#Religion of Peace
mdunis67 · 2 months
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Damn Islamophobes. What other choice did he have? /s
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secular-jew · 2 months
You can't go to the bathroom or use the aisle for any purpose, because an entitled religion-of-peace advocate has to block the aisle so he can do what he wants.
This is against FAA regulations and a safety hazard.
Tolerance seems to be demanded and only goes one way.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
French politicians from across the political spectrum Wednesday denounced what they called an "Islamist" attack on education after a school principal resigned following death threats over a Muslim veil. 
The headmaster at a high school and college in eastern Paris quit after receiving death threats online following an altercation with a student, officials told AFP on Tuesday.
In late February, he had asked three students to remove their headscarves on school premises, but one of them refused and an altercation ensued, according to prosecutors. He later received death threats online.
According to a school letter sent to teachers, pupils and parents on Tuesday, the principal stood down for "security reasons", while education officials said he had taken "early retirement".
"It's a disgrace," Bruno Retailleau, the head of the right-wing Republicans faction in the Senate upper house, said on X (former Twitter) on Wednesday.
Voilà à quoi aboutit le « pas de vague », voilà où nous mènent les petites lâchetés et les grands renoncements. La démission de ce proviseur est le résultat de la démission de l’éducation nationale et de l’Etat tout entier. Une honte. https://t.co/OAC8fpHDxg— Bruno Retailleau (@BrunoRetailleau) March 27, 2024
"We can't accept it," Boris Vallaud, the head of the Socialist deputies in the National Assembly lower house, told television broadcaster France 2, calling the incident "a collective failure".
Marion Marechal, the granddaughter of far-right patriarch Jean-Marie Le Pen and a popular far-right politician herself, spoke on Sud Radio of a "defeat of the state" in the face of "the Islamist gangrene".
Maud Bregeon, a lawmaker with President Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance party, also took aim at "an Islamist movement".
"Authority lies with school heads and teachers, and we have a duty to support this educational community," Bregeon said.
A 26-year-old man has been arrested for making death threats against the principal on the internet. He is due to stand trial in April.
France is home to Europe's largest Muslim community.
In 2004, authorities banned school children from wearing "signs or outfits by which students ostensibly show a religious affiliation" such as headscarves, turbans or kippas on the basis of the country's secular laws which are meant to guarantee neutrality in state institutions.
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lordadmiralfarsight · 7 months
A religion of peace ?
Well now, that's a hell of a clickbait, isn't it? Well, believe it or not, this isn't MAGA-style fearmongering. There's actually a nuanced take in there. Just keep reading.
Recently, I answered a post talking about how Islam has been romanticized and mythicized by the Western Left, based on two myths :
The first myth is the idea that Islam is an intrinsically revolutionary religion that fights against Imperialism, Colonialism and Capitalism. The fact Islam has a History of imperialism and violent colonization, supported by a large a vivacious trade network is conveniently forgotten.
The second myth is that Islam is intrinsically more tolerant than the West, because it has bits in its holy text that say to let Christians and Jews live in exchange for a tax. Not everyone is aware of the tax. The conditions associated with the status of Dhimmi, the social and legal violence that comes with it through obligations and restrictions is not explored.
And quite often, when this is brought up, I see people say that "Islam is a religion of peace" as a debate-killer. Muslims and non-muslims. But is it?
Was the Islam of the Rashidun Caliphate, as it spread out of Arabia with violent conquest, a religion of peace ?
Was the Islam of the Ottomans, as they abducted Greek children to turn them into slave soldiers away from all their roots and never to see their famillies, a religion of peace ?
Was the Islam of the Berber raiders that were stopped at Poitier in their Razzia, a raid to kill men and enslave women, a religion of peace ?
Is the Islam of Hamas and ISIS, who yearns to murder non-muslims and openly dreams of world subjugation, a religion of peace ?
And I know what you're going to tell me.
The House of Knowledge in Bagdad allowed thinkers of many creeds to talk as equals! But for how long ? How long did this period last, and how mythicized and embellished is it ?
Al-Andalus was a beacon of tolerance and acceptance, a jewel of culture that was destroyed by the Reconquista, another show of Christian intolerance and cruelty ! But how long did it stay thus ? Did it remain tolerant as a constant throughout its History ? And, wasn't it rather ... colonialist in nature ? Neither Berbers nor Arabs are native to Iberia, after all.
I'm not saying Islam is evil. In the hands of many, it is not. I have eaten, joked and worked with people whose Islam IS a religion of peace. I now teach some whose Islam IS a religion of peace. There are millions of Muslims, in my dearly loved country of France whose Islam IS a religion of peace and who often are our main allies in finding out terrorists before they can kill. Millions who simply want to live, freely and in peace, away from violence.
And it is a disservice to them to say that Islam IS a religion of peace, wholly, totally, entirely. It is a disservice to them to make such a broad, uncompromising statement, because it kills and banishes reflection and thought and leaves the average Muslim at the mercy of extremists that get the benefit of the doubt long after it should have disappeared.
Islam CAN BE a religion of peace. In the right hands.
Much like Christianity CAN BE a religion of peace, in the right hands.
Much like Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Animism, Shintoism, and so many others CAN BE religions of peace.
And they can all be religions of hate in the wrong hands.
All I'm saying, in the end, is that we need to stop "noble savage"-ing Islam, treat it realistically a fairly. Reject its extremists as surely as we reject those of Christianity, and embrace its moderates as surely as we would any other.
Do I have all the answers ? No, I'm just one guy. But I can tell you that unless Leftwing people get their heads out of the sand, stop denying the issue and start making actual, thought out, deep proposals, it's the far right, the Nazis and the Fascists that will win this, because when there's just one thing on the table, that's what you pick.
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gamer2002 · 3 days
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Despite the past accusations, I have never claimed that Islam is Hitler.
But University of Illinois wishes to say that Islam stands against the same things Hitler did, and it is a good thing.
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onthecouchguy-blog · 3 months
Islam is the religion of peace.
April fools, of course it isn't
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aliya-din · 5 months
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"We must normalize massacres as the status quo."
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niqabiemi · 3 months
lmao good luck converting, hope hamas doesn't murder you for having been jewish, also hope you get to suffer under their misogynistic fascist religion
Yeah I'm sure Hamas is going to paraglide across the Atlantic just to kill me lmao. It's never too late to convert to Islam you know. Allah is merciful.
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diasporangael · 1 year
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thearbourist · 5 months
The DWR Sunday Religious Disservice - The Religion Of Peace
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mdunis67 · 1 month
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"Islam calls itself the religion of peace and Christianity calls itself the religion of love. These claims are not supported by evidence." -- Adrian Briggs
Plenty of evidence to the contrary, though, available through their own scripture.
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secular-jew · 2 months
The Islamic regime of Iran has ordered the execution of rapper Toomaj Salehi, a hip hop star with over 2 million followers. He is already in jail on a 6 yr sentence, now he's going to be executed.
Because Islam. I wonder how many protests on American campuses will ensue?
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saleha · 5 months
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