#Minal Khan
Ahsan Mohsin Ikram's Star-Studded Birthday Party
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ok this will sound weird but,,,thank you for sharing your thoughts on the sonic archie comics 🥺 I always want to talk about mine as well and share my ships but I get worried of getting dunked on by antis lol
if you don’t mind asking, what other ships from the comic you like aside from mighty x ray and snivegg?
Hey, that's okay! And very understandable, for the record
Hehe I definitely don't mind answering! It's like ahsbsbns so many though 😂
So definitely Snivegg and Mightray as you already mentioned
Lienouge (Lien-da x Rouge)
Julouge (Julie-Su x Rouge)
Sallamy (specifically well into the comic or like post the sgw)
Minally (Mina x Sally)
Minacole (Mina x Nicole)
Geofflias (Geoffrey x Elias)
I do like Geoffrey/Sonic (but I most enjoy it when Prince Elias is involved)
Espighty (Espio x Mighty)
Honamy (Honey x Amy)
Omegixit/Fixitmega (Omega x fixit)
SpeedJet (Speedy x Jet)
Eggwily/Wilegg (Dr. Eggman x Dr. Wily)
SonMega (Sonic x Mega Man)
Knuckles x Proto Man/Break Man
Rotommy (Rotor x Tommy)
Adails/Adamails (Adam the ai x Tails)
Shardlias (Shard x Elias)
Silvlias (Silver x Elias)
Lara-Su/Sonia (specifically the 25 yrs later timeline pre King Sonic's messing with the timeline)
Scourgiles (Scourge/Anti-Sonic x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Mileails/Taimiles (Tails x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Soniles (Sonic x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Fionic (Fiona x Nic)
I actually did enjoy Team Chaotix + Knuckles + Mighty as a ship pre SGW
Is there a ship between Sonic or Tails and that copy of Tails Mammoth Mogul made? Because if there is, then that.
Roseamy (Rosie the Rascal/Anti-Amy x Amy)
Mammoth Mogul x Ixis Naugus
Chuck Thorndyke and the scientist who made the shrinkray in the comic (He was like an old roommate/partner)
Razonic (Razor x Sonic)
Geoffilver (Geoffrey x Silver)
Metal Sonic/Tails Doll
Metal Sonic/Metal Tails
Metal Sonic/Metal Knuckles
Shardetal (Metal Sonic x Shard)
SonSpike (Sonic x Spike the porcupine)
Chaonic (Chaos x Sonic)
ChaoKnux (Chaos x Knuckles)
Strikeonic (Sgt Striker x Sonic)
Black Doom/Black Death
Mecha Sally/Nicole
Znively/Zobotnik (The variants of Snively and Eggman from the horizontal dimension of Zone cops)
Sonkhan (Sonic x Monkey Khan)
Monkey Khan/Tails
Bunnalicia (Bunnie x Alicia/Anti-Sally)
Muttails (Muttski/Ben x Tails, post SGW)
Sonic/Muttski (post sgw specifically)
Storm of Clovers (Clove x Conquering Storm)
Julamy (Julie-su x Amy)
Cuorb (Cubot x Orbot)
Sheriff D'coolette/Antoine's Father x Rob o the hedge
Dimitri x Eggman
Eggman x Dr. Light
Coral x Amy
Razor x Blade
Coral x Undina
I hope I didn't miss any since I put these ones down off the top of my head
Really, thank you for the ask! And if you'd like to ask about any ships I like specifically (headcanons/thoughts/whatever), or if there was a pairing you were curious if I liked in any capacity, feel free to shoot me another ask😊
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salmankhanholics · 2 years
★ Somany extends its association with Salman Khan for another 2 years!
Oct 11, 2022
Somany Ceramics Limited, specializing in ceramic tiles and allied product segments, has decided to renew its brand endorsement contract with actor Salman Khan.
Somany roped in Salman as the brand ambassador in the year 2019 and since then he has been a crucial part of the brand’s all marketing communication (TV commercials, outdoor advertising, digital and social media campaigns).
“Somany is actively expanding its footprints pan India. It is pursuing a 360-degree holistic strategy to expand its bandwidth by reaching out to the public. Salman Khan is associated with SOMANY and its campaign “Zameen Se Judey” since 2019. Brand SOMANY is thrilled to associate with Salman Khan as both share common ethos & traits,” the company said.
Commenting on the renewed association with the Bollywood actor Salman Khan, Minal Somany, Brand Custodian, Somany Ceramics, said “Somany is known to be a trusted tiles and bath-ware brand in India and we are excited to extend our association with Salman Khan, the leading star who is adored by the public. We, as a brand, believe in supporting our community and conveying our message through someone who rules in the heart of public.”
Salman Khan on the association said, “I resonate myself with Somany’s belief in being ‘Zameen Se Judey’. This brand delivers international quality products, keeping in mind the dynamic demands and choices of the consumers. SOMANY is taking ahead its legacy with progressive and modern technologies in all their products while being extremely humble, down-to-earth and Zameen se Judey in every endeavour it undertakes. It is always a pleasure for me to be a part of the SOMANY family and I am looking forward to cherishing this association.”
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loveduaghar · 3 months
Dua for Husband Health And Success – The Ultimate Guide
For many of our sisters, the prayer “Dua for husband health and success” has changed their lives and been a big part of their husbands’ success. 
Women play a big part in making sure that the home is happy and well-run, and they also pay a lot of attention to it. 
In the same way, the husband is essential for running the home and paying for everything. 
However, things don’t always stay the same; the woman can run the household. 
Still, her husband has difficulty with business, a job, and paying the bills around the house. 
Your husband may have a significant illness or physical problem that is making a lot of problems appear. 
If you are going through the same thing and want to get out of your problems with the help of Allah Taala so that your husband stays prosperous and healthy, you have come to the right place. 
We are going to give you a very powerful dua today. If you follow our steps, your husband will succeed, and any health problems will disappear. 
You must fully believe in Allah and say the dua that we gave you.
Follow Some Instructions Before Beginning This Dua
First, you need to learn how to do the dua we gave you right. Then, this prayer will really help you.
Always believe in Allah SWT because He is the only one who can make things work out for you.
When you pray, you should have good goals. Allah Taala will never hear your prayer if your thoughts are bad toward someone.
Make sure you do good things at the same time you pray, like giving to charity and feeding the hungry.
When a woman is having her period, she shouldn’t say this dua. You can say this dua two or three days after your period ends.
As the rules say, you should pray this prayer repeatedly. If you miss even one day, you will have to start this dua all over again.
While saying this dua, do your daily prayers five times.
Dua for Husband Health and Success
First, say Bismillah and do Wudu.
11 times, read Durood Sharif.
Read the phrase “Allaahumma’ innee’ a’oothu bika minal-kufri” three times, which comes from Sunan Abi Dawud 5090.
Finally, ask Allah (SWT) to bless your husband with health and happiness.
After each salah for 17 days, do this routine every day. 
If you say this prayer to Allah, your husband will change for the better. 
If you need help or advice, you can get in touch with Rijwan Khan through WhatsApp.
Dua for Husband Prosperity
To help your husband do well, say, “Rabbana hablana min azwajina wathurriyyatina qurrata a’yunin waj’alna lil-muttaqina imama.” 
It means, “Our Lord, give us comfort from our wives and children, and make us a good example for others to follow.”
How to Perform This Dua
Do Wudu, which means “ablution.”
Sit down somewhere clean and quiet.
Pray for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by saying “Subhanallah” and “Salawat.”
say the above dua for your husband’s happiness with sincerity and devotion.
Say the dua more than once, preferably an odd amount of times, like 3, 5, or 7.
After saying the dua, he asked Allah SWT to help him succeed in everything he did.
Use this method for your husband’s success every day for 15 days.
Dua for Husband’s Long Life
First, you need to do Wudu.
Say “AL-QAHHAR” and “AL-QAABID” 43 times after that.
Then say this prayer to Allah SWT for a long life for your husband: “Allahumma barik li fi zawji, wa barik li fi dhurriyati.” (“Oh Allah, bless my husband for me and my children.”) 435 occasions.
For 15 days, do this routine every time you finish your Salah.
Dua For Husband’s Success At Work
Your husband needs to make the most of all his chances at work. You can use the dua for husband health and success at work to make things more likely for your husband. In light of this, this Dua is essential. Money will help your husband, and he can take care of his health and his family’s health with it. 
As often as you can, say “Allah Humma Innee As Alluka Sihhatan Fi Emaan.” Put the name of your husband at the end.
Say “Ya Samiyu” 3313 times and “Ya WaSi’u” 3333 times in this Dua. After reading, pray to Allah.
Say the “Surah Dukhan” dua before you sign anything important at work. Hitting the pen you will use to sign the paper after reading it out loud.
Say the whole Dua for 41 days to see changes and growth. You can keep going after that, too, to get more from the Dua and make it work better.
Dua To Increase Husband’s Income
Dua To Boost Your Spouse’s Income You should make a powerful dua as a wife to raise your husband’s salary. It will resolve your money problems. In addition, Allah will grant you an endless supply of wealth. 
Therefore, Say These Duas; 
Make a new ablution. Sit quietly on a prayer mat after your Friday morning prayers, Jummah. First, read Durood Shareef aloud. Chant ya gaffarahu a hundred times after that. And keep your intention front and centre. You can keep doing it until you achieve the intended outcome.
You can even do it when you’re menstruating. In addition to raising pay, it eradicates all sin. You’ll notice a noticeable shift in your husband’s salary in a few days.
Additionally, begin each task with the recitation of Bismillah hi-Rahmani. You ought to do it each day following your Fajr. Recite the 14th verse of Surah Imran and the 29th verse of Surah-al-Fatir three times after each Salah. It will undoubtedly allay your financial concerns. You will obtain Allah’s blessings as well.
Read Surah-al-Baqrah’s fifth verse once more. Additionally, read Surah-al-Najim’s 39th verse. You should also work hard, be modest, and firmly believe in Allah’s abilities. Regular practice will soon lead to the desired outcome.
Once more, you ought to recite Surah-al-Falaq multiple times daily. Even in the morning, you ought to recite Ar Razzaq thirty-eight times. You should read Surah Taha in the latter hours of the night. Say each dua a thousand times.
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wordexpress · 8 months
Fighter Day 2: Hrithik-Deepika Film Sees Huge Growth
Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone's Republic Day release Fighter registered a "massive growth" after underperforming on its opening day. According to trade Analyst Taran Adarsh, the film benefitted from two factors - word of mouth appreciation and Republic day holiday. The mass pockets also contributed to raise the number higher on Friday. Taran Adrash predicts the film has a solid chance to set big numbers if Saturday-Sunday "maintain the speed."
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Fighter minted ₹ 41.20 crore on its second day of release and the total stands at ₹ 65.80 crore. Taran Adarsh wrote, "Fighter sets BO on fire, is EXTRAORDINARY on Day 2, benefits largely due to two factors: [i] Excellent feedback from audience and [ii] RepublicDay holiday… Mass pockets - which underperformed on Day 1 - witness massive growth on Day 2, thus contributing to the impressive total."
He added, "The tremendous growth on Day 2 gives the film a solid chance to march forward… If Sat and Sun maintain the speed, a massive total is certainly on the cards… Frankly, it's too early to guesstimate a figure for the 4-day extended weekend, since mass belt and spot bookings can elevate the situation on Sat and Sun multifold… So let's wait and watch."
In his review for NDTV, film critic Saibal Chatterjee gave Fighter 2.5 stars and wrote, "Scripted by Ramon Chibb with Siddharth Anand, Fighter works best when it decides to slow down a tad in the second half. Its emotional high point occurs when Samsher meets Minal's father (Ashutosh Rana) and mother (Geeta Agrawal) by accident and proceeds to impress upon them the enormity of their daughter's achievements. Among the pilots in the Air Dragons team formed after the early 2019 terrorist attack on a CRPF convoy in Pulwama is Basheer Khan (Akshay Oberoi). He gets to spout what are by far the most patriotic lines in the film - a repeat of a poignant and patriotically pointed couplet that Shamsher recites early in the film."
Fighter, directed by Siddharth Anand, stars Hrithik and Deepika, Anil Kapoor. They are part of an elite team that is called upon to respond to a threat from across the border. The cast includes Karan Singh Grover, Akshay Oberoi, Rishabh Sawhney and Sanjeeda Sheikh.
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kurtlukiraz · 11 months
Vazgeçemem - Pakistan Dizisi | 8. Bölüm Fragmanı 💓 Vazgeçemem - Pakistan Dizisi | 7. Bölüm 👉 Kanal 7 sevilen Pakistan dizilerine bir yenisini daha ekliyor. Pakistan’da ‘Ishq Hai’ ismiyle yayınlanan ve oldukça geniş bir hayran kitlesine ulaşan dizi ´Vazgeçemem´ ismiyle Kanal 7’de ekranlarında izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Başrollerini Minal Khan ve Danish Taimoor’un paylaştığı ´Vazgeçemem´ dizisi, Şahzaib ve İsra’nın dram dolu aşk hikayesini konu ediyor. Kanal 7 ekranlarında yepyeni bir serüven başlıyor. Birbirini çok seven iki genç İsra ve Şahzaib’in aşk hikayesi Vazgeçemem ile ekrana gelmeye hazırlanıyor. İsra ve Şahzaib evlilik planları yapar fakat Şahzaib'in annesinin farklı planları olduğu ortaya çıkar. Şahzaib'in annesi, Şahzaib ve kuzenini birbirlerine uygun görmüştür ve evlenmelerini ister. İsra'yı deli gibi seven Şahzaib, annesine İsra ile evlenmek istediğini söyleyince annesi çılgına döner. Bu evliliğe şiddetle karşı çıkan annesini karşısında gören Şahzaib ve İsra'yı zor günler beklemektedir. İsra'nın karşılaştığı durum da Şahzaib'le aynıdır. İsra'nın yetiştiği ailede, evlenilecek kişiyi aile büyükleri belirler ve onaylar. Şahzaib'e aşık olan İsra, onunla evlenmek istediğini ailesine söylemek ister fakat babasının İsra'yı kuzeniyle evlendirmek istediğini öğrenir. Şahzaib'i sevdiğini söyleyen ve kuzeniyle evliliği reddeden İsra, bir anda ailesini karşısında bulur. Artık o, babasının biricik kızı değildir. İsra, babasını karşısına almak istemez fakat Şahzaib'ten de vazgeçmeye niyeti yoktur. Aşkları uğruna sınırları zorlayan Şahzaib ve İsra'yı nasıl bir son bekliyor? Karşılaştığı tüm engelleri aşkı uğruna aşmaya çalışan İsra ve Şahzaib’in zorluklarla dolu aşk hikayesi ‘Vazgeçemem' 1 Kasım Çarşamba günü itibarıyla hafta içi her gün, saat 21.20'de Kanal 7 ekranlarında... Künye Tür: Romantik Dram Senarist: Rehana Aftaab Yönetmen: Aabis Raza Oyuncular: Minal Khan, Danish Taimoor, Azekah Daniel, Mahenur Haider, Faraz Farooqui, Hammad Shoaib, Babar Ali, Farah Nadeem, Saba Faisal, Rashid Farooqui, Saife Hassan, Saima Qureshi, Sajjad Paul, Mahi Baloch, Tabbasum Arif Menşei Ülke: Pakistan #MinalKhan #DanishTaimoor #IshqHai
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gundemburadadedim · 11 months
Vazgeçemem - Pakistan Dizisi | 8. Bölüm Fragmanı 💓 Vazgeçemem - Pakistan Dizisi | 7. Bölüm 👉 Kanal 7 sevilen Pakistan dizilerine bir yenisini daha ekliyor. Pakistan’da ‘Ishq Hai’ ismiyle yayınlanan ve oldukça geniş bir hayran kitlesine ulaşan dizi ´Vazgeçemem´ ismiyle Kanal 7’de ekranlarında izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Başrollerini Minal Khan ve Danish Taimoor’un paylaştığı ´Vazgeçemem´ dizisi, Şahzaib ve İsra’nın dram dolu aşk hikayesini konu ediyor. Kanal 7 ekranlarında yepyeni bir serüven başlıyor. Birbirini çok seven iki genç İsra ve Şahzaib’in aşk hikayesi Vazgeçemem ile ekrana gelmeye hazırlanıyor. İsra ve Şahzaib evlilik planları yapar fakat Şahzaib'in annesinin farklı planları olduğu ortaya çıkar. Şahzaib'in annesi, Şahzaib ve kuzenini birbirlerine uygun görmüştür ve evlenmelerini ister. İsra'yı deli gibi seven Şahzaib, annesine İsra ile evlenmek istediğini söyleyince annesi çılgına döner. Bu evliliğe şiddetle karşı çıkan annesini karşısında gören Şahzaib ve İsra'yı zor günler beklemektedir. İsra'nın karşılaştığı durum da Şahzaib'le aynıdır. İsra'nın yetiştiği ailede, evlenilecek kişiyi aile büyükleri belirler ve onaylar. Şahzaib'e aşık olan İsra, onunla evlenmek istediğini ailesine söylemek ister fakat babasının İsra'yı kuzeniyle evlendirmek istediğini öğrenir. Şahzaib'i sevdiğini söyleyen ve kuzeniyle evliliği reddeden İsra, bir anda ailesini karşısında bulur. Artık o, babasının biricik kızı değildir. İsra, babasını karşısına almak istemez fakat Şahzaib'ten de vazgeçmeye niyeti yoktur. Aşkları uğruna sınırları zorlayan Şahzaib ve İsra'yı nasıl bir son bekliyor? Karşılaştığı tüm engelleri aşkı uğruna aşmaya çalışan İsra ve Şahzaib’in zorluklarla dolu aşk hikayesi ‘Vazgeçemem' 1 Kasım Çarşamba günü itibarıyla hafta içi her gün, saat 21.20'de Kanal 7 ekranlarında... Künye Tür: Romantik Dram Senarist: Rehana Aftaab Yönetmen: Aabis Raza Oyuncular: Minal Khan, Danish Taimoor, Azekah Daniel, Mahenur Haider, Faraz Farooqui, Hammad Shoaib, Babar Ali, Farah Nadeem, Saba Faisal, Rashid Farooqui, Saife Hassan, Saima Qureshi, Sajjad Paul, Mahi Baloch, Tabbasum Arif Menşei Ülke: Pakistan #MinalKhan #DanishTaimoor #IshqHai
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] Pakistani actor Minal Khan, well-known for her performances on screen, is now embracing a new and exciting chapter in her life as she embarks on the journey to motherhood. The talented artist, who tied the knot with Ahsan Mohsin Ikram, is expecting her first child, much to the delight of her fans and well-wishers. The soon-to-be mother recently took to her Instagram to provide a heartfelt glimpse into her joyous baby shower celebration, offering a peek into the love and anticipation that surrounds this momentous occasion. Pictures of the twins, Minal and Aiman Muneeb were released, where the two were glowing with jubilation The radiant mom-to-be took pictures with her family and friends Those closest to Minal showed up to celebrate the occasion Seems like it was quite an event! Minal took pictures with one and all And it seemed like age was not a barrier to the excitement felt for the arrival of Minal's baby Minal took some solo shots as well Also, that cake looks gorgeous, as does Minal, who looks absolutely lovely Images of the decor were also released And it was quite a vibe Wishing Minal all the health and happiness in the world as she begins her motherhood journey! Have something to add? Share it in the comments [ad_2]
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starfriday · 1 year
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*10 Years of Taapsee Pannu: The Journey of an Outsider to leading Bollywood Actress!*
Taapsee Pannu, has marked an incredible 10 years in the film industry. Her journey from a newcomer in Chasme Baddoor to a leading actress now has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. With her exceptional acting skills and choice of films, she has made a profound impact on the industry.
From her captivating cameo in 'Baby' to her unforgettable portrayal of Minal Arora in the gripping legal drama 'Pink', and the powerful Aarti Mohammed in 'Mulk', Taapsee has shown that she is not afraid to tackle challenging roles that resonate with society's issues, as seen in her thought-provoking film 'Thappad' and more.
Her outstanding performance in the biographical drama 'Sandh Ki Ankh', where she played the role of Prakashi Tomar, and her charming portrayal of Rani Kashyap in 'Haseen Dillruba' further highlight her immense talent. And who can forget her magnetic chemistry with the talented Vicky Kaushal in the romantic drama Manmarziyaan, which left audiences spellbound.
Her latest outings in films like 'Shabaash Mithu', 'Looop Lapeta', and 'Blurr' have received universal praise for her exceptional acting skills. Her role in 'Dunki' opposite Shahrukh Khan and in 'Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba’ this year is dearly awaited.
Despite facing obstacles and hurdles, Taapsee has carved out a niche for herself in the industry with sheer hard work and talent. As an outsider, she has blazed a trail for others to follow, inspiring countless individuals to chase their dreams and never give up.
From being the face of prestigious brands to producing films, Taapsee's star power and influence continue to grow by leaps and bounds. She is a true trailblazer, a beacon of hope, and a role model to many. As she embarks on another decade in Bollywood, there is no doubt that Taapsee Pannu will continue to shine bright.
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Minal Khan & Aiman Khan Provide a Simple Makeup Tutorial
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actressnewss · 2 years
'PSL Fever' Minal Khan fan moment with PSL Cricketers
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mehreenkhan · 3 years
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نہ تو تو رہا نہ تو میں رہا
جو رہی سو بے خبری رہی
-Siraj Aurangabadi
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zeynepshah · 3 years
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— a desi galore 🤍🥀
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pakistaniweddings · 3 years
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So cute💞
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awaisaziz-az · 4 years
We stand with Pakistan Army 💪
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kurtlukiraz · 11 months
Kanal 7 sevilen Pakistan dizilerine bir yenisini daha ekliyor. Pakistan’da ‘Ishq Hai’ ismiyle yayınlanan ve oldukça geniş bir hayran kitlesine ulaşan dizi ´Vazgeçemem´ ismiyle Kanal 7 ekranlarında izleyicisiyle buluşuyor. Başrollerini Minal Khan ve Danish Taimoor’un paylaştığı ´Vazgeçemem´ dizisi, Şahzaib ve İsra’nın dram dolu aşk hikayesini konu ediyor. Kanal 7 ekranlarında yepyeni bir serüven başlıyor. Birbirini çok seven iki genç İsra ve Şahzaib’in aşk hikayesi Vazgeçmem ile ekrana gelmeye hazırlanıyor. İsra ve Şahzaib evlilik planları yapar fakat Şahzaib'in annesinin farklı planları olduğu ortaya çıkar. Şahzaib'in annesi, Şahzaib ve kuzenini birbirlerine uygun görmüştür ve evlenmelerini ister. İsra'yı deli gibi seven Şahzaib, annesine İsra ile evlenmek istediğini söyleyince annesi çılgına döner. Bu evliliğe şiddetle karşı çıkan annesini karşısında gören Şahzaib ve İsra'yı zor günler beklemektedir. İsra'nın karşılaştığı durum da Şahzaib'le aynıdır. İsra'nın yetiştiği ailede, evlenilecek kişiyi aile büyükleri belirler ve onaylar. Şahzaib'e aşık olan İsra, onunla evlenmek istediğini ailesine söylemek ister fakat babasının İsra'yı kuzeniyle evlendirmek istediğini öğrenir. Şahzaib'i sevdiğini söyleyen ve kuzeniyle evliliği reddeden İsra, bir anda ailesini karşısında bulur. Artık o babasının biricik kızı değildir. İsra, babasını karşısına almak istemez fakat Şahzaib'ten de vazgeçmeye niyeti yoktur. Aşkları uğruna sınırları zorlayan Şahzaib ve İsra'yı nasıl bir son bekliyor? #Kanal7 #Vazgeçmem #PakistanDizileri Kanal 7'yi sosyal medyadan takip edin 👇 Web Sitesi: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
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