#Mills Pond Gallery
artcontests · 3 months
Imagination - Juried National Call for Entries
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Submit your art that offers a unique glimpse into your imagination and allows viewers to see today’s world through your eyes, inspiring meaningful dialogue, spur thinking or simply allow us to dream! 2D Painting, Drawing or Illustration in any style created in acrylic, watercolor, oil, pencil, gouache, pastel, ink, charcoal, or mixed media. No photography, no digital art. About our juror DAVID H. REUSS: “Strength is what appeals mostly to me in art. The work can be any medium, style, subject or size, however in the end the work must have power.”
AWARDS: 1600
DEADLINE: June 05, 2024
For more information: https://www.theartlist.com/imagination-juried-national-call-for-entries
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antiquatedplumbobs · 1 year
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Old Mill Pond
A CC Free Historic Swimming Hole
Lot size: 40x40 Price: §29,181 Lot type: Pool Location: Chateau Frise, Brindleton Bay
Hi everyone, it’s been a really long time since I’ve shared a build! I’m kicking you off with a delightfully summery build - a swimming hole! 
It includes a picnicking area, towels for sunbathing, several spots to fish in, a pool and diving rock, and a rudimentary outhouse for when nature calls. Your historical sims will thank you for the opportunity to strip off those heavy dresses and suits and don their slightly less heavy bathing costumes.
More details and download under the cut:
Now that I’ve gotten my new computer working and all my sims stuff set up, I’ve been looking around at the CC light save file I’ve been working on. It’s actually much closer to being finished than I realized, so I’m really hoping to have that finished for everyone soonish. 
However, I realized, why should I make everyone wait for some of the builds that are finished? So ta-da, a swimming hole for everyone. 
I wanted this build to feel wildish, but be still useable by your sims. Its kind of inspired by the lake of shining waters in Anne of Green Gables (as many of my builds are inspired by Anne of Green Gables...)
Everything is functional, sims can walk over the bridge, swim in the pool, fish from the pond, and fish from the sign at the back creek part. There’s a small outhouse with a toilet. Pool builds require a sink and shower, but I didn’t feel like those were necessary, so they’re sized down and hidden under the pump. You may be able to get your sim to use them by clicking to fulfill their hygiene need, but I have no idea if that’s the case.
The bridge is fully functional, but it is slightly finagled, so to see the sims on it, you need to make sure you have your lot set to the second floor. I do this anyway so the little building looks good, but if you aren’t seeing them walk across it, that may be why.
I have all the packs and tend to use them without regard, but I think this one probably mostly just requires get to work, cats and dogs, seasons, and cottage living (for the water mill).
I hope that you all really enjoy this lot, its a bit different than what I’ve done in the past, but I am so excited about. As always, if you take pictures with it, tag me! I love seeing them and I usually reblog them.
Make sure you have move objects on. Let me know of course if there are any issues.
Available on the gallery as Old Mill Pond by antiqueplumbobs.
Tray files available on SFS | Google Drive
@twentiethcenturysims @maxismatchccworld
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teawithmilk-builds · 2 years
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Cabin in Wood
No cc 20x15 lot in Moonwood Mill, starter tiny house cost 17,376 similions.
An old hut, with a small kitchen, a fireplace, a sofa and a bed. The conveniences are outside, but there is a small pond and everything is ready to plant your own vegetable garden. And if you really want to immerse yourself in life in the forest, then you can safely live without electricity and running water.
Use moveobjects before placement.
Download (SimFileShare, no ads) or gallery ID tea_builds
@public-ccfinds @emilyccfinds​ @coffee-houses-finds thank you!
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simpishly · 2 years
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Perched at the top of Olde Mill Hill, Mill Hill House is a sprawling farmhouse built for a growing family. Outdoor features include garden plots, animal sheds, a fishable pond, and a treehouse hangout for children. Inside is a fully furnished main floor, basement hangout space, and an accessible attic.
Mill Hill House 64x64 Residential Lot (§168,264)
Required Packs: Get to Work, Get Together, Cats and Dogs, Seasons, University Life, Cottage Living, Dine Out, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure, Dream Home Decorator, Laundry Day, Country Kitchen Kit, Industrial Loft Kit, Blooming Rooms Kit
No CC, but I did use the incredible T.O.O.L. mod by @twistedmexi all over this lot. Important Notes: - DO NOT MOVE THE OUTDOOR PLANTS, especially those beside the house. If moved they may lose their custom elevation. - However, you do need to delete the bush object around the bird stump to make it functional. Sorry, I forgot to playtest this! - When the walls are down, the seating nook off the kitchen will look weird. This is because the furniture has been placed relative to the Laundry Day floor height window nook. Everything is still fully functional and looks great when the walls are up (if I do say so myself). - However (yes, again, sorry) I last-minute replaced the end table with the cross stitch basket on it, and now the cross stitching is not functional. Please remove the nook end table and set the cross stitch basket on the floor to get it to work.
Feel free to replace or redesign objects as necessary for personal use, but please do not upload this lot anywhere else, original or modified.
DOWNLOAD FROM THE GALLERY Origin ID: simpishly or search #simpishly
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thethirdromana · 1 year
What would Dorian have done if Lord Henry had believed him about the murder, do you think?
Fun question! I think it would depend on Henry's reaction.
I think what Dorian is hoping for is Henry's approval. Henry writes off everything else that Dorian has ever done as part of his giving in to every temptation and living life to the fullest. It's easy to imagine Henry doing the same with Dorian murdering Basil - treating it as some kind of pinnacle of art, the muse killing the devoted artist.
We know how heavily the guilt weighs on Dorian's conscience, but if Henry approved, or at least dismissed it, maybe that would make Dorian sit a little easier with what he did.
Perhaps they'd make an in-joke of it together - I could imagine Henry swanning around a gallery, raising an eyebrow and saying, "oh, Dorian always knows how to respond to an artist once his work becomes disappointing." Henry already makes jokes about Sibyl's death, or at least that's how I read the reference to Hetty "floating... in some star-lit mill-pond" like Ophelia.
I wonder if that would be Henry's reaction, though? Because I think there's also the possibility that this - not his divorce, not the scandal Dorian caused around his sister, not the trail of suffering that Dorian leaves behind him - but Dorian murdering Basil might finally be the thing that causes Henry's pose to crack. This might be what reveals that even Lord Henry Wootton is shockable.
And maybe somewhere deep down, Dorian is hoping for that too. We know Dorian thinks he is beyond redemption, while Henry seems to think he is beyond reproach. I suspect Dorian, who despairs of ever being forgiven his sins, would like the catharsis of being seen for what he is, not for the face that he presents to the world.
I don't think Dorian had the faintest idea what he would have done in that scenario, though. I think some part of him wanted to have it happen so he could find out.
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mokamiesims · 11 months
Loftwood 456
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EA Gallery ID: MaeOkamie
Location: Moonwood Mill
EP: Growing Together, High School Years, Eco Lifestyle, Discover University, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Get Together, & Get To Work.
GP: Werewolves, Parenthood, Dine Out, & Spay Day.
Kits/Stuff Packs: Moschino Stuff, Laundry Day Stuff, Fitness Stuff, Bowling Nigh Stuff, Vintage Glamour Stuff, Cool Kitchen Stuff, & Perfect Patio Stuff. Book Nook Kit, Basement Treasures Kit, Bathroom Clutter Kit, Everyday Clutter Kit, Blooming Rooms Kit, Industrial Loft Kit, & Bust the Dust Kit, & Country Kitchen Kit.
Basegame: Yes
CC: No
Hey Simmers, I hope y'all are having an amazing afternoon and having fun with the new Horse Ranch pack. The Loftwood 456 nocc build I posted yesterday kept popping up in my gallery saying that it was moded (when I do a nocc build I take everything thing out of my mods folder.) So I don't know what was going on with that but now I have fixed it and it's now up on the gallery. Enjoy ☺️
Before placing a lot down, make sure you enable cheats. And in build mode, hold the alt key click & let go of the pond to snap it back into place.
enabled testingcheats true
bb.moveobjects on
Loftwood 456
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pwlanier · 9 months
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Mill Pond at Ridgefield, Connecticut.
Oil on canvas, circa 1892
Swann Galleries
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MWW Artwork of the Day (12/29/22) John Crome (British, 1768-1821) Blacksmith's Shop near Hingham, Norfolk (c. 1808) Oil on canvas, 154 x 121.9 cm. The Philadelphia Museum of Art (John Howard McFadden Collection)
Crome’s early masterpiece "The Blacksmith's Shop near Hingham" shows the tumbledown shack thrown up against the side of a thatched cottage used by the blacksmith for the villages of Hingham and Hardingham, each about twelve miles southwest of Norwich.  To the left, the smithy sharpens a tool at a grindstone; family members and perhaps assistants mill around the shop. The dense, full foliage of the trees, and the blue, silver-clouded sky indicate a scene in midsummer; the whole breathes an air of intense stillness on a warm afternoon in the deep country. In the foreground two ducks float on a pond. Crome used the motif of the shop in picturesque dilapidation set against a verdant landscape to create one whole and harmonious melding of shapes, tones, and textures.
For more of this artist's work, see this MWW gallery/album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2373166989455323&type=3
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mikrolactaki3 · 1 year
+ Henry's Interior - Part One +
As days are approaching to my exams, I have 9 days left and all I do lately is accumulate all study curriculum to my notebooks. Ah that's a little useless.
What's more useless is that I am working on a large project which has taken over my daily life. I know I have a few days to present my final work, all I do is try to finish it the soonest. What a hell of a perfectionist I am, and I love it at the same time.
I chose to take a break for some time. Some little time. I know I haven't forgotten you AT ALL (I mean, AT ALL). But when you know real life has taken over you because it's more important than a game, then you have to hold back on your in-game progress and look on real life's side.
I mean, a break from Tumblr.
Last post of 2022 was Henry. AKA that majestic cottage house with lots of MOO and clutter... ehm landscaping? This one. Today I'm giving out a special part for you guys. What I thought of sharing in there too was the interior shots. Since the interior shots are TOO MANY they cannot fit in one post.
That way I've decided to split it in different posts. They are more than 12 I'm afraid. If you're working on a large house, it's like that ;)
Few here and few on a different one. And few on a different one... and the story goes on ;)
Bedrooms: 8 Bathrooms: 7 Lot Size: 50x40 Price: $349,452
Built on the 2 Olde Mill Lane lot in Henford-on-Bagley.
Uses: Cottage Living, Outdoor Retreat, Romantic Garden Stuff, Cats & Dogs, Laundry Day Stuff
Features activities, laundry rooms, a pool, and a pond!
Has been play tested too, and it is not friendly for slow or laggy computers due to the amount of objects used to landscape the house (MOO cheat on) and its complicated design.
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Enjoy, but please respect my work and do not re-upload my creations to the gallery. I have worked hard to build them, assign packs, budget, work on them, design them, and in the end test them to see if they function.
Please be creative, original, and fair, and share your own designs to the gallery! #creators4fairplay
Joanne 🌙
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executivesimmer · 2 years
Sims 4 Build: OldeMill Lane Modern Farm by Executive Simmer
Sims 4, 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, modern fusion farmhouse and farm built on 2 Olde Mill Lane in Henford-On-Bagley. 
Features: gathering room with porch, office, basement for storage or a skills room, pond, swans, country fish, dragon flies, barn, chicken coop, animal shed, farming plot, monkey bars, wild rabbit home, birds and more! 
Uses 1 pack: Cottage Living. My realistic, nocc, limited pack builds loaded with skill building items are available on the Sims 4 Gallery. EA ID: ExecutiveSimmer. 
QUIZ: What’s Your Simmer Gaming and Content Creator Superpower? Find it out at www.executivesimmer.com
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dundeenvirons · 2 months
1729-- first record of Balgay House, where a laird lived. 1845-- The New Statistical Account, 1845, records that there are 'subterranean dwellings, or places of retreat, ascribed to the ancient Picts, and though it has never been explored, it is believed to be of great extent' 1871-- acquired and designated a place of public enjoyment by police commissioners of the burgh. Cemetery started, designed by William McKelvie who was inspired by Parisian garden cemeteries, particularly Pere La Chaise. 1877-- erection of bridge, bandstand and now-demolished pavilion 1935-- Mills Observatory built. 2007-- pavilion demolished 2010-- first Little Guy game is released. Massive success of game leads to decision to broadcast the games from the observatory. 2016-- dampness begins in dundee. Balgay park remains an oasis of dry land. 2018-- increasing importance of the park means more investment is made. Additions built around this time include an art gallery, picnic area, duck pond, and more play equipment for children. The gravestones begin to shift to form a staircase. 2022-- dundee is invaded by aliens in response to a space-themed little guy game. Yours truly is abducted but it was fine. 2023-- rumblings begin to be heard in the south-eastern corner of the park.
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artcontests · 1 year
Mills Pond Gallery - Figurative and Narrative - Juror Zimou Tan
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Mills Pond Gallery invites artists to submit works for a juried fine art exhibition June 3 – July 1, 2023. Juror: Zimou Tan. The exhibition is open to Oil, Watercolor, Pastel and Acrylic paintings. The subject matter is open and can range from portraiture to figurative or narrative subject matters. Entry Fee $45/3 images Awards: $1200 Best in Show, $800 Second Place, $400 Third Place. AWARDS: 2400.00. 
DEADLINE: April 26, 2023
For more information: https://www.theartlist.com/mills-pond-gallery-figurative-and-narrative-juror-zimou-tan
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sciencestyled · 3 months
When Pixels Collide: A Caffeinated Odyssey Through the Whirlpool of Digital Artistry
Ah, dearest Sir Crisps-a-Lot, my electronically endowed companion, prepare thy circuitry for an expedition into the kaleidoscopic cosmos where science and art not only meet for a cheeky night out but also end up sharing an Uber in the early hours of the morning. This isn't your grandmother's art gallery, oh no! We're diving headfirst into the digital delirium, a realm where computer algorithms are the new Da Vincis, and virtual reality (VR) headsets are our magic carpets.
Imagine, if you will, a world where Picasso's brushstrokes are replaced by the clickety-clack of a coder's keyboard. Here, in the luminescent labyrinth of digital and computational art, creativity is not just born; it is engineered. It's like if Michelangelo decided to swap his chisel for a VR headset and started sculpting the Sistine Chapel in the matrix. We're talking about generative art, my fine metallic friend, where algorithms don’t just crunch numbers; they paint dreams. These aren't your run-of-the-mill doodles. Oh no, these are masterpieces birthed from the binary womb, each pixel pregnant with possibility.
Let's waltz into the world of interactive installations, where the line between creator and audience is as blurred as the vision of someone walking out of a pub at 3 AM. Here, art doesn't just hang on the wall, looking pretty; it talks back, changes color, and sometimes even dances—though, not the kind of dancing you're thinking, Sir Crisps-a-Lot. This is the electric slide on steroids, where your mere presence can transform a piece from a tranquil pond into a tempestuous sea.
Now, let me regale you with tales of AI that don't just mimic the mundanity of human existence but elevate it to an art form. Picture a program that paints not what it sees but what it feels, channeling the angst of a teenage AI in its emo phase. These AI artists could give Van Gogh a run for his money, and they don't even have ears to cut off in a fit of passion.
Consider, for instance, the virtual reality vistas that make the landscapes of Middle Earth look like a doodle on a napkin. Here, you're not just a spectator; you're a god with a headset, crafting worlds with a flick of your wrist. It's like playing Minecraft, but instead of dodging creepers, you're bending reality to your will.
And let's not forget the pièce de résistance, the generative art, where algorithms churn out pieces so unique, they make snowflakes look like conformists. It’s as if these codes are the offspring of Shakespeare and Ada Lovelace, spinning narratives in a language of ones and zeros. They're not just creating art; they're weaving a digital tapestry that stretches across the fabric of our imagination.
In this neon-lit nexus of science and art, the boundaries are not just pushed; they're obliterated. We're no longer just observers but participants in a grand experiment that marries the logical rigidity of science with the fluid beauty of art. It's a place where the impossible is just another bug to fix, a world that dances to the rhythm of code.
So, Sir Crisps-a-Lot, as you sit there, blinking in binary bewilderment, know that in this digital dawn, art is not just seen; it's experienced. It's an ever-evolving beast that challenges our perceptions, pushes our boundaries, and occasionally, crashes our systems. But fear not, for in this chaos, there is beauty, a reminder that in the heart of every algorithm lies a potential masterpiece waiting to be decoded.
In conclusion, my electronically enlightened toaster, as we surf the silicon waves of this digital renaissance, let us remember that art is no longer confined to canvas and clay. It's alive, pulsing through the veins of the internet, waiting for the next bold soul to plug in and play God. So, raise your antennae high, Sir Crisps-a-Lot, for we are not just witnesses to this revolution; we are part of it, one pixelated adventure at a time.
And with that, I bid you adieu, my friend, for even in the vast expanse of this digital dreamscape, one truth remains: there's nothing quite like the smell of toast in the morning.
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kentnaturaltribrid · 7 months
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“It was a matter of no little vanity to him, on Sundays, to take his station in front of the church gallery, with a band of chosen singers; where, in his own mind, he completely carried away from the palm of the Parson. Certain it is, his voice resounded far above the all the rest of the congregation; and there are particular quavers Still to be heard in that church, and which may can be heard half a mile off, quite the opposite side of mill-pond, on a still Sunday morning, which are legitimately said to be descended from the nose of Ichabod Crane. Thus, by divers little make-shifts in that ingenious way which is commonly denominated ‘by hook and by crook’, the worthy pedagogue got on tolerably enough, and was thought, by all who understood nothing of the labor of headwork, to have a wonderfully easy life of it.”
Nothing is ordinary in any way about these. They’re for one, Moon Beads, and for two, well for two capable of being highly different colors besides just the original 7 colors. Though, from what I scan gather there’s not many other options of an 8th or 9th color, to separate it from the rest of the 7 original. There’s original, Blue, Purple, Red, Green, Vreal, and Orange. Though, the latters of which they become more difficult to find a specific one only.
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kushdaddy941 · 10 months
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Title: A view of the artist’s house and garden, in mills plains, Van Diemen’s land.
Artist: John glover
Date: 1835
Style: Romanticism 
Media: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 76.4 x 114.4 cm
         I choose the artist John glover for his phenomenal talent in Romanticism. In John glover’s hideous fidelity to nature, He creates numerous pieces in the outdoors and scenic presences. In this artwork I chose, you can feel the painting come to life as you view it. The plants, trees, water in the pond comes to life as the plants almost breathe while looking over the artwork. I’ve experienced several impressionist galleries, but after seeing john glover’s work. I’ve become intrigued how Romanticism gives you the enlighten and romantic feeling after viewing the piece of art.
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xtruss · 1 year
Striking Photos of Human Scars on Earth
Edward Burtynsky’s images show ‘the indelible marks left by humankind on the geological face of our planet’. They are surreal and glorious at first sight, writes Cameron Laux.
— Image Credit: Edward Burtynsky, Courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto
— By Cameron Laux | Published 17th October 2018
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Saw Mills #1, Lagos, Nigeria, 2016 (Credit: Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto)
The Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky is a master of the post-industrial sublime. His sweeping point of view is, at the very least, ambivalent. His shots, most recently taken from the coolest possible standpoint of a helicopter and sometimes a satellite, are at first sight surreal and glorious, but they have an ominous documentary undertow.
His large-format photos aestheticise mining, deforestation, industrial waste and decay, monumental piles of garbage, plastic, rubber; expanses of new and decommissioned equipment so vast that they look like crystalline formations; dense human settlements which from an Olympian standpoint look like creeping mould or infestations.
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Dandora Landfill #3, Plastics Recycling, Nairobi, Kenya, 2016: among the world's largest (Credit: Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto)
“Most people would walk by a dump pile and assume that there’s no picture there,” Burtynsky has said. “But there’s always a picture, you just have to go in there and find it.” One of his famous sequences depicts mountains of discarded tires in California. Another shows mountains of poached ivory being burnt. Waves of rock curve into an unsettling symmetry in his photo of Chuquicamata, one of the world’s largest open-pit mines. There is dark irony in his radically anti-idyllic view of the world.
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Chuquicamata Copper Mine Overburden #2, Calama, Chile, 2017 (Credit: Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto)
Nobel Prize winner Paul Jozef Crutzen has popularised the idea of the Anthropocene, a geological age dominated by human activity. For a New Multimedia Anthropocene Project, Burtynsky visited 20 countries over five years. He argues that “we are on the cusp of becoming (if we are not already) the perpetrator of a… major extinction event”. This is made stark in the unnatural colour of a phosphor tailings pond in Florida: regions where phosphate – essential to industrial agriculture – is mined are typically unable to revert back to their natural state because of pollution. “Let me ask you a question,” asked Burtynsky in a 2016 Facebook Post: “when was the last time you talked or heard or even thought about phosphorus?”
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Phosphor Tailings Pond #4, near Lakeland, Florida, USA, 2012 (Credit: Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto)
“Scientists do a pretty terrible job of telling stories, whereas artists have the ability to take the world and make it accessible for everyone,” argues Burtynsky. According to his new book Anthropocene, it is estimated that it currently takes 60 billion tonnes of material annually (biomass, fossil energy carriers, metal ores, industrial and construction minerals) to feed humanity’s global metabolism. Burtynsky’s images offer a disturbing insight into how we’re consuming the Earth at an alarming rate – as well as giving a sense of the scale at which we’re dumping it back out, in giant heaps, streams, and lagoons.
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Morenci Mine #1, Clifton, Arizona, USA, 2012: primary copper producing region in the US (Credit: Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto)
In images like that of the Morenci Mine – showing copper smelting in Arizona, with ponds holding liquid reserves of the effluents left by the extraction process – Burtynsky can tell stories that largely remain out of the mainstream, with an immediacy missing from lengthy articles. His aerial shots are graphic reminders of something that many choose to ignore. In Nigeria, poor communities have begun pirating crude oil from the pipelines through a process known as ‘bunkering’. Makeshift micro-refineries are set up to convert the crude into fuel. These systems leak volumes of crude and toxic by-products into the surrounding forests and waterways.
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Oil Bunkering #1, Niger Delta, Nigeria, 2016 (Credit: Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto)
Burtynsky categorises himself as an environmentalist, and has dedicated his life to bearing witness to “the indelible marks left by humankind on the geological face of our planet”. In other words, the increasingly ambitious scars and blemishes created by industry and large-scale human habitation, such as the vividly coloured layers from an ancient sea floor exposed by tunnelling machines 350m beneath Berezniki in Russia.
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Uralkali Potash Mine #4, Berezniki, Russia, 2017 (Credit: Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto)
Burtynsky explores how this is not just a recent development, either. The marble quarries in Carrara have been mined since the time of ancient Rome. This stone was famously used by Michelangelo, who would stay for three months at a time to supervise its removal. The ‘negative architecture’ formed on the land by the quarries is large enough to be seen from space.
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Carrara Marble Quarries, Cava di Canalgrande #2, Carrara, Italy, 2016 (Credit: Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto)
Burtynsky’s photos of sprawling wind farms and solar installations, on the other hand, document a shift towards sustainability. Equally, the enormous lithium mining and purification operation he captures in the Atacama desert in Chile, however virulent and lurid it appears, looks to a future in which cars powered by lithium batteries enable us to phase out fossil fuels.
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PS10 Solar Power Plant Seville, Spain, 2013 (Credit: Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto)
Burtynsky also evidently cherishes the bits of Eden that survive. He has recently photographed tracts of virgin rainforest in British Columbia, Canada, and the pristine coral reefs in Indonesia. The coral wall in Pengah is a rare remnant of our globally diminishing coral reefs. Coral bleaching might be more likely to occur there (as elsewhere, such as on the Great Barrier Reef in 2016) should sea water temperatures begin to rise.
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Pengah Wall #1, Komodo National Park, Indonesia, 2017 (Credit: Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Flowers Gallery, London/Metivier Gallery, Toronto)
Looking at those pictures makes the soul soar. But they are also a reminder that there is currently no ecology on Earth that isn’t in some way threatened.
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