#some popular Muslim phrases
worstloki · 4 months
negative connotations to Arabic phrase ‘God is Great’ incorrect. average praying Muslim does takbir (says Allahu Akbar) a minimum 95 times a day and should have been counted.
#minimum#like MIMIMUM.#each day#like that’s just for the 5 prayers#only the obligatory ones it doesn’t include the additional voluntary ones most people also tend to do at some point#it doesn’t include regular use of the phrase in conversation#the phrase is literally used as an exclamation#like if you say ‘Allahu akbar my shift is over! I can go home alhumdulilah!’#like I don’t know what to tell you#western news-media connotations are so weird#you literally yell takbir to celebrate as well#saw a thing where everyone did takbir every time someone donated a huge amount to charity like brooooooooo#people be laughing so hard and getting Allahuakbar Allahuakbar out while wheezing#you score a goal? Allahu akbar alhumdulilah#this is very normal culturally transmitted info#Christian Arabs use the phrase as well like it's Arabic come on western media you’re not even trying#it’s such a joke#95 doesn't even include the 2 calls to prayer#it doesn't count people who do the extra allahu akbar (x33) after each prayer#doesn't include anything recited before bed#like. these are not uncommon things people choose to do. like...... BRO???#if you've ever seen Muslims praying in a group the person leading the prayer does the takbir out loud. that's literally how it's done#there are like 7 or 5 'Allahu akbar's in each round of prayer#you can't NOT say that part out loud it's literally THE part that has to be said out loud in each prayer#this information is very available online#you can say it before doing anything idk why it became a big deal in the west especially#it's some strange xenophobic Islamophobic normalise killings in those regions of the world mix#I’ve been getting recommended so many Arabic anime edits idk what to tell you#call everyone habibi it’s good for you#one of the most popular world languages fr
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tanadrin · 10 months
It is also common to hear criticism of Israel described as antisemitic, a fact that has resulted in the paradox of the German state actively suppressing those Jewish voices that do not conform to their expectations. A state-owned cultural center, Oyoun, faces defunding by the Berlin Senate for hosting an evening of “mourning and hope” put together by Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East, a Jewish organization. On November 9, the city of Frankfurt on Main forbade a planned rally called “Never again fascism – remembering Kristallnacht, fighting anti-Semitism,” apparently due to the organizer’s past support for Palestine. The police continue to selectively enforce bans on such phrases as  “stop genocide,” “free Palestine,” and “stop the war,” often with no prior announcement. A sanctioned protest in Berlin on November 10, organized by a coalition of Jewish and Israeli groups, resulted in several arrests due to the sudden mid-protest banning of some of these phrases. They included the arrest of a Jewish-Israeli woman who held a sign that read: “As a Jew and Israeli: Stop the Genocide in Gaza.” The war in Gaza comes at a moment when every major political party in Germany is lurching rightward on the issue of migration, embracing xenophobic and Islamophobic policies once reserved for the marginalized far right. “Germany cannot accept any more refugees,” Friedrich Merz, the leader of the Christian Democratic Union, the party of Merkel, said. “We have enough antisemitic men in this country.” Scholz, a Social Democrat, appeared on the cover of Der Spiegel in a determined portrait framed by the quote: “We must finally deport on a grand scale.” The specter of antisemitism has proved opportune for mainstream parties, which are threatened by a surge in popularity for the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, whose platform is proudly anti-immigrant. ... Just as reports of attacks on mosques have risen since October 7, recent incidents of antisemitic crimes have produced fear among Jews in Germany. Stars of David have been painted outside Jewish homes; a synagogue in Berlin was firebombed, albeit with no injuries or property damage. These are not isolated events; the number of antisemitic incidents in 2021 was the highest since authorities began tracking them. Yet politicians’ focus on Muslims and migrants as their source runs contrary to the facts. According to the federal police, the “vast majority” of antisemitic crimes – more than 80 percent — are committed by the far right.
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Far-right politicians with an explicit history of antisemitism, such as Marine Le Pen, have been praised in recent months for their support of Israel and virulently anti-Muslim sentiment. On November 15th, Elon Musk tweeted out his support for the “great replacement theory”—the idea that Jewish people are engineering white genocide—leading to condemnations from the White House, and from X advertisers such as Apple and Disney. On November 17th, Musk announced an X ban on pro-Palestinian phrases like “from the river to the sea,” which he characterized as antisemitic hate speech. Minutes after the announcement, Jonathan Greenblatt, Director of the ADL, logged on to express his gratitude to Musk, writing: “I appreciate this leadership in fighting hate.”  In a recent article for the far-right Washington Free Beacon, provocatively titled “What Makes Hamas Worse Than the Nazis,”  bestselling British historian Andrew Roberts mounts a rousing defense of Nazism, ostensibly in the name of condemning antisemitism. Although the Nazi government began systematically murdering disabled and queer people even before the start of the war, Roberts insists that their operations were incidentally rather than deliberately sadistic, and that the majority of German people during the war opposed mass murder. If his aim is clearly to demonize the cause of Palestinian liberation as a whole, his exoneration of European fascism as “just following orders” is no less central of a claim. By conflating “antisemitism,” “genocide,” and even “Nazism” with Palestine, Hamas, and Islam as a whole, this kind of historical revisionism works to redeem the European far-right as inherently civilized even in its most barbaric actions.  Any attempt to adopt a more humanist perspective, to take a longer or wider lens on the annihilation of Europe’s Jewish communities, or to relate their struggles and suffering to the struggles and suffering of others would appear to betray the ethos of post-Holocaust Jewishness. Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon both famously argued that the extreme state violence of fascism and the Holocaust was an imperialist backlash, the excesses of colonial violence returning home, only shocking in that it took place on European soil. In his introduction to Modernity and the Holocaust, Zygmunt Bauman describes the insistence on the uniqueness of the Holocaust as a form of historical decontextualization. Or, more plainly, as a refusal to engage in collective self-reflection. “One way is to present the Holocaust as something that happened to the Jews; as an event in Jewish history. This makes the Holocaust unique, comfortably uncharacteristic and sociologically inconsequential.” Bauman asserts that the underlying rationale for this circular logic, by which abstracted antisemitism is both sole cause and sole effect of the Holocaust, is collective exoneration. It works as a shield for modern European civilization, capable of outliving such atrocities.
It is not incidental then that, in line with right-wing ideological programs, the mainstream current of Holocaust narratives primarily encourage identification with the perpetrators rather than with the victims. They are propelled by the cause of personal enlightenment, encouraging the reader to look within for evil and to root it out rather than ever looking outward at the world surrounding them. Evil, this version of history would have you believe, is a personal problem and not a systemic one. It can crystallize through a mysterious process into mass evil, a spiritual rot. This gives it a kind of mystical aspect. It is easier from this perspective to believe in the innate evil of some, in the innate goodness of others. This moral binary is frequently mobilized in defense of violence and injustice. In a deleted tweet, Netanyahu called Israel’s ongoing genocidal attack on Gaza “a war between the children of light and the children of darkness.” In a December 2023 speech, Joe Biden reaffirmed his condemnation of Hamas, which he implicitly collapsed into a condemnation of Palestinians as a whole, calling them “a brutal, ugly, inhumane people, and they have to be eliminated.” Both were invoking this moral binary, the deformed vocabulary of white supremacy and colonialism. For if the world is made up of people who are “good” and “bad,” “civilized” and “barbaric,” rather than of societies shaped by ideologies, then it is possible to characterize an entire group of people as evil, to dehumanize them, to declare them guilty all the way down to their newborn babies, to justify their mass murder. In broader terms, this is a totalizing story about history; one in which the European perpetrators of wars of aggression, ethnic cleansing, and genocide, can redeem themselves by retelling their crimes but this time as witnesses to horror rather than as active participants. They can atone and wash away the sin of what they have done by giving it a narrative structure with an ending and a moral lesson, one in which the Holocaust finds its silver lining in the creation of the state of Israel, one in which Europe becomes civilized again, one in which blame is shifted from Germany to Palestine, and from fascists to anti-fascists. 
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wlwsuperheroine · 10 months
I just finished ms. marvel the show for the first time. so short answer is: wowwww but long answer is: it has some positives and negatives.
Let’s start with negatives.
Changing Kamala’s powers. I know kamala isn’t as popular as some long time heroes but embegging is her whole gimmick! It’s like if someone took Peter Parker and gave him the powers of a snail and was called snail-man. And her powers are so cool too. I was so excited to see CGI stretching and polymorphic powers, you can do the hands part via literally iPhone camera, how could the whole marvel budget didn’t cut it?? No we got to have… light, for some reason. I’m just scared that other adaptation are going to do the same like in some new comics or games or something, I really, really hope not
Misrepresentation. This one is debatable, because as Muslim, the bar we have for American shows to represent us isn’t even on the floor, it’s lower, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that they didn’t 100% mess it up. But still there are so many minor technicalities, that might seem minor for someone outside of the religion/culture but for those are part of it, it’s a really big deal. Like some scenes, doing wudu with nail polish on, posting in the masjid, a dad telling his son to stop praying, so many words used in the wrong context, the whole djinn concept just shows that there was no Muslim opinion taken into consideration during filming.
the so many love interests. Like, 3, seriously, one wasn’t enough?? There shouldn’t even be one, but I digress. And just all the scenes involving the romantic subtext of each one literally made my blood boil. Literally this whole point could summarised to just the boys, they were so unnecessary.
And now let’s get to the positives, because despite the points made previously, I really enjoyed this show.
The representation. As I said before, it’s perfect, but it’s not bad. Then again, the only thing we share is us being Muslim. I’m Arab where kamala is Pakistani and these things heavily affect how people practice Islam, and also I live in a Muslim, Arab country where almost everyone is Muslim where kamala live the US, a place where she’s a minority. So of course there will be differences between our experiences. But I love how many arabic phrases were spoken during the show, the Eid scene, the masjid scene, the whole wedding episode. It was all so good and nice and representative.
My favourite thing about the show honestly is how artistic and stylised it is. They weren’t very consistent with it, but it was still good. All the different fonts and styles for the ms marvel intro was so amazing, I want to screenshot every frame. The credits are so well done too. When they want to show how daydreamy kamala is and there’s doodles around and different pieces of media incorporated in that. It was all so creative. The intro captain america scene was one of my top 5, to be honest
I love the costume design, especially kamala’s. They were all so modest, obviously. But they also showed Kamala’s personality, through her drawing and patches and just the colours and everything. They were so many stars and bolts, It’s just so similar to how I dress.
The progression of her relationship with her mom. I genuinely think that there’s no greater or stronger or closer bond between two people in this whole wide world than between a mother and her eldest daughter, and this show is only one of the many many examples of that. And it’s so relatable and realistic, like her mom being overprotective and hovering because that’s the result of generational trauma and how her mom was too distant, and she was just doing her best and just wants the best for her daughter and Kamala is such a sweet girl. So many of their scene together made my heart melt.
Centralising not just family, but the matriarchs in the family was such a smart move. because mothers truly are the ones who make families and heritage and everything is always tied back to them. Something something the souls of mothers residing in their daughters. The whole partition train episode had me bawling my eyes out.
The rest is just some things I love about kamala generally in every adaptation/timeline/universe
I just really love how unapologetically nerdy and dorky kamala is. She’s such a fangirl, she loves comics and superheros (usually women) and of course captain marvel. And she engages in that, she draws and make projects and her whole room is decorated in what interests like her. I just really love people like that, both fictional and in real life. (I may be projecting but I feel like it’s giving adhd, like it’s giving hyperfixation.)
Showing the brown girl experience of idolising older white women and wishing that we could do everything they do, but still believing that we can’t because of a variety of reasons but then overcoming that and doing the things you wanna do your way anyway
Just how good kamala is. She’s so polite but still speaks her mind respectfully. She helps people all the time even when she doesn’t have to. she’s always so nice and sympathetic to everyone. And even though she can become a giant, that is her greatest strength because people always want to repay her goodness and they always want to help her back. And it’s just so heartwarming.
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halscafe · 2 years
race tagging
sigh is this what we've come to as a society like REALLY
this post is in response to an anon received by a popular redacted blog (if you saw it, you understand what i'm referring to).
ima just get straight to the point and say that to ask for people to tag listeners or characters as white (if that is how they are being portrayed in the work) is idiotic. i'm sorry but in all honesty it is. these listeners and characters created by erik are left without a design for our interpretation. especially in the case of listener characters, they are US. we are their placeholders in the story and if someone is a white male, odds are that the listener will be imagined and characterized as a white male. similarly, if an individual listening to the audio is a white female, or a female POC, et cetera, et cetera. if the majority of this fandom is white, then as a result, odds are the majority of characters in works will be white. and there's no issue in that. so to ask artists and writers who pour their heart and soul into their work to tag it in regards to this fact is just questionable, odd, and (excuse my phrasing, but to be blunt) dumb.
if you need some accreditation from my standing for this post, i will give it to you happily. i am a muslim, hijab-wearing, lebanese girl and to say that i am one of the incredibly few in number in this fandom is understating it. however, let me just say that i genuinely could not care less that a lot of the listeners and characters portrayed via art and writing in this fandom are white/don't represent me. who am i to complain when i'm already the recipient of such amazing art and writing pieces.
i cannot speak for every POC when it comes to this matter, nor am i claiming to with this post of mine. this is just me, venting some frustrations on the subject presented to me. appreciate your fellow artists and writers, and stop asking for the moon and the entire universe with these "helpful anon asks."
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kodicraft · 9 months
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So this post has crossed my dash and I want to bring up how it's a very obvious showcase of a logical fallacy and how you are not immune to cheap rhetorical tricks.
Take a minute to think about it, are those people who "can't handle Scott Pilgrim" really the same people who say "we need more fucked up problematic characters in media"? Have you ever really seen an individual person have both of these opinions at once? I'd be willing to bet you haven't.
But it's easy to think you have, after all, you've seen both of those opinions before. You've seen a few people with "Scott Pilgrim fans DNI" in their bio and you've seen people who say they need more fucked up characters, and both of these people are on the same website. Both of those people are "them". Who are "them"? Well, not "us" obviously. "They" have these two opinions at once, clearly "they" are contradictory and stupid and "you" are smarter than "them". Who are "them"? Why do you ask, you know who "they" are. It's the anti-shippers. It's the people who don't understand media. It's the conservatives. It's the liberals. It's the gays, the Muslims, the Jews. "They" are everyone you don't like, it's everyone who's not like "you". You don't need to know who "they" are, look, "their" opinions are contradictory. You were right all along not to like "them". You're smart.
I chose this example both because ive just seen it on my dash but also because it's about a really inconsequential topic. Who cares about what some people think of a fictional character, who cares about some people's taste in fiction. But this same rhetorical trick is what drills people's ideologies, it's what you hear from right wing propaganda networks, it's what you're told under fascism, it's the rhetoric that's used to oppress, that exploits a little logical fallacy to paint a caricature of people you don't like until you hate them and until you channel that hatred.
This sort of rhetoric is very popular on here. Every once in a while you'll see a post with this exact phrasing about some other topic, sometimes as inconsequential as Scott Pilgrim, sometimes not. A lot of people here would fall just as easily to the right-wing machine as to these silly posts. A lot of people who think they're so much smarter than the average Alex Jones fan would immediately get tricked by the same rhetoric if it validates their pre-existing beliefs, where is the difference between the two?
I'm not here to be patronizing or tell you you should know better, but I want you to think before reblogging this type of stuff. To think before you repeat this sort of rhetoric. Think about who you're really talking about and why you agree with it. Consider how you'd react if instead of "them" this post was about "you".
You're not immune to propaganda, and that Garfield image won't make you immune to propaganda either.
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edmundhoward · 8 months
2, 3, 10, 12, & 13 😈
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
katherine howard stands out in basically all of her relationships as dominant/forthright in what she wants, with a sharp turn of phrase that suggests that while flirtations were fun for her, she had a capability to be mean when she willed it. she comes across as genuinely charming and charismatic, with a consistent attentiveness, but she also reliably has an edge to her in her relationships — she was arguably callous with dereham, and criticised culpeper repeatedly while also mocking bess harvey. i don’t generally like the way g.russell talks about her wrt her relationships, but i do like the way he described katherine as proud and proud and enjoying “one-upmanship in her flirtations”. do with that what you will.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you ve seen on tumblr
not going to screenshot but there are soo many that are frankly baffling. the first to come to mind is the claim that poor henry viii must’ve been so offended by coa and her camp publicly dragging his baby brother’s name through the mud/throwing arthur under the bus. which begs the question: what, exactly, prompted coa to do that, pray tell? i really would love to know! very wilfully obtuse considering she was called to discuss the validity of her first marriage because henry viii disregarded the dispensation from the pope, and (arguably unnecessarily) made consummation a fundamental point of contention in annulling her second. that's on him. frankly, the whole ‘she used arthur’ argument really relies on an assumption that coa was lying about her sexual history when it suited her — as opposed to her being forced to once more defend her honour. (i guess it’s not surprising seeing as i have also seen posts insinuating that she had an inappropriate relationship with her confessor). moreover, why should we care if she was lying, or if she used arthur? atp, everyone involved is bones, and personally, i don’t give a single solitary shit if her defending herself denied henry from having a male heir, because monarchy is actually bullshit ❤️ it’s definitely not the worst but it’s so stupid and so funny to me.
10. worst part of fanon
the white feminism (read as: racism) lol.
this answer is definitely prompted by trastamara fandom’s disregard for poc/iberian muslims, but to bring it back to the tudors (and because i am dedicated to e1 stans catching strays) whatever the fuck certain elizabeth i stans have going on is rancid. the whole argument about whether or not elizabeth i should be held accountable for funding three slaving voyages was a profoundly bleak period in fandom, and seeing someone argue that it was “only three slave ships”… well. i hate it here, i absolutely hate it here.
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12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i don’t know if he counts as unpopular, but he’s not popular and the level of vitriol aimed at him relative to actual surviving historical fact makes me want to say henry vii, to be honest? the man was fascinating and generally successful in a way others compared against him (r3, h8) can’t always claim to be. regardless of whether or not people like him, how strongly some people hate him is wild. i’ve seen people claim he “inherited his rapist tendencies from his father” — an insane thing to say, not least because there is no evidence of rape connected to him. it just exposes the terminal brainworms and cringe that ricardians and h8 stans have… sad sad tears of a clown, truly. the fact that pointing out the very real, repeatedly historically recorded trend of calling henry vii ‘y daroganwr’ in multiple awdls got dismissed as “lionising” him… genuinely think people who actively dislike henry vii are stupid, end of discussion.
13. worst blorboficiation
at the moment, eustace chapuys is coming to mind. the tudors making him this sort of paternal figure, and moral crusader fighting for mary (and coa) was well done — but wildly inaccurate. the fact that his misogyny shapes and colours our perception of the tudor court world really must be recognised. if nothing else, i think recognising chapuys as a flawed, inconsistent and hypocritical figure makes him significantly more interesting. this is the man who belligerently called anne boleyn a whore, “concubine”, and the “english messalina”, and dismissed elizabeth as a bastard — to the point of having egregiously violent fantasies about them — whilst having an illegitimate son, himself. it’s very difficult to read his dispatches (many of which are often easily disproven and full of erroneous claims) and not be struck by the constant stream of potent and constant misogyny.
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ryanndalesworld · 2 years
Ilocano Lit| A Reflection of Us, Ilocanos
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Literature is one of a kind. It opens opportunities for us readers to take a break from reality to places we've never been or will never be. Just by reading with our wide imagination, we will not only be entertained, but we will also gain knowledge, lessons about life and understanding of the world including the people around us. However, have you heard of the richness of Ilocano literature? 
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"Iloko" is the language while "Ilocano" refers to the people who speak the Iloko language and lives in the provinces of Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, and certain sections of Pangasinan, Tarlac, Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya, and Nueva Ecija. There are also some Ilocanos in Apayao, Kalinga, Ifugao, and Mountain Province. The entire region is sometimes called “Ilocandia” or the “Ilocos Region”.
The term Ilocano originates from i-, "from", and looc, "cove or bay", thus "people of the bay." A families and clans arrived by viray or bilog, meaning "boat". Ilocanos also refer to themselves as Samtoy, a contraction from the Ilokano phrase sao mi ditoy, "our language here".
One of the reasons why Ilocanos are known is because of the richness of their literature. In fact, it is believed by scholars to be the richest and most highly developed in the Philippines. 
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Ilocano literature are the literary works written in foreign or Philippine languages by the Ilocano ancestry writers. It is one of the several regional Philippine literatures. Ilocano literature, next to Tagalog and Philippine Literature in English, is one of the most active tributaries to the general Philippine literature.
Want to know how Ilocano literature developed? Let's see its historical background.
Folk songs, riddles, proverbs, lamentations called dung-aw, and epic tales in written or oral form made up the pre-colonial Iloco literature. The dallot, a long, spontaneous poetry given in a sing-song style, was a form of expression used by ancient Ilokano poets along with folk and battle songs.
During the Spanish regime, Iloko poetry was generally patterned after Spanish models. In fact, the earliest known written Iloko poems were the romances translated from Spanish by Francisco Lopez, an Augustinian friar who, in 1621, published his own Iloko translation of the Doctrina Cristiana by Cardinal Bellarmine, the first book to be printed in Iloko.
During the 18th century, the missionaries used both religious and secular literatures among other means to advance in order to further their goal of converting the Ilocanos to Christianity.
The comedia, otherwise known as the moro-moro, and the zarzuela were presented for the first time in the Ilocos in the 19th century. The comedia, a highly picturesque presentation of the wars between Christians and Muslims, and the zarzuela, an equally picturesque depiction of what is at once melodrama, comic-opera, and the skit interminably preoccupied with the eternal theme of boy-meets-girl-who-always-live-happily-ever-after-against-seemingly-impossible-odds are still as popular today as they were when first staged in the Ilocos.
Today, there is a sizable body of Ilocano literature, including newspapers and periodicals like the Bannawag.
Click this link to gain more information: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilocano_literature
What's more interesting about Ilocano literature is that there is one piece that survived in the Spanish colonial period and still shines up to now!
Who wouldn't know the oldest, yet greatest Ilocano epic, Biag ni Lam-ang? 
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An illustration depicting the protagonist Lam-ang.
For many generations, Biag ni Lam-ang (The Life of Lam-ang) has been passed down orally, then it was later written down and documented during the Spanish Colonial era in the Philippines. It is notable for incorporating Roman Catholic elements into the piece, such as references by the characters of Lam-ang and Ines Kannoyan to marriage as a sacrament. 
It tells the story of Lam-ang's life from avenging his father's murder, to being eaten by the water monster Berkakan, to being reborn and living happily ever after with his love, Ines Kannoyan. Furthermore, the epic poem showed some of the customs, culture, tradition and belief of the Ilocano people of the Philippines, including how they value their family. The story also presented some of the qualities of the people of the Ilocos region such as adventurous, hardy, and brave, loyal as strongly portrayed by Lam-ang. 
Click the link below to have access on the summary of the Ilocano epic poem, Biag ni Lam-ang:
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Ilocano literature indeed has a special place in everyone's heart. This treasure of ours portrays Ilocano's ways of life, beliefs, cultures, traditions, customs, behaviors, ways of thinking, and many more amazing facts about Ilocanos. This literature speaks about who we are, what we are, and what we used to be. Thus, Ilocano literature is the life and identity of Ilocanos. 
This is just a glimpse of the richness of Ilocano literature and there are more amazing facts and information waiting to be discovered by you. At this point, you may realize that Ilocano literature is far different from yours. Ilocano literature might portray things that are not normal in your culture, beliefs, tradition, ways of life and the society you used to, but don't stop. Continue reading Ilocano literature because I guarantee that it will be worth it. You already gain awareness about our differences through literature and soon you will understand these differences which makes you to love and appreciate Ilocanos and Ilocano literature deeply.
As you read various Ilocano literature, you will be exposed to various situations. You will experience to be in the shoes of others and think or act like them. You will gain sympathy from others, understanding about differences, lessons about life and it will open your mind as to what reality is all about. Ilocano literature will change you in a good way. 
In conclusion, Ilocano literature brings out the best version of ourselves which contributes to making the world a better place to live. A place that is peaceful, sorrounded by love, full of kindness, free from discrimination, and where everyone is open minded, understanding and normalize differences. We can easily have access to a wide range of information in this generation. At this point, use any various means to feed yourself more information about Ilocano literature such as the technology which includes the internet, mobile applications, gadgets and various social media sites etc. 
Read and read and read Ilocano literature.
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waqting23 · 2 months
Keeping Time with Faith: A Guide to Islamic Watches
Islamic watches cater to the needs of Muslim individuals by incorporating features that support their religious practices. These watches go beyond telling time and often include functionalities specifically designed to aid in daily prayers and observances.
Functionality for the Faithful
The core feature of most islamic watches is the ability to display prayer times. These watches are pre-programmed with the prayer timings for various locations around the world. Some even allow for manual adjustments based on the user's preferred calculation method for prayer times.
Another key feature is the Qibla direction indicator. Muslims are required to face the Kaaba in Mecca during their prayers. The Qibla indicator on an Islamic watch uses a compass or GPS technology to point the wearer in the right direction.
Many Islamic watches also include an Azan (call to prayer) function. This built-in feature provides an audible or visual notification at the appropriate times for each of the five daily prayers. Some even offer a variety of Azan styles and recitation voices for a personalized experience.
The Hijri calendar, the lunar calendar used in Islam, is often displayed alongside the Gregorian calendar on Islamic watches. This allows users to keep track of important Islamic dates and holidays.
Additional features you might find on Islamic watches include:
Tasbih counter: A digital counter used for reciting ذکر (dhikr), short phrases of remembrance in Islam.
Quran bookmarks: Allows users to store bookmarks for specific verses within the Quran.
Halal restaurant finder: Helps locate restaurants serving food prepared according to Islamic dietary guidelines.
Mosque locator: Assists in finding mosques nearby.
Style Meets Utility
Islamic watches come in a variety of styles to suit different tastes and preferences. Digital watches are popular for their functionality and ease of use. They often display prayer times, Azan alerts, and the Qibla direction prominently. Analog watches with additional subdials can offer a more classic look while still incorporating Islamic features. Some high-end brands even offer luxury Islamic watches with sophisticated designs and premium materials.
Choosing the Right Islamic Watch
When selecting an Islamic watch, consider the features most important to you. Do you prioritize a clear display of prayer times, or is the Azan function essential? Think about your lifestyle and how you will use the watch. Digital watches might be more practical for everyday wear, while an analog watch could make a stylish statement. Budget is also a factor, with prices ranging from affordable digital models to high-end luxury watches.
Here are some additional tips for choosing an Islamic watch:
Accuracy: Ensure the watch uses a reliable source for prayer times and Qibla direction.
Customization: Look for watches with adjustable settings for Azan volume, prayer time calculations, and other preferences.
Durability: Consider a watch with water resistance and a scratch-resistant face for everyday wear.
Comfort: Choose a watch with a comfortable band and weight that suits your lifestyle.
Islamic watches offer a practical and stylish way for Muslims to stay connected to their faith throughout the day. With their diverse functionalities and range of styles, there's sure to be an Islamic watch that perfectly complements your needs and preferences.
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qnewsau · 3 months
NSFW! Tubewell Village Swimming (aka Pakistani gay porn)
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/nsfw-tubewell-village-swimming-aka-pakistani-gay-porn/
NSFW! Tubewell Village Swimming (aka Pakistani gay porn)
Sexuality will always seek outlets, and even in strictly Muslim Pakistan, young men make their own Indigenous Pakistani gay porn known locally as Tubewell Village Swimming.
A tube well is a South East Asian irrigation device. Agricultural fields are dotted with the devices and they also supply water for some communities. In Pakistan, they are popular with young men for bathing.
Now, with almost universal access to mobile phones, some young Pakistani men have turned to making the soft-core gay porn known as Tubewell Village Swimming.
*No Tubewell videos I have seen include oral or anal sex. But the videos are exclusively male and carry a strong sexual context so I’m happy to classify them as gay.
NSFW! Tubewell Village Swimming Video 1.
NSFW! Tubewell Village Swimming Video 2.
NSFW! Tubewell Village Swimming Video 3.
NSFW! Tubewell Village Swimming Video 4.
The videos originally showed glimpses of bulge through diaphanous fabric. However, recent videos don’t hesitate to show cock and even hard-ons. But, remembering the strict laws against nudity and gay sex, we are unlikely to see creators stretching the limits much further.
To find Tubewell Village Swimming Videos, search variations of the phrase on Google, YouTube, Twitter and other platforms.
Read also: 
Helmut Riedmeier: Mr Universe & nude male pinup.
Bobby Kendall in James Bidgood’s Pink Narcissus.
Vintage male nudes from old Hollywood.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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Halal Certification in Iraq?List of Iraqi Halal products?
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Halal Certification in Iraq, the place religions and cultures are different, the thought of Halal Certification has grown to be very popular. Halal, which comes from the Arabic phrase for "permissible" or "lawful," is now not solely a meal requirement for Muslims however additionally an identity for many items and services. This weblog submission will talk about what Halal Certification in Iraq potential and provide you with a listing of items diagnosed as Halal in Iraq.
Understanding Halal Certification:
The Halal Certification technique ensures that items and offerings observe Islamic meals policies and are secure for Muslims. The Certification consists of many exclusive things, like food, drinks, makeup, medicines, and even banking services. The licence no longer solely suggests that the individual follows trust rules, however it additionally suggests that they meet sure pleasant and cleanliness standards.
The entire technique of getting Halal Certification is meticulous, from the uncooked substances to the completed product. To make certain that Halal requirements are met, certifying agencies take a look at the products, how the meals are made, and even how smooth the structures are. Because of this cautious process, human beings can be positive that the items they purchase are in line with their belief views.
Why Halal Certification Is Important in Iraq:
Because most of the human beings in Iraq are Muslims, Halal Certification is vital to them. The U.S. is aware of how necessary it is to observe Islamic beliefs in many areas of life, such as commercial enterprise and trade. It's crucial for organisations and exchanges between international locations that their merchandise are halal certified. It additionally helps humans who observe positive religions.
More and more humans in Iraq and globally are searching for Halal-certified items due to the fact they are a signal of satisfaction and comply with Islamic meals rules. Because of this, extra and greater companies choose to get Halal Certification to attain this developing market.
List of Iraqi items that are licensed as Halal:
Although it is not possible to provide a whole listing of all the Halal-certified items in Iraq due to the fact the Certification manner is continuously changing, right here are some frequent types:
Food and Drinks:
Meat and fowl items.
Milk and cheese.
Whole grains and cereals.
Drinks, such as tender drinks and juices.
Beauty merchandise and private care:
Skincare objects that are accredited halal.
Makeup and perfumes that are halal.
Prescription drugs:
Medications and vitamins with Halal Certification in Iraq.
Tourism and hospitality that are halal:
Hotels and restaurants with ingredients and offerings that are identified as Halal.
Islamic Finance:
Banking and economic businesses that provide monetary items that are Halal-compliant.
Advantages of being licensed as halal:
Market Access and Trade Around the World:
Products can be exported extra shortly when licensed as halal, which lets them attain world markets with massive Muslim populations.
Trust and loyalty from customers:
People trust in Certification more, which makes them greater loyal to the brand.
Gains in the economy:
Halal Certification in Iraq helps nearby businesses, which lets the financial system develop and creates jobs.
Different sorts of products:
Getting Halal Certification in Iraq pushes groups to provide a broader vary of merchandise to enchantment to greater customers.
Why select Factocert Halal Certification in Iraq?
Factocert is one of the pinnacle main Halal Certification companies in Iraq. We supply the excellent Halal Consultants in iraq, Baghdad, Mosul, Basra, Erbil, Najaf, Karbala, and different main cities in Iraq.factocert is the most depended on Halal Certification Bodies in Iraq go to our internet site www.factocert.com or contact us at [email protected] for carrier of implementation, training, auditing, and registration.We furnish unique ISO Standards like ISO 27001,ISO 9001,ISO 45001 ,ISO 14001,ISO 13485,ISO 22000,and ISO 17025
Halal Certification is quintessential for Iraq's financial growth, trade, and purchaser trust. It's now not simply a spiritual requirement. Halal-certified items are turning into extra and extra famous each in the United States and round the world. More items will in all likelihood be delivered as greater groups research about the advantages of getting Halal Certification. This will supply clients with greater preferences that in shape their spiritual and ethical views. Halal Certification suggests that distinctive non secular and cultural practices are revered and that the world is turning into greater open to them.
For More statistics go to : Halal Certification in Iraq
Related Links :
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Traveling tips for Tunisia?
Tunisia is generally a safe country for travelers, but like any other destination, it's essential to exercise caution and follow some safety tips to ensure a smooth and secure trip. Here are some safety tips for traveling in Tunisia:
Check Travel Advisories: Before you travel, check the latest travel advisories issued by your government to be aware of any potential risks or security concerns in specific regions of Tunisia.
Respect Local Customs: Tunisia is a predominantly Muslim country with conservative cultural values. Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites or rural areas, to show respect to local customs and avoid unwanted attention. for visa click here
Use Reputable Accommodations: Choose accommodations with positive reviews and good security measures. Always lock your room and use hotel safes to store valuables.
Avoid Public Demonstrations: While Tunisia is generally stable, public demonstrations can occur. Avoid participating in or getting too close to any protests or large gatherings.
Keep Valuables Secure: Petty theft can happen in crowded tourist areas. Keep your valuables like passports, money, and electronics in a secure bag, and be aware of your surroundings in busy places.
Use Reliable Transportation: Use official taxis or reputable transportation services. Avoid unmarked taxis and negotiate the fare before starting your journey.
Stay Informed: Keep up to date with local news and events while you're in Tunisia. It's always good to be aware of any potential security issues in the areas you plan to visit.
Avoid Remote Areas at Night: Stick to well-traveled and well-lit areas, especially at night. Avoid walking alone in remote or poorly lit places.
Beware of Scams: Be cautious of anyone offering unsolicited help or deals that seem too good to be true. Tourist scams can happen in popular tourist spots.
Keep Emergency Numbers Handy: Save important numbers, including the local police and your country's embassy or consulate, in your phone and on paper in case of an emergency.
Learn Basic Arabic Phrases: Learning some basic Arabic phrases can be helpful, as it shows respect and can assist you in communicating with locals in non-English-speaking areas.
Avoid Drugs: Possession and use of illegal drugs are strictly prohibited in Tunisia and can lead to severe penalties.
By being aware of your surroundings, respecting local customs, and taking common-sense precautions, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip to Tunisia. Remember that the vast majority of visitors have a trouble-free experience in the country.
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priyadigi22 · 2 years
Why Wholesale Pakistani Suits Are Irresistible For Women?
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Culture Is One Component Of Our Existence That Brings Together People From Many Religions, Cultures, And Countries. Pakistani Suits Have A Similar Culture. They Are Popular Among Women Of Indian Ancestry. The Key Reason For Their Popularity In India Is Their Gorgeous Appearance While Remaining Traditional. Wholesale Pakistani Suits Are A Variation Of Traditional Suits. Furthermore, Pakistani Suits Are Available In A Wide Variety Of Designs, Patterns, And Colours. Designers Today Combine Fresh Styles And Concepts In Cuts And Necklines With The Most Recent Trends To Create Endless Diversity. These Creative Cuts And Designs Have Played An Important Role In Providing Outstanding Aesthetics To The Collections. These Are Employed To Give The Collection A Glamorous Look.
Trendy Pakistani Suits Online
South Asia Boasts A Diverse Range Of Colourful Materials, Clothing, And Needlework Styles. Years Of Cultural Growth And Cross-Cultural Fusion Have Resulted In The Attire Seen Here. Since Ancient Times, Trade And Commerce Have Thrived Here, And Various Civilizations And Kingdoms Have Risen And Perished. As A Result, There Are Numerous Sorts Of Clothing To Choose From. There Are Several Sources Of Inspiration And Designs, As Well As Significant Differences In Clothing Trends From One Location To The Next. Wholesale Pakistani Suits Are One Of The Most Intriguing Ethnic Fashion Styles.
Pakistan Is Mostly A Muslim Country With Remains Of The Great Culture And Traditions Of The Mughal Era. Mughal Habits Have Influenced Every Area Of Pakistani Culture. The Most Noteworthy Example Is The Clothing Worn By Pakistani Women. The Traditional Costume Used In This Country Has A Regal, Attractive Appearance, With Flowing Curves, Elaborate Adornment, And Innovative Themes. To Be Honest, Both Men And Women Have A Diverse Range Of Clothing Options. It Comprises A Wide Spectrum Of Attire, Some Sophisticated And Formal, And Others More Casual. 
Wholesale Pakistani Suits Online
Fashions From All Around The World Are Being Blended And Experimented With As A Result Of The Globalised Economy And Diversified World Culture. As A Result, Both Traditional And Contemporary Pakistani Fashion Is Gaining Popularity Around The World. As A Result, Many Historic Textile And Handicraft Businesses Have Reappeared, As Have Other Magnificent Trends And Designs. In Recent Years, Pakistani Designers Have Frequently Merged Elements Of Western Fashion With Traditional Shapes And Patterns, Resulting In Some Stunning Clothes That Combine The Best Of Both Worlds.
Another Aspect Of Its Allure And Allure Is A Thorough Understanding Of What It Has To Offer.  Pakistani Suits For Women Come In A Range Of Styles And Fabrics, But The Lawn Suits From Pakistan Stand Out. The Fabric Is Airy, Light-Weight, And Smooth-Textured, Making It Appropriate For All Seasons, But Especially Summer. Cotton Lawn Suits Are Desirable Because Of Their Light Weight And Comfort.
Its Wide Appeal Across Social And Economic Lines Is What Keeps It Popular. It Is Affordable To People Of Various Socioeconomic Backgrounds Due To The Wide Price Range. Pakistani (Lawn) Suit Is An Umbrella Phrase That Includes Anything From The Plain And Fine Printed Cotton Lawn For Everyday Use To Embroidered Party Clothes. A Suit Piece Can Cost Anything Between A Few Hundred Dollars And Several Thousand Dollars, Depending On The Design And Pattern, As Well As The Fabric Quality. Lawn Suits Are Appropriate For A Variety Of Occasions, From Formal To Informal.
But, What Is It That Makes Wholesale Pakistani Suits So Irresistible?
As Previously Said, The Characters In Pakistani Television Shows Instilled Faith In Indian Audiences. The Simplicity Of The Main Character And The Other Characters Was Relatable In Comparison To What They Had Seen In Indian Serials, And This Provided The Missing Link That Indian Audiences Sought From Their Television Dramas. People On Both Sides Of The Border Desired To Dress Alike And Follow The Same Fashion Trends. People May Be Drawn To Pakistani Fashion And Trends Due To The High Quality And Affordable Cost Of These Garments.
The Influence Of Bollywood Superstars On The General People Is Huge And Unavoidable. In Order To Promote And Popularise The Product, Bollywood Superstars Were Used As Brand Ambassadors In The Marketing Campaign. Some Pakistani Fashion Designers Have Followed Suit. During The Launch Of Their Collections, Local Pakistani Superstars As Well As Bollywood Stars Have Frequently Appeared In Advertising And Photo Shoots.
1) The Fashion Is Crisp And Relatable 
When Pakistani Suits For Women Were Introduced In The Indian And Global Markets, People Were Introduced To Something New And Different In Terms Of Both Design And Materials From What They Were Used To Wearing. The Knee-Length Kameez With Straight Pants Became Popular. This May Have Been A Watershed Moment In The Popularity Of Pakistani Suits.
2) Pakistani Suits Are Available In A Variety Of Styles And Fabrics
Pakistani Suits Are Available In A Variety Of Styles And Fabrics, And The Cloth Used To Make These Suits Is Airy, Light-Weight, And Smooth-Textured. These Characteristics Make It A Popular Choice Among Ladies In All Seasons, Particularly During The Hot And Humid Indian Summers. Furthermore, The Price Range Of These Pakistani Outfits Is Extensive. This Makes It Available To All Sectors Of The Female Population. Pakistani Suits Give Appeal To Everyone, From Luxury Attire To Everyday Wear.
3) The Bollywood Influence
We’re All Aware Of How Bollywood Has Changed The Way We Dress And Look. Pakistani Suit Manufacturers Have Utilised Their Clout To Popularise Their Wares In The Indian Market. Pakistani Designers Have Employed Bollywood Celebrities As Brand Ambassadors To Promote Their Designs. Big Bollywood Divas Such As Karishma Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, And Katrina Kaif Are Frequently Spotted In Public Wearing Pakistani Outfits.
People In India’s Fondness For Pakistani Suits Have Created An Unspoken Tie Of Kinship And Humanity. It Has Demonstrated That A Love Of Culture And Customs Has No Bounds.
Style Tips
Online Shopping For Wholesale Pakistani Suits Is Now Easier Than Ever. People All Over The World May Now Buy Beautiful Ethnic Apparel Thanks To The Rise Of Trustworthy Ethnic Fashion Platforms. All You Have To Do Is Go To The Website, Look Through The Clothes, And Place Your Order. This Has Increased The Appeal Of Various Styles Of Clothing.
Pakistani Fashion Is More Than Simply Beautiful Garments. Women In This City Enjoy Putting Together Stunning Ensembles That Contain Authentic Jewellery As Well As Appropriate Handbags And Shoes. Stone Studded Necklaces, Jhoomars, Mang-Tikkas, And Nath Or Nose-Rings Are Some Classic Accessories That Go Well With Pakistani Outfits Like Shararas, Ghararas, Anarkali Suits, And Salwar Kameez.
A Simple Set Of Matching Gemstone Earrings Would Be A Great Option. A Complete Pearl Jewellery Set With Earrings, A Necklace, A Bracelet, And/Or Mang-Tikka, On The Other Hand, Would Look Wonderful With An Anarkali Outfit.
Ladies Should Mix Pieces That Compliment But Do Not Overshadow The Outfit To Obtain An Aesthetically Pleasing Combination. Heavy Gold Jewellery, For Example, Would Look Strange And Inappropriate With An Embroidered Salwar Kameez. A Simple Set Of Matching Gemstone Earrings Would Be A Great Option. On The Other Hand, A Complete Pearl Jewellery Set With Earrings, A Necklace, Bracelet, And/Or Mang-Tikka Will Look Stunning With An Anarkali Suit.
You May Discover The Most Fashionable And Eye-Catching Pakistani Salwar Suits At SM Creation. Check Right Now!
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khutbahs · 4 years
Islam 101: Understanding the misunderstood religion
Currently, the Islamic faith is under tremendous scrutiny from all sides. I often suspect that pundits who deliver their ideological quips regarding my faith do not have much in the way of direct experience nor understanding when it comes to this tender subject. The purpose of this column is to communicate information on the needlessly enigmatic subject of Islam.
Islam is a popular religion. The faith has nearly 1.6 billion practitioners — thus making it the second most practiced religion behind Christianity. Nearly 23 percent of the world is Muslim. The faith is currently growing at a rate that is believed to be the fastest among all major belief systems. Unfortunately, the previous sentence might give some readers cause for alarm. However, these impulses might be neutralized with increased exposure to Muslims and knowledge of the Islamic faith.
The word "Islam" in Arabic means submission. Muslims are those who submit to Allah (“God”). The faith is not named after a particular people, like Judaism, or a particular individual, like Christianity.
Interesting side note: the word “God” is derived from the old Germanic word “Gott” or “Gud," meaning “to invoke or sacrifice to.” Knowing as much as we know about Jesus, or "Isa" in Arabic, he most likely never referred to his deity as “God.” However, there is ample evidence that the namesake he used for his deity had a pronunciation closer to “AaLaH” or “AlaHa," a generic root word for “God” in Aramaic.
The necessary beliefs in Islam are of Allah, the angels, the Quran (Islamic holy scripture), the prophets, the Last Day (day of judgement) and the afterlife. A pivotal belief in Islam is that there is an inherent separation between the Creator and the creation. In Islam, Allah is the one creator and deity, and his creations possess no holiness or supreme powers. This logic is extended to all of the prophets. We believe that the prophets were humans of the highest character and piety, yet they were not worthy of worship.
Also, since no humans hold holiness, we see no need to confess our sins to men, or to seek spiritual endowment from anyone other than Allah. Allah states in the Quran that He rewards good behaviors, among the most frequently mentioned of these are speaking the truth, being kind to family, honoring parents, giving charity, feeding the poor, freeing slaves and studying. Allah also states in the Quran that He punishes bad behaviors; among these are the worship of idols, stealing from orphans, disobeying one’s parents, cheating on one’s spouse, giving false testimony, committing murder or suicide, or enslaving a free person.
Interesting fact: the words "heaven" and "hell" are both repeated in the Quran exactly 77 times.
There is a profound degree of weight in Islam’s messages and, like all powerful messages, they can be used for depravity in the wrong hands. Many men, as we have seen throughout history, exploit feelings of fear, passion and awe to achieve the same old patriarchal end goals: autocracy, the subjugation of women and the suppression of freedom. This has happened with other faiths and other cultures, although Islam does not necessarily promote a single culture. The fault is not in the faith itself, but in the individual practitioners and the misguided outsiders.
This assertion is shared by top United States security officials. Current United States National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster states that terrorists are “un-Islamic” and that we should avoid the term “radical Islamic terrorism” because it is inaccurate.
In my opinion, the best way to neuter terrorism by self-proclaimed Muslims is to ensure that the majority of Muslims around the world have ensured human dignity and fair treatment. When groups of people feel that they are under attack, they tend to lose objectivity and are more prone to radicalization. When Muslims see the injustices being carried out in places like Syria, Palestine and Iraq, it causes many of them — us — to feel demoralized, threatened or resentful.
Under these conditions, the most brutal and archaic of voices in the Muslim world are granted credibility. This phenomenon is present across all societies, including the United States. The brutality here perhaps is not on the level of the Middle East, but neither is the perceived threat among the citizenry. Canada, in the minds of radicals, has issued the Muslim world few sleights, and as a result, their nation has experienced considerably fewer terror attacks than other western nations. Terrorism is unacceptable under any circumstance, but we would be wise to understand and limit its causes.
Back to discussing the faith itself — in Islam, practice is based upon five essential pillars:
Shahada: to declare one's belief in Allah and the prophetic role of Muhammad.
Salah: to pray five times a day (dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and evening).
Zakat: to give charity to those in need.
Sawn: to fast from food, liquids and other bodily pleasures during daylight hours in the month of Ramadan.
Hajj: to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime if it is physically and financially feasible.
Some other interesting nuggets pertaining to the practice of Islam:
Abstinence is to be practiced until marriage.
Mind-altering substances are prohibited.
The consumption of swine is prohibited.
While Islam is a strict faith compared to many other belief systems, an often under-communicated aspect of our faith is the great mercy of our Creator. Two epithets that we regularly use for Allah are “Al Rahman” and “Al Raheem," which translate to “the most compassionate” and “the most merciful.” Human beings sin, naturally — Allah understands, and He rewards our struggle and attempts at self-improvement. In fact, it could be said that Allah grades on a curve. The more difficult our fight to righteousness, the greater our reward with Him in the end.
A source of grave misunderstanding regarding the Islamic faith concerns the word "jihad," which literally means “struggle.” The concept of jihad revolves around a struggle for the greater good and the study, practice and preaching of Islam. Unfortunately, in the term’s original usage, there was a lot of room left for interpretation. While both suicide and murder are explicitly listed as some of the worst sins in our entire faith, many people imagine that some gruesome combination of the two ensures paradise and 72 virgins — I can assure you quite the contrary.
There are many ways to fight for the greater good; in fact, I hope I am enacting jihad right now.
Also, many people assume that the Islamic faith is hostile toward the world’s other religions. This is not so. Our Quran reads, “Rest assured that Believers (Muslims), Jews, Christians and Sabians — whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and performs good deeds — will be rewarded by their Lord; they will have nothing to fear or to regret (22.40).” The Prophet’s life mission, endowed upon him by his Creator, was to spread the word of Islam. Yet, when it came to the sizable Jewish community right in Madinah, he established a peace agreement with them and allowed them to continue practicing their religion in peace.
In a letter to the Christian king of Abyssinia, he ends, "I have conveyed the message and now it is up to you to accept it. Once again, peace be upon him who follows the true guidance.” He employed no harassment — and he was the Prophet. Muslims believe that they know the truth, when people believe they know a truth that others do not, they like to get others up to speed. However, many Muslims around the world today would be wise to remember the Prophet’s gentle and earnest ways.
Another source of misunderstanding regarding the Islamic faith revolves around the female usage of hijab — a garment often worn to cover hair. Many in the West have made the argument that the hijab and the burka, a garment that covers nearly the full female body, are instruments of female subjugation. While it is true that some men, like in all societies, attempt to levy control over what the women in their proximity wear, I would argue that the original and true purpose of these garments was to conduce female humility and equality.
Last time I checked, men like to see what women look like — and as candidly as possible. This ogling can have adverse effects for women, including the inciting of passions in unwanted onlookers and the disregard for female cognitive and personal abilities. Islamic scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari states that “a woman is married for her deen (piety), her wealth or her beauty. You must go for the one with deen.” This quote expresses that the quality of a woman should be determined by her character, rather than her beauty or wealth. Martin Luther King Jr. expressed his view on the very meaning of human equality when he stated that his children should “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Humility is an essential value in our faith, and it is not only mandated in the dress of females. Males must stay covered from their shoulders to their knees and refrain from accessorizing with gold or silk.
Contrary to the beliefs of many, Islam since the beginning has mandated women’s rights. In Islam, women have a right to property, education, lawsuit initiation, divorce initiation, alimony and suffrage. Also, falsely slandering a woman’s reputation is a grave sin — as well as spousal abuse and forced marriage. Our beloved Prophet’s own wife, Khadija, could arguably be seen as an original proponent of feminism. She was a reputable businesswoman who traded goods from Mecca to Yemen, had a history of turning down marriage proposals, asked the Prophet to marry her, gave charitably and was the very first person to accept Islam after our Prophet. We revere her.
Interesting fact: the words “man” and “woman” are both repeated in the Quran exactly 23 times.
I will end this article with 
Translations of some popular Muslim phrases:
Assalam Alaikom — “Peace be upon you.” — This phrase is a common greeting.
Allahu Akbar — “Allah is great.” — This phrase can be said out loud or simply thought of on a regular basis.
Alhamdulillah — “Praise be to Allah.” — This phrase is commonly used to express satisfaction with life.
Inshallah — “If Allah wills.” — This phrase is commonly used when Muslims plan or ponder future events.
Bismillah — “In the name of Allah.” — This phrase is commonly used before a Muslim starts something.
Subhanallah — “Glory to Allah.” — This phrase is commonly used to express amazement in regard to things.
Mashallah — “God has willed.” — This phrase is commonly used to express amazement in regard to human achievement.
La ilaha illa Allah — “There is no god but Allah.” — This phrase can used at any time.
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kemetic-dreams · 3 years
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Ethiopia is considered to be the birthplace of the coffee plant and of coffee culture. It is thought that coffee was discovered in Ethiopia as long ago as the ninth century. Today, over 12 million people in Ethiopia are involved in the cultivation and picking of coffee, and coffee remains a central part of Ethiopian culture.
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The Ethiopian Coffee Legend
The most popular legend of coffee in Ethiopia usually goes something like this: Kaldi, an Abyssinian goat herder from Kaffa, was herding his goats through a highland area near a monastery. He noticed that they were behaving very strangely that day, and had begun to jump around in an excited manner, bleating loudly and practically dancing on their hind legs. He found that the source of the excitement was a small shrub (or, in some legends, a small cluster of shrubs) with bright red berries. Curiosity took hold and he tried the berries for himself.
Like his goats, Kaldi felt the energizing effects of the coffee cherries. After filling his pockets with the red berries, he rushed home to his wife, and she advised him to go to the nearby monastery in order to share these "heaven-sent" berries with the monks there.
Upon arrival at the monastery, Kaldi's coffee beans were not greeted with elation, but with disdain. One monk called Kaldi's bounty "the Devil's work" and tossed it into a fire. However, according to legend, the aroma of the roasting beans was enough to make the monks give this novelty a second chance. They removed the coffee beans from the fire, crushed them to put out the glowing embers, and covered them with hot water in an ewer in order to preserve them (or so the story goes).
All the monks in the monastery smelled the aroma of the coffee and came to try it out. Much like the tea-drinking Buddhist monks of China and Japan, these monks found that coffee's uplifting effects were beneficial in keeping them awake during their spiritual practice (in this case, prayer and holy devotions). They vowed that from then on they would drink this newfound beverage each day as an aid to their religious devotions.
There is an alternate coffee origin myth, which attributes the discovery of coffee to a very devout Muslim man named Sheikh Omar who was living as a recluse in Mocha, Yemen.
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Ethiopian Coffee History
It is thought that the legendary character of Kaldi would have existed around 850 A.D. This account coincides with the commonly held belief that coffee cultivation began in Ethiopia around the ninth century. However, some believe that coffee was cultivated as early as 575 A.D. in Yemen.
Although the legend of Kaldi, his goats, and the monks say that coffee was discovered as a stimulant and as a beverage on the same day, it is far more likely that coffee beans were chewed as a stimulant for centuries before they were made into a beverage. It is likely that the beans were ground and mixed with ghee (clarified butter) or with animal fat to form a thick paste, which was rolled into small balls then consumed as needed for energy on long journeys. Some historians believe that this custom of chewing coffee beans was brought (along with coffee itself) from Kaffa to Harrar and Arabia by enslaved Sudanese who chewed coffee to help survive the arduous journeys of the Muslim slave trade routes. Supposedly, enslaved Sudanese picked up this custom of chewing coffee from the Galla nation of Ethiopia. Today, the tradition of consuming ground coffee in ghee remains in some areas of Kaffa and Sidamo. Similarly, in Kaffa, some people add a little melted clarified butter to their brewed coffee to make it more nutritionally dense and to add flavor (a bit like the butter pu-erh tea of Tibet).
According to some sources, there was also a way of eating coffee as a porridge, and this method of consuming coffee could be seen amongst several other indigenous nations of Ethiopia around the tenth century.
Gradually, coffee became known as a beverage in Ethiopia and beyond. In some populations, coffee cherries were crushed and then fermented into a kind of wine. In others, coffee beans were roasted, ground, and then boiled into a decoction. Gradually, the custom of brewing coffee took hold and spread elsewhere. Around the 13th century, coffee spread to the Islamic world, where it was revered as potent medicine and powerful prayer aid and was boiled much like medicinal herbal decoctions are boiled—for intensity and strength. You can still find traditions of boiling coffee in Ethiopia, Turkey, and much of the rest of the Mediterranean, where they are known as Ethiopian coffee, Turkish coffee, Greek coffee and other, similar names.
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One common Ethiopian coffee saying is "Buna dabo naw". This literally translates to "Coffee is our bread". It demonstrates the central role that coffee plays in terms of diet and illustrates the level of importance placed on it as a source of sustenance.
Another common saying is "Buna Tetu". This is an Amharic phrase that literally means "Drink coffee". It applies not only to the act of drinking coffee but also to socialize with others, much like the way people use the phrase "meet for coffee" in English.
If one says, "I don't have anyone to have coffee with," it is not taken literally, but assumed to mean that the person does not have good friends in whom they can confide. This relates closely to the enormous social role that coffee consumption plays in Ethiopia and the fact that people often gather over coffee for conversations that cover daily life, gossip, and deeper issues alike. Similarly, if someone says, "Don't let your name get noticed at coffee time," they mean that you should watch out for your reputation and avoid becoming the topic of negative gossip.
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athingofvikings · 3 years
its always great to see you on my dash and lately in political posts, I've been reluctant to reblog anything because of the rampant antisemitic rhetoric going around, and its been your posts in particular that have clued me into those and to be more cautious about just hitting reblog buttons without being critical about it, and i want to say that I hope you feel more confident or are able to curate a safer dash experience soon!
I appreciate it.
And yeah, Israel has packed the Palestinians in its territory (which is not all of them, not by a long shot) into conditions that are effectively apartheid and there are definitely those in the IDF who are actively attempting to kill Palestinian people (there's a firearm issued to IDF frontline soliders that is classified as "nonlethal." It was given that classification in 2009... but almost a decade earlier, it had been reclassified as "lethal". So someone took a weapon that they knew could kill people and put it back as "nonlethal", apparently in the hope of getting Palestinians killed. Good job, jackass!), and generally awful. And I don't think it's a coincidence that Netanyahu is such a hardliner when facing corruption scandal after scandal--he's trying to manufacture crises that will frighten the populace into supporting him as a bastion of safety (a tactic that works, especially when non-Jews around the world bolster his position with antisemitic hate crimes and related rhetoric).
At the same time, the currently leadership of the Palestinians is explicitly genocidal. They actually have a pretty sweet setup. They take the money that people donate in droves and instead of helping their people with it, they use it to fund weapons; in the last couple of weeks alone, they wasted something like $5,000,000+ on rockets. But their genius is in putting the rocket assembly sites and launch sites in schools, hospitals, libraries, journalism offices, and more, putting the IDF into a lose-lose situation.
Either the IDF lets the rockets continue to launch, which gets the people under their protection killed, or they tell the people at those sites to evacuate (and not all of the people there actually evacuate), and then blow it up... handing Hamas a propaganda victory as social media and news sites across the world scream, "ISRAEL BLOWS UP PALESTINIAN HOSPITAL!"
And then the money comes pouring in.
And the cycle repeats.
And people who live outside of this, people whose education on this comes from a vague sense of "Israel=Bad" and some pithy reductive Instagram posts, chant "Free Palestine!"... not knowing the full origin of the phrase.
From the River to the Sea (Wikipedia link)
From the River to the Sea (Arabic: من النهر إلى البحر‎, romanized: min al-nahr ila al-bahr) is, and forms part of, a popular political slogan used by some Palestinian nationalists. It contains the notion that the land which lies between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea be entirely placed under Arab rule at the cost of the State of Israel, excluding the contested Golan Heights, conquered from Syria in 1967 and unilaterally annexed in 1981.[8] It has been used frequently by Arab leaders[9][10] and is often chanted at anti-Israel demonstrations.[11]
The slogan is versatile with numerous variations including "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,"[12] "Palestine is ours from the river to the sea," "Palestine is Islamic from the river to the sea,"[13] Islamic scholars also claim the Mahdi will also declare the slogan in the following format: "Jerusalem is Arab Muslim, and Palestine — all of it, from the river to the sea — is Arab Muslim."[14]
Or in other words, it's a call for ethnically cleansing and genociding half of the world's Jewish population. That is its origin and its context, and I react with fear when I see someone use it.
I want the fighting to stop. I want the dying to stop.
But accusing Israel of being genocidal--when the Palestinian population has nearly tripled in my lifetime--or calling Israelis "Nazis", or making sly comments about "Jews controlling the media/the banks/the economy/etc" or accusing the IDF of deliberately hunting down and slaughtering Palestinian children, or saying that Israel is there for the oil (what oil? There's a small amount of oil shale in the Negev but that's it), or accusing Diasporic Jews of dual loyalties...
None of that accomplishes anything, other than making Netanyahu's claim that the world hates us and wants us all to die that much more real.
One of my Jewish friends got a rape threat this morning, xir fourth one this past week. I got death threats this past week. Other Jewish people across the Diaspora are being harassed and brutalized.
And this is not new. This has been the case for over a thousand years--that non-Jews will take any excuse to hurt Jews. And all it does is prove that we need Israel, because when the flag burnings turn to synagogue burnings and the chants turn to beatings...
We know that non-Jews will not help us.
Because apparently we should just sit back and let ourselves be murdered--a real claim I saw this past month on multiple occasions.
We're frightened. We've been abused.
And rather than try to help deal with that fright, with that abuse, the apparent solution by those who claim to be for justice and peace is to heap it on more.
Because apparently it's just more satisfying to drive through a Jewish neighborhood shouting out the window that Hitler should have finished the job than it is to do something constructive.
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