quiltofstars · 5 months
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The Dark Doodad Nebula // Tak@CSLP
Note the globular cluster NGC 4372 at the bottom!
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ljsbugblog · 9 months
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local man slurps from pond.
Common House Fly (Musca domestica).
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lenvelope · 20 days
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“No importa cuanto poder tengas, siempre tendrás una consecuencia”.
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¡Nuevamente otro esperado collab en la comunidad creada por la maravillosa @rousselv en honor a sus adoradas creaciones! Esto marca el 9° aniversario de nuestra querida historia, Tell Me Horoscope-Sama. Agradecemos profundamente la creación de esta historia que jamás ha conseguido dejar nuestros corazones. Esta vez en la edición de constelaciones, aquellas que cumplen nuestros deseos más profundos. Sin más preambulos, ¡feliz aniversario!
© Los personajes originales de este collab son pertenecientes a RousselV de su historia Tell Me Horoscope-sama. Muéstrenle mucho amor. ❤️
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¡Feliz aniversario 9 de Tell Me Horoscope-Sama! [30/08/2024]
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chibinotan · 2 years
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White Dwarf
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chainsawdigestion · 5 months
Aries Season
Inspired by Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. C.1824
Stop motion animated card stock puppets on glass multiplane stand.
Music by Danielle Heal @musicah0lic
The Aries constellation is identified by three low-magnitude stars Alpha, Beta and Gamma Arietis. These represent the horns of the ram. Musca, the Fly, is located above and has been incorporated into Aries in modern charts.
In Greek mythology, the Ram gave rise to the legend of Jason and the Argonauts and their search for the golden fleece.
Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac
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aesthlist · 1 year
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camleecomics · 2 years
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Musca the Irritant Buzzing
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
Chapter Sixteen: A New Addition to the Group
Lucy walked through Podsolnukh, Loke's key in her hand. She looked around at her surroundings every few minutes and listened for any sound that indicated a breaking and entering. 
Just before she, Freed, and Rufus parted their ways to search for the dark mages who were robbing houses every night, Lucy taught her two partners how to channel their magic into a golden key and launch celestial fireworks into the night sky, alerting the other two of the location of the dark mages they were looking for. When they parted, Rufus took Cancer's key and Freed took Libra's key. 
Lucy focused her attention on the group of mages who she was on the lookout for, trying to not let her mind wander to the three mages who she was indirectly combatting, especially Nyx. She tried to not remember how she could feel his dark eyes bore into the back of her head. She tried to not remember how he spoke, sounding as though he truly didn't believe in the mission he and his two partners were on. She tried to not think about how the young man seemed to haunt her memories. It was his memory that chased away what little sleep she used to be able to get. 
The celestial wizard looked down at Loke's key, contemplating summoning him for a distraction. She raised his key, just about to summon him, when she heard the sound of wood breaking and a woman screaming. Lucy whipped around to see a woman being held to the ground by a large, dark figure, and three other dark figures walking into a house, the door seeming to have been broken. 
Lucy raised the golden key into the air and made a circle with it, causing golden fireworks to burst in the sky. Rufus and Freed should be there in mere minutes. She then called out, "Open! Gate of the Lion: Loke!" She then broke into a run as Loke appeared beside her and ran alongside her. She then requiped Taurus' key into her hand and placed the key's blade to her chest, calling, "Star Dress: Taurus Form!" She was then instantly clothed in a different outfit. She paid no mind to the numerous scars that covered her body, her mind too focused on stopping the dark mages, saving the screaming woman, and taking the keys that one of these mages had. 
Lucy and Loke came to a stop before the mages who had just exited the house with an assortment of household items in their arms, shouting at them, "your nights of robbing these innocent people are over!" 
One of the mages who was holding an expensive-looking lamp sat the object down and stalked toward the celestial wizard and celestial spirit, sneering, "and who's going to stop us? A kitty and a bimbo?" Lucy observed that the dark mage was a small woman, seeming to be only slightly bigger than Levy. She had green hair that was styled in a choppy pixie cut and her figureless body was covered in revealing clothing that was similar in style to the clothes that Sorano used to wear. The only difference was that there were no angelic feathers and her outfit’s color was black instead of white. 
Lucy took a step back, forcing away the reminder of Sorano. She then bit back, "we're not alone!" 
The woman crossed her arms over her chest, saying with a tone that was tinged with sarcasm, "really?" 
Before Lucy or Loke could say anything in response, a masculine voice spoke, "really." In a flash, Freed, the one who had spoken, and Rufus were standing beside Lucy and Loke, ready for a fight. 
The man who was holding down the innocent woman released her and walked toward the mages who were threatening them. He waved his fellow dark mage off before he spoke, "I guess we have some pesky bugs to crush." He then made a gesture with his hand, resulting in the woman and one of the men attacking Freed as the two other men attacked Rufus. 
Seperated from her partners, Lucy looked to Loke, ensuring that he was ready to fight. When she got a nod of affirmation, she looked back to the man, who she assumed was the leader and celestial wizard who had the keys she was after, and she launched herself forward with Loke, the pair aiming to punch the man together. However, the large man with dusty brown hair swiftly pulled a silver key out of his pocket and summoned, "Open! Gate of the Tucan: Tucana!" 
In a flash of silver light, a short, young woman stood in front of her wizard, she reacted quickly, calling out, "Orange Fire!" 
Before either could react, Lucy and Loke where enveloped with orange flames. The fire gave off a stench so horrible that the pair stopped in their tracks and began to gag and hack, unable to move past the smell. Once the fire faded and Lucy and Loke were just about recovered enough to continue their attack, they heard Tucana call out, "Rainbow Fire!" 
Loke shouted, "Princess!" He then gave Lucy a hard push, causing her to roll along the ground, further pushed by the explosion that Tucana's second attack caused. Lucy came to a stop when she rolled into the the exterior wall of a house. She groaned in pain as she pushed herself to her feet, ignoring the blood that beaded from the several cuts on the exposed parts of her body, as well as the blood that seeped through her gloves from her fingernail-less fingers.
Seeing that Loke had returned to the Celestial Spirit World, she clenched her teeth, knowing that her close friend had been heavily injured. Anger swelled within her as she took her whip into her hand and bounded forward. As the sounds of Rufus' and Freed's fights filled her ears, she called out, "Earth Wave!" and struck the ground with her whip, causing it to break below Tucana and the dark mage, sending them flying high into the sky with pained screams before they crashed back down onto the broken ground. 
Lucy stood several yards away from them, waiting to see if they were going to attack her again. As she watched, the man hit Tucana upside her head after they both staggered to their feet. He scowled at the celestial spirit, "you useless spirit! You were supposed to kill her!" 
Tucana rubbed the back of her head as she responded meekly, "I'm sorry, Master Ki. I'll do better." 
Lucy clenched her fists, seething at the man's, Ki's, treatment of his spirit. She raised her whip for another attack, however, was cut off before she could begin by Tucana calling out, "Red Fire!"
Lucy was then engulfed by red fire. As the red flames lapped at her exposed skin, the blonde cried out in pain, every lick of the flame feeling as though she was really being burned with fire. She collapsed to her hands and knees, her eyes screwed shut as her burning anguish continued. 
Once the fire had extinguished itself, Lucy was left gasping in pain. The sounds of fighting around her were muffled in her ears, overridden by the searing pain that had taken over her body. Her body tembled as she was enveloped by a golden light that signaled her unwillingly changing her clothing back to the modest shirt and jeans that she was been wearing earlier. She was forced to wait for the killing blow. However, it never came. Instead, she was just barely able to hear a man calmly say, "Spiral Palm." She could hear the ensuing attack, a strong wind that sounded as though it was forming a tornado and the pained screams of her opponents. 
Before she knew it, she was taken into a pair of arms and carried away from the battling. Coming back to her senses as the pain began to dull, she pushed against the hard chest of the man who had her, muttering orders for him to put her down. She finally was set down on the hard ground inside of an alleyway. She looked across from her, ready to kick, when she found that the man who was sitting on the opposite side of the alleyway was Midnight. The man was sitting with his legs criss-crossed and he stared at Lucy, an expression on his face that she couldn't identify, mainly because he was sitting in the shadowed side of the alleyway. 
Lucy stammered, confused as to how and why he was there, "um...w-what are you doing here?" 
Midnight answered, "I came to help you. Thought that extra help wouldn't hurt." He gave a shrug of his bare shoulders. He then gently tossed something to Lucy as he continued, "I grabbed these too."
Lucy looked at the objects that had made a metalic clattering sound as Midnight tossed them to her, finding that three keys were laying neatly in front of her. She gave Midnight an appreciative smile, ignoring the feeling of shame at having needed to be saved that appeared within her. She then picked them up as she stood. She listened to the outside of the alleyway, noting that she couldn't hear any fighting. Knowing that Freed and Rufus were victorious and likely looking for her, she decided to quickly contract her new spirits. 
She looked at the first key, seeing that it was silver in color and had a dragonfly-shaped blade while the bow had a dark blue, unidentifiable, winged bug on a silver background. Knowing which spirit this was, she pointed the blade away from her and spoke, "I connect to the World of Celestial Spirits! Heed my call and pass through the gate! Open! Gate of the Fly: Musca!" 
A flash of silver light signalled the arrival of the new celestial spirit. Lucy found, sitting on the ground lazily, was a young man, perhaps seventeen in physical age, who appeared to be dressed in a fly costume. The young man was picking his teeth with a toothpick. Quickly noticing Lucy, he flicked the toothpick away and hopped to his feet. Lucy took in his appearence. He was dressed in a dark green full-body suit with a dark grey belly. On the back of the full-body suit were costumed fly-like wings. On top of his head, nestled into his choppy, short, black hair, were fake fly-like eyes and antenna, all seeming to be attached to a handband. Despite the fly costume, he was attractive, possessing a cute baby face, similar to Natsu. Plastered across his face was a white, toothy grin. 
Lucy smiled at him politely and spoke, "Hi! I'm Lucy. I was wondering if you'd like to make a contract with me?" 
Musca answered with a voice that was high pitched and slightly raspy, "I would love to!" 
With that, Lucy went on, "great! What days can I summon you?" 
"Any day you want!" 
"And what can you do?" 
Musca jammed his thumb at himself as he answered proudly, "I can do some espionage by turning into a fly!" 
Lucy blinked a few times before she asked curiously, "really?" 
Musca nodded several times before he exclaimed, "watch!" and became engulfed by grey clouds. When the clouds faded, a fly flew toward Lucy and landed on her nose. The celestial wizard couldn't help but chuckle. She thanked Musca and dismissed him, watching cross-eyed as the celestial spirit, in his fly form, disappeared with a silver flash. 
Lucy requiped the new key to join her other keys before she looked down at the next one, finding that the blade was rainbow colored and shaped like a tucan's beak. The silver bow was shaped like a bird in flight. The blonde took a few moments to prepare herself for facing the celestial spirit who she had just briefly fought. 
She pointed the key outward and summoned, "I connect to the World of Celestial Spirits! Heed my call and pass through the gate! Open! Gate of the Tucan: Tucana!"
In an instant, a young woman stood before Lucy. The celestial spirit was small, being the same size and, possessing the same figure, as Levy. She was wearing a strapless dress that had a black bodice with a sweetheart neckline. The knee-length circle skirt of her dress was colored by beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow that faded into each other down the length of the skirt. Finishing the outfit were black, fingerless gloves that reached just below her elbows, black stockings, and light blue flat shoes. Her waist-length black hair was angled in a way that mirrored the beak of an actual tucan. The tip of her hair was white, reminding Lucy of Midnight's two-toned hair. Tucana had a young face, making Lucy think that she was a child rather than a woman. The celestial spirit's eyes were large and black, but had blue circling her irises. 
Lucy quickly took notice that the young spirit was trembling, seeming to be fearful of how her new wizard would treat her. The celestial wizard was reminded of Aries, and she felt fresh anger rise from within her at the thought of that man treating Tucana the same way that Karen treated Aries. She stepped forward, a kind and comforting smile on her face, as she raised her hands in an attempt to calm the celestial spirit. She spoke with a soothing tone, "it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." 
Tucana took a step away, fear filling her eyes. She asked hesitantly, "r-really?" 
Lucy nodded, cooing, "I promise. You're safe with me." Thinking that maybe it would help if she introduced herself, she did just that, "I'm Lucy Heartfilia." 
She watched as Tucana's fearful expression was taken over by what resembled a mixture of awe and surprise. The celestial spirit whispered, just loud enough for Lucy to hear, "you're Princess Lucy?" 
Lucy's smile dropped and she stared at the spirit in confusion. Princess Lucy? When did she get that title? She questioned, "what did you call me?" 
Tucana relaxed a little, answering, "Princess Lucy. That's what many of your spirits call you. They love to brag about being contracted to you, even Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, and Virgo like to brag on occasion." 
Lucy blinked a few times, not knowing what to make of that information. Quickly deciding to brush it away, she put a smile back on her face and responded, "would you like to make a contract with me?" 
Tucana's eyes widened even more and an adorably large smile stretched across her cute face. She nodded her head furiously. Lucy couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable sight. She then said, "I just need to know when I can summon you and what magic you use." 
Tucana answered happily, "you can summon me on any day! And I use Rainbow Fire!" 
Lucy opened her arms, allowing the celestial spirit to hug her, which she clearly wanted to do. Tucana murmured, "thank you, Princess." 
Lucy muttered her response, "welcome to my family, Tucana." With that Tucana disappeared back to the Celestial Spirit World. 
Lucy requiped Tucana's key to join the others and then looked down at the thrid and last key. She observed that the blade was shaped like an arrow and on the square bow was the silhouette of an archer with the string of his bow pulled back, ready to shoot an arrow. Knowing which spirit this had to be, Lucy got into her summoning stance and called out, "I connect to the World of Celestial Spirits! Heed my call and pass through the gate! Open! Gate of the Hunter: Orion!" The silver key glowed before quickly fading to reveal...
Lucy stared at the place where her new spirit should have been standing, confusion clear on her face. Midnight spoke up from where he sat, "isn't this the part where a spirit shows up and fauns over you?" 
The celestial wizard shot a glare at the now chuckling man, stating to him, "they don't faun over me." She then looked down at the key in her hands, muttering, "where is Orion? He should have appeared." 
She shook her head as she turned to Midnight, telling him, "I'm sure Freed and Rufus are looking for me by now. Let's go find them and get to our hotel, then I can figure out what's going on." 
Lucy watched as Midnight nodded and stood up before she walked out of the alleyway to look for Freed and Rufus, hearing the footsteps of the former dark mage follow behind her. 
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normally0 · 7 months
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"Alberti's Literary Flight: Unveiling 'La Musca' and Renaissance Humour"
"Musca" is a Latin pamphlet written by the Renaissance polymath Leone Battista Alberti. The work is a departure from Alberti's more conventional writings on art, architecture, and mathematics, showcasing his literary skills and imaginative wit.
The Latin title "Musca" translates to "The Fly" in English. In this playful and unconventional work, Alberti explores the theme of praising and glorifying the common housefly, an insect typically considered bothersome and insignificant. The pamphlet is structured as a dialogue and is characterized by its whimsical tone.
Alberti employs classical rhetorical techniques, drawing inspiration from ancient Roman literature, to elevate the subject matter. He uses humour, wordplay, and vivid descriptions to present the fly in a new light. The work is a testament to Alberti's ability to find beauty and interest in everyday, seemingly mundane things.
The choice of dedicating "Musca" to his friend Cristoforo Landino adds a personal touch to the work. Landino was a fellow humanist, philosopher, and commentator on Dante's "Divine Comedy." The dedication suggests that Alberti intended "Musca" not just as an intellectual exercise but as a light-hearted and amusing piece to share with a friend who appreciated literary and philosophical pursuits.
While "Musca" is not as widely studied or known as Alberti's architectural treatises, it provides a fascinating insight into the Renaissance mindset, where scholars and thinkers were not confined to strict disciplinary boundaries. Alberti's ability to find poetic and intellectual value in the mundane reflects the humanist spirit of the time, where a curious mind could explore various facets of knowledge and expression.
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nilson-news-blogger · 8 months
Mirelson King- Vão Ver Fumo Motivação Para A Nossa Seleção de Angola (Kuduro)
Música Nova Já Disponível Na Nilson News Mirelson King- Vão Ver Fumo Motivação Para A Nossa Seleção de Angola (Kuduro) 📥 DOWNLOAD MP3 NOW!!
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experience-made-chella · 11 months
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quiltofstars · 13 days
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The Dark Doodad Nebula // Rodney Watters
Near the right end of the Doodad is the globular cluster, NGC 4372.
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mitalco · 1 year
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MaySketchaDay - D22
°˖✧ Insects have also been a lifelong (actual) weakness of mine,
but drawing this made me (almost) overcome my fear ✧˖°
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your-francismusic · 2 years
Francis - Az De Luna
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silis-fr · 6 months
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Trying to remember how to draw pixel art :') Musca & Olya
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collageofnudes · 3 months
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Beate Musca
part 2 / 2 (part 1)
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