#Miraculous NY Special
plumsaffron · 8 months
RIP for Liiri having the Lucario sealing treatment.
Purely ironic.
Thus another reason kwamis need to be freed.
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bluebelledmoon · 8 months
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"I wouldn't have minded being stuck here with a friend like you."
redraws of the ny movie!
((with redraws of some of the panels from @buggachat 's bakery au!))
original of the ml ny movie screenshots under the cut:
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
i think ive found the worst piece of official ml t-shirt merch there is
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uptoolateart · 1 year
I loved the parallels here with the end of the NY special
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chocoplagg · 3 months
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My poor attempt at doing a fanart of one of my favorite characters from Miraculous: Sparrow.
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kyuani · 1 year
Miraculous is doing something right for me to have been spoiled so much on this season, yet still be genuinely shocked & engaged in these episodes skskksks
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ghostlyhamburger · 1 year
Husband Watches Miraculous: NY Special
[does this one have an actual name idk]
OK this is definitely after season 3 because of the box.
Why did they do a Marvel version of the theme? you can't tell me that's not inspired by Marvel.
Okay so they store the powerups inside the thing?
They really tried to go all out with the updated animations didn't they?
Her hair is actually black this time! it looks really good.
Okay that's the first thing that I saw that's super out of character.
Some of these things are textured really well but some are just not. Look you can see texture on her clothes, on the bricks, on the ground, and then BRIGHT GREEN TRASH CAN. It just makes no sense.
This is gonna be a long hour.
Why did they increase Marinette's bust size?
What the fuck was with the way that beard was moving? It's like they didn't want to move the anchor point on the bottom. They anchored it to his shirt is how they modeled it.
Why do they keep changing Marinette's hair color? Why is it darker in the school lighting?
I think I know why this seems so hard to place in the timeline. Its production seems to start at the beginning of season 3 but they definitely got the bible. So they just didn't see all the development Marinette had in getting over her obsession with Adrien over the season.
This whole little bit about Marinette's obsession doesn't need to be here if you've seen the series. Its purpose is only for those who haven't seen the series, which is unneeded because who's gonna watch just for this? It's not a movie. if I skipped the next fifteen seconds nothing would be missed.
When has New York ever been considered romantic? I guess if they watch a lot of American Hallmark movies? But New York is dirtier and dingier than Paris.
They actually made Gabriel look good in this. Like I get how he's supposed to be a silver fox type. He's got a bit too much Justin Bieber face for me, but the hair works for him. I can see how he'd become a celebrity in Paris.
"I'll be keeping an eye on him." If Adrien was a sentimonster under his control, he wouldn't need to keep an eye on him. He could just keep track of him with the miraculous. Like, Mayura was able to track Feast.
Also why is Nathalie in the bed? didn't they fix the peacock? Oh wait she was still super weak and life force isn't easy to regenerate once it's been drained like that.
Oh they've got best girl here.
I think I already see where the entire plot of this special is going. She's gonna be upset at Chat because he's not gonna be there when a sentimonster attacks and she's gonna be upset and debate giving up her miraculous because that's been the theme of the episodes lately and the American heroes are going to somehow be bitches.
[We're only 10 minutes in.]
Gorilla doesn't like planes.
All right so it's not going to work because it's not a sentimonster alert.
How is the eagle going to help you beat Ladybug and Chat?
Marinette, just know when to stop talking, please.
Again, a nice little moment that would be really good.
5 seconds on the plane and she's basically assaulted someone.
Nice use of symmetry and mirroring each other.
Marinette is not having a good day.
Why did they give her such an ass in that shot?
That's actually a pretty good moment.
No. Alya no.
I do like how they call out their weird animation quirks of like. Marinette arms. It's fun.
A convict with a jet engine?
So normal magical and villain type things exist already.
Okay that is just Superman. That's just Superman outfit and Superman theme.
Another thing I don't like is all the infodump. There's a better way they could've introduced Uncanny Valley than Alya's random exposition. She was answering the question of the audience without being prompted to. And it throws me off.
"It's time to show these American heroes how French heroes do it!" NO. NO.
He's not a superhero. That was his entire bit. Also what's he gonna do, endanger everyone by opening up the emergency hatch? You have no superpowers, you have no gadgets, what possibly are you going to do here?
As an introduction, I like this.
It's like they wanted three teachers, one to be nice, one to be crazy, one to be strict, and then they shoved two of them into one character. It doesn't work.
Hot Dog Dan? So he's ... a hot dog vendor?
All right, the dancing is a cute little callback.
Okay I like the new animation style, the very American comic book. but can no one just leave Marinette and Adrien alone? Let them just be awkward together!
Can we get to the catastrophic failure that will lead into the less lovey-dovey shit?
So they're trying to say Lafayette was a holder?
Is that one of the self driving Tsurugi cars?
Wait we've seen the akuma butterflies phase. Why is there no consistency in the rules?
"There's artifacts left by people who unveiled the statue" So there's a miracle box there, right?
Solitude is just Mr. Pigeon!
Doc Ock. Huh. With replication abilities.
Door powers are actually pretty cool.
Now it's finally getting good! Can always count on Hawkmoth to interfere in the right way.
So why is Hawkmoth going after the sabre when the claw thing is very clearly the Miraculous?
Ahh. That's why.
They're still being quite efficient even though they're pissed at each other.
[Aeon is cataclysmed] You have a miracle bomb! It can literally reset people!
That is the smart decision. They don't know each other's identities. Also the American heroes don't have the authority to do that!
I dunno I feel like the reset should have gone through to the other area. When villains have changed in the middle of the episode the reset still works. And when there was the copycat Ladybug she used that one's lucky charm to do a reset bomb. So I call bullshit on that. Also I don't think Paris is still destroyed when we come back to it. So...
"If Uncanny Valley hadn't been a robot I would've caused irreparable harm." Except people have literally died, disintegrated into nothing, converted into energy, and brought back with no issues. So no, it's not irreparable harm. And this is so heavy handed!
The emotional flip flopping here is not great.
[hearing Liiri's ability] That's an incredibly busted ability. Her power is literally limit break.
Why are they having this argument right next to the French students? That just seems stupid.
Let's just steal a bike! oh, safety first
"Adrien I love you" Okay that's just cruel to the people who were watching this.
Yep that's actually what I was expecting.
I really like Jess and Aeon's characterization.
Okay I like the skateboard.
This should've just been a movie. It would've been better with time to do all the stuff going on.
Okay that's a neat little trick.
Why does this one hour episode have more musical types than the entirety of the game that came out?
[Ladybug hugs Chat] Okay that was a really cute moment.
Oh is he just gonna launch nukes at everything?
Trading cards, really?
Yeah see Paris is repaired already
"At least let me see what's inside the safe!" It's a miracle box. it's gotta be, right?
I like [Eagle's] outfit.
Was she gonna toss a piano at a pigeon? [Haven't you wanted to do that?] Yeah...
To the sun? To the sun.
Throwing things to the sun is also a Superman reference.
Why do you need more Miraculous? You only need two, and they're not going to help you, you don't have anyone to give them to!
Paris was not like that when they were visiting.
Okay. This should've just been a three part special episode. It tried to shove so much in so little timeframe and over half the thing was just pointless grandstanding about the stupid will they won't they. And I bet that while people loved that Adrien I love you moment, he couldn't fucking hear it and that's the only thing we're gonna get 'cause fuck these producers.
If the pacing was the same throughout, it would've been really good, but it came out of nowhere to the point where they turned up the speed of people speaking to fit it in. A lot of things got super rushed through and I really wanted to see more of it but I know I'm never going to because the producer of Zag sucks!
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space--butterflies · 1 year
what in gods name is happening over there, why are Adrien and Kagami in solitary
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flightfoot · 2 years
Last I heard New York special was after season 3 but they have their 50 something fight with Mr Pigeon there and their 60 somethingth in Sphinx so that may be a bit of an oddity
Either that or the New York special is earlier than I thought
I'd need to double check
Yeah I'm pretty sure Astruc actually said it took place between seasons 3 and 4. The timeline's gonna be screwy no matter what.
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Zoe and Jess did not go to the same school. The NY special states that Jess went to a public school in Queens. Sole Crusher states that Zoe went to an elite boarding school.
(This ask is correcting the info provided in this ask)
See, I initially thought the same thing, but this show loves to retcon things (for example, Juleka and Luka suddenly being twins even though the head writer explicitly stated that they were two years apart), so "the stated facts contradict each other" isn't actually a good defense for anything canon gives us. It's completely possible for two things to be true depending on what the writers decided to make up today. I did check the fan wiki to see if there was a official source on the NYC Special school being Zoé''s school and got this:
In the trading card game Miraculous Secrets, it's revealed that Zoé's best friend in New York City was Jessica Keynes [aka Sparrow].
Which is admittedly not the same as saying that Jess went to Zoé's school, so if some one has a source that makes that element more explicit, then I'd love to see it. However, if they didn't go to the same school, then how did they meet? And why was Jess Zoé's best friend if Zoé acted like a jerk? No matter which way you slice it, this is a really confusing fun fact that raises a lot of questions.
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yueasuka · 8 months
Marinette is a bad leader
There I say it...
As a leader, Marinette sure has... some trait that make her not fitted for a leader position. Namely :
Avoidant Low empathy Control freak
I don't care whatever character in universe preach about her being a great leader, the show show otherwise to me. Here some opinion :
Being a leader means she MUST communicate about pretty much anything necessary for the battle, her intend and strategy and also make sure her teamate have high morale. There's no "Follow me and guess what my plan is" and there's no planning behind someone's back, especially if that someone is an active participant in the battle. Being a leader also means she MUST keep your teamate in check, means asked about their well being, listened to their problem and being attentive to their need. She can't just "If you have a problem then good luck with it because I too have a problem" which is an occuring behaviour from her (NY Special, Destruction). As a leader she must put her teamate need first and foremost before her own because THEY'RE HER RESPONSIBILITY. Her avoidant trait make her literally avoiding all of it because she doesn't like "emotional talk". She's the type who's like "let's sleep and hope for all the problem just magically disappear tomorrow". She do this with Queen Bee problem, her delaying telling Chloe that she couldn't have miraculous anymore make Chloe thinking that she's still Queen Bee (her entitlement doesn't help). She do this again in s4 to Chat Noir and continue to do so in s5. Avoidant is basically the worst trait she has as a leader.
Having low empathy is probably not a big problem for a leader except, it is for Marinette. Her having low empathy caused her to make a plan without discussing it beforehand to her teamate, consent and boundaries tend to be forgotten and it is a problem as it make her forget that her teamate isn't just a pion in a chess game, they're human who have feelings and emotions. Her having low empathy make her freely do anything without discussing it before hand or, thinking about people around her. The recent case is her make a rain of rubble to fell down to Emilie's coffin, other cases is her bringing down Eifell tower (the Mime), make akuma destroy Arc de Triomphe (Anansi), and basically any plan that require her to throw Chat Noir to the akuma (Stone Heart, Backwarder, etc).
Her being control freak doesn't really help her to manage her team, which is also part of her role as a leader. Her "Follow me and just play along" is her being bad at delegating the role and communicating her intend, but that also her controlling her teamate so they're forced to focus on her and have no time to improvise beyond what she need them to. Control freak leader doesn't trust their teamate, they seek to control instead of guiding and this is what demoralise her teamate as seen in s4. Marinette control freak nature not only demoralising Chat Noir but also stunted his growth and performance in battle which resulting in LadyNoir conflict, she doesn't listen but people must listen to her, Her being control freak also what lead her to her decision in Ephemeral and s5 final, it has little to nothing to do with her being thoughtful of Chat Noir/Adrien, it's her with her way of thinking that her way is the only one right without thinking about Adrien's feeling. To put it simply, it's her way to control the information. Upset teamate is uncontrollable teamate after all.
That being said, I'm not saying she won't be able to be a great leader. She could, but only if she grow out those trait I mentioned. Try to communicate better, delegating role instead of controlling everything and mosre importantly, remember that her teamate is a human (or person) instead of just a pion. But as for now, I'd say she's the worst leader in the Mahou Shojo genre I've ever watch.
And also... someone can care and love someone else while also hurt them simultaneously, it's not separated thing. Just because she doesn't do it maliciously doesn't mean her action doesn't hurt the other people involved.
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imthepunchlord · 8 months
Man, hearing about the season 1 days of miraculous makes remember when we first saw the leaks of the season and first the art for the pearls and stone, Alya with the fox (and how everyone called her Volpina), and Chloe with the bee. Man, those were days. I also remember how everyone was thinking Gabriel had the peacock and Emilie had the butterfly originally. I even remember when we first got that one image of Pixie Girl, and everyone thought she was a teenage Emilie with the butterfly miraculous that was going to appear in a flashback episode 😆. Ah, I miss those days.
Gosh so much is taking me back.
I remember expanded Square chaos. I remember there were theories of Ladybug and "Volpina"/Rena being rivals/antagonists to each other as a reversal of them being best friends + clearly Marinette wouldn't trust the new Fox (which I was never crazy about, especially as you typically didn't see that for Adrien and Nino, felt like turning girls against each other); and QB and LB were going be friendly. And there were speculated shenanigans for QB and RR, I think there was also a small rise of Chloya and the idea that maybe they'd have their own Square going.
Some I didn't see, like the theory that Pixie was teen Emilie, but I did see that she was planned for the NY Special, and there were the plans for the Shanghai Special.
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I really did theorize that Marinette and Adrien were going to get their own exclusive Specials to be focused on, with Marinette in Shanghai and Adrien in NY and he for sure was going to work with Pixie.
Another theory I had was where Fu was going to become Marinette's mentor, Gabriel was going to be Adrien's, cause I did like the idea that he had the Peafowl, not Emilie. And I thought this concept art of Duusu was her being furious with Gabriel literally shutting her away.
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And something was going to go down and this "Paon" was going to steal the Peafowl from Gabriel.
Or she already did and what Gabriel had was a fake.
And potentially that HM was who Gabriel and Emilie feared and that's why Adrien wasn't allowed out.
Those really were the days. The theories were so fun. And much of it I think was more interesting than what we got.
And it was a time of aus. I don't know how many aus are being done for ML these days, I think most are salt fics now, but that was the time to have fun, do different spins. Doing kwami swaps. Life swaps. Cowboy au.
You could get creative with akumas, like, I remember finding old fics that swapped Marientte with Bridgette and trapped her in a different reality/timeline, and I kinda wish the Paris Special did that. Off topic, but I feel the Paris Special should've gone full comedy and full reversal for characters. And that we actually got to see this different Paris.
Like, could you imagine Marinette and Emonette swapping places, either through akuma or Bunnyx, and Marinette's scrambling trying to figure out how to get back and how to keep going in this topsy turvy world where apparently Ladybug is a villain? "Hawk Moth" is a good guy? Wtf is Chat wearing? Wtf happened to Adrien.
And you got Emonette just needing shades cause this world is so bright and sunny and why do these people keep talking to her? Tf happened to Adrien, was he a poser this whole time? HM's a villain? But of course he's a bad villain just like he's a bad hero. And ooooh she's going to have so much fun with Chloe... and who tf is this Lila and what does she think she's doing picking a fight with Emonette. Oh, she's adding her to her list...
And you could add to it if kwamis were also kinda reversed.
Emonette stuck with canon Tikki trying to get her Marinette back, but also trying to rein in Emonette, try to be that voice of reason and her consciousness, and oh, she's dumping all of Chloe's things down the toilet... she's got her work cut out for her.
Meanwhile Special Tikki is more "pure luck" and is more chaotic and sporadic, she's not outright malicious, but she's just rolling with that neutralness of luck, it having good and bad and it comes down to karma and your own actions. She's just here to sit and watch the consequences play out. Emonette was kinda funny though she was predictable in her karma as her negative actions fed negative consequences. But man, this Marinette is freaking hilarious. Tikki is constantly eating popcorn, enjoying the show cause she never knows what she's going to get with this well meaning if all over the place Marinette.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 10 months
Has your opinion on Adrien gotten worse over time?
He was a good kid. My dislike of his creators originally soured my opinion of him, but he was still a good kid who had flaws and had room to get better. By the end of season 3, I could say that I enjoyed some of his salt fics, but most were too OOC. In fact, if a fanfic said or implied that "Adrien didn't care about saving people because the Miraculous Cure brought them back", that was my metric of if it was in character or not. Because back then? That was out of character for Adrien.
Then he killed that girl in the NY Special.
And I went, okay, she was a robot, she was fine. Maybe it isn't canon--
Then he tried to kill Alya when she was Scarabella.
Then he tried to get civilians akumatized.
I don't know a lot about seasons 4 or 5, but at some point, you have to realize that it's not going to get better. The creators made Adrien make these choices, the creators believe these choices were the right decision and have stated that Adrien is "perfect" so why would they ever address these actions as wrong? Adrien is growing worse as a character, but the show acts like he's the same boy from episode 1.
He was a good kid. I don't know who he got replaced with, but I don't like him.
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sweetcloverheart · 2 years
Things Adrien will never know since he’s not allowed to find out his father’s Hawkmoth
That Gabriel has purposely gone out of his way to upset Adrien’s friends via unfairly punishing him/limiting his freedom solely so he could have an Akuma to use (”Bubbler” and “Chat Blanc”)
That Gabriel once tricked him into believing he had upset his father so he could akumatize himself and keep him and Ladybug from realizing his real identity (”Collector”)
That after akumatizing Gorilla (“Gorizilla”), that he purposely put Adrien’s life in danger and had him thrown from on top a building just so he could find out if he was actually Chat Noir or not (and only changed his mind after Adrien had been thrown and it looked like he wasn’t about to transform to save himself)
Had noticed via his akuma butterflies when Adrien is upset/depressed but did nothing about it
Openly threatened his cousin (Like, feel how you want about Felix, Gabriel still threatened a child)
Has had Paris nearly flooded/burned down/deleted/eeby-deebied/brainwashed/zombie invaded several times while Adrien was outside the house with no idea if he had gotten/might get caught up in the attack (and not seeming to care)
That the few time he did arrange for Adrien to not be around when he was planning something (NY and Shanghai specials, “Risk”, etc.), it was specifically so he could hurt his friends, and usually done at Adrien’s own expense
That Gabriel almost caused WW3 by threatening the world with nukes (NY special)
That his father murdered someone(Or at least had their murder arranged via a gang hit) (Shanghai special)
That Nathalie’s health dove into the negatives specifically because she was helping him with his supervillainy (Yeah, she chose to become Mayura and everything, but this is still someone Adrien considers family here)
Everything about the Grimoire
Went out of his way to manipulate Chloe in “Heart Hunter” (Again, feel however you want, Gabe still purposely made it so Chloe would think Ladybug didn’t want her so he could get her on his side more easily)
Purposely put Lila and him together so she could “keep an eye on him” at his behest
Was the one who instigated Lila into enacting her plan in “Ladybug”, which ended up with Marinette expelled, and all because he considered her a “bad influence” on Adrien
Had twice Akumatized Adrien after he found out about him being Hawkmoth and his mother’s actual fate, just so he could get Ladybug’s miraculous (“Chat Blanc” and “Ephemeral”), which led to the world ending and everyone being dead in one of these scenarios
Has been magically manipulating him into obeying his will (If Senti!Adrien proves to be canon)
Made a deal with Felix to get all the Miraculous the latter stole ( “Strikeback”)
Deliberately chose to focus on stealing the Miraculous instead of taking the opportunity given to him to save his mother and Nathalie from their respective ailments (“Evolution”)
Purposely had him Cataclysm his arm, and near risking making his son a murderer/orphan (“Destruction”)
Kept the Kwamis he stole/kidnapped in cages and called them “slaves”
That the whole “Alliance Ring” nonsense was specifically to help mask his activities as Hawkmoth
And that he mainly just cares about his rivalry with Ladybug now.
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To make the LB/CN ID shenanigans actually meaningful instead of just drama and dragging things out:
If the holders ever know each other's identity as yin and yang they will instantly unify into a single holder the way Tikki and Plagg unify into Gimmi. This will leave the miraculous permanently fused into the wish-state.
If we need a reason, make it a real one.
See here's the thing I think I'd hate that more because it's so clearly something arbitrary created by the writers to keep them apart instead of something natural.
like its.
The basic setup for why they can't tell each other their identities makes sense: If anyone were to find out one of their identities, they'd have a quick path to finding out the other.
And I don't even mind reinforcements of the potential disaster like Chat Blanc and Ephemeral, showing us the 'what if?' of how the identity reveal would lead to a quick takedown.
There is a point where it goes on too long, and that's when the secrecy starts to effect the teamwork.
Things where they start having trouble trusting each other. Where they run into multiple problems because they couldn't contact one another. Incidents like the NY Special where Chat can't tell LB he's leaving last minute thanks to Marinette making sure that Adrien can go to NY last minute, resulting in Ladybug being pissed off that Chat left without telling her.
At that point, it makes sense to weigh the risks of a reveal.
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teawinx · 4 months
What would have been the plot of the new York special if the United heroes didn't exist and no one had power except if they had a miraculous how would it go?
Good question!
The basic bare bones plot was Adrien going to New York for a big fashion event. He stays in the hotel ran by Jess and Aeon's mothers, where he meets them
The story would then be about Adrien becoming friends with them, tied in with a mystery about people going missing near the sewers
A fun romp that gives Adrien some time to shine alone, along with two new friends
There is a Guardian in NY, and she gives the new girls their own Miraculous to help Chat Noir save the day
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