#Monica surgery
stormyoceans · 9 months
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thanks i hate it :))))))))
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
The Waiting Game
Firefighter!Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
You get a call in the middle of the night that Natasha has been injured while on shift
Note: More firefighter Nat here! This one is a bit different to the au, but has an important ending. Enjoy this one!
Burning Red AU, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff is good at her job. Her fellow firefighters would agree that she’s a textbook perfect example of a hero.
But that means that sometimes she takes her heroics a little too far and she jumps into trouble.
When your phone rings in the middle of the night, you startle awake and answer it.
“Is this y/n?” A voice comes from the other end.
“Yes, who is this?”
“This is Dr. Rambeau. Your girlfriend has been in a serious accident with some fellow firefighters,” the woman explains.
“Is she okay?” You ask. She gives you minimal details.
You try to process the information as you get dressed quickly and get in your car. Clad in Natasha’s hoodie, you jog into the hospital.
“What are you doing here?” A familiar face asks when you run by her. She grabs your arm to stop you.
“Wanda! Of course, you work here,” you say.
“You’ve been here to see me at work before y/n,” Wanda says, concern and confusion in her voice. “What’s wrong?”
“Natasha. Natasha’s hurt,” you breathe out.
Wanda nods and glances at the iPad in her hands. She finds Natasha’s information.
“Come with me,” she says, her doctor voice coming through.
Wanda guides you through the hallways of the hospital and all you can think about is Natasha. You really need her to be okay.
When you get to the operating room area, Wanda tells you to stay put in the small waiting room.
“No way. I’m going in,” you say.
“Absolutely not. You don’t want to see this, I promise. Stay here. I know Dr. Rambeau extremely personally, trust me. I will update you,” Wanda explains.
Any other time you’d question how she knows the woman that well, but you don’t care right now.
So, you sit and wait. While you’re waiting, a few more families of the firefighters arrive. You don’t know any of them, but you’re all in the same waiting game.
Finally after two hours, you’re told that you can see Natasha in the ICU. Wanda walks you down there and lets you into the room.
Natasha is still coming around. She blinks hard at the harsh lighting in the room. A slight smile is on her face when she sees you.
“Hey Natasha,” you say, approaching her quickly.
“Hey sweetheart,” she says, her voice is raspy. She opens her hand for you and you slip yours into it. “What happened?”
“I’m not sure. I just got a call that you got hurt,” you explain. “But they told me you’re going to recover just fine.”
Natasha nods. Flashes of the night begin to come back, but she pushes away the thoughts. She chooses the focus on the feeling of being here with you. You lean over her carefully and kiss her forehead.
A doctor enters the room as you sit in a chair next to Natasha.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Rambeau. How are you feeling, Lieutenant Romanoff?” The woman asks. She has a friendly disposition that makes you want to trust her immediately.
“I’m good,” Nat replies.
“You’re a tough one. I know that much. But I will need you to tell me where you’re still feeling pain,” Dr. Rambeau says.
Natasha looks to you and then glances down at her lap. She doesn’t like to admit she’s hurting.
“I can step out,” you offer, but Nat holds your hand tighter. “Or not.”
“I guess my arm hurts a bit,” Natasha says.
“Your burns,” Dr. Rambeau reasons. “Anything else?”
“My right leg.”
“From my understanding, that took the brunt of the injury. We’ll keep a good look at that. Thank you for your honesty, Lieutenant.”
Dr. Rambeau begins to look at Natasha’s wounds to ensure the surgery went well.
“It’s just Nat,” Natasha says.
“I’d say it’s just Monica, but I’m supposed to use my title in my element here,” Dr. Rambeau says. A grin on her face. “But for you it’s just Monica.”
Natasha offers her a smile. After Monica leaves, you sit with Natasha until she falls asleep. It doesn’t take long with the pain meds they gave her.
You find yourself falling asleep too. You wake to Wanda nudging your arm. She has food and water in her hands for you.
“Hey,” she greets, kissing your cheek. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m okay,” you say. “Nat seems to be okay.”
“I looked over her chart. A few broken bones, bruises, and burns. No brain injuries. That’s a great outcome considering the circumstances,” Wanda explains. “Captain Rogers isn’t in the same boat.”
“Steve got hurt?” You ask.
“Yeah. His spine is fucked for lack of better words, but Dr. Stark has hopes of full recovery,” Wanda says.
You feel tears run down your face as the weight of what happened sinks in. It could’ve gone horribly for Natasha.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay,” Wanda wraps her arms around your neck. You cry into her stomach as she stands by your chair.
Dr. Rambeau walks in on the scene. She walks to Natasha quickly, only to see you’re not crying over something happening to her.
“She’s stable,” Monica says. “I know it’s hard to believe.”
“She’s just a little overwhelmed,” Wanda speaks for you. “She’s okay.”
“Good,” Monica says. “Can I have a word with you, Dr. Maximoff?”
“It’s weird hearing someone call you that,” you mumble into your best friend’s stomach. You’ve known each other since the first day of undergrad. It’s hard to imagine her as more than an 18 year old girl who likes to shotgun beer at parties, but Wanda is an excellent pediatric surgeon.
Wanda chuckles and rubs your back before she goes into the hallway with Monica. You can see them having a conversation.
“So, Natasha is your friend?” Monica asks.
“She’s y/n’s girlfriend,” Wanda explains.
“Right. We’re going to discharge her tomorrow if she has someone at home to take care of her,” Monica explains. “Do you think y/n will be up for learning how to dress Natasha’s wounds?”
Wanda nods. “Yeah, but can I teach her?”
“Wanda,” Monica warns.
“Please? I need to be near her to make sure she’s okay,” Wanda says.
“Aren’t there some babies that need your help?”
“It’s my day off,” Wanda counters, a smirk on her lips. She steps closer to Monica, her hands going to the other woman’s hips. “And it was supposed to be yours too.”
“I should stay and help with the aftermath,” Monica says. “And you need to rest.”
“I will,” Wanda says. “I promise.”
“Fine. Teach her how to do it the correct way. Not the Wanda way.” Monica holds Wanda’s cheeks playfully before walking away.
“Hey, my way is the best way!” Wanda shouts after her.
Wanda comes back into the room and you raise your brow at her. She shakes her head. She’ll tell you later.
Over the next few hours, Natasha wakes and you learn how to dress her wounds. It’s not too difficult, but Wanda expresses the importance of doing it.
The next day Natasha is discharged. You drive to her place and help her inside. She’s capable of walking on the crutches, but you still walk closely to her.
“I’m good, baby,” she says while you’re fussing over getting her a perfect spot on her bed. “Just come lay with me.”
“Are you sure you’re comfortable?”
“As much as I can be with a broken leg,” Natasha says. “Come on.”
She opens her good arm, the one with no burns, and you snuggle into her. You missed this, the way her arms squeeze you.
“How are you feeling mentally?” You ask her. “You’re so tough all the time.”
“I’m okay,” Nat says. You give her a look. “Really. Worried about Steve and Sam, but the doctors said they’d be okay.”
“Yeah they’re fighters,” you agree. “Wanda said they have the best doctors.”
“I didn’t know your best friend was a doctor,” Nat says.
“I often forget,” you joke. “But she’s great at it.”
Natasha holds you close to her. She feels your breath on her neck. You kiss her collarbone.
“Can I say something kind of crazy?” Natasha asks.
“Always,” you reply. That makes her chuckle.
“I love you,” Natasha says.
Your breath hitches. You sit up and look into her eyes.
“I love you,” she says again. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
You interrupt her with a kiss. The first one since she’s been injured.
“I love you too, Natasha Romanoff,” you say.
You really really do. Natasha smiles and you two fall asleep on the bed together.
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alexissara · 2 months
5 Years Of Three Houses, 5 Years Of Loving Edelgard.
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5 Years ago today, I was first able to enter the continent of Fodlan, I meet Edelgard and from there I fell for a character in a way I never had before. I was already a professional writer with published worked and focused on Character driven work but I was still blown away by what an amazing character Edelgard was. 5 years ago, I got Engaged at a queer con, I was playing my 2nd route of three houses having played from Three Houses. The game was with me at this wonderful landing point in my life, it was there during the rough covid era struggles, when I was deeply, deeply sick, I was sicker than I ever been, not with Covid but with stomach issues and was hospitalized multiple times in one month ending in a surgery. I ran a roleplay inspired by Three Houses in Thirsty Sword Lesbians which I played for many years, I dated one of my exes through the whole campaign and grew a lot closer to one of my current girlfriends through it. I refined a version of one of my favorite OCs Ever Lena to do a Three Houses OC AU version of her for a different roleplay and while that fell through she did end up being used for that previously mentioned TSL game.
I reviewed Three Houses after finishing all four routes, I wanted to be really through and experience every route, every story, every FF romance arc, etc before I reviewed it. I gave the game a 7/10, I think now I'd give it an 8/10 maybe but a review score is what I think of the game as an overall package. The life changing power of Crimson Flower was really the big deal for me. That was 10/10, that was peak, it was just that the other routes were nowhere near as good for me. Edelgard the revolutionary who is happy to cast herself as a villain if that's what it takes to change the oppression in the world, something that was so strong, so powerful that it was reflected into our world. She was so good at being a character who impacted a fictional world, the only reason things happen at all that people to this day get angry about people loving her, discourse about her, cast her off, make up shit, show their political asses, etc. What a fucking character to be hated so strongly, for so long by this rabid group. Keeping love from a small fan base over time is hard but maintaining hate as a fictional character, that's harder especially with a 24/7 culture war of new women to hate. However, she also maintained love, Edelgard is the most popular character in all of Fire Emblem, in the 5 years she's got the most fan art, the most votes in CYL, she clearly makes nearly the most money in the gacha given how often they make new versions of her or rerun her, she is the moment.
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Of course, it is not just Edelgard I love but the Black Eagles as a whole from the classic roster to the extended family of Mercedes, Lyesthia, Shamir, Leonie, to the Hopes additions of Monica and Shez. Edelgard stands so tall but she doesn't overshadow her amazing allies in changing the world. Even the men, me a famous not man enjoyer, finds at worst like, kinda boring rather than like repulsive. Plus I really love Hubert and Jeritza both as characters and think they are lovely, brilliant characters I wouldn't want to see replaced.
Three Houses hit me in a way "better" games haven't hit me in. I still think about the characters, the world, the politics, the ideas, the lore, the romances, everything so often, daily. I love so much art, most of this little blog is me talking about art I engaged with and I struggle to think of another piece of art that took me by storm in the same ways that Three Houses has. I'd love to have another game sweep me off my feet and have me giggling like someone who just met their idol but even if it doesn't happen again I am glad it happened with Three Houses.
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Then there was Three Hopes and I fucking love Three Hopes, it only exists in the context of Houses but Scarlet Blaze and Golden Wildfire blew me the fuck away. Both routes do a ton for the characters in the series, the plots are fantastic, bringing Monica back and making her one of the best characters in the Fire Emblem series was so fucking great, and I adore the Warriors gameplay. Three Houses was a gift that not only gave itself but Hopes which really just furthered helped put Houses in focus, tie in way more lore, way more context, and way more information. I could explore the world of Fodlan even more honestly, I still hope for Hopes DLC because I just love this game.
It was so amazing to see Edeglard freed of Those Who Slither in the dark and the way her revolution works if she could just have saved her lesbian best friend and probably girlfriend. I loved to see the new amazing paralogues, the way the war shakes out, how she operates free of enemies resting in her house, how the nobles react when Edelgard is a free agent, the way the church fights back in this new time line. It really exciting and it is fun to see how the world once again revolves around the actions and moves of Edelgard and how she sets Fodlan Ablaze with change but now with more time to do things more carefully. It is such a great alterative look.
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I don't have enough glowing things to say about Three Houses but I do have some things to say for the future of my favorite video game series. I deeply hope the future of Fire Emblem is more like Houses and not like the games around it. Houses was a return to form and the first story that blew me away since Radiant Dawn. I want more games that have the style and budget and scope and ambition of a Houses. I don't really trust intelligent systems to bring me that kind of story, so I hope they work with Koei again in the future and let their writers do their thing,
I love the smaller scale Fire Emblems but I can play indie games and smaller budget SRPGs and get the scope and ambition of a smaller scale Fire Emblem but only Nintendo money can bring the kind of game Houses is to the table. I really want to see the expensive class system brought back hopefully without the sexism and the big roster of characters and so much of the little things that made houses so charming. I don't need multiple routes but I would like a good political message like Crimson Flower to be in the future. I don't know if I'll ever love a character not made by me or my loves ones as much as I love Edelgard again but I want them try and I want them to pull it off.
Happy 5 Years Fire Emblem Three Houses, you are something special. If you want to see more of me gushing about houses you can read my fics here https://archiveofourown.org/users/AlexisSara/works?fandom_id=23985107
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I'm too weak to stand by the time my wife and our midwife decide it's time to transfer me to the hospital to give birth to our son. I'm splayed listlessly in the birthing pool, my red-rimmed eyes half slipped back in my head. The baby is lodged so tightly in my hips that any tiny movement sends sharp spikes of pain through my pelvis. Pushing is white hot fire and absolutely out of the question so I'm left skewered on the girth of my baby, too out of it from pain and exhaustion to have anymore input on what happens next.
When the paramedics arrive they do their best to hide their shock when they find a 350lb bull dyke with a buzz cut and biker tats inked across her swollen GG breasts grunting in a pool so small I'm touching all the sides.
They move away to confer, likely about moving someone my size, but I'm too out of it to be offended. My big, hairy pussy is bulged out so far it seems almost impossible there's no head showing. My wife Monica moves to my head and kisses my cheek. I can tell she's scared but trying to put on a brave face.
The paramedic who is clearly in charge, a tall, butch Black woman with short nails and even shorter hair, jumps into the pool and introduces herself as Jean before announcing her intention to check me. I'm briefly relieved another lesbian is going to be the stranger who is digging around in my pussy then I feel her fingers enter my overstuffed hole and I can't bite back a weak moan at the intrusion. She rubs my bulge gently near my clit and makes a shushing noise. My eyes roll back in my head involuntarily at the intimate touch. I'm hurting too bad for it to be pleasurable but it gives me a tiny ounce of relief nonetheless.
Monica is staring down at me with worry on her face when Jean announces to her team that the baby is stuck on my pubic bone and the first step to getting it unstuck is to get me standing. I barely have time to protest before the 3 muscled young men taking orders from Jean are helping lift my bulk from the tub.
Even with five people supporting my weight I am unable to keep myself from falling gracelessly into a wide squat as the weight of my huge child drops down even further. My bulging pussy hits the water as I feel the unmistakable sensation of urgently crowning what must be an absolutely huge head.
I'm screaming about the fire in my crotch as Jean takes one of my meaty thighs, the biggest paramedic takes the other, and the other two support my back as I am lifted, legs spread around my crown, onto the floor beside the birthing pool.
The best case scenario, Jean tells me over my screaming sobs, is that I push it out right here and she and her team give me and baby a ride to the hospital. It looks like that might work for a few pushes but I'm fading faster than before and don't have much to give in the way of help. She briefly considers forceps but would rather get me to the hospital if my baby is still in danger of breaking my pelvis when I push him out. She reaches inside my rubber band tight lips to feel where the head had previously been stuck on a bone and noticeably pales.
She doesn't say anything out loud to alarm me or my wife but she tells her team with harsh urgency that we are transferring to the hospital immediately. I'm being moved again, still with my legs spread wide by men on either thigh, on to a bariatric stretcher and rolled out of my living room before I can even think to protest being rolled out of my front door naked, my crowned, leaking pussy bared for for all our straight, conservative neighbors to see.
I hear Jean telling Monica and our midwife that they're going to have to meet us at the hospital. Between my size and the seriousness of my potential injuries, they need all the room they can get to keep me intact until I'm able to be rushed into emergency surgery.
I don't hear whether my wife argues or not because I'm being lifted up into the ambulance. The jostling sends a sharp, warning pain through my pubic bone and I scream for them to stop moving me. Jean yells almost at the same time, glaring at her subordinates. She orders them to freeze with my feet tilted up into the ambulance and then leans down to place her palm firmly against my crown.
The counter pressure immediately eases some of the burning sensation around my lips and the ominous aching in my pelvic bones. I lay my head back and groan at feeling, for the first time since I hit transition, some of the pain lessening rather than intensifying.
I focus on how good it feels to have Jean pushing back on some of the insane pressure in my cunny while they settle me into the ambulance. A strap is placed around my straining middle and the stretcher is locked into place. One of the nameless young men starts an IV as the sirens start blaring and I feel the ambulance start to move.
Jean, still holding my crown, tells me her colleague is giving me something for the pain and that a surgical team is being assembled right now to meet the ambulance and rush me into the operating room.
"Everything's going to be just fine, Libby. You and your baby are going to be just fine as long as you don't push. No matter how bad you need to bear down, you can't. You will break your pubic bone and probably your tail bone and you really don't want to do that."
I don't. I've already started to feel the effects of the drugs and I'm still in more pain than I've ever been in my life but there is a thin, hazy distance from it now. I feel the warmth of Jean's hand around my crown and I blink up at her with what I think might be close to a flirtatious smile.
"Just don't move your hand, baby," I mumble and she clearly understands because her cheeks redden and she cracks a wide, slightly embarrased smile.
"Alright, Sappho. Glad those drugs are starting to work."
I probably wasn't going to respond because I was seconds away from passing out when suddenly the ambulance is hitting something with extreme force and my gravid body is bouncing up into the air. I see, as if in slow motion, Jean's steadying hand get ripped away from my pussy.
I'm slammed back down on to the stretcher and, inevitably, my bones shatter. When they give way my baby is ejected out to his shoulders before anyone can stop him to try to spare me even greater injury.
I'm writhing and screaming incoherently as I feel Jean gingerly pull my son out the rest of the way. I can feel his heft shifting around pieces of bone in me as he slithers out and I am acutely aware how badly I wish I could lose consciousness.
I don't. When my son leaves my body to be handed off to one of the men and my clenching cavity clamps down on nothing, I am catapulted into another stratosphere of pain. I start hyperventilating and am barely able to understand Jean as she straddles the stretcher in between my legs and starts to touch my lips.
"Libby, hold on for me, honey. I'm gonna do something and it's gonna hurt like the dickens and then it's going to feel amazing. Just keep breathing for me, sweetheart."
Why I look down right at that moment I will never know but I watch her gloved, fisted hands plunge into my pussy and my asshole at the same time. I use my last remaining strength to wail in protest as it feels like a white hot iron is being rammed through my pelvis. Then she does what can only be described as a punch with the fist in my cunt and I almost throw up with how suddenly relieved I feel because of whatever Jean's hands are doing to hold my gravely injured body together.
Don't get me wrong. I'm still in agony. But between whatever Jean's fists just did and the drugs starting to kick in even more, I'm barely able to do anything other than lay there and whimper.
When we get to the hospital the medics have just taken me down from the ambulance when Monica runs up. She takes in Jean, straddling the stretcher in between my legs and then the position of her fists in both my holes. My face is a rictus of pain and shock and I'm horrified to discover I can't talk. I'm not even able to close my mouth when I feel drool slipping down my chin.
I look up at my wife, who's being handed our 15lb baby. She walks beside my stretcher as I'm rushed in to the trauma bay. I fight with all my will to be able to muster up the strength to say one more thing to the love of my life before the drugs pull me under completely. The fact that I'm about to almost die on the table three times because I'm silently hemorrhaging into my abdomen as we speak is the only thing that comes between me and divorce later so stupid were the words I chose to say.
"Jean's hands feel so good in my ass and my pussy. God, it feels so good."
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Observations Pt 7.
Credits: @venuscnjunctpluto
* Jesse’s Lilith is in Billie’s 12th house. This is such scary synastry to me because you don’t see how the Lilith person can be manipulating you or even trying to seduce you.
*scorpio risings have something noticeable about their ‘glabella’ (space in btw the eyes specifically the smooth area above the nose I had to Google it lol) I notice Scorpio risings have glabella’s that protrude which makes their eyes even more noticeable and intense. And it makes them look like a skunk lol (ex: Taylor swift, dita von teese, Natalie Portman, Chaka Khan, and Sydney Sweeney)
*moon square Venus people are the epitome of Candy Heron in mean girls. They end up in friendships and relationships that worse their emotional well-being. It’s usually summed up to them not being able to be themselves around their “friends” or partners.
*libra risings have pudgy noses with smaller nostrils while Aries risings have defined noses with larger nostrils. You can usually guess these two by their noses
*Capricorn rising women 🤝 elaborate ponytails, long braids, bangs idk their hair gives off power puff girl vibes
*the way Pisces placements get talked to is ridiculous to me. People will talk to them like literal children which is very demeaning.
*simone biles just got married congrats to her! Her husband has so many prominent cancer placements and 0 degree libra mars. Civilized cardinal placements have such big husband/wife energy it’s insane. Very romantic and taking the time you learn you as a person. They also have Venus trine Venus, mars conjunct mars, moon conjunct moon synastry 💕
*kelis is the perfect example of a Leo dominant. She wears so many vibrant colors, dyed her hair often, and always carried confident aura.
*I notice Scorpio Venus women defend plastic surgery and those who get it. I know three of them who defend the kardashians like crazy (even though ppls problem is the lying about surgery but anywho). I think it’s bc they would get plastic surgery as well if they could.
*venus-uranus/aqua Venus placements make friends so easily it’s insane. They’ll get reposted on social media a lot as well.
*Ik this guy with cupido conjunct mars and he’s a huge flirt and player. I have cupido conjunct mars and I think it attracts players towards me it’s been so many situations a guy has tried to hide his player tendencies but I always found out eventually. I think this is a red flag placement🚩🚩🚩🚩
*i have cupido in the 8th so does Barack Obama, Ryan gosling, Rihanna, Monica Bellucci, Elizabeth Taylor, Cardi B. This might be a very seductive placement these ppl probably go all in when they’re attracted to someone. Or they might use their sexuality to get their crushes.
*zoe kravitz playing Selina Kyle and having Venus conjunct pluto makes sense. She can pull off darker looks and I notice women w this look like cats. Ryan destiny is also a good example of this.
* a lot of my celeb crushes I have their Venus in my 1st. Matthew Gary gubler, Rob Lowe, Prince, Johnny depp, Cillian Murphy etc…the house person can admire the Venus persons’s style.
*uranus-asc have something unique about their appearance and usually it’s a cleft chin (ex: Ben Affleck, Troian Bellisario, Adele) I have this aspect as well and I have one
*virgo venuses 🤝 wearing black clothes and glasses
*sag venuses 🤝wearing goofy graphic t-shirts
*hilaria baldwin has a sag venus and obviously that’s a indicator of being into other cultures. I notice ppl who tend to be fixated on or appropriate other cultures have sag or aqua venuses *insert timothee chalamet’s rap video lol*
*in defense of Austin butlers sexy voice…a lot of Taurus risings have voice changes or issues. Miley Cyrus’s voice has gotten incredibly deeper as well because she developed a condition. Unpopular opinion I think his voice just changed😭
* Saturn-asc and people thinking you’re older bc you are reserved. They’re the kid who sat down quietly and read books or knitted while everybody else was running around. Even when we have other carefree placements our Saturn-asc makes them barely noticeable at all during first impressions. We also love vintage clothing (ex: Keith powers) I saw a similar post but I agree that this can make someone’s rising traits develop more as they get older. As an Aries rising I didn’t start working out or asserting myself more until I got older.
Stars with Venus-asc tend to be really charismatic and funny during interviews. (Ex: Rihanna, keke Palmer, Megan the stallion, and lizzo)
*saturn-sun people have very strict fathers or male figures who tried to control them a lot growing up. This can make them very hard on themselves as they get older and I notice a lot of lawyers have major Saturn aspects.
* two prominent stem malfunctions (challenger explosion and the Columbia explosion) happened during Aquarius season
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losieee · 1 year
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Santa Monica Haven
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Radio: "Hello LA, you're up way past your bedtime aren't you? Hope you've slipped into something comfortable, I know I have...”
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While i have been recovering from my surgery i have been scrolling tumblr a fair bit and i came across @vermutandherring amazing build of the Asylum and it made me want to recreate some of the builds from Bloodlines aswell! (completely cc free ofc)!!
I wanted to start out with a smaller one since i still have pain in my hand, but it also happens to be one of the most iconic places in the game imo!! I hope you fellow vampire nerds like it:)
Room - Living room
1Br, 1Ba- Holds 2 sims
14,170 §
Expansion Packs: Horse Ranch, Growing Together, Cottage Living, Eco Lifestyle, Discover University, Gat Famous, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work
Game Packs: Werewolves, Dream Home Decorator, Journey to Batuu, StrangerVille, Jungle Adventure, Parenthood, Vampires, Dine Out
Stuff Packs: Laundry Day
Kits: Everyday Clutter
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Floor Plan
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Download | Gallery ID: Losieee
@antiquatedplumbobs @publicvanillabuilds @coffee-houses-finds @maxismatchccworld @mmfinds
If you use my builds and upload screenshots, videos, edits or anyhting else, please @ me! I love to see them!
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whowantslovergirl · 8 months
Hiii, do you take requests? If you do, please do a Chandler one where Chandler has heart problems and needed a transplant. So then reader who is in love with him gave her heart up for him when she had a car accident because she requested that if something bad happened to her, her heart goes to Chandler. So she’s also a Geller, and begs her siblings to give her heart to Chandler. And before they got the chance to confess to each other she will have a car accident and before that she made a video for Chandler to let him know how she feels and she willingly gave her heart to him. I love you smsmsm🫶
An: MY GOD THIS LOWKEY MADE ME TEAR UP but let’s get onto the angst guys!!
I give my heart to you
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Chandler Bing x Geller! reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns
warnings:ANGSTTTTTT, health problems, car accidents, will you cry?? debatable, but enjoy my lovers 🤍 friends masterlist
Summary: The one where Chandler needs a new heart so Y/n gives him what he needs
posted: February 1,2024
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Everyone knew Chandler had heart problems. All because of smoking from a young age. You can’t blame him though his parents divorced because his father was gay. I mean anyone would go to smoking.
It was surgery after surgery and the only way he can survive is with a whole new heart.
“The only way you can live a long life is with a heart transplant.” When the doctor said those words everyone in the room started breaking down. Joey had to walk out. His parents just held each other. Everyone else was holding and comforting each other.
And you were holding his hand.
“Don’t worry Chan. You’re going to be fine.” You said smiling through the tears. Obviously you didn’t know if that was true but you wanted it to be so so soo badly. You would do absolutely anything for Chandler. You went to all his appointments, you got him anything he needed, because you were in love with him.
And love makes you do crazy things.
Two days after the news you went to the hospital for one reason only.
“Hi I am here to sign some papers for heart transplants.”
The front desk lady just looked at you.
“Are you in needing of a heart-.”
“No I want to give my heart to someone if something happens to me.” The lady’s eyes widened.
“Honey that’s a big decision.” I just nodded.
“I know but it’s for my husband Chandler Bing.” Obviously he’s not your husband yet, but she doesn’t know that.
“Alrighty just sign these consent forms that says you agree with giving your heart away.”
“Thank you.”
“And you are a wonderful person for doing that. You will get your reward don’t worry sweetheart.” You smiled and went to sign the papers.
He’s going to be okay.
“I want to give my heart to Chandler.” You and your siblings were in Monica’s apartment and when you told them that their jaw’s absolutely dropped.
“No! No! You are not doing that.” Ross being the big brother he is, wanted nothing to do with that.
“But he’s dying Ross! He needs a heart and he needs one now! And I am going to be the one to give it to him!”
“Monica you can’t think this is okay do you?” Ross turned to her and she gave you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry Y/n but I agree with Ross. This is crazy.”
“But what if it’s too late! I can’t let him die so if something happens to me I am giving him my heart.”
You just walked out and left them there and got in your car drove wayyy over the speed limit due to anger.
You didn’t see the light turn red.
Chandler was eating his nasty dinner in the hospital when he got a call from Monica. When he answered she was crying. He asked her what happened and
his old heart dropped.
“Y/n got in a car accident!”
It killed him that he couldn’t be there so he just paced around, saying over and over that you’re okay and nothing serious happened to you.
He was very wrong about that.
A few hours later the doctor walked in with some news.
“Congratulations Chandler! You got a new heart. You’re going into surgery immediately.”
How in the hell?
Who gave him a heart?
After the surgery went well he was just laying his bed when Monica and Ross walked in with a videotape.
“Um Y- Y/n wanted you to um watch this.” Ross said handed him the tape and immediately walked out and Monica followed.
He put in the tv and was met with your face.
“Hey Chan Chan! If you’re watching this I’m probably dead.” You let out a laugh. “Probably not want you wanted to hear but yup I’m dead! And I just wanted you to know that I gave you my heart.”
He gasped and widened his eyes.
“Um yea and you’re probably wondering why I did it, it was because I- because I-.” You were tearing up.
“Because I am in love with you. And I signed forms saying I am completely okay with you taking my heart.”
“I just wanted you safe and to live a long happy and healthy life. Don’t feel bad in any way okay? I did this not you.”
“But yea that is all I wanted to tell you and I hope you enjoy your new heart!” You’re smiling as you ended the video.
He immediately started bawling. He was gonna confess but you did first but not in way he imagined.
You gave his heart to him and in a way he gave his heart to you.
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An: AHHHHHHH hope you enjoyed my lovers 🤍
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
How does Borb!Annabelle behave when Ratchet gives her check ups? Or the Seeker!Lennoxes act as well?
It's an ordeal. To the point that Ratchet is constantly hassling for resources to replicate a proper medbay berth.
Out of the three, Annabelle had the easiest time since she only has two main data ports at her point of development. Even among advanced Cybertronians, rectal temperature is best for an infant.
The fact that said giant metal aliens had an asshole was a mindbender for humans. Saint Monica must have thrown the entirety of her patience and perseverance as a blessing upon Ratchet. Between the human peanut gallery, Lennoxes' confusion over basic anatomy, and Sarah's conflicting instincts, Ratchet didn't grind his denta to dust. (No. They don't shit. It's a medical port, so-)
However, Annabelle went last because she's tucked away inside her carrier, and it took a lot of coaxing and wrangling and hassling to get her parents through a basic checkup.
Will was doing okay at first. He was able to deal with the bizarre sensation of Ratchet inside his systems. Because of the lack of proper medbay equipment, Ratchet is doing everything by hand, so the medic is jacked into several data ports: one at the base of the neck, one in the forearm, and two along the torso. Will watched Ratchet reorganize his HUD, pulling up vitals, intakes, repairs, and a whole list of things so rapidly it blurred across his vision as Ratchet manipulates his frame: triggering microtransformations, checking seams, measuring the timing between slides. While Will was nauseous from the immense influx and restructuring, Ratchet triggered the mechanisms to open his chassis and spark chamber to do a visual check...
Will, formerly belonging to a squishy species that couldn't open their chest cavities outside of surgery, had understandably panicked.
Sarah bulldozed her way through the base because of the sudden terror and horror in her own spark, so there was one half-dressed Seeker hanging on the ceiling and one Seeker fighting Ironhide's and Optimus' combined bulk because they were aiming to subdue, especially since it was a bond-induced emotional backlash.
(Someone needs to teach them how to properly handle their bond, but that's another thing for another time. They're too new with everything.)
For Sarah, she had Will by her side to keep her as calm as possible. He's purring, and he's confused over the purring, but he's trooping through it because Sarah is clawing the metal of the makeshift examination berth from anxiety.
Ratchet, being absolutely careful not to make sudden movements and has mechs on standby, just in case the instincts overrides her again, had learned from his recent experience with Will. So he was telling her exactly what was going to be done.
Ratchet got treated to a bamboozled bird expression when Sarah realized he was able to communicate inside her head because his mouth wasn't moving, and she was able to do the same.
Sarah made an aborted squawk when her chassis was opened. Ratchet was treated to an avalanche of "nonononononono" from the connections and a drowsy, little newspark curled up inside the exposed sparkling hold. The Seekers were purring a storm as he finished off a visual inspection of her chassis, but Sarah had enough and couldn't go through the pelvic inspection. Not now.
Ratchet didn't fight it because he really needs that medbay berth for induced paralyzation since Sarah was close to flying up to the ceiling. Plus, Will needs one as well; between the short educational breaks, Ratchet had found out that humans typically have only one set of reproductive hardware that's a close mimic to Cybertronians.
Sarah, as a Seeker femme, may tolerate having two valves as it's similar to a human vulva, but Will may take issue that he has one as well. Granted, Seeker mechs don't have a gestational chamber, but humans seem to get highly distressed over the subject.
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uncannyfantastic · 2 years
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From the H.R. Giger tribute show "Brain Salad Surgery," opening today at Copro Gallery in Santa Monica:
"GigerLand" by Michael Pucciarelli
"Huntress" by Brian M. Viveros
"Architect" by Ego
"Banished" by David Stoupakis
"Shadow Teller" by Vanessa Lemen
"Pins and Needle" by Brian M. Viveros
"3 Blind Eyes" and "Alien" by Brad Gray
"Somnus" by Allen Williams
"Trinitas" by Dos Diablos
"Hanford 32" by Chris Mars
"Victory's Child" and "Hierophant" by Jason Hite
"Gorgon" by Mark Covell
"Silence" by Jamie Lee Parker
"Frozen Storm" by Peter Gric
"Mother" by Dos Diablos
"Orphan" by Jody Fallon
"Mind Bullets" by Michael Pucciarelli
"Ta-Di-Isis" by Matt Mrowska
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answer2jeff · 9 months
the fatherhood theory:
my take on lip gallagher finding purpose in parenthood.
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First things first, I quickly want to congratulate the writers for beautifully articulating the accuracy of Lip's initial reaction to Freddy's birth.
Tami had an extremely complicated birth that resulted in her requiring surgery. Lip, both as a new father and as a boyfriend, was legitimately terrified. He couldn't decide if he should stay with Tami or their son. His thought process probably included the possibility of the mother of his child suffering, further trailing to the fear of fatherly absence. Naturally, considering Lip's lack of a genuine father figure, contributing anything remotely resembling neglect or failure to accommodate to his son feels like the worst and most unforgivable thing he could ever do.
Secondly, I want to say that although Tami is quite different compared to Lip's other love interests, I think she was relatively realistic at the time. She has drive and compassion, and Lip loves a good sarcastic girl who affectionately ridicules the guy she loves. She's abrasive in a way that is more meant to establish her intelligence rather than actually put others around her down. Tami is also terrible at accepting criticism, but doesn't respond in the explosive anger that Lip does. She's more passive aggressive than, well...aggressive aggressive. Even though it's not quite the healthiest, it's much more flexible than rage.
In short, Lip sees a lot of himself in Tami. But, she's a more put together, determined version of him. She's the star that Lip never really turned out to be, even if she's not absolutely perfect. Their relationship is accurate for the conditions of the show (and Lip's life.) Tami doesn't give Lip a lot of opportunities to self sabotage because she's pretty much dubbed herself the lead of their relationship.
(not ignoring the fact that she said he'd be a shitty father by the way. that crushed my soul and i'll never forgive her but that's besides the point.)
Having to decide to let professionals (doctors and nurses, who he notoriously does not trust (rooted by capitalistic healthcare environments and the need for independence due to his childhood trauma), try their best to help Tami when she was literally blue and unresponsive, was difficult and extremely scary.
However, once Freddy has been properly cleaned and prepared to be held by his father, Lip suddenly finds the answer to so many of his interpersonal questions.
"I seem to have ruined everything I was once good at. Is there anything I won't automatically ruin just because I don't think I deserve it?"
"Would I be any better at this than my parents were?"
Yes, with practice.
"Would I be able to break the cycle?"
Yes, with love.
"Is it necessary for me to feel so deeply about the world?
Yes. Even if it's painful.
"And was it ever worth hiding that with anger?"
To some extent, yes. You wanted to protect yourself.
"Am I, deep down, past my inevitable quickness to rage, a good person?"
Yes. You always have been.
In hindsight, his excitement for becoming a dad seems kind of obvious considering his overjoyed and emotional reaction. But I think we can dig deeper beyond this surface level impression. Even if it's genuine and ultimately very good at showing Lip's love for his son. Something that I think really prepared Lip for the complications of parenthood was the time period during his time as a college student taking care of Liam.
He'd been surrounded by family members for his entire life that he did not trust. When Fiona, his beacon of support throughout his whole childhoo despite their complicated sibling relationship, made such a grave mistake that reflected neglect, Lip felt unsafe. Both Frank and Monica were typical offenders of drug and alcohol abuse. And they regularly dabbled in allowing these substance issues to affect their children.
Now there was really nobody in his family he could trust. Lip would have to re-learn how to fend for himself and his family. He's had plenty of experience, but he had a support system. Even if it contained his own siblings who lived the same abusive life as he did. But now that he didn't trust anyone around Liam, he literally had to become his primary caregiver.
"You're the closest thing to a dad we've ever had," said Ian Gallagher.
Becoming Freddy's father was the love that Lip needed in his life. Girlfriends are replaceable. Lip has proven this. But he always believed that once you become a father, you do not have the right to back out. And he'd always hold himself to that standard.
This is your life now. Do it right, or go to hell.
People like Lip need to have people in their lives who unconditionally rely on them. His siblings have chosen many times (and rightfully of course) to handle personal matters without Lip's advice. He hasn't gotten to feel as needed or as important as he deserved to be. Having a child, though unexpected, was the missing piece to the endless puzzle that was his life's purpose.
Lip's desire to be a good father not only stemmed from the failure of his own parents, but the fact that guiding his siblings through life was the one thing that everyone around him that everyone was convinced he couldn't do better than anyone else. (Personally, I think Fiona did a great job as an older sister. I'm more speaking from the perspectives and opinions of his siblings.)
Lip will feel love for himself through Teddy. Once he can finally succeed for the long term, he will find peace.
Not to say that he's automatically perfect, because he's not (and no one else is), but he's ready to take on the challange.
Freddy is the love of Lip's life.
And he always will be.
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 33 here/ Series Masterlist
Chapter 34
Summary : You go back to Minesotta to see Mrs Geller, You meet an actual Mark Johnson and all the weirdness leads Loki to believe that perhaps there's something going on in this timeline as well.
Warning: 18+, filthy smut , cunnilingus, HUGE Canon divergence (Just me making shit up), Dalia, Reader needs to seek professional help for her trust issues, topics dealing with cheating and falling out of love,
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You were in the hospital at the moment, biting on your fingernails and waiting for the news regarding Mrs Geller, her condition hasn't improved and you were starting to lose hope, you should have been here, maybe she wouldn't have gotten hurt if you were here. You couldn't help but wonder if you caused all of this by messing with your timelines and changing fate.
Your phone started ringing so you sighed and picked it up,
"Darling are you alright?" He asked you softly and you couldn't help but smile at the sound of his voice. He wanted to be here with you, he really did and he was ready to risk it all but you convinced him not to do anything that would jeopardize things between him and other Avengers, and it would have been hella suspicious for him to come all the way here for his…Assistant.
"Yeahhh I'm just worried, I think should got to my apartment and come back again after i have slept" you took a deep breath as you said that.
"You did not go there first?"
"No I came here right from the airport" he sighed.
"You need to go get some sleep alright?" He said softly. Last night after he proposed to you and you said yes, just a few minutes later you got a call from your mom that Mrs Geller was in the hospital and your heart almost stopped beating for a second. It's been more than a month since you had seen her last and you missed her terribly, she had been like a motherly figure to you from the past few years.
"Yeahh are you busy?" You asked him so he was quiet for a moment before he answered.
"We are going for a convention darling..i wish you were here, I miss you already" he said softly so you smiled.
"I miss you too baby"
"I'll see you soon. Will convince Thor to take me there after dark, would you want that or you need your space my love?" Your eyes teared up as he said that,
"Why are you like this?"
"Like what?"
"So considerate all the time"
"Because I love you my sweet princess, you're mine to treat this way aren't you?" Your heart fluttered as he said that.
"I am yours" you said sheepishly and somehow he could picture your face being all warm and giddy, if he was there he'd have kissed the tip of your nose and continued to make you flush that way with his words and kisses.
"Be careful on the way home, alright?" He said to you so you hummed. Once he hung up, you got up to leave but you saw the doctor coming out of Mrs Geller's room so you decided to talk to him.
"Excuse me, how's she doing?" You asked him as he reached closer, he had dark brown hair, he was tall, almost 6 feet but shorter than Loki.
"Are you her daughter? Monica?" He asked you. British accent.
"Uhhh no i am y/n…her neighbor" he finally looked up at you from his clipboard as you said that.
"I'm Doctor Mark Johnson, I performed the surgery on her after–"
You chuckled so he stopped mid sentence and gave you a glare "What amused you?" You looked at him and stopped smiling as he questioned.
"Not just your..Wait, that's your actual name? For real"
"You think you're the first person to mock me for my name?" He said to you sternly, he seemed offended and rightly so.
"Oh Nooo I'm sorry I wasn't mocking you ..it's just..it sounds made up…never mind I'm sorry, what were you saying?" You asked him so he shook his head,
"She's in a coma for now and I can't say for certain whether her condition will improve or not"
Your eyes teared up as he revealed that information and his expressions softened a little because of your reaction.
"You should call her daughter "
"She'll be here soon" you said to him so he nodded.
"Is there any chance she'll be okay?" You asked him so he nodded again,
"Miracles happen all the time, just hope for that" you nodded, a miracle had to happen, you couldn't lose her, not like this, she didn't deserve that.
"Thank you for…uhhh..I'm sorry for the .. chuckling.. I didn't mean to..I was leaving anyways.. byeee" you turned around and bolted out of there before you'd embarrass yourself further in front of him.
How could his name be Mark Johnson? It's true that there were several people on earth with that name but what were the odds that he was someone you would meet?
As you walked inside your apartment you couldn't help but cry from all emotions you were feeling at the moment..you really needed to cry and cry as much as possible because everything that has been happening since you shifted your reality was starting to overwhelm you.
After taking a shower, you made a cup of tea and sat down on the couch, you couldn't deny how good it felt to have your privacy back. You just wished Loki was there with you as well.
After falling asleep on the couch when you woke up it was already 7 pm so you decided to go see Mrs Geller again. As you entered her room you saw Mark so you gave him a smile but he stared at you and went back to fiddling with his clipboard, you still couldn't wrap your head around his name but decided to not dwell on it for now.
Mrs Geller's daughter Monica was there too and as soon as you saw her she walked towards you and hugged you, you two weren't close but everytime she visited her mother all of you hung out together.
"I'm so sorry" you whispered softly as she cried and soon after she pulled away,
"I should have been here, she's getting older and i just –"
"Don't blame yourself, it could have happened anywhere, stop blaming yourself okay? She'll be okay I just know she'll pull through, she's just strong like that" You told her so she nodded.
The fact was, not Monica but perhaps you needed to be here as you were supposed to be, you couldn't help but wonder that if you were here, maybe just maybe her fate would have been different.
"Get some coffee" Mark said to Monica so she nodded and excused herself, you noticed how he was looking at her as she walked out.
"She's single" you bit on your tongue as soon as the words left your mouth.
"I'm sure i didn't ask" he said nonchalantly.
"Rightt" you mumbled in your mouth after digging a huge hole for yourself, all over again "Is she any better?" You asked to change the topic and avoid any further embarrassment.
"Can't say..were you two close? Don't often see neighbors visiting their neighbors like this"
"Yeah we are close..she's like a mother to me" your eyes teared up as you looked at her, you just wanted her to wake up and live the rest of her life, even after everything she had been through when she lost her husband she was still optimistic about life and she always looked out for you.
After visiting her you and Monica went for dinner to a nearby diner, as much as you missed Loki right now and god you missed him alot, it's barely been a day, but you had also missed doing all this normal people stuff, nobody was staring at you and looking for flaws to put you down here.
"Engaged?" Monica asked so you quickly took off the ring Loki had given you after he proposed and put it inside the pocket of your jeans.
"No it's just a ring" you chuckled nervously, you didn't know what to say to her. Did you say yes to getting married? You knew you wanted it with him but this isn't how you expected it to happen, you didn't want him to propose to you just because you felt insecure about yourself.
"Mom is always worried about you" she smiled as she said that you nodded.
"Well there's someone but we are not..engaged...yet"
You didn't even get a chance to tell Mrs Geller about Loki in this timeline, you remembered how happy she was when she met Loki and he gave her the sweater, but that didn't even happen, everything you had been through in the previous timeline never even happened.
When you made your way back to the apartment you called Loki but he was probably busy so you texted him but he didn't respond to that either.
What was he doing? Who was he with? You started to feel awful again as you thought about him being with a woman or Dalia, that man just proposed to you last night and you still doubted that he wanted to be yours forever.
Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves you then laid down on the couch and dozed off again, it felt good to have the freedom to sleep whenever you wanted. The more serious your relationship got the more insecure you became because your mind couldn't stop asking that one question. When will he finally be done with you?
Around 12 am you heard knocks on your window so you immediately sat up and smiled as you saw Loki on the other side, you ran towards your window and opened it immediately to get him inside, he hugged you as tightly as he could before he cupped your cheeks and kissed you.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were busy" you giggled so he kissed you again, he conjured a bouquet of your favorite flowers and it made you gasp and then he conjured something else, It was a box of cake,
"You don't remember, do you?" He grabbed your hand and walked towards the kitchen counter to put the cake down. It was your birthday, he remembered it even if you didn't.
You kissed him as lovingly as you could at the gesture and after you both were done celebrating you laid down with him on the bed, it reminded you of the old times
"This is the first time I'm celebrating my birthday twice in a year" he chuckled as you said that, he got on top of you and looked in your eyes before he kissed you sweetly.
"How are you feeling?" He asked as he caressed your hair with his fingers. He knew how much she meant to you and he was worried about Mrs Geller as well, she was a kind lady and didn't deserve this at all.
"I just want her to wake up and talk to me again, i didn't call her even once in the last month, she must have thought I forgot all about her as soon as I moved away" your eyes teared up so he smiled and caressed your cheek with the pad of his thumb,
"She'd never think of you like that Princess, you didn't have time to even breathe and I know she would understand if she knew. She will wake up and you will talk to her again I promise" you nodded as he said that, you needed assurance even if it wasn't really the truth.
"Lately all I have been doing is complaining about myself, tell me your thoughts, your feelings, I need to know please" he smiled and kissed you again as you said that
"I am alright as long as I have my princess, I don't think I would have been so eager to redeem myself if I didn't have you by my side" your eyes welled up even more so you kissed him passionately, his fingers linked with yours and as soon as he rubbed his thumb over your ring finger you knew the question would follow,
"Took the ring off I see?" He looked confused and slightly worried as he brought your hand up to inspect.
"I want to marry you lo ..i really do, I don't think I would want anything more than that, I never thought I'd ever want to get married because I was pretty sure I'd never fall so deeply in love, with you however I'd do it in a heartbeat But–" you hesitated to speak so he caressed your cheekbones with his fingers
"I don't want you to marry me because you think you have to prove your trust or your loyalty to me"
"That's not why I wanted to marry you–"
"I know lo, i know your intentions are always so pure when it comes to me..but I want to let go of my issues and not think of you like that in my worst moments.. I need time for that and I know I'm not there just yet"
He cupped your cheeks as you said that and kissed you, he wanted nothing more than for you to heal from the traumas of your past, he wanted you to put your faith in him completely but he knew a thing or two about traumas, he knew it was never easy and as someone who understood how painful it was for your mind to be suffering that way he knew he'd be patient with you, he knew he would never be annoyed by your suffering because that's just what you'd do for him him as well.
"Alright I understand my little darling, what can I do for you today hmm? It's your birthday, what do you want us to do, though it's happening under unwanted circumstances but we are away from the tower like you had wanted" you smiled as he said that
"I just want to stay here baby ..just me and you like old times" a small smile crept on his lips as you said that, he snuggled his face between your neck and cuddled you like a baby. It's been several nights since you two had gotten the opportunity to be with each other like this, and it couldn't have been better than this, he dreamt of this place often, your tiny apartment and him cuddling with you on this tiny bed.
"I forgot to mention, the guy treating Mrs Geller, you won't believe what his name is" he chuckled as you said that.
"What is it?"
"Mark Johnson, do you remember that name?" He looked at you as you said that.
"That is ..weird i assume"
"Yeahhh I mean in the original timeline we weren't supposed to meet each other until later, do you think we are messing with the time right now and Mark Johnson is like a warning or something?" You asked him and he sighed deeply,
"I don't know darling, if it was supposed to be like that then why did we remember each other? Perhaps Strange messed with the spell but Our lives could have only gone as destined if we had forgotten each other completely but we didn't, i couldn't have left for Asgard leaving you all alone here, you couldn't have married Strange knowing you are in love with me"
"I know but it's just so weird, I felt weird seeing him, do you think the only reason I used that name for you in the previous timeline is because I was supposed to meet him for real in this one?"
"I don't understand what you mean"
"I know it doesn't make sense baby, but what if that is exactly what was supposed to happen to us, like in movies, there's always a time loop right? So what if in this timeline timeline we had done what was meant to happen, like you got back to Asgard, I found Strange and married him, But what if the marriage didn't work out because deep down I was always in love with you even though I didn't remember you? Like a timeloop, and maybe that's the reason why we got married in six months of knowing each other was because the connection between us was undeniable. I know I'm not making sense but I'm trying so hard to explain it" .
"You're trying to tell me that it's a constant loop? That we were supposed to meet years later and aren't supposed to be together right now?"
"Yes ..part of what I'm trying to say..may be we were never supposed to remember each other but we do somehow and that scares me. What if he comes back again and tries to take it all away from us again?" you sighed deeply and he looked as if he was thinking about it too now.
"I won't let it happen darling, this is the correct timeline, it won't make any sense, what would he try to prevent this time?"
"I am so confused, I wish we could have just talked to him but he's not even the witch doctor just yet, is he?"
He shook his head as you said that but he knew where he had to go to find some answers. Doctor Strange would become sorcerer supreme later but there must be one who already exists before him. He had to find the Sorcerer Supreme to find answers.
"I'll try to dig deeper but for now I need you to calm down, can you do that for me?" He asked softly so you snuggled into him. You didn't want to waste this night away thinking about your messed up life.
Your hands snuck inside his shirt and he hummed in response,
"What are you doing?" He asked, there was a sense of mischief in his tone,
"Enjoying my birthday gift" you whispered softly as you unbuttoned his pants and trailed your hand inside to grab his cock, he moaned in your ears before he proceeded to place wet kisses on your neck, his hand snuck inside your pajamas as well and he rubbed his fingers over the fabric of your underwear, he could feel it getting drenched more and more as he continued to touch you intimately.
"Fuck me baby please" you whispered in his ears and he chuckled in a condescending manner.
"Such an impatient little darling" you bit on your lips as he pulled your pants down and underwear at the same time, he grabbed your hands and placed them over your head, his black shirt was unbuttoned but you didn't take it off, he didn't remove your t-shirt either, his mouth latched onto your erect nipples and he gave it a few kitten licks over the fabric itself.
You couldn't stop moaning, everytime you tried to wrap your arms around his neck he grabbed your hands and placed them over your head again.
"Don't make me tie you up sweetheart" a gasp escaped your mouth as he said that
He got on his knees and lowered down his pants, you looked down as he stroked himself slowly with one hand while the other one pushed his hair behind so they were not obscuring his view, there was something about your man just pleasing himself that always made you want to lose all decency. If you had any with him.
Loki moaned at the sight of your open legs and the view of your soaked cunt in front of him.
He brought his other hand down to touch your lips before his fingers found your clit, your back arched at the sensation, it felt too much, he was so sexy you couldn't even believe he was all yours at times.
"So fucking beautiful you are love, look at you..spread them legs wider for me, will you?" his voice came out raspy as he praised you and then commanded you to do something in the same sentence. You felt so shy but it was thrilling as you exposed yourself more to him.
"That's my girl, so submissive" he grabbed your thighs and leaned between your legs,
"Lokiii–" before you could finish your words he already had his mouth on your cunt. Licking, sucking and nipping on your flesh as if you were his last meal. The vulgar sounds that escaped his mouth made you lose all your inhibitions, you grabbed onto the headboard to keep your hands under control because he wanted you on his mercy, he didn't want you to touch him just yet.
He spread your lips wide with his fingers before he licked over and over again, his tongue finally made its way inside your entrance and you couldn't control the sounds that left your throat at the moment, you were so loud but you didn't want to stop.
His tongue moved in and out of your cunt slowly and he couldn't help but keep his eyes on your form. Your back was arched, eyes rolling into your head, your hands clutched the top of the headboard so harshly that he was afraid you were hurting yourself. Best of all, you couldn't stop chanting his name like a prayer, he pressed his nose deeper into your clit to provide more stimulation as his tongue continued to fuck you slowly. He could tell just from your quivering body that you were close but he didn't want you to cum just yet, he wanted you to shatter completely tonight, so he got back on his knees, pulled a condom on and slowly thrusted inside your wet sloppy cunt.
He leaned over you and grabbed your hands to wrap them around his neck as he began to fuck you slowly, you finally opened your eyes and looked at him, his mouth was soaked from your juices so you brought your fingers up and wiped it before you pressed your finger inside his mouth, he sucked on it slowly and moaned at the sweet taste before he kissed you deeply, his tongue played with yours and you could hear the sounds of his balls smacking against your cunt as he fucked you hard and fast but at the same time he was as tender as he could be.
"You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?" You smiled as he murmured against your mouth
"So are you my pretty baby..I'm so sorry for hurting you like that all the time" your eyes teared up, you felt overwhelmed, his fingers gripped your hair and he kissed you again before he spoke,
"You hurt yourself more than you hurt me with those thoughts, I just need you to remember how much I love you whenever you are having such horrible thoughts about us"
You nodded as he said that but he wasn't done just yet, he thrusted in and out of you quickly as he continued to speak to you.
"Where else would I find a girl like you, my love? You were made just for me, your heart so kind and accepting to take me with all my flaws, your body is heavenly underneath me and on top of me, your cunt wraps around me perfectly, always so tight and eager for my cock. Your whole existence makes my own existence worth it, it makes me believe in fate and now I know that it wasn't all for nothing, I know every decision I made led me to you and I'd do it all over again, over and over again I'd choose only you because you make my life worth living"
Tears rolled down your eyes as he said that, you pulled him as close as you could without suffocating him and as his cock twitched and he let go, you squeezed your walls around him, the stimulation was all you needed to push over the edge.
Both of your breaths were heavy and bodies sweaty from the mind numbing pleasure, you needed more than a few minutes to recover from this. This is one of the best nights you had with him in the past few weeks and you truly, desperately needed it. He was all you needed and you fell asleep in his arms just like that with his cock still inside you.
However, what you had said though was troubling him a little. Did you two mess with the timeline when you both decided to change the path? He knew you were meant to end up with him, but had you two hurried the process and ruined a few things? What if you were right? What if it's because of that decision Mrs Geller was hurt right now?
What if more such instances will occur in future?
He knew had to find the answers before something worse would happen. That is why he seeked the Sorcerer Supreme to learn more about their situation, however he had a feeling he wouldn't enjoy whatever he was going to find out from her.
Note : Definitely casting young Courtney Cox as Monica (because duh it's Mrs Geller's daughter 😂)
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And I found Mark Johnson as well
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@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72 @nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @elthreetimes @gruftiela @thenotoriouserg @greep215 @yallgotkik @janineb86 @sflame15-blog @nyxlaufeyson @lokidokieokie @purplekitten30 @sunnixart @nikkig496-blog @frozenhuntress67 @qardasngan @rosecentury @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @hrefna-the-raven @jennyggggrrr
@cosniffee @lotsoflokilove23
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lafemmemacabre · 3 days
Googled "Monica Bellucci makeup" for femme reasons and the fucking rage I felt seeing picture after picture of arguably THE hottest white woman to have ever existed yassified into oblivion and of course looking way less attractive for it because she goes from looking like a sexy and all alluring grown woman to looking like an infantilized and completely sexless, cold to the touch Barbie doll.
What is wrong with the world if not even 90s Monica Bellucci can escape being yassified into sterile blow-up doll perfection because apparently THIS absolute bombshell of a Mediterranean goddess...
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...isn't hot enough in our current Society in which everyone appears publicly under a trillion filters and has had just as many cosmetic surgeries to the point of barely looking human anymore. Fuck.
And don't get it twisted, she's STILL incredibly hot but I'm used to any woman who looks a second past the age of 25 being regarded as unattractive by IDIOTS. But not even 90s her is enough? Really? Holy shit.
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cheerfullycatholic · 5 months
Please pray for my dad's friend, Monica, the doctors found a hole in her heart and she needs surgery
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maraskolnikova · 7 months
Friends, our dear @the-nonna-universe who has been tirelessly rasing funds for her brother's cancer treatment now needs some help to pay for her own eye surgery. If you can afford to donate, and trust me, I know these are hard times for most people, please contribute to her/her brother's GoFundMe:
Sometimes, misfortunes are heaped on us in a way that can try our faith. Please help our Nonnita recover her eyesight.🐶🫂 Thank you💗
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Every time i see something about mcu's blip i have those macabre flash thoughts of someone in-universe walks out of home and see bodies falling from the sky (people that were in planes and got snapped), people getting ran over by cars and/or kinda "flying" in a car's seat height until they hit the ground and get ran over (y'know, people that got snapped while crossing the street and driving cars), patients appearing in hospital bed all open....
OMG the last one. New fear activated 😳
I'll admit that scene of Scott in EG when he sees birds flying and singing as a sign that their plan had worked was pretty nice (a little cheesy maybe, but hey... a bit of cheesy is fine sometimes) but the repercussions of the Blip should be huge like you just mentioned.
Especially because they refused to go back in time. That would have solved so many things even if they had only wanted to go back 5 years and not more. The odds that the people who came back would die almost instantly were super high. And their main mistake was this line:
Stark: "You remember - everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago and just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years."
They worded that awfully wrong. I think what Stark should have said there is "Bring them back safe to today, spread them around the entire globe because this is a huge chunk of people, and they must return in a safe space. Anyone flying, comes back on the ground. Anyone in surgery, comes back on the bed and pre/post-surgery, etc".
But they didn't say that so what they were left with is this weird as fuck attempt at convincing the audience through interviews that the people who had been snapped appeared in the same place they had disappeared prior... and that ruined it even more. But that was made canon so WV gave us just that with Monica, we also saw Yelena... but then there's May.
I don't remember right now if we have other characters talking about it, but May said in FFH that when she came back from the Blip other people were living in her home. So this is a statement that applies to every single person in the universe, which means that someone flying on a plane would appear in the same spot (but no plane), someone driving a car would appear in the same spot (but no car), etc etc.
When they could have done it so much better by either rewinding time (sure, Morgan is gone and there are other repercussions to this, but that would have made EG's story better, not worse) OR Stark words his statement better and he says a variation of what I wrote earlier: Don't change the past, just bring the people back but do so with them scattered around the globe - no need for the "they show up in the same spot they disappeared in" bullshit.
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Yo La Tengo - Radio 3, Barcelona, Spain, April 1995
Can it be that I'm finally seeing Yo La Tengo again this weekend? Twice?!!! It's been way too long since the band made it out to my part of the world — and even these shows were delayed from last year due to Georgia Hubley's knee surgery. But if the various tapes of YLT's 2023 Hanukkah run tell me anything, Georgia is as powerful (if not more powerful) than ever. Big Days Coming!
“If anyone’s tempted to go to both nights, I guarantee they will be extremely different from a song-choice perspective,” Ira Kaplan told the Boulder Weekly this week. “Except for perhaps a couple songs from This Stupid World, we likely won’t repeat any of the old songs. We’re going to treat Boulder and Fort Collins like one long night at two locations.”
Hell yeah. It's been awhile since I did two nights in a row with Yo La Tengo ... I did it in NYC in 1997 ... and I did it in Santa Monica in 1995. (Holy christ, I am old.) As a little prep, let's listen to two songs from Spanish radio back in '95 — just Georgia and Ira and an acoustic guitar here, sounding perfect, as they play stripped-down versions of the Electr-O-Pura faves "The Ballad of Red Buckets" and "Blue Line Swinger." Here it comes again ...
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