @whiskeyjack @bourbon-ontherocks @mamey2422 @majoris
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litwitlady · 3 years
Chapters: ½ Fandom: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Maria DeLuca/Kyle Valenti, Michael Guerin/Alex Manes Characters: Maria DeLuca, Kyle Valenti, Alex Manes, Michael Guerin Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, POV Maria, Kyle x Maria smut Series: Part 2 of my crown is in my heart Summary:
Maria wakes up with Kyle Valenti in her bed before heading out to pick up Alex from his wedding night with Michael.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Star, December 28
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: The Kardashians in ruins 
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Page 1: Fans jumped to conclusions when Taylor Swift who is known to drop hints about her personal life in her music videos posted a teaser shot for her new clip for Willow of herself in a lacy dress and floral headpiece looking very much like a blushing bride -- Taylor and boyfriend Joe Alwyn have been talking weddings and they initially discussed throwing a big bash in Joe’s native England but they’ve reconsidered since holing up in Taylor’s farm outside Nashville so now they’re just going to go ahead and get married in a small romantic ceremony and forgo the church wedding and elaborate reception since they are super private and prefer to do things out of the spotlight 
Page 2: Contents, Heather Rae Young scoped out wedding dresses with Chrishell Stause by her side 
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Page 4: Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio are heating up the Boston set of their movie Don’t Look Up where their chemistry is off the charts even though both are seriously taken: Jennifer is wed to Cooke Maroney and Leo’s been dating Camila Marrone since 2017 but Jennifer and Leo have always had a flirty rapport whenever they bumped into each other at awards shows and other industry events -- Jennifer’s husband Cooke could be annoyed with all the flirting even if the actors are keeping things professional and as for Camila she finds his connection with Jennifer pretty intimidating 
Page 5: There’s plenty of tension on the set of The Morning Show now that Julianna Margulies has joined Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston on the series -- Jen wasn’t in on the decision to add Julianna to the cast and is miffed she wasn’t consulted and doesn’t understand why Reese insisted bringing Julianna on board and she’s just plain hurt that the new arrival has been getting so chummy with her BFF and Julianna and Reese are whispering behind everybody’s backs and barking orders like they own the place and they’re not even inviting Jen to lunch 
* Olivia Jade Giannulli addressed her part in the $500,000 bribe that ensured her entrance into USC and sent her parents Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli to prison and reactions to her appearance were harsh with a typical commenter calling her smug but she thinks she did well and figures this will be good for her career as a social-media influencer 
* Martha Stewart has been flourishing during lockdown and a new photo shows her looking beyond refreshed leaving some to wonder if she’s doing more than nibbling her new CBD gummies to look so good
Page 6: Kelly Clarkson’s divorce from Brandon Blackstock may be getting ugly but her ex-mother-in-law Reba McEntire is standing by her side even though it can get a little awkward at time but nothing is going to get in the way of Kelly and Reba’s relationship 
* A slew of A-listers are about to be dragged into Johnny Depp’s defamation case against his ex-wife Amber Heard as shocking new court papers allege that Johnny had affairs with a bevvy of his costars including Angelina Jolie and Keira Knightley and Marion Cotillard and must submit all responsive communications with them -- the women are mortified and embarrassed they’re being pulled into Johnny and Amber’s tawdry split while for his part Johnny flipped out when he learned he needed to produce his communications with these women and he’s calling the tactics lowdown and disgusting 
* Star Spots the Stars -- David Beckham, Chrissy Teigen, Carrie Underwood, Gal Gadot, Floyd Mayweather, Nick Offerman, Hilaria Baldwin 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Audrina Patridge and her daughter Kirra out in Beverly Hills, Pete Wentz let his bleached hair down during a tennis game in L.A., Joe Jonas and wife Sophie Turner walking with their daughter in a stroller in L.A. 
Page 10: Steve Martin took his meal to go during a break from filming Only Murders in the Building in Central Park, Josh Duhamel and his son Axl enjoyed a playful romp in the grass, Paris Hilton and Carter Reum celebrated their one-year anniversary in Bora Bora 
Page 11: Diane Keaton jokingly flirted with the men watching on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in Burbank, Sir Michael Palin brought the laughs during his appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show in London 
Page 12: ‘Tis the Season -- Kristen Taekman left a nursery in Encino, a decked out Lil Nas X and Ellen DeGeneres opted for a safe season’s greetings by bumping elbows on the talk show 
Page 13: Brooke Burke was all smiles shooting content for her fitness app in Malibu, Niecy Nash and wife Jessica Betts kicked off their first holiday season as a married couple in plaid pajamas 
Page 14: Kylie Minogue performing on The Jonathan Ross show in London, Irina Shayk out and about with daughter Lea in NYC, Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld and a canine costar filmed scenes for Hawkeye in NYC
Page 15: Selling Sunset star Christine Quinn showing some major skin during a photoshoot in L.A., Antonio Banderas and journalist Maria Casado posed for photos at a presentation for their new Spanish television series Escena en Blanco y Negro in Malaga, Spain 
Page 16: Beach Babes -- Chantal Jeffries and boyfriend Drew Taggart in Miami, Mark Zuckerberg showed off his gliding skills on his $12,000 eFoil electric surfboard in Hawaii 
Page 17: Chris Pratt used his hoverboard as a weight after hitting the sand with his son, Julia Roberts enjoyed a solo stroll in Hawaii 
Page 18: Normal or Not? Vanilla Ice headlining the drive-in Winterfest concert in West Palm Beach -- normal, Demi Moore wearing big boxing gloves -- not normal, James Franco couldn’t go without his phone during a getaway in Mexico -- not normal 
Page 20: Fashion -- stars look timeless in black -- Sofia Carson, Nicole Richie 
Page 21: Taylor Hill, Vanessa Kirby 
Page 24: Like so many Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are putting their future on hold amid the global health pandemic and Gwen revealed that the two won’t even set a date for their nuptials in order to avoid a COVID situation that would require restrictions -- they have already nailed down a few details like the location which is Blake’s Ten Point Ranch in Oklahoma where he proposed inside a chapel Blake built for Gwen on the 1300-acre property
Page 25: Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox are embroiled in a bitter custody war over their sons Noah and Bodhi and Journey -- Brian responded to Megan’s divorce filing by requesting joint custody and spousal support and he’s in a non-negotiating mood and if she tries to take his kids it’s going to get ugly really fast 
* James Franco is ready to pop the question to girlfriend Isabel Pakzad and he’s been looking at rings -- dating since 2017 the two overcame a difficult time in 2018 after James was accused by multiple women of misconduct -- surviving that scandal and enjoying their time in lockdown has convinced James he’s found The One 
* Kristin Cavallari and comedian Jeff Dye who were first linked in October jetted off to Mexico for a fun getaway with friends where the couple smooched and danced and enjoyed cocktails and had a wonderful time in Cabo but Kristin isn’t looking for anything serious following her divorce from Jay Cutler 
Page 26: Cover Story -- the Kardashian empire crumbles -- with their show leaving the air early next year the Kardashian-Jenner crew could stand to lose it all -- ratings for Keeping Up With the Kardashians reached a new low before they pulled the plug and it’s obvious fans are losing interest and they spend money like it’s going out of fashion 
Page 30: A Spy at the Palace -- after a staff member steals more than $200,000 worth of her personal keepsakes Queen Elizabeth no longer feels safe in her home 
Page 33: Gone Too Soon -- a look back at the celebrities we lost in 2020 and the legacies they leave behind -- Naya Rivera, Kelly Preston, Regis Philbin 
Page 34: Kobe Bryant, Chadwick Boseman, Alex Trebek 
Page 40: Beauty -- pretty pout -- sparkly, shiny and matte lipsticks to rock this New Year’s Eve -- Rihanna 
Page 42: Entertainment 
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Vanessa Hudgens as host of the first MTV Movie & TV Awards: Greatest of All Time 
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roswelldetails · 4 years
Episode 203:  Good Mother
Sorry so late this week!! I had a deadline for work that kept me away from this early in the week, and Tumblr has been mean tonight. Kudos to @tasyfa for helping me with some of the transcripts while I was stuck working!!
Determined to regain control of her life in the aftermath of Noah’s death, Isobel (Lily Cowles) makes a risky choice despite its potential consequences.  Meanwhile, Alex (Tyler Blackburn) and Michael (Michael Vlamis) work together to unravel the mystery surrounding the night Nora’s (guest star Kayla Ewell) spaceship crashed in 1947. Elsewhere, Liz (Jeanine Mason) makes a surprising confession when Cameron (guest star Riley Voelkel) shows up looking for answers about Max (Nathan Dean).  Heather Hemmens, Amber Midthunder and Trevor St. John also star. Jeffrey Hunt directed the episode written by Deirdre Mangan & Carina Adly MacKenzie (#203.) Original airdate 3/30/2020.
Aliens in the crash are always portrayed as wearing all white.  
There's also a silvery gleam on the faces of Nora and Louise following the crash.
Harlan Manes (first introduced in the alien autopsy scene in 1x07) and Hector Valenti (first mentioned in the pilot by Jesse Manes, but visually introduced here) are shown as having both a partnership and a difference in perspective, with Hector being more sympathetic to the aliens from the start - it mirrors what we know about Jim and Jesse's relationship.
Mysterious alien figure in white hood (probably played by Nathan Parsons, but unlikely to actually be Max (see @latessitrice meta) touches Nora's shoulder and she looks pained, then attacks and burns Hector alive, before disappearing into thin air.
Nora is shot in her shoulder.
Liz sent Alex to find Michael at the cave. 
The pods "regenerate cells at the same rate as they degrade" keeping them in stasis.  The theory of the electrical current is that it will speed up the regeneration so instead of stasis, Max might improve.
Searching for info about Nora led Alex to a sophisticated firewall, which meant that someone was trying to hide information about her.
Jenna's fake energy drinks are called "Speed Demon"
Mimi DeLuca says she was "nowhere" (and then she looks up at the stars). She was wearing the same nightgown and robe as when she disappeared (white...like the aliens in 1947), but instead of bare feet, she had on a pair of elaborate blue and white cowboy boots 
Jenna told Sheriff Valenti that Mimi recited the plot from the film Starship Troopers during the car ride into town "like she lived it", with all the voices, but did not provide any information about where she’d been.  Sheriff Valenti implies that this is typical behavior from Mimi.
Michael says he's been parked at the pony for a few weeks.  Maria says that Mimi was gone for a month. That means that another 2 weeks have passed. (I.e., Max has been dead for 6 weeks now.)
Maria says that they found her mom on I-40 (by the Roswell sign).  Also in 2x01 Rosa indicated that she and Liz were on I-40 when they saw Flint - Rosa put together that it was the most direct route to Area 51...however, I-40 does not go through Roswell.  In fact, it is over 100 miles from Roswell to I-40 (north on 285).  However, it is the most direct route to Area 51 from Roswell.
Isobel points out that Mimi DeLuca waking up in the desert with no memory is similar to what happened to her when Noah took over her body.  Michael doesn't believe that they are the same situation though.
Rosa is about to drink spiked coffee when Liz brings her the art supplies.  After Liz leaves, she pours it out without drinking it.
Isobel is packing up all of the photos of her and Noah (most look like vacation photos).  She hesitates on the photo of them with Max at the wedding that we previously saw in 2x01 at Noah's funeral.
Isobel's baby is now 7 weeks (consistent with the other time frames) and is now the size of a blueberry.
Isobel drinks the rest of the alien death serum and immediately gets cramps/pain in her womb.  And then Max's hallucination appears.
Isobel tells not!Max that she has been microdosing with the serum for weeks (2 weeks, based on the timeline) and it hasn't worked.
Not!Max does tell her to call Kyle (i.e, her subconscious knows she should, but she's not listening).
Michael tells Jenna that Max is in Mexico (at first).
Mimi is "hydrated and healthy" and she never felt unsafe.
She thinks she was only gone for a night, coming to see Maria when Jenna found her.
Maria asked Mimi whether Jenna lent the boots to her and Mimi declared they were hers
Liz is surrounded by monitors with alienesque symbols on them (or maybe just The Science!) See photo:
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When the alarm sounds Liz looks at her computer screen and reacts - likely a security camera.
When Alex arrives at the Bunker and sees the binder left for him, the computers are on and there is a map showing.  See photo: 
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I tried to figure out what city it is on his computer screen, but no luck. If anyone figures it out, send me an ask & let me know & I'll blast it out!
The 3-ring binder left for Alex, which looked approx. ¾ full with paper documents, was marked on the front:
352-6553 NMG
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The text was white on a dark green background that appeared to be a printed label that had been affixed to the front of the binder. The body of the binder was light grey, with a partially shaded circular diagram in the lower center of the front that appeared to be part of the binder itself rather than a later addition like the label.
The Post-It note left on the binder for Alex said, "What side of history do you want to be on?"
There was also a marking on the spine of the binder: CF-143-3453-C78. This is probably a file or record reference, with CF standing for Caulfield. The reference would be visible when the binder was housed on a shelf, allowing easy identification.
When Alex flipped open the binder, the visible portion of the top page read as follows:
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509th BOMB GP (NH)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A07-06 (95)                                8 JULY 1947
[blacked out text with underscoring] [TOP SECRET stamp]
From:        Lt. Colonel Payne Jennings, Roswell Army Air Field
Subject:    Engagement with enemy combatants, recovery of unidentified craft, night of 14-15 June, 1947, twelve casualties.
[offscreen] is a fine that concerns the events and
[offscreen] following the discovery of a flying saucer,
To:        Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force
[offscreen] dentified rancher notified
[offscreen] [blacked out text] that he found the instrument on
[offscreen] operations were coordinated with
[offscreen] with the intent of detaining or
[offscreen] while assisting in the inves-
[offscreen] reached the crash site
[offscreen] ing object’s entan-
[offscreen] balloon. Ship
[offscreen] of foreign
[offscreen] place
Liz explains The Science to Jenna:
"3 years ago I hypothesized that if I introduced a rare protein to destroyed stem cells they'd regenerate.  And I was right. My team in Denver brought dead cells back to life. Rat cells, but, I mean, still, the applications are immeasurable… until our study got shut down.  They said it's for ethics reasons, but I think it's because it threatened big pharma. Then a few weeks ago, Kyle found that the pods contain a sort of alien cousin to my regenerative protein.  When Max healed Rosa, his electric charge amplified the process. If we can replicate that, then, we can accelerate his recovery, so, I am testing out pig hearts to see…" discussion about pig hearts/human hearts/different kinds of smart…
Liz says she has a few hours before she has to "record the electromagnetic charge interval"
Jenna says that Liz reminds her of Charlie.
Charlie used to rant about gene therapy
Jesse says he requested no visitors until "his brain starts to follow his orders".
He keeps periodically hitting the morphine drip with Alex in the room, though he was ignoring it before Alex got there.
Jesse describes the opening scene of the episode. And then tells Alex "Tripp was never the same".
Rosa's art:
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Among the quotes on her collage are:
Body drie up from ...
What did she say
You're no listening
Control her Take her power
I am the Mesa the mighty
Nothing but a muddy trickle
You can't hold us
Between them... Damn... One day she'll…
Rosa hears Max call out to her (while awake) "Rosa! Help! You're the only one!"
Jenna says that her dad brought her and Charlie to Roswell when they were kids.  That they were obsessed with the crash and aliens and the X-Files and it was the perfect trip.  It's why she came to Roswell after leaving the military.   "It was like trying to go back in time, somehow."
"Time Travel really messed with you.  I am eight years older than my older sister.  She used to be my hero. She was kinetic, disruptive, cool.  Now that I'm an adult I'm pretty sure she's bipolar, and she needs help.  And if I try to save Max I'm letting Rosa twist in the wind, so, hence the wine ready in my drawer."
Maria is going through a box labeled "Mom's Stuff" in the Pony when she sees Rosa.
"I'm turning into my mom.  I lost time at the gala...Michael's hand...I'm seeing things!"
What Valenti says about Noah's death:
"The M.E., Dr. Holden, listed Noah's cause of death as cardiac arrest due to lightning strike. (note: cardiac arrest = heart attack.  Same way Max died.). No other abnormalities were listed. But that's not consistent with the crime scene photos. You see these ligature marks on his wrists and ankles. …. These marks are consistent with zip ties.  And these with struggling against police-issue handcuffs. Like Max's.".
Isobel blames it on their sex toys.
What Max said to the grocery clerk "¿Tienes carne sin preservativos?" (Meat without a condom).
About Max's nightmare:
"You remember when I used to come in and sleep on your floor?"
"You used to have a nightmare.  You were alone in a cold, dark room and there was something… You couldn't get up.  You were…"
"Chained to the floor.  I'd wake up all freaked out and run to your room."
Rosa's nightmare:
"I need your help, Rosa."
"Look, I'm not gonna help you die.  I have been drinking so that I don't dream."
"I know that."
"It's like you're getting stronger. I hear you now when I'm awake."
"You're right.  Something is making me stronger. I feel things. That's why I'm calling for you.  Something is wrong with Isobel. Even in the pod I sense it. She's dying. Please."
Liz thinks that Max was able to reach out to save Isobel because the electricity is making him stronger in the pod.
Maria confessed to her mother that she had thought she might be getting sick too, Mimi said Maria would not get lost because she was protected, and reached for the resin pendant with the anti-alien pollen flower that Maria was wearing as usual. When Mimi seemed to go to sleep, Maria removed the necklace and placed it on her mother. 
Flashing back to the night of the crash, Nora seems to be tying down the tarp on the back of the truck when Tripp approaches her.  He feigns an offer to assist her and then grabs her and orders his men to move in so that they can take her and the truck back to base.  Louise appears and black-canary-screams to push them away (sound waves, I presume). She is shot in the stomach/chest. Nora pulls her into the truck and drives them away.
The newspaper clip Michael found is dated October 12, 1948, two days before Nora was captured. 
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Newspaper transcript:
Last scene - Nora is clearly driving the truck with her powers, as she has both her arms around Louise. They approach a cabin and we're introduced to Roy Bronson, who offers to help.
Roswell Town Fair Charms Locals and Tourists
Photo caption: Smiles abound demonstrate a good time had by all.
Saturday Festivities Drew Healthy Crowds
Second column under photo:
...well as celebrated hometown war heroes, and, of course, Mrs. Benjamin Booker (Carol) whose strawberry Chile pie has won the Roswell Pie Contest four seasons in a row.
Children delighted in activities such as sack races.......
Top of 3rd column:
...ice creams.
Meanwhile the annual pumpkin chunking contest was the main attraction as expected! Pumpkin chunkers arrived from far and wide with their pumpkins and their pumpkin-lurching apparatuses. The prize for best pumpkin chunked went to the Long Family. Their farm foreman Roy Bronson credited his friend and neighbor, a young woman who declined to be named, for the Long's pumpkin chunking victory.
When asked what he'd do with the prize money, Bronson declared that he would "purchase ingredients (for his lady friend) to cook up a nice pumpkin pie".
Dame - Holy Moly
Tommee Profitt feat. Fleurie - Hurricane
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some-mad-lunge · 5 years
When Alex Manes Loves You
This is a Isobel x Alex friendship fic with a whole bunch of Malex for good measure. For @bisexualalienblast who always deserves a smile and who dragged me into this fandom.
He takes care of you.
Alex leaned over the building plans spread out on the table. They were almost certain this was another facility, one that might just have some of the answers they were desperate for.
Well most of them were, Michael still wasn’t sure what Alex’s motivation was. At least not anymore. How many sins of your father were you supposed to atone for before you were square?
Max was sitting in a chair, he still had trouble standing for too long. Coming back from death was a bitch. Still he seemed to be taking in everything Alex was saying. At least someone was.
Michael couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from Isobel and he wasn’t paying attention to anything else.
She’d walked in 10 minutes earlier, flounced in really, and tossed her bag in the corner like she’d done it a million times. Michael had only been to Alex’s bunker once before. He could swear there were ghosts in the walls, it made him feel watched. Isobel, however, seemed comfortable as could be.
It irked him.
She was in yoga clothes, an old habit she’d picked back up since she found out her husband was a serial killer. He didn’t think she believed in all that zen bullshit but he wasn’t about to say anything about her new exercise kick. With Isobel you picked your battles.
She’d barely been there two minutes when Alex reached into his own duffel bag and tossed something in Isobel’s direction without even looking at her. She caught it with ease, wrinkled her nose. It looked like homemade trail mix, how very military.
“I can't deal with your hanger today. Yes, there’s M&M’s in there somewhere. Anyway, as I was saying…” Alex kept talking but Michael doesn’t hear it.
It’s a simple thing, so tiny and insignificant but all Michael can do is stare at the bag in Isobel’s hands. She flicked her fingers around inside, digging until she finds what she’s looking for. She held the chocolate between her thumb and forefinger, smirked at Alex before she popped it in her mouth.
The smile Alex gives her in response can only be described as fond, lips Michael once knew intimately pursed in amusement.
He doesn’t want to name the feeling that rolled around in his stomach, refused to acknowledge it. When Isobel held the bag out and Alex took a handful without looking up from the table Michael felt his whole body clench.
He humours you.
He was getting used to being in Alex’s space, not just his bunker, their unofficial place to discuss all things alien conspiracy, but near him. Close enough to feel the heat of his dark skin, breathe the same air. It doesn’t hurt anymore, at least not as much.
Maybe they would be friends after all.
That is until he walks in, sees Kyle laughing, Alex with a bemused expression on his face and Isobel hanging something on the wall.
When Michael read what it said he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in disbelief.
“There. Now it’s more homey.” Isobel stood with her hands on her hips, glanced over at Michael with a small smile on her lips. It’s the first genuine one he’s seen in months.
Later when Alex and Michael are sitting at the screens, he leaned over, kept his voice low.
“Are you really going to leave that up?”
He shrugged, but Michael doesn’t miss the way the skin on Alex’s arm beside his prickled in goosebumps. It gave him a rush of warmth, a feeling of satisfaction he missed too much to admit.
“It makes her happy.”
And that seemed good enough for Alex.
When Michael walked out later he reads the words. He knows it’s a joke, but he can’t seem to laugh.
Bunker Sweet Bunker
He makes you smile.
Max was keeping a very close eye on his sister and Michael was along for the ride. Today was her wedding anniversary. No one mentions it, no one dared to, but they knew it would be a hard day for her. She wouldn’t admit it, because weakness was not a word in Isobel’s vocabulary. So instead Max was brooding, pouring Isobel wine in the middle of the day like this was some joyful alien family gathering and not them trying to make sure she doesn’t crack.
Michael knew that Isobel probably would have preferred to have Alex here. They were so chummy now it made his skin crawl. Another thing he hated to admit, he was jealous of her. It was something he was used to in a way. At least before all her walls came down, and he learned life for her wasn’t as easy as he liked to imagine.
Alex had been the one to ask Max, and therefore by association Michael, to look after Isobel today. The soldier and Kyle (who he would never admit to being envious of, even if you put a syringe of the cure in his arm) were gone on some secret fact finding mission. Michael didn’t know the details. Which was fine.
Let Isobel and Alex have their wine nights. Let Kyle be Alex’s right hand man. It didn’t bother Michael in the slightest.
You’re a miserable liar.
But Max was still hovering, and Isobel just kept sighing and rolling her eyes like she was the one doing them a favour.
The doorbell rang and Michael watched her jump to her feet, no doubt happy for a brief reprieve from their lame attempts at comfort. There had been a time when it was always just the three of them, even when they hated it. God, even when they resented it, at least they had each other. But as more people were let in, as more people were trusted, it blurred what they were to each other.
Michael hated the feeling.
Isobel came back into her living room practically skipping, a package in her hands. Max was instantly on edge, like it would contain a bomb or something. She liked to shop, Michael could only imagine what she’d purchased herself this time.
It wasn’t until he saw her chuckle as she read a card that he realized it was a gift. She placed it on the coffee table and hummed to herself as she used her thumbnail to break through the taped up box. He swiped the card and felt his stomach clench as he read the words inside, the handwriting a little too familiar.
If you’re going to be a widow, best do it right.
Sentiments, et cetera, don’t drink all the wine without me.
Alex hadn’t even signed his full name, just the first letter. Because she would know who it was. Of course she would. It made Michael seethe.
He heard Isobel’s gasp of delight and watched as she unwrapped a black hat, satiny and classic, a small black veil in the front. To anyone else it would be in poor taste, but as she put it on her head and drew the wisp of a veil over her eyes she was positively beaming.
She looked like a vamp in a noir movie, the widow in fake mourning. It suited her, Michael could admit that. The radiant smile on her face filled him up, made him forget his earlier anger. Alex had given Isobel something, made the day easier. He couldn’t be anything but thankful, even it it was begrudgingly.
She ran to look in the mirror, preened at herself and then started rambling about something or other. Max gave Michael a confused look, he just shrugged in response.
He tried to not remember the times when Alex gave Michael exactly what he had needed, exactly when he had needed it.
He leans on you.
As soon as he read the text from Maria he’d gotten into his truck without thinking. When he’d seen her name he’d frozen for a second. They’d ended things a few weeks prior. No drama, no tears. They just weren’t it for each other. He loved her. He always would. Just not the way he was supposed to.
Then her words had him in motion, he had to get to Alex. He couldn’t be alone, not right now, even though Michael was sure he’d demand it and then tear himself up in the process.
It was still light out when he pulled his truck up Alex’s drive. He was stunned for a moment to see not just Kyle’s car but Isobel’s as well. He debated turning around, pretend he’d never come until he saw the front door open and Isobel stepped out onto the porch.
No going back now, so he climbed out, boots kicking up dust. Isobel offered him a small smile.
“Is he…” Michael didn’t know what to ask. Of course he wasn’t okay. Jesse Manes was dead and even if he was the devil incarnate he was still Alex’s dad.
“No, but he will be. Kyle and him are on the back deck grilling steaks.” She was still blocking his path, and Michael knew how to read a room. “We’re going to get him wasted and put him to bed.”
He nodded at her, he’d never felt like he didn’t belong before, not with Isobel. Never with Alex. It felt like being a ship adrift on the water, nowhere to go.
“I just thought he could use a friend.”
“He can, that’s why we’re here.” She wrapped her arms around herself, the way she always did when she’s about to hurt him. Especially when she doesn’t mean to. “I don’t think it’s a good idea…”
He doesn’t let her finish the sentence, it’s already too much. “Yeah, I get it.”
Instead he turned away, felt ridiculous for coming there in the first place.
“Michael.” It’s soft but he hears it. So he stopped, took a deep breath and looked over his shoulder. “You’re more than that to him. So much more and he shouldn’t have to deal with that too. Not right now.”
He gave her a quick nod, because she has appointed herself Alex’s protector and he wants to thank her. Even if it meant keeping him away, Michael knows Alex is kept safe and loved. Even if it can’t be by him.
And whose decision was that?
The thought pounded in his head on repeat for the next three days.
He never stops.
It’s in the bunker, because of course it is. Just the two of them, Isobel’s stupid sign on the wall and a lab coat that no doubt belongs to Kyle thrown over a chair. They had been looking at something on the computer again, Michael leaned in too close as he tried to memorize everything he could.
He never gets to touch, not anymore, so his eyes are always hungry. It’s not sexual, at least not always, tonight he’s fascinated by the way Alex’s hair is in disarray. Frustrated hands running through it with every other click of the keyboard. Michael wants to replace them with his own, soothe the dark cloud Alex is giving off. Put fingers to tense shoulders and dig in.
He fights it, because that’s all he does around Alex anymore. Torture himself by looking and beat down the part of him that wants to do something about it.
Finally they gave up, Michael tried to make some stupid joke that failed miserably at being funny. Alex just lifts a corner of his mouth, like he appreciated Michael for even trying.
They both reach to grab Michael’s jacket at the same time, hands brushing for a moment, eyes locking in surprise.
With them, that’s all it takes. Match to gasoline and everything burns around them. Alex biting into his mouth, pushing him against the table, stealing his breath and his heart. He whimpered, because it’s them and he never thought he’d get this again. Wouldn’t let himself ask for it.
But the sound snapped Alex back to reality, made him lean away and fingers slipped from their grip in Michael’s hair. The sudden cold that slipped over him made his bones hurt.
“Michael, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”
“I love you.”
Alex stilled, hands squeezing hard where they rested on Michael’s arms. Alex doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t have to. His face is awe struck, his eyes bright. They both know, they’ve always known, they’ve just never said it.
Why had they never just said it?
But this time maybe it isn’t enough, maybe it’s too late and they didn’t figure it out in time. Maybe he’d let Alex push him far enough away that Michael hadn’t found his way back in time. Maybe they’d…
Then Alex is on him again, just as intense, just as needy but gentle, almost reverent. He’s unbuttoning Michael’s shirt, brushing their noses together..
“I love you.” Michael can taste it on his tongue.
“I love you.” It hums through his blood.
“I love you.” It’s whispered into his mouth.
“We’re going to talk, okay. After.” Michael can only nod in agreement as his shirt is pushed off his shoulders, as teeth drag at his lip and he’s welcomed home.
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back-and-totheleft · 3 years
Romantic, freewheeling, containing fathoms
IT'S early in the piece but maybe the best way to explain the allure of Oliver Stone’s romantic, freewheeling autobiography is to tell you how one of my best friends took on the experience.
My mate, a self-confessed Stone nut, downloaded the audio version of Chasing the Light - as read by the author - and then proceeded to drive around Cork city with the Oscar-winning director and screenwriter for company. “Love how he paints a picture of post-war optimism in New York circa 1945-46,” he messaged me. “Take me there...” Throughout his storied but turbulent career, Stone has certainly taken us places - the steaming jungles of Vietnam, the (serial) killing fields of the American heartland, the fervid political theatre of El Salvador, the grassy knoll. Even if we didn’t always like the destination, more often than not it was worth the journey.
Reading Stone's words in Chasing the Light, it’s impossible not to hear that coffee and cognac voice. The words roll from the page, sentences topped off with little rejoinders, just about maintaining an elegant flow. Drugs are mentioned early and often, while the word “sexy” features half a dozen times in the opening chapters alone. As in his best movies, Stone displays a positively moreish lust for life, at one point referring to how the two parts of the filmmaking process, if working well, are "copulating".
The book tells the story of the first half of his life, up to the acclaim and gongs of Platoon, and it’s clear that his own sense of drama was underscored by his family background, which is part torrid European art flick, part US blockbuster. His mother, Jacqueline - French, unerringly singleminded - grew to womanhood during the Nazi occupation of Paris. She downplayed her striking appearance as the jackboots stomped the streets but quickly scaled the social ladder, becoming engaged to a pony club sort. Enter Louis Stone.
Considerably older than Jacqueline, Louis quickly zoned in after spotting her cycling on a Paris street. In no time Jacqueline has jilted her fiancée (who, remarkably, appears to have turned up as a guest at the wedding), Oliver is conceived and one ocean crossing later, William Oliver Stone is born.
This family contains fathoms, Stone's father straight-laced and Commie-hating on the surface, yet a serial adulterer (even threesomes are mentioned) and positively uxorious towards his own mother. "It was sex, not money, that derailed my father," he writes. Louis's infidelities nixed Jacqueline's American dream, and Oliver’s with it. Jacqueline ultimately cheats on Louis, not simply via a fling but a whole new relationship, and with a family friend to boot.
What’s even more interesting is Stone’s reflections on *how* it was dealt with. Already dispatched to a boarding school, he learns of the disintegration of his family down the phone line. It has the coldness of some of the best scenes from Mad Men, children of the era parceled off to the side even as momentous events in their home life detonate in front of them. As things veer ever more into daytime soap territory, Louis then tells his son he's "broke", echoing the impact of the Great Depression on his own father's business interests.
By now, Stone is unmoored. He has secured a place in Yale but blows it off for a year and heads to Saigon to teach English: "I grew a beard and got as far away from the person I'd been as I could." On his return he decides he is done with academia; he'll be a novelist in New York, much to the distaste of his father. "That's why I went back to Vietnam in the US Infantry - to take part in this war of my generation," he writes. "Let God decide."
And here we are at the pivotal moment in Stone's adult life. Plunged into the strange days of 1968 in the jungle, he recalls a scene in which his patrol group comes under attack, imagining itself surrounded. Time elides and a metre may as well be a mile, explosions going off everywhere and bullets flying amid paranoia and uncertainty that borders on the hallucinogenic. "Full daylight reveals charred bodies, dusty napalm, and gray trees."
Tellingly, Stone focuses on this arguably cinematic episode while other incidents in which he is actually wounded don't receive the same treatment. By the time he leaves Vietnam he has served in three different combat units and has been awarded a bronze star for heroism. So many of his peers were drafted, yet he had decided to go. You never get a direct sense that his subsequent career is in any way a type of atonement, yet it is never fully explained. "Why on earth did you go?" he is asked. "It was a question I couldn't answer glibly."
From this point on, Chasing the Light mainly becomes a love letter to the redemptive power of the cinema, pockmarked with acerbic commentary on Hollywood powerplays. Stone's firsthand experience of jungle combat gives him a sense of perspective that no amount of cocaine or downers can ever truly neutralise, and it also imbues him with a sense of derring-do. At NYU School of Arts, his lecturer is Martin Scorcese, an educational home run. Watching movies is a place a refuge, writing them a cathartic outlet. It leads to visceral filmmaking, beginning with his short film Last Year in Vietnam. That burgeoning sense of career before anything else brings an end to his first marriage - "'comfortable' was the killer word". The seeds are sown for the plot that would germinate into Platoon.
As he moves past the relative disappointment of his first feature, Seizure, the big break of writing Midnight Express, and then onto the speedbump of The Hand, his second movie, Chasing the Light becomes a little more knockabout, though no less enjoyable. Conan the Barbarian, for which he wrote the screenplay, became someone else's substandard vision, Scarface a not entirely pleasant experience as his writing efforts move to the frosty embrace of director Brian de Palma. Hollywood relationships rise and fall like scenes from Robert Altman's The Player. His second marriage, the birth of his son, the slow-motion passing of his father, and all the time Stone is chasing glory on the silver screen.
By his late thirties it feels like he's placing all his chips on Salvador, a brutal depiction of central American civil war based on the scattered recollections of journalist Richard Boyle and starring the combustible talents of James Woods and John Belushi. His own high-wire lifestyle is perhaps best encapsulated in his reference to Elpidia Carrillo, cast as Maria in Salvador: "Elia Kazan once argued against any restrictions for a director exploring personal limits with his actresses, and I wanted badly to get down with her," he writes with delightful candour. Yet ultimately "I convinced myself that repression, in this case, would make a better film." Note: in this case.
Salvador was a slow burner, not an immediate critical or commercial success, but then in the style of a rollover jackpot, it started climbing the charts just as Platoon is about to announce itself to the world. Despite some loopy goings-on, that shoot in the Philippines had never gone down the Apocolypse Now route of near-madness, the drama mainly confined to warring factions within the production team. Ultimately, Platoon was the movie mid-Eighties America wanted to see about Vietnam. The book finishes in triumph, Stone clutching Oscars for Best Director and Best Picture.
There are piercing insights and inconsistencies dotted throughout. Stone lusts after good reviews but rails against the influence wielded by certain writers, such as Pauline Kael. He makes frequent reference to his yearning for truth and factual accuracy, yet hardly raises a quibble with The Deerhunter, the brilliant but flawed movie by sometime ally Michael Cimino which - particularly in the infamous Russian Roulette scenes - delivers an entirely concocted depiction of North Vietnamese forces. But then again, Stone revels in what he says is the ability to "not to have a fixed identity, to be free as a dramatist, elusive, unknown."
We've come to know him more in the decades since - through the menacing Natural Born Killers, the riveting but wonky conspiracy of JFK, the all-star lost classic U-Turn, even the missed opportunity that was The Putin Interviews. As my friend, who is the real authority, correctly observes, Chasing the Light is also weighted with nostalgia for a time when political dramas and anti-war films were smashing the box office, something hard to imagine today.
The second volume, if and when it arrives, will surely make for good reading - or listening. Buckle up your seat belt and take a spin.
-Noel Baker, “Oliver Stone’s freewheeling autobiography tells the story of the first half of his life,” Irish Examiner, Jan 17 2021 [x]
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abigailpoe · 4 years
Date Night Alphabet  Micheal x MC
Summary: Okay, so I saw a few NSFW alphabet things floating around, and I wanted to make one with cute date nights that the LI and MC would go on.
Notes: I don’t own any of these characters. This is my first orginal post in about a year, and I had it in my drafts. If you’re tagged or not, it’s the tags that have been there for a long time... Anyways! Please enjoy!
Rating: PG
Tags: @boneandfur  @drivenbyfantasy@laniquelove@tmarie82@angstymarshmallow @ashtonmore@blazerina@beaumonttrash@choicesmyway @dangerous-capri15@syltti78@thechrispowell
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A: Anniversary: Congratulations! You and Micheal have been dating for a whole year. In honor of this, Micheal decided to take you out on the town. You got all dressed up, but he took you to the park, making you confused. He made your favorite foods, played your favorite music, and printed your favorite pictures together as polaroids.
B: Birthday Breakfast: Sick day! Micheal knew you had been sick for about a week, and you had also been quarantine with no visitors allowed. On your birthday, your dad lets Micheal bring you some pancakes and hash browns. A few weeks later, Micheal got sick, but he said it was worth it.
C: Cat: Micheal hates cats, but he knew that you loved them. You couldn’t have one at your old house, but now, you were allowed to. Micheal went everywhere looking for what he thought was the perfect cat. On Christmas, he came over and supposed you with one. It has a little pink collar, and there were toys in the box. He said he found the cat when riding his bike one day. He didn’t want to leave it there, so he took care of it for a while before giving it to you. You named it Snow.
D: Dance Class: Your aunt is getting married this weekend! You even get to take Micheal as a date. Your whole family was going to be there, and he was super nervous about it. You asked if he wanted to take a dance class before, and Micheal said yes. The two of you learned some basic steps, but only after Micheal stepped on your feet a few times. At the wedding, Micheal got it off with your family. Micheal kept complimenting you on your bridesmaid dress. But, it wouldn’t be a party without a prank, so Michael and you hacked in the stereo system and played some more modern music.
E: Escape Room: You And Micheal decided to try out the new escape room in town. The room was Romeo and Juliet themed, and in order to escape, you had to reunite the families and save the duo. You and Micheal didn’t finish, but you both decided to get ice cream afterward.
F: Flying: Beating Micheal for flying lessons seemed like fun when you started, but it quickly turned south when both of you realized you had fears of heights right before you were supposed to jump out of a plane and go sky diving. Was it scary? Hell yes. But did you get a goo Go Pro video of Micheal screaming to make it worth it? Also, hell yes. 
G: Girl’s Night / Guy’s Night: Okay, let’s be honest, even though Micheal is your boyfriend and you love him, sometimes the two of you just need some time with your friends. That’s when the groups schedule a girl’s night out with the guys going out on the same night. You started out at the mall, but you all because hungry after the first few stores. The girls decided to head to the 
H: Hacking: Max and others from that group kept messing with you and Micheal while at the diner. They took your food and dumped a milkshake onto Micheal’s head. You decided to get them back at their graduation. Micheal taught you a few basic tricks. In the PowerPoint they played at the end, you added a few bad pictures of Max that Micheal provided you. Zoe caught you, so you ran out of the school and hopped onto Micheal’s bike and drove away.
I: Indoor Camping: You had always lived in a city and never got to go camping, so Micheal was going to take you one weekend. It ended up getting canceled due to rain. You both already had your bags packed. Your dad said you could go camping inside your living room. The two of you started a fire in the fireplace, and you made s’mores.
J: July Forth: On July 4th, you and Micheal went to the park to watch the fireworks. You took your car this Micheal, and you had a picnic before the show. He later out a blanket, and about halfway through the show, you got cold. Micheal gave you his jacket, causing you to fall asleep on his shoulder. Later, you woke up on your couch with Micheal on an air mattress on the floor. You slid down and cuddled up to him the rest of the night.
K: Karaoke: After a long basketball game, Micheal took you to your favorite karaoke spot. The two of you got a corner booth and ordered a lot of food. After you got your food, other people in your group also came to get food. Micheal said he’d only sing if you went, so you did. You got up there and sang a song to Micheal, and he sang a song to you as well.
L: Late Night: It’s the night after getting home from the road trip, and Micheal and you are playing board games, video games, and ate three pizzas all on your own. You watched a few movies and played some poker with each other. Though neither of you really knew how to play, at least Micheal said he didn’t know how to play. The two of you ended up falling asleep in the middle of Endgame with donuts and other various foods all over both of you.
M: Midnight Memories: It’s the afterparty prom night, and that means partying until the sun come up with all of your friends. That means hitting up the casino because you all finally turned 18! After the late night with Micheal, you learned the right way to play poker. You didn’t win much, but hey! $20 is better than nothing.
N: Netflix: Stranger Things is back and better than ever! However, you and Micheal agreed not to watch the new episodes until the weekend when you could hang out with each other. However, you both keep finding each other loading each other’s Netflix accounts at school. And at lunch. Every single day of the week for five days. But when the weekend finally comes, you both put on your 80′s attire and get some New Coke, which you quickly threw away.
O: Open When Letters: Micheal was going to visit family for the whole summer in Montana. There wouldn’t be any internet so the two of you wouldn’t be able to talk. On the day he was leaving, he gave you a box full of open when letters and one of his hoodies. The two of you had to go old school and wrote to each other during the summer. Your favorite open when letter was “Open When You Forget I Love You.” It was addressed to be open on the next to last week of summer, so you saved it. In the letter, he talked about when he fell in love with you. He also filled the envelope with pictures he took of you when you weren’t paying attention. Right after you got done reading it, the doorbell rang, and it was Micheal outside.
P: Prom: Prom is finally here! you both get dressed up and arive in style on Micheal’s motorcycle. Sure, holding your dress up on that thing was hard to do on a motorcycle, but Micheal only drove it about four blocks from your house. The night was amazing with memories to go around, incluing the Midnight Memories made at the after party. 
Q: Quixotic Adventure: After graduation, and within 24 hours, you, Micheal, and the rest of the group are heading on a weeks long vacation to Texas! Who knows what kind of trouble you’re going to get into there? For one, loosing Maria’s binder in the airport, which resulted in a melt down, the rest of the trip went well. Micheal and Caleb even rode a mechanical bull. 
R: Road trip: You woken up with a shake at 4 am. You scream as you find Micheal standing above you, and out of impulse, you slap him. Lucky for you, your dad got it on video. Micheal reveals that he came home early from camp, and he’s taking you to the city about 2 hours away. On the way, you stop and eat greasy diner food while watching a sunrise. You stay in the city for the whole day with Micheal, and you get home around midnight.
S: Ski Trip: Senior year has come, and you finally get to take the school skiing trip that you’ve been waiting for! But on the way there, the group stops, and you get food poising, meaning that when you get to the lodge that you stay in your room for most of the first day. That night, Emma and Maria come back with a surprise! They snuck Micheal into your hotel room with chicken noodle soup and crackers to help you feel better!
T: Theme Park: When driving in the middle of no where with Micheal to find a nice place to picnic, you and Micheal stumble upon an abandoned theme park, so the two of you decide to sneak in. You never realized it, but Micheal was secretly a fantastic photographer. The two of you ate and did several shoots before finding some rats and leaving. 
U: Unique: Surpise! Micheal decided to get peices of paper and write an numbers on them. The first role is for outfits, second is for food, and thrird is the activity. However, he didn’t erally think out how you’re suppoed to wear a winter coat and sweater in a Japanse steakhouse while then going swimming. Even though he didn’t think eveything through 
V: Video: Congratulations! It’s been a year of you and Micheal dating. For your one year, you gave him a box filled with different things from dates you went on. There was a menu from your first date; a dried up rose from the second; some things from prom; and more. Micheal, however, pulled out a CD and put it into the movie player. Confused, you sat down on the couch as he pressed play. The video started with a few days after you met with you skateboarding in the parking lot. Then, the first football game. Football homecoming. Basketball homecoming. When you took down Isa. Prom. It was clips of your life as a homemade movie. Him saving you from getting hurt. His winning throw to you as football. Everything.
W: Winter Wonderland: Sledding. Ice skating. All your favorite things wrapped all up into one day with your amazing boyfriend. However, things go wrong when you loose your bracelet in the middle of the day. Micheal said he would look for it, but you said it was too cold to try. you even suggested that the two of you wait until the snow melted. The next day, you open your house door to find Micheal, blue and shivering, holding your bracelet. When you bring him inside and cover him with blankets and cuddle to warm him, he tells you that he didn’t want you to loose it, so he searched all night for it.
X: XBox: It’s Black Friday! The sales and people are crazy, as they usually are. You decided to go without Micheal to try to see what you could get him for Christmas, and that’s when you see it: a Xbox. You push and shove people out of the way. This day will go down in history as the day you accidentally knocked over a child (don’t worry, you helped them up). That’s when you reach it. And when you go to grab it, someone else grabs the item too. When you look up, there stands Micheal. Welp... you ended up getting him jacket instead.
Y: Yoga: Let’s be real: Micheal has always hated yoga. However, after a back injury from trying to run from Hearst, Micheal agreed to do it since your doctor recommended it. It was... rough to say the least. But, you were happy that he at least tried to help you the best he could, even if he, himself, ended up in the ER after you.
Z: Zoo: You’ve always wanted to volunteer at a zoo that helps injured animals and then releases them back into the wild, unless their injuries are too extensive. Micheal and your dad worked together to allow the three of you to go to the zoo together and help. You had a lot of fun, even though it was sad, helping some bear cubs that lost their mom to a poacher.
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hotoffthepressfics · 5 years
Broke But Not Broken: Chapter 7
Part VII
Previous | Next
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 4,918
Summary:You make progress in your job search. An upsetting encounter brings you and Bucky closer.
Warnings: Angst
Inspiration/Chapter Soundtrack:
“Armando’s Rhumba” - Chick Corea
“Bird Set Free” - Sia
“Dream a Little Dream of Me” - Yiruma
A/N: I have been trying to write this chapter for the past week! My sister’s wedding was right in the middle of it so I kept having to put it aside. As a result I feel like this might be a little choppy and ramble in some places. I did make this one a little longer too to make up for it being a little later than I wanted it to be. Thank you all for sticking with me! Please Enjoy!
Y/F/F/N - your fake first name
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“Tía, this really isn’t necessary.” You beg.
The woman was determined to have you eat your weight in chorizo and eggs. You’d come over to make sure she was set for the day before heading out. As soon as you walked into the tiny apartment Tía Maria had strong armed you into a chair and piled up a plate.
Thanks to Tía’s efforts you were making quick progress to a healthy weight. The sharp angles of your frame softening as you fill out. You appreciated her for it, though your stomach had a few complaints with how much it was forced to stretch from all the food.
You rise from the chair, ready to make a break for the door. Tía pads back into the room with a paper bag in hand.
“Alright mi hija, but you take this for later. I don’t want you going hungry out there.”  
Resigned you pull the rolled bag from her hand. She feels her way up to your face. You give her your cheek and she gives it a tweak. You smile, enjoying the endearing gesture and walk out of the apartment.
While waiting on the elevator you unroll the pack and peek inside. Two foil wrapped burritos sit at the bottom. You wrinkle your nose. Tía’s food was very good, but you weren’t keen on eating cold scrambled eggs and meat.  
The elevator doors spring open. You re-roll the bag and scurry into the small compartment. The metal doors slide closed and the elevator begins its descent only to stop a floor down. As the doors reopen you can make out two familiar voices.
“Oh hey sugar, how are you doing today?” CiCi asks as she and Bucky come into view.  
Bucky’s face sports a rather harried look while he awkwardly carries a microwave in his arms. Your heart flutters at the sight of him.
You shuffle to the side as both of them make their way into the elevator.  
“All I’m sayin’ is I’m about ready to chuck this damn thing out her window. This is the third time I’ve had to take this to fix it. She ‘claims’ it’s broken but every time I make the call it works fine!” Bucky finishes his rant to CiCi.
You watch in befuddlement wondering what they had been discussing. CiCi notices your quizzical stares and supplies,
“Mrs. Carlyle, no. 303. Fussy little old lady who just might break Bucky here of his good-natured spirit.” CiCi pats Bucky's shoulder sympathetically.  
He puts on a martyred expression, letting his head droop a little. You raise your hand to cover the smile spreading across your face.  
"I'm sorry. That is tragic." You giggle through your fingers.
Bucky sighs. He lifts his head. His eyes catch onto the bag hanging from your hand. He nods to it.
"Whatcha got there?" You track his gaze, looking down at your hands.
"Oh! Tía Maria insisted I take some burritos with me." You explain.
Immediately, Bucky perks up and leans forward.
"Really?! Tía's burritos are the best!" Excitement practically comes off him in waves.
"Would... you like one?" You hold up the bag in offering.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm very sure. Tía stuffed me so full already I won't be able to eat anymore." You unravel the little sack and reach in. Grabbing hold of one of the wrapped burritos you pull it up. You stick your hand out toward him.
Bucky shifts the microwave in his grasp.
“Actually, would you mind just opening it and sticking it in my mouth?” He deadpans.
You blink. “You…want me to feed you?” You ask incredulously.
“Well… as you can see I’ve kind of got my hands full. Pleeeease?” Bucky pleads a little pathetically.
You feel your cheeks heat. Stuffing the paper bag carefully under your left arm you unwrap the burrito. He opens his mouth wide as you raise it for him. He takes a hearty bite and moans happily. You wait patiently while he chews, then offer him another bite.
The elevator dips and the doors ding open. You have reached the first floor. Bucky widens his mouth, taking another giant bite, but this time he pulls against your hand for the burrito. You release it. He mumbles an incoherent thank you around his food, winking at you. You shyly wave him away as he ambles away out of the space.
Watching him leave you can feel CiCi’s gaze on you. You glance over to her. When you meet her eyes she folds her arms over her chest and cocks an eyebrow.
“I saw that.”
“What?” You feign ignorance, not wanting to examine what exactly had started between you two.
“Don’t you ‘what’ me. You know exactly what I’m talkin’ about.”
You shrug, “We got to know each other a little last night. It’s just a friendship.”
“Oh, I know about last night. It’s been all he can talk about this morning.” CiCi answers back.
Your face flames a bright, cherry red and you flee the elevator, CiCi hot on your tail. As you walk out the entryway you spin back to CiCi.
“What exactly did he tell you about last night?” It wasn’t as though you had told him not to talk about last night, but you were leery of what details he gave away. It was a pretty stellar meltdown you had had.
CiCi examines you a moment then replies, “Just that you can play that piano in there beautifully.”  
She tilts her head towards the building. You relax a little. If Bucky had told her about your fantastic waterworks display CiCi at least was gonna keep it to herself.  CiCi digs into her work overalls and pulls out a slightly wrinkled bit of paper.
“Here,” She says as she slides it into your hand. “I wrote down the names of some bars and other places that have live piano music. It might be worth a shot. Don’t take no for an answer!”  
Cici cuffs your chin with her index finger and then heads off down the street. You unfold the paper and read some of the names.
Well, it wouldn’t hurt to try. I’ve got nothing left to lose.
You gulp a big breath and start walking into your day.
The sun had just gone down and the city’s nightlife began to come alive. You determined to hit the bars and little clubs CiCi had suggested just as they opened. That had left you the day to roam, following up on applications and making inquiries for hiring opportunities.
Now you stand in front of a place called The Grandstand. The little bar is tucked in between two brownstones, inconspicuous save for the awning with its name covering the entrance. A flickering, neon sign proclaiming they were open sits in the front window.
Butterflies burst to life in the pit of your stomach. Maybe you should just turn back. After all, there had to be something else you could do. This anxiety was wreaking havoc with your system. You shake your head a little, almost in an effort to reset your line of thinking. No, your friends were right. It would be best to use what talents you had to find some gainful employment.
Rolling your shoulders, you straighten your spine. Before you can talk yourself out of it you yank on the door handle and step inside. The little bar is dimly lit. Old black and white photos lined the walls, 40’s memorabilia tacked up in between. Booths line the wall opposite the bar, with small tables set in the middle of it all. Towards the far back wall stands a small stage with band equipment set up, a baby grand piano wedged against the wall. It all combined to give the place a cozy, retro feel, albeit a little cramped.
Though the place had just opened it was fairly populated with patrons. A few waitresses milled
Between the tables and bar, serving their customers. A young man with unkempt blonde hair stocked and cleaned the bar, periodically pausing to serve drinks. There seemed to be something off with the environment, though you couldn’t really pinpoint it yet.
You timidly meander through the tables towards the man. Once you reach the counter you attempt to get his attention.
“Umm… e-excuse me…” your voice trails off into a whisper, your confidence flagging.
The man continues working, oblivious to your efforts at conversation. You try again, imbuing more strength into your words.
“Excuse me?” 
The man pauses, turning a questioning glance behind him. He realizes you’re speaking to him and turns around fully.
“I’m sorry ma’am, can I help you?” He asks.
You nod.
“Yes, I was hoping I could speak to a manager or owner if they’re around?” You force yourself to stay still instead of fidgeting under his scrutiny.
His stare turns wary, unsure if you’re there to complain and cause trouble. He shrugs after a moment and gestures towards the stage.  
“The manager is over there.” He returns to his work.
Your eyes follow where he directed. There standing just against the stage stood a rather frazzled looking woman with medium, brown hair. She appeared to be having a heated conversation on the phone.
Moving closer, you stand against one of the tables near the stage waiting for her to finish with her call. You tried not to eavesdrop, you really did, but some things you just can’t help hearing.
“I swear to God, Michael! This is the third time you’ve left us without a pianist in two weeks! I know Marcus puts up with this and doesn’t care, but this is complete bullshit! How can we be a piano bar without someone to play the music?!” The woman hisses into the receiver.
That was when it dawned on you. The thing that seemed off about the environment. There was complete silence underneath the murmured conversations of the customers. No music. You suppose you should have figured that out when you noticed the stage.
The woman listens to someone on the other end before she scoffs and hangs up. She breathes out a suppressed scream and runs her fingers through her hair.
“P-pardon me.” You speak softly, stepping over to her.
She stiffens a moment before she straightens and swings around, pasting a smile to her face.  
“Oh hello! How may I help you?” She responds politely.
You take a breath and return her smile, hoping it doesn’t look too frightened.
“Yes… I, uh, was hoping to see if you were hiring? It sounded like you could use a piano player, I –“
The woman’s demeanor shifts; it wasn’t unkind, just more firm.
“I’m sorry, but we aren’t currently hiring for any positions, and unfortunately our owner, Marcus, doesn’t like for patrons to play the instruments.” She smiles apologetically and walks away, leaving you a little flustered.  
You stand alone, feeling slightly embarrassed and at a loss for what to do. You look up and watch the other customers. A few who had come in the same time you had were already leaving, clearly unimpressed with the experience. You turn back to the stage pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.  
Taking a surreptitious glance for the manager and other employees you’re relieved to find no one paying you any heed. CiCi’s words flit across your mind.
Don’t take no for an answer.
Quietly you move behind the piano taking a seat on the bench. In your mind you sift through your mental catalog for a good jazz piece you could remember.
You settle on a piece that starts slow and builds to a fun, uptempo beat. Gently plucking at the keys you play. Just like the night before the music swept you up again. This time, however, your heart felt lighter. Happier. You add a little more flare to the piece, playing around with the melody.
As you close the song you’re startled by a smattering of clapping from the patrons around the bar. You’d forgotten you were playing to anybody. You look up and see the manager gazing in your direction; her expression unreadable. You stand as she approaches, steeling your nerves for a confrontation.
The woman stops just short of the stage, resting her hand upon the piano. She looks away to the piano and then considers you again. She sighs.
“Look, I can’t offer you a position. Marcus has the last say when it comes to the musicians, so you’ll have to audition for him, but…” she sucks in a breath, holding it for a moment. She blows it out.
“Would you mind playing for us the rest of the evening, please? I have enough of an emergency fund to pay you for that. I’m desperate for a player.”
Your heart leapt. Nodding enthusiastically you begin to slide back under the piano. The manager gives you a relieved smile and goes back to work.
By closing time your fingers felt sore, unused to all the constant playing. You step down from the stage and head over to the bar. The manager sits upon a stool, looking over some paperwork as you approach. She looks up to you. Setting the papers down she swivels away and reaches out for your hand.
“Thank you got your help tonight, my name is Maggie.”
You shake her hand replying with, “I’m…Y/F/F/N.”
You’d been so content and happy you’d almost forgotten to use your borrowed name. Maggie paid you for the evening and the two of you made arrangements for you to come again tomorrow night to meet with Marcus.  
Back out on the street you hug your coat closer to you, breathing the cool fall air. Your blood hums through your veins and you feel like you could float away from the elation running through you.
The bus ride back to your street was almost unbearably long. You were itching to keep practicing to prepare for your meeting tomorrow. The bus pulled up to the curb and your feet flew out and down to your apartment building.
Once inside the building you turn the corner into the laundry room. You halt. Where the piano had stood was now just empty space. Apparently someone had finally come to claim the instrument.
Deflated you exit the room and make your way up to your apartment. As you enter the elevator a woman pushes passed you into the space. You ignore her and her rudeness, pressing the number three button next to the lit up four.
You reach your floor and get out, never once glancing at the rude woman. Trudging into your apartment, you flip on the switch and freeze.
There resting to the right of the living room window was the piano. You cautiously walk over. You examine it, running your fingers across the keys. A part of you was a little alarmed someone had been into your apartment, but the other part of you knew there would be only one person who knew what that piano meant to you and had the means of getting it into your place.
You spin on your heel and head back out the door. Running back to the elevator you go up another floor. As the elevator doors slide open you think you see a shadow dart around a corner. You hesitate, uncertain that you should continue.
Don’t be silly. No one is looking for you here. It must have just been a trick of the light.
You try to shrug it off and make your way to Bucky’s door. Sudden nerves burst into butterflies in your stomach as you knock on the wood. The door swings open. The moment Bucky comes into view your nerves kick into overdrive. As soon as he’s standing in the doorway you launch yourself at him, hugging him tightly.  
“Whoa! I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I gotta find out so I can do it again.” He chuckles as he returns the hug.
Your cheeks flame but you smile. Your hands fidget a little as you step back out of the embrace.
“You know what you did. Thank you.” You say shyly.
Bucky smirks a little and runs his metal fingers through his hair. His ears pink once again
You open your mouth to say more when suddenly a streak of blonde passes between you two. Bucky stumbles back stunned as a small blonde woman strikes him across the face.  
“I cannot believe you! You don’t return any of my calls then I find out you’re cheating on me with this little slut!” She whirls around to you.
You’d frozen in shock to the spot until she levels you with her glare. If looks could kill you were certain you would have dropped dead from the venom injected into her gaze. You backtrack towards the other end of the hallway as she prowls over to you. Certain she’s about to strike you as well you raise your arms to defend yourself.
You were sure you’d seen this girl before, back in the laundry room the day you’d assisted Bucky. What was her name? Rebecca?
Just as your back hits the hallway wall you see Bucky lunge for the woman. He wraps his flesh hand around her wrist and yanks her back. She stumbles back as Bucky maneuvers between you and her. Rebecca rights herself and fumes, a wide – eyed, disbelieving expression on her face.
“I cannot believe you’re defending her!”
“Dammit Rebecca, lay off! I have told you, we are not together. I’m sorry if you’re feelings are hurt but you knew from the start that this wasn’t anything!” Bucky shouts over her.
You can hear a few doors click open down the hall, some of the other tenants curious about the commotion. Bucky swears.
“Please Rebecca, go. You’re just embarrassing yourself.”
She scoffs, “I’m not the one who should be embarrassed! You’re the one who’s been stringing me along! And I am not leaving until you talk to me!”  
With that Rebecca stomps into Bucky’s apartment. He sighs heavily, turning around to face you.
“Are you okay?” He asks gently, his metal hand reaching up to wrap a loose strand of your hair around his index finger.
You nod, a little shaken, but you’d be lying if you said you’d never experienced that kind of jealous rage directed at you.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Ar-are you gonna be okay?” You weakly gesture to his red, swollen cheek.
He chuckles bitterly.
“Wouldn’t be the first time, doll. Unfortunately, I’ve gotten myself into these situations before. It doesn’t happen often but…” he sighs again before he looks up into your face. He shakes his head, his metal thumb rubbing softly against your cheekbone.  
He quickly ducks his head and plants a chaste kiss to your temple and releases your face and hair.
“Have a good night, Y/N.” Bucky says softly.
He walks to his door and pauses.
“And you’re welcome.” With that he goes into his apartment and closes the door.
You stand there a little numb and flustered. As the other doors begin to close you rush with your head down back to the elevator.
After retreating back into your apartment, you ate and showered. The excitement of Rebecca’s outburst gone for the most part. Though occasionally you could hear a raised voice and things smashing around above your place.
A twinge of guilt twists in your gut.  
This must have been what he meant by “B-Day”…
You were fairly confident it had been you who’d let Rebecca into the building when you rushed home. Now she was in his place and he couldn’t even retreat to his backup apartment to hide from her craziness.
Another crash sounds followed by a dull thud. You wince, beginning to worry about Bucky. You wanted to go and check on him but you feared you’d only make it worse. You weren’t afraid of Rebecca; you’d been around delusional women like her enough these past couple years to feel sorry for them rather than threatened. They always thought more of a relationship than what was really there. They hated you for your relationship with Colton. If they only knew how much you wanted to be out; what was really lurking behind closed doors…
You shake off the depressing thoughts. You didn’t want to dwell on that stuff anymore. You walk out to the living room and seat yourself at the piano. Testing the keys you run through some scales and practice pieces.
You continue practicing some of the songs you’d performed that night, trying to smooth the parts you’d struggled with playing. Growing bored with those songs you decide to play something else. Thinking through the pieces you used to play for your mother, you recall one that she’d been very fond of. It was one you hadn’t been able to play since her death, but given all you’d been through you were craving it’s calming, sweet melody.
Sitting up straight you place your fingers back on the keys and begin a slow rendition of “Dream a Little Dream of Me”.
It was a little rough but your fingers recalled the movements well enough. You let the final notes fade out. Out on the fire escape a faint clapping sounds. You start, leaning over to peer out the window. From that angle you can see a pair of feet resting on the stairs a floor up. Rising you cross over to the window and unlatch it. Sliding it up you poke your head out and look up. There Bucky sits, reclining against the brick of the building watching you with a sheepish grin. You cock your head to the side.
“What are you doing out here? Did you get Rebecca to leave?” You inquire.
Bucky lets out a huffed laugh.
“I wish it was that simple. This is self- imposed exile.” Another crash sounds from inside his space. He grimaces.
You guess with all your playing you’d drowned out the chaos that Rebecca was still creating.
“She’s refusing to leave. I guess her thinking is if she stays long enough I’ll change my mind and be with her… now she’s barricaded herself in the bedroom. So here I am. Hiding out until she gets tired of waiting.”  
At that moment a chilled wind blows through, you shiver in your thin sleep shirt. You glance up at Bucky again chewing on your bottom lip. He looks down on the street, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
“That song was familiar. What’s it called?” He muses.
“Dream a Little Dream of Me.” You offer in reply.  
He hums, resting his head back onto the brick façade.
“Any chance I could persuade you to play it again for me?” He looks down on you with his best puppy dog eyes.  
Before now being asked to play made your skin crawl. It was another way he could humiliate and use you. Bucky, though, with all his exuberance and sweetness made you feel like your mother had. Special and important. You give a faint smile and wave him down, “Come on.”
You step back away from the window and hear the creak of the fire escape. You watch impressed as Bucky glides in, graceful as a cat, and plops down onto the recliner still stationed next to the window. He groans appreciatively, stretching against the seat as you close the window with a snap.
“This really wasn’t a ploy to get inside your apartment. I really did just want to hear you play that song again.” His words contradict his actions as he nestles into the recliner cushions.
You bite your bottom lip.
“It’s probably my fault that you had to sit out there anyway. I… think I may have let her in when I came home tonight.” You admit to him.
Bucky contemplates this a moment then shakes his head.
“No, this is really my fault. Cees has warned me and I knew better… perhaps it’s just what I deserve.” The last part he says so quietly you don’t think he meant for you to hear it.
You puzzle over that. You couldn’t imagine why a guy as nice and kind as Bucky would think he deserved a psychotic woman destroying his apartment and assaulting his person. However, you didn’t feel you had a right to pry. If he was going to allow you to hold onto your secrets, you could let him do the same. You change the subject.
“Yes well, how can my audience enjoy this masterpiece if they are freezing to death?” You inquire dramatically.
Bucky snorts and you smile wide. You liked being able to joke and tease with someone again. It helped you feel normal and sane. Like you never were the person you’d been in that dark place just a little over a month ago.
You take your seat on the piano bench again and play for him. When you finished Bucky claps and cheers while you bow and giggle. You retell your day and how you might have possibly found a job. His excitement over the news touches you. All Colton ever did was sneer and belittle you whenever you told him good things that happened in your day. As though your little successes meant nothing.
You become a little somber. You draw your hands back into your lap. Bucky notices and leans forward, trying to catch your eye.
“Hey, hey… Where’d you go, rabbit? Why’d you start to hole up on me?” He reaches his hand out to you but stops just short of touching you.  
His beautiful, blue eyes are full of concern. You meet his gaze, letting the cool softness of it wash over you like a balm.
You exhale slowly and offer a weary smile.
“I’m fine,” you yawn wide. “Oh, sorry, I guess I’m just exhausted from the day.”  
It wasn’t a total lie, you were feeling the strain of the long hours walking around the city.
“Ah,” Bucky nods in understanding, reclining back into the chair. “It is pretty late. Why don’t you go get some sleep?”
Dipping your head in agreement you slide off the bench, walking towards the bedroom door. You pause, turning back to look at Bucky.
“What are you gonna do for the night?” You ask.
Bucky gestures to himself and the chair. “You’re looking at it.”
You give him a doubtful look, “Bucky… I’ve been in that chair and it is not comfortable enough to sit in for long, let alone sleep in.”  
He waves you off, remaining nonchalant.
“It’ll be okay Y/N, go sleep.”  
Hesitating for a second, you concede and walk into the bedroom. You close the door with a quiet, little snick. In your isolation you pace between the bed and doorway. You turn again and face the room’s little window, turning an idea over in your mind.  
It probably wasn’t a very smart idea, inviting a man to share a sleeping space with you. It usually led to you being forced to do things you’d rather forget. You didn’t have to do this; you could just let him sleep out there on that old recliner.
Except that you couldn’t stop thinking about what he said. The self – deprecation laced in his voice. It had made your heart ache for him. He was too gentle and friendly to feel he deserved to be treated like dirt.
You roll back your shoulders, resolved. Walking towards the bed you lean down and snatch up your sweater, throwing it on over your head. You crawl onto the mattress and begin arranging the pillows down the middle, creating a small barrier. Once you’re done you curl up on the side closest to the outer wall, pulling the covers tightly around you. All settled you call out for Bucky.
The door creaks open but you don’t look over. It’s silent for a long moment.
“What… are you doing?” Bucky asks, skeptical.
You glance over your shoulder at him, then nod your head to the empty side of the bed.
“I’m sharing.” You say matter-of-factly.
You lay back down, unable to maintain eye contact for fear of losing your nerve. Already your stomach was twisting in knots, afraid you might be misplacing your trust. You push the uncertainty down. While you have your internal fight with yourself, you feel the mattress dip as Bucky carefully sits on it.
“You do realize that… these pillows would do nothing if I really wanted to try something, right?”
You throw your head back to eye him warily, his comment making your heart jump in fear a little.
“Well then, you can go back to the recliner if you can’t keep your hands to yourself.” You tried to keep it light but you thought you heard a slight waver in your voice.
Bucky throws his hands up, bowing his head like a little schoolboy scolded.  
“No, no, no! I’ll be on my best behavior I promise. Cross my heart, doll.” He makes the gesture over his chest.
You stifle a giggle into the covers and settle back in, facing the wall. Bucky rustles around a bit more to get comfortable then all is still. After a minute or two you hear him begin to hum lightly the melody of your mother’s song. Your muscles ease and soon sleep pulls you under as the last lyric flits through your mind.
Dream a little dream of me...
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bewaretheundead91 · 5 years
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A very Eventful Christmas Part 3: The unanticipated
Summary: You are on your way back to Washington D.C. to spend time with your family for Christmas. On your way you run into a man from your past.
Duncan Shepherd X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: none, but this is a slow burn, inspired by cheesy Christmas rom com tropes. So there are a lot of rom com tropes/clichés here. There is plot here.
A/N: I’m a sucker for the slow burn so there is no instant gratification here, but there is cuteness. Will be re-edited for mistakes. Also this plot can sound really unrealistic and it’s not supposed to be...it’s fiction. Is it a little AU? Maybe.
Part 1 Part 2
My Michael Langdon Fics
You sit back in your seat giving yourself some time to calm your nerves and the prickling embarrassment that stung the parts of your body that Duncan quickly held to prevent you from being injured. You stare out the window to see country side covered in a thick layer of snow, that seemed to make the darkness of night time not so dark. Along the tracks were tall lights that kept everything illuminated outside as far as you can see. The tall lamps creates a magical scene with the landscape.
You take another breath in, feel your phone buzz, and pull it out to see a text from Erica and from your sister who was expecting to be married soon. You slide open Erica’s message. Wine huh, she responds, thats something, just try and relax. You slide open the message from your sister. Hey Y/N, She greets, I’m so excited for my big sister to be back in town. I have so many people need to meet. We have so much to plan for my wedding. I love you and I’ll see you soon. And you’re going to love the bridesmaid dresses. At that moment you wished the train would just move off the tracks or find a way to delay your arrival back to town. Nothing was going to be more embarrassing than arriving back with stories to tell of Duncan Shepherd sort of being a gentlemen and your sister potentially being married off before you. In high society, these sort of things don’t go unnoticed among families. I’m still young, you think to yourself, in my 20s and young.
Suddenly a phone in the distance starts ringing and Maria Carry’s All I want for Christmas starts playing. Instantly the image of Duncan Shepherd in a Christmas sweater singing at your door step pops back into your head. Oh please don’t, you think to yourself, I can’t deal with this. You remember how soft his appearance was in your dream, with his loose dark hair and warm smile and at the same time materialistic, comparing you to a diamond. You shake your head and a pang of pain shoots through your heart. Of all the men and even women you’ve been around, Duncan was the guy to star in this Christmas movie theme dream you had. I saw him today and that’s it, you think again, it was only because I keep running into him. Jessica walks down the isle and you shoot a hand up to get her attention.
“Jessica,” You practically shout. “May I have a glass of water.”
“Opposed to the wine you refuse from me.” Duncan says loudly in the distance and you hear a round of laughter.
“Please anything, that isn’t alcoholic.” You say looking sorry.
“Yes, right away.” She smiles.
“Thank you.”
Suddenly there was a need for the bathroom. You stand up looking around the car for the nearest bathroom and to your luck and of course surprise, it was located in the very front of the car. You curse yourself as you eyes land back on Duncan’s luscious hair moving as he was talking to yet another train attendant and having a full on animated conversation. Once Jessica catches onto her fellow attendant getting more attention than her she makes a stop by Duncan. My water, you think to yourself, my damn water Jessica.
“So what is a man such as yourself doing taking a train to D.C.,” Jessica buts in, placing a hand on her hips. “Shouldn’t you be riding first class on a plain? You look like you have great taste and great taste…”
You shake your head at the very blunt comment Jessica is making. You step out of your seat and watch as the train attendant leans over and presses her hand to Duncan’s shoulder. His eyes lock on her physical contact. Your body holds in a rich laugh remembering how easy he had with the ladies growing up and you begin to walk towards the bathroom.
“I like to avoid a big commotion and at least once a year I take the train just to have some time to myself,” He says with a big smile. “There is just something so relaxing about looking out the window and watching the scenery as the train passes by.”
“Oh pardon us.” Jessica politely says moving aside to allow you to walk through. 
Duncan sits up straight in his seat and you walk by. You swear you hear him take in a deep inhale. Quickly you shover yourself into the small bathroom and empty your bladder. As you wash your hands you look up in the mirror and point a finger at your reflection.
“No,” You say to yourself. “No, yes he’s handsome and yes one of the most eligible men in D.C., but no bitch! No!”
You point at the heart beating unbearably fast in your chest and curse at it.
“No!” You practically shout. “He’s probably with someone else anyways.”
You dry your hands off and step out of the bathroom to see the train attendants were gone and Duncan was now gazing outside of his window with his head resting in his hand. You could faintly see the snow coating the ground outside and fir trees with a dusting of snow. He perks a head up as you start walking back. A smile appears on the corner of his mouth.
Then unanticipatedly, the train begins to jut back and forth on it’s tracks. You take a step and your ankle twists flinging your forward down the isle. You land with a loud thud. Duncan shoots out of his seat and rushes down the isle toward you. The train juts again and the power twitches, he shoots forward and falls in your direction. He lands with his body almost on top you with his own strong arms keeping him up in a push up position. 
“Are you okay?” He ask looking down at you. He presses his lips together tightly trying to keep up right.
“I’m fine,” You say gazing up at him with large eyes. You look down at this arms, shaking in their locked position. “I should have listened to you.”
“You should have stayed in your seat,” He laughed warmly. The power goes out on the train and a round of screams are heard from near by cars. “Looks like we are in a predicament.”
“Looks like it.” 
The train juts again making Duncan arms give out and lose his balance. His body comes crashing down on top of you knocking the air out of her chest and making you wrap your arms around his back. In reaction you open your legs to soften the blow. The scruff of his beard scratches at the side of your neck and jawline and his hair ticks at the high peaks of her cheeks bones. You feel his chest breathing heavily.
“I’m so sorry,” He says instantly being helped off of you. You see Jessica giving you a disapproving look. He extends a hand. “Are you okay? I’m asking genuinely concerned. By now you have to be bruised some where.”
“I think so.” You say cautiously grabbing it. You stand up and press a hand to your chest still feeling the weight of his body on top of you.
“Everyone don’t panic it looks like we have ran into some train trouble.”
“You don’t say.” You were secretly thankful.
You step off the train and meet a wall of wintery mixed precipitation. Your hand quickly grab the lapels of your jacket to hold it close. Due to the inconvenience of the train, the train station was offering half price for hotel stay at the closest hotel. Those who were willing to pay for a room ventured out in the weather to find it.
You arrive at what looks to be an oversized log cabin lined with Christmas lights. On the lawn were lit up Christmas gifts shapes along with lit up deer. It made you smile. Approaching the door you realized that Duncan Shepherd had not followed you or made his way to this specific hotel. The thought brings a feeling of relief to your body and the embarrassment from earlier dissipates and is was being replaced with the idea of of a relaxing shower or bath.  
Mounted on the doors were two large Christmas wreath decorated in glittery animal shaped ornaments and holly. With relief in sight you pull open the door and instantly get whiff of fresh baked gingerbread cookies and the scent of fir trees. On the back wall of the hotel lobby was a crackling fire surrounded by cushioned chairs and couches. You take a deep breath in feeling like you were someone how in a cheesy Christmas movie. Quickly you search for a check-in desk, and standing with a cheerful smile across her aged face, stands an older woman wearing a Christmas sweater of snow flake and fir tree print. You shake off remaining snow from your hair and approach the desk.
“Hello, this place looks unreal,” You greet with wide eyes taking in all the details. “This place is real right?”
“Yes it is!” The woman laughs. “I just love Christmas and tend to go all out, we didn’t put out the snow, the weather did that, but it’s a nice touch isn’t it?”
“It is,” You say laughing at her joke. “I was wondering if you had any rooms available for the evening?”
“Let me check.”
At that moment the door opens to the front of the hotel revealing wavy side swept hair and slender frame of no other than Duncan Shepherd. In his hand was the handle of a rather large piece of luggage. He looks down at the leather bag in your hand and shakes his head.
“I’ll take a room please,” You say pulling out your wallet. “Any room, small or big.”
“I’ll also take a room.” Duncan rolls his luggage and stands besides you.
“Okay let me take a look, I know we told the train station that we had a few vacancies, but it looks like the folks who got here already took every room except for the honeymoon sweet.”
“Surely there has to be other rooms available, as in plural.” You side eye Duncan and feel your cheeks start to burn.
“I’ll take the room,” Duncan interjects handing over a black credit card. “If Ms. Y/L/N does not want it I’ll take it.”
“I was here first and I’ll take the room. He can sleep on the couch in the lobby if that is okay.”
“You two know each other?” The woman side eyes you and then looks at Duncan with a particular grin that makes you feel anxious. “A lover’s spat perhaps?”
“Excuse me?” You ask and Duncan starts to laugh. 
“Yes,” Duncan’s eyes light up. He extends an arm around your shoulders. “We will take the honeymoon sweet, my girlfriend and I just got into a terrible fight since our travel plans have been delayed due to the train. Therefore I’m paying for the room. I’ll find a way to make it up to her. You wouldn’t have any red wine on hand would you? I know it’s late.”
The woman lets out a strange giggle and you shove his arm off from around you. The woman swipes Duncan’s card and hands it back to him then hands him a set of keys. Lastly she hands him a menu for room service.
“The kitchen is closed, but I can grab a bottle for you. Glasses should already be up in the room. Just follow me.”
Anger was boiling in the pit of your stomach and you internally were having a conversation with yourself questioning if you should share a room with Duncan or not. He looks at you and grabs the leather bag from your hand and shoots you a smile.
“I’ll sleep in the bathroom,” He whispers and your eyes lock on his romantic lips. “Don’t worry about it. We just want sleep right? It’s only for the night.”
“What if someone finds out?” You ask leaning down to grab you carryon. 
“No one will find out. No one knows who I am here. No one knows who you are here.” He assures you.
“I don’t like this.”
“Of course you don’t, you haven’t liked anything since you left D.C.”
“Excuse me?” You ask.
“Are you both coming?” The woman asks. “Follow me. In the morning you along with the rest of the guests will have a nice breakfast. It comes with the room. We have a lovely dining area where there is a fire place. You both will love it.”
It sounds like something you would enjoy if you were not around Duncan Shepherd of all men. You shoot Duncan one last glare and start to follow the woman up a flight of stairs. You can feel his eyes on the back of your head or at least you were assuming he was watching you.
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