#More like Bato took one look and asked “Is anyone gonna parent this?” And didn’t wait for an answer
purrincesskittens · 3 years
Some pure indulgent fluff in my dragons atla universe slightly inspired by @muffinlance Scaled Over writing out how Bato comes into the possession of a little scaly Zuko still but I just had to get this fluff out first. Sorry for tagging you so often muffin you have inspired me to write again and actually finish something for once.
Zuko's scar isn't as bad over his eye it's larger though it covers more of the left side of his face and down his neck and across his shoulder. It's not as bad though it's second to third degree and will scar but not nearly as bad as it looks in canon like this but on a small child
Bato was drifting between wakefulness and sleep wanting to go back to sleep unsure as to what woke him. His hammock rocked with the ship he was comfortable under his furs and blankets. They were almost home and just in time to beat the late season storm coming their way. He was almost asleep again when the baby in his arms sat up on his chest. After a moment of squirming little hands patted his face gently and cautiously to wake him. Giving a yawn and stretch Bato opened his eyes to look at the little one he held.
"Sorry." The 3 year old little boy whispers so softly Bato wouldn't have heard if he hadn't been holding the little one so close. "What's wrong buddy?" Bato asks as the kid squirmed again. "Umm." The little one grabbed at his front as he squirms in a matter Bato recognizes from Sokka who had just started potty training. "Need to go?" Bato sat up holding the boy to his chest as he did before unburrying them so he could swing his legs out of the hammock and set the boy down.
He knew what woke him now. The boy had been squirming for a while before waking Bato. The child was still very cautious about everything he did which angered Bato. The boy was barely 3 and was surprisingly very good about potty breaks although he did have accidents that caused him to break down in tears. Bato would love to murder the child's father. Not only was the man responsible for the large burn that covered the left side of the child's face and down his neck and shoulder but the man didn't seem to understand children. Didn't want the child to make loud noises and apparently yelled at every little thing the boy did.
Bato wasn't even a father but he was a damn proud uncle to Hakoda's kids and understood children were noisy and messy. He didn't have a high opinion of any servants hired to care for the boy either. None seemed to have had the patience for a young child struggling to be more mature then their age while still being a toddler. Standing up he guided the kid to use the bathroom yawning as he did. The boy finished with only a slight mishap at first not a big deal, he watched Sokka for Hakoda and Kya before he knew this could happen.
The boy looked at him like he expected to be hit or yelled at. "I missed." The boy whispered looking down at his bare feet. "Sorry." Bato had to close his eyes and count to ten silently so as not to show he was upset. Not at the little one but at the man the boy calls father. Kneeling he hugs the tiny thing to him before murmuring reassuringly. "It's okay accidents happen. You'll get better with time." He stood cleaning up the mess and then cleaned the child and himself up, using a clean wet cloth to whipe the boys face after to remove snot and tears.
Scooping him up he nuzzled the child's soft black hair with his nose. "Let's get a snack and then back to bed okay?" He got a nod in response as the little one tucked his head against his neck. Hakoda intercepted them after they had grabbed a few sea prunes yawning as he ruffled the child's hair causing the boy to squeak and hide his face against Bato's skin. "Midnight snack?" He questions his friend nodding to the half eaten prune in the toddlers hand. "Bathrrom visit first then snack as a reward for doing so good now back to bed." Bato explains bouncing the child in his arms gently to reassure him.
"I missed." Came the response from the half asleep bundle in the tribesman's arms. "That's okay Sokka, my son, misses alot too. It happens." The chief reassures the tiny thing who peaks at him with sleepy gold eyes. They eventually got back to bed with Bato settling the toddler in his arms under the furs and blankets.
The next day brought them into colder waters and icebergs appeared. The child stared with wide eyes from his place at the railing of the ship under the watchful eyes of the crew. As they traveled further south the more the ice grew bigger. It was early spring so the waters were barely safe enough to traverse meaning they had to slow down and take it easy. This also meant the icebergs appeared to be closer to the ship. Almost within touching distance it would seem. Or at least it seemed so to a tiny tot who had never seen icebergs before. One second he was standing by the railing, the next he's climbed up on the railing, and the second after that a little black dragon is launching himself across the distance little wings incapable of true flight, beating the air in an attempt at keeping him alight.
The ship lurched and a large blue dragon is grabbing the baby dragon in his teeth scuffing them and hauling them back on board the ship ignoring their whines of protest despite being a limp noodle hanging from Bato's jaws as he settles back in the middle of the deck depositing the little creature in front of them caging him with his claws so the little one can't scamper off.
The rest of the day is spent with a shaky noodle hiding in Bato's parka half because he got scolded for trying to jump off the ship to touch an iceberg half because he was cold. Aake's mutter suggestion about wing breaking had been overheard and the little one was terrified of him now. Bato hadn't liked that suggestion even if Aake wasn't completely serious.
"You need a name boy." Kustaa informs the child as he changes the bandages that cover half the boys face, neck and shoulder. "He has a name." Bato comments as he holds the boy still. "But he hasn't said what it is yet now has he? If he is staying he needs a name. We can't keep calling him boy now can we?" Cool salve is applied to the burn with gentle steady hands. Bato hums in response but thinks on what the healer said.
"If you don't want to tell me your name that's fine but since your starting a new life with us how about a proper water tribe name?" Bato asks the child as he carefully runs a brush through the boys hair. The little one practically purred in his lap as he pulled the brush through his thick black hair. "What do you think of Kanut? It means white polar bear goose." The boy scrunched up his nose and shook his head. "Yeah polar bear goose doesn’t suit you does it? Hmm how about Nanook?"
A little sneeze greeted this suggestion drawing a chuckle from the man. "No? Let's see then something that would suit you." Bato ran the brush once more through the toddlers hair before tying it up in a warriors wolf tail. "I know how about Tulugaq? For your raven hair." This last name earned a bright eye look. "Tulugaq it is then." Bato chuckles wrapping his arms around the newly dubbed Tulugaq giving him a hug.
Kustaa held Tulugaq in his arms as the crew ran around getting the ship ready as they drew closer to the South Pole and their village. Once they docked the ships would be unloaded and sleds packed up with supplies to be distributed among the various tribes and villages that made up the Southern Water Tribe enough to last the tribes to the summer when the traders came. Tulugaq only liked Kustaa and Bato primarily although he was growing used to the chief. Hakoda had been spending time with Bato while the little one hide under Bato's clothes or clung to him.
Bato had been named the boys guardian and new dad in everything but name. It had been agreed upon that if his mother came looking for him and proved to be trust worthy she would be welcomed by the tribe or allowed to take her son, the boys father would never get him back and would never lay another hand on the boy. Finally Bato came over scooping his new son up into his arms. "Welcome to the Southern Water Tribe, Tulugaq."
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atla-hcs-and-bakoda · 4 years
Bato’s Backstory
ok so this is gonna be long, buckle up. This is my personal interpretation of bato’s backstory, it likely makes no canonical or reasonable sense, but canon does not exist and i make the rules. this is purely self-indulgent crack-treated-seriously. This is what all the other hcs, unless stated otherwise, will be set in.
Note about Bato: in my interpretation of him, he has teal/cyan eyes and darker brown hair than in the show, his skin tone has not changed.
(unfortunately this is not a zukka au, just a bakoda one. bato’s backstory is kind of an au in my mind, so when i do ship zukka, its not in this au)
(the bold letters at the beginning of the paragraphs are for accessibility)
‘Present’ (only a few months after zuko’s coronation) ages: Hakoda & Bato - 41 Kya - 42 Iroh - 65 Ozai - 47
under the cut because oh boy this is long, sorry asdfghfd
So, our story begins in the fire nation, about 59 AG, Iroh is the 25 year old crown prince, and recently had a child with his wife, Minami, on the coldest day of winter. They named him Shui, and they, quite frankly, spoilt him with their love. Minami stayed in the castle while Iroh was at war, and always sang to Shui while putting his hair up or putting him to bed.
One day, when Shui was 9, Azulon decided to take his family to Ember Islands on vacation, like the royal family has been doing for generations. However, there was a bad storm, and the ship got thrown near the south. Little Shui followed Iroh onto the deck, and fell overboard when a big wave hit the other side of the boat, rocking it and making him fall.
The royal family and crew tried to save him, but the waves dragged him under, and once the storm cleared, he was presumed dead. Iroh and Minami mourned the loss of their first son, who died so young that he hardly got to live life at all. Ozai mourned to a minor extent, as he was 15 at the time and wasn’t as bad as he is in the present, but not for as long as Shui’s parents, or grandfather, did.
Meanwhile, in the southern water tribe, little 9 year old Hakoda was wandering down at the seaside with his father when he came across a young boy unconscious in the snow, the cold water nearly freezing him to death. His father hurried him back to the tribe with the young boy’s body. For days, Hakoda sat beside the bed, rarely moving from the spot, keeping watch on the mystery boy. And eventually, he woke up.
Hakoda introduced himself once the boy was fully awake, but when asked his name, the boy said “i...i don’t remember...” So, instead, Hakoda decided to pick a name for him; Bato. The boy agreed to the name, and after a week, got adopted by one of the tribesmen, a close friend of Hakoda’s father. After that, the two children were an unstoppable duo, they did many successful pranks on everyone, including Hakoda’s mother, Kanna.
However, every once in a while, Bato would blurt out something without thinking, and when questioned, wouldn’t be able to remember it at all. For instance, Bato and Hakoda were once watching the stars late at night, when Bato pointed at a constellation and called it Druk. Hakoda laughed, but Bato insisted that was its name. Hakoda asked where Bato learned that, since thats not what their tribe calls it, and Bato had no recollection of learning it.
(This continued well into teenagehood, when Bato realised at the ripe old age of 14 that he was, in fact, in love with his best friend. He didn’t come out for a long time, in fear of his tribe’s reaction. Deep down he knew they’d accept him with open arms, but his anxiety said otherwise.)
At 12, there was a fire nation raid while Bato was at the seaside, and he recognised both the ship and flag instantly despite not being told prior about the Southern Raiders. He ran to tell the chief, and thanks to his quick reaction, saved the tribe to a degree. Many waterbenders still died, however.
At 15, Bato and Hakoda went ice-dodging with their respective fathers- and eachother. Hakoda recieved the mark of the wise, and Bato recieved the mark of the brave.
One night at 15, they were cuddling in Hakoda’s bed (because thats what best friends do, of course. its cold, no other reason, totally not) when Hakoda noticed Bato’s eye color; Teal. not the regular water tribe blue, not a dark blue, or even a light blue, but pure Teal. Although hakoda would still argue to this day that bato’s eyes are cyan. When questioned about his eye color, Bato shrugged and brushed it off as an uncommon trait. But Hakoda realised nobody else in the tribe had cyan eyes, just blue.
Then, at 16, the boys got into a bad avalanche that resulted in Hakoda getting knocked out. Bato woke up hours later, and pulled his best friend out of the snow. He realised Hakoda wasnt breathing, and started to cry, taking his gloves off to cling to Hakoda and try feel the warmth of his pulse, to no avail. He closed his eyes and cried, when his hands lit on fire. When he realised what he just did, he put the flame out and made a plan, carrying Hakoda to the dog sled quite a bit from the avalanche, and set them on course for the tribe while he carefully lit his hands back on fire after a few attempts, and kept Hakoda warm. 
Just before they got to the tribe, Hakoda started breathing again, shallowly, and his father quickly took both of them to the healer when they arrived back. This time, it was Bato who sat beside the bed and waited for Hakoda to wake up, refusing to eat much until his friend woke up.
He never told anyone about his bending.
A few months later, Hakoda met and started dating Kya, and Bato’s heart broke. he was happy for hakoda, he really was, but deep down it still hurt him to see him with someone else.
At 20, Hakoda’s father went off to war.  At 22, Hakoda became Chief, and Bato became the second-in-command.
At 23, Hakoda proposed to Kya after like 20 failed attempts at carving a betrothal necklace. Bato’s heart broke a tiny bit more, but he ignored it to be happy for his friend. Bato had to sleep alone for the first time since he joined the southern water tribe, he didn’t sleep much when alone.
2 years later, at 25, Sokka was born, and Bato babysat him a lot when Hakoda and Kya were busy. Bato admittedly vented to baby sokka quite a bit, and showed him very minor firebending tricks he practiced during sleepless nights, which was most nights.
At 26, Katara was born, and Bato now babysat two little children, both of which he adored with all his heart. He himself is infertile, so Katara and Sokka were the closest thing he had to his own children.
Things went mostly peacefully for years, until 34, when Kya got killed. After the raid, Hakoda wouldnt eat for days at a time, completely depressed and exhausted. Bato would offer him small plates of food and sit with him, letting him vent or cry or whatever Hakoda needed to do to get the stress and pain out. He also looked after Sokka and Katara while Hakoda couldn’t, and usually slept next to Hakoda’s bed, watching over the chief, along with his kids, as both children were terrified to sleep by themselves, Hakoda was scared of losing them, and Bato couldn’t bare the thought of not keeping them safe.
After years of recovering, Hakoda eventually had to head out to war with the men of the tribe, Bato included. Bato’s heart broke watching Sokka beg to come with them, but he knew it was for the best.
3 months after leaving, Bato came out to Hakoda in the Chieftan’s private room in the boat, and Hakoda accepted him with open arms, and promised to not tell anyone until Bato was ready. Bato fell a lot more in love.
At 5 months, he started very carefully dropping hints to Hakoda that he likes him, slightly-too-friendly-to-be-platonic compliments, cuddling him in hakoda’s room “because its cold” (they were nowhere near cold climates), and other vaugely homoerotic stuff like that. All of it went over Hakoda’s head.
(At 6 months he straight up told Hakoda at night on the deck “Your my stars, Hakoda. Whenever i’m lost, you always bring me home.”, and Hakoda responded “Thanks Bato, I’m happy your my friend too.”, Bato stayed awake all night in utter disbelief. He still teases Hakoda about it.)
1 year after leaving, Bato realised he might not be as much of a guy as he thought he was. He silently decided to put that train of thoughts on hold until the war was over. (In his heart he knew the war would never be over until the fire nation won. especially with sozin’s comet only a year away and- he doesnt remember what sozin’s comet is.)
When his arm got burned, he burned the soldier right back with his good arm out of sight of everyone else, and managed to shove them overboard before the pain hit him. He’s always had a high pain tolerance.  After the fight ended, Hakoda carried Bato to the abbey, and they had a tearful goodbye, where Bato quietly confessed his love as Hakoda walked out the room. Hakoda thought about it until he saw Bato again.
When they reunited, Hakoda confessed his love back to Bato, and they kissed right in the open, it took a lot of self control for the other tribesmen to not cheer, they had known for literally forever, the only person in the tribe who didnt know bato was in love with hakoda was hakoda.
Somehow, it took until the war was over for Sokka and Katara to find out they had a step-dad. They already considered Bato to be their second dad, so not much exactly changed.
The day of Zuko’s coronation, Bato got talking with Iroh, and when the topic came to children, Iroh explained how both his sons were dead, one dying at 9 from a storm, and the other dying at 20 from war. When Iroh says his youngest (eldest?) son’s name, Shui, Bato remembers the storm, and Iroh notices Bato’s rare cyan eyes.
They have a nice reunion, although Bato has to sit down for a while to process all this and figure out his family tree. He decides not to tell Hakoda yet, but he does spend a while walking through the palace with Iroh and remembering parts of his early childhood. He cant bring himself to go into the room of firelord portraits.
A month after zuko’s coronation, he sits Hakoda down and explains that he’s a bender, and he’s apparently fire nation royalty. Hakoda gets temporarily mad, but eventually calms down and hugs Bato when his friend told him that his firebending saved both himself and hakoda, and that he would never be like his forefathers or uncle. Hakoda takes a while to fully accept it, but eventually warms up (heh) to the concept, and continues to use Bato as a personal space heater.
Two months after zuko’s coronation, he finally decides to tackle the “i’m not as much as a guy as i thought” issue, and he decides to go to Iroh and Toph for advice over tea, where Iroh suggests some wise stuff, but Toph simply explains what non-binary is, and suggests Bato may be Demiboy. (Although Bato prefers to call himself Demiguy, he doesnt like being called a boy) The Gender Crisis continues for about another week, and takes another half a month for him to come out to Hakoda. Bato was somewhat internally afraid he wouldnt be counted as one of the men, but Hakoda was overwhelmingly supportive, and admitted that he knew Bato wasn’t exactly cis, he just never knew the words to use.
Bato spends a while at the palace after the coronation to get his bearings on being half fire nation and a prince, he learns purple is a very good color on him.(Hakoda later jokes that it was foreshadowing for Bato realising he was enby, as he wasnt blue or red)
He bonds quite a bit with Zuko, Iroh, and Toph during his stay, but eventually goes back to the southern water tribe, the place he truly considers home. Although, he does go and visit the fire nation every once in a while. He even goes to Ember Islands and has a vacation day with both of his families.
After about two years, He finally makes a betrothal necklace for Hakoda, with the symbol of the water tribe on it and flames coming up from the waves, both of them totally cry happy tears when he proposes privately under the light of the aurora.
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Parental Guidance Pt.2
                Katara’s new habit was sitting in the healing hut and watch Kehana work. It had been four days after the Fire nation men had escaped and when the boy finally moved. Katara looked down at him. He stared back with one eye. The other had been bandaged after the dead skin was removed. His eye was thin and a shade of yellow she had only seen in her dreams. His skin was pale, and his long hair was as dark as the winter sky. Katara wasn’t sure if he saw her. The boy didn’t react in the slightest. He just stared and blinked at her. Katara knew he was Fire Nation. Fire nation is what everyone told her to be afraid of. Fire nation is what took her mommy away. But this boy was hurt. He had a burn on his face. Maybe he had been hurt like her mommy had.
“Hello.” Katara breathed.
The boy didn’t answer. He just blinked.
Katara nodded once, “Are you thirsty?” She reached over for a cup of water. He watched her arm as it moved. “Drink.”
                The boy tried to sit up. Katara put her hand behind his back. He gingerly took the cup and took a sip. And then a gulp. He gulped until he was tilting his head back.
“Slowly! Slowly!” Katara giggled.
                Kehana turned around to see the boy sitting upright. Her shriek startled them both. The cup went flying and the boy curled into Katara. Kehana dropped the ointment she was mixing and ran out of the hut. The gust of cold caused the boy to push into her further. She took a note from her brother and shushed him gently as she waited for who most likely would be her dad.
“It’s ok. Don’t worry. Dad is nice.” She tried to reassure him. But the boy was shaking.
Surprisingly Sokka entered first. He probably heard the scream from Kehana.
“Katara what happened!” Then he saw the Fire nation boy sitting straight with his eye open.
              For days Sokka heard the adults gossip about the Fire nation boy. Most said he was going to die abandoned by his own people. His sister thought otherwise. When Kehana couldn’t get broth down his throat, Katara did. When no one wanted to supervise him, Katara did. The half faced half dead child was her new project. Sokka hadn’t bothered her because for whatever reason she hadn’t mentioned their mother since. She would just sit and feed and mend the corpse. Now the corpse who was very much alive sat upright. He hung on his sister like a polar dog on its mother’s tit. And it bothered him.
“What is he doing?” Sokka gestured to the trembling boy.
“I think he’s scared.” Katara stroked his hair which seemed to calm the boy down a bit.
              Hakoda entered the hut. The men behind him held the pelt open, causing air to drift in. So, the boy bent again inwards. The men all murmured. But her father didn’t say anything for some time. Katara didn’t let him go. She held him in her arms while he took in her warmth. Her dad exited without a word, leaving just the children in the hut.
“Hush, hush. It’s ok. I promise. You’ll be safe.” Katara stroked more.
“Don’t tell him that!” Sokka cut in, “You don’t know that. Dad is gonna send him back with the other Fire nation scum!”
“Shut up. He’s hurt too.” Katara looked down at the quivering boy.
“Hey, kid!” Sokka ticked his head, “Can you stand up?”
The boy didn’t answer. He stayed curled into Katara.
“Hey, kid! Why were you on that ship? How did you sink? Are you a spy? What are your Fire nation plans?” Sokka asked without missing a beat.
“Be quiet. He just woke up.” Katara said.
“What’s your name, kid?” Sokka repeated the question when he didn’t answer.
Katara decided to try. She drew a little bit away, “What’s your name little boy?”
The boy babbled something that Katara couldn’t understand.
“Eh! He speaks Fire’s Tongue. He can’t understand us.” Sokka pointed.
                The voices of the men outside got louder.
Katara ignored them. “Can you understand us?” The boy continued to stare. Katara thought for a moment. She gestured to herself then to her brother, “Katara, Katara. Sokka, Sokka.” She put her hand on his shoulder “You?”
The boy looked between her and her brother, “Zuko.” He said quietly.
“Zuko!” Katara was elated. She wasn’t sure why.
Sokka suddenly was interested. He knelt next to them. “Zuko enemy.”
“No!” Katara pushed Sokka over.
Zuko was trying to say something back. He looked back at Katara and tried to say something to her too. Zuko then started to cry.
She tried to shush him again. She shook his shoulder and stroked his long sweaty hair, “Zuko is safe. Safe. Zuko is safe.” Katara wiped his tears.
              There were other voices outside now. Katara heard Kehana and other women starting to argue. The village must have been gathering around. Katara wasn’t as brave as she was pretending to be. She hoped her dad would come back inside soon. Sokka grumbled about her being dumb. Zuko laid his head back to her chest. He started shaking again.
Hakoda returned. Others tried to follow but he held them back. “Children go outside.”
               As soon as Katara moved Zuko white knuckled her parka. He tried to tell her something again but stopped when she stayed quiet. He wept softly.
               Hakoda scanned the boy. He seemed harmless, but the people outside were worried. Each minute that passed caused the crowd to get louder. He didn’t blame them. He too was worried about the child’s presence. He only found comfort in the fact winter was coming soon. Winter was the safest time as long as there was food and warmth. Fire Nation didn’t dare sail Southern waters if they had the risk of getting trapped.
               Hakoda called for his mother. Kanna didn’t need to push her way through. She was the oldest and most respected member of the community. Most of her life was lived during war. No one would question her wisdom on the matters of who was an enemy or not. The crowd separated for her as she entered the healing hut. If anyone knew what to do it would be her.
“And what’s the matter?” Kanna squinted her eyes to get a look at the crying Fire Nation boy.
“Gran-Gran, he says his name is Zuko.” Katara stroked his hair.
“Mm, Hakoda, tell Zuko he’s safe now.” Kanna pulled over a seat and sat down with a grunt, “Katara sit him up. Come on now.”
Katara didn’t hesitate. She lifted Zuko up, so he was sitting next to her.
Sokka puffed his chest out. “When is he gonna leave! Dad can’t talk to him. No one can.”
“Oh, stop that.” Kanna tapped his chest back down.
             Hakoda knelt down to his daughter and her feeble patient. He switched to Trade Jargon. It didn’t come as easily as he would have liked. He said the few words that he knew asking who he was. The boy didn’t react. The one little eye that he had watched him. Hakoda nodded.
“I’m afraid he only speaks the Fire language.” Hakoda stood tall.
“That’s enough for now. Time to go.” Kanna said.
“Are we going to teach him? What’s going to happen to him?” Katara asked.
Sokka pointed  angrily, “So he can infiltrate our forces?!”
“Shut up!” Katara squeaked. Zuko put his head on her shoulder.
“None of that. Come now.” Kanna stood and shuffled to the children.
               Kanna held her arms out. Zuko looked at Katara who smiled. He tried to stand. His legs wobbled and almost gave way. Hakoda’s arm shot out and he tried to catch the boy the best he could. Katara held him by the underarms almost falling too.
“We should have moved your legs more!” Katara struggled not to drop him.
               Hakoda took a firmer hold on Zuko. Bato called inside. The people were waiting apprehensively for what’s going to be done about the boy. Their question was answered when Kanna appeared carrying Zuko. Zuko held her tight around her neck trying to hide his face from the icy breeze. Some attempted to move him to get their first look. Kanna shooed their hands away.
“So where are we taking him?” Sokka followed his father closely.
“Home.” Hakoda said with his own uncertainty.
“What!? He’s going to live with us?” Sokka threw his arms up.
“Yay!” Katara skipped after her Gran-Gran.
              His mother prepared some extra sleeping furs. She arranged them next to Katara’s and Sokka’s bedding. He didn’t agree of her choice of placement but was not going to incur her wrath. It seemed she had already got attached to the Fire Nation pup. Hakoda watched as the boy ate small bites from the dinner his mother made. His little hands were also bandaged. He hadn’t noticed any other injuries besides the blaring scar when he arrived. It was a miracle how such a small child survived a shipwreck.
              Hakoda couldn’t help but be suspicious. He saw the child but saw the golden eye first. Zuko started taking bigger bites. Katara moved the spoon in his hand so he dribbled less. The boy seemed to not mind the attention of his mother or daughter. He noticed however that he would glare at Sokka if he spoke.
“What’s wrong with it? I thought you liked seaweed stew. You’ve barely taken a bite.” Kanna said giving a look only a mother could give.
Hakoda took a bite. And then another. It was delicious.
“Zuko. Do you like it?” Katara turned her head. Zuko blinked at her. Katara pointed to the bowl. “Good?”
Zuko nodded enthusiastically, “Good!”
“Do you remember my name?” Katara directed to herself.
“Katara!” Zuko smiled.
“And him?” Katara pointed at his son.
Zuko lost his smile for something more indifferent, “Sokka.”
“Zuko enemy!” Sokka stuck out his tongue.
“No!” Zuko jutted out his spoon.
“Wow you’re learning so quick!” Katara patted him. Zuko smiled again.
              His mother introduced herself as Gran-Gran. Hakoda found it odd but he ignored it. He introduced himself as Sir. Kanna made a noise. Katara didn’t seem to like it either. Hakoda ignored that too.  He didn’t want them getting to used to Zuko being in their house. The only reason he allowed it was out of respect for his mother. If he had his way, the boy looked well enough to be sent a drift on a raft. Hakoda sighed. His mind relented and steadied his nerves. Zuko was only a child. There wasn’t much the small boy could do to hurt them. Except maybe eat all their food. Hakoda chuckled when Zuko lifted his bowl to drink the rest of his stew. It was harder to ignore the old man’s words echoing in his head. I know your heart cannot be so hard.
              The candles wore down and Hakoda announced the children’s bedtime. Kanna made Hakoda dig out some of Sokka’s old sleep clothes for Zuko. Zuko stared at the blue fabric for some time grinning to himself. He wondered what the boy was thinking. Hell, he couldn’t ask. But in the same night Zuko could say their names, good, yes, no, please, and bed. When Katara changed his bandages, he learned the word hurt.
              Zuko was able to walk over to his own bedding without help. To be a child again and recover that quickly, Hakoda thought. Kanna tucked them in tight. She gave each child a kiss before going to tend the hearth. Hakoda leaned down and said his nightly prayers over his two children and bid them goodnight. He hugged and kissed them as he normally did and started to leave. Zuko sat up. He said something in Fire’s Tongue before his lip started to tremble.
              Hakoda’s eye twitched. The notion of telling him to be quiet or to comfort him collided in his mind making it go blank. He scratched his temple thinking of what to do next. His mind went in circles until his heart made his decision. He knelt down to the boy and pecked him quick on the forehead.
“Goodnight, Zuko.” He whispered to the half-faced boy.
“Yes.” Zuko smiled.
              Some nights after, Zuko woke up three times screaming. The first two times Katara talked to him until he settled back down. The third time he crawled over to Hakoda's furs. He tried to tell him something that Hakoda couldn’t recognize. Zuko tried desperately to make Hakoda understand. It broke his heart. Every time Hakoda shook his head Zuko whined and motioned to his head.
"Hurt? Does it hurt?" Hakoda pointed to his scar.
Zuko whined again this time wrapping both arms around his crown. "No good."
"Oh! You had a bad dream!" Hakoda made the best gesture he could think of.
              Zuko seemed to understand. Zuko shuddered sobbing. Big wet tears rolled out of his good eye. He held the bandages so the tears would not leave his left one and irritate the wound. Hakoda’s didn’t know how to comfort him. He had a few nightmares himself as a child. Most children have one or two. He’d be haunted by child eating ocean creatures and evil gremlins. But his daughter dreamt about the murder of his wife. And there was no telling the horrors Zuko dreamt of.
              Hakoda picked Zuko up and cradled him to the crook of his neck. He rubbed his back and said nice things to him. Zuko did not stop shivering until he fell back asleep. Hakoda kept Zuko with him the rest of the night. He slept through the night after that.
              There were more nights when Zuko woke crying. And more nights after that when he’d wake sweating. But it was his daughter who took on the responsibility. She would push herself out of slumber and pull him back to his furs.
“Zuko is safe.” She murmured in her tiredness.
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kristallioness · 6 years
21 Questions about ATLA
I was tagged by @atypicalkataangist. Wow, thanks for including me in this quiz! I've seen others reblog a list of numbered questions similar to these, expecting to receive some asks that they could answer in return. But now I get to do them in one go.
1) Who's your favourite male character?
I'm unoriginal and gonna say it's Aang. Not only because of him being the main character, but also because he was the first boy in the show who I immediately started to like (Sokka was second, Zuko was third in the beginning since he was a villain and I grew to love him more and more along with his character development), the way he balances his carefree, childish personality with his more mature, responsible side, his back story and peaceful culture.. Most importantly, without him, there wouldn't be the second half of such a lovely couple like he and Katara are.
2) Who's your favourite female character?
Katara. She's not only my favourite female character, but favourite character of them all, right from the start and until the end. The moment I saw her I fell in love since she looked really pretty and she wore a braid, just like me. Seeing what a caring, motherly, fierce personality she had (like mine) only fuelled my love for her.
3) What's your favourite quote?
Since Katara's my favourite character, then my first choice would be: "I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me!" Because that's sort of who I am and what I'm like, too. It's almost like a motto that I live by without thinking about it twice. I'm self-sacrificing and try to help my friends whenever they need it and as much as I can. I just remembered another good one, a quote that affected me on a more personal level. I'm pretty sure that only 0.0000000001% of the fandom would choose this one: "I don't care what I look like. I'm not looking for anyone's approval. I know who I am." The best part is, this is something that Toph says to Katara after she's been made fun of for her appearance by a bunch of prissy Upper Ring Earth Kingdom girls. How did this affect me? I started crying when I first saw this scene. Why? Because this was something that I'd been struggling with for years. I'd been bullied for my appearance at school. It used to make me feel worthless, unlovable, alone, probably also the reason why I turned into such a quiet person who doesn't know how to be around real friends. Hearing a blind, tomboyish, badass earthbender say what I needed to hear all along made me understand that it's not true - my appearance does not define my worth or who I am inside.
4) What's your favourite fight?
I knew you answered Katara and Pakku's duel @atypicalkataangist (and that one came to my mind, too, since it is one of my favourites because of reasons), but since I recently rewatched "The Serpent's Pass", I'm gonna pick Aang and Katara beating up that huge serpent. That was some awesome bending teamwork there! I went through all of the episodes in my head, and I gotta say that I also really like the duel between Aang and Zuko in "Bato of the Water Tribe". And one of the first ones where Haru and his father Tyro, along with the rest of the earthbenders, fight their way to freedom in the prison. The ending of that episode always leaves me with such a powerful feeling.
5) What's your favourite episode?
The big finale, "Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang". I sobbed practically throughout the entire episode when I first saw it. The soundtrack playing in the end is so beautiful to listen to and it still brings tears to my eyes. This episode concludes everything the show set up in the most unexpected ways possible. I mean, did any of us foresee Zuko being crowned the new Fire Lord (after you watched the first episode)? Did our hearts break into a million pieces when Katara and Aang kissed and became a couple in the end? Enough said.
6) From which nation would you like to be?
I'm not sure whether this is cheating or not, but since the story of ATLA continues in the comics and during Korra's time, I'd really love to be from the United Republic of Nations. I just love how it's a nation of mixed cultures, I am in LOVE with Republic City (as well as its 1920's aesthetic) and the capital reminds me of my own (Tallinn is also near the sea, has a marvellous silhouette, 4 seasons). Or if not, then my choice would definitely be the Water Tribes. I've explained it pretty well under the description of this drawing of mine.
7) Which element would you like to be able to bend and why?
Easy, I'd pick water since my 2nd choice when applying for university 5 years ago was to become a doctor. I'd like to use my healing abilities to cure people and my graceful waterbending to battle bad guys like Katara!
8) Favourite animal in the Avatar Universe?
I'm probably unoriginal, but I'm torn between the sky bison or the dragons. Oh, and the ostrich horses!
9) Who would you like to be your teacher and why?
I'm thinking it could be either Katara, Aang or Zuko, in this exact order. Katara and Aang would both be really supportive and I consider Zuko to be really wise (remember what he said to Korra before departing? he learned so much throughout the years).
10) What was the saddest moment in the show?
I have an entire list of the scenes/moments that made me cry, let me check.. *reads* Which sad moment made me cry the most, I'mma pick that one.. Okay, I can't decide because there are a few, let me name them: * the ones that stand out the most are all 3 finales * when Katara thought that her mother was alive in the swamp * when Aang enters the Avatar State and wants to kill the sandbenders, but Katara doesn't run away and instead grabs his hand and pulls him back down into her embrace and they cry together * Iroh singing the lullaby to his deceased son on his birthday (my parents have always said that one of the worst things a parent can live through is the death of their own child, so when I saw this scene, I understood what they meant and started crying) * Jet's death * Aang unlocking his heart chakra * almost the entirety of "The Awakening" (because everything seemed so hopeless and going the wrong way, when Katara and Hakoda talked), seriously, this is the most depressing episode in my book and that's why I love it so much * Sokka talking to Toph about how he's forgotten what his mother looks like and Katara is the one who's taken her place * when the invasion fleet was defeated on the Day of Black Sun and Katara knelt down beside Aang to comfort him * Zuko and his uncle Iroh's reconciliation and his speech to Team Avatar before they departed
11) What was the most shocking moment in the show?
You answered the same way: Aang getting shot with lightning. It came out of nowhere. When I saw Katara's face full of hope I thought that now they were going to make it since Aang had the power to face the Dai Li as well as Zuko and Azula. In a split second, everything changed and took a turn for the worst.
12) What was the funniest moment in the show?
There are so many good jokes, how do you expect me to pick just one??? Okay, umm.. when Sokka tried to fight against the villagers who believed too much of Aunt Wu's fortunes with logic and rational thinking (I can relate to him, poor Sokka).. How Aang messed up and unintentionally made Katara upset by insulting her instead of giving her a compliment when they were lost in the caves. Or the time Sokka and Katara had to pose as Aang's parents to go to the principal's office after school.
13) What was the most unforgettable moment in the show?
Maybe the whole scene before Zuko's coronation starts, "Peace" playing in the background, we see friends and family reunited, happy, alive. We witness something few of us could've predicted: the last person we ever thought, who went through and learned so much, is crowned the new Fire Lord. It's such a victorious moment and never leaves me without emotion.
14) Which one is your favourite book?
I have a weird system concerning this. Book 1 was sort of like the start of their journey, the world was slowly being built and introduced to us. Book 2 became much more serious, the characters gained more depth and the stakes began to rise. When I thought it couldn't get any better, I was proven horribly wrong. Book 3 became far more emotional than I ever could've imagined. So it's like my love grew with each book, and I kind of love the last one the most for this reason.
15) Who had the greatest character development in the show?
Everybody developed so much, but I'd definitely say it was Zuko. At first, I didn't really care much about him. Just another villain trying to capture someone for his own personal gain, I figured. But that all changed when I saw his back story in "The Storm". I started to look at him from a completely different angle. I began to understand where he came from, why he was doing this. I saw how much he struggled, how many wrongs he committed. The climax was when he faced his own father and told him: "No! I've learned everything! And I've had to learn it on my own. Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history and somehow, the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was! The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation! They don't see our greatness, they hate us! And we deserve it." This is what he learned by spending time as a refugee in the Earth Kingdom, by witnessing firsthand what his nation, what this war was doing to others. And he was determined to set things right by joining Aang and his friends, teaching him firebending and stopping his own homeland from going down this path.
16) What do you love most about Avatar: The Last Airbender?
The story that Bryan and Michael came up with. I have NEVER cried so much, laughed at so many original jokes, heard such gorgeous instrumental music made by Jeremy Zuckerman, the raw emotion behind the voice actors.. every little bit is what makes this story and this series so amazing, fulfilling and perfect.
17) What do you hate most about Avatar: The Last Airbender?
I don't hate anything about the show per se, perhaps more about the way the fandom can act sometimes.
18) With which character do you identify most?
Like I answered in question 2, Katara. Her personality reflects mine the most, we share similar values in life, I love her family (Hakoda and Sokka) because they have such loving relationships with each other (Katara and Hakoda made me emotional several times, and they only had a few scenes together!).
19) Is Avatar: The Last Airbender your favourite cartoon/anime?
Ever since I discovered it, and I think it'll remain as my favourite cartoon for the rest of my life. Nothing can ever impact me as much as Avatar has.
20) Would you want to be the Avatar?
Thinking just how messed up our own world is right now, how my aggressive eastern neighbour has occupied parts of 2 independent countries, how helpless and angry I feel that I can't do anything about it - Y E S. I want to bring peace and balance back to our world, too. And if I had my own loving, supportive partner (like Aang) by my side, I'd do it again in a thousand lifetimes.
21) What's your favourite ship?
I personally ship everything that has been or is currently canon. My OTP is obviously Kataang, though I'm also one of the few friendly multishippers out here. Which means that I don't mind seeing beautiful stuff about Zutara either, for instance. (Seriously, you should check out my tag, there are so many lovely gifsets there, be it romantic or platonic.)
To sum up, thank you once more for tagging me! I'm not gonna tag anyone specific, but if any of you would like to do this, too, then go ahead! It was really fun to reflect back on why I love this show so much.
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