#Muslim is a universal group of servants who are humble to the one & only one true God
khutbahs · 4 years
Islam 101: Understanding the misunderstood religion
Currently, the Islamic faith is under tremendous scrutiny from all sides. I often suspect that pundits who deliver their ideological quips regarding my faith do not have much in the way of direct experience nor understanding when it comes to this tender subject. The purpose of this column is to communicate information on the needlessly enigmatic subject of Islam.
Islam is a popular religion. The faith has nearly 1.6 billion practitioners — thus making it the second most practiced religion behind Christianity. Nearly 23 percent of the world is Muslim. The faith is currently growing at a rate that is believed to be the fastest among all major belief systems. Unfortunately, the previous sentence might give some readers cause for alarm. However, these impulses might be neutralized with increased exposure to Muslims and knowledge of the Islamic faith.
The word "Islam" in Arabic means submission. Muslims are those who submit to Allah (“God”). The faith is not named after a particular people, like Judaism, or a particular individual, like Christianity.
Interesting side note: the word “God” is derived from the old Germanic word “Gott” or “Gud," meaning “to invoke or sacrifice to.” Knowing as much as we know about Jesus, or "Isa" in Arabic, he most likely never referred to his deity as “God.” However, there is ample evidence that the namesake he used for his deity had a pronunciation closer to “AaLaH” or “AlaHa," a generic root word for “God” in Aramaic.
The necessary beliefs in Islam are of Allah, the angels, the Quran (Islamic holy scripture), the prophets, the Last Day (day of judgement) and the afterlife. A pivotal belief in Islam is that there is an inherent separation between the Creator and the creation. In Islam, Allah is the one creator and deity, and his creations possess no holiness or supreme powers. This logic is extended to all of the prophets. We believe that the prophets were humans of the highest character and piety, yet they were not worthy of worship.
Also, since no humans hold holiness, we see no need to confess our sins to men, or to seek spiritual endowment from anyone other than Allah. Allah states in the Quran that He rewards good behaviors, among the most frequently mentioned of these are speaking the truth, being kind to family, honoring parents, giving charity, feeding the poor, freeing slaves and studying. Allah also states in the Quran that He punishes bad behaviors; among these are the worship of idols, stealing from orphans, disobeying one’s parents, cheating on one’s spouse, giving false testimony, committing murder or suicide, or enslaving a free person.
Interesting fact: the words "heaven" and "hell" are both repeated in the Quran exactly 77 times.
There is a profound degree of weight in Islam’s messages and, like all powerful messages, they can be used for depravity in the wrong hands. Many men, as we have seen throughout history, exploit feelings of fear, passion and awe to achieve the same old patriarchal end goals: autocracy, the subjugation of women and the suppression of freedom. This has happened with other faiths and other cultures, although Islam does not necessarily promote a single culture. The fault is not in the faith itself, but in the individual practitioners and the misguided outsiders.
This assertion is shared by top United States security officials. Current United States National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster states that terrorists are “un-Islamic” and that we should avoid the term “radical Islamic terrorism” because it is inaccurate.
In my opinion, the best way to neuter terrorism by self-proclaimed Muslims is to ensure that the majority of Muslims around the world have ensured human dignity and fair treatment. When groups of people feel that they are under attack, they tend to lose objectivity and are more prone to radicalization. When Muslims see the injustices being carried out in places like Syria, Palestine and Iraq, it causes many of them — us — to feel demoralized, threatened or resentful.
Under these conditions, the most brutal and archaic of voices in the Muslim world are granted credibility. This phenomenon is present across all societies, including the United States. The brutality here perhaps is not on the level of the Middle East, but neither is the perceived threat among the citizenry. Canada, in the minds of radicals, has issued the Muslim world few sleights, and as a result, their nation has experienced considerably fewer terror attacks than other western nations. Terrorism is unacceptable under any circumstance, but we would be wise to understand and limit its causes.
Back to discussing the faith itself — in Islam, practice is based upon five essential pillars:
Shahada: to declare one's belief in Allah and the prophetic role of Muhammad.
Salah: to pray five times a day (dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and evening).
Zakat: to give charity to those in need.
Sawn: to fast from food, liquids and other bodily pleasures during daylight hours in the month of Ramadan.
Hajj: to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if it is physically and financially feasible.
Some other interesting nuggets pertaining to the practice of Islam:
Abstinence is to be practiced until marriage.
Mind-altering substances are prohibited.
The consumption of swine is prohibited.
While Islam is a strict faith compared to many other belief systems, an often under-communicated aspect of our faith is the great mercy of our Creator. Two epithets that we regularly use for Allah are “Al Rahman” and “Al Raheem," which translate to “the most compassionate” and “the most merciful.” Human beings sin, naturally — Allah understands, and He rewards our struggle and attempts at self-improvement. In fact, it could be said that Allah grades on a curve. The more difficult our fight to righteousness, the greater our reward with Him in the end.
A source of grave misunderstanding regarding the Islamic faith concerns the word "jihad," which literally means “struggle.” The concept of jihad revolves around a struggle for the greater good and the study, practice and preaching of Islam. Unfortunately, in the term’s original usage, there was a lot of room left for interpretation. While both suicide and murder are explicitly listed as some of the worst sins in our entire faith, many people imagine that some gruesome combination of the two ensures paradise and 72 virgins — I can assure you quite the contrary.
There are many ways to fight for the greater good; in fact, I hope I am enacting jihad right now.
Also, many people assume that the Islamic faith is hostile toward the world’s other religions. This is not so. Our Quran reads, “Rest assured that Believers (Muslims), Jews, Christians and Sabians — whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and performs good deeds — will be rewarded by their Lord; they will have nothing to fear or to regret (22.40).” The Prophet’s life mission, endowed upon him by his Creator, was to spread the word of Islam. Yet, when it came to the sizable Jewish community right in Madinah, he established a peace agreement with them and allowed them to continue practicing their religion in peace.
In a letter to the Christian king of Abyssinia, he ends, "I have conveyed the message and now it is up to you to accept it. Once again, peace be upon him who follows the true guidance.” He employed no harassment — and he was the Prophet. Muslims believe that they know the truth, when people believe they know a truth that others do not, they like to get others up to speed. However, many Muslims around the world today would be wise to remember the Prophet’s gentle and earnest ways.
Another source of misunderstanding regarding the Islamic faith revolves around the female usage of hijab — a garment often worn to cover hair. Many in the West have made the argument that the hijab and the burka, a garment that covers nearly the full female body, are instruments of female subjugation. While it is true that some men, like in all societies, attempt to levy control over what the women in their proximity wear, I would argue that the original and true purpose of these garments was to conduce female humility and equality.
Last time I checked, men like to see what women look like — and as candidly as possible. This ogling can have adverse effects for women, including the inciting of passions in unwanted onlookers and the disregard for female cognitive and personal abilities. Islamic scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari states that “a woman is married for her deen (piety), her wealth or her beauty. You must go for the one with deen.” This quote expresses that the quality of a woman should be determined by her character, rather than her beauty or wealth. Martin Luther King Jr. expressed his view on the very meaning of human equality when he stated that his children should “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Humility is an essential value in our faith, and it is not only mandated in the dress of females. Males must stay covered from their shoulders to their knees and refrain from accessorizing with gold or silk.
Contrary to the beliefs of many, Islam since the beginning has mandated women’s rights. In Islam, women have a right to property, education, lawsuit initiation, divorce initiation, alimony and suffrage. Also, falsely slandering a woman’s reputation is a grave sin — as well as spousal abuse and forced marriage. Our beloved Prophet’s own wife, Khadija, could arguably be seen as an original proponent of feminism. She was a reputable businesswoman who traded goods from Mecca to Yemen, had a history of turning down marriage proposals, asked the Prophet to marry her, gave charitably and was the very first person to accept Islam after our Prophet. We revere her.
Interesting fact: the words “man” and “woman” are both repeated in the Quran exactly 23 times.
I will end this article with 
Translations of some popular Muslim phrases:
Assalam Alaikom — “Peace be upon you.” — This phrase is a common greeting.
Allahu Akbar — “Allah is great.” — This phrase can be said out loud or simply thought of on a regular basis.
Alhamdulillah — “Praise be to Allah.” — This phrase is commonly used to express satisfaction with life.
Inshallah — “If Allah wills.” — This phrase is commonly used when Muslims plan or ponder future events.
Bismillah — “In the name of Allah.” — This phrase is commonly used before a Muslim starts something.
Subhanallah — “Glory to Allah.” — This phrase is commonly used to express amazement in regard to things.
Mashallah — “God has willed.” — This phrase is commonly used to express amazement in regard to human achievement.
La ilaha illa Allah — “There is no god but Allah.” — This phrase can used at any time.
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cai5 · 3 years
PERSONAL OPINION - Rahul Gandhi Is A Disgrace To The Nation
Let me add a preface to this by saying that this article is not sponsored by any entity, especially the BJP. These are thoroughly-researched thoughts, written by a tax paying, law abiding citizen (MYSELF).
The fact that Rahul Gandhi has been incapable of leading his party to victory during his long political innings since 2004, should be enough to pull him back to private life.
The sheer number of bloopers he has come up with in the past have even earned him the affectionate nickname ‘Pappu’.
There have been multiple occasions on which, he has completely disappeared from the public scene and taken vacations in foreign lands. How many of you knew that Rahul Gandhi was in Seoul when the nation was erupting against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act?
A decade ago, there was a shocking instance wherein, Rahul Gandhi told a US government official that the threat of Hindu radicals is much greater than Muslim radicals such as the LeT.
For those who might be unaware of this incident, at a lunch party hosted by then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh back in 2009, Rahul Gandhi told the then US Ambassador to India, Timothy Roemer, that he considers the possibility of Hindu radical groups springing up in reaction to the Lashkar-e-Taiba more dangerous for the country than some support for the LeT from a section of Indian Muslims.
As per the story, Rahul Gandhi told the US Ambassador that there was evidence of some support for the group among certain elements in India's indigenous Muslim community. However, Gandhi also warned the bigger threat may be the growth of radicalized Hindu groups, which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community.
Gandhi said, “The risk of a “home-grown” extremist front, reacting to terror attacks coming from Pakistan or from Islamist groups in India, was a growing concern, and one that demanded constant attention.”
It was also reported in 2017 that while speaking at an event at the University of California, Berkeley, that Rahul Gandhi had said most Indian political parties were dynastic and Indian politics functioned like that.
Rahul Gandhi also had the audacity to question the integrity of our brave soldiers and security forces when paying tribute to the Pulwama martrys.
Such behavior has earned Gandhi the honor of being a "known sympathiser" of terror groups like the LeT and Jaish-e-Mohammed.
And what is truly saddening is that sensible leaders of the oldest party of the country cannot muster enough courage to ask the dynasty to leave the party helm in order to avoid future embarrassments.
Not long ago, Rahul Gandhi visited Puducherry and and was interacting with the locals, along with the Puducherry CM. One local was complaining to Gandhi about the difficult life of the fishermen community and how the government was not supporting them. The Puducherry CM, unabashedly lied to Gandhi’s face and translated the local’s complaint as ‘praise for Congress’. What’s worse is that Gandhi, after coming to know of this, did not take any action and just waited for the story to be forgotten with time.
YouTube is rife with his public speeches wherein he showcases his ignorance and lack of general awareness.
It is just sad that Rahul Gandhi and Congress, for that matter, simply tries to find a reason to complain instead of offering solutions. Congress has, on multiple occasions, openly admitted that their goal is to overthrow the BJP. A true servitor of the nation would have said that goal is to help Bharat (India).
He is openly humiliating the country by bad mouthing Indian policies to American institutions via video conferences. And Gandhi’s latest dramatics have been honestly been too much to bear:
During an interactive virtual conversation with former US Under Secretary of State and Harvard University professor Nicholas Burns, Rahul Gandhi urged the United States of America to intervene in India's domestic affairs and questioned America’s ‘silence over what is happening in India’.
Rahul Gandhi claimed that there had been a ‘wholesale capture of institutions’ in India by the BJP government which did not let Opposition parties operate with ease in the country.
"I don’t hear anything from the US establishment about what’s happening in India. If you are saying partnership of democracies, I mean... what is your view on what is going on here?" he said.
"I fundamentally believe that America is a profound idea. The idea of freedom the way it is encapsulated in your Constitution is a very powerful idea, but you have got to defend that idea. That is the real question," he added.
Why should Indians or rather, Bhartiyas, be subject to western dominance? Let me clarify that I'm no Modi Bhakt; personally, I always examine PM Modi’s initiatives, and I do believe that he has had some successes and some failures while in office.
However, running away to foreign forces to ask for help instead of having the gall to face PM Modi shows how weak of a leader Gandhi really is.
Unable to win elections and swiftly sinking the state of the party, Gandhi is now seen to indulge in murky games by asking foreign countries to undermine Prime Minister Modi.
Asking foreign powers to intervene in its domestic affairs is something that Bharat (India) has always resisted and rightly so. Any genuine servant of the nation, always knows that foreign intervention always undermines a nation’s democratic integrity and undermines the self-esteem of its citizens.
Rahul Gandhi needs to work diligently in rebuilding the party and aim to create a vibrant and responsible Opposition. That takes a lot of hard work and if the roughly 17 years of Gandhi’s political career have been any indication, he seems incapable of measuring up to the task.
I hope I wasn’t ranting endlessly during this article. I just had a strong innate feeling that this should be put on the Internet. I am only putting this in my small and humble space. I don’t know how many people will even read it, but I simply wanted to let the world know of my perspective.
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Silk Spices and Lies Part 5
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Ahhhh, the angst. Tagging @waiting4inspiration​  SEE HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE LEFT ON A CLIFF HANGER?! IT’S NOT NICE IS IT? It’s amazing I totally see why you do it. @inforapound​ and @gearhead66​ because you wanted to be tagged. And if anyone else wants to be tagged, let me know. 
Silk Spices and Lies 
Part 5
After that Harald and yourself almost became inseparable and when Harald insisted that you see the kingdom you’d be queen over if your Sultana released you- you couldn’t wait to see it. 
When you arrived you stared in awed wonder at the whale bones marking the entrance to the small city. It wasn’t grand like Constantinople, nor was it as magnificent as other kingdoms you had seen- it was small- but thriving and you knew even great kingdoms had to start from somewhere that even Constantinople was once small and humble like this in the beginning. 
“I know my kingdom is small.” King Harald admitted. “If you are disappointed…” King Harald feared. 
“Nonsense. Do not speak of such things that are not true. I am not disappointed at all. I see great and unfathomable potential here and it’s obvious that it has the markings for greatness. I see them as clearly as I see you. I would be happy to rule such a kingdom with you Harald. All great Empires started small and grew into great things- and this kingdom of Norway will be no different. I will be more than happy to watch as this kingdom does the same all around me for the rest of my life that I will spend here.” You told him and you would have thought that you had told him that you were pregnant with his child at how happy he was as held you like you were the most precious being in the universe before you dropped your veil to kiss him, each of you pouring your souls into the kiss. 
“Then I have an engagement ring for you.” He announced before he produced a small gold ring and placed it on your hand. 
“This ring will never leave my hand, I must hurry back to Constantinople, even if she does not release me- I will find my way back to you, and back to this place, one way or another.” You swore. 
“I will go with you.” Harald insisted. 
“But you are King, you can not leave…” You tried to argue but he silenced you with another kiss. 
“For my Queen? I’ll travel to the ends of the earth.” Harald professed as he held your face, marveling at your beauty. 
“Are you sure? It’ll take months- through strange lands where there are kingdoms greater than your own- I do not wish for you to be embarrassed or humiliated in any way.” You worried. 
“I am humble enough to endure whatever I have to for you, I have been waiting my whole life for you. Seeing kingdoms greater than my own will only inspire me to make Norway the greatest kingdom ever, even greater than any I will see.” Harald insisted. 
“My Love, if you do not take me to a bed this instant than you’ll have to wait to bed me until we get back from our journey.” You told him and you did not have to say another word before he grabbed you up and threw you over his shoulder and carried you to his bedroom as you cackled in delight. 
“My King, so eager.” You teased as you practically ripped your own clothes off. 
“Is my Queen not eager also?” He teased you back. 
“Very much so.” You confirmed as you pulled him on top of you before he flipped you both so that he was under you. 
“Do that belly dancing on me.” Harald requested which made you laugh as you held his hands for balance and impaled yourself on him and began to do as he requested and smiled brightly as his eyes nearly rolled back into his head before he had to stop your hips with his hands to keep himself from losing his load to quickly. You were going to be his queen, he had to prove that he could please you first. 
The surprised keen you made when he drove up into you had him smiling in satisfaction before he grabbed your bountiful breasts and pulled you down so he could suckle on them as you rested your elbows on either side of his head as your hips continued to grind onto his. He was so thick and long enough to hit the top of your womb, he was the largest you had ever ridden and it was taking no time at all to chase your own pleasure with such a magnificent member inside of you. Who knew that he had been hiding a monster in his trousers this whole time and when he had flipped you over to your back as his hips really started to pound into yours- your legs gripped his waist like a vice as you clawed at his back and arms as you cried out your pleasured release as Harald felt your walls inwardly flutter and milk him before his hips quickly jerked and he released his seed into you. 
You made love several more times, having food brought to you by Harald’s servants so that you didn’t have to leave and only when Harald ran out of seed to give you- did you finally cease and collapsed into a sated heap of entangled limbs in the bed. 
Only when you had had your fill of each other did you return to Constantinople, choosing the quickest and easiest routes that would make sure you did not have any trouble on your journey. 
Your first stop on dry land however- was your most feared- since it was a Shah’s kingdom where you had been sent to murder the Shah so that his son who was more in favor of the trade agreement with your Sultana would inherit his father’s status. 
You needed to stay in hiding in plain sight and chose to cover yourself more than usual, choosing to wear a full burka. 
“Why do hide yourself?” Harald asked. 
“Because it is the custom here, plus I am yours- I can not risk any other man seeing me and wanting me and you being found guilty of murder defending me because you could be beheaded for such a thing and I can’t risk you or your safety. So I must protect you and me by remaining hidden while we’re here.” You tried to explain to pacify him as the translators caught on to your tone- there was more to it than that. This was the one of the few places that you didn’t presume on your status as the Sultana’s lady in waiting to make sure your party was hosted. There was something about this place that you were afraid of. They had to find it to find a way to take you from that heathan king. For it was forbidden for a muslim woman to marry of her own free will someone who was not muslim himself and they knew that your father would never allow such a thing. So they made inquiries to the Shah’s household since the Shah should know all that is going on in his kingdom, at least his servants should. 
“Greetings,” the steward greeted. 
“Yes, we are accompanying Lady Shahana, Sultana Mahiam’s lady in waiting and we are on our way back to the capital…” the began to explain. 
“Oh! You need to talk with the Shah- he is allies with the ruling family in Constantinople- come, come.” The steward urged as he led them to the Shah where they explained the situation. 
“Why did you not say something on your way through before? We would have loved to host your party and Lady Shahana especially.” The young Shah eagerly invited. 
“Well, you see there is more than just her with us- we have heathen Norsemen- Vikings- with us too, we would not wish to pollute your house.” The interpreters explained. 
“Nonsense- they are going to Constantinople yes? To see the Sultan and Sultana- how could I not also have the pleasure of hosting them as well. Allah loves all.” He argued and they had to admit he had a point so they went back to your group and explained that you were invited to the Shah’s household. You got Harald and Hvitserk dressed in appropriate attire. 
“Why are you anxious My Love?” Harald asked as he stopped your hands from tightening his belt any tighter. 
“The last I knew- Shah Sulim Akbar was not an ally with my Sultana, I did not think we would be welcomed there when we passed through the first time. Please Harald- do not let me out of your sight and keep control of your temper, please.” You begged and pleaded. 
When you entered the Shah’s home, Shah Jordan Akbar welcomed you all warmly. 
“Welcome, welcome!” He welcomed you. 
“I am Shah Jordan Akbar, I am pleased to have you as my guests.” He said. 
“Who is Lady Shahana?” He asked and you forced yourself to come forward and knelt down. 
“I am your highness,” you identified yourself before you introduced everyone in your party. 
“Why did you deny me the privilege of hosting you before?” Jordan asked. 
“Forgive me, when we left, the Sultana informed me that you had just lost your father- I would not trespass onto your hospitality in your grief.” You answered. 
“While it is true that at the time, my father had only been dead a couple of days- perhaps you were wise. But at least I have the privilege of hosting you now. Please sit.” He invited. 
“Forgive me, and please do not think me rude but how did he die?” The interpreters asked as you glared at them through your viel. 
“His heart gave out.” Jordan answered. 
“Please accept our deepest sympathies and condolences.” You offered. 
“Well he did have one of life’s great pleasures before he passed, he had spent the night with the most amazing dancer I had ever seen.” Jordan admitted as his cheeks flushed and his smile bashful as you recalled bedding him before you bedded his father and prayed to Allah that he would not recognize you. 
“Oh? Lady Shahana is a great dancer too. But she only dances for royalty.” The interpreters teased and if you could have choked them- you would have. 
“Oh?” Jordan grinned happily at you. 
“Surely I can not compare.” You excused yourself. 
“I would not ask my guests to perform, you have traveled far- you should rest.” Jordan assured you and you blew out a breath of relief. 
“Was she very beautiful?” The interpreters pressed. 
“Very- she had eyes of amethysts.” Jordan praised. 
“Amethysts?” Harald repeated. 
“These.” Jordan said as he showed him the purple gemstones in his jewelry. 
“Are that colored eyes rare?” Harald asked. 
“Very rare- I have never seen eyes like that before.” Jordan praised. 
“Lady Shahana has such eyes.” The interpreters announced. 
“Please Lady Shahana, may I see?” He asked and you removed just the portion of your veil to lower your eyes. 
“There are pockets of people in the mountains of Arabia who all have such eyes, I should think she would have come from one of them.” You explained. 
“Is that where you are from?” The interpreters gathered. 
“Yes- my family are goat herders and farm poppy for their milk.” You answered before you quickly put your veil back on over your eyes. 
“But for this woman to be such a great dancer- she may be the daughter of the Shieku tribe- they learn music and dance from infancy, for it was through them that I learned my own skills.” You answered. 
“Perhaps, plus she was an acrobat since she could climb silks better than monkeys could climb trees.” 
“Well what a coincidence because Lady Shahana does that too!” The interpreters announced and if you had a knife at your disposal you would have stabbed them already. They were trying so hard to blow your cover. 
“Your point?” Harald growled. “Are you implying that this great dancer was Lady Shahana? That she was somehow responsible for his father’s death?” Harald asked with a snarl. 
“No, no of course not.” They quickly answered but the Shah didn’t ask and ripped away your veil and grabbed you by the throat. 
“It is you! You killed my father!” He roared as his men quickly held everyone at sword point. 
“You said yourself his heart gave out- how can you hold anyone accountable for such a thing?” You questioned as you struggled against his hold on you. 
“Because the last thing he ate was poisoned nuts that made his heart fail,” Jordan snarled. “You are an assassin! I see your Sultana has promoted you.” Jordan said before he ordered your arrest and for you to put to death at sunrise but to be taken to the dungeons. 
“Happy you bastards?” You roared at your interpreters. 
“Why would you do this? Harald asked them. 
“Because she is Muslim and you are a heathan- it is forbidden she should be yours.” They answered before Harald looked at Hvitserk who nodded took their knives from the table and killed the interpreters themselves. 
“Shah, please, don’t kill her- if she is who you say she is- then let me take her back home with me. She will be alone in Norway, the only muslim there and I’l...I’ll forbid her from serving her god, surely that must be worst than the death you’re ordering for her.” Harald pleaded. 
“Now, she must die, I must avenge my father.” The Shah maintained. 
“Can’t she even be ransomed to the Sultana? Surely her weight in gold or jewels or anything else would be better.” Harald tried to bargain. 
“No.” The Shah spat. “Can you get on her horse and ride to the Sultana?” Harald asked Kezia. 
“Not nearly in enough time, we have to find a way to free her.” Kezia answered. 
“Can I please speak to her at least? To either confirm or deny these accusations?” Harald asked. 
“I will not deny the request of a guest.” Jordan begrudgingly agreed as he had Harald escorted down to see you chained to the wall like an animal. 
“Harald, you need to get out of here, you need to go home.” You pleaded as your tears ran like rivers from your eyes. 
“I am not going home without you. Surely he must be mistaken. Surely you weren’t the one to…” Harald began to argue in norse before you gave him a look. 
“Harald- you deserve the truth. I am guilty of what I am being accused of. I am an assassin for my Sultana, that’s how I serve her. I have never been a lady in waiting of hers. Only a servant to do her dirty work. She will disavow me. She will not rescue me. I don’t think anyone can. I’m only sorry that this is how you found out.” You apologized. 
“Did you think that I wouldn’t love you if I did?” Harald asked as you nodded. 
“Hana, if anything, this makes me love you more. You are perfect in every way and the fact that you know poisons that imitate a heart fail- is the most epic thing I’ve ever heard of.” Harald praised which got you to laugh as he reached out. 
“Is there anything I can possibly do to get you out of here?” Harald asked. 
“Actually…” you realized before you gave him a key and very express instructions before he left and you prayed that it would work out according to your plan.
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mehrauli · 4 years
The shaikhs of Deoband did not treat the rich with any special consideration, and were, perhaps, more critical of them than of the poor. Shah 'Abdu'r-Rahim was recorded as being "distracted with the great but familiar with the poor.” Muhammad Qasim never once met with Deoband’s benefactor Nawwab Muhammad ‘Ali Khan of Chhatari despite the latter's deep desire that he do so. He refused to see Nawwab KaIb 'Ali Khan of Rampur when summoned, and he ignored the invitations of the great trader Shaikh 'Abdu'l-Hakim of Meerut. When the 'ulama associated with the great, it was on their own terms. Rashid Ahmad, who knew and loved Mahmud 'AIi Khan, none­theless advised the latter's employees to leave him when he was using money against the norms of the shar'iat. Muhammad Qasim left Galaothi when Sayyid Mihrban 'Ali, who had founded both a madrasah and a mosque, struck a humble servant. Muhammad Qasim flaunted class and family distinctions to accept any invitation from a humble person. Once when he went to the house of a weaver, his aristocratic disciple Ahmad Hasan Amrohawi was appar­ently so shocked "that it was as if he had been struck by a bullet." Muhammad Qasim simply insisted that he, too, call there. On another occasion someone sent Muhammad Qasim some coarse cloth, which he used for coats for both himself and Amrohawi. He personally greeted humble callers and, contrary to his custom of refusing gifts while traveling, accepted their small offerings so as not to disappoint them. Both he and Rashid Ahmad were sufficiently humble in dress and deportment to be mistaken for poor people them­selves. They also denied the status inherent in their positions as teachers and shaikhs. Rashid Ahmad told stories illustrative of the superiority of disciples over shaikhs, and of dis­ciples who had aided their shaikhs in their religious life. When Muhammad Qasim once erred in one of his rare fatawa, he not only accepted the correction of a disciple but went on foot to the home of the humble questioner to tell him. Such stories of the humility of the shaikhs are stories told of their immediate forebears, of Muslim saints throughout history, and indeed, of saints of all kinds. They are not for that less true, for pious men aspired to the model of those who had gone before. The holy man was believed to be, and, in fact, was "the stranger" untouched by the concerns of place and practicality that motivate and bind most men. In this case he did not withdraw from society but lived in it with detachment. He still could prac­tice the tark ο tajrid, abandonment and separation, char­acteristic of Muslim piety, and was thus presumed to speak from moral concerns alone, not from the interests of a single class or social group. He affirmed universal truths, and he affirmed the unity of a community that transcended divisions of wealth and birth. Religious leaders of this sort were perhaps particularly valued in a period that lacked Muslim political institutions to affirm communal unity. The humility of the shaikhs did not render them weak in their encounters with other people but rather inspired awe and respect. The central metaphor to describe their per­ sonalities was, as described above, one of power, quwwat-i quddsiyyah.
Islamic Revival in British India: Deoband, 1860-1900
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basicsofislam · 4 years
ISLAM 101: Muslim Beliefs: Existence and Oneness of God Almighty: TAWHID (GOD’S ONENESS)
All religions revealed to the Prophets have the same essence. Over time, however, the original message was misinterpreted, mixed with superstition, and degenerated into magical practices and meaningless rituals. The conception of God, the very core of religion, was debased by anthropomorphism, deifying angels, associating others with God, considering Prophets or godly people as incarnations of God (Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, and Rama), and personifying His Attributes through separate deities.
The Prophet rejected such theological trends and restored the conception of God as the only Creator, Sustainer, and Master of all creation to its pristine purity. Thus, as John Davenport puts it:
Among many excellencies of which the Quran may justly boast are two eminently conspicuous: the one being the tone of awe and reverence which it always observes when speaking of, or referring to, the Deity, to Whom it never attributes human frailties and passions; the other the total absence throughout it of all impure, immoral and indecent ideas, expressions, narratives, etc., blemishes, which, it is much to be regretted, of too frequent occurrence in the Jewish scriptures.
Tawhid, Divine Unity and Oneness, is clearly observed throughout the universe. If we look at ourselves and our environment, we easily discern that everything depends upon this principle. For example, our bodily parts cooperate with each other. Each cell is so connected with the whole body that the One Who created it must be He Who created the body. Likewise, each element comprising the universe is interrelated and in harmony with each other element and the universe as a whole.
Given this, the only logical conclusion is that the same Creator Who created the particles created the universe, and that the motion of subatomic particles is the same as that observed in the solar system. Everything originates from “one” and returns to “one”: We originated the first creation, so We shall bring it back (to its former state) again (21:104). A tree, for instance, grows out of a seed or a stone and finally results in a seed or a stone. This strict obedience to the One Who established that order explains why the universe is so orderly and harmonious. As the Creator, One, All-Omnipotent and All-Knowing, operates it directly, how could it be otherwise? As the Qur’an reminds us:
Each god would have taken off what he created, and some of them would have risen up over others. Had there been gods in Earth and heaven other than God, they both would have been in disorder. (21:22)
Tawhid is the highest conception of deity that God revealed to us through His Prophets, among whom were Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Over time, people deviated from the pure teachings after their Prophets died. Turning to polytheism or idolatry, they relied upon their own faulty reasoning, false perceptions, and biased interpretations to satisfy their lusts. Such a course is impossible with a tawhid-based system, for this requires that they obey only the One Supreme God’s commandments.
‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib is reported to have said:
The foremost in religion is God’s knowledge, the perfection of His knowledge is to testify to Him, the perfection of testifying to Him is to believe in His Oneness, the perfection of believing in His Oneness is to regard Him as pure, and the perfection of His purity is to deny all kinds of negative attributes about Him.
He is infinite and eternal, self-existent and self-sufficient. As stated in the Qur’an:
He is God, One, needy of nothing and Everlasting Refuge; He begets not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him. (112:1-4)
There is nothing like or compared unto Him. (42:11)
Vision perceives Him not, and He perceives all vision; and He (alone) is the All-Hearing and All-Seeing. (6:103)
In the words of ‘Ali:
He is Being but not through the phenomenon of coming into being. He exists but not from non-existence. He is with everything but not by physical nearness. He is different from everything but not by physical separation. He acts but without the accompaniment of movements and instruments. He is the One, only such that there is none with whom He keeps company or whom He misses in his absence.
God’s Attributes cannot be transferred or present in another, since they are infinite. One who cannot keep himself alive cannot give life to others. One who cannot protect his own power cannot govern the vast universe. The more one reflects, the clearer it becomes that all divine powers and attributes must exist in only in that one particular being.
Implications of Tawhid
Monotheists, those who believe in Tawhid, cannot be narrow-minded. Their belief in One God, Creator of the heavens and Earth, Master of the east and the west, and Sustainer of the universe, leads them to view everything as belonging to the same Lord, to Whom they belong as well. Thus they consider nothing as alien. Their sympathy, love, and service are not confined to any particular race, color, or group, and they come to understand the Prophetic saying: “O servants of God, be brethren!”
Monotheism produces the highest degree of self-respect and self-esteem in people. Monotheists know that only God has true power, can benefit or harm them, fulfill their needs, cause them to die, or wield authority and influence. This conviction makes them indifferent to and independent and fearless of all powers other than those of God. They never bow in homage to any of God’s creatures.
Monotheists, although humble and mild, never abase themselves by bowing before anyone or anything except God. They never aim at any advantage by their worship, even if that advange is Paradise. They seek only to please God and obtain His approval.
Monotheists, although naturally weak and powerless as human beings, become powerful enough through their Lord’s Power to resist the whole world. They are virtuous and altruistic, for their purpose is to gain God’s approval by working for His good pleasure. Boisterous pride of power and wealth can have no room in their hearts, for they know that whatever they possess is bestowed by God, and that God can take away as easily as He can give.
Monotheists know that the only way to success and salvation is to acquire a pure soul and righteous behavior. They have perfect faith in God, Who is above all need, related to none, absolutely just, and without partner in His exercise of Divine Power. Given this belief, they understand that they can succeed only through right living and just action, for no influence or underhanded activity can save them from ruin. However, some believe that someone has atoned for their sins; and others assert that they are God’s favorites and thus immune to punishment. Still others believe that their idols or saints will intercede with God on their behalf, and so make offerings to their deities in the belief that such bribes give them a license to do whatever they want. Such false beliefs keep them entangled in sin and evil, and their dependence on such deities cause them to neglect their need for spiritual purification and for living pure and good lives.
Monotheists do not become hopeless and disappointed. Their firm faith in God, Master of all treasures of Earth and the heavens, and Possessor of limitless grace and bounty and infinite power, imparts to their hearts extraordinary consolation, fills it with satisfaction, and keeps it filled with hope. In this world they might meet with rejection at all doors, nothing might serve their ends, and all means might desert them. But faith in and dependence on God, which never leave them, give them the strength to go on struggling. Such a profound confidence can come only from belief in the One God. Such a belief produces great determination, patient perseverance, and trust in God. When they decide to devote their resources to fulfilling the Divine Commands to secure God’s good pleasure and approval, they are sure that they have the Lord of the Universe’s support and backing.
Many polytheists and atheists, on the other hand, usually have small hearts and depend on limited powers. Thus their troubles and the resulting despair soon overwhelm them and, frequently, they commit suicide. Professor Joad’s testimony is explicit on this point:
For the first time in history there is coming to maturity a generation of men and women [in the West of the 1950s] who have no religion, and feel no need for one. They are content to ignore it. Also they are very unhappy, the suicide rate is abnormally high. (Phillip K. Hitti, History of the Arabs, 6th ed. (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1956), 129.)
As opposed to this, a non-Muslim historian who is not sympathetic to Islam, writes the following about Tawhid:
In this uncompromising monotheism, with its simple, enthusiastic faith in the supreme rule of a transcendental being, lies the chief strength of Islam. Its adherents enjoy a consciousness of contentment and resignation unknown among followers of most creeds. Suicide is rare in Muslim lands. (The Present and Future of Religion, quoted by Sir Arnold Lunn, And Yet So New (London: Sheed and Ward, 1958), 228).
Monotheism inspires bravery, for it defeats the two factors that make people cowards: fear of death and love of safety, and the belief that someone other than God can somehow be bribed into postponing one’s death. Belief in the Islamic creedal statement that “there is no deity but God” purges the mind of these ideas. The first idea loses its influence when people realize that their lives, property, and everything else really belong to God, for this makes them willing to sacrifice whatever they have for God’s approval. The second idea is defeated when people realize that no weapon, person, or power can kill them, for only God has this power. No one can die before his or her appointed time, even if all of the world’s forces combined to do so. Nothing can bring death forward or push it backward even one instant. This firm belief in One God and dependence upon Him makes monotheists the bravest of people.
Monotheism creates an attitude of peace and contentment, purges the mind of subtle passions and jealousy, envy and greed, and prevents one from resorting to base and unfair means for achieving success. Monotheists understand that God holds their wealth; that He bestows honor, power, reputation, and authority as He wills and subjects them to His Will; and that their duty is only to endeavor and struggle fairly. They know that success and failure depend upon His Grace, for no power can block His Will to give or not to give. They also know that they must strive to deserve His Grace. But many of those who do not believe in God consider success and failure to be the result of their own efforts or by the help of earthly powers, and do not take God’s Grace and Will into consideration. Therefore they remain slaves to cupidity and envy, and use bribery, flattery, conspiracy, and other base and unfair means to achieve success.
Monotheism makes people obey and observe the Divine Law. Monotheists know that God is aware of everything, whether hidden or open, and is nearer to them than their jugular vein. If they sin in secret even under the cover of night, God knows it. He knows our unformed thoughts and intentions, even those of which we ourselves are unaware. We can hide things from people, but not from God. We can evade everyone, but not God’s grasp. The firmer our belief in this respect, the more observant we will be of His Commands. This is why the first and most important condition for being a Muslim is to have firm and sincere faith in God’s Oneness.
This is also the most important and fundamental principle of the Prophet’s teachings, as well as Islam’s bedrock and the mainspring of its power. All other beliefs, commands, and laws of Islam stand firm on this foundation. Lastly, we quote the remarks of Dr. Laura Veccia Vaglieri, a famous Italian Orientalist, concerning the universal spirit of Islamic monotheism:
The Prophet, with a voice which was inspired by a deep communion with his Maker, preached the purest monotheism to the worshippers of fetish and the followers of a corrupted Christianity and Judaism. He put himself in open conflict with those regressive tendencies of mankind which lead to the association of other beings with the Creator.
In order to lead men to a belief in one God, he did not delude them with happenings which deviate from the normal course of nature. Rather, he simply invited them, without asking them to leave the realm of reality, to consider the Universe and its laws. Being confident of the resultant belief in the one and indispensable God, he simply let men read in the book of life.
Thanks to Islam, paganism in its various forms was defeated. The concept of the Universe, the practices of religion, and the customs of social life were each liberated from all the monstrosities which had degraded them, and human minds were made free of prejudice. Man finally realized his dignity. (Vaglieri, Laura Veccia, Apologia dell Islamismo. Washington: American Fazl Mosque [1957]; trans.
Aldo Caselli, An Interpretation of Islam. Beirut: Laila Khalidy Memorial Foundation [1957?], 30-33.)
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questionsonislam · 5 years
How did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) practice his prayers?
Our Prophet’s way of practicing prayers is as explained in Islamic catechism books. This issue is explained in fards, sunnahs and wajibs of prayers. However, the psychological state of the Prophet when starting prayer is very important.
Hazrat Aisha narrates: The Messenger of Allah talked to us and we talked to him. However, he was as if he had not recognized us when it was time for prayer, and he turned to Allah with his all existence. (Fazail-i A’mal p.303).
The Companions asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh):
- “Allah the Glorious states in chapter al-Fath that He forgave you totally. So, why are you still practicing so long and infinite prayers?”
The Lord of the Universe (pbuh) answered:
-“Why shall I not be a thankful servant to Allah?”
As stated in a hadith, while the Messenger of Allah was practicing prayers, a sobbing cry sound like the sound of a grinding mill used to come from his blessed chest.
As narrated from Hazrat Aisha, while the Messenger of Allah was practicing prayers, some sounds like sound of boiling pot used to come from his chest. (Ibn-i Maja, Mukaddima, 3).
As our reverend mother Hazrat Aisha narrated, the Messenger of Allah used to continue practicing tahajjud prayer at nights for a very long time until his blessed feet swelled up. His reverend wife, impressed by this situation, asked: “O the Messenger of Allah, although your sins committed and to be committed have been already forgiven, why are you still doing like this?”
He replied to this: “O Aisha, shall I not be a very thankful servant to my Lord?” (Bukhari, Tahajjud, 6).
Hazrat Ata narrated as follows: I asked Hazrat Aisha to tell us the most astonishing event she witnessed about the Messenger of Allah. Hazrat Aisha cried and said: “Whatever was not astonishing about him? One night he came and got in bed with me. My skin touched his and he said: “O Abu Bakr’s daughter, let me off! Let me worship my Lord.” I said: “I love being with you, but I prefer to do as you wish.”
I let him. He got up and went to ewer. He took ablution. He did not waste water by using it too much. Then he started praying and started to cry. He cried so much that his tears flew down through his chest. Then he bent for ruqu and cried. Then he prostrated for sajdah and still cried. Then he raised his head from sajdah and still cried. He continued to cry until morning. When it was time for Morning Prayer (fajr), Bilal came and recited adhan (call to prayer). And then I said: “O the Messenger of Allah! What is that makes you cry? Allah ha forgiven your sins committed and to be committed.” He said: “Shall I not be a thankful servant to Allah? Shall I not give Him thanks?”
While the Lord of the Universe (pbuh) was about to submit his blissful soul to Allah, his last advice to humankind was being careful about practicing prayers and this was the last hadith narrated from him. Hazrat Anas narrates:
“When the time of death came upon the Messenger of Allah, the whole of the advice he made before he submitted his soul is as follows:
“Do not neglect Namaz (prayers) and be fair about your slaves’ rights.”
When the time for prayer came, the Messenger of Allah used to become a hundred times happier and more excited than the happiness and excitement of a person who is given the news that a beloved one has come. He was at the zenith of humbleness (khushu) and modesty to his Lord and he was much delighted in invocating and begging to Him as a servant. Once, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) described prayer as follows:
“Prayer (namaz/salah) is practiced in twos. In each two rakats, there is a tahiyyat. Prayer is to feel humble and to lower yourself… You raise your hands upwards; palms turned to your face, for the Lord and beg saying O Lord! O Lord! Whoever omits this, his prayer is incomplete.” (Tirmidhi, Salat, 166). In other words, prayer means for servant to understand his helplessness and impotence compared to the Creator and to show his neediness with cries and storms in his inner world and to invocate and supplicate Him.
Muslims would practice five times a day, which is fard upon them; however, the Messenger of Allah would also practice nawafil prayers such as midmorning, ishraq and tahajjud in addition to daily prayers. Although all Muslims practice seventeen rakats of fard prayers which are fard upon them everyday, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to practice about 50-60 rakats of fard and nawafil prayers day and night in a day. The feeling of love for Allah in his heart during prayers was superior to any other feelings for the Messenger of Allah. He used to extend ruqu so much that anyone seeing him from a distance would think that he forgot to prostrate.
Huzaifa narrates: One night, I started prayer together with the Prophet (pbuh). He started reciting the surah al-Baqarah. I thought to myself that he would bend for ruqu when he cited the hundredth verse. However, he continued reciting when he reached the hundredth verse. I thought to myself that he would practice two rakats with this surah. He continued reciting. I thought he would bend for ruqu when he finishes this surah. Then he started reciting al-Nisa. When he finished it, he started reciting al-i Imran. He was reciting slowly. When the invocation verses came, he said “subhanallah” and when supplication verses came, he supplicated. When istiaza verses came, he sought refuge with Allah. Then he bent for ruqu. He started saying “Subhana Rabbiya’l-Azim”. His ruqu lasted as long as his qiyam (standing). Then he stood up saying “Semiallahu limen hamideh. Rabbena leke’l hamd.” He stayed in qiyam almost as long as ruqu. Then he prostrated. He said “Subhana Rabbiya’l A’la.” His prostration (sajdah) was also as long as his qiyam. (Muslim, Salatu’l-Musafirin, 203).
He used to practice his prayers, from the beginning of revelation on, in the yard of Baytullah, before the eyes of idolaters who gave him hardships and tortured him mercilessly. Some of the idolaters attacked him while he was praying and yet he did not stop his praying because of fearing them. During war, when both sides came across and their swords crushed each other, their spears flew whizzing and their hearts beat crazily, Muslims used to line up and practice their prayers, with the Prophet being their imam in the front, at the time of prayer.
Abu Huraira narrates: During a war expedition, the Messenger of Allah encamped somewhere between Dajnan and Usfan. Idolaters said: “They have got a prayer which is more precious for them than their fathers and children. It is Asr prayer. Get ready and attack them all together at once!”
Gabriel the Archangel (Jibril) came and told the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) to divide his companions into two groups, told one group to wait in alert together with their weapons while the other group is practicing prayer with Prophet. He told him to practice one rakat with the first group and then one rakat with the second group so that each group would pray one rakat with the Prophet and the Prophet would have practiced two rakats this way. (Tirmidhi, Tafsir, 4/3035).
The Messenger of Allah’s desire for being in Allah’s presence was so great that he practiced not only fard prayers during war but practiced prayers at nights until morning. Actually, Hazrat Ali, while describing Badr Battle, says:
“At Badr, there was no other cavalier than Mikdad amongst us. I know it well that all of us slept then except for the Messenger of Allah. However, the Messenger of Allah practiced prayer and cried until the morning under a tree.”
This was his loyalty to Allah. He practiced his prayers always in time. Moreover, he did not miss any prayer when his illness, which caused him to die, was at its zenith. His illness got so severe that he was eventually so weak and tired. He went to masjid with the help of two people for Dhuhr and Asr and practiced them with people. Although he was writhing in pain of death, he reminded his people the most beneficial issues for them and his last words were “Prayer! Prayer! Fear Allah about the slaves you own!”. (Abu Dawud, Adab, 133).
The issues which our beloved Prophet found useful to remind us before he died must, of course, be those which are the most important ones for humankind’s duty of religious service. The first one is the pillar of Islam, prayer (salat) which lets human beings closer to the Creator and the Beloved One. And the second one is fair treatment to the weak, our workers and wives, whom Allah entrusted to us, which will save us from rolling down into Hell.
One day, while the Messenger of Allah was waiting for praying time in masjid with his companions, a man stood up and said to the Prophet: “O Messenger of Allah! I committed a sin.” The Messenger did not respond to the man.
When the Messenger finished praying, the same man stood up again and repeated his words. The Messenger asked him: “Did you not practice this prayer with us? And did you not take ablution properly for it?”
The man said: Yes, o the Messenger of Allah!. The Messenger said: “So, that prayer will redeem for the sin you committed.” (Heysemi, Majmau’z-zawaid, I, 301).
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thetruthseekerway · 5 years
Trick or Treat? The Origin of Halloween
New Post has been published on https://www.truth-seeker.info/oasis-of-faith/trick-or-treat-the-origin-of-halloween/
Trick or Treat? The Origin of Halloween
By Truth Seeker Staff
Trick or Treat? The Origin of Halloween
Subhan-Allah, it’s Autumn! Every time I look around and marvel at Allah’s creation of beautiful seasons, each unique and alternating with rhythm and purpose, I am humbled and grateful towards our Creator, the artist who created the Universe and everything in it with a single infallible stroke of HIS omnipotence.
Every nation is rich in heritage, culture, history and prides in its traditions, customs and celebrations that have been passed down by their forefathers. One such celebration very popular in the western world is Halloween.
Autumn marking the beautiful transition from summer to winter approaches us as we enter October, and we are hit “Boom” or should I say “Boo” with reminders of Halloween from every direction. From famous retail chains to regular grocery stores, all have their aisles and prominent portions of their stores conspicuously lined and decked with Halloween stuff ranging from spooky costumes, masks of witches, ghosts, werewolves, skulls, skeletons to pumpkins, jack -o-lanterns, decorations, special edition Halloween candies, treats etc. Even the media outlets like newspapers advertise various Halloween adventures and entertaining events like Spooky houses, haunted forests etc. targeting different age groups where you pay bucks to get scared and feel goosebumps and shivers run down your spine. The internet does not fail either to remind us and takes it a step further with pictures of animals in costumes as if humans parading in fancy or spooky costumes were not enough.
For majority of the parents in the west, Halloween is envisaged as images of young innocent children ringing doorbells, dressed up in eye-catching pretentious scary costumes, impersonating their favorite movie character, their faces and eyes gleaming with excitement and joy, holding their loot of candies and with unanimous cries of “Trick or Treat” comes to mind. Nevertheless, is there more to Halloween than just plain innocent fun?
Of course, it is no hidden fact that Halloween marketing is so extensive that Halloween accounts for the second most commercially successful holiday after Christmas in the United States. The Halloween retail spending by U.S. consumers is estimated at $9 billion in 2018. They spend almost $3.2 billion on Halloween Costumes annually and more than $2.5 billion on other trappings like the decoration, crafts etc. Of all the candy that is sold annually, one fourth is sold just during the Halloween time averaging sales of $2.7 billion annually.
Imagine if we could donate this money to feed the poor and less fortunate who cannot afford even one proper meal a day. We are so mechanically and mindlessly caught up in this yearly ritual that we do not stop even for a moment to ask ourselves, “What is Halloween really about?” What is the history behind this celebration? Should we, as adults continue to dodge the responsibility from educating ourselves and our children on this subject and just blindly and heedlessly follow what the others in our society are doing just to “fit in”?
NO!! As a Muslim and furthermore as a parent it becomes our duty to understand it in the light of the Shariah. We have to teach them that respect and reverence for other customs, traditions and holidays in the society in which we live is not bordered on practicing their beliefs especially if associated with pagan roots.
The origin of Halloween
Halloween originated 2000 years ago from the ancient Celtic pagans. They used to live in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man, Cornwall and Britanny, also known as the six Celtic nations. Halloween symbolized the beginning of the ancient Celtic New Year. The Celts observed only two seasons in the year: summer and winter.
Samhain (Scottish Gaelic spelling: Samhuinn) which literally means “summer’s end” was an important festival celebrated on November Eve, the night of October 31st. It meant the beginning of the Celtic year, the close of the harvest and beginning of the season of cold and darkness.
Some believe that the festival was held to honor the “Lord of Death”. The Druids believed that on the eve of this Festival Samhain, lord of the death called together the wicked spirits that within the past twelve months had been condemned to inhabit the bodies of animals. Sacrifices and gifts were offered to the dead spirits because it was a pagan belief that on this one night the dead spirits visit their earthly dwellings. If they are satisfied with the offerings they leave you in peace or else cast an evil spell on you.
After the Romans conquered Britain and with the rise of Christianity “Samhain” was changed to ‘Hallowmas’, or ‘All Saints’ Day’ or ‘All Souls Day’ and is observed on November 1st to honor all Saints in heaven. It began on the evening of October 31, which was called All Hallows Eve.
What remains of Halloween today is a hybrid and remnants of these two celebrations. Its originality over the years gradually was distorted with new additions and alterations made by people with their vested interests like the corporate world to mint money at the consumer’s expense.
What should a Muslim do?
Allah says in the Quran (Al-Furqan, 25:72): “And those who do not witness falsehood, and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass by it with dignity”.
The above Ayah explains that true servants of Allah should try and refrain from such gatherings and if they happen to be there, should leave the scene right away with dignity coming out clean and pure.
However, as a Muslim who strives to acquire knowledge, it is important that we learn about any event before we take part in its celebration. Celebrations that may seem completely innocent on the outside, but with deep roots and elements of pagan beliefs, rituals and devil worship should be avoided.
I pray for Allah’s guidance and apologize if my article or view offends anyone; its sole purpose was to highlight the origin of Halloween celebration and to open minds. Allah knows Best!
Adapted with editorial adjustments from IViews – www.islamicity.org.
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salafiyyahs-world · 5 years
**An online institution to study
basic Islam**
**A brief introduction**
It is a school to Learn Basic Islam . It Started in 2019. It Aims to train the beginners in Islamic studies. The site is run by one of the Ansari Family, [Mumbai, India]. The humble servants of Allah the Exalted. Gaining the pleasure of Allah(Subahanahu Watalaala) is our motto.
Inspired by Ayat-e-Sajda of Surah-ul-Hajj (22:18) which states that Allah does not wants your ibadat and prayer; to Him(Allah) prostrates everything in the universe except those whose verdict have already been passed, they do not prostrate to Allah. So which category would you like to be in? Of course we choose the Faithful Groups and rejected the faithless group. This provoked us to do something in the way of Allah and we after a long time of inspiration started this website to educate the beginners in the study of Islam.
**Why Zeenat Ul Islam?**
In this fast growing world of technology everyone is hookedup with one or the other gadget. To reach maximum number of Muslims, Zeenat Ul Islam chose to create a website. Alhumdulillah the muslims and muslimahs have started joining this institution.
**Who/How Zeenat Ul Islam executes its teachings?**
Zeenat Ul Islam is operated by Sister Ansari(Salafiyyah Pearls) from her home in Mumbai and soon plans to create a set up for the purpose. It has taken help from a Jeddah based site. She has taken the guidance of Shaikh Yasir Al Jabri(Jeddah) who is an expert scholar in Islamic Studies.
**Purpose of Zeenat Ul Islam**
Its purpose is to drive the Muslims and Muslims to the way of Sirat Al Mustakeem through our website. We do not want to divert them from Madrasas but to train them as a begginers and encourage them to lead to the instituions of Islamic Studies. To provoke them to attach their children towards Islamic Studies. To lead life in accordance with the teachings of Islam.
**Who can join Zeenat Ul Islam?**
People from any faith, caste, creed, national, international, big, small(no age bar) can join it.
**How to join Zeenat Ul Islam?**
Its easy and at the touch of your finger tips. Just click or touch on link mentioned down and you are joined to Zeenat Ul Islam.
Sins the Sister Ansari is not well equipped with the IT field, the website is not available on google. Intrested people can just mail her on the email given below to join the sessions.
**What benefits you get from Zeenat Ul Islam?**
• Nearness/Closeness to Allah
• Supplication of small duas
• Some expertise techniques.
• Pdf's of notes and books.
• Lead life like a pious Momin.
• Get clear picture of Deen.
• Get closer to our institutions.
• Work for the cause of Allah.
• Build life of Dubita as well as Aakhirah.
• Transform your life, become pious.
• Join our instituition and reinforce them.
**Physical teaching. (ONLY FOR SISTERS)**
Sisters those need teaching at their their homes or with friends and family can just make a group of more than 3 people at their own place and can contact Sister Ansari for the lectures. She will be present at your place to give the lectures. In Sha allah.
Brothers and Sisters can join us on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zeenatul.islam.1217
Telegram: t.me/zeenatulislam
Instagram: Zeenat Ul Islam
Tumblr: salafiyyahs-world
Please share with your friends and family, so that you too get the same reward. Share it for the sake of Allah.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan
Assalamualaikum Waramatullahi wabarkatuhu
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basicsofislam · 7 years
BASICS OF ISLAM : Existence and Oneness of God Almighty : Tawhid (God's Oneness).Part2
Implications of Tawhid
Monotheists, those who believe in Tawhid, cannot be narrow-minded.
•Their belief in One God, Creator of the heavens and Earth, Master of the east and the west, and Sustainer of the universe, leads them to view everything as belonging to the same Lord, to Whom they belong as well. Thus they consider nothing as alien. Their sympathy, love, and service are not confined to any particular race, color, or group, and they come to understand the Prophetic saying: “O servants of God, be brethren!”
Monotheism produces the highest degree of self-respect and self-esteem in people.
Monotheists know that only God has true power, can benefit or harm them, fulfill their needs, cause them to die, or wield authority and influence.
•This conviction makes them indifferent to and independent and fearless of all powers other than those of God. They never bow in homage to any of God’s creatures.
Monotheists, although humble and mild, never abase themselves by bowing before anyone or anything except God.
•They never aim at any advantage by their worship, even if that advange is Paradise. They seek only to please God and obtain His approval.
Monotheists, although naturally weak and powerless as human beings, become powerful enough through their Lord’s Power to resist the whole world.
•They are virtuous and altruistic, for their purpose is to gain God’s approval by working for His good pleasure. Boisterous pride of power and wealth can have no room in their hearts, for they know that whatever they possess is bestowed by God, and that God can take away as easily as He can give.
Monotheists know that the only way to success and salvation is to acquire a pure soul and righteous behavior.
•They have perfect faith in God, Who is above all need, related to none, absolutely just, and without partner in His exercise of Divine Power. Given this belief, they understand that they can succeed only through right living and just action, for no influence or underhanded activity can save them from ruin.
•However, some believe that someone has atoned for their sins; and others assert that they are God’s favorites and thus immune to punishment. Still others believe that their idols or saints will intercede with God on their behalf, and so make offerings to their deities in the belief that such bribes give them a license to do whatever they want. Such false beliefs keep them entangled in sin and evil, and their dependence on such deities cause them to neglect their need for spiritual purification and for living pure and good lives.
Monotheists do not become hopeless and disappointed.
•Their firm faith in God, Master of all treasures of Earth and the heavens, and Possessor of limitless grace and bounty and infinite power, imparts to their hearts extraordinary consolation, fills it with satisfaction, and keeps it filled with hope. In this world they might meet with rejection at all doors, nothing might serve their ends, and all means might desert them. But faith in and dependence on God, which never leave them, give them the strength to go on struggling. Such a profound confidence can come only from belief in the One God. Such a belief produces great determination, patient perseverance, and trust in God. When they decide to devote their resources to fulfilling the Divine Commands to secure God’s good pleasure and approval, they are sure that they have the Lord of the Universe’s support and backing.
Many polytheists and atheists, on the other hand, usually have small hearts and depend on limited powers. Thus their troubles and the resulting despair soon overwhelm them and, frequently, they commit suicide. Professor Joad’s testimony is explicit on this point:
For the first time in history there is coming to maturity a generation of men and women [in the West of the 1950s] who have no religion, and feel no need for one. They are content to ignore it. Also they are very unhappy, the suicide rate is abnormally high. (Phillip K. Hitti, History of the Arabs, 6th ed. (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1956), 129.)
As opposed to this, a non-Muslim historian who is not sympathetic to Islam, writes the following about Tawhid:
In this uncompromising monotheism, with its simple, enthusiastic faith in the supreme rule of a transcendental being, lies the chief strength of Islam. Its adherents enjoy a consciousness of contentment and resignation unknown among followers of most creeds. Suicide is rare in Muslim lands. (The Present and Future of Religion, quoted by Sir Arnold Lunn, And Yet So New (London: Sheed and Ward, 1958), 228).
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