#Mr. Bergstrom
wei-smiler · 1 year
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The Simpsons Ultimate Showdown!
Round 1:
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Mr. Bergstrom TidBit: Mr. Bergstrom made a cameo in Season 25's, "The Kid is All Right," appearing only for a few seconds as a side-gag. I like the joke, but everyone hates it, i dunno
Ms. Hoover TidBit: Ms. Hoover is named after Matt Groening's first grade teacher.
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hiya-homah · 1 year
if it werent for that porn ban id be posting lassen and bergstrom making hot rough love on a daily basis ill tell you that much
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nobody asked…arguably nobody cares BUT here’s my top 10 Simpsons episodes anyway
1. 22 short films about Springfield
2. last exit to Springfield
3. Dancing as fat as i can
4. and Maggie makes three
5. Lisa the skeptic
6. Lisa’s substitute
7. fraudcast news
9. 'scuse me while i miss the sky
10. Bart after dark
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jo-harrington · 2 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 11 - Jeff
Summary: Jeff has big plans for the future.
Word Count: 987
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Nervous!Jeff, Friendship, Banter
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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Jeff was surrounded by optimists.
That glass-half-full mentality, the perpetual prospect of positivity, the constant confidence in the future.
You could say that he attracted them.
And he needed that sometimes, because he was decidedly not one.
He was worried, a little nervous, a planner more than a doer. His cousin Richie was much more impulsive and got him out of his shell, sometimes even by force, but even that was a little bit of a misconception.
Jeff wasn't nervous or shy--well, maybe nervous--he was just...thinking of the right things to say. Making sure that he didn't fumble his words or insult people or embarrass himself. Otherwise the world might just crumble around him.
It took becoming friends with Eddie Munson to help him loosen up a bit. Get used to failure, go with the flow, stop being so worried about making the wrong move because his friends were constantly making the wrong moves.
But it also helped Eddie and the others be a little more...structured. They did homework during their lunch periods and study halls more, actually had plans for band practice instead of just winging it.
Ronnie always said, from the moment Jeff joined them, that they needed him--that Eddie needed him--to bring them down to earth sometimes. Their harebrained schemes and dreams that were larger than life. It only got worse after the whole demo tape fiasco, and worse still once Ronnie and Doug graduated.
But it had always been a good feeling.
Being needed.
Being the one to look after everyone in some way.
Thats why it felt really weird and wrong to be the guy to let them all down.
Jeff stressed over it for weeks.
It felt great stepping out of the guidance office, a moment of surety and security, plans for the future locked in place.
Then he remembered that he'd need to tell everyone.
It haunted him during lunches and Hellfire, while they helped Dustin set up things for the science fair, during practices and gigs. All the way up to Spring Break.
"It'll be fine," his mom--an optimist--told him one night when she found him in the kitchen with what was essentially a script with all the ways he could break the news to his friends. "They won't be upset."
"Sure," he scoffed.
"You act like I've never met your friends before," she soothed. "Those boys would move heaven and earth for you."
And he knew they would...this was just different.
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Then the unexpected happened.
On the last day of class before Spring Break, Mr. Bergstrom passed out slips in homeroom that all the seniors needed to fill out.
"For the graduation programs," he explained. "If you've decided which colleges you're moving onto...trade schools...or other..."
"We definitely fall into the other category," Eddie snickered from beside him. "On our way to fame and fortune."
Jeff laughed nervously and then stared down at the slip, horrified.
When the bell rang, he bolted out of the classroom so fast, he barely heard Eddie calling after him.
Come lunch, Eddie stopped him right outside of the cafeteria.
"I wanna know what all of that was first period," Eddie demanded, no malice in his tone. More worried than anything.
"I, uh," Jeff shrugged. "I just wasn't feeling great this morning. I think the milk went bad. My stomach kind of hurt."
"Uh huh," Eddie scoffed. "Likely story. You're an expiration date snob; remember when I almost ate that expired Twinkie and you yanked it out of my mouth."
"Who knows how long it was in your van for!" Jeff argued.
"Twinkies don't expire!" Eddie shouted back, earning looks from their classmates passing by. "It doesn't matter. I think you're hiding something and I wanna know what it is."
His heart practically stopped in his chest.
"I know I've been kind of a hardass lately," Eddie continued softly. "At practice and...with Hellfire..."
And he felt sweat start to trickle down his forehead.
The longer Eddie talk, the more he felt the dread overtake him, until he blurted out,
"I signed up for summer classes at Tri-County Community College!"
Eddie stared at him like he'd grown a second head.
"And a few in the fall," he went on. "Gareth won't graduate til next year and we won't get big gigs until then. I want to take some classes and maybe...learn some business stuff to help us? Give us the best shot. Or maybe have something to fall back on if it really doesn't work out."
It was so silent, aside from his heaving breaths, that you could hear a pin drop.
"Thats..." Eddie struggled for words and Jeff closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact. "That's great!"
Jeff's eyes shot open again and saw the brightness in his friends eyes, the big shining smile.
"That's huge, I'm proud of you man," Eddie patted him on the shoulder again, gently this time. "Damn I don't even know what to say. You better keep Tuesdays and Fridays free."
"You're not mad?" Jeff questioned.
"Or sad..."
"Why the hell would I be mad? Or sad?"
"Because Ronnie went off to college too," Jeff explained.
"Ronnie went to NYU on a scholarship and I was proud of her too!" Eddie shook his head. "Got the hell out of dodge. Damn, if anything I was jealous."
Jeff listened as Eddie rambled on about futures and plans how Jeff was the brains of the operation.
"I just figured," he interrupted Eddie. "You might think I was leaving the dream behind. Our dream."
"Jeffy, if anything you're looking out for it. And even if you were second guessing the band...I'd wanna support you."
Eddie pulled him into a quick hug with another pat on the back.
"You're my best friend man."
And the only thought running through his head as he clapped Eddie's back with the same affection?
Maybe being an optimist wasn't so bad after all.
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chaifootsteps · 1 day
do you think Homer Simpson is a better father than Stolas? my instant response is 'yes' but it's kind of hard to articulate why
on the surface they share a lot of the same flaws - selfishness, insensitivity - but I think what makes the difference for me is that Homer does show up for his kids when they need them
even Stolas' best moment as a father - when he actually listened to Via at Loo Loo Land - pales in comparison to the speech he gives Lisa when Mr Bergstrom leaves, or the Do It For Her photo (working a job he hates for Maggie's sake - Stolas wouldn't know anything about working or sacrifice) or...to be honest I'm blanking on a nice moment between him and Bart but I think there must be one in there somewhere.
when you compare the worst they've ever done it's no contest either. the closest Homer ever got to bringing someone he was cheating with around his kids was when the wife he accidentally married in Vegas showed back up in a late season episode. and he not only didn't want her around but she arguably took advantage of him because the two women got him and Ned hitched in a Vegas wedding because he was drunk, he didn't do it willingly
and whenever he messes up big enough to jeopardize the family he puts them first. I certainly can't imagine Homer moping around distracted by something else if a hitman is a danger to Marge or the kids!
I don't know if Homer's a better dad, but I think it's pretty close and if nothing else, he's a much funnier one. He's a deeply loving father whose crappy parenting is played for laughs as opposed to Stolas, who's coddled by the narrative and whose daughter is increasingly vilified for his mistakes.
As an aside, this exchange is pure Stolas.
"I promise you kids lots of things. That's what makes me such a good father!"
"Actually, keeping promises would make you a good father."
"No, that would make me a great father."
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futurebird · 1 year
Fake baby birds.
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For some reason there have been a lot of incorrect and even fake images of baby birds going around. Perhaps you saw the AI generated fake baby peacock? The baby crow is a real photo of a real young avian... but it's not a crow (Turns out this fluffy little one is a baby rail-- more info here at the "corvid research blog" which has been mad about this photo for like years. )
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Over on the Fediverse (most call it 'Mastodon') there are a lot of people posting about science and nature. @[email protected], Carl T. Bergstrom shared his photo of a (real) fledgling crow just a few hours out of the nest... just look:
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What a little curmudgeon! Look at the too big beak and feet! The "so done with it" corvid gaze.
This bird looks like the kind of kid who spends all their time talking to whatever adults will listen about their obsession with traffic light timing. At first? It's kinda cute and a little annoying, but then it
gets really interesting because it turns out some of the light timing problems are related to graph theory---(this got way too specific... But you know the type right? Always calls you Mr. ___ or Mrs. ___ even if you tell them not to?) If you love corvids you should follow Carl T. Bergstrom over on the Fediverse. Every day there's new drama with these guys.
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heliphantie · 10 months
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"The Last Temptation of Homer", ep. 9(90) of S5 (December 9, 1993).
“The Last Temptation” is a curious and weird one, even by season 5 standards, by which relatively plausible scenarios with grain of suspension of disbelief, that can be attributed to exaggeration or artistic rendition, did made way for the scenarios ranging from surrealism to outright fantasy, but not ones taking place in full-on cartoon universe yet.
It puts, once again, one side of Simpsons couple into situation, in which he/she has to fight, well, temptation of extramarital affair, keeping in mind it was already established that neither one can consider brief fling without seeing it as immediate threat to integrity of their union. It seems to be the case this time too – will Homer succumb to forbidden fruit of “office romance” or not is one obvious issue, but what raises the stake is a notion that maybe, it’s something much more – genuine soulmate met by chance, and in this case, one may think, whether Homer stays away from cheating or not, he’s going to suffer loss. Will he face his fate or reject it in the name of status quo? Anyway, the story is busy with bizarre gags and situations (and Bart’s subplot that asks for its own episode), just to end in sorta anticlimactic, and confusing for many, manner, brushed off all gloomy implications of tragedy our star-crossed lovers are going through.
Doesn’t help that while Homer’s mindset on extramarital affairs (or simply on notion of any other women by his side) is already explained in “Colonel Homer”, Mindy’s side is left cryptic, except overall impression that she enjoyed Homer’s company a lot and was at least at one point attracted to him, but since then either gave up on prospects with him (getting informed of his family status, probably?), or decided she and Homer are better off as friends, possibly not even being aware of mutual interest. Or maybe she is as much in pain as himself, up to very end, in which she vanishes without trace, visibly heartbroken. Isn’t it weird Mindy, out of all one-time mysterious figures who did enter Simpsons’ lives to show them new perspective or teach something about themselves (Jacques, Karl, Mr. Bergstrom, Lurleen…), doesn’t have on-screen departure or explanation of why she can’t stick around even as background figure? She does show up couple of times (once in meta gag acknowledging all “homewreckers”), but it’s nothing compared to, say, continued sights of Jacques as stable part of Springfield. Likely non-canonic nod in clip show, disclosing her as another victim of Homer’s propensity of ruining lives, doesn’t help either… I only may assume, creative team had unspoken agreement it’s better not to bring up sore subject given how sympathetic both sides remain through all their inner turmoil, and that there wasn’t way around to have Mindy as recurrent background member without her serving as reminder of that bittersweet in its core storyline. (There is the fact, also, that writer of TLTOH, Frank Mula, is responsible for another saddest love story in Simpsons catalogue – “I Love Lisa”, and even that one ended on uplifting note.) Rather than thinking she did hit rock bottom over heartbreak, I’m going to assume she had to take responsibility for that room service at the SNPP’s expense, and that did cost her workplace (temporarily or permanently).
Two (tangential, maybe) outtakes from it:
-           We were robbed of interesting workspace dynamics, if only Mindy could stay as recurring character and join Homer, Carl, and Lenny’s antics on occasion, also serving as both voice of reason (woman as agent of order) and catalyzer of risky adventures, depending on situation;
-           Storyline would’ve been used as exploration of concept of friendship between opposite sexes, which, surprisingly, wasn’t a subject in The Simpsons during whole its run (granted, there was once episode in similar vein between Homer and his female neighbor, but seemingly too late in game and it didn’t have any impact as far as I concerned…).
Lastly, in regard of that ambiguous ending that makes people believe Homer has had one night stand with Mindy, while imagining Marge in her place (assumption which makes everything ever gloomier). My take on it: what if it is true… but in opposite way. Whole episode is chock-full, more than usual, with Homer’s fantasies, and in general depicts him in constant state of delirium to the point imagination blends into “reality” (already too fluid in this era of the series). What if Mindy, herself, was just a product of Homer’s wandering mind, his boredom and dissatisfaction, all that time?
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lacebird · 11 months
did ya'll also have a crush on mr. bergstrom as a kid or are you normal?
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thesinglesjukebox · 4 months
Depressing math problem: how many streams of this song would it take for Mr. Richman to achieve its title status...
Tim de Reuse: In the TikTok age, when something goes megaviral and catapults an unknown into multi-platinum status, it's usually got, you know, a sound in it: something momentary, immediate, salty and fatty yet ephemeral and light, instantly repeatable, easily recontextualized. What single melodic hook or sound-flourish defines this song's insane popularity? It has found a way to not need one, opting instead to appeal by oozing personality out of every measure. The instrumental is bracingly dry, bright and spiky, with all atmosphere created by an uncountable set of overlapping, processed voices, braiding around each other, leaving no clear single path for your attention to follow. My favorite touch: the crunchy, dissonant minor seconds that are punched out by that synth right in the middle of the mix. The miracle here is that of a stylistic confidence, in composition and sound design, insistent enough to be as addictive as any melodic hook. [8]
Alfred Soto: Watching this model of simplicity -- beatbox, awkward falsetto, fat Miami bass -- go top five made my year. Like other flukes it justified itself. I expect no follow-up. [9]
Kylo Nocom: Great in parts: sticky funk synths, a slowed vocal sample, and some whining backing harmonies make for an impressive, cross-generationally likable cross-section of R&B. Unfortunately, the tune itself is lacking in small but vital ways, and not for the "TikTok era" song-length reasons that so many pop listeners bemoan. The chorus has a slight awkwardness that makes for increasingly grating relistens; the verse is negligible. Richman might be Brent Faiyaz's protégé, but the falsetto errs too close to Justin Vernon shoutiness for my liking. His voice is best as pure texture, so check out the "VHS" version to hear this in its peak form: densely-boosted bass clashing against strained vocal runs in a bid for primacy. It's close to what pop's decades-enduring noise vs. melody juxtaposition should be in 2024, a lineage traceable all the way back to the Wall of Sound and beyond. Gripes with this song aside, I still have hopes that this guy's got it: a recent TikTok snippet has the melodic immediacy I wish was here. [6]
Nortey Dowuona: I don't like you praising Rick Rubin, so I initiate the beef. Fuck those faux Timbaland beats, let's see you push Danja's teeth! You better off hiding his falloff than worming up to me, he's Tim Mosley, I'm Tim Curry, I'm zapping peeps. [4]
Aaron Bergstrom: Just to be clear, when I say "this dude gives me Kreayshawn vibes," what I mean is "hell yeah bouncy novelty summer jam goodness," not "I would like to have an exhausting and ultimately meaningless conversation about race." Thank you.  [8]
Taylor Alatorre: Ariel Pink if he had grown up watching MTV Jams instead of 120 Minutes, except that actually sounds like something with the hypothetical potential to be cool. Tommy Richman was born in 2000 and not 1987, but "Ariel Pink if he had grown up watching curated YouTube playlists" doesn't have the same internal symmetry. This isn't the first digital native to exploit a pan-generational Pavlovian affinity with the 808 cowbell, and it surely won't be the last. [4]
TA Inskeep: I like the vibe he's going for, and I wanna love it ('90s R&B yes please), but this is a series of Casio keyboard presets in search of a song. [5]
Harlan Talib Ockey: Whenever someone unexpected lands a huge hit, I love looking back at their previous discography to see what made this song specifically click. (Just in case there's a One Hit Wonderland episode someday.) Many of Richman’s other songs exist somewhere at the intersection of Jai Paul, Chic, and Trilogy-era The Weeknd, which is theoretically a fun mix, but they’re largely hookless and nondescript. Where's the hook in “Million Dollar Baby”? Technically the chorus, but it's this production that really makes it bang. The ominous pitch-shifted chant (apparently just "do what I should think," according to Genius, which is a little disappointing). The beeps, which are doing a shocking amount of atmospheric heavy lifting. The "oooooohs". It all builds into a particularly grim kind of sleazy desperation. (This is a compliment.) [8]
Jonathan Bradley: What does the Commonwealth of Virginia have to offer us in 2024? Rumors of Drake's hidden progeny still echoing long after Pusha T first whispered them? A download-only Pharrell Williams album? Missy Elliott being accepted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? How about some rando signed by Brent Faiyaz exhuming the one-part soul, two-parts trunk rattler sound of UGK's country rap tunes and sending it to the upper reaches of pop charts around the world? That will do nicely, thank you. [9]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: However funky and fun this will sound all summer long, it’s in spite of Tommy Richman, who sounds underwater and gasping for breath.  [5]
Katherine St. Asaph: Tommy Richman, a rando whose every photo has the distinctive pose of a college freshman trying to look badass, was largely unknown before 2024 except for (checks Google search-by-date) a Complex roundup, an interview about how he idolizes Andy Serkis and Dennis Rodman, and probably some PR juice behind the scenes. This guy listens to some dirty funk and R&B, attempts to match its freak, and... doesn't fail? Must be my critical faculties that are failing. [6]
Ian Mathers: Okay, I'm aware the background genres are very distinct (fuckboy funk-rap here, fuckboy post-punk there), but am I the only one kinda reminded of that Artemas song we covered last month? There's a similarity in vibe (although Richman seems less odious), they both basically just figure out a good hook repeat it for a little over two minutes and that's it, and I suspect the natural environment for each is driving around the city at night in the summer. They feel like beefed up interludes or parts of songs (not a complaint, honestly!). Or am I just telling on myself by revealing I'm too old for TikTok? [8]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Every time I listen to this I feel like I'm moving further and further away from sanity. This is not a pop hit but a funhouse mirror version of one, a misremembered version of every year between 1989 and 1998 thrown into a blender and then reconstituted; Tommy Richman's falsetto is possessed by an amateurish sort of confidence that ought to have annoyed me to death after a month of this song's omnipresence. Yet every time I hear this song -- whether by my own choice or as it blasts at dangerous volumes from passing cars -- I am all the more endeared to it. The bass, whether VHS-boosted or not, activates something within me that disarms all critical impulse; I feel swallowed up by this groove as much as I enjoy it. It's the kind of song that defies analysis -- what am I going to do, write a 4,000 word essay on the transformative power of Tommy fucking Richman? Those stacks of harmonies, those radar synths and cowbell pops and dense chord stabs: they talk enough for me, self-evident of the delirious craftsmanship of this track. People valorize the garage rock and avant folk savants of the 1960s -- the Alex Chiltons and Norma Tanegas of the world -- and I get it; this feels something like that transplanted to the modern context, a little pop symphony that sounds not quite like anything else in the world. A small miracle of the song; let me stop writing before I embarrass myself any further. [10]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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newtoarlen · 1 year
Tell me which ship that includes my Rebecca Simpson OC, you want to see my best art of.
1. Sideshow Bob X Rebecca
2. Krusty X Rebecca
3. Milhouse X Rebecca
4. Moe X Rebecca
5. Mr. Burns X Rebecca
6. Principal Skinner X Rebecca
7. Sean Bont X Rebecca
8. Apu X Rebecca
9. Barney X Rebecca
10. Blake Black X Rebecca
11. Bode Wright X Rebecca
12. Chief Wiggum X Rebecca
13. Colin X Rebecca
14. Jack DeForest X Rebecca
15. Frank Grimes X Rebecca
16. Superintendent Chalmers X Rebecca
17. Ol' Gil X Rebecca
18. Hank Scorpio X Rebecca
19. Hubert Wong X Rebecca
20. Ralph X Rebecca
21. Jacques Brunswick X Rebecca
22. Jimbo X Rebecca
23. Professor Frink X Rebecca
24. Julio Franco X Rebecca
25. Karl (Simpson and Delilah) X Rebecca
26. Lenny X Rebecca
27. Luke Stetson X Rebecca
28. Sideshow Mel X Rebecca
29. Ned Flanders X Rebecca
30. Nelson X Rebecca
31. Brenden Biederbecke X Rebecca
32. Nick (the Daughter Also Rises) X Rebecca
33. Stonecutter Number One X Rebecca
34. Otto X Rebecca
35. Grady X Rebecca
36. Lucas Porter X Rebecca
37. Snake Jailbird X Rebecca
38. Thelonious (Trilogy of Error) X Rebecca
39. Troy McClure X Rebecca
40. Freddie Scorpio X Rebecca
41. Lionel Hutz X Rebecca
42. Hugh Parkfield X Rebecca
43. Dr. Nick X Rebecca
44. Cecil Terwilliger X Rebecca
45. Fat Tony X Rebecca
46. Edmund (Tweenlight) X Rebecca
47. Reverend Lovejoy X Rebecca
48. Todd Flanders X Rebecca
49. Walt Warren (the Bob Next Door) X Rebecca
50. Willie X Rebecca
51. Bart X Rebecca
52. Herbert Powell X Rebecca
53. Homer X Rebecca
54. Jack Lassen X Rebecca
55. Artie Ziff X Rebecca
56. Jack Crowley X Rebecca
57. Dwight Diddlehopper X Rebecca
58. Mr. Bergstrom X Rebecca
59. Freddy Quimby X Rebecca
60. Comic Book Guy X Rebecca
61. Bleeding Gums Murphy X Rebecca
62. Cletus Spuckler X Rebecca
63. Disco Stu X Rebecca
64. Larry Burns X Rebecca
65. Officer Eddie X Rebecca
66. Hans Moleman X Rebecca
67. Mayor Quimby X Rebecca
68. Michael D'Amico X Rebecca
69. Bartigula the Jerk (I, Carambus) X Rebecca
70. Dr. Marvin Monroe X Rebecca
71. Wayne Slater (The Falcon and the D'ohman) X Rebecca
72. Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) (The Simpsons Movie) X Rebecca
73. Kent Brockman X Rebecca
74. Carl Carlson X Rebecca
75. Langdon Alger (Simpsons Comics) X Rebecca
76. Charlie (Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou?) X Rebecca
77. Portuguese Boy (A Totally Fun Thing Bart Will Never Do Again) X Rebecca
78. Peta (Dry Hard) X Rebecca
79. Pita (Dry Hard) X Rebecca
80. Martin Prince X Rebecca
81. Kirk Van Houten X Rebecca
82. Blake (Three Dreams Denied) X Rebecca
83. Corey Masterson X Rebecca
84. Dolph X Rebecca
85. Donny (The deBarted) X Rebecca
86. Digby Diggs (Diggs) X Rebecca
87. Kevin (Stealing First Base) X Rebecca
88. Zachary Vaughn (Bart Gets a Z) X Rebecca
89. The Rich Texan/Richard Texan X Rebecca
90. Rainier Wolfcastle X Rebecca
91. Marv Szyslak X Rebecca
92. Michael De Graaf X Rebecca
93. August Steffan X Rebecca
94. Homer Simpson (Not It) X Rebecca
95. Erik X Rebecca
96. Moe Szyslak (Not It) X Rebecca
97. David (Treehouse of Horror XVI: Bartificial Intelligence) X Rebecca
98. Roger (Treehouse of Horror XXI: Master and Cadaver) X Rebecca
99. Hugo (Treehouse of Horror VII: The Thing and I) X Rebecca
100. Vampire Burns (Treehouse of Horror IV: Bart Simpson's Dracula) X Rebecca
101. John (Homer's Phobia) X Rebecca
102. Mike Wegman (Go Big or Go Homer) X Rebecca
103. Lyle Lanley (Marge vs. the Monorail) X Rebecca
104. Roger (Every Man's Dream) X Rebecca
105. Devil Flanders (Treehouse of Horror IV: The Devil and Homer Simpson) X Rebecca
106. Harry Potter (Treehouse of Horror XII: Wiz Kids) X Rebecca
107. The Fat in the Hat (Treehouse of Horror XXIV: The Fat in the Hat) X Rebecca
108. Reaper Homer (Treehouse of Horror XIV: Reaper Madness) X Rebecca
109. John Frink Sr. Robot (Treehouse of Horror XIV: Frinkenstein) X Rebecca
110. Mutant Burns (Treehouse of Horror VIII: Homega Man) X Rebecca
111. Hansel Bart (Treehouse of Horror XI: Scary Tales Can Come True) X Rebecca
112. Noir Homer (Treehouse of Horror XXXI: Into the Homerverse) X Rebecca
113. Dracula (Treehouse of Horror XX opening & Treehouse of Horror XXI: Tweenlight) X Rebecca
114. Stephen King (Treehouse of Horror XXIV opening) X Rebecca
115. Vampire Bart (Treehouse of Horror IV: Bart Simpson's Dracula) X Rebecca
116. Dr. Bartley (Treehouse of Horror XV: Four Beheadings and a Funeral) X Rebecca
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queen-of-boops · 1 year
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Epilogue- 3 Years Later
Autumn laughed as she watched Rasmus’ twins chase Ruby around the campsite. The toddlers could be a bit of a handful, but it was impossible to look at the wide smiles on their faces and be anything but happy. 
“You two look cozy,” Mangus teased. Henrik just nuzzled his nose into the side of her neck, completely ignoring his brother. “You know, Autumn, it’s not too late to trade up to the clearly superior Bergstrom.”
Read on ao3.
Tag list: @future-mrs-suresh @0shewrites0 @kunepie
Huge thanks to @csmicletters for making the moodboard for this fic (and letting me spam her notifications every week) and @beesandfigsblog for the Henrik v-day card that basically inspired this whole epilogue. And as always, huge thanks goes to everyone who read this little fic of mine!
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aaronburrdaily · 1 year
June 13, 1809
Couche at 1/2 p. 12. Lev. at 7. Had scarcely got out of bed when la Hanoverienne¹ mentioned on Saturday came in. Being unable to communicate anything by the ear, we tried, successfully, all the other senses. Passed an hour. After breakfast, ma bel Mar.² came in to try to settle that affair of the broken glass. Je voud. mieux that her vis. had been defd. till tom. mais el. est si jolie; 1 r.d.³ At 1 to Dr. Gahn’s; all in the country. At 2 came in Carolin. Cest trop! Mais 5/4 r.d.⁴ Couche at 3 and slept two hours. Dinner eau et pain. Tea and four eggs for supper. Couche at 1/2 p. 12. Mais ne saurais dormir.⁵ Just got asleep at 1/2 p. 4 when Hosack came and waked me to get his key. I had taken it to ensure a sight of him. Got asleep at 5 and slept till 9. Waked by Captain H———, who came to ask me to go on Saturday next to take tea with Madame ———, who had known Bollman⁶ and wished much to hear of him. I was half asleep and forgot to enquire who the lady is and where the acquaintance had been made. Before I was dressed came in Bergstrom; agreed to go with him to-morrow to take tea with Gahn a la campagne.⁷ At 1 called on Madame de Castre and daughter, who came yesterday to town. Madame seule; 3 trappar up.⁸ A bust of M’lle by Bustrom, extremely well executed. Madame took me to see Bustrom (and his attelier), who lives under the same roof one story higher, that is, in what we should call the fifth story. The apartments of Madame in the fourth are very handsome. Bustrom was out and his rooms locked. M’lle came; a landscape painted by her, very pretty and showing much talent. The coronation is postponed till the first week in July, that it may be the more brilliant. Mr. de Castre had this morning an interview with the King, who sent for him to solicit him to take part in an opera to be given on the occasion. Note: The opera-house has been shut since the majority of Gustavus IV., and Mr. de Castre has been sixteen years out of practice. Nean-moins, pour fair e plaisir a sa M.⁹ he will attempt. It is not impossible nor altogether improbable, that we may have a Russian audience; for news was yesterday received that the Russian forces on this side of the Gulf of Bothnia had advanced very rapidly. Yet all here is placid, though they are not more than ten or twelve days’ march from Stockholm, and neither fortifications nor efficient army in the way. Called on Madame Daily, who is still in town. She is frightened to death about the Russians. The Russian soldiers! It is the universal opinion that, if they come, there will be general plundering and ravishing. At 2 dressed for dinner and went to Hedboom’s. All locked fast; not even a servant. Tried every door, and made a great deal of noise to no effect. Strange! At length discovered from a family on the next floor that Mr. H. and family lived at some distance, where it is expected that I am to dine. About two miles off. Went to hire a boat. Asked 1 rix dollar, which I refused to give. Came home at 4, and took bread and milk at 6. At 1/2 p. 7 went to the concert, a la Bourse,¹¹ where I had engaged to meet Madame de Castre et M’lle. The concert began at 6, and was more than half done when I came in. There was, I believe, more than one thousand persons, among them the Queen and the Princess Sophia. Heard three pieces, in one of which “God Save the King” was introduced. The last piece was accompanied by the voice of Mr. de Castre, who has sung here for thirty years. His voice is yet well preserved and really fine. I have great sensibility to music, but no science. Every part was executed extremely to my satisfaction; but what most interested me was the perfect attention, and the uncommon degree of feeling exhibited by the audience. I have nowhere witnessed the like. Every countenance was affected by those emotions to which the music was adapted. In England you see no expression painted on the visage at a concert. All is sombre and grim. They cry bravo! bravissimo!¹¹ with the same countenance that they “God damn” their servants and their government. Acerbi is wrong in asserting that les Suedoises¹² have no sensibility to music. The crowd was so great that I could not get sight of the de Castres; but passing their quarters just as they drove up to the door, went in and sat a few moments. Was introduced to Mr. de Castre, whom I had not before seen, nor did I suspect, till then informed, that it was he who sang, not having seen him while singing. They engaged me to tea on Friday to meet Baron ———, Grand Seigneur et fort riche, demeurant en Scanie.¹³ Home at 10. Read an hour in Captain Barrie Saint Venan’s book “Des Colonies Modernes sous la Zone Torride, particulierement St. Domingo.”¹⁴ Imp. Paris: 1802. Mangè un morceau de soupè chez Madame D.¹⁵
1  For la Hanovrienne. The Hanoverian woman. 2  For ma belle Marie. 3  I should prefer (je voudrais mieux) that her visit had been deferred till to-morrow. But she is so pretty; 1 rix dollar. 4  It's too much! But 5/4 rix dollars. 5  But cannot sleep. 6  Dr. Erich Bollman, a German, who had distinguished himself by a gallant attempt to rescue Lafayette from his prison at Olmütz, and who was one of Burr's most trusted confederates in the Mexican affair. 7  In the country or at the country house. 8  Swedish. Three nights up. (3 trappor upp.) 9  Nevertheless, to please his Majesty (à Sa Majesté). 10  At the Exchange. 11  Superlative of bravo. 12  For les Suédoises. The Swedish women. 13  Great lord, very rich and residing in Skane (an old province of Sweden at its southern extremity). 14  “Modern Colonies in the Torrid Zone, especially St. Domingo.” Printed, etc. (imprimé). 15  Ate a bite of supper at Madame D.’s. (Mangeai.)
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columbosunday · 1 year
lisas relationship with mr bergstrom is how i feel about geoff rickly
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hevvinonearth · 2 years
mr bergstrom the simpsons you will always be famous
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