#Mun Doods
radioweb-district · 2 months
Welcome to the Show!
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In the bustling streets of a city cloaked in dangerous shadows, where every alleyway whispers secrets and every corner hides mysteries, two enigmatic figures cross paths, setting in motion a tale of intrigue, passion, and the unexpected.
We follow Alastor Dawson, a man of charismatic charm and an eerie aura that leaves those around him both entranced and wary. With a past shrouded in darkness and a present veiled in enigma, he roams the city with a purpose known only to himself.
And then we have Dante Salvatore, a figure draped in shadows and secrets, whose piercing gaze betrays the depths of his own tumultuous history. In the heart of the city's crime-infested underbelly, he navigates the intricate web of his own making, always watching, always calculating.
As fate weaves their paths together, a complex dance of attraction and intrigue ensues, blurring the lines between ally and adversary, friend and foe. In this strange world, where the supernatural meets the mundane, join Alastor and Dante on a journey through the shadows of their souls and of the world they reside in, where every twist and turn brings them closer to the truth—and to each other.
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pctaldrunk · 8 months
i spent way too much time on this given it was supposed to be a quick doodle so u kno that's where my 1am-2am went afjkldsjflsk;dfa anyway as promised...actually, there's no muscles!crop top!yao bc i forgot to hit save and my computer deleted it in the middle of the night ajfldsjfa;kdsfl but thankfully i DID remember to save this so anyway first date!yao
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(and bonus for @dreams-of-fate bc thinking about it made me laugh)
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(pinky out and all)
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lockawayknight · 1 year
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crack threads are fun
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When a migraine hits, I feel like all my demons are out, terrorizing and cracking off my fragile human shell, leaving nothing but anxiety and blinding pain
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manygalaxiesinone · 2 years
Random Characters doing the Tim Test (Based on the Tiktok skit by thepandared)
Tim Drake: “You’re one of two well known plumbers that vanished from New Donk City one day and around that same time, a literal princess ends up getting rescued from captivity thanks to the efforts of heroes under those same names.”
Mario: “Mama mia...”
Tim: “You’re literally a walking, talking, blue hedgehog.”
Sonic: “Right, one moment.” Runs off and wears a disguise. “Sword sharped! Get your sword-”
Tim: “You’re still a walking, talking, blue hedgehog.”
Sonic: Takes off the hat. “That didn’t work on you?”
Tim: “The fact that it works on everyone else BUT Tails is astounding.”
Prism Black, Prism Red, & Pink Argus:
Prism Black: “All of us rangers have masks, so I understand if-”
Tim: “You’re Adell.”
Prism Black: “What?”
Tim: “You’re the strongest of the Prism Rangers, capable of soloing all of them and yet you only get called on for emergencies, probably because YOU LIVE ON ANOTHER PLANET!!!”
Pink Argus: “See, I told you Adell.”
Prism Red: “It’s okay Prism Black. No need to feel down.”
Tim: “Piyori Nijino, Yukari Takeba, neither of you even wear your fucking helmets!”
Shantae: “Is there really a point to me being here? It’s not like I make an effort to disguise myself.”
Tim: “That’s an understatement, you’re literally one of the very few half genies that exist in your world and you have a job title of “guardian genie”.”
Shantae: “Huh. I’m surprised you didn’t go over what I’m wearing.”
Tim: “...Did you want me to?”
Shantae: “Nope! I’m good!”
The Defenders of Earth:
Gordon: “Alright, Tim. Let’s see how well you can-”
Tim: “Gordon, Jennifer, Thursday, Kurtis.”
Jennifer: “Well, that was fast.”
Kurtis: “I understand the others, but how did you figure me out so quickly?”
Tim: “Literally all 4 of you work for the government, or at least you used to, Gordon doesn’t wear a helmet, Jennifer shows more skin than Shantae, Thursday is...well...Thursday, and Kurtis might have passed if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s literally the only prinny in who knows how long to receive a free pass from Hades and not have to go through training! Plus you rarely ever say “dood”, like that’s fucking rule #1, even Flonne knows that.”
Gordon: “I told you.”
Kurtis: “Shut it!”
Joker and Killia:
Tim: “Bro, do I even need to say anything? Your name is fucking Killia! How did your allies not pick up earlier that you were Killidia by that alone?! Also, your one of 2 overlords from the Cryo Blood Netherworld who ended up “vanishing”!
Killia: “And we still don’t know what happened to the other one.”
Joker: “Don’t get so down Killia. Not everyone is skilled in hiding their identities like a phantom thief, right?”
Tim: “You’re Akira Kurusu (Mun’s prefered name), leader of the Phantom Thieves of Heart.”
Joker: “...Huh?”
Tim: “Yeah. Honestly, I think you’re doing worse than Killia. You do recall that pretty much ALL of your confidants have figured out who you are on their own right? Little gamer kid, a news reporter, even your own fucking homeroom teacher, man!”
Joker: “Okay, but they only figured me out after I got to know them-”
Tim: “How about the time you got blackmailed by both Makoto and Akechi?”
Joker: “You really gotta bring those up?”
Tim: “And let’s not forget the fact that you hang out with group filled with people who are someway associated with the criminals who had their hearts affected. You failed the test dude, get your shit in order.”
Killia: “Guess this means I should be the leader then?”
Joker: “You’re not helping, bro.”
Minato, Hamuko, and Yu:
Yu: “Okay, none of my confidants aside from my uncle and Adachi figured out I’m the leader of the investigation team, so I should be in the clear, right?”
Tim: “Just like with Joker, you’re commonly seen hanging out with reported victims of a mass disappearance crime which could have led to a mass murder. In fact, you make even less of an effort to hide yourselves compared to the phantom thieves, so no you don’t pass.”
Yu: “Shoot...I’m still the king, though.”
Hamuko: “What about us? Do we pass?”
Tim: “Oh yeah, you and Minato pass for sure.”
Yu: “What? How?”
Tim: “Granted, they’re associated with the current head of a famous company who just so happens to own the school they go to, no one’s going to be able to remember who they are unless if they’re a persona user because of the fucking Dark Hour!”
Minato: “Yeah pretty much.”
Yu: “I call shenanigans.”
Hamuko: “I say deal with it.”
Agent Xero:
Agent Xero: “All the members of the agency I work with has a ring that changes our appearance, so as long as I have it on, I can like I completely different person.”
Tim: *Shows the ring in his hand* “You mean this ring?”
Agent Xero: “...Nooooooooo...”
Tim: *Tosses it to her* “Have that thing size adjusted and then we’ll talk.”
Yukimaru: “I am here to take my test.”
Tim: “Alright, we can determine this by asking 1 question.”
Yukimaru: “I am ready.”
Tim: “How good is your art of the henge?”
Yukimaru: “I...can make clones but, can’t transform yet.”
Tim: “Well until you do, then I’m afraid that you fail simply because of the fact you’re one of the 2 survivors of a clan’s massacre.”
Yukimaru(?): “Very well. I’ll be sure to let her know.”
Tim: “Okay, wait what?”
Yukimaru: Enters the room. “I am here for my test, zam.”
Tim: “Wait if you’re here then...Fubuki?!”
Fubuki: *Reveals himself* “Works every time.”
Tim: “Ugh. Fine you pass. Clever bastard.”
Orphen, Dante, and Bayonetta:
Tim: “Dante, you have a public identity, so that’s an instant fail.”
Dante: “Probably wouldn’t be as fun if it was.”
Tim: “But Orphen and Bayonetta pass.”
Orphen: “Wait, really?”
Tim: “In your case Orphen, you’re not really all that social. Only a small handful of people outside of your classmates at the tower know you and even then, not all of them know your actual name, since you’ve been going as “Orphen” for over 5 years after leaving the tower. As for Bayonetta, despite fighting like a stripper assassin, regular humans won’t be able to see her in action. And even less people know her actual name than you, mostly because almost all the witches died off.”
Bayonetta: “Are you really testing us or trying to tell us that we’re lonely?”
Tim: “...Yes.”
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velcoriaexploration · 2 years
🦑 🤬 👘 (ignore the other ask dood, this one's for the mun)
🦑 - How adventurous I am with food? My mother raised my brother and I with one rule. Try anything once.
🤬 - Favorite swear? I try not to swear, but the one I’ve used the most in my life for sure is shit.
👘 - Do I like dressing up? Depends on the situation. If you mean cosplay? I’ve only done it fully once as Radical Edward from Cowboy Bebop, and I have a “collected trophies” outfit I add to whenever I go to the Ren Fest or conventions where I can get fine pelts or leather armor pieces. If you mean getting fancied up for a party? Only if it’s a formal function. I prefer comfort to looking extra handsome any day.
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lolliepops-rox · 2 years
It's mun!! from crocker corp! (i still am thinking about hal x felix too) -Mun :D
I had a f33ling you'd be the mun from that, but I wasn't sure it wasn't for something I did in the past. I've done alot of things. Howdy-do to u my dood.
I (am always thinking about robots kissing.)
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444names · 2 years
arabian names BUT excluding "h" and with super short (3 letters) names included
Aamin Aba Abad Abalat Abandu Abban Abbani Abbur Abdud Abib Aboun Abt Ack Adene Adul Aff Affa Afreem Aidi Ajib Aki Akoo Ala Alab Alaib Alanbla Aleb Alib Alibi Alid Aliferi Alil Alir Alisima Aliyasa Aljali Alkir Alla Allag Allalil Allatia Alleim Alli Almi Alobai Alqadi Als Alseen Alsi Ama Amdi Amed Amirgir Amjani Ammi Ammiti Amzy Ana Anton Araj Ari Arnajib Asairid Aseen Asid Asmani Atan Atur Audabid Aula Awi Awzim Ayaq Ayatt Azeib Azem Azi Azied Azvi Azzaman Baadi Badat Badwaz Bain Bair Bajmar Baklal Baky Banis Bar Baraz Bariaz Barrik Bat Bayn Beenan Bein Ber Bood Boshiddi Bouadi Bry Brya Bukab Busny Cada Can Com Cour Dadr Damdy Dana Daraa Day Der Dirak Diy Dood Doursy Ebez Eli Elifa Elmadi Elnoja Eri Faadi Fad Fadir Faff Fafitar Faid Fak Faky Fal Fan Far Fara Farami Farda Fari Fariar Farmai Farnawi Farzi Fat Fatib Fawasef Fayell Fayes Fayum Fayya Fouf Fouk Freem Fref Fri Fuawi Fulmari Gen Gil Gin Gir Gou Guidria Guladil Guleer Gullani Iadi Imanem Imual Isin Jabid Jad Jade Jain Jaird Jaliyal Jammain Jammami Jani Jar Jari Jiwande Jum Jumbly Juni Kabet Kabi Kad Kadan Kadly Kady Kaida Kalanna Kamee Kami Kamim Kan Kar Karak Kat Kawatar Kayusi Kazz Keebit Keemair Kin Kobab Kooqi Koun Laafi Lai Lair Laki Lal Lamina Lan Lard Lasma Leel Leira Lil Lub Lubari Mabil Madel Madrouk Madur Maeely Mail Main Majal Mak Malif Malim Malkai Mam Mana Manase Manaziz Mani Maqq Mar Mareb Masi Masry Mat Mausaf Mayyuni Mck Meri Moone Moor Moosein Mori Motfy Moub Moud Moun Mour Moussaf Mubakes Muddi Muf Mun Munad Munada Munusni Muri Muriddi Muslai Mut Muzzan Naad Nab Nabar Nadi Naf Naida Nailil Nairai Naizam Naj Najman Najmin Nakuwal Nam Nami Namy Nan Nania Nanna Nasae Nater Navees Nes Nif Nim Nir Nissi Noar Noumani Nujdary Oba Obabri Obrawis Oder Ofteer Omas Oral Paki Perseya Qad Qadaser Qubnes Qudal Que Qury Qusafri Rabdur Rad Rafis Rair Raj Rakood Ram Ramil Ramin Ran Rani Raniman Rawanif Reb Rek Rem Rezendi Rose Rury Saa Saasem Sab Sadel Saeen Saf Saily Sain Sajed Sal Salad Salasab Salatum Salkikl Samda Samed Samid San Sani Sar Satteeb Sawani Sawaser Say Saya Sayyin Seebri Sein Sey Siffaid Sin Slazir Smaky Somil Suddi Suf Sur Sury Sweinem Tabia Tafaaf Tafi Tans Taqoori Tar Taral Taw Tawageb Tawan Tawi Tawidad Tayub Teed Teen Ten Tor Toub Tue Tumman Turif Udilaka Ulalem Umi Ussay Wadi War Warazri Wari Weib Womri Yalik Yan Yoneh Youd Youe Youn Yubri Yum Yuni Yusani Zadeeli Zadi Zaim Zair Zak Zalem Zali Zalkasa Zam Zamman Zanady Zar Zarrazi Zarsen Zaysal Zeef Zeelmad Zeem Zeeman Zeemani Zeestan Zeim Zema Zer Zerizan Ziaza Zri Zub Zuba
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fineprintinc-blog · 7 years
🖊 [ if there's anyone in particular you like, ]
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((also hell yea i did this on my 3ds bc i was too lazy to find a sketch book or my tablet. if you wanna watch my shitty bad process click right here))
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askthecopynin · 2 years
this isn't an ask kk thing i just really wanna say this is genuinely my fav naruto blog and also how much i love this blog and you and your goofy lil kakashi drawings they're so cute they make me wanna cry and then spontaneously combust <3
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// Omg anon,,, this is literally the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, I'm so honoured to b ur fave naru blog and I'm so glad you like my doodles dfks I love u sm anon I hope u have a great day <33 //
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chattier80 · 3 years
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The yearly level up cuz you are now older. It’s my borthday!
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indulgentia · 3 years
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You can’t take this c-drama version away from me ♡
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 years
//Okay, how about something silly (and REALLY old) to lighten the mood:
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//2006, ew. This reminds me of how I couldn’t can’t draw tricorns.
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benhasdrowned · 4 years
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(Zalgos Str8 Piss Brewery gets their alcohol directly from the source.
Have some Zalgo doodles while I continue to tweek the Discord and next story post. Big Z will make it to the story eventually ;v; I have plans for him.
- MUN. )
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[fave thing to draw: his grins]
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askyancy · 5 years
Reminder to you and mun to drink lots of water and stay healthy! -🦀
I just hads apple juice! and hey its pizza night! We gots pizza party goin on! Bring in de Crab rave! aheh
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