#Mot Test Classes
mot-expert · 7 months
What is a MOT Test Class, and How Does It Work?
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Every year, the UK's Ministry of Transport conducts an examination known as the MOT test to make sure that all cars are roadworthy and safe to drive. The kind of vehicle and its intended purpose establish the test classes, and each class has standards that must be fulfilled. We will define MOT test courses and describe their operation in this post.
What are MOT Classes?
A car is placed into one of eight MOT classes when it gets its yearly MOT. There are eight MOT classes:
Class 1: Motorcycles (with engines up to 200cc) with or without sidecars
Class 2: Motorcycles (with engines larger than 200cc), sidecars included or not
Class 3: three-wheeled vehicles (unladen weight up to 450 kg)
Class 4: Vehicles (up to 3,000 kg of unladen weight): Cars, vans, and RVs
Class 5: Play buses, personal passenger automobiles, and ambulances with 13–16 and more than 16 seats
Class 5a: Cars in Class 5 that have had their seatbelt installations checked
Class 7: Vehicles carrying goods (three thousand to three,500 kg design gross weight)
Class 8: Cars carrying goods (design gross weight exceeding 3,500 kg)
How Are MOT Tests Conducted?
Several inspections are performed on your car during a MOT test, including everything from the brakes and lights to the safety belts, mirrors, wipers, and tires. The majority of cars (electric vehicles excluded) will also have their pollution levels checked as part of the MOT; if they are too high, your car will not pass. A number of other frequent causes of MOT failures for numerous cars include:
worn-out brake disks or pads
worn-out or damaged tires
shattered or impaired lights
overly excessive emissions from the exhaust
worn-out or damaged suspension parts
At a MOT testing facility under DVSA regulation, the test is performed by a qualified and experienced technician. The vehicle will be examined by the tester in accordance with DVSA criteria, and the tester retains the final say over whether each vehicle passes or fails. You will receive a list outlining the problems and the necessary repairs if your car fails the MOT test. Before you are able to drive your car on public roads once more legally, you will need to get the required repairs completed and have it retested.
MOT Annual Instruction
To make sure they are knowledgeable about the most recent testing standards and methods, MOT testers must finish an annual training and evaluation program. The purpose of this required training is to guarantee that testers are capable and up to date on the most recent testing specifications. The MOT annual training curriculum includes a variety of subjects, such as:
Modifications to MOT testing
Updated testing protocols
Updates on vehicle technology
Safety and health guidelines
MOT Login
The process of gaining access to a private online portal for MOT-related services is known as MOT login. The following websites provide MOT login services:
Users must provide their login information, which may consist of a password and an email address or a combination of both, in order to access these portals. As an added security measure, some portals can also need a code. Users can typically reset their password by entering their email address and other confidential data if they forget their login details.
In summary, the MOT test is an annual examination mandated by the UK's Ministry of Transport to guarantee that all vehicles meet standards for roadworthiness and safety. The sort of vehicle and its intended usage decide which of the eight MOT classes it falls into, and each class has standards that must be fulfilled. At a DVSA-regulated MOT testing centre, a qualified and certified tester performs the MOT test; the tester has the final say over whether to pass or fail each presented vehicle. To make sure they are knowledgeable about the most recent testing requirements and methods, MOT testers must finish an annual training and evaluation program.
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richardsmith89 · 2 years
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immamapletreekid · 1 month
work anxiety starting before work itself hahahahaahahahahahahhhaha
#IM BAKCIJ THE FUCKIGN BUIDLIGN .AGAIN. AUSUSUXHEHWHGLHKF#im grateful i have an internship for this summer with the way the job market is like currently.#im grateful that i have the opportunity to lessen the burden on my parents shoulders. im grateful that this job can pay rent and groceries#and tuition for a few terms im grateful i get to gain experience while still in school that will hekp me in the future#IM GRATEFUL FOR ALL THIS!!!!! BUT STILL I FUCLING HATE EVERYTHJGN#i hate being unable to eat anything ir sleep at night bc all i can think about is shit i have work tomorrow i have to email this guy and#finish these tasks and impress my manager and be approachable and enthusiastic and eager to learn and not make any mistakes#and not fail anything bc im getting graded on this its alwags grades its always the fucking grades#isnt it. it was the grades that had me crying on walks home from school when i was 9 and it was grades that made me waste away 9th grade#it was grades that made me unable to stomach anything during weeks with tests and it was and is still grades that#dictate every single fucking part of my life#and even tho the ppl who used to yell at me for getting a B in math in 5th grade are no longer yelling at me for getting 60s in linear algeb#ra and stats and calculus and cs#haha.ha when ur university is famous for its.. horribly high suicdie rates#i find that the yelling comes from me now. ive replaced the adults who would sit beside me at the dinner table#yelling bc yea guess what 8 year old me didnt understand division at first#god i hate this school so much. i hate what im studying im gratefula nd am so privileged to be ahle to further my educarion and receive#all these experiences mot everyone can have but god everytime i return to the city where the school is#i feel like throwing up and sobbing and just never ipening my eyes again#haha yea. i hope i csn get a job to support myself in the future#i hope i can still have time for hobbies#why si everyone at school so good at everything#ive met more people who have passed their rcm 10 and arct exams for piano than those who havent#i have classes with people who have already published research papers with professors in the states#my classmates can breeze through a cs assignment while still playing fir varisty teams. working out everyday. goijg ti parties.#eating and cooking balsnced meals each week. having a social life..the whole combo#meanwhile i get overwhelmed because i have to respond to an email and finish an assignment in one day#how do i become like them#why was this about work anxiety at first and why is it about the eternal imposter syndrome and lack of self confidence#i just want money man... i dont give a shit about snything anymore
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biolums · 1 year
taking an exam in about an hour that i fully expect to fail. please actually keep me in your prayers im going to start crying taking the test
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skippyv20 · 8 months
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend Paul, who has received bad news regarding his health.  He has lots of love and support, however, prayers will really help him.
Prayers and good thoughts for the family whose mother has passed away from cancer.  Prayers for their father who is now in hospice with cancer, and will pass in the next couple of days.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend who is having thyroid test for cancer.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend named John.  He has been diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, is alone and needs lots of prayers.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who needs funding for dentures.  She is feeling very overwhelmed as she struggles financially.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who not only is mourning the loss of her husband Jim, but now faced with the possibility of losing her home they shared.  It seems his daughter is to receive the home, and our friend has been blindsided.
Prayers and good thought for our friend’s daughter and SIL.  They have lost their way. Prayers for our friend for strength during these trials.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her little boy.  Her son has speech delay and they are seeking help.  Also, we pray for the mother to feel peace and comfort as she is feeling stressed and lost.  We pray for understanding and compassion for the family, and for them to have acceptance and give support necessary as our friend faces this trial.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend sister Narcisse whose oxygen levels need to stabilize.
Prayers and good thought for our friend whose husband is suffering from mental illness.  Also, for his mother as she struggles to accept his illness.  We pray for our friend who wants to save her marriage.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother Adam.  He has stage 4 cancer and limited time. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s young friend whose mother is ill
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffers guilt.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is suffering from anxiety.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has arthritis in her ankles and feet.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend Ann.  She had bowel cancer, they missed her 5 year checkup and when she went for another minor operation her scan showed the bowel cancer has now spread to her liver so she is classed now as Stage 4 (terminal) cancer.  Prayers also for her dear grandson and his mother.
Prayers and good thoughts for my friend who suffered broken C5C6 in a freak home accident.  She has complete loss of her hands, and can only stand with an apparatus.  She has a very long journey ahead of her.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter, who has many health issues and is feeling very overwhelmed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffers from anxiety and has terrifying nightmares that she fears may be back.  Praying for peace in her heart and mind.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother  (Spain) who had vascular bypass in an effort to save his leg.  The surgery was a success.  Please pray for a quick recovery free of complications.  He is doing so much better.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  She was her father’s caregiver until his passing and now is her mother’s caregiver.  She is feeling very overwhelmed and is having difficulties with her family.  She struggles with her faith at times.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who is mending a broken heart.  We pray he meets his special “one” and finds love.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend that my have cancer.   Her husband of 33 years has left her and both her daughters all at the same time is a great trauma in her life right now.  Prayers they will come back to her.  And please pray for her sister and mom who are taking care of her.
Our friend is mourning the loss of her mother, and facing financial problems.  She is very overwhelmed at this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend that is struggling with faith.  She feels God isn’t with her.  She is lost and frightened and feeling alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband is very, very ill.  Prayers for the whole family.  They are facing many obstacles for healthcare at this time.  Her husband’s pancreas is all but dead tissue but it keeps swelling and then going down, this has caused his liver to start failing.  He is facing many medical issues.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s former sister in-law and brother in-law.  She was diagnosed with tongue and throat cancer in January and in March he was diagnosed with lung cancer.    Also for their 2 daughters who are taking care of them.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  She is suffering from an anxiety and fear.  She is in desperate need of another job, and is worried about her finances.  She is being bullied and stalked.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend, who is suffering from severe back pain & pain in other hip
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been facing many trials, and is in need of prayers. The last 18 months have been hard, and things still not what they should be.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family friend who had a stroke. His right side is paralyzed, but he has some sensation.  He is very down at this time.  He will now face new trials because of his condition.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family member who we pray will join AA.  We pray for success.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is in financial despair.  She is really struggling as she has no one to turn to in real life.  She is out of work, and there are no jobs to be found.  All of her savings are almost gone and she is afraid she may lose her home.
 Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has severe iron deficiency and the treatment is very harsh and makes her sick.  Her husband has been unfaithful during her illness and her family is ignoring me. She feels very alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been battling depression long-term due to trauma and the resulting difficult circumstances. 
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who is struggling.  She is in much pain mentally. We prayer for her family as well as they try desperately to help her.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James and his heart brother Matthew.  Also their heart brother Conrad
We pray through Christ our Lord🙏🏻❤️
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hammyham-o-o · 2 months
Le test FitnessGram™ Pacer est un test de capacité aérobie en plusieurs étapes qui devient de plus en plus difficile à mesure qu'il avance. Le test de stimulation de 20 mètres commencera dans 30 secondes. Faites la queue au départ. La vitesse de course démarre lentement, mais s'accélère chaque minute après avoir entendu ce signal. [bip] Un seul tour doit être effectué à chaque fois que vous entendez ce son. [ding] N'oubliez pas de courir en ligne droite et de courir le plus longtemps possible. La deuxième fois que vous ne parvenez pas à boucler un tour avant le son, votre test est terminé. Le test commencera au mot start. A vos marques, préparez-vous, démarrez.
I can still remember the voice so clearly 💀
I actually loved the beep test tho, I think 108 was my record? :P
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solarsonicsoda · 3 months
Rebbie's Wrestling Reviews - Shows Reviews
AEW Revolution 2024
Sunday 3rd March 2024, it's AEW, it's Sting’s final match, this is AEW Revolution 2024! This show was built very well, and absolutely loaded up as a card without breaching Too Many Matches territory. Needless to say I’ve been hyped to watch this one! Sadly, I had a university class test worth 25% of a module on Monday, and I was woefully underprepared, so I couldn't justify staying up until 5am! I was able to catch the first hour before bed, plus the pre-show though! So without further ado, let's get into that pre-show!
Bang Bang Scissor Gang (Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, Billy Gunn, Jay White, Austin Gunn, & Colten Gunn def. Total Nonstop Arseholes (Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, & Satnam Singh w/ Karen Jarrett & Sonjay Dutt), Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen), & Willie Mack in 12:25
The signature Big Multi-Man Tag to Keep a Low Stakes Storyline Bubbling and Get Them on the Card match is on the pre-show on this night! Man, these TV Trope names are getting long… The Bang Bang Scissor Gang are the main focus here, the supergroup of The Acclaimed and Bullet Club Gold. This act is extremely frustrating for me, because their styles are just not blending, they have both been going nowhere, and most importantly: this group formed to take out the Undisputed Kingdom, which it has taken no steps to do! Why?! Anyways, Max Caster is at this point definitely doing a rap-failing gimmick, as he flubs his rap for the third time. I can’t say that's entralling but anyway. Let’s just focus on the match.
This was a fun mess of a match. It's your average big tag match, with a great moment as everyone in Team Jarrett does a Fargo Strut in unison. Love that. Why is Willie Mack on his team though? He’s a lovable guy! Billy Gunn gets a massive pop for his hot tag, and Jay White doesn't get a half bad one too. Our finish comes when there's all sorts of chaos, and out of it White is able to hit the Blade Runner on Willie Mack. 
Post-match, White then cuts a promo hyping up the show and suggests he’ll appear at Dynamite: Big Business to get himself back on track. This will go on to be confirmed as Darby Allin vs Jay White, which Darby will hilariously struggle to find about at the post-show presser. Should be good!
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We have a couple segments here, first with Orange Cassidy! OC is having to tape his ribs at Doc Samson’s request, and the champ tells the Best Friends to stay in the back, because he’s sick of his friends getting hurt. They oblige, and we have the all-for-one hands in, including Lexy and Samson. 
In our other segment: PAC is back! The Bastard cuts a great promo in one of his awesome stylised packages, promising he’s back soon. He even says he nearly “popped his clogs”, i.e DIED. I don't know what's gone on but all the best to Pac following that, and excited to see him
Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway def. Julia Hart & Skye Blue in 13:30
Time for these teams to finally put their feud to bed, as Willow & Stat take on Julia Hart and her cronie Skye Blue. I love both Willow and Stat, so I’m ready for this one!
This is decent, and it's really great how julia looks so at home now. Her improvement has been something else! There’s some small awkwardness in this one but also fun stuff from great wrestlers. We also have Stokely on commentary, which is a plus for just about anything. This one comes to an end when Williw reverses a Code Blue into a pounce and then hits the Babe With The Powerbomb for the win.
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In between all these segments, I have to say I love RJ City and Renee Paquette, they're so fun. RJ keeps referencing eggs when talking about the scramble match, and Renee accidentally calls Danielson “Daniel Bryan” at one point. Haha, that was his name in the other place! What a goof! I make truly transcendent commentary on these shows. Let's just get to the main show. 
Christian Cage (c) w/ Killswitch, Nick Wayne, & Mother Wayne def. Daniel Garcia for the TNT Championship in 16:52
Opening the show is our TNT Title match! Christian Cage has been killing it as the despicable Father Figure of AEW, whilst Garcia has been finally getting the sort of push he deserves, earning this shot after his great run in the Continental Classic. Cage has taken potshots at Garcia’s family, but Danny G has been unflappable in the face of it. I’m hyped for him and I hoped this would be his night! Let's see…
Garcia makes absolutely everything he does look so so so good, from his sells to his strikes to his slams. I am so invested in him right now. He targets the leg very well here, even though Christian gets some damage done. Danny brought the fight to Cage, and Killswitch interference is neutralised by “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard, Garcia’s mentor and friend who The Patriarchy took out. We had annearfall off a piledriver that I thought was it. However, a Nick Wayne stunner while the referee is distracted allows for a Killswitch from Cage and the win. A bit of a weak finish to be honest, but a good match! I honestly expected to see Adam Copeland getting involved to help Daniel
Garcia, potentially for the win which I hoped for. Oh well, great showing for Danny and I can't be unhappy that Christian’s great reign is carrying on! 
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Eddie Kingston (c) def. Bryan Danielson for the AEW Continental Championship, ROH World Championship, & NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion in 19:45
Next is the big Continental Crown match! Eddie Kingston wants Danielson to finally respect him, and if Eddie wins, Bryan has to shake his hand. Danielson wants that title though, and he wants to prove Eddie isn't good enough. C’mon Eddie! 
God, Eddie is so over. The atmosphere is amazing. This match would be awesome to see live. This was a great match that you’d expect from these two. I was getting ready for bed at the time that I first saw this, so maybe not at my most attentive. Hence, I gave it a rewatch and it did not disappoint. Great match. A strike exchange unwisely instigated by Danielson gives way to two powerbomb attempts from Eddie, and he finally lands it after countering a Busaiku Knee with a lariat, stacking the American Dragon for the win! 
Post-match, Dragon has to shake the hand of Eddie, but doesn't seem like he will, causing Eddie to back off. Bryan calls him back though, but then snubs him. He was only joking though, and calls Eddie back to shake his hand! He even raises his hand, having to switch to the uninjured left though! Great stuff!
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Wardlow (w/ Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) def. Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana), Lance Archer (w/ Jake Roberts), Powerhouse Hobbs, Chris Jericho, Dante Martin, Hook, & Magnus in an All-Star Scramble for the No. 1 Contendership for the AEW World Championship in 16:22
We have the remnants of Meat Madness, the All-Star Scramble! Wardlow is on the war path, Archer & Hobbs are bringing some meat, as is Cage! Hook wants that rematch with Samoa Joe, Magnus & Dante Martin won qualifiers earlier in the week, and Jericho is here too. 
This one was a bit awkward in places but it had those “meat” chants, which I love, and some fun spots! I saw someone saying the “meat” chant is preventing unironic love of big men clashes, and I couldn't disagree more! I love the “meat” chant and what it signifies completely unironically. Don't get me wrong, I fully see how this is a chant that might get out of control, I fear the meat, but as of right now I love it. It's just an extra wrinkle of fun to help big up those giant clashes. Maybe that's just me though. In the end, a  big powerbomb from Wardlow to Dante wins it for the Undisputed Kingdom man. 
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Roderick Strong (w/ Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) def. Orange Cassidy (c) for the AEW International Championship in 12:43
International Title on the line here, as the Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong takes on Orange Cassidy! Roddy has been on a mission to claim this title since the group’s inception, but he faces a challenge in the workhorse champion Orange Cassidy. Cassidy’s second reign has definitely been underwhelming though, as that first reign was so brilliant and his loss was such a great story. Him winning it back obviously came from somewhat of a comedy of injuries, but he really should have moved on. Him beating Moxley was great though. I just would have put the belt on an underutilised great to raise their stock. I don't know. OC is battered though, especially that back! Match time! 
I wanna start by stating that the Messiah of the Backbreaker ring style is so so so good. Everything is setting up so nicely, he hits so many great backbreakers, and I always forget how good he is before seeing a big match of his! Just so many cool uses of Strong’s offence, that End of Heartache countered into a Stundog Millionaire was awesome! Really fun match here, with an End of Heartache getting the win for Strong! New champion! 
Then post match, coming up from behind, IT’S KYLE O’REILLY! The Violent Artist has been out for nearly two years but he’s back! He looks absolutely crazed behind Strong, but he takes him in for a hug. Strong invites him to the Undisputed Kingdom, but he rejects an invite, placing the t-shirt back on Roddy’s shoulder, before heading back up the ramp. Bit awkward but I think we’re all too happy to see Kyle! He’s welling up and saying thank you to the crowd, and it's all very nice.
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Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli) def. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) in 21:47
This one oughta be good! FTR and the BCC have been tussling recently after Moxley and Castagnoli staked their claim as a top tag tema in AEW. They fought on Dynamite, but that ended in a time limit draw just as FTR had them beat. Now it’s time we get a final winner. 
Coming to the ring, BCC have LOD-style shoulder pads! That’s awesome! This one was an awesome fight. Nice striking, cool tag action, and it gets so so good as it goes on! Claudio's mid-Doomsday Device counter, Dax’s battle scars, the uppercut Doomsday Device, the uppercut from Cash’s dive, Claudio's frantic sleeper to ensure Mox got the win: so many amazing moments and this one was absolutely great stuff!
Post-match, there's clear respect but no shaking of hands. They don't need it, they did it in the ring.
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Toni Storm (c) (w/ Mariah May & Luther) def. Deonna Purrazzo for the AEW Women's World Championship in 12:17
Old friends clash as Toni Storm must defend against Deonna Purrazzo, who isn't a fan of the new delusional persona of the Timeless One. It seems Toni Storm is reverting to her classic look though, but after a good few takes, everybody realises it’s really Mariah May! Genuinely uncanny, I really thought it was for her for a minute. 
This match was decent enough, I wish it had a little bit more to it though. There was some nice technical work from Deonna, which I’m a big fan of, but I feel like this one just needed some extra meat on the bones. Our finish comes when Toni is tapping to the Venus de Milo but Toni’s beloved butler Luther. distracts the ref, allowing for Mariah to provide a distraction. Henceforth, Toni hits Storm Zero and wins! Smashing! Thinking back though, did she actually even attempt the Break a Leg which I assumed was introduced for this clash? Not sure, maybe worth a rewatch.
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Will Ospreay def. Konosuke Takeshita in 21:57
The Don Callis Family implodes!... but in a friendly way. Ospreay is debuting, Takeshita gets a big PPV match, yippee!
This was a clash definitely reminiscent of Ospreay’s back catalog of indie main events. Both he and Takeshita bring plenty of extra style from both men’s time in Japan too though. But it was definitely more about awesome moves and counters than story and selling in places. It was pretty awesome though! Takeshita is simply amazing in my opinion. Everything he does has such an impact. He did so well, and is offence is so great: the Takeshita Line, the big knee, the sheer brainbuster, it's all so good. The Oscutter counter with the Blue Thunder Bomb was simply amazing too! As was the counter into the Package Tombstone/German combo! I do wish that one in particular wasn't the spot where Ospreay did a fighting spirit Hidden Blade, and I especially wish he didn't immediately have the strength to cover, but Takeshita got to kick out at one so I’m mostly appeased there. Ospreay is obviously getting a lot of plaudits for this one, not undeservedly, but I just think that Takeshita deserves so much more. He’s maybe my favourite in-ring wrestler right now. His style, personality, and skill are just perfect for me. I want this faction to stop being about Don and start being about Takeshita. He’s incredible. Anyway, back to the match. It was definitely great, I think! I do wish Ospreay sold everything as he went a bit more though. Definitely moved a tad fast for my taste, I wish he had just given everything a smidge more breathing room. I know it was the type of match where it's all action, and I loved it for that, but I feel like you can do the same match in the same style just truly ticking over into an all-timer with a little bit more of it, as well as a proper story. There’s a story to the match forming, but it's definitely sparser than expected. This was pretty awesome though. Ospreay is able to hit the hidden blade for the win. I do wish Takeshita got put away with something more but I’m just a big Takeshita fan, and this is just match one for Ospreay in AEW.
Kyle Fletcher vs Will Ospreay is announced for Wednesday Night Dynamite, which will go on to main event the show! 
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Samoa Joe def. "Hangman" Adam Page & Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) in a triple threat for the AEW World Championship in 19:41
This is one of my favourite AEW builds in a while! Slightly odd injury angle for Page aside, it's been cool. The hottest feud of 2023 is heading into the AEW World Championship scene! Hangman Adam Page is rightly mad after everything Swerve put him through, and is determined to stop him winning the title. Swerve Strickland is extremely popular despite his unhinged tendencies, and is determined to become champion. Samoa Joe is a big nasty champion and he does not care for their squabbling. When Page doesn't seek to find a winner when they draw in a Number One Contendership match, thinking Swerve will now lose his championship shot, but instead they're both getting one! How does this one play out? 
There’s so much story here in an awesome triple threat. Hangman absolutely loses it here, and it’s brilliantly done. Seeing his treatment of the referees and more really cemented this unraveled character. I see a lot of people saying this is a heel turn for Page, and I do agree, but I really hope it remains consistent and he is only a heel because of Swerve. If I see him being a heel without it being because he is obsessed with stopping Swerve, or because he’s losing his mind about Swerve, or he thinks someone is a fan of Swerve, I will be unhappy. Please. I think the whole character remains much more interesting that way, and true to his character and the type of arcs he serves best, y’know? Swerve should be a tweener I think, because the crowd reaction is ramping up, but he will lose so much of his charm if he doesn't remain a cocky, cold worldbeater. I want him feuding with faces once he wins the belt. I want him to remain the Swerve we love, and maybe build to Page finally getting that singles win over Swerve. 
Anyway, back to the match. Swerve looked so awesome and did everything so well here, he’s on the top of his game. Joe, as always, is a beast. The Swerve Buckshot Lariat from the corner was an electric moment, super cool and a great story detail. Hangman was also awesome, as per. Swerve is on top, looks to be putting Hangman away, but Joe comes in with the Coquina Clutch on Hangman! It’s not on for too long when Page taps, with Swerve’s dreams crushed. He definitely did this to deny Swerve, which they speculate about on commentary. I would have loved it if they were facing each other for that moment and we saw Hangman choose to do it, but it seems they want some ambiguity. 
Swerve looks so heartbroken post-match, as if he knows this man should have more after everything they’ve been through. I would honestly love if this develops into a story about Swerve fighting Hangman into refinding his way, perhaps with a title change or two! It looks like we’re getting Swerve vs. Joe at Dynasty, the new PPV announced on this night, and I do hope this is where Swerve wins the big one. I did kind of want a title change here, but Joe has been so awesome I’m totally happy he gets a longer reign. I was not convinced at first but he's been a great champion and has definitely shown in the last year or so that he can still go at a high level, which I think some of us might have questioned. Great match though!
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Sting & Darby Allin (w/ Steven Borden Jr. & Garrett Borden) def. The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson)
In 1985, the man called Sting wrestler his first match, and in 2024, aged 64, he wrestled his last. Sting and his biggest ally in recent years, Darby Allin, became the Tag Team Champions in the build to this one, making this final match a title match against The Young Bucks. The Bucks are now touting their EVP positions, playing corporate nightmares who took issue with Sting, leading to a brutal beatdown. They want to retire Sting here with a blemish on his perfect record. 
This is an awesome hardcore spotfest with real heart given the occasion. Sting’s sons get involved early on after an emotionally charged promo video, and an emotionally charged entrance to Seek and Destroy with the Borden Boys dressed as the surfer and Wolfpac variants of Sting. Them hitting Stinger Splashes was a great moment. Glass is also brought in early on! Go cry me a river! It’s set up very nicely for Darby to do the scariest dumbest spot ever! I loved it! He flips off a ladder in the ring, through this glass pane set up on chairs on the outside, after one of the EVPs moves. The look of his back is something else. Shortly after, Sting goes through a pane of glass! He is 64! Darby is a terrible influence on him! This was also awesome though. Another fun spot is when duel superkicks are preceded by an emotional sentiment of “we’re not sorry, we hate you” from the EVPs. Sting doesn't take that though, even if he is two-on-one. This was just a great time from start to finish! Sting and Darby retain when they dump Nicholas through a table, Scorpion Death Drop on Matthew, kick out, but a Coffin Drop into a Scorpion Deathlock combo wins it! Fuck you, this was the right decision. It was much more fun to just have him win and silence the heels, just like he always has. A Tag Team Title tournament could really help refresh that division too! 
Sting thanks the fans, and Darby, and it's all very emotional on the mic post-show. He's getting “you still got it” chants and Darby is whispering time cues. Sting says “Hold on, I’m getting cues” and the ppv ends… uhhhh
Sting goes on to say his goodbyes to the live crowd, as Darby takes his leave to go to the hospital. There’s people crying in the audience, but Sting is keeping it pretty jovial. Tony Khan says a few words and the roster gathers at the top of the ramp to see off The Icon. Dax Harwood appears to be bawling his eyes out. Sting heads up the ramp and thus ends a legendary career. 
I have no idea how to rate this one to be honest. It's a very subjective match to be honest, at least for how brilliant it is for you. I don't think you can deny it was a touching send-off for Sting, it was a good time. Some say it's instantly five stars, and I could definitely see it. Sting was always someone I never really grew up with: WCW ended before I was born, he was an elder statesman of TNA when I got into that, and I wasn't watching WWE very faithfully when he had his short run. For this reason, maybe this match doesn't hit me perfectly like it does everyone well but I can't help but love it for everything it was. My favourite Sting may be Joker Sting, but I appreciate the brilliance of The Stinger. 
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Final Thoughts
Overall, this was an awesome show. Not a bad match on it for my money, and up and down the card it was different but brilliant matches. AEW are known for great PPVs, but this is definitely one of their best in recent memory! I think summing all up, this one has to be 4.5 stars out of 5.
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loup-venant · 4 months
Remonter l'escalier du temps en ouvrant la trappe du grenier. Au-dessus de ses jambes repliées contre le vieux planché poussiéreux, Sophie relit ses travaux d'écoles. Des feuilles qui portent l'encre de nombreux stylos, presque illisibles.
Elle les parcourt en les soulevant d'une mains à l'autre, avant de les reposer avec relativement de soin sur le coté formant une nouvelle pile. Elle regarde la classe qui représente sa troisième secondaire. Elle a changé d'école après l'avoir terminée. Le titre, lui, annonce le cours et parfois le sujet. Elle sourit devant la sobriété de certains d'entre eux qui ne veulent plus rien dire pour elle désormais. "FR.A.T. 2" Français A? Test? 2? se demande-t-elle sans y porter plus d'importance.
Enfin vient la note ou les points qui varient beaucoup. Ce qui varie moins, c'est son implication plutôt inexistante face à l'étude de la théorie quand il est question de la restituer. Un des travaux la questionne sans détour en ce sens. 0 / 15 "Etude ?". Trois mots de vocabulaire à définir. Trois mots à coté desquels elle a laissé l'espace de la page prendre la place sans l'alourdir de plus d'encre.
A l'époque, ça avait du être un stress immense. Se retrouver devant ce test. Écrire ces trois mots les uns après les autres. Se rendre compte qu'elle était incapable d'écrire quoi que ce soit de plus. Se retrouver seule face à son ignorance. Qu'allait penser le professeur quand il allait ramasser sa copie ? Qu'allait penser son voisin en ne la voyant pas écrire ? Qu'allait-elle faire pour rattraper cette occasion manquée de marquer des points ? Un sourire de compassion se dessine sur son visage alors qu'elle imagine la peur que ce moment avait du engendrer chez elle. Alors même qu'elle n'est plus cet élève effrayée à l'idée de rater un test de Français. Elle en discerne les contours qui, au fond, se sont ancré malgré elle dans son être. Une plaie invisible jusqu'alors. Une plaie sans pansement. Douloureuse, encore aujourd'hui.
Analyse de Texte ! Ce doit être une analyse de texte ce FR.A.T 2, interrompt ses pensées.
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dearlyjun · 5 months
Omg I almost hit unfollow instead of talk I WAS LIKE NOOOO!!
Ooooo thats so nice!! Being a Multistan is great until you become broke! My first kpop group was Exo I remember Watching Monster and looking at Baekyun and being like who is this man and why is he so pretty!! Ngl I hid the fact that I was into kpop when I was in High school because it is so much more accepted now than back in like 2016! I remember one time in my AP Econ class I was sitting down and my school played a minute of a song before the bell rang and they played TT by twice and this guy behind me says "just like tt" AND I TURNED SO FAST!! I was like this isnt happening! we were both so shocked to find out the other was into kpop.
I am ENFJ from my last test result I took one last year!
I SAW A TT today and it was people making fun of californians because were all freezing our asses off rn! I really need to buy warmer clothing. I say this but I slept in shorts and a t shirt with the fan on last night....I KNOWW. I dont think I would enjoy driving in the snow that much. I feel like I would be stressed 24/7.
Japan is soooo nicee ive always wanted to visit!!
I saw your post about online schooling and let me tell you Ive always hated it. It feels so weird and you cant meet anyone and its lonely!!
ang please I love talking whether that’s to other people or just to myself so please I don’t mind!! 😭 (also hope if it’s okay if I call you a million variations of your name / nicknames because I do that lol)
ah I have actually known about seventeen since their debut in 2015 but I didn’t become a carat until 2022. weird shit. and I liked bts a teensy bit in 2019 when mots: persona came out but again….stopped listening. then the kpop stan came full force in april 2022. maybe it’s a good thing I wasn’t a kpop stan back in the day bc the pain of not seeing concerts sucks real bad. I actually don’t have any kpop stan besties irl, I’ve just converted my sister 🤠 she likes most of the same groups as me, just not the girl groups. (well she’s a casual newjeans listener)
I don’t even know what the weather is like in cali lol but I guess your cold is different from my cold. it’s like 35° here and I just went to the gym in a hoodie and a winter vest. we’re actually about to get some snow I think….grrrr😠 and yeh driving in it sucks. I’ve driven in snow storms so bad that you have to like sit up and drive in silence the whole way because you have to lock in.
since im going into the automotive industry, my mom has big hopes for me to work in Japan someday. even if its just temporary like a year or so. Im hoping after I graduate college i can travel there for fun and “plant the seeds.” BUT!! I have to learn some of the language first. im too sporadic with it and really need to buckle down.
yeah…..im a lonely girly lately. it’s really getting to me. I’m in my second to last semester of school and doing everything all online is just so very sad. I yearn for friendships.
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So, it's eh- complicated.
Trust me, shit's not on fire, but I have more contact to Luddick than I ever wanted, I found the Strahov and I know how to get there. I'm still not sold on blackmailing the reporter since he got caught in this...unfortunate mess on accident, but I have no choice. And I will surely not get back to Paris without solving this mystery. I am locked in my hotel room and shoved the cupboard in front of the door and shut the blinds. Hello paranoia!
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Transcript of the first and second page: I contacted Luddick and it went as expected, he's furious over my threat and I really did not intend to upset him this way. But do I have a choice? He said he would call me, I will wait until he does so. He did, and fed me information that can be considered secret shit again.
What I gathered in the call: - Vasiley had ties to the Madia and owned something they wanted. They "set the Montrum on him" - The corpse was not to be found since said mafia cleaned all uo and the evidence is mostly gone - (in the middle of his gibberish I suggested to myself to look for the woman who talked to him for infromation) - He knows who Bouchard is, mot much detail, and is oblivious to his death - aaand I should never call him again and the Strahov won't let me in anyway.
What I gathered is not much, but it raises -of course- even more questions. New information is that if the Monstrum was set on Vasiley it was an assassination, and I think I know now the Monstrum is related to Eckhardt for sure, and the woman he talked to has to be Lara Croft, who he probably got into the Strahov. New questions that have risen are how to get into the Strahov without raising suspicion and if the mafia-plot is a cover up for The Agency or are they the same or related? That would tie all to Eckhardt. There's supposedly a Sanitarium in or close to the Strahov, is that my way in? And, Boaz might have had her own place to work at, but did her coworker Grant Muller, too? Is there a botanical research facility?
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Transcript of the third page:
Hahaha, you won't beleive it, even if I teleported you to see for yourself. The oldest Sanitarium in Prague is located UNDER the STRAHOV. I don't think that's a coincidence. So there's of course not much to fing on the whole building, who operated it or what the institution behind it was; all I got is this:
it's not even 23 years old, yet was abandoned and it not used anymore
it was built by an unknown party, yet financed by the Argentinian government (Boaz!)
it used to be a place to stay, including a cafeteria, rooms for entertainment, a medical facility and a research area
there were not only Czech people there
it has 8 floors, all being cellars and the eighth is the lowest, where the people lived
there's even a pool for swimming classes
and after an incident it was shut down and never oficially used again.
So it's...a lost place, right?
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Transcript of the fourth, fifth and sixth page:
There used to be several parts of the institute that were used accordingly. The overview is as follows:
Dining Room; used as a cafeteria. All patients were to gather and eat together. The food was usually something easy to process and handed by the staff. The tables were for groups only, so no one would be left out. Laboratory; Filled with a lot of paperwork and shelves with information. The patients which required therapy in person were talked to and the notes were analyzed for better treatment. The files were printed (back then that was cool) and categorized. Also, the individual prescription of any of each person was noted among the process of their recovery. Testing Room; A room to evaluate a patient's condition and character. There was a lie detector to not allow contradictory information on the patient's condition, as a huge amount of information on their health is gathered as today via person-to-person evalation. Acupuncture Room; A place to relax and get some Chinese acupuncture. In a lot of medical conditions it is known to bring relief without actual pharmaceutical drugs. The patient would lie on a bed or semi-bed and relax, then one would select the place according to the pain on the body and get punctured by needles. Sometimes the relief came immediately, sometimes one had to redo the treatment every so often. Acupuncture is known to be relatively gentle to the body and psyche. Morgue; When people lived int he Sanitarium and died due to age, rarely due to illness, they were kept int he morgue after death. It's basically a lot of fridges on the wall where bodies are kept fresh until a pathologist would check on the cause of death. Later an undertaler would be called to pick up the dead and contact the family to schedule the burial.
So far, so normal. Not sure if all of the 8 floors contain the same rooms or if they have more specializted floors that have all of the basic rooms. There used to be a visitor's entry which is now closed, you can only enter if you pass the Strahov. Great. I have to find another way...what if there os another way in? I need to check if Muller has his own facility, liek Boaz apparently did. They surely wouldn't use the same place. Could this have been hers?
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Transcript of the seventh and eighth page:
I have tried to get in touch with Luddick again, but he doesn't answer. He has yet to update his socials and there is no new article or post by him. It's been a day and a talkative guy like him would not just disappear. He'd love to yell at me at the phone. Where the hell is he? I have aquired an ID for the medical center (which is being sold at the black market for urban exlorers) which should open me ways in, shouldn't it? I sketched a map of the center and my plan to get in, in case the doors are still to be used. If not, I might have to use force, or...something.
My path so far: I'll try to get in and update my way.
UPDATE 1: I just had to cross some loosely made barricades. The doors to the reception room were open. UPDATE 2: My security card worked! It's such a silly thing to say, but it opened. I'm pretty sure this is part of the urban exploring. I'm heading downstairs and there's dust and spiders everywhere. They surely made this look cool. UPDATE 3: I could use the lift, and I prayed to five different deities since this place is running on stolen electricity from somwhere. There was a door labled "The Biodome", I'm still contemplating whether or not to use the lift further down. I stopped since it started making weird noises. UPDATE 4: The electricity is down! I have no idea if that was my mistake. Thank god I haven't t puched the lift again, but I also cannot go back now. I mean...this place is being explored usually, so someone will find me, even if I cannot use the lift now. But maybe the Biodome is the place I'm looking for?
I can hear nothing specifically, it feels like the room after the door is enormously large. Sometimes I think leaves are rustling? I'm contemplating moving further in, or starting to panic and scream my lungs out. But if the Strahov is near I might as well be shot on sight.
Yeah, I'm eating a cereal bar and considering my options. I wish I had someone to talk to. It's getting lonely here.
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mot-expert · 3 months
MOT Northampton: Get Tested or Become a Tester with Checklist & Courses
Need an MOT test in Northampton? We've got you covered! Get a checklist & find approved test centres. Want to become a tester? Explore our MOT testing courses & launch your career!
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richardsmith89 · 2 years
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profenscene · 2 years
Jeudi 24 novembre
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"Vous me le donnez, le livre, monsieur ?"
Cet exemplaire de Bilbo le Hobbit n'est pas en très bon état. Avec une lenteur étudiée, je fixe Tybalt dans les yeux.
"C'est important, que vous le lisiez."
Je m'en veux un peu - beaucoup - parce que ça n'a rien d'un beau geste ou d'un moment de complicité entre le prof et son élève, gna gna gna. Le fait est que depuis le début de l'année, Tybalt n'en fiche pas une. En cours, il ne pipe mot, mais je sais qu'en dehors de la classe, il est ce qui se rapproche le plus, dans ce petit collège breton, de ce qu'on appelait un "leader négatif" à Grigny. Capable de monter les autres contre certains camarades un peu marginaux, se foutant des adultes dans leur dos...
Je pense au Samovar d'il y a quelques années, qui jouait alors paladin, et qui aurait pris cette attitude comme un défi. Ramener cet élève du bon côté de la Force, lui tendre la main. Et j'aurais donné ce livre comme on ouvre une porte sur des lendemains difficiles mais plein d'espoir.
Il faudra croire que ces dernières années auront eu raison de mon lyrisme dégoulinant. Le geste est le même, le regard aussi. La raison derrière bien moins lumineuse.
Juste, je teste.
J'y crois hyper moyen, à la rédemption de Tybalt par le don. Combien de fois j'ai cru vivre un moment de grâce pour, le lendemain, me prendre un ricanement dans la tronche. Et vous savez quoi ? Ça n'était absolument pas grave. Ce n'est pas parce que je me faisais des scénarios de téléfilms américains que la réalité avait à me faire mal.
Ces derniers temps m'ont appris la mesure.
Peut-être que ce cadeau - des Bilbo, j'en ai encore six ou sept chez moi - changera quelque chose. Le côté un peu hors cadre du geste, le côté psychologie inversée, l'unicité du truc, qui sait ? Ou peut-être, sans doute, qu'il n'y aura rien. Mais ça n'est pas grave, Samovar paladin. Parce que tu auras tenté. Enseigner à des mômes en marge, ça ne se fait pas par coup d'éclats que l'on raconte fièrement sur son blog, le soir venu (attention, instant mise en abyme). Ça se fait en tentant des trucs, sans baisser les bras, sans se décourager. C'est peut-être là le succès. Tenter, silencieusement, encore et encore.
Et en faisant ça, je ne crois pas que tu déchoies. Au contraire.
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ernestinee · 2 years
Petit bonhomme de 5 ans heureux de me voir, deuxième séance de testing de langage oral aujourd'hui. Je suis ravie d'être accueillie avec ce sourire et cet entrain, vraiment !
Deux séances au lieu d'une, parce que ce petit chou n'a pas la concentration suffisante pour faire tout le test en une demi-heure tout en montrant ses réelles capacités.
Assis par terre, sous la table, puis sur la table, puis derrière le radiateur, puis dans l'armoire, puis dans la cuisine. Parce que voilà, c'est un effort de ne pas bouger, surtout en situation de testing, et je ne veux pas lui imposer l'inconfort d'une double tâche à gérer. Du coup je le suis avec mes petites cartes et mes questions chiantes. Aujourd'hui je l'ai laissé faire ce qu'il voulait sur le tableau puis je disais "stop! Mon tour !" Et je lui posais la question et il était concentré qqs secondes pour y répondre. Le bouton stop fonctionne. Ouf.
Et ohlala comme ça ne va paaas.
L'articulation ne va pas. Certains sons sont toujours mal articulés, d'autres vont bien quand on les demande isolément. Mais dans le contexte d'un mot, il y a une sorte de soupe de spaghetti dans sa bouche. Alors dans une phrase complète c'est catastrophique. Bon mon lapin. Tu sais dire pou ? Tu sais dire lè ? Tu sais dire te ? Ok maintenant poulette ?
"boumène". Boumène c'est sa façon de répéter poulette, après un travail préparatoire.
Aucune consonne n'est répétée correctement. Aucune. Et là on a de la chance de n'avoir que des voyelles orales. Toutes les voyelles nasales sont oralisées (an et in deviennent a, on devient o)
Et ça c'est le moins grave. On va travailler tout ça, muscler les joues, la langue, faire prendre conscience des points d'articulations, gérer le souffle, travailler avec un miroir, inventer des mots, booster la mémoire de travail. Ça va aller. Il doit être prêt dans un an et demi, quand on lui demandera de faire correspondre des sons à des lettres.
Il est volontaire, il se concentre pour faire un L et pas un Y, il fait une culbute avec sa langue, il essaie d'imaginer sa bouche pour que sa langue se mette derrière les dents, il me sort un L bizarre mais qui n'est plus un Y. Ça ira.
Le vocabulaire est testé en expression et en compréhension et il est balèze en jargon d'outils, dis donc waw, bravo, comment tu connais tout ça, je parie que tu en connais plus que moi! (mais les outils ne font pas partie de mon test petit cœur). En vocabulaire usuel, c'est vraiment archi faible, il a le mot générique mais aucune nuance. A son âge on attend un peu de nuances déjà.
Ce n'est pas le plus grave. On va jouer jouer jouer, partir de ce qu'il apporte et enrichir petit à petit.
La syntaxe est testée aussi en expression et en compréhension. Pour l'expression sans surprise, on est dans un langage régressif, c'est gérable.
Pour la compréhension, c'est là que mon inquiétude s'installe. Il entend un mot par phrase. "Le bol n'est pas cassé" il entend "blablabla bol" et il montre tous les bols. Il montre la bonne image dans le test mais aussi les deux distracteurs qui contiennent un bol. "Il regarde les oiseaux qui volent" "blablabla oiseau". Sa compréhension est limitée par son vocabulaire, et excessivement limitée par sa faible concentration. Alors qu'il était concentré, qu'il faisait de son mieux.
Du coup dans sa tête, c'est des mots en vrac. C'est observer le visage pour comprendre s'il a bien fait ou non, c'est imiter les autres en classe, imiter sa sœur à la maison.
Dans sa tête, pas de place pour les relatives, pas de place pour les pluriels, les féminins, pas de place pour les négatives. Il faut déconstruire les comportements d'imitation, sinon l'autonomie risque d'en prendre un coup, ainsi que sa confiance en lui.
Enfin, que se passe t'il chez les enfants qui ne percutent pas sur la négation ? À "Ne touche pas", ils entendent "touche". C'est l'exemple le plus parlant mais ça fonctionne avec tout. Ça crée des tensions, ça crée des "il n'en fait qu'à sa tête", ça déborde chez lui et chez ses parents. Du coup aujourd'hui, il y a eu un moment pour expliquer ça à sa maman, pour qu'elle lui donne des consignes simples et à l'affirmative. On verra la semaine prochaine si les tensions sont moins fortes.
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smartway2000 · 2 years
Les Mots Qui Commencent Par La Lettre U | Enrichir Le Vocabulaire Français
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Dans cette vidéo, vous allez apprendre de nouveaux mots qui vont enrichir votre vocabulaire en langue française par une liste de mots qui commencent par la lettre U.
Ce jeu éducatif est sous forme d'un test de culture générale, destiné aux petits enfants à l'école, aux adultes au collège et aux grands qui ont quitté la salle de classe depuis des années.
Vous aurez 10 secondes pour trouver les bonnes réponses avant la fin du temps accordé pour la réflexion.
Pour voir la vidéo cliquez-ici
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skippyv20 · 8 months
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend Paul, who has received bad news regarding his health.  He has lots of love and support, however, prayers will really help him.
Prayers and good thoughts for the family whose mother has passed away from cancer.  Prayers for their father who is now in hospice with cancer, and will pass in the next couple of days.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend who is having thyroid test for cancer.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend named John.  He has been diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, is alone and needs lots of prayers.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who needs funding for dentures.  She is feeling very overwhelmed as she struggles financially.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who not only is mourning the loss of her husband Jim, but now faced with the possibility of losing her home they shared.  It seems his daughter is to receive the home, and our friend has been blindsided.
Prayers and good thought for our friend’s daughter and SIL.  They have lost their way. Prayers for our friend for strength during these trials.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her little boy.  Her son has speech delay and they are seeking help.  Also, we pray for the mother to feel peace and comfort as she is feeling stressed and lost.  We pray for understanding and compassion for the family, and for them to have acceptance and give support necessary as our friend faces this trial.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend sister Narcisse whose oxygen levels need to stabilize.
Prayers and good thought for our friend whose husband is suffering from mental illness.  Also, for his mother as she struggles to accept his illness.  We pray for our friend who wants to save her marriage.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother Adam.  He has stage 4 cancer and limited time. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s young friend whose mother is ill
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffers guilt.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is suffering from anxiety.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has arthritis in her ankles and feet.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend Ann.  She had bowel cancer, they missed her 5 year checkup and when she went for another minor operation her scan showed the bowel cancer has now spread to her liver so she is classed now as Stage 4 (terminal) cancer.  Prayers also for her dear grandson and his mother.
Prayers and good thoughts for my friend who suffered broken C5C6 in a freak home accident.  She has complete loss of her hands, and can only stand with an apparatus.  She has a very long journey ahead of her.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter, who has many health issues and is feeling very overwhelmed.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffers from anxiety and has terrifying nightmares that she fears may be back.  Praying for peace in her heart and mind.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother  (Spain) who had vascular bypass in an effort to save his leg.  The surgery was a success.  Please pray for a quick recovery free of complications.  He is doing so much better.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  She was her father’s caregiver until his passing and now is her mother’s caregiver.  She is feeling very overwhelmed and is having difficulties with her family.  She struggles with her faith at times.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who is mending a broken heart.  We pray he meets his special “one” and finds love.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend that my have cancer.   Her husband of 33 years has left her and both her daughters all at the same time is a great trauma in her life right now.  Prayers they will come back to her.  And please pray for her sister and mom who are taking care of her.
Our friend is mourning the loss of her mother, and facing financial problems.  She is very overwhelmed at this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend that is struggling with faith.  She feels God isn’t with her.  She is lost and frightened and feeling alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband is very, very ill.  Prayers for the whole family.  They are facing many obstacles for healthcare at this time.  Her husband’s pancreas is all but dead tissue but it keeps swelling and then going down, this has caused his liver to start failing.  He is facing many medical issues.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s former sister in-law and brother in-law.  She was diagnosed with tongue and throat cancer in January and in March he was diagnosed with lung cancer.    Also for their 2 daughters who are taking care of them.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  She is suffering from an anxiety and fear.  She is in desperate need of another job, and is worried about her finances.  She is being bullied and stalked.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend, who is suffering from severe back pain & pain in other hip
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been facing many trials, and is in need of prayers. The last 18 months have been hard, and things still not what they should be.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family friend who had a stroke. His right side is paralyzed, but he has some sensation.  He is very down at this time.  He will now face new trials because of his condition.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family member who we pray will join AA.  We pray for success.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is in financial despair.  She is really struggling as she has no one to turn to in real life.  She is out of work, and there are no jobs to be found.  All of her savings are almost gone and she is afraid she may lose her home.
 Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has severe iron deficiency and the treatment is very harsh and makes her sick.  Her husband has been unfaithful during her illness and her family is ignoring me. She feels very alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been battling depression long-term due to trauma and the resulting difficult circumstances. 
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who is struggling.  She is in much pain mentally. We prayer for her family as well as they try desperately to help her.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James and his heart brother Matthew.  Also their heart brother Conrad
We pray through Christ our Lord🙏🏻❤️
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