#Mohamed Rida
lescroniques · 2 years
La Fundació CNSE crida a fer de la lectura un dret, i no un luxe, per a la infància sorda
servimedia La Fundació Confederació Estatal de Persones Sordes (CNSE) va reconèixer a cinc centres escolars de Madrid, Múrcia, Terrassa i València amb els premis del concurs estatal de contes en llengua de signes per al foment de la lectura, i va reclamar que la lectura sigui un dret, i no un luxe, per a la infància sorda…[…] (servimedia.es)
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muneersecstasy · 7 months
How fascinating love it would be, in which you fear your beloved.
What a fascinating love it would be if you feared your beloved. Subhan'Allah! The real love. For the sake of Allah, in Divine love, i.e., Allah's Love, The love of Allāh ﷻ also includes the love of our prophet Muhammadﷺ, and all the prophets (عَلَيْهِ ٱلصَّلَاةُ وَٱلسَّلَامُ), and the Khulafa-e-Rashideen◌ؓ, Azwaj-e-Mutahirat◌ؓ, Ummahat-ul-Momineen◌ؓ, Ahl al-Bayt-e-Athaar◌ؓ, Shuhuda-e-Karbala◌ؓ, Ashra-Mubashra◌ؓ, Baqiya-tu-Sahaba Ikram (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ), Hazrat e Tab'in Tabe Tab'in, Shuhuda-e-Islam, Mufassireen, Muhadiseen ؒ , Awliya-Ikram ؒ Ajma'in (رضوان الله أجمعين) and our parents, brothers, sisters, family, relatives, neighbours, friends, the entire Ummah and all the living beings. Subhan'Allah!
"And those who truly believe, love Allah intensely."[Al-Baqarah | 2:165] Subhan'Allah! In which you also love the other lovers of your beloved. Not like any other metaphorical love, i.e., love for Allah ﷻ's creation. In which you detest other lovers of your beloved. Well, how can one's heart not love Allah, our Lord, the Almighty, the most compassionate and merciful, to whom belong the most beautiful names? To whom you can't thank enough, even if you spend your whole life in prostration. That heﷻis not in need of our worship, yet he showers us all with his abundant blessings. Allahu-Akbar! Heﷻ is "al-Shakur", rewarding our few deeds with limitless happiness, even though he's the one who gifted us the ability to carry out those very deeds. In fact,
it is said that fear denotes abstaining not only from all that is forbidden but also from those deeds from which it is advisable to refrain. According to a scholar, fear forces a traveller on the spiritual path to hold back and refrain from displeasing Allah. Just like when you love someone, you are afraid of making them upset with you or refrain from doing anything that will displease them. Also, just like lovers who are unable to meet, they send letters, and the lover reads them over and over. Qur'an-e-Kareem is also like a love letter from Allāh ﷻ. From the beloved to you. so that we read it over and over again. Subhan'Allah! It implants fear in our hearts concerning our end. The Qur'an warns us to be steadfast in our belief and practice of Islam. May Allahﷻ guide us all. Many verses of the Qur'an cause hearts to tremble with fear and are like threads with which to knit the lace of life. "And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it."[Al-Zilzal | 99:8]
and Say: "Shall We tell you who will be the greatest losers by their works? Those whose efforts have been wasted in the life of the world while they thought they were doing good. " [Al-Kahf | 18:103-4] Allahu Akbar! May Allah ﷻ grant us all forgiveness and protection against Shaytan and his deceptions. And may he ﷻ make it easy for us to fight against our Nafs and to oppose our desires and sins. Allahumma Ameen! How happy and prosperous are those who knit the laces of their lives with these threads? With such warnings, the Qur'an orients us toward the Hereafter and encourages us to consider it more important than anything else. In his luminous speech, Allah the Almighty uses fear as a whip to force us into His presence and honour us with His company. Like a mother's reproofs to her child that draws him or her to her warm, affectionate arms, this whip attracts the believer toward the depths of Divine Mercy and enriches him or her with Allāh ﷻ's blessings and bounties that He compels humanity to deserve and receive out of His Mercy and Graciousness. Subhan'Allah! How can one's heart not melt out in the love of their lord? Indeed, One whose heart is full of fear and awe of the Almighty cannot be afraid of others and is therefore freed from all useless and suffocating fear. In His luminous, hope-giving speech, the Almighty Allāh ﷻ tells people not to fear anything or anyone other than Him: "Have no fear of them. Fear Me, if you are true believers." [Aal-Imran | 3:175] "They arise from [their] beds; they supplicate their Lord in fear and aspiration, and from what we have provided them, they spend." [As-Sajda | 32:16]. Heﷻ praises those who design their lives according to their fear of God use their willpower carefully and strive to avoid sins. Such sensitive and careful souls fly in the heavens with the Almighty's approval and pleasure. Also, those holding Him in reverence drink the sweet, enlivening water of nearness, which comes from taking refuge in Him. One who fears God sometimes sighs and sometimes weeps, especially when alone, in an attempt to extinguish the pain of being separate from Him as well as the fire of Hell, which is the greatest distance between him and Allāh ﷻ. Allahu Akbar! Why do we not fear him? Is our love for Allah just words and no action? May Allahﷻ protect us! And shedding tears is the most effective way of putting out the fires of Hell. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to put it in words. Cry your heart out to Allāhﷻ, because the thing is, even if you don’t understand it yourself, Allah does. Indeed, "whether you conceal what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah will know it. He knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth. Allah is powerful over everything." [ Aal-Imran | 3:29] Indeed, imagine a single teardrop that occurs whilst you’re repenting. Just one single teardrop, that rolled from your eyes down to your cheeks whilst you begged Allāh for forgiveness for your sins. Imagine that this one drop of water, was enough for Allāh ﷻ to extinguish all of the fire and torment that was awaiting you for the sins that you committed. We just have to repent with sincerity. Surely, Allah ﷻ loves to forgive. You know, every tear that falls from your eyes in repentance to Him makes your heart feel lighter, happier.Istighfaar can do that. It raises you in rank even more than when you first fell. And his mercy is greater and ever nearer to the one who comes to him with a repentant heart. So repent and allow your heart to blossom. Subhan'Allah! Lately, I read a quote: "I know of no better love story than that of a forgiving Rabb and a repentant slave." Also, you don't have to tell anyone that I cried in the love of Allāh ﷻ or I please him in alone or anything. When you love someone, you hide it. I know, love can't stay hidden for long. People around you get to know about it through your actions. But just don't express it to others with your own tongue. Yk!
However, don’t allow your emotions to overwhelm you into falling into the traps of Shaytaan. causing you to drift away from your deen, your beloved. Keep your head up and cope in beneficial ways. Sit with the Quran and recite or listen to recitations, get up and pray and make your sujood longer than usual. Find comfort in Ibaadah and know that Allāh ﷻ knows and Allāh ﷻ does not burden a soul more than it can bear. Trials and afflictions are to improve us and make us stronger. Think back on the difficult times in the past? Did you not come out stronger and wiser? Patience is key. Hold onto the rope of Allah with patience and aim for his mercy and love, which eventually leads you to Paradise. In-Sha-Allah! "Fa Inni Qareeb": 'I am near. I respond to the call' - Allāh ﷻ guarantees that he will respond to the one who calls. Subhan'Allah! How foolish of us to think that he won't respond to our supplications. "Na'auzubillah!" (We seek refuge in Allah.) Also, if someone doesn't have anyone to speak to, pour your heart out in front of your lord, may it be in Tahajjud. Subhan'Allah! Talk to Allāh ﷻ, your beloved. He is the "Al-Wali" (the Protective Friend) of those who believe. Heﷻ surely will turn the darkness of your life into light. May Allāh ﷻ grant us all patience, self-control, and strength. May Allahﷻ honour us and not humiliate us in this world and especially in the hereafter. May Allahﷻ cure all of our illnesses, our distresses, our pains and grant us the best of healing. May Allah ﷻ replace our anxieties, our worries, our fears, our depression and our problems with peace, contentment and barakah! "Allahumma inni as'aluka hubbaka, wa hubba man yuhibbuka, wal-'amalalladhi yuballighuni hubbaka." (O Allah! I ask for your love, the love of those who love you, and deeds that will cause me to attain your love.
Ameen allahumma ameen!✨
Fi-Aman-illah 🍂
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genevieveetguy · 1 year
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Le gang des Bois du Temple, Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche (2022)
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sumechiayuu · 6 months
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@/dpechesmode, a Palestinian from Gaza who recently escaped to Egypt, has hosted a thread of links to help Gazans and the like. I've decided to post the fundraisers that were sent to here.
Help Diaa’s wife and kids evacuate from Gaza
Help Daniel and Eliaa have the childhood they deserve
Help Sarah Aljamal and her family
Help Aser and his family evacuate Gaza
Help evacuate Samar’s family and rebuild their home
Help evacuate Maram and her family from Gaza
Help Walaa and her family evacuate from Gaza
Help evacuate Doha and her family from Gaza
Help Ibrahim’s family
Help Laila Auda and her family
Help Donia Tanani and her family evacuate from Gaza
Help Muhammad evacuate from Gaza so he can get treatment for his cancer
Help get Aya Qunoo’s father get out of Gaza
Help Fadi Abu Rida’s child get out of Gaza
Help Dr. Muhammad Al-Najjar reunite with his daughter and rebuild his home
Help Abood and his family leave Gaza
Help Abdulla Daoud get his family out of Gaza
Help Khader and Yasmine escape Gaza
Help Yara, Farag, and the rest of their family evacuate
Help Sarina Abousido leave Gaza with her family
Help Abeer J Qannan evacuate his family from Gaza
Help Ahmed get his niece Major and her family out of Gaza
Help the Eid siblings get their family out of Gaza
Help get this handicapped child out of Gaza
Help Reema’s family in Rafah
Help this man evacuate from Gaza
Help Mustafa’s family evacuate Gaza
Help Zinh and her family get out of Gaza
Help Lena Nofal evacuate her husband’s family out of Gaza
Help evacuate Mohammed Abu Rubka get his family out of Gaza
Help Saed’s family escape Gaza
Help Doaa save her family
Help Sarah and her family
Help Yasmeen Ouda bring her family to safety
Help Yousef’s family get out of Gaza
Help Mohammed Shurrab and his family get out of Gaza
Help Ronza and her family in Gaza
Help Mohammad get his family out of Gaza
Help evacuate Amira’s family from Gaza
Help Karim and his family in Gaza
Help Seraj and his family of 9 survive in Rafah
My Rafah masterpost
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silicacid · 11 months
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List of healthcare workers killed by Israel attacks on Gaza since October 7, 2023
Dr. Omar Ferwana, a Professor and former Dean of the Islamic University of Gaza Medical School and an andrologist, Gaza
Dr. Aya Ferwana (Dr Omar Ferwana’s daughter), a family medicine specialist, Gaza
Dr. Medhat Saidam, a senior burn and plastic surgeon, Shifa Hospital, Gaza and MSc in Burn Care alumnus from Queen Mary University of London
Dr. Mohammed Dabour, a consultant pathologist and dean of pre-clinical medicine at the Islamic University of Gaza Medical School
Dr. Tamer Al-Khayyat, an anesthesiologist and intensivist, European Gaza Hosptial, Rafah
Dr. Mahmoud Al-Khayyat, an internist in Rafah and Dr Tamer Al-Khayyat’s father
Dr. Razan Al-Rakhawi (Dr Tamer Al-Khayyat’s wife), an obstetric and gynecologist, Emirati Women’s Hospital, Rafah
Dr. Sereen Al-Attar a consultant obstetric and gynecologist at Nasser Hospital, Khan Younis and an Assistant Professor at the Islamic University of Gaza Medical school
Dr. Saeed Drabieh, a urology resident, Shifa Hospital
Dr. Mohammed Al-Samarai, Iraqi volunteer intern physician
Dr. Rafat Abou Foul, radiologist, Beit Hanoun Hospital
Dr. Amal Al-Maqadma, family medicine specialist, Rafah
Dr. Ibtihal Al-Astal, intern doctor, Khan Younis
Dr. Duaa Awad, emergency medicine doctor, Al-Aqsa Hospital
Dr. Moath Nabaheen, emergency medicine doctor, Al-Aqsa Hospital
Dr. Youssef Jadallah, intensivist and anesthesiologist (based in Germany, from Gaza but was visiting his family)
Dr. Inas Yousef, emergency medicine doctor, Al-Aqsa Hospital
Dr. Israa Al-Ashqar, anesthesiology resident, Shifa Hospital, Gaza
Dr. Abdallah Ashour, emergency medicine doctor, Nasser Hospital, Khan Younis
Dr. Hamam El-Deeb, orthopaedic surgery resident, Shifa Hospital, Gaza
Dr. Munther Abu Sariya, consultant pediatrician, Mohammed Al-Durra Pediatric Hospital
Dr. Doaa Shammout, pediatric resident, Rantisi Hospital, Gaza
Dr. Baraa Abu Elaish, intern doctor, Gaza
Dr. Abdlallah El-Helou, general practitioner/internal medicine doctor, Indonesian/Beit Hanoun Hospital
Dr. Muhannad Ezzo Afana, general practitioner, Gaza
Dr. Mohammed Refaat Mekki,
Dr. Ahmed Al-Hourani
Dr. Nada Mahdi
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Dali
Dr. Bilal Lubbad
Dr. Marwa Swelim
Dr Areej Eid
Dr. Tawfiq Al-Farra
Dr. Abdallah Baghdadi
Dr. Jameel Tarazi
Dr. Maysoon Al-Nuweiri
Dr. Mona Dughmush
Dr. Noha Dughmush
Dr. Mamoun Afana
Dr. Mohammed Afana
Dr. Anis Mekki
Dr. Tasneem Abdulnabi
Medical/dental students:
Bisan Halasa
Shaimaa Saydam
Abedelrahman Abu Shammala
Nour Al-Ashqar
Yaseen Al-Akhras
Osama Abu Safia
Duha Dughmush
Haneen Al-Shannat
Abdallah Abu Jayab
Zainab Azzam
Mohammed Abu Jiadan
Medical Scientists:
Prof. Salah El-Din Zanoun
Prof. Ahmed Al-Dalo
Prof. Ameed Mushtaha (Head of laboratories department and blood banks
Mohammed Lubbad  
Mohammed Al-Azzaiza  
Ahmed Moshtaha  
Rami Lubbad  
Somaya Temraz  
Mohammed Rafat Gomaa  
Osama A'eed Abu Safiya  
Saber Al-Nimnim  
Mohammed Hamad  
Mohammed Al-Baz  
Suleiman Abu Zour  
Badr Mohammed Abu Daqah  
Shaimaa Rayan (Midwife)
Maryam Abou Daher
Kefah San’allah
Walaa Adwan (Midwife)
Rawaa Al-Thalathini (Midwife)
Samah Rasheed (Midwife)
Rida Al-Masri (Midwife)
Ibrahim Abou Isaac
Amjad Abou Ouda
Ibrahim Al-Farra
Aya Al-Shrafi
Tamer Al Efesh
Momen Mansour
Asmaa Al-Asar
Feras Ftaiha
Diaa Bardaweel
Rana Shalaby
Itemad Miqdad
Zainab Al-Sharafi
Hamdan Malaka
Suheer Jbara
Hassan Al-Hennawi
Sabha Al-Sherafi
Azmi Al-Jamal
Yousef Al-Shareef
Hadeel Fanqa
Emad Esleem
Enas Al-Zeen
Heba Salamah
Nuha Esleem
Amro Masoud
Hanya Qudaih
Mohammed Al-Moqayyed
Ali Nasrallah
Tariq Abu Obaid (cardiac perfusion specialist)
Ahmed Al-Nuweiri
Abdulrahman Shaheen (Ziada) 
Ahmed Mahmoud Alrann
Dr. Yahya Abduljawad Juda (Public Health, nurse) 
Haytham Tawfiq Alnabih 
Loai Alzuhairi (Nursing student) 
Saleem Abu Zour
Waleed ElMahalawi
Rola Althalathini (Midwife)
Duaa Ashour
Amer Elramlawi
Safa Zeino
Saja Doghmosh
Moayad Ezzo Afana
Ramadan Doghmosh
Moemen Arab (Nursing student)
Oun Nofal Ashour (Nursing student)
Paramedics (EMS providers):
Marwan Abou Raida
Hatem Awad
Khalil Al-Sharif
Ahmed Al-Dahman
Yousri Al-Masri
Ahmed Abdel Rahman
Mohammed Al-Ghaliz
Mohammed Ali
Iyad Salim
Abdelrahim Abou Baid
Alaa Abou Ghanima
Naji Al Fayoumi
Mohammed Qateet
Tareq Ashour
Mahmoud Abou Mashayekh
Nafeth Al-Natour
Mahmoud Othman
Mohammed ElOmour
Ibrahim Matar
Yasser Alnaseri
Ahmed Al-Masri
Ahmed Sameh Abou Herbeed
Shaimaa Sbaih
Mayar Al-Wahidi
Ahmed Ashraf
Shahrazad Al-Akhras
Nour Ibrahim
Ahmed Al-Jerjawi
Aziz Elfarra
Afnan Al-Astal
Shereen Abou Jazar
Eman Abu Al-Jalil
Safaa Hasouna
Ibraheem Meqdad
Mohammed Ali
Maysaa Khader
Nisreen Al-Dammagh
Sally Al-Aydi (Pharmacy student at AlAzhar University)
Mohammed Al-Shannat
Lina Abu Mualaileq
Noor Ibean
Haneen Albasyouni
Amira Dahman
Rawand Albanna
Khaled Abu Ma’ala
Amal Mekki
Abdullah Altartori (Pharmacy student at AlAzhar University)
Asmaa Abu Salah (Pharmacy student at AlAzhar University)
Mohammad Alshami
Lab technicians/clinical microbiologists:
Natheer Shaban
Asmaa Hijazi
Rawan Yassin
Alia Al Hinnawi
Maryam Kabaja
Nahid Abdullatef
Mohammed Abu Karsh
Mohammed Shabaan
Riham Elkahlout
Ismail Sharaf
Taiseer Alghouti
Abdulmohsin Abu Alrous
Duaa Jad Allah  
Omar Khorsheed
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ossidae-passeridae · 9 months
number 5 🖤
Question from here
5. Worst blorboficiation?
Obi-Wan :(
Where does he go? It's a mystery, but there are so many people sharing his name I'm starting to think it must be the GFFA equivalent of 'Mohammed'!
I guess the people named Obi-Wan are collectively having a lot of babies actually, so maybe that's how the name became so common in the first place... hmm... much to think about.
(All opinions expressed above are solely those of pass e. ridae and do not express the views or opinions of any affiliates or associates, passerine or otherwise)
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ghelgheli · 7 months
Stuff I Read In February 2024
bold indicates favourites
The Mantle of the Prophet, Roy Mottahedeh
Serious Weakness, Porpentine Charity Heartscape
The Traitor Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson
Pamphlets, Zines, etc.
Queer Fire: The George Jackson Brigade, Men Against Sexism, and Gay Struggle Against Prison [link]
Reform or Revolution? Rosa Luxemburg
Armed Joy, Alfredo M. Bonanno [link]
Designing Freedom, Stafford Beer [link]
Kill Switch, 1172
Immortal Parody, Kim Jong Geon
Her Tale of Shim Chong, Seri & Biwan
There's Weird Voices Coming from the Room Next Door! Suzuki Senpai
An Easy Introduction to Love Triangles (To Pass the Exam!) / Goukaku no Tame no! Yasashii Sankaku Kankei Nyuumon, Canno
Gentle Flutters, One Useless Dogggg
What Does the Fox Say? Gyeomji & Gaji
Our Dreams at Dusk / Shimanami Tasogare, Yuhki Kamatani
There Is No Love Wishing Upon a Star / Kono Koi wo Hoshi ni wa Negawanai, murasakino/Shinoa
Short Fiction
Serious Weakness but with Girls, Porpentine Charity Heartscape [link]
Dirty Wi-Fi, Porpentine Charity Heartscape [link]
Bist-o-chār sā'at dar xāb o bidāri / 24 Restless Hours, Samad Behrangi [link]
Yek hulu o hezār hulu / One Peach and a Thousand Peaches, Samad Behrangi [link]
What Does It Mean To Be Palestinian Now? Noura Erakat, Ahmed Moor, Noor Hindi, Mohammed El-Kurd, Laila Al-Arian 01/25/2024 [link]
"If You Say Anything to Anyone, a Zaka Van Will Run You Over", Brad Pearce 10/18/2023 [link]
The Epistemicide of the Palestinians, Abdulla Moaswes 02/02/2024 [link]
Manufacturing Content, Nora Barrows-Friedman & Matt Lieb [link]
Comparison is the Way We Know the World, Masha Gessen 12/19/2023 [link]
The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé, Jeremy Scahill, Ryan Grim, Daniel Boguslaw 02/28/2024 [link]
Queer &c
Hands off our lives, our stories, and our bodies, AC 06/10/2022 [link]
Trapped in the Wrong Theory: Rethinking Trans Oppression and Resistance, Talia Mae Bettcher [doi]
A Cyborg Manifesto, Donna Haraway
Why Are "Gender Critical" Activists So Fond of Gametes? Julia Serano 02/13/2024 [link]
Why I Left the PSL… or the DSA or Socialist Alternative or whatever, filler kid 07/20/2021 [link]
Allies Not Accomplices: An Indigenous Perspective & Provocation, 05/02/2014 [link]
Basic Program of the Bureau of Unitary Urbanism, Attila Kotányi & Raoul Vaneigem 1961 [link]
Abolition, Nsámbu Za Suékama 06/06/2020 [link]
The Eye Upon Us Has Turned Upon Them, Nsámbu Za Suékama 07/16/2023 [link]
The Hindu Nationalists Using the Pro-Israel Playbook, Aparna Gopalan 06/28/2023 [link]
Ram Mandir and Hindutva Fascist Myth of Decolonisation, Rida Fathima 02/07/2024 [link]
How the United States Crippled Haiti's Rice Industry, Leslie Mullin [link]
A Talk to Teachers, James Baldwin [link]
Stranger in the Village, James Baldwin [link]
no good alone, Rayne Fisher-Quann 04/03/2021 [link]
Everyone's A Critic, Richard Joseph 01/13/2022 [link]
Neoplatonic kingship in the Islamic world: Akbar’s millennial history, Jos Gommans & Said Reza Huseini [link]
Is `Race Science' Making a Comeback? Angela Saini 07/10/2019 [link]
you’ve been traumatized into hating reading, Ismatu Gwendolyn 02/15/2024 [link]
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Dec. 13 (UPI) -- The United States and Britain issued another round of sanctions against Hamas on Wednesday as the militant group continued its fight against Israel.
The U.S. Treasury Department said it coordinated in sanctions closely with British officials against several key individuals working with Hamas and connected with its Oct. 7 attack on Israel.
British and U.S. officials said the sanctions targeted the financiers of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad with new sanctions "in fresh clampdown on terror groups." They said the coordinated sanctions aim to isolate Hamas by freezing assets and imposing travel bans.
"Hamas continues to rely heavily on networks of well-placed officials and affiliates, exploiting seemingly permissive jurisdictions to direct fundraising campaigns for the group's benefit and funneling those illicit proceeds to support its military activities in Gaza," said Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson in a statement.
Man faces life in prison on charges of attacking Jewish couple in Beverly Hills
"We remain focused, as do our allies and partners, on leveraging our collective tools and authorities to degrade Hamas's ability to fund additional attacks and further destabilize the region."
Mentioned in the sanctions are Gaza-based Ismail Musa Ahmad Barhum of the Hamas Shura Council; Turkey-based Haroun Mansour Yaqoub Nasser Al-Din, head of Hamas's Jerusalem office; Ali Abed Al Rahman Baraka, head of Hamas's National Relations Abroad; Jihad Muhammad Shaker Yaghmour, Hamas's official representative to Turkey; Maher Rebhi Obeid, a Lebanon-based senior Hamas political leader; Nizar Mohammed Awadallah, a Gaza-based member of Hamas's board and part of the Hamas Political Bureau; Hassan Al-Wardian, a senior Hamas official in Bethlehem; and Turkey-based Mehmet Kaya, another financier.
The British sanctions included seven individuals including Maher Obeid and Ali Baraka as well as Mahmoud Zahar, the leader and co-founder of Hamas; Akram al-Ajouri, the Deputy Secretary General of Palestinian Islamic Jihad; Khaled Chouman and Rida Al Khamis, who it said channeled funds to Hamas through Lebanon-based currency exchanges and Aiman Ahmad Al Duwaik, a Hamas financier based in Algeria.
"Hamas can have no future in Gaza," British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said. "Today's sanctions on Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad will continue to cut off their access to funding and isolate them further. We will continue to work with partners to reach a long-term political solution so that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace."
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sehnis · 2 months
top songs july 2024
Mborayhu Asy // Tekove
Happy and Well // Thee Sacred Souls
What You Won't Do for Love // Bobby Caldwell
Electric Feel // MGMT
Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) // Irma Thomas
Damiskhi, Damalevine // Mgzavrebi
Can I Call You Rose? // Thee Sacred Sould
Let Me Go // Ogi
Until I Found You (with Em Beihold) - Em Beihold Version // Stephen Sanchez, Em Beihold
請你滾 kigey mona // 野東西
All Eyez On Me (fr. Big Syke) // 2Pac, Big Syke
Позови меня с собой // Palina
MEEKU // Olivia Komahcheet
Obchodník s deštěm // Kryštof
PrettyGirlz // WILLOW
Age Of Man // Greta Van Fleet
Я їду додому - 2023 Version // Okean Elzy
Hollywood // Dlina Volny
Mebaliyti Aykonan // Elham Mohammed
Bac Kapuyt Achqerd // Brunette
Cucurrucucu Paloma - En Vivo // Caetano Veloso
Anunciação // Alceu Valença
Sinaran // Sheila Majid
Ready // Rida Radar, Captayn Freeman
Босиком по мостовой // J:МОРС
Земля // Alexey Krivdin
Lobanja // Kobrica
Lilac Wine // Nina Simone
Mwaki // Zerb, Sofiya Nzau
Lejos de Mi // Utopia
Pueblo // makko
undankbar // makko
峇里島 (電影《誰先愛上他的》探尋情愛之歌) // DJ Didilong
4:44 // JAY-Z
Пыяла // AIGEL
Golden Brown // The Stranglers
kinakaian 母親的舌頭 // ABAO阿爆
Don't Panic // Coldplay
Breakdown // Ms. Boogie
Toornat Akornanni - DEMO // Uummat
Idemo do hodnika // Buč Kesidi
Drowning // ZHU
Intentions (feat. Dan Caplen) // Macklemore, Dan Caplen
Eden // Arekta Rock Band
Яд // Erika Lundmoen
Верю я // Bravo
Дежавю // kizaru
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pdj-france · 1 year
NIAMEY, Niger (AP) - La junte militaire nigérienne a refusé la dernière tentative diplomatique de réinstaller le président déchu, rejetant une proposition de visite de représentants du bloc régional ouest-africain, de l'Union africaine et des Nations unies mardi, d'après une lettre vue par The Associated Press. La lettre cite « des raisons évidentes de sécurité dans cette atmosphère de menace » contre le Niger, deux semaines après que des militaires mutins ont renversé le dirigeant démocratiquement élu du pays. Le bloc régional connu sous le nom de CEDEAO avait menacé de recourir à la force militaire si la junte ne réintégrait pas le président Mohamed Bazoum d'ici dimanche, une date limite qui a été ignorée. LIRE LA SUITE : Les citoyens nigériens attendent la suite bien que la date limite pour la réintégration du dirigeant approche Lundi, la sous-secrétaire d'État américaine par intérim, Victoria Nuland, a rencontré les meneurs du coup d'État et a affirmé qu'ils refusaient de lui permettre de rencontrer Bazoum, qu'elle a évoqué comme étant « en résidence surveillée virtuelle ». Elle a évoqué les officiers mutins comme peu réceptifs à ses appels à entamer des négociations et à rétablir l'ordre constitutionnel. « Ces conversations ont été extrêmement franches et parfois assez difficiles car, encore une fois, nous poussons pour une solution négociée. Il n'était pas facile d'obtenir de la traction là-bas. Ils sont assez fermes dans leur vision de la manière dont ils veulent procéder », a affirmé Nuland aux journalistes lors d'un appel téléphonique depuis Niamey, la capitale du Niger. La CEDEAO devrait se réunir à nouveau jeudi à Abuja, la capitale du Nigeria voisin, pour discuter de la situation. La capitale du Niger est apparue plus tendue mardi, les forces de sécurité contrôlant les véhicules. L'implication diplomatique de Washington n'est pas destinée à saper les efforts de la CEDEAO, a affirmé Rida Lyammouri, scientifique principal au Policy Center for the New South. "Contrairement à la CEDEAO, les États-Unis n'ont pas encore envoyé de messages intimidants malgré leur soutien public à l'organisme régional." Le secrétaire d'Etat américain Antony Blinken, s'adressant lundi à Radio France International, a affirmé que la diplomatie était la voie privilégiée, et qu'il ne pouvait pas spéculer sur l'avenir des 1 100 militaires américains au Niger. « Ce que nous voyons au Niger est extrêmement troublant et n'apporte rien au pays et à sa population. Au contraire, l'interruption de cet ordre constitutionnel nous met, de même que de nombreux autres pays, dans une position où nous devons arrêter notre aide, notre soutien, et cela ne profitera pas au peuple nigérien », a affirmé Blinken. Le Niger a été un partenaire crucial pour les États-Unis et d'autres pays européens, qui le considéraient comme l'une des dernières nations démocratiques de la vaste région du Sahel, au sud du désert du Sahara, avec qui ils pourraient s'associer pour mener une lutte efficace contre la violence djihadiste croissante liée à al -Qaida et le groupe État islamique. Les États-Unis n'ont pas encore qualifié les actions de la junte de coup d'État, ce qui impliquerait que le Niger risquerait de perdre des centaines de millions de dollars en assistance militaire et autres aides. Cela signifierait aussi que les États-Unis retireraient leur soutien à une importante base de drones qu'ils ont construite au Niger pour surveiller les extrémistes, ce que l'analyste Benedict Manzin du cabinet de conseil en risques Sibylline a affirmé que les États-Unis détesteraient faire. "Je comprends cette réticence … jetant essentiellement une base aérienne de 100 millions de dollars à Agadez", a affirmé Manzin. LIRE LA SUITE : Des centaines de personnes au Niger se rassemblent pour soutenir la nouvelle junte au pouvoir du pays Les coups d'État ont sévi dans la région ces dernières années. Le Mali et le Burkina Faso voisins en ont eu deux chacun depuis 2020, et la CEDEAO a eu peu d'influence pour les arrêter.
La réponse sévère du bloc au Niger, en imposant des sanctions économiques et de voyage et en menaçant de recourir à la force, est une tentative de changer de cap. Mais la junte ne semble pas ouverte au dialogue. Dimanche, il a fermé l'espace aérien du pays et accusé les puissances étrangères de préparer une attaque. Les analystes et les diplomates affirment que la fenêtre d'intervention militaire se ferme et que sans soutien régional pour l'usage de la force, la CEDEAO et d'autres cherchent une issue. "Une partie importante des discussions difficiles de la région et au-delà reflètent peut-être davantage la façon dont ils auraient souhaité avoir réagi aux coups d'État précédents au Mali, au Burkina et en Guinée", a affirmé Cameron Hudson, un ancien responsable de la Central Intelligence Agency des États-Unis. De même, Washington et Paris devront désormais faire leurs propres choix difficiles pour travailler avec les dirigeants de la junte sur le contre-terrorisme ou risquer de céder du terrain durement gagné aux groupes djihadistes et éventuellement à la Russie, a-t-il déclaré. La junte, dirigée par le général Abdourahamane Tchiani, exploite les griefs de la population envers l'ex dirigeant colonial du Niger, la France. Il a aussi accusé le gouvernement de Bazoum de ne pas en faire assez pour protéger le pays des extrémistes islamiques et a demandé l'aide du groupe de mercenaires russes Wagner. Wagner opère déjà dans une poignée de pays africains, dont le Mali, et a été accusé d'avoir commis des violations des droits de l'homme. « Nous sommes toujours du côté des bons, du côté de la justice et du côté de ceux qui se battent pour la souveraineté et les droits duur peuple. Appelez à tout instant », a affirmé le chef de Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin dans une déclaration audio de 30 secondes publiée sur une chaîne Telegram liée au groupe mardi. Les rues pour la plupart calmes de Niamey ont vu des rassemblements pro-junte, une rhétorique anti-étrangère et des habitants agitant des drapeaux russes. L'armée au pouvoir a appelé la population à défendre le pays. On ne sait pas à quel point la junte bénéficie d'un véritable soutien, mais il semble qu'elle ait rallié une partie de la société civile et des groupes politiques à ses côtés. Et comme il n'y a pas eu d'intervention militaire contre les putschistes, "il n'y a aucune raison réelle pour eux de croire que tout cela va s'effondrer", a affirmé Manzin. Boubacar Moussa, un ancien combattant djihadiste qui a rejoint un programme qui encourage les combattants à faire défection et à se réinsérer dans la société, a affirmé que les djihadistes au Niger célébraient le chaos et une plus grande liberté de mouvement depuis que des pays comme la France ont suspendu les opérations militaires. REGARDER: Le Pentagone tient un briefing bien que des centaines de personnes se rassemblent pour soutenir la junte nigérienne Quelques centaines de militaires français avaient mené des opérations conjointes avec l'armée nigérienne dans la zone des trois frontières entre le Niger, le Mali et le Burkina Faso, et fourni un soutien aérien aux forces nigériennes. Mais ces opérations sont désormais suspendues. La France compte quelque 1 500 militaires au Niger. Les écrivains AP Dasha Litvinova à Tallinn, en Estonie, et Danica Kirka à Londres ont contribué à ce rapport.
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juarezesdeporte · 1 year
El Paso, Texas., miércoles 12 de Julio, 2023.-El Paso Locomotive FC (West-3, 9-5-4, 31 puntos) cayó 1-2 ante San Antonio FC este miércoles por la noche en Southwest University Park
“Al final del día, ellos anotaron dos goles y nosotros marcamos uno”, dijo el entrenador en jefe y director técnico Brian Clarhaut. “Tenemos que mirarnos en el espejo. No estamos marcando tanto como deberíamos”.
Empatado hasta el 28′, el centrocampista Eric Calvillo ganaría un penal tras recibir una falta en el área por parte de Jacori Hayes de San Antonio. Calvillo se acercó al lugar y envió al portero Jordan Farr volando hacia el otro lado para anotar su primer gol de la temporada 2023, que dedicó a su hijo de un mes, Enzo, quien estaba presente.
“Este momento fue un gran momento para mí”, dijo Calvillo. “Tenía confianza en mí mismo, y los muchachos me respaldaron porque me dejaron tomarlo. Confían en mí para dejarme dar un paso adelante y hacer lo que quería, [que era] ponerlo en el fondo de la red”.
Desafortunadamente, San Antonio encontraría el fondo de la red dos veces sin respuesta en la segunda mitad para finalmente mantener la ventaja, llevándose los tres puntos.
El Paso Locomotive regresa a Southwest University Park el sábado por la noche para enfrentarse a Rio Grande Valley FC a las 7:30 de la tarde tiempo de la montaá.
ELP 1 – Eric Calvillo (Penalti) 29′ SA 1 – Rida Zouhir (Tani Oluwaseyi) 58′ SA 2 – Rida Zouhir (Shannon Gómez) 62′ ALINEACIONES
ELP – (4-4-2) Benny Diaz, Bence Pavkovics, Erik McCue, Eder Borelli – C, Marc Navarro (Miles Lyons), Nick Hinds (Emmanuel Sonupe), Eric Calvillo, Liam Rose (Louis Herrera), Aaron Gomez ( Petar Petrovic), Denys Kostyshyn, Luis Solignac
Suplentes no utilizados: Javier García, Diego Abarca, Chris García
SA – (3-4-3) Jordan Farr, Shannon Gomez, Mitchell Taintor, Fabien García, Lamar Batista, Ismaila Jome (Connor Maloney), Jacori Hayes, Justin Dhillon (Ignacio Bailone), Rida Zouhir (Carter Manley), Jorge Hernández , Tani Oluwaseyi
Suplentes no utilizados: Carlos Mercado, Mohammed Abu, PC, Niko Hansen
ELP – Denys Kostyshyn (Amarillo) 38′, Nick Hinds (Amarillo) 59′, Eder Borelli (Amarillo) 85′, Miles Lyons (Amarillo) 90+6′, Louis Herrera (Amarillo) 90+6′, Eric Calvillo (Amarillo ) 90+6′ SA – Lamar Batista (Amarillo) 80′, (Rojo) 90+4′, Jorge Hernandez (Amarillo) 90+6′, Rida Zouhir (Amarillo) 90+6′, Tani Oluwaseyi (Amarillo) 90+6′ ESTADÍSTICAS DEL PARTIDO: ELP | SA
HASTA LA PRÓXIMA: Sábado, 15 de julio vs Rio Grande Valley FC. Inicio a las 7:30 de la tarde en el Southwest University Park. El Paso Locomotive FC juega contra Rio Grande Valley FC por primera vez esta temporada en un enfrentamiento consecutivo de Copa Tejas.
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hasanaljad23 · 2 years
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FA222 Project 1
Yesterday evening, Saturday, May 15, 2022, an exhibition entitled “House of Al-Faraj International Art Forum” was opened under the patronage of Professor Rida Abdullah Al-Faraj, member of the Bahraini Shura Council. Olga Malakhona from Russia, Abeer Arbid from Lebanon, Mohamed Nafati from France, Abdelrazak Hammouda from Switzerland, Olfa Al-Muthannani from Tunisia, Tarek Abeer from Tunisia.
The methods used in the paintings varied, as some of the artist added Arabic fonts to give an aesthetic with a background of two colors mixed, like the paintings of the artist Muhammad Al-Nouri from Iraq. The artist Abdel Fattah Balali added threads to give his paintings a texture. The artist represented Abdel Razzaq Hammouda from Switzerland, where he added Arabic letters to his paintings, and in the background he followed the method of pouring colors.
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plumedepoete · 5 years
Petite fable affable Devenue, un beau jour, soldat de fortune Du Roi Lion pour une poignée de tunes Valant mieux que de finir chômeur, Cette mangouste, disait-on, avait l’humeur Toujours fort égale. Certes aussi mauvaise Que sa vue « Mais où est donc, dis, le malaise ?! » Aimait-elle à mander toutes dents dehors. Son maître, lui, sur deux oreilles dort Au long de ses jours grâce à sa soldatesque Qui réprime rumeurs, « pourquoi pas t’est-ce que »,… Lui fournissant force faisans et connils Pour ses repues. Ce souverain tout délaisse Se souciant peu qu’il il y ait grain au mesnil Pour ses humbles sujets ou foin au fenil. L’important étant qu’ils fussent bien en laisse Et que partout chien soit en son chenil. Craintive, la plèbe soumise, rumine Sa rancœur, ronchonne sur ce qui la mine, Semblant, hélas, attendre des jours meilleurs Qu’apportera un monarque ferrailleur Qui renversera, c’et sûr, ce trône inique. La mangouste a lu d’anciennes chroniques Relatant cela et craint donc pour son cas. Au nom du peuple, sot et indélicat, Comme seule sait l’être ici cette engeance Qui ne songe qu’à jacqueries et vengeance, Parce qu’elle fait le souverain travail En lieu et place du félin monarque Elle décide de le renverser, et prend à bail Le palais : règnera donc qui au foirail Mène les bêtes ! Enfin, ce sera la marque D’une justice restée longtemps au portail. Ainsi un putsch éclate-t-il en savane : Mais notre mangouste a là ouvert les vannes De la publique colère en tuant le lion Et celle-ci s’est retournée, rébellion Contre elle car tout-un-chacun fut victime Du croqueur de serpents ou de ses intimes Ainsi tout fut révolution, chaos,… Quelques fauves voisins, sans trop de cahots, Se sont emparés des terres et des titres Du défunt. La mangouste n’avait, ce pitre, Pas lu toutes les annales des savants. Elle aurait vu que se soulever pour le compte D'un peuple ignorant, revient souvent À s'immoler par le feu un jour de vent Pour éclairer le chemin à un aveugle*. © Christian Satgé - février 2020 d'après Mohamed Rachid Rida, réformateur arabe syrien. 1865-1935
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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In celebration of Arab American Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 530+ Saudi Arabian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. Special thanks to @brownapollo for helping us out with this masterlist! If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Mariam Al-Ghamdi (1949) Saudi Arabian - actress, director, and writer.
Ibtisam Lutfi (1950) Saudi Arabian - singer-songwriter and oud player.
Wajant Rahbini (1951) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Nagya Al.Rabiea (1955) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Laila al Salman (1961) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Sanaa Bakr Yones (1961) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Nabila Khashoggi (1962) Saudi Arabian, Turkish / English - actress, philanthropist, and businesswoman.
Amira El fadl (1968) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Aghadeir El Saeid (1972) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Eman El-Koseby (1974) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Haifaa al-Mansour (1974) Saudi Arabian - director.
Rania Mohammed (1975) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Waed / Hanan Baker Younis (1977) Saudi Arabian / Iraqi - singer.
Lojain Omran (1977) Saudi Arabian - television presenter.
Maha Salem (1977) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Budoor Abdullah (1977) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Nawal Mohamed (1978) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Yasmine Gelani / Yasmine Al-Jilany (1978) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Sanaa Ibrahim (1979) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Ahd / Ahd Hassan Kamel (1980) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Shams / Shams Bandar Al-Aslami (1980) Saudi Arabian, Kuwaiti - singer.
Afaf El Salman (1980) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Remona (1980) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Mayson Al Rwuily (1980) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Ahd Kamel (1980) Saudi Arabian - actress and filmmaker.
Hind Mohammed (1981) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Hend Mohamed (1981) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Qamar Al Turk (1982) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Rimas Mansour (1983) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Lamar (1983) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Maram Abdelaziz (1984) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Mashael (1984) Saudi Arabian, Lebanese, Bahraini - singer.
Elham Ali (1985) Saudi Arabian, Bahraini - actress, television presenter, and media personality.
Nur (1985) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (nurberxo).
Chihanh (1986) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Zoë Badwi (1986) Saudi Arabian, Egyptian / Irish - actress, singer-songwriter, and model.
Marwa Mohamed (1987) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Reem Abdullah (1987) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Hala (1987) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Mary Jean Lastimosa (1987) Saudi Arabian / Filipina - actress, model, Miss Universe Philippines 2014, and television presenter.
Sumaya Rida (1988) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Nura / Nura Habib Omer (1988) Saudi Arabian / Eritrean - actress, rapper, and singer.
Alanoud Al Harbi (1988) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Aseel Omran (1989) Saudi Arabian - actress and singer.
Nasra Al-Harby (1989) Saudi Arabian / Moroccan - actress.
Wardah Khan (1989) Saudi Arabian / Kashmiri Pakistani - actress and model.
Sarah Algaber (1989) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Haya Sawan (1989) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (hayasawan_official).
Daryna Tkachenko (1989 or 1990) Saudi Arabian / Russian, Ukrainian - model.
Aiysha Hart (1990) Saudi Arabian / British - actress and screenwriter.
Yamour / Yamoor (1990) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Samah Zidan (1991) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Dalia Mubarak (1991) Saudi Arabian / Unspecified Black - singer.
Hala Abdallah (1991) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (thehala).
Khairiya Abu Laban (1992) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Sara Murad (1992) Saudi Arabian - tv presenter.
Model Roz (1992) Saudi Arabian - model (instagram: model_roz).
Amy Roko (1992) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (amyroko).
Nermin Mohsen (1993) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Malak Youssef (1993) Saudi Arabian - model and Miss Saudi Arabia 2017.
Sukkari Life (1994) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
Jana Hisham (1994) 5/8 Saudi Arabian, 1/8 Malaysian, 1/8 Bangladeshi, 1/8 Turkish - youtuber.
Njoud Al Shammari (1995) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
Khawla Al-Enazi (1995) Saudi Arabian - actress, model, media personality, activist, and artist.
Nora Bo Awadh (1995) Saudi Arabian - actress, media personality, social media personality, activist, and artist.
Christina Nadin (1995) Saudi Arabian - model.
Waad Mohammed (1999) Saudi Arabian - actress, model, and singer.
Taleedah Tamer (2000) Saudi Arabian / Italian, Greek - model.
Danyah Shafei (2000) Saudi Arabian - tv presenter.
Banen Naem (2002) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Banen Stars) and instagrammer (banennaem123).
Leesa A (?) Saudi Arabian - rapper.
Abeer Sinder (?) Saudi Arabian / Unspecified Black - actress and youtuber.
Fatima AlBanawi (?) Saudi Arabian - actress and filmmaker.
Rotana / I Am Rotana / Rotana Tarabzouni (?) Saudi Arabian - singer-songwriter.
Hatoon Kadi (?) Saudi Arabian – comedian and activist.
Dina (?) Saudi Arabian - musician (The AccoLade).
Lamia (?) Saudi Arabian - musician (The AccoLade).
Dareen (?) Saudi Arabian - musician (The AccoLade).
Amjaad (?) Saudi Arabian - musician (The AccoLade).
Jiaying Blue Han-Keating (?) Saudi Arabian / Chinese - model.
Aixa Kay (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Yara Alnamlah (?) Saudi Arabian - makeup artist, blogger, YouTuber. (Instagram: yara.makeup).
Tara Bella (?) Saudi Arabian / Unknown - model (Instagram: tara.bella_).
Basma Elkhereiji (?) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (basmaelkhereiji).
Sultana İnatcık Nur (?) Saudi Arabian, Turkish - model (Instagram: tara.bella_).
Wania (?) Saudi Arabian / Pakistani - model (Instagram: _waanniiaa_).
Lamazi (?) Saudi Arabian - model (Instagram: lamazi_model).
Amani Mubarak (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Marwa Salem (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Samar Al-Bayat (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Shaimaa al-Tayeb (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Manayer Khaled (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Maha Ezz El Din (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Reem AlHabib (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Meela Al-Zahrani (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Shimaa El Fadl (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
Maha Zein (?) Saudi Arabian - actress.
F - Athletes:
Lubna Al-Omair (1987) Saudi Arabian - fencer.
Sarah Attar (1992) Saudi Arabian / Unspecified White - middle-distance runner.
Dalma Rushdi Malhas (1992) Saudi Arabian - equestrian.
Wojdan Shaherkani (1992) Saudi Arabian - judoka.
Jasmine Alkhaldi (1993) Saudi Arabian / Cebuano Filipina - swimmer.
Kariman Abuljadayel (1994) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Joud Fahmy (1994) Saudi Arabian - judoka.
Yasmin Siraj (1996) Saudi Arabian / Iranian - figure skater.
Ali Al-Mdfa (1937) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hassan Dardir (1938) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Lutfi Zinni (1940) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Talal Maddah (1940) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saad Khedr (1943) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saeed Basiri (1943) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdel Rahman El Kharigi (1944) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed El Mofreh (1945) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ali El Huyerini (1945) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Altoyan (1945) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hamad Al-Mazaini (1945) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulaziz Al Hammad (1946) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saad Khader (1946) Saudi Arabian, Unspecified Black - actor, director, and producer.
Mohamed El Ali (1947) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hani El-saady (1948) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abd Alrahman Alkhateeb (1949) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Abdu (1949) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Ali Al Saba (1951) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abu Zuhair / Ali Al-Seba / Ali Al-Sebaa (1951) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abadi Al Johar (1953) Saudi Arabian - composer.
Fouad Bakhsh (1953) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abd al-Ilah Nawar (1955) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Talal Alharbi (1956) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulrahman Alrkrac (1956) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saleh El Zayer (1957) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim El Harbi (1957) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mutreb Fawaz Al Ouni (1958) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Magdy El-Kadi (1958) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdelaziz El Mobdel (1958) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullah Al Sadhan (1958) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdel Khalek al-Ghanem (1958) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Alkanhal (1959) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Samir Al Nassir (1959) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Rashid Al Shamrani (1960) Saudi Arabian - actor and writer.
Bashir Al Ghoneim (1960) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Rashed Alshamrani (1960) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Nasser Al Qasabi / Nasser Qassim Al Qasabi (1961) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mahdy El Baqmy (1961) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khaled Sami (1961) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khalid Mengah (1961) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim Gabr (1961) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Omar El Gasser (1962) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Emad Al Youssef (1962) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulmohsen Elnemr (1963) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Awad Abdallah (1963) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim Al-Hsawi (1964) Saudi Arabian - actor and poet.
Ibrahim Al Hesawi (1964) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Amer El-Hamoud (1964) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yousef Al-Jarrah (1965) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdallah El Senany (1965) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullah Elamer (1965) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdelelah El Senany (1965) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mashal Al-Halil (1965) Saudi Arabian - actor.
‎Khalid Alharbi‎ (1966) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hassan Assiri (1967) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Heitham Al-Sayed (1968) Saudi Arabian / English - rapper and singer.
Fayez Al-Malki (1969) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Said Garaish (1969) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Rashed Al Majed / Rashed Al Majid (1969) Saudi Arabian / Bahraini - singer.
Anbar El Dossary (1970) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abd el baqy Al bakheet (1970) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Al-Assa (1971) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Fahd Al-Hayyan (1971) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdelaziz El Fareehi (1971) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim Bosaad (1971) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Fahad Al-Hian (1971) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Rashed Al Fares (1971) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Abd el Aziz El Shemary (1972) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Noor Hussin (1972) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abd El Aziz El Skirien (1972) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Torky El Youssef (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed El Haggy (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hamed Al-daban (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ahmad AlShugairi (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Talal Alsider (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdelhamid El Awwam (1973) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Waleed El Ghannam (1974) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khaled Al Buraiki (1975) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hani Nazer (1975) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Asad Alzahrani (1975) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Faisal El Emiri (1975) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Habib Al-Habib (1976) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulaziz Alsharikh (1976) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hani Derar (1976) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mamdouh Salem (1976) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Almoqbel (1976) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yasser Meshraf (1977) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Said Saleh (1977) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Moshael Almoteary (1977) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdallah Alzahrani (1978) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saleh Alhanaky (1979) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Omar El Doghery (1979) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Maitham El-Rezk (1979) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Faisal Al-Saif (1979) Saudi Arabian - tv presenter.
Ibrahim El Hakami (1979) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Majed Motreb Fawaz (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hisham Abdulrahman (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor and singer.
Torky El Sadhan (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hesham Al-Huwaysh (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Farouk Al-Shouaibi (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Tarek El Harby (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdel Mohsen El Shameri (1980) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Turki Al-Sadhan (1981) Saudi Arabian - actor and tv host.
Ahmed Alhassan (1981) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ahmed Shoaib (1981) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Dorian Aldorian (1981) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulaziz Abdulrahman (1982) Saudi Arabian / Jordanian - singer.
Ali Al-Gofaily (1982) Saudi Arabian - presenter.
Faisal El Eissa (1982) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Faisal Al-Essa (1982) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Meshal Al dayel (1982) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Wael Ghazi (1983) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulaziz Al Mulifi (1983) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ali AL-Saad (1983) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim Alkhairallah (1983) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Bin Ishaq (1983) Saudi Arabian / Yemeni - youtuber (The Baigan Vines Official) and instagrammer (mohammedbinishaq).
Bader Saleh (1984) Saudi Arabian, Yemeni - comedian and presenter.
Murad Mohammad (1984) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ahmad AL Hazmi (1984) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Badr Al mtrify (1984) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Iyad Al Nounou (1984) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (iyadnn).
Nayef Fayez (1984) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yacob Alfarhan (1984) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed El-Chdokhi (1985) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Fahad Albutairi (1985) Saudi Arabian - actor, stand-up comedian, and screenwriter.
Faisal Falattah (1985 or 1986) Saudi Arabian / Unspecified Black - model.
Fares El Madani (1985 or 1986) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Ahmad Fathalddin (1985) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Theyab Al-Jasir (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Faisal Al Omari (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Bader Ellehid (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Al-Harthi (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Wael El-Harby (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdallah Ahmed (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Muhannad Aljamaily (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Slow Moe / Moe Halhel (1986) Saudi Arabian - rapper.
Faisal Al-Zahrani (1986) Saudi Arabian - TV host.
Muhannad Al Jumaili (1986) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Tarek / Tarek Ebéné (1986) Saudi Arabian - rapper (K.I.Z.).
Omar Hussein (1986) Saudi Arabian - comedian and CEO of UTURN Entertainment.
Hisham Fageeh (1987) Saudi Arabian - actor and comedian.
Saifan Mohammed Al-Otaibi (1987) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Al Kraidees (1987) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullah Al-Jumah (1987) Saudi Arabian - author.
Feras Bugnah (1987) Saudi Arabian - actor, youtuber, and filmmaker.
Saleh Abuamrh (1987) Saudi Arabian - author.
Marwan Fagui (1987) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Hussain Sallam (1987) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (S7S).
Bader Al Zaidan (1987) Saudi Arabian - author.
Meshaal El Etieby (1988) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Majed Al-Madani (1988) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Abass Ibrahim (1988) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Mohamed Taher (1988) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Sultan Al Salem (1989) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Turki Almohsen (1989) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (تركي المحسن).
Majid ElAbid (1989) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Prince Stefan / Stephan Andrei Anlocotan (1989) Saudi Arabian / Hiligaynon Filipino - actor and model.
Fadel Almustafa (1990) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khaled Saqer (1990) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Sultan Al-Rashed (1990) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Alaa Ebrahim (1990) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (DvLZStaTioN) and instagrammer (3ala2o).
Jihad Al Mofadda (1990) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Saudi Gamer - سعودي جيمر).
Hamza Hawsawi (1991) Saudi Arabian, Unspecified Black - singer.
Abdelaziz Al Shareef (1992) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Rakan Abdullah Alsadhan (1992) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Thunayyan Khalid (1992) Saudi Arabian - youtuber and instagrammer (thunayyan16).
Faisal Binladen (1992) Saudi Arabian, Yemeni - instagrammer (faisalbinladen).
Firas Al-Juhani (1992) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Fir4sGamer).
oPiiLz (1992) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
Naser Aldosary (1993) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saud Alhomud (1993) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (قناة سعود Saud Channel l).
Bader Al-Shaeebi (1994) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullah Bakr (1994) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (TheSaudiReporters | سعودي ريبورترز ) and instagrammer (boodyzozo).
Abdulaziz Bakr (1994) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (TheSaudiReporters | سعودي ريبورترز ) and instagrammer (zozobakrtv).
Anas Iskander (1994) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Anas Iskander I انس اسكندر).
Aamer Bin Ishaq (1994) Saudi Arabian / Yemeni - youtuber (The Baigan Vines Official) and instagrammer (aamer.bin.ishaq).
Montadher Al-Zayer (1995) Saudi Arabian - musician.
Meshal Al Jaser (1995) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Folaim Ya Gholaim).
AnEsonGib (1996) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
BasSTOP (1996) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
Abdulrhman Bin Ahmed (1997) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Tarek (1997) Saudi Arabian - youtuber.
KhalafZone (1997) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (KhalafZone | خلف زون).
Mohammed Tarazi (1997) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (M7MDXD).
Moha Shmri (1997) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Moha).
Rashed (1998) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (zSHOWz) and instagrammer (ziibordo8a).
RakanTime (1999) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (راكان تايم | RakanTime).
King Luxy (2000) Saudi Arabian - instagrammer (luxyking).
Abdullah Khaleel (2001) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Dyler Tv (2001) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (DYE LAH).
Manar (2001) Saudi Arabian - youtuber (Manr).
Rabeh Sager / Rabeh Saqer (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Jacob Moha (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mamdouh Saif (?) Saudi Arabian - musician.
Abdel Majid Ibrahim (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Ammar Sabban (?) Saudi Arabian - puppeteer, voice actor, podcaster and writer. 
Mamoun Hassan (?) Saudi Arabian - filmmaker.
Bandar Mougri (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Fouad Al-Hitar (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Murshid Atta (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
Ibrahim Al-Hsawi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor and poet.
Mohammed Al-Hamdan (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Muhammad Aman (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Aidross El Aidross (?) Saudi Arabian - singer.
AbdelMajeed Al Hammamy (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim Al-Hajjaj (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hassan Ashour (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Eid Saud (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Wael Mohammed Hamza (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ali El-Shehabi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yousef Aldakhil (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hesham Alghamdi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Turky Mehreq (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saad Tallas (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saad Sultan (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khaled AbdelAziz (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdallah Bal'eis (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullah Rafa (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Eid Saad (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Khaled Al.Aboudy (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Sultan Al.Mekbaly (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Ibrahim ELFiryaan (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saleh El-Olayyani (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Sayed Abdulrahman (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Sultan Al Assaf (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohammed Aldbekhi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Saleh El Zeer (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Naser El Kanhal (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Bakhsh (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yaser Qarout (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdulbari Al Bani (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Jamil ALQahtani (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Hussam Abu Sabra (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Sultan Alnafisi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Abdullrahman Al Gohani (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Aymn Barakat (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Alshawqabi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Rashed El Warthan (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yahya Bakash (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Nawaf al Rkabi (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mahfouz El-Mansaf (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Samy Hazem (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohsen El Shahry (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Yusef Al Yusef (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Fahed Elrakf (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Loay Mohammed Hamza (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
Mohamed Hamza (?) Saudi Arabian - actor.
M - Athletes:
Said Khalil Al-Dosari (1948) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Mansour Al-Juaid (1948) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Kamil Al-Abbasi (1950) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Ahmed Al-Assir (1952) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Abdullah Al-Shaye (1954) Saudi Arabian - cyclist.
Bilal Said Al-Azma (1955) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Hamed Al-Bishi (1956) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Mohamed Abd Al-Jawad (1962) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Shaye Al-Nafisah (1962) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yousuf Al-Thunayan (1963) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Khalid Al-Mansour (1964) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohamed Fahd Al-Bishi (1965) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Khaled Al-Khalidi (1965) Saudi Arabian -shot putter.
Hassan Al-Absi (1966) Saudi Arabian - cyclist.
Hussein Al-Bishi (1966) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saleh Al-Dawod (1968) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Khalid Al Temawi (1969) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Salem Al-Ahmadi (1969) Saudi Arabian - triple jumper.
Fahad Al-Mehallel (1970) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fuad Anwar Amin (1972) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Al Hasan Al-Yami (1972) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mansour Al-Mousa (1972) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sami Al-Jaber (1972) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ken Noguchi (1973) Saudi Arabian / Japanese - alpinist.
Mohammed Al-Jahani (1974) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Tisir Al-Antaif (1974) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohamed Hamed Al-Bishi (1975) Saudi Arabian - sprinter.
Abdullah Al-Waked (1975) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Nawaf Al-Temyat (1976) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mukhlid Al-Otaibi (1976) Saudi Arabian - long-distance runner.
Manaf Al-Saeed (1976) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Hussein Abdulghani (1977) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saheb Al-Abdullah (1977) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammad Sharifi (1978) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mansoor Al-Najai (1978) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hussein Al-Sabee (1979) Saudi Arabian - long jumper
Ahmed Al-Kudmani (1979) Saudi Arabian - swimmer.
Saleh Al-Saqri (1979) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulrahman Al-Shoaibi (1980) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abbas Al-Qaisoum (1980) Saudi Arabian - weightlifter.
Ahmed Al-Bahri (1980) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammed Ameen (1980) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammad Al-Shalhoub (1980) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fahad Al-Shammari (1981) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mubarak Ata Mubarak (1981) Saudi Arabian - hurdler.
Mohammed Al-Khuwalidi (1981) Saudi Arabian - long jumper.
Abdulrahman Al-Bishi (1982) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammad Khouja (1982) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yasser Al-Qahtani (1982) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulmutalib Al-Traidi (1982) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Bader Al-Kharashi (1982) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Awidhah Al-Aamri (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hassan Al-Raheb (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulrahman Al-Qahtani (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Naif Al-Harthi (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Omar Abdulaziz (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Essa Al-Mehyani (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ahmed Otaif (1983) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Bader Al-Khamees (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saad Al-Harthi (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdoh Otaif (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yasser Al-Mosailem (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Taisir Al-Jassim (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Majed Al-Marshedi (1984) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ahmad Abbas (1985) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yahia Al-Shehri (1985) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mazin Ahmed Al-Huthayfi (1985) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulhaleem Al-Amoudi (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al Asta (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulmajeed Al-Ruwaili (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Jassem Al-Hamdan (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulaziz Al-Nashi (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sultan Al-Nemri (1986) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Khaled Al-Zylaeei (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Jamaan Al-Dossari (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohsen Al-Eisa (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hamad Al-Juhaim (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammad Al-Sahlawi (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fahad Al-Dossari (1987) Saudi Arabian / Thai - footballer.
Meshal Al-Enezi (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ali Al-Amri (1987) Saudi Arabian - long-distance runner.
Mohammed Al-Zaer (1987) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Hani Alnakhli (1986) Saudi Arabian - paralympic athlete.
Odai Amr (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Mayouf (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fawaz Al-Maghati (1987) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ahmed Al-Abdulali (1988) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Hisham Al-Obaidi (1988) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Mohammed Al-Qaree (1988) Saudi Arabian - decathlete.
Bader Al-Muhana (1988) Saudi Arabian - swimmer.
Ahmed Al-Fraidi (1988) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Salman Al-Hariri (1988) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Housain Al-Mogahwi (1988) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Naif Hazazi (1988) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullaziz Al-Dawsari (1988) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Raed Al-Amri (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Waleed Bakshween (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Zamil Al-Sulim (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulrahim Jaizawi (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sultan Ghunaiman (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fahad Al-Saqri (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ibrahim Al-Zubaidi (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hussain Al-Showaish (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Salman Al-Faraj (1989) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulaziz Al-Jebreen (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Majrashi (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yahya Al-Shehri (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammed Al-Menqash (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Tariq Al-Amri (1990) Saudi Arabian - long-distance runner.
Abdulazez Saeed (1990) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdulrahman Al-Barakah (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Muneer Abu Alrahi (1990) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Mohammed Al-Fuhaid (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Turki Al-Aliweh (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Enezi (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Badr Al-Sulaitin (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ibrahim Zaid (1990) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Hammad (1990) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Mahdi Al-Salem (1990) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Mousa Al-Aoufi (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Morad Al-Rashidi (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Amiri Kurdi (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Awadh Khrees (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ali Al-Zaqaan (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Maan Khodari (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ahmed Al-Kassar (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yasser Al-Fahmi (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sultan Al-Shammeri (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ahmed Abdulla (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Salem Al-Dawsari (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yahya Dagriri (1991) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saeed Al-Zahrani (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Yasser Al-Shahrani (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fares Al-Ayyaf (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fahad Al-Swilem (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mansor Hamzi (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Jamal Bajandouh (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Hafith (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Otayf (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hattan Bahebri (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammed Al-Breik (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Abbas (1992) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Fawaz Al-Qarni (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Wesam Wahib (1992) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohammed Al-Saiari (1993) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saleh Al-Amri (1993) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Faisel Masrahi (1993) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Saleh Al-Shehri (1993) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Bladi (1993) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Hulaili (1994) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdulmohsen Fallatah (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulrahman Al-Rio (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulhadi Al-Harajin (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abbas Al-Saffar (1994) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdulrahman Al-Ghamdi (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mohsen Al-Duhaylib (1994) Saudi Arabian - weightlifter.
Mohammed Al-Kwikbi (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sulaiman Hamad (1994) Saudi Arabian - judoka.
Abdulfattah Asiri (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Mansor Al-Najar (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulellah Al-Malki (1994) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ali Al-Saffar (1995) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdullah Qaisi (1995) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Fahad Al-Farhan (1995) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdullah Al-Salam (1995) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Abdullah Al-Arraf (1995) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdullah Al-Jouei (1995) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Omar Al-Sonain (1995) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulaziz Al-Aryani (1996) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Osama Al-Khalaf (1996) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Ali Al-Ibrahim (1997) Saudi Arabian - handball player.
Sadiq Al-Mohsin (1997) Saudi Arabian - handball player
Muteb Al-Mutlaq (1997) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Sami Al-Najei (1997) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulrahman Ghareeb (1997) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulelah Al-Amri (1997) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Hussain Al-Hizam (1998) Saudi Arabian - pole vaulter.
Yahya Khormi (1998) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Faris Abdi (1999) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Abdulaziz Al-Abduassalam (?) Saudi Arabian - footballer.
Qusai / Qusai Kheder (1978) Saudi Arabian - rapper, singer-songwriter, DJ, television personality, and producer - Appropriated dreads as seen in one of his Q&A videos.
Ibrahim Saleh (1986) Saudi Arabian - youtuber and comedian - Misogynist/Sexist which got his YouTube channel shut down.
Shanina Shaik (1991) Saudi Arabian, Pakistani / Lithuanian - model - Cultural appropriation.
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] Venice, Italy – 3 September 2022: The Red Sea International Film Festival (RSIFF) and Vanity Fair have come collectively to have a good time visionary feminine expertise each on and behind the digital camera who're shaping the movie trade and creating extraordinary tales that resonate with audiences world wide.   At a gala occasion hosted alongside the 79th Venice International Film Festival on the Palazzo Rocca Contarini Corfù, the RSIFF and Vanity Fair honoured six outstanding girls working on the coronary heart of the Arab movie trade.  The gala occasion shone the highlight on a trio of trailblazing expertise from Saudi Arabia together with the acclaimed filmmaker Haifaa al-Mansour (Wadjda, Perfect Candidate, Mary Shelley), award successful actress and filmmaker Ahd Kamel (Collateral, Honour, Wadjda) and thrilling one to observe Sumaya Rida (Rupture, Rashash). They had been joined by Oscar nominee Kaouther Ben Hania (The Man Who Sold His Skin, Beauty and the Dogs), celebrated actress Hend Sabry (Finding Ola, Noura’s Dream, Asmaa) and Dorra Zarrouk (Walls, Zombie Goes Zombie) all hailing from Tunisia.  Haifaa al-Mansour defined: “I am incredibly honoured to return to Venice Film Festival for the Women in Cinema Gala. I am very thankful to Vanity Fair for including me in this incredible event with all of these extraordinary women. Venice has been my “home” competition for the reason that launch of my first movie ‘Wadjda’ right here ten years in the past. I used to be overjoyed to return to Venice for my comply with up Saudi movie, ‘The Perfect Candidate’, and hope to return with one other Saudi movie very quickly!” Shivani Pandya Malthora; Managing Director; Mohammed Al Turki; CEO of the Red Sea International Film Festival and Simone Marchetti; Vanity Fair European Editorial Director and Editor in Chief additionally welcomed to the occasion; Isabelle Huppert, Carla Bruni, Nadine Labaki, Sabrina Carpenter, Philippine Leroy, Brina Knauss, Rocio Muñoz Morales, Sarah Tiba, Sarah Gadon, Beatrice Venezi, Maria Pedraza, Nicole Rossi and Claudio Santamaria. Shivani Pandya Malhotra, Managing Director of the RedSeaIFF, stated: “The Red Sea International Film Festival has an important role to play in ensuring women’s stories are showcased to as many people as possible and providing a platform to ensure their voices are heard. We strive to establish ways for women to succeed as storytellers as they continue to shape our cultural landscape. Together with Vanity Fair we are celebrating women who are leading the way and inspiring a new generation of creatives.” Mohammed Al Turki; CEO of the RedSeaIFF added: “I’m thrilled to see the rise of women filmmakers making a mark on the world of cinema and with our friends at Vanity Fair we honour these brilliant women as they continue to take the industry by storm, breaking stereotypes and bringing fresh narratives to the screen. We’re grateful for their amazing contributions and cannot wait to see what they do next.” The second version of the Red Sea International Film Festival will run in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia from December 1-10, 2022.  [ad_2] Source link
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cinema-neilton1962 · 2 years
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Credits: @vanityfairitalia Celebrare le donne che si stanno affermando nel cinema, con fatica e passione, combattendo stereotipi e pregiudizi. Vanity Fair e il Red Sea International Film Festival (RSIFF) si sono uniti per la prima volta per il gala senza frontiere Women’s Stories. Nella sontuosa cornice di Palazzo Rocca Contarini Corfù, nel cuore della Laguna, durante la 79esima edizione della Mostra del Cinema di Venezia, è stato onorato il talento di attrici, registe e sceneggiatrici del mondo arabo, tra cui l’acclamata Haifa al-Mansour, che ha firmato La candidata ideale e Mary Shelley, la candidata all’Oscar per il miglior film internazionale Kaouther Ben Hania, la rising star Sumaya Rida e Dorra Zarrouk, che passa con nonchalance da un ruolo all’altro. Con loro, per conoscersi, dialogare e scambiare esperienze, molti ospiti internazionali e altrettanti volti noti del cinema e della serialità italiana: Mohammed Al Turki, Ceo del Red Sea International Film Festival; le attrici Isabelle Huppert, Carla Bruni, Philippine Leroy di Emily in Paris, Sarah Gadon de L’altra Grace, Coco Rebecca Edogamhe che abbiamo apprezzato in Summertime, Maria Pedraza di Elite e La casa di carta, Nicole Rossi fresca del debutto nella quinta stagione di SKAM Italia, Claudio Santamaria e la moglie Francesca Barra, Barbara Ronchi che è stata la protagonista dell’esordio alla regia di Tommaso Paradiso Sulle nuvole. E poi ancora: la madrina di questa edizione del Festival Rocío Muñoz Morales, la cantautrice Sabrina Carpenter. La cena, curata dallo chef stellato Riccardo Di Giacinto, è stata accompagnata dalle note della pianista Beatrice Rana e poi dalla voce inconfondibile di Carla Bruni, che ha intonato tra gli altri il suo cavallo di battaglia Quelqu’un m’a dit, Il cielo in una stanza di Gino Paoli e Moon River di Audrey Hepburn. A seguire, un after party con il dj set di Brina Knauss, alla consolle dei locali di tendenza e dei party più esclusivi. #WomensStories @redseafilm #redseaiff22 @moalturki #vfvenezia 📸: @saskialawaks (em Tijuca, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiF1B61M2dq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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