#Multi-Purpose Template
topandbest · 2 years
The #1 Design Software Of All Time For EVERYONE. Try it here
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Stuck in Planning Stage of Writing
Anonymous asked: Do you have any advice on how to get out of the planning stage and more into the doing stage of writing? I’m up to my ears in notes for scenes and fragments of dialogue between characters. I know where I want to go with the story, I’ve even written a handful of scenes when the ideas come to me, but now that I have this lump of thoughts I need to start organizing and placing them all in their rightful spaces. The one thing I truly know is how much I’d love to see this through. Do you have any advice for a girl who’s unwittingly made herself stuck with a puzzle?
[Ask edited for length]
Planning a novel can sometimes be like digging a really deep hole for a specific purpose, then suddenly realizing you've stranded yourself at the bottom of the hole without a ladder. You've spent so much time digging the hole, you'd like nothing more than to get out of the hole and move forward with whatever project required you to dig the hole in the first place. There's just one problem: you can't teleport yourself out of the hole. You have to climb... or, ideally, build yourself a ladder to climb out with whatever materials are available to you.
That's probably where you are right now with your story. The hole you've dug was necessary, and it's good that you dug it, but as much as you'd like to just magically leap out and write your story, you can't do that. You have to build yourself a ladder to climb out of the hole first. So...
My go-to emergency "get out of the planning hole I've dug myself into" ladders are timelines, scene lists, and outlines.
Timelines: Your story may take place over a single day or several centuries, but either way, time flows in your story. All of those notes and fragments of dialogue and partial scenes are moments or events that happen within the time frame of your story. So, plotting those moments and scenes out on a timeline--according to when they need to happen--is about the easiest way to break your story down into its existing pieces and to see what's missing/where.
There are lots of ways you can format a timeline, such as a table, a list, a horizontal timeline, calendar, or a roadmap timeline. My go-to is a basic two-column document where the left column is date/time and the right column is the moment/event. There are also apps and online tools that will help you build a timeline in various formats.
Horizontal Timeline:
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Calendar Timeline:
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Table Timeline:
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More info: Making a Timeline for Your Story Scene Lists: Stories are made up of scenes, so a list of those scenes is another great way to organize the events of your story. You may even find that creating a scene list is easier after making a timeline, because a timeline may help you see where certain moments or events need to be their own scenes and which can be combined together into a single scene. Just like timelines, scene lists can be as simple or complex as you want to make them. Once again, my go-to is a simple two-column document with the left column for the scene number and the right column for the scene summary, preferably just a sentence or two. Ultimately, once I have my rough timeline and scene list done, I usually combine them into one multi-column document along with my story structure beats.
Table Scene List with Beats:
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Complex Scene List/Timeline/Beat Sheet:
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More info: Scene Lists
Outlines: Outlines can be really any format you want them to be, and some people count timelines and scene lists as their outlines. My go-to outline is just an exhaustive beginning to end summary of everything that needs to happen. Sometimes, just working through your story from beginning to end can be the best way to make sense of all those disparate pieces you've been piling up.
More info: Guide: How to Outline a Plot Story Structure: Finally, I want to talk a bit about story structure templates like Save the Cat Writes a Novel!, Larry Brooks story structure, seven point story structure, etc. Story structure templates can be a really great way to make sure you're hitting all the right story beats--almost like a road map through your story. It's just important to know you do not by any means have to stick to any particular story structure exactly. Use it as a guide, take what works, leave what doesn't, and don't panic if your beats don't fall exactly where it says they should. As long as your story is working, that's what matters. Some writers even like to frankenplan their stories using a variety of different structure templates.
More info: Creating a Detailed Story Outline (story structure)
Once you finally have a roadmap for moving forward, whether that's a timeline, scene list, outline, or all of the above, you know you're ready to start writing!
Final note: I just want to add that planning isn't for everyone. Some people are discovery writers who let their stories work themselves out as they go. The above is just meant for people who are planners, who have done a lot of planning, but need to pull that planning together into a cohesive, organized document. And... if you have all of the above and still find yourself unable to start, you might find help in the links below. Happy writing! More help:
Beginning a New Story Figuring Out Where to Start a Story Deciding How to Open Your Book How to Move a Story Forward Trouble Getting Started Have Plot, Can’t Write
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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1e1e1e · 6 months
king undying.
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"This gothic, loosely game-inspired (fear and hunger / bloodborne / ffxiv / elden ring) character template can be used to track your muses in depth as they each get their own individual slides. This template can also be multi-purpose, as in the other slides could be used to track lore, instead of additional characters." - from the shop.
the text on the upper right & left-hand corners is actually lyrics from "brutus" by the buttress! nice little fun fact. then can also be changed, by the way, to any lyrics, quotes, or text of your choosing -- but it must be done manually, otherwise, you risk deleting several images. so please if you want to change it, find the bottom of the text with your arrow keys and manually delete it.
additionally, you can duplicate the pages as many times as you want. please just start by drag-copying the empty space from the page above and then drag to the page below (or your target page), copy, and then paste wherever you want.
editing and modifications are welcome once you purchase the template.
all elements are created by me. If you take inspiration from this document, please credit me as the source of your inspiration.
don't claim this as your own.
please like, or reblog this post if you use my template! 
how to use
click underlined "undying"
download the template via my ko-fi
follow the instructions left on the note attached
once you receive access to the template, go to file  →  make a copy
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rcsea · 1 year
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A multi muse carrd template !
✧ Features: A simple carrd layout with scroll features for easy navigation. Tested to be mobile friendly. Contains a built in page for rules, a page to list your muses, optional individual pages for muses (only one is included with the template for space saving purposes so others need to be added via copying), and a page for rp connections / mains. Elements are linked via style to make changing the colors easier. This is a template, so the graphics do not come with it by default, but I will be happy to send you the backgrounds I used by request (they are unsplash assets). The connections / mains page could easily be converted into your muse roster if you'd rather have a version with picture icons for your muses instead of a list. For those wanting to use muse pages, here is a guide on how to add more. If you have any issues or questions about editing the carrd, you are more than welcome to inbox me here on my tumblr and I will try my best to help you.
✧ Terms of Use: Like / Reblog if you use, please. Do NOT use this for illegal content or to promote hate (this includes "burn books" and callout / vent blogs). Do NOT remove the credit in the credits section of the rules page or make it invisible somehow. Edit as you wish, but no matter how much you change it, do NOT claim it as your own!
✧ Price: Pay what you want! You can get this carrd for FREE , but if you want to help a girl out with a tip, I'd greatly appreciate it 💗 ( Important Note! This template requires Pro Lite or higher to use due to the number of features included ! )
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holdthgirl · 2 years
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❪     👑    ❫      𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑫𝑶𝑴 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴  ! /  a intro template by holdthgirl .
a  fairly  simple  multi-purpose  template  made  with  charas  intros  and  pinned  posts  in  mind  —  all  you  need  is  know  how  to  work  with  clipping  masks  ,  blending  modes  &  gradients  .  everything  is  labeled  ,  but  feel  free  to  contact  me  if  you  need  help  <3  the  fonts  used  are  microsoft  himalaya  &  elephant  . 
click the source to redirected to the dowload link ! this is an essentially free resource, though you can pay what you want ! everything is greatly appreciated, even in a form of a like or reblog ♡
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bloomshroomz · 8 months
I redesigned the polysexual flag.
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I would love it if this got shared around!
Use it in art! Use it in merch! Use it on your pronouns.page! It's public domain! No credit needed!
Reasons for the redesign, flag meanings, additional flags, templates, silly stuff, and emojis below the cut.
As a polysexual person, I have mixed feelings about the original polysexual flag. The simplicity of the flag is good; it has three stripes and three colors. I also like the color choices in concept: pink for attraction to women, green for attraction to enbies, and blue for attraction to men. The contrast between the stripes is pretty good too, though the contrast between green and blue could use some improvement.
However, the hot pink clashes with the green, which can be displeasing to the eye, or even painful. This clashing isn't as bad on physical merch most of the time. I have some pins and bracelets where it looks just fine. But I think that it's important for the flag to be accessible online too, especially since many polysexual people can't show pride outside of online spaces.
There's also a problem with its similarity to the bisexual and pansexual flags. I know that this was done on purpose to show the identities being related, and I think that this is sorta fine. But...
It can be misleading, as I find that polysexuality is often fundamentally very different from the other "big four" multi-spec orientations, i.e. bi, pan, and omni. Polysexual people are not attracted to all genders, while bisexual people often are, and pansexual/omnisexual people always are. The lack of separation between the polysexual stripes implies that we're attracted to all genders as well, when we aren't.
It also makes it harder for us to stand out on our own. Polysexuality rarely gets its own spotlight independent from other identities. Most often, we just get a passing mention in a post about the broader multi-spec community, or get our flag shown in a post alongside several other flags, if we even get that at all. Our flag being so indistinct only furthers this invisibility.
Polysexuality, as a result, doesn't really get to be its own thing. We're just another tag, another flag, another passing mention of validity to tack onto a post that isn't really about us. This can feel really isolating, especially as many of us don't even strongly relate to the other identities that we're often grouped with.
I don't identify as bisexual, not even as an umbrella term, because I don't relate to common bisexual experiences. I am not attracted to binary men, and I'm not attracted to all genders. But "polysexual representation" is almost exclusively about common bisexual experiences, and it isn't ply-focused. The flag adds insult to injury.
So, I wanted to try to redesign the flag.
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I like the colors that are already associated with polysexuality: pink, green, and blue. I want to keep these colors, and I'm also keeping their original meanings. The ply pride colors aren't changing if I have anything to say about it! As obscure as polysexuality is, this color combination is very recognizable and well established in our community, and if applied well, they look really nice together.
However, I've also added two thin white stripes to the flag. These stripes serve three purposes:
1. Visual appeal.
The white stripes prevent clashing between the pink and green, and also add some more contrast between the green and blue.
2. Separation between stripes.
The white stripes allow the colorful stripes to exist separately, since polysexual people are not attracted to all genders. For example, I am represented by pink and green, but not by blue, because I am not attracted to binary men. Another polysexual person might be represented only by green and blue, only by green, etc.
3. Distinction from other flags.
The white stripes create distinction from other m-spec flags. This flag distinction can represent the disconnect from m-spec spaces that some polysexuals experience, since m-spec spaces tend to revolve around attraction towards all genders, which is inapplicable to polysexual people unless varioriented or fluid. M-spec spaces also often revolve around attraction towards at least both binary genders, and many polysexual people, including myself, lack attraction towards at least one binary gender.
This flag distinction also calls attention to polysexuality as its own identity, which does not always need to be dependent on other terms, and can shine on its own. We are not just a tag, or just a flag, or just a label to put in posts that aren't about us. We are a community! We are individuals! We are people! We are experiences!
The flag is still somewhat similar to other m-spec flags in its color choices, so the solidarity with our m-spec siblings is still there! But now we get to have something that feels more like it's for us.
I hope that the difference in stripe size makes the flag more accessible to colorblind people as well, because I don't see many flags with a 2:1:2:1:2 stripe ratio, whereas there are a lot of flags with three evenly sized horizontal stripes.
This flag can be used by all ply people! Whether polysexual, polyromantic, polysensual, polyalterous, varioriented, fluid, questioning, etc... This is for all of us!
Additional flags, templates, silly stuff, and emojis:
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wyrd-syster · 9 months
lend me some sugar (I am your neighbor) | Haladriel neighbors AU | E | 2/2
tell me something true (or tell me nothing at all) | Haladriel "This is How You Lose the Time War" AU | E | one-shot
it's a dangerous game | Haladriel Venetian-style "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" AU | E | one-shot | dead dove
dig up the bones (but leave the soul alone) | Haladriel canon divergence | E | 9/? (wip)
living la dolce vita (I’ve been saving all my summers for you) | Haladriel "Stepford Wives" cult AU | E | one-shot
take a chance and roll the dice (say it once, say it twice) | Haladriel Halloween-themed drabble collection | M | 8/8
there is a light (and it never goes out) | Haladriel Hanukkah-themed canon divergence | T | 1/2 (wip)
sugar and spice (and everything...) | Haladriel neighbors AU | E | sequel to lend me some sugar | one-shot
Total words: 127,458, almost triple my output from last year. I am flabbergasted.
oh boy. Not including wips noted above:
we were angels, once (don't you remember?) | Haladriel immortal soulmates au | M (probably?) | one-shot
break the lock if it don't fit (love sticks, sweat drips) | Haladriel "Ocean's Eleven" AU | E | one-shot (title subject to change)
and on the creature scratches (it doesn't know how to get out) | Haladriel mob AU | E| multi-chapter sequel to oh, can’t you hear that scratching? (there’s something at the door) 
Untitled third installment of the Haladriel like a good neighbor series
Untitled Haladriel Rumpelstiltskin AU
Six completed works written for the Sauron (Halbrand)/Galadriel (Haladriel) fandom, The Rings of Power
it's like I can't consume media anymore without being like "*leonardo dicaprio meme* this could be a Haladriel AU!"
I'm going to say living la dolce vita (I’ve been saving all my summers for you), mostly because of the amount of work I put into it. Honestly, I never thought I'd finish it! I restarted this story six or seven times — I just could not find the voice. But I am so pleased with the outcome. I think of everything I've written this year, this story really underscored to me that, beyond "flashes of inspiration," writing is a lot of hard work that needs consistent attention and practice!
I definitely think this one is it's a dangerous game, my Dr. Jekyll and Hyde AU. I initially started writing this for a Gothic-themed challenge, abandoned for a bit, then finished in a flurry for Haladriel Week. This fic is also a close second for my favorite of the year. I love a Gothic aesthetic and I made sure this story was chock full of it. I was also so purposeful with my writing voice for this story and, to me, it doesn't sound like anything else I've written.
Oh without a doubt, lend me some sugar (I am your neighbor)! 
I mean, this is so subjective, but I think the somnophilia scene from it's a dangerous game takes the cake for me! I wrote it in one sitting during my lunch break and my god was it hard to go back to work after this...
An excerpt from the end of the scene: Instead, he adjusts her skirts and melts into the darkness, leaving her as he found her; boneless and wet, flushed with heat and ripe for the taking. 
Fun is a strong word, but I was the story I felt was most fulfilling to write was tell me something true (or tell me nothing at all). I already had some of the template letter concepts in my notes from a twitter conversation much earlier in the year, and expanding on them, while building the scenes around them, was a really fun exercise.
I'm not going to lie, most of them! I used to be the type of writer who would have one flash of inspiration, write it up at a mad sprint, then quit writing until I was struck with another mad idea. I wrote for so many prompt and themed challenges this year that I was required to be more intentional about story building and more consistent with my writing — even when it was hard, even when I hated everything I wrote down. Felt a lot like muscle training at the gym!
My output really surprised me!! I complain to my therapist all the time that I'm shit at finishing things, but it's hard to deny the truth when it's staring me in the face: six complete stories, two wips that I will complete! And not just the quantity of my output, but the quality too. I am proud of, and really like, everything I published!
I mean, don't ask me how my social life is going lol, but at least my writing life is going well!
Dipping my toe into Dark Fics for sure, which is new for me. But beyond that, just engaging with the fandom as a whole! I firmly believe that writing/story-telling is a communal activity and I am beyond grateful to have found that community. It's the first real fan-space I've been a real part of, and it's definitely improved my writing.
My life is too boring to translate to fic lol. But I did not have to dig very deep to write the depression beats in living la dolce vita (I’ve been saving all my summers for you). A lot of what Galadriel goes through — the listlessness, the anger, the selfishness — is stuff I also struggle with during depressive episodes.
I like them all lol but these are a few that I know others, including my fiancé, have really liked:
dig up the bones (but leave the soul alone): “My lady, if I had a dragon’s tooth for every time you told me not to worry while you went careening off into peril, I’d have a smiling crown for my troubles.”
lend me some sugar (I am your neighbor): And she shatters, then, like glass; a thousand glittering pieces sailing off into the light. Irreparably damaged, ground to dust — edges sharpening as they fall into a mosaic of destruction. There is no end and no beginning. A lifetime of little deaths folding in on themselves, one on top of the other.
tell me something true (or tell me nothing at all): I am drowning in this ocean of blood. And you — you are not here to pull me to the surface as you once did. How could you, when you are wave and anchor both?
there is a light (and it never goes out): She can offer him no words of comfort, no platitudes to ease his sorrows. But she can offer this. The soft touch of her lips to his, the gentle stroke of her fingers across his cheek. She cannot mend a broken heart, but she can hold it for a while, cup it in her palms and keep it safe. She can pour her light into his darkened soul, weave together a dream where they are bound and they are whole. If only just this once.
Literally just having this fandom. Having this community of wonderful, kind, incredibly talented people I can talk to, get advice from, brainstorm with!! I have made so many wonderful friends and I will be forever grateful.
I want to continue developing a consistent writing habit, preferably once a day. Ideally, I'll become to type of girlie who wakes up at 5am and writes for two hours before work, but let's be real, I'm way to sleepy for that!
I also want to focus on two specific things: writing faster and writing less. First, I am, in my eyes, a slow writer — without that "flash of inspiration," it can take me a few days to write a single scene. Mostly because I do not follow my own advice and have to get everything perfect in the first draft. Second — as you can see from this post!!! — I have always been the type of writer who goes "why use one word when you can use ten?" I want to be able to write shorter stories without feeling like I'm compromising on my vision.
chapter two of there is a light (and it never goes out) 
the immortal soulmates AU
dig up the bones (but leave the soul alone)*  (which I think will be on hiatus until I can get a few chapters ahead before posting).
Thanks to @liminal-zone for the format, @conundrumoftime and @thecoziestbean inspiration!
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inquisitor-gayfax · 1 year
✨ Fic Planning and Outlining ✨
Outlining is a huge part of my writing process and something I love talking about, so since I’m currently suffering something of a writer’s block, I’ve put together a step-by-step explanation of my process below. It is important to note that there is no right answer or best way to outline; as with most things it’s just a matter of finding what works best for you!
I would love it if other folks chimed in and added to this with their own tips and tricks!
Let’s learn from each other!
Outlining Tools & Overall Organization
To start with, I use OneNote to organize everything, but there are a ton of programs out there, and you could even do this with different .txt/word files! The main reasons I like OneNote: (1) oo pretty colored tabs (2) tab folders for making sense of the giant pile of WIPs:
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So, I have all the things I’m “actively” working on out in the open, then squirrel away everything else in one of five categories: completed (yay!), short, medium, and long WIPs, then a catch-all category for everything that doesn’t really fit anywhere else.
The Outlining Process
To demonstrate and (hopefully) have a little fun, I’m going to pick a half-baked idea from the “WTF – Miscellany” category and create a new tab as if I’m actually going to write it! So, without further ado, let’s dive in and begin outlining for a multi-chapter AU fic wherein Rogal Dorn and Perturabo are high school girls’ volleyball coaches!
First Page: Tags ‘n Such
I often hear that tags can be the hardest part for writers, which is interesting because this is usually where I start! Something about seeing my fic in the summary format it will eventually appear in on AO3 is very motivating to me, and helps guide my writing. You can always add/change later.
Here is the template I use for easy copy/pasting!
Title: Fandom(s): Rating: Category: Archive Warnings: Relationship(s): Character Tags: Other tags: Summary:
And here’s a screenshot of my first pass for this WIP:
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This gives me a chance to talk about one of my FAVORITE writing hacks, which is… [BRACKET TEXT].
I don’t know about everyone else, but my brain consistently feels the need to get everything perfect on the first try, which is very unhelpful and actively counter-productive! I’ve found that when I can’t get the phrasing of something just right, or I’m still not sure what I’m going for, putting some brackets around the text in question and just scribbling whatever’s in my mind at the moment allows me to move on without getting bogged down.
If it’s in brackets, I give myself permission to be silly, OOC, anachronistic, or messy, and boy is it a lifesaver sometimes.
Once I have the AO3 info fields done, I draw a little line below the summary and start filling in what I call the “brainstorm space” (that inevitable turns into a mini-outline I need to move over to another page at some point). This is another place I allow myself to be messy. I scribble down thoughts on narrative structure, inspirations, setting, key moments/scenes, themes, motifs, stuff I absolutely need to include, and any overarching things that will be helpful to have before planning in earnest.
Here’s what it looks like for this fic:
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Not much there now, but it’s a start, and that’s what outlining is all about!
Second Page: Detailed Outline
A bit of a note here – I used to have a separate page for a “mini-outline,” i.e. a less detailed version, but the brainstorm space basically serves this purpose now, so it’s less common.
This is where the actual structural planning starts to take place. I’ve gotten into the habit of using bracket text here, too, to serve as shorthand summaries of each point. For a multi-chapter fic, I’ll also make sure to note where I think the chapter boundaries will fall, though obviously this is subject to change.
So, a barebones one for this fic might look something like this:
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There’s not much there right now, but that’s fine, because (1) it’s in bracket text and (2) this is just the skeletal structure for what comes next: filling it in as you get inspiration.
My brain tends to want to write longfics, but never linearly, of course. Sometimes I get raw bursts of inspiration for scenes, so the way I work with this is to scribble (on my phone, on the computer, in a physical notebook) whatever it is down at the moment I get it, then plug it in to the existing outline later. This way, I end up building a pretty comprehensive plan for the fic before I even open a word document, and it’s easier to make big choices like chapter contents, scene order, and story progression without feeling like I need to tear apart something that’s already fairly set in stone.
Here's an example of what a partially filled-in outline looks like, from my Celefax Gothic Mystery AU WIP:
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Note that this one is in chart form, which is what I usually go with for longfics for better separation of scenes and ideas.
Pagestravaganza: Additional Pages for Longfics
For one-shots and shorter multi-chapter fics, typically the Tags/Brainstorming and Detailed Outline pages are enough to get me ready to write, but for longfics, there’s a lot more to think about, and additional places to take notes can be helpful.
Here’s an example of all the pages in the tab for that Celefax AU I mentioned above, which has a lot of characters and worldbuilding and all sorts of things that would be difficult to encapsulate in an outline alone:
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For one of my other longfic WIPs, I also have a page where I write down revision notes for the parts I’ve already written as they come to me, so it’s easy to refer back to during the editing process (which I could write a whole other post about).
Another thing I sometimes like to do, especially for one-shots or fics that are from only one character’s POV, is write out a paragraph or two about character emotional arcs. Plot is great, but it can be hard to know where that takes you if you don’t know where each character is starting out and where they end up.
To summarize: The sky’s the limit here. Whatever you need to do to make sure everything comes together, however you need to organize it, however little makes it into the final draft, your outlining/planning document is for you, and you shouldn’t get too bogged down into what needs to be there or whether it’s clean and pretty. As long as it’s helpful to you, it is serving its purpose admirably, and even if it isn’t you’re still learning what does and doesn’t work for you. The way I outline is a constantly evolving process, and different things work for different fics. Feel free to play around!
Writing the Dang Thing
This is the end result, the task for which all your outlining has (hopefully) prepared you!
I’ll be honest: I loathe first drafts. (See above comment about everything needing to be perfect the first time around.)
It’s probably for this reason that I outline so fastidiously, because when I plop my bracket text outline and any pre-written snippets into my first draft, it feels so much less daunting than staring at a blank page.
I can start to fill in the pieces I neglected (scene setting, always), figure out where there might be a need for more connective tissue, and tackle the bite-sized chunks my bracket text outline has created one at a time.
I keep doing that until, ta da! A workable first draft emerges, and we move on to editing, my beloved.
Hopefully this has been interesting/helpful, and please please pleeeeease feel free share your own methods and thoughts and funny bracket text!
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MS Office - Introduction
Microsoft Office is a software which was developed by Microsoft in 1988. This Office suite comprises various applications which form the core of computer usage in today’s world.
MS Office Applications & its Functions
Currently, MS Office 2016 version is being used across the world and all its applications are widely used for personal and professional purposes.
Discussed below are the applications of Microsoft Office along with each of their functions.
1. MS Word
First released on October 25, 1983 
Extension for Doc files is “.doc”
It is useful in creating text documents
Templates can be created for Professional use with the help of MS Word
Work Art, colours, images, animations can be added along with the text in the same file which is downloadable in the form of a document
Authors can use for writing/ editing their work
To read in detail about Microsoft Word, its features, uses and to get some sample questions based on this program of Office suite, visit the linked article.
2. MS Excel
Majorly used for making spreadsheets
A spreadsheet consists of grids in the form of rows and columns which is easy to manage and can be used as a replacement for paper
It is a data processing application
Large data can easily be managed and saved in tabular format using MS Excel
Calculations can be done based on the large amount of data entered into the cells of a spreadsheet within seconds
File extension, when saved in the computer, is “.xls”
Also, visit the Microsoft Excel page to get more information regarding this spreadsheet software and its components.
3. MS PowerPoint
It was released on April 20, 1987
Used to create audiovisual presentations
Each presentation is made up of various slides displaying data/ information
Each slide may contain audio, video, graphics, text, bullet numbering, tables etc.
The extension for PowerPoint presentations is “.ppt”
Used majorly for professional usage
Using PowerPoint, presentations can be made more interactive
In terms of Graphical user interface, using MS PowerPoint,  interesting and appealing presentation and documents can be created. To read more about its features and usage, candidates can visit the linked article.
4. MS Access
It was released on November 13, 1992
It is Database Management Software (DBMS)
Table, queries, forms and reports can be created on MS Access
Import and export of data into other formats can be done
The file extension is “.accdb”
5. MS Outlook
It was released on January 16, 1997
It is a personal information management system
It can be used both as a single-user application or multi-user software
Its functions also include task managing, calendaring, contact managing, journal logging and web browsing
It is the email client of the Office Suite
The file extension for an Outlook file is “.pst”
6. MS OneNote
It was released on November 19, 2003
It is a note-taking application
When introduced, it was a part of the Office suite only. Later, the developers made it free, standalone and easily available at play store for android devices
The notes may include images, text, tables, etc.
The extension for OneNote files is “.one”
It can be used both online and offline and is a multi-user application.
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pois1ns · 4 months
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━━━━━━━━ 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐈 𝐀𝐌 ! 🩷
[ 1 ] :   INTRO.  hi! my name is mae, i'm 25, i use she/her pronouns & i go by est. this is my highly - selective, low activity rp blog for angel dust of "haz.bin hotel." icon border, header template, theme template & psd are both by jessources. all graphics here are made by me unless stated otherwise.
[ 2 ] :   ETIQUETTE.  you know the rules.  no godmodding, bigotry, racism, forcing ships, or hate of any kind . just be a decent person i don't do well with drama & i dislike callout culture & i won't be participating in it in any way. of course i want to know who to avoid, but i would prefer these things to be handled & discussed privately & maturely. if any drama occurs or has occurred with someone i know, i am open to discussing it calmly & in private. another thing i won't tolerate is hate for certain ships or characters on this blog. i am here to explore all dynamics.
[ 3 ] :   FOLLOWING.  if i follow you,  it means i want to write with you! . if not, it's likely because i can't see our muses clicking well or that i am unfamiliar with the fandom. i will soft block if you don't make an effort to interact with me ooc or ic for some time. i will block you if you break any of my rules.
[ 4 ] :   TRIGGERS & NSFW. triggers you might find on this blog include: themes of heavy drug use/substance abuse, addiction, SA, suicidal ideation, SW slurs, self harm, child abuse, abusive relationships, guns, depression, and disassociation. i will be tagging triggers as: "trigger cw" & will happily tag anything if asked. my own triggers include: dissociation/depersonalization/derealization, body horror, trypophobia, & eye gore. i'm happy to write nsfw themes so long as we've spoken beforehand! obviously, there will be sexual themes here as well. i will never write it with anyone who is uncomfortable with doing so; i, however, am perfectly fine writing it. sidenote: angel is intersex as well as hypersexual - he is also a gay man; while he does provide his services to and work with women, he does it for that reason only. i will only be shipping angel with non-female muses.
[ 5 ] :   ACTIVITY & FORMATTING.  my activity is typically sporadic no matter the blog. i do have a life outside of rp & my own mental health to look after. sometimes i'm able to write many replies a day, others only one or none at all. patience in regards to replies is much appreciated & expected. my lengths are usually multi para but they can be shorter or longer depending. never be afraid to send random asks, multiple memes, or turn answers into threads! i love collecting a variety of prompts, but i’m privy to deleting them if they’ve been sitting for awhile or if i can’t think of anything good enough, same goes for threads. sometimes i’ll post one-liner starter calls, but you never have to match my length exactly but i do expect something to go off of. i use small, bold, & italic text. you also do not have to match my formatting & i implore you to tell me if you need it changed for accessibility purposes. my eyesight is not the best, so i ask you to please avoid screenshot-ed replies or using too much fancy text.
[ 6 ] :   SHIPPING. i love shipping with all my heart, exploring dynamics no matter what they may entail is my favorite thing, and i implore you to come to me if you'd like to explore a dynamic of any kind with our muses! note that angel as a whole is very flirtatious. this does not always mean he is interested. angel is also an adult film star, this does not mean he is interested should your muses sleep together. while i am willing to explore toxic dynamics, i will never, ever write acts of SA. lastly, i only ship angel with husk at this time. that being said, if you write husk i will never assume you want to ship with me, personally. if you write valentino, i am open to exploring pre-canon val.angel as well as au's with the two.
[ 7 ] :   VERSES. i will make a post to attach to this later describing them in greater detail (as well as angel's backstory), but my verses for angel are in life, pre-contract, pre-hotel, swap angel based on this au, and an overlord au.
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gyoukukens · 8 months
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#GYOUKUKENS is an independent, partially canon-divergent, mutuals-only MEGUMI FUSHIGURO of Gege Akutami's Jujutsu Kaisen roleplay blog. I am both OC / AU friendly &&. duplicates-friendly. Expect themes of violence, death, mental illess &&. such as of the nature of the source-material. Personal accounts please do not interact. WRITTEN BY #SHUJI. ( Any Pronouns. 21+. PERSONALS DO NOT INTERACT ;; WILL BE BLOCKED ! )
THIS BLOG IS A STUDY IN THE FOLLOWING : never being able to reach one's full potential, heavy depression &&. the mental block of never being able to be enough yet wanting to prove oneself as a being worth of his power, the path of the youth left to mature early ⸻ a depiction self-sacrifice &&. corruption.
MAINS : gojo satoru ( brazenlystrong ) //
SHIP EXCLUSIVES : itadori yuji ( keiteiken ) //
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art credits. icon. header. blog sidebar. interactions: open for mutuals! currently under heavy construction as i get used back to tumblr again ;;
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rules below the read more for mobile users.
before we get started, allow me to introduce myself. my name is shuji. i'm 22 years old and have been on &&. off tumblr for over 8 years. i go by most pronouns by prefer HE / THEY. you're free to contact me off-site if for plot reasons or just to chat.
一 PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME IF YOU ARE A MINOR.  Whilst I understand the nature of my character being a high-schooler &&. what else, I am an adult. I don't want to give anyone the false impression... Please understand that I am not comfortable with minors talking to me in friendly terms.
二 DON’T INTERACT WITH ME JUST FOR SHIPS.  I understand that people love the chemistry but I am also interested in platonic / friendships and also enemy relationships. I am not solely interested in romantic ships with any adult character either as Megumi is 15-17 at most. 
三 PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE WITH ME IF YOU ARE PURPOSELY LOOKING FOR DRAMA.  I am 22 by now, I've been on tumblr for years &&. seen the effect of drama on people emotionally or mentally. Please make use of that soft-/hardblock if you deem necessary.
四 UNDERSTAND THAT I AM A BUSY PERSON!  Please understand I am a busy person and going through my last year of graphic design school &&. have a part time job / other hobbies I enjoy. I will get to my replies when I find the time &&. motivation to write. 
五 DON’T FEEL STRESSED TO MATCH MY FORMAT. Just enjoy writing :) Regardless of how much you can write or not, I will reciprocate however much I deem fit.
六 NSFW.  Not comfortable with sexual threads. Megu's a minor. But I'm A-okay with fight threads due to the nature of JJK!
七 ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.  I'm fluent in a lot of different languages as I am multi-lingual, which means i have a lot of trouble speaking english at times, however feel free to correct me if i make any mistakes. I can also write in Japanese and my bit of JPN knowledge will sometimes show here.
八 ART DISPLAYED DOESN’T BELONG TO ME.  Please note that any art is not mine unless stated otherwise. art will be credited unless it's official.
PSD TEMPLATE WAS MADE BY ME. ( 日本語: ※ もしアーティストさんはアーティストのファンアートが取り除きたいて僕のことを連絡してお願いします。ありがとうございました。 私はおそらくいくつか忘れてしまった。たらちゃんと記載をして、あなたのやグにリンクを貼ります。)
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mosspoppy · 1 year
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| ┊┆ “2005” ┆┊ |
�� — — mid 00s inspired multi purpose template — — —
⁕ ⟨ demo preview ↗ ⟩ — ⟨ buy on carrd ↗ ⟩ ⁕
—┆┊ $3 minimum
—┆┊ uses pro lite (upgrade)
[ — ⁕ welcome 2 amateur carrd maker hour >>> episode 01 season 01 - publishing my first template. just focusing on what i think looks neat and would use. there's not really a function i had in mind for this ⁕ — ]
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togepies · 2 years
Hi there! This is a multi fandom blog, here's what you'll find here!
Cyberpunk 2077 (mostly!)
Mass Effect
for baldur's gate & dragon age stuff follow me on @owletbears
and I post some other miscellaneous stuff on occasion! I tag everything accordingly for blacklisting purposes, I tag common triggers (tagged as cw blood, cw gore, etc.), and I'm open to tag suggestions if you need them. Also worth noting, I usually have a queue going and it's typically pretty long. So if I like your post, you'll see it reblogged eventually. Things I make: art, gifs, and virtual photography.
« Other places to find me » pillowfort | bluesky | ko-fi (for templates)
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« Mobile OC Directory. » these are just the OCs you are more likely to see me posting about. to see everyone, check out my full OC directory!
☀️ Wren Vogel (♡ Johnny) inspo • legacy tag • legacy ship tag
👽 Novalee (Nova) Shepard (♡ Garrus) inspo
💥 Nola (Wey) Weyland inspo
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growwwth · 1 year
Build any site design without coding! You can have a fully equipped website up and running within just a few minutes. Spark WordPress theme is not just a theme, it’s a collection of amazing examples with tons of features. https://visualmodo.com/theme/spark-wordpress-theme/ Build your own website with Visualmodo! 🖥️💻📱
webdesign #HTML5 #CSS3 #template #plugins #themes #WordPress #ecommerce #responsive #retina #marketing #SEO #website #LandingPage #SiteBuilder
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
5D Balance, Laws of Balance, Multi-D Justice - God is, Truth is,
My work, my illustrations, my offering, my channels are of the divine preparation that I have done, been, moving through in all timelines and it is of my property for the means and purpose of human evolution - it will not work, nor bring abundance to anyone that misuses and abuses, and take, steals, copies = all is coded and those not aligned will inevitably fall into their own trap - I am the secret of all making of my work - that is called unique copyright - and what each mean and how to move beyond and thread from -
If you do not believe karma - what does your life look like? Life is constantly showing you the vibrational emotions, emitting you are;
Out & About Sessions ~ Healing With Humanity ~ MultiD Justice
#5Dearth #5Dnewearth
Saboteurs will be their own sabotage - it is just the way our world, new templates, energy works; how do I know .......I am speaking and seeing what your higher selves are planning for you with Source, God, your teams; for it is time to come into alignment and all have been given years to adjust and re-align to benevolence - do you not think that God, AAMichael is not 1000 steps ahead of a 3D person stuck in ego and trickery - do you see the logic of it all?
Eternal all-ness is such; it is bendable light and not stagnant darkness - of which we have offered and now being shown, proven, be it Trump court cases, and what we gave honour, value, power to, and what is truth and pure in its beauty - what is 5D beauty - it is pure truth and alignment of sense of self, inner knowing -
Honouring of who you truly are - the ever escalating being-ness of your soul - expression, healing, interpreters of new information and new codes, and light, the integration and processing of new light; our systems within systems -
Joanna goes out and about - where will she be next? Healing with humanity - the codes of the Divine - come and play - heal, express, expand, play - celebrate our new earth -
#healingsessions, #intuitivereadings
#newearth #healinghumanity #5Djustice #celestialOneness #God #SourceCreator #Pleiades #Galacticfederation
Blessings and light
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mediatechgroup · 2 days
Comparing the Top AI-Driven Email Marketing Software
Hey there, savvy marketer! Ready to dive into the world of AI email marketing software? Whether you're looking to save time or boost your email game, choosing the best AI email marketing software can be a game changer for your agency.
Why AI-Driven Email Marketing?
AI has taken the marketing world by storm. It's not just a buzzword anymore. With AI, you can personalize emails, segment your audience, and even predict customer behavior. All these add up to better results and happy clients.
Key Features to Look For
Before we jump into comparing the top platforms, let's go over what makes AI email marketing software stand out. Here are some key features:
Personalization: Tailor messages to individual subscribers.
Segmentation: Divide your audience into targeted groups.
Automation: Schedule and send emails automatically.
Analytics: Measure performance and adjust campaigns.
Top Picks for AI Email Marketing Software
Now, let’s compare the top AI-driven platforms on the market right now. These are all must-haves for any marketing agency.
1. Mailchimp
Mailchimp is a well-known name in email marketing. Its AI features make it even better. With Mailchimp's AI, you can:
Automate your email sequences.
Segment your audience for higher open rates.
Use AI-driven insights to improve campaigns.
Mailchimp's user-friendly interface helps you get started quickly. Plus, it's very dependable, so you won't often run into issues. Easy peasy!
2. HubSpot
HubSpot is more than just an email marketing tool. It's an all-in-one platform. For AI email marketing, HubSpot offers:
Automated email workflows.
Personalized content recommendations.
Advanced analytics to track performance.
The best part? HubSpot integrates seamlessly with other marketing tools. So, if you're already using HubSpot for CRM, it's a no-brainer.
3. GetResponse
GetResponse is a hidden gem. Especially for agencies looking to step up their game. With GetResponse, you get:
AI-powered email templates.
Automated email sequences.
Advanced segmentation for targeted campaigns.
GetResponse also offers webinars and landing pages. Making it a great multi-purpose tool for your marketing needs.
How to Choose the Best AI Email Marketing Software
So, how do you choose? The best AI email marketing software for one agency might not be the best for another. Here are some tips to help:
Evaluate Your Needs: What does your agency need most? Automation? Segmentation? Personalization?
Budget: How much are you willing to spend?
User-Friendly: How easy is the software to use?
Final Thoughts
Choosing the best AI email marketing software can feel overwhelming. But with the right tool, you can automate your processes and supercharge your email campaigns. Software like Mailchimp, HubSpot, and GetResponse are all excellent choices. They offer everything you need to deliver results for your clients. Remember, the goal is to make your life easier and your campaigns more effective. So, take
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