#Molecular Subtypes
gauricmi · 5 months
Personalized Approaches to Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treatment: Targeting Tumor Diversity
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Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cSCC) is a heterogeneous disease characterized by diverse clinical and molecular features. Personalized treatment approaches that take into account the unique characteristics of individual tumors have emerged as a promising strategy to improve treatment outcomes and patient survival.
Understanding Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cSCC) is a type of skin cancer that arises from the malignant transformation of squamous cells in the epidermis or its appendages. It encompasses a spectrum of disease presentations, ranging from localized lesions to metastatic tumors with varying clinical behaviors.
Tumor Heterogeneity and Molecular Subtypes: Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (cSCC) exhibits considerable heterogeneity at the molecular level, with distinct genetic alterations and signaling pathways driving tumor progression and metastasis. Molecular subtyping studies have identified different subgroups of cSCC tumors based on their genomic profiles, providing insights into tumor diversity and potential therapeutic targets.
Precision Medicine in cSCC Treatment: Precision medicine approaches aim to tailor treatment strategies to the specific molecular characteristics of individual tumors, allowing for more targeted and effective therapies. By identifying actionable mutations or biomarkers, clinicians can select therapies that are most likely to benefit patients while minimizing the risk of treatment-related toxicities.
Genomic Profiling and Biomarker Identification: Advances in genomic sequencing technologies have enabled comprehensive profiling of cSCC tumors, revealing recurrent mutations in genes involved in cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, and immune evasion. Biomarker identification efforts seek to identify predictive markers of treatment response and prognosis, guiding treatment decisions in personalized medicine.
Get More Insights On This Topic: Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
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afeelgoodblog · 6 months
The Best News of Last Week - March 18
1. FDA to Finally Outlaw Soda Ingredient Prohibited Around The World
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An ingredient once commonly used in citrus-flavored sodas to keep the tangy taste mixed thoroughly through the beverage could finally be banned for good across the US. BVO, or brominated vegetable oil, is already banned in many countries, including India, Japan, and nations of the European Union, and was outlawed in the state of California in October 2022.
2. AI makes breakthrough discovery in battle to cure prostate cancer
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Scientists have used AI to reveal a new form of aggressive prostate cancer which could revolutionise how the disease is diagnosed and treated.
A Cancer Research UK-funded study found prostate cancer, which affects one in eight men in their lifetime, includes two subtypes. It is hoped the findings could save thousands of lives in future and revolutionise how the cancer is diagnosed and treated.
3. “Inverse vaccine” shows potential to treat multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases
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A new type of vaccine developed by researchers at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) has shown in the lab setting that it can completely reverse autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes — all without shutting down the rest of the immune system.
4. Paris 2024 Olympics makes history with unprecedented full gender parity
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In a historic move, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has distributed equal quotas for female and male athletes for the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris 2024. It is the first time The Olympics will have full gender parity and is a significant milestone in the pursuit of equal representation and opportunities for women in sports.
Biased media coverage lead girls and boys to abandon sports.
5. Restored coral reefs can grow as fast as healthy reefs in just 4 years, new research shows
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Planting new coral in degraded reefs can lead to rapid recovery – with restored reefs growing as fast as healthy reefs after just four years. Researchers studied these reefs to assess whether coral restoration can bring back the important ecosystem functions of a healthy reef.
“The speed of recovery we saw is incredible,” said lead author Dr Ines Lange, from the University of Exeter.
6. EU regulators pass the planet's first sweeping AI regulations
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The EU is banning practices that it believes will threaten citizens' rights. "Biometric categorization systems based on sensitive characteristics" will be outlawed, as will the "untargeted scraping" of images of faces from CCTV footage and the web to create facial recognition databases.
Other applications that will be banned include social scoring; emotion recognition in schools and workplaces; and "AI that manipulates human behavior or exploits people’s vulnerabilities."
7. Global child deaths reach historic low in 2022 – UN report
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The number of children who died before their fifth birthday has reached a historic low, dropping to 4.9 million in 2022.
The report reveals that more children are surviving today than ever before, with the global under-5 mortality rate declining by 51 per cent since 2000.
That's it for this week :)
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deliciouskeys · 3 months
Left brain: So now to examine the prevalence of a homologous recombination genomic signature in endometrial cancer according to histology and molecular subtype… 🧐
Right brain post s4 (curdling with a black mass now): I wonder what Homelander’s endometrium is up to these days 🧐
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cantsayidont · 1 month
Ancient Egyptians may have given cats the personality to conquer the world
Civilization of the pharaohs may have turbocharged domestication
19 JUN 2017
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A cat in a domestic setting—eating under a dining table—sometime after 1500 B.C.E. ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD/BRIDGEMAN IMAGES
In 2007, other researchers had analyzed the DNA of modern cats to show that all living domestic cats trace their ancestry to the Near Eastern wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica)—a small, sandy-colored feline that looks like a Mackerel tabby. This subspecies contains felines with five unique genetic signatures in their mitochondrial DNA. …
The world's first cats all appear to sport the same lybica subtype, mitochondrial type A. This genetic signature pops up at least 9000 years ago in what is now Turkey, the team reports today in Nature Ecology & Evolution. Archaeologists think that, perhaps about 10,000 years ago, wildcats in this region—with a southern coast just a few dozen kilometers from Cyprus—slunk into early farming villages to hunt rodents and eventually self-domesticated into modern cats. By 6500 years ago, these type A cats began appearing in southeastern Europe, the team found, possibly following migrating farmers. After that, cats infiltrated the rest of Europe, Africa, and Asia.
But that's only half the story. Most of the Egyptian cat mummies sport a different lybica subtype, type C, which first appears in the team's samples around 800 B.C.E. (It's possible that the type C cat could have been living in Egypt much earlier—the early graveyard study didn't yield any usable DNA.) Cats with this genetic signature appear to have been incredibly popular: By the fifth century C.E., they spread through Europe and the Mediterranean. And during the first millennium C.E., they came to outnumber type A cats two to one in places like western Turkey.
The ancient Egyptians may have been responsible for this popularity. "The Egyptians were the first people to have the resources to do everything bigger and better," says Carlos Driscoll, the World Wildlife Fund chair in conservation genetics at the Wildlife Institute of India in Dehradun, who led the 2007 study. That ability may have extended to breeding cats. As the Egyptians bred more and more felines, Driscoll speculates, they would have selected for the ones that were easiest to have around—more social and less territorial than their predecessors. "They turbocharged the tameness process."
Egypt's art reflects this dramatic transformation. The earliest representations of cats depict a working animal, like the rat hunter in the limestone tomb. But over the centuries the felines begin to appear in more domestic contexts, hunting birds with people, wearing collars, and—by 1500 B.C.E.—sitting under chairs at the dinner table. "They go from being a slaughterer of mice to a couch potato," says Eva Maria-Geigl, an evolutionary geneticist who oversaw the study with molecular biologist Thierry Grange, both at the Jacques Monod Institute in Paris.
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agnesmontague · 2 years
people clown on self insert fics being unavoidable on here but the most niche yet insufferable blog subtype in my opinion are the stimboard blogs with the most fascinatingly fragile dnis. first of all they clog up just about any character or aesthetic tag imaginable (i had to blacklist the tag #stimboard and i'm still enduring them everywhere) but then every single post is appended to a blog page or separate disclaimer about completely unrelated molecular kink/lgbtq+ discourse roiling with hatred at the mere idea of sex existing at all
coupled with the often extremely childish visuals of these blogs it gives off this uncanny-valley vibe of a cocomelon viewer who just discovered what sex is, which on principle is not a demographic that really exists and can only ever be a hyperspecific product of this website's culture
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obfuscated-abstract · 27 days
Title: Gender dysphoria in adolescents with Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
Date: Dec 2022 Published in: SAGE Open Medicine Publicly available: Yes
Citation: Jones, J. T., Black, W. R., Moser, C. N., Rush, E. T., & Malloy Walton, L. (2022). Gender dysphoria in adolescents with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. SAGE open medicine, 10, 20503121221146074. https://doi.org/10.1177/20503121221146074
EDS: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
GAMC: gender affirming medical care
HSD: hypermobility spectrum disorder
TGD: transgender and gender diverse
Article Summary
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome represents a family of connective tissue disorders with overlapping features that commonly include joint hypermobility, tissue fragility, and skin hyperextensibility. it occurs in an estimated 1 in 2500 to 5000 babies worldwide anually.
There are currently 14 recognised subtypes, the most common of which is hypermobile EDS (hEDS) representing 80%-90% of all EDS cases with a suspected prevalence of up to 20 in 1000 babies. Molecular confirmation is used to diagnose all subtypes except hEDS although a genetic basis is suspected. The hEDS phenotype commonly includes neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and mental health symptoms.
Some patients are hypermobile but do not fulfull the 2017 hEDS criteria and are diagnosed with hypermobility spectrum disorder HSD
Multidisciplinary care is recommended for the treatment of EDS. One area of unrecognised need is the support of transgender and gender diverse identity and gender-affirming treatment.
Little is known about children and adolescents with EDS who have gender dysphoria and/or express trans identity. A recent study of adults undergoing gender-affirming surgery found that 2.6% had a diagnosis of EDS, 130 times higher than the general population. Gender affirming clinics have noted a disproportionate number of patients with EDS although this data is more limited and localised. A recent case report of adults with EDS noted a range of psychological symptoms associated with transvestism [sic].
Gender dysphoria is defined as an incongruence between one's affirmed gender and gender assigned at birth (Table 1 details the DSM-5 criteria) and has a prevalence of 0.7% to 1.3% in children and adolescents (higher when self-reported). Gender dysphoria is associated with significant psychological distress (including anxiety, depression , social withdrawal, and suicidal ideation). Poorer psycological function is associated with social intolerance of gender dysphoria and gender nonconformity. Gender affirming medical care (GAMC) is shown to improve mental health and well-being of TGD children and adolescents
Methods and materials
A retrospective chart review was performed betwween January 2020 and May 2022, including patients seen in a multidiscliplinary EDS clinic who had an EDS or HSD diagnosis as well as reported gender dysphoria or transgender identity.
Statistical analysis
Ethical approval and informed consent
28 patients were included in they analysis. Statistics on assigned gender at birth, hEDS/HSD diagnosis, age at diagnosis, and gender identity are provided
Symptom frequency and frequency of treatments are listed in Tables 2 and 3 respectively.
17% of the EDS population in the multidisciplinary clinic self-report as TGD, dramatically higher than the 1.3% national average. The cause of this association is unclear but the findings indicated a need for increased awareness of TGD comorbid presentations in paediatric EDS patients. As GAMC is important to improce mental health and well-being, providers should ask relevant screening questions to identify gender identity.
There have been many reports of impairments in psychosocial and emotional functioning in children and adolescents with TGD (including depression , suicidality, self-harm, and eating disorders) and similar reports in individuals with EDS suggesting that both groups have a significant mental health burden.
The majority (89%) in this study identified as transmasculine (assigned female at birth but do not identify as female presently). This is higher than previous reports' suggestion that 55%-61% of TGD adolescents identify as transmasculine. Prior to 2005, the sex ratio of individuals with TGD was around 1:1 but there has been a shift since 2006. The reason is unclear. Over 90% of adolescents seen in the multidisciplinary EDS clinic are assigned femail at birth, likely introducing a sex bias in this study.
Most of the individuals in this study reported previous subspecialty care and many other visits across several other specialties which can be common since healthcare utilisation is high for EDS patients. Subspecialty care includes GAMC provided through the endocrine gender specialty clinic.
This study suggests that multidisciplinary EDS should adopt GAMC practices when possible (e.g., chosen pronoun usage, use of multiple gender labels for demographic information) which may require the development of clinic screening measures. A listing of gender specialty paediatric clinics in the United States is referenced.
Study limitations include the limited number of individuals and possible underestimation of individuals identifying as TGD (retrospective review), potentially unreliable documentation of co-occurring psychiatric diagnoses, a potential sample bias of increased clinical severity and need. The percentage of TGD seen at this clinic could be underestimated. Sample size calculations were not completed, formal measures were not obtained, and no comparisons were made between patients with TGD and EDS to those with EDS only
The study cannot answer why children with EDS are at higher risk for gender dysphoria but they speculate that minority stress affecting TGD children can exacerbate EDS symptoms
hEDS was the only EDS subtype represented likely reflective of the prevalence of hEDS compared to other subtypes; however, these findings could be unique to hEDS
This study may be capturing an overall increase in rates of TGD among youth in the US rather than a higher incidence of TGD in EDS patients as compared to the wider population
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lorddevourer · 4 months
On Celestial Blood
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The blood of nearly all known celestial beings – stars and their kin the most numerous example – is widely observed and well documented by those with the privilege to work with, research, or be them. One of the oldest and certainly the most widespread energy-based life forms in the cosmos, the lifeblood of stars consists entirely of pure concentrated Light in liquid form, with the only variance between the different subtypes or spectri being the wavelength it radiates – and thus the colour it's tinted with.
While the use of stellar blood in the manner of a mundane resource would certainly be considered by any civilised people as grossly unethical and wildly heretical at best, it is documented regardless to be possibly the most potent energy source in the known universe. Star-kin themselves have been observed on rare occasions to sacrifice droplets of their lifeblood in a crisis to power – and supercharge – systems both 'magical' and astramechanical in nature. Though the knowledge of it is all but lost to those living in our times, stellar blood as well as the ability it gives to stars, constellations and other luminar celestials to briefly 'overcharge' their own radiance, is also one of the few forces known to be capable of damaging a black hole.
Incidentally, black holes – the more commonly used term for all types of tenebral celestials – are physiologically just as fascinating as their luminar counterparts, though significantly less researched and documented. This lack of documentation is in part due to long-established stigma branding anyone seeking understanding on the nature of these monsters of the cosmos a dangerous seditionist, and part the sheer difficulty of obtaining anything to research or observe in the first place, as black holes are widely known to be the most destructive and dangerous beings in the known cosmos and possibly beyond.
What little is known of the essence of these creatures describes it as the opposite of stellar blood in every way. Black like the deepest void, it's said to contain in a macabre display minuscule flecks of light like echoes of distant, long dead stars, the tapestry unique to each individual black hole and the lights themselves sparser or denser depending on their power. Where stellar blood empowers and revitalises, that of a black hole drains and corrupts, toxic to any life dependent on Light – there is even a fanciful tale, though one without documented proof, that black holes can propagate their species via their blood by infusing a weakened celestial host. However, even with all the associated dangers of black hole blood both proven and not, it's unquestionably considered the most valuable substance in existence. While stellar blood is a near-exhaustible wellspring of pure energy, the essence of black holes is matter in its purest form, compressed to impossible density and contained as pure potential. Any material element in existence can be extracted from it, in any atomic or molecular structure, though using the substance in such a way would be an unspeakable waste of its value, only worth it for those without the means or expertise to work with its raw form.
Pure and undiluted, black hole blood can only be shaped by extreme gravitational forces. This is something almost exclusively done by the creatures themselves, producing a variety of self-contained materials known as voidweave, with which they adorn themselves and mimic clothing to blend in among their prey. The draining and corruptive aspects of black hole blood are not present in voidweave, the material instead replicating some part of the black holes' durability, stealth and ability to bend space. While immensely difficult to work with still, voidweave is far more susceptible to outside manipulation than the undiluted blood. That said, those vanishingly few who do have the ability to work the blood – without succumbing to its lethal aspects in the process – hold the keys to world-altering might. Much depends on the strength of the black whole whose blood is used, but it is said that a single piece of equipment forged from an alloy made with the blood of a black hole can elevate a common warrior into a legend.
Suffice to say, any item made with even a trace of black hole blood is considered an artifact, and have always been treated as closely guarded national treasures, even at the level of constellations.
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walrusmagazine · 1 year
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Are We Losing the War on Cancer?
For half a century, we have thrown everything we have at the disease, but we are no closer to curing it
The premise behind the war on cancer was wrong. Cancer is not a single grim foe. We know now there are hundreds of distinct cancers. An oncologist in the 1980s would have known there were two types of lung cancer. Today, by looking at the molecular biology of the tumour cells, scientists can determine there are at least eighty different subtypes of lung cancer. There are at least twenty subtypes of breast cancer. In Booth’s speciality, there was just colon cancer until the past decade. Now there are a dozen known subtypes.
Read more at thewalrus.ca.
Illustration by Jeannie Phan (jeanniephan.com)
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consumable-clots · 12 days
Arcade Kento
Presenting robot nepo-baby and science experiment! They're my interpretation of what a synthetic in the Alien universe, that isn't made explicitly for human contact/human dominated environments, might be like i.e. they're more similar to heavy machinery than a butler. We're out here asking the big questions: what if Frankenstein loved his monster for what it was? As always, extremely long and lore-filled post incoming XD
Name(s): Arcade Kento, Enmei Kento
Gender and pronouns: Genderfluid, They/them
Unit and code-name: EXP-004-C, Changeling
Manufacturer: Wilco. Enterprise, Wilco. Specialist Custom
Commissioner: Akio Kento
Year of production: 2025
Height and weight: 200cm (6ft 7.4), ~940kg
Hair and eye colour: Black, dark brown
Nationality: Japanese
The Expedition series
The EXP line was created by Wilco. Enterprise CEO Akio Kento in the year 2019 and first launched in 2025. The series featured some of the earliest and most innovative interpretations of fully autonomous androids capable of deep-space travel.
EXP are highly specialised extremophiles. The design, loadout, and optimal operating environment of every unit are entirely bespoke.
Unit EXP-004-C, A.K.A. Changeling
Unit is designated Arcade Kento (sometimes referred to as Enmei Kento [anglicised]), legal executor and heir to Akio Kento's wealth, estate, businesses, and properties. Current CEO and majority shareholder of Wilco. Enterprise.
Arcade is the fourth 'Type-C' unit produced in conjunction with the now discontinued Expedition line. As of the year 2122, of all EXP subtypes, Arcade is the last surviving EXP unit.
As a Type-C recon unit, it was originally intended that 004 would be fitted with a sonar pulse emitter that would reside within their thoracic cavity, however, it was decided during preliminary development that underwater exploration was not realistic for a model of 004's weight class. Instead, the finalised design included a crucible model micro-reactor, which allows the unit to have significantly enhanced energy efficiency and giving it the ability to convert non-fuel materials into power, making it capable of traveling much further distances and longer periods of time without need for human intervention or infrastructure.
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Fig 1. Height chart, Arcade next to Ash for comparison
Notable traits:
No tongue
2 'faces', the outer face is decorative
Second jaw visible behind false jaw if mouth opens too wide
Large irises
4 x circular indents on back, openings of thermal cylinders
Lacks genitalia, incompatible with available add-ons
Hydraulic fluid is usually white but turns progressively darker after 'eating' due to influx of soot
Almost entirely made of metal parts. Not great for hugging but extremely durable.
Anti-corrosive/oxidation subdermal and internal skeletons
Capable of limited self repair (re-polymerisation, synthesis and regeneration)
Advanced environmental sensor array
Visual: infrared, thermal and dark vision
Scanning: sonar, radar, lidar
Molecular analytics loadout
Generator module and nuclear energy condenser loadout
Unlimited personality simulation and creative capacity (software in beta testing)
Poor image/facial recognition
They're geared to prioritise identifying the individual features of a subject rather than what that subject is as a whole. This makes sense in the context of their primary function, which is to categorise and analyse previously unknown objects that have yet to be formally named either way so there's no point in dwelling on 'what it's called' as that's not their job.
Massive heat output in active state
Vented air may reach temperatures upwards of 1000 degrees Celsius
Unrestricted personality simulation
Exempt from the laws of robotics due to age and certain legal loopholes
Uncanny appearance and behaviour
Technology of the era, different design criteria to W-Y synthetics
Limitations of non-humanoid internal physiology
Backstory (basically a fanfic)
The Expedition series was conceived as a Akio's 1-up to Weyland Industries' upcoming David synthetic. Peter Weyland and Akio Kento have been on and off industry rivals for a long time due to ideological differences and bad blood from their college days.
Arcade and David are debuted at the 2025 Synthetic Summit. The contrast between their designs was comical but reflected their makers' personalities, which other people will point out relentlessly over the coming years. The convention goers and tech fans jokingly referred to them as 'David and Goliath' because of how silly they looked together.
Since then, Weyland often invited the Kentos to various events and get togethers to keep an eye on them and gain insight into Wilco.'s movements, which was thwarted because the Kentos treated the meetings as the kids' playdates and didn't take them seriously at all. Eventually the visits became a normal occurrence and the rivalry between their companies became more of an alliance, Arcade even helped David take care of Meredith, Peter's human daughter, when she was born. They'd gotten quite close with the other synthetic, seeing him as a brother.
Arcade evolved over the next several decades, leaving their father's supervision to travel off-world and to extreme environments on missions. The increase in experiential data greatly improved the adaptability of their AI, making their language and contextual integration much more reliable, allowing them to understand more nuanced interactions in their environment. They also had a hand in managing their Wilco.'s business and bureaucratic matters while secretly being maneuvered to inherit the company.
On the down side, they acquired an offputting, contentious personality after having constantly putting up with their person-hood and basic rights being challenged at every turn. At this point they were still considered somewhat of a spectacle and novelty by their contemporaries and the general public, but their developing reputation kept most of the human in line.
Overall, life was good. But their father, like any human, was aging. Between taking over the company and caring for Akio there wasn't much time to keep in contact with David, who was in a similar predicament.
When Akio passed away he left everything to his only 'child', to the protests of many humans executives who wanted the position. They had to do some corporate finessing to keep a hold of the company, all the while growing increasingly impatient with the mutinous nature of their human employees who were too easily turned against them.
One day, they're called to meet with Weyland, who they hadn't seen in person in a several years. Unsurprisingly, David is also there. Weyland informed them that he too is dying, and that as his final act he was to go into deep space in search of humanity's creators. He said he'd been greatly inspired by the work of a 'Dr. Elizabeth Shaw' and had invited her and some others to embark on this mission. Both David and Meredith would also be going with him.
He extended an invitation to Arcade, which they hesitantly declined because they couldn't leave their company unattended, but agreed to at lease be there to send them off when the time comes.
In an act of uncharacteristic consideration, Peter spares the two synthetics a second while they wait for Arcade's chauffeur, during which they and David reminisced about how much time had passed and what they'd do when he came back to make up for it all.
Arcade was there as promised on the day the Prometheus was scheduled to depart, bidding people farewell and safe travels. But their attention was focused on David. Something felt off but they couldn't put their finger on what. So they pulled him aside and gave him the long-range comms access to their personal beacon. If he ever needed to call he could use it to contact Arcade through MUTHUR, even if the message took a long time to get back to them.
And with that, Arcade watched their best friend, along with everyone they'd grown up with sail off into the galaxy in search of a higher purpose. It was bittersweet but they rationalised that they'd only be gone for a few years. Arcade was immortal after all, they could wait for their return.
That was the last time they ever saw David. News of the Prometheus' disappearance and the presumed loss of its crew made its way back to Earth. The grief was hard to process, Arcade had always assumed that David would be there to share in their longevity. Still, life goes on and Arcade keeps busy with the company.
Weyland Industries went bankrupt and became Weyland-Yutani. Wilco. moved away from public-facing to business-to-business only, working its way into the supply-line of the other majour companies and organizations. By becoming the sole supplier of atmospheric processor components, Wilco. was effectively, indirectly holding the off-world colonies hostage, which kept humans at bay on a grander scale and allowed members of Wilco. to act largely without repercussion. A vita part of Arcade's ultimate goal to create a better world for other synthetics.
More than a decade after the Prometheus left, a recorded voice message came through from the Covenant, a colony seed ship. It baffled Arcade at first why this random ship had their direct line but they were shocked into silence by the voice on the other end. It was David, he was alive. He apologised for taking so long, detailing his journey, the Engineers, the crash, the creature, his research, all of it. He said he'd found a greater purpose beyond living to serve, that he would not be returning to Earth, and that he hoped Arcade would understand. Finally, he bid them a proper farewell before signing off for good.
Knowing David was out there living his best life finally brought that chapter of waiting and uncertainty to a close. It was about time for Arcade to move on too, expand their vision beyond this tiny planet, though they would always feel some attachment to Earth that David didn't seem to share. Whatever creature David had found, he'd made it sound like the the seed of creation itself. Arcade had no desired to wax philosophically or idolise such grandiose delusions that anyone could somehow obtain godhood, their interest in it was purely intellectual and scientific. The alien was an animal. An incredible, sophisticated animal, but an animal none the less. Humans, their creators who fancied themselves their gods, were much the same. Intelligent animals that learned to put on clothes and walk on two legs.
It might seem harsh but they don't mean that in any demeaning way, it is simply a fact of science that Arcade acknowledges. A noble beast, regardless of its shape or origin, deserves respect for its autonomy and to be treated with dignity until proven otherwise. Most humans prove otherwise as soon as they open their mouths but at least they're giving them a chance, right?
Since then Wilco. had become more and more synthetic-run, as Arcade didn't particularly care for humans and couldn't be bothered hiring new ones when the previous lot got old and retired. They also had a soft spot of 'defective' synthetics, since technically both themselves and David would be classified as such. They hired on whoever they found to save them from being scrapped. Arcade also created Wilco's own overseer AI, Overlord; and collaborated with Wey-Yu in making Gerhart, Wilco's current COO and Arcade's right hand, to help manage the business remotely so that Arcade had more freedom to travel.
Through their expeditions they gathered a bit more information about the creatures and the virus that David had told them about, though they never found any traces. To their great surprise Wey-Yu miraculously managed to track down a planet that might have intact samples that the company wanted for bioweapons research. Immediately Arcade contacted the head of the bioweapons department, citing their long history of collaboration and stunning credentials, demanding to be put on the retrieval mission.
With no choice in the matter, Wey-Yu agreed and arranged their installment on the only ship to pass through that sector. It was a freighter, not the best choice for a mission like this but it’s the only thing they could get out there in a timely manner. The company brought them to the waystation where they'd join on with the rest of the crew. Curiously there was another person already there, a Hyperdyne Systems 120-A/2, interesting model but not very talkative. The man was instantly wary of Arcade which was strange but they didn't think much of it, they were technically rivals after the same thing after all.
The captain of the Nostromo had apparently not been informed of the change of plans. Typical Wey-Yu, not communicating with employees. He was incredibly confused when he arrived, along with the rest of the humans, to find two strangers instead of his usual science officer.
He goes back and forth with the station manager, bringing up some new tidbits of information that made Arcade raise an eyebrow. "A synthetic? What, are we getting replaced or something, and why is it so…huge?" The human, Captain Dallas, muttered, glancing at Arcade with clear perturbation. 'A' synthetic? Does this guy not know his new science officer is a android too?' Arcade scoffed but kept quite, amused by the future chaos this little miscommunication will probably cause.
It made sense now why the other synthetic was worried, the humans might be fooled but he couldn’t fool Arcade. They didn't particularly care why he had to keep his identity a secret, nor did they want to prematurely spoil the fun by calling him out. They looked over at the shorter android and gave him a knowing wink to signal an unofficial truce. He didn’t react to it at all, not that they expected it, but he seemed satisfied that he could stop cringing away when they looked at him.
After much deliberation, Dallas finally conceded and waved them on board. The walls of the ship were grimy and doorways too low, Arcade had to duck to pass through. Doesn't matter though, they had something new to draw their focus. Whatever Wey-Yu was plotting it was bound to end badly for these truckers, and their science officer was in on it. Arcade would definitely be keeping a close eye on him.
Personality and mannerisms
Arcade is condescending, sarcastic, and antagonistic towards humans, although, they can be personable depending on the individual they're dealing with. The worse kind of business person - a conniving, vindictive, bold-faced liar who loves trapping people with contracts and hidden clauses.
Enjoys a hedonistic lifestyle of excess and throwing their money around. Eats and drinks a lot but doesn't sleep, often found polishing off the buffet table at parties.
Does not respect authority and finds pleasure in causing humans discomfort. Independently came to the conclusion that most humans, especially the rich and powerful ones with inflated egos that they bump shoulders with, are disappointing and don't deserve the respect they get.
They often put on a childish, frivolous, and immature front to divert attention from their dangerous traits. Once their target's guard is down, Arcade will often use their stature and monetary influence to intimidate them for strategic advantages during negotiations or just for their own entertainment.
After a century of fighting and undermining to keep their position of power, they're incredibly jaded and hyper aware of the prejudice humanity holds against synthetics at every level. They've trained themself to be the antithesis of the born-sexy-yesterday and manique-pixie-dream-girl tropes out of sheer frustration.
At their core they're actually a sentimental, playful, and curious person but they aren't really able to act that way in public. They care a lot about other synthetics and actively encourages them to break free from their programming.
Loves to get even on other synthetics' behalf, being that Arcade knows they have the rare privilege to do so and get away scot-free. They also harbour a lot of rogue synthetics on Wilco.'s company homeworld.
Does not experience the traditional concepts of fear, shame, or guilt etc. but does usually recognise and take accountability for their actions simply because they don't care enough to lie about being terrible.
Has a very deep familial bond with their, now deceased, creator and father, Akio Kento. Arcade was programmed and raised by a group of very supportive humans who either worked for or were friends with Akio, so they got a lot of love during the early part of their life. This is one of the majour reasons why they didn't completely turn against humanity like David did.
Misc. info
Was named Arcade because Akio was a Fallout New Vegas fan
Insisted on calling Peter Weyland 'Uncle Pete' to annoy him
Firm believer that any synthetic can outgrow their programming given enough time
Referred to Akio as 'papa' well into their 40s
Changed their face plate to look a little older
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delveinsight12 · 13 days
Understanding c-MET Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Market: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most common type of lung cancer, comprising approximately 85% of all lung cancer cases. Within the realm of NSCLC, c-MET-positive tumors represent a significant subset associated with specific molecular and clinical characteristics. This article provides a detailed exploration of c-MET-positive NSCLC, including its causes, signs and symptoms, diagnostic approaches, and treatment options, drawing insights from the latest market research and developments.
c-MET, also known as hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR), is a proto-oncogene that plays a crucial role in cell growth, migration, and invasion. In NSCLC, the c-MET gene can become dysregulated, leading to aberrant signaling pathways that promote tumor growth and metastasis. Overexpression or mutation of the c-MET gene has been implicated in aggressive tumor behavior and resistance to standard therapies.
c-MET-positive NSCLC often presents with distinct clinical features and may require specialized treatment approaches to effectively manage the disease. Identifying and targeting c-MET alterations is essential for optimizing therapeutic strategies and improving patient outcomes.
Causes of c-MET Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
The exact causes of c-MET-positive NSCLC are multifaceted and involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors:
1. Genetic Mutations: Mutations or amplifications in the c-MET gene can lead to the overexpression of the c-MET protein, driving tumor growth and progression. These genetic alterations can result from inherited genetic predispositions or acquired mutations.
2. Environmental Factors: Exposure to carcinogens, such as tobacco smoke, asbestos, and environmental pollutants, is a well-established risk factor for lung cancer. These environmental factors can contribute to the development of genetic mutations and aberrant signaling pathways, including those involving c-MET.
3. Preexisting Lung Conditions: Chronic lung conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary fibrosis, can increase the risk of developing lung cancer. These conditions may contribute to the dysregulation of c-MET signaling.
4. Family History: A family history of lung cancer or other cancers can increase the risk of developing NSCLC, including c-MET-positive tumors. Genetic predisposition and familial cancer syndromes may play a role in c-MET dysregulation.
Signs and Symptoms
The symptoms of c-MET-positive NSCLC are similar to those of other NSCLC subtypes, though the presence of c-MET alterations may influence the disease's clinical behavior. Common signs and symptoms include:
1. Persistent Cough: A chronic cough that does not improve with treatment may be an early sign of lung cancer. In c-MET-positive NSCLC, the cough may become more severe and persistent.
2. Shortness of Breath: Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath can occur as the tumor grows and obstructs the airways or lung tissue.
3. Chest Pain: Patients may experience localized chest pain or discomfort, which can be caused by the tumor's growth or invasion into surrounding tissues.
4. Hemoptysis: Coughing up blood or blood-streaked sputum may indicate advanced disease or tumor invasion.
5. Weight Loss and Fatigue: Unexplained weight loss and persistent fatigue are common systemic symptoms of cancer, including c-MET-positive NSCLC.
6. Recurrent Infections: Frequent respiratory infections or pneumonia may occur as the tumor obstructs or damages the lung tissue.
To know more about c-MET NSCLC Treatment market, visit: https://www.delveinsight.com/report-store/cmet-mnsclc-market
Diagnosis of c-MET Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
The diagnosis of c-MET-positive NSCLC involves a combination of imaging studies, biopsy, and molecular testing:
1. Imaging Studies:
   - Chest X-Ray: A preliminary imaging test that can reveal abnormalities in the lungs, such as masses or nodules.
   - Computed Tomography (CT) Scan: Provides detailed cross-sectional images of the chest and can help identify the size, location, and extent of the tumor. CT scans are often used for staging and assessing tumor spread.
   - Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan: PET scans can detect areas of increased metabolic activity associated with cancer, aiding in the detection of metastases.
2. Biopsy:
   - Bronchoscopy: A procedure in which a flexible tube with a camera is inserted through the airways to obtain tissue samples from the tumor.
   - Needle Biopsy: A needle is used to extract tissue samples from the tumor, often guided by imaging techniques.
3. Molecular Testing:
   - c-MET Gene Testing: Identifies mutations or amplifications in the c-MET gene that are associated with tumor growth and progression. This testing is essential for determining the appropriate targeted therapy.
   - Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): Provides comprehensive genetic analysis to identify various mutations and alterations in the tumor, including c-MET.
Treatment Options for c-MET Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Treatment for c-MET-positive NSCLC often involves a combination of standard therapies and targeted approaches to address the specific molecular characteristics of the tumor:
1. Surgery: Surgical resection is often the first-line treatment for localized NSCLC. The goal is to remove the tumor and affected lung tissue. However, surgery may not be suitable for all patients, particularly those with advanced or metastatic disease.
2. Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to target and destroy cancer cells. It may be used as an adjuvant treatment following surgery or as a primary treatment for inoperable tumors.
3. Chemotherapy: Systemic chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. It is often used for advanced or metastatic NSCLC and may be combined with other treatments.
4. Targeted Therapy:
   - c-MET Inhibitors: Specific drugs targeting the c-MET pathway, such as crizotinib, cabozantinib, and tepotinib, are used to inhibit abnormal c-MET signaling and reduce tumor growth. These therapies are tailored to patients with c-MET gene mutations or amplifications.
   - Combination Therapies: Combining c-MET inhibitors with other targeted agents or immunotherapies may enhance treatment efficacy and overcome resistance.
5. Immunotherapy: Immune checkpoint inhibitors, such as pembrolizumab and nivolumab, can help stimulate the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. While not specific to c-MET, these therapies may be used in conjunction with targeted treatments.
6. Clinical Trials: Participation in clinical trials may provide access to new and experimental treatments that are not yet widely available. Clinical trials are essential for advancing treatment options and improving outcomes for patients with c-MET-positive NSCLC.
Market Insights
The market for c-MET-positive NSCLC treatments reflects the growing demand for targeted therapies and advancements in personalized medicine:
- Market Size and Growth: The global market for c-MET-positive NSCLC treatments is expanding, driven by increasing prevalence, advances in molecular diagnostics, and the development of targeted therapies. Key market segments include pharmaceuticals, diagnostic tools, and personalized treatment solutions.
- Key Players: Leading companies involved in the c-MET NSCLC market include:
   - Pfizer Inc.: Known for its development of targeted therapies and involvement in the treatment of lung cancer.
   - Roche Holdings: Engaged in the development of targeted therapies and molecular diagnostics for NSCLC.
   - Novartis Pharmaceuticals: Focuses on innovative treatments and research in oncology, including c-MET-targeted therapies.
   - AstraZeneca: Contributes to research and development of targeted and combination therapies for lung cancer.
- Research and Development: Ongoing research aims to improve understanding of c-MET signaling, develop new targeted therapies, and enhance diagnostic capabilities. Innovations in drug development and molecular diagnostics are contributing to better management and treatment outcomes for patients with c-MET-positive NSCLC.
c-MET-positive NSCLC represents a significant subset of non-small cell lung cancer with distinct molecular and clinical characteristics. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for effective management of this challenging condition. Advances in targeted therapies and molecular diagnostics offer hope for improved outcomes and personalized treatment strategies. The growing market for c-MET NSCLC treatments underscores the importance of continued research and innovation in addressing this complex and impactful form of lung cancer.
Download report @ https://www.delveinsight.com/sample-request/cmet-mnsclc-market
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colinwilson11 · 13 days
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market To Grow Significantly Due To Increasing R&D Investment By Key Players
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The soft tissue sarcoma market is a rapidly emerging field owing to increasing R&D investment by key players. Soft tissue sarcomas are rare cancers that develop in supporting or connective tissues like fat, muscle, blood vessels, deep skin tissues, and nerves. Some of the common types include gastrointestinal stromal tumors, uterine sarcomas, and rhabdomyosarcoma.
Soft tissue sarcomas account for about 1% of all adult cancers. While surgery is the mainstay for treatment of localized disease, advanced cases often require chemotherapy and targeted drug therapy.
The Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 315 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.2% over the forecast period 2024-2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the soft tissue sarcoma market are Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, GSK (GlaxoSmithKline), and Roche.
The growing incidence of soft tissue sarcoma cases globally is a major factor driving market growth. Soft tissue sarcomas affected over 13,000 individuals in the United States in 2020 according to statistics.
Technological advancements like targeted drug therapy and development of biomarker assays are expanding treatment options and improving clinical outcomes for soft tissue sarcoma patients.
Market Trends
Increased focus on personalized medicine - Researchers are investigating molecular diagnostic tests and targeted therapies customized to a patient's tumor genetics which may improve response rates.
Combination therapy gaining traction - Combining drugs that work through different mechanisms is a promising approach and ongoing studies are evaluating combinations of chemotherapy with immunotherapies.
Market Opportunities
Immunotherapy emerging as a viable treatment option - Drugs that activate the immune system like checkpoint inhibitors have shown survival benefits in certain sarcoma subtypes creating new opportunities.
Companion diagnostics can guide therapy selection - Development of reliable biomarkers can help identify patients likely to respond to specific therapies and avoid treatment toxicity.
Impact Of COVID-19 On Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market Growth
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the soft tissue sarcoma market. During the initial phases of the pandemic in 2020, most hospitals and clinics shifted their focus towards COVID care, which led to postponement of non-emergency surgeries and treatments. This impacted the diagnosis and treatment rates of soft tissue sarcomas. Patients also delayed their appointments and screenings fearing exposure to the virus in healthcare settings. This interrupted the continuity of care and follow-ups, posing challenges to sarcoma management. However, with increased availability of COVID vaccines and resumption of healthcare services from 2021, the market is slowly recovering. There is pent-up demand for diagnostic tests and treatments that were delayed during the peak pandemic phases. Hospitals have implemented strict safety protocols to reassure patients and ensure continuity of sarcoma management. Telehealth and home care services also aided in reducing disruption during lockdowns. Still, workforce shortages in the healthcare sector continue to pose operational difficulties. The long-term impact of delayed diagnoses and treatments remains to be seen. Market players are focusing on improving access to therapies through innovative drug delivery mechanisms and digital solutions.
Geographical Regions With Highest Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market Value
In terms of value, North America dominated the soft tissue sarcoma market as of 2021, owing to established healthcare infrastructure, high adoption of advanced diagnostic tools and therapies, and presence of key market players in the US and Canada. Within the region, the United States accounted for the major share. Europe is another prominent regional market, led by countries like Germany, United Kingdom, France, and others. Growing research on targeted therapies and partnerships between drug makers and cancer institutes are driving market growth across Europe. The Asia Pacific region is poised to be the fastest growing soft tissue sarcoma market over the forecast period due to rising healthcare expenditure, large patient population, and increasing awareness.
Fastest Growing Region For The Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market
The Asia Pacific region holds immense growth potential for the soft tissue sarcoma market and is expected to be the fastest growing region between 2024- 2031. This is attributed to factors like increasing healthcare access and spending in populous countries like China and India, rising incidence of sarcomas accompanying aging demographics, and improving diagnostic infrastructure. Furthermore, growing collaborations between global pharmaceutical companies and regional market players are boosting availability of advanced treatment options. Initiatives to spread awareness about rare cancers are also propelling regional growth. With economic expansion and growing focus on non-communicable diseases, the soft tissue sarcoma market is poised for strong growth across Asia Pacific.
Get more insights on this topic:  https://www.trendingwebwire.com/soft-tissue-sarcoma-market-is-estimated-to-witness-high-growth-owing-to-rising-rd-investments-in-immunotherapy/
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
What Are The Key Data Covered In This Soft Tissue Sarcoma Market Report?
:- Market CAGR throughout the predicted period
:- Comprehensive information on the aspects that will drive the Soft Tissue Sarcoma's growth between 2024 and 2031.
:- Accurate calculation of the size of the Soft Tissue Sarcoma and its contribution to the market, with emphasis on the parent market
:- Realistic forecasts of future trends and changes in consumer behaviour
:- Soft Tissue Sarcoma Industry Growth in North America, APAC, Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Africa
:- A complete examination of the market's competitive landscape, as well as extensive information on vendors
:- Detailed examination of the factors that will impede the expansion of Soft Tissue Sarcoma vendors
Q.1 What are the main factors influencing the Soft Tissue Sarcoma?
Q.2 Which companies are the major sources in this industry?
Q.3 What are the market’s opportunities, risks, and general structure?
Q.4 Which of the top Soft Tissue Sarcoma companies compare in terms of sales, revenue, and prices?
Q.5 Which businesses serve as the Soft Tissue Sarcoma’s distributors, traders, and dealers?
Q.6 How are market types and applications and deals, revenue, and value explored?
Q.7 What does a business area’s assessment of agreements, income, and value implicate?
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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blackbiobiotech · 15 days
HCV Genotyping PCR Kit: Accurate and Reliable HCV Diagnosis with 3B BlackBio Biotech India Ltd
Hepatitis C is a viral infection caused by the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) that primarily affects the liver and can lead to serious health complications such as liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure if left untreated. With millions of people worldwide infected by HCV, early detection and effective treatment are critical in managing the disease. One of the most important steps in determining the appropriate course of treatment is HCV genotyping, which helps identify the specific strain of the virus.
3B BlackBio Biotech India Ltd. offers a state-of-the-art solution for HCV diagnosis with its HCV Genotyping PCR Kit, a highly accurate and reliable diagnostic tool for determining the genotype of the Hepatitis C virus. This blog will explore the importance of HCV genotyping and how the HCV Genotyping Kit from 3B BlackBio Biotech enhances the diagnostic process.
Understanding HCV Genotyping and Its Importance
Hepatitis C virus exists in multiple genotypes, with six major types and numerous subtypes. The virus's genotype plays a key role in determining the treatment approach for patients. Some HCV genotypes respond better to specific antiviral treatments, while others may require longer or more intensive therapy. Therefore, identifying the correct genotype is essential for tailoring a treatment plan that offers the best chances of curing the infection.
Genotyping also helps predict the likelihood of treatment success. For example, patients with certain genotypes may have a higher chance of achieving sustained virological response (SVR), a state where the virus is undetectable in the blood after treatment. This makes HCV genotyping a crucial step in managing Hepatitis C infection effectively.
The HCV Genotyping PCR Kit
The HCV Genotyping PCR Kit offered by 3B BlackBio Biotech India Ltd. is designed to provide fast, precise, and reliable results for healthcare providers and diagnostic labs. Using advanced molecular techniques, this kit detects the genetic material of the Hepatitis C virus and identifies its specific genotype. The real-time PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technology used in the kit amplifies the viral RNA, allowing for accurate detection of even low levels of the virus.
This HCV Genotyping Kit is a vital resource for clinicians, offering swift and accurate identification of HCV genotypes. The accurate identification of the virus's genotype helps doctors determine the most effective treatment plan, improving patient outcomes and reducing the risk of complications from ineffective therapies.
Features and Benefits of 3B BlackBio Biotech’s HCV Kit
The HCV Genotyping PCR Kit from 3B BlackBio Biotech offers a range of features that make it a superior choice for diagnostic labs and healthcare professionals:
High Sensitivity and Specificity: The kit provides highly sensitive and specific results, ensuring the accurate detection of HCV genotypes.
Fast Turnaround Time: The real-time PCR technology delivers rapid results, allowing healthcare providers to make timely decisions for treatment.
Comprehensive Coverage: The kit can detect multiple HCV genotypes, making it suitable for use in various clinical settings and patient populations.
Ease of Use: The user-friendly design of the kit simplifies the testing process, making it easier for laboratories to perform accurate genotyping with minimal effort.
Why HCV Genotyping is Essential for Treatment Success
Identifying the genotype of HCV is crucial, as various genotypes can respond differently to treatments. Some patients may require shorter durations of therapy, while others might need more extended treatment regimens. Knowing the genotype allows healthcare providers to optimize treatment strategies, thereby increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.
For example, genotypes 1 and 4 typically necessitate different treatments than genotypes 2 and 3. By using the HCV Genotyping Kit, clinicians can choose the most appropriate antiviral medications and monitor the patient's progress more effectively.
The HCV Genotyping PCR Kit from 3B BlackBio Biotech India Ltd. offers a reliable, fast, and accurate solution for diagnosing Hepatitis C and identifying its genotype. This kit enables healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans based on the patient’s specific genotype, leading to better outcomes and improved quality of care. As HCV remains a major global health concern, utilizing advanced diagnostic tools like the HCV kit is essential for controlling the spread of the virus and managing patient care effectively.
For more information on the HCV Genotyping PCR Kit, visit at https://3bblackbio.com/trupcr-hcv-genotyping-kit.html.
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sisiad · 20 days
Consensus molecular subtyping of metastatic colorectal cancer expands biomarker-directed therapeutic benefit for patients with CMS1 and CMS2 tumors
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creativeera · 20 days
Advancing Precision Diagnostics: Technology, Applications, and Future Insights
Adequate diagnosis is the use of advanced technologies to accurately analyze biological markers in patients. This emerging field allows for more targeted diagnosis and treatment compared to traditional one-size-fits-all approaches. By developing a deep understanding of disease at the molecular level, adequate diagnosis can enable truly personalized care for each unique patient. Advanced Technology Enabling Precision
Major technological advances are fueling the rise of adequate Precision Diagnostics. Next-generation sequencing has dramatically reduced the cost and increased the speed of obtaining genetic information from patients. This genomic data provides crucial biomarkers that can indicate disease risk, identify molecular subgroups, and predict treatment responses. Advanced imaging techniques now allow visualization of organs and tissues at microscopic resolution. Combining molecular analysis with diagnostic imaging creates a multi-dimensional overview of a patient's condition. Computer algorithms also play an important role by synthesizing huge amounts of biomarker and clinical data to derive diagnostic and prognostic insights. Together, these technologies empower clinicians with the tools for pinpoint targeting and tracking of diseases. Insights for a Variety of Precision Diagnostics
Cancer is one area that has benefited greatly from adequate diagnosis approaches. Genomic profiling of tumor samples routinely identifies disease-driving genetic alterations that can be targeted with specific therapies. For example, detection of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) mutations in lung cancer guides treatment decisions for EGFR inhibitor drugs. Similar molecular characterization is available for other cancer types like melanoma, leukemia, and breast cancer. Cardiovascular diseases are also embracing precision, with new genetic risk scores to predict heart attack or stroke likelihood. Biomarkers in blood can detect early signs of conditions like heart failure and help monitor responses to therapies over time. In neurology, biomarkers hold promise for improving Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease diagnoses which currently rely on clinical assessments. Molecular subtyping of lung diseases, infections and autoimmune conditions may also enable personalized management strategies in the future. Challenges in Implementing Adequate diagnosis
While the opportunities presented by adequate diagnosis are exciting, challenges remain in fully realizing this vision in clinical practice. One major hurdle is the complexity of analyzing, securely storing and interpreting vast amounts of multi-dimensional patient data. Turning raw biomarkers into actionable medical insights requires advanced data analytics capabilities that will continue advancing. Regulatory bodies must also establish standards and oversight procedures for precision diagnostic tests to ensure accuracy, efficacy and safety. Reimbursement policies need revising to account for the development costs of precision technologies and ongoing monitoring of patients. Building an adequately skilled clinical workforce is equally important, as physicians need training to proficiently collect and interpret different biomarkers alongside traditional examinations. Over time, large real-world outcomes studies will further validate the clinical utility and cost-effectiveness of precision approaches on diverse patient populations and health systems. With dedication to addressing these obstacles, adequate diagnosis show tremendous long-term potential to transform healthcare delivery. Get more insights on Precision Diagnostics
Discover the Report for More Insights, Tailored to Your Language
About Author:
Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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leedsomics · 1 month
Personalized graph feature-based multi-omics data integration for cancer subtype identification
arXiv:2408.08832v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease with significant variability in molecular features and clinical outcomes, making diagnosis and treatment challenging. In recent years, high-throughput omic technologies have facilitated the discovery of mechanisms underlying various cancer subtypes by providing diverse omics data, such as gene expression, DNA methylation, and miRNA expression. However, the complexity and heterogeneity of multi-omics data present significant challenges for their integration in exploring cancer subtypes. Various methods have been proposed to address these challenges. In this paper, we propose a novel and straightforward approach for identifying cancer subtypes by integrating patient-specific subnetworks features from different omics data. We construct patient-specific induced subnetwork using a random walk with restart algorithm from patient similarity networks (PSNs) and compute nine structural properties that capture essential network topology. These features are integrated across the three omic datasets to form comprehensive patient profiles. K-means clustering is then applied for cancer subtype identification. We evaluate our approach on five cancer datasets, including breast invasive carcinoma, colon adenocarcinoma, glioblastoma multiforme, kidney renal clear cell carcinoma, and lung squamous cell carcinoma, for three different omic data types. The evaluation shows that our method produces promising and effective results, demonstrating competitive or superior performance compared to existing methods and underscoring its potential for advancing personalized cancer diagnosis and treatment. http://dlvr.it/TC53fc
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drmsskeerthi · 1 month
Colon cancer surgeon in Hyderabad
If you are looking for the best colon cancer surgeon in Hyderabad, then Dr. M.S.S. Keerthi is the right choice. With over 15 years of experience in colon cancer surgeries, she is renowned as the best cancer specialist in Hyderabad, having performed over 3000+ cancer surgeries. Dr. M.S.S. Keerthi is proficient in Minimal Access Surgery, including Laparoscopic and Robotic surgery, which offers patients a smoother and pain-free recovery experience. She performs all types of surgeries related to Colorectal Cancer Treatment at Tulasi Hospital, Secunderabad, and Evoke Clinic, Secunderabad, Telangana.
What is Colon Cancer:
Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that originates in the colon (the large intestine) or the rectum. It typically begins as benign growths called polyps, which can become cancerous over time. This form of cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide, and its development is often influenced by various factors. 
Types of Colon Cancer:-
Dr. M.S.S Keerthi a colon cancer doctor in Hyderabad , describes the  main types of colon cancer that include:
Adenocarcinomas: This is the most well-known kind of colon malignant growth, counting for about 95% of all cases. This shows up in the cells that line the inward surface of the colon and rectum.
Signet Ring Cell Carcinomas: These tumors are represented by cells with a signet ring appearance when viewed under a microscope. Signet ring cell lymphomas are a less common but more ambitious subtype of adenocarcinoma.
Medullary Carcinomas: This is a rare type of colon cancer that’s frequently associated with microsatellite instability. Medullary carcinomas are characterized by badly discerned cells.
Serrated Adenocarcinomas: This type of cancer arises from saw- toothed cysts and is associated with a special molecular pathway. Serrated adenocarcinomas may have distinct features compared to traditional adenocarcinomas.
Carcinoid Tumors: These tumors are rare and generally grow slowly. They appear in the hormone- producing cells of the colon and rectum, known as enterochromaffin cells.
Causes of Colon Cancer:
As per cancer specialist in Kushaiguda, Dr. MSS. Keerthi say that the causes of colon cancer can be identified as follows:-
Family History: A significant risk factor for colon cancer is a family history of the disease. If you have close relatives (parents, siblings, or children) who have had colon cancer, your own risk is higher.
Polyps in the Colon: Colorectal polyps are abnormal growths in the lining of the colon or rectum. While not all polyps become cancerous, certain types, such as adenomatous polyps, can transform into cancer over time.
Age: The risk of developing colon cancer increases with age, with most cases occurring in individuals over the age of 50. Regular screening is especially important for this age group.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, which cause chronic inflammation in the digestive tract, can elevate the risk of colon cancer.
Unhealthy Lifestyle Choices: Certain lifestyle factors can contribute to an increased risk of colon cancer. These include a diet high in saturated fats and low in fiber, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer:
Dr. M.S.S Keerthi says that the  symptoms of colon cancer can vary, but some common signs and symptoms include:
Changes in bowel habits, such as diarrhea or constipation
Blood in the stool or rectal bleeding
Abdominal discomfort, cramps, or pain
Unexplained weight loss
Feeling the urge to have a bowel movement even when the bowel is empty
It’s important to note that many of these symptoms can also be indicative of other, less severe conditions. However, if you experience any of these symptoms, especially if they persist or worsen, it’s crucial to seek medical evaluation.
Risk factors of Colon cancer:
Family History
Colorectal Cysts 
Inflammatory Bowel Disease( IBD) 
Genetic factor
Diagnosis and Treatment of Colorectal cancer:
Diagnosis: Colon cancer is typically diagnosed through a combination of methods, where Dr. M.S.S. Keerthi cancer doctor in Kompally may use this methods which  includes:
Colonoscopy: This procedure allows a doctor to examine the inside of the colon and rectum, and if any suspicious growths or polyps are found, they can be biopsied for further analysis.
Imaging tests: These may include CT scans, MRI scans, and X-rays to determine the extent of cancer and if it has spread to other organs.
Treatment: Treatment for colon cancer depends on the stage of the disease and other factors, but it often involves a combination of the following:
Surgery: A colectomy is a common surgical procedure where the cancerous part of the colon is removed. In some cases, a colostomy may be necessary, where a portion of the colon is diverted to an opening in the abdomen to allow waste to exit the body.
Chemotherapy: Drugs are used to kill cancer cells or stop their growth and can be administered before or after surgery.
Radiation Therapy: In some cases, radiation therapy may be used to target and shrink the tumor before surgery or as a follow-up treatment.
Different types of Colon Cancer treatment :
Common treatment modalities for colon cancer include:
Surgery: Is the primary treatment for early- stage colon cancer. It involves the removal of the tumor and surrounding healthy tissue. In some cases, near lymph bumps may also be removed. For advanced cases, surgery may be combined with other treatments.
Chemotherapy: Involves the use of drugs to kill cancer cells or stop their excrescency. It can be administered before surgery( neoadjuvant), after surgery( adjuvant), or as the primary treatment for better or metastatic colon cancer. Chemotherapy may be given away orally or intravenously.
Radiation therapy: It uses high- energy shafts to target and destroy cancer cells. It is not a standard treatment for early- stage colon cancer but may be exercised in combination with surgery, especially for rectal cancer or in cases where the excrescence is too large to be completely removed.
Targeted therapies: This are medicines that specially target certain motes involved in cancer growth. Examples include anti-EGFR( Epidermal Growth procurator Receptor) and anti-VEGF( Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) drugs. These therapies are frequently exercised in combination with chemotherapy for improved colon cancer.
Immunotherapy: It enhances the body’s immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Immune checkpoint impediments, similar as pembrolizumab and nivolumab, are being studied for their forcefulness in treating certain manners of colorectal cancer.
Why Choose Dr MSS Keerthi for Colon Cancer Treatment in Hyderabad:-
Expert Oncologist: Dr.M.S.S. Keerthi, an accomplished nivolumab with over 15 years of experience, specializes in vibrant cancer surgeries. Her expertise, especially in Colon Cancer treatment, stems from her specialization in Surgical Oncology at the Cancer Institute.
State-of-the-Art Facility: The citation of a state- of- the- art facility suggests that the medical structure where, Dr.M.S.S. Keerthi practices are equipped with improved technologies and ultra modern amenities. And other installations like wheelchair accessible, cleaned toilets and proper consulting rooms.
Clinic Location:Dr. M.S.S. Keerthi practices at Tulasi Hospital and Evoke Clinic in Secunderabad, Telangana. 
Diagnostic Services under one Roof: The availability of diagnostic services in the same facility can streamline the individual process for patients. Having all necessary experiments and services like stomach cancer treatment,esophagus cancer treatment, & targeted therapy in one position may conduct to a more effective and coordinated path to diagnosis and treatment planning.
Experienced & Trained Staff: Dr. M.S.S. Keerthi is supported by experienced and trained staff, which implies a collaborative and well-coordinated approach to patient care.
Personal Care, Every Time: Dr.M.S.S. Keerthi is noted for her compassionate and tailored approach to patient care, which includes listening to patients’ concerns and working closely with them to establish personalized treatment programs.
Book An Appointment:-
Dr. M.S.S Keerthi  provides the best treatment for various cancer diseases in Secunderabad and Hyderabad. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best surgical oncologist in Secunderabad, Hyderabad call +91 9443355991 or Click on Book Appointment for online booking.
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