#Morpheus x Calliope
writing-for-life · 10 days
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Finally, finally I manage a Calliope/Morpheus fic (the Sandman Rarepair Fest had to come along to kick me into gear). It’s just a short vignette, but I hope I did them justice because they will always be the OTP to me. The prompt is Hurt/Comfort.
You can read on Ao3 or here. And no matter where you read, your kudos, comments, shares and reblogs are so appreciated and help writers to get their stuff discovered 🖤
Lupē (616 words) by Writing-for-Life Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Calliope/Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Calliope/Dream of the Endless, Calliope & Dream of the Endless | Morpheus Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Reconciliation, Past Relationship(s), Rare Pairings, Canon Compliant, During Canon, Canon Related, Canon Rewrite Summary:
Calliope had wept for him so many times, and she felt the tight grip of grief resurfacing. She had mourned the laughter that would never echo through these halls again, the stories of his father he would never pass on to children of his own, the promise of a future shattered. […] And she was tired of mourning, of a grief that felt like it was hers alone to bear.
The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow upon the twisted spires of the castle. She had not returned here since that fateful day.
The Gatekeepers stood before her, eyes like onyx reflecting the aeons they had witnessed. Last time, they had been impassive, their voices cold as they denied her entry.
But tonight, something had changed: They recognised her.
"Calliope," the wyvern’s voice echoed through the mist. "You seek the Lord of Dreams."
She nodded, and her throat felt so tight she could barely swallow. "I come to speak to him."
Calliope's fingers trembled. She remembered the bitter words they had exchanged—the accusations, the tears. Later, Oneiros had been unyielding, her attempts to speak to him ignored. She was not even sure what would have happened had he acted differently then; the thought of bringing forth an apology entered her mind and was as quickly dismissed. She felt her hands ball into fists, bitterness resurfacing.
No, this is not the time.
The guardians exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. "Why are you here, muse?" the hippogriff asked.
She hesitated. "Our son's absence binds us, even in sorrow."
There was no more talk, no further interrogation. The gates just creaked open.
Calliope stepped across the threshold, and her footsteps echoed on the stairs and the marble corridors. With every step, her heart picked up pace until it was racing so fast she could hardly catch a breath.
The door was as she remembered—unchanged, the wood dark and polished, etched with symbols whose meaning she understood and yet didn’t.
Just like him.
But that wasn’t true. He had been changed when last they met. Familiar yet different, faint echoes of what once she loved—and hated.
Calliope pushed the door open, and the air itself seemed to hold its breath. For a moment, she wondered what she had expected to find. How she had expected him to greet her. And then she knew that this was exactly it:
His back turned on her, no sign of movement, frozen in space.
She crossed the room, her breath catching in her throat, unable to speak.
She didn’t have to.
"Calliope," he whispered, still not turning. There was a rawness to his voice, even in that whisper, that caught her unaware.
She reached for him, without any hesitation, and while it surprised her, it felt right. As her hand touched his shoulder, he flinched subtly, but he didn't pull away.
When he finally turned, his eyes held galaxies, and their shared history was etched on his face—the pain, the longing—it was all there, laid bare.
And it was hard not to see Orpheus in him. Hard not to remember how he had told him stories, his voice like a melody spun from darkness and light, stardust and moonbeams, while the boy’s laughter would echo through the halls of the castle, and his cries for more brought a moment of happiness to everyone who heard it.
And then it was gone.
Calliope had wept for him so many times, and she felt the tight grip of grief resurfacing. She had mourned the laughter that would never echo through these halls again, the stories of his father he would never pass on to children of his own, the promise of a future shattered.
She had sung dirges and sought solace in memories, but they only deepened the pain.
And she was tired of mourning, of a grief that felt like it was hers alone to bear.
In that moment, his eyes searched hers. “You came.” And perhaps, they were seeking answers and forgiveness.
“You called.”
And perhaps, they were also holding the faint glimmer of hope…
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hadestown (2019) // the sandman (2022-)
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morpheusbaby3 · 1 month
I was watching Calliope's episode again and I understand more and more why Morpheus loved her.
She is indeed powerful. I'm not referring to magical power or her being a goddess, but she is a POWERFUL WOMAN.
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littledollll · 1 year
no i DONT care about their partner/crush/soulmate in canon because it’s actually ME. Stop shipping them and start shipping US.
(The only exception to this rule is Lucifer and mazikeen bc I want them both.) (maybe Morpheus and calliope)
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inastarlesssky · 1 month
More Dreamuse thoughts because I had some realizations I came to. This scene is living rent-free in my head and I've just had some thoughts so have this is in mind, k?
Dream: The last time I saw you, you said you would never speak to me again. Calliope: I'm sorry, I had I did not know where else to turn. Dream: You misunderstand me. [steps ever so slightly closer to her] When I heard you call to me, even after all this time...let me help you. Please.
So because of a recent fixation upon The Sandman Netflix series, and after watching the series all the way through, I've started thinking about Dream of the Endless and turning over in my head the little details one can pick up on while watching the episodes. Just personally, I tend to think (a little too much probably) on things but when something catches my attention, well, all the more so.
That being said, in the first few episodes, I observed that Dream's reactions or emotional responses weren't...hm very strong, per se. Or rather, he might not always have shown on his face the emotion you can clearly hear in his voice. I thought that was really interesting because, well, as human beings, if someone's angry/sad/hurt, you will more often than not see that in a facial expression (granted, of course, people are different, and some are more expressive than others....I'm not trying to make a universal statement here, just making comparisons). Note that Dream of the Endless is not human. He is an anthropomorphic entity that according to Tom Sturridge is basically (damnit I can't remember how Tom said it in the interview) the collective unconsciousness of the world--dreams and dreaming and all that.
He's not human. Which means he will, accordingly, react to and perceive and experience things in ways different to us human beings. Keep that in mind.
It seemed to me a little subtle reminder to me of exactly that, he's not human. He's distant in a way. He definitely does still feel things, very strongly sometimes even. But his way of expression is different. Anyway, I digress.
So on a lovely server I just joined, I posed this question and the folks there pointed out that it's true, Dream doesn't necessarily vocalize an emotional response, but if it's very strong or boils over, then yes. Now I take 'vocalize an emotional response' in two ways:
saying "I feel [angry/sad/frustrated/insert whatever emotion]"
Showing in a change of the tone of voice or making some sort of comment that will give insight related to said emotional response
I've never seen him do the first and we shouldn't, because that doesn't make for very good storytelling. The showing is more frequently better than the telling, I believe. But I want to draw your attention to the second point, and most specifically to that scene when he's talking to Calliope shortly before he ruins Arthur Madoc's life.
She tells him about her plight, and he responds by saying he'll take care of everything she's asked him to, basically. She frowns at this and asks him, "Why? Because I was once yours?" He answers with a quiet, "Because he hurt you" and then continues with the quote I put at the beginning of this spiel.
"The last time I saw you, you said you would never speak to me again." - Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm imagining things. But I could have sworn I noticed a little, almost imperceptible change in his tone when he delivered this line. Without knowing any of the history they had (I know a little bit more now than I did then... but in that moment, no), I could tell that this was something painful for him. Something he'd been hurt by. (I know that it's all just 'poor Morpheus', they both suffered, and they were both hurt, and I could go off on a whole 'nother thing for that)
But my point is that, he's hurt. He mentions this to her, not directly telling her that, but reminding her of what she'd said to him so many years ago. Something that wounded him. Despite that, he has willingly and most readily come to her assistance when she called him.
That's it. Just offering that up for consideration.
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notfeelingthyaster · 1 year
the only proper dream x hob x calliope dynamic is both of these sunshine-y people bullying their wet cat disaster into taking care of himself and acting like an actual person/being
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wizardysseus · 2 years
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nothing you can do but hope, a mix for morpheus & calliope
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peri-helia · 2 years
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okariaonb · 1 year
[Sandman] Morpheus & Calliope - To Be Alone
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nynevefromthelake · 1 year
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The sun☀️ the moon🌙 the star ✨
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writing-for-life · 1 month
Hi! So I've just finished watching the whole of Season 1 of The Sandman and the history that's hinted at between Dream and Calliope is pretty much living rent-free in my head. I read your meta on their relationship as well as how Dream sees/receives love. I wanted to ask, if you think they could ever reconcile (perhaps heal from the mutual hurt), how would they do that?
The fodder for many a fanfic 😉 Thanks so much for the ask.
In canon, there is probably no way he would ever be happy with anyone, even if he wanted to, because it is essentially in his being/nature to be the unreal. Relationships that move past the romantic ideal are, in ways, at odds with who and what he is.
But spinning the thought further and beyond that, I think that Calliope in the show had the right idea, and that the biggest chance to get back together would be to grieve together and possibly (!) reconnect through that. Because the loss is mutual, and no one understands better what that means than someone who is going through the same. Grief has the potential to separate, but also to unite. And I think allowing it (which he doesn’t at this stage), and processing it together, might be a step in the right direction.
We simply can’t know if after that, they would still have enough in common, but they used to. In fact, of all his relationships, they were conceptually closest. They are basically made of the same stuff, if you will, at least to a degree: They are both closely linked to inspiration, creativity, dreams, story (unfortunately, Calliope as a muse/goddess has strong ties to tragedy, but that’s a whole ‘nother topic. Maybe he would’ve been better off with Thalia. I know he would’ve [insider joke 🤣]). So the potential for remembering that, and finding it again, is always there.
But he needs to allow that vulnerability, and we all know he’s not very good at that. And when he finally does, it basically destroys him. Because making yourself vulnerable is part of accepting reality. You can see where this is going—how long can you be [a] D/dream before you turn into something else?
So I guess the topic of grief is so central to his whole being, and also his relationship to Calliope, that supporting while also allowing himself to be supported, would be the only way through?
Canonically, I don’t see it. There is no one in canon, it’s all rigged against him from the start. You know when they say, “He/she was made wrong”? And he was in a way, from his parents to everyone around him, even if some of them tried to help. I know you’ve not read everything yet and don’t know certain things that are absolutely integral to understanding why Morpheus is the way he is, and how he could never be any other way, and how his story could never be other than it is. So I’ll stop here, but you’re welcome to ask more questions if you want to know more 🙂
@inastarlesssky ask answered
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7-wonders · 4 months
Literally, if Calliope held my face and gave the affection that’s described in World We Dream About, I would fucking die. All I can think about is how the reader could only wonder how Morpheus would ever separate himself from someone as tender, gentle, and utterly radiant as her-
(Read more of my Calliope/Morpheus/Reader stuff here!)
"Can I ask you something?"
You're sitting in the gardens of the palace of the Dreaming with the Lord of Dreams himself, who slowly looks up at you over the top of his book (some report on a nightmare doing who knows what) like you're a nuisance. You know that's not the case though, since he's the one that sought you out and invited you to join him.
After your...memorable first meeting with Morpheus, followed by a tearful goodbye with the woman goddess who had been your roommate for the past few months, you had never been expecting to see either again. They were important beings of myth and legend, after all—you were just a regular human. Practically nothing compared to them! That's why it was so surprising when you went to sleep barely a week later and found yourself face-to-face with the Sandman once more.
"I owe you a boon, whether you believe yourself worthy or not," he said. "And I imagine that you have many questions relating to the information you received that fateful night. Therefore, you may ask me your questions, and I shall do my best to answer them."
He was right, of course. You did have questions. So many of them that it almost made your head spin when you tried to think of the first one that you wanted to ask. But ask you did, and he dutifully answered each and every one of them.
It was definitely appreciated, and you felt that the conversation gave you a lot of answers and closure to this chapter of your life. In your mind, it was the end of a chapter. Calliope was gone, off to Greece and Mount Olympus and her sisters with no sign that you would ever see her again. Morpheus had deigned to meet with you once more, and now that his perceived obligation was fulfilled, you expected that to be the end of any sort of magic in your life.
But then you saw him again.
And again.
And again.
Now, you see him at least once a week. Each time, he comes to you in your dreams, and each time, he acts as though he's simply being charitable by offering Calliope's human friend some company. You know that's not the case, though. No, Morpheus will never admit it, but you think he's lonely. And now that you both have a shared person, that gives him a connection with someone...even if that someone is the mortal that his ex-wife found herself accidentally belonging to in what you can say in retrospect was a true comedy of errors.
"You just did," he points out cheekily.
You remain unamused and roll your eyes. "C'mon, you know what I mean."
He nods. "I do. Continue."
"Please don't answer if it makes you uncomfortable, but I'm curious. Why...why did you and Calliope break up?" How did you manage to so severely fumble the bag? is what you really want to ask. "I mean, she's Calliope."
What you mean by, "she's Calliope," is, of course, that she's Calliope. Beautiful and kind, wise and strong, charming and witty, and a whole dictionary's worth of other characteristics that can only hope to capture who she is. You had never met a person like her before, and you doubt you'll ever meet somebody like her again.
Most mortals wouldn't dare to speak to an Endless like you just did. Unfortunately, prior experience has made you bold, and you know now that Morpheus is begrudgingly fond of you and therefore won't smite you if you overstep. Somewhere along the way, you stopped feeling so wary of the Dreamlord. Now, you like to think that your relationship is something close to a sort of friendship.
(If you're being honest with yourself, lately your feelings for Morpheus are complicated, as are your feelings for Calliope. That's a conversation for another day, and it definitely does not factor into your current conversation, thank you very much.)
A small, small smile plays on his lips, Morpheus understanding exactly what you mean. "Yes, she is. We were both much younger in the days of our marriage, if one as young as yourself can believe such a thing."
You appreciate that he's trying to find a bit of humor in what is assuredly a heavy moment, so you smile encouragingly at him.
"Mistakes were made by both of us throughout the course of our relationship, myself more. Ultimately, it was..." Morpheus pauses, and when he speaks again, it's much quieter. "In the end, the loss of our son proved too much for us to overcome together."
Well, now you feel bad. Calliope had only talked to you about Orpheus a handful of times, but with what little information you have, you know just how loved he was by his parents, and just how devastated they still remain by what happened. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."
He shakes his head. "When last we parted, Calliope suggested to me that it would be wise for us to talk about Or—our son together. That remembering him might help to be able to properly grieve." Morpheus says that last word like it's foreign to him. It probably is, actually. "I am starting to find that she is right."
"She's right a lot. It's kind of annoying," you commiserate.
This helps to break the heaviness that talking about death (not Death) and loss brings, and Morpheus lets out a breath in his version of a laugh. "She does tend to be right fairly often."
Now that your question is answered and you know that you didn't just ruin his day, you gesture towards his book. "Okay, I won't bother you anymore, promise."
"You are not nearly as bothersome as you believe yourself to be." He gets a look in his starry eyes when he says this, one that conveys there is much more being left unsaid within this single sentence.
His confession makes your chest feel warm, and you try not to act as pleased as you are. "I'll endeavor not to change that, then."
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morpheusbaby3 · 3 months
Morpheus and his ladies in these photos:
Morpheus x Lucienne.
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Morpheus x Calliope:
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Morpheus x Nuala
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Morpheus x Johanna
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and also morpheus x reader for all of them.
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the-cloudy-dreamer · 1 year
First commission done! For @dreamlingforukraine 🖤
Dream / Calliope was such a fun new thing to do!! this was a sketch with color and I had a hard time not just going rogue and actually doing this a full color piece! still managed to sneak a bit of color work here though ✨
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Anyway thank you again @honeyteacakes for your donation!! hope you are enjoying your sketch 🖤
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inastarlesssky · 1 month
I did it! I wrote my first fic for The Sandman, specifically for Dream x Calliope.
Not entirely sure if I did them justice and I'm absolutely terrified to post it. Haven't yet. But I love it because I've accomplished what I set out to do.
Help them heal and open the door for something to progress.
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Fandom: The Sandman (comics vs TV show)
Sample Size: 1,301 (comics); 4,048 (TV show)
Source: AO3
NOTE: Do not compare colors between charts
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