#Mr Atheist
bowserpunk-vevo · 7 months
its been 2000 years guys... let's face it, Jesus holy-ghosted us
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thatonegaybrit · 2 months
; I think smth that is very eye-opening is when you realise you yourself fall into a lot of groups that, by the masses, have been decided as The People To Hate™ and it's so like .. Woah, all these people fucking despise me and I'm over here js, being me ?? My crime is being myself lol ??
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nerdynanny · 2 months
Ford: *tells his bf/husband about being bullied by christians*
Jack: Get in, love, we're going shinto-buddhism
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"Just don't tell my mom."
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krakaheimr · 2 years
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Don't mind me being unable to restrain myself from throwing religious symbolism at art of the blorbos and eldritch horrors in human form again--
Wheels is.. not having a good time. Night is not helping.
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im-still-a-robot · 1 year
I just want to use charm person because it will 100% get us out of a Situation. The spell literally says friendly acquaintance. However, if you want me to seduce the character you literally named "Lucifer" understand that I am no coward.
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welcometoteyvat · 2 years
god shaped hole but diluven
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asclexe · 1 month
live reaction of me after watching gridlock
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geezerwench · 3 months
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themslash · 8 months
my youtube alogrhythm update: i watched too many videos on religion and cults this week so it's trying to get me to watch rick and morty videos now
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viandede-porque · 1 year
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Did you say this shit because you want to go to heaven or because you want to sell him faster and for a higher price?
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bowserpunk-vevo · 1 year
i love child me... this tiny, physically weak, crybaby loner straight up looked god in the eyes and declared war :0
i was a christian until my teen years, and i fully belived in a god. but this tiny ball of insecurity full on went to pray one day, just to tell god himself... that this is war. i said something along the lines of: "listen here you bastard. youve done enough, your reign of terror is over. once im older, i will gather an army of my own, and we will get over there up in the sky where you are, and we'll fuck you up !!!"
i dont remember what i meant by "reign of terror" but i do remember always seeing him as a bad guy even before...
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
hello Mr Gaiman!
this might be a silly question, but do atheists exist in the world of Good Omens? I’m just curious how that would work, given that god is objectively real in that universe
Sure. It's not like God turns up and explains things to people.
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ratajota · 6 months
we argentinians got less fucked by covid thanks to public health policies but now under mr. i dont care if people live or die i need to make galperin richer or else i can't cum we're experiencing what is like to be in an epidemic without a hint of care from the government. dengue is. definitely something. potentially deadly. there's a mosquito repellent shortage and overloaded hospitals... what can we even do, stay home?? if the damn mosquitos grow in my drain in my balcony there's no prevention. god(atheistically) help us
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happybirthdayxalbum · 1 month
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happy 8th birthday to...
SELF-iSH by Will Wood and the Tapeworms!!
tracklist: self- - 2012 - cotard´s solution (anatta, dukkha, anicca) - mr. capgras encounters a secondhand vanity: tulpamancer´s prospoganosia / paredolia (as a direct result of trauma to fusiform gyrus) - the song with five names a.k.a soapbox tao a.k.a checkmate atheists! a.k.a neospace government (a.k.a you could never know) - hand me my shovel, i´m going in! - dr. sunshine is dead - -ish
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devilish-parrot · 3 months
i had a dream where i bought SELF-iSH on cd, and there was a new song on it exclusive to the cd, so this was the tracklist;
BONUS: fifteen and a half minutes of christmas jingles 💥 (a.k.a 15.5 minutes of teenagers)
cotard's Solution (anatta​/​ dukkha​/​ anicca)
mr. capgras encounters a secondhand vanity: tulpamancers prosopagnosia/ pareidolia (as direct result of trauma to the fusiform gyrus)
the song with five names, a​.​k​.​a. soapbox tao, a​.​k​.​a. checkmate atheists! a​.​k​.​a. neospace government (a​.​k​.​a. you can never know)
hand me my shovel, im going in
dr. sunshine is dead
that first song was just fifteen minutes and 35 seconds of will wood and a bunch of teenagers reciting shitty christmas songs, poems, jingles etc. they even repeated some a few times
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anamericangirl · 2 months
I saw Stephen Fry say once, "If I ever met God, I'd spit at his feet. I'd curse his name. I'd tell him how dare you. I'd say how dare you let children suffer with diseases that rot their eyes from their heads."
I saw the comment section filling with people going "YEAH, FUCK YOU GOD"
And I saw one comment, buried in the middle of the sea of hatred towards God, that said "And what are you doing to help those children, Mr. Fry? You're sitting on a talk show blaming God. You're trying to push an anti-Christian agenda, nay an anti-Creationism agenda. You're using your fame, your fortune, your power, your voice, to actively curse the name of God instead of expending the same energy to help those children you claim you care about."
It was a moment very early in my religious journey from atheist to theist that really made me look at these vicious anti-God people who will blame Him for literally every problem on earth no matter how man-made that problem is.
A school shooting happens and it's God's fault that children died.
A baby is killed and it's God's fault for letting a pro-choicer get pregnant.
A war breaks out and people are being slaughtered and it's God's fault for giving people the freedom to kill each other.
And now, I look back on Stephen Fry and his "I'd spit at his feet."
What does he think God's response will be? Crying? Begging Mr. Fry for mercy? "I'm so sorry Mr. Fry, you're right, I'm so evil, I'm such a bad person, you should rule Heaven instead of me, please don't hate me, please, I'm disassociating, oh no!"
I think God would look at him and say, "All of those children, who died because people like you chose to do nothing to help them, are here with me now in Heaven, being nurtured and cared for. You spent your life and your wealth attacking my worshipers who were going to those countries and helping those children. You spent your life cursing my name with an ego so inflated that you felt as though your words would scorn and hurt me. Have you considered, Stephen, at any point in your life, that if a disease from the land is killing children, you should move the children away from that land? You should cure the disease? You should do something, anything, to aid those people, instead of spending your millions of dollars going on talk shows and flying around the world in your private jet to preach about how evil I, your creator, am for not solving all of the hardships that I gave you? The issues in your life are meant to strengthen you. When you are hurt, it is so you may inspire an impetus to fight back against that which hurt you. If I stepped in to sweep up every problem, what would life teach you? You would be complacent, lazy, and would die without ever having known hardship."
I know it's blasphemous to put words in His mouth, but, really, I think God teaches us time and time again that life is hard and that we have the tools He gave us, our freedom, our hands, our voices, to learn from those problems and do something to fix them.
Here we are 2000 years after He sent us His son, and we have machines that can do surgery, skyscrapers, planes, virtual reality, the ability to communicate across the planet, people in space stations, people going to the moon, we've accomplished so much and overcome so many obstacles. We learned to fly, we learned to breathe in space, we learned to breathe underwater, we learned to transmit our voices across the world in split seconds.
And yet Mr. Fry thinks that because children suffer and God doesn't intervene, there must be no God.
I'm sorry this took me so long to get to but I think it's such a great thought!
It always irritates me to hear people like Stephen Fry go on a pseudo-intellectual rant about how, if God exists, He's evil because children get sick and God will somehow be intimidated or humbled by Stephen Fry shaking his fist at him. When, if Stephen Fry truly believes it is evil to not stop a child from suffering when you are capable of stopping it, then he is just as evil as he accuses of God of being because Stephen Fry certainly is capable of helping more children than the average person and he is thus an evil person for spending any time not doing just that.
Who is he to curse God for not doing something that he is capable of doing and chooses not to? It is the worst kind of virtue signalling. Stephen Fry does not care about suffering children. He just wants to use them in his seriously flawed argument against God and Christianity.
It also exposes a deep ignorance of God. Stephen Fry has spent no time attempting to explore or understand Christianity or the nature of God before criticizing it, which makes all his criticisms irrelevant nonsense.
God is not evil because bad things exist, bad things exist because we created bad things by going against God. All suffering, including sickness, is a result of the fall of man. It's our fault.
And also, we are the body of the Christ. We are supposed to be helping our fellow human beings when they are suffering or in crisis. God has given us free will and let us reign over the earth and that means bad things will happen because people make bad decisions and God's not evil because he doesn't intervene and put a stop to every bad thing.
When people like Stephen Fry don't help a suffering child and we lose that child, that is sad, especially for us here on Earth. But that child ends up with God. That child is alive and happy and in a place with no pain and suffering. God is doing what Stephen Fry did not. And we just don't like it because it separates us.
And those are also the people who want to blame every bad thing that happens on God but will never give Him the credit for anything good that happens.
They try to put God in a box and say "if he was real then this wouldn't happen." They are trying to create the perimeters of what they think God should do if he were real instead of studying God and his word to determine what would actually be the case if he were real.
Those people are so fake and their criticisms stem from ignorance. I would respect them a lot more if they took the time to learn and understand what the teachings are before trying to criticize them. Instead of trying to address what the actual belief is or understand who God actually is, they create their own standards and then use them to try and debunk something that their standards don't accurately present.
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