#Misty the Llama
boombambaby · 6 months
Drabble; Misty the Llama
He’s fairly certain that his heart is going to beat right out of his chest if he doesn’t get to stop soon. Kuzco can’t remember a time in his life he’s ever been on his feet for so long at one time, let alone run an actual marathon through the jungle while being chased by a crypt keeper and her loyal goon. 
The humidity is nearly enough to suffocate him, surrounding him like a blanket and weighing his already heavy, matted fur down that much more. He’s panting heavily, his mouth hanging open like an overheated dog as he follows Pacha up hill after hill to his little village, doing his best to ignore the intimidating sight of the stairs looming ahead of him. “Well, how would you describe her?” “Oh; scary beyond all reason!” “Yeah, that’s it!”
If Yzma and Kronk have already made it to the village, they know he’s still alive and they know that Pacha is helping him. Which means that Pacha’s family is in danger– and it’s all because of him. 
Feelings are still new to him, a completely foreign concept; especially these unfamiliar feelings of guilt and responsibility. The idea that he could be responsible for something bad happening to Pacha’s family— the only person in the entire Empire who actually seems to care about him as a person— weighs heavily on his mind in a way nothing else ever has before. “Okay, listen up– ” Pacha calls out, huffing as he navigates the last set of steps leading up the hill towards his hut. “When we get there, you head around to the back of the hut and wait for me outside, but make sure you stay out of view. I’ll try to get Chicha’s attention and let her know what’s going on.” Kuzco can only nod in reply, too busy trying to keep his breathing under control to respond with real words. Yzma and Kronk never got a good look at him in that diner, lucky for them. Despite his odd red coloring, there’s no doubt in his mind he’ll be able to hide out in the pen with the rest of Pacha’s llamas if worse comes to worse.
As the hut finally comes into view, he and Pacha split up with Kuzco heading towards the back of the hut and the llama pen. There are a few of them milling about, lazily chewing on grass and they lift their heads to look up at him as he slows his approach to a relaxed canter instead of a full on run. “Hey, guys. Room for one more?” Kuzco pants, flashing them a grin as he stops beside a taller tan female llama with little bands around the base of her ears. The female llama seems to take an interest in him almost immediately, leaning her head closer and giving him a llamas approximation of a once over that makes his ears flatten against his head in discomfort. “. . .What are you looking at?” If he remembers correctly, this was the llama he saw when he first woke up inside that sack– the one who screamed and ran away from him in his panicked state. What was her name. . . 
Misty! That’s it, her name is Misty.
Misty trots around him in a slow circle, seemingly sizing him up and outright ignoring the suspicious look he gives her. A noise from the house draws his attention to the window, his ears perking once more as he tries to figure out what it was. Misty takes that as her opportunity to lean in to his lower back, stepping in until she’s leaning against his side and giving his hair a long, pointed sniff. She apparently likes what she smells, because she doesn’t move away from him then– lifting her head even further to nibble playfully at his ear with her front teeth. “Gah! What are– HEY! No touchy!” Kuzco screeches, fighting to keep his voice low as he jumps back and away from the nosey llama with a glare. If it’s possible for a llama to look love struck— this must be what it looks like, and his eyes widen as the realization of why she is sizing him up finally dawns on him. Kuzco laughs, a nervous chuckle more than anything, and takes a few steps back towards the other llamas watching with disinterested stares from further down the hill. “A hah. . . look. I’m sure you’ve got a great personality– “ Misty follows him, taking a step forward for each of the steps he takes backwards, not stopping even as he nearly trips over a rock, and just barely manages to catch himself from stumbling down the hill in time. “ – You know I’m not REALLY a llama, right?” He notices Pacha moving out of the corner of his eye and whips his head around to watch him, relieved. He must have caught Chicha’s attention. The sooner they can get a move on ahead of Yzma and Kronk the better, and that thought alone makes him anxious to find out what’s going on, and when they can leave. Before he realizes what’s happening, Misty is back– this time, with her ears set back and a clicking sound coming from her mouth. Instinctually (because apparently he’s attuned to that sort of thing now, as a llama), Kuzco sets his own ears back in defense and takes another step back, his eyes wide at the obvious signs of interest. A soft gurgling sound comes from her next and he blanches, his tail whipping behind him as he emits his own low humming noise in response. “Eh heh– okay, look— Misty. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. . . .” He’s backed into the corner of the pen now and with her closing in on him, he stands up on his haunches with his hands out to try and act as human as possible as his last act of defense. “It’s not me, it’s you! Really. I’m just. . . not ready for this type of commitment right now!” Pacha slips into the back of the house, and Kuczo takes his chance; gasping and throwing an arm out to point at a spot behind Misty. “DEMON LLAMA!” Misty takes the bait, her eyes widening as she whips her head around and he takes off past her and up the hill as fast as his four legs will carry him. “—So we have to get back to the palace, find the lab and change him back!” Kuczo, relieved to be away from that creepy, flirty llama, doesn’t think twice to lift his head up into view of the window to announce himself when he comes in on the tail end of Pacha’s explanation. 
Pacha has more than likely already put in a good word for him, and women love him! Pacha’s wife will be thrilled to meet the Emperor, live and in the. . . fur. “Hi there!”
The next thing he knows? Complete and total darkness.
Kuzco regains consciousness slowly, his head feeling a lot like it’s been split open and with stars in the shape of . . . llamas? Dancing in front of his eyes. There’s a soft, wet feeling of something sliding against his ear that doesn’t feel horrible, just a little bit out of place, and his nose twitches in response to the foreign sensation. As he takes a moment to take stock of himself, trying to remember where he is and what’s going on–  Misty dips her head into his line of sight and licks a long, wet stripe against the side of his snout with a playful ‘‘mewl’. He nearly jumps out of his fur as he scrambles backwards in his haste to get away from her, and backs himself right in to the wall of Pacha’s hut in the process. “Ahh! Where’d you come from?! I thought I lost you at the pen! Go away!” Pacha chooses that moment to come out, and he casts the two of them a confused look before turning to grab some supplies from a chest situated in the far corner. “Stop flirting, you two. We’ve got to get a move on! Chicha and the kids are keeping them busy for now.”
Kuzco flashes misty a dark look as he stands on shaky legs, the dizziness coming back to him full force and causing him to stumble. He groans and holds his head, walking himself unsteadily over to Pacha and his wife who are still saying their goodbyes. “You have a lovely wife.” He slurs, trying and failing to shake the pounding in his head away so he can focus on the one— no, two? figures in front of him.
“They’re both very pretty.”
As Pacha drags him off down the hillside, he misses the sad look Misty casts the two of them as they run, her ears falling and a sad hum leaving her at the loss of a potential mate. Maybe next time.
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pnrmntl · 2 years
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melynafoxclaw · 4 days
I Closed My Book for THIS???
I Closed My Book for THIS??? by Melyna Foxclaw Via Flickr: But honestly, who doesn't love Barbie and to get to be her for a little bit? Yeah! Bring on the Kens! XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check out the blog post for more! BLOG & CREDITS
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fallenrain40 · 7 months
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misty doodle i did when i was drawing on magma w @llama-li <3
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bloodtwin · 24 days
@moonprayed sent:
puck! that kills people !
source: llamas with hats starters.
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ah . . . so it does . . . puck thinks he probably should have known this. maybe he did. a little bit. he hadn't been thinking. he thought he was helping. why does he feel like laughing ?his heart feels both light & heavy at the same time, hammering against his chest with pleasure & guilt. 
❝ I DIDN'T KNOW !❞ liar. ❝ i- i tripped. ❞ no, you didn't.
he'd oh-so-innocently taken a conscious step forward. just a little one. he had a scroll of misty step in his pack; he'd promised the man he'd throw it to him, but he had to get juuuust a bit closer. closer to the bibberbang.
not true. it's not true. you could have thrown it from that distance easily. you know you could have.
❝ it- it was an accident. ❞ puck crouches low to the ground, hands pressed to the back of his neck. he thinks he might throw up. ❝ i- i didn't mean to . . . ❞
then his head snaps up, and he looks at fely'ene with wide, desperate eyes. ❝ you believe me, don't you ?❞
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Today is the day. Signore Srini will take Adriano away from them. Even with the 3k § Jeb and Ji Ho got paid for their gig at the festival, they are still ~ 1k § short. There he is... Signore Srini: "Come on. Time to join your friends..."
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Our poor Boys are stunned. But that's how the world treats creatures. There's nothing they can do about it. They experienced it first hand.
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Signore Srini: "Uhm... I'm leaving now..." Vlad sobs. Signore Srini: "Are you not going to haggle?" Saiwa: "Haggle?" (TMI: Signore Srini has pink eyebrows ;) Even Adriano has misty eyes :,(
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Signore Srini: "Don't you haggle where you come from? Haggle like: 13k for this old lama? Look at his shaggy fleece!" Haggle! This raises new hope! But... Vlad: "No one speaks of Adriano like this!" Omg Vlad!
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Saiwa to Jeb and Jack: "Can you lead our dear Vlad away a bit so I can have a reasonable conversation with Signore Srini?"
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Jeb nudges Vlad slightly: "Let's go Vlad." Vlad: "No one!" And then Saiwa and Signore Srini haggled properly. (Just imagine the epic haggle scene from 'The Life of Brian'.) After a while: Saiwa: "So I'm willing to pay 10187,42§ for this gruffy, mangy llama. My last word." Signore Srini: "Now we're talking!" *Spits in his hand and holds out for Saiwa* *Saiwa seals the contract with a (yucky) handshake*
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And this is how the Boys bought Adriano, the llama, and saved him from 'joining his friends' - wherever they may be :,( Vlad will take a while to calm down and forgive Saiwa for insulting Adriano. But at least it keeps him from freaking out over the fact that Ji Ho is going to leave.
(how Adriano looks at the butterfly in the pic below :3 )
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'Questo amore è una finta sul ring È una fiamma che esplode nel cielo.'
'This love is a fake move on a boxing match, It’s like a flame exploding in the sky.'
Fotoromanza - Gianna Nannini Added this song to the 'Summer at Tartosa' playlist on youtube and spotify.
You could also listen to: Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life - Eric Idle (From the movie 'The Life of Brian')
Life's a piece of shit when you look at it Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true You'll see it's all a show keep 'em laughin' as you go Just remember that the last laugh is on you And always look on the bright side of life (C'mon Brian, cheer up) (TMI: this had been my wake-up-song for years!)
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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dev-fiction · 4 months
Some insights into my life recently 🥰
Recently celebrated my birthday at the new One Piece cafe that opened in my hometown! It was fantastic, I had so much fun. The decor was really great; they outdid themselves for sure
Spent the rest of the day eating kbbq and hanging at a gamer bar 🥳
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Also I love collecting cups, so my best friend gifted me this super cute one 🥺
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My pets are drama llamas and I love them to pieces
(Misty is very sassy and Stella is confused but pleased by my frequent room reorganization)
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silvereyedzoroark · 5 months
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Type: Normal/Fairy
Ability: Magic Bounce / Friend Guard
Hidden Ability: Misty Surge
It is said that this strange mythical Fakemon would appear at celebrations begging to be let in, disguised as another Pokemon. If the host let's it in, Celebbrama will reveal it's true form and it would bring an aura of good cheer, fun and good luck to the attendees, along with supplying 'rare candy' and other treats.
If the host doesn't let it in, their are several stories of bad luck befalling the host and their attendees
This fakemon design is based on this llama sculpture
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Photo from shiftythrifting tumblr post https://www.tumblr.com/shiftythrifting/748570515246022656/more-dubious-thrift-finds-various-locations-in?source=share
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beresimsdreamworld · 2 years
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El gameplay de hoy resumido en pocas imágenes.
Comencé a jugar de nuevo, me instalé la antigua casa de mi anterior familia... pero decidí jugar con una nueva sim.
Estoy de nuevo empezando a descargarme cosillas, ya que por alguna razón lo que tenia guardado en google drive esta incompleto, es un desastre tener que volver a buscar las cosas de nuevo.
Bueno admitiré que esta sim no fue creada por mí, si no mas bien la descargue de Pixelore, esta muy guapa.
Bueno su nombre es Katherine Bennett, es una hada (nunca e jugado con seres sobrenaturales hasta ahora) ella tiene una gatita como mascota que se llama Misty Bennett es super linda.
Actualmente residen en el mundo de Hidden Springs, Katherine espera completar su deseo de toda la vida que es tener jardines mas verdes o algo así?
Y pues en esta nueva computadora no tengo Photoshop instalado, y la verdad esta caro comprarlo, así que les debo calidad en las imágenes, lo lamento.
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thehyperrequiem · 9 months
The Highway Star’s New Groove (The Emperor’s New Groove parody) cast
A remake of my old cast
“Arrogant young Motorcyclist Yuya Fungami is transformed into a robot by his power-hungry advisor--the devious diva Pomegranate Cookie. Stranded in the jungle, Yuya’s only chance to get back home and reclaim the high life rests with a good-hearted detective named Almond Cookie. Together, they must return Yuya to the throne before Pomegranate Cookie tracks them down and finishes him off.”
Yuya Fungami (JJBA) as Kuzco
Rin (No Straight Roads) as Llama Kuzco 
Almond Cookie (Cookie Run) as Pacha
Pomegranate Cookie (Cookie Run) as Yzma
Pomegranate Cake Hound (Cookie Run) as Yzma (Kitten)
Mayday (No Straight Roads) as Kronk
Zuke (No Straight Roads) as Himself/Kronk’s Friend
Parfait Cookie (Cookie Run) as Angel Kronk
Jasper (Steven Universe) as Devil Kronk
Latte Cookie (Cookie Run) as Chicha
Walnut Cookie (Cookie Run) as Chaca
Chestnut Cookie (Cookie Run) as Tipo
Pizza Cookie (Cookie Run) as Matta
Jimmy T (Warioware) as Theme Song Guy
The Noise (Pizza Tower) as Bucky the Squirrel
Noisette (Pizza Tower) as Herself/Bucky’s Girlfriend
Cake Wolves (Cookie Run) as The Jaguars
Kliff (No Straight Roads) as Rudy the Old Man
Wizard Cookie (Cookie Run) as The Matchmaker
Filbo Fiddlepie (Bugsnax) as The Peasant who sees Yzma
Chef Soulffle (Luigi’s Mansion 3) as Mudka’s Meat Hut Chef
Ion Cookie Robot (Cookie Run) as Misty the Llama
Birthday Cake Cookie and her Cupcake Buddies (Cookie Run) as The Birthday Singers
Sale and Zucchero (JJBA) as Two men playing chess
Kiwi Cookie (Cookie Run) as Turtle Kuzco
Chuck (Angry Birds) as Bird Kuzco
King Dedede (Kirby) as Whale Kuzco
Various Guards as Kuzco’s Guards
Pizza Tower Enemies as Kuzco’s Guards (Animals)
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bun--lia · 2 years
Misty quedo en coma? Como llego a eso?
Iba caminando de regreso a casita después de comprar algo y pum, todo se le puso en negro, parecieron horas en las cuales podía escuchar a todos hablar de él, después de eso no recordaba quien era o donde estaba, sabe que se llama Mist por su bufanda ya que tenía su nombre escrito en allá (sus cosas de civil tuvo que pedirlas en recepción después de despertar)
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boombambaby · 7 months
Drabble; Rabbit Face! (Pt. 2) New!
“Takin’ a break?”
Kuzco almost misses the question entirely over his own heavy breathing, and the sound of his blood rushing in his ears. When the comment does register, and he chances a glance up to the ledge where the two old men sit playing checkers, it’s to see their old, wrinkly faces smirking down at him in clear amusement at his distress.
“It’s called pacing yourself!” He sneers, scowling as he throws an arm out to indicate the rest of the staircase and how much farther he still had to go before muttering a much quieter “you old geezers.” to himself. There’s a reason he was always carried up to the throne by a servant, you know.
As the Emperor, his royal bloodline is above that of the common man– subordinates, noblemen and peasants alike– and as such it’s important to always be seen towering over them all from his massive golden throne when he meets with the public. If he’s being honest, it’s the only part of the peasant complaint sessions he actually enjoys, looking down at all of them as they voice their concerns.
Actually ascending the steps to the throne to achieve that important image is another story entirely. When he was younger, he used to make it up the steps with ease. On occasion, he would even race his servants to the top of the dais, a game he enjoyed to break the monotony of the hours-long session he was preparing for. As he grew into his larger than life, self assured personality however; he began to despite it. It was needlessly exhausting– why should he subject himself to the torture of both overexertion at climbing the stairs, AND listening to the peasants drone on for hours, and hours about their woes?
So began the tradition of him being carried up to the throne by whichever servant was around and capable that day– a tradition that he grew very, very comfortable with over the years. Until his transformation, of course. Since that adventure, he would indulge in it a little bit every now and then when he felt like being lazy– but for the most part he carried himself up the stairs at as slow a pace as he could manage.
Since being booted from the throne, however, the most exercise he’s had has been walking to and from Pacha’s village and chasing Chaca and Tipo around the hut when they thought it was funny to take something that belonged to him and hide it. The little menaces.
Nearby laughter startles him out of his thoughts, and he glances up just in time to see a group of little kids rush past him as they chase each other up the staircase, squealing while they try to avoid being tagged by another little boy. Kuzco can only glare in return at the ease in which they run, his brows furrowed as watches them until they’re out of sight.
“Come on, Kuzco. You can do this.” He tells himself, shaking his hands out once before he pushes himself up off of the stone step he’d been kneeling on. Little stones made indents on his knees in the time he’d been kneeling there, and he takes his time brushing them off and rubbing some feeling back into them. It’s more an effort to stall for time than anything else, but no one needs to know that.
He can feel the old geezers eyes watching his every move, their checkers game momentarily forgotten as they trade jokes back and forth about him. They wouldn’t be laughing if I was still an Emperor, Kuzco thinks to himself, hands balling into fists in his annoyance. Maybe I should call the Royal Guard back . . .
The Royal Guard who he wasn’t even supposed to have in the first place; the Royal Record Keeper made it abundantly clear to him on several occasions that he was not to abuse them for any reason– but he did still have some sway over them. At least for now.
With a final huff, Kuzco rolls his shoulders in determination and sets off at a much slower pace towards the top of the hill, dutifully ignoring the old men as he goes.
Several of the villagers greet him as he passes, and now that school is out for the day there are groups of kids mulling around on the grassy parts of the hills playing games, skipping rope or helping their parents with chores. Were he not so concentrated on making it up the stairs without having a heart attack, Kuzco might actually find it somewhat peaceful. Maybe.
What seems like hours later, but in reality is most likely only a half hour at best, the roof of Pacha’s hut crests over the top of the last set of stairs. “Finally!” He groans, sinking down into his knees on the hard stone while he takes yet another break to catch his breath. If he can’t even make it up the stairs— how will he EVER be able to beat Kronk of all people in a race?
It’s totally unfair— no, even worse? It’s like they’re trying to intentionally throw off his groove!
Maybe he can pay Coach Sweety to pass him without having to actually take part in the race itself. . .
“Hey, Kuzco.” Pacha greets him, leading Misty behind him as he makes his way up the staircase himself. “You just getting home from school?”
Kuzco casts him an annoyed look, offended by his use of the word ‘just’ before schooling his features into something more neutral. “Uh, yeah— had to stay behind to. . . finish my work out! Yeah, I wanted to make sure I got all my reps in today— it’s leg day, you know. That’s why I’m so worn out, couldn’t even tackle the stairs after all that work, obviously. Eh heh.” It's accompanied by an unnecessary flex of his arms, which doesn't make any sense considering he just said he was working on his legs today, but. Whatever gets the point across.
Pacha quirks a brow, completely unimpressed. “Uh huh.”
He leans over once he notices Misty without her cart, draping an arm over top of the old llama. “You know, I could take Misty the rest of the way up for you. Big guy like you? You’re probably exhausted from all that walking. Am I right?”
Is it even possible for a llama to give you a dirty look? ‘Cause if he didn’t know any better, he’d say Misty just glared at him.
Without a word, Pacha tugs on Misty’s rope, rescuing her from Kuzco as he continues up the remaining stairs. “Thanks but no thanks Kuzco, once we get back I’m going to take her out back for a bath. Maybe next time.”
Kuzco almost falls over when Misty moves out from beneath him, and he’s pouting as he watches the two of them walk away. “I could give her a bath!” He calls, cupping his hands around his mouth. “I’ll take one with her! You know what they say, llamas of a flock, or. . . something.”
Pacha’s out of hearing range by the time he finishes, and a despondent Kuzco sighs, folding his arms across his chest.
There aren’t that many more sets to go, but it’s enough. And why does it keep looking like it’s getting longer and longer. . . ?
Stupid Coach Sweety. Stupid Kronk.
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purplesimmer455 · 2 years
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Meanwhile, Megan spent some time with her dad. He got teary eyed over her dress, it belonged to his mom who’d passed away, and he told Megan she looked just like her in it. Megan hugged him and half joked that he shouldn’t be so sappy, but she got misty eyed as well.
Plus, Emily got hungry again so she had another plate of steamed fish that her auntie Luna had conjured*. Her grandpa had come and sat next to her, and she chatted with him about her school, dino princess toys, books she was reading, and the random dream she had about turning into a llama and galloping across a field. Haoran laughed and shook his head as he listened to his grandkid.
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glitterfairy-21225 · 12 days
I had way too much fun with this incorrect quotes generator.
These are my favorite results. Possibly ooc but this is just for fun.
Mari: You don’t deserve me.
Jackie: At your worst or your best?
Mari: I don’t have a worst.
Jackie: Because you’re already at your worst?
Lottie: What do you want for breakfast?
Tai: She wants eggs.
Nat: Ladies, gentlemen, and Travis, I want to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld!
Mari: A llama?
Nat: No.
Mari: A baby llama?
Nat: No!
Mari: A baby llama with a little hat on?
Nat: NO!
Misty: You have Crayons?
Ben: Yes, I have—
Misty: You're— how old are you?
Jackie: I'm very scary. 
Melissa: You're about as scary as a wet kitten. 
Jackie: Wet kittens are cute, at least I've got that going for me. 
Melissa: And small. 
Jackie: ...Yeah, yeah. I guess.
Shauna: I regret nothing!!! 
Jackie: I regret everything!!!
Mari, grinning: Before you were what? 
Van: Before I was- 
Mari: What? 
Van: Before I was inter- 
Mari: Before you were interrupted? 
Van: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll- 
Mari: What? 
Van: *makes frustrated sound* 
Shauna, nervously: Stop that. Before she hurts you.
Crystal: Everyone thinks I'm this soft cute person but I'm not! 
Travis: Crystal, you cried for an hour after stepping on a bug yesterday. 
Crystal: It had feelings! It was probably going home to dinner and I killed it! 
Melissa: ...It was a bug. 
Crystal: It was a BEETLE, and its wife is definitely worried sick, wondering where it is, and I really don't get why you all think I'm so sentimental because I'm not! 
Travis: ... 
Melissa: ... 
Crystal: Stop looking at me like that!
Nat: If we lose, you’re out of the will.
Shauna: I was in the will?
Jackie: You're smiling. What happened? 
Misty: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it? 
Ben: Mari tripped and fell down the stairs today.
*Bullying Prevention Day at school* 
Teacher: Misty, what would you do if one of your classmates viciously teased you again and again? 
Misty: Oh, that’s easy. I’d take a pencil out of my pencil case— 
Teacher: To write something to your teacher? 
Misty: —make sure that it’s really sharp, and ram it into their eye at full tilt! My mom always says the pencil is mightier than the sword because they can’t outlaw bringing pencils to school! 
Teacher: *internal screaming*
Van: We’ll find another route, it’s not safe for amateur adventurers. 
Nat: That sounds like a challenge. 
Van: I have to stress, that is not a challenge. 
Nat: ...Is exactly what you say to dissuade the weak of heart from accepting the challenge. Well, challenge accepted! 
Van: There is no challenge!
Melissa: How do ethical philosophers feel about murder? 
Travis: Well, it’s frowned upon. 
Melissa: Okay, but what if the reason you want to murder someone is to make your life easier? 
Melissa: That’s okay, right?
Misty: Lol. Heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you’ll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this.
Akilah: What did you do Misty?
Misty: a Mistake.
Melissa: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Jackie: Yeah-
Nat: *kicks in the door*
Lottie, staring at Mari in a cage: ...Why is she in a cage?
Shauna: Because she growled at me.
Ben: I hope you all make it to adulthood! 
Gen: That’s a great prayer. 
Travis: A needed one. 
Gen: A needed one indeed.
Van: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”. 
Van: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
Nat: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Lottie: You left me, Melissa, and Shauna in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Nat: I did that on purpose, try again.
Akilah: What makes you think it's okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter?
Mari: Sometimes, I watch television shows for entertainment purposes.
Gen: Because I condone murder and cannibalism.
I might do a part 2.
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fallenrain40 · 1 year
yip yip !!! <3
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Welcome to my blog! you can call me Autumn, Fallen, Wolf, or Dove! BEST FRENS BLOGS: @unofficial-crow @llama-li daily click reminder :3
main tags for organization!: #aroace foxes (self explanatory), #autumn's art (my art), #random posting or #random thoughts (tags I use for various things. they can be kind of spammy and venty so feel free to filter 'em out if you need to!, #coyote things (therian stuff), #others art (self explanatory), #lyrics posting (just me spamming lyrics from songs i like lol) :3 my toyhouse page is HERE my artfight page is HERE silly pronouns page is HERE sideblogs: @wolfwhisper-daily , @aroace-coyote , @misty-brightdawn-fans , @girlfluxjuno ... i have more but shhhhh 💫🌕✨ (updated 9/4/24) So yeah intro time! Pronouns: It/its atm. I'm aroacespec, genderfluid (greygender/nonbinary currently i guess?, also a ton of xenos bc i hoard them), and a coyote polytherian. also autistic and t1 diabetic so, yippee. and I probably have adhd, anxiety, and several other problems but we dont talk about that. other stuff I may post about include my interests: cartoons, fandom stuff, plushies, animal related video games, and therian stuff :3
🌟🌄🌟 my theriotypes: Coyote, Cryptid, Wolf/Werewolf, Cat (ragdoll and domestic shorthair). my fictionkin types: (Keeping these private for now) my otherkin types: Ghost. my heartypes: ??? questioning: Deer (Fawn??), Fox, Snow Leopard, Unicorn. Maybe another mythical creature as well. Probably several of my OCs. Possibly a storm, blizzard, and shadow conceptkin. Alien? Not all are listed here due to me being unsure enough to want to say anything about it. Also some are just a little odd. If some are removed, it does not mean I am not still questioning them, just not publicly.
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if you like any of my posts, I'd appreciate if you reblogged! <33
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bonus: inserting my main two sona's refs here- wolfwhisper on the left, autumn dove on the right.
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frillydoomsday · 4 months
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I found this little wanderer on a lamp post on a short walk.. I think they had garlic seeds in their pouch? Either way I planted them and named her Misty after Pacha's favorite Llama from The Emperor's new Groove.
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