#Mimic Sighting
[Transmission incoming.]
[Transmission accepted]
The large screen in from of the human shows nothing but black and white TV static for a few moments before the video on the other end starts to clear up.
"Dammit!" a raspy English voice calls out before a loud clang can be heard, likely the person on the other end wacking their own video broadcasting device. The video clears up almost immediately after the device is hit, the TV static lingering on the edges of the monitor before dissipating.
"Human. Nice to finally see ya properly, kid." the same raspy English voice says, the voice belonging to a man in the middle of the screen. It's none other than Chief! The leader of the Firehose Faction. Said man is wearing a simple long sleeved white t-shirt and some khaki cargo pants.
"Now I'm not one to beat around the bush but I got word of your mimic division and I thought I'd try to contribute to it. One of my boys mentioned meeting you briefly a while ago after we put out a shop fire." Chief rasps out quickly, turning his head to the side to look at the human with one eye, his metallic bronze head glinting in the soft light of the video feed.
"See, I'm a beach man, I like going to the beach and dipping my toes in the sand and what not, and with Summer approaching we've been going more frequently and only recently we've started seeing some... particularly odd things in the ocean, scares the shit outta of Hoseman." Chief continues, leaning on the table the monitor is on, which js attached to his recording device. He moves, what is presumably, a mouse around and clicks a few things before an image appears on the human's end of the transmission.
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"Sorry for the bad quality, kid. It was overcast and foggy that day, and frankly, we aren't camera units, so pictures and videos ain't our thing." Chief says before continuing, "I want to think those things are mimics. Something aquatic. But they aren't those speaker mimics like your friend Pal, or that one Clif guy either. They've got fins on their tails and backs, even one on their head, and as far as I'm aware, speaker mimics have frills and wings, not fins. Except for that Clif guy. But I wanted to inform you of this, I don't want to put my people at risk because of some anomalous aquatic entity that could possibly be a mimic out in the water. I think I'd actually be the one most at risk of this." Chief pauses, rubbing his hands together, a few scars showing in the dim light of the room he is in.
His, and the human's, attention is drawn to the door when Veteran steps into the room. Chief straightens up a bit, his posture stiffening before his shoulders go lax at the sight of Veteran. His one visible eye flicks between the human and Veteran before he speaks, "Veteran." is all that comes from Chief, he sounds firm, even a hint of nervousness barely detectable in his voice. "I hope this one doesn't end up like your last one. Not to insult your protection skills or anythinf." Chief says, crossing his arms and stepping back from the monitor a bit. "Old fart." he mutters quietly, "But that's not what I called for. Do you think you have any ideas or clues as to what may be in the water, kid?" Chief asks, tilting the front end of his head down slightly.
. . . Hello, Chief. It has been a while since we last spoken...and I thought I remembered telling you to keep that between you and me. My chi--...(ahem), my charge is currently in good hands and is thriving while under the care of me and the alliance. I can't change the past...but I can prevent it from ever happening again. I can promise you that.
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Uhh? You two know each other...? Oh! I...uh...well then! Hello! Nice to officially meet you, Chief! It's nice to hear from the Fire Squad for the first time! As for the photos you sent in, I will have to say that those mimics are NOT in our database! Judging from their appearance, I think those mimics may be strictly fully aquatic or oceanic in nature! I'm a little sad that you didn't manage to get their heads in the photo, but some evidence is better then no evidence! We will be sending out some scouting drones and I will be asking Clif if he knows these mimics! Keep an eye out and make sure to stay safe until we can gauge their hazard level! Thank you for your contribution to our archive, Chief!
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mimicgender · 5 months
Feeling a little anxious about uploading it, not the best picture, but I have been encouraged to post it. I will admit I like how my hips look.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 7 months
(bit ltr on)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | This is Part 3 | Extra
Gonna add some after comic shenanigans because I have thought of a LOT
It'll be linked as Extra
likely will be comprised of memes with maybe some serious
Long post under the cut!
And rambling right after like. a lot. jkfdjklsd
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Well besides the extras and memes I’ll include in another part that. I don’t know when I’ll finish. But stay tuned I’m gonna go ham. I can't wait to share the memes especially loll
Fair warning my rambling here gets a little all over the place so if I repeat myself. Sorry lol. 
If I knew how to include a second read more I would
anyway , I think I've made this comic lighter towards the end of this comic (both on purpose with the backgrounds and story lol) but this ending I hope is a combination of bittersweet and hopeful. Y/n gets to have a new family and connection to humanity that I think would be beneficial. 
How they’d take finding out Y/n is a VAMPIRE is it’s own can of worms that you can decide for yourself how would go down. Best outcome is that Y/n continues to watch over the generations influenced by Vanessa and her family during their immortality. 
Gregory and Cassie still haven’t been introduced in the Naff’s Cryptid Sightings universe by the time I post this, so if/when they are their characterization most likely will be different. And ggy likely won’t be placed in the au. Which is completely understandable! Tho an alternative path following canon fnaf more with 3 star fam, ggy n such is a concept I LOVE in the Cryptid Sightings world! I’ll go into it more ltr
Greg and Cass already have cryptid parents but now they get Uncle Eclipse and Uncle/Aunt/Pibling/Auncle/Etc Y/n. And Y/n gets to have one more purpose in protecting these ppl they will grow to care a lot about that knew Vanessa when Y/n couldn’t connect with her. Lots of sharing stories abt Vanessa occurs.
I’ll joke abt this in the extras & memes part but I think It would be so funny if Y/n can one moment be depressed and then Eclipse mentions Cass & Greg and they’re like “RIGHT I NEED TO PLAN HOW IM GONNA SPOIL THEM FOR THEIR BIRTHDAY” or “I LOST TO GREGORY LAST TIME IT WON’T HAPPEN AGAIN” or “I NEED TO CHECK UP ON THEM AND MAKE SURE THEY’RE ACTUALLY RESTING AFTER THEY FOUGHT THAT CRYPTID”
Eclipse is simultaneously grateful they have a new source of motivation, they haven’t seen you like this in a while, and he doesn’t dislike Gregory or Cassie. BUT since Cassie and Gregory are still Cryptid Hunters, it isn’t IDEAL lmao
On to elaborating on the comic: I love 3 star fam (by extension cassie) and Vanessa had growth offscreen so now her dying wish to y/n is like:
Nessie: hey. Make sure my kids (that aren't kids anymore) don't die ok cool cool
Sure Greg and Cass have Freddy and Roxy but between:
Demonic cryptids that have no experience being a human NOR a cryptid hunter human at that 
Friend that might just be there still since if these cryptids could have humanity there's a chance my friend sending me memes that are so in character with their personality is ALSO still human despite being vampire and maybe ness & them could reconcile and Greg and Cass could finally meet the only person ness would have considered family and-
Nessie never would have considered y/n still having their humanity if it weren't for Freddy and by extension Roxy 
And btw Ness would not have given her phone to y/n if she wasn't sure that y/n wouldn't hurt Greg and Cass.
She. Didn't expect y/n to go the extra mile and meet them in person. The phone would give y/n their contact information and all the photos of memories they missed out on
Y/n cries when they unlock ness's phone and Nessie still hadn't changed her password
The video she made that y/n sees at the end is when she was first entertaining the idea of y/n possibly still having their humanity, but still wasn’t sure. It was a video that she only ever planned on y/n seeing if she either died and/or she was sure y/n was still human in some regard. She wanted to leave y/n with something in that scenario.
Vanessa here meeting Vanessa in Cryptid Sightings and Lost episode canon would certainly be something. Vanessas from canon Cryptid Sightings would just. Not know how Vanessa got over it and neither does Ness here know
Also, there are some details for this canon divergence au that are completely settled to me and other details I don't have a solid idea for. Like, I'm not SET on how Nessie and Greg would meet, ness and Cass, if it would be at the same time, who would be doing the glitchtrapping.  Prob becuz some of those are still unclear in canon canon FNAF and others I'm just indecisive
I'll leave it a little loose, up in the air
Also the possession being done by the same cryptid wouldn’t be possible with Cryptid sighting’s universe rules so. I’m not gonna bother figuring out those details for this comic. 
But I do love the idea of Nessie growing closer to Greg and Cass and at least Ness and Greg sharing a bond over dealing with Glitchtrap
Speaking of glitchtrapped GGY in cryptid au-
The wizards FAVORITE now being in same universe as demonic cryptids that would absolutely want to slaughter Glitchtrap for possessing a KID? Making him kill multiple people, including a kid his age? Tasty. Scrumptious. I want to make a separate post just thinking Abt how canon crew for cryptid sightings might react to GGY, especially Cryptid Sun & Moon/Eclipse. I'll save most of that rambling for that potential post since there's so much angst potential. 
While im here, I’ll ask. Naff, how would Eclipse react to a child, possessed by a demonic cryptid, having killed other children? Or. Is that a spoiler since these characters could be introduced in a reunion work and whether Cassie gets possessed to mirror canon fnaf is still up in the air? 👀
@/puhpandas can be blamed for my brain rot of the GGY story and dr rabbit stuffs and the potential it could bring.
Tho I don't expect to see GGY in any continuations of cryptid sightings lol I don't know how that would work when cryptid sightings already has laid down rules for possession in that universe and Glitchtrap is already gone. I'll happily see what Gregory and Freddy are like when they (hopefully) appear in future continuations of cryptid sightings
But since this is canon divergence I can indulge in three star fam real quick
To follow canon canon FNAF (or at least the fanon built off of the scrapped security breach canon as well as what stayed in sb), Vanessa would be saved by Gregory and Freddy, I'm undecided if Cassie would join in sooner or later. Nessie would regardless have to stomach being around kids that remind her of her trauma since she can't just fully IGNORE them. Gregory would have no one since I love the angst of the theory he killed his loving family as GGY 
So. Nessie would probably know that and it would make the situation hard.
Vanessa would grow a bond with Gregory and Freddy at some point, Gregory has a head start  due to. Y'know. Glitchtrap. Hard to not have some sort of connection to the kid that went through what you did too.
Anyway, Vanessa here would be saved by Gregory and Freddy to match up with canon. Or at least, the fanon I subscribe to for security breach since canon was lack luster and scrapped all the good ideas for Vanessa last minute.
Nessie and Gregory would have the shared experience of dealing with Glitchtrap trauma and Cassie gets roped, just like canon, with the whole Mimic situation. Then Nessie has two kids that she can't fully ignore but also can't stomach COMPLETELY being there for. Fun.
But since I adore 3 star fam too much, Vanessa is able to grow attached to Gregory like a big sister eventually (i adore big sis nessie dkljssfkld look at @/boringa55binch 's stuff you'll get ITTT)
When I'd imagine Cassie would be introduced, I bet Nessie would have a harder time with her around since what we've seen of Cassie in canon is only of her getting fooled. I bet Nessie would have a harder time around her for that reason.
But it's not like she COULD leave them completely alone since she's the one with the most cryptid hunting experience. And if these kids are SO INSISTENT about getting into trouble, fine. She owes them after all
I've been undecided if Cassie would be apart of the gang when Nessie is saved so that's up in the air for what ppls like most
Time skip is about 20-30 years ltr I've determined so, Ness did die when she was relatively young. (The circumstances of how she died are a plot device yes i will admit shush it isn’t terribly important sorry jklfdsjksfd)
I'm not the greatest at drawing aged characters so there you have it, Cassie and Gregory are in their late twenties early thirties.
Nessie knows it is a gamble to ask Y/n this favor. But, she's a worried big sis, being around Roxy and Freddy I bet would have softened her heart to the general idea of cryptids not being bad, and y/n doesn't seem to be bad atm. It could be a ghost that'll haunt watch over them, or Nessie's best friend can continue to be long distance buds with Nessie's new family.
And if Y/n was truly gone and all that remained was the vampire tendencies, by this point she has trust Gregory, Cassie, Freddy, and Roxy can keep each other safe. If it was truly a mistake to give y/n her trust.
So, that's why y/n hypes themself up and visits the graveyard when Gregory is there. And it did take a lot out of them but y'know I like the idea of y/n getting close with the gang.
It does make the next cryptid reunion a little weird.
Like, imagine both describing Vanessa in previous reunions, and NOW they're finding out it was the same person.
Vampire reveal set aside for later, this is y/n's newest reason to LIVE (mentioned earlier im gonna indulge on details down here)
They can't die yet! They still have memes to send to these kids! Jokes to tell! Series to make them binge with Y/n over a call! This is the gosh darn happiest Eclipse has seen them in decades!!
Flipping between seeing Gregory and Cassie as their nephew and niece and competing with Freddy and Roxy over the title of parent. Regardless of age. (they joke but Y/n never actually competes for the title, they are much too anxious of doing something wrong. Plus, Roxy and Freddy would be pretty tough to beat)
I also think it would be hilarious if Y/n sent out Eclipse with a chancla when Gregory does a Human Hero Complex goof up that painfully reminds y/n of their Human Hero Complex goof ups. He isn't allowed to make the same mistakes without consequence. And y/n WILL stay back in the bushes with goggles to SEE IT HAPPEN. Eclipse ain't worried abt y/n's mental state when they're too invested with their Nephew and Niece.
Gregory: We are adults.
Y/n: Yeah but you're also stupid humans who don't know when to quit.
Eclipse does get a chuckle they're now complaining so much abt human's having these stupid hero/martyr complexes when they were a human not so long ago themself lol
didn't mention before but
Y/n and Vanessa compared to Cassie and Gregory parallels that would could be explored.
ANYWAY (get an “anyway” tracker for this post 💀)
Cryptid Sightings doesn't have Cassie or Gregory in their cast of characters yet so (i think I mentioned this earlier but still), this could age. As of writing this, no reunion fic has been published. Might make a note of that if I release this after the fact. But still. Indulge with me in the hyjinks. I haven’t even begun on Freddy being a dad to y/n and possible Roxy dynamic with y/n lolll.
This au of an au of an au still has lots of angst to be explored like. Oh yeah, Gregory was controlled by Glitchtrap too and has a fuck ton of ptsd SINCE HE WAS TWELVE
Fun discussion for later at thanksgiving over zoom. One that Greg is just like: Can we get back to video games pls. now.
The bombshell that will be Y/n revealed to be a Vampire is still up in the air like I said earlier. But, y'know, it might go better this time.
Y/n hopes for that. Hopes. Funny, you haven't smiled this much in a while.
Vanessa's death hurts. Both of them were too young for their fates. It hurt especially when they were saying goodbye for the very last time. Nessie's death was coming and Y/n knew that, but at the same time. Y/n can focus on caring about people Nessie cared about. People Nessie trusted them to care for.
I like the idea of Y/n continuing to watch over and keep in contact with the people Nessie has impacted in some way. Nessie to Gregory and Cassie to whoever they inspire and have become their successors. And they got so much more they are looking forward to now. Knowing humans and sticking around them even digitally has its risks but I think it could be pretty grounding. They have even more dates to look forward to aside from halloween. Which, will be fun to celebrate with Gregory and Cassie fam.
They can't wait to do some more living.
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cosmica-galaxy · 7 months
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"Fascinating! You have fully transformed into a TV mimic! This machine is already proving itself! I can only imagine the hybrids and mix-and-matches I can pull with it! Thank you so much for your participation in developing this science!"
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"You are free to leave now, I have already collected the needed data required to further my experiments and testing! Do not worry, though! Your transformation will not last forever! You'll be back to your usual self in about a week."
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"Tah-Tah! . . . Now."
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"Onto my next target..."
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pangolin-404 · 1 year
"ferrymen scrape their skin and muscle off to appear more divine" yeah but do they do that before they get the cloth. Imagine you're a regular ferryman skeleton person doing ur job ushering the souls into the ferry and you look to the side and there's someone with half their skin sloughed off looking at you with intent to kill. I would pass away
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ragyragd0ll · 1 month
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Amon honestly has such a nice colour pallet, especially in his clothes, like the purple and gold is so nice together, really gives a nobel feel, but the red crystals is the cherry on top since they give such good contrast, and just pulls it all together with a somewhat ominous vibe.
And using the gold at the edges of his cloak was a really smart choice on the artists end since it gave better contrast to his robe, and told us something about him, that he saw himself as higher than others.
Plus, the silver really looks nice with the gold, it's hard to mix metals and have it look good, but the artist did it, and it's muah.
And the white and gold at the top of his robe really pulls us to his face, and in his face, phew, where do I begin?
His eyes are literally so gorgeous, like the colouring of them are just... Yes! I just looove brown eyes, and his shine real good! I actually mistook them for yellow at first, but looking closer they are actually cobber, brown, and dark grey.
And his hair? I am in love with it's shading, I love the blue, I love everything about the blue, and it's just soooo nice that the artist used blue for the hair shading, really gave it life.
And his skin? I love the cool red-ish shading it had, it's scrumptious, I could just eat his flesh, in a canabalistic way, yes.
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atomic-freezer · 1 year
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Hearye - The Herald Pokemon The scrawls on their wings are drawn by Hearye each morning, though they don't seem to be any recognizable language. (alt) Often living in cities, Hearye will often ring their bells at street corners to catch the attention of passerbyes
Doomsay - The Herald Pokemon Once kept as songbirds in temples, Doomsay still roost in the buildings, even after they've fallen to ruin. Some believe the scrawls on their wings are scriptures that predict the end of the world. (alt) Once a year, wild Doomsay migrate to Mt. Coronet, Mt. Silver or other solitary mountains, flocking to the summit for unknown reasons
Gjallasandra - The Fallen Herald Pokemon Legends say that Gjallasandra once forsaw a grave danger to the place it roosted, but no one understood its warnings, and the temple sunk into the earth. They blow the horn they carry to warn of future calamity. (alt) Its thought that their underwings aren't naturally dark, and that it's simply the density of their scrawls that makes them appear as such.
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Yall don't understand how badly I'm trying to NOT sit outside/sit on the couch with my head through the blinds to watch the construction sgdgdggdgdgdgd I was carrying in groceries and they dumped this MASSIVE truck of dirt and I stood there like "brain go brrrrrrrr"
Like I wanna take my little tiny hot wheels knock off construction vehicles outside and play in the dirt like they're doing 😂
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obstinaterixatrix · 9 months
the thing is, I think r&h cinderella works great as a one-act and I think expanding it to two acts with a kind of weird political subplot makes it more tedious, especially since the political subplot is. in my opinion. bad. the political subplot in slipper and rose is kind of fun because everyone’s on completely different pages and with completely different priorities and actually leads to some fun dramatic moments, like the prince resigning himself to a political marriage after his dad pays cinderella off to leave them alone forever otherwise a country might attack them—anyway the prince says “your royal house will live with you but die with me” which lmao nice love the drama. the music & lyrics of r&h is way better no contest tho. secret kingdom can’t hold a candle to 10 minutes ago. I really like how nowadays it’s done in a very dreamy way :)
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Oh for fucks sake. "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" Because Poe wrote on them both. Next question please.
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spookcataloger · 2 years
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New Mexico Shapeshifter (2018)
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snekdood · 1 year
Was tlaking to my bf about my issues w tumblr and he was like "yeah, ever since they got rid of porn neo nazis have been trying to take over the site" and i think that just makes everything make so much more sense on here. The puritanism, the division, the intentional misunderstanding, the fact ppl act like kiwi farmers and fucking. Record people they dont likes every fuckin action. Ppl making excuses for some of the most fucked up behavior. The fact i feel like i cant post my art lest i be hella judged for being #problematic in a way i dont know or understand, the fact ppl are so quick to call people problematic and dismiss them, the way people call you a "lib" like a conservative would and especially for things like idk. Not wanting to kill people. The fact we've somehow normalized saying "kys" to eachother, the fact everyones so fucking paranoid on here about eachother. Like Idk if i feel like i can call this a progressive site anymore or if i can even call it leftist when ppl are like speedrunning trying to prove horseshoe theory true and its like. Are they even real leftists? Probably some of them are or were and get swept up in bs secret neo nazis post. And its not like this is entirely new, neo nazis have been trying to manipulate people since forever on here. I just wish people could recognize when their morals have been compromised by a jackass whos good at wording things a certain way. Im starting to feel like the only way to interact w this site is to reblog pretty pictures and go.
#you may hate vaush but fr when i used to watch him.... a lot of the ways people have 'discussions' on here seems the same when he would#confront neo naizs. theyd try to weasel out of their positions or pretend they dont hold certain positions or try to manipulate leftists in#a way like 'ooh but this thing negatively effects queer people' but it was always easy to see through then bc you already knew#they were neo nazis. on here anyone can throw on a cutesy avatar and get away w saying the most fucked up shit and no one is#none the wiser. like neo nazis can just fucking hide in plain sight bc they know how to mimic how we look and act#while also trying to impront on us some of the most fucked up ideals.#idk. for example. anyone trying to act like theres a moral way to rape someone? probably a fucking neo nazi!#this website and the people on it are so untrustworthy and it sucks bc it can be hard to know whos actually on your side#this is why im an actions not words guy. they might be able to say stuff in a way that appeals to them but what are their *actions*.#how do their beliefs work out when they exercise them? how do they treat other people? does it seem like they want amy excuse to be violent#bc golly fuckin gee does that sound like a neo nazi to me.#the fact people seem way more grounded in leftism offline and not so... divisive. even if we disagree on stuff. kinda tells me everything?#bc if ur really a leftist why does that attitude suddenly change when you get online?
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mimicgender · 6 months
Took this earlier, and I've decided I like it enough to share. Enjoy half asleep Juni in just a butchered tshirt.
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ohhhohoh please tell me jazz asked him to an oppy impersonator party
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algolstare · 1 year
heeheehee. the truth in the service of deception and lies 🖤
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wolfofthewisps · 2 years
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Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously or not (Accepting)
@eusyram asked: “Who do you despise?”
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“…Mimic. A mercenary who fought against evil forces, but was only in it for money. Betrayed his team to save his skin; got caught and locked up, but broke out. Was tracking him down before I wound up here."
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"He can shapeshift- makes him frustratingly good at hiding. He’ll need to be if he shows up here.”
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