davekat-sucks · 4 months
The only YouTuber who analyzes Homestuck that I respect and watch is Mivnol since he is not partial to the story and talks about its flaws, he doesn't minimize the shit that Vriska does (as some others do), he shows the shit person that Meenah is (incompetent leader, sociopath, admirer of fascist and p*d) and still praises the GOAT, Eridan.
Besides, he does the minimum that many people who analyze Homestuck make the mistake of: he doesn't base his analyzes on the most delulu headcanons created by man.
Not sure if he wants to be known as Homestuck analyzer, but Mivnol is definitely one of the better people that looks at this series under a critical eye and speak out about it.
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iconologistegoradical · 2 months
You. Child. Reginald, my rotten soldier. Why are you on here. At such a young age, with.. such.. god fucking awful takes. I'm not trying to hate but you're quite literally defending some of the worst characters in Homestuck (plus Jake,) but like, they better be good defences and not the typical misogynistic regurgitated garbage I keep seeing. You are thirteen years of age. There are far better things you could be doing with your life than wasting it on fucking Homestuck.. good lord, do you get bullied at school?
Yes my good Anon, for what other reason would I be into Homestuck the webcomic by Andrew Hussie. It's 12 AM and I just woke up from 3 hours of trying to sleep so I'll try to keep my opinions here as professional as my brain can manage in these conditions. I'm not exactly 100 percent sure on what you meant by "typical misogynistic regurgitated garbage" but hopefully my defenses aren't THAT bad/atrocious. But I'm going to be completely honest, people like JojoFunkMclovin and Mivnol would be able to better word this topic with tact. With having god fucking awful takes I assume you mean me defending Eridan, Gamzee, Dirk, and Jake. For me I guess, and not for some, it's not exactly some hard theory I've worked into a lather as a reason to defend these characters, you wouldn't find me citing things in comic if I were to extensively write a tumblr post on anyone besides Dirk, even then I don't feel like I have enough evidence or right to have my opinion to myself to write on any of it. It's not my area of expertise unless if someone were to ever come any close to asking me about why I defend them, and this is maybe the best opportunity I can come to yapping on about my controversial opinions (even though they're just kind of bland and normal?).
To set one thing straight, empathy and sympathy is a large weakness of mine and some others as well, and I'm looking through most of these characters through the lenses of kinning them, since I do (Dirk Strider more like I am him then really kinning, though that's a conversation reserved to only a specific individual). I like a special other few people will peer into a character and see a self in the other. Or at least a reason to understand why they ended up this way, the main 4 in this sense all have their reasons, to sort of dash through the list, Eridan and his lonely upbringing as a troll on Alternia who vibe and feeling wise I just find more pathetic and pitiable then a truly bad person who is capable of committing the atrocities he goes on about: for truly I believe it is nothing but meaningless shit talk and half of the things he does is just to ultimately sabotage whether it's through copious loathsome amounts of self pity or threats of terrorism on his friends race, self pity and self loathing of this kind, I believe in some way it exposes some kind of weakness, weakness of this flavor, some who recognize it in themself are naturally inclined to reject the weakness of Eridan, to not fall into the same traps and patterns he has realizing he (like many characters in any fiction really) and his mistakes are to be learned from and they could be better than Eridan Ampora Homestuck, or maybe they just hate themselves and also hate Eridan Ampora Homestuck as an extension of themself in some way, whatever the case may be, if a character is ultimately weak or has apprehension for their evil deeds or don't actually follow through on them or there's some alternative source like mind control forcing them to do these evil things I think that's enough for me to cut them some slack.
Segueing into Gamzee Makara it's kind of lost on me myself why I defend him. I haven't given it too much thought because what is there to really introspect into. I guess, he's just a kid like the rest of them. Them all being kids is one thing I'll always keep in mind when regarding the topic of whether or not they did wrong, but I also guess this isn't really about what they did wrong. Tallying up their sins and goods would just be telling you what they've done, and that's not really my style of writing. Homestuck leaves you with nothing but the means (something either of the two youtubers I mentioned earlier might've said first), so I guess it gives better opportunity to want to give your take and create an end to these means. And all I can say about Gamzee is, I just don't really think there's much to go on about. Yeah I feel bad for him, it's just, there isn't much there to go on about that hasn't been stated by better people and just in general. Gamzee was some fucking clown juggalo, he stopped his alien drugs which kept him docile and stoned out of his mind silly, got triggered over some kid mentioning the Insane Clown Posse to him, (those two events probably not in that order, don't quote me on that,) and then went on a rampage killing all his friends or something I guess. Didn't get his alien drugs back, became a villain, and then a minion for the bigger antagonist Lord English/Caliborn or some bullshit. If I were to say anything more, I think he was just a pawn. Like with Eridan, a wasted protagonist, wasted potential. But I personally can't stand anyone blaming him for what he's done, for whatever farcical feely-weely bullshit reasons. He didn't know any better I guess, and there was no one who could step up to teach him better, besides Karkat, though a good moiral, Gamzee would maybe need something more.. Almost like... A father figure, or something........ He also doesn't have one of those by the way, even though lusus can maybe barely be considered the same as human parents if at all. His goat dad lusus is absent from his life, it's sad. Even if his goat dad was present that wouldn't change anything either, was just kind of thrown into the story. More things out of his control, including the planet he was born on which has creatures who you're assigned to at birth instead of a older human parent of which you share a species and genetics with, chalk it up to bad luck.
(Saving Dirk Strider for last.) Second to last would be Jake English. I don't know, like the rest he can be kind of pathetic. He's also dumb, really oblivious. Some may find that obnoxious. And I can't disagree. But also the take that he's a bad person is just uneducated? I've never seen anyone say that besides a handful of individuals I can't bother remembering, but it also just falls in the category of not being taught better. He also doesn't have a parental guardian. Are you starting to see a pattern here with my kins? And he also had to burn his dead grandmothers corpse in a fire and watch. So he gets extra sympathy points for the grandma burning and all the other shit he's saddled with, Dirk being apart of that shit. And it's not something I'll go into, but my fiancé is also him, so I don't have any good reason to shit talk Jake English, nor did I have any in the first place.
And I guess I'll have to get back to you on Dirk Strider. It's personal. And again there's only one dude I know that I feel like I need to explain myself to.
-Oh and also none of them are fucking Vriska Serket: so that's always good.
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souji-upseta · 7 months
mivnol's new video made me give a shit about eridan and want to see more of him as an adult and that? that is some truly impressive eridan fanfiction powers. im IN this shit now. im kinda warming up to that little fucker tho i don't think anyone is Powerful enough to get me to care abt tavros or gamzee.
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
Feel bad that most of his viewed stuff is only just Homestuck related vids, but I'm worst in contributing it by showing the latest Homestuck vid he made.
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davekat-sucks · 7 months
That Minvol video was so good. It has everything, a character analysis of Dirk Strider and his massive flaws and self-antagonism, then not even halfway through the video jumps basically to postcanon to examine not only Dirk Strider as the main antagonist, but also as a metanarrative writer.
The way he critiques the epilogues is what I’ve always wanted, not calling out the ideas in of itself as bad, but how sloppily the epilogues can try to articulate the world and conflicts of Earth C. He can see the narrative is trying to say how people can change foe the worse and how isolation can alienate you from your friends and maybe how we need to take care of our community as our community cares for us, but that tangles with the actual setting examining the existence of canon as the fabric of reality’s existence, and how the reason these characters feel so “out of character” is a conglomerate of “it was foreshadowed” theories from HS1, the candy timeline being corrupted (even though many meat timeline characters were also OOC) and a general desire for to make social commentary or political allegory, maybe a hint of inserting headcanons with a dash of “for the sake of continuing Homestuck”
And then Minvol dunks on Homestuck^2 and James Roach’s remake, Beyond Canon. Basically Dirk sucks as a villain, gets jack shit done and has nothing compelling to say or show for his plan, no symbolism or analogy to the characters or their philosophies just silly random animals. Also more characters being really flat and stiff.
Then it’s all set up for the grand finale: Eridan’s Bizarre Adventure, or Homestuck if it had the balls to be good.
10/10 Minvol, FunkMcLovin and OptimisticDuelist weep at your creation.
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The true Prince has arrived. Even the Meat timeline that was suppose to be the correct choice, it still is fucked up in its own ways. It may not have the overbloated drama and bullshit Candy has, but the mess it left behind is just as bad and will likely get just as worse when James Roach and HICU does continue it. It's sort of funny that Dirk was another self insert for Hussie and he still sucks as a villain in the sequels as said antagonist and metanarrative. They clearly wanted Ultimate Dirk to represent as the 'bad side of the fandom'. Just like how they did for Caliborn. But Ultimate Dirk doesn't even capture that kind of charm or likeability that Caliborn had. Even his beef against Ultimate Calliope is dull. I hope he can still be sane if he does continue to read or just moves on for his mental health. Until then, Mivnol is awesome and everyone should subscribe to him and check out his vids. Model by nozomii12 Throne by (ロ_ロ)ゞ Pose by etsumi-bm
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davekat-sucks · 7 months
So glad Mivnol posted again i was worried he left for good
It is good to see he is doing well. ^^ With a series like Homestuck, I wouldn't blame him for leaving after HS2/Beyond Canon.
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davekat-sucks · 7 months
What did you think of the new Mivnol video? I think it's pretty good. And although solving homestuck 2 by making Eridan fuck Aranea is wacky, it's ironically still miles better than the shit we got. I do feel sorry for him, a man can go mad by trying to fix Homestuck, and boy is it a tempting pursuit.
His analysis is sharp, and I hope to see more videos from him, and not just Homestuck-related ones. Anyway, Eridan x Aranea, aka The Good Ending^2, is better than Davekat.
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Eridan x Aranea aka The Good Ending^2 is better than Davekat. Sprite is from @befriendus
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