#Minecraft Servers How To Remove Spawn Protection
adventuringalchemy · 11 months
Beware, incoming ramble!
For the time period question I always saw MC as purely medieval, at least when you as the player pop into the world.
Either by nature or because of post apocalyptic consequences. Each explains the hordes of zombies/undead, structures, old strongholds, etc. Either created by old magic and ancient wars that created those old bastions and constructs (blazes, guardians, irongolems so forth) or simply leftovers of a greater civilisation that has vanished now.
While the world of minecraft itself is purely Medieval, humans/players bring knowledge and technology with them! We know how to mimic big skyscrapers, tele communication, modern structures and such because we have seen them before and know how things work already! Knowledge that is lacking in the other "native" inhabitants of the world.
Humans/Players (and I guess the mods they might bring with them) are the varible that determines how advanced the time setting and technology can be.
Or I suppose in case of MCSM- where humans act merely like any other inhabitant of the world- the admins. They determine what experience the server should offer, after all. They just mod the world themselves and give the tools needed if they just want to. Maybe they even go out of their way to remove possibility of modern features if they like to keep it fantasy like, or bust all doors open for people to create their own modern utopia. Fancy thinking. Much theorising.
Opinions, thoughts, counter arguments?
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sorry if this isn't 100% because my benadryl is kicking in super hard atm but i 100% agree with you. especially since in mcsm there are actual mc youtubers put in there but they still act the same as other humans inside the universe there. their world was just a lot more modern as seen that they have modern clothes on, act a little different, and reference making things for people to watch.
it does make me wonder though. i have always thought the admins to be the gods of mcsm. they have the power to create things and to delete things. what about the other worlds? did fred, xara, and romeo all make those other worlds? did they make the old builders to see how they would fuck around with shit? romeo has obviously tried to find a new "champion" and/or people he can simulate into an admin without making them an admin to try and replace the old friends he fucked over. i mean if you think about it, they had to have right? because of all the technology that these other worlds have compared to jesse's world. but then again maybe not because the old builders did that all themselves. the mcyters in mcsm made everything themselves as well.
sometimes i wonder if the admins were the first actual people to spawn in the underground. the world below the world. like they are the humans that are playing the game yet they're absolutely forbidden to talk about it. or perhaps they were humans that were teleported into the mc world by force and they haven't had the ability to come back out. idk. just something i've thought about.
another theory i have is that romeo put the command block in the world to see how people would react to having true admin/god power. and it was all just a huge test before giving jesse the gauntlet to see if anybody would be worthy or capable of becoming friends with him / being the next new champion. obviously the order of the stone wasn't capable of destroying it, but jesse was. and that's what made him reach out to him.
i don't personally know much about the lore of base minecraft other than that there are several stories woven within a world you make yourself. like saving the end and the endermen. the piglins are a hostile mob protecting their home. villages with everyone having their own life to deal with. the illagers and their dark culture. the alchemist who was in the igloo trying to figure out how to heal zombification. though it is strange that you and your friends are the only humans left in this world.
to me it almost seems fair to assume it was some sort of amnesia thing. the character spawns in and is so fucking lost and confused but gradually figures out what to do along the way.
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Dream SMP Recap (July 17/2021) - George Lore Tour
With so much having changed around the server, George gets a tour from Quackity to find out what’s been going on.
Captain Puffy
- George wakes up in a white bed just outside the Holy Land walls. It’s raining and his inventory is completely empty
- He whacks a spider with a stick and puts on the Able Sisters theme. He notices that they made a wall around the church and gets some random items from the chests lying around
- George goes looking for food and looks around the Community House chests. He checks his Ender Chest and grabs his Netherite tools (he doesn’t have the armor) and a stack of bread
- George gets emotional because of the Minecraft OST
- He goes over to the old mine that he made and removes the covering on the exit. Quackity logs on
- Quackity joins the VC. He woke up in a cold sweat having sensed George’s presence on the SMP!
- George runs over and meets Quackity at Spawn. Quackity gives George a rose bush and George places it down. Quackity boxes the rose up with quartz, saying they must protect it
- Quackity puts a sign with a penis on it and suggests they go to Las Nevadas. George wants to know more about what’s changed on the server, like the wall around the Holy Land, and Quackity tells him Targay is gone
- Quackity tries to preserve George in quartz. George and Quackity go to the cat cafe and remember George’s lore bed is there. George sleeps in the lore bed and Quackity starts putting quartz around it to preserve it
- They sleep together in the lore bed
- Then the two go to Michael’s charity donor building, then walk down the path to Michael’s house, where Quackity reads Foolish’s poem for Michael
Fire dances like  a snake on its last scale. Only the fool fights cobras in the midst of the tango. Instead...  you should salsa
- Michael logs on
- George makes a donation sign and Quackity starts building a huge museum to preserve the donor to preserve him
George: “What is it with you and ‘preserving’ recently?”
Quackity: “It’s all about keeping history, George, alright? One day some guy could come in here and like, fuckin’...”
- George interrupts, noticing a single floating leaf block in the sky
- Quackity asks George if he was there when they made the secret confessions block. George wasn’t there for it and doesn’t remember, so Quackity starts telling him about it, how they went all the way up to a single block in the sky just like that one and put signs on it with secrets
- He suggests they go to it and puts up a giant picture of bald George
- George announces his presence and Quackity puts up more pictures of bald George, commemorating his memory after he passed away. Quackity makes a grave for George and tells George to get in the ground
- George lies down in his grave and looks up at Quackity. Quackity puts on his chestplate and helmet and brandishes a sword
Quackity: “George...I never thought I’d do this to you, but...after all those things I did to you?”
George: “What--”
Quackity: “I had no other choice.”
George: “What are you doing?”
Quackity: “The way you betrayed my trust and defied me, it could only lead to that...”
George: “Quackity no -- can you hear me? Quackity! I’m -- I’m alive! Quackity, I’m alive!”
Quackity: “George...You spent most of your life dreaming, and that’s how you’re gonna end up...dreaming, old pal.”
George: “Quackity! Quackity, no! You have to save me! Quackity, you have to save me! Quackity! Listen to me!”
Quackity: “I’m sorry...I’m sorry things had to end this way. But after Sapnap, Karl and you tried to bomb Las Nevadas, all I could do was protect myself.”
George: “Quackity, can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Quackity!”
Quackity: “And it’s like I still hear your voice--”
George: “Quackity! Quackity! QUACKITY!”
Quackity: “I still hear your voice somewhere. Somewhere out there.”
George: “Quackity, please--”
Quackity: “If you were around--”
George: “Quackity just--”
Quackity: “What -- what would I say? George?”
- Quackity buries George in his grave
- Then he starts pissing on it
- George digs himself out of the grave and Quackity starts screaming. George chases after him demanding he explain himself. Quackity frantically says he was just watering George’s grave because he wanted flowers to grow
- In order to make it up to him, George wants to see the secret block. Quackity leads him over, talking with a voice filter
- They get to the top and finally start reading the secrets:
BadBoyHalo was here  <3 u Skeppy
i asked dream to be my vice president but it didnt happen
- George is offended that he wasn’t Quackity’s first option
You Matter
- Eret ♥
I love Velvet <3 also callahan is bbh on an alt
- This last secret is too much knowledge. George knows too much, so Quackity pushes him off of the platform and he falls all the way down to his death
- George wakes up in the lore bed. What a strange dream
- Quackity tries to convince George that Callahan is actually Bad on an alt
- Michael does a subathon and works on projects on the server
GeorgeNotFound joined the game.
Foolish: fuck gogy
George: !!?!?!?!?!
GeorgeNotFound left the game.
Michael: based
- Foolish goes around deciding on things to destroy. He explodes Sapnap’s old parkour tower and takes down the remains of Purpled’s UFO. He gets rid of the McDonalds, explodes Karl’s filming studio, and gets rid of ENIS
- Puffy does a stream in a red suit and goes on her business arc again, auctioning off various things around the server
- Later on, Bad and Skeppy join VC and the three of them chat for a while, with Bad and Puffy messing with the beet farm
Upcoming Events:
- Egg Finale Stream
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Ponk’s prequel stream
- Ponk’s current-day lore with Sam
- Puffy’s Lore Cast
- Sapnap’s lore
- Dream’s lore video
- Wilbur’s 12 planned streams
- Captain Puffy’s lore stream that could have happened today
- Quackity’s casino opening
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
so to expand upon this lets go in some ideas on what helscraft is like
i like to think that helscraft is a weird glitched copy of the overworld and the nether mixed together. for the cannon of my hermit duplicate’s AU (of which i will be referring to within this post) the dimension of helscraft isnt really a full dimension that always appears in every world like the end and nether. it only spawns into a world after a year or so of players putting all of their love and care into the world. the world builds up enough of all that good energy and then causes a opposite opposing Force to form. thus helscraft spawns into existence. in a way you could say the whole dimension of helscraft is a duplicate as well.
now one thing that kinda throws a a wrench in the works of this idea is that every year or so the hermits move into a new world, though since its normally has been roughly the same amount of players in each season we can go with the hermitcraft dimension of hels is carried over with each world jump. the world of hels change to match the new overworld but its still the same helshermits. though for the hermits that leave the server their hels counterpart disappears.  this may also work in reverse as well. only have one example so far so who know :) cOUGHCOughNHOcOUGh
with the the hows and whys on helscraft existence out-of-the-way let's get into some worldbuilding!
as ive already mentioned, helscraft is somewhat of a glitchy mix of the overworld and nether. what i havent mentioned is that a good bit of the April Fools updates and removed features for the overworld ended up floating over to helscraft but unlike the overworld in which these features disappear pretty quickly they ended up sticking around in helscraft, for better or worst. 
heres a list of examples of this, of which i then expanded upon them to make them more fleshed-out. 
the list got really long so the rest of the post is under the cut! :D
Pig and cow sized horses, if fed too much will cause the animal to grow dangerous mutations that can not only kill the animal but make its remains toxic and unedible. You can make a green book via using toxic leather (the crafting book)
A common spell is to summon flame that then can be used for new crafting recipes. one such recipe is flaming barrels, if someone walks too close it will explode, another is chainmail armor
if you put too much fuel into a furnace it will explode.
torches burn out an hour or two after being lit
chickens are deadly, do not provoke them. it is extremely rare but the is a very small chance spawn in a blue chicken. only able to spawn via throwing eggs. it drops lapis and diamonds instead of eggs. beware tho, all chickens in the immediate vicinity will protect the blue one with their lives and will attack anything that gets too close.
eating or feeding an animal a god apple will cause it to float upwards for five minutes before slowly descending back to the ground. 
Wheat if not chopped after fully grown will go bad and die, same thing with other crops. though you can make Iron infused melon and pumpkins, it insures that the stem won't die over time after its first produce
Powered Redstone causes redstone bugs to spawn, it can be stopped by combining lapis and redstone dust together to make bluestone dust. asifhfsssdhv only a noob uses redstone.
Redstone wire, another alternative of redstone made with redstone dust surrounded by cobwebs. it insulates the redstone and stops bugs from spawning. pretty much the same thing function wise but is a pretty cool thing to use to flex on others
Villagers are instead piglins, not the tanned ones added into the nether update but rather pink skinned ones.
Glowing obsidian, a glowing red version of obsidian. Only found in trades with piglins
In helscraft there are lava oceans instead of water, water can only be found deep underground. Lava instead of water is infinite, water is no longer infinite. 
The world of hels first looked like the indev world theme of hell, with following updates to the overworld helscraft changed and evolved as well. There is no sun nor moon, just a forever floating layer of lava that acts to light up the dimension. 
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Frostwalker is instead, Magmawalker, turning lava into magma blocks shortly before melting back into lava
Boss fights arent the same in helscraft as in the normal overworld and its closely neighboring tied in dimensions of the end and nether. Not found in helscraft are Guardians, the ender dragon, and technically the Wither as well. Instead you can find Giants, the red dragon, the four horse men(much more difficult to defeat)
Giants unlike the ai less ones you can spawn using commands are living and breathing monsters that roam the land. During their travels any ghasts they cross will join them on their wandering
Ghasts can be somewhat tamed in helscraft. If you can successfully capture a baby ghast from its parents and raise it yourself the ghast will be malleable enough, somewhat like foxes but just a bit more wild. If you happen to accidentally harm them it will turn on you and fight you to the death, be it your’s or theirs.
It's a very very rare find but huge brick pyramids can spawn into the world. in season 7 helscraft’s cubfan took up residence within one that spawned in Incredibly Close to spawn
There are alot of different nonsensical potions that can be brewed for interesting drinks. some have a use, most dont tho. all of em have amazingly different tastes and smells
instead of honeycomb there is crystallized honey, it functions as pretty much the exact same thing. has its block too, call the wax block.
Killer bunnies spawn in more often than normal bunnies
Og stonecutter, can cut blocks into half. Not only used for stone. can cut doors, beds, and much more into halfs
Nether reactor core, could be the key on how to jump between the hermitcraft and helscraft. will need to think on this idea some more though
Petrified Forest, a biome within helscraft that has wood as hard as stone and a texture reminiscent of a mix of acacia and crimson planks color wise.
unsure as of yet on what to call it but the volcanic biome the Rempirer had Rendog make is a biome within helscraft as well!(the Rempirer is ren’s helscraft counterpart... he wasnt always evil as he is now) 
the mobs that lost the vote found their way into helscraft, not just the moobloom all of them. the three mystery mobs from the 2017 and the ice illager. (i voted for the glow squid and while i do still stand by my decision it is truely a shame we might not see any of them all in the game ever )
Studded armor and plate armor, alternatives to leather and chainmail. studded armor is made with leather and stone and plate armor is made with smooth stone slabs
stained glass looks a bit like this
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and colored wool like this!
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and thats everything for now. ill probly be working out some more ideas since theres a surprisingly large amount of features that have been added to minecraft either hidden away in the background or removed.
 also if anyone wants a some links to where i found these old and mostly forgotten facts ill post em in the notes when i get the time to do so. theres a lot of them tho so i might forget a few
hey also if you like these you might also like my Discord! i made it for this au and i tend to share my ideas a bit more over there than over here. theres a lot to see :DD
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
i want to cry you gave me so much from my tired rambles i love htlgi universe and just. we love demon reader and ranboo with that almost matching chaotic energy, the friendship w big q and the passionate arguing w philza looking like a dad holding apart two screaming children, the third child just sitting to the side smugly bc He Knows What He Did. and then w/ wilbur and protecting the teenagers oh my god fucking DAMN i love you so much. also. the small side story for the universe you posted had me losing my shit. I LOVED IT. you know if you ever want to share more i’ll always love it 🥺-🐈‍⬛
other thoughts I've had about these dumbass kids
- reader and tubbo are the Sharp Duo because of the reader, in the middle of of hypothetical, saying idly "I have sharp teeth and will protect ranboo" and tubbo piping up "I also have sharp teeth and will help protect ranboo!". (this spawns a plethora of fan made art on Redbubble with the quote "i have sharp teeth and will protect Ranboo", often accompanied by an image of his minecraft skin. It's like a club.) also I feel like a popular dsmp headcanon is that your character is c!tubbo's parent, but like, since you're barely on the server, it's more in the same way that mumza is canonically the God of Death and married to c!Philza.
- youre incredibly socially adaptable, which is why it takes Phil a while to properly connect with you, as you almost always match the energy of whoever is being The Most in the vc, but the first thing you say to him privately is that you're in awe of his consistency with his schedule and that he has impeccable vibes. but you hang out in the chat for a few of his streams and eventually join a vc just to chat with him and the two of you end up talking about how it's strange to see teenagers with so much fame and that you both wonder about the longterm effects of it, before you remind Phil that you've been on YouTube for 9 years now, and that you'd only been a year older than the bench trio when you were doing your first tour.
- Phil's whole view of you shifting not because of demon reasons, but because you've willingly put every part of you online since the age of 15, and realising that that's why you're Like That. But also that despite the way you gracefully leap from one foolish chaotic moment to another, the fact that you have no notable scandals apart from ghosting your friends 4 years ago, points to you actually being a master of manipulating your own public identity.
- then you say something about how if you had an OnlyFans you'd only sell feet pics and bath water and phil tries to reconcile the conflicting understandings he has of you as a person.
- reader was canonically friends with Dream before they were even friends with Corpse. I just wanted you all to remember that.
- also because I fuckin can: Reader at the 2021 MET gala paying homage to 1920s New York gangsters, wearing an impeccably tailored, chocolate brown pin stripe suit, matching fedora sitting atop your head at an angle, with a sheer, cream button down underneath, top few buttons undone. Over your shoulders you wear an oversized, mid-toned grey trench coat, that upon closer inspection, has a print of old newspaper articles. When the coat is removed, and you pose with the jacket slung over one shoulder as you're holding the collar, there's detailing on the back of the suit jacket done in exquisite black and red crystals that look like bullet wounds. A jewellers interpretation of brass knuckles that still look like fancy gold rings, black leather shoes, simple make-up, a prop cigar.
I definitely had more thoughts but it's almost 2am and I'm sleepy...... seriously tho I'd love to hear what thoughts/dynamics you wanna talk about,or that you want me to talk about,yanno??
I love you and I love that I can so easily springboard into thinking about this world thanks to a lot of your asks,,, I love it here
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Dream hcs?
Ahaha oh boy do I. Heads up though, there’s some dark stuff in here. Most of the tws are obvious relating to Dream, but there’s also a very brief reference to implied rape in bullet points 6 and 8.
Dream is a god of no particular domain, nor interest in gaining one. He’s absolutely no interest in gaining power in the godly plane, instead preferring to get power in the mortal realm. As such, his only real Godly power is agelessness
He’s one of the oldest beings on the server, vaguely around the age of Philza Minecraft (so several billions of years old).
He, DreamXD, and Drista are “siblings”- gods can’t have siblings since they spawn from nothing, but they see each other as siblings, Drista and DreamXD choose to appear like Dream, and the three of them often share power, information, ect. when they can.
Very soon after he and his siblings spawned, when they barely had any power at all, they were captured by slavers who wanted the prestige of having actual Gods under their heel.
Dream basically immediately agreed to do whatever if he could keep Drista and DreamXD safe. Later on in life, he’d call it pragmatic. Anyone else would say it was anything but.
Dream ended up on display as a caged god, for passerby’s to gawp at and be impressed by. Most only did that. Once guards found out he wouldn’t fight back, terrified for the consequences for his siblings… well, let’s just say that the prison isn’t Dream's first experience with torture.
DreamXD and Drista were also kept in captivity too, in more comfortable conditions and not harmed at all, as leverage. They were still shown off though.
Dream was kept like this for long enough to see generations grow (which he absolutely did- it’s a way to keep the time bored out of your mind. He tried to ignore the ones who resembled him too much). Oh, he could have escaped, but he’d go through anything for kin, and he couldn’t risk them getting hurt.
Of course, when the city was involved with a severe war and burnt down around him, he quickly got the hell out of dodge, brother and sister in hand.
While Drista and DreamXD went off to found cults and religions of their own, Dream solely looked for power in the mortal realm. Be it as a ruler, or something behind the scenes, he didn’t care. He just wanted- needed- power. He’d learnt that without it all that’s assured is pain.
Dream was petrified of anyone learning what he was for a while, constantly switching identities and going into hiding whenever he thought anyone figured out that he was a god. Even after his paranoia subsided somewhat, he retained this habit, and has gone through millions of different identities.
Dream's mask is part of his body- though he can summon and desummon it, it’s made of flesh and bone and hurts to break. He's taken his mask off around only his siblings, and eventually Tommy.
Dream met Techno when Techno was still young, barely even a champion of the Blood God. Both would claim the other started the fight, and both would claim they were the one who won. What they’re both clear on is that they enjoyed it, and they quickly became rivals, usually friendly, sometimes not depending on the war being fought on that day.
It was within the last few hundred years that Dream met BadBoyHalo and Skeppy. Dream found them interesting and stuck around, and eventually developed a friendship, while BadBoyHalo taught Dream the concept of morality (though he never quite grasped it.)
Dream was pretty much considered an adoptive member of the family, and when BadBoyHalo brought back and officially adopted an infant dragon-hybrid and blaze-hybrid, they grew up basically seeing Dream as a brother.
Dream met George in an assassination attempt gone terribly wrong. Not that George was an incompetent assassin- it’s just he didn’t have the advantage of thousands of years avoiding assassination Dream had. He thought the strange human was interesting, and spared his life in exchange for his friendship.
It was not long after this that the idea of the manhunts started. Dream was always reckless, and he and George sparring quickly turned into fighting to the (non-canon) death turned to George hunting Dream down for sport and Dream killing him until he gave up. As Sapnap grew up and his blaze instincts to set things ablaze started, he joined in on the bizarre game, and then news started to spread about the crazy fucker who spends every weekend getting hunted down for sport by his friends.
This was when the rules solidified- Dream would find an untouched server, and look to find the closest ender portal (since the end can’t be entered in Dream SMP, he couldn’t kill the dragon as an end state). If the hunters killed him before, they won. It was a safe, not harmful way to fuel his desire for power- if he had the upper hand he had the power to wipe the floor with everyone else, and even if he wasn’t he had the complete power to end the game the second it stopped being fun.
Dream started filming them, just for fun, and they quickly blew up- sure, it was non-canon deaths, but without the safety measures set up in Hypixel, any death that was too narratively satisfying could become canon.
Quickly, Dream found himself being referred to as “Dream, from the manhunts,” and he loved it. He thrived on the attention he got. He took advantage of this, and became a fairly well known and popular celebrity for his Manhunt sport. A few brave souls would even try the game themselves.
Dream met Antfrost during a game of Manhunt, after BadBoyHalo had joined their games. Dream was hiding in the middle of the forest, when he spotted a strange, two tailed cat, and he only had more questions when the cat turned into a humanoid form and immediately asked for autographs. Turns out the strange nekomata was a skilled magician and a huge fan of the Manhunts. The game immediately stopped for conversation, and Dream found him quite interesting indeed.
Dream found the server that would become the Dream SMP during one of his Manhunts. He didn’t think much of it at the time, but his mind drifted back to it a few times, and he decided to move there. After all, as the benevolent dictator of a small server he could have ultimate power and not hurt anyone (not that he cared much if he hurt anyone, but BadBoyHalo probably wouldn’t like it if he did it without provocation and BadBoyHalo was interesting enough Dream would rather not push him away).
Dream's obsession with Tommy started pretty much as soon as the disc wars did, and honestly it was a huge motivator for all his actions following.
When Dream said he felt villainised in his letter to Tommy in that one line c!Dream apologists obsess over for some reason, he was telling the truth. Why, he was just having fun! If everyone else cared about being ruthlessly slaughtered, well, they’re just spoilsports.
Everyone on the server was personally invited by Dream with a letter (even those after he went in prison- he handed Ranboo the letters and he delivered them). He handpicked who would be the most interesting people to befriend/toy with. The members who are on the server who weren’t are Tubbo (who he let stay because he knew Tommy would find a way to leave if Tubbo was kicked out), JSchlatt initially (who was kicked out until Tommy convinced Dream to let him back in, Ranboo (who Dream let stay because of their very obvious family resemblance), and Slimecicle (who Dream is unaware of the existence of).
Even in the beginning, Dream specifically built the protections of the server to be more focused on keeping everyone in than keeping out intruders- after all, Dream had ways of removing any wanderer and killing any threat. It’s easy to leave the server to visit elsewhere, but if you try and stay out, you’ll eventually just wake up in your bed in the server. Dream pretends it was an error he doesn’t know how to
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cat-26 · 4 years
Sooooooooooo, out of curiosity, what’re your thoughts on Hermitcraft so far? Please feel free to ramble cause I like reading.
I love to ramble!
I am fairly new to mcyt, and Minecraft in general. When I started Hermitcraft, I didn’t really know what to expect. All I knew from Hermitcraft is that they were mainly builders, some were really good at redstone, and that they had a civil war in a previous season. So I started watching Grian’s seaosn 7. And yes, they are great builders and some of them are great at redstone, but HC is so much more. I found a great group, they have a system (that works), respect each other’s builds and chests. 
Okay I’ll add a cut here because I like rambling too much and this got long...
My first introduction to SMPs was SMP Earth, then Dream SMP. In Techno’s SMP Earth streams, I saw that nothing was sacred; people broke into each other’s bases, tried to be sneaky and steal (and Tommy and TimeDeo even tried to glitch into Techno’s base, and refused to pay the compensation, breaking the rp completely). Dream SMP is worse, because they didn’t even have the factions to protect anything; they see anything and everything as fair play. Then I see Hermitcraft, where people have shops where people actually respect prices, leave diamonds alone. There is a huge tower of dimaonds in the middle of the shopping district! And no one touches it! (I know it gets stolen, but you know what I mean.)
Another thing is that, in HC, they actually play the game at its full potential: they have (almost) unlimited resources, farms for everything. Take Dream SMP: I know most farms aren’t allowed, but even then, they are pretty inefficient with what they do have. (It makes sense when you see how the server works, since nothing of value lasts more than 2 streams... the only nice base is Awesamdude’s, which is really far from spawn, and even that one looks pale compared to anything on HC) But still. The dragon was killed in the first few episodes and it was an non-event, just a step to get elytras. I repeating myself, but they have such a functioning system! Just look at the system of portals, and the shops, and the signs. The fact that they manage to keep everything working is amazing.
I am loving Season 7′s plotline, and I know I’m not even in the best bit yet. I love the little games they have with each other (see: the button, hermit challenges, head hunting...). The whole idea of sharing among all of them, I love their sense of community and mutual help. I love how they plot and scheme, but it’s always in good fun, they don’t go too far (again, they respect each other, and each other’s builds and boundaries and efforts). The most griefing I have seen is putting mustaches on other’s builds. Or maybe Grian changing a few blocks in Mumbo’s base every time he doesn’t notice the last one (which is so dumb I love it). 
I haven’t watched a lot of it this week, but I did watch the mayoral race results! And.... neither Mumbo or Grian voted for Mumbo?? Hahahha that was amazing. (I’m going to be honest, I don’t know much about the rest of the candidates, I only know what I saw from Grian’s POV and from MCC). But Scar won!! And the first thing he did was start removing mycelium.... I’m starting to see what will happen now.... 
The last episode I saw had a whole music video in it (ep 32), why does Grian keep insisting I have a song stuck in my head for days? First the “Mumbo for mayor” songs, now “gotta work, work all day”...
Grian’s base is so majestic. I love how he has a really big massion and only uses a portion of it, while the rest is an empty shell (which makes sense because of the size). But I still find it so funny that he keeps expanding and adding more things every episode... will this base be over by the time the season ends?
But yeah, in summary: I am loving it, I’m scared at how much content there is, can’t wait to see what happens next!
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quixol · 5 years
3/04/2019 - 9/2/2019: QuixolMC Changelog #27
Happy monday everyone!
It’s september now, and you know what that means? It’s officially been 6 months since our last changelog post... I don’t even know how it got to be that long, but that’s a crime.
The past 6 months have been kind of off and on for us at QuixolMC. We’ve introduced new build projects, had parties, reached some cool milestones (1337 unique players! woahhhhhhhhhhhhhh), said goodbye to some staff members, updated our rules... A lot’s been going on, but progress on server stuff has been a bit slow.
Hopefully, life has been treating you all well. We’ve been doing alright over here, just taking longer than we’d hope to get our big plans into motion. As you all know, minecraft 1.14 has been out for a while now, but we haven’t updated yet. So, what’s been going on?
Well, we don’t have any news about plans quite yet, but rest assured it’s on our minds. For now, let’s jump into all of the changes that have taken place on QuixolMC over the past half a year.
+ Feature added - Feature removed % Feature changed/bug fix ^ Feature updated (usually plugin updates) # Comment (for… comments.)
Notable changes from 3/04/2019 - 9/2/2019:
- Gameplay -
+ [3/18/19] Added a lot of new emotes you can use in the chat! # :fish: | :blub: (°)#))<< # :politebear: ʢ´• ᴥ •`ʡ # :bird: ⋋(◍’Θ’◍)⋌ # :frog: | :greninja: ◥θ┴θ◤ # :axolotl: | :wooper: 卅(•‿•)卅 # :gulpin: ( ಎ ´ 3 ˋ)ວ # :jibanyan: ฅ(^◉ㅅ◉^ )ฅ # :otter: (:ᘌꇤ  ꃳ 三 # :sniperdog: | :tate: ₍ᐢ•ﻌ•ᐢ₎▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 + [3/31/19] Added new Admin buy shops to the market # + parrot spawn egg: 5000 # + polar bear spawn egg: 7500 # + sponge: 1200 % [3/31/19] Changed prices of Admin buy shops at the market # - mooshroom spawn egg: 7000 -> 7500 % [3/31/19] Changed prices of Admin sell shops at the market # - grass block: 1 -> 0.50 # + gravel: 0.10 -> 0.15 # + sand: 0.10 -> 0.15 # + soul sand: 0.20 -> 0.25 # - lapis lazuli: 6.00 -> 5.00 + [6/27/19] New /paytoggle command, scout players and up can use it. Toggles whether or not you will accept payments from other players + [6/27/19] New /payconfirmtoggle command, scout players and up can use it. Toggles whether or not you want to confirm the transaction every time you use /pay % [6/27/19] Offline players with exact name matches are now preferred to online players with partial name matches in some essentials commands + [7/8/19] Clients using Minecraft 1.13.2 - 1.14.x may now connect to the server # The server is still a 1.13.2 server with only 1.13.2 features. This change only means that players using minecraft 1.14 are able to connect to and play on the server, however they will not have access to most of the new gameplay and features from that version. # Certain client-side tweaks do, however, work for people playing in 1.14+ . + [7/19/19] QuixolMC now supports 1.14.4 clients % [7/19/19] Changed behavior of lwc-locked iron doors/double doors. They now close again after 3 seconds % [8/14/19] Changes to Hunter job # + Zombie villager: inc: 10.0 -> 15.0 # - Enderman: inc: 5.0 -> 1.0, exp: 2.5 -> 0.5 + [8/25/19] Made changes to some Quixol and QuixolMC rules. See here + [8/31/19] Added new "display" lwc protection type (commands: /cdisplay, /cmodify display, etc); used to allow viewing, but not modifying, contents of a protection + [8/31/19] New /cnolock command, temporarily disables automatic lwc protection of chests/other materials (you can still manually lock them) + [9/2/19] Added a new emote: :frogsmile: | :froghappy: (๑ Θ ◡ Θ ๑) + [9/2/19] Added new “emotes” page to the blog. See here.
- Server Builds / Locations -
% [3/7/19] Player shops are now unrented automatically after 4 months of player inactivity, regardless of how long the shop's been rented for (was previously 6 months) % [3/7/19] Updated market rules. Selling super-rare, non-renewable items is no longer allowed, and there is a new rule about not reselling items from others' shops. % [3/7/19] Updated config with more items that are banned from being sold in Quickshops # https://i.imgur.com/vNoVUdJ.png + [3/24/19] Added railway connection from the Orsus subway to Port Tourmaline + [6/28/19] Added the new /warp pridevillage, a community build project made for our pride month celebration!
- Technical / Bug fixes -
% [3/10/19] Fixed potential exploit (dupe glitch) % [3/10/19] Players are now prevented from moving into unloaded chunks % [3/10/19] Fixed bug with chest contents not being logged by coreprotect correctly if a hopper took from them % [3/10/19] All teleportation in Essentials will now load chunks asynchronously (if possible), this is a huge performance improvement! % [3/18/19] Changes to the chat filter & staff permissions % [4/10/19] The mob cap of a world now completely ignores mobs that were spawned due to a "non-natural" method # This is actually a PRETTY big change to vanilla mechanics. It means that all mobs & animals, no matter what, are ignored from the mob cap count unless they were spawned due to the natural spawning algorithm. % [4/10/19] Fixed the bug where players could not pick up any items if every slot in their inventory was filled, yet they should have been able to pick up the items still % [4/10/19] Fixed bug where zombie villagers could despawn while in the conversion process to a villager % [4/10/19] Fixed issue where permissions would sometimes not update for scout players after completing the tutorial % [4/10/19] Fixed bug where right-clicking on lwc-protected iron doors did not open them + [4/10/19] Factions' command system now supports/utilizes command suggestions (brigadier) % [4/10/19] Some fixes to factions not properly identifying certain materials % [4/10/19] Fixed many issues with Factions not properly protecting certain blocks/items from being used in claimed territory. # The following are now protected from being used/accessed by outsiders in claimed land: # + Shulker boxes (all colors) # + Cod bucket, pufferfish bucket, salmon bucket, tropical fish bucket # + TNT minecart # + Chipped & Damaged anvil # + Comparator # + Fencegate (all types) # + Daylight detector # + Turtle egg # + Shears # + Bonemeal % [6/27/19] Fixed this vanilla bug to do w/ the ender dragon's dragon breath cloud: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-114618 % [6/27/19] Fixed error when placing a sign on tall grass % [6/27/19] Fixed bug where players would sometimes be set as AFK immediately upon joining % [6/27/19] Slight tweaks to word filter % [6/27/19] Fixed new player jingle, it should play every time now! % [7/8/19] FINALLY, After more than half a year, fixed the bug with mobs dying on chunk boundaries! # No more worrying about animals randomly clipping into blocks and suffocating!!! IT'S FIXED BABEY % [7/19/19] LWC now hooks into Factions. You can no longer lock/modify LWC protections on another player's claimed land. % [7/19/19] FactionsUUID now supports Worldguard 7. Players can no longer claim land in worldguard regions they are not a member of / do not have bypass perms for % [7/19/19] FactionsUUID now hooks into LWC % [7/19/19] Player rank is now shown in tooltips in /f show % [7/19/19] Factions now treats modifying armor stands/item frames as if you were trying to access a container. This means you can block non-members from modifying your armor stands/item frames by disabling container access to non-faction members in claimed land % [7/19/19] Animals that can be saddled or have chests attached to them are now protected from being interacted with inside faction territory % [7/19/19] Players can no longer place water/lava, use flint and steel, etc. inside safezone/warzone % [7/19/19] Factions now recognizes guardians, elder guardians, endermites, shulkers, husks, strays, illagers, drowned & phantoms as hostile mobs now; won't spawn in factions safezone anymore % [7/19/19] Potted plants are now protected inside faction territory # Most of the above factions bugs existed on the server & were known about by Quixol’s staff for several months, but went unfixed for varying reasons. See the summary for more info. % [7/31/19] Fixed weird behavior of respawning at beds % [7/31/19] Better tab-completion/command suggestions in lwc commands % [8/31/19] Fixed persist mode (/cpersist) incorrectly giving an additional action after the command is disabled
- Plugin / Software Updates -
^ [3/10/19] Updated server .jar, Paper 1.13.2 b557 -> Paper 1.13.2 b564 ^ [3/10/19] Coreprotect -> 2.16.1 ^ [3/10/19] EssentialsX -> ^ [3/10/19] QuickshopRR -> ^ [4/10/19] Paper 1.13.2 b564 -> Paper 1.13.2 b612 ^ [4/10/19] CoreProtect -> 2.16.3 ^ [4/10/19] DiscordSRV -> 1.16.7 ^ [4/10/19] QuickShopRR -> ^ [4/10/19] LuckPerms -> 4.4.1 ^ [4/10/19] ModernLWC -> 2.1.3-b11 ^ [4/10/19] FactionsUUID -> U0.3.0-b133 ^ [4/23/19] Paper 1.13.2 b612 -> Paper 1.13.2 b624 ^ [4/23/19] QuickshopRR -> ^ [6/27/19] Paper 1.13.2 b624 -> Paper 1.13.2 b636 ^ [6/27/19] DiscordSRV -> 1.16.9 ^ [6/27/19] EssentialsX -> ^ [7/8/19] Paper 1.13.2 b636 -> Paper 1.13.2 b638 ^ [7/8/19] EssentialsX -> + [7/8/19] Added Viaversion 2.1.2 ^ [7/19/19] ViaVersion -> 2.1.3 ^ [7/19/19] DiscordSRV -> 1.17.1 ^ [7/19/19] ModernLWC -> 2.1.5-b34 ^ [7/19/19] FactionsUUID -> ^ [7/31/19] Paper 1.13.2 b638 -> Paper 1.13.2 b641 ^ [7/31/19] EssentialsX -> ^ [7/31/19] LWCX (Formerly ModernLWC) -> 2.1.7-b51 ^ [8/31/19] Paper 1.13.2 b641 -> Paper 1.13.2 b643 ^ [8/31/19] LWCX -> 2.2.1-b85
List of known bugs/issues:
! New players can sometimes get stuck in the beginning room of the tutorial ! Standing still on top of a boat in water will deplete your hunger very quickly for some reason(???) ! The “mobs” section of the statistics counts how many times you’ve been killed by another player for some reason. It will not show how many times you have killed other players, however ! Peculiar bug with items in cursor slot disappearing in the inventory? Has only been reported once; unable to reproduce ! mcMMO: When you are killed by a mob you recently hurt, the death message just says you were killed by [a bunch of hearts] ! mcMMO: You don’t get alchemy exp for making slow falling potions ! mcMMO: mcMMO’s messages, either party messages or about abilities, sometimes send at incorrect times, or even send to incorrect players ! mcMMO: Using /mcrank seems to break for certain players sometimes. After a name change perhaps? Unable to reproduce ! mcMMO: Some players have reported their mcMMO levels being reset/lowered? Has only been reported once; unable to reproduce ! Factions: Certain faction permissions are buggy or not intuitive ! PerWorldInventory: Player inventories saved in 1.11 - 1.12 (in the world Protos) may have shulker box data corrupted. undyed shulker boxes turn into purple shulker boxes, and any items inside shulker boxes may lose all of their NBT data. ! Quickshop: When making a quickshop into a double chest, then breaking it to make two single chests, it still thinks the shop is there, regardless of whether its told to be deleted with commands or manually broken in survival. ! Viaversion: 1.14.4 client may experience “ghost blocks” while mining very quickly, or, more frequently, after explosions occur. This is actually a vanilla bug, but it won’t occur if you’re on the server with a 1.13.2 client. ! Viaversion: 1.14.4 client may crash while typing book. Technically a vanilla bug, but exacerbated by viaversion. See here. ! Viaversion: 1.14.4 client will display all statistics in the “items” and “mobs” sections incorrectly/jumbled. It is an issue on the client-end, the server still tracks player statistics properly ! Viaversion: Bug with infinitely eating potatos/carrots when attempting to replant them
Things to come:
• Update to QuixolMC 1.14.4! • An exciting new build project...! • Releasing more custom advancements • Other updates to QuixolMC’s custom datapack • Fixing more bugs? • Big updates to qChat, other custom scripts
last changelog post (#26)
about changelogs
Whew! For six months, you would think there would have been more changes huh? As we’ve said, it’s been a bit slow-going as far as changes and updates to the server go. Rest assured, we are still moving forward with projects, it’s just been slow due to being as short-staffed as we are currently. You can expect to possibly see some new staff members coming on soon!
Anyhow, to expand upon some of the stuff discussed in this changelog, you may have noticed a great number of bug fixes to factions. Many of these may seem like quite alarming or dangerous exploits, and you’d be right.
All of the faction bugs mentioned for the July 19th changes existed and were known by Quixol staff for a long time; some of them were particularly nasty. We never mentioned them in these changelogs for fear of them being abused.
Now that they are fixed, we don’t have as much reason to worry. Still, we apologize for allowing these to exist on the server for so long. Some of them were out of our control, while others were due to us having factions improperly configured. This shouldn’t happen again. If you notice major bugs or exploits like this, please inform the staff, we’ll do what we can to fix them.
With all that said now, we ask that any faction owners please review your faction permissions with the command /f perms. This will bring up an interactive chest menu which allows you to set permissions for your own faction, both for faction members and for what other players can do on your claimed territory even if they aren’t in your faction.
It’s most crucial that you tweak the default permissions for any non-member players, such as neutral, truce, ally, and enemy. By default, factions will treat the “container” permission as “allow” for all of these relations. For some reason, factions treats modifying armor stands and item frames as a “container” interaction; so if you don’t want people messing with your item frames or armor stands (or possibly other container blocks), you should make sure this permission is set to “deny”. If you have more questions about the faction permissions, feel free to ask, we’ll try to help out if we can.
While we’re on the topic of show-stopping bugs getting fixed, did we mention that the bug of mobs dying on chunk boundaries was finally fixed after nearly half a year? This issue was discovered & documented by admins Vivian and Skyler, and it’s thanks to our thorough testing & bug reports that the issue was ever resolved in the server software itself. If you play on another server that uses Paper, just know that we played a small part in making it less buggy! Oh, we also reported the issue of zombie villagers despawning in the conversion process & got that fixed too. Yay, Quixol admins!
Other than that... Is there anything we forgot about? Huh? Pillage & Village update? Oh yeah, that happened. Still no news for you yet, sorry. You can connect to the server with 1.14.4, though. The server itself is still on 1.13.2, though. Check out this post we made about it for more details.
Anyhow, that should be everything now. Thanks for reading, and hopefully we’ll see you again in 1.14??? - Quixol Staff
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minrcrafter · 5 years
Tumblr media
Simplecraft SMP [Vanilla] {1.13.x}
Get Started Now:
Server Address: mc.simplecraft.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/nEGERUh
Website: www.simplecraft.com
Dive Back Into Vanilla Minecraft!
Bring Back That 'Vanilla' Feel:
Have you done everything there is to do in minecraft? Does single player feel lonely or boring but multiplayer servers you've tried have too many plugins, griefers, and lag? We understand how that takes all the fun out of the game you love. Simplecraft was created to bring a vanilla experience to multiplayer; we use only the most non-invasive plugins for the purpose of enhancing your enjoyment. We do not claim to be 100% vanilla as we do offer the quality of life improving plugins such as /home and /spawn. We do not have any sort of /tpa, /rtp, or /back. Simplecraft truly is survival Minecraft done right
Normal Difficulty
A Friendly Community
Experienced Moderators
Anti-Grief Protection
Unique Claim-Based Economy
What is Simplecraft?
Simplecraft is a simple, friendly, community oriented survival server. Many servers claim to have that 'vanilla feel', but every time I find one of these servers, my hopes were crushed as I became bombarded by colored text, huge buildings, and walls filled with rules. Simplecraft was created to be the kind of server that truly embodied the real vanilla experience while keeping some of the small perks that one would expect to have in a multiplayer setting. Simplecraft uses Bukkit combined with only the most non-invasive plugins to help protect you from hackers and griefers. You can rest easy knowing that Simplecraft does not and will not ever support unnecessary, flashy, or game changing plugins.
Why Choose Simplecraft Over Other Survival Servers?
Most other vanilla/survival servers are either whitelisted or are actually plugin-filled bukkit servers. Whitelisted servers can be tedious and require you to fill out an application and then wait for approval. And the problem with most bukkit 'vanilla' servers is that, while the owner may have had the intention of creating a vanilla feel, they end up getting carried away with too many plugins, eventually becoming it's just another bukkit server.
Although Simplecraft is a bukkit server, it only uses a few simple plugins to the sake of moderation and anti-grief protection. These plugins allow the server to be open without the need for a whitelist.
Everyone Helps Keep The Server Looking Nice:
Although griefing is against the rules, it is encouraged that players help clean up broken down, or abandoned buildings. You can do this by removing the offending structure and returning the ground to it's natural landscape. If the job is too big or you need administrative help, send us an e-mail with the coordinates and a small description of the problem and we will be happy to help.
Replant and respawn! Please try to replant trees as well as let some of your livestock back into the wild from time to time so there are always enough resources for new players. By giving back to the game environment you can help foster a better community of new players who can enjoy the server as much as you did when you first arrived.
Client Modification Rules:
Client modifications are fine so long as they don't give you an advantage over others. For example, nofall, x-ray, fly, highjump and any other similar cheat-related mod is not permitted and subject to moderation. Modifications such as minimaps and inventory organizers are ok. If you are unsure if a mod if allowed, ask a moderator.
0 notes
fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #190
“General Visitations, Giselles Punishment”
[Doc] Fixes hir hair self-conciously-
[Winston] Leaves once more-
[CP] - It will take him a few moments to gather them,  Doc, are you sure you want your dragon here?
[Doc] Looks at Yaunfen - I'm not sure I'd want them to be anywhere else either. If they're by me, I know they're safe.
[CP] - But they also might be seen as a target
[Gk] Wait! Before they get here. I like a good suprise- He shrinks down into his human form and rushes inside to stand casually at Cp's side.
[Doc] Only if they're stupid. They saw what I did to Giselle. And it shows I'm not the only dragon here either.
-Lie's guard slinks into the shadows, invisible unless one is really looking for them-
[CP] - Alright...  Have you let MB and TLOT know they might be fighting?
[Doc] Do you want Mb to run here with a sword in each hand? Because that will likely be his reaction.
[CP] - And TLOT?
[Doc] Gives Cp a serious look - do you really think he hasn't been listening? His powers have actually increased because of all the Testificates on the sub-seed.
[CP] - Don't remind me about them
[Doc] Aww, they're harmless. And they like you, so shush.
[CP] - Can I make them not like me?
[Doc] No.
[CP] - Fuck you
[Doc] Pats his arm- I know you're nervous. It's okay. I won't embarass you. Not intentionally at least.
[CP] - I'm suspicious of that claim
[Winston] Finally creates another portal and steps through, the other Nether generals following and shifting into more mob like forms-
[Giselle] - Oh Master, here you are!
[Grayson] A lumbering giant of a pigman snorts in irritation, cracking his knuckles- Hello sir...
[Gk] Is doing his best to look formidable, his eyes are very bright in comparision to the blobby black scars around them.
[Doc] Geetings, again.
[Blake] - Oh not you again
[Doc] What? It's my server. I'm one of the natives here.
[Yaunfen] Giving suspicious eyebrows to the group, xe scuttles up Doc's back and watches them from hir shoulder
[Magnolia] Shyly-  Hello Master, Mistress
{CP] - Magnolia, I'm surprised, you don't often travel far from your home
[Giselle] - I made her come, she is a Nether general after all
[Banette] Approaches Magnolia curiously- Baaaan?
[Magnolia] - AH!  She ducks behind Winston
[Doc] It's okay. It belongs to Cp.
[CP] - The four of you wished to see me?
[Giselle] - Oh Master, we're just worried!  You've been gone for so long!
[Grayson] - Perhaps your growing weak...
[Doc] That's rather presumtous of you Grayson. Insulting even.
[CP] - It's just how he thinks
[Doc] Then I'll inform you that it's a foolish thought. Cp has been the recipient of my greatest gift. I assure you he's nigh indestructable now.
[Grayson] - I doubt that
[CP] - I don't feel like fighting Grayson, but if you're determined to fight, you could fight a weaker brine here on this server
[Doc] Then you insult me as well. And you do so at your peril.
[Grayson] Snorts in annoyance-
[Yaunfen] Little hiss- Burp!
[Blake] - Master, why not come back to your server instead of this annoyingly peaceful one?
[CP] - Because I'm working on alliances Blake, alliances to help defeat NOTCH, since your units seem incapable of doing so
[Gk] quietly- Heh, burn.
[Doc] Our server is peaceful because it's filled with powerful entities that respect the space enough to not want to wreck it with useless fighting.
[Giselle] Ignoring the other brines- Master, I'm sure if we had more units and could train them against humans then we'd be better prepared to take on your horrible excuse for a father
[Doc] Then you don't realize how valuable an ally even a single human can be either.
[Lie] - You've seen what became of me, I was originally a human, but now I'm a brine
[Giselle] - Oh shut up you ditzy little slut!
[CP] Growls darkly-
[Yaunfen] - Learned taunt- Pulls a rather obnoxius face
[Doc] Actually suprised- Yanufen? How did you...? The eggs... oh dear....
[Gk] Don't call Lie a slut unless you want me to replace you right now by breaking your face.
[Giselle] - Replace me?  Ha!  As if!  You're not even remotely ghast like!
[Gk] Nope, and I don't have to be. I was born in the Nether. It's in my blood.
[Giselle] - The Master would never replace me
[Grayson] - Shut up you little brown worm
[Gk] Pfft! Your position is tenous at best. Likewise for your fuckbuddy there.
[Doc] Zip it roadhog. That's my child. - Scratches Yaunfen's chin and tickles hir long whiskers
[Grayson] - What sort of abomination did you fuck to create that?
[Blake] - I assure you, my position is in no danger
[Doc] They're adopted. But I assure you, my mate is just as monstrous as I. And you get one more insult before I knock your rotting block off.
[Gk] Ha! You don't get to decide sweetheart. It's Cp's call. And it's just  that attitude that's put your jobs in question.
[Giselle] - We're to important, besides, currently there's nobody ready to be put in training for the general position
[Gk] Wrong. I'm ready and willing to take both your places.
[Blake] - You know nothing of our units!
[Gk] How do you know? Cp's told me everything I need and I can always whip a few mobs into shape if anyone feels like mouthing off.
[Giselle] - Master, you wouldn't!
[CP] - Giselle, how many warnings have I given you recently?
[Gk] Too many I think. You ought to just banish both of them.
[CP] - I know, but I didn't want to drag you away from helping with Endrea
[Blake] - Oh what does that flying bitch have to do with anything?
[Gk] Dangerous growl - Don't talk that way about my niece or there won't be enough left of you to fill a bucket.
[Giselle] - Your niece?  Ha!  That's ridiculous, the only relations Endrea has is to her precious little ender children
[Doc] I'm not the only one here who believes in adopting loved ones.
[Gk] Yes, and they're under my protection as well.
[Blake] - Honestly Master, why are you putting up with this foolishness?  You haven't killed any humans in months and it's starting to affect you
[Gk] Don't talk around me, you meally mouthed ass-kisser! What he does is none of your fucking business anyway!
[Blake] - Oh?  Does anyone else hear an annoying little fly?
[Gk] Turns to Cp- Beaten up or dead? Your call.
[CP] - That's a tough one..
[Giselle] - Master!
[Lie] - CP, don't kill them, you yourself said something like that could cause a rebellion
[CP] - Good point...
[Gk] So can I beat him up or no?
[CP] - Go ahead
[Gk] I'll be outside, if you're man enough Blake. - Stalks out.
[[Blake] - That insufferable little-
[CP] - GO
[Blake] - Ah, um, yes Master- He goes and opens the door, stepping outside
[Gk] Is in his full glory outside the door, flames are curling from his open lips and a long slimy tongue slurps over his fangs as he grins wickedly. He opens his wings and the ghast tentacles wiggle obscenely. - Me first- He kicks out with his sharp hooves at the blaze general.
[Blake] Is thrown back inside, nearly hurtling into Lie who is pulled out of the way by CP-
[Giselle] - Blake!
[Gk] Lets the open door frame his fearsome visage. - Anyone else want proof of my qualifications?
[Grayson] - Those two are always weaklings
[Gk] Says the pre-roasted piggy.
[Grayson] - Match my size and we'll fight
[Yaunfen] Makes happy noises at Gk-
[Gk] Sorry porky, I only come in two sizes, small and XXXL.
[Grayson] Growls-
[CP] Sighs- Are all of you done yet?  I'd rather get back to my work
[Giselle] - But Master, wouldn't it be best to do your work in your office?
[Doc] You think he doesn't have an office in his wife's house? That's rather silly.
[Giselle] - In this dump?  It can probably barely hold a candle to his real one
[Gk] Don't talk shit about Lie's house. And what the fuck do you know about decorating?
[Doc] It's just a big empty room, what's so special?
[Giselle] - Plenty more than that bitch
[CP] - Giselle, you will cease now
[Banette] Kicks Giselle in the leg like a small child and then flees behind Cp-
[Doc] You just hate her anyway, who cares what you think?
[Giselle] - I was supposed to become the Master's mate
[Doc] Says you and no one else.
This message has been removed.
[Grayson] - Perhaps we should see what's so damn appealing about this server
[Giselle] - For once you've had a good idea Grayson
[Doc] As long as you leave our humans and little ones alone, I'm fine with that. The rules are simple; no stealing or griefing.
[Doc] Pulls out a command block and begins typing- I've got some temporary names set up, it's a thing I'm testing. You're on respawn as guests but don't use it as an excuse to start shit or I'll turn it off.
[Grayson] - Such things are for weaklings
[Doc] whatever. I'm doing it for Cp, since your his guests.
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[TLOT] is already walking to the spawn, shaking his head in amusement-
[CP] - Remember, this is not a seed that we're taking over
[Giselle] - Who would want to stay in such a low resolution anyways?
[Doc] Some of us are older then Minecraft. Low is comfortable.
[Magnolia] - Um...  May I be excused from this?
[Winston] Pats her on the head-
[Doc] Magnolia? Are you actually a child? There are lots of kids in the village if you'd prefer to go play. No offense meant.
[Magnolia] - Oh, um, not really...
[CP] - Her more child like form is because it's more comfortable for her and fits her demeanor better as well.  She's not the most bold and it makes it easier for her to hide
[Doc] Understood. I thought there was a chance she was more like Sally.
[Blake] - Shall we be off to see just what could be so appealing about this place?
[Giselle] - Yes, let's
[Gk] Moves graciously away from the door and cat-loafs to watch them exit.
[Doc] I will be keeping an eye on you, just in case
[CP] Groans- This could create one Nether of a mess...
[Gk] it shows you're confident though
[CP] - I'd rather those three not be here
[Doc] I understand. Yaunfen? You ready for a little ride?
[Yaunfen] Burp!
[Doc] It's gonna be okay Cp. -grinning- and if it's not, I'll just arrange an accident. - winks -
[Doc] Shifts as Xe exits and the bitty dragon ends up coiled in hir mane.
[Lie] - It will be alright CP, Doc, TLOT, and GK know what their doing
[CP] - I know, but those three idiot generals of mine don't know that
[Sweet Alex] is coming up the path to Lies house with a chest in her arms-
[Giselle] Scowls at the sight of the human- Pathetic thing
[Sweet Alex] Good morning! Who are you guys with? Wait... Is that Winston? Nice to see you again!
[Winston] Gives her a friendly wave-
[Giselle] Preps a fire charge-
[Doc] Arches up behind them - Good morning Sweet Alex, whatcha got there?
[Sweet Alex] Cinnamon rolls! Thanks for the spices Doc!
[Giselle] Scowls at Doc- She's a human, why not just destroy her?
[Doc] Because that would be super dumb?
[Sweet Alex] You don't like humans?
[Doc] Sweet Alex is the best glitch-talker on the seed and she's performed two miraculious healings so far with nothing but her own good energy.
[Sweet Alex] -Blushes-
[Blake] - Humans are prey which the Master subjects to his whims and nothing more
[Sweet Alex] Which brine is your master?
[Doc] Cp.
[Sweet Alex] See now you're just being silly. Cp is a grump but he's not like that at all.
[Giselle] - Shut up you twit, you don't know our Master at all
[Sweet Alex] He's my neighbor, and I know him quite well thank you.
[Grayson] - Pathetic little weakling, I think I'll kill you here and now
[Doc] Considering that she's under both my protection and Gk's, that would be a very poor idea.
[Grayson] - I don't care- He approaches the small Alex
[Sweet Alex] Takes out a rather large flower, it's rainbow colored and nearly as tall as she is.
[Doc] Alex....
[Sweet Alex] It's okay. TLOT gave it to me.
[Grayson] Raises his fist-
[Sweet Alex] Shakes the gaudy flower right in his face-
[Grayson] Stumbles back and rubs at his eyes- WHAT THE NETHER IS THAT!?
[Sweet Alex] Walks calmly around him- It's a color flash. Maybe next time I see you, you'll be politer.
[Doc] Chuckles-
[Grayson] Swings wildly at the air in the general direction of Sweet Alex-
[Sweet Alex] Evades him easily and walks under Doc's feet and back towards Cp and Lie's place. - See you later Winston, Doc.
[jewel] -stumbles past doc for a few blocks before collapsing on the ground she is still awake but she seem to be sweating heavily because she is still in her cat suit-
[Doc] Jewel! - Trots quickly over to her- What happened?
[jewel] it's hot to hot
[Giselle] Starts moving away from the group-
[Doc] Take some of your clothes off. No one cares.
[jewel] I do I wont I refuse to take them off
[Doc] Even if I gave you something cooler to wear?
[Blake] Distracts Winston so Giselle can get away-
[Gk] Has come up the path and follows Giselle from above-
[jewel] what can be cooler when you want every part of you body covered
[Giselle] Is approaching CP's place, looking for an opportunity to strike at Lie-
[Doc] I could make you a long dress out of something light?
[Gk] Lands quietly on Lies roof and watches Giselle-
[jewel] then someone could see under the dress
[Giselle] Is sticking to the shadows and watches as Lie steps out to greet Sweet Alex-
[Sweet Alex] I brought you some cinnamon rolls Lie!
[Doc] Maybe you should go visit Gem? She has a whole room made of ice.
[Lie] - Oh that sounds wonderful!  Thank you!
[Sweet Alex] I ran into Cp's associates. They're rather rude, aren't they?
[jewel] -slowly gets up- that might be the best
[Doc] Do you know where she lives? I can chat and let her know. She might enjoy the company actually.
[jewel] I don't live that far from there so I have seen it
[Lie] - A reason as to why they're here is my fault, two of them really don't like me
[Giselle] Creates multiple fire charges-
[Doc] Here take this in the meantime- Gives her a block of packed ice. -   That should keep you from passing out at least.
[Gk] Clears his throat behind Giselle-
[Sweet Alex] Oh! Hey Gk. You again!
[Giselle] Growls- Fuck off asshole
[jewel] -takes the block- thank you doc -starts to walk to gem's house with the packed ice on her head-
[Gk] Leave her alone unless you'd like to be dragon chow instead of fired.
[Doc] You're welcome Jewel. Stay hydrated!
[Giselle] - I don't answer to you- She fires off the charges towards Lie
[Gk] Leaps over her and takes the hits himself broadside- Son of a bitch!
[Sweet Alex] Gk! - As a reflex she draws a bow -
[Lie] - GK?
[Gk] Is on the ground and swearing a lot-
[CP] Hears the explosion and rushes out, his aura dark and dangerous-
[Sweet Alex] Looses a very fast arrow at Giselle, aiming for her head-
[Giselle] Launches more fire charges, one destroying the arrow-
[CP] Blocks the rest-
[Gk] Smashes into Giselle with one of his wings and tangles her up in the tentacles-
[Giselle] - Let me go you curr!
[Gk] Thumps her against the ground a couple of times- Fuck you!
[CP] - GK, hold her still- The grass around him is turning black and burnt
[Gk] Adjusts his grip so She's upright in his tentacles with only her torso tangled-
[Sweet Alex] Gk... did she hurt you badly?
[Gk] Not fire-wise but the impact hurt like hell!
[CP] - I gave you many chances Giselle, but you just outright attacked my mate...  This is not acceptable, so, I will strip you of everything, your dignity, your status, and your power.  You will be weaker than any other of your kind and I will make certain you never enter my sight again!
[Giselle] - But...  But Master!
[Gk] Told ya you were getting fired.
[CP] Focus' his power and Giselle begins writhing, shifting into a normal ghast once more in what appears to be a very painful manner-
[Gk] Adjusts his grip so he has her tangled in both wings- You spit anything at me I'll head-butt you in the eyes with my horns.
[Giselle] Angry ghast screech-
[Gk] What are you going to do with her Cp?
[CP] - Banish her into the farthest corner of the Nether where she will be alone
[Gk] Which Nether?
[CP] - Mine, so I can be sure she doesn't try to return or get help from anyone else
[Lie] Spawns some healing flowers near GK-
[Gk] What about her butt-boy Blake? You risk making her a martyr
[CP] Growls- You think I don't know that?  But he hasn't done anything to directly harm Lie.  Nor has he done anything bad enough to deserve banishment!
[Gk] Smiles wickedly. - I have a wonderful idea....
[CP] Snaps- What?
[Gk] Have TLOT make her small and give her to Blake. Then tell him if he behaves you might consider restoring her, not to any authority, but to human shaped so they can boink again.
[CP] - And what if he spreads that it's her?
[Sweet Alex] You shouldn't seperate them if they're a couple anyway. That's mean.
[Gk] So? It's called an object lesson. If you send her off, NOTCH might find her and pump her for info.
[CP] - They're not an actual couple, they just bang because they can't do it to me
[Sweet Alex] He has a point though, you can keep an eye on her if she's close, but she can't do anything herself if she's small. And nobody should be alone. That's mean.
[Lie] - CP, think about how much you hate being a cat, it will be many times worse fo her because she won't be able to change back
[Gk] And it shows just a little bit of what TLOT is capable of....
[[CP] - FINE!  But you can fucking take her there, I need to go punch stuff
[Gk] Deal. - Gets up with a groan- Alex kiddo, you gonna be okay going home alone?
[Sweet Alex] I'll just hang out with Lie for a bit, if that's okay with you Lie?
[Lie] - Absolutely, why don't we go into the green house
[GK] Adjust his grip on Giselle so she's upside down on his back and tangled in both his wings - We're going for a walk beeyotch.
[Giselle] More angry noises-
[Gk] Whatever- Heads for the spawn-
[TLOT] Is basically meditating on a dirt block and raises his eyebrows at Gk's burden-
[TLOT] Ummmm
[Gk] Hey TLOT, I have a little task for you. Turn this ghast into something smaller for me. Cp's request. It's a punishment.
[TLOT] Can I ask what it did?
[GK] Attacked Lie, more then once.
[TLOT] Gets a rather dark and angry air- Did you have anything specific in mind?
[Gk] Your choice- He pulls the Ghast down and forces it against the ground-
[TLOT] Asks it a mental question- any last words?
[Giselle] - I refuse to be belittled like this, the Master will come to his senses!
[TLOT] Ah stubborn. I'll take that into account. - He advances on the vast creature and grabs it easily, smushing and molding it down, before stepping back to check his work. Where the ghast was is a pure white donkey.
[Gk] Niiice
[Giselle] Loud angry bray-
[TLOT] Same to you.
[CP] Mentally- Is that bitch taken care of?
[TLOT] I made her look more like her actions. She's now a donkey. You're welcome.
[CP] - Still seems to good for her...
[TLOT] Meh. It's worse then being a cat. At least a cat kinda has fingers and a sort of thumb.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Giselle] Kicks at TLOT-
[TLOT] Slides around her and throws a tether on her before lashing it to a post and sitting back down. -I'm betting the others will be along eventually.
[gem] -flies down and lands softly in front of tlot-
[TLOT] Hello Gem, what are you up too? I heard you were getting a bit overheated?
[gem] I was but now I have these cold flowers to help but I came to ask a favor
[TLOT] Puffs up a bit  - I'm just in high demand today! What can I do for you, my friend?
[Gk] Has curled up and is just watching Giselle with a satisfied air
[gem] well I need a -air quote- toy
[TLOT] Ooo! Now that's what I like to hear. - He wiggles his fingers in anticipation- What kind?
[gem] a dildo but to be specific one that has soft spikes because space angel have hole that are reversed to match males patterns
[TLOT] Cocks his head - You mean it's like a puzzle piece inside and you need a really specific shape to fit?
[gem] kind of because those hole are extremely sensitive and will feel better if I was able to get into them
[TLOT] I think we may need some privacy for this.... Gk can you watch the jackass?
[Gk] Sure thing.
[TLOT] Come with me. - Waves her over to the netherbrick house by the horsepen
[gem] right -follows tlot-
[Giselle] Is pulling at the lead in much frustration-
[TLOT] Slides down the ladder and leads her to a room with several beds - I'm flattered you came to me, though I think Doc could do this more easily.
[TLOT] I can make kind of a cast of your innards but I'll have to touch you a bit, is that okay?
[gem] It's ok
[TLOT] Have a sit and I'll get something soft.
[gem] -sits on the bed-
[TLOT] Starts fussing around and finally settles on a rubber ball he found LH playing with and copied. He makes a few more copies and picks them apart before mashing them in his hands. - Sorry Gem, I think this will feel rather wierd.
[gem] I can't assume it won't
[TLOT] Fair enough - He feels around a bit until he gets a finger inside her and pushes the glob in in a rough tube shape.  -
[gem] -jumps slightly at the feeling-
[TLOT] Pushes a bit and the glob starts reforming to fill the weird topography inside the space angel-
[gem] this defiantly at the moment feels very weird
[TLOT] I'll try and make it quick- He wiggles it around until it's the right shape and then pulls it back out of her-
- the spikes are on uneven spots on the dildo spread out over mostly the top half of it-
[TLOT] Well that's interesting. Does it need to be slightly smaller?
[gem] not at all
[TLOT] Okay, then I'll spiff it up. - He makes a happy whistling noise as he changes the colors of the pixels to a sparkly purple and added a bit of redstone to the core of it. - Just give it a tap right here and we're in business! - The little device begins wiggling, shaking and humming like it's trying to get away from TLOT.
[gem] thank you tlot for your help with this
[TLOT] Any time! - hesitates-  I'm sorry if you're lonely Gem. If I knew anyone suitible I'd introduce you. - Hands her the toy
[gem] -take it- even if I don't find someone I still have great friends and family
[TLOT] Is just beaming. - I feel the same. You guys make me feel like the whole servers dad. -chuckles- Doc is motherbrine.
[gem] -laughs- best father and motherbine ever
[TLOT] Don't tell Doc I said that okay. Haha. I've seen the way they deal with Yaunfen when they think no one is around. 100% mom.
[gem] I won't but I have quite a bit parent in me I guess we all do
[TLOT] Hows the baby doing?
[gem] aqua grew
[TLOT] Really? How big?!
[gem] aven and ben had to use their water powers to move him into a new pond because he out grew the one he was in
[TLOT] Ah, Is it going to be a visit to Herabrine pretty soon? I think that's gonna be a big dragon. Are you planning on moving?
[gem] my house no use less I can find a winter biome but I haven't seen one and I doubt aven and ben would want to move the house
[TLOT] So are just going to keep making bigger and bigger ponds on the savannah for Aqua? That might be a little cruel.
[gem]  don't live that far away from the ocean I was thinking if we really need to next time aqua need to move  we can add a temporary gate to a section of the ocean instead till aqua is ready to be free
[TLOT] That's why I was suggesting you talk to Herabrine. Doc can make walls in any terrain easily, but she can find you a good spot that's protected.
[gem] i would rather make the wall myself i miss the amount of building i use to do back in my server
[TLOT] Well you should talk to Hera anyway. You are eventually going to be putting a huge dragon with untested social and language skills in the vicinity of her house. She's already mad Doc brought that gigantic black thing in here.
[gem] I have introduced hera to aqua but I will talk to her again about moving him into the ocean
[TLOT] Do they know any words yet? Yaunfen is at two so far. "Burp" and "no".
[gem] not that I know of but aqua has seemed to have made friends with hyrule
[TLOT] Laughs- I knew it. He's gonna be a water baby. I bet those two will be best friends. How big of a conniption fit did BEN have?
[gem] according to vin he will yelling his lungs out
[TLOT] I kinda feel bad for him, but he needs to get over it. It won't be long before that kid is running all over the place just like all the villager's children.
[gem] he has been getting bigger faster then a human would but not super fast
[TLOT] It's probably a mix of parental traits and being born in this game specifically. With a ghost and a creepypasta for parents who knows what to expect really.
[gem] all hell to break loose is what I think is going to happen once hyrule can walk and say more then three words
[TLOT] Doc is concerened about Slender... I picked up on it easily after their last talk. It's actually lucky that Aven can't leave.
[gem] aven would turn to a ghost if she did she would basically be in spectator mode but slightly truculent
[TLOT] I know. It keeps her safe because Slender can't kidnap her.
[gem] I am glad to I would rather her not die for a second time
[TLOT] I heard a juicy little rumor actually...
[gem] oh do tell
[TLOT] Well you know from BEN that creepypastas with the Insanity posession can't breed right? Apprently two of them have been trying to have a kid out there for some time. So we may get some new arrivals when they get desperate enough to trade the posessive bitch for the chance at a baby.
[gem] awe I hope they do so they can also have a happy family
[TLOT] Who knows? I don't know what they're like. They might not even be humanoid.
[gem] I barely am
[TLOT] Good point. You know... speaking of nonhuman things... I had the weirdest experience. I think Doc's house is haunted by something more then just Chomplies.
[gem] oh I think I know what your talking about I heard it roams at night
[TLOT] I've gotten some weird feelings I can't put my finger on. Lots of sadness. But it always seems to get away before I can find where it's coming from. Doc's house is such a maze. Anything could hide in there.
[gem] I was going to do a stake out in the kitchen to get a screen shot but I kept putting it off
[TLOT] It's not always the kitchen though. I've seen some odd shapes in the water at night that I know aren't anything that should be in the bay.
[gem] I feel like we need more then one person to this stake out to cover all the places it could apear
[TLOT] I don't know if that will work anyway. It seems more sad then dangerous. I feel bad for it. And I'm worried it's something Doc made that they don't want to talk about. So I don't say anything when they're around.
[gem] well if we can figure out what it is maybe we could cheer it up
[TLOT] Maybe. Do you have any ideas? Besides a stake-out?
[gem] well no I barely know what it is and if it's sad I wouldn't want to put any catching traps that might scare them
[TLOT] Yeah, that would be bad... I don't know.But you know you have the run of Doc's house if you ever want to explore.
[gem] snake tends to do that for me because he really like to I still get his memory of the place
[TLOT] Has he seen anything?
[gem] most of it none that involves going down a ladder or he would never get back up
[TLOT] Quite a few rooms require a ladder. If you want to explore, it should probably be you rather then your guardians.
[gem] I will keep that in mind I am going to head there now
[TLOT] Okay, I'm goign to stay by the spawn. I think our visitors will find their way there pretty soon. - heads up the ladder and back outside
[gem] -follows tlot up the ladder before heading to the castle-
[Exeggcute] Is sunning themselves on the porch by BEN's old room-
[gem] -walks up to the porch and sees the exeggcute- oh hey there
[Exeggcute] Looks at Gem curiously and there's a bit of buzzing in her mind from it
[gem] -is thinking about how cute exeggcute look. sits on her knees to reach out to pet them-
[Exeggcute] Seems to get it and the pods shuffle to get under her hand-
[gem] -pets them her four arms make it easier to pet all of them-
[Steve] Is tending to the horses under their feet.
[gem] -gets up and goes inside and enters the horse pen area one of her horses are still in the pen from when ben left them there-
[Steve] Is surrounded by horses, there are several skeleton ones, a trio of normal horses and Doc's zombie horse, and towering over them, the imposing form of the Mudsdale.
[gem] hello steve
[Steve] Is giving Gir a hug, the zombie horse makes a hollow whinny, but it's obviously content- Oh! Hey Gem! Gone to ground with the rest of us huh? I heard Cp's generals are bad news.
[gem] really how bad are we talking and I came more to explore the house a bit more my self
[Steve] Oh. They're hot-heads. I heard one of them attacked Doc on more then one occasion. They don't like Lie at all.
[gem] -growls a little at the thought of them attacking people on the server-
[Steve] It's okay. We're strong too. I'm not afraid of them at all. But... Markus is here. Cp wanted to hide him to avoid any awkward questions....
[gem] isn't he also sick that can't be good him to meet violent hot-heads
[Steve] Yes, he can't get out of bed. Flux is looking after him though, Dolly is nearby too if she needs help.
[gem] it also seem youhave an extra horse then usually
[Steve] Yeah. Someone must have left one. I wonder who's it is? I'm sure they'll be back eventually.
[gem] they are mine but I didn't bring them here and I was look for them.
[Steve] Spreads his hands- well.... I guess you can take them whenever then. I'm okay with looking after them in the meantime.
[gem] i'll take them home when I leave for home thank you for taking care of them while they are here
[Steve] Hey, anytime.
[gem] hey have you seen anything strange wondering around?
[Steve] Stranger then usual I assume? Haha. Yeah... sometimes. Doc's lab is full of weird noises at night, and I don't mean the caged mobs.
[gem] something none has caught a real glimpse of has been moving around at night sometimes
[Steve] Shivers- I've heard it. It sounds like someone dragging a huge slimeblock.
[gem] I plan to get to the bottom of this and find out exactly what it is
[Steve] Whatever it is... I think there must be another way to get into the bay from the house besides the moonpool in Silver's room. We find big patches of water in the lower tunnels sometimes.
[gem] hmm pieces of a curious puzzle.
[Steve] Just... be gentle okay? I don't think it's anything bad. I know Doc has secrets, we try not to pry. There's a lot of heartache in hir past.
[gem] tlot said it was sad I really want to find out what it is to cheer it up and get a screen shot
[Steve] Ha, you sound a bit like Arden. He's the same way. Wants pictures of everything strange. Can't imagine what he thinks he'll do with them. Something tells me that group is going to end up digital just like Markus from staying here too long.
[gem] arden was the first one to tell me about this thing running around
[Steve] Maybe you should talk to him then. I know he's a night owl anyway.
[gem] I will have to talk to him more about what I found out anyway I should go look for him
[Steve] Check the Shrine. He likes to read on the bed by the map.
[gem] thank you steve i'll go do that -heads to the shrine-
[Arden] Is laying on his back snoring lightly, there's a book on UFOs splayed open across his chest.
[gem] -enters the room and sees arden- hey arden
[Arden] snnnnnnnnrk....
[gem] -pokes arden-
[Arden] Stirs a little and opens his eyes, they go very wide for a second at the angel's appearance and then his breathing slows down a bit as he realizes who it is and wakes up fully. - Hey Gem... sorry I kinda nodded off. I like this stuff, but it makes for rather dry reading sometimes.
[gem] it's ok I have been finding out a bit more of the thing running around
[Arden] Perks up, - do tell!
[gem] tlot for reading emotions told me they seem sad and steve said it sound like a slime block being drag around and would find patches of water around sometimes
[Arden] It smells super odd too. Spicy almost. I'm used to finding little trails of slime from the Goomy, but every so often I'll find one of these weirdrer patches that's really fragrant.
[gem] well I am looking to find out just what it is and maybe cheer it up as well
[Arden] Well... Most of the activity seems centered around the lab and lower levels. Though once I saw something in the water over the kitchen, but it was a moonless night and I just got a brief glimpse of something rather big.
[gem] all it seems to be is glimpses I am going to be sneaky and get close
[Arden] I think maybe it's just a dark colored thing?
[gem] still need to get close to it to cheer it up and the closer I am the better the screen shot I can get
[Arden] I hate to say it, because I want proof too but... from what I've been reading... certain types of monsters can sense intent and will avoid anyone with a camera. I think that's why I'm not having any luck. It might be psychic or just really sensitive.
[gem] well if I am going to cheer it up I would rather ask for the photo rather then scare it off by taking the photo you can cheer up someone who ran away
[Arden] Good point. But I would say, really get into the house, places where the sun never touches. That's your best bet.
[gem] there are a lot of underground areas i would assume they could be in any of those areas
[Arden] I guess. But... I hear it in the lab hallway sometimes... I think.... it's sat there outside my door before. But I might have just dreamed it.
[gem] steve said he heard it in the lab before i would say the lab would be the best bet at this point
[Arden] Probably. I'm betting Doc wouldn't care if you claimed one of the recovery rooms for the time being.
[gem] my excuse is recovering from this terrible heat
[Arden] Sounds legit. Why is it so hot anyway? I didn't think this game had seasons?
[gem] the game updated it tend to affect the weather last time it snows several feet and i was having a ball in the snow while everyone else bundled inside
[Arden] Ugh. I'm glad I missed that. I never want to see snow again. It's bad enough that I still have nightmares about... that night... oh my god.. I'M SO STUPID
[gem] your not stupid
[Arden] YES I AM. - he tangles his fingers in his ginger curls- I've smelled that before! In Dolly's house! It must be... something that followed us in! But how? It's obviously huge?!
[gem] even if it did we can still figure out how and why it's sad
[Arden] I don't know... But if it was with the group of things that was trying to kill us. I wonder why it hasn't acted already? Maybe because it's trapped here?
[gem] maybe or maybe it's not violent at all and it's scared after all it keep running away
[Arden] Either way, I'll keep looking. I'm curious like that.
[gem] just always be careful
[Arden] Always. Doc says it's impossible to die for good here, but I'm not going to test it!
[gem] well if you see patches of dark blue orchids with glowing white dots that's where I have died in the server
[Arden] That's weird. But it sounds pretty.
[gem] they are. well if you will excuse me I am going to explore a bit before night falls hopefully I can meet them tonight
[Arden] Best of luck.
[gem] -heads of to explore-
-There's the sound of a rather gruff female voice arguing with someone a bit further down the path.
[Herabrine] No, he's totally right, blue is a flavor. [Enderbro] SEE!?
[Steffan] Stop encouraging him!
[Blake] - What in the Nether is that?
[Grayson] - More weaklings most likely
[Enderbro] Notices them- Hi!!!
[Doc] Seeing an opportunity for mischief- Bro, I have something that might be blue flavored...
[Enderbro] GIMMIE.
[Herabrine] Because it's funny!
[Doc] Pulls out a pair of large blue gems that sparkle in the sunlight.
-An Enderman teleports off-
[Blake] Scoffs- Did Endrea finally give up and start creating rubbish?
[Doc] He's not from her seed. Bro is special. - Xe offers one of the gems to Yaunfen, who takes it in their teeth egarly and gives the other to bro.
[Enderbro] Turns the gem over twice and licks it with his long purple tongue before shoving it in his mouth. muffled- BLUE FLAVOR
[Doc] I figured that's what you were on about.
[Herabrine] Wanna see something funny Steffan?
[Steffan] NO.
[Herabrine] throws a small piece of candy in his open mouth and he falls over instantly.
[Enderbro] STEEEEVE fell down.
[Grayson] - These pathetic things should be exterminated
[Doc] Um Hera... what was that?
[Herabrine] Just some special candy Lj gave me.
[Doc] He's asleep isn't he?
[Herabrine] Yep.
[Enderbro] Sucking ont he gem- So cute.
[Steffan] -begins snoring loudly-
[Doc] You've got a serious attitude problem Grayson. That sleeping Steve removed a curse from one of our most powerful brines. Specifically the dragon that kicked Blake earlier.
[Enderbro] Has made a little wreath of flowers and sets one on Magnolias head.
[Magnolia] - Oh, um... Thank you
[Yaunfen] Overly loud slurp as xe sucks hir gem-
[Enderbro] At Winston - Is she your daughter?
[Winston] - No, not at all
[Enderbro- Okie-dokie - huge crunch as he bites the candy gem in half
[Herabrine] Giving another tour Doc?
[Doc] Nah. Just supervising.
[Grayson] - We can at least get rid of this retard!- He aims a punch at Enderbro
[Endrea] Tears in from the End and land heavily between Grayson and Enderbro, roaring loudly at the pigman-
[Enderbro] WHOAH MAMA! - waves his skinny arms wildly-  Hey Endrea!
[Doc][ Ah, good to see you back.
[Endrea] - Briefly, one of my other children alerted me to the situation here. And you- She turns towards Grayson with a snarling growl- Will back off immediately lest you wish to be devoured!
[Enderbro] Has basically never been defended by a mother figure and tears up instantly- I HAVE FEELS WAAAH!
[Doc] Eh, dont eat him Endrea, you'd probably get some kind of nasty stomach flu from his rotten pork flesh.
[Endrea] - It's a risk I'd be willing to take
[Herabrine] I could just drown him Endrea.
[Enderbro] Latches onto Endrea's leg in a hug -
[Endrea] Briefly reaches over to lightly nuzzle Enderbro before bringing her wing down over him to shelter him and returns her attention to Grayson-
[Grayson] - Are you really defending that defective abomination!  Just get rid of it!
[Endrea] Snaps at Grayson, making the pigman stumble backwards-
[Herabrine] Picks up Steffan who's still snoring and walks over to Bro who adds him to the hug around Endrea's leg-
[Doc] You are really judgemental Grayson.
[Grayson] - Weak mobs are worthless, it's as simple as that
[Herabrine] Dude, you have issues.
[Doc] Endrea it's okay. I've got this in hand. You shouldn't leave the little dragons alone for too long anyway.
[Endrea] - Very well, but these two are coming with me for their own protection
[Herabrine] I love it! Make sure you take a screenshot of Steffan's face when he wakes up!
[Doc] You're awful Hera.
[Enderbro] We're going for a ride?!
[Endrea] - Yes little one, hold onto me and your friend tightly now
[Enderbro] Is sparkling way more then usual, his usually invisible mouth is split in a huge grin-Ready for takeoff!
[Endrea] Creates an opening to the void beneath her, her home briefly visible before she slips through and closes the opening behind her-
[Herabrine] Is cackling in evil glee.
[Doc] -sigh-
[Grayson] - Pathetic, running away to her home where she cannot be reached
[Doc] She has children that need tending you turd. Her primary babysitter is here because of stupid Blake and that bitch Giselle.
[Blake] - You dare to insult me!?
[Doc] Dare? Normally I don't put on airs, but you're a mob, I'm a Herobrine. That was a mild insult. Get over it.
[Blake] - I do not have to accept anything from you!  You are not my Master!
[Doc] Pfft. Whatever. Unlike Cp, I have better things to do then put up with mobs whining at me all day and night.
[Magnolia] Creeps a bit closer to the water-
[Herabrine] Whatcha looking at kiddo?
[Magnolia] - I can feel a magma cube nearby...  I'm worried about the fact that it seems to be under tha water...
[Herabrine] Oh! That's Maggie. My house is down there- points to the bay.
[Magnolia] - Is she safe?  She must be scared...
[Herabrine] Yeah, she's fine. She keeps me company. Maggie's got the run of the house.
[Magnolia] Worried noise-
[Herabrine] Pulls a nightvision potion from the creative and splashes Magnolia with it. - My house is glass, you should be able to see her if you look down
[Magnolia] Peers- If you're sure...
[Herabrine] Positive. what's your concern anyway? You just like bouncy mobs?
[Magnolia] - I'm the Master's general for Magma cubes and Slimes
[Herabrine] Cool beans.
[Blake] Starts storming off- I'm bored of this, I'm going to find Giselle
[Herabrine] -shrugs- Whatever. I'm headed back for the woods. Have fun Doc.
[Doc] You're spending an awful lot of time with that clown...
[Herabrine] Maaaybe. Oh well.
[Grayson] Follows Blake-
[Doc] Winston... I trust you well enough. You have free range. Feel free to take Magnolia to the bar and have some lunch if you want. I'm going to stay close to those two just in case.
[Winston] - I understand
[Doc] Thank you- Pads after Grayson and Blake.
-The two generals are approaching spawn-
[TLOT] Has settled back down on his block and is just enjoying the sun. He's still in just his pants with his shirt over his shoulder.
[Grayson] - Oh look, another pathetic excuse...
[TLOT] Doesn't bother to acknowledge him
[Gk] Opens one eye. - Got bored of wandering around already?
[Blake] Scowls at GK- Go away
[Gk] Nah, I'm comfy. Get bent.
[TLOT] It's not smart to tell dragons what to do anyway.
[Doc] Chuckles- Words to live by.
[Blake] - And you are?
[TLOT] Streches a bit - The native brine of this seed and protecter of everyone on it. I am Herobrine, The Lord of Tears.
[Grayson] - Tears of a scardy ocelot I bet
[TLOT] The tears were my own, and the name was chosen by my subjects, but I'm sure my recently dead NOTCH shed one or two.
[Doc] He certainly screamed a lot, that's for sure.
[Grayson] - I doubt that claim, if our Master can't kill his own, then how could yours be dead?
[Doc] I was there. Cp also helped to kill the beast. Ask him yourself if you doubt us.
[Grayson] - Aww, so you needed help?  Pathetic little weakling
[TLOT] There's nothing wrong with taking offered help. Or giving it. That's what friends do.
[Doc] Trust me, he's not weak.
[Grayson] - Prove it
[TLOT] Magick, mental or physical?
[Grayson] - Physical, those other two are cowards ways out!
[TLOT] - sigh- Oh well, it wouldn't hurt me to take a bath anyway, I'm already sweaty. - He puts his shirt away before hopping down from the block -
[Doc] Oh dear. Try not to kill him, okay?
[Grayson] Immediately charges TLOT-
[TLOT] Crouches and uses Grayson's momentum to throw him - Ewww! Fuck you're all greasy! Ever heard of a shower?!
[Grayson] Grapples at the ground to stop himself and charges again-
[TLOT] Throws a straight punch at Grayson's charging head-
[Grayson] Brings his hand up to catch TLOT's fist-
[TLOT] Twists upward and kicks at the pigman's stomach.
[Grayson] Grunts but doesn't budge-
[TLOT] Tps out of Grayson's hands and kicks him in the ass.
[Grayson] - Swings around to slap TLOT away- You're an annoying little fly
[TLOT] I'm a griefer, duh! - Grabs Grayson's arm and uses his force to toss himself clear.
[Grayson] Scowls in annoyance and charges again-
[TLOT] Tp's slightly above him and stomps on his back so he ends up with a mouthful of dirt.
[Grayson] Pushes himself back up surprisingly quickly-
[TLOT] Man, just using physical on physical attacks is boring. Damn it Doc you spoiled me!
[Doc] I can't help it!
[Grayson] Jumps at TLOT-
[TLOT] Throws an uppercut at his jaw-
[Grayson] Stumbles back-
[TLOT] You're a general right? Don't you have any special powers at all?
[Grayson] - I have a different weapon, strength is the only other thing I need
[Steve] Has crept down to the spawn and is watching from the archway-
[TLOT] Lame.
[Blake] Notices a bit of movement and growls at the Steve, flames gathering-
[Doc] Throws a tail swat at Blake- Don't do that unless you want to die.
[Blake] - That is a Steve, all of them should die
[TLOT] Hears him and snarls - That is my husband. Touch him and I'll shred your code.
[Doc] He'll eat you. Not kidding.
[Grayson] Tries to take advantage of the distraction-
[TLOT] Tp's next to Steve and leaves a two stack of cobbles for Grayson to run into
[Grayson] Runs straight into it and is stunned-
[Blake] - You're a fucking lucky Steve, I'll spare you for now...
[TLOT] Snorts - There is no 'for now.' Ask your friend Giselle what being a murderous bitch got her.
[Blake] - What are you talking about?
[TLOT] Points at the white donkey that's still tethered to the post. -
[Giselle] Angry donkey noises-
[Blake] Erupts into flames- WHAT DID YOU DO!?
[TLOT] Punished her. As Cp requested. She attacked Lie.
[Doc] Is all eyeballs.
[Blake] - That little bitch probably deserved it!
[Doc] For what? existing? Breaking the bubble of Giselle's delusional fantasy?
[Gk] Be grateful. I talked him out of outright banishing her. If you're good she might get a reprieve someday.
[Blake] - The Master must not be in the right state of mind.  I will speak to him about this is why the Master needs to return to his seed.  He's growing delusional!
[TLOT] Want me to call him? You might get punched.
[Blake] - No need, we'll simply go back to him and take him back with us
[Doc] Snorts with laughter- YOU are going to force Cp to do something?! Okay, wait for me! I want to watch!
[Blake] - You can go away!
[Doc] No way I'm missing this!
[TLOT] Unties the donkey and holds the lead- ready when you are
[Steve] Is staying very close to his hubby.
[CP] - Is still ripping into his punching bag-
[Gk] Is already flying there and lands on the roof- Lie!?
[Lie] - In the greenhouse
[Sweet Alex] Over here Gk!
[Gk] Come out here! Blake says he's going to force Cp to come with him, this should be a hoot!
[Lie] - What?
[Doc] Is prancing along - and me with no popcorn!
[Lie] - I am not making a popcorn plant
[Doc] That would be a noisy bloomer.
[TLOT] walks up with the donkey. - Hey Lie.
[Steve] Greets Sweet Alex-
[Blake] Glares at Lie- You fucking bitch
[Lie] - Same to you
[Steve] Guess what Lie. - Points to the donkey-
[Lie] - So don't work with that one, got it
[TLOT] As far as I know we're sending her with Blake anyway
[Blake] - Master!  Where are you?
[CP] Growls from his private chambers-
[Doc] Cat-loafs with a huge smile-
[Yaunfen] Crawls up onto hir head for a good view-
[Blake] Storms inside, looking for CP, it isn't long before there is an explosion and a good chunk of one of Lie's workshop walls is now missing as Blake is thrown back towards the group, CP flies up, covered in blood and his eyes glowing dangerously bright-
[CP] - You will fuck off Blake!  You are forgetting your place!
[TLOT] Quietly- well I guess the pecking order is being re-established at least.
[Doc] I'll help you fix it Lie.
[Steve] Me too.
[Lie] - Thank you, both of you
[CP] Is now beating the crap out of Blake-
[Doc] Very quietly - So glad it's not me for a change, also i'm not expected to stop him. Thank goodness
[CP] - Finally finishes and creates an opening- BOTH of you, LEAVE.  NOW.  And fucking take Giselle with you
[TLOT] Behave while Cp is gone.
[Grayson] Drags Blake through-
[CP] Closes the portal behind them, he's still rather aggravated-
[Doc] Deep breaths Cp.
[TLOT] Yeah, it's okay. Just sit down if you need too.
[CP] Growls-
[Lie] Approaches him- Hey, focus on me for now
[Sweet Alex] Is making a romantic face- Only beauty can calm the beast.
[Steve] That's adorably poetic
[Lie] With several calming words eventually gets CP to calm down-
[Doc] Is surveying the damage
[Gk] That was a royal beat-down, bravo Cp.
[CP] - Fucking assholes
[CP] - Where's Winston and Magnolia?
[Doc] Probably at the bar, I trust Winston to wander freely. I had to go after the bigger threat and we got seperated.
[CP] - I'm going to look for him, let him know what happened
[Lie] - CP, maybe you should change your clothes first?
[CP] - Hm?
[Doc] Unless you intend to scare the daylights out of them.
[CP] Grumbles but does go inside to change his clothes-
[Gk] That was fun. I'm gonna get a head start then.
[Sweet Alex] Gk?
[Gk] Hmm?
[Sweet Alex] Can you give me a ride home?
[Gk] Blushes but crouches down so she can get on.
[Sweet Alex] Thank you Lie.
[Gk] Trots off-
[Lie] - It was nice seeing you Sweet Alex, and thank you for the cinnamon rolls!
[Sweet Alex] You're welcome.
[Steve]There were rolls? And we didn't get any?! - pouts a bit-
[TLOT] Oh hush
[Lie] - Well, guess I'll start repairing the wall
[Doc] Oh let me help Lie. I can do it quickly.
[Lie] - Thank you
[CP] Comes out in fresh clothes and heads for the bar-
[Doc] Is already multiplying the remaining blocks and painting them over the busted areas with hir paws.
[Lie] Is repairing her brewing station even though she never uses it-
[Steve] Is there anything I can do?
[Lie] - Anything you can...  I don't know if any of CP's area needs repairs though...
[Steve] Hesitiates before peeking down the ladder
-The punching bag is ripped to shreds and there are chunks missing from the walls as well as half of the short couch-
[Steve] TLOT?!
[TLOT] I'm on it my lamb. - He slides down the ladder and the two of them start cleaning up-
[Lie] Starts putting the windows back into the wall-
[Doc] Is finishing up with the ceiling. - There we go, good as new. And really I think that was the best we could have hoped for situation-wise.
[Lie] - I suppose, could have done without being attacked
[TLOT] Calls up - But no one on our side got hurt!
[Lie] That's true...  Who all did they harass?
[Yaunfen] Is sniffing around the room again-
[Doc] They tried to take a poke at Enderbro and got a faceful of Endrea for their trouble.
[TLOT] And I had a brief fistfight with the pigman, what a candy-ass.
[Lie] - Endrea was there?
[Doc] Briefly. She took Bro and Steffan back to the end with her.
[Lie] - Oh dear...  I can't imagine Steffan being happy about that...
[Doc] He got knocked out as joke by Herabrine. I think it will be a rather rude awakening. But it's not like he's in danger.
[Lie] - Good point
[Yaunfen] Finds a random book and proudly carries it over to Doc-
[Doc] aww, what do you have there? Do you want me to read to you some more?
[Lie] - It might be one of Ashe's...  Or a floof book
[Doc] Let's see what it is. - Takes it gently and looks at the cover-
[Steve] Is dusting behind TLOT as his hubby cleans up the blood
[Lie] - You two okay down there?
[Doc] Xe looks a little distressed- This looks like an old fantasy book Yaunfen... let me skim it first. Maybe we can read it later.
[Steve] Just tidying up. It's messy down here.
[Lie] - What makes you say that Doc?  And of course it is Steve, I think CP's gotten a little to used to how good Winston is to him
[Doc] Because... - xe whispers to Lie. - Bad things happen to dragons in fantasy books! I don't want hir to have nightmares!
[Lie] - Oh, good point
[TLOT] I presume he doesn't like you down here Lie?
[Lie] - I don't know, I've never gone down, I don't want to intrude on his space
[TLOT] Has fixed the punching bag and re-hangs it. - Sounds like a good policy. But you can peek if you want, since we're fixing things.
[Lie] Hesitates but does peek-
[Steve] Pokes a few keys on Cp's typewriter-
[Lie] - Well that's a nostalgic sound
[Steve] Smiles happily- It is satisfying, isn't it? - he types- 'Lie loves you' in the middle of a small paragraph of random characters.
[Lie] - Steve I suspect your doing something...
[Steve] Just making noise.
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quixol · 7 years
6/5/2017 - 10/3/2017: QuixolMC Changelog #19
Autumn is here, everyone! Looks like it’s time for another long-due changelog post. Quixol has been moving along at its own pace, and we hope you've all been holding up alright. To those of you that are in school again, we wish you good luck in your studies- plenty of the staff is taking classes again, now, and we'd just like to remind you that it's all worth it. The world is a scary place right now, but we hope you folks find solace in Quixol. As for QuixolMC itself, the summer was a time of much leisure- only a few smaller changes here or there to speak of, but a lot of work was happening behind the scenes. All that culminated last weekend with the update to 1.12.2 Public Beta, and the release of the brand-new party area, the Grove. There's a fair amount to get into, and it's possible we missed a few things, so we hope you understand. Also: we normally post these changelogs on the first monday of the month, but this time around we missed our window yesterday, so now it's going up on a tuesday. Sorry about that! With that said, here's a list of all the changes to the server since June:
+ Feature added - Feature removed % Feature changed/bug fix ^ Feature updated (usually plugin updates) # Comment (for… comments.)
Notable changes from 6/5/2017 to 10/2/2017:
+ Added wither boss head. Also re-added the beloved silverfish head ._. % Changed witch head ^ EssentialsX -> 2.0.1-b481 # This essentials version adds a few new features/commands, such as support for the sweeping edge enchantment, as well as the command /tpacancel + you can pet sheepies now (right click with empty hand) ^ Simplesit -> 1.6.3 + You may now use the /lay command to lay down. You can't see yourself laying down, though. % The silk touch protection in Jobs only affects specific blocks now. % /help should work again... finally + Added the /ride command which lets you ride atop other players + Added /unride for making those people leave + Re-added access to the old, old far warps (from 1.8). You can access them from the list of warps at /warp oldspawn ^ Massivecore, Massivebooks, Factions -> 2.13.1 % Maximum amount of faction members upped to 25 % Faction power per hour reduced to 3.0 % Faction power on death reduced to 3.0 % Starting balance for new/returning players is now 1000 shells, up from 250 shells before ^ Jobs -> 4.0.1 ^ SilkSpawners -> 5.0.0 % Bottling exp at a lapis block now requires empty bottles to use ^ Playtime -> 0.3.1 #   % Now displays actual join date of player #   + Playtime is now updated at time of checking ^ QuickShop -> 0.9.36 % increased price of bepis. + Server enters Public Beta 1.12.2 (sept. 29th, 2017) # Full changelog for mc 1.12 here. + New, descriptive message for when auth servers are down % Borse spawnrate now 1% ^ EssentialsX -> 2.0.1 b530 # Tab completion for essentials commands is fixed # /erecipe command is disabled in 1.12 ... :( ^ EntityLWC -> 1.9.0 ^ mcMMO -> 1.5.09 b206 % Chunks no longer refresh after using super breaker/giga drill breaker % Fixed bug where riding boat into world border would make that boat turn into an oak boat regardless of type ^ Craftbook -> 3.9u17 ^ Jobs -> 4.1.3 % When rejoining a job you had before, the plugin now calculates how much xp you should have when returning to that job as well as what level % Block protection messages should show up less often(?) from Jobs + Added new "moremobheads" vanilla loot tables, replacing the mob heads from Craftbook. % Fixed many issues with mobs/decorative heads # Changes to the Market's admin shops! Yay!  + Added Parrot spawn egg buy shop for 5,000  + Added Polar Bear spawn egg buy shop for 5,000  + Added Totem of Undying buy shop for 40,000  % Raised price of Elytra buy shop, 30,000 -> 32,000  % Raised price of Nametag buy shop, 1,000 -> 1,250  - Removed horse armor buy shops + Added the admin sell shops finally(!!!) + Released The Grove, the all-new party destintion on the server + Had a great party with everyone at the grove!
List of known bugs/issues:
! New players don’t get sent to the tutorial; don’t spawn with newbie kit ! Many players have poor ping to the server, due to a minecraft bug ! Dog AI is still broken; only bred/summoned dogs will attack hostile mobs ! Lighting glitches are real bad ! Parrots spawn in jungles very, very, very rarely ! mcMMO considers raw salmon, clownfish, pufferfish as “raw fish” when summoning cats
Things to come:
• Adding some new parkours/minigames to the grove • Releasing custom advancemements • A spooky halloween event... • Updating qchat to 1.0.0, making a comprehensive guide/tutorial on how to utilize qchat • Coding a new and improved help menu • Other stuff!
last changelog post (#18)
about changelogs
That's quite a lot! Some of this stuff is rather minor, while others change the whole game up quite a bit. There's probably a few changes that got lost in the haste to update the server, and if there's anything you notice that's different from before, feel free to ask us about it. Some important information about this update to minecraft: MAKE SURE YOUR RESOURCE PACKS ARE UPDATED(!!!). If you are using an outdated resource pack in 1.12+, the new recipe book icon will be completely invisible to you, and many players end up not realizing it's there at all due to this.
On the topic of the recipe book, we'd also like to mention that, yes, QuixolMC's custom crafting recipes still work- HOWEVER, they are not accessible from the recipe book, you must still put them in the crafting bench manually. Sadly, this seems to be a minecraft limitation. The /recipe command is also disabled, due to a bug. There's not a lot we can do about this, so for the time being feel free to keep an eye on this page that lists the server's custom crafting recipes. If we ever add any more, we'll try to update this page (if we remember). 2017 has been a wild ride, and all we can really offer to you is a break from it all... we sincerely hope you guys have been safe out there. Thanks for reading, <3 Quixol Staff
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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Hermitcraft-Inspired 1.13.2 Server [Vanilla] {Whitelist}
If you're seeing this for the third time, it's because I apparently don't know how to perfectly format the subject line to r/mcservers exact specifications. My most sarcastic apologies therefor... >_> ------------
Howdy howdy. I just started up a vanilla 1.13.2 server via host, and threw most of the Hermitcraft vanilla tweaks datapacks in. I have plenty of room for more people, so here I am.
We currently have four people on. There's ten of us in our group, but I don't think the others are willing to play vanilla. Ergo, again, plenty of room.
We're all adults. The youngest is 22, the oldest, 34. As such, we are looking for more adults. Although I may, from time to time, invite my nephews on. So there may be one or two kids on sporadically.
We're looking for mature people, people who respect others in the chats as well as in game; people with an appreciable knowledge of Minecraft, you should know how the game works, especially in 1.13.2; people who are active with the rest of the community, it's very discerning to have that one person who wants nothing to do with the rest of the group.
These are the three most important factors; maturity, knowledge of the game, and camaraderie. You will outright banned if any of the three aren't satisfied on an acceptable level. That may seem harsh, but I've been doing this for years. Immature or otherwise dishonest people, people always asking how this or that works, or people who use server resources while shunning everyone else, make for a bad experience. We're trying to have a good time and [usually] unwind after work. People adding stress to our destresser [Minecraft] won't be tolerated.
YouTubers/streamers are welcome, though none exist presently herein.
Everyone here is great people with great senses of humor. I feel I should mention that because I usually make these server advertisements funny, but that tends to give the wrong impression and invites the wrong crowd. So here's a super serial server advertisement for ya.
------------------Server Community info---------------------
Atm most of us are intent on having our own bases with their farms and systems otherwise, with community areas. Like a proper Hermitcraft server. Everyone is still hunkered around spawn, as the server is only two days old. Although one of us does desire a town-like base area to share with someone else. If that's your bag, she'd be happy to have ya.
Datapacks included on the server are:
AFK Name Changer (player names in the player list are grayed out if the player goes AFK)
Anti-Enderman Grief (Endermen are unable to pick apart precious builds)
Customizable armor stands (too much to explain in one line - a really cool feature with armor stands)
Double Shulker shells (Shulkers drop two shells on death, because they have two shells in life)
Craft Double Slabs (the ability to craft blocks otherwise only obtainable by placing a slab on a slab)
Dragon Drops Elytra
More Mob Head Drops
Eight Stairs (proper stair-crafting math; stair-crafting recipes give eight stairs instead of six)
Multiplayer Sleep (only one person needs to sleep)
Silence Mobs (special name tag feature to silence mobs players may want to use in builds)
Terracotta Rotation Wrench (rotates terracotta blocks without needing to place them from specific angles)
Track Stats (tracks various stats, viewed in the player list)
Treasure Gems (special head-type blocks used for decoration)
Universal Dyeing (several item-dyeing tweaks)
More Bricks Crafting (proper brick-crafting math)
Redstone Rotation Wrench (rotates redstone blocks without needing to place them from specific angles)
Renewable Coral Blocks (combine coral to make coral blocks)
Track Raw Stats
Back To Blocks (convert slabs and stairs back into blocks - with proper math)
4 Bark Blocks (Four logs gives four bark blocks)
12 Trap Doors (proper trap-door-crafting math)
Craftable Gravel (flint can be crafted back into gravel)
Black Dye With Charcoal
Coal To Ink Sacs
Equestrian Crafting (craftable horse armor)
Rotten Flesh To Leather
Sandstone Dyeing
Uncraftable Ice (blue ice to nine compressed ice, compressed ice to nine ice blocks)
Uncraftable Nether Wart Block
Server stats:
Hosted by Bisect Hosting (a host I've used for years) - Premium Package 2
1GB RAM - will add more if/when needed
Server located in Montreal, Canada
DDoS protected
Server rules are as follows:
Don't be a dick.
Is it funny?
If it's funny, see Rule #1
---------------------------------How To Join-------------------------------------
Shoot me a PM here on Reddit, or jump in our Discord at https://discord.gg/qqvmgk3
There will be an interview process to get a feel of each potential member, with a background check. The more extensive your online presence and the documentation thereof (such as past activity here on Reddit or in Minecraft forums), the better shot you'll have at joining. Though that doesn't mean everyone with years of Reddit or Minecraft forum history will be whitelisted, and those with no online history will be ignored. It just helps learn about you without silly interview questions.
If you have any media to share regarding your Minecraft exploits, we'd be happy to see them.
Don't expect immediate replies when you join. Though we're all regularly on, we're also busy with our jobs and families (two members are parents). I myself am going to bed after I post this. Just be patient.
We look forward to tasting your flesh meeting you.
Now let's see if the r/mcservers bot removes this post as well... I have to proofread that wall of text each time I do this. Not fun.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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PirateCraft [Semi-vanilla][SMP] {Ships}{Cannons}{Crews}{Bridges}{Gates}{Dynmap} {Stats}{Brewing}{GriefPrevention}
⚓ Connect: mc.piratemc.com
⚓ Website: https://www.piratemc.com
⚓ Discord: https://discord.piratemc.com
⚓ Rules: https://piratemc.com/information/rules/
⚓ Live Map: https://piratemc.com/map/
⚓ Getting Started: https://piratemc.com/guides/getting-started/
⚓ Detailed Guides: https://piratemc.com/guides/
  About us
PirateCraft is a Pirate themed Minecraft survival server. We are a 5 year tight-knit community that’s developed over the years into a wonderful family.
  Our ethos for running PirateCraft is to have a permanent map that isn’t ever Reset, builds will be kept and protected, you can disappear for 3 months and come back to carry on where you left off! We’ve had players come back after 3 years and continue where they left off!
  The world doesn’t get stale, Land & abandoned claims are regenerated over time to keep it fresh and clean, players can request Claims and Land to be removed and regenerated by our Staff Team.
  Staff act like police, they only intervene when asked, you are mostly left to make your own way in PirateCraft, be it Solo or an Empire. We have a rich History documented over the years on our Wiki https://wiki.piratemc.com/PirateCraft_Timeline
  I haven’t posted to /r/mcservers/ in years! This sub-reddit is how I first got PirateCraft started back on 1.5.2 with a 6 slot server! Were now a 100 Slot with 2 Dedicated servers and had over 110000 pirates step on deck and it all started here, we have come leaps and bounds since then, here is our first ever post: https://www.reddit.com/r/mcservers/comments/1eb9bs/piratecraft_152_smp_grief_preventioncannons/
  Getting Started
There are no hurdles to get started, spawn is small, you just need to leave it in any direction to get started. You spawn a deckhand on a shipwreck just off the coast, where has your crew gone? Gather resources and build yourself a home to survive. Do you Build your own Empire or Join an existing one? Maybe you fight as cut-throat solo Pirate laying down your own rules!
Moving ships, you can design and build your own ships then sail them, no mods needed! Battle, sink and steal Pirate ships, attach our working cannons too! https://piratemc.com/guides/ships/
Build and shoot cannons! https://piratemc.com/guides/cannons/
Vast Crew System https://piratemc.com/guides/crews/
Survival game play with GriefPrevention protection and siege turned on. https://piratemc.com/guides/claims/
Build custom working Portcullis gates for castles! https://piratemc.com/guides/portcullis/
Build working bridges for your castle moats! https://piratemc.com/guides/retractable-bridges/
Ranking system, to work your way up through the ranks unlocking bigger ships and perks https://piratemc.com/guides/ranks/
Custom brewing of your own grog! Custom brewing technique, age your grog in barrels! https://piratemc.com/guides/brewery/
Player marketplace to rent shops and sell/buy! https://piratemc.com/guides/shops-experience-storage/ *No mods needed! Join now at mc.piratemc.com
Videos https://piratemc.com/videos/
Gallery https://piratemc.com/gallery/ (Needs a lot of photos added!)
Blog of competitions & Builds of the Month are listed on the homepage https://piratemc.com/
  We look forward to meeting you!
  We do have a subreddit, but we don’t have any community there, it would be fantastic to get this going! /r/piratecraft/
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minrcrafter · 7 years
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Old School Minecraft Factions [PvP] {FACTIONS} {MCMMO} {PRE 1.9 COMBAT} {PLAYERSHOPS}
OSMC: Old School Minecraft
IP: oldschoolcool.mcpvp.live
♠ Factions ♠ MCMMO ♠ Auctions ♠ Active Admins ♠ NO BS ♠ OLD SCHOOL
Hello Everyone! Thanks for taking a look!
I am Velmas, and I present to you OSMC; the server that will attempt to bring back all of those precious memories of Minecraft, but with all of the new features and items the current version of the game has to offer.
This server is based on simplicity, meaning that we offer the essential plugins with few extras. We want to supply a very basic but fun experience, reminiscent of minecraft servers of the past.
General server philosophy:
We will not have OP donator perks. In the past, my friends and I have always hated donators in servers that gained an advantage because they paid for it. This server will solve this exact problem by not offering donation ranks, perks, or advantages at all in the first place. Donations are appreciated, but this server can run perfectly fine without them.
We strive to keep things mature, but laid back. Looking back to all the servers I have played on, I saw a shocking amount of sensitivity from the admins. Want to banter or talk trash? Go right ahead. However, just know that the server staff in OSMC is dedicated to providing a fun, laid back, mature experience. So please, respect the rules or suffer the consequences. This server is NOT the place to ask for OP, throw out racial slurs, or demonstrate unbelievable temper tantrums. We simply wont put up with it. Part of having a good server is having a good, fun chat. don't take the game quite that seriously.
OSMC is literally just Factions and McMMO. No Ridiculous hubs, too many worlds, or crazy game changing plugins. With some obvious additions such as the playershop or even mobarena. However, every single plugin added to the server that is not Factions or McMMO will be configured with Factions and McMMO in mind. This server will never include excessive: worlds, warps, activities, sponsorships, devil worshipping, or binge drinking. Its just Factions and McMMO survival PVP. This server is designed to be simple, and it will remain that way, regardless of how other servers do things.
Gameplay features you should know about:
NO SILKSPAWNERS. This means that monster spawners cannot be removed from their original position, nor can they be bought in the server shop.
NO CHORUS FRUIT TELEPORTATION. This is disabled from the simple fact that Chorus fruit can be used to easily raid any base, regardless of protection. This item is disabled in order to balance well with configuration settings we have decided to go with.
SHULKER BOXES CANNOT BE PLACED IN ENDER CHESTS. This simply prevents the extending of Ender chest space using Shulker Boxes. The Shulkers themselves can still be placed on the ground and used as a mobile chest of sorts.
OBSIDIAN CAN BE BROKEN BY EXPLOSIONS. Just like the good old days of Factions servers in 2011, Obsidian can be broken by 4 direct blows. Obsidian is still unbreakable underwater.
FACTIONS' CHESTS CAN BE OPENED BY ENEMIES. With this in mind, remember to always have a secure base. Again, just like older servers, every base is raid-able through two methods: 1) Breaking into the vault/ chest room, and 2) un-claiming enemy factions' land when their power is low enough.
NATURAL SPAWNING MOBS DROP SLIGHTLY MORE LOOT. Since we do not have Silk Spawners, we wanted to come up with a way for natural mobs to be a viable means of gaining items, and therefore power and money. So, we have slightly upped the amount of drops natural mobs drop. Note: this ONLY applies to naturally spawned mobs, and not spawner spawned mobs. Finding a spawner and building a grinder out of it is still the best option to obtain money, but natural mobs are at least competitive.
NATURAL MOB SPAWN RATES HAVE BEEN UPPED. I remember the days of being afraid to go out at night on my favorite Factions McMMO servers. Here, you must be careful as natural monster rates have been upped significantly, as well as the server difficulty being set to "hard". Be careful.
Standard player accessible plugins:
Vote Rewards
Combat Tag
Note: The only item theft or grief protection in this server is the standard "claimed land" protection within Factions.
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minrcrafter · 7 years
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OSMC: Old School Minecraft Factions [PvP] {FACTIONS} {MCMMO} {PRE 1.9 COMBAT} {PLAYERSHOPS}
OSMC: Old School Minecraft
IP: oldschoolcool.mcpvp.live
♠ Factions ♠ MCMMO ♠ Auctions ♠ Active Admins ♠ NO BS ♠ OLD SCHOOL
Hello Everyone! Thanks for taking a look!
I am Velmas, and I present to you OSMC; the server that will attempt to bring back all of those precious memories of Minecraft, but with all of the new features and items the current version of the game has to offer.
This server is based on simplicity, meaning that we offer the essential plugins with few extras. We want to supply a very basic but fun experience, reminiscent of minecraft servers of the past.
General server philosophy:
We will not have OP donator perks. In the past, my friends and I have always hated donators in servers that gained an advantage because they paid for it. This server will solve this exact problem by not offering donation ranks, perks, or advantages at all in the first place. Donations are appreciated, but this server can run perfectly fine without them.
We strive to keep things mature, but laid back. Looking back to all the servers I have played on, I saw a shocking amount of sensitivity from the admins. Want to banter or talk trash? Go right ahead. However, just know that the server staff in OSMC is dedicated to providing a fun, laid back, mature experience. So please, respect the rules or suffer the consequences. This server is NOT the place to ask for OP, throw out racial slurs, or demonstrate unbelievable temper tantrums. We simply wont put up with it. Part of having a good server is having a good, fun chat. don't take the game quite that seriously.
OSMC is literally just Factions and McMMO. No Ridiculous hubs, too many worlds, or crazy game changing plugins. With some obvious additions such as the playershop or even mobarena. However, every single plugin added to the server that is not Factions or McMMO will be configured with Factions and McMMO in mind. This server will never include excessive: worlds, warps, activities, sponsorships, devil worshipping, or binge drinking. Its just Factions and McMMO survival PVP. This server is designed to be simple, and it will remain that way, regardless of how other servers do things.
Gameplay features you should know about:
NO SILKSPAWNERS. This means that monster spawners cannot be removed from their original position, nor can they be bought in the server shop.
NO CHORUS FRUIT TELEPORTATION. This is disabled from the simple fact that Chorus fruit can be used to easily raid any base, regardless of protection. This item is disabled in order to balance well with configuration settings we have decided to go with.
SHULKER BOXES CANNOT BE PLACED IN ENDER CHESTS. This simply prevents the extending of Ender chest space using Shulker Boxes. The Shulkers themselves can still be placed on the ground and used as a mobile chest of sorts.
OBSIDIAN CAN BE BROKEN BY EXPLOSIONS. Just like the good old days of Factions servers in 2011, Obsidian can be broken by 4 direct blows. Obsidian is still unbreakable underwater.
FACTIONS' CHESTS CAN BE OPENED BY ENEMIES. With this in mind, remember to always have a secure base. Again, just like older servers, every base is raid-able through two methods: 1) Breaking into the vault/ chest room, and 2) un-claiming enemy factions' land when their power is low enough.
NATURAL SPAWNING MOBS DROP SLIGHTLY MORE LOOT. Since we do not have Silk Spawners, we wanted to come up with a way for natural mobs to be a viable means of gaining items, and therefore power and money. So, we have slightly upped the amount of drops natural mobs drop. Note: this ONLY applies to naturally spawned mobs, and not spawner spawned mobs. Finding a spawner and building a grinder out of it is still the best option to obtain money, but natural mobs are at least competitive.
NATURAL MOB SPAWN RATES HAVE BEEN UPPED. I remember the days of being afraid to go out at night on my favorite Factions McMMO servers. Here, you must be careful as natural monster rates have been upped significantly, as well as the server difficulty being set to "hard". Be careful.
Standard player accessible plugins:
Vote Rewards
Combat Tag
Note: The only item theft or grief protection in this server is the standard "claimed land" protection within Factions.
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minrcrafter · 7 years
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The Great Expanse [Vanilla][SMP] {1.12.2}{Hard}{Adults Only}{Whitelist}{Discord}
Hello Minecrafters!
We are a relatively young server looking to increase our active player base, things are a bit quiet on The Great Expanse at the moment. You can help us fix that!
‎Mushroom Island at spawn 🍄
Vanilla, Survival, Hard Mode
Adult/Mature players only
Griefing not allowed
‎1-player sleeping
‎All gamerules are default (so yes fire spreads & creepers are destructive)
Started in 1.10 & currently running 1.12
‎Will stay up to date with latest stable releases
‎No map resets in the Overworld or Nether
‎End dimension completely reset monthly
‎Build with others or lone-wolf it, your choice!
‎PVP is acceptable if all players involved have very clearly agreed to fight each other
PM me or leave a comment here if you want to join. I'd like to know a little about you & your play style. From there I'll get you added to Discord where you can read the full set of rules/guidelines (if you haven't already read them below) & then I can get you whitelisted & provide you with the server IP address. A lot of times I can have you added within an hour of applying, but this is not always possible if I'm at work, etc.
This is a friendly-play no-griefing-allowed server. A complete set of rules is available below & on the group discord. There's lots of stuff already built including some small neat villages, mob & resource farms, an in-progress nether hub & more! There's also plenty of untouched territory still available.
Spawn is at a Mushroom Island. It has a small village on it & is a place for everyone to collaborate and build things if they so choose. When you first spawn you'll be in a garden on top of a floating temple just off the shore of a mushroom island. You'll be in Adventure Mode at first, but have no fear! As soon as you leave the Spawn Temple your game mode will change to survival automagically.
Some bases and buildings around the world are protected with Adventure Mode. If you get too close to another player's protected area you'll be switched into Adventure Mode until you leave that area. I am happy to setup Adventure Mode protection for anyone who wants it around something they put a lot of effort into. It can be customized for individual players or for groups/teams of people!
There are a handful of Wardens capable of teleporting griefers to a jail near spawn to await sentencing. If you respect the players around you there's no reason you should ever find yourself in jail & most players on The Great Expanse never have & likely never will go to jail.
This is a community-oriented server, but if you want to have your own solo builds that's also perfectly okay & encouraged. You can choose for yourself if you want to be in the middle of things, out on your own lone-wolfing it, or a combination of the two!
I work full time, but I usually play each night for a few hours & with winter coming I'll be on more than I am in the warmer months. We have players from the UK & US so people are on and off at all hours of the day and night.
This server isn't going offline anytime soon, even during periods of inactivity in the past I've kept it online. So dive in & build something great!
The map featured on The Great Expanse was started in 2016 on version 1.10 which means of course there are no Woodland Mansions in areas first explored. There's probably about a 5,000x5,000 area around spawn that would not be good for Woodland Mansions, but outside of that area you should be able to find them because we do keep up-to-date on the most recent stable releases (currently 1.12.2).
This map was first started as a home-hosted server between me and a small handful of my IRL friends (of which only 1 continued to play after the first month). The two of us built up our own bases away from spawn over the course of 6 months leaving the Mushroom Island at spawn mostly untouched.
At some point I converted the map to a Realm and during the summer of 2017 I invited a couple of new players I met here on Reddit. At that time I had lost motivation & was rarely on. The two Reddit players started a really cool base but must have grown bored & quit right around the same time I started playing again.
I then recruited a handful of players from Reddit and we all played on the realm until our numbers reached 10+ and Realms couldn't keep up. We started experiencing a lot of lag anytime more than 5 people were online at a time.
At this point I moved the map to a server setup with Bisect Hosting. The lag problems are gone, alas it was too little too late. A lot of players I think got frustrated with the Realms lag & quit before we switched to a nicer server setup.
There are still a few of us playing, but not nearly as many as I'd like to see, hence I'm here advertising!
1). Mushroom Island at spawn is a public area and anyone who wishes to build public structures on it may do so. Let's build up Mushroom Island & make it cool for new comers!
2). NO GRIEFING! Do not destroy other people's creations. Do not steal. If someone dies secure their gear for them and give it back when you next see them, etc. Basically just don't be a jerk & don't be dishonest. We're all just here to relax & have fun.
3). If you are in adventure mode it means you're in range of a protected building or territory. Griefing is already not tolerated; griefing in an adventure zone especially is grounds for immediate banishment from The Great Expanse.
4). Do not look through other players' chests or shulker boxes without explicit permission. Some chests are trapped and anyone who is sticking their nose where it doesn't belong could find themselves in jail pending trial.
5). If a player has a solo build going on please respect that and don't build right next to them without an invitation. (If you wish to have your base or building protected with Adventure Mode just let me know & I can make that happen. There are conditions/requirements, just ask me for details.)
6). TNT Cannons and other devices intended to destroy buildings or otherwise bypass the Adventure Protection Zones are strictly prohibited & anyone found guilty of building or collaborating on one will be banished from The Great Expanse.
7). Do not summon a Wither anywhere within 1000 blocks of anyone's buildings without explicit permission from the owner of those structures.
8). Please don't destroy the landscape/scenery. If you need to clear an area for a build that's fine of course, but don't do things like burning down a forest just for fun, etc.
9). Don't leave unfinished projects all over the map. If you've given up on a project please destroy it and attempt to restore the natural landscape as best you can. Projects left unfinished for an excessive amount of time are subject to demolition.
10). Avoid leaving trails everywhere you go, it ruins exploring for others. Instead use a map to keep track of where you are. No one likes finding ugly place markers all over a pristine mountain range, etc. If you leave random ugly trails anywhere in the Overworld, Nether, or End those trails might get removed.
11). The End is subject to being completely reset without prior notice. Do not build or store anything in The End that you're not willing to see erased. I typically reset The End around the 1st of each month.
12). Do not penetrate the bedrock layers in the Overworld or the Nether. Bedrock is intended to be unbreakable, so in the spirit of hard-mode survival play: penetrating bedrock is forbidden. Anything built on the wrong side of bedrock will be deleted without notice.
13). Do not attempt to glitch or "trick" the game in any way. Attempting to duplicate items or any other things not intended for survival gameplay are forbidden.
14). Do not use any mods, x-ray resource packs, or participate in any other behavior that is not in the spirit of vanilla survival play.
15). Any player in jail is there under the authority of KingPeebs or one of the official Wardens of The Great Expanse. Do not attempt to break anyone out of jail under any circumstances. If you're in jail and you feel you've been wrongly imprisoned please feel free to message me on discord & we'll get it figured out. Soliciting other players to break you out of your cell is prohibited.
16). This is an adults only realm. Mature language & conversations are acceptable, but hateful comments of any kind will not be tolerated. And folks, just because you can swear on here doesn't make it a competition to see who can curse the most. Let's keep it somewhat sorta classy-ish, please & thank you.
★★). The Catch-All Rule: Anyone who proves to be a continual problem to me or anyone else on the realm may be banned. If I get complaints about any one person more than just a couple times it may be grounds for banishment depending on the severity of the situation. Similarly, if you make a regular habit of coming to me about every disagreement you have with someone it's going to get old fast. Always try to work out any disagreements you have with that person first. If you've tried to work things out with another player & you're still having trouble that's when you should bring it to me or one of the other Wardens of The Great Expanse.
Respect the other players around you and there shouldn't be any problems. Let's all have fun & be respectful to each other, it's just a game after all!
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minrcrafter · 7 years
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MinePeace SMP [Semi-Vanilla][PvE]{1.12.1}{Whitelist}{Discord}
Welcome to MinePeace... A server with a friendly staff, community-oriented mindset, and a dedicated player base. We have one goal: to play on an awesome server with our friends. Our staff provides the awesome server, but the friends are why we're here. We're looking for new people to join the ranks of the Peacekeepers and build our new world - and our community - into something really special. While we do our best to not detract from the vanilla experience of Minecraft, we do have a couple of plugins to enhance the experience. Not much, just simple things like Lockette for item protection, CoreProtect for rollbacks and block logging, and Essentials for things like /afk and /spawn. So, are you interested? Current Roster: I'll try to keep this as up-to-date as I can, but after a certain point, this may become hard to manage. DJFu - Owner ChesiMedici - Mod JosefBud - Mod Zestys - Mod MrGray EspressoFeelings AGuymzx Awerick11 Altake Pyrosalsa AMPInsanity LyricalDiamond ArieStarburst bitbycharlie 343Kento YaBoiiBilly Johnny_Cashira DrakestrDL Squiddy_Squidney albedonox Gkins Heather_ Ncth AstroPlays32 Michael12111Duck AliciaAf Bugtrix Oubaste JAG16 BlueSnowKing RazorCazik striped_mango Shadowstriker74 Rules: Because what's a server without rules? Ours are pretty simple, not much straying from common sense, but we do follow them closely, and expect any new Peacekeepers to do the same. 1) No griefing. Come on, this isn't factions, guys. 2) No harassing others. You're better than that. 3) No racial/discriminatory slurs. Again, you're better than this. 4) Respect people's builds, keep your distance. Don't encroach on somebody's base, they might need the space. 5) No inappropriate builds at spawn. Yes, we've seen your giant concrete penis, it stopped being funny the fifth time. 6) Respect the authority of staff. We work hard to do good by this server, and we do it for free. Don't we deserve that much? Applications: The moment you've all been waiting for, this is how you get in. Follow the format, we respond, all simple stuff really, but it has been updated, so be sure to go over it. Also, there are a couple things to keep in mind. While we don't have an age restriction on players, we would like our members to be mature. Considering maturity can be rather unbound to age, this means we can accept a twelve year old and reject a twenty five year old. We may also reject exceedingly vague applications, those that don't put much effort into it, or people who don't seem to be too interested in general. This is to prevent having a flood of players who will come on, play for a week, and drop off the map entirely. We want new friends, not strangers. IGN (In-game name): Discord username (plus your 4-digit code): What to call you: Age: Location (As specific as you're comfortable with): Preferred gender: Favorite thing to do in MC?: Why choose this server?: Have you been on other servers like this?: Ever been removed/banned from a server?: How often will you play?: Can you donate to server upkeep?: Tell us about yourself: Every so often you may see one of the mods or I bump the thread, that's just to remind you that we're still looking for members! I think you've had enough of my droning on by now, so I'm gonna let you get to it. I wish you all the best of luck with your apps, and I hope to see you around the server!
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