#Milk hall raccord
shonenkun309 · 2 years
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A/N : This fanfiction takes place after the events of all the 2 factions routes (except Night faction and Aizen Route becaus I start writing before theirs so it'll be hard to change the plot after reaching this far), I may have taken some of the events of the Night Faction routes and applied them here, containing some triggers, blood and mentioning of death and some self harm so feel free to ignore my fiction or my whole blog, if there's any spelling mistakes please ignore them because ENGLISH isn't my mother language, This'll be a (Futaba x Koga) fanfiction, so sorry for those who don't take Koga as love interest.
𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑭𝒖𝒏 ~𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒏~
Words : 2208 counts
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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 1
It was a hectic day at The Capital, specifically at Raccord, as Aoi, the Satori seer Ayakashi, scrambled to fulfill every order that was pouring in. His job was anything but easy, as he had to navigate between the packed tables and running back and forth to make sure that each dish made it to the right customer. Just as Aoi managed to finish one order, the small jingle on the front door signaled for another customer. It was a never-ending cycle, and he was feeling the strain of his efforts. Nachi, huffing, carried a heavy tray of dishes to the kitchen. "There's still more coming," he warned him, but Aoi was too focused on the tasks at hand to slow down. Just then, a familiar voice called from the kitchen. "Nachi, bring the dishes over here!" It was Futaba, who never hesitated to jump in and lend a hand whenever things got hectic. Aoi was grateful for Futaba's help, especially since Oji, the owner of the restaurant, was notorious for being clumsy and always breaking things. He was always making messes, so it was a good thing that Futaba was there to help clean up after him. Futaba entered the main hall with a tray loaded with steaming hot plates. She gave Aoi a supportive smile as she took control of the situation. "No problem, Aoi!" she said cheerfully. "I'm happy to help out!" Aoi felt relieved and grateful to see Futaba's warm smile and, knowing his usual self, blushed appreciating Futaba's help "S- sure!" He said with an obvious stutter...
It had been a long day at the milk hall, with orders pouring in and customers flooding the dining hall. Nachi, let out a long sigh as he slowly stretched his aching body. "I'm so tired," he said as he leaned against the wall. "I'm afraid I might fall asleep and never wake up." Futaba, who had been helping out in the kitchen, laughed. "You're just exaggerating," she said, giving him a reassuring smile. Meanwhile Aoi, rolled his eyes at Oji, the milk hall's owner, who had been slacking off all day "Can you at least do something useful for once?" He grumbled, glaring at him. Oji shrugged and shot him one of his smiles. "Lighten up, Aoi. You've got your hands full with me as it is," he said, waving his hand dismissively.
As the sun began to set, it was finally time for the hall to close. "Alright, we're done here," said Futaba as she grabbed her bag. "I'll see you two again soon!" Oji, who had been listening quietly, took the opportunity to make one last flirty remark. "Stop by anytime, bright eyes. Aoi'll be waiting for you." Aoi's face turned a dark shade of red as he scoffed. "Just shut up already," he replied, turning his face away. Futaba and Nachi said their goodbyes and left, leaving Aoi and Oji behind.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city, Futaba let out a contented sigh, feeling the weight of her worries lifting off her shoulders. The streets around her were filled with people, laughing, chatting, and going about their daily lives. It had been so long since she'd seen such a bustling scene, and she felt a sense of freedom and joy that she hadn't experienced in ages. "Are you tired, Futaba?" Nachi's voice startled her out of her thoughts, and she turned to see him looking at her with concern in his eyes. Futaba's lips curled into a small smile as she shook her head. "Don't worry about me, Nachi. I just feel...free." She gestured at the bustling city around them, taking in the sights and sounds of the people who filled the streets. "I'm just relieved that the Capital is back to its usual color. No more Red Eye Demon or any other monsters or Youjin experiments." Nachi seemed to be processing her words, his cat-like face creasing with confusion. "I don't get it," he finally said. Futaba laughed, feeling the weight of her worries lift off her shoulders. "I'm back to being a normal schoolgirl, Nachi. No Kagura bell wand around, no more fear of being killed by a wraith, no more hiding." She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the world lifting off her shoulders. "It's an amazing feeling, isn't it?" Nachi looked at her with a mix of admiration and concern. "I'm glad you feel that way, Futaba. You deserve it after all you've been through." Futaba smiled at him, feeling grateful for his friendship. "Thank you, Nachi." But as Futaba walked through the streets, her thoughts turned to her Ayakashi friends who she'd shared so many adventures with. She smiled fondly as she remembered their patrols, spending long nights purifying the city and fighting off wraiths side by side. Those were the days when they were a tightknit group, always there for each other no matter what challenge they faced. But things were different now. They all had their own lives to take care of, and their paths didn't cross nearly as often as they used to. Futaba knew that it was the natural course of things, but she couldn't help feeling a twinge of sadness as she realized how much she missed them. And finally, Futaba and Nachi arrived home...
Futaba burst through the front door, shouting "We're home!" but the echoes of her voice were met with silence. As she stepped into the entryway, she spied Nachi beside her, his feline features contorted with concern. "Is Dad home?" Nachi asked quietly, his ears flattening against his head. Futaba smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Looks like he's in the sun room again," she said with a chuckle. "But that's nothing new." Together, they made their way to the sun room, which was filled with the warmth of the setting sun. As they peeked around the doorframe, they saw Futaba's father, Mototaka, sitting at the table with Koga, her boyfriend. The two men were deep in conversation, their voices echoing through the room.
Futaba took a deep breath, feeling a sense of excitement building within her. "Good evening, both of you," she greeted, her voice filled with warmth. Mototaka looked up, a smile spreading across his face as he noticed her. "Oh, Futaba, I didn't hear you coming." Koga grinned, an irrepressible charm radiating from him. "I had come to see you, but I was surprised that your father was here, and we talked as usual." Futaba chuckled softly, feeling the weight of the day sliding off her shoulders. "I should have seen that coming. Once you two get started, you're so immersed in your conversation that you lose track of time." Mototaka chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Oh, it's sunset already? The time went by so fast."
"I knew it," Futaba sighs jokingly as she got used to her father's habits, And Koga continued with his usual cheerful nature "I'm to blame for this, I can't seem to keep my mouth shut when I'm with your father, hahaha." As they spoke and joked, Futaba couldn't help but notice the way that Koga and her father always seemed to get along so well. It was almost as if they were best friends, with their never-ending conversations and mutual interests.
"Koga has become part of the family, after all," Mototaka said with a fond smile, patting Koga's shoulder. Futaba, feeling a warm blush creep across her cheeks, looked down to hide her embarrassment. She had always known how much her father adored Koga, but to hear him acknowledge it so openly made her feel...different. Koga, sensing her discomfort, flashed her a charming grin. "Now you've made her blush, Mr. Mototaka," he said, his voice laced with a teasing tone. Mototaka leaned back in his chair, his expression turning thoughtful. "I'm not wrong, am I?" he asked, his eyes meeting Futaba's. Futaba couldn't help but chuckle, her gaze still fixed on the ground. "I guess not," she admitted, finally lifting her eyes to meet her father's. "I'm glad you consider me part of your family, but I'm afraid I've taken up your time so I'll excuse myself," he said, his voice laced with a melancholic tone. Futaba noticed the sadness in Koga's eyes and felt a pang of guilt. She had been too caught up in her own thoughts to realize how much time had passed. Koga walked over to her, his hand reaching out to give her a small head pat. His charming smile lit up his face, giving her a sense of comfort.
"The reason I came was to tell you that I'll be leaving for a few days. I have business to attend to outside the capital. But I expect you to wait for my return, okay?" Koga said, his voice soft and reassuring. Futaba smiled up at him, feeling her heartbeat accelerate. "I'll be waiting for your return, and good luck with your work, Koga. I'll miss you," she said, her voice trembling slightly. A moment of uncomfortable silence passed between the two as they looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity. He cleared his throat, breaking the tension. "I'll miss you too," he said, his voice catching in his throat. Koga's heart ached as he realized how much he was going to miss Futaba's cheerful presence. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and never let go.
Nachi, recognizing the moment, meowed softly as a warning. Futaba's eyes widened as she realized that her father was still there, watching them with a warm smile on his face. The moon was full in the sky, its light casting a warm glow over the scene. Koga and Futaba stood there for a moment longer, taking in the beauty of the night and each other.
Futaba was in the middle of preparing dinner when she saw her father in the living room, his expression grave. She immediately sensed something was off, but before she could ask, he held up a newspaper and her heart sank. She walked over to his side, "Father, is everything alright?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern. "Don't worry, Futaba, it's nothing that serious," he reassured, his expression softening as he continued. "I'll be gone for a few days, Futaba, so..." he said, his voice firm. Futaba nodded, her heart racing. She had done this before, but not for such a long time. Nachi, sensing her anxiety, jumped onto her lap and began to purr. "I can handle it, father," she said, her voice steady. "Nachi will help me, won't you, Nachi?" Nachi let out a melodic purr, as if to reassure her. Futaba let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. "I'll leave you two to it then," Mototaka said, his voice softer now. "Just be careful, and call me if you need anything." Futaba nodded and Nachi purred in her lap, sensing the sudden calmness in the air. Futaba drew a deep breath, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, with Nachi by her side.
Futaba and Nachi walked down the busy sidewalks of the city, dodging the crowded people and cars. They were on their way to school together, with Nachi riding on Futaba's shoulder. As they walked, they heard a familiar voice calling out to them. Futaba turned around to see the friendly form of Kuro, a Neu Chimera Ayakashi who lived nearby and Futaba waved to him happily. "Hi, Kuro!" Kuro waved back with a wide smile. "Howdy, Futaba? Heading to school?" "Yep," Futaba confirmed. "Are you planning to go to Raccord with Ginnojo after work?" Kuro nodded, a friendly wink in his eye. "Of course, you know how much I like to go there when I finish practicing." Nachi let out a small hiss at him, but Kuro laughed it off, giving Nachi a head pat. "Oh, don't worry Nach-Nach, I'm glad to have you too around, more friends means more fun, am I right?" Futaba laughed at this, still enjoying the company of her animal friends. After revealing their plans for each other, they parted ways, each going their own separate ways to school and work.
Futaba walked through the halls of her school, lost in thought as she worked on her studies. But then, she caught the faint sound of whispers from behind her. She turned to see two girls from her class gossiping about something she couldn't catch. They hushed each other, looking around nervously as they continued their conversation. "Are you sure?" one of them asked. "I've heard a lot of rumors, people collapsing without warning." Futaba's heart skipped a beat as she realized they were talking about something serious. She leaned in, trying to hear more, but they seemed to have noticed her and fell silent. Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling the end of school hours. Futaba grabbed her bag and made her way out the doors, mind reeling with questions. But as she stepped outside, "Nachi, sorry to keep you waiting-" but she stopped, she saw something that froze her in place. Her companion, Nachi, was huddled in the lap of another person, fast asleep.
𝑇𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒𝑑...➡➡➡
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nanamisflowerfield · 2 years
hello !! may i request a scenario with ginnojo from ayakashi rr with the prompt that says "I-I-I wasn‘t drawing you! Don‘t stare at it!" ? um for reader they like to draw but they arent confident in their abilities and tend to hide their works from other ppl !! if its alright to specify aha- tysm !!
Ahh thanks for the lovely request! I'm sorry that it took me so long to write it! I hope that you like it and have a great day!💕💕
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You were sitting at a corner in one lovely known place. The one you knew better than most people, except for Ginnojo of course, as he was the one who works at Kusanagi Books. The one book store that belonged to him and was next to the Milk Hall Raccord, which you also have often visited.
“Hello, (y/n).” You heard one familiar voice greeting you, as you closed the book that you were reading, cheeks a little bit pinkish. “Oh uh… Hello, Ginnojo.” You nodded towards him, sending him a warm smile. “Reading another book?” You nodded your head again, eyes moving down to the blueish book, too shy to answer him properly. The blue-haired ayakashi walked off, sorting the newer books into the bookshelves.
Your gaze wandered up, not meeting anyone’s, making you sigh in relief, before you grabbed a small notebook and start doodling and in there. Your eyes often moved up, not realizing that you were searching the owner of the book store. Were you really that madly in love with him? Or was it just a mere crush?
Hoping for the last one, you were continuing your drawing of one certain person who never leaves your mind. He was living there, rent-free. You were sure of it.
“Interesting. He looks like… me.” A voice whispered into your ear, making your back shiver by the soft voice. A small squek left your lips, as you turned around, putting your hands over the drawing. “I-I-I wasn‘t drawing you! Don‘t stare at it!”
Chuckling at you, Ginnojo nodded his head, knowing that you were drawing him. He might not know why, but he surely knew that it made him happy. “You are very good at it, (y/n).” You only shook your head at his words, denying it.
“No, I’m not…” You mumbled softly, but Ginnojo could be – surprisingly – stubborn too, so he grasped the notebook out of your hands to take a closer look at your lovely drawing. “I think you do. I really like it.” He said, eyes wandering towards your blushing and shocked face. “Y-You do…?”
He nodded again. “I do. If I might ask… May I keep it? I would be happy to see it and always think of you, whenever I see this lovely drawing.” He asked you, making you gulp at his question and nervous. He truly wanted to have it and also thought of it as a good drawing. Never have you thought that anybody would ever like it. “O-Of course… If you want it.”
The blue-haired ayakashi thanked you, smiling at you so sweetly that you thought that actual butterflies stormed in there. “N-No problem…”
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🔖 Taglist: (currently no one)
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Baking A "Cake"
Summary: While Aoi is out on an errand, everyone at Raccord feels like eating cake. But nobody knows how to actually bake a cake.
It is a pretty nice summer day. The milk hall is bustling with people.
Even Akiyasu and Kagemaru are here.
Tatsuomi, Aizen and Professor Koizumi too...
Suddenly, everyone feels like they want cake.
Yura is very thrilled about the idea of everyone enjoying sweet stuff.
There's no way Oji can be trusted when it comes to baking.
Toichiro says that cake dough is made of flour and eggs, or that's what he knows.
So here we go, everyone begins preparing the dough in a huge bowl.
Flour. There's flour everywhere...
Kuya and Koga crack some eggs.
But why does it look so sticky?
Oh no, Kuya dropped a little piece of eggshell into the dough-
Nachi, please don't add any sardines-
Koga thinks that all is going well and is having plenty fun himself.
Toichiro finds the situation amusing.
There's no way Shizuki is going to let Toichiro eat the cake if it gets too weird.
Looks like they forgot an important ingredient...
MILK? Where's the milk?
Oji pours a load of milk into the mixture of flour and eggs.
Tatsuomi flinches at the sight....
The dough looks too gooey........
Please, Aoi, please don't arrive now of all times.
Kagemaru and Akiyasu do not like how weird it looks.
"No no. You're all doing it wrong!"
Says the only one in the room who actually knows how to make cake.
Yes. Yakumo knows how.
He insists that they restart.
But nobody wants to lose their progress.
So Kuro suggests a really great idea of adding more flour and eggs.
Now it looks okay.
Yakumo says they need yeast.
They don't have any and no one is ready to go out and run into Aoi.
Ginnojo remembers he might have some cookbooks that have recipes for cakes.
So he fetches it in a few minutes.
Uh oh.
Turns out they did a lot of steps wrong.
At this rate, there's no going back...
Yura drops some sugar into the dough.
Gaku looks disgusted by the amount of sugar his brother just added.
Kagemaru and Toichiro are just there for the humour.
Shizuki and Akiyasu are tired of all that's going on.
Gaku wants to add some wasabi or chilli powder into the mix.
Please don't give Shizuki a heart attack.
Kagemaru likes the idea of adding sake and Koga agrees.
But Toichiro won't allow it.
* Yakumo facepalming at the back *
The huge container now goes to the oven.
Nearly twenty minutes later, the cake looks ready to be eaten.
Except it looks nearly inedible.
Too flat. Crusty edges and possibly burnt on the lower surface.
Aoi sure will have a surprise.
Oji cuts the cake into proportionate slices for all. Extra for Ginnojo.
Toichiro is too much of a snob to eat such weird stuff.
Kagemaru says that it's too ugly to be eaten by him.
Tatsuomi doesn't like milk and he prefers Japanese food anyway...
Aizen and Akiyasu had work to do, so they left.
Kuya is too busy sleeping to eat anything.
Gaku adds loads of wasabi into his share.
Yakumo and Shizuki are contemplating about the "cake".
Yura likes it's sweetness.
Ginnojo just eats it because all the work would simply go to waste otherwise.
The only ones truly happy with the cake are Koga, Yura, Kuro and Oji.
At least it's sweet and edible!
The door opens.
Aoi enters and starts complaining about Oji slacking again.
Then his eyes witness the little pieces of weird brownish mass.
Dread. Wrath. Disgust.
He doesn't know how to react.
"Go ahead. Eat the cake."
"That's a cake?! You utter fool!"
And nobody attempted to make a cake like that again.
Congratulations for coming this far! Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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hadzywritingarr · 3 years
*a s c e n d s* Suprise me with Aoi floof.
Oji buys a huge amount of coffee beans for no absolute reason
“Hey old man is this going on the menu or something?”
“Haha Aoi you���re funny what do you think, we’re a milk hall, not a coffee hall.”
“...tHen wHy-”
Poor Aoi, Oji giving him a hard time smh
But he can’t let the coffee beans go to waste, so he decides to brew a small amount to bring to the art school, because i mean, sleep-deprived art students are in need of coffee
It is there where he finds out about lattes and latte art!!!
I know that it maybe isn’t a huge boom back in the time period, but since they are art students, i feel like it might be popular among them to try and come up with new stuff to draw on their lattes
So after he returns to Raccord, he starts preparing to make a latte when you come along into the milk hall freezing from the cold outside.
After asking what he was doing, you both decide to create lattes because two brains are better than one, right?
Now I don’t know how to make lattes since I don’t drink coffee, but I want to imagine that both of you first make one simple cup (with simple patterns), and then start to progress into more on the pattern making
Both of you make heart lattes for each other and exchange them to drink inside the warm milk hall 🥰💞
It was one of the warmest and softest winter both of you has ever experienced in your whole life.
i hope you enjoy this, and i hope it isn't as crappy <3
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
A small writing about My OC Mari & Ayakashi: Romance Reborn's loveable motherly tsundere Satori, Aoi. Enjoy :) i wrote this after i was no longer sad :)
As the Christmas season breaks in once more, the soft white snow falls from the heavens and covers the now festive capital. Winter break falls in for lucky, and hardworking students and employees. Plus- people are either getting more sleepy or hungry. Depends on their situation.
Now, that aside. In this snow covered capital, a certain art student has been getting on his luck when it comes to art contests. He's either earning first prizes or trophies which astounds the ladies. Funny, good thing the lad is only interested in one girl. His girl. But of course, even if the situation is like that, jealousy can't be helped. And for a certain female whose hair matches the snow, she had a certain plan to make sure no one else steals her man.
Snow crunches on the ground as our merry mother-daughter two, Mari & Aoi walk back from their daily Christmas shopping and back to Raccord. Not only they're preparing for a huge Christmas party with Koga and the others. But they're also preparing some exchange gifts as well.
"Do we have everything in our list now dear?" Aoi questioned with a monotone yet sweet voice to the snow-haired female. "Yep! We even got our exchange gifts in hand so we don't have to worry about that mother!" The bubbly young female Mari exclaimed with a smile.
As they walked pass by a couple of women, they immediately exclaimed, "Hey! Isn't he the lucky man who always wins first place every art competition at our art school?"
"Yes he is! Ahh, he's so handsome!" Stated one of the girls in the group. "I heard he has a daughter, i bet it's the girl who's clinging into him" whispered another girl.
"That aside, he's perfect! I want him!" The main female of the group exclaimed.
As Aoi heard all of those, he sighed. "What i have here is luck or coincidence.. I'm not surprised if my paintings lately are that amazing." The male stated in a whisper.
"Ugh..." Mari slightly groaned while rolling her eyes. Jealousy can't be held back especially when the topic is about your beloved foster parent.
Mari held back to her tracks, eventually alarming Aoi as she stopped. "Eh-? Are you alright..?"
The small she looked at him with half blinded eyes filled with jealousy. "Once we get back to Raccord, may we settle this stuff and have a private chat alone, mother?" She asked with a tone that's literally filled with anger and jealousy
"But we need to-"
"Please? I'll make this quick." Before Aoi could speak, she immediately halted him. "Alright??" The magenta haired male couldn't help but nod in agreement as he was dragged back all the way back to the milk hall by a small 13 year old child.
After putting all groceries and items aside, the small female immediately dragged her mother all the way upstairs to his room. Confusing Oji the moment they got back.
"Wha- Mari-!"
"I wanna talk about our current situation!!" She started, using her strength as a dire wolf Ayakashi to yoink him to the floor. "Wha-? Current situation-" but before Aoi could even speak, he saw that Mari's eyes are filled with jealousy, anger, and slight sadness.
"I get that you're successful in art contests lately, i get that you're an amazing art student in your class, but what's with basically all women, from your classmates to people who heard of you talk about you and have the guts to flirt at you like that huh?" Mari started crossing her arms and looking at Aoi straight in the eyes. Her right ocean blue & left blinded eye meeting his emerald green ones.
"Mari, i get that you're jealous of basically every single lady flirting on me. I had to admit, I'm annoyed at it too. Hence why i do my best to avoid attention." Aoi reassured her calmly as he cups his big hands to her small, plump cheeks. "And i told you a million times, and I'll say it again. I'm not replacing you. To me, you're my only one. My one and only sunshine.." Aoi showed her a tender & gentle smile as his thumbs graze cross her cheeks.
Mari sighed softly as she wrapped her hands around his, "i know mom.. But i can't help myself..." Her upset expression changed into a sad one. "You already know how i am afraid of just being used and replaced like that.. And I'm sorry if i overthinked things. Again.." She immediately averted his gaze feeling completely ashamed.
Aoi then got on his knees to match Mari's short yet adorable height. His fingertips gently brushing away her bangs to make way for a sweet and reassuring forehead kiss. He then pulled her into a warm hug, his arms wrapping around her small body. "And I'll reassure you.. You won't lose me." He whispered to her as his palm gently strokes her soft, short, white hair.
"Mmm.." When it comes to gentle gestures like these, Mari immediately felt weak. Her arms wrapping around his neck and pulling her own body close to the hug. The little one is touch starved after all. "Thank you mommy.. But still.."
She adjusted her position to face him properly, "I don't wanna see other girls looking at you like that. I still feel jealous you know."
The male chuckled before pressing his forehead against hers, "..you're cute whenever you're jealous like that." It only made the child felt slightly flustered and annoyed, "mommm! You've gotta be kidding me!"
"Haha, sorry sorry dearie." Aoi kissed her cheek as a small apology before hugging her once more. "You know what.." Mari mumbled to him, "i made my decision."
Aoi titled his head in confusion, wondering what his daughter is about to say next.
"When i grew up and get a stable life as a researcher, I'm gonna marry you!!!"
"...!!!" That just give Aoi an attack he was not prepared for.
"B-But Mari, first of all I'm legally you foster parent! Even if you're not my real daughter, even if we're not related, it'll still be considered as incest!" Aoi immediately panicked at her statement.
"Did i say soon? Well sure i said that when I'm adult.. But if not in my adulthood or 20's, I'll still find a way to marry you someday!" She had a bold smile on her face as she looked at him. "That way, once i married you, not only any girl will finally leave you alone, but also you and i will be together!"
"...remember, I'm serious with my words. I'm not joking when i say this. I will marry you someday. Just you wait." Mari interrupted Aoi's sentence for the second time, while having a serious yet sincere look on her face.
"...heh." Aoi had a surprised, confused face before he could even chuckle at his foster daughter's expense.
"What? Why are you laughing?" She titled her head in confusion as Aoi chuckles at her.
"If you say so, then I'll be waiting for the year of our marriage."
"...!!!" Her eyes widened, "w-wait-.. are you serious-?" She asked in almost a stuttering manner.
"Well if you're serious with your words. I'm serious with mine too. If you and I can't get married in our adulthood, we can wait for that moment where we can get married. We are immortal since we're Ayakashi anyway, so we can wait for the moment anytime at all." His eyes met hers, he had a loyal & faithful smile. And his right hand cupped her soft right cheek.
"Mom- no, Aoi.." Mari smiled at him, her eyes shining with happiness and relief. "Promise me you'll wait okay? And promise me you won't forget this promise we made.." She stuck out her pinky finger, waiting for Aoi to link it with hers as a symbol of a pinky promise.
"Promise.. I will wait for that day." Aoi smiled at her as they intertwined their pinkies as a symbol of their promise- no, vow of future marriage.
"Thank you..!!!" Mari happily hugged Aoi, her small arms and hands wrapping around his large, sturdy frame.
Aoi hugged his precious, small ball of sunshine back. Forming a smile that reached ear to ear as he felt her warmth and softness to his. "You're welcome anytime Mari.."
Mari then kissed his cheek, making him blush unexpectedly. "I love you!"
Aoi slightly shook his head and kissed her cheek back, "I love you too.."
As Mari & Aoi stood up and go back downstairs, they already practice making the food for the Christmas party they're gonna held on Christmas day. But, they both have smiles on their faces. Plus Aoi's in a good mood that no one's ever witnessed before, that it's kinda scary.
...funny, Oji secretly heard their convo. But he can tease Aoi another day. Seeing him, and his so called "future wife" smile is a blessing either everyone wanted or unexpectedly got.
Hence the day ended in a promise that'll last for a lifetime and with smiles too. I wonder, will that promise come true? I'll leave it up to your imagination~
Ayo @ikemensweetheart this is actually my planned Gacha Club skit, whaddya think? Also I'm now okay ^^
Also thanks for reading :) have my future hubby ;)
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Well i guess i need to add some notes for a little stuff, so here i go:
I decided to age up Aoi in my AU, adding two years to his current age, making him 18 years old in my stories
I don't know how adoption works in the Meiji period not gonna lie, but all I know that the ages 18+ is the right age for adopting children
In my main story in the AU, due to a wraith attack, Mari's left eye got blinded. Hence the term "halfblinded" in my story.
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the-ayakashi-inn · 3 years
April Showers
Aoi x Reader
A little something for @sakura-bunbun
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The rain was coming down hard around you as you peeked out from the shelter of the awning you were standing under. You had been on your way home from school when you got caught in the sudden downpour.
With a sigh, you resigned yourself to waiting. Nachi had told you it was going to rain when you left the house that morning, but you didn't grab an umbrella. Now, you wished you had listened to him.
Just then, you saw a familiar figure walking through the rain. He was carrying a bag in one hand and an umbrella over his head with the other.
"Hey. Aoi!" You called out to the Ayakashi. He stopped and looked over toward the sound of the voice calling him. He was surprised to see you.
"What are you doing out in weather like this?" He demanded as he approached you. "I was on my way home when it starting raining." You explained.
Aoi critically scanned your soaked form and then sighed. "Come on." He tilted his umbrella toward you. Your face lit up at the gesture. "Don't- don't read too much into this. The others will never let me heard the end of it if I let you catch a cold." Aoi stated. Turning his face away from you as you stepped out and under the umbrella alongside him. "Sure." Was your only response and the two of you started walking, shoulder to should beneath the shelter of the umbrella.
Aoi led the way to the Raccord. Once the two of you reached the milk hall, he opened the door for you. "Thanks." You gave him a grateful smile. "Just..." Aoi's cheeks turned a little pink. "Wait here. I'll get you a towel." He set down the umbrella and hurried upstairs.
"Well, if it isn't bright eyes." You turned to see Oji emerging from the kitchen. "I almost didn't recognize you. You look like a drowned rat."
"Yeah, I got stuck in the rain." You told the older Ayakashi. "Aoi was nice enough to lend amsome space under his umbrella."
"Did he now?" A knowing smile touched Oji's lips. "Well, it's that something."
Just then Aoi returned with a towel in hand. "Here you go." He passed it to you. "Thank you again." You told him. Accepting the towel, you begin to dry your hair. "Don't go making a big deal out of this." He replied.
"I can't believe you shared your umbella, Aoi." Oji said, making as if to wipe away a tear. "My little boy is all grown up."
Aoi's eyes widened. "What?! It's not like that!" He protested.
Oji chuckled and you could help but giggle from under the towel at Aoi's reaction.
Aoi just let out an annoyed humph. "Don't you have dishes to finished?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm going. I'm going." Oji waved a placating hand as he turn back to the kitchen. "Have fun, love birds."
You heard Aoi make a distressed noise at Oji's parting tease, but he managed to quickly recovered. "You're probably freezing. Take a seat and I'll make you some tea." He sighed.
You took a seat at the counter as Aoi set about making the promised tea.
"Thank you again, Aoi." You said as you accepted the tea.
"It's nothing." He came around the counter and sat down beside you.
You took a sip. "This is really good." You hummed happily.
"It's an herbal blend Yura made. It's supposed to help people and Ayakashi from getting sick." Aoi told you. "We've been keeping it on hand just in case."
"That's a good idea. I might have to get some from him for home."
The two of you continued talking in the quiet milk hall as the rain continued falling outside.
Thanks for reading!
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ask-red-okuri-inu · 3 years
((Le meh: Story stuff that is all, also no one's been giving you a lot of asks, so I'll do the job myself if that's okay!))
Makoto: Hey.. Big brother, is it really alright that while I'm busy with school and you with your work that.. Mari will be under the care of a satori seer and a domeki at a small milk hall named Raccord? (referring to Aoi & Oji) i mean, she surely likes them a lot.. But, what about their other friends..? Can we, trust them with her...? Yes, we've done this a lot, but still.. Something's off, or I'm just anxious, again.
"I know it's a strange feeling, to leave her with strangers in an unfamiliar place, but I think we should give them all a chance. I like to believe that most people and ayakashi are good, after all. Besides, it's not like we're leaving her alone for too long.
If it really bothers you, I'm sure I can step away on my break to check in on everything. How does that sound?"
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ikemen-stories · 5 years
Can you write something fluffy involving Kuro and some kittens please?
Of course! I hope it's fluffy enough 😊
It's not a secret that it's almost impossible to dislike Kuro and that's true even for animals. So nobody is really surprised when one of the three little kittens that Aoi found all alone in the streets and brought to Raccord literally jumps on him the instant he sits down.
He pats the kitten's little head and the little furrball purrs like crazy, curling up on his lap for a nap.
The poor kitten doesn't get to sleep a lot though because the others come as well and Kuro just can't resist them.
The great hide and seek with the kittens starts!
Luckily there aren't many costumers at the moment so Kuro feels free to jump on four feet and play with the kittens like a kid.
Oji and Aoi just watch him with a smile on their face because he seems to be having so much fun right now.
At least until Kuro tries to make them play along with him. They both decline the offer: Oji says he's too old for this and Aoi because he has a reputation to work.
At one point one of the kittens jumps on Kuro's back while he's on his four feet and meows loudly. Kuro giggles and mimicks him with a cute roar.
It seems that another one likes to bite because it keeps chewing at Kuro's fingertip but it's so small that its bites doesn't hurt at all.
For Kuro the best part of it is when children enter the Milk Hall and he gets to play with the kittens and some children at once.
Since he's so good with them, Aoi officially names him "the kitten's guardian" and puts him in charge of taking care of them until his shift ends and Aoi will be able to look after them himself.
At least that was Aoi's plan. In the end Kuro ends up adopting the three kittens all by himself since they start crying loudly as soon as he makes an attempt to leave and Kuro doesn't have the heart to make them sad like this.
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daeva-agas · 5 years
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Aizen: Are you the one who makes the cooking? .... It was delicious.
Aoi: !!! ........ W-well, if you like it then you’re going to come again, right?
Has Aizen even come there to eat at Raccord? LMAO... 
The Milk Hall convo bits are random fluff, but they all true. Aizen’s chat with Yakumo says “we’re gonna work together for a good long while”, so I wonder what Yakumo does with the military... Like, both Tatsu and Aki knows him, so... does he teach foreign language to the soldiers?????
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
WTFried Episode 3: KFC Otome Game
Bold: Gaku’s commentary Italics: Futaba’s commentary Normal: Official documentary narration (usually in a bad British accent) Bold and Italicized: Answers/Questions to the… game.
In 1910, the Capital, one man had a dream that he made another man work for. That dream would result in the exclusive Milk Hall. A chic cafe that would serve all manner of dairy-based treats… and making only one exception today. A day where we will reach deep into this bucket of…
Oh, Aoi! This logo is such a cute design!
How did you know it was by him?
Did… did you seriously think it was anybody else?
Point taken... Ms Futaba-rt…
Hush, Gaku. I’m just going to leave the drawing to the actual student.
Since everyone is craving for some turkey this winter, the employee has made the employer fetch some slices of this fine poultry. Everyone at Raccord is getting ready for the tender meat AND the festive season as we ring in the new year of 1911! Featuring buckets with the restaurant’s symbol… an old man!
And speaking of the devil, here he comes without… the turkey but some other manner of bird? Thus, Aoi has prepared to strike, dumping the bucket on the counter with a resounding thud.
“Erm… so remember how I said it was ok if I arrived at the turkey place slightly later than usual…?” A sheepish Oji's question can only be met by Aoi's deadpan conclusive remark,
“They ran out, didn’t they?”
Apparently, that was super insensitive because Oji-san has scrunched up his nose and eyes (the more normal ones) and…
Wait, how did you speak in parentheses?
"Nevermind that, somehow the narration was more offensive than Aoi's accusation." Oji’s fake-sniffling is thankfully interrupted by Aoi shaking the contents of the… replacement.
"I don't think it was harsh enough considering your blunder."
“No… it's just that the turkey place somehow became a chicken place! So the party pack is full of chicken!”
And just like that, the bells at the entrance have stopped ringing just as fast as the front door has been shut. And two hearts are now shattered into a million pieces. Why wouldn’t there be shattered souls after witnessing all hopes of savouring a Western classic slipping down the grease tracks of the fried chicken? The sound of the fat fizzing and splattering was supposed to be a welcomed one, not this… this… tinier bird. In particular, Ginnojo knows that he knows too much. See the look of imagining death and actually experiencing it? And Kuro! He’s pouting in slow motion, head down, shoulders slumped, and with an expression that clearly indicates he’s responding but barely able to because of the sheer despair consuming him… AKA, exactly like a puppy.
...Gaku, don’t zoom in on their faces. I’m already describing it, no need to rub it in.
“Man, I’m sorry you two. I know you guys were looking forward to the turkey.”
“Old Man Oji, it’s ok! I’m just glad everyone is here to feast at least!”
Of course, the most ferocious growl has to refute that statement and it certainly has to come from an even more ferocious beast… Ginnojo’s disappointed stomach. Does he manage to hide the betrayal well with his stoic face though as the two neighbours/besties/??? eye the substitute meats?
Ok, really, there is no way you can tell me you spoke in question marks.
“I apologize too. Honestly, I should have checked beforehand.” Aoi concedes and offers a temporary white flag in the form of a kitchen towel to see the numerous chunks of fried chicken.
Could it be? The magic of fried chicken is soothing wounds of the past? Can the crispy chicken skin really fully resolve the dwindling festive spirit? Will it be just as great as its twin…
… Sorry Yura and Gaku.
“Be at rest, my Lady. I am sure a dollop of sugar or two is enough to fully restore the chicken to a turkey’s high status.”
I’m glad to see that the sugar dispenser I made is being put to such use, brother.
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As Yura makes the sugar cookies even more… sugary, Aoi shakes his head,
“What now? We work with fried chicken? I’ve never really experimented with it before.”
“We… do need to finish this supply eventually. Might as well start now.” was all Oji can offer in this dire situation. Just as everyone is heaving a sigh, two majestic heroes arrive with…
A tengu as a sacrifice for the turkey my brother can never savour now. Crows are closer than chicken to turkey.
“Nevermind, ignore him Kuya. Hiya Koga! Sorry you two, but we’ve only got fried chicken...”
And with that, Futaba witnesses the magnificent wingspan of the tengu… as he flies away at the mention of devouring a fellow bird. At least, he tried to but an oni ogre foils his meticulous plan by… grabbing his ear.
“Sorry about him. And even more sorry for Ginnojo and Kuro. I know you two were looking forward to the turkey.”
Nice job, Gaku! :D
What even is... you know what, nevermind. Thanks, I guess, and the mic’s back to you now.
“Really, don’t worry you guys. It’s more like Gin-Gin and I like the story surrounding the turkey in the festivals. The fried chicken just doesn’t have such an interesting story.”
The gramophone acts up at this precise moment Kuro tries to break the tension. As a wonderful person holds this strangely bulky camera while Gaku rushes to fix the audio camera, he finds that the cause is none other than his own customer… Oji-san with a record-breaking moment. Literally.
“Ok, wait, I’ve lived long enough to tell you that isn’t true. Why, I used to tell this story to Aoi when he was a little lad…”
And Oji-san whips out… a shopping list dated 5 years ago. Additionally, the crayon doodles are really adorable alongside the cursive handwriting.
“Yup, you told me a shopping list that I wrote down and YOU forgot.”
… Edit out my earlier statement.
… I’ll try.
“You know what? We have all this fried chicken for me and Aoi to do something AND tell you more about the tale of the fried chicken this time of year.”
And this folks, is what happened before we come up with the most amazing play…
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Before we continue this documentary, we would like to thank our sponsors. Koga Kitamikado. This Oni Ogre is tough as nails and nothing ever gets him down! You can always turn to him when you're in a bind. A… tender bind.
… Why is Koga sponsoring this?
Guess he saw something… like how we are going to see two ayakashi experiencing the world’s greatest interactive play!
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Tonight, Ginnojo and Kuro react to ‘I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger-Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator!’. An interactive play scripted by Oji, you, yes you the audience, gets to play as a budding chef…
“Ooh, Gin-Gin is a good one… when you know, he doesn’t go bonkers on the ingredients.” Kuro’s chirp is nearly drowned out by the action at the back where we will be observing how our thespians are preparing.
Aoi and Oji have outdone themselves for this. We don’t have every single thing that you can purchase by queuing up but the menu prepared within 4 seconds is well-represented on this table. Sometimes, it is in a 3-piece meal, a few are in the buckets, and you get the overall picture! No double-dipping needed here, the act is too sacrilegious for such a holy beginning. A beginning… that will melt the frost around here.
Warm yourself from the inside. You’re about to embark on a journey that will end with you sleeping with this warm milk and pot pie….
Thus, these two can’t drink milk. Only eating the pot pie. We… we need them to actually play this.
“This is confusing, our journey begins with the ending?” Kuro asks a question that no one knows the answer to except for Ginnojo,
“Aye, a lot of the greatest heroes stumble upon their best stories after the ending of another. I suppose this is what we are trying to get here with… the pot pie?”
Scepticism is evident even on the usually trusting Kuro’s face. Nevertheless, they put their faith in Aoi’s culinary skills as they see the smoke still wafting from behind the stage curtains that are really just Kuya’s blankets. 
AKA: Koga’s blankets.
Sure, the decor is a bit too… reminiscent of a chicken barn. And yet, observe the first bite taken by the Mizuki and the… other… ayakashi. Creaminess flooding each of their mouths as veggies and fried chicken come together in this glorious, crusted symphony. And at the very end of it all,
“Oh my gosh! It’s so good! The chicken, yum! More, please!”
As they chew contentedly amongst dozens of floating… chicken and biscuits… Yura approaches them with the most adorable signboard… and the weirdest customizable one at that. That’s right, we are featuring the talents of Yura and Aoi… for the second time in the latter's case.
“Welcometh, chef! Bef're we start, bid us thy nameth!”
Translation: Give us the coolest names you have Ginnojo and Kuro! Note: no explicit language or demeaning words are allowed.
“Oooh, let’s do a ship name, Gin-Gin!”
“I dislike ships. Especially the black ones. Why can’t humans just learn to be one with the waves?”
Thus, comes the most epic name ever.
“Like, Mama + Mon! Because, I dunno, it feels like a mum made this!”
“The Mon is an abbreviation of Monday, the day we are watching… I mean, playing this theatrical game.”
Should… should we tell them?
With the dimming of lights and pot pie nearly finished, Kuro and Ginnojo move on to the chicken wings and munching sounds accompanied the sight of the protagonist… in bed. Since the protagonist is me. So…
I’m taking over the narration from this point onwards. Be grateful. And note… this is the game. So if it’s weird… do not blame me for it.
Oh hush, and get to your job.
Futaba is buried like one zinger in a tortilla wrap. Until the latest alarm clock that I have built with a custom ringtone goes off with the best sound in the world - that of a happy chicken. Sleep in or wake up? What should they choose?
“I’m concerned about the rooster.”
“Yes… but whelp, up and at’em is what I’d say!” was the only warning the poor alarm clock received before Kuro smacked the robot rooster with the goddamned whip of his, ruining hours and hours and hours of…
Don't be so offended, Gaku, it's just a game.
“Wow, I better get ready for my first day at the prestigious University of Cooking School: Academy for Learning!” Futaba says in a way-too-enthusiastic voice that is almost on Kuro’s level when he’s drunk.
“Ok, so I’m only familiar with Futaba and Aoi’s schools but I’m pretty sure no one would want that for a name. Oh! Let’s call it Cuddling Chicken School!”
Case in point because as I speak, Kuro and Ginnojo are now enjoying another treat with coke… that may or may not have been spiked. The main focus though is the box filled with delicious chicken and named after popcorn.
“This one’s the most processed. I don’t think I can take another bite. Oh, Kuro? You’ve finished yours?”
“... More like you finished yours and mine within a bite.”
For once, Ginnojo looked more innocent than Kuro was somewhat forlornly staring at his very, very empty container. At least now both could be more invested in the… plot of this play as our main character starts to get changed into a chef’s uniform, complete with an apron and a hat. All that is left to do is for her to actually move but she just has to ask,
“Hmm, I kinda want to daydream and laze about in bed.”
Of course, that’s challenging everything a former Shinsengumi member loves and knows so Ginnojo is quick to call my brother over to reject the option… except that Kuro is a bit more nonchalant about the whole affair.
“D’aww, let her, it’s so rare to see her relaxed.”
“I won’t deny that a girl her age shouldn’t be concerned with hard matters but Futaba wants to go to school. And I shall support her in her endeavours.”
“Except, this isn’t Futaba. She’s being Mammon remember?”
“Very well.”
And just like that, Ordinary Chef Student protagonist Futaba is late and doesn’t have time to sit and eat a full meal. She grabs a piece of biscuit, fluffy… unlike her missing deodorant.
“I knew she had a price to pay.” Ginnojo’s heavy sigh provoked a gasp of realization from his neighbour,
“Are we going to be fried?”
Alas, she was not…
By the time she has thrown the biscuit at me, the setting has been changed to the ivory walls of UCS: AL… or the Cuddling Chicken School. And there, awaiting her is the ever-so-perky… BROTHER?!
He volunteered for the role!
Wow, I’m so proud of him! Wait, should I have auditioned… no, I’m just going to record every moment of this now.
Here comes the bestest friend in the world, Yura!
“Many thanks, brother, but I shall now don the name ‘Miriam’ and ask Mammon here if she is highly anticipating our term of 3 days!”
Ginnojo does have to voice out one concern that I am sure most viewers will have as well,
"Hold on, they can graduate in 3 days? Youth these days really are picking up new knowledge."
"I want a degree in English in 3 days. If I take the English food course in 3 days, will that count?"
Before Kuro can learn more about this miraculous development in education, Futaba has to continue with her dialogue and actually focus like my brother,
“Good morning Miriam! I'm sure…”
“Because I most certainly am! Alack, the breakfast I hadst did prepare this morn did not have enough love… whatever shall I do?”
As another branch of the game appears, the choice is rather evident… 
Finally, sense strikes the two, Kuro furiously slamming the option and poor Nachi as a result. Still, the nekomata behind the Option Board manages to signal to the other actors and Futaba barely adeptly gives my brother a pep talk,
“Ever since we were little babies together and you rescued me from that quicksand box, it’s been clear to me that you’re the most loving, caring person I’ve known! Your tiny… sweets are definitely going to be a hit!”
Part of the reason why this speech is not adequate enough is because Futaba is RUDELY interrupted when someone smacks her books and custom-engraved measuring spoons out of her hands and onto the ground.
“... Aeshleigh.” Futaba finally spat out, or whether it’s from deliberating drawing out the heavy silence to emphasize the sheer tension… or because she is wonder if Kuya cannot spell Ashley.
“This is the fancy name. For the fancy Ashley. Aeshleigh who is better than everyone else.” Ginnojo’s attempt at finding the reason for Aoi’s character name is ultimately thwarted by Aoi starting to get into character EXTREMELY reluctantly,
“Oh, I didn’t see you there, chicken shins.”
"Her boobs are not parallel at all." came Kuro's deadpan remark… and Ginnojo choking whilst looking like a boiled lobster. That, or because he is eating the Crispy Version of the Chicken breast.
“Kuro! Do not look there!”
“Why is she even insulting us for having chicken shins? She has chicken breasts on her thigh socks! Futaba, you should have actually worn chicken shin guards.”
Don't be so offended, Futaba, it's just a game.
Across the quad, one can see the rival’s best friend, who has stopped to look at his own reflection in the mirror. Pants so tight, anyone can see him casually working out his glutes while he styles his hair. No lie, they’re rocking glutes belonging only to one Koga.
“Ahem, Van Van?”
“You rang-rang?”
“Damn, Koga, you cougar go!”
“I’m curious about his hair, it’s actually in the shape of a starfish.”
“Don’t you just mean a star?”
“That can work too, I suppose.”
Sure, the pairing seems weird to the current audience but Aoi… I mean, Aeshleigh continues to sneer at Mammon who is slowly getting up with Miriam’s help but quicker with throwing the retort,
“I can’t believe that the University of Cooking School: Academy for Learning would ever allow people like you to attend as students.”
Except that it completely flies over both bullies’ heads as Aoi delicately laughs with icy cold teal eyes, 
“Ara ara, so you do know. We should have gotten our diplomas already with these great skills of ours.”
“Or maybe hire us on as professors. You amateurs could learn a lot from us.”
With the first day of school about to start, there’s just not enough time to properly tell these two off so everyone else resists the urge. As Mammon and Miriam approach the door, they see a goofy-looking kid pushing hard against the window directly next to it. 
“He would have been completely dislikable if it weren’t for the fact the cutest cub is playing him right now.”
On a more serious note, could someone like this also be a student at the school? He must be a great chef, with a name tag that clearly says ‘Bob’ but there he is, introducing himself as,
“Hi! I’m Kogare… Pop! And I think I was supposed to say that I broke this door.”
… And now I know why Fox-Face wants a copy of this film while he is attending Part 1 of the New Year Kitsune Festival…
When Mammon easily opens the door, Kogare… or Bob… or… Pop? Just has to tackle her for a big hug and squeal out, 
“D’aww!” should have been everyone’s response but only Kuro’s was heard over Ginnojo screeching and of course, an epic debate about expressions of affection,
“GAGH! K-k-kogare! Do not touch a lady like that yet! Or profess something that serious until you are of age!”
“What? No! Hug her like you are squeezing the life out of her!”
Fortunately, the actors continue the scene. Unfortunately, it is with this line from Kogare Pop’s mouth that makes you wonder who allowed this writing. Money is on Kuya.
“Did you know my other name ‘Pop’ comes from my great-grandfather Pop pop?”
The critics are not amused, Ginnojo tutting and Kuro making a face like he had just tasted chocolate for the 32nd time,
“Days like these makes me glad I don’t know my lineage.”
“Is it just me or is that young gentleman cute?” Miriam tries to note but everyone... and I mean everyone... just has to say,
“It’s just you.”
Miriam and Mammon shrug their shoulders before following Kogare Pop into the building. They stand at the edge of the room, unsure where to sit. Other students wander in and keep themselves busy chit-chatting.
“Where… is the Colonel we were promised to romance for fried chicken? Even now we are stuck with cheese fries… nothing can make up for these soggy… Oh my gosh, so CUTE!!!”
Kuro only stops when he sees a scruffy-looking cat taking his place at a podium at the front of the class, the smallest chef hat on his head. Head Instructor and CEO of UCS: AL is here everyone! Nachi taps his paw against the wooden surface to gather attention… although Kuro is already cooing over the little hat on the nekomata’s head and even Ginnojo smiles a bit in approval.
Out of nowhere, the wind begins to rush around everyone as a swirl of cherry blossom petals fill the air inside the classroom despite it being in the middle of winter in Japan. To be more accurate, the petals are… Kuya’s feathers dyed pink much to Kuro’s delight,
“Nice effects! I kinda wanna play with them now! Guess I better wait for Kuya to fly and leave some behind next time...”
“Wait, the cherry blossoms are blooming for them? Where and when are they?”
A hushed murmur rolls through the classroom as HE walks down the aisle of desks. Suddenly, the room is sweltering. And there… we have Oji as the one, the only…
Colonel Sanders!
“I’m confused… are we supposed to find him handsome?”
“Did Oji just reveal his true aged appearance or did he just dye his hair white?”
“His eyeliner is as thick as his actual eyes and even thicker than his actual eyebrows and spectacle frames.”
All those statements were slowly cracking the fried chicken skin, with Ginnojo’s final casual observation really roasting Oji’s self-esteem. Nevertheless, the show must go on with the main chef and… love interest... helping the two audience members crack open the ranch. We shall now divulge in a bit of ASMR… ASMRanch as we massage Colonel Sander’s arm that is as thick as his neck. See how he flexes...
“OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!” Kuro squirms.
“FUTABA!!! I mean, Mammon, right, Mammon… MAMMON DON’T MIX WITH SUCH FILTH!”
… We are changing scenes already? Oh, ok, suit yourself.
Here, he wields the spork, his eyeliner game suddenly aligned…
“It… is… rectangular. A rectangular spork.”
Did that earn a… Kentucky-fried chuckle?
What’s Kentucky? Also, you broke character.
Think this play is broken. Oh, next scene...
The Colonel makes a delicious array of food items in the cafeteria...
“What kind of cafeteria has flowers and a fancy atmosphere?”
“Not Milk Hall Raccord except for the flowers.”
The Mac and Cheese falls flat on the ground, along with Oji’s chef hat,
Ok, I’m going to resume while Ginnojo eats the rest of the food Oji has left...
And so, the wisest Satori Seer, on behalf of his boss, buries the abominable script and the actually-kinda-nice-art-if-it-wasn't-about-fried-chicken romance.
Hey, should we bury this camera?
Ok, ok, we won’t. Besides, there’s still Valentine's day if this show hits more than 1 view.
… Why the 1 view benchmark?
Cus… apparently, there was a dish here that wasn’t revealed here that would work great for a Valentine's Day episode.
… At least my brother can eat it.
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For some reason, we have noticed a foreigner digging up the manuscript. He even paid Oji for it. Said it might be the next biggest thing in America for an even weirder reason?
Ginnojo is still eating the whole menu. Kuro has shared the magic of fried chicken with the rest of the troupe and occassionally, the circus-theatre guest. Unfortunately, it is during one of these stunts that a fried chicken cracked the lens. Even more unfortunate, the grease from the fried chicken seeped through the components and short-circuited everything. 
So the only thing hotter than Colonel... is everything. Let’s hope we never see anything like this even in the 21st century. 
Epilogue to the Epilogue
My grandparents sure were naive.
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shonenkun309 · 2 years
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A/N : Hello again, I don't know what to say as an introduction so I will say that I will update the fourth chapter of the story and I hope you enjoy and if there is anything unclear, let me know.
Chapters : 1 , 2 , 3
𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑭𝒖𝒏 ~𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒏~
"So, you're saying you're Bright Eyes' friend?" He took a swig of sake, his weathered face crinkled in amusement. Futaba, ever the peacemaker, had brought Fukajiro along to Raccord, the bustling milk hall frequented by the city's most colorful characters.
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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 4
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅 ➡➡➡
Fukajiro finished her cup of milk with an air of triumph. "I am, the best of the best!" she declared, her voice ringing with self-assurance. Ginnojo and Kuro greeted Fukajiro with a mixture of curiosity and warmth.
"Thank you for the warm welcome," Fukajiro chirped, her smile as bright as the morning sun. "Futaba dragged me along, so I'm grateful to be here."
"Haha, my, aren't you a sweet little lady?" Oji chuckled, his voice as gruff as his appearance.
Aoi rolled his eyes. "Stop with the creepy compliments, you old geezer," he scoffed. He then turned to Futaba, his expression softening. "Are you sure you're feeling alright, Futaba? Don't push yourself too hard. You still haven't fully recovered from that incident."
Ginnojo nodded in agreement. His usual aloof demeanor softened to a flicker of concern as he stared at Futaba over his cutlet curry. "You should be more careful next time. That incident nearly did you in."
Kuro, a whirlwind of energy, countered with a cheerful grin. "Well, if Futaba's alright, then everything's alright, right? Besides, it's a good chance to meet one of her closest friends." He winked at Fukajiro, his smile widening when she returned the gesture.
"You're the one who did those amazing tricks at Hibya Park, right?" Fukajiro exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration. "I only caught a glimpse, but it was awesome!"
Kuro beamed, his arms outstretched in an embrace. "Yaaay, a new friend!"
Ginnojo, with a groan, interjected before his friend could actually engulf Fukajiro in a hug. "I've told you a million times, do not grab people like that!"
The hall erupted in laughter, the tension of the recent incident dissolving into warmth and camaraderie.
The laughter of Kuro and Fukajiro, as bright and bubbly as a geisha's smile, echoed through the cozy confines of the milk hall. Kuro had just pulled off a dazzling trick, making a delicate blossom bloom seemingly out of thin air in Fukajiro's palm. The girl gasped, her eyes wide with wonder, then erupted into a fit of giggles that Kuro mirrored with gusto.
Meanwhile, huddled in a corner, a different kind of conversation played out. Futaba, her face tight with worry, recounted the recent incident at her school to her friends. "The whole capital's buzzing about it," she said, her voice laced with an undercurrent of unease. "Even Koga and Kuya..."
Oji nodded, his eyes serious. "It's not just your school, Futaba. There's a whole string of strange accidents happening all over the place."
"I heard about it. People dropping dead like flies, just like that. Can't believe it." Aoi chimed in,
Ginnojo added, "The teacher who went possessed at your school, they're one of them. They just... went limp before you even finished your banishing incantation."
Futaba's brows furrowed. "You think it's the wraith's thing?"
Aoi shook his head, his eyes narrowed. "Wraiths take their time, they eat their hosts from the inside out. That teacher wasn't possessed for long enough for that."
Oji leaned forward, his voice low. "Something stronger is out there, something beyond those wraiths. I'm tellin' you, it's out there, creeping through the capital."
He finished his proclamation, cutting off the discussion. The sound of Fukajiro's excited voice pierced the air, "Futaba, Futaba! Look, look! Kuro did a trick and a flower popped out of my hand!"
Fukajiro, her eyes still sparkling with childlike wonder, held out her hand, the tiny flower a testament to Kuro's artful magic. But the laughter that rose from their small group was tinged with the unspoken unease of a city that felt as though it was walking on eggshells.
The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple. Fukajiro, still buzzing from the afternoon's introduction, walked beside Futaba, eager to tell Futaba all about the days she'd missed at school. Kuro, with his usual air of nonchalant charm, joined them, his path mirroring theirs.
"So, I was thinking about inviting you to our next performance, Futaba?" Kuro tossed out, his words laced with a hint of mischief.
"Of course, I'd love to come!" Futaba beamed, her eyes sparkling with genuine enthusiasm. "I've always loved your performances, Kuro."
Fukajiro, oblivious to any hidden meanings, chimed in, "Can I go too? Can I? Can I?"
"It's a double invitation, so you’re definitely in," Kuro winked, then threw a curveball. "Maybe we can make it a triple, you can bring Nach-Nach with you..."
Fukajiro’s brow furrowed, "Nach-Nach...?" She blinked, a flicker of confusion crossing her face. "Are you talking about Futaba's kitty cat?"
"Well...yeah," Futaba forced a chuckle, trying to mask the growing unease. "The troupe doesn't mind pets at the performance, right, Kuro?"
Her gaze locked with Kuro's, a silent plea to keep the secret of Nachi's true nature from Fukajiro.
After a pleasant stroll, the trio reached the Lorinzi circus tent, their paths diverging.
"I'm looking forward to seeing your show, Kuro," Fukajiro exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over.
"And since you're Futaba's best friend, I'm going to give a special performance just for you," Kuro promised, a glint in his eye that held more than just theatrics.
"Really?!" Fukajiro's eyes widened. "Now I'm even more excited, Thanks!"
"We should get going now, let’s go, Fukajiro," Futaba urged, trying to move on before things got too complicated.
But Kuro held her back, his coppery gaze intense and serious. "Futaba, wait,” he said, his voice low. "I need to tell you something..."
Futaba stopped, her heart quickening. The seriousness in Kuro's eyes made her apprehensive, but she stayed, intrigued and worried.
"I'll be waiting for you at your house, okay, Futaba?" Fukajiro, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, stepped back, giving them space.
"Kuro, is something up?" Futaba asked, her voice laced with concern.
Kuro's brow furrowed, a shadow of worry darkening his features. "It's... that school thing. Gin-Gin told us about how you looked that day."
"What do you mean?"
"You were ice-cold, your face like a sheet, lighter than a feather. Gin-Gin said it was like describing a stiff."
Futaba's heart lurched. She'd almost been like the others, those who suddenly collapsed, leaving only an empty shell behind. Luck had been on her side, a flimsy thread holding her to the world. If not for that stroke of fate, she wouldn't be here, wouldn't be standing before Kuro.
"Just the thought of it chilled me to the bone," Kuro admitted, his voice hushed. "I don't know what I'd have done if I'd been in Gin-Gin's shoes that day."
"Oh Kuro..." Futaba felt the guilt twisting in her stomach. "I'm so sorry I made you all worry. I wouldn't want to…"
"Nah, it's all good now, no need to apologize. Just remember, we're here for you, Futaba," Kuro reassured her, his voice softer than the rustle of autumn leaves.
The warmth of his words eased the knot in her chest, but a new worry pricked at her. She couldn't tell him what she had to do. The guilt of making her friends worry was already heavy enough, and a memory flickered in her mind, a sharp sliver of guilt.
"Fukajiro... she's waiting at my house."
Kuro's eyes widened, surprised by her sudden announcement, but he just winked and waved. "Then I'll catch you later, you two."
Futaba raced towards home, her heart thudding against her ribs. She had to get there, had to see Fukajiro, had to know. She crossed the street, her breath catching in her throat as she reached the bridge, the familiar path leading to her home. There, on the porch, stood Fukajiro, waiting.
"Phew..." Futaba let out a shaky sigh of relief, her legs giving way beneath her.
Fukajiro turned, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "I've been waiting for you. So, tell me... what were you doing with Kuro that made you so late?"
Her voice dripped with playful sarcasm, her eyes narrowed, a hint of suspicion in their depths.
"What do you mean?" Futaba countered, trying to maintain her composure.
"It must have been a very PRIVATE conversation, eh?" Fukajiro teased, her playful tone laced with an undercurrent of something darker, something that sent a shiver down Futaba's spine.
Futaba was taken aback by the way she pronounced "PRIVATE," a word not meant for their ears. The implication, the unspoken meaning, churned in her stomach.
"Fukajiro, you're far too young to be thinking about such things. Seriously."
Fukajiro's face contorted into a playful pout. "I'll have you know, I'm turning 12 soon, that means I'm not a child anymore! You know that!"
Futaba couldn't help but chuckle. Fukajiro reminded her so much of Masanobu, it was almost comical. But then, her eyes followed Fukajiro's gaze, catching the cold glint in her eyes.
Fukajiro stood silently, her gaze fixed on the setting sun, a shadow of sadness clouding her features.
"Fukajiro?" Futaba's voice was laced with concern.
"Hm?" Fukajiro's reply was barely a whisper, lost in her thoughts. It was like she was trapped in a dream, a world beyond the fading sunlight.
"It's getting late. Maybe I should visit you next time," Fukajiro said, her voice soft, almost apologetic. The vibrant energy that had filled her earlier was replaced by a melancholic resignation.
Futaba's heart sank. Fukajiro was genuinely looking forward to spending time with her, but now she was pulling back.
"We still have time..." Futaba tried to soothe her.
"I really should get home before nightfall," Fukajiro insisted, her voice a barely audible sigh. Her face was etched with a deep sadness, her eyes reflecting a fear that Futaba couldn't understand.
Futaba couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her friend. She knew how much Fukajiro had been looking forward to spending time with her. Futaba remained silent, her heart heavy with a newfound understanding.
"Okay, I understand. I'll see you next time?" Futaba offered, her voice laced with a glimmer of hope.
"Really? You don't mind?" Fukajiro's gaze flickered towards her, a question in her eyes.
"You don't want to make your parents worry about you, right?" Futaba gently reasoned, her voice calm and reassuring.
"..." Fukajiro remained silent, her gaze fixed on the horizon, her expression unreadable. The only sound was the gentle whisper of the wind rustling the leaves on the trees behind them. A palpable tension hung in the air between them.
"You're right. You've got a point," Fukajiro finally said, her voice subdued. She offered a small smile, a shadow of her usual lively self.
Futaba met her smile with one of her own, a warmth radiating from her eyes. They stood for a moment, their silence filled with unspoken emotions. Then, Fukajiro turned and walked away, her figure fading into the gathering dusk. Futaba watched her go, a strange mix of relief and uncertainty swirling in her heart. The day's events had left her shaken, a weight settling upon her soul. She was left with questions, with unanswered whispers of a darkness that threatened to consume them all.
As Futaba slipped through the doorway, her eyes, however, were drawn not to the evening's fragrant welcome, but to the slumbering figure sprawled on the veranda. Nachi was laying stretched out like a furry, sun-baked rug. "I'm home, rise and shine, Nachi," she quipped, a playful lilt in her voice.
A yawn stretched across Nachi's face, his golden eyes blinking open. "It's practically night, how do you want me to shine?" he retorted, a lazy grace in his movements as he stretched his feline form. Futaba chuckled, a warmth spreading through her chest at the nekomata display of lazy charm. He gave her the full "Kuya" treatment, a nonchalant air that masked the affection he held for her.
"I bumped into Fukajiro on my way to Raccord," she continued, settling down on the tatami floor. "I introduced her to the others – she seemed to hit it off with most of them, anyway."
"Most?" Nachi raised a skeptical eyebrow, his attention piqued.
Futaba sighed, "It's a long story..." She hesitated, about to launch into the tale of Fukajiro's awkward interactions with Koga, when a flash of something unnatural caught her eye. Nachi's gaze was fixed on something behind her, his golden irises wide and full of alarm. She turned, her own heart skipping a beat. There, standing in the fading light, was Fukajiro. A neatly bound book, filled with the schoolwork Futaba had missed, rested in her hands. A pregnant silence descended upon the room, broken only by the rustle of leaves and the soft chirping of crickets. Futaba and Fukajiro stared at each other, a silent understanding passing between them.
"Fu-Fukajiro," Futaba stammered, her voice barely a whisper. "I thought..."
The air crackled with tension. Fukajiro's eyes, usually so bright and inquisitive, were fixed on Nachi, now fully awake and staring back at her with a wary intensity. Then, with a gasp that echoed in the quiet room, Fukajiro's voice rang out.
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askayakashi · 5 years
Yakumo Koizumi
A/N: I need more writing for this fandom so I guess I’ll start with adding my own. Here’s a piece for everyone’s favorite professor. Please feel free to jump into my ask box with any requests!
-Admin Chey
As you strolled through the street, clutching the small package to your chest, you couldn’t help but smile as you imagined giving your friend the gift you had gotten him. After asking your father and you to sit for a painting-- a study in poses, he said-- Aoi had gifted you the art, refusing to take payment for it. You had racked your brain for a way to repay him, against his insistence that there was no need, and finally stumbled across a beautiful set of wooden paint brushes that you deemed worthy of the artist. While smiling smugly down at the package, knowing he would have to accept it, you didn’t notice that you weren’t paying attention to the road until you bumped into a stranger. 
The impact caused you to stumble, almost dropping the package in your arms, but before you could feel the crash of colliding with the ground, a strong hand grabbed you by the arm, just above your elbow, and stabilized you. You were mortified at your obvious lack of caution while walking and turned around sharply to face the person.
“Pardon me! I’m so sorry. I must pay closer attention as I walk; please forgive me!” you half-shouted in alarm, bowing deeply in apology and praying that the stranger was not too upset with you. 
“On the contrary,” the familiar voice started, “I can’t imagine a happier surprise than the circumstances that led to my running into you, my Sweet Doll.” 
You straightened up as your eyes met with the crimson eyes of your father’s close friend and observed his ever-gentle smile as he teased you, “Or should I say, with your running into me?” 
You were suddenly overcome with relief-- not only was the person that you had inconvenienced not upset, but it also turned out to be Professor Yakumo, whose presence had always been a comforting one since you were a little girl. At least, that was how it used to be. Recently, the way he always seemed genuinely happy to see you would trigger a nervous fluttering in your stomach. While you always held a gentle respect and admiration for the man, you had more recently begun to develop a sense of overwhelming delight in hearing him call you by his favorite nickname for you.
Ignoring the increased pace of your heartbeat, you gave him a smile in return and greeted him cheerfully.
 “Are you out performing a delivery for your father, my Doll? Nothing would make me happier than to have the opportunity to escort you in my carriage.” 
You smiled genuinely at his kindness. Regardless of your confusing feelings for the man, he truly was the kindest man that you had the pleasure of knowing. 
“Not today, Professor. I’m actually dropping off a present for my friend at the Raccord Milk Hall.” You didn't miss the way his smiled widened slightly. You overheard him mention to your father how glad he was that you had recently seemed to be surrounded by good friends, citing that he didn’t want you to miss out on making important memories in your youth. The fact that he cared so deeply about your happiness only helped to further your admiration of him. “You see, my friend recently painted a portrait of Father and I, and I wanted to repay his kindness.” You gestured to the package in your arms and he was pleased by your declaration.
“Then it is an even greater coincidence that we are on our way to the bookstore next door to the Milk Hall. Please allow me the honour of accompanying you there.”
He offered you his elbow and you took it as he walked you to the carriage. You tried to suppress the butterflies that seemed to flutter at the thought of riding with him. It was far from the first time that you would be riding alone with the man, having often been offered rides to and from school. However, that had been before you began to notice the change in your feelings for the esteemed professor. You graciously, if not shyly, accepted his hand as he helped you into the carriage before it registered in your head that he had said “we” and not “I” when he mentioned the bookstore as his destination. You balked as you entered the carriage, realizing that you were not the only guest that he was accompanying. 
Two beautiful young women sat on one side of the cabin together, arms linked, and looked up in curiosity upon your entrance. You took a seat across from them silently as your eyes studied the floor. You had no intention of being rude, but the surge of foreign emotions that bubbled up inside your chest confused you into a stupor. The idea of jealousy was not an unknown emotion, but the disappointment that you felt weighing on you surprised you to no end. 
For a moment, you had let yourself believe that you were the only girl upon whom the professor doted so lovingly, but felt a fool when you saw the beautiful girls across from you. Of course the handsome professor was not solely smitten with a girl who was practically still a child when he could have any woman he wanted. 
“Hello,” the unexpectedly kind voice broke you out of your internal debate as you met eyes with the beauty who spoke, “I am Miyami, and this is Hiyoko.” She gestured to the girl sitting in front of you who beamed at you with a mischievous look in her eye. Miyami smiled warmly and continued, “I haven’t seen you at the university before; are you coming with us to return some books?”
Before you could answer, the professor finished speaking with the driver and gracefully climbed into the carriage, taking the remaining seat beside you. 
“I wasn’t aware that anyone else would be joining us, professor. Won’t you introduce us to your friend?” The girl sitting across from you -Hiyoko- smiled teasingly in your direction as she asked her question. You willed yourself to smile in return, but you knew it must look forced. The situation was making you uncomfortable, if only because you didn’t have the privacy to decode the different thoughts swimming around in your head. 
You couldn't help but admire the beauty of the girls in front of you: one with a lively disposition of and the other radiating kindness. You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, suddenly feeling self-conscious of yourself.
“Ladies, allow me to introduce you to L/N F/N.” You felt your chest tighten minutely at the introduction. Something about hearing his voice say your name, rather than the nickname he always used with you, made you feel oddly distant from the man who was sitting mere inches away from you. However, this feeling was quickly swept away by a burning heat in your cheeks at the girls’ responses.
“Professor!” Hiyoko gasped excitedly, raising her hand to cover her smirk as she glanced between the two of you. Her friend continued, “I had thought you surely exaggerated her beauty when you spoke of her. But I can clearly see that is not the case.” Your cheeks burned impossibly warmer at the compliment and the insinuation that he had spoken of you often enough for the young women to know you by name alone.
“How fortunate of us to get to meet the girl with whom the professor is so smitten.” Hiyoko continued in a teasing tone, oblivious to your ever-growing blush. Glancing to the man at your side, you found him gently smiling down at you. 
“Excuse my students, Doll, it seems they have not yet learned the art of subtlety.” He chuckled pointedly as he glanced at the girl in front of you who seemed unperturbed. So these girls were his students. If you hadn’t been so dejected at the thought of him pursuing the girls in front of you, you might have noticed the western history book sitting in Miyami’s lap-- the very subject that he taught at the university.
“How lucky you are to have such a charming man as the professor pursuing your heart. I must say I almost prefer listening to him talk about you than about the western countries.”
“Hiyoko, I would wish that you don’t embarrass L/N with your exaggeration.” The professor cut the girl’s joking off with a laugh of his own. “She will think that I am incompentent a professor if she believes she is the only subject of which I discuss with my students.” Your heart lightened at the soft laughter that seemed to fill the cabin and willed your blush to cool as you spoke. 
“I do not mind much if you should speak of me to your students.” You said, trying to hold back the happiness threatening to burst out of your chest at the thought of him truly only having eyes for you. “But perhaps it is only fair if you also speak of your students to me, so that I may be on an even footing upon meeting them.” You looked into his eyes as you spoke the second half, giving him a smile to let him know you were only half-teasing.
 “L/N is quite right, Professor. That seems only fair that you also speak of Hiyoko and I to L/N.”
“Indeed,” Hiyoko agreed with a laugh. “I am wounded that you do not speak of us. Though, I cannot blame you much, I suppose, since lovers have much more interesting things to talk about.”
The girl’s words and exaggerated wink stopped your heart for a split second as you registered what she had said. The blush that had previously begun to reside returned in full force, painting your entire face a shade of red as you stuttered, “L-l-l-lovers? No, the professor and I- we’re not- er-”
Your eyes searched for his in a panic as you wondered what he had possibly been telling his students. However, ever the gentleman, the professor kindly dismissed the notion.
“Ladies, please do not offend Y/N with your assumptions.” He glanced down at you, without a hint of embarrassment in his eyes, and his gentle smile calmed your racing heart. “While it is no secret that I adore her whole-heartedly, she is still young, and has much life ahead of her to live yet before I would ask her to properly consider my feelings.” He spoke to the girls, but his eyes were locked on yours and you felt giddy at the promise in his words. He would wait for you, but he was determined to be yours, should you so choose.
You smiled shyly in return and found yourself becoming lost in his eyes, the eyes that you had spent a lifetime looking into. Eyes that congratulated you on your achievements, encouraged you in your ventures, and assured you in your convictions as you grew. The man who waited patiently and whose declarations of devotion, while oft bringing a blush to your cheeks, never made you uncomfortable. As he stared back into your eyes, the loose strand  once again slipped from the cherry blossom pin holding up your hair and he reached up and grasped the strand between two fingers, gently brushing it back behind your ear. 
It was not until you heard two synchronized sighs that you remembered you were not alone in the carriage and looked up to find the girls smiling longingly at the scene in front of them. You cast your gaze down to the package in your lap, fiddling with the strings with which it is secured, as the embarrassment swelled within you at having such an intimate moment be seen by near-strangers. 
However, Miyami seemed to notice your discomfort and skillfully changed the topic of the conversation. 
“So you never did answer my question,” She nodded to the package in my lap. “Are you also headed to the bookstore?”  
“Ah, no. I’m actually delivering a gift to a friend next door.” Glancing down at the lap in front of you, you saw the book Hiyoko was holding to be a book that you had once borrowed from Ginnoji. You excitedly asked her about it and were happy as she shared her thoughts on it. You enjoyed the conversation, but could feel Yakumo’s eyes on your the whole time, wearing a smile as he watched you excitedly converse with the girl.
Before you knew it, you had arrived at your destination and the professor helped the girls out of the carriage, offering his hand to them as they stepped out. However, when you had exited the carriage, he kept the grip on your hand and brought it to his lips. You blushed as he placed a soft kiss on your knuckles and glanced up at you from beneath his eyelashes. 
“I apologize for my students. Believe me, I had no intention of making you uncomfortable and, while I am not reserved about my feelings for you, it is not fair to expect you to be comfortable with others discussing it as well. I will ask that they refrain from doing so in the future.” His eyes held an ounce of sadness, and any embarrassment from the ride quickly evaporated as you rushed to reassure him. 
“Please, don’t apologize.” You blurted, glancing away in embarrassment before steeling yourself and looking into his eyes as you continued. “I may not know much about love, but I do know that you have always been kind to me. I have never be embarrassed by your transparency and your students are very kind. I was simply surprised to find,” you suddenly trained your eyes on the ground, no longer able to face him as you continued with your admission, “That it was not simply out of kindness for your friend’s daughter that you’ve always doted on me, but out of a genuine affection.” 
You felt shame tint your cheeks as you admitted that you had always thought his words to be a jest, but his light chuckle grabbed your attention and you trained your eyes on his smiling ones. 
“Your candor is one of the many qualities of yours that I find myself ever moved by.” He seemed overjoyed by your admission of finally accepting his feelings to be genuine, his eyes shining with a brightness you had never seen. Suddenly, something over your shoulder caught his eye and his expression became amused.
“Now, I’m sure you must be eager to deliver that gift to your friend.” He abruptly changed the subject, releasing your hand. You let it fall to your side, tensing your fingers at the strange emptiness that came with the loss of his touch. “It was, as always, a blessing to find myself in your company today.” He bowed his head softly but found your eyes again. “However, I do have one parting request if you would be so kind as to indulge me?”
You felt your eyebrows raise in question and you tilted your head quizzically as he continued.
“When you are with me, you needn’t call me Professor.” The corners of his eyes crinkled with the strength of his smile.  “There is nothing I want more than to be able to hear my given name on your lips. ” 
Your heart began to beat erratically and the butterflies in your stomach returned in full force as you stuttered out a reply. 
“Yes, Prof-er I mean--” You glanced away as you finally stuttered out his name in a whisper. “K-ko-Koizumi.” 
You swore you heard a quiet gasp, but when you met his eyes again, his sweet smile had returned.
“Enjoy your evening, my Sweet Doll. I look forward to the next time I can be graced with your presence.” 
With a final dip of his head, he turned into Ginnojo’s store. You saw the book-lender himself speaking quietly with Miyami, a blush gracing both of their faces as you turned toward Raccord’s front door only to find Oji-san out front with his pipe. 
“You sure do have him wrapped around your finger,” He teased as you walked by him, feeling even the tips of your ears burning with a blush. Just as you glanced up to ask him about Aoi’s whereabouts, the boy in question descended the stairs and glanced up at you. 
You hoped against hope that presenting the gift to the boy in front of you would distract him from your current abashed state, but even without using his powers, he couldn’t ignore the color that dusted your cheeks.
“Why the hell is your face so red? Do you have a fever?” Ever the mother hen, Aoi huffed in exasperation as he grabbed a glass from behind the bar and filled it with water. “Why would you come all this way if you’re not feeling well?” He sat it down in front of you and placed the back of his hand to your head before putting his hand on his hip. “What’s going on?”
You ignored the soft snicker behind you of Oji-san trying to hold in his laughter and focused on the task at hand, holding his gift out to him, vowing to let yourself think about the events of the day once you’re home in bed where no one can see your blush.
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dsknsk · 5 years
Human Skin, Fox Heart
Tumblr media
Summary: One day, a nobleman with his valet arrives in the Capital. Although he is the talk of the town, no one has ever caught a glimpse of what he is really like. That is, except for you. After saving his precious vase, you have become his personal maid. However, weird incidents have been popping up all over the Capital, like people dying after having their hearts torn out, and strange screaming at night. When you find out the cause of these oddities, you wish you had not known it...
Word count: 3825
Warnings: Graphic description of death (one instance), implication of possession - This is my Halloween story, y'all. Also Tumblr doesn’t have line breaks anymore so I apply them manually.
AO3 version
'You know, Futaba, you are right.', Tatsuomi says. 'It's kinda strange. With all people who live in the Capital...'
Tatsuomi and you are in Milk Hall Raccord. It has been quite some time since he had time to let you catch up with the things he hears. 
'Well, I'm kind of happy that I have you. But...' You tell your friend that you have been feeling lonely recently.
'It's not like your loneliness is your fault. If no one sparks your interest...' And he shrugs.
It stays silent for a bit, when an idea pops into your head. 'Sorry, I have to go now. It was nice talking to you, Tatsuomi!' You wave him goodbye as you prepare to exit Milk Hall. 
'You take care!' He waves you goodbye too.
Once outside the building, you make your way to Kanda Shrine. 'It's a crazy idea, but...' you think. 'People have been asking the gods for only they know how long...'
You arrive at the shrine and pick up an incense stick and light it. The fragrant aroma rises up as you kneel down in prayer. 'Please send someone my way who I will genuinely love...', you pray. 'Please...I have been waiting for so long...anyone...even if they were a fox, I would not care...'
You have to clench your teeth to prevent crying. When you end your prayer, you stand up and walk back. As you overlook the Capital, it looks like nothing has changed at all.
A week later.
You wake up to the sounds of ruckus outside. 'W-what is happening...' You quickly get dressed and go outside. 'What's the noise about?' you ask a random person on the street. 
'Oh, it's because a nobleman is going to move into the Capital!', they say. 'He's from house Yuri. Today is the day of his arrival!' 
'Oh!', What they say, strikes you as interesting. 'Where will he arrive?'
'At Station Shinbashi. But you have to be quick if you want to catch a glimpse. There's a lot of people who want the same thing.'
Ignoring their warning, you hurry to Shinbashi. You have to see this, not in the last place because this could be a sign that the gods heard your prayer. 
When you arrive at Shinbashi, you notice that the passerby was right. 'There are indeed a lot of people here...most of them press, I think.' With some hardship, you gradually make your way through the crowd, just as the train arrives. The people around you cheer loudly, almost making you deaf. 
Not long after, a man in a purple, fur-lined suit steps out of the train. After him is his valet, a man with blue hair and an icy look. Instead of walking out, he turns around and waits for his baggage to be brought to him. Two servants from the railway personnel load the suitcases and boxes out one by one. You see that they keep doing that, and stack them outside. 
'I wonder how many more stuff he has...' you think as you see something happen right in front of you. The top box is about to fall off, and while people around you are running away, you quickly catch the box and then bring it to the valet. 'This fell off.' you simply say. The valet grabs the box and puts it somewhere else. As your hands touch, you feel that his fingers are as cold as that stare of his. A shiver runs down your spine.
The crowd follows him until they reach his new house, a big manor. As he gets his stuff there, you see that most people walk away. You kind of want to do that too, but having fought a way to the front, you decide to leave when the majority is gone. But...
'Hello, miss. What is your name?' Right as you see a chance to leave, the man approaches you.
'F-Futaba Saotome. Why are you asking me, mister Yuri?' You try talking as polite as possible.
'Well, I admired your action when you caught that box. I would like to thank you by offering you a privilege. Would you like to become my personal maid?'
'But you already have a personal valet, right?' You are both enticed and confused by his offer.
'Yes, but I am going to need someone around my new home who already knows the city.', he says. 'And I have been waiting to find someone competent enough to be my personal maid and I immediately knew it when I saw you saving that expensive vase. Feel free to think my offer over. I will be patiently waiting.' There was a vase in that box ? Wow, no wonder he wants you on it. But he makes it clear to you that he isn't forcing you to do anything. 
'Yes, I would love to.', you answer. 'When do I start, sir?'
The nobleman smiles. 'Thank you for accepting my offer. And oh, you can just call me Toichirou. Come along.' And he moves towards the entrance. 
In the next few days, you try your best to keep Toichirou happy and content. You consider yourself lucky that your father taught you some manners as a kid. Your hard work luckily does not go unnoticed as you come to know more and more about Toichirou: he prefers fur-lined clothing and hates dogs. Toichirou takes a liking in you and although you still get the shivers whenever his valet Shizuki looks at you, the manor becomes a second home for you. Until, one day...
'Take care, okay?'
'I will, thank you!'
Toichirou has sent you home earlier today. Although you are his personal maid, Toichirou understood that you liked sleeping in your own bed better. 
'It's been a week already since I got this job...', you think as you walk back home. 'And the gods must have blessed me with Toichirou's company. This is most certainly a result of my prayer!'
You enter your house and as the night falls, prepare to head to bed. 'It's been a long day...'
Right when you think you're about to doze off, you hear something.
'What's that?' you frown, until it sounds again. 
'...screaming. Terrible screaming.' You get out of bed and open the curtains. '...not in my neighborhood. But the sound certainly carries quite far...'
The screaming is disturbing enough for you to decide to move into the guest bedroom at the other side of the house. It works: you hear it much less now.
The next day, you go to Toichirou's mansion again. As you want to open the door, you see someone already there. '...Flowers?' A postman is delivering some flowers to Shizuki. 
'Good morning.', you say. 'I see that master Toichirou has received some flowers?' 
'That would appear so, yes.' Shizuki says as he takes them inside. You follow him and close the door behind you. 
'They're really lovely.', you comment. 'They smell nice. Should I put them in a vase and place it in the living room so we can all enjoy them?' you offer your assistance as a maid is to do. 
But Shizuki declines. 'No, master Toichirou never puts any flowers he receives in vases.'
That confuses you a little. 'But he has so many beautiful vases!', you say. 'What does he do with the flowers, then? It would be a shame to just...throw them away, right?'
'He dries them.', Shizuki picks one flower and presses it in an encyclopedia. 'That way, their beauty can be preserved.' 
With that, you help him drying the flowers. You still think it is unusual, but it has its charm. 
You have a double duty that day. Toichirou is having a visit of several officials, whom he hopes to receive at a banquet that night. And so, everything needs to be cleaned up, sorted out, and the silverware has to blink like a mirror. But a few hours later, the hall is packed with people.
'My first party at this place, and...wow.', you think as you pour some sake in a cup. 'It doesn't even matter that I have duty today. It's awesome seeing all of this in itself...' 
As you walk through the entire hall to serve guests, you overhear their conversations. One in particular catches your ear and you decide to listen to it in secret.
'You heard the screaming last night too?'
'Yes I did...and then, it just...stopped?'
'That's true. I heard that when it stopped, the person who was screaming was found on the ground, dead.'
'They say it was a horrible sight. Their eyes were still open, they had frothing at the mouth...it was unsavory.'
You flinch. That is an interesting talk, you think, and just when you think it can't get worse, you are soon proven wrong. 
'That wasn't the only thing.'
'I got this from the outskirts, but apparently people have died too.'
'And this was not an epidemic?'
'No, their...it's almost too gruesome to say, but...their hearts were torn out.'
'By a wolf?'
'Must have been...'
After the party cleanup, you turn to Toichirou and Shizuki. 'I am so sorry if this offends you, milord...but I was wondering if any of you heard of people dying under strange circumstances at night?' 
Toichirou tilts his head. 'You do not offend me at all. Indeed, Shizuki and I have heard of those heinous things. But we do not know who or what is behind this either.'
'Someone should walk you home.', Shizuki proposes. 'A guard could go with you.'
'That is a kind offer, but I do not need it, thank you.', You say as you take a bow. 'I will be off, then.'
'Yes. Good evening and take care.'
The next nights more or less are like that. The screaming is there again, everytime from another side so you have to switch bedrooms regularly. The incidents become a prominent theme in the Capital, but they do not scare you as much as they should. With a soldier as a childhood friend, you know some techniques. You're far from a professional, but you know enough to shake off an average sized man. 
And then, that night comes.
The screaming seems to be everywhere, no matter where you sleep. 'I can't catch sleep anywhere...let's hope it's better at Tatsuomi's place, then.'
You know it's stupid. But still, potentially risking your life, you decide to go outside. You make sure to bring a large knife from the kitchen just in case. Of course, you hope it won't be needed. You get dressed and step outside into the night.
'Tatsuomi will help me...', You hope that with every fiber of your body. But you weren't that tall and realized those weren't a lot of fibers. 'Luckily, I know where he lives.' Even at night, you can find your way in the Capital. It is there that you hear voices you know.
'Huh...' You silently move towards the source of the voices until you hear them clearly.
'Thanks, master. Do you have targets set for tomorrow night?'
'You bet I do.'
'Toichirou...and Shizuki!' you think as you can make out their silhouettes against the city shadows. But you cannot believe your eyes. 
Toichirou and Shizuki approach a passerby. Before they even notice the two, Shizuki jams three sharp ice crystals like daggers through their throat. Then, Toichirou grabs their chest forcefully with a claw-like hand, and then tears their heart out. You can see blood around their hands and their mouth. 
'They...they are...?',
Thoughts are racing through your head. You see that Toichirou now has fox ears and nine fox tails trailing behind him, colored purplish white, matching his hair. Shizuki is holding the bloodied ice crystals in his hand. 
'...disgusting! So they are behind these incidents? But, why? Whatever they are, they are not human!'
You do not hesitate and go out of the city, towards the Hinterlands. 
'I don't know...but they may help...' You run, and keep running, until you're almost of breath and you see the entrance to the Shrine of the Hidden God. You climb the stairs and enter the shrine.
'It's me, Futaba.', you say. 'Yura! Gaku! Are you there?' 
From the backroom, two nearly identical men come walking towards you. 'My, my. A guest at this hour.', Yura is the first to speak. 'But something tells me about thou, that thou art in trouble. Tell me what the issue is.' He sits down, and Gaku follows suit.
You explain everything to the two men. '...and I have not stopped running until I reached the Shrine.' You know Gaku and Yura because the latter is a hermit who has helped you more than once with his helpful ailments. Gaku is his twin brother who you can ask for help with any kind of mechanical problems, from a broken watch to a cartwheel that fell off. 
'That's a strange story, but we don't have any reason not to believe you.', Gaku comments when you are done explaining. 'You haven't come for nothing, we know what is happening around here.'
'Tell me.' You want to know. 
Yura does so. 'Hast thou ever heard of creatures called 'Ayakashi'?' 
You don't really know. 'In stories, yes...'
'Then, those stories are based upon the very reality.', Yura closes his eyes and clasps his hands. 'Thou hast met two Ayakashi. These fascinating creatures come in various shapes, but never human. No, they can appear human as a disguise to blend in with society. But in order to, they have to consume human hearts. That is the only way they can look human.'
'So they are killing because...' You don't finish your sentence, but the two know what you mean. 
'Yes.', Gaku continues his brother's explanation. 'From what we have heard from you, Shizuki is a Snow Spirit, and those are responsible for multiple freezing incidents. People have been dying from hypothermia from just seeing one undisguised. They're also called Snow Woman, but not all of them are female as you may have noticed. And Toichirou...' Gaku averts his gaze.
Yura takes over. 'When a fox has lived 1000 years, it will gain a soul, grow another eight tails and become a Fox Spirit, or, more commonly, a Fox Demon. These tricky beings sometimes possess people, who will become crazy until they die, screaming and yelping like a fox. But, being foxes, they are manipulative and draw people to them. They are easily one of the most powerful Ayakashi in existence.' 
With all of this, you grow a bit paranoid. 'Look like humans, eh...'. You scratch the back of your head. You weren't able to see that Toichirou and Shizuki were anything out of the ordinary before. 'H-how could I know if someone is an Ayakashi or not?' You're still very uncomfortable with the thought that your employers are monsters.
Yura stands up and rummages in a cabinet. Gaku answers your question. 'All Ayakashi are, regardless of form or disguise, unable to smell flowers. This is a sure-fire way to know if someone is an Ayakashi or not.' Gaku holds up his index finger. You blame yourself a bit for not suspecting anything, but stop before it grows out of hand.
'Now you say it. They never kept flowers in vases. They always dried them 'to preserve their beauty'.' You now know that they probably did that because they are unable to smell them.
Yura is done rummaging in the cabinet and turns to face you again. He is holding three small flasks labeled with colors: red, yellow and blue. 'Taketh these along.', he advises you. 'If thou art attacked by the Fox Demon and the Snow Spirit, throw them. If they try to run, do the same. The content of these flasks is sure to be of assistance.'
You gladly take the flasks from Yura's hands. 'Thank you so much. But I cannot go back now. Can I spend the night here?'
'Of course you can.', Gaku, who has been sitting all this time, finally stands up like his brother earlier. 'Follow me.'
As he is done bringing you to the guest room and giving you some instructions, he walks to his and Yura's room. 
'Good performance, Gaku.', Yura whispers. 'That was quite the personal subject.' He picks up a heart he has been hiding in his room, and Gaku opens a drawer to reveal the same. 'After all, it was a little rude to intrude during our midnight snack.' Yura takes another bite.
'Agreed.', Gaku is, like his brother, holding a human heart in his hands. They will make sure Futaba won't notice anything. Good Ayakashi know how to hide their tracks. 
You prepare to return the next day. 'I'm ready.', you decide. 'I think I can face them. Toichirou cares about his reputation. Killing your personal maid won't make a good impression.' 
Yura nods, but is still careful. 'Still, thou hast to be aware as to where thou decideth to tread. Thou does not want to have Ayakashi at thou wrong side.' 
You hide the large knife from before in your clothing, and Gaku secures the sharp side so it doesn't accidentally hurt you. When you're home, it will go into the kitchen again. You trust in the flasks Yura gave you.
'Remain on guard.', Gaku advises. 'If things are going wrong, immediately return to here.' 
'I will do that.', you promise him. 'And I will remember it.' You already head outside, and wave goodbye. The twins do that too, until you're out of sight.
You have barely arrived home, and you already see Toichirou and Shizuki visiting you. You sigh and go to open the door. 
'We wondered where you were, but you're still here. That's a relief.', Toichirou speaks. 'You didn't forget that you are my personal maid, right?' 
'Of course I did.', you act. 'Let me just grab my stuff.'
You move back into your house and bring the three flasks, along with some ordinary things in your bag to lessen suspicion. 
'Okay, I got my things.', you say. 'I would love to work for you again.' You can feel the taste in your mouth go sour when saying that.
It is almost as if nothing has changed. Except, this time, their inhuman characteristics are so much more obvious to you. But you pretend to be oblivious and do your best to satisfy Toichirou as from before that one night. 
But as the night falls, you know it will never be like back then.
'Ah, that should be my time to leave.', You say as you see the time on the clock. 'I shall now take my leave.'
'Great work.', Toichirou smiles. You can now see his small fangs as he does that. 'I missed having you around. But hey, take care.'
'I certainly will.'
As you say that, you wonder if he would know that you already know who they really are, but you don't continue your sentence and just decide to leave.
But you do not go home after leaving the manor. Instead, you keep watch outside of it. 
'I will end this tonight.', you think. 'I'll follow them towards their next target.'
Not long after, you see that they leave the house. You can barely make up their figures, but as they act like passerbys, they keep a conversation going. You don't care about the subject and follow them. 'Whoever is next, I can prevent their death...', you hope. 'But I know this route...' The worst realization dawns on you.
They're headed towards Tatsuomi's house.
As they near it, you grab the flasks and run. Suddenly hearing you behind them, Shizuki and Toichirou run. 
'Hold it there right now!' you shout as you run after them. 
You chase them towards the Hinterlands and throw a random flask, the blue one. It transforms into a thorn hedge surrounding the Ayakashi, buying you some time. Toichirou transforms into a fox and crawls his way out, while Shizuki summons a blizzard to carry him over it. 
'Too easy...' you think as you keep chasing them and see that the thorns have disappeared as soon as you near it. They are faster than you and as you think that the gap is too big, you throw the red flask. A river appears in front of them, making them halt for a short moment. But Shizuki touches the water and freezes it. Then, they both quickly run to the other side. 
'Damn...' You have one flask left: the yellow one. And you really hope that this one is going to work. Just like the thorns, the river disappears once you near it. You have chased them almost to the Shrine, and you certainly don't want Gaku and Yura saddled up with your ordeal than they already are. With that, you throw the last flask.
An enormous fire lights up the area, completely engulfing them in flames. There is no way they can get out as you come close, breathing heavily. You can taste iron in your throat, but you don't mind. You look up, just in time to see them disappear in the fire. 
'I am sorry, Toichirou.', you confess. 'You were what I thought was the answer to what I prayed for so long ago. I was foolish to believe you. But you are a true monster.'
The last thing you see in the flames, is Toichirou smiling at you. When the flames die down, there is nothing left of the two Ayakashi. 
'...not even ash...' you wonder. 'Did they really die...?' 
But the nobleman and his valet are nowhere to be found.
A few weeks later.
'But I'm fine now.', you say. You haven't told Tatsuomi about the two Ayakashi, but you have told the rest. That they disappeared without a trace from the Capital, and that you retroactively retired from your job as personal maid. That no one but you knows what happened. 'I'm fine with being on my own, I guess. It has its own charms.' 
You and Tatsuomi walk out of Milk Hall. Tatsuomi looks up. '...hey.' he mumbles under his breath. You look up to see what he refers to. 
'...snow?', Delicate snowflakes are making their way to the ground. 'That's a bit early.' You hunch over to preserve warmth. 
'I don't know.', Tatsuomi says. 'It's winter. But I don't remember hearing anything about that it would snow today.' 
Although the snow still baffles you in a positive way, he walks you home. As you turn the corner near your home, you see something from the corner of your eye. 
'Tatsuomi, look!' You point at a purplish white fox. It looks at you, and you think it's smiling at you. 
'What?', Tatsuomi looks in the direction you pointed at in confusion. 'I don't see anything.'
'Oh, nothing.', You shrug as it runs away. 'Let's get home now.'
This story is based on an old Korean legend called 'The Fox Sister'. I also gained some inspiration for this story by watching part of Painted Skin 2 while in China. With this I was interested in viewing Ayakashi from a different side, one that is darker. The idea for Toichirou coming to live in the Capital and then manipulating people to serve him, is also partially inspired on the fact that in certain areas, the amount of foxes living in the city is higher than in forest areas. That is mainly due to them being omnivores, the fact that larger predators can't survive in a city and being rather cute, so that people give them food - much in the same way Toichirou manipulates people.
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jubilantgamer27 · 5 years
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn Review
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Before I get into this I just want to clarify that I am not reviewing the stories. More like the features and my personal thoughts. At first, I was manually leveling my cards then I caved in and then started leveling with points. You can make in-app purchases but it is not required to read the stories
I also played every single Dawn Faction character which cost 45 Main Story Keys for Book I -Bonds + 23 Main Story Keys per character totaling up to be 160 Main Story Keys for the entire Dawn Faction. In order I recommend Yura, Aoi, Koga Kitamikado, Kuya and Ginnojo based off of the quality of the writing. If you want to hear more there’s more below the cut.
Premise: You are a reincarnated Onmyoji Diviner on a mission to ban wraiths with the help of your Ayakashi friends
Free to play (for the most part)
Many things to do (purifying wraiths and going on patrols)
Free diamonds: which can be used to get cards or restore LP or SP (my advice is to save them up for a draw)
Badges: you get free diamonds for achieving certain things
the Cafe! Raccord Milk Hall which allows you to get Rank Rewards. It doesn’t cost anything to send out Invites though it is limited to three a day
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Pausing Patrols: this is great so your LP doesn’t go to waste and even if the app crashes it will let you pick up where you left off.
LP recovery: expands over time so you don’t have to babysit all the unused LP. (NOTE: at level 98 it hits its max expansion being 200 LP)
Rank Up: You get a main story key AND fully restored LP + SP. This is great since it won’t go 8/200 (before) 200/200 LP (after). It will say 208 (after) so its like a bonus!
Daily Patrols: These are great if you are low on some colors of gems!
You know how I just mentioned the cafe? Well I already have a con and that con is that you can only send three invites a day and each of them lasts for five hours. I could try to stop complaining but then again I barely see Dinner Bells (which allow you to exceed three Invites per day) and Stopwatches. The Stopwatches feel pretty useless since they only eat 30 minutes off of five hours.
SP Recovery: The SP recovery is essential for battles in events but if you have none you’ll have to wait 30 minutes for one and the maximum amount of SP does not expand beyond 5. Sometimes during events (the game has only had 1 so far) I would duel a weak character but it would trigger a duel with a strong character (usually giving you 10 minutes to duel) but I would have no SP. If you use points to make your cards hit the maximum level you will likely have to use less but then there’s the Spirit Board that demands you fork over an absurd number of gems to advance your cards.
Events: The recent event required 3 million points to get SSR Essays In Indolence Kuya. I started the event right when it happened and got 1.1 million Event Points by the end of the event. However the idea of 3 million event points felt unrealistic since I’d get 5k Event Points at a time. The good part about the events is that you get some limited time event recovery items.
Wanna get everything from the cards that aren’t SSR or SR? Write down what you have and what you need, I mean it. 
thing is that the game won’t tell you on a duplicate card what you have already unlocked and you don’t want to waste your hard earned gems on a weak card. Also patrol with the ones that have not met the level requirement.
If you don’t care about backgrounds and want strong versatile cards train your SR/SSR cards on the spirit board before anything else. They are overall stronger the N and R cards even when you’ve maxed them out.
Awaken those Cards: The value of them will increase with each awakening.
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You also have a maximum amount of storage (that can be expanded and using a card to awaken another frees up your space!
It also increases the maximum level!
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Exchange those Diamond Shards: Diamond Shards can be exchanged for SR Tickets and Main Story Keys. For certain periods of time certain cards are available in exchange for Shards
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Events: Set timers during events: I set timers up to track when my SP would recover and so I know when to duel before it expires. Some expire in an hour and some expire in ten minutes. 
Don’t make all of the patrols Event Patrols unless you are thoroughly prepared. Patrols help with manually leveling the characters without triggering a Duel.
if you are going to do the corresponding event draw do it towards the end. For each event we have had so far you can earn one Ice Cream per draw. Ice Creams are essential for Duels.
Make Friends: When you take on H.Q. Orders with friends they will receive support bonuses and so will you.
Just because you optimize your deck, it doesn’t mean it is at its strongest: Skills contribute to the overall strength of your deck. The first picture is my deck optimized and the second picture is the result of fiddling with some combinations.
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Train your SSR cards: these have a tendency to excel Power, Speed and Tech. In my opinion these will be the most helpful. Plus you can unlock stories!
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
So for those who wanted a sneak peak or a spoiler of my Ayakashi: Romance Reborn AU, fine fine ya hungry wolves. I'll give you an introduction of the star of the show.
Everyone. Meet Mari Disonglo (made in Gacha Club btw)
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Mari Disonglo is a Dire Wolf Ayakashi from the pearl oriente, Philippines. Well her mother is from the Philippines while her father is literally from Japan. Those talismans on her head? They're seals keeping her powers at bay. There were three of them but one of them was removed.
She lives at the hinterlands at first. Fending for herself and finding food to eat. But somewhere in the middle of my story Kyonosuke Aizen allows her to stay at Milk Hall Raccord. As a reward for her hard, good deeds.
Her mother is also an Onmyoji, making her a half breed or what i like to call an Ayakashi Diviner. A hybrid between an Onmyoji and an Ayakashi. She also wields a blighted latchkey too. And it's located in her heart as well.
She looks young? YES CUZ SHE'S 13 LIKE ME.
Ahem- So about her past life: She- more like he (cuz her past self was a male-) was a Monk Priest in a shrine. Cause of death? Shot by an arrow, pinned and bleed to death after figuring out that he was an Ayakashi. (Cuz the village he was in is racist to Ayakashi-)
Also Past Life Shit: He was friends with (another OC-) Yuki. An unknown Ayakashi with a curse after killing his master. Before he (Mari's past self) died, he promised him (Yuki) that he'll break his curse and try to remember him by this special line Yuki told him before he died.
And this is the line potraying to Yuki's hidden Ayakashi form: "Eye's blue as the ocean.. Wings crooked as branches and black as the night..."
Enough about that, Mari's flaws are: People Pleasing, Eavesdropping, and cussing even though she isnt allowed to.
She also has depression, PTSD, anxiety, and ADHD.
Mari also doesn't know what a cuddle actually feels like, so immediately wipe her tears if you see her crying in the middle of a cuddling session. She's trying- (plus her parents are actually cruel so good relief now that they're dead- it could've been worse of they weren't)
Overall: Mari's still a sweet girl who wants love, a nap, and most importantly a mother.. Good thing Aoi exists so he can be Mari's mom.
💟Get to know her better once my story is out! And forgive her if she can be a bit annoying ^^;💟
That's all folks!
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Have an aftermath version of her appearance.
Yes she wields a lance and the teddy bear she's holding is the only remainder left of her deceased mother.
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AAA could I get a matchup for Ayakashi? Im a 21 yo who is trying her best. I like baking to de-stress, reading, drawing and playing videogames!. I’m a bit of an introvert, but I find it easy to connect with people. I tend to worry a lot and I’m the ultimate chaotic neutral mom friend. I struggle to get things done, but I’m really working on it! >:0
Oh honey, I feel you on the ‘struggle to get things done’. For real. Just for that, my magic 8 ball of executive (dys)function and I ship you with . . . Oji!
Old in spirit, but young at heart, Oji also struggles with getting things done; less out of lack of motivation or laziness, but because at 100 years old, he understands that most things don’t matter a few months or years from now. Thankfully he has Aoi to remind him that just because it doesn’t matter, it still needs to get done, and so the milk hall gets swept and the tables get scrubbed. Even Aoi’s energy has its limits though, so Oji agrees to hire a baker at Raccord to take some of the pressure off his surrogate son (and start stocking sweets for Yura). Enter you!
At first Aoi nags you almost as much as he does Oji, but the older man is always there to take the heat off you and make you laugh to heal the cuts left by Aoi’s sharp tongue. Every time you worry, he’s there telling you a story about a time just like this when everything turned out all right (he has so many of these, you’re beginning to suspect he’s making them up). Eventually he starts feeding you his excellent rice omelets after closing, and in return you start teaching him how to cook other things. The two of you form the ultimate mom’n’pop team to Aoi and the rest of those bundles of secrets and neuroses calling themselves Ayakashi; you feed them and provide the hugs and counseling, while Oji is always there with his hand on your shoulder and a story that begins with “When I was your age . . . “ and ends with “. . . and that’s when I bought the horse a prostitute.”
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