#cant believe i completed this in less than one day
cavity-collector · 27 days
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i genuinely need to be put down like a dog i cant do this anymore man holy shit
#yall dont know the meaning of terminally online til u meet me#i hate myself so much its not even funny i am the most miserable worthless scum#my sleep schedule is 7am to 3pm all i do all day is rot on the couch and sometimes draw if i have a drop of motivation#depression is completely kicking my ass and im not even fighting back i give up what the fuck man#theres not even a point for me to keep trying i just want to stop feeling such deep despair 24/7 please#i dont want to die i just want the pain to stop so i can peacefullylive out the rest of this year before i turn 18 and its all over for good#but i cant even have that! im just gonna suffer the whole time thanks great#i wish i could just get better and fix all of this but i cant its not working we dont have the money to#actually get me the help i need to make it work. i just have to figure it out or die#i just wanna go back to ***** ** *** i just want to stop being lonely and useless#i dont know why im posting this shit to tumblr. its so stupid i should just be journaling or something#probably because im worthless selfish scum. idfk.#the last 6 months have been a complete blur. just rotting on the couch or in bed occasionally seeing friends once every other month or so#ive already wasted half of being 17 abd im probably gonna waste the rest too. ill do nothing of worth before i die.#even my art is ugly and horrible and not worth leaving behind. people tell me to work to improve it but i dont have the time left#ill never create any of the things i wanted to create ill never be a good artist im just going to die exactly like this#an absolutely terrible person.#the only people i can talk about the things that make me a terrible person with are people who are terrible in even worse ways#no one can comfort me except them because theyre the only people who know what ive done and actually do see it as less than absolute evil#because they know absolute evil because it is them. but i actually don’t believe that i think theyre bad but could be good#idk what im saying anymore#someone shoot me#please im not kidding#just make it stop#tw vent#tw sui#delete later
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literaila · 10 months
I'd love to request a reader who's obsessed with love languages (me fr) and is trying to figure out what peter's is without directly asking him
obviously r gets caught in the act
Thank you so much!!
tasm!peter x reader
warnings: teasing, fluff, complex relationship issues (lying)
a/n: i do believe peter’s love language is physical touch/words of affirmation but that’s a conversation for a different time
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“would you rather run errands with someone and hold hands, or run errands with someone and get kicked out of the store cause you’re ‘disturbing the other customers?’”
peter momentarily pauses his chewing, raising an eyebrow at you. “one of these scenarios involves me getting escorted out of the grocery store.”
“yeah, but because you’re having too much fun.”
he shakes his head. “no such thing.”
“clearly, there is.”
he rifles through the remainder of his food, like digging for gold, but his cheek is twitching, and his eyes are thoughtful as he looks down. “why cant i have fun and hold hands with you?”
“okay,” you point at him, leaning back. peter, though you’d put his food across the kitchen table, so you could sit face to face, was adamant that you were too far. so now there’s only a table corner separating the two of you. and these questions, of course, building up a careful foundation. “first of all, i didn’t say it was me—“
“who else would get us kicked out of a grocery store?”
“and second of all, because that’s not the question. holding hands or ribs-hurt laughing?”
“both of those sound equally painful,” peter keeps leaning towards you like he knows something you don’t. which he doesn’t.
you lean forward too, undeterred by his challenge. “so you’re a completely-silent-errand-running-with-a-healthy-five-foot-distance kinda guy?”
“we literally went shopping today.” peter gestures back to the kitchen, where bags of produce and sugary containers (peter’s pickings) remain. after dinner, you’d both swore, but you’re having a hard time finishing your food. “you know what kinda guy i am.”
so it goes, on and on. you asking peter the same type of hypothetical questions you’d been all day. he hasn’t seemed to question it, besides a couple of ill-fated looks.
and you do. know, that is. peter did almost get you kicked out of the store today, when he’d tripped over a sign and knocked down a whole shelf of boxes. this, he claimed, was the crime of a faulty layout. though, he’d bumped into the sign in the first place because he refused to let go of your hand, even when it was less than conscientious.
this, though, you don’t bring up.
“if i bought you a gift,” you continue, ignoring his carefully planned out bantering techniques. “would you want something expensive, or something heart-felt?”
“why is that a question?”
you stare at him, nonchalant, gesturing for him to continue.
“are you buying me a gift?” he asks, rolling his eyes at you.
“maybe. your birthday’s coming up.”
“it is november,” he says, dryly.
“good memory.”
peter snorts. “my birthday is in august. you know, like, two months ago?”
“hmm…” you lean your chin on a hand, staring into hard honeysuckle eyes with feigned confusion. “i must’ve missed it.”
“you got me a spider-man calendar.”
“don’t recall.”
“i can go get it,” he points over his shoulder, leaning, again, towards you. enough so that you can feel his breath, smooth and challenging. “it’s just in the bedroom.”
“answer the question.”
he sighs and leans back again, almost laughing. “heartfelt, obviously. like my very cherished spider-man calendar. which is for this year, i might add.”
“what a wonderful gift,” you smile too, adoringly, “you should thank whoever got it for you.”
peter furrows his brows, though not in confusion. “i did,” he says, softly, trying to break you.
but you remain where you are, smiling as cool as you’ve been all day.
which is to say, of course, that you’ve been dancing circles around peter and hoping that he hasn’t noticed.
you hadn’t even thought of it until two days ago, when out to lunch with your friend and she mentioned a book—fabled and probably recommended by some hot-shot magazine—about how to connect with your partner.
“love languages,” she’d said to you, “are the basis to every relationship.”
and this must have been true because despite a rough patch between her and her girlfriend, they were now as solid as always. and you could tell this, just from how at ease she’d seemed.
which, naturally, put you on edge.
not that you doubted peter, or your relationship with him. besides some run of the mill insecurities, peter was probably the loveliest person you’d ever met. so it was probably a bad thing that you had no clue—not a single suspicion, or thought—what his love language was.
thus, the questions began. and peter’s dubiousness doubled with every one you asked.
evident because he was still watching you. “are we acting out a scenario in which you need a visa and i agree to marry you?”
you kick him under the table. “what? i cant ask you questions?”
“i think this is the fortieth one today.”
“i’ve asked, like, three, and you haven’t even tried to answer any of them properly.”
“you know we’re in a real relationship, right? i know your favorite color and everything.”
you stand up from the table, grabbing your take-out container, and his, and walking to the kitchen.
peter trails after you, clearly noticing your evasion. “do you actually need a visa?” he asks, leaning against a counter, almost knocking over one of the grocery bags. “cause i think you’re supposed to tell the person you’re getting married to. so i can ask you some questions.”
“doesn’t seem like you’re having any problems with that.”
peter snorts and comes behind you while you grab something out of the first bag. his hands are warm as they wrap around your waist, resting on your stomach like a possession. “what’s up with you?”
“i’m unbagging the groceries.”
“you’ve been acting weird all day. do you need to talk to me about something?”
“no.” you pull away from him, putting some apples in the fruit bowl. “you’re crazy.”
“yes. i am the crazy one.”
you hum and walk around him, carefully not meeting his eyes.
after a couple minutes of this, with peter pretending to put things away, you break, uncomfortable with the silence.
“painting a room together,” you start, “or cuddling?”
peter pushes off of the counter, his teeth peaking behind his lips. “cuddling, obviously. you’re a terrible painter.”
he moves about a foot away from you, staring, again, like he knows something you don’t.
“what?” you ask him, closing a drawer. you cross your arms.
“nothing. nothing.”
but peter is grinning at you.
“what’s with your face?”
“what’s with yours?”
you roll your eyes at him, not moving. peter copies your stance, and the two of you remain as still as statues, testing one another.
finally, peter laughs. “you think i don’t know what you’re doing?”
“posing hypothetical questions?”
“i know what love languages are, baby,” peter steps closer to you. his hands just lingering by the seam of your shirt. “you’d make a terrible detective.”
despite the heat running through your body at being caught, you narrow your eyes at him. “me? it only took you all day to figure it out.”
“that’s cause i was giving you the benefit of the doubt. i thought you really wanted to know.”
“i do,” you cross your arms, bumping into him, offended. “i would’ve given up like three hours ago if i didn’t.”
“you’re crazy,” he says, simply. his look is amorous. “you could’ve just asked me.”
“no. i should know just from spending time with you. that’s couple 101.”
peter actually laughs. right in your face. he leans down, resting his chin against your head for support. “cant say i’ve ever taken that class.”
“well you should. it’s very informative.”
“okay, professor, then what’s my love language?”
you open your mouth. then close it. you push him back. “i’m not telling you.”
“oh,” peter tilts his head. “why not?”
“cause that’s cheating. figure out your own love language.”
“you think i don’t know what i like?”
peter shakes his head at you. “you just don’t know.”
“you just don’t know,” you poke his cheek. “you couldn’t even decide which cereal to get. we have three boxes now.”
“that’s called choice paralysis,” he informs you, as if you didn’t have this conversation earlier. “and you agreed to that.”
“sure,” you say to him, turning away.
“you’re a sore loser.”
“we’re not playing a game.”
“the elaborate ‘would you rather’ scheme wasn’t a game?” he asks.
“it was an informative questionnaire.”
peter gets in your way as you try to walk out of the kitchen. “then why hasn’t it informed you?”
you roll your eyes at him again. “c’mon, peter, you know that data can take weeks to process.”
he runs a hand up to your face, easily trapping you. “you just don’t know” he repeats softly.
he’s getting close again; resuming the game he’d lost earlier.
“you don’t know,” you say, stubbornly, not meeting his eyes.
“i know i like you,” he answers, breath marring your reaction skills.
and before you can even smile in response, peter is kissing you.
his lips are soft, pushing at you like he wants you to admit defeat. consoling you into a loss. convincing you to back down.
but you refuse.
you pull away, pushing his hand off of you. “that’s cheating.”
“we never set any rules.”
“well you’re breaking one.”
peter leans and let’s it go, crossing his arms as he looks at you, very arrogantly. “that’s okay,” he shrugs.
you attempt to catch your breath while peter stares at you, clearly thinking that he’s won.
“okay,” you say, pouting. “tell me. what’s your love language?”
peter smiles voraciously at this. he takes a step towards you, molding his body heat into yours.
then he shakes his head, his smile falling into something sweeter. “i don’t know,” he whispers to you, hand reaching down for yours, hair in his eyes. “physical touch, probably, before. but i like everything with you. i always want more, doesn’t matter what it is.”
you brush the hair out of his eyes, smiling.
though your intents are less than straightforward, there’s still a part of you that curls under this confession, like it just can’t take it.
“that’s sweet,” you whisper, leaning into him. he’s bent down so his nose is to yours.
peter hums, breathing in the smell of your skin, and pulling you closer and he stands there, lingering on the briefest of touches.
he tilts his head a bit, lips lined up with yours.
and you smile. “i’m not telling you mine,” you whisper to him, quickly pulling away and moving to the table, whistling as you do so.
you start to collect the trash you’d left there, hearing nothing for a moment, but peter’s heavy breathing.
you smile at the sound of his defeat.
“now that’s cheating,” he says, and you laugh.
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wolfiesmoon · 9 months
What a fate
Ran x good girl! reader
this is a part 2 to my fic "i can't sleep", dont worry i'm feeding ur families they will no longer starve. apparently people are really into ran considering how many notes that fic of mine got (and who can blame them honestly)
unrelated but i cant believe it took me this long to get into housewife radio by ghost i love the horror vibes because of course i do
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You've had a turbulent few days recently. Ever since you agreed to do that stupid dare Ran hasn't left you alone.
He did promise to do so but you didn't think he was actually serious about "making you his". How could you let this happen?
Things turned out completely opposite to what you expected, though. Instead of dragging you to his gang meeting to beat the crap out of you, he's taking you there to threaten his lackeys that if they even so much as lay a finger on his girl (you), they'd feel hell on earth.
You suppose that it's nice that he wants to protect you but you feel extremely out of place and uncomfortable at a gang meeting of all places.
Your parents think you're studying at a library right now. Somehow, you feel like you're commiting a crime.
You also met his brother at that meeting.
It seems being a good-for-nothing delinquent runs in their family. You feel sorry for their parents. If they even have them.
"Wow, I would've never thought the nerd would be your type." Rindou teased Ran. Actually, maybe it was both of you he was teasing.
"She's the one that kissed me first." Ran smirked at you.
"You're the worst. Both of you." you furrowed your brows, not finding either of them amusing in the slightest.
"Your girlfriend hates you, man. Personally I would not put up with that." Rindou seemed disinterested, checking his nails as he said that.
"I am not his girlfriend, either!" you defended yourself but Ran just looked at you like he pitied you and Rindou looked like he didn't believe you.
"Right, okay, if you say so. You two have your lover's quarrel on your own. I'm going elsewhere." Rindou just casually left, leaving you all alone with Ran in an abandoned storage unit. Oh boy.
"Umm, I should get going- ack!" you felt your wrist getting grabbed, preventing you from leaving. There's your only exit up in smoke.
"Leaving so soon? But we haven't even had our fun yet." Ran smiled at you and you honestly felt scared at that moment. Oh no, you shouldn't have yelled back at him so daringly just now. Now he's going to beat the crap out of you and drop you off in front of your parents doorstep as a warning to never mess with his gang again.
He leaned in closer and you braced yourself for the pain, but instead of that you felt his lips on yours.
Kissing...?! Again?! Well, atleast it's better than a punch to the face... You can't believe it's come to a point where you're glad to get kissed by Ran.
But still, does he have to kiss you in the least romantic place possible? Even if you did have feelings for him you'd totally find this moment cringy.
"You suck at kissing." He comments heartily, pulling away.
"I'm not the one who kisses a new girl every day. Maybe I actually have some self-respect." You crossed your arms. He was your first kiss after all.
"Every night is an exaggeration. It's like, every week." You couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious, even if you saw his expression.
"Oh, wow. Glad to know that I'll get cheated on in about 3 days. Way to make your 'girlfriend' hate you less."
"I'll stop for you." He smiled.
"Uh huh, whatever." You rolled your eyes.
Though, his kisses are actually kind of making you.... No, no! Don't fall for that! You can't believe you almost admitted that you'd fall for him if he kissed you more.
"How's it going with your new boyfriend, girl?"
"God, do not call him that." You held your forehead in frustration.
"I think he's taken a liking to you." Your friend nudged you, pointing at Ran who was sitting on the other side of the cafeteria and smiling at you as he ate.
"Great." You said sarcastically, immediately looking away when your eyes met.
"See? It ended up well. Now you have a hot bad boy boyfriend." Your friend kinda wished she'd done it instead of daring you.
"Didn't I just... ugh! I don't think my parents would agree with you." You placed your forehead on the table, groaning. "You date him if you want a bad boy so bad. But I hate you for dragging me into this." Your voice was slightly muffled.
"Yeah, we'll see. You'll be the happiest couple ever in like, two months."
You raised your head, looking back at Ran once again. You're in quite the pickle, aren't you? The next thing you know, you'll fall for Haitani Ran.
How scarily exciting.
"Hop on." Ran stopped on his bike in front of the library. How he knew you had a study session there today? Don't worry about the details.
Another motorcycle ride... You feel like you barely survived the last one.
"My parents expect me to be home in 10 minutes." You crossed your arms. You weren't lying, either.
"Who cares? Live a little." Ran rolled his eyes playfully. Clearly he isn't going to let you back down.
"I'll do it, but only if you keep it to ten minutes." He was right, backing down isn't your thing. You wonder how much resisting him you could get away with if you weren't special to him.
Special to him... huh.
"Killjoy." He insulted you lightly as you sat down in front of him. Again, neither of you are wearing a helmet. This is the last time you'll let it slide.
"I prefer to not get scolded endlessly." You held onto him tightly because you knew what was coming and didn't want to almost fall off the bike again. He felt proud when you held onto him like that.
Like you're finally his. To be honest, he didn't really care much for you until you kissed him out of nowhere like that. How bold of you, the top-of-the-class rule stickler. But he likes that. And that's why he decided to make you his.
Isn't the fact that he lets you ride on his motorcycle enough to see that?
You felt the wind blowing against your face as you set off. Now that you feel it again, it doesnt feel too bad. It's kind of nice, actually. And Ran is warm, too.
The scenery moves past the two of you and strangely, you feel really calm and at peace. It feels like your parents don't exist in this moment and that you can just... live, and feel the adrenaline of the high speed.
This is so scarily exciting.
"You look relaxed." He said, looking down at you.
"I am. And look at the road, will you?" You scolded him but your voice was still relaxed. You look up at him again.
He actually isn't that bad looking. You kind of understand why some girls would fall for him. You, on the other hand...
Are unfortunately befalling the same fate.
He didn't say anything but you had a feeling he knew you were staring.
"You look like you're in love."
"What?! How would you even know?!" You looked back at the road, hiding your face from him. You can't help but get defensive of such a thing.
God, you hate that he's right.
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veren-cos · 2 months
Hello! If your requests are still open I would like to ask for your headcanons on a specific scenario.
The farmer came back from the mines in a really bad shape. They had to go to the hospital to get multiple surgeries and now how to stay in bed for a while.
How would the stardew bachelors react to their spouse getting hurt so badly and how would they help them with chores and recovery?
My requests are always open!! They just take me a while to get through depending on motivation, inspiration, and just time to write lol. Basically, as long as I don't respond to an ask saying I cant/won't write it, it will get written. Now onto the fic!!
(No trigger warnings. Reader is hurt, yes, but there are no in detail descriptions)
• He passes put when he sees you.
• He lived relatively close to the clinic so I imagine he got there pretty fast after he heard what had happened.
• So he saw you pretty beat up.
• Once you were finally awake, he pulled you into a big hug. Which proceeded to make everything hurt worse as you were still bruised and healing.
• You let out a yelp and then Sam jumped off of you and nearly started crying from how much he was apologizing.
• He ended up having to be taken out of the room by Maru while Harvey talked to you.
• Sam helped you get home, but you better believe you aren't doing *anything* on your farm until you're fully healed.
• Sam was prepared to full on quit his job to take over your farm until you were healed.
• You had to convince him not to do that, so he just ended up taking less hours (which you still didn't like, but you appreciated his effort and sentiment)
• Once you were finally healed enough for him to hug you and give you cuddles, that man was not letting go of your for *days*.
• Sebastian would not know what to do.
• He never thought that he would have someone this important to him, and now you look damn near dead.
• He emotionally shut down for a long time after seeing you.
• But once Maru talked some sense into him outside of the clinic room, he was just so worried.
• He knew he wouldn't be able to fully take care of your farm, but he did basically live in with you.
• He works from home, so he just moved his work to *your* home.
• He cooked for you a lot. It started out with a lot of instant noodles, but he eventually broke out of that and made you other food.
• He wouldn't smother you, but he wanted you to know he would be there if you needed anything.
• He took great care of your animals, and made sure the weeds on your farm were taken care of.
• Unfortunately, he wasn't able to keep up with your crops. So you ended up loosing a season.
• But Sebastian being there with you made it so much better than rotting by yourself.
• Oh Alex would be pissed.
• He doesn't go on the mines. He could handle it, but he knows that it's dangerous and doesn't want to mess with it.
• But if he saw you all fucked up from the mines?
• Oh he would be pissed.
• Maru and Harvey would have to hold him back from going in the mines to beat up whatever hurt you.
• But when you woke up, Alex completely forgot about going down there, and rushed straight to your side.
• He was with you like a lost puppy.
• Alex only works in the summer, so even in the summer, Alex could completely take care of your farm.
• Like Sebastian, Alex basically moves in with you while you heal.
• Random, but the thing he found he liked the most about his time while you were healing was helping you shower. He thought it was a very domestic and cute moment. (Alex loves the little domestic moments and I will die on that hill. Same with Sam-)
• He would smother you compared to the other Bachelors, but he just doesn't want to see you get worse.
• He sees it the worst.
• Like with the other Bachelor's, you're still in bad condition. But Harvey sees the raw injuries. And he has to be the one to operate.
• He nearly breaks down but after maru talking some sense into him, he pulls himself together.
• But after operating, he just falls apart.
• Breaks down crying, not leaving your side until you wake up.
• He is so worried. Yes, he is confident in his work.
• But if you don't wake up. You. Harvey would never forgive himself.
• So when you finally do wake up, he is all over you.
• Like. For weeks. He won't let you do *any* farm work. He tries to pull double time as doctor and farmer to fill in for you.
• So he crashes a burns.
• Eventually he ends up enlisting the help of the town to watch you and do some farm work until you're back on your feet.
• He froze when he saw you laying clinics bed.
• Like just stood there. It took so long to register that you were *that* hurt.
• When Harvey told him you'd be on bed rest for at least 2 weeks, he blanked out.
• The most important part was getting you home and better. Shane could deal with the farm, but there was no way in hell you were getting up once.
• He nearly fell back into a depressive episode because of all of the stress, but now he had you. He was learning to rely on Marney more.
• So Shane took care of the animals. He tried to keep up with the farm itself, but it was too much.
• He still had his job at Joja, so there was only so much he could do.
• He moved a mini cooler onto a nightstand by your bed, so you never had to get up for food or drinks.
• He watched movies with you a lot, and once you felt good enough, gave you a lot of cuddles.
• He tried to put on a brave face, but he was worried for you. He didn't think he was going enough, but Shane didn't know what else he *could* do.
• All in all, he tried his best. Nothing would go wrong with him taking care of you, but there would be a lot of work for you once you completely recovered.
• He was utterly heartbroken
• It felt like a piece of him got bruised and broken along with you.
• Elliott isn't very strong, so while he can help with the animals, the farm is staying still.
• He reads poetry to you every night. It becomes a nice habbit even after you are healed.
• He is there for you emotionally. Get that hurt is very traumatic, and he just wants to be there for you.
• He makes sure to take care of you until you can take care of yourself again.
• But even after, he still would want to take care of you <3
Hope Y'all liked it, have a nice day!!
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eowynstwin · 2 years
Obviously if your asks aren’t open then feel free to disregard this- (love your work btw I just- I cant- 🥰)
Do you think they keep the dog tags *ON* during sex? How do you think they’d wear them during it? Would they have you wear them?
You don’t HAVE to answer for each individual character obviously if you would rather just do it as a whole or just one that’s fine! Whatever works for you 💕
*cracks knuckles* I’ll do ‘em all. (Sorry for the long post, I’ll put it under a readmore when I get home 🙏)
Do the Tags Stay on in Bed?
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Ghost wears his tags because, like the mask, they just don't ever come off. He is two people when he is with you--Ghost is the creature that can protect you, that can do the things Simon Riley would have been too weak for when it comes to your safety. But Simon is the man that could have loved you properly. Simon is the man Ghost believes could make you coffee in the morning, could rub your neck at the end of a long day.
It isn't initially why he wears his tags when he fucks you, but it is now--Ghost holds you in an iron grip, looms over you as he thrusts into you hard enough to bang the headboard against the wall, and feels the tags with a dead man's name clink against his chest. They remind him that you deserve whatever is left of the man who would have been far better for you than Ghost ever could be.
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Soap wears his tags fully out of pride. The SAS is his life, is a massive part of his identity, and while he knows not every mission he's sent on is wholly for the good, he holds onto his conviction to act with integrity and compassion no matter what. The SAS might not always do good, but he will, as much as he can.
He wants you to be proud of him, too--he's really doing it all for you, after all. When those tags hang between you as your legs are wrapped around his waist, as they come to rest on your chest when he leans down to kiss you, he wants you to know that when he wears them he's thinking of you.
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Gaz has no preference, but more often than not they stay on because he forgets to take them off. Usually, it's because the moment you're both free with enough time to actually have sex, he isn't going to bother with silly things like getting completely undressed--he wants you, now.
So, they've whacked you in the face a couple times as the two of you have gone at it. It's too funny to get mad at, and Gaz always uses it as an excuse to "make it up to you." Sometimes he'll take them off, too, and put them around your neck instead. "Keep 'em safe for me, eh?" he says with a grin.
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Price takes his tags off. Over 20 years of service have left him wanting something that exists apart from violence and bloodshed, and every moment he spends with you is that something. He doesn't want to be the Captain with you, not unless he has to be--putting his tags aside gives him permission to just be John with you.
Besides, they'd get in the way. John does his very, very best to please you, to satisfy you beyond any expectation you may have of him, and sometimes that leaves you needing to bite down on his neck to keep from screaming. You’d probably not prefer to break a tooth on the tags’ chain.
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Alejandro also takes his tags off, although it’s less about keeping work and pleasure separate and more about the annoyance they can be. When he is with you, Alejo is focused wholly on you, and does not appreciate distractions of any sort. He doesn’t want to have to fling his tags around to get them out of the way, or let them hang to be caught on an errant foot or wrist.
He does, however, love to see you wear them. It’s totally a possessive thing, but in the best way—Alejo worships the ground you walk on, and seeing his name around your neck inspires the same awe usually reserved for the divine. He thinks you could have anyone you wanted, and is humbled daily that you continue to choose him.
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Rudy doesn’t care either way if the tags are on or off, and if the topic ever comes up he leaves that up to you. It’s an attitude that is very in-character—Rudy’s satisfaction comes from ensuring that you are satisfied, no matter what. Rudy’s love language, hands down, is acts of service.
Similarly to Alejo, however, he does enjoy seeing you wear his tags. “They belong to you anyway, mi vida,” he’ll tell you, lining your neck with gentle kisses. “All of me does.” (He has been known, however, to forget where he puts them if they do come off. So it’s probably better if they stay on.)
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Bonus: Valeria gave hers to you a long time ago. She asks very frequently to see them, to make sure you keep them with you at all times. She promised herself she would never, ever carry their weight again, but she also can’t quite bear to throw them away, so now they stay with the only person in the world that she trusts.
If you wear them to bed, it will inspire a frenzy in her that will leave you limping the next morning. Those tags are a past version of her, a version she emerged from like a snake shedding its skin. While she is never sure how to feel about that previous self, seeing you take care its vestiges satisfies an ache in Valeria that she will never acknowledge.
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Bonus: Graves has mixed feelings about his tags overall, being that he is technically not required to wear them anymore. They don’t mean the same thing to him now that they used to. That doesn’t mean they aren’t always on him, of course—he keeps them tucked into his boots. So you never see them.
If you were to ever find them, bring them into the bedroom? It could go one of two ways. On the one hand, you could end up benefitting short-term from the frustrated agitation those tags inspire, with Graves using your body to relieve an old, invisible hurt you never knew about. He will withdraw from you afterwords, though, too caught up in himself to really connect with. On the other, he could just withdraw immediately, recede from you, and the tension of that encounter will linger for days. It’s best not to involve his tags at all.
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urdrowning · 1 year
Alessia old tweets reappear of her crushing one the reader
got inspired by alessia’s old facebook posts 🤍 thank u for the request!!
fangirl / a. russo
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“can you believe that he would do that to his own wife?”
alessia exclaims to you in shock. you mumble something of agreement having not paid attention.
you’re both currently lying in bed, enjoying your well earned day off together. there was some random youtube video playing on the TV which alessia was engrossed in for whatever reason. you on the other hand were mindlessly scrolling through social media, only half paying attention to the video on the TV.
you’re currently scrolling through twitter, deciding to interact with some of your supporters and be as nosy as possible until you stumble upon a post on your feed.
‘i cant believe alessia did all this and still managed to pull y/n 😭’
huh? alessia did what? you tap on the tweet and realise it’s linked to a thread of tweets. in this thread is a series of screenshots that instantly makes you fight back a laugh as your heart bursts with love.
Alessia Russo (alessiarusso7) 12/02/19
‘y/n scoring a hat trick ugh nom x’
now it’s no secret that alessia was.. a big fan of you before you started dating, despite only being a year older than her, she was an avid supporter of your professional career.. but this was new. you sit up slightly, your interest now piqeud, and proceed to scroll through the thread in search of more screenshots.
Alessia Russo (alessiarusso7) 27/12/18
‘I need y/n to tackle me to the floor like she did ⠀ to that city player 😮‍💨😮‍💨’
this one makes you audibly laugh, causing alessia to turn and face you questioningly as she softly asks what you’re laughing about.
“just something i saw on twitter babe, no worries”
she nods lightly and smiles at you, grabbing your hand in her own as she turns her attention back to the TV, a new video is playing now. you turn your attention back to your phone and read the next tweet.
Alessia Russo (alessiarusso7) 18/03/19
‘The villa player tackling y/n like that?? GET ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀YOUR HANDS OFF MY WOMAN!!! Y/N QUICK ⠀ ⠀GET BEHJND ME 😵😤🤯’
this one makes you break. you throw your head back in a laugh and lose grip of your phone. alessia’s head shoots towards you. she’s about to ask what you’re laughing at again before she catches a glimpse of your phone.
“what on earth..”
she leans in and takes a closer look at the screen and her stomach drops. she pauses her movements in shock and completely pales. you quickly grab your phone back in your hands and continue to laugh.
“y/n no, please stooooopppppp”
she whines in embarrassment, reaching over you, clawing for her phone as you clutch it out of her reach, rolling around in laughter.
“want me to sign your shirt, less?”
this causes her to groan even more as she begins to climb on top of you and playfully wrestle you for your phone.
you’re never gonna let her live this down.
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sparklingsora · 7 months
Hi. I would like to know many things about your roleswap au bc I love it very much but I have no idea what to ask I just want to know many things bc my brain has been consumed already
uhhhhh I guess can you lore dump a little bit on backstories? Idk I just wanna know everything about this au
I will be back in your ask box for this au several times most likely
-Spaghetti Brain Anon
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!!! i am SO glad that i could get this au to live in someone else's brain rent free too. all i could ever ask for in life tbh i guess i'll infodump about character backstories, dynamics, character arcs, all that juicy stuff putting it under cut because HO BOY THIS IS GONNA GET LONG
as a heads up, take the timeframes i give you with a grain of salt, because i still havent completely figured out the timeline so first of all, vox!! he's a sinner, died in the 1950s, as per canon. he's a businessman, but less stable than in canon. he's always jumping from job to job, business to business, which results in him having a lot of connections with various people around hell. soon after arriving in hell, he met and became friends with alastor. cut to, i'd say around 7-10 years before the events of the story? alastor disappears without a trace during an extermination and vox assumes him dead. having now been personally touched by the effects of the extermination, the idea to try and solve overpopulation another way is planted in his head, but wont come to fruition until much later. in the meantime he meets velvette - finds her bleeding out in an alleyway after getting too cocky and trying to fight back to an exorcist (bad idea). he nurses her back to health, they become friends and eventually start dating, yada yada yada. one day vox and velvette find a funky little cat (keekee). keekee takes a liking to them and leads them to the old ruins of a building up on the hill on the edge of pentagram city. they figure out that the cat turns into a keyblade that can be used to magically build shit (only the hotel though, as keekee is the spirit of the hotel or??? whatever the hell the canon lore is idk???) vox finally decides to realize his idea to try and solve overpopulation more humanely - through redeeming sinners! his reasoning is, if angels can fall (as proven by lute and charlie), then demons can surely ascend, right? though he's not as sure or idealistic about it as charlie is in canon. he simply thinks it has a chance of working, and opening up a hotel means a bigger sample size than if he were to just try and get into heaven himself or something like that. besides, he wouldnt wanna go to heaven, he likes it here. also, im not sure where this is situated in the timeline yet, but he was in a band with adam, lute and possibly eve at some point? the band is called brimstone eden, as mentioned in the comic i posted. im not sure yet whether he was in the band prior to eve's disappearance or after it (eve disappears 7 years before the story starts to mirror canon lilith). swap!vox, like his canon counterpart, is a very reactive person. he follows trends, he's extremely go-with-the-flow to a fault. he never really had any strong beliefs until the hotel - his character arc mainly involves him gaining something to believe in and learning to fight for that belief, 'ready for this' being more or less the culmination of his arc. jesus christ i cant believe i wrote that much JUST on vox. *slaps the top of his head* this boy can fit so much lore in him
now, velvette... she's how you'd expect her to be. same old brave, arrogant velvette. she's a fashion designer and seamstress and runs a moderately sized business which she promotes on sinstagram. she's mutuals with val there, which is how he finds out about the hotel. there's not much to write home about when it comes to val - it's insane how similar angel and him are. like literally barely anything changes when you swap them, it's very clean. he's a prn star, sold his soul to angel dust, yada yada. though a bit on his dynamic with vox - vox is very good at reading people, and doesn't like being lied to (he's a bit of a hypocrite in that regard - he puts on a facade all the time when in professional settings). he can clearly tell val isnt doing as good as he pretends he is, and wants to help him really badly, but val just sees it as vox pitying him and rejects his help (its what they fight about in ep 4, as a counterpart to the whole "charlie going to the studio" thing bc vox wouldnt do that) and now here's the fun part - ALASTOR! oh, alastor, you beautiful stuck up bitch! so turns out, he's not so dead after all! he ALMOST died in that fateful extermination, but husk found him and offered him a "give me your soul right now or bleed out in this alleyway" type deal. of course alastor chose the former, but boy he's not happy about it. he's extremely ashamed of how far he's fallen. so ashamed, in fact, that he hid from the world for those 7-10 years! yeah! he's only pulled out of hiding when husk summons him to be the bartender for the hotel. vox is of course, extremely bewildered and demands answers. alastor doesnt give them and avoids him instead. it takes a sincere conversation with valentino in ep 4 for alastor to finally talk to vox again and explain himself. alastor is basically in extremely deep denial of just how fucked his life is. he clings onto his radio demon persona like a lifeline bc its the last thing that can help him feel some semblance of control over his situation. his tension with valentino is twofold - first they butt heads because of opposing personalities, and second because they both see the other's bullshittery. it's a clusterfuck it eventually bubbles over in ep 4, they both admit how absolutely fucked they are and are friends now. wish i could say more on al & val bc i love them very much but it seems ive run out of eloquency for now. though i know i'll draw some comics of them eventually so maybe it'll come across better in comic form. anyway as mentioned above ive run out of eloquency and im honestly not sure how coherent this whole thing is so you'll have to come back for the other characters some other time, dear anon! until then, thank you so much for the ask once again, and have a nice day/night :)
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
presidential escort | trevor zegras x reader
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: Trevor Zegras x Mexican!reader where she’s the daughter of a famous singer and actress in Mexico. Reader is also a famous actress and slowly making a name for herself in the US. Her and Trevor meet at like a charity event and she’s taking him home to meet her family and when they’re at the airport he’s shocked to see that him and reader practically need a presidential escort out because of how many people showed up at the airport to see her once word got out that she was coming home. Like Trevor knew reader was famous but he didn’t realize how loved her and her mother are.
word count: 1.3k
you couldn't remember a time where you hadn’t been in the limelight. you were used to the harsh light of the camera as hundreds flashed in your direction, and the symphony of excited shouts and screams that all called your name. your mother was and is an iconic actress and singer in mexico, and so you and your family have always been in the public's interest. you easily followed into your mothers footsteps as you carved your name into hollywood and across the world. 
your big break in the hollywood came with your lead role in a massively successful disney film. you were this year's breakout star, and therefore were invited to every charity and red carpeted event.
“y/n! over here!” your publicist ushered you away from the red carpet. she pulled you aside, quickly explaining to you how the press for this event was going to work. “there's a rep from the anaheim ducks who’s going to do a quick interview-” you nod along to her words, already used to how these charity events work. 
it was not less than a minute later that you were standing in front of a gorgeous boy with a microphone in his hands. “uh, im trevor!” the boy introduced himself clumsily. it was clear he had absolutely no experience in the world of interviewing. 
“hello, im y/n!” you smiled at trevor and watched as his cheeks burned a brilliant shade of red.
“im uh, clearly not used to being the one interviewing people” he said sheepishly, hand coming up to run through his hair. 
“maybe start with asking a question,” you prompt him, giggling quietly as you look at how dumbfounded trevor looked.
“yeah, that's probably a good idea,” trevor nodded, “uh so ! y/n what's like… your favourite memory of being an actress?” “my favourite memory…. i love walking onto the completed sets and seeing everyone in costume and makeup… it's so cool to see everything come together after only reading scripts. seeing everything put together for (your film) was so surreal.” you gave your real answer before messing with trevor. “but… talking to you has also been really fun! I think you should become an interviewer,” you smiled cheekily up at trevor who once again blushed.
the rest was history after that interview. before moving onto the next interviewer, you asked trevor to see his list of interview questions. when he passed the sheet over to you, you wrote your number down for him to call. he called you the very next day. 
7 months later…
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liked by jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, colecaufield, and others
trevorzegras summer lovin’
tagged: ynoffical
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ynoffical my favourite interviewer🫶
trevorzegras my favourite actress!❤️
jackhughes finally ig official
user11 HES DATING YN LN???
user67 HELLOOOO?? 
user99 bro is just casually dating yn ln
user31 who is she?
user99 an iconic mexican actress. she comes from a super well known family. her mom is also an insanely popular actress and singer
user52 MOTHERRRRR ynoffical i love u😫🙏🙏
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liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, _alexturcotte, and others
ynoffical my boy ❤️
tagged: trevorzegras
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trevorzegras my girl❤️
trevorzegras love you
ynoffical i love you
jackhughes cant believe u decided to date him im ngl
ynoffical hes charming idk what else to say !
user44 this hard launch omggg😓😓🙏
user01 now post a selfie we dgaf about trevor ! user88 YN YN YN
user92 TREVOR???
a few months into dating and your family in mexico were already asking you to bring trevor home to meet him. with it now being off season, and you being in between projects, you had some free time to make the trip to visit your family. 
you had tried to warn trevor about your family's level of fame, but no amount of stories or video proof could really explain the insane pull your family had with the public. 
trevor held your hand tightly as you two exited the plane. “are you nervous?” you questioned him lightly, staring up at him to see his genuine reaction. trevor smiled down at you before nodding. “what if your family doesn’t like me?” 
“they’ll love you,” you easily reassure trevor in the short amount of time you have before you need to step outside and find your car. you squeeze his hand three times, and then your designated airport security guard ushers you further through the airport. 
“Y/N! Y/N!”
“Y/N L/N OVER HERE!!!”“Y/N!!!” 
you heard the crowd before you saw them. luckily, your mom had sent her security to the airport once she caught wind that your flight details were leaked to the public. her security joined you at baggage claim, and trevor looked at you in shock. he knew you were from a very famous family, but he didn’t anticipate all the screaming fans and glaring flashes of the camera as they tried to photograph you two in the airport. 
“your car is waiting outside Ms. L/n” one of the security guards spoke and you nodded in response. 
“are you ready trev?” you asked, taking a minute to gauge his reaction to the crowd he no doubt heard screaming too. Trevor was tense. his shoulders were pulled back and he was standing straight, something he did when he was nervous. trevor nodded to your question but you knew he was lying. “It's okay to be nervous there's a lot of people,” you easily reassured your boyfriend who let out a breath. he nodded a few times, before seemingly relaxing.
“hold my hand again?” trevor asked, holding his hand back out to you. you easily take his hand and bring it up to your lips. 
“okay, we can go out now,” the security guard from before motions for the other guards to be alert as you begin to go outside to your car. 
everyone was shouting your name, you and trevor were being blinded by the flashes of cameras, and you swore you had never seen a larger crowd in all of your life. with you being gone in the usa for the past two years, yours and your families fandom in mexico were going crazy over your return. 
“there's so many people!” trevors shocked voice was loud in your ear as he leaned down so you would hear him. before you could respond, the crowd started to shift as they pushed against the barrier that was separating them from you. all of the security guards were quick to step into action as they pushed against the crowds and blocked them with their bodies. 
you gripped trevor's hand tighter as you quickened your pace to the car that you were less than a foot away from.
as soon as you and trevor were in the car, and the doors were closed, trevor laughed. “that was insane!!” he giggled, looking out his window. “babe, there are so many people here! like i know you said you had a lot of fans but this…” he trailed off, looking at the rows and rows of people who were still screaming your name.
“SUV 1 you can drive,” your driver said into his phone. 
“there's more than one car??” trevor exclaimed, now looking ahead through the front window as a black car started pulling ahead. you couldn't help but smile at his astonishment. “this is literally like a presidential escort… OH baby look!” trevor's voice was loud with excitement as he started to point at various things in the crowds. 
fans were holding posters with your face on it, there were various posters of your mom as well… trevor couldn't believe what he was seeing. 
“this is crazy!” trevor gushed again, detailing every little thing that he was seeing in the crowd to you. he had never seen anything like this before. 
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liked by ynoffical, jamie.drysdale, _quinnhughes, and others
trevorzegras had the most insane time in mexico with my love
tagged: ynoffical
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ynoffical ❤️❤️
ynoffical i had the best time with you
trevorzegras ❤️
jackhughes i wanna go next time ynoffical 
ynoffical i'll book the tickets👩‍💻
user42 okay but is he mom approved? ynoffical
ynoffical she absolutely loves him
user33 u guys look so good im cryinggg😭😭🫶
user21 i got to see u guys at the airport! yn was stunning🫶🫶
liked by trevorzegras
you couldn't have dreamed of a better trip. you got to show trevor all around your hometown, and he got to meet your family who were all so excited to meet the boy you were always talking about. you couldn't wait for the next time you got to go home to mexico again.
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identityflawed · 2 months
feels to me like the primary division between pro and anti jedi sentiments is narrative perception. pro jedi individuals tend to adhere to the ideas that are explicitly stated by lucas himself or very clearly put out and acknowledged within the fictional universe, whereas anti jedi individuals tend to lean more into analysis of the in-betweens. they both apply real-world morals and experiences to a fictional plane (and despite its various nonfiction influences, star wars IS fictional), and they do it in such excess that it makes the majority of more level-headed fans less eager to interact in such a heated fandom.
are the jedi bad? no. the majority of them were good people doing good things, even while the sith corrupted the galaxy around them. did the jedi deserve order 66? no. anyone who says that is insane. are the jedi completely blameless in the events of the clone wars? no. they became complacent in the idea that the sith were warriors and were incapable of changing their ways in order to win, despite victory being a key part of their code. the jedi are not paragons of perfection — they are human, and humans can be ignorant. did the jedi cause anakin to fall? yes, in part. while palpatine was the primary driving force towards anakin’s destruction, the jedi’s ignorance towards both anakin’s trauma AND his burgeoning relationship with palpatine did contribute to the rise of darth vader. (i know they let palpatine and anakin interact because they were concerned that denying palpatine would cause problems in the future, though this is sourced from legends. i take that and raise you one: what kind of grandmaster uses a 10 year old as a political game piece? and even in lucas’ canon, you can’t ignore that yoda, who is said by palpatine to be about equal in his strength, failed to sense that there were sinister things afoot, and failed to discern that having anakin spy on his pseudo father figure — and yes, his manipulator — would only cause problems)
as a fan of palpatine i can say wholeheartedly that the majority of the events leading to anakin’s fall are his doing, and that palpatine is not much of a tragic character at all. if you want someone to talk about where the dark side is your CHOICE, look no further than palpatine. thats called being self aware. any pro or anti jedi who believes you can’t blame someone for something they cant control — such as anakin's past or palpatine deceiving the jedi — becomes inherently hypocritical because CONTROL is a key theme in star wars. control of your emotions, control of yourself, control of others, on political, emotional, psychological scales. anakin’s lack of control in his life was not aided by the jedi, and when he finally got the chance to choose for himself, he fucked up. bad. and it WAS his choice, at the end of the day, though the odds were stacked against him, at least in his mind. (which is another issue — anakin is a traumatized individual. trauma victims are going to act differently than what adheres to common sense and logic. an ex-slave with attachment issues and a savior complex is going to freak out if he thinks the woman he loves is going to die if he can’t save her)
people tend to forget that lucas actually SOLD his rights to the franchise away, and nowhere in the contract did disney promise to adhere to the nuances (and there are very few nuances with lucas, unfortunately) of lucasfilm's initial six movies. george lucas was not even a good writer by most standards. he inserted a lot of racist stereotypes into his films, and drew from history in both thoughtful and moronic ways. he was a product of his time, sure, and he created an incredible idea that has gone strong for 40 years, with a solid idea woven within it of compassion and hope. but it isn’t his story anymore, and he cared more about the money than the message, at the end of the day. i have a hard time agreeing with anyone — on any topic, within star wars or otherwise — if they only listen to one person as their end-all.
yes, lucas created star wars. but its not a perfect creation — it is flawed. the jedi are flawed; anakin is flawed. the progression of star wars will continue to take new views on the events of the initial six films, and guess what? that happens with EVERYTHING in the world. perspectives differ by the hour, everyone has different experiences and ideas. if you want to watch something where the morals and central ideas never change, where everything is black and white, go watch the USA's two-party debates. or maybe coco melon.
star wars is complex and nuanced at its core, nowadays, but you are none the lesser if you have differing opinions. you can believe what you want to believe, when you want to believe it. that’s freedom. you are not required to accept everything that disney puts out as canon or even remotely accurate, but the MOMENT you start to put down people (and im talking full on insulting, targeting writers, specific blog posts, bullying, etc) for thinking differently than you is the moment you have gone too far. after all, what did the sith do, and why did they do it?
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following up on the Alastor during different points of his life, how would he be in high school with the reader? given his time period I feel like things would be really difficult especially if the reader is white coded y’know, so what would that be like for him? and the reader too? also maybe the reader could be on the wealthier side, while Alastor isn’t?
A/N: I love detailed requests like this <33, so thank you so much! But this is a really messy concept, for everyone involved, but i love it.
No title for this one since I can’t think of anything :(
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Alastor goes to a completely different school than you do
Almost every day you have great lunch, bus is on time, you’re books are brand new, everything is pristine down to the uniforms
For Alastor, the bus is late or breaks down on the way there, the students don’t have proper uniforms, some either wear the uniform or have a passed down uniform that most likely doesn’t fit them. The books are worn and torn, sometimes pages are missing, and the lunch is most times anything other than edible.
Your schools are only a few yards apart, however your bus always gets there quicker while his sometimes takes two hours to get there, and most times he needs to walk mid way while the bus is getting fixed
Your schools are in a secluded part of the town, with a lot of trees and forest behind it.
During your free period you sneak out of your school and over to his, thankfully your free period is his lunch period and you always have left overs
You two talk a lot, either about what your working on or just anything in general
During this time Alastor really fancies going to the north, he wants to get out of louisiana and start a new life
“If that’s what you want to do then I support you.” You always say and while he appreciates it, he’s always thought about asking you to go with him
By the time the year comes to a close you two see less and less of each other
You pick up a summer job at a boutique, he ends up working with his mother in a supermarket
on one of your days off, you stop by, not knowing he works there of course, and begin to get things off your list
You’ve never gone around his part of town much, your father forbid it, but he didn’t need to know you were there, as long as you went home with groceries you were fine right?
so when you began to ask his mother for help, he almost died of a heart attack watching the two of you talk
“Potatos are on isle seven dear, and cinnamon is on three with the rest of the spices.” His mother says kindly, and you smile finally having some sense of direction in the store
Alastor is quick to work the register, hoping to catch a glimpse of you and it works
Along with a lot of other customers giving you strange looks, what’s a white girl doing in a colored store? cant she get fined for that? is she crazy? lost?
“Oh! Hello Alastor.” You say with a smile as he grins back at you.
“Hello my dear, I see you’ve met my mother.” He says as he begins to total the things you’ve picked out.
“Oh that’s her? She’s such a sweet woman, really.” You say back, pulling out a few dollars and some quarters go pay him.
“That she is, though I must ask what brings you to this part of town?” He questions, and at this your face heats up quickly before you brush it off.
“Well, I’ve just gotten off of my shift, and father mentioned he needed to go grocery shopping so I figured i’d do it for him.” You say as Alastor writes your total down. You don’t wait for him to give it to you, instead you hand him all the cash and quarters you have in your pocket.
“This is well over what you owe.” He says grinning, he knows what you’ll say next, but it’s fun to watch you become so proud of yourself.
“Yes, however I don’t have any use for the rest, so I believe you can keep it. Good day Alastor.” You say smiling and grabbing the bagged items. He smiles and just puts the money away, his mind is already running on how to make it up to you.
your father never notices where you got the groceries, he only cares he didn’t need to drop more money to get it
When the next school year rolls around this time you both are in the eleventh grade, this is your most important year
You’re stressed with papers and exams every other week, Alastor is swamped with having to help other students as a tutor, his lunch period now being the only time he can see you
However, your schedule isn’t the same, now your free period is during a class of his and now he’s sneaking out more than once to see you, most of the kids in his grade have stopped showing up, most did after the eighth grade
You rant and complain about how stressed you are, and how you can’t wait for the year to be over so you can finally breathe
Alastor laughs and for the first time in his life he can truly feel how fake it is, he’s never been more stressed in his life and though your books might be better the work is just the same especially since he’s in the gifted program
you ask about his mother time to time and he appreciates you thinking of her, no one really asks
he tells you of his plan to go to New York, how excited he is and how much he’s saving, how his mother has been picking up extra shifts to bring in enough
this is when he asks you to come with him, but you tell him you can’t, that you can’t leave your family, your parents or siblings, how your life is here
he understands, it hurts him to leave his mother, she’s the only family he’s ever known, ever had, he hates leaving her behind
but he promises to come back, that he will come back to Louisiana, and you smile because you believe him
when graduation comes he waits until your parents retire for the night before knocking at your front door, he’s risking a lot for this, but he needs to see you before he goes
When you answer the door hes overjoyed, and you wrap him in the tightest hug he’s ever felt before, even though he doesn’t feel many
He hands you flowers with a small congratulations, and you smile and tell him the same, before you remember something
“Oh! I almost forgot!” You say, before you stop and turn to him, opening your front door. “ I’ll be right back, don’t move.” You say, and take off into the house. He smiles and waits, taking in your neighborhood. It’s clean, large houses, perfect sidewalks and a nicely paved street
you come back with an envelope in hand, and when you hand it to him he shoots you a look. What is this?
He opens it to find a large sum of cash, he can’t even begin to imagine how much your handing him. He shakes his head and hands it back.
“I cant accept this.” He says, his smile tightening. He’s upset. Do you think he needs this? But you smile wider and insist.
“For new york silly, everything is crazy in this big apple. If not for you then for your mother, please. I saved it for you.” You say, and he sighs, lightly flipping through it.
“How much is it?” He asks, almost afraid of what you’ll say.
“Seven Hundred.” You reply, and his eyes widen, and his smile drops finally. This is the first time you’ve seen him without one.
“I cant possibly-“
“You must. Please. It’s not my parents if that’s what your thinking. I earned it, and I wanted to give it to you.” You say, before he’s silent
“I don’t need your charity dear.” He says, his smile returning. Clearly he’s annoyed by this point, but you don’t seem to care, if you can even tell
“It isn’t charity. It’s a gift. No one is ever too good for a gift.” You say crossing your arms, now he laughs. Your stubborn, you refuse to take it back. You’re not asking him to take it, your not giving him a choice.
“Alright, fine. However I’m not using this. I’ll give it to my mother.” He says, and you smile contently at that.
“I’m okay with that.”
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sun-stricken · 8 months
Gray & Erza Hcs
someone sent in an ask about their friendship and i accidentally deleted it but you know who u are, this is for you
these two have so much angst potential
* Gray purposefully take the route to and from his house that passes the river even though it takes longer, just on the off chance Erza might be there
* She holds so much guilt for sending him into avatar, but everytime she tries to apologize for it the words get stuck and she cant
* Grays probably the only person Erza has ever offered a slice of her cake to, if only bc she knows he doesnt like cake and made it her personally mission to find one he does
* They are so stubborn
* Gray: You’re one of my best friends, I would do anything for you. 
Erza: I want you to eat 3 meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. 
Gray: Absolutely not.
* Their friendship is the type where they can sit in silence for hours and be completely comfortable just knowing the other is there
* Erza loves her guild, but if Gray died, if he left fairy tail, she would genuinely consider leaving as well
* her big sister instincts will always kick in the fastest with him
* She has an internal alarm that sounds every time Grays in trouble even if shes no where near him.
* Sometimes she’ll wake up in a cold sweat and text him in a panic asking him whats wrong
* it freaked him out so many times but hes grown so used to it that he’ll message her as soon as smth happens to forstall the panic
* He was her first real friend in fairy tail, so she has a soft spot and a bias of sorts for him, shes more likely to take his sides on things than not
* thats not to say she turns a blind eye to his chronic dumbassery, no she still will fully call him out on his bullshit, but shes more likely to call others out before him
* In turn, Gray is the one who calls her out on her behavior, people will go out of their way to find him just so he can talk to her bc shes less likely to kill him if he calls her out than anyone else
* He called her a hypocrite once and everybody started to mentally plan his funeral, then was in awe since she actually stopped what she was doing and apologized
* He will fight for what she wants even if he doesn’t necessarily agree with it. He is the first to defend her
* Hes also the first to put her in her place, he has never seen her as the great godly ‘Titiana’, he sees her a ‘Erza’, a teenage girl
* And honestly? she probably appreciates thats more than being seen as a sort of invincible god the public sees her as
* Allegedly, their are the two most ‘mature’ and put together people of the team. its a lie. an act. theyre not. not at all. They are so chaotic, especially together. when nobodies around they can be so dumb together and they cause so many problems. but nobody would believe you if you told someone
* They have an insane amount of respect for one another, more than the kind for friends and guild mates
* Gray isn’t actually scared of her, he plays it up for shits n giggles but at the end of the day less scared than he is cautious, he knows she’ll put him in his place but he is by no means scared of her.
* She knows this and its like their own little secret
* They refuse to go to the doctor, therapy, or anything such as that unless the other gets checked out too
* They get each other weapons for their birthdays, each one is better than the last
* They see a lot of themselves in each other, perhaps thats why they are so protective of one another
* Neither of them are the type to fully let down their walls, theyve never really felt truly and completely at ease with any one person. But the closest its ever been has been with each other
* trying to get them to do smth actually good for their health is like getting happy to never eat fish again.
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happypot0001 · 7 days
⚠️Characters belong to @just-a-carrot 🥕⚠️
I wish it wasn’t so, but everyone is probably going to have an obstacle once in their life. Some may be bigger than others, but I believe that you’re a good person. 🫵 There must be a reason that you’re suffering, even if you ARE a good person. I don’t have a say in this, but I can only wish for the best with you and your life. If you don’t believe you’re a good person, then I believe you will be. This is a complete stranger who’s talking to you, but this is also a stranger who has encountered her own problems. You don’t have to take my words to heart, I’m no therapist or anything 😭😭😭 but all the same…I hope life gives you what you deserve 💕💕
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I would feel a bit guilty if I didn’t say this, so I’ll just give an honorable mention to @sailingseals ⛵️!! I’ve been really inspired by their art and I never actually looked at it when I was creating this but I do vaguely remember how they shade so….yeah this shading was kinda inspired by them 😭😭😭
Lots of love to anyone who may be reading!! 💕💕
I…CANT BELIEVE I FINISHED THIS IN LESS THAN A DAY!!!! LESS THAN TWENTY FOUR HOURS WOOHOOOOOOO LETS GOOOOOO!!!!! Ekekjedkdk I really enjoyed drawing this!!!! It was always a vague idea stuck in the back of my mind but finally it’s been brought out on my phone!! (Yes I drew on my phone again where the freak is my iPad 😭😭😭) Bro when I was drawing, I had been using that one picture where Iggy was tied up with ribbons and all three of the love interests had like locks on him and stuff and that brought SO MANY MEMORIES FROM OW 😭😭😭😭😭 I loved it sm heheh
About…what….like two or three hours ago???? Maybe more but around that time frame. Anyways, at that time I was doing some work while playing a sad song (Absence by Rio Romeo 🙏🙏) while ALSO crying (for the second time today what 😭😭) and when I cry, I want to draw people crying 😃😃 but like I’ve always adored the thought of like someone kissing someone else’s tears 🥰🥰🥰 idk where I’ve seen that from but…like…idk it just seems like a cute idea 😭😭😭 so I was like “wait why don’t I just draw that it seems like a cute idea” so…yeah HAHA as you can see I gave GIDGET the honor of doing that 😋😋😋 I was thinking of how to do this and I was first going to do just Iggy sitting and crying all sad and just disappointed and THEN do all the extras but I decided that was like a waste of time and so I just decided against that 😭😭😭😭😭 I still like how it turned out anyway, even if I didn’t do that!!!! I mean like obviously I’m not the best at drawing but since I’m my biggest uhhh enemy (it think that’s what people say) ???? I say that it looks better than most of my other works!!! I knew I wanted to do all of the love interests so I was deciding how I should have each of them comforting Iggy, and uhhh…well you see obviously 😭😭😭 if you need help differentiating how I drew each character doing that then: it’s like just Orlam touching up on Iggy trying to make him feel better with cuddles or smth of the like. Gidgets cutely kissing his tears because why not😆😆😆 and Genzou is just crying along with him 😭😭😭😭 idk I thought they fit but whatever it sounds dumb when I say it out loud but I’ve already drawn it 😭😭😭 uhmmmmm….if I were to claim this as any firsts…I’d say it’s like my first time properly drawing Orlam?! And also GIDGET with their normal hair down!!!
JDFDJDJ if any of these hit a deep spot in your heart then I’d really like to know!!! I hope that if you’re sad or not that you have a very blessed life and the universe gives you the treatment that you deserve, which I can only assume is the best treatment!!!! OF COURSE WE JUST NEED A MENTION TO 🥕 WHO IS THE CREATOR OF THESE AMMAAAAAAAZZINGGGG CHARACTERSSSSS!!! THANK YOU FOR CREATING THESE CHARACTERS AND SUCH A LOVING COMMUNITY FOR US!!!! WE ENJOY EVERYTHING YOU MAKE AND WILL ALWAYS BE THRILLED IF YOU WERE TO MAKE ANY MORE!!!!!
Lots of love to anyone who may be reading once again!! 💕💕
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kunikidanelson · 4 months
Alright there was surprisingly a lot of people who wanted to hear my interpretation of kunikidas backstory. So uhm here i go, i just hope i dont disappoint y'all. (Its long as fuck i know, and its not even all LMFAO)
i think he wasnt an orphan because im fucking sick of every single character in bsd being a fucking orphan. What i do think though is that he didn't have the best family life, an overly "protective" (controlling) mother and either an absent or inactive father. (as in, the dad didn't really care what happened at home he just sort of did whatever his wife wanted him to do) but basically this is where Kunikidas hatred for authority starts because all his mother does is pull the "im your mother and you have to listen to me" card. I think his ability before being affected by the "all men are equal" would definitely act up therefore he couldn't go to a proper school because he didn't want to accidentally summon a lion or something like that. So he was basically a nuisance to his mother because she had to homeschool him. Once he was older he decided to go to a math based high school for two reasons: he cant summon numbers; he could live in the school dorms. He basically runs away from home once he's capable and takes on a lot of part time jobs (katai offers him money but kunikida refuses) and basically lives like this until college. Being a good student grade wise he made a deal that if he does tutoring for the other students, they'll let him rent the dorm for free. But at one point he fails an important exam, and though he doesn't get expelled from the college they retract their statement about letting him tutor unless he proves he's knowledgeable in the subject. But that ruins his housing situation and lives on the street for a few days, realising that its less than ideal to sleep on a park bench he goes to katai out of desperation and lives with him for some time while he tries to find a job. And you might see where I'm going with this. But i dont think kunikida would apply to be a detective at first. I believe he would see some poster about the agency needing a secretary, especially someone who could handle computers and decides to try to get a job there. When he goes to the interview he almost starts crying because he's so desperate for money and his own place to live in. Fukuzawa takes pity on him and lets him take hold of the files. Kunikida gets his own apartment (yay) retakes his exam and gets back to tutoring. At one point the agency say they need some sort of signature (or something, i dont have to think of a specific example do i??) on regular paper and kunikida admits that though he knows how to write, his handwriting isn't very good because of his ability he didn't have much of a chance to perfect it. Yosano and Fukuzawa, of course shocked that kunikida has an ability in the first place meanwhile Ranpo just shrugs because he knew all along, just didn't care to mention it. Then fukuzawa asks Kuni if he doesn't want to join the agency as a detective and that any training he might need, will be provided. (Partly offering this to him because the agency in the early days had literally 4 members including the president and secretary Kunikida and they all built a sort of trust between each other) so kunikida accepts and eventually drops out of college because he quite literally doesn't need it anymore, he knows what he wants to do now. And also after all men are equal takes place kunikida starts writing traditionally all the time, simply because he was so deprived of it before, thus building his habit of keeping his notebook with him 24/7.
I hope this made a bit of sense, if you imagined it differently, im not taking that away from you this is just my interpretation xx
Also don't ask me how katai and kunikida met i dont know nor care, i mean they've been friends for around 10 years, so they met when they were 12? They honestly could have just met one day on complete random, I'm not looking too deep into that
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onlyplatonicirl · 13 days
boom explosion. guess what its been 2 years since i came into your ask box to bother you about blogverse!!! as usual its the roleplayer behind the first lorelcest kid Oleander, Mercury, and most importantly to me, Bv!Shandyo
genuine apologies if you dont enjoy these! thats pretty fair and i get that it didnt affect everyone else as strongly as it did me, i just feel like its important that you know how much youve affected my life positively.
so, i was a bullied, neglected kid with unsupervised internet acess when blogverse happened (still a kid just less, woo!) and blogverse, especially your blog was probably the only part of the internet that i genuinely believed changed me for the better.
the sense of belonging, escapism, and the opportunity to create a character and show them to others like me was incredibly beneficial for me as a person and an artist in the long run, and to this day making OCs, writing, and especially drawing are passions that i consider deeply important to me- passions that blogverse and its community didnt exactly start, but they played a big role in fostering it. i know you just accidentally one day made an entire community that lasted two months but i cannot stress to you enough that it changed my life and i cant thank you & queenie (unsure if they still go by that, sorry) enough for it.
I also majorly admired you (and many others in a lot of the communities you associated with, but especially you) greatly as a person, artist & writer!!! you were my art goal and while that's changed as ive grown, striving towards this goal nurtured a hobby that i now know was/is a special interest to me.
while probably seeming like minor interactions with some kid who didnt know how to write a consistent character to you, to me your patience, kindness & continual creation of art genuinely helped me retreat from my abusive home life, gain a sense of belonging as a bullied autistic child, get better at art n writing, & grow as a person. i still lurk in communities like blogverse, but bv was my first and forever will be cherished in my memory.
so yeah. the things you do affect people whether you think so or not, and while i dont majorly interact with your content anymore, i hope youre well n you keep being great. :)
I want you to know that I’m at a friend’s house right now and she’s cooking herself dinner. I’m reading this paragraph and I literally start tearing up in front of her and she asks me what’s wrong 😭😭😭
Legitimately I feel like I have somehow won at life, like I won a lottery, because I don’t possibly know what I did to deserve messages like this and it makes me feel so amazing to know that I have positively effected the life of another person. That’s all I can hope for in life, and I can feel how much heart went into this letter so I’m trying to respond in turn
Even though at the time of all of this I had just around turned 18 years old, I was still very much a kid who was also trying to escape from a less-than-ideal home life. I never expected an audience when writing tcoti, it was purely my own self-indulgent passion project with my own hyper-specific headcanons. The fact that other people resonated with it so much and it created so many other inspirations as completely unexpected and absolutely baffling to me. I could have never seen it coming in a million years. It changed MY life for the better to know a my own silly utmv ideas literally inspired like. Countless others
I’m also going to share this post with Queenie, because they NEED to see this. Blogverse was her passionate project and I think to know you were as touched by it as she was and loved the writing is amazing. Also I’m showing Slime. @cosmic-chronologer look at this post with your eyes. I didn’t contribute with the writing as much as I should have because of how busy I was, and the real masterminds behind the project go to Slime Queenie and Achro. I hope they see this message!!!!
Thank you for telling me about the positive impact me and the others have had on you, it genuinely makes me so happy to hear. I’m SO happy you’re still continuing to create!! Most of my utmv friends back from then have left the fandom obv but I’m still in contact with most of them :) it means so much to me that you told me, because otherwise I would have never known how you feel!!!!!
I wish you have been well all these years. I loved all the ship kids you made :))))))
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Paint (Kaveh/Reader Drabble)
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a/n: not a yandere fic, i'm just a kaveh simp who cant focus on pe midterms lol. Sorry i didn't draw anything like usual– this is literally just something i wrote like 7 minutes tops lmao
"What... Exactly are you doing, Master Kaveh?"
"Ever heard of rapid hardening cement?"
"Not really, no."
"Well, you're about to find out what it is." 
Kaveh peeled off the straw-like material from the solid concrete, revealing the final product of his casual 2-hour-long project. It was a miniature house, adorned with bricked textures and tones. Something at this level is mere child's play to him, but to everyone else? It's quite a masterpiece, not even his roommate can refute that statement or criticize his work. The light of the Kshahrewar honestly never ceases to dazzle and amaze you.
"That looks fantastic…"
Kaveh shrugged. "Eh, can't say I agree. It's a bit too basic for my standards– I'm quite indifferent about the results."
"Still doesn't make it any less great for everyone else." You were awed, unable to tear your eyes away over what he called a 'basic' project.
Kaveh's expression softened. "Thank you."
He quickly looked back at his model. "A-Anyways, the only thing that would complete it now is a bit of color. Are you good at art, (Y/n)?" 
"On the contrary, no." You sighed. "The only art form I practice are social dances, and I presume you meant a more visual display?"
"Unfortunately yes." Kaveh frowned. "Anyone else you know I could ask?"
"There's the traveler but..." You muttered inaudibly, not wanting to bother her with the eccentric architect's antics. "No, I don't."
"Well, why don't I teach you how to paint?" Kaveh smiled. "Come, sit beside me. It's a fun exercise! It'll help you act a little less rigid."
"Yes." Kaveh nodded solemnly. "I pity the victims who had such sparks of creativity die so easily between the rough hands of the corporate and cold life. (Y/n), you act like such a grandmother that I sincerely did not believe you when you told me we were roughly the same age."
"W-Well, the Akademiya never taught us this so–"
"We're gonna change that today."
Kaveh brought up his painting materials. There were posted paints, glitter, fake grasses, and–
There's not a single paintbrush.
"Kaveh, I'm afraid you don't have a brush. Might I run to buy you one?"
"What? Who said we're using brushes? I make and break the rules of architecture around here."
Kaveh pulled your hand, his fingers locking with yours. His hands were warm. With a youthful smile, he forced you to sit beside him. He hastily grabbed a capped red paint, before pointing at the roof. But you can't seem to focus on the task at hand– how can you, when his face looked so aesthetically pleasing?
This man...
He set this whole thing up perfectly.
"Today's mission is to bring back the childlike wonder in your eyes– you'll find out what a joy it is to finger-paint!"
The next day, Alhaitham comes back to his desk carrying a large pile of paperwork, not knowing where to put it as he mentally screamed at his roommate for making his workplace more paint and glitter-filled than last time.
"I swear– I'm going to take both keys the next time he asks them out."
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danfengfan · 9 months
virtual love ; prologue
synopsis : two high school students grew up studying as middle schoolers. although it doesnt seem like they ended on good terms
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you tap your pencil on your japanese dictionary as you tried racking your brain for ideas
“愛してる… what else ends in てる?”
you sigh as you scrap your unfinished plan. your japanese teacher had asked you and several other students to create a poem about love in japanese. you knew you made decent poems but youve never attempted making any in said language. luckily your parents allowed you to stay at the library after school for a longer time so you can work more proficiently
you started to get lost in your head, staring blankly at the swarm of people. that was until a boy around your age comes up to your table
“may i sit here? i need to complete an essay”
you stared up with an absent mind at the boy, enjoying how soft his voice was until you realized he asked you something. you scrambled to organize some of the papers that were messily scattered around the small round table
“of course”
you accidentally squeak as you speak, a barley visible blush on your face as you tried to smile. you probably looked like a mess but the young boy didnt seem to mind it as he sat down in a steady manner
once the boy was seated, you tried to continue where you left off. you looked at the dictionary placed in front of you, almost taunting you, before looking up again. the boy had fluffy dark hair, a nice shade of blue makes up his eyes, perhaps he was in a rush this morning with how his hair fell in front of his face, the way you can see knots and tangles in his hair
thats when you notice it. hey, isnt that the uniform for your school? you look down and compare the two, and they were in fact (mostly) identical. you took a breath in before asking,
"hey, dont we go to the same school?"
you could feel your voice shake as you spoke each word, successfully catching the attention of the boy in front of you
"i believe so. youre in 7年级, right?"
"yeah i am"
"im a year older than you then, 8年级"
you start to feel yourself heat up with embarrassment. you werent exactly sure why but you had a guess. you closed your eyes to avoid eye contact with the stranger in front of you
"ohh, i see. thats nice"
you nod your head, soft smile on your face. dan heng only smile back before seemingly returning back to his book. you feel words get stuck on your tongue as you long to talk to the boy more but you simply left the conversation at that and went back to your poem. you have a faint idea in your head from your new interaction but before you could do anything, the dark-haired boy in front of you spoke up
“私の名前は丹恒です. あなたの名前は何ですか?”
“私の名前は...(name) です, よろしくお願い します”
“谢谢! did you also take japanese?”
your eyes sparkled as you continued to converse with dan heng. now that you knew his name, the air seeming to become more relaxed around you two
“yeah, last year”
dan heng nodded his head, seemingly bashful as his cheeks get coated with a very light pink. the tension between you two gets a lot less awkward as you two settle into a comfortable silence. well, as much you two could get in a crowded library
you softly turn the pages of your book as you let the words run free from your head to the paper. you knew you were being a bit delusional writing any sort of romance story between you and dan heng, a boy you literally met that day, but you cant help but silently laugh as you reread your poem
and just like that the days passed so quickly. dan heng and you still sat down together, even if the library had free seats. even if you guys didnt talk often, you still sat together. it felt like you only knew dan heng a week when it finally hit your one year anniversary
and the next year… and the year after, and as much as you would like to say the year after you cant. theres a bitter feeling in your mouth if you even try to mention it
you were just sitting, innocently waiting for dan heng to arrive, a gift on the table just for him. your eyes lit up as you saw his figure
“happy 3rd year anniversary”
you chirp, a wide smile on your face. your smile was never reciprocated as dan heng spoke up
“im leaving.. tomorrow. if i can, i might see you before i leave”
dan heng quietly tells you, his voice deep with a plethora of guilt and sadness. your smile immediately falters as you look at him with a hopeless smile
“youre kidding? right?”
“no, im not. its… family issues”
you just sigh as you nod your head in defeat
“well, open your gift. least we can do is have a nice day together”
dan heng chuckles at your attempt to lighten the mood. he places his gift on the table before he takes yours, opening it to find a small keychain, in the shape of a spear. dan heng smiles before looking at you with anticipation. at first you were confused before you realized he was waiting for you to open the gift
you blush in embarrassment before grabbing the box, opening it with excitement. you were so curious what dan heng got for you this year, he was always do attentive
this year proved it even more. dan heng had gotten you your own phone, set with a little dragon phone charm. you werent sure why he got you a dragon charm to match but you were still very grateful. how could you ever repay him back?
“ah, this is too much… i cant possibly have it”
“no, no, i insist. take it, you deserve it”
you bashfully nod your head, knowing you could never win against dan heng in these kind of battles
the next day, you didnt expect dan heng to meet you, but he did. except he was different. you almost contemplating not coming but you were glad as you cheerfully greet him, almost crying of relief. you knew dan heng would leave after but you were clutching onto any last scrap of hope that dan heng will still be there the next day
“id like to deliver a message. how about you back off, kay? id say i hate you so thanks”
‘dan heng’ told you brusquely, a fake smile on his face as his eyes closed. it didnt take long for them to open again as he gracefully walks out of the library
you were sat frozen, unsure what he meant. back off? huh? he hates you. was dan heng just leading you on? you dwell on his words, your pen shaking ever so slightly in your hand as you slightly tremble at the thought
and all these thoughts run in your head aided in your tears. the warm liquid flowing down your cheeks seemingly invisible to you. it wasnt until the librarian came up and asked if you were okay. you did your best to answer without a voice-crack
“yeah, yeah, im… okay”
the librarian looked at you suspiciously before nodding their head and leaving back to their post. it didnt take you long before you put back all your books and left the library, vowing to never get tricked like that again, vowing to never fall in love so easily again.
really you wouldnt have minded falling in love with someone. as long as it wasnt dan heng
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dictionary (includes japanese + mandarin)
ᵎᵎ im still learning japanese and my mandarin is rusty, please correct me if anything is incorrect
愛してる (aishiteru) : i love you
╰┈➤ てる (teru) isnt supposed to mean anything here, just as something to rhyme
7年级 qī nián jí : 7th grade
╰┈➤ first year of middle school in china
8年级 bā nián jí : 8th grade
╰┈➤ second year of middle school in china
私は丹恒です (watashi wa dan heng desu) : i am dan heng
╰┈➤ im not exactly sure if 丹 would ne perceived as dan still (>﹏<)
私の名前は丹恒です. あなたの名前は何ですか? (watashi no namae wa dan heng desu. anata no namae wa nandesuka?) : my name is dan heng. what is your name?
私の名前は...(name) です, よろしくお願い します (watashi no namae wa... (name) desu, yorushiku onegai shimasu) : my name is... (name), its nice to meet you
╰┈➤ replace (name) with your name
非常好 (fēi cháng hǎo) : good job
谢谢 (xiè xiè) : thank you
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