#Mod Kan
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ink-au-askblog · 3 months
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Introducing Kan and Toku, The Co-Directors of Multiatre!
Although they'd rather deny it. They care for each other quite a bit. They are a duo, never to be separated, after all.
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Aradia: act n0w, and we'll give y0u a fresh gh0st! 0u0
Aradia: *c0cks gun*
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vtuberconfessions · 1 year
In light of the new vshojo news:
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homestuck-iconz · 1 year
Could I request matching Kanned Tuna icons (flushed ways)?
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the transparents i use for dancestor talk sprites NEVER have the smiles when i import them to my art program which is a crime btw
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nedermemes · 1 year
zijn er volgers die ook naar de demo in Amsterdam in steun voor Palestina gaan morgen/zondag 15 oktober?
ik wil gaan maar geen van m'n vrienden kunnen helaas en ik durf niet alleen 😬
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vriskaserketdaily · 1 year
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can i 😳?
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Kanaya and Kankri’s ship name is “KanKan”
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Kan-E-Senna For Midlander 5 With Horns DOWNLOAD If you love my mods and have a spare gil, consider buying me a coffee!  ->  💖 
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ask-vileblossom-idv · 2 years
Hello everyone, or atleast those who have notifications for this blog who were the only ones to see this…, artist mod here. This blog is no longer ran by two moderators, although I thought I might delete the whole thing, I don’t want to give up on the blog just yet.
The original goal that was originally planned for the blogs “plot” may be changed now that I am no longer working with the writer mod for personal reasons. But don’t worry, I’ve done my research on COA3 (I only say 3 cause honestly im still trying to make sense of the others…)
I am aware that the idv ask blog community (or the ask blog communities for tumblr in general) is pretty much dead, but I wont let that discourage me from posting and interacting. I’ve also been working on my art skills a little, I hope it will satisfy you all.
Speaking of art, this blog will be getting a small revamp, including the pinned post.
“and don’t forget about me, I still have so much to show you~”
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soendagsbarn · 2 years
hej alle antipsykotika brugere der har taget så upassende meget på :
public service :
undersøg det præparat der hedder Ozempic
og hvis du er i den målgruppe - har prøvet alle præparater og er end på Olanzapin og derved har taget syko meget på, SPØRG din læge/psykiater om det er muligt du kan starte op på det
jeg har fået første injektion i dag - laveste dosis - stiger hvert 4. uge, men har en stærk tro på at det er midlet mod vægtøgning og midlet for livskvalitet ikke mindst lol
fortsat god eftermiddag
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thank you to everyone who applied to be a mod!! we'll be sorting through the applications soon - i know it's been a while, but you should know within a couple days if you were successful!
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ink-au-askblog · 2 months
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
TT: Please remember that I am a teenage author and it is fucking bizarre to come to me with medical questions
GA: Why Would You Limit Yourself To Writing Teenagers?
TT: Everyone else unfollow me I want to be alone with GrimAuxiliatrix
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vtuberconfessions · 1 year
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homestuck-iconz · 1 year
ship ratings babey!! if yall want to of course
•flush/pitch/pale vacillating solkat
•flushed kanned tuna
•pitch soldirk
•pale psiignless
mod dave here! <3/<>/<3< solkat - very good ship. i usually see them as pitch, but honestly it's in karkat's nature to valicilate so going through all three of them also makes sense. i just think they're very funny together no matter the quad... 9/10 <3 kanned tuna - i think i've said this before but kantuna would not work in canon, but in au's they can be very fun together! flushed would be the quadrant i see them in, sooo this gets a solid 9/10 from me! <3< soldirk - i've surprisingly never seen this before, so i don't have much of an opinion on it, but i think it could be cool! if anything, i see them as being friends - maybe rivals platonically but i see that more in roxy & sol, both hackers, and dirk & equius, both robot makers - but i wouldn't be against the ship at all! 6/10 <> psiignless - i love this. its very fun to me idk. like in paradox space, that comic with psii just hyping up signless? they are very funny and i love them. 8/10 roxycallie - honestly there is absolutely nothing to hate about roxycallie. they are absolutely adorable together and the one (1) thing that the epilogue did right was having them be together. very adorable and underappreciated, need to see more of roxy just appreciating her adorable alien partner <3. 9/10 roxyjane - i like roxyjane and its a lot more complex than people realise. also this randomly made me think of what if the alpha kids actually had a love square instead of a love triangle? but that's not the point, these two are very cute together and i need to see more of them (maybe with callie in the mix too...). 8/10
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