#Min missa
zeb-z · 1 year
Cellbit comparing himself to Frodo from LOTR for like ten minutes in a desperate analogy to let Bad know he’s being blackmailed by the federation, then at the end of it all going “yknow, Frodo is gay. Like really gay. Absolutely gay” he’s so real for that
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Shape do you see my vision bad would be about to ingest a perfectly normal weed brownie and missa would spot it an go OH NO HE'LL BREAK HIS FAMILY FRIENDLY RULE and rush to eat it. And then bad would be like oh missa!!! And as he likes to do with missa he Just lies to him. Yeah we've got everyone coming over better be ready to act normal forever. And missas just like
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i see your vision
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hydriad81194 · 9 months
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enderw-qsmp · 8 months
Man I gotta lay down the fucking pissa bomb that dropped today- what was in the air man Phil was on a whole other level lmao
The moment he saw Missa's cubito his bird brain started going 100 mph with just wanting to spend time with his husband but also figure out how to break out but also being the most damn homosexual crow in the goddamn building
why did he casualonals for 30 mins straight- he was practically dancing in Missa lap at one point👀 like holy hell bird man we get it we missed you husband too
Plus Missa no hesitation kissing Phil every time he told him to- man's didn't even finish talking before Missa was in his face LMAO
Goodness I missed them so much this event is so cool and fun and such a nice change from purgatory cause everyone is able to just mess around
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catnipaddictt · 6 months
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wc: 2.1k
series masterlist ⭑ co-creator @memoiich
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You had finally moved away from your hometown. A final answer to your undying search for independence. A trait your mothers whipped tongue had tried to rein back for years. Something that had very clearly failed. The thought alone made you smirk a bit as you stood before your new home. The Alderaan apartments were a choice at best. Very cheap for the location being so close to the centre of the city but a little decrepit. Still it felt like a palace to you right now.
You made your way up to the 4th floor, the highest of the crumbling building. Leaving you to look out to the curtains of the slightly nicer hotel on the other side of the street. Grabbing your suitcase, you unpacked your luggage before coming to the realisation that you had no food in your new home. And of course it just had to be dark outside, evening having set. After overthinking your options you decided to ask your neighbour for some eggs. Dragging yourself to your neighbour’s door with your metaphorical tail between your legs, you knocked on the door.
A strange being poked its face through the slightest gap possible, it looked around worried. You didn’t know if it was to look for trouble or to find it. After the anxiety-writing look, the creature opened the creaking door. Now that you could see it, It was clearly a Gungan.
“Hello. Missa Jar Jar Binks. Why are you at misssas door?“ he questions “Hey, I'm your new neighbour. I was wondering if I could borrow some eggs?“ You say, a bit unsure of the Gungan in front of you. “Missa loves eggs. Sun sun or scrambled, lovely for my tumtum” jar jar snickers at the end. ”So… Can I use the eggs? You question once again. “Missa doesn’t have any eggs for sunsun but missa could go to the store for stuff and stuff.” Not only did you think of going to the store before you were now massively disappointed and also extremely tired. The less effort option was clearly the wrong one.
“No it's fine I will go myself thank you anyways.” Before finishing Jar Jar was already speaking, “It's not a big dealio, you newbie don't know the way like missa does.” Before you could protest against this clearly exhausting task, he was already out of the door and started walking towards the staircase. Not wanting to be rude, you followed. It took 17 minutes longer than normal to get to the store because Jar Jar wanted to ‘cut a cornerio’. Once at the store Jar Jar started to argue after eating a RAW egg “As a tasty jum jum” Only after 36 min of arguing and you finally offering to just buy the dozen did you start to make your way back home which also took a small hour.
You could finally bid Jar Jar goodnight. You got home just to cook the damn eggs ‘sun-sun’ style and went to bed in the early morning, you already knew this new life was going to be hard at first.
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Waking up had never been so hard before, but the alarm was ringing and today was an important one. It was your first day at your new job at the paper company, ‘Paper Force’. Paper Force was located pretty far away, you would have to drive past the mustafar part of the city, making it a long trip for a very tired driver. Prepping for work wasn't the worst as you had laid out your work outfit the night before.
You got in your beat-up 2002 beetle and started the 50 minute commute. At the 20 minute point your car started to rumble, not just a soft snore, no, a rumble. 10 minutes later and you were stuck by the side of the road. You search an auto shop on your hologram immediately. The only car mechanic that wasn't 2 hours away was a place called ‘MustaCar’. Having no time to waste, you called the number.
45 long minutes later an old pickup truck pulls up behind your still-not-starting beetle. By this point you were frankly very annoyed. You were already half an hour late to your new job, and it didn't seem like you were going to get there soon. And to make things worse, you slept bad last night, meaning you were now rather sleep deprived.
The door to the pickup truck swings open with a clunk, clearly well used. A man in his early to mid 20’s steps out of the vehicle, he reaches up and moves his dark-blond curls out of his field of vision. He wears an oil-stained long sleeved button up, of which you cannot tell the original colour, as well as a pair of dirtied jeans. He spots you, puts his hands in his pockets and stalks over, clearly in no hurry.
“I was just thinking you weren't going to bother showing up” you snapped at him harshly. “Well, sorry Miss, the rest of the world doesn’t revolve around you” You let out a sharp breath at his words. “Excuse me, just look at my car and do your job”. You were fed up with this day already and now you had to deal with a know-it-all, stuck-up, man-child of a mechanic. “Parents didn’t teach you manners I see, now what seems to be the matter here? So I can do my job” He walks towards your car, popping the lid. You roll your eyes at him before speaking. “Well she won't go” He rolls up his sleeves, “Figured that much” he states. Your brows furrow in annoyance, you don’t have time for his attitude, “something started making noise and now she doesn't want to run.” He leans forward to observe your car’s engine. “She, huh, does the lovely lady have a name as well?” You can hear his smirk through his words. Your ears turn red “Shelby, the car is called Shelby”. The mechanic lets out a harsh laugh as he turns to something unknown “An old lady I suppose then, with a name like that”. You let out a huff and turn away.
“Dead Battery and the terminals are corroding”. You jump slightly, having zoned out. “Sorry?” you question. “You have a dead battery and its terminals are also corroding. Oh and you have a break problem, that's what the noise was”. You stand there a bit perplexed, “Uh what does that mean?”. “It means you aren’t gonna be able to drive Shelby until you get her fixed”. He says the name of your car amusingly. “So can you do it then?” You ask, checking your hologram for the time, you were almost an hour late already. “Well that's my job isn’t it?” He raises an eyebrow. You sigh, clearly this guy thought highly of himself. “How much and how long?” you demand, patient wearing thin at this point. “Well the battery change is gonna be about 150, plus the corrosion, about 20, and the grinding breaks, another 150 credits” he pauses before speaking again, “it’ll take a bit, have to order in the parts, could take a while, a few weeks”. “A few weeks!” you all but shout.
You pace away, trying to think. You were very very late, had little to no sleep, and now your beloved car wasn’t going, plus you might have to wait weeks to get her back running. “Fine, do what you must” you bark out. Hopefully this man could fix Shelby quickly, and you would never have to deal with him or another car problem ever again. “Need anything out of her? Or are you good?” He asks. You walk over to Shelby, grab your bag, morning caffeine fix, and sweater. You shut the door gently. The guy speaks, walking back over to the pickup truck “Okay then, I’ll take her into the shop and she’ll be good as new soon. Oh and I will probably need some contact details, unless you never want to see your car again” He walks back carrying a piece of blue-ish paper and a pen with the ‘MustaCar’ logo on the side, passing both to you. You write down your information and hand it back to his expecting hand. “You should come by the shop, I’m sure the guys would love that” And with a smirk and a wink, he turns, secures Shelby, and gets back into the pickup. You watch as he drives off with your prized possession, your Shelby, If he ruins her, he will have hell to pay. You had now been walking for 30 minutes, with your workplace still another 20 minutes away. Your hair sticks to your forehead with sweat and your feet are starting to ache. The music playing in your ears is a nice distraction from your situation as you stroll at pace. Finally after what feels like a millennium, you reach the building. The large blue letters spell ‘Paper Force’, meaning you haven’t gotten lost along the way. Making your way to the building, you check your reflection in a window, fix your hair, and give yourself a mental pep talk. Just go in, explain what happened, it will all be fine. At least you hope. With a deep breath and step inside.
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Pulling up the shop with a rumble, the pickup-truck deposits his newest client's female car around the back. The fading MustaCar sign blinks slowly at him as he gets out the parked truck and steps foot on solid ground. The beetle named Shelby looks out of place among the beat up vehicles, and forgotten projects of the shop. “Anakin” A female voice yells from inside the garage before a young togruta steps out. She wears overalls and a pair of safety goggles on her head. “New project Snips” He says. “What's wrong with it? It looks pretty good to me” the togruta states as she walks over and runs a hand over the bonnet. “Battery is dead, corrosion, and breaks need new pads” Anakin explains, counting off each problem on his fingers. “We are gonna need to order stuff in for her”. The togruta laughs “Her?” she questions. Anakin sighs “Yes, Ahsoka, Her. Owner calls it Shelby". “Cute” Ahsoka shrugs “lets see what we can do”.
“Well the brake pads are definitely going to have to be replaced, there is basically nothing there” Ahsoka looks up as she speaks. “Thought as much, '' replies Anakin, as he wanders over with two cups of coffee, he passes one to Ahsoka. “Thanks”. “I placed an order for the new battery and brake pads, should take a week to arrive, but knowing the shipping times, it will probably take longer than that” Anakin says as he surveys Shelby. “At least she isn’t a complete wreck”. Ahsoka nods behind Anakin “speaking of wrecks, how is that project coming along ''. Anakin turns to look at the car sitting under a large tree. He had picked up the third generation Pontiac firebird from a man on his deathbed; it had been living in a barn for 20 years, rusted, and in desperate need of restoration. If it even could be saved. “It's a work in progress Snips”, “I don’t know, it is rusted pretty bad in some of it, it will take a genius to make it run again”, “Good thing i’m here then” He replies with a smile. Ahsoka rolls her eyes and drains the last of her drink before returning to their newest project.
A voice pulls Anakin out of his work “Anakin, I need to speak to you”. The voice comes from an elderly man, Palpatine, the creator and owner of MustaCar. “Of course” Anakin wipes the oil off his hands on a nearby cloth, before throwing it back on the table and following Palpatine. They enter the main office of the shop and Palpatine closes the door behind them. “Sith Auto Dominion is growing. At this rate we will be losing profit by the same time next month” Palpatine states. Sith Auto Dominion was the biggest competition for MustaCar, located on the other side of town on Geonosis Blvd. Over time the opposing shop had been taking their customers, meaning Palpatine and the people he employ have been having to cut costs however they can. “What can we do?” Anakin questions. “Not much my boy, we just have to be careful. I have owned this shop for 45 years and I will not see it go bankrupt” he takes a breath “You are my best mechanic Anakin, I cannot afford to lose you”. Palpatine walks around to his desk and sits down, gesturing at the seat opposite him. “I have a favour to ask you, Anakin”. “Anything” He replies. “Take your apprentice, go to Sith Auto, find out what they have that we don’t”
“Alright Snips, we have a job”
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elijahisadumby · 10 months
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Pathetic wet cat Missa that took me like 5 mins to draw lmao
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rainbowchaox · 1 year
Be climbing out of bed like a zombie because I tried to watch Philza and literally passed out 30 mins in (thank you loads mercy for the vod)
BUT anyways (holding red string)
Missa said he start streaming 28-30 on Qsmp
Philza streams Mon Weds Fri
Mon is 28
Wed is 30
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doodlebloo · 11 months
Favorite Team Soulfire quirk is when crazy shit is going down and comms are flooded with everyone shouting to each other and it goes quiet for a moment and you're finally able to hear Missa whimpering and blubbering like he's been doing for the past 10 mins 💀
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finnitesimal · 1 year
the difference between missa’s pov of phil’s gifts compared to others’ gifts is simple: one means memories and from someone his(character) is close with vs “stat good” which he could obtain and make on his own- but it wouldn’t be the same as from someone he holds dear to him now would it?
it’s like a parent getting a gift from their child- it’s literally some random ass rock but to the parent? that’s a rock they played with their kid 30 mins in 100f degree heat (100+ f from my REPEAT translating 113-119f into celsius is around 43-48 something celsius off memory) as a pirate crew to find “treasure”(this rock) that their kid- who can’t give a very expensive item or anything that has value on cost is more valuable than anything else,
that’s the same approach Missa is taking bc Phil couldn’t give Missa good armor or good tools at the time as far as I’m aware but it was From Phil so yeah they might be shitty but they’re from someone Dear, so he’s just “fuck off,”about it,
The fact that as little things as he has in backpack he knows he still has the first flower Chayanne gave them in there is very telling
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aphelionsabyss · 2 months
Hello hello hello my lovely little stars!Welcome back to another episode of:
YOUR new favorite "daily radio show" in which your host, Aphelion (That's me!) tells you all about music they're ACTUALLY OBSESSED with!
Today's episode is gonna be a little bit different. I haven't done one of these in a little bit and that's because I'm going through sort of a music funk. That meaning: Music is a bit overstimulating and overwhelming for me and I just haven't had something I really like come to mind.
I'm also going through HUGE writer's block. I'm very burnt out. So it may take me a bit to get back to our regularly scheduled programming. HOWEVER, because of this I've decided to add a NEW segment to this show!!!!!!
Aphelion's Absolutely Amazing Album Recommendations!!!!
Or, AAAAR for short! (Name is subject to change)
In this segment, I will be recommending three different albums or EPs for your listening pleasures! It will not get TOO much of a personal story behind it, but they WILL all be genuinely one I like (Which is rare!!! I don't listen to albums!)
The albums for today are:
Drones by Muse
Jubilee by Japanese Breakfast
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This album actually just came out TODAY (Friday, July 26th, 2024)
I just finished listening to it and of course, it's amazing! Louie Zong never misses.
It is self described as "Masayoshi Takanaka flavor" city pop album. This seems to add up as it has mych very funk / electro-funk influence. This album really evokes a summery island vibe. If you like city pop, future funk, electro r&b or electro jazz, this may be for you. It's mostly instrumental but contains some vocal snippets throughout the tracks. The most vocal song would be Swim With Me.
Louie Zong also makes great use of an iconic sample from the song "Soulful Strut" by Young-Holt Unlimited in Track 3: Tuna Turnpike. I'm sure there's many other samples of which I can't identify currently. Especially probably from Masayoshi Takanaka, who I'm sure I've heard the songs of but do not know the names 😅
There's only 8 songs, and the album tops out at 24 minutes and 7 seconds long. This is closer to what some would call an EP so you should be able to listen to it fairly quickly!
This is my current favorite Muse album, finally growing on me and taking the top spot from The 2nd Law.
Muse also rarely has missed and I feel like this is one of their best albums quite honestly. It's a progressive rock concept album about soldier going from being an indoctrinated "Drone" in the military, to a Defector. Despite being an English rock band, the album includes heavy critiques of the U.S military in the song, especially the Obama administration and the use of drones in bombing civilians in the middle east.
It has two tracks that are mostly vocal snippets, [Drill Sargent] and [JFK] which perfectly leads into the songs that follow them. The final and title song, Drones, includes music from "Missa Papae Marcelli" by renaissance composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. With Matt Bellamy singing over-top it in the final minutes of the song, expressing the soldier's grief at the loss of everything and everyone he loved, it is truly brilliant. Having said that, my favorite song on this album has to be Reapers.
The album is 12 tracks long and clocks in at 52 min 42 sec. This is the longest album on the list :)
If you like rock and critiques of the military, go check it out!
Japanese Breakfast's 3rd album, this time much more joyful than the previous two, which were very much about the grief of. This album is like a dream pop...well...dream! It's a somewhat similar in vibe to AQUARIUM CITY in its use of instruments with synthesizers, funky bass lines, and an overall 80s pop vibe. So I guess that is the vibe today. But it's very different from that album, I swear.
The album seems to mostly be about love. A love story in fact. Just being in love with someone and all it entails. From falling hard, to needing to distance yourself from the person to be healthy.
I would say this album is one of the least electronic of the three, but correct me if in wrong. We get a lot of sweet and soft vocals from lead singer Michelle Zauner accompanied with what I think to be live electric guitar, bass guitar, and drums. They make great use of dissonance in the album to provide that dreamy feel as if looking back on a memory.
My favorite song from this album is currently the 2nd track: "Be Sweet"
This album has 10 songs and is 37 minutes and 3 seconds long.
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As always, I listen to these on Spotify, but you can listen to these albums anywhere you find music!
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ameanman · 6 months
Jag klarade SFI kurs D
I går var en dålig dag för mig. Jag gjorde SFI kurs D provet, men jag var inte nöjd med det. Jag tyckte att jag var så dålig på att tala. Uppgiften var så svår och jag trodde att jag skulle misslyckas med det nationella provet. Men idag fick jag ett mail från min lärare som sa att jag har klarat provet och att jag ska fortsätta mina studier på grundläggande nivå. Jag har avslutat SFI efter mindre än sex månader. Jag var både glad och ledsen samtidigt. Jag brukade åka till SFI med min fru, och hon kommer att vara ensam där i framtiden. Men jag ska inte missa SFI eftersom det var på en plats som jag inte tyckte om. Jag vet inte hur jag ska förbättra mitt svenska. Jag kan inte prata så bra än, och jag kan fortfarande inte förstå så mycket när jag hör en svensk prata svenska. Jag är lite stressad, men jag har mycket motivation att bli bättre på språket. Här är mitt försök att skriva på svenska varje dag så att jag kan träna mer, använda fler ord och bli bättre och bättre varje dag.
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ljussangen · 2 years
Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron De häller det i drinken och säger "den är god" Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron De häller det i drinken och säger "den är god" Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron Det enda som vi bryr oss i är att bli kanon
Vi var i Stockholm i en vecka Skulle ta en bläcka Vi köpte samma t-shirt och trodde vi var fräcka Vi googlade på spy bar vi hade ju fått bidrag Tänkte det var kul att få bli hullu i en ny stad Men när vi skulle in, fråga vakten om nån lista Jag fatta ingenting det är nog något som jag missa Jag vänta tills han titta bort sen sprang jag in till baren De tipsa om en drink Och jag svarar att jag tar den
Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron De häller det i drinken och säger "den är god" Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron Det enda som vi bryr oss i är att bli kanon
Ja ja, Jo jo Nå groggen var väl god Men efter första klunken jag ändå sakna dunken De fråga "vill du vaska?" Skulle hälla ut min flaska Voi helvetti vad gör du? Nå groggen, du förstör ju Ville åka hem När jag såg dem blanda drinken Nå inte blir man väl päissä av det där
Yksi, kaksi, kolme
Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron De häller det i drinken och säger "den är god" Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron Det enda som vi bryr oss i är att bli kanon
Sista gången vi for hit Dem blandar frukt och sprit med flit Hur fan hitta jag ens hit?
Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron De häller det i drinken och säger "den är god" Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron Det enda som vi bryr oss i är att bli kanon
Det enda som vi bryr oss i Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron De häller det i drinken och säger "den är god" Banan, Melon, Kiwi & Citron Det enda som vi bryr oss i är att bli kanon
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korpcat · 4 days
22a september
Igår hade jag vänner över, det var verkligen bra och trevligt. Äntligen lite stimulerande sällskap. Idag bjöd min syster hem mig för att baka äppelmuffins och hon bor bara en 5 minuters promenad bort så jag gick hem till henne på förmiddagen. Det var soligt, och lite daggigt idag. Sov väldigt dåligt inatt så min kropp har gjort extra ont idag. Men vi bakade, pratade, fikade. Kollade på Only Murders in the Building. Det var spännande. Sen sov jag i en timme. Sen låg jag bara i soffan hela dagen förutom när jag tog en överdrivet lång dusch :P
Det är väldigt jobbigt det här. Jag vill inte missa skola, jag vill inte vara hemma. Jag vill socialisera, öva piano och orgel, ha lektioner, inte vara hemma.
Man mår inte bra av detta. Men jag måste låta ryggen återhämta sig. Jag ska spela Jimbos Lullaby nu
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londonunderground · 1 month
Matty återfick snabbt balansen och tackade sin lyckliga stjärna för att han valt att bara shotta vid baren. Hade han istället tagit en drink hade antagligen majoriteten av den drinken nu spillts ut på golvet, eller över den röda klänning som kvinnan mittemot honom bar. Hennes ögon fångade hans blick och han kunde inte annat än att besvara hennes retsamma leende - även om han redan mentalt hunnit förbereda en ursäkt för sin klumpighet.
“Förlåt jag var bara…” började han men skrattade sedan till och skakade på huvudet, “Jag vill inte missa händelseförloppet.” Matty tog ett steg närmare kvinnan innan han försiktigt lade en hand på hennes överarm för att få henne att vända sig i samma riktning som han själv stod. Han lyfte armen och pekade ut i vimlet i riktning mot det ställe där Luca hade synts till, samtidigt som han sänkte sitt huvud något för att inte behöva kämpa för att överrösta den dunkande musiken i lokalen.
“Ser du killen i grönt där borta? Han som ser ut italienska rivieran personifierad? Han bredvid hon den rödhåriga?” Personerna Matty  hänvisade till syntes knappt i vimlet där de stod vid sidan av dansgolvet, om man inte visste vad man letade efter eller var man skulle leta.
Han sänkte armen igen, “Rödhåriga är hans grej förstår du. Hon gav honom tydligen blicken, men jag är lite skeptisk.” Matty tystnade för en stund och kunde känna doften av hennes parfym från där han stod lutad snett över hennes axel, den matchade hennes utseende - attraktiv. Han betraktade hennes profil medan han fortsatte,
“Inte för att mina raggningsknep heller är särskilt up-to-date, de verkar mest bestå av att…ramla in i folk och sånt?” ett flin spred sig över hans läppar, “Men han där är i ett fack för sig. Eller vad tror du? Från en kvinnas perspektiv menar jag. Skulle du säga att hon ser ut som att hon är intresserad av honom?”
Det var ungefär vid den här punkten som Matty insåg att han fortfarande vilade sin hand mot hennes överarm, och det fanns väl inget tillfälle bättre än det nuvarande? Han släppte hennes arm för att kunna låta henne vända sig om och rätade sedan på ryggen. Blicken gled över de täta lockarna, förbi de ljusbruna ögonen och stannade för en sekund på hennes röda läppar.
“Kanske du kan ge mig några raggningstips som brukar uppskattas? Och så kan jag förmedla dem till min vän sen? Så framstår jag som expert och extra hygglig, och du får ju självklart nått för besväret och för din tid. En drink kanske? Eller en shot om det föredras? Det är ju en win-win situation för oss båda” Han såg uppmanande på henne med en blick som nästintill lyste av förväntan och tillade sedan kort,
“Du ser ut som en som fått utstå sin beskärda del av raggningsrepliker, så jag tänker att du borde ha en viss expertis inom ämnet.”
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keto-power-se · 3 months
Keto Power Gummies 2024 | Är denna fettförbrännare värd det eller en bluff?
I denna Keto Power kommer du att titta närmare på vetenskapen bakom Keto Power, dess funktion, dess potentiella fördelar och min personliga erfarenhet av att använda den.
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Jag har konsumerat produkten regelbundet och har antecknat allt efter att ha påbörjat min viktminskningsresa.
I slutet av den här artikeln kommer du att ha en bättre förståelse för huruvida Keto Power är rätt val för dina träningsmål eller inte.
Nödvändiga detaljer om Keto Power såsom dess ingredienser, dosering, fördelar, etc nämns som viktiga tips i denna exklusiva recension. Fortsätt följa för att inte missa dem.
Vad är Keto Power?
Enligt dess officiella webbplats är Keto Power Gummies en naturlig fettförbrännare som är speciellt utformad för kvinnor. Tillverkarna hävdar att produkten kan hjälpa användare att bränna envis kroppsfett och marknadsförs som ett kosttillskott formulerat för att hjälpa kvinnor att uppnå sina viktminskningsmål genom att använda Keto Powers enkla "En-om-dagen"-formel.
Producenterna hävdar att produkten endast innehåller de mest effektiva naturliga ingredienserna och därför kan stödja kvinnors resa som vill förbättra sin livsstil utan att förstöra deras fullspäckade schema.
Enligt tillverkarna riktar Keto Power Sverige sig mot termogenesen i kroppen och hävdar att den förbättrar kroppens naturliga förmåga att bränna kalorier och fett, även under tider med låg fysisk aktivitet.
Hur fungerar det?
Enligt den officiella Testo Plus webbplatsen påstås produkten fungera genom flera mekanismer för att stödja viktminskning.
Tillverkarna hävdar att Keto Power fungerar genom att öka termogenesen, vilket är den process genom vilken kroppen genererar värme, och det kan öka ämnesomsättningen och kaloriförbrukningen.
Keto Power är formulerad med ingredienser som koffein, grönt kaffe och paradiskorn som leder till en förbättrad kaloriförbrännande effekt.
Dessutom hävdar The Producers att Keto Plus Sverige är ett aptitdämpande medel eftersom ingredienserna i Keto Power som glucomannan påstås ha egenskaper som hjälper till att minska suget och kontrollera aptiten. Genom att dämpa överdriven hunger och främja en känsla av mättnad kan det förhindra överätande och mellanmål, som är vanliga hinder för viktminskning.
Keto Power fördelar
Ökad energi
Att ta Keto Plus Sverige hjälpte mig att uppleva en märkbar ökning av energinivåerna. Som en upptagen mamma kände jag mig ofta trött och utmattad, men Keto Power hjälpte mig att känna mig piggare och mer fokuserad under hela dagen. Denna ökade energi gjorde det lättare för mig att ägna mig åt fysiska aktiviteter och hålla mig till min träningsrutin.
Undertryckt aptit
En av de betydande fördelarna jag upplevde med Keto Power var dess förmåga att undertrycka min aptit. Införandet av glukomannan, en kostfiber, skapade en känsla av mättnad och minskade mitt sug. Detta gjorde det lättare för mig att hålla mig till en kalorikontrollerad kost och undvika att äta för mycket. Jag kände inte längre behovet av att äta mellan måltiderna, vilket hade varit ett vanligt hinder för viktminskning för mig tidigare.
Med tiden märkte jag en gradvis men stadig framsteg i fettförbränningen när jag tog Keto Power. De termogena egenskaperna hos Keto Power, särskilt med ingredienser som koffein, verkade öka min ämnesomsättning och förbättra fettförbränningen. Detta ledde till positiva förändringar i min kroppssammansättning då jag tappade överflödigt fett och fick mer muskeltonus.
Naturligt och säkert
En aspekt jag uppskattade med Keto Power var att den är formulerad med naturliga ingredienser. Detta gav mig sinnesfrid att veta att jag åt en ren och säker formula. Jag upplevde inga negativa biverkningar eller obehag när jag tog Keto Power, vilket ytterligare förstärkte mitt förtroende för användningen av produkten.
Sista ord om Keto Power
Min erfarenhet av Sarah's Blessing har varit positiv och har gett mig anmärkningsvärda fördelar under min viktminskningsresa. Införandet av naturliga ingredienser, såsom koffein, grönt kaffe och grönt te har bidragit till ökade energinivåer, dämpad aptit och förbättrad fettförbränning.
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Se Instagram Sallad Niçoise Idag blev det en smakresa till Franska Rivieran med en klassisk fransk sallad där jag satt min touch 🌞 Denna klassiska franska sallad har verkligen en explosion av smaker. Kombinationen av råvarorna blir verkligen toppengott 👌 Så nästa gång du längtar efter något som både är gott och hälsosamt, varför inte en Sallad Niçoise? Det är enkelt att anpassa efter egen smak och alltid lika gott 🤩 🛒 Ingredienser 3 ägg 3 potatisar 150 g sparris 100 g tonfisk 15 st oliver urkärnade 4 msk Kapris, små 1 rödlök, skuren i skivor 10 st cocktailtomater, halverade Blandsallad Rädisor, halverade Persilja, finhackad Dressing 1 msk dijonsenap 1 msk Rödvinsvinäger vitlöksklyfta, riven 2 Sardeller 1 tsk kaprisspad 0,5 dl Rapsolja 2 msk olivolja 1 tsk picklade senapsfrön 🔪 Tillagning Skala och koka potatisen ⏲ Koka äggen i 7,5 minut och skala dem ⏲ koka sparrisen i 1,5-2 minuter ⏲ Blanda senap, picklade senapsfrön, rödvinsvinäger, sardellfiléer, kaprisspad och pressad vitlök i en skål ⏲ Tillsätt rapsolja och vispa ihop dressingen ⏲ Rör ner ett par matskedar smakrik olivolja och lite nymald svartpeppar ⏲ Skär potatisen i bitar och blanda dem försiktigt med sparris i en skål ⏲ Häll över halva dressingmängden och ställ åt sidan. ⏲ Lägg sallad lite blandat på ett fat och lägg tomater, oliver, lök, potatis och ägghalvor över ⏲ Strössla över kapris och ringla över resten av dressingen 🛎 Servera salladen med väl avrunnen tonfisk 🍽 Missa inte något inlägg eller recept genom att Följa 👉 @the.real.cg.lagar.mat ✨ Lägga till @the.real.cg.lagar.mat som favorit 🌟 Sen skulle jag bli superglad om du Gillar 👍 Sparar recept 🍝 Kommenterar 💬 Delar inlägg 🤩 #lunch #salladniçoise #sallad #sallader #salladnicoise #fräschmat #snabblagat #enkelmat #enkelmatlagning #snabblagadmat #mattips #recept #mattipset #matinspo #matinspiration #godmat #matbild #matbilder #mat #matärlivet #lunchtips #middag #middagstips #sommarmat #matobak_se @lissellas.senap @audgeirrknives @conantswe @koketcetera @vinochmatguiden @recept.se http://dlvr.it/T85FF6 För mer
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