#Muhammad (pbuh) in the Qur'an
autumnfuzz · 1 year
Arguing with so called ex Muslims or atheists is like mud wrestling with a pig. You'll both get dirty but only the pig will enjoy it.
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ilyforallahswt · 4 months
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Belief in Prophets
Belief in Prophets
It is important to believe in 10 things about the Prophets
Some of the main aspects of the believer's faith in the Prophets
1) The call for uniform tawheed
2) God's message has been fully delivered
3) All the Prophets were bearers of truth
4) Prophets have come to all nations
6) Prophets are helped by Allah
7) All prophets and messengers were human
8) Mutual authentication
9) All are equal in basic dignity
10) The Greatest Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Belief in Prophets
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
And Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not a messenger! Many Prophets passed before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn back? Whoever turns back will never be able to harm Allah in any way. And those who are grateful, Allah will reward them.
A person's testimony of faith is not acceptable without faith in the prophets and messengers. May Allah Ta'ala grant the Muslim Ummah the Tawfiq to establish firm belief in all the above matters and lead their lives according to the Holy Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Amen.
Prophet Muhammad (p) was the Last & Final Messenger of Allah 
Belief in Prophets and Messengers
Difference Between PROPHETS and MESSENGERS
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
And Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not a messenger! Many Prophets passed before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn back? Whoever turns back will never be able to harm Allah in any way. And those who are grateful, Allah will reward them.
Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse – 40 Muhammad is not the father of any of you; Rather, he is the Messenger of Allah and the last Prophet. Allah knows all things.
Surah Muhammad, verse 2
May Allah bless him and grant him peace means...
Who is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is the last prophet and final messenger of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Muhammad (may peace be upon him) Khatamun-Nabiyin ("Seal of the Prophets") These two words used in the Qur'an usually mean that Muhammad may peace be upon him is the last of the Prophets sent by God. The voice called out, "O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of God and I am the angel Gabriel." This revelation…
Belief in Prophets
Belief in the Messengers of Allah
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
0 notes
myreligionislam · 4 months
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Belief in Prophets
Belief in Prophets
It is important to believe in 10 things about the Prophets
Some of the main aspects of the believer's faith in the Prophets
1) The call for uniform tawheed
2) God's message has been fully delivered
3) All the Prophets were bearers of truth
4) Prophets have come to all nations
6) Prophets are helped by Allah
7) All prophets and messengers were human
8) Mutual authentication
9) All are equal in basic dignity
10) The Greatest Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Belief in Prophets
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
And Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not a messenger! Many Prophets passed before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn back? Whoever turns back will never be able to harm Allah in any way. And those who are grateful, Allah will reward them.
A person's testimony of faith is not acceptable without faith in the prophets and messengers. May Allah Ta'ala grant the Muslim Ummah the Tawfiq to establish firm belief in all the above matters and lead their lives according to the Holy Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Amen.
Prophet Muhammad (p) was the Last & Final Messenger of Allah 
Belief in Prophets and Messengers
Difference Between PROPHETS and MESSENGERS
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
And Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not a messenger! Many Prophets passed before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn back? Whoever turns back will never be able to harm Allah in any way. And those who are grateful, Allah will reward them.
Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse – 40 Muhammad is not the father of any of you; Rather, he is the Messenger of Allah and the last Prophet. Allah knows all things.
Surah Muhammad, verse 2
May Allah bless him and grant him peace means...
Who is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is the last prophet and final messenger of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Muhammad (may peace be upon him) Khatamun-Nabiyin ("Seal of the Prophets") These two words used in the Qur'an usually mean that Muhammad may peace be upon him is the last of the Prophets sent by God. The voice called out, "O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of God and I am the angel Gabriel." This revelation…
Belief in Prophets
Belief in the Messengers of Allah
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
0 notes
allahisourrabb · 4 months
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Belief in Prophets
Belief in Prophets
It is important to believe in 10 things about the Prophets
Some of the main aspects of the believer's faith in the Prophets
1) The call for uniform tawheed
2) God's message has been fully delivered
3) All the Prophets were bearers of truth
4) Prophets have come to all nations
6) Prophets are helped by Allah
7) All prophets and messengers were human
8) Mutual authentication
9) All are equal in basic dignity
10) The Greatest Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Belief in Prophets
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
And Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not a messenger! Many Prophets passed before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn back? Whoever turns back will never be able to harm Allah in any way. And those who are grateful, Allah will reward them.
A person's testimony of faith is not acceptable without faith in the prophets and messengers. May Allah Ta'ala grant the Muslim Ummah the Tawfiq to establish firm belief in all the above matters and lead their lives according to the Holy Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Amen.
Prophet Muhammad (p) was the Last & Final Messenger of Allah 
Belief in Prophets and Messengers
Difference Between PROPHETS and MESSENGERS
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
And Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not a messenger! Many Prophets passed before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn back? Whoever turns back will never be able to harm Allah in any way. And those who are grateful, Allah will reward them.
Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse – 40 Muhammad is not the father of any of you; Rather, he is the Messenger of Allah and the last Prophet. Allah knows all things.
Surah Muhammad, verse 2
May Allah bless him and grant him peace means...
Who is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is the last prophet and final messenger of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Muhammad (may peace be upon him) Khatamun-Nabiyin ("Seal of the Prophets") These two words used in the Qur'an usually mean that Muhammad may peace be upon him is the last of the Prophets sent by God. The voice called out, "O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of God and I am the angel Gabriel." This revelation…
Belief in Prophets
Belief in the Messengers of Allah
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
0 notes
mylordisallah · 4 months
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Belief in Prophets
Belief in Prophets
It is important to believe in 10 things about the Prophets
Some of the main aspects of the believer's faith in the Prophets
1) The call for uniform tawheed
2) God's message has been fully delivered
3) All the Prophets were bearers of truth
4) Prophets have come to all nations
6) Prophets are helped by Allah
7) All prophets and messengers were human
8) Mutual authentication
9) All are equal in basic dignity
10) The Greatest Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Belief in Prophets
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
And Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not a messenger! Many Prophets passed before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn back? Whoever turns back will never be able to harm Allah in any way. And those who are grateful, Allah will reward them.
A person's testimony of faith is not acceptable without faith in the prophets and messengers. May Allah Ta'ala grant the Muslim Ummah the Tawfiq to establish firm belief in all the above matters and lead their lives according to the Holy Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Amen.
Prophet Muhammad (p) was the Last & Final Messenger of Allah 
Belief in Prophets and Messengers
Difference Between PROPHETS and MESSENGERS
#Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
#Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
And Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not a messenger! Many Prophets passed before him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn back? Whoever turns back will never be able to harm Allah in any way. And those who are grateful, Allah will reward them.
Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse – 40 Muhammad is not the father of any of you; Rather, he is the Messenger of Allah and the last Prophet. Allah knows all things.
Surah Muhammad, verse 2
#May Allah bless him and grant him peace means...
Who is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is the last prophet and final messenger of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Muhammad (may peace be upon him) Khatamun-Nabiyin ("Seal of the Prophets") These two words used in the Qur'an usually mean that Muhammad may peace be upon him is the last of the Prophets sent by God. The voice called out, "O Muhammad, you are the Messenger of God and I am the angel Gabriel." This revelation…
Belief in Prophets
Belief in the Messengers of Allah
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Qur'an
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the last prophet
0 notes
uma1ra · 5 months
1-Akhi - Brother
2-Ukhti - Sister
3-JazakAllah khair - May Allah give you Ajar/Sawab for your deed.
4-Ma'Shaa'Allah - As God has willed.
5-HayakAllah - May Allah give you life.
6-BarakAllahu Feek - May Allah put baraka in what you are doing.
7-Wa feeka barakallahu - and May Allah bless you. (in response to Barakallahu Feek)
8-Wa iyyakum - And to you
9-Alhamdulillah - Praise be to Allah
10-Allah - God
11-Allahu Akbar - Allah is Most Great
12-Amanah - Trust
13-Assalamu Alaikum - Peace be upon you--the "official" Islamic greeting.
14-Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh - "Peace and the Mercy and Blessings of God be upon you" Extended form of the above.
16-Astaghfir Allah - I seek forgiveness from Allah (used when mentioning something that goes against the standards of Islam)
17-Ayah/Ayat - Qur'anic verse
18-Bid`ah - Innovation, addition to the religion's essentials
19-Bukhari - One of the most noted compilers of hadith. His collection is 20-known as Sahih Bukhari
21-Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim - In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful
23-Da'wa - Invitation (for humankind to Islam)
24-Du`aa - Supplication
25-Eid - Islamic holiday
26-Fatwa - Islamic legal ruling
27-Fiqh - Islamic law as interpreted by scholars
28-Fitnah - Corruption and disorder, also temptation
29-Hadith - A report of a saying or deed of the Prophet
30-Haj - Pilgrimage
31-Halal - Allowed (per Islamic law)
32-Haram - Forbidden (per Islamic law)
33-Hazrat/Hadrat - Honorable
34-Hijab - Modest way of behavior and dress (including head scarf for women)
35-Imam - Leader
36-Iman - Faith
37-In Shaa Allah - If God wills. (Used when talking about a future event)
38-Injeel - The scripture sent down to Prophet Issa (Jesus)
39-Isnad - Chain of transmitters, the list of people who successively narrated a given hadith
40-Jannah - Paradise
41-JazakAllah Khair - May God grant you what is good. (Often used instead of "Thank you")
42-Jihad - Striving for Islam, whether by peaceful or violent means
43-Jinn - Unseen beings, who, like humans, are given the power to choose between right and wrong
44-Kafir - One who denies the truth. Literally, one who "covers" the truth (sometimes applied to non-Muslims).
45-Khalifah - Caliph: Leader of Muslim nation
46-Khilafah - Caliphate
47-Khutba - Sermon
48-Kufr - Denial of the Truth, rebellion against God
49-La Ilaha Illa Allah - There is no deity but God
50-Ma Shaa Allah - What God has willed! (Usually used to express wonder at Allah's creation)
51-Madhhab - School of jurisprudential thought
52-Makruh - Detested, but not forbidden (per Islamic law)
53-Mandoub - Recommended, but not required (per Islamic law)
54-Mubah - Neither forbidden nor commended. Neutral (per Islamic law)
55-Mushrik - One who commits Shirk
56-Muslim - One who submits to Allah and is a follower of Islam; also, name of one of the most notable hadith scholars. His collection is known as Sahih Muslim
57-Nabi - Prophet
58-Qur'an - The Words of Allah conveyed to us by the Prophet
PBUH - Peace Be Upon Him. Same as SAW
59-RAA - (Radia Allahu Anhu/Anha.) May Allah be please with him/her
60-Ra-sool - Messenger (Prophet to whom a scripture is revealed)
61-Rasool Allah - Messenger of God (used to refer to Prophet Muhammad)
62-Sahaba - Companions of Prophet. Singular is "Sahabi"
63-Sahih - "Sound in isnad." A technical attribute applied to the "isnad" of a hadith
64-Salaam - Peace. An abbreviated version of the Islamic greeting
65-Salaat - Prayer
66-SAW - (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.) Peace Be Upon Him
67-Sawm/Siyam - Fasting
68-Seerah/Sirah - History of the Prophet's life
69-Shahadah - Bearing witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger.
70-Shari'ah - Divine Law
71-Sheikh - Scholar (or any elder and/or respected man)
72-Shirk - Associating partners (e.g. helpers, other gods) with Allah
73-Shura - Consultation among Muslims
74-Subhan Allah - "Glory be to God"
75-Sunna/Sunnah - Tradition of the Prophet
76-Surah/Sura - A Chapter in the Qur'an
78-Tafsir - Interpretation
79-Tawraat - The scripture sent down to Prophet Musa (Moses).
80-Ulama - Religious scholars
81-Umma - Nation, community.
82-Ustadh - Teacher
83-Wassalaam - And peace. It means "goodbye"
84-Zakat - Required charity
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Your iteration of Jesus is complete fanfic ripped off from the bible and you reduce him to a hype man for your favorite rapist. He wouldn't support your pedophile prophet who married 6 year old Aisha and raped her when she was 9. Also Muhammad was white (not in ethnicity, but in skin tone, with auburn beard and marshmellow in his hair, and liked white/lighter skinned women and girls.) That rapist, pillaging, murderer could never be a true prophet, Allah is his Original Character. He is in hell like his mother and his father. POLICE BE UPON HIM, Ham lalala
The story of how prophet Mohammad PBUH got the Qur'an is literally told in detail in the bible.
The sayings about him and Aisha are baseless sayings with no real evidence. All we know is that he didn't marry her at an alarmingly young age, because if he did then all his enemies would attack him for it the way you are now.
He is because that's the color of the people in the area he lives in. Same way Jesus PBUH is light brown because that's the color of the people in the area he lives in.
If he was just some murderer/warmonger then his religion wouldn't be the fastest growing one. 2 billion people wouldn't be muslim. One in every four people wouldn't be on his religion.
"Allah" is the word for God or Deity in all the Semitic languages including Aramaic (The language Jesus PBUH spoke)
You've spoken of Jesus multiple times yet not once did you say PBUH or give him a shred of the respect he deserves. Seems to me you just enjoy hating Islam because you were taught so from youth.
Sheeesh. Seems like hate speech is always wrong until it's about Muslims.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that Palestine will be free in case you're a zionist or something.
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nevzatboyraz44 · 10 months
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(Prophet of Islam Muhammad (pbuh))
The first text that can be counted as a declaration of human rights in the history of the world is the Farewell Sermon.
So, what is the hadith that an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab?
What are the ingredients of the Farewell Sermon?
Our Prophet In his Farewell Sermon, Muhammad called out to all humanity:
You will definitely not do these four things.
Your Lord is one.
Your father is one too.
You are all Adam's children, and Adam is from the earth.
Just as an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, and a non-Arab over an Arab;
Red skinned people have no superiority over black, and black has no superiority over red skinned people.
The first text that can be counted as a declaration of human rights in the history of the world is the Farewell Sermon.
As it is known, shortly before his death, the Prophet gave a historical speech to 124 thousand people in Mecca in 632 AD.
The first human rights declaration proclaimed in the West is the Magna Carta dated 1215.
583 years after the Farewell Sermon.
The UN Declaration of Human Rights is dated 1948.
Our Prophet During the Farewell pilgrimage, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) addressed all humanity in the person of 124 thousand Muslims in the middle of the Arafat Valley on his camel named Kaswa after his death on Friday, 9 Dhu al-Hijjah
(9 Dhu al-Hijjah 10 H./8 March 632 M. Friday).
He addressed Muslims and all humanity as follows:
Do not return to perversions
"O people!
Listen carefully! I don't know, maybe I won't be able to meet you here again after this year.
Just as today is a holy day, just as these months are holy months, just as this city (Mecca) is a blessed city, so are your lives, property and honor, they are protected from all kinds of rape.
My Companions! You will surely meet your Lord.
He will also question you for what you did.
Do not return to the old perversions after me and do not hit each other's necks!
My Companions!
Whoever has a trust with him should immediately give it to its owner.
Be aware that all forms of interest have been abolished. God has ordained so.
The first interest I removed is the interest of Abdulmutallib's son (my uncle) Abbas.
But your principal is yours.
You have neither persecuted nor suffered persecution.
My Companions!
Pay attention, all the customs from ignorance have been removed, they are under my feet.
The blood feuds waged during the Age of Ignorance were also completely abolished.
The first blood feud I abolished is that of Abdulmuttalib's grandson, Iyas bin Rabia.
O people!
Surely the devil has given up hope of worshiping him in your land.
But if you follow him in your small works, it will also please him.
O people!
I advise you to observe the rights of women and to fear Allah in this regard.
You have taken women as a trust from Allah and you have made their honor lawful for yourselves by Allah's command.
You have rights over women and women have rights over you.
Your right over women; they do not let anyone trample your bed, and they do not let people you do not like into your homes without your permission.
If they let a person into your house whom you did not allow to come, Allah has allowed you to leave them alone in their beds and at least lightly beat them and warn them.
The rights of women over you are that you provide food and clothing according to legitimate customs.
I leave you two relics
I leave you two relics, you will not go astray as long as you hug them and follow them.
Those relics are the book of Allah, the Qur'an, and the Sunnah of the Prophet.
Do you listen to me and good memory!
A Muslim is a brother of a Muslim, and thus all Muslims are brothers.
Neither his brother's blood nor his property is halal for a Muslim.
But if he gave the property to the heart pleasantness it is another.
Your Lord is one.
Your father is one too.
You are all Adam's children, and Adam is from the earth.
Just as an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, and a non-Arab over an Arab;
Red skinned people have no superiority over black, and black has no superiority over red skinned people.
Superiority is only in taqwa, fearing Allah.
Be careful!
You will definitely not do these four things:
You shall not associate anything with Allah.
- You shall not unjustly kill a soul that Allah has made unlawful and inviolable.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You will not steal.
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farisjax · 2 months
I don't get why everyone is saying Islam is the most violent religion in the world, For me no religion is violent its the people that follow it, For example its not Islam's fault how people interpret the Qur'an. And if we talk about phrases, The Qur'an Says.
"And kill them wherever you encounter them and expel them from where they expelled you. Oppression is indeed worse than murder. Do not fight them at the Masjid Al- Haram (Ka'aba) unless they fight you therein. If they fight you, then kill them; such is the penalty of the disbelievers.
But no one bothers to understand, even when told that this verse was revealed when Muslims on the Hajj pilgrimage were attacked and killed by the Quraysh tribe who had signed a treaty with the Prophet to not attack the pilgrims. The Qur'an was revealed in a period of 23 years to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), So the verses are situational
There are phrases in other holy books but that would make this too long, but if you consider atheism a religion than atheism is the most violent religion because in atheism there are no prohibitions.
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tasmiq · 4 months
Jumu'ah Sohbet: 16 February 2024
This week saw so much synchronicity, miraculously in different spaces at different times within our Tariqa - leaving one to declare Subhana'Allah (Glory to the Divine) in awe! With this very message of Shaykh Taner brandished onto our spiritual hearts:
"Continue seeing the Creator in the created, and contemplate on this, and love Allah in your Shaykh because your Shaykh loves Allah in you"
Let me narrate the account, Bismillah (with the name of Allah) ...
#1. Our hearts were first seared with Haq (The Truth) through the analogy of seeking our own "Mad Glen" moment. It is where a regular homeless drunkard came to the rescue of a mother and son in the UK after the young son was invoked by the desperate and exasperated mother to simply pray. The very next moment was a knock of help, borne out of the generally disheartened mother that was always willing to see Allah in "Mad Glen" and with nothing herself, coming to his aid.
Needless to say, we know that the mother and son found emancipation in Islam, coming from a secular background. Because our Shaykh Nishaat himself met the son into his adulthood in South Africa as a Nasheed singer with the stage name of Muslim Belal. Shaykh Nishaat echoed into our consciousness that it is Allah who guides as Al-Hadi. He reminded us that in the Qur'an through the example of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Allah said, "You give the message, and I will guide them." So making anyone Muslim is not in our hands, but if we can live as human beings, and help those in need, we will see how it plays out! We may also have our "Mad Glen" moments, so we shouldn't treat anyone in a disparaging way.
#2. Shaykh Nishaat reminded us that we should be looking for the signs of Allah as He says in the Qur’an, "I will show you My signs in yourselves and the horizons." We should understand that Allah is not restricted to working with Muslims or so-called ones. We don't even know who Allah may consider a Muslim or an Atheist. We may look at somebody as a drug addict, drunkard, or hobo, but we don't know what is in their hearts. Poetically did Shaykh Nishaat thereafter declare that Allah veils the signs, but Sufism opens the way for us to see the signs, as the science of signs!
On that matter, your Ammu infact was "infamous" with her relationships with people in impoverished despair, which your Aunty Farzana fondly recounts. How I wouldn't shy away from asking for food that I offered the homeless - back - always seeking their reassurance that they won't throw it away. Another time, we were serving together at a community soup kitchen, and this one homeless lady was complaining, and so I admonished her, and Alhamdulillah, my admonition was appreciated by her. I proceeded to get useful career advice from her, at a time that I found no joy with the design world! It may well have later driven me into Development Studies, in the service of the poor. Shukran Ya Allah (Divine gratitude) retrospectively for the sign!
#3. Shaykh Anjum then potently reflected on what Laylatul Mi'raj means for us Sufis. Beyond being awestruck by the light of Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a paramount and pre-eminent force in creation that returned to the heavens that he came from on the same night. Personally, it is important for us because we are all going on our respective Mi'raj as we are journeying to Allah through Fanafil Shaykh, then Fanafil Rasul, and of course Fanafillah!
Mi'raj means ascension, growing up and rising. For us Sufis, it means that we are trying to ascend ourselves through knowledge, connection, spiritual exercises, Sohbets, inculcation, awareness of the signs around and within ourselves, and the understanding of our Divine purpose. This is done through our repeated focus as repeated remembrance of Allah (Zikr) as aptly translated by Shaykh Taner.
#4. Shaykh Anjum further clarified my point of worry about the prescribed numbers of Salah. We must observe the correct dosage that retains and magnifies our connection, as personally established. We are just in this world as passersby. We have to keep that mindset, holding onto our connections and focusing on Allah! He echoed undeniable Haq (Truth) when he said:
Salah is basic, and there is more that Sufis have to do! We are not part-time people. Salah is only five times a day, whereas Sufis are 24/7, 365, lifetime / Hereafter and onwards. Even after you are gone in this world, it doesn't stop! The basic tickbox of 5 rakaat Salah doesn't apply to Sufis, which is being mean and business like. We don't do business with Allah. We do love! Fana means to totally annihilate yourself. It is not a simple word.
#5. In this article, we are made to appreciate how Allah guides and how everything works together within Allah's processes and order. Just as emphasised by Shaykh Taner, we learn to see Allah in everything as His Divine signs. Our inspired brother and fellow mureed Mphutlane deeply relayed:
“I bear witness that no reality exists but Allah” I see only Allah. I know only Allah. I love only Allah. It is important for us to note that it is not us who do the witnessing and seeing. It is Allah who turns us into His witnesses. It is Allah who turns our tongues and our lives into a Testimony. It is Allah who turns us into his eyes. When we become self-righteous about our acts of faith, we miss the fact that we are not only the witnesses but that we ourselves are the witnessed. For a witness is the light that illuminates to see and therefore becomes seen in the process of seeing. Or as Rama Maharshi puts it:
“The “witness” really means the light that illumines the seer, the seen, and the process of seeing”
Therein ended the blessed, rich synchronicity across different moments in time. I am left in utter gratitude that I am afforded the ability to dive deeply, as deep as the ocean of Sufi knowledge. At a time of physical disability, humbled am I to gain spiritual wings:
Shukran Ya Allah
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lesbian-muslim · 8 days
Tafsir Check 24:22
In which I research (mainly using tafsir feature on quran.com) verses I did not fully understand while reading the Qur'an, and summarize whatever I learned 🍊
{ وَلَا يَأۡتَلِ أُوْلُواْ ٱلۡفَضۡلِ مِنكُمۡ وَٱلسَّعَةِ أَن يُؤۡتُوٓاْ أُوْلِي ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡمَسَٰكِينَ وَٱلۡمُهَٰجِرِينَ فِي سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِۖ وَلۡيَعۡفُواْ وَلۡيَصۡفَحُوٓاْۗ أَلَا تُحِبُّونَ أَن يَغۡفِرَ ٱللَّهُ لَكُمۡۚ وَٱللَّهُ غَفُورٞ رَّحِيمٌ }
[The Holy Qur'an 24:22]
Do not let the people of virtue and affluence among you swear to suspend donations to their relatives, the needy, and the emigrants in the cause of Allah. Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love to be forgiven by Allah? And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
(Trans. Dr. Mustafa Khattab)
Ibn Kathir, Muhammad Shafi, Wahiduddin Khan, and Muhammad Asad agree that this verse was revealed in reference to two companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Abu Bakr (RA) and Mistah ibn Uthatha. Mistah was a poor man and a distant relative of Abu Bakr. Being well-off, Abu Bakr often provided for Mistah financially, per the Qur'an's many urges towards generosity.
However, after it became clear that Mistah helped to slander the name of Aisha (RA), Abu Bakr's daughter, Abu Bakr swore never to help him again.
This verse clarifies that in Islam, charity is for the needy and those who we have a responsibility towards, and in its purest form overcomes personal squabbles.
Maarif-Ul-Quran (Muhammad Shafi) appears to see this verse as an urge, especially towards the Prophet's companions, who were meant to uphold the best character. Tazkirul Quran (Wahiduddin Khan), however, takes it as an order and injunction on all Muslims, to not withdraw financial assistance due to "personal grudges."
Whether it's a requirement or not, we should all strive to a level of good character and generosity as indicated by this ayah! We love how Allah forgives us, so we should be willing to forgive others.
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ilyforallahswt · 7 months
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মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ) কোরআনে:
আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামীন সর্বশেষ ও শ্রেষ্ঠ নবী মুহাম্মদ (সা.)-কে পৃথিবীতে প্রেরণ করেছেন বিশ্ব তথা মানব জাতির জন্য রহমত হিসেবে। আদম (আ.)- এর মাধ্যমে দুনিয়ার বুকে প্রথম নবীর আগমন,  মুহাম্মদ মোস্তফা (সা.)'র আগমনের মাধ্যমে পৃথিবীতে নবী-রসুলের আগমন পর্বের সমাপ্তি টানা হয়েছে। মহানবী মুহাম্মদ (সা.)'র পর পৃথিবীতে আর কোনো নবী আসবেন না। তিনি হলেন সমগ্র বিশ্ববাসীর জন্য মনোনীত নবী। কিয়ামত পর্যন্ত যত মানুষ পৃথিবীতে আসবে তারা তার উম্মতের মধ্যেই গণ্য হবে। পৃথিবীতে আর কোনো নবী আসবে না। মুহাম্মদ (সা.)'র আগে যে হাজার হাজার নবী-রসুল (আ.) এসেছেন তাদের বিশেষ সম্প্রদায়ের নবী রসুল হিসেবে পৃথিবীতে পাঠানো হয়েছিল। কিন্তু আখেরি নবীর আগমন ঘটেছে সমগ্র মানব জাতির জন্য।
পবিত্র কোরআনে মুহাম্মদ (সা:) শব্দটি চার জায়গায় বলা হয়েছে ।
১ : সূরা আল-ইমরান আয়াত নং ১৪৪
২ : সূরা আহযাব আয়াত নং ৪০
৩ : সূরা মূহাম্মদ আয়াত নং ২
৪ : সূরা ফাতাহ আয়াত নং ২৯
মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
Muhammad (pbuh)In the Qur'an
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myreligionislam · 7 months
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মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ) কোরআনে:
আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামীন সর্বশেষ ও শ্রেষ্ঠ নবী মুহাম্মদ (সা.)-কে পৃথিবীতে প্রেরণ করেছেন বিশ্ব তথা মানব জাতির জন্য রহমত হিসেবে। আদম (আ.)- এর মাধ্যমে দুনিয়ার বুকে প্রথম নবীর আগমন,  মুহাম্মদ মোস্তফা (সা.)'র আগমনের মাধ্যমে পৃথিবীতে নবী-রসুলের আগমন পর্বের সমাপ্তি টানা হয়েছে। মহানবী মুহাম্মদ (সা.)'র পর পৃথিবীতে আর কোনো নবী আসবেন না। তিনি হলেন সমগ্র বিশ্ববাসীর জন্য মনোনীত নবী। কিয়ামত পর্যন্ত যত মানুষ পৃথিবীতে আসবে তারা তার উম্মতের মধ্যেই গণ্য হবে। পৃথিবীতে আর কোনো নবী আসবে না। মুহাম্মদ (সা.)'র আগে যে হাজার হাজার নবী-রসুল (আ.) এসেছেন তাদের বিশেষ সম্প্রদায়ের নবী রসুল হিসেবে পৃথিবীতে পাঠানো হয়েছিল। কিন্তু আখেরি নবীর আগমন ঘটেছে সমগ্র মানব জাতির জন্য।
পবিত্র কোরআনে মুহাম্মদ (সা:) শব্দটি চার জায়গায় বলা হয়েছে ।
১ : সূরা আল-ইমরান আয়াত নং ১৪৪
২ : সূরা আহযাব আয়াত নং ৪০
৩ : সূরা মূহাম্মদ আয়াত নং ২
৪ : সূরা ফাতাহ আয়াত নং ২৯
মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
Muhammad (pbuh)In the Qur'an
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allahisourrabb · 7 months
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মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ) কোরআনে:
আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামীন সর্বশেষ ও শ্রেষ্ঠ নবী মুহাম্মদ (সা.)-কে পৃথিবীতে প্রেরণ করেছেন বিশ্ব তথা মানব জাতির জন্য রহমত হিসেবে। আদম (আ.)- এর মাধ্যমে দুনিয়ার বুকে প্রথম নবীর আগমন,  মুহাম্মদ মোস্তফা (সা.)'র আগমনের মাধ্যমে পৃথিবীতে নবী-রসুলের আগমন পর্বের সমাপ্তি টানা হয়েছে। মহানবী মুহাম্মদ (সা.)'র পর পৃথিবীতে আর কোনো নবী আসবেন না। তিনি হলেন সমগ্র বিশ্ববাসীর জন্য মনোনীত নবী। কিয়ামত পর্যন্ত যত মানুষ পৃথিবীতে আসবে তারা তার উম্মতের মধ্যেই গণ্য হবে। পৃথিবীতে আর কোনো নবী আসবে না। মুহাম্মদ (সা.)'র আগে যে হাজার হাজার নবী-রসুল (আ.) এসেছেন তাদের বিশেষ সম্প্রদায়ের নবী রসুল হিসেবে পৃথিবীতে পাঠানো হয়েছ���ল। কিন্তু আখেরি নবীর আগমন ঘটেছে সমগ্র মানব জাতির জন্য।
পবিত্র কোরআনে মুহাম্মদ (সা:) শব্দটি চার জায়গায় বলা হয়েছে ।
১ : সূরা আল-ইমরান আয়াত নং ১৪৪
২ : সূরা আহযাব আয়াত নং ৪০
৩ : সূরা মূহাম্মদ আয়াত নং ২
৪ : সূরা ফাতাহ আয়াত নং ২৯
মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
Muhammad (pbuh)In the Qur'an
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mylordisallah · 7 months
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মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ) কোরআনে:
আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামীন সর্বশেষ ও শ্রেষ্ঠ নবী মুহাম্মদ (সা.)-কে পৃথিবীতে প্রেরণ করেছেন বিশ্ব তথা মানব জাতির জন্য রহমত হিসেবে। আদম (আ.)- এর মাধ্যমে দুনিয়ার বুকে প্রথম নবীর আগমন,  মুহাম্মদ মোস্তফা (সা.)'র আগমনের মাধ্যমে পৃথিবীতে নবী-রসুলের আগমন পর্বের সমাপ্তি টানা হয়েছে। মহানবী মুহাম্মদ (সা.)'র পর পৃথিবীতে আর কোনো নবী আসবেন না। তিনি হলেন সমগ্র বিশ্ববাসীর জন্য মনোনীত নবী। কিয়ামত পর্যন্ত যত মানুষ পৃথিবীতে আসবে তারা তার উম্মতের মধ্যেই গণ্য হবে। পৃথিবীতে আর কোনো নবী আসবে না। মুহাম্মদ (সা.)'র আগে যে হাজার হাজার নবী-রসুল (আ.) এসেছেন তাদের বিশেষ সম্প্রদায়ের নবী রসুল হিসেবে পৃথিবীতে পাঠানো হয়েছিল। কিন্তু আখেরি নবীর আগমন ঘটেছে সমগ্র মানব জাতির জন্য।
পবিত্র কোরআনে মুহাম্মদ (সা:) শব্দটি চার জায়গায় বলা হয়েছে ।
১ : সূরা আল-ইমরান আয়াত নং ১৪৪
২ : সূরা আহযাব আয়াত নং ৪০
৩ : সূরা মূহাম্মদ আয়াত নং ২
৪ : সূরা ফাতাহ আয়াত নং ২৯
মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
মুহাম্মদ (সা.) সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ ও শেষ নবী
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uma1ra · 6 months
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Qur'anic Chapter Khaf And Friday
"Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on Friday, Allah will bestow upon him light between those two Fridays. (al-Bayhaqi)
In another narration, the Prophet said, “Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf as it was revealed, there will be a light for him on the Day of Resurrection.(al-Sunan al-Kubra)
Surat Al-Kahf was revealed in Makkah. Many Ahadeeth confirm the virtues of this Surah. As we are recommended to read Surah khaf on Friday. It is said that it will protect and save us from the fitnah of dajjal (anti Christ), trials and afflictions. The first and the last ten Ayahs provide protection from Dajjal. It is pivotal to understand that Surat Al-Kahf is not just a magical spell that will serve as a shield against the Antichrist. Rather, the comprehension of its underlying meaning and application of the suggested measures will save us from Dajjal.
Prophet Muhammad pbuh stated: “Whoever memorizes ten Ayahs from the beginning of Surat Al-Kahf will be protected from the Dajjal.” (Muslim, Abu Dawood, An-Nasai and At-Tirmidhi)
This Surah was revealed in answer to the questions which was posed by the pagans of Mecca to test prophet pbuh. As Makkan phase can be divided into four stages, that was the third period. It was the era of religious persecution of believers. Many times to the point of being ill- treated and oppressed due to their faith. Allah, however, not only gave them a complete answer to their questions but also drew their attention by those stories to take heed from it. There was a conflict going on at that time in Makkah between believers and disbelievers. As muslims were least in number. That's why they were intentionally practising patience in such distressing situations to achieve their goal. They very well knew that if they retaliate, they would be easily overpowered. So couldn't risk their lives, because they were the carriers of Islam—they had to take the religion forward.
In Surah khaf, there are four stories which we get the insught from these stories to face the trials and afflictions.
1. Trial of Faith – Young People of the Cave/ Ashabu Al-Kahf (Verses 9 – 26)
2. Trial of Wealth – The story of the Rich and the Poor (Verses 32 – 44)
3. Trial of Knowledge – Moses and Al-Khidr (Verses 60–82)
4. Trial of Power –Dhul-Qar-nayn with Yajuj Majuj (Verses 83–98)
Let's explore each along with lessons we get from each story.
1."The people of the cave" : It’s the story of young men who lived in a disbelieving town, so they decided to migrate to save their imaan and took refuge in the cave. Allah mentions the word “fityah” (plural of fata)- young boys to draw the attention that they were young people who had firm faith in Allah. But they did not follow the people blindly but thought rationally. In every society and culture there are trenda and precedents presents and people tend to follow them unknowingly. And people don't dare to follow against them. So here thses young men though powerless and weak still troed to preserved their faith.
▪︎ Lesson of this story is the 'Trial of Faith'
2. "The owner of two gardens" : A story of a man whom Allah blessed with two beautiful gardens, but the man forgot to thank the One who blessed him with everything and he even dared to doubt Allah regarding the afterlife. So his garden was destroyed – he regretted it, but was too late and his regret did not benefit him.
▪︎ Lesson of this story: 'Trial of wealth'
3. "Musa pbuh and Khidr pbuh" : When Musa pbuh was asked “Who is the most knowledgeable of the people of Earth?” Musa pbuh said that it was him as he assumed he was the only prophet on Earth at the time. But Allah revealed to him that there’s someone who knows more than him about certain things. Musa pbuh traveled looking for him and learned how divine wisdom can sometimes be hidden in matters which we perceive as bad.
▪︎ And Lesson of this story: 'Trial of knowledge'
And now to the FINAL one, "Global Phenomena"
4. "Dhul-Qarnayne" : Allah mentions the story of a great king who was given knowledge and power travelling the world helping people and spreading all that’s good. He was able to overcome the problem of Gog and Magog (Yajooj-Majooj) by building a massive dam with the help of people whom he could not even understand.
▪︎ Lesson of this story: 'Trial of power'
Allah says to us four/4 kind of stories relating 4 kind of trials that we face daily in our day to day lives.
But, What is the relation between 'Surah Kahf' and 'Dajjal' ?
Dajjal will appear before the day of judgement with 4 trials:
A▪︎He will ask people to worship him and not Allah: "Trial of faith"
B▪︎He will be given powers to start/stop rain and tempt people with his wealth: "Trial of wealth"
C▪︎He will tempt people with "knowledge” and news he gives them: "Trial of knowledge"
D▪︎He will control huge parts of the Earth: "Trial of power"
Those people who sticks strong to Allah in every single aspect of their life, those people who don't fall for the illusion, delusion, corruption and brainwashing of this world. The Dajjal has already set his foot, and entered through the midern and cultural engineering of the 20th century. It's almost ready to take its throne. People are infested in this world from many direction.
Moreover Almighty Allah has given the SOLUTION for these Trials and Test.
1.Good companionship to build a strong Faith : To protect our faith we need to be surrounded with good people. Besides this, the believers have been taught that even if they are persecuted by a cruel society, he should not bow down before falsehood but emigrate from the place all alone, if situations demand, with trust in God. Do not blindly follow trends or customs of the society.
2. To adopt Humility as we own nothing in this world. Pride and Arrogance will come back to bite. What we need to remember is that everything we have is a mercy and a gift from Allah. We may put in hard work, but if Allah doesn’t put blessing in anything, nothing succeeds. This is why we should be thankful for what Allah has given us. In fact the Surah itself begins by saying “Alhamdulillah”.
3. Be humble and sincere in learning, Knowing the truth of this world. You should have full faith in the wisdom of what is happening in the Divine Factory in accordance with the will of Allah. The Qadar of Allah works in ways that we do not understand. When Allah takes something away from us, we should trust inHis Divine Wisdom. As it was not clear to a Prophet, allow alone people like us. However, Allah clearly wants good for us, and it is important that we trust the One who has given us everything. Allah is sole Caretaker (الرقیب/Ar-Rakib).
4. In the story of Dhul-Qarnayne,
When the people asked Dhul-Qarnayn to help them, he did not just go and help them. Rather he taught them in building and helped them himself as well. We should benefit people. Regardless of the fact that he was being victorious and constantly winning new ground for his empire, he never forgot Allah, Kept going with good deeds. That is something we should remember. In our endeavor to earn sustenance, we should never forget Allah. During our successes, we should remember Allah.
May Allah guide us and protect us from this fitnah. Ameen
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