#Moises Finale
slapiz · 1 year
Moisés Finalé: La belleza radical
Moisés Finalé ... “un arte con dimensiones antropológicas y vocación intercultural donde los colores y los contrastes dan toda su autenticidad a los misterios que esconden” YT
Otredades, nueva expo del artista cubano Mosés Finalé, podrá ser visitada en la Galería Villa Manuela (interior de la UNEAC ) del 20 de abril al 20 de junio. Yamilé Tabio En ese ir y venir cruzando el océano, Moisés ha encontrado un estilo que lo identifica, una marca, un código lo suficientemente inclusivo como para permitirse la asunción constante de nuevas técnicas y estrategias…
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pernillecfcw · 2 months
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Tomorrow we play at Wembley 💙
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makiruz · 13 days
Spoilers for Attack on Titan Basement and Final Season
Watching The Final Season after Israel initiated the Gaza genocide kinda debunks the claim that AoT is antisemitic because of the Jewish coding of the Eldians
Basically the claim is that the Jewish coded people having a history of conquest validates the conspiracy theories of jews controlling the world and jews are eternal victims, etc. Besides the fact that the show does not actually do that, it's that we are seeing now how victims of genocide EASILY turn into oppressors and genociders, using their past oppression as justification (honestly Marley is much like Israel)
Not to mention that zionists invoking the Bible reminds us that Jewish people actually DO have a history of Conquest, Caanan was not empty when Moises people got there, they conquered it and its people; and this isn't to say Jewish people are evil or whatever, it's to notice history is complicated and Isayama is not a fascist for noting that
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riverkaplan · 3 months
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Everyone wants a college romance. But with your roommate? Well, that's a little messier.
My parents were beyond clear: keep your grades up or you’ll be lucky to go to a community college. And if meeting their standards doesn’t leave me with time to date while I’m at Albemarle, fine. Textbooks are more interesting than Tinder anyway.
Only, I never counted on my social butterfly roommate making me his pet project—or how infuriatingly hot his cocky smiles are. I know that school should always come first, but it’s kind of hard to study when I can’t get Jasper out of my head...
High school gave me more than enough of the whole “make out in the barn then act like we barely know each other to your parents” thing for the rest of my life, thank you very much. Now, I’m finally free at Albemarle College: I can live my life, date all the hot guys I want, and find the storybook romance of my dreams.
And sure, my roommate is adorable. And smart. And knows literally everything about manatees? But Moises is a total closet case, and there is no way in hell I’m ever going there again.
How Not To Fall For Your Roommate is a mildly steamy, queer, MM college romance novel WIP with new chapters every week. Inside, you’ll find roommates to lovers, opposites attract, coming out, and a guaranteed happy ending.
Click here to read the first chapter of How Not To Fall For Your Roommate now.
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igglemouse · 7 months
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Episode 1 ~ Not Around These Parts
I don't actually touch my drink this time but not because of it being terrible.
A woman named Mink Smith joined the bar and immediately started to gossip. Apparently the town has a bit of a playboy named Moises? At least that's what I pick up.
"He's not single no it's just that he's been with every other woman in town and so he’s finally ran out of options," Matilda says with a smirk on her face that tells me she probably doesn't like this Moises fellow too much.
"Mmhmm," Mink agrees. "Last girl he was with skipped town."
"Where to?"
"Off to Oasis or somewhere that way? Not sure, but she had to get out of here," Mink continued, chuckling through her words.
I decided to stay out of it as I honestly have no idea who any of these people are and I don’t plan on seeking anyone out. 
"Did it affect him any?" Matilda asks, happy to gossip since it's practically part of her job.
"Affect him? Nah. I mean he's been seen sulking around but I'm sure the moment he locates his next target he'll pep up," and they both shared a laugh at that then glanced over my way as if I were the subject of their conversation now. 
"Never seen you around here," Mink says, finally noticing me.
"Yep, not even a week old this one," Matilda replies for me.
"I can speak for myself-"
"Let me tell you something," Mink cuts in, letting me know she'll just talk over whatever I have to say. "When you meet Moises and I have no doubt  that you will, he will find you. Run. Just say no. Order a restraining order if you need to, do what ya gotta do before he wraps you around his pretty little finger."
"What is there to fear?"
"Oh he’s not a bad guy, not like you'll end up in a ditch or something, but he'll play with your heart like a toy and cast you aside for the next poor girl that saunters into town. You've been warned."
Yeah, I guess. I'm an eternal optimist so I’m sure there is a bit of exaggeration going on. I’m not in the mood or mental state to date and so it really doesn’t matter to me.
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Thoughts on Mrs. Maisel 5x09
- omg the episode starts with lenny 😭
- damn this hurts 💔
- susie and lenny 😭
- “is midge here?” 😭
- seven minutes in and they shattered my heart already
- susie fighting with the police. you just have to love her.
- abe talking about the kids 😂
- so happy for midge. she’s so excited.
- moise and shirley slipping in the shower. these two are just hilarious
- seriously, midge? why joel? it’s annoying how much they are pushing them.
- awwww abe is so proud
- he’s so excited when telling rose
- even zelda is calling now 😂
- she kept the piece of paper from the fortune cookie 😭
- gordon, are you fucking kidding me? what the hell?
- susie calling mike 😂
- “tits up”
- alfie is also there!! his storyline was completely wasted in season 5.
- abe and rose are so proud 🥹
- susie looks also so proud
- omg that scene was everything
- midge x lenny, i’m going to miss you so damn much
- “everyone will know who you are. they will know your wit, your intellect, your smile, your great expressive eyes. they will be helpless to your charms. they will fall at your feet and worship at the altar of you and your show corset.” LENNY BRUCE THE MAN YOU ARE
- midge and susie made up ❤️
-> so I gotta say that the finale was decent and I liked it. there were obviously some storylines that weren’t really brought up again or didn’t get any closure, but that was expected. and after the first couple of episodes we can be very happy with this finale. I thought it was great we got to see almost everyone again in this episode, even if it was just for one scene.
midge and susie were the heart of the show and i’m happy the show ended with them. thought this was very fitting.
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help me is this too much for an essay?? Its about the Haitian Revolution for my history class and im so tired i cant think if i did too much or not:
Jovenal Moise, the 43rd president in Haiti, was assassinated in Haiti on July 7, 2021. He was shot and killed in his own home in Port-au-Prince to which they say a group of Colombian mercenaries was behind the attack, and among them, a Haitian doctor ordering as a plot to become president. Present day photos from Haiti show poverty, burning houses and buildings. There are people covered in soot and ash, and people living in famish and poor living conditions. Buildings are crushed and people look upset and crying. And in 1789, the people of Haiti banded together and began the haitian revolution. They overthrew slavery and were heavily inspired by the recent french revolution. 
So still in 1789, the King and Queen were rich scumbags, who mistreated anyone lower than themselves, leading their land and the 3rd estate to poverty, starvation, and even death. Their monarchy was total control and their word was final, meaning that if you went against their word you were sentenced to death. Punishment was death by axe. They eventually invented the guillotine which proved to be more efficient and effective. The 3rd estate grew tired of the mistreatment and disrespect and revolted. This led to events like the storming of Bastille and the tennis court oath. The declaration of the rights of man and citizen even state  “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good.” (Avalon Project) This was written by The National Assembly of France in 1789 to fight for freedom under a court of law that they wished to create. This differentiates from the reign the king and queen had over France as opposed to the constitution the 3rd estate wanted to grow to establish personal freedom and separation from the monarchy. The ideas of these overcoming revolutions have traveled and spread due to word of mouth and change in the country. Other countries noticed the change in France and it influenced them to make a similar change in their regime. 
And the difference between the monarchy and the democracy imposes a major discussion. The monarchy was full control, full power, total say. So the French Monarchy held France in total control, and this was kinda ticking off the people of France. But they fought for their freedom, their democracy, where everyone can vote, and can make decisions about major choices in their own community/country. So, naturally driven by the determination of France, Haiti took inspiration from France and began what is known as the Haitian Revolution.
One colonist writes presciently  of the colonists’ dilemma in negotiating with the slaves: “For, if we reward with freedom those who have burned our plantations and massacred our people, the slaves who have hitherto remained loyal will do likewise in order to receive the same benefit. Then nothing more can be said: the whites must perish.” ’ This violence was happening because the slaves and people were fighting for their personal freedom and rights, and that was not being given to them. This violence was used to fight and get a point across, this was the cause and methods of their revolution. 
In conclusion, some may ask, “Was the Haitian Revolution successful?” And you could answer, “Yes”. It made a significant impact on life in Haiti and made a revolutionary change for the whole country. In the end they won independence from France, becoming the first country founded by slaves.
or i dont know if i did too little ;-;
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lovepollution · 1 year
TMMM finale thoughts
Oh god, they opened with the Lenny stand when he’s spiralling and my heart hurts 💔 Luke absolutely nailed it however and needs another Emmy like, now.
It’s great to see Susie and Lenny interact, especially soft and caring Susie 🥺 Oh how I’d have loved to see Susie manage him 😩 And Midge hiding chainsmoking backstage because she can’t bare to see him that way. 😩💔
Poor Susie heartbroken over Hedy. Some fantastic stuff from Alex this episode, I so hope she gets an Emmy too for s5 because it’s so deserved.
You know what’s good about TMMM ending? I don’t have to tolerate Gordon Ford ever again - except maybe in fic where he can either be treated as he should or made into a better character lol.
Midge’s Gordon Ford victory dance was so cute 😄
Moise and Shirley are always great and the shower thing was sweet. 😆
You know what’s the other good thing about TMMM? No more Joel and ASP’s weird attempt at redeeming his character. 😒 I mean “You are amazing” just because he finally does the bare minimum to finally accept being used in her act? Ugh.
Really having trouble seeing how Midge being on the Gordon Ford Show is super exciting? I think the season long build up has made me not care. Proud Abe however is wonderful. 🥹
Nice rundown of past seasons events from Rose via the device of her naming Midge’s lies lol.
Rose and Abe’s cab search was just a chance to have a big continuous shot and show how much money Amazon spent on the show, but it worked. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Oh god, the paper from the fortune cookie that Midge puts in her dress - with the Chinese restaurant flashback coming, I see where this is going…
Of course they had Midge put no relationships in her act. 😒
The Chinese restaurant flashback 😩😩😩 “My head turned a long time ago” 😩😩😩
Midge and Joel wedding pic on Midge’s desk in 2005…like, wtf? 😖 It is nice to see Susie and Midge friends again however.
That was the ending?! THAT WAS THE ENDING?! NO MORE LENNY?! Fuck that. No wonder Luke said his three words to describe the finale were “I’m so sorry”. 😠😠😠
It would have hurt, but I wanted to see Midge’s reaction to Lenny’s death ffs. 😡
Alright, I have to sleep now, but I’ll sum my thoughts up thusly:
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kloppool · 3 months
essay - the kids (and 30 year olds) are alright; how the carabao cup final embodies klopp's vision
There are certain games that serve as an encapsulation of a manager’s vision and influence and last Sunday’s Carabao Cup Final was certainly one of them. While the circumstances of the match were far, far, from perfect, it resulted in a perfect microcosm of Klopp’s vision and what legacy he leaves. Needless to say, the main thing on people’s minds was Liverpool’s massive list of injuries. Alisson, Alexander-Arnold, Szoboszlai, Jones, Nunez, Salah, Jota. Everytime you thought the list was over, there was another name. And so, Klopp and Liverpool had to adapt.
While the “Klopp’s Kids” narrative is certainly true and worthy of all the praise in the world, so are those opposite the youngsters. A group of children were thrown into the deep end that is the Carabao Cup Final, the names of which were unknown to people outside of Liverpool circles. Amongst the youngsters, Jarell Quansah has the most appearances at a whopping 8. Bobby Clark has 5, James McConnell has 3 and Jayden Danns was playing in his second ever game. When you throw children in the deep end, you need people to guide them. That came in the form of the two perfect encapsulations of Klopp’s tenure and transfers: Virgil van Dijk and Waturu Endo.
Under Klopp, Liverpool have mainly made 2 types of transfer deals. The first is splashing big money on proven players that generally operate within the spine of the team. The second is buying under the radar talent for cheap. Virgil van Dijk embodies the first better then anyway else, aside from possibly Alisson. Bought for 75 million, he arrived in the winter of 2018, as Liverpool waved farewell to Barca-bound Phil Coutinho. He was desperately needed, as Liverpool was a goal-scoring machine, but leakey defensively. A world record fee for a defender (at the time), he made his debut in the FA Cup against Everton and scored the winner (obviously a header) late on. The rest is history. Van Dijk has proved to be worth more then every single cent paid for him, and not just because of his defensive abilities. Even before he became captain, he was clearly a leader on the team and had good relationships with everyone, especially his defensive mates. That kind of leadership is what makes him truly invaluable.
Endo, despite having just arrived, has already been a success and has the makings of a legend. The Japan captain was signed in the aftermath of failed attempts to get Brighton’s Moises Caicedo and Southampton’s Romeo Lavia. In the end, both went to Chelsea for absurd sums, and Liverpool were left without a DM. With the Premier League season alreacy underway, Liverpool bought Waturu Endo from Stuttgart for 16 million. The move was met with skeptcism. It’s probably fair to say most Liverpool fans aren’t well versed with Stuttgart and people were frustrated after the failure to sign Caicedo and Lavia. Endo was not as flashy as they were and he was much older, sitting at 30. In his arrival video, Jurgen Klopp greets him by telling him “...we really need you. We need you and your heart and your legs and your football ability and your football brain.” It’s safe to say, Endo has delivered on everything asked of him, plus some extra. A lot of extra. In a season where Liverpool’s incoming midfield signings included Brighton star and World Cup winner Alexis Mac Allister, and Hungary captain and highly rated Red Bull graduate Dominik Szoboszlai, Endo’s performance is all the more impressive. And he’s doing it at a fraction of what was paid for Mac Allister and Szoboszlai, who have both justified their own transfer fees. 
Back to the original point, van Dijk and Endo were tasked with providing defensive stability, to allow the kids to have more freedom. Indeed, both gave Man of the Match performances, even well into extra time. Their grit and steadfastness allowed the younger players to go forward without fear. This confidence caught Chelsea off-guard, and rightly so. You may have seen Chelsea fans (and certain other fanbases) point out that Chelsea’s squad had a younger average age by the end of the match than Liverpool. This is being used in an attempt to dismiss the impact of Liverpool’s youngsters. This is also a stupid argument. Firstly, Liverpool’s average age was raised by the aforementioned Virgil van Dijk and Waturu Endo, along with Andy Robertson. Secondly, this ignores the true meaning behind the praise of Klop’s Kids. They aren’t praised solely for being young; rather, they’re academy graduates making their mark in a team full of stars. While there are also debates and arguments about how truly homegrown these kids are, the undeniable truth is that Liverpool has become one of the best clubs to be a young player in. 
It’s hard to pick one, singular best thing that Klopp will leave behind, but after Sunday’s final, I’m tempted to declare that it’s his impact on Liverpool’s academy. It all started with Trent Alexander-Arnold and his eventual promotion to the first team. Alexander-Arnold has played nearly his entire senior career at Liverpool under Klopp, and it shows. The marriage of his natural footballing talent, namely his passing and vision with Klopp’s tactics and mentality has made Alexander-Arnold a star. And he’s been like this for a while. Despite losing the 2018 Champions League Final, he kept Ronaldo in his pocket that whole night, at age 19. Over the next few seasons, he continued to shine brighter. However, the 2022-2023 season saw many difficulties for him, compounded by Liverpool being nothing short of miserable. 
But there are almost no signs of his struggles last season. In fact, Trent has stood out this season, both as a Liverpool and England player. His new role as a hybrid rightback/midfielder has paid off. He rescued a point against Manchester City in November and proceeded to score the winner against Fulham not long after.
Trent’s rise was likely a message to Liverpool academy kids that “Yes, you can do it. There is a way. It’s hard, but it’s possible.” For many years, Liverpool’s academy was mocked and derided. There were occasional sparks of talent, but nothing consistent. Now, however, everytime Liverpool play a new 17 year old appears on the bench. When he comes on, people think, “OK, they’re injured and desperate. He’ll be overwhelmed.” And then the kid precedes to score a goal or make a game-saving tackle. 
But the best part of it all is how these kids are treated. Whether they score a brace or misplace a pass, the older players offer nothing but encouragement and love. When Jarell Quansah started against Bournemouth in the Carabao Cup, Virgil van Dijk traveled with them to support the team, despite the terrible weather. He wasn’t even in the squad. Guidance, comfort, praise, encouragement, are constant. And it comes from some of the best in the world at their positions. Players, such as Alisson, van Dijk and Salah, who will go down as legends, not just for Liverpool, but as all-timers in their respective positions. It comes from the likes of Curtis Jones and Trent Alexander-Arnold, Liverpool boys who understand the academy kids, perhaps better then anyone. It comes from World Cup winner, Alexis Mac Allister and chaos king Darwin Nunez.
Klopp’s influence will live in every one of the players he has coached, especially the ones who are young. While some things will change when the new manager arrives, the Klopp mentality has become synonymous with Liverpool and will live on in the young players who will, one day, become stars,
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reasoningdaily · 3 months
Lynn Garrison
March 10, 2024
I have been involved in an ongoing effort to guide Haiti out of the chaotic train wreck that has followed the loss of my good friend, Jovenel Moise. Our team started meeting during 2022 and became finely focused when Prime Minister Henry created the HCT – Haut Conseil de Transition, headed by Mirlande Manigat. The three member group, was projected as the element that would see a new situation created, through which the Nation could move forward towards some sort of regeneration.
A new cabinet… elections … perhaps a rewrite of the Constitution.
HOPE…. !
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I can never recall who the other two members were/are but they really didn’t matter. It was Madame Manigat’s presence that offered a vehicle for survival. And so, we started to pressure the Prime Minister in the hope that he and Madame Manigat would create a new cabinet and set a date for elections.
From time-to-time there seemed some hope, but PM Henry never took the necessary step to get out of our Nation-Threatening situation.   There was always delay.   He allowed us to continue the slide towards the Abyss. Some members of his team got funds from Finance Minister  Boisvert and passed the cash along to gangs in a criminal effort to maintain instability, an instability the benefitted their personal position.
(Today Finance Minister Boisvert wants to become PM so he can perfect his criminality)
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Some of these people did what they could to impair  efforts of DGPNH Elbie to acquire munitions, and equipment, required to coordinate security.
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PNH officers and ordinary citizens died, because of these actions. Haitian businesses suffered. Schools could not continue. Hospitals closed. 
The Nation was/is dying!
Throughout this fiasco, the American government, with their puppets in the OAS/CARICOM made inane statements that only solidified a paralysis. 
And then, the recent collapse of Prime Minister Henry’s situation offered a door to survival. In any normal world, the PM was toast and we could move forward. The United States Government should have made a specific, easily understood statement – to the effect – the PM Henry MUST RESIGN!!!!
We had been dealing with Madam Manigat for months and it was now time to finalize the situation, and have her lead Haiti out of this endless spiral toward death and disaster.
I believed that Manigat was ready and willing to take the lead, solidifying the legacy of her and my friend President Leslie Manigat. 
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I drafted a  simple statement  that would point the way. It is attached at the bottom of this note and it gave the International Community more than they expected. For example, it declared the commitment to hold elections in November 2024. This is possible if everyone focuses on the challenge. The suggested delay, until August 2025 is pointless. Somewhere, along the line, a few people could create a violent situation and delay the process.
We can have elections in 2024 just as efficiently as 2025 if the International Community supports us with the elements required.
We have the determination.
Even as Madame Manigat was poised to issue the statement, American Secretary of State  Antony Blinken blinked. He, and others, obfuscated in the support or lack of support for PM Henry. CARICOM zoomed through the sky.
And so, yesterday , I travelled to meet with Madame Manigat, with nine members of our team. She graciously received us at her residence. Our journey took us through several gang leader’s territories, where our transit was supported by the gangs.
Strangely, many of the gangs are really willing to  disband, if we could find a solution.
In any event, it was soon apparent that Manigat saw the confused, foggy, befuddled, misdirected, uninformed, ignorant and dangerous position of our supposed allies as to be a poor basis upon which to risk whatever legacy she might possess.
And so, Mirlande Manigat declined the opportunity to play Russian Roulette with her image.
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Our team traversed a major gang area, personally led by the father of the key gang leader – to guarantee our security.
That is Haiti on a personal level! Always has been.
I don’t know where we go from here. People look to me, for my input, because I have been exposed to Haiti for something over 44 years. My understanding of the situation, and the one hundred percent ability of the Americans, to make the wrong decision, when it comes to Haiti, leaves me without much optimism.
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In 1994 I personally coordinated the American plan that saw Aristide’s return, predicated upon a reequipped and trained FadH to act as a countervailing force to Aristide’s predicted grab for dictatorial power.
The Americans expected elections to be held in December,  1994 and Aristide would be eliminated.
Aristide, the guy who got 67% of the monstrous 337,000 ballots cast in 1990 – out of a voted base of 3,500,000 –  was returned, on the bayonets of 23,000 American soldiers in October, 1994.
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November 18, 1994 Aristide disbanded the FadH, delayed elections and then cruised on to take dictatorial power, as predicted in the first place.
Then American propaganda created a terrible reputation, for the FadH and blocked any possibility of this Nation Saving Force to play a real part in our survival.
I agreed to serve on the HCT, in the belief that Prime Minister Henry was honestly committed to initiating steps to bring Haiti out of the crisis that has effectively paralyzed the Nation since President Jovenel Moise’s assassination. Instead, we have been faced with delay, obfuscation and misdirection that leads nowhere.
We are wasting the valuable time of our 13, 000,000 citizens who deserve better.
Prime Minister Henry’s decision to bring foreign nations into Haiti appears, to many,  a simple tool to guarantee his continued, ineffective, unconstitutional hold on power. The Kenyan police, and 2000 soldiers from Benin, would be an adequate force to maintain him in power forever..
The Prime Minister’s promise of elections, during August of 2025, is no promise at all. The Nation could invest time and money in preparing for the vote, only to be disrupted by a few, within the Prime Minister’s office, who could initiate some acts of violence, justifying delays on towards Infinity.
It is my belief that elections could be held during the fall of 2024, just as efficiently, or  inefficiently, as those proposed for 2025. We should just declare a date, and work towards it.
We can do this.
I propose taking the authority given to me, but never exercised, to head a new government, creating a fresh cabinet whose members owe no specific loyalty to any political party or individual, as has been the past practice.
I would hope that all elements see the wisdom in this simple, straightforward approach to solving our challenging situation.
My solution will take major steps towards providing Haiti, and its citizens with the one building block required for any possibity to survive.
Without SEKIRITE we can have nothing 
Our society is disintegrating with each passing day as gangs challenge us throughout the countryside. The foreigners look for complex solutions when the formula for Haiti’s salvation is one the world can understnd…  We must find a simple and direct solution to the Nation’s challenges;
Haiti cannot have anything without SEKIRITE
There is no transporation without SEKIRITE
There is no school without SEKIRITE
There is no Investment without SEKIRITE
There are no tourists without SEKIRITE
There can be no health services without SEKIRITE
There can be no business without SEKIRITE
There can be no HOPE without SEKIRITE
All Haitians must join our journey along the troubled path toward our Nation’s future –the vehicle is SEKIRITE.
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We have accepted this article from Lynn Garrison, for publication, because of his long-term involvement with Haiti – at all levels. He first visited Haiti, in 1980, with Burt Lancaster, to capture Voodoo’s secrets for an American TV series.    
From 1980 – 1991 he spent about one-third of his time in Haiti, generating a network of contacts.
When it looked like Diplomatic relations would be severed, in 1991, he was placed inside Grande Quartier Generale as the American embassy link with the Cedras team. Garrison remained there, from August 1991, through September 1994 when he escaped Aristide’s team and flew back to Florida.
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Lynn Garrison returned to Haiti in 2004, with Aristide’s departure, and has functioned there since then.
He wrote VOODOO POLITICS- The Clinton/Gore Destruction of Haiti and ARISTIDE – The Death of a Nation. These covered his 1991 – 1994 experiences.
Garrison remains firmly committed to the fight for Haiti’s right to control its own affairs in today’s confused world.
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ironfey-42 · 6 months
I Have Looked at You in Millions of Ways and I Have Loved You in Each
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This is for my secret Santa, @szaleksandra ! I decided to make you both a playlist and an edit cuz I was making the playlist and I thought that it looked bare without the edit.
The link is at the bottom of this post.
This is a soulmate AU where fate has bound Tony and Stephen together, but fate has also made it so that many events are trying/keeping them apart. Tony and Stephen overcome what fate has forced them to experience. This playlist is full of songs where fate has placed them in many AUs, separating them. Tony and Stephen keep getting together but are always pulled apart. There are moments in these AUs where there’s soft fluff. The final AU is in MCU post-IW/Endgame, where fate allows them to finally have their happy ending. You get to decide what the AUs are based on the songs.
Unbridled by Chasing Lovely
Home (feat. Casey Lee Williams) by Jeff Williams
Slow Dance by Chasing Lovely
To Be Human by Sia Wonder Woman AU
Battlefield by Jordin Sparks
The Story by Brandi Carlile
Unstoppable by The Score
To Love You More by Glee Cast
Climb Every Mountain by Jordan Smith
All I Want by Kina Grannis
Wave of Hope (from I am Setsuna) by Moises Nieto
Someday by Milo Manheim and Meg Donnelly, Zombie AU
Take A Hint by Victorious Cast, People Keep Setting Them Up with Other People and Not Each Other AU
Champion by Fall Out Boy
Run to You by Pentatonix
Homeward Bound by Peter Hollens
Raise Hell by Brandi Carlile
We’ll Meet Again by Vera Lynn
Cupid - Acoustic Version by Girl’s Day English Translation
Meet Me on the Battlefield by Svrcina
Every Time We Touch by Cascada
How Does A Moment Last Forever by Celine Dion
Loving You Keeps Me Alive by Thomas Borchert, Dracula the Musical AU
The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy
You Are My Sunshine by Moira Dela Torre
I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry
Lucid Dream by Monogram English Translation
Marry Me by Venus and the Moon
I Will Spend My Whole Life Loving You by Imaginary Future and Kina Grannis
How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding
You & I by One Direction
Coming Home by Seven Lions and Mike Mains
The Light by Roanoke
I Was Born to Love Her by Ivan & Alyosha
Tip of My Tongue by The Civil Wars
Marry Me by Train
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 years
Since forever, I have been looking for a way to isolate Kyo's vocals on some tracks to highlight how great a singer but also a composer he is. Thanks to a Youtuber named Misakaraki, I found the Moises app and am finally able to produce what I envisioned!
To start, of course I turn my attention first on the 2018 remake of Ash. Doesn't Kyo sound really close to an electric guitar? You can actually hear hints that the program had difficulty distinguishing between the music and the vocals on some notes.
It gives us a sneak-peek into what it might have sounded like in Kyo's recording booth, essentially!
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netflixandnudez · 2 years
8 years in the game and I finally get my first retwist. This was a fun experience I think I might even do it once a year. Blessed luv to Reny Moise for keeping my hair so long and healthy she has growing hands.
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masochistartt · 1 month
i don’t follow football what happened with chelsea?
okay strap in bc this chelsea season has been. definitely. Something!!
let's start with last season as a little catch up. chelsea (one of the 6 biggest clubs in the premier league) finished twelfth on the table (out of 20). it was their first season under new ownership, and they went through four (4) managers in the 38-game season. finishing in twelfth made it the club's lowest season since 1993-94, where they finished 14th. because of their 12th place finish, this (23/24, current season) is the first season since 2016-17 that they didn't compete in europe (champions league, europa league, europa conference league).
so. not a great year for the boys in blue.
this summer. chelsea spent ~£435 million on new players. that's the most a single club has ever spent during a single transfer window in premier league history. these transfers included moises caicedo (a defensive midfielder from brighton for £100 million (plus bonuses)), nicolas jackson (a striker from villarreal for £32 million), christopher nkunku (a striker from rb leipzig for £52 million), and cole palmer (an attacking midfielder from manchester city for £40 million plus bonuses) (more on this later.)
transfers out included césar azpilicueta, a defender who was their captain since 2019 (who lead them to winning the champions league in 2021), mateo kovačić, mason mount, kai havertz, and christian pulisic (all champions league winners, all played in the final in 2021, havertz scoring the only goal in the game)
these new transfers in are all young. of the 12 new signings, two were born in 1997 one was born in 1998 and one was born in 1999, but the rest are 2000s babies (2 in '01, 1 in '02, 4 in '04, and 1 in '05). so there's a severe lack of experience on this team (ben chilwell is 27, raheem sterling is 29, and thiago silva is 39 – 12 of their 29 players are u21). the average age on the team is 23 (their goalies are the oldest at 27 on average, defenders at 24, midfielders at 21, and forwards at 22).
because azpilicueta left the club, you need a new captain. they found theirs in chelsea academy boy reece james, a 24-year-old defender. his vice captains are ben chilwell, the 27-year-old left back signed from leicester city in 2020, conor gallagher, a 24-year-old central midfielder also from chelsea's academy, and thiago silva, the 39-year-old signed from psg in 2020.
and because of the managerial disasters of last season, they need a new manager. they bring on mauricio pochettino, former manager of spurs and psg (where he lead the team to the ligue 1 title).
welcome to chelsea. let's start the season.
their first match was at home against liverpool. liverpool scored first, in the 18th minute, but chelsea tied it up before the half, the first goal from new signee axel disasi. the second half is mostly uneventful, but oops, captain reece james has to be substituted off with a hamstring injury. he is now out until october (it is august).
their next match is away against west ham. ben chilwell takes the captain's armband. it's the 7th minute. west ham scores. chelsea pulls one back in the 28th minute, 1 all. west ham picks up three yellow cards in the first half. in the second half, west ham scores again. then, the hammers go down a man for a second yellow card, chelsea is now playing 11 against 10. they cannot turn it around. not only do they not turn it around, they concede another goal. chelsea loses 3-1. it is week 2 of the premier league season, and chelsea is fifteenth on the table.
they beat newly promoted luton town week 3 and rise to 10th place.
meanwhile, chelsea is competing in the league cup. that's going well so far - a 2-1 win against fourth tier afc wimbledon (phil dunster's team!) in august right after beating luton town - maybe things are turning around! (things are not turning around.)
then they face a loss, a draw, and another loss to nottingham forest, bournemouth, and aston villa (a game in which malo gusto picks up a straight red card and is now unable to play the next few games).
let's... let's check in on the league cup. we need something good for these boys after this hell they've faced in september. they've drawn fellow premiership club brighton & hove albion at home in the third round. they win! 1-0, thanks to a goal in the 50th minute from new signee nicolas jackson. but in the 7th minute of stoppage time at the end of the game, ben chilwell (their captain, with reece james still out injured), is fouled and has to come off with a hamstring injury. but also oops, chelsea's already used all their substitution windows - they have to finish the game with 10 men. luckily, they see it out and move on to the next round.
reece james is still injured. ben chilwell is now injured. conor gallagher, time to step up.
happy october, chelsea. their first two premier league draws of the month are against fulham (who finished 10th on the table in 22/23) and newly promoted burnley. chelsea win both. they are 11th on the table after both results. and! reece james is back! they draw 2-2 at home against arsenal, and rise to 10th on the table. their last match in october is against brentford, who finished 9th on the table last season, and were 13th going into this match. they lose 0-2.
november starts big with a league cup win against championship side blackburn and a 1-4 win at tottenham (all four goals are scored by new signees - a penalty from cole palmer, and a hat trick from nicolas jackson) after the win against tottenham, they are taking slutty, slutty locker room pictures.
let's pause here to talk about fouls, yeah? chelsea has not gone a single game this season without picking up a booking. 1 is the minimum so far, against brentford, 2 against luton, and the rest have had 3+. they have been booked with 35 yellow cards and one red card as of week eleven of the premier league season.
november ends with a draw against manchester city (10th on the table, 22 points, 5 more yellow cards), a loss to newcastle (10th on the table, 22 points, 5 yellow cards & a 6th that becomes a red card for reece james).
december - a win against brighton (10th on the table, 25 points, 4 yellow cards & a 5th that becomes a red card for conor gallagher before halftime) and then two losses in a row (a 2-1 loss at manchester united - chelsea's first league game of the season without a booking. cole palmer scores the only goal - and then a 2-0 loss at everton that drops them to 12th on the table, 2 more bookings. reece james is injured again and has to get surgery for his hamstring). they win against newly promoted, bottom of the table sheffield united (with another booking), and return to tenth on the table.
league cup break! they draw newcastle united 1-1 in the quarterfinals. the game goes to penalties. chelsea wins 4-2 on penalties. four more yellow cards are picked up in this game. chelsea moves on to play middlesbrough in the two-legged semifinals in january. we'll return to this.
back to the prem.
on christmas eve, they play away at wolves and lose 2-1. christopher nkunku scores in the 96th minute. chelsea picks up 6 more yellow cards.
they end 2023 and start 2024 on a three game winning streak (against crystal palace, luton town, and fulham). in these three games, they pick up 3, 2, and 5 yellow cards. after the win against fulham, they raise to 9th on the table, the highest they've been all season.
they lose spectacularly to liverpool to end january, 4-1, picking up 4 yellow cards in the process. this drops them back to 10th on the table.
meanwhile, they've played both legs of that league cup semifinal i mentioned, winning 6-2 on aggregate. chelsea's going to the final! maybe they will win a trophy this season! who're they playing in that final at the end of february? oh. oh, it's liverpool? okay.
the fa cup's going on now too ! they beat championship side preston north end 4-0, and then draw aston villa 0-0 at home - this will go to a replay the first week of february. only one yellow card across these two games, well done, chelsea.
first they've got a prem match to play against wolves. they allow wolves player matheus cunha to score a hat trick on them. oops. final result 2-4, 3 more yellow cards, 11th on the table with a goal difference of -1 (they've let 1 more goal past them than they've scored all season).
i know what you're saying. chelsea needs a good run here. and they get it! after losing to wolves, they don't lose another premier league game until today, april 23. we will get back to this. they win against crystal palace, newcastle united, manchester united, and everton (the everton game, they win 6-0. we will get back to this.) they draw against manchester city, brentford, and sheffield united (you know, the bottom of the table team who has no chance of staying in the prem next year).
they also win their fa cup ties against aston villa (replay) and championship sides leeds united and leicester city. they face manchester city in the semi finals. they lose. they also lose that league cup final to liverpool. a trophyless season for chelsea. they also still haven't figured out that premier league yellow card problem.
so let's talk about The Everton Game. cole palmer scored his second hat trick in two games and this one's brilliant. seriously watch the highlights it's amazing. chelsea is awarded a penalty in the 64th minute. all hell breaks loose on that pitch, roy kent vs jamie tartt style. here's a clip. for context, madueke was the one fouled for the penalty, palmer is the designated penalty taker. pochettino clearly hadn't made that clear to his players. you cannot fight on the pitch like that. you. you just.... you can't do that. palmer takes the penalty, his fourth goal of the night, he is in the golden boot (top scorer in the league) race.
what happened today, then? chelsea gets absolutely spanked 5-0 at arsenal. palmer was not playing today - he's sick. kai havertz who left chelsea for arsenal this summer scored 2. here's a sign a child held up in the crowd today. they're currently 9th on the table after 32 of 38 games have been played. the state of the club is a disaster. i'm genuinely intrigued to see what happens next year because.....it can't go on like this.
cole palmer leads the club in goals, assists, chances created, shots per game, key passes, through balls per game, xg, motm awards, & penalties.
thiago silva is leaving this summer.
nothing else is known. chelsea goes to aston villa on saturday. the league continues.
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riverkaplan · 30 days
OC questionnaire tag
thanks for tagging me @wiredhouse!
Filling this out for my protagonists for How Not To Fall For Your Roommate!
What is something you can't give up?
Jasper: Iced coffee. If I haven't had at least three cups by noon know that it's a cry for help and you should call my therapist.
Moises: I don't think I could ever give up living by the ocean. My favorite poem is Neruda's El Mar and he writes, "necesito del mar porque me enseña", "I need the sea because it teaches me", which is very true, the water has so much to tell us about life. Whenever I feel down or lost or just want to scream, I can always drive out to the sound or the ocean and just lose myself in the sound of the water and know that everything is going to be okay because the world is so much bigger than I am.
How do you like to spend your free time?
Jasper: I probably spend, like, too much time on Tik Tok and Instagram looking at videos and thirst-following cute guys. When I'm not doing that I really like looking through old books and old maps, especially anything to do with local history, and I'd be totally lost if I didn't have my besties to hang out with.
Moises: Well, um, to be honest I spend most of my time studying. I'm pretty obsessed with marine biology, but school still wasn't ever something that really came naturally to me... I mean, I can talk your ear off about estuarine ecosystems for hours but tests are a lot harder than that, so I always feel like I need to work to do well. When I'm not studying, though, I love going on nature walks or watching anime. Ponyo is my comfort movie.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Jasper: Ideally married to some dark, handsome man living out our storybook romance far, far away from the town I grew up. I'm working a remote job that pays a lot but doesn't require me to do anything more complicated than send emails so I can spend most of my time planning our next foreign vacation and having elaborate brunches.
Moises: In ten years... I'm finally out on my own. I've just completed my PhD, I'm on track to get a job as a researcher at a good school, and I'm finally in a place where my parents can't tell me how to live my life, can't fuck up my schooling, can't kick me out. Maybe then I'll finally feel like I can live my life, like I can come out, like I can look for love.
Thanks again for the tag! I'm tagging in @kaylinalexanderbooks @starchilddante and @thestorywitch
Your questions are:
If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Who's the person you trust more than anyone else in the world?
What's your dream job?
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toxickehlani · 5 months
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𝗖𝗿𝘂𝗲𝗹 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲
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║ ꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛ・* – 𝖲𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌
║ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ・* – 𝖠𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗅𝗂𝖺 𝖺𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝖺 𝗆𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖻𝗋𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍’𝗌 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝗆𝖾𝗋𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗌𝖾.
║ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ・* – 𝟤,𝟤𝟩𝟪
║ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ・* – 𝖺𝖽𝗎𝗅𝗍 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗎𝖺𝗀𝖾,
║ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ/ᴘᴀʀᴛ・* – 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖨❣️: 𝖥𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗒 𝖬𝖾𝖾𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌
ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ
ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
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Angelia’s POV
𝗜𝗧'𝗦 𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗗 𝗕𝗘𝗜𝗡𝗚 the princess of one the most ruthless gangs in Los Angeles. My great-great-great grandfather, Mauro Ballesteros, moved to Arizona from Mexico with his parents at twelve. After kids bullied him for not being from America, Mauro got with the local Spanish teens at the school and on the street and formed Los Santos Vagos. Over time, the group expanded and multiplied to different city areas. From that moment, his gang was the most feared as it’s passed down from generation to generation.
Now, in the present time, my father, Sergi, has been running the show since my grandfather passed it down to him. Things have changed a bit over the years. We respect other territories and don’t kill on their turf. Sometimes, my father expects a lot from me, like he wants me to always step up to the plate. Honestly, it’s stressful.
I’m getting ready to meet my pops and brothers at the warehouse in twenty minutes. I stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my body, and walked to my bedroom. After drying myself, I changed into gray solid flare yoga pants, a white crop top with a gray cropped zip-up hoodie, and gray New Balance sneakers. I stood before my full-length mirror and styled my hair in a slicked-back bun. Grabbing my purse from my bed, I picked up my phone and left my room.
My mother, Yvette, watched a telenovela on TV in the living room. I leaned over the back of the couch and kissed her cheek.
“Adiós, mamá, te veré más tarde.” I smiled, walking to the front door. ( “Bye, Mom, I’ll see you later.” )
“Adiós, amor.” She replied as I closed the door behind me. ( “Goodbye, my love.” )
Unlocking my custom pink 2019 Ford Mustang, I climbed in the driver's seat, fastened my seatbelt, and drove away from the house. Before I met up with my dad and siblings, I stopped by McDonald's and bought myself a McGriddle, two hash browns, and a medium Sprite. As I pulled into the warehouse, people stopped and stared at me instead of working. Exiting the car, I grabbed my food, locked the doors, and walked to my dad's office. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer.
“Come in.” His deep baritone voice speaks from the other side.
Opening the door, I see my three brothers. Moises is 30, who my parents adopted when he was a teenager. They found a scared and hopeless boy and took him in their arms. Antonio is 24 and was the son of someone my father was close to before he died and brought his son into his home. Finally, there’s Mauricio, the baby out of the two of us. He’s 19 and spoiled as fuck.
I sat next to Antonio as my father smiled at me. As he opened his mouth to speak, Mauricio's annoying ass decided to say something to me.
“Why do you always have food in your hands?” My brother asked, looking at me.
“Same reason why you don’t have a girlfriend.” I sarcastically replied, biting into my breakfast sandwich.
Mauricio had nothing to say and kept quiet like he should’ve. My father rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, annoyed.
“Can we carry on, please?” My father asked, eyeing us intensely.
“Sorry.” I apologized, flashing him a genuine smile.
“Okay, 16th Street Lagos has been killing our dealers, taking the drugs and money.” My dad sternly commented, leaning his hands on the table.
“What are those bitches taking?” Antonio questioned, rubbing his hands together.
“Our weed, meth, and heroin.” My father replied, shaking his head in frustration.
“Let’s go kill those foo’s man. Fuck that shit.” Mauricio stated, jumping to his feet.
“Sit down, puto. We can’t just walk into 18th Street’s territory and start shooting people,” I remarked, smacking my little brother’s arm.
“She’s right.” My dad nodded, agreeing with my previous statement.
“Let’s show them why we’re the most dangerous gang out there. Show them what we stand for.” Moises replied, puffing his chest out in confidence.
“I agree with him,” I interjected, nodding in agreement.
As the conversation continued, my phone suddenly started ringing. I pulled it from my purse to see my best friend and ride-or-die Gloria calling me. Smiling, I stood up and walked out the door to answer it. M
Hola, puta.
R.H.B🫶✨ - Puta?! Please don’t make me slap you through this phone.
What’s up, love?
R.H.B🫶✨ - One of the homies is having a get-together at his place tomorrow. Do you want to go?
Yeah, I’m down. Who’s going?
R.H.B🫶✨ - Chachi, you and me.
Okay, I’ll talk to you when I come to your house. Are you home?
R.H.B🫶✨ - Yea, I’m here I’ll see you boo.
I walked back into the office and sat down in my original place. The conversation about rival gangs stealing our merchandise continued for about forty-five minutes. Once our meeting was over, I followed my dad out of the office behind Antonio and Mauricio.
“Guess who wants to fight you, Angel,” Mauricio said, clapping his hands in amusement.
“Who?” I questioned, arching an eyebrow in confusion.
“Antonio’s ex Yasmin.” He replied, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“Screw that bitch. I fought her so many times it’s draining my energy.” I expressed, shaking my head.
Antonio’s ex-girlfriend Yasmin was the biggest shit-talker known to man. When they were together, she would give my mother and me an evil glare whenever she came over. Once I confronted her, she said I’m not Antoinio’s real sister, and I’m probably fucking him. I became so enraged I punched her in the face, and we started fighting inside the house.
“I told her she needs to watch her mouth. Talking all that shit online.” Antonio remarked,
“Is it on her Instagram or Facebook?” I asked my brothers, walking to my car.
“Facebook,” Moises answered, leaning against the side of my vehicle.
“Okay, I’ll check it out.” I nodded, unlocking my car and getting inside.
“The homegirl said Yasmin wants to fight tomorrow,” Antonio commented,
“I’ll be there to fuck that bitch up,” I replied, getting in the driver’s seat of my car.
Closing the door, I started the engine and drove out of the parking lot. When I pulled up to Gloria’s house, I parked behind her car, stepped out, and walked up to her front door before ringing the doorbell.
“¿Quién es?” I hear Gloria's question from inside the house. ( “Who is it?” )
“It’s me!” I shouted, placing my hands on my hips.
The door opened, revealing my best friend since diapers, Gloria ‘Loca’ Enriquez. I love and respect this girl for always having my back and behind there for me.
“Hey, mami.” Gloria smiled, greeting me as she pulled me into a hug.
“Hey, my favorite girl,” I replied, returning the gesture.
My best friend allowed me inside her house and closed the door behind me. I followed her into the family room and sat beside her on the sofa.
“What have you been up to, my love?” Gloria questioned, smiling at me.
“Nothing much. I left the family meeting before I got here and received some news.” I sighed, answering her question.
“What happened?” She asked, staring at me with curiosity.
“Well, first, someone is killing our dealers and taking the merchandise. My dad thinks it’s 16th Street Lagos.” I explained, leaning my head against the back of the sofa.
“Why would they come across town for drugs when I know they revive their stuff?” My best friend asked me, furrowing her brows in confusion.
“That’s what I was thinking.” I nodded, clapping my hands together.
“What else happened?” Gloria asked, drinking from her water bottle.
“Moises told me that Yasmin, Antonio’s ex, wants to fight me tomorrow,” I confessed, rolling my eyes.
“No fucking way.” She gasped, shaking her head.
“Girl, yes. I told Moises I fought her so many times it drains my energy.” I sighed, pressing my lips together in annoyance.
“I understand.” Gloria nodded, flipping her over her shoulder.
“Hell, last time we fought, she tried to jump me with her sister and best friend,” I commented, laughing at the memory.
“Girl, why do you think Chachi and I were there? We were not about to have that.” Gloria responded, giving me a high five.
“Exactly. Like bitch you are a pussy.” I laughed, throwing my head back. “Yasmin is hard-headed as fuck. I fought her until I broke her nose, yet she still talks shit.”
“We’ll see if she continues running her mouth after tomorrow.” She nodded, shrugging her shoulders.
“I hope not because I don’t have the energy to whoop her ass again.” I laughed, shaking my head.
Gloria and I continued talking when my phone started ringing in my lap. I looked down at it to see my little brother Mauricio calling me. Rolling my eyes, I answered his call.
Hello ugly.
Snitch Ass😒🖤 - First of all, I’m never ugly. Second, when are you coming home?
You are and why?
Snitch Ass😒🖤 - Mami wants to know.
Why didn’t she call me and ask?
Snitch Ass😒🖤 - She’s cooking.
What is she making?
Snitch Ass😒🖤 - Shrimp and steak Alfredo pasta.
I’ll be there in the next twenty minutes.
Snitch Ass😒🖤 - Ok, I’ll let her know.
Thanks, asshole.
Snitch Ass😒🖤 - I bet you won’t say that to my face.
Keep that energy.
Ending the call, I continued talking to Gloria about what was up and coming with the gang and my father’s plans. After some time, I decided to leave and said bye to Gloria, giving her a bear hug.
“Call me before you go to sleep.” My best friend said, pulling away from me.
“Okay, see you later, babe.” I nodded, waving at her as I walked to my car.
Climbing inside my vehicle, I started it up, fastened my seatbelt, and drove home. Once I parked behind my mother’s automobile, I got out and used my keys to enter the house. When I walked inside, I heard my mom yelling at someone in the kitchen.
“¡Fuera de aquí!” She yelled, swatting my younger brother's hand away as he tried to grab a piece of steak out of the pan. ( “Get out of here!” )
Mauricio winced as my mother smacked him with her wooden spoon. “Lo siento.” He held his head in pain as he sat at the table, waiting for her to finish cooking. ( “I’m sorry.” )
When my mother saw me standing in the kitchen, she smiled, chewing on shrimp. “Angelia, how was the meeting?”
“It was good, although we suspect that 16th Street Lagos is killing our dealers and stealing our merchandise,” I answered, sitting next to my brother at the kitchen table.
“So what are you guys going to do about it?” My mom asked, turning the stove off.
“I don’t know. We have to wait and see what Dad wants to do first.” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.
Suddenly, a loud commotion echoed through the house before I heard the voices of Antonio, Moises, and my father. The three of them entered the kitchen, kissing my mother’s cheek.
“Huele bien aquí, mamá.” Antonio nodded, kissing my mother's cheek. ( “Smells good in here, Mom.” )
“I made shrimp and steak Alfredo pasta. A new recipe I found online.” She replied, smiling at him.
“Siempre tienes la cocina oliendo bien.” My father smiled, wrapping his arms around my mother and placing a kiss on her lips. ( “You always have the kitchen smelling good.” )
We could hear their lips smoothing aggressively against each other’s, making me smile at their affection while my brothers gagged.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” Mauricio groaned, turning his head away.
“Oh, shut up. Weren’t you the same way with your now ex-girlfriend? What was her name? Lina?” I laughed, pointing at him as he was speechless. “We couldn’t keep you two off of each other.”
“Man, why do you have to bring her up?” My little brother asked, smacking his lips.
“It’s the truth.” I laughed, shrugging my shoulders. “At first, I thought you were going to get her pregnant the way ya’ll be going at it like rabbits.”
“Shut up. I don’t even talk to Lina anymore.” My little brother grumbled, rolling his eyes. He pouted, crossing his arms like a child.
My father pulled away from my mother as she started filling plates with food and smacked my little brother on the back of his head. As Mauricio sat at the table with his plate, I became disgusted at how messily he ate his food.
“You eat like a pig.” I cringed, watching him slurp the pasta noodles.
“You look like one.” My little brother retorted, rolling his eyes.
“¡Pinche pendejo!” I cursed, throwing a water bottle at his head. ( “Fucking asshole!” )
“¡Qué mierda!” He gasped, staring at me in shock. ( “What the fuck!” )
Before I could react to my brother, my father stepped in, making us look at him.
“Hey! Cut it out!” He remarked, pointing at me. “Apologize to your brother.”
“Lo siento, hermanito.” I apologized, crossing my arms. ( I’m sorry, little brother.” )
“Say sorry, Mauricio.” My mother said, putting her hands on her hips.
“Sorry, Angel,” Mauricio replied, glancing at me.
Huffing, I ignored him and continued to eat the food my mom cooked for the house. Once I finished my plate, I sat it in the sink and headed to my room. I got comfortable on my bed and started watching Netflix on my TV until I eventually fell asleep.
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