#Mother Polly
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Panic Room
Song: panic room by Au/Ra (not my gif)
(Welcome to the Welcome to the Welcome to the Welcome to the)
A young women of sixteen with y/c colored hair and bright blue eyes, was laying down on her bed. Tears slowly falling down her face.
Hell raising, hair raising I'm ready for the worst So frightening, face whitening Fear that you can't reverse
Slowly Y/N gets out of bed and wipes away her tears yet they continue to fall. She makes her way to the bathroom. Her hair is a bird’s nest, she has deep eye bags, her skin is pale and sickly, and her lips are quivering. Y/N sees herself in the mirror and screams a pain-filled heartbreaking scream.
My phone has no signal It's making my skin crawl The silence is so loud The lights spark and flicker With monsters much bigger Than I can control now
Y/N like a ghost walks around arrow house and sees a broken phone on the floor with whiskey next to it. It was quiet in the large house it was just the young woman in there. Yet Y/N couldn’t stop hearing gun shots, goosebumps covered her skin. Silence made the young girl scared because she was all alone with her thoughts and the sounds of war filling her head.
Welcome to the panic room Where all your darkest fears are gonna Come for you, come for you Welcome to the panic room You'll know I wasn't joking When you see them too, see them too
Y/N was the youngest of the Shelby siblings. She was 10 minutes younger than Finn, and the family treated her like a princess. Y/N like her brothers struggled with her demons perhaps that’s why they were so close they, were all fighting to get out the dark. When John died Y/N was covered in grief. John had been the jokester the one to make her laugh and to make her feel like she wasn’t crazy. That’s why his memory haunts her, and when he died part of Y/N did too.
Welcome to the panic room (Welcome to the Welcome to the Welcome to the Welcome to the)
Still waiting, hands shaking Maybe the coast will clear But these voices, these strange noises They followed me in here
As Y/N got older the voices in her head got louder, and get family didn’t notice. Y/N most important thing was her family they kept her calm but the family had spilt and fallen apart. Someone where along the way she was sent to Arrow house because Tommy had the room.
There's no crying wolves now 'Cause the truth has settled in Hiding under goose down For your nightmare to begin There's no crying wolves now (welcome to the, welcome to) 'Cause the truth has settled in (welcome to the, welcome to the) Hiding under goose down (welcome to the, welcome to the) For your nightmare to begin (welcome to the, welcome to the)
Welcome to the panic room Where all your darkest fears are gonna Come for you, come for you Welcome to the panic room You'll know I wasn't joking When you see them too, see them too 
Hell raising, hair raising I'm ready for the worst
Y/N was tired. She missed the days when Tommy would help her ride a horse. When Arthur listened to her stories, when John made her laugh, Ada telling her gossip, and Polly’s motherly touch. She also missed the feeling of safety she felt when she was Finn and her other brothers. So late at night she walked to cliffs near arrow house. Y/N felt the breeze and smiled. She suddenly saw John and he begged her to stop. However Y/N ignored him, put out her arms, closed her eyes, and let herself fall towards the ocean that was under the cliff. She felt free. However she felt a hand in her shirt it was Tommy stopping her from falling. Y/N didn’t understand what he was saying the world was muffled around her. She felt tears in her eyes and wrapped her arms around Tommy. She felt stupid. She didn’t want to be a burden. Yet she heard Tommy apologize and beg her to say. For the first time in a long time Y/N didn’t feel alone. She then realized she didn’t want to go just yet she wanted to help her family again to be happy. So despite the pain she felt she would fight after all, she was a Shelby.
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pineappleciders · 25 days
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let's appreciate the omori mothers!!! to all moms, past or present, you do so much. thank you❤️
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koncussionkat · 4 months
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This paragraph killed me, and this is full of spoilers. I could write tomes of literature about this paragraph. This is from 'Monstrous Regiment' by Sir Terry Pratchett. Polly is a soldier pretending to be a man. Their god declares things sinful as abominations. The abominations were reasonable, then tolerable, and then wholly insane and even life-threatening. The country's citizens do what they can and guiltily ignore what they can't. Polly's mother was highly religious and found solace in their fading god.
Polly's brother is only described as having learning difficulties, but his hyperfixation is birds. He can name them, recognize their sounds, and mimic them. If he is not told what to do, he will stand outside and observe for hours. Polly, who was responsible for Paul, saved and worked to buy a paint set for him. Paul excitedly paints a bird that could fly off the page. Polly's mother is enraged by this, as painting living things is an abomination, and throws the paint and picture into the fire. Even though almost every room has a drawn picture of the Duchess, whom everyone prays to to talk to their god!
Her mother burned the picture. Her mother who Polly speaks about in only certain terms follows like a ghost in the story. She is another deity that has let Polly down. Something else she can't believe in.
She lost everything she ever believed in that moment. Her mother, her country's god and the Duchess.
We all have that moment in childhood where we realize our parents aren't perfect, they aren't invincable. Polly's mom first did this by burning the picture then sealed it when she got sick and died. Which parelles how the country's god has died and all that is left is echoes. Echoes like that we see of Polly's relationship with her mother. Like how the Duches echoes the voice of another character when possessing her.
This story oh god this story. I will end it here, but there is still so much to say.
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pollyannawog · 10 months
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Beyond the stars, the ultimate life-form!
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
More Narnia Thoughts on Uncle Andrew (the ultimate cringe fail villain man).
Okay new people who have recently followed me as I’ve (very bravely) been posting about other non-MBS fandoms. More Uncle Andrew thoughts.
As much as I’d like a Narnia spin off about his childhood, I’d also love to see him in a spin off about Digory’s life after Narnia, because Uncle Andrew goes to live with them after Digory’s mother gets better so that Aunt Letty can finally be relieved of the burden.
What on earth must that have been like for Digory?
The books say Uncle Andrew was too scared to try magic again, and became “nicer than ever before” but was still a bit of a creep and liked to talk up how hot Jadis was and how he totally had a chance (so we know he's still delusional).
But imagine what that was like for Digory (and Polly when she visited every summer).
They’re living this idyllic life with Digory’s wonderful parents in the estate they’ve inherited, and then at 3pm the man who ran unethical scientific experiments on them stumbles downstairs after sleeping in until the late afternoon to pour himself a glass of morning brandy muttering under his breath “a dem fine woman, shame about that temper” as he hobbles back upstairs. Polly visits Digory’s family for Christmas and Uncle Andrew is just… there. What would they even get him as a present besides brandy and cigars? I’d suggest a self-help book, but I think most of the advice would go over his head.
My point is: if someone ever wrote or made a tv or movie spin off about Digory and Polly after Magician’s Nephew and how Digory became the professor and what his life was like during those in between years, I would enjoy it, but it better include the comedic potential of Andrew in the background of every scene being an absolute disaster and human train wreck (even if he is no longer actively doing crime).
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homoo-wan-kenobi · 22 days
this scene hurt my feelings. and it is terrible that one of the first things portia said was "what have you done?" cause I know she can see that penelope is upset. she's very clouded at times and I hope that we get to see her think before she speaks more even if it takes her a moment (kind of like she did in penelope's room in episode 2).
however, I think if prudence hadn't popped up after pen called her out on it, she would've inquired about how she was and what happened in full. but we all know, prudence is so used to having her mother's attention and penelope isn't.
I love lady featherington down so I hope the second half of the season rings true to polly saying that she [portia] apologises to penelope.
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themalhambird · 7 months
The world is not real: Charlotte cannot touch it. This -news-, this tragedy  is not real either, and it cannot touch her. There’s too much cotton in her ears, there’s an endless, keening chime slowly boring through her skull- in at one temple, out at the other- a continuous line, all the way through…
She is sitting on the sofa. There’s a cup and saucer cradled in her hands. She doesn’t remember picking it up, but the steam is ghosting over her face. It’s fresh. (Her husband is dead). Polly must have given it to her. (Her husband died at his own hand.) They have a visitor, she ought to be showing more hospitality. She wonders if there’s any of that fruitcake left. (Alfred confessed to murder. Alfred confessed to murder,  and then Alfred murdered himself)
Polly’s voice, soft and tentative as it is, makes her jump. Tea sloshes, spills over, pools in the delicate saucer. She shakes herself and focuses her gaze on Sir Julian. “That’s not,” she tries, but the sound barely forms. Charlotte pauses, swallows, tries again. “That’s not right,” she says, unsure if she’s really addressing Sir Julian Harker or merely facing his direction whilst trying to bargain with a Higher Power. “That’s not- none of this is right, Alfred wouldn’t- he wouldn’t do any of it, any of this…” But he has. He has, he has, he has, and when he comes home she’s going to skin him alive. “What will we do?” she asks, as the first beginnings of fear worm their way through the numbness of shock. “The disgrace of it-”
“Mama!” Polly cries, indignant. “At this moment, of all moments, your thoughts cannot be of what other people will think- what does that matter, what do any of them matter!”
It matters because they have never been reckless with money, but savings will not last forever and Charlotte doesn’t know if the widows of Police Inspectors who confess to capital offences and then take their own lives qualify for any sort of pension. It matters because the disapprobation of society in any circumstances can be death by a thousand cuts, whereas the widow who has the sympathies of her community has a better chance at maintaining a somewhat genteel situation. It matters because the infamy of the father will cast a shadow over the life and the character of the daughter- the best chance for Polly, now, is marriage, but what respectable, decent man would want a father- in- law six feet deep in unconsecrated ground?
“Mrs Hillinghead,” Sir Julian says solemnly, “I wish to assure you that you and your daughter will have the fullness of my protection. The events of the last twenty four hours- they will not reflect on you, nor on your daughter. You have my word.”
She acknowledges his words without really understanding- it will not be until much later, lying in a too-empty bed and staring up at the ceiling, unable to sleep- that Charlotte will consider that Harker told Polly about Alfred’s death before he told her, that he stood as close to Polly’s chair as proprietary allows for, that he has seemed- these past few weeks- to admire Polly: her beauty, her music. And perhaps nothing will come of it but friendship- , but the friendship of a man that powerful is not an asset to be scorned. And if it turns into anything more…
They were nineteen, she and Alfred, when they married- they had been friends their whole lives before that. And she had known about him:  years before they had married, she had known that  his desires steered his eyes not towards the ranks of giggling, frivolous girls who batted their eyelashes at his well built figure and handsome face, but to other members of his own sex. And she had ignored it, because she knew him: he was too good a man to act on those desires. And he was kind, and gentle, and they were friends, and a husband who would be perfectly happy to conduct a marriage with minimal activity in the matrimonial bed suited Charlotte. She had courted him as much as he had courted her, really, although whether he ever realised that…
And he’s dead. Her best friend of nearly forty years. The murder confession, she has already written off- she neither knows nor cares about the details. If it was a false confession, then he confessed to try and protect someone- probably that journalist, given the confession it prompted to her, and she is furious at him. She is furious at him for not protecting his wife and child, and for not letting the journalist face whatever justice he merited- unless, of course, the man threatened to reveal Alfred’s inclinations, and take the Inspector who had detected his crimes down along with him. That seems, to Charlotte, the most likely explanation. And if the confession is- was- true, then Alfred must have had good reason for taking another man’s life: she has seen him carry spiders in the palm of his hand to release them outside, rather than squash them underfoot; she has listened to him vent his frustrations about officers being too heavy handed with their arrests at more dinners than she can remember. Taking another human life…it must have broken something in his mind, which would explain being in such a state that he would…. It does not matter. Alfred is dead, either way- she is a widow, either way. And she will encourage Julian Harker’s friendship, because if Polly can catch him she will have a comfortable home, and a husband who seems a good hearted and generous man. And she, Charlotte, will grieve Alfred Hillinghead. But if his death unravels into the scandal she fears, then she will take care to grieve him quietly. She will survive this. She has to. She has to survive this so that there’s someone who remembers that Alfred Hillinghead played cricket as a boy and took two sugars in his tea.
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divinekangaroo · 2 months
Was thinking while watching that scene where Pol tells Ada about her abortion.
Polly really doesn't take on the mum role in the family to my mind, or even the matriarch/aunt tbh. And I think, there was some summary somewhere that referred to her as the consigliere and while she does perform a certain bouncing-board, plan formation role with Tommy (and only with Tommy, and only with insight into certain parts of his plans; I'm struggling to think of times the others listen to her without Tommy backing her up, S3 as example of when they don't), her other behaviours in the family also mean this isn't her role at all.
She's the wild older sister who is loving and explosive and hurtful, and incredibly, incredibly fragile, afraid and she feels so very scared, vulnerable and alone, most of the time. She just wants all her loved ones to be happy and safe and in achieving that, Tommy is frequently as much of an obstacle as he is the vehicle to get her that. I do headcanon that Polly lives 99% of her life in fear and on that edge of breakdown, it's just that she's lived with it so long she probably doesn't even acknowledge it any more. Her reactivity is so high.
So yeah, it's no wonder Tommy sort of plays that joint patriarch-matriarch role (arranging marriages etc), because Polly is *not* playing the matriarch.
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normalbrothers · 3 months
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TOMMY: Gentlemen, this is your cousin.
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peakyblinded · 2 years
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POLLY GRAY & MOTHER SUPERIOR requested by @lotsofreckles
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televisiongifs · 2 years
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How I Met Your Mother (2005–2014) S08E16 Bad Crazy
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amphibia-a-day · 11 months
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Day 790 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: Mother of Olms
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cosmicrhetoric · 5 months
the way that polly's mother is mentioned like. idk five times max in the whole book but the shadow of her colors every interaction polly has with not just wazzer but tonker n lofty (the girls working school in general) too.........
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nonbinaryaubrey · 11 months
btw ehehehee look what arrived earlier :3!!!
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family ...
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pollyannawog · 9 months
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A commission for @readasaur! Grunkle Googie isn’t really “with the kids”…
Commission info
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rosalie-starfall · 5 months
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Ginger Rogers & David Niven
Bachelor Mother - 1939
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