#Mikel Angel
movie-titlecards · 1 year
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Psychic Killer (1975)
My rating: 4/10
Surprisingly dull and plodding, for a movie about a guy killing people with his mind, with a rather nasty misogynistic streak throughout. Highlights, which are few and far between, include
- the guy having visions of the people he hates being cartoonishly, over-the-top evil
- a rather cute cat
- that one horny police guy being driven off a cliff so we don't have to look at his awful jacket anymore.
Beyond that, there just isn't much here, and certainly nothing that can hold a candle to Dr. Phibes in terms of medical malpractice revenge thrillers.
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theaskew · 3 months
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Mikel Alatza (American b. 1954, lives and works in Los Angeles), Celebrity Clown (Anna Nicole Smith), 2019. Oil on canvas, 41.9 x 41.9 x 6.3 cm. 
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cruelseraph-art · 2 years
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letzternachtzug · 1 year
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CAMERON DIAZ ph. by Mikel Roberts Los Angeles, California. July, 1994
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oh-saints · 2 years
bestie do we still get kt x singer reader?!🥲i need it after the anti-kt disappointment
for you, fellow KT bestie (does it rhyme???) who's been deprived of our lovely viking for far too long, i'd give it to youuu
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being a female singer-songwriter in a very saturated industry, you work hard to get where you are now. but kieran works harder until he can call you his.
kieran tierney x singer!reader
word count: 2.0k
note: i gotta be honest... i tried so hard not to entertain this ask because my request's closed and i have so many left i haven't worked on yet, but an idea popped in my mind that i had to write it down. and in the light of us fellow KT girlies not being granted his appearance by mikel, which coincided with my bday week this time around, here it is! but as usual, i happen to write this at dawn so not beta-read yet.
the song included in this work is this.
“A record I must say,” Lauren, your agent, walked into your studio alongside your publicist with a cup of tea—dajeerling and brewing hot, no less, just the way you like it. “A birdie told me you haven’t pulled out all-nighter lately and chose to clock in early instead.”
“Morning to you, too, Lauren,” You pushed back your chair, straying away your eyes from the lined-up monitors on your work station. “Now, what’s wrong in being early?”
“As far as I can recall, you love your bed so much that you always try to spend your time there until it’s really time to go,” Lauren put your cup and your smoked-beef sandwich on the table standing in the middle of the room. “Am I right?”
You could only laugh at your agent’s long-standing experience of the countless times she had to drag you out of your bed so you could make it in time for radio promotions. She even went as far as preventing you from touching the bed when you were due for a red carpet, afraid you’d pass out and she had to extort physical means to get you wake up.
In your defence, you couldn’t help it. Inspirations come to you at unexpected times, and mostly they keep you up during the time when everybody’s asleep because you can’t not make something out of it while it lasts. They are what keep you afloat in this make-it-or-break-it industry, the root of your endless hits after hits, and precisely why your agent—although groaning while doing so—would still shake the sleep from your entire being relentlessly.
However, you couldn’t deny your agent’s astute observation that you had, indeed, been gracing your studio in normal time zone. Something that wasn’t exactly unheard of but definitely something that was missing from a gazillion years ago.
In fact, deep down, you actually surrendered yourself to the fact attack launched by Lauren because you were changing, for good. No longer were the days of grabbing instant meal kits, nights of recording and takeouts. And you have every reason to.
While the smoke of brewing hot tea was usually something you look forward to get your body and soul intact for the rest of the day, lately there had been another angelic sight freely occupying the other side of your bed—a sight you look forward to see the first thing in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes to the bright, blinding sun. Yet, you could swear the sight was even mesmerising than the sun itself.
The calm personified in Kieran Tierney when he was sleeping was something else. Eyes shut perfectly in a dome shape and eyelashes tickling his prominent cheekbones—it was a scenery you would definitely choose over the leather four walls of your studio.
Kieran when awake was already bedazzling as it is, but when you take away all the determination and worries, he simply looks like an innocent child sleeping, with those thin lips left agape and soft snores coming out in tune melodically with the chirping bird outside.
For that particular private viewing alone, if it meant you had to do patchworks to your usual unusual routine, you would gladly do it in a heartbeat. You’d enjoy the bonus of 5 extra minute to run the pads of your fingers along the lines of his facial structure, grazing inch and every bit of the strong features you’ve come to love the past months, tracing every crook and nook until nothing else left untouched.
You like to touch the end of his hairline and the beginning of his skin, creasing out the contracted muscle at your initial touch, down to his thick brows, the long eyelashes, protruding cheek bones and jaw lines, the apple chin… and your favourite of them all; the thin but healthily pink lips that always pouts in default but would turn into a megawatt smile whenever around you. It’d become your favourite ever since you noticed that particular perk only you had the privilege to own.
Your hands would draw back to the tip of his pointy nose, a feature he inherited from his patrilineal genetics, and he would scrunch the muzzle softly as if he was about to sniff before gaining consciousness slowly but surely. You’d come to realise it was marked by his 3-times blink before he groaned a sleepy, groggy good morning as he took in his surroundings.
And you’d laugh when he attempted to pull you into another tight cuddle, prolonging your lazing time on the bed by leaving pecks on the crown of your head, as if he didn’t have somewhere to go every morning without fail.
As much as you’d come to terms with the fact that you know now your way of dying—should you be able to choose—is to be engulfed in Kieran’s arms, basked in his signature mixture of natural odour and his favourite perfume, until you run out of breaths, Kieran’s athletic routine was the reason why you had to get up the same time as your boyfriend.
Because who could fall asleep again when you got to gawk on your shirtless boyfriend walking around your bedroom like he owned the place?
Certainly not you, not when the adrenaline was too high on certain times and all you had to focus was not to tackle your boyfriend in the bathroom so that you could have sex. He has a job to keep, and you have fans waiting for your next creation. So you channelled your overflowing energy into coming into the studio early—it wouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, really, if you exposed yourself that your next album would be solely inspired by your “burly yet soft like a teddy bear” lover.
If 5 years ago someone said to you that you’d undergo all these drastic changes, you’d laugh at their face. Your old self wouldn’t have approved of your decision on letting Kieran in to your life so fast in the first place.
Old you, who didn’t think of anything else but your budding career.
Old you, who was so afraid to lose whatever you had because of a stupid move, like your fellow musicians went wrong.
Old you, who thought you had too much at stake to think of something outside the music and your fans.
Old you, who learnt from your last ex-boyfriend that you had to fight your way up on your own.
“How’s the album going?” Lauren started off again, now her notes and iPad sprawled all over the table, and you took the hint to get serious. “Is there any samples we can hear of?”
“I do—”
And that was when you realise your phone—your other phone, to be exact; the one you bought for its music features so you could rest assured to keep your creative outlet as positive as possible—was nowhere to be found. Your morning commute only includes the likes of your house or Kieran’s house and work lately, so you’ve got no choice but to call your boyfriend.
“What’s up, babe?”
Kieran had made it a habit of his to rotate any pet name he could probably think of to call you. On any other circumstances, you would usually curl your fingers when someone called you by a sweet moniker of their choice—heck, your last ex fling even complained about your disdain to them. But rather than disgust this time, it was more at the weird sensation vibrating through your entire body that you found yourself rather liking them.
In fact, you had to give Kieran a big kudos for making the transition in their relationship relatively natural. While a lot of things escalated very quickly in your respective lives, it somehow felt like it just fell into their deserving place instead.
Kieran really meant it when he vowed he would prove her fears wrong, exactly the night when you decided to let him into your life.
“I left my other phone at home, can you bring them to my studio?”
“Sure thing, love,” And Lauren had to hold back her squeals when she noticed your blushing cheeks. “See you in a bit.”
Turned out, it wasn’t merely a bit to the Scotsman. How could he not be stunned when you pulled the rug from under his feet?
He was only supposed to call your other phone in order for him to bring the device to you, but as soon as he heard intently and closely to the caller ring you’ve put for him, he was rendered speechless.
The very reason why your relationship with Kieran took off on a very long slow burn into what they were now was because you were initially very averse at the idea of romantically involved with anyone. Not after what your ex had done to you, and Kieran went into diving fully realising and acknowledging the part. He’d come to embrace your flaws and your imperfections, no matter how much you hate them, because it’s what made you… you. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Including your lack of verbal affection.
The irony, Kieran would laugh at the revelation, but it didn’t matter in his opinion because it didn’t particularly equal to not meaning you love for him. You crumbling down the longstanding Berlin Wall between them was enough of a proof that you felt the same way as him.
He had before long accepted the idea that you were not fond of grandiose gestures from your significant other, nor did you like doing so to your partner. You belonged rather to the kind of people who liked spending time closely with their respective partner, be it candle-lit dinner in the iconic Aviary or be on the phone call with him for hours when he was on an away match–didn’t matter for you, really.
You preferred to express her affection into a set of discreet actions; you could be found constantly holding his hand whenever you had the chance, playing with his hair, juggling between touching the side of his face and feeling the growing stubbles on his jaw.
When he was on an away game, you would send an Uber Eats for him and whoever his roommate at that time, a little supportive note from you would be slipped in the packaging with a help of the deliveryman. Now, being Kieran’s roommate was a spot worth fighting for amongst his teammates. And recently, you let Kieran stay over in your flat every now and then.
The action spoke more than volume, per Kieran’s standard of your love for him. It might not be much, but for Kieran, it meant no more walls, no more hesitation.
So when his ears picked up the lyrics of the caller ring, Kieran was left breathless. It was a crude song, not yet mastered, so he knew it was something she only recently produced, but it was what made the effect booming throughout his body became 10 times shuddering.
I remember like it was yesterday
First kiss and I knew you changed the game
You have me, exactly, well you want it,
And I'm on it
And I ain't ever gonna let you get away
Holdin' hands never made me feel this way
So special, boy it's your, it's your smile
We so in love
You had never been fluent in articulating her feeling into words of either written or spoken form, at least to Kieran’s face, but this song–it pretty much contained every description of what you felt towards him, practically a song to profess your love to him in a very discreet way.
You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up (Oh boy, oh boy)
You're my every, everything that I could ever dream of
You are my baby love, my baby love
You make the sun come up (Oh boy, oh boy)
You're my every, every, every, everything
Been a minute and we still holding it down
Butterflies every time you come around
You make me, so crazy
It's crazy, oh baby
And I don't ever wanna be with no one else
You're the only one that ever made me melt
You're special, boy it's your, your style
We so in love
Kieran’s heart was galloping so fast it could outmatch any stallion in their prime. He could actually feel the depths of your unspoken love and affection towards him from the song, from your voice alone, despite the still-lacking quality of the product. But god damn…
If this was the aftereffect of being serenaded by you, in all of your glorious words about how you feel towards him, Kieran didn’t think he could survive another, should you make another song for him.
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opinions about Saka in fics
Cool question! For me, B is just stunning and beautiful inside and out. I don't usually seek out fics about him (or any of our Hale End boys) because he's just too young for me to find hot in that way? So if I'm going to read a Saka fic it has to be just right! For me personally I wouldn't gravitate toward a fic where he's an uwu innocent angel, but I also wouldn't gravitate towards a fic where he's behaving sexually the way idk...I write Granit to behave sexually, for example.
I really really love new-berry's So into you on ao3, with him and Tolami!!! Just the perfect amount of sweet, filthy, and sexy.
I'll confess something: I don't really read a lot of Arsenal fics in general? Obviously I love the team 🥵 but I don't really find that many shipping dynamics super compelling, and Mikel keeps breaking up the ships that exist 😭
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Boy howdy look at all those 9’s! What a round, what a game, what a season. Wish I had liked Grizzly Bear upon relisten 10 years after I last checked them out, but can’t win em all.
Adickdid— Dismantle (7.5/10)
AIDS Wolf— The Lovvers LP (7.0/10)
At the Drive-In— Relationship of Command (6.0/10)
Bear vs Shark— Terrorhawk (7.0/10)
Bed In— TOKYO (8.0/10)
Charli XCX- Brat (9.0/10) (wasn’t part of this originally but i’m not gonna wait on new Charli)
Deerhoof— Apple O’ (8.0/10)
Divine— The Story So Far (7.5/10)
The Durutti Column— The Return of the Durutti Column (8.0/10)
Earl Sweatshirt— Feet of Clay (9.0/10)
Echo & the Bunnymen— Heaven Up Here (7.5/10)
Fire Party— Complete Discography (7.5/10)
The Flashbulb— Soundtrack to a Vacant Life (6.5/10)
Grizzly Bear— Yellow House (5.5/10)
Grouper— Dragging A Dead Deer Up A Hill (8.5/10)
Guided by Voices— Vampire on Titus (9.0/10)
Jedi Mind Tricks— The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness (7.0/10)
Love— Da Capo (8.0/10)
Mercury Rev— Boces (9.0/10)
Mikel Rouse— Dennis Cleveland (8.0/10)
Nitzer Ebb— That Total Age (7.5/10)
Nuno Canavarro— Plux Quba (10/10)
Opeth— Blackwater Park (8.0/10)
Rhys Chatham— An Angel Moves Too Fast to See (8.0/10)
Ron Nagorcka— Lovregana: Music from a Tasmanian Forest (9.0/10)
Ultramagnetic MC’s— Critical Beatdown (8.5/10)
The Verve— A Storm in Heaven (8.5/10)
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klqrambles · 1 year
“Weird autumn” with fem!Salieri or Mikelangelo!Salieri if you don’t mind
The angel au is lovely 😊
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Ive never actually drawn Mikele before I hope this' close enough asldfkjahlskdjfh
and thanks :33333333
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arsenalgbt · 1 month
question about arranged marriage au - what do you think brought declan and kai closer together over their marriage? clearly there’s some love there, was it born from familiarity? proximity? expectation/pressure from the outside? and do they have different answers to this? i’m so invested in their story!!!
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since we already have 6? 7? chapters and the layers have been peeled slooooowly, I can answer SOME of these questions (lol @staydaydreaming the og spoiler central)
easy; familiarity, proximity, and good sex yo. if ya remember, even Declan was willing to bottom a couple of times for kai, but kai was not into it, never came (aka Declan's dick game is >>>>>>>>).
the attraction was there, albeit Declan thinking kai being too skinny to his liking when they first got introduced ("Mikel, is he using?" >>> real comment from Declan when kai enters the private dining room); kai's kind heart and behaviour shone thru bro like... I think Declan sees kai as an angel ya feel me? kind to staff, kind to animals, kind to people of every age despite being a billionaire's son ok!!! Declan would consider himself a good man too, but kai is just... on another level ok!!
the last white guy kai dated was his high school sweetheart Julian - and uh, he's getting married to a white British man? must be a bori---W R O N G. Declan can be funny with his cluelessness ("All kittens were born with blue eyes? Then their eyes change?" / "I'm supposed to drink water after drinking juice?" / "How am I supposed to condition my hair but I can't get the product on my scalp? I have short hair!" / "The beautiful peacocks are MALES?" / "DOLPHINS ARE EVIL?"). he's gentle, soft spoken but talks a lot and kai likes listening to him. he is always considerate to everyone, always prioritising everyone before himself.
there's no expectations or pressure whatsoever! their, cough, love grows organically yo we just need them to actually say the L word to each other 😭😭😭
tell me what u think anon!
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team-mythic-beasts · 6 months
Meetings in Tumblr, Part 1: Another Me, Another Friend
By Lucas “Luke” Reynard
(feat. @tolyys’ Luke!)
Somehow after Makoto made that first post, we all had tiny paw prints marked on our faces. Most of us got regular ones, but Mikel’s, one of Makoto’s, and mine were bright green. Curious, I took over our blog for the day to see for myself what this was all about.
And then I found… someone.
“You’re finally here! I was wondering when you’d show up.”
That guy looks almost exactly like me, but with cheeks as freckled as Mikel’s and sapphires for eyes. He also wears a lot of fur… I have never been able to put on any kind of fuzzy clothes without melting into a puddle.
How does he do it, though? Maybe it’s got something to do with that minty cyan pendant. Such an intense, cooling aura that bright jewel radiates… one that might turn my fingers to ice if I ever dared touch it.
But my mind quickly turned towards his paw print. Another victim of the A-paw-calypse, perhaps? I quickly asked how he got that mark.
“Some girl stamped it on my face. I think her name was Makoto?”
Ah. So that’s what happened.
After that exchange, he took me on a tour around the platform, and we shared any facts about each other that came to mind. It was then that I became certain— same first name (his is spelled with a K but it works), same birthday, same reason for traveling… this guy is the “other me” Makoto once told me about.
Speaking of Makoto, we had to bring up our designers at some point… I have nothing but the utmost respect for his. Unlike mine, this Ben guy seems to know what he’s doing; nearly seven years have passed since the day this “other me” was placed in his care, and he’s stuck to his original plans to this day! Wow, now I feel lucky to have gotten a green paw print from him.
We soon had to part ways, but he promised to visit me again soon. Before he left, he suggested I call him Prins— Apparently that’s the word for “prince” in his native language. In return, I let him refer to me as Angel.
“Yay! We’re quickly becoming good friends!”
Well, I certainly hope so, Prins.
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(w/o paw prints)
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azrael-arryn · 3 months
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I haven't posted OC content in a hot minute so heres some sketch doodles of one of my newest lil guys, Mikel (pronounced Michael)
He's my lucifer x angel dust fankid!
I'll make a fully colored reference for him soon :3
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cruelseraph-art · 2 years
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in the garden
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everydayclutter · 2 years
keep bleeding, keep bleeding love
Summary: Bukayo just wants to heal Gabi.
Pairing: Bukayo Saka/Gabriel Martinelli, Fabio Vieira/Gabriel Martinelli
Set sometime at the start of this season.
As usual, set within my supernatural/superpower au.
I'm blaming @sophpisticated for giving me the idea about what Fabio should be in this au XD jk you know I love you bestie.
There's a reason why healing magic is one of the most complicated branches of magic, as Mikel and Hector always say. You don't just wave your hand and recite a spell and poof, your wounds gone. You need to have at least basic knowledge of the human body, know the extent of the injuries, and understand exactly what you're doing there, lest you'd botch it and the person you're supposed to fix ends up with a reversed knee or something. But despite all the warnings, there's also another reason why Bukayo insists on mastering it anyway.
And the reason happens to be a Brazilian, three months older and two centimeters taller than him, who plays on the opposite wing of him and goes by the name of Gabriel Martinelli.
Gabi is a nice kid, a talented footballer, and a great friend. But he was born with a rather sinister superpower – the ability to control and manipulate blood. Only his own, though, not others'. And to utilize it, he has to get the blood out of his system – in other words, he has to cut himself.
Thankfully, Gabi's power allows him to force his blood to clot, so he wouldn't bleed to death while using it, but it doesn't alleviate the pain, and more often than not, leaves him with ugly scars. Usually Mikel or Gary O'Driscoll, their club doctor, helps to heal the wounds, but Bukayo wants to be able to do that too. He wishes to be the one Gabi can rely on to heal him whenever and wherever, the one Gabi can trust to keep himself safe, the one who can protect Gabi when things get ugly.
So Bukayo does his best, asking Dr. Gary for private lessons, squeezing every knowledge out of any spellbooks he could find, even rooting for some old papyrus that Mo secretly keeps in his possession, and he thinks he's starting to make good progress at it. (The fact that he has angel blood in him might help, though).
But then the 2021/22 season ends and summer break rolls along, and with it comes Fabio.
Fabio is small and slender, with slightly droopy dark eyes and goatee, and an unfortunate destiny of sharing the same last name with a certain Arsenal legend. He's a bit shy, but also kind and funny, and after spending some time with him Bukayo decides he likes him. And he also happens to be a centaur.
Now, Bukayo has nothing against centaurs. He's never met one before, but he knows they're amazing creatures, powerful and noble, and Arsenal are lucky to have one in the team. Centaurs also happen to be very talented in divination and healing, and Bukayo's already excited imagining all the healing tricks he'd be able to learn from the new guy.
He doesn't realize that Fabio could just easily take over all the healing job himself.
Now Bukayo looks on as Fabio kneels beside Gabi after one particularly horrifying battle, muttering ancient spells while Gabi's exposed wounds stitch themselves close under his command. And he sees the expression on Gabi's face – gentle, adoring, infatuated.
And it strikes Bukayo like an arrow stabbed right into his heart.
Gabi is in love.
He's in love with Fabio.
And judging from the small, lovesick smile on Fabio's lips, he feels the same.
Well, come to think of it, why shouldn't they? They've been almost literally attached on the hips since the day Fabio came, they speak in more or less the same language, Fabio can give Gabi the one thing he needs the most… Bukayo can see why Gabi's falling hard for the Portuguese.
Taking a deep breath, Bukayo turns around and starts to walk away.
He resolves not to disturb the happy couple, no matter what. He might be in love with Gabi, but he definitely can't help whom Gabi's fancies lie on, and he'll do anything for the Brazilian's happiness. Even if that means killing his own feelings. Even if that means seeing Gabi smiling together with Fabio for the rest of his life.
Bukayo's so deep in his thoughts that he doesn't hear the sound of footsteps behind him, nor does a familiar voice yelling his name. He's only snapped out of his reverie when someone tugs on his arm, followed by Gabi's soft voice, speaking to him.
"Bukayo, can we talk?"
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lanarchive · 2 years
literally how has stamford bridge not collapsed yet with the power of mikel’s ass and saliba’s angelic looks combined ?
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nagalias-mindscape · 1 year
… I made the mistake of reading prompt suggestions for stories while needing to write for my SCP fanfic.
On one hand, I wrote nothing of importance chapter wise.
On the other hand, I now have dialogue lines for different characters and their interactions. I got a feel for plot points AND character personalities.
I’m not certain what the net gain/loss is on this. Different things I’ve decided on for my story are below Warning: may be a bit long.
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> Draven is a sweetheart, yeah, but also an asshole. “James told me it was wrong to wear a shirt with a target on it in light of last weeks assassination attempt on my life. So I changed it!” “… You’re wearing the same shirt, though?” “Nope! This one glows in the dark!”
> Iceberg and Alison are very much the stereotypical siblings who annoy each other, but heavens help you if you hurt one of them because the other gives no mercy.
> Draven and Iceberg should not be allowed alone together for more than 30 minutes (although they can still get into trouble in that time frame). James Talloran, pre SCP-3999, is not acceptable supervision for the two of them as he will enable their chaos. Post SCP-3999 is a different story.
> Iceberg’s gradual change in personality (actively hostile -> passively annoyed -> resigned acceptance of not having a personal space) confuses everyone who isn’t in his immediate circle of interactions and doesn’t know what happened (Meridiana happened. She’s a force of nature).
> Dr. Gears has many regrets about letting Alison and Iceberg interact as often as they do, but no one has more regrets than Aaron Siegel (O-1) who suffers the combined forces of the two to annoy him.
> SCP-166 (Meridiana) is an innocent angel, don’t let Allison and Iceberg tell you otherwise.
> Iceberg 100% relearns sarcasm from Alison and his days are never filled with boredom again, much to many people’s horror.
> For all that Alison and Iceberg are siblings who will absolutely knife someone who messes with the other, they did originally meet under some unfavorable terms… that mostly raised questions in Alisons head about what the fuck kind of person Iceberg is to not even be concerned that she’s been actively trying to kill him for multiple hours in a row.
> The more I write it, the more the idea of Iceberg x Simon Glass is making me coo. They can be very sweet on each other… while still also being terrifying.
> Julian may not be the leader of the Chaos Siblings (TJ Bright, Alison Chao, Meridiana, Iceberg, Draven, James, and whoever else I add to this pile), he is also usually the one who startles the rest by just appearing in a room their in. Because he checked for a back door.
> Neither Dr. Bright or Mikell Bright are part of the “Chaos Siblings” but that’s fine with them. They’re just happy TJ can try to be a relatively non-anomalous kid around Iceberg.
> Meridiana needs to stop trying to pick up flowers she sees and eat them. “That… was a paper flower, Meri.” “… That does explain the weird aftertaste.”
> James and Draven can bicker like an old married couple, and they are 1000% smitten with each other. You think Glass and Iceberg can be diabetes-inducing? James and Draven are 500% worse.
> Meridiana has no qualms about going with the flow when one her pseudo siblings decides they want to cause chaos. She’s usually the one cheering them on- unless it involves potentially hurting someone.
> SCP-3999 does not like Iceberg. At all. It will tolerate him simply because it literally can’t do anything to him. James occasionally crashes in Iceberg’s room when reality decides it wants to upend itself around him for this reason.
> On the flip side, 408 adores Iceberg because he reunited Draven and Dr. Kondraki and got the two reconcile. And Dr. Kondraki to ease off the alcohol.
> Dr. Glass loves his job, really he does! He loves the people he takes care of, too. He also wants to break shit and scream, because holy shit the Foundation is a stressful place to work and why is it too mich to ask for people to try to be functional adults?
> Iceberg has trouble believing all the bullshit that happens around him. The world made more sense before he was made to go back to school, although he will admit it’s more fun now.
> If you stick your fingers in his mouth, Iceberg will bite down regardless of how awake or asleep he is at the time. Dr. Glass discovered this the hard way.
> Iceberg regrets ever teaching Meridiana about his bombs. Like, major regrets. The only thing that’s stopping him from full-on panic is that Meridiana prefers peaceful solutions over violence. (He also might need a geiger counter, now, but that’s a Future-Iceberg problem).
> Dr. Clef is a dramatic asshole when it comes to parent-teacher conferences. Dr. Gears is suffering silently whenever they both have to arrive together and he has to listen to Dr. Clef mock-whine.
> Because of Iceberg, Family reunions are terrifying times for a lot of people. (Think of the Siegel-Gears-Chao chaos, and add in the Bright, Kondraki, and whatever last name Clef uses families. It’s total chaos all around).
> Alison is the first person to question anyone who claims Iceberg is dead, regardless of what “proof” is presented to her. No one gets to kill Iceberg until she does. The same is true of any rumors of her grandfather’s demise.
> Iceberg has 100% been inside the Wanderer’s Library to bring soup to Alison whenever she gets sick. It annoys the other people on how he’s getting in without triggering anything.
> Iceberg will shiv someone who touches any chocolate that’s marked as his. Eat the last chocolate in his hidden stash? Sleep with both eyes open because Iceberg will get his revenge.
> Iceberg is very tempted by Alison’s offer of going no-contact with the Foundation via hiding in the Wanderer’s Library full time, but ultimately decides against it.
> Meridiana and Alison quickly learn better than to jokingly challenge Iceberg to something as he will do it- one only needs to look back at the swimming challenge issued to Iceberg to realize this.
> For the purposes of Plot Hilarity (and because all claim to reality has been trashed), Iceberg is ‘immune’ to SCP-963 with a caveat. He’ll still die if it comes into contact with his skin, but the amulet immediately triggers Iceberg’s anomaly into trying to defend himself- so amulet gets frozen solid on the side facing Iceberg. Said amulet, and Dr. Bright, are both fine after being scrapped off of Iceberg. This is one of the few instances of something continuing to work after coming into contact with the full force of Iceberg’s ‘energy’ draining properties.
> Iceberg meets many members of the O5. Usually without him knowing. He would like the Assassin to stop using his apartment as cold-body storage, however. He’ll keep the poisons without complaint, mind you.
> Draven and James are both horrified when they learned that not only is Iceberg amazing at making explosives, he’s pretty decent at picking locks, making poisons, and hacking electronics (not that he’s been able to do much of that last one since got his anomaly), but that he also taught Meridiana how to do all that too and she’s decent at them, too.
> Alison 100% teaches Meridiana about memes, just to fuck with Dr. Clef.
> For a new years party, Dr. Kondraki notes barrels of explosives. Iceberg is offened at the implication that they may be store-bought because that’s no fun.
> Alison would very much like to know the definition of the word “legal” that people keep questioning her about.
> Alison worries about her brother- she asked for flirting tips from the ONE person she personally knows in a stable (and healthy!) relationship, and got told “don’t do what Simon did and throw knives at the object of your affection”.
> It actually startles- and scares- Iceberg the day he realizes the family group he managed to gather around himself are here to stay. As in, it’s not just a cover story anymore- it’s full on reality. No going back, now.
> Alison is 100% the sort of person who would smack Dr. Clef with a salmon simply because the salmon was on sale. Full price salmon? Nah, not worth the money.
> Draven’s response to the BS he can get into is usually “In my defense, James left me unsupervised.” This a valid- and acceptable- response for the Foundation.
> Alison was gifted a cursed / possessed Furby by Iceberg. Allison adores it, especially after it tries (and fails) to stab her grandfather.
> Dr. Glass is 100% the sort of person who would find an abandoned pet on the side of the road and decide to keep them. This amuses and exasperates Iceberg- whose anomaly makes keeping standard household pets a real trial.
> One of the few things Iceberg cannot teach Meridiana how to do, is cook. Not because he can’t cook, but because they will inevitably end up with a kitchen being on fire. Somehow.
> Dr. Bright has no reality-bending abilities. This does not stop Dr. Clef from being suspicious of where Dr. Bright keep pulling out all those snacks from.
> Dr. Bright has been known to use said snacks to bribe favors out of Iceberg. This works without fail, since Dr. Bright uses chocolate against him.
> Iceberg would totally swallow a grenade on accident.
> If you think Dr. Glass can be terrifying, you should meet his mothers. He claims they can be far more terrifying, although Iceberg doesn’t get it since they were absolutely smitten with him over making their son a happy man.
> Alison is absolutely blown away by the eventual trust Iceberg puts into her. She’s family, as far as he’s concerned- why wouldn’t he trust her?
> That same trust is given to all his siblings- even TJ.
> That trust is also given back, much to Iceberg’s confusion. He still don’t get how actual families work, but he’s been told that’s fine. He’ll learn eventually.
> Iceberg doesn’t really care for Mikell Bright, but will happily help make Adam Bright’s week a whole lot worse if Mikell or Dr. Bright asks.
> If Aaron Siegel finds his drinks poisoned, chances are Alison had a hand in it. Even if it was literally impossible for her to have done it or organized it, 80% of the time it was her fault.
> If Draven ever has a terrible idea for something, he’ll tell Iceberg instead of James.
> When asked about how his childhood self imagined his future to be, Iceberg will remark “I was making explosives when I was five- the fact that I’m still alive comes as a surprise to present me.”
> Iceberg will never say he had a boring childhood- he was making explosives! That said, he’d happily trade all the explosives and excitement for having had an actual family who gave a damn…. But not anymore, now that he’s got a family to belong to. One that does give a damn about him.
> The Chaos Siblings like to rib Iceberg, who takes it all with grace. They all know that O5 would look the other way if Iceberg took real offense- without meaning to, he became too valuable to depose of. As long as Iceberg does things within reason, they’re usually content to leave him be.
> Anytime Dr. Clef remarks his surprise at something his daughter knows that doesn’t seem like something she should know, chances are 50-50 on either Alison or Iceberg having taught it to her.
> Speaking of Chaos Siblings and Family Reunions, Iceberg has a bit of a habit of getting adopted. First by Dr. Gears, then by Meridiana, then by Draven, and then by TJ Bright.
> I have 0 clue if I’m going to add Sigguros of this equation, but Iceberg would be the one adopting her (as a sibling). Doesn’t matter that she’s a fully grown adult, he’s going to take care of her like Meridiana took care of him.
> People at the school are terrified when they get to know Iceberg and realize that he has MORE family than just him and Meridiana, and he’s nowhere near the most dramatic of them. “Also, with this family, who said there’s sense to be had?”
> Draven and Iceberg are totally the two-brain cell duo. The trouble they can get into together makes for quality entertainment and a very unique kind of stupidity. Usually at their own expense, which is fine since Foundation healthcare is pretty top-tier.
—- —- —-
I have so many more thigns I could mention, but my hand is cramping from holding the phone and it’s basically 3 in the morning. Yuck.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 10 months
For the ask game: 3, 19, 29, 30?
3. i am most proud of "visited upon the sons." i think the quality of all my writing was questionable this year, but this fic did exactly what i wanted it to do, and it was so fun to write, once i got in the headspace, that i still miss it. it was also fun getting to write a whole "making of" post about it.
wait guys i hit post too soon LOL watch this space
19. let's see, i already said pepling and frank+daddy A...i would like to write the gross jamie x franko x christine threesome, i won't lie! i'd also love to explore more of Frank Sr's motivations for how he feels about harry 👀
29. i can't choose favorites of anything! i do love:
-But here he is kissing Rob in Rob’s car with the steering wheel on the wrong side and it doesn’t feel anything but right.  from "the prerogative to have a little fun"
-You will remember Granit Xhaka’s last night in this office, on this desk, glowing like something more than human, as much as he’d insist he was no more than a man.  Glowing like an angel—the kinds from the Bible, the ones so beautiful and terrible, the kinds whom God trusts to convey His messages.
You’d always thought of Granit as your beautiful beast, but in the end you were wrong.  You met him as a beast.  He left you as an angel.
Only a supernatural force could move on from this, and you, Mikel Arteta, with the name everyone but Granit mispronounces, are exceptional, but you are human too.  You had an angel in your office, and now there’s a darkness around the edges of the room that the overhead lights can’t dream of illuminating. from "how to stay there"
and of course--everyone knows i'll say this!!--
And now he’s alone.  Or is he? 
There’s a ghost somewhere in the ripped pieces on the floor, and there’s a ghost in bed with Mason.
And the ghost has a name—he’s never known before, and he’s wondered for decades now. It has the same name as the one on the Wall of Fame at Stamford Bridge.  It has the same name as the one there, ripped and thrown to the bedroom floor.  It has the same name as Dad, as it happens.  And it’s here, thinking his thoughts.  Holding his Mason tight like it loves him. from "visited upon the sons"
but also from there i like--well i like the whole fic but i also enjoy--
Mason saying “I love you, daddy,” like the wind’s been knocked out of him.
He thinks of the West Ham jersey crumpled in the bedroom.  God, why?  Why has he kept it?  Why does he talk about the bad times out in public, so openly it seems to go against some kind of survival instinct? 
Dad’s never mentioned it.  Never said son we should talk about all that. Never even said why the fuck do you bring that old shit up?  Crying for some cake again Frankie, ain't you?  Never, nothing, like he’d never told the stories, like he’d opened his mouth and no sound had come out.
He gropes behind him with the hand that’s not down the back of Mason’s joggers, finds the neck of the rosé bottle.  There’s still some left. He drinks right out of the bottle. 
“Don’t get drunk, daddy,” Mason giggles.  “You’re my manager.”
Mason, Mason, Mason.  Don’t get drunk, daddy.  You’re his manager.  Even though Jamie got drunk, Jamie and Dad and Uncle Harry and—Jamie and—
He presses his forehead to Mason’s and then kisses him and tastes his moans, sweet like wine against his lips.
30. the biggest surprise while writing actually came from writing "visited upon the sons!" i don't really follow many gender or sexuality expectations but also sort of don't advertise this in the real world--i just live my life--and i came away from writing this realizing how much i truly hate and not just hate--resent!--heteronormative societal expectations being put on me. in most of 2023 i was putting in the hard work trying to feel comfortable around "normal" people and a lot of this involved me being a part of conversations with very very typical "cishet" opinions like 'can men and women truly be FRIENDS' and 'i hate waxing and it's expensive but i gotta do it for my boyfriend!' all of which left me very "bitch, you live like this?" i realized when writing frank's memories that the extent to which he is so tired of Lads always bringing up The Ladies is very much a reflection of something i felt strongly about that i didn't even realize. and genuinely, i think realizing this helped me feel so much more comfortable in my own skin? so thank you, Fucked Up Franko <3 viva la lampardverse!
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