#Miller Union
yichentu-foodstory · 10 months
“ 有時候,令人難忘的美味,並不完全來自於飯桌上的美食。很大部份是同桌共飯的美好陪伴,以及下了飯桌後,令人珍惜的一輩子情誼。”
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傑夫是我搬來亞特蘭大第一個認識的朋友。我會認識他是剛搬來亞特蘭大因為沒有車,上下班都得 Uber,他成了我的專用司機。傑夫今年74 歲,在喬治亞州出生、大學搬去佛羅里達,主修喇叭演奏,不像他其他同學喜歡邁阿密的海灘風情,畢業後他還是搬回了亞特蘭大。他結過兩次婚,現在的老婆是個中國人,帶著一個10歲大的女兒從中國搬來跟他住。每天的載送過程,他都會跟我分享生活,包括他和中國太太的隔閡,繼女的學習成長等等,我們變成朋友,即便後來我不再需要搭 Uber 上班,還是保持聯絡。偶爾我會陪他去看電影,吃晚餐,或是划船。傑夫對美食不太有追求,早餐他會去星巴克跟朋友見面,吃一包堅果配一大杯健怡可樂、中餐則是三明治加上一包薯片、晚餐用微波食品就打發或吃太太煮的飯。
我問他喜歡太太的料理嗎?他跟我抱怨不敢吃那些「看起來不知道是什麼的肉的中國料理」 (據他的形容應該是內臟類的食材)。我又問他喜歡吃什麼?傑夫說,他喜歡義大利菜、中東菜、還有羊排,但最習慣的還是「南方菜」。
我以前住在紐約,對美國南方菜的印象不外乎是炸雞鬆餅 (chicken and waffles) ,BBQ,或是燉的軟爛的甘藍 (collard green) ,水煮罐頭四季豆 (steam string bean)。比起美食薈萃的紐約,南方料理不怎麼能夠吸引我的目光。搬來亞特蘭大後因為住在郊區,附近不外乎是 MacDonald’s,Chick-fil-A,PopEyes 這些連鎖快餐店,儘管有不少質量不錯的墨西哥、韓國、越南餐廳, 但心中對亞特蘭大還是存有「美食沙漠」的偏見。
直到前陣子看了一篇文章才知道亞特蘭大其實在全美美食版圖中佔有一席之地, 老牌的 Fox Bros Bar BBQ 餐廳的漢堡被華爾街日報挑選為全美前三名,海鮮餐廳 Fishmonger 則被 Bon Appetit 票選 2023 年全美最佳餐廳。除此之外,當然不能不提幾家老牌的南方菜餐廳,如以鹹香鬆軟的比斯吉,和酥脆多汁的炸雞聞名的 Buttermilk Kitchen。
這篇文章喚醒我沈睡已久的味蕾,我開始上 Eaters Atlanta 或是其他美食網站搜尋亞特蘭大美食,打算按圖索驥,一一拜訪。其中幾家主打「當代南方」餐廳讓我躍躍欲試,而以農夫餐桌(farm to table) 概念出發、融合南方料理烹調精髓的米勒聯盟 (Miller Union) 就在我的前五名單上。
米勒聯盟 (Miller Union) 是被紐約時報知名專欄作家Sam Sifton 冠上「青疏魔法師」(Vegetable Shaman) 的 Steven Satterfield 和 Neal McCarthy 在 2009 年創立的當代南方代表性餐廳。取名米勒聯盟 (Miller Union),是因為餐廳地點過去曾是亞特蘭大知名的「米勒聯盟牲畜飼養場 」(Miller Union Stockyards),該牧場是在 1880 年代佔據亞特蘭大肉類加工區的整個街區,餐廳就設立在重新改造的舊有廢棄倉庫上。餐廳的菜餚根據季節不同來做變化,食材則購自當地小農,在一般常見的主菜中如燜燒排骨(braised short rib) 、烤里肌 (grilled pork loin)、牛排都不難看到南方料理的精神,配菜大都以南方料理常見的甘藍 (collard green) 、秋葵 (okara)、甜薯 (sweet potatoes) 來搭配,有時還見玉米粥 (grits)。
餐廳的另外一個亮點是做為「青疏魔法師」的 Steven Satterfield 對時蔬的烹飪用心,最受歡迎的前菜「雞蛋烘奶油芹菜醬」就以芹菜的清香佐平衡奶白醬的醇厚口感帶出雞蛋的滑嫩質地,簡單食材打造富含層次的味道讓美食家們讚不絕口。本身愛品酒的 Steven Satterfield 也在餐廳引進各式葡萄酒佐餐,餐廳還入圍 2019 年和 2020 年詹姆斯比爾德基金會「傑出葡萄酒計劃」決賽。近日,以法式加入南方、委內瑞拉元素聞名,入圍 2022 年傑出糕點廚師決賽克勞迪婭·馬丁內斯 (Claudia Martinez) 的加入坐鎮該店甜點,讓整個餐廳更具完整度,加上餐廳以永續發展和食在地方理念經營,自開張以來,在亞特蘭大的好評不斷。
為了這個心儀已久的餐廳,我特別選今年生日的時機,傳簡訊給傑夫問他能不能陪我去中城的米勒聯盟 (Miller Union) 慶祝我的生日。我跟他說這是賣南方菜的餐廳,他很爽快地答應。我們選定了我生日那禮拜的週六一起去探訪,我就像一個要遠足的小學生一樣,從週一就開始期待週六的到來。
到了約定日子,傑夫比我早到半個小時,他打電話跟我說,因為餐廳客滿,儘管預約了但是只能做到吧台座。「不過你猜怎麼著?因為我是長者,我又跟他們說要幫你慶生,所以我們有座位了!」。我高聲大喊,「你最棒了! (You are the best),等我一下,我馬上到。」
下了高速高路後,我跟著 Google Map 導航來到了一個辦公大樓,轉角是一面手繪塗鴉牆,米勒聯盟 (Miller Union) 就位在一樓。走進餐廳,沒有太多的華麗裝飾,而是用簡約感營造的現代空間,傑夫早已就位,窗外的夕陽灑在他的臉上,帶著他最愛的佛羅里達州立大學足球隊鴨舌帽的他,看到我站起來給我一個擁抱,開心的跟我說,「生日快樂!」。
我倆都坐下後,服務生送上了飲品單,問我們有沒有想要點什麼飲料或酒,看了一下酒單,有許多選自法國波爾多五大酒莊的葡萄酒,可惜我們兩個都不能喝酒,只能跟美酒擦身而過。服務生介紹了今天的菜單,前菜她推薦招牌長青「雞蛋烘奶油芹菜醬」以及夏日限定的「香草甜菜沙拉」,傑夫說他想吃沙拉,不過我對另一道前菜烤三層肉配橡果瓜 (Acorn Squash) 更有興趣。最後我們選了產地直送的「時蔬沙拉佐青檸優格油醋汁」做為前菜。傑夫因為餐餐都要有麵包,我們又加點麵包,服務生說麵包是亞特蘭大知名的獨立烘培坊「 Osono bakery」的酸種麵包,搭配餐廳調製的蜂蜜焦糖核桃奶油。
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當天主菜的選擇有每日鮮魚搭配季節鮮蔬、烤豬排佐甘藍甜薯、草飼牛排淋刺山柑醬 (capers-herb)、以及南方佳餚奶油蝦仁玉米粥 (Shrimp and grits)。服務生說今天的魚是產地直送的現撈鱒魚,我跟傑夫都屬意吃魚,但我說,「 壽星最大,我要吃魚~」。他最終讓賢要了一份三分熟的牛排。
我跟傑夫一邊閒聊,一邊等著美食上桌。不久,服務生端 上「時蔬沙拉佐青檸優格油醋汁」和麵包。這盤綠意盎然「時蔬沙拉佐青檸優格油醋汁」彷彿是剛從自家菜園摘下鮮嫩蔬菜,妝點上紅白的蕪菁,開心果和香草脆片,加上鮮脆的蘋果切片,散發著夏日的活力。青檸優格油醋汁則則盤底撲灑在盤底,襯托翠綠鮮蔬,沒有過多矯情的擺盤,隨性的方式呈現方式讓我倆沒有拘束的夾了一大匙放在盤裡。蔬菜入口爽脆,青檸優格油醋汁則醇厚中帶有清香,味道微酸但帶有回甘,傑夫吃了一口頻說「我喜歡這個沙拉醬」,我個人倒是沒有特別驚艷。隨後,我抹了一匙蜂蜜焦糖核桃奶油在烤得蓬鬆的麵包上,奶油夾雜著微甜顆粒感,應該是炒碎的砂糖混在奶油裡,吃起來微甜微鹹,平衡麵包的酸,我實在太喜歡這個奶油抹醬,又挖了一大匙放在嘴裡,享受鮮甜油脂在嘴裡化開的幸福,一旁的傑夫則是認真吃著麵包,連掉在桌上的麵包屑他都用刀子收拾在盤裡,再吃得精光。
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不久,我們的主菜也出場。我點的鮮魚配時蔬份量不大不小,切的方正、手掌般大小的烤鱒魚疊放在五顏六色的蔬菜上,蔬菜是南方常見的秋葵、番茄、玉米、混搭義大利料理常出現的的蕈菇和法羅麥 (Farro) 。傑夫的草飼牛排則看得出先煎後再炙燒,配菜則是一般西式料理常見的櫛瓜和彩椒。我給傑夫切了一小塊魚,要他先嚐。他吃了一口後,臉上散發光彩讚嘆「 Wow,我第一次吃到這麼好吃的魚」。我以為他誇大其詞,立即嚐了一口,Q彈的魚肉在嘴裡慢慢散開,隨即是一份從所未有的鮮甜在嘴裡化開,只有用少許的鹽的調味讓魚的原味更加凸顯,只能用一個「 鮮」字來形容這番令人難以忘懷的滋味。燉煮的蔬菜和法羅麥則用松露醬來調味,松露醬的濃郁以及不同蔬菜的甜味,加上魚鮮,讓整道菜多了許多層次。我尤其喜歡法羅麥和松露醬的組合,像是有嚼勁的燉飯,讓人一口接一口。比起「時蔬沙拉佐青檸優格油醋汁」,我覺得 Steven Satterfield 在這道菜將蔬菜與蛋白質各司其職卻又完美結合,更能凸顯他 「青疏魔法師」的美名。我和傑夫一起分享牛排,三分熟的牛排多汁鮮美,但是肉質卻有點柴,讓我有些失望,倒是刺山柑醬 (capers-herb) 令我印象深刻,吃起來有點像多了嗆辣感的羅勒青醬,中和了紅肉的厚重感。我看傑夫也不是特別喜歡這盤牛排,又切了盤中的魚給他,傑夫吃得津津有味,再次跟我說,「 我從沒吃過這麼好吃的魚」。
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吃完了主餐,服務生問我們要不要吃甜點,我倆因為都需要控醣,又再度跟美食擦肩。我問服務生,以後有沒有可能做減糖版的甜點提供給有特殊飲食需求的食客,她說她會向甜點主廚克勞迪婭建議。結完帳後傑夫再我說了「 生日快樂!」,並拿出了一張卡片,我看著卡片上的大狗哈哈大笑,給傑夫一個大擁抱。
我們走出餐廳的時候天還沒黑,夕陽的餘暉照在傑夫的臉上,他顯得有些疲憊。他說,「今晚真是美味一的餐,讓我重新認識南方料理 」,「 現在我要趕回家看我的大學聯盟足球,然後早早睡覺 」。我跟傑夫說很開心他能陪我來朝聖,也很開心能夠認識他這個朋友,我們各自踏往歸途。
「今晚真是美味一的餐 」,我一邊開著車一邊想著傑夫的話。是啊,真是是美味的一餐,然而,難忘的並不完全是食物的美味,有更多的是美好的陪伴以及分享食物的快樂,以及令人珍惜的,傑夫和我這份難得的情份。
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randimason · 11 months
SPEAKERS: Neil Gaiman, Dana Weissman, Jo Miller
MODERATOR: Thelma Adams
The Creative Industry has been radically transformed in the last several years due to the pandemic, economic turmoil, advances in digital technology, and production efficiencies.
Yet, creators of content, writers, actors, and many others that are instrumental to media development are still struggling to ensure economic sustainability.
To date, over 11,000 writers and 150,000 members of SAG AFTRA have taken up protest to be heard and galvanize change.
Come hear as the experts and those on the front lines, union members from Writers Guild of America East (WGAE), and Screen Actors Guild/ Aftra, discuss what has been done to update contracts that no longer serve current working conditions, and a critical look at what the public can do to support their efforts.
New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT) advocates for equality in the moving image industry and supports women in every stage of their careers. An entertainment industry association for women in New York, NYWIFT energizes women by illuminating their achievements, presenting training and professional development programs, awarding scholarships and grants, and providing access to a supportive community of peers.
To learn more about NYWIFT please visit: www.nywift.org. Please become a member and join the movement of women to ensure women gain their rightful place in the media and entertainment industry.
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browsethestacks · 7 months
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WGA / SAG-AFTRA Strike Posters
Art by Frank Miller
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As President Joe Biden mingled on the House floor following his State of the Union address Thursday night, Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) gave the official Republican response, a stern but bizarrely delivered rebuttal that focused heavily on immigration and the economy.
The freshman senator is considered a rising star in the party. But her speech’s intense tone—with an over-the-top dramatic cadence that was delivered in a kitchen—left political operatives and observers struggling to make sense of it.
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The performance was so bad that some Republicans watched the high-profile speech with a grimace. A GOP strategist told The Daily Beast that Britt’s delivery quickly became a gossip item Thursday night among operatives connected to Donald Trump—something that could have potential implications for her consideration as a vice presidential pick on the 2024 ticket.
“Everyone’s fucking losing it,” this Republican said, requesting anonymity to discuss private conversations. “It’s one of our biggest disasters ever.”
Several popular social media influencers in the MAGA camp also panned the speech; the account Catturd tweeted Britt was "awful" to his 2.4 million followers.
The setting of the kitchen table—more so the kitchen than the table—for Britt’s speech also left some seasoned Republican strategists confused.
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“Senator Katie Britt is a very impressive person. She ran a hell of race in [Alabama],” Alyssa Farah Griffin, a former Trump White House communications adviser and Nikki Haley supporter posted on X. “I do not understand the decision to put her in a KITCHEN for one of the most important speeches she’s ever given.”
Olivia Perez-Cubas, the former spokesperson for Haley’s 2024 presidential bid, also said in a post on X that while Britt “is incredibly impressive, unsure why she felt the need to deliver the SOTU response from a kitchen.”
Tim Miller, the former Jeb Bush aide turned ex-Republican, called the kitchen setting “creepy” and said it made former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s much-maligned response to Barack Obama in 2009 “look like the Finest Hour speech.”
Brendan Buck, a former senior adviser to Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), also acknowledged that Britt’s “delivery was unfortunate.”
“She was clearly overcoached,” Buck said on MSNBC.
Britt went for a dramatic performance with her State of the Union rebuttal, casting Biden as a failed president and arguing that the GOP was the best option for regular working families.
But the senator's delivery turned out to be so dramatic that it ended up being distracting at best and disingenuous at worst.
Allie Beth Stuckey, a conservative commentator, posted on X Friday morning that Britt had genuine appeal in coming across like "the moms at the school drop off" and praised the kitchen setting.
"But the delivery was parody-level terrible, and I promise that didn’t sway any of those suburban moms we’re trying to reach," Stuckey wrote.
State of the Union responses from rising stars in the opposing party are notorious for generating awkward, unflattering moments that can follow a politician through an otherwise solid career. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is still remembered for awkwardly taking a sip of water during his response speech over a decade ago.
The GOP strategist who called Britt's performance a disaster likened it to Rubio’s water moment—but they said Britt was actually worse and that she “lowered her stature” in doing it.
A Britt spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.
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legends-expo · 14 days
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Photos by Thor Parker / Bekah Marie Photo
We had such a great time with all of you a year ago today in Burbank, CA! We'll be back in the Los Angeles area in 2025 for another convention celebrating the Expanded Universe!
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romanticisation · 4 months
I'm this 👌 close to writing Tom und das Erdbeermarmeladebrot mit Honig fanfiction
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killeroos · 3 months
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"She's got a hat trick in the opening half Desiree Miller take a bow!" "Four tries for Desiree Miller and she enters the record books, only one other Wallaroo has scored four tries in a test match" WALLAROOS V FIJIANA - ALLIANZ STADIUM, SYDNEY (06/07/2024)
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doctorfriend79 · 11 months
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Ben Miller
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
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traciethoms: Yesterday I had the honor of witnessing @eldannypino’s short film @uniondereyesfilm At the @hollyshorts film festival! It was a Cold Case reunion! @ruuune1 was in the house and I was GIDDY! Can you tell?! LOL! Miss these men more than I can say! I am beyond proud of Danny who wrote, directed, produced, and starred in this film! And his wife @lillypinopublic also produced and starred. She KILLED it!!! The cast is stellar. The story is poignant and important. Beautiful all around! Thank you all for this gift! X
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
A good postmortem on Joe Biden's State of the Union by Tim Miller and Will Saletan at The Bulwark. Also, near the beginning Tim speaks with White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt.
Will had some of the more memorable comments.
I'm somewhat paraphrasing, but he made the point that fighting MAGA Republicans is essentially defending America.
He regarded Speaker "MAGA Mike" Johnson as a metaphor for what's happened to the GOP. Tim had commented on MAGA Mike's punchable face. So by implication, MAGA GOP as a whole is quite punchable.
The most fun part of the podcast was saved for last with discussion of Sen. Katie Britt's rather surreal GOP response to the SOTU. Will Saletan observed that she has "redefined bad State of the Union responses".
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getinthering · 10 days
Me earlier: i cant wait to get home and draw and create and do fun stuff like i've wanted to all week!
Monkey brain taking over once i locked eyes with that $6 pack of mhl tallboys: waht if i was a vegetal
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camyfilms · 1 year
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I guess in this society, being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Benicia Bridge Vista Point, CA (No. 3)
A vista point is located on the north side of the span, providing an excellent view of the 3 parallel bridges passing over the Carquinez Strait with Mount Diablo in the background. It has ample parking, picnic tables and a large compass to provide orientation. This is typically the point where cyclists and pedestrians wishing to cross the bridge park their cars.
Source: Wikipedia
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32 Weeks Tracklist/Song Picks pt. 2 (weeks 9-16)
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How/Why did I choose/chose to use the songs I did
*Full breakdown, updated in real time(weekly)*
9. Hurt Feelings x Mac Miller
I have to be completely honest. I never was a fan/gave Mac a chance until after he passed. I had begun listening to Anderson.Paak. Going through his discography was so fun. I get to Oxnard and "Cheers" gives me chills. Q-tip is on here repping for Phife- Dawg and then Paak is pouring out his soul saying he misses his friend (Mac). From that point I made it a mission to check Miller out. I wasn't impressed at first. As a rapper (who started in middle school) I was shocked that this kid made it anywhere. I keep listening. I start to understand his concept, his target audience, and realize that he is developing into something major. Macadelic was interesting to me, as well as Watching Movies.... This time period in hip hop was weird to me at the time, but going back it all makes sense. I cringed my way through Faces...I hated it first because..spoiler we know how Mac goes out and he is taunting us through out this whole album(today, I understand/appreciate his work on that project and it is a big inspiration for me with 32 Weeks). Go:od Am was a fav, as he seems more healthy and is trying to get better. I fucked with that album heavy. Divine Femine was an instant classic. I shared with my wife and we enjoy it together. Now, I must add, during this dive into Mac's cuts, I also stumbled across Dissect Podcast. The guys on there broke down everything and made me truly feel closer to Mac's Swimming in Circles. I cried so much in the fall of 2021. I had been through hell, and his lyrics just made it all make sense. Fast forward to 2023. I knew I wanted to incorporate Mac's tracks in my project but didn't know where to start. I did know I did not want to fool with Self-Care. I landed on Hurt Feelings. This beat had me unleash my pent up frustrations in dealing with members of my group that weren't moving with the same pace as me. I get it, you aren't ready, but at the same time, don't bring yourself down. I truly wanted, especially one in particular, to just be ok with himself. I wanted him to know that yes, Cato is grinding, but it is for all of us. In the meantime, support me by answering the phone, sharing ideas, and take care of yourself. Unfortunately, a few days before this track was posted, another group member(my best friend) was in a fatal car accident. So now even though the song is suppose to be a pep talk, lowkey it now feels like a send off. I also recorded a 32weeks track to Mac's Wings...more on that when the time gets closer. Anyway, if you read all of this, I appreciate you. I hope you are enjoying 32 weeks, because like most hero journeys, it is only going to get more darker before the sun come out. "Took a snapshot of hope, put it in a frame. Reminding us that sunshine always follow rain. It is what it is, found purpose through my pain...ooooo, yeah, yeah." *also, try to pick out as many Mac lyric references as possible!!
10. Ms. Mural x Lupe Fiasco
This verse started out as an oldie. I had never finished it. I had initially wrote it to a JID type beat on Youtube. When I was going through rhymes and searching more beats, I knew I wanted to incorporate Lupe Fiasco's Drill Music In Zion. There are so many sweet beats to choose from...however, 1. at the time it was hard to find other instrumentals from the album, and 2. Ms Mural had the right tempo, haunting-ness, and cadence for a verse about grief to be delivered. The album itself is of course fire. Lupe does a lot of stuff that I don't want to ruin here, but makes it worth a listen. Ms Mural is like the 3rd installment of the "mural" collection which makes it even more cooler. One thing I will spoil about the album is the fact that Lupe allows the beats to breathe. He knows when to not speak, when to just let the music speak to us. To me, its like he took his time, and was like "here you go little brother, vibe to this beat for a minute before it goes off". This felt like love and very much appreciated it. Not gone lie, the times he allows the beat to ride, had me in tears. Sh*t is beautiful lowkey. *Sidenote, this will drop 9/14, and we bury my friend on 9/18. Pain of loss is tricky. To those dealing with death right now, I hope you are taking care of yourself. If no one told you that they love you today, just know that I do!! #32weeks
11. Massa x Tyler, the Creator
Ok, I used to be ashamed to say this but now Tyler actually confirms/validates me. I never was a fan of Tyler, or the Odd-future crew. I remember Yonkers dropping, and I heard the beat first. Definitely sick(in a good way lol). Then a co-worker showed me the video…my first reaction, ewwww! I knew that bug had to be fake…I was wrong. I just knew he was doing this all for clout/going viral. That part may be slightly true, however in “Massa” (and in several interviews) Tyler just flat  says that he was going through his own development and really didn’t know how to express it. I mentioned before, that I am a huge fan of “Dissect Podcast”. Cole and the other talking head helped me understand Tyler’s direction/trajectory since stepping on the scene. They breakdown Flowerboy, and  Igor and really help listeners grasp the major art this man is giving us. Call Me If You Get Lost was an instant hit/classic to me following the previous albums. He has DJ Drama on here doing his thing, Tyler is more on par with living his life and bettering himself, and is spitting some dope lines/bars. I knew that when I began 32 Weeks I needed a Tyler track. Several tracks on the album stuck out but there was something about the intro, and the way the beat comes in, with Massa that had me keep it on repeat. The opening lines I came up with were supposed to be super gritty and cheeky at the same time. On the project, death, and the fact that we can’t out run it, is heavily on this project and well…what happens after we die? The natural move was to begin talking about spirituality and how I or we, or people in general perceive God and religion. At this time, my son was truly asking about God and who that person is. He had been talking with a classmate and his friend actually shared his thoughts with my son. I chose to not mock or shut it down. I chose to expand on that knowledge. We had some great talks about it. I usually spoke freely about God in my music but at this point, not this extent, where I am on the skeptical/unsubscribed side of things. I started my own spiritual journey back in 2012, finally expressing to my mom in 2016 that I no longer follow Christ. Naturally she thought she made a mistake with me but that’s not true. Anyway, due to the people I know hearing this, and maybe thinking they knew me and now they may feel some type of way, has caused me to feel higher levels of anxiety. Since it dropped today (9/21/23) I already feel slightly better. I respect everyone’s beliefs, faith, and religion. But If you ask me why I feel like I do, I will tell you. Anyway, if you are reading this, thank you for spending your time with me. I love you and appreciate you.
12. The Halo x Marconi Union
I have this weird thing were I can be inspired to write from any type of music. I actually fell in love with Marconi Union during my Graduate School years. I had been procrastinating on a 30 page paper that was due the next day or so. I was freaking out, high anxiety and the works. I remembered that someone had mentioned this track called Weightless. Weightless is/was known for relieving stress because its totally lofi, but also moves at 60 bpm which instinctively helps us slow down and relax. Weightless was so successful that fans were requesting a longer version. The band made an 8 minute version and a 30 minute version. On youtube you can find a 10 hour version(linked above)! Since then, I have fallen in love with their catalog. On a specific day during the 32 weeks writing phase, I had a rough morning with my oldest son. I can’t remember exactly what the issue was but the feeling left me empty, like doubting my abilities as a father. On the route to drop him and his brother off at school, I put on “Signals” the 2021 album released by Marconi Union. I was like ‘yeah that’s how it feels right now.” The Halo starts to play and I began humming along. Words began coming…”Even if I fly…I still fall..” “I knew that if I came with all the proof…” It was on this day I realized that I had the power to take an emotion and turn it into sound that can resonate with humans and connect us. I hope that the track makes up feel seen and understood. I hope that you realize you are stronger than you know/feel, and that even though we fall, we can always get back up. My favorite line: “Doubting all my might is like the crushing blow, won’t get back up this time..”. – This is a reminder that doubt kills dreams, don’t let it kill yours!
13. Leslie Odom Jr x Wait For It (Hamilton Musical)
I know that people everywhere already remixed/redid/parodied/etc the Hamilton Musical. This is one is technically an older instrumental for me to use as well. However, when I was in the writing process for 32weeks, I was struggling to find the next instrumental, but I remembered this album and started listening more. Because I was late to the musical (I caught it on Disney plus when it was released on the platform in 2020) it still feels new to me. All I can say is Lin is a genius. In all the [cinematic] works that he has contributed to musically, you can hear his rhymes penetrate the material making it elevate to greatness. Hamilton has so many noteworthy tracks I wanted to use such as “Nonstop”,  “Guns and Ships” or a huge favorite “The Reynold’s Pamphlet”  but there is something about the tenderness, yet strength that operates on “Wait For It" that always moves me to tears…not really sadness, more like peace that somethings we just have to wait for. Leslie delivers an amazing performance that truly takes Lin’s words, and turns them into a mood worth revisiting.  In this track, I breakdown the timeline of the inception of B.L.A.M.E. , the decline, and now resurgence of the idea. It is a reminder that this music is therapeutic, personal, and keeps me feeling gratitude that I can create.
14. SZA x Kill Bill
Let's just clear the air right now....yeah everything I write is true, and to the best of my memories ability...especially when dealing with events that happened so long ago. This one was hard to write but before we dive into that, I want to acknowledge Sza. SOS has been viewed as a long awaited project and she totally delivers. The album is filled with awesome musicality's. Specifically, Kill Bill for whatever reason just laid on my heart. When writing 32weeks, this instrumental stuck out the most to me. I vibed with it. Those opening lines came to me easily, because I wanted to make it clear that I am happy with my life right now, and do not intend to try to revive old love lost. I believe if you pay attention, you can hear my honesty piercing through. I didn't want to hold back. A lot of the events or relations I discuss, could each have their own song. The longest one I talk about is the betrayal of a female friend who lied to her family that I slept with her, got her pregnant, and God knows what else, all to protect the parents' friend she was actually laying with. It hurt because I had no idea and people, such as a love interest, were mad at me for this and I was confused. I had been meaning for a long time to write about it, but the words never came out right. This time around I vomited it all out. Hell, I still have the Facebook messages of this person denying the info her brother gave me. In the end, the idea is to forgive, let live, and move forward. By writing all this out, and expressing hope that her and all the others find peace and happiness, has made me feel at peace myself. I can finally put that mess to rest. I am grateful for the woman I have in my life. If you are reading this just know that you are worthy of love, peace, and respect. Those young adult years get messy. My hope for you is that you navigate it all with courage and integrity. I hope you enjoy the visuals, and the music. If no one has told you today that they love you, I do!
15. Vince Staples x Take Me Home
Look, ever since I got hipped to Mac, I got pulled into Vince Staples. The Stolen Youth tape introduced me to vince and of course his feature on FACES x Rain made me go back and chech his whole discography. When I caught up on Staples' work, I believe he was just then released/releasing his self-titled record,"Vince Staples" album. I played it just about everyday. I love his authencity as a person who really doesn't love being a "rapper" but rather sees it as a way to connect to creating a better life for him. He is pretty candid about it and I respect it because even though thats true, he still puts effort and honesty in his music. When I was writing 32Weeks I knew I would incorporate Vince in the mix. This album had many tracks I wanted to utilize but Take Me Home(start at 8.14 mark), just takes the cake. The instrumental always give me chills, and the opening line...I knew from the jump I was gonna flip it for myself. "I don't wanna die, but I will for the cause...". I switched it to "I don't wanna kill but I will for my loves". I set my intro as my family means alot to me, and I do what I have to to protect them. After that the verse started coming out of me as a moment to reflect on my childhood. This mostly encumbers issues of race, bullying, loss, fitting in, and just how it all progressed from elementary to high school. As far as track number, it sits right before the halfway mark, adding to the 2nd phase of #32weeks doubt, self pity, and really just the dark themes expressed and explored in phase 2. I visit another Vince track later in the tape and I can't wait to share it with you. The visuals in this release use imagery from John Wick, Us, Get Out, interviews with Wayne Brady/Michael Blackson, Big Mouth, and Coach Carter. If you are reading this, I appreciate your time and hope you are doing ok. I love you, and I hope you tell someone you love today, that you love too! We never know what people are going through, but when we have the love of others surrounding us, we feel like we can handle anything!
16. J. Cole ft. 21 Savage, Morray x My Life
So....I don't know if J. Cole is my favorite rapper, however I do find myself revisiting his albums often. 2014 Forest Hills Drive was a turning point I really fell in love with this man's craft. I appreciated his shift in conscious, attempting to distribute a more positive and uplifting message in his music. Kendrick is one I feel has mostly focused on giving us the type of love in his music, specifically in his albums. Kendrick though, can kind of come off too complex/deep to point one may miss the message. Cole's approach is so laymen in approach that you can't miss the message but at the same time you still contemplate what he is getting at. 2021 was a rough year for me. Especially going into the fall school year, The Off Season presented so many affirmations and motivations for me to push harder to make it through. Tracks like Amari, hell the opening track ft. Cam'ron! Cam is an emcee I grew up listening to, had mad respect for, but haven't checked for in a while. Hearing his voice amp up Cole gave me chills. When I was writing 32weeks, I knew I would use a Cole beat...but which one?? I wanted it to me more recent, but like all tracks I use, I wanted it to be meaningful to me. On 'My Life', the opening lines of the sample, Cole talking about how we can't rush God, the way he opens his verse, and 21 Savage's flow all contribute to me falling hard for this track. So around my 14th/15th verse(I didn't necessarily write these in tracklist order that you come to know) I was really nervous and losing hope. Guys, I truly didn't think I could write 32 verses...especially in the time frame I set for myself. But then, I don't know what happened. I played this instrumental and I instantly heard in my head "Spiraling up, just like my ancestors DNA. Hashtag 32 weeks, my nigga we halfway!" Then the idea of using the length of the beat (just over 2 minutes) as a vessel taking me back in time to warn my younger self seemed like the right move. I mostly focus on the mistakes of not going all in with music, not seeing how much Erin truly was the one the whole time, and not standing on my own like I should have back then. I end the track with singing to my younger self that although things seem dark right now, listening to me now, things will workout. Unfortunately, I didn't heed those warnings. Sometimes we have to be hard headed and go through trials and tribulations in order to develop into the person we needed/were always meant to be. With all that said, I hope you feel this one. The relief I feel right now is the same sentiment it was when writing that 16th verse. Now, it has been the 16th video, and I feel like I can truly complete what I started. Besides, whether people see this or hear this, the goal is for me to do this for me....and I am!
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quietwings-fics · 11 months
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: N/A Fandom: Supernatural Ship: Gen (Andy & Sam & Dean & Max) Additional Tags: Azazel's Special Children (Supernatural), Psychic Abilities, Whump, Headaches & Migraines, Psychic Sam Winchester, Mind Control, Post-Episode: s02e12 Nightshifter (Supernatural), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Cold Wordcount: 1463 Summary:
The events of Nightshifter were a lot less stressful with Andy there to keep everyone under control, but he's never done anything like that before. And from the way his head is killing him, he really hopes he never has to do it again.
For day 4, I used the alternate prompt "shaking"
The Impala’s window thumps against Andy’s head with each revolution of the tires, a constant rhythm that may have been painful if it wasn’t vastly overshadowed by the migraine already digging into his gray matter. Not looking out the window as they speed down the highway is making him nauseous, but the sunlight burns into his retinas like needles whenever a ray of it gets past his eyelids. The lesser of two evils is curling against the door with his head ducked and his eyes shut. Sam’s jacket is too big on him, but by the time Andy had realized it wasn’t his own, there hadn’t been time to change, and after the fiasco at the bank, Dean hadn’t stopped slamming the pedal, eager to get them out of the state.
Andy is trying very hard not to think about the bank. Or about anything. Using his brain at all makes him want to scream.
Dean and Sam are arguing about something, and the music is blaring like it always does, and the car is growling against Andy’s ear no matter which position he presses his head against the door. Even the window is too cold to lay his head against. Andy shivers and draws Sam’s coat tighter.
The only respite here is Max because he tends to zone out in the backseat, silent and staring listlessly out his window. For the first time, Andy’s appreciating the silence, for what little good it does when every other sound in the car is turned up to eleven. He promises himself he’s never going to bug Max into talking with him again, just for this. A promise he will probably only manage to keep until he gets too fidgety on a six hour drive. No one on Earth has the insane tolerance for road trips that Sam and Dean have developed, and Andy is especially bad at them.
He chose this life. He doesn’t get to complain now. It’s better than going it alone.
He squeezes his eyes shut tighter like that will block out the light better than his own hand over his face. He almost feels hungover, except it’s so much colder. He can’t stop shivering, no matter how much he tucks into Sam’s jacket. The sun on his skin provides barely any relief.
There’s a pause in the conversation in the front seat. It stretches out. Another jumble of words Andy doesn’t bother to put together. A pause. The third time, he hears his name in the middle of whatever Sam is saying something-something-Andy-something, and though every part of him protests, he raises his head and opens his eyes. He cringes from the light, wanting nothing more than to curl back into a ball and wait out the pain.
“What?” he croaks, his dry throat heaving out the word. His eyes adjust so that he isn’t blinded, and he can put Sam’s expression together into one of concern.
“He said, how’re you holding up?” Dean tosses back, eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. They haven’t even stopped to get him and Sam out of their disguises. They must be hot in all-black, and Andy wishes for a moment that he’d gone ahead and convinced another guy to strip his uniform off so that he could wear it. He’s not sure if he could have. At that point, after trying to keep the entire situation under control with a few words for every hostage, even talking the two agents Sam and Dean stole from made him nearly keel over. He and Max weren’t wanted, so they limped (on account of Andy’s legs not wanting to stay under him and leaning on Max to keep them moving forward) their way out of the bank, and Andy talked their way out of the custody of an officer, and then the Winchesters picked them up.
“Shitty,” Andy answers, and now that he has an opening, “Could you turn the music down?”
“Just this once,” Dean says, but he’s joking and he reaches for the dial without another word. The tape pops itself out of the player before he even touches anything, falling neatly into the waiting box. Andy glances over at Max at the same time Sam does, and Max shrugs. Andy forces a smile to his face anyway in thanks.
“What you did back there was really amazing,” Sam continues, “but it was a lot. You have a migraine?” Andy nods, and Sam makes a face in sympathy. “Yeah, we get those. Uh, what about a nosebleed?” Sam’s eyes dart down Andy’s front and Andy squints at him.
“No?” He’s never gotten a nosebleed from pushing himself, but then, he hadn’t done this much since he set his mind to getting on T and had to talk his way through a whole clinic and a pharmacy. “I’m just freezing.” As if to prove his point, Andy’s body gives a huge, involuntary shudder.
“That’s a new one,” Sam says. Andy shuts his eyes. Looking at things is too much for him to handle right now.
“You don’t get cold when you’re…” Max’s voice trails off.
“No,” Sam says, “actually, one time I started running a fever.”
They’re both quiet for a second, and then Max says, “You must be some kind of freak.” It makes Sam chuckle weakly.
“We’ll find a place to stop at,” Dean says. Andy’s whole body aches for it, somewhere to lay down and pass out in peace. He misses his van.
But instead, he says, “And wake up to the FBI arresting us? I’m fine. Keep going.” Dean snorts. The car lurches to avoid something in the road, and Andy nearly rolls across the seat into Max.
“I wasn’t asking you. We’re stopping,” Dean says.
“Keep driving,” Andy insists, too strongly. He can feel the rebelling screech of pain in his head before the words have even finished leaving his mouth. He curls in on himself, panting and shaking. Cold sweeps up his spine and into his head, making his teeth clatter against each other when he can’t make himself stop shivering. He hears Dean curse.
“Son of a-“
“Andy, reverse it,” Sam says, and Andy wants to, he really does, but he’s done. That was the limit and he broke it and now he can barely keep himself upright. His fingers feel numb, and no amount of rubbing them together brings the sensation back. Max touches the back of his neck, but his hand jumps away the moment it makes contact with Andy’s skin. “Andy-“
“He can’t,” Max says, and his voice cuts right through Sam’s.
He very rarely speaks over any of them, but when he does, he gets listened to. Usually because that’s when they all remember he doesn’t need to be touching a knife to use it. Sam takes a deep breath. Max’s hand folds over the back of Andy’s neck again. It’s not as firm as Andy would like, but Max doesn’t like being touched and this is practically a bear hug for how much contact Andy’s getting. It doesn’t help with the cold, unfortunately. Max is warmer than Andy is right now, but any given day, they’re two chilly peas in a pod, and Sam really is the freak running a few degrees hotter than anyone should.
“Okay,” Sam says, more to himself than anyone, “okay, Dean.”
“Still can’t take my hands off the wheel.”
“I know. But. Pull over.”
“Did you not just hear me?”
“Pull. Over.” Sam slows his words down, and it doesn’t help. Andy would give him pointers if anything at all would fit inside his head but the pain spilling out the edges.
“Pull over!” It reaches into frustration the third time, and Andy can feel the tug of the suggestion without even being the one it’s directed at. Max’s hand stiffens against his neck. The car swerves and rolls to a stop. For a minute, all Andy can hear is their breathing and the upset rumble of a car stopped too quickly. “Holy shit,” Sam whispers.
“Don’t do that to me again,” Dean tells him, sounding more scared than angry.
“I won’t,” Sam promises. He sounds scared, too. Neither of them have ever sounded like that about Andy, even when he slips up or pulls out the persuasion for a harmless prank. “You’re good to drive?”
“I’m fine.” Dean is, obviously, lying, but out of the three of them, none of them are going to point it out. He cranks the car back into drive, and as they get down the road again, he says, “Next motel I see, we’re stopping.”
It’s not like Andy can argue. He does his best to just focus on Max’s hand and not how numb and sick he feels.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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iwatchvideoessays · 1 year
Leeja Miller - Unions Will Save America.
Length: 28:33
Leeja explains why currently so many unions are striking, the history of labor organizing in the 20th century, union busting, and her ideas of how unions and labor organizing could unite people across party lines over shared class interests.
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