#Milkmaid of the Milky Way
potefura · 1 year
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#65 Milkmaid of the Milky Way
[cover of Milkmaid by The Longest Johns]
Welcome back to another review here on Mummified Games. I'm Tony and today we're going to be taking a look at the amazingly beautiful point and click adventure game, Milkmaid of the Milky Way, a game by Mattis Folkestad.
Milkmaid of the Milky Way is, as I said, a point and click adventure game where you go around picking up random items and solving puzzles about what items work.
The story for most of the first act is as such. In 1920s Norway, Ruth is a lovely Milkmaid who works and tends to her bovine in fields high above a fjord. There she milks the cows, turning the milk into butter and cheese to be sold back in town.
While you are getting the lay of the land you're able to take in these beautiful scenes around where Ruth lives. There's the farm she lives on, it comes with A small house, a barn, and a lemon tree. Outside her home is a path up to the fields, passing a log with a nail in it. A cool gateway where you find a missing bucket. Further up that hill you crest, lays the field where the cows grazed after being milked. A path to the north where you can find a weird panel that must have fallen from the sky or something. Looks like salt. To the east of the field there is a place to tie up a boat, then a memorial at the top of a great hill. Following the lake’s outlet you find a cliff where Ruth has been scared of falling off and dying her whole life.
You go around clicking on anything and everything that triggers your mouse to do a little pulse. And you get a quick little rhyme talking about whatever item it is or how you interact with it.
Oh and that's one of the most charming things about this game. All the dialogue and descriptions of the scenes are in cute little rhymes.
Being able to give a description
With a rhyming diction
Takes a lot of work
My lunch came with pork
Okay so not everyone can make it up on the spot like that.
But the charm and the cute nature of the rhyme scheme was so nice.
The art in this game as you could probably tell is all pixel art. Ruth goes running around and you can see here hair blowing in the wind with single pixels, items that you’re meant to interact with stick out better. Its hard to talk about anything in this game without defaulting to the word Charming.
Charm, charm, charm, charm.
This game is just lovely from the get go. I wanted to just jump in and live in this world where you can be a Milkmaid and live above a fjord working with cowes all day.
So I try to not give away most of the story when I do these reviews trying to keep it to just the story mostly up to the inciting action that causes the hero to move into the unknown. But I feel like to give a good idea as to what to expect from this game. Its important to tell you about the inciting action and what happens to Ruth. And since its on the front page of the game and in the thumbnail on most game pages.
SO! After a night were you rescue Ruths favorite cow from the lake, the next day you see a large ship in the sky. Following the ship you find it in the gracing filed obducting your cows and taking them into the ship.
Only now saying that outloud do I notice the weird trope that is aliens abducting cattle.
But the ship takes Ruth’s cows and starts heading out. After leaping from the clif she was scared to fall from. She lands on the wing of the ship. Uses melted butter to loosen a door on the ship and sneek her way inside. Getting almost immediately apprehended by some of the crew.
The crew are all aliens from another world, the captain of the ship uses her staff to allow Ruth to understand what they’re all saying. And then shown to where her cows are being kept.
That's all I feel like getting into because there are some serious things that start to kick off at this point. Definitely some OH NO moments.
Its a great game that honestly everyone should go play.
But there are some downsides and things that I need to point out.
If you’re playing this game on multiple monitors. You are going to need to be careful. The game is not “full screen” in the truest sense, its more like “Borderless fullscreen” were if you go too far off the edge of the game you will click another window and you’ll have to deal with the computer lagging out for a seconds. Like if you hit alt tab to go to another window awa from your game and then back in.
That was honestly the worst thing I ran into while playing the game since I kept this game on my Right monitor and there came a point where I had to quickly move and do something in the game on th3e left side of the screen i would travel too far and the game soul phase out and come back to the desktop for a second. And then go back into the game. It all really cuts the tension of the game and takes you out of the moment.
There once on the space ship there were a few locations wher I( would try to walk down a ramp or go to a spot and Ruth would walk back and forth rapidly in one spot not knowing how she was going to navigate down to the location I just asked.
A small issue that then is easily fixed by just picking another location for Ruth to move to. That's all.
And that's all the constructive criticism.
And that's saying something. That's all I had a problem with. The point and click adventure stuff all made sense. There was never a moment where I felt like UHG what do I do?
This game is great in almost every way. The only two things I have to complain about is some AI stiff and a 1st world problem of having more than one monitor. I'd certainly count that as a win. 
Running into a few locations where things can be interacted with and the few items you have can be used quickly to solve the “Puzzles” feels so good. 
The music isn't repetitive in areas where you might be stuck for a second.
The art gives you nice things to look at in almost every location.
Everything in this game is great. I'm not going to Fjorget about it any time soon.
What did you all think! I loved this game and it was my first point and click adventure game that i can remember ever playing. Are there things that veterans of Point and Click games noticed that I might not have? For those of you who haven’t played Milkmaid of the Milky Way are there any other great point and click adventure games out there that you think I should Try? Amazon Prime did give me a bunch of the Monkey Island games that I could roll through. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
IN THE MEANTIME! I am worried I'm slowly developing a lactose intolerant gut as I get older and older. I think I'm going to start developing an opinion on lactose free alternatives. Like soy and almond. Cause papa can't live without his Mac and Cheese!.
You all do the Youtube Dance, Like, Sub, Hit the bell, comment your thoughts, share and tell someone you know about these videos, It all helps out a lot.
And as always friends. Keep Digging, and we’ll make it out sometime.
See you in the next one.
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lightphieric · 2 years
Over the past two and a half years, I have amassed a huge backlog of games and extensively catalogued the ones I’ve played. It started out as a way to keep myself sane during the pandemic, but since then it’s basically just become the way I play video games. I’ve recently reached the huge milestone of 200 games played using this system, and to commemorate, I thought a list of “Each Zero Escape character as one of those 200 games” would be fun! Let’s go!
(FYI, I kept a tier list and for this post, I’ve only drawn from games I’ve ranked B, A, or S. So yes, these are all recommendations! I played some of them via itch.io, but all of them are available on Steam)
Ace: Contradiction
An FMV detective game with elegantly simple mechanics: you do exactly what the title says and it’s very satisfying. Special mention goes to the pair of shady businessmen you encounter who totally don’t brainwash, kill, or kidnap people wink wink.
Snake: Dicey Dungeons
This is almost entirely based on Light’s codename meaning “snake eyes,” but it was between this and that game you play by blinking so this seemed like the more appropriate choice. A cute and cheeky roguelike deckbuilder played by rolling and assigning dice. The fact that its gameplay is built around basic arithmetic gives me 999 vibes in general!
Santa: Tell Me Why
A choice-consequence adventure game from the makers of the first two Life Is Strange games (LIS2 my beloved, don’t @ me). Two siblings who can communicate telepathically revisit their childhood home and the events leading up to their mother’s death. One of the siblings is a trans man so if you are as Correct about Aoi as I am you know where I’m coming from.
Clover: Chicory: A Colorful Tale
The game where the world is a blank coloring book and you get to fill in the lines. Tells a lovely and relatable story about art, burnout, impostor syndrome and mentorship, although the main reason I’m assigning this to Clover is because it’s just plain adorable. The relationship between Pizza and Chicory also reminds me of her and Alice.
Junpei: Lamplight City
Perhaps aligned more with ZTD Junpei than any other iteration, this is a steampunk point-and-click about a disgraced detective who is haunted by his late partner and can’t rest until he’s avenged his death. The best part of this game is the protagonist’s awesome wife, who, unlike Akane, will actually help you with puzzles sometimes.
Akane: Elsinore
You play as Ophelia. You are stuck in a time loop and must find a way to save yourself and manufacture a happier ending to the tragedy of Hamlet. This is basically tied with Celeste for the title of my favorite video game of all time, and I was delighted to find parallels between it and Akane’s story.
Seven: The Darkside Detective
I love detective games so I had a wealth to choose from when it came to the cop character. I ended up going with this game, a standard point-and-click that is a detective game in name and theming only but is still a lot of fun. A pastiche of Twin Peaks and X-Files with some of the funniest writing I’ve ever seen in a video game, it captures Seven’s zaniness and willingness to believe in the supernatural.
Lotus: Beglitched
A glitzy and girly game full of computer lingo and in-jokes that go over my head. Thankfully you don’t actually need to know a lick of code to enjoy it because the hacking minigames all take the form of really unique and strategic battles.
Kubota: Underhero
An RPG with one of the most wonderfully convoluted premises ever. Put simply, you’re a villain’s henchman who must play double agent when you’re magically chosen to be the next great hero. Kubota certainly doesn’t fit the “secret hero” angle, but a whole game about an underling seemed appropriate.
Sigma: Milkmaid of the Milky Way
A point-and-click (can you tell I love those?) in which a dairy farmer’s favorite cow is abducted by aliens and she must sneak onto the spacecraft to rescue it. Now, that absolutely delightful premise could work with just about any VLR character; I don’t want to spoil the game, but something else does happen that rings very close to Sigma’s story specifically.
Phi: Downwell
I really expected Phi to get a platformer, with all her soaring and kicking! Downwell is kind of a platformer, I guess, although really it’s more of a free-fall simulator and most of the things you land on die. You can either shoot enemies with your “gunboots” or step on them to kill them - killing things with your feet, very Phi.
Alice: Paradise Killer
A quirky open-world detective game where everyone is impractically hot. I’ve truly never felt more like a detective than I did while playing this game, but you can’t talk about it without talking about the style. The world is bizarre, the music is all vaporwave, and again. You, the investigator, are improbably sexy, and so is every suspect you interview.
Dio: Cult of the Lamb
The cute and cozy roguelike where you start your own cult and smite nonbelievers. I feel like I don’t really need to describe this one further, y’all know it already.
Luna: Cloud Gardens
An art/puzzle game about helping plants reclaim an abandoned, decaying urban environment. Has both a story mode which I completed, and a sandbox mode I didn’t try in which you can just grow gardens to your heart’s content.
Quark: Carto
A really cute puzzle game where you manipulate the very ground you stand on using a map. The story is about a little girl trying to find her grandmother, so it’s very Quark in both aesthetic and story.
Kyle: Hades
The mythological roguelike about hating your dad a whole lot. I don’t feel like I need to explain this one further, either, as everyone has talked about it at length including me on this very blog, but I’ll have you know that I’ve played it for hundreds of hours and it’s solidly my third favorite video game of all time.
Carlos: The Rewinder
This is the most recent game I’ve played; I haven’t finished it yet and I can’t even say for sure that it will be top-tier in the rankings, but I’m really liking it so far and since I wanted a puzzle game about time manipulation for Carlos it was between this and Braid. And as far as I know, The Rewinder doesn’t have a creator with the absolutely rancid vibes of Jonathan Blow.
Sean: 2064: Read Only Memories
A visual novel where you solve a mystery in a cyberpunk world with the help of the world’s first fully sentient AI. The AI is a precious baby baby baby; if you love Sean, you will love Turing.
Delta: Evergate
A gorgeous puzzle platformer about the afterlife and a fraught sibling relationship that transcends time. I loved this game so much that I 100-percented all the collectibles and time trials, which is something I never do. Made me want to call my brother.
Eric: Boyfriend Dungeon
Of course, my much maligned fave gets paired with a game that also gets a lot of undue hate but nonetheless has my entire heart. It’s a dating sim for all of the thirsty simps out there that’s also a roguelike about literally attacking your inner demons and fears with crazy impractical weapons. This choice has nothing to do with a certain Boyfriend Dungeon character who gives all Erics a bad name.
Mira: Carrion
Going through all these games I was surprised that this was the only real “play as the villain” power fantasy on the list. You might have heard of this one described as a reverse horror movie; you play as a biological weapon, or an alien, or something, that has escaped containment and it’s just about eating scientists and soldiers in an explosion of pixelly gore.
Diana: There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension
I won’t be all coy like every other reviewer: this is a video game, a point-and-click about a sentient computer program who really does not want you to use it. It’s really funny and full of meta-references, but the reason I chose it for Diana is because this game is actually a tragic love story not unlike SigDi. I’m not joking about that.
And there you have it, twenty-two great games, one for each Zero Escape character. This is just a silly post but, sincerely, check some of them out if they sound interesting to you!
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autopotion · 4 months
14, 33, 37 FMK: Magnus McGuilded, Sebastian Vael, Lippi (:
This ask is so indescribably cursed. Thanks beloved.
14. Worst game you've ever played?
According to Backloggd it's Milkmaid of the Milky Way. You know what that checks out, that was an awful game. Wtf was up with the racist plot in the second half about these vaguely southwest Asian-coded aliens and their queen wanting to steal my Swedish white girl's youth? Extremely disappointing indie.
33. Most embarrassing gaming moment.
I feel like this is my go-to story, but when I first tried to play Skyrim, I didn't really understand the open world at all (I barely groked action RPGs honestly, I was so used to turn-based and had barely weaned myself off them). So when I was told to go to High Hrothgar, I was like, this is an open world, right? I don't have to follow any roads, I can just get up the mountain however I want! I proceeded to get murdered by the same cave troll (NOT the frost troll that's waiting for you if you go the correct way, just some random ass troll) four or five times. I didn't play Skyrim again for years after that.
34. FMK Magnus *McGILDED, Sebastian Vael, Lippi. Hey Zoe this one sucks
Marry McGilded because I'm the only person who knows his true heart, and also to get his crime money when he kicks it. Kill Lippi because if he brought up his sniffing eye even once I would go monkey mode on that man and would not be responsible for what happened next. And fuck Sebastian because if I can accomplish that without marrying his chaste ass first I deserve an award. Also he like, used to be a playboy or whatever, so I'm sure he knows some tricks, and also he's a nice guy so he'd be sweet after when he's not experiencing Catholic guilt. I'd just have to try really hard not to think about the fact that he's a dude and not a butch lesbian... Hmm... Butch lesbian Sebastian... Thinking emoji...
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gmlocg · 11 months
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2,613.) Milkmaid of the Milky Way
Release: January 5th, 2017 | GGF: Adventure, Point & Click, Story Rich | Developer(s): Mattis Folkestad, Machienboy AS | Publisher(s): Machineboy AS | Platform(s): Android (2017), iPad (2017), iPhone (2017), Linux (2017), Macintosh (2017), Windows (2017), Nintendo Switch (2019)
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fireflowergames · 1 year
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It's time to relax, it's summer. (Milkmaid of the Milky Way)
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gendereuphoriaa · 1 year
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tiny-design · 2 years
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The understated nature of Milkmaid of the Milky Way allows what is ultimately an incredibly robust and mind-boggling adventure to feel simple and familiar in all the best ways, and perhaps the biggest part of that is in its framing for each scene. The player typically has a very small area they can explore in each scene, with the entire visual landscape of that area working very hard to impart as much to the player as possible with as little spoken text as can be. The couplets that make up all the game’s dialogue and narration only serve to reinforce this, showcasing the core of a point of interest in a brief, highly focused poem about that single moment.
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[Image Description: Wide shot of part of earth in the lower right quadrant of the screen with an aurora glowing in its upper atmosphere on the top right, and distant stars in space on the left.]
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kindleln · 4 years
Round 2 of the Itch.io bundle!
Catlandia Crisis as Fort Pawprint
A short 2d turn based combat adventure game where you design a cat named Commander Nugget of the cat queen’s army stationed at fort Pawprint to protect the lake and it’s fish from the dogs that roam the Whiskerwoods with Sausage your only other party member. This game reminds be a bit of an app where you control alpacas and fight other alpacas. The art style is cute but the colors are very bright, there were a few noticeable glitches and the game was very short but it was fun.
Hidden Folk
A black and white hand drawn Ispy game kinda like Where’s Waldo but I’ve always been bad at those so I tapped out pretty quick. It’s cute if your into that type of game!
Art Sqool
Well hello eye strain! Very trippy like a 3D dr Seuss book, it’s almost impossible to walk around due to the swinging camera and it’s hard to draw with a mouse which is the main game play. I suggest if you want to play this to have a tablet and the ability to handle rapidly flashing colors .
I had to write an essay on Walden by Henry David Thoreau in like my first year of community college. Can’t remember it much about my essay or the book but this game gave me motion sickness tbh so I had to stop pretty early on, if you play it tell me how it was!
Milkmaid of the Milkyway
A point and click adventure where young milkmaid named Ruth who lives and works alone on a small mountainous dairy farm and speaks in rhymes tries to save her cows from abduction via alien ship very charming but (spoiler warning) trigger warning for an animal death near the end.
A very weird top down pixeled classic Zelda esq game where you play as Young, and boy armed with a broom tasked with doing... something to save the world... by an old man. There’s a lot of mysterious things in this game and it has an almost dream like quality on how the mechanics of the world itself operates and there’s a lot of room for theorizing on just what is going on and what it means because I’m not sure. I really enjoyed it though but then again I do have a fondness for zelda-esq games. Also if you want all the collectible cards you’re almost 100% going to need a online guide.
Wide Ocean Big Jacket
A preteen named Ben goes on a camping trip with his girlfriend Mord and her aunt and uncle. Honestly Mord reminds me of my little sister, like someone just transplanted almost her exact personality onto a video game character. Anyway it’s short and their some dirty jokes but it’s sweet. The 3D models are a little weird but the game is mostly dialogue based and it’s not an issue.
Puzzle Puppers
DOGS!!! A puzzle game about elongating corgis or shibas getting meat and reaching food bows. It reminds me of this app game Flow where long doggie bodies can block others from getting their food. A straight forward game with 80 puzzle levels.
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frogs-in-games · 6 years
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Milkmaid of the Milky Way (2017)
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cherrynekow · 6 years
Soooo just finished this fantastic game:
Milkmaid of the Milky Way
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And OMG please play this, this game is awesome!!
Took 20 minutes to draft a quick fan art because I'm thoroughly obsessed
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Thank you @milkmaidgame 😍
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invisible-goats · 2 years
Streaming “Milkmaid of the Milky Way” https://www.twitch.tv/theblakery
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gamingsugoi · 3 years
Milkmaid Of The Milky Way Gameplay Full Game PC/Android
Milkmaid Of The Milky Way By Mattis Folkestad walkthrough part 1 and until the ending will include the full gameplay on PC and Android. This video is recorded in 720p 60FPS on PC. You can complete this game easy. I will show you how to play, watch and learn. If you enjoyed the video, please visit my youtube channel and leave a like and subscribe. It really means a lot!
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marshvlovestv · 4 years
I played Milkmaid of the Milky Way again, righting my mistake, and I’m much happier about it this time. Replaying it wasn’t tedious at all; it has such a lovely, charming atmosphere that I was just pleased to be experiencing it again. There’s just a lot to love about this game:
The story is so emotional! I teared up several times, over cows.
Beautiful, dynamic pixel art. The backgrounds almost look like they were drawn with pastels or something.
The commitment that went into making everything rhyme. There was a clunky slant rhyme or two, but that’s to be expected. Maybe if the game was longer, the rhyming would have gotten annoying after a while, but for the length it was, it was perfect.
The little mishap I had is still bugging me, but in the long run it didn’t detract much from my experience. I liked this game, and I’m glad I didn’t overlook it in the bundle!
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solowinventory · 5 years
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01-C) Objeto Bovino Re Identificado
Mi año comenzó tomando riesgos que me llevaron a vivir experiencias memorables. Una de ellos, fue comprar este juego.
Milkmaid of the Milky Way cuenta con una historia corta, sencilla, pero cuidadosamente desarrollada, en donde las fluidas animaciones, la preciosa paleta de colores y la relajante banda sonora crean una atmósfera hermosa en la cual perderse por un par de horas. Los acertijos están más que bien, y que el guión entero este escrito en rimas no hace sino acrecentar el encanto de esta aventura gráfica.
Una de las mejor logradas experiencias en gráficos pixelados que tuve el placer de jugar. 100% recomendable.
Aventuras gráficas por terminar: 29.
Aventuras gráficas terminadas: 01.
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