#My favorite office outfits are the ones with head accessories
One Step Away From You (Chapter 2)
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ExBestFriend!Eddie Munson x PlusSize!Fem!Reader
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Chapter Summary: It's your first day back at Hawkins High. Your day goes as expected, until you see the face of your ex-best friend, Eddie Munson, at a lunch table with your younger friends. WC: 5.7k Warnings: MDNI. Explicit language used. Descriptions of anxiety, mentions of depression. Notes: I've been dying to post this chapter. I've been waiting to post chapters until I have the next one finished, and it's been harder than expected to not just post them right away. This chapter features time spent with the younger kids, and Steve and Robin, as well as a little flashback. I hope you guys enjoy!
Monday, September 16th, 1985
Your eyes slowly open, taking in the dawn sky peeking through your curtains as the sun begins to rise. Your eyes shift to the clock by your bed, 5 minutes before your alarm goes off. Yawning, your hand falls to rest on your cat Henny, peacefully sleeping against your chest. You smile as you gently pet his soft black fur, enjoying the few moments of peace before you have to get ready. Moments of peace, soon interrupted by anxious thoughts about your first day back at Hawkins High. The repetitive feeling of your cat’s fur against your hand helps to keep your thoughts from spiraling too much. That is until the sudden, loud blaring of your alarm caused him to sprint off the bed in a flash. You snort out a laugh as you quickly turn off your alarm.
Stretching out all your limbs, you climb out of bed with a sigh and head to the bathroom to start your morning routine. You spend a few minutes browsing your wardrobe, deciding on what to wear for your first day outfit. Finally deciding on a pair of your favorite acid wash jeans that hug your curves, a Metallica Ride the Lightning shirt, and your trusty, worn black converse hi-tops. You turn to your vanity, beginning your usual hair and make-up routine. You kept your hair in its natural form, only adding some hairspray to your roots to add some volume. Followed by a smokey eye, winged eyeliner, mascara, and some chapstick. You grab your bag, keys, and a pack of pop-tarts, giving Henny a kiss on his head before heading out the door. 
You start your truck, turning the dial of the radio until you hear the familiar sounds of Hall & Oates. You light a menthol cigarette, a habit picked up from your parents and the stress of the last few years, before backing out of your driveway. You take note of the same unfamiliar van in Uncle Wayne’s driveway as you pull out of the trailer park. As you drive down the road, singing along to Out of Touch, you feel that familiar anxious knot start to form in your stomach as you get closer to the school.
A knot that only grows when you pull into Hawkins High’s parking lot, noting all the cars and students already there. You pull into an open space in the back and park your truck, sighing as you finish your cigarette, eyes roaming among the students lingering around their cars. Starting at a new school was never easy, but starting at a new school after the year had already started was worse. Today marked the 3rd week of the school year. You hope the year was still fresh enough that no one would pay particular attention to a newer face. Who were you kidding, in a town as small as Hawkins? Of course they would notice. You groan before deciding, Fuck it, let’s get this over with. You grab your bag and begin walking toward the school entrance, not letting your eyes linger away from the main doors to meet the ones of your fellow students.
After 3 years, the halls of Hawkins High are still familiar to you, finding your way to the principal’s office easily. You enter, eyes falling onto a middle-aged woman, clad in all purple clothing and accessories as you approach her desk. 
“Hi, uhm-” you cleared your throat, prompting her eyes to lift to meet yours. “It’s my first day. My mom already took care of the paperwork. I’m here to get my locker and class schedule.” You notice the way her eyes look you over, squinting scrutinizingly in the process.
“Name?” she asks, voice monotone as she reaches for a folder of papers in the desk drawer. You give your name, watching as she shuffles through them. Your eyes briefly look around, landing on the door to the Principal’s office. You can’t help rolling your eyes as you notice the plaque on the door, Principal Higgins. Can’t wait to deal with that prick again. You look back to the receptionist as she wordlessly hands over 2 papers with your locker information and your class schedule. Her eyes never look back up to you as she quickly resumes her previous task. Your body shifts awkwardly. 
“Uh, thank you. Have a good one” you politely offer as you turn to leave. Rolling your eyes and muttering “Rude bitch” as you re-enter the halls and head to your first class.
Your first few classes of the day go as expected. Much to your dismay, your presence had caught the eyes and attention of a few of your peers. If it wasn’t for the fact that your presence in their classes is new, your looks would be grabbing their attention regardless. You did your best to be as unbothered as you could, ignoring their gazes and whispers as you focused on the lectures or doodling in your notebook. As you sit in your last class before lunch, you can’t help but feel frustrated at your predicament.
Moving back to Virginia in 10th grade had fucked everything up for you. To say you were devastated after the move is an understatement. You struggled to adjust; switching schools half-way through the school year, leaving behind Eddie, your Dad, and your parents' crumbled marriage. You fell into a depression and didn’t attempt to make new friends or try to pass your classes. By the end of your 10th grade year you’d failed most of your classes, causing you to be held back and having to redo the year over again. If your family had never fallen apart and you’d never moved, you would’ve graduated this past May. 
There’s no point in lingering on it now, it’s done. The best thing you could do now is stay on top of your schoolwork, graduate next May and hopefully go off to college in the Fall to start the rest of your life.
Your eyes shoot up from your notebook as the bell rings, dragging you out of your thoughts. You collect your things, following your peers into the quickly crowding halls. You originally planned to spend your lunch period in the library, setting up your school planner and figuring out assignments you already needed to catch up on. However, your young friend Mike Wheeler on the other hand, insisted that you come and sit with the boys for lunch when you’d called and let them know you were back in Hawkins. 
The cafeteria buzzes with its usual chatter, as does the Hellfire table. Eddie, Gareth, Jeff, and Grant discuss the latest DnD campaign, begging Eddie for details of the upcoming one this Friday. Eddie laughs bashfully, denying their requests. Until he notices the newer, younger members of Hellfire completely oblivious to their conversation, and thoroughly engaged in their own. Eddie attempts to filter out the whines of the older members.
“I’m so happy she’s back, I can’t believe it.” Dustin remarks.
“I know! You told her to come sit with us right?” Lucas directs at Mike, who eagerly nods his head in response.
“Yeah, has anyone seen her yet?”
The other two boys shake their heads.
“I could’ve sworn I saw her on my way to 3rd period but I wasn’t sure” Dustin adds.
“Man. It’s nice we’ll actually get to go to school together, at least for this year.” Lucas says, referencing the few years you have on them.
It’s a rapid fire conversation Eddie can barely hear. Just when he’s about to interrupt and ask who the hell they’re talking about,
“Oh wait, there she is!”
Eddie’s eyes follow to where the younger boys’ eyes and small waves are directed toward, eyes landing on you.
Eddie’s movements freeze, breath hitching in his throat as he watches you. It’s like everything moves in slow motion. Your eyes quickly scan the cafeteria, uncertainty sketched across your face. Until your eyes catch the younger boys, and a breathtaking smile spreads across your face that knocks the air right out of his goddamn lungs. You giggle softly as you begin to walk towards them. And all Eddie can do is fucking stare. 
He has to force himself to blink multiple times to make sure he’s not dreaming. It’s really you. What the fuck, it’s you?? He could only watch in disbelief, brain short circuiting. In the nearly 3 years that had passed, you really didn’t look much different at all. You did seem more confident, comfortable in yourself. Your features had matured a bit more too, but you still had that same baby face; pink, chubby cheeks and soft jawline. Only now your hair is a few shades lighter and you’re sporting a nose ring.  Your body had filled out more too, the same body Eddie had practically gawked over seen from his bedroom window yesterday. Now that he has a view from the front, he can’t stop his eyes from fully looking you over. From your gorgeous face, to the faint outline of your plush stomach through your Metallica shirt, to your thick thighs that rubbed against each other as you walked. Eddie was still frozen in place as you finally approach the table, eyes not having met his yet. 
You greet the younger boys with a smile, 
“Hey buds” you exclaim happily. Your arms wrap around Mike and Lucas, giving them both a half hug before rounding the other side of the table to Dustin, ruffling his hair playfully. 
“How’s freshman year treating y’all?” You ask genuinely. You can’t deny that you had worried a bit for them. Freshman year can be rough, especially for a ‘freak’.
“Not so bad” Mike shrugs, “the club has helped.” His head gestures to the other, older boys at the rest of the table. 
Your eyes follow, noting the other boys’ eyes are already on you, watching in subtle curiosity. Your eyes land on the boy sitting at the head of the table. Hair long, dark, and wild. An unreadable expression on his face, dark brown eyes boring into yours. 
Eddie. Fuckkkk. 
Your eyes widen slightly, smile faltering as you try to swallow the lump that just lodged itself in your throat. You try your best to put on a genuine smile, only partially effective as an awkward half smile tugs at your lips. 
“Hey, Eddie” you offer with a small nod.
His mind finally snaps out of its daze, reality and resentment setting in. He coughs lightly, clearing his throat as his features and gaze harden.
“Y/N” he offers, voice cold as he snatches his gaze from yours. He resumes eating his pretzels, as if your very presence didn’t just shatter his world as he knew it. 
“You guys know each other?” Lucas asks curiously.
Dustin turns his head to look up at you behind him, eyes widening.
“Wait… Eddie? As in THE Eddie… that taught you DnD?” Dustin asks.
You give him a tight lipped smile as you nod, 
“The one and only.”
You begin to fidget on your feet uncomfortably, stomach turning. 
“I can’t believe I didn’t connect the dots until now.” Dustin breathes out slowly.
“Whoa… you should totally join and play with us!” Mike quickly adds.
Abort mission. Abort mission. Your thoughts scream at you. 
“Oh, that’s alright.” You dismiss him quickly with a smile and small wave of your hand, “Anyway, I just came by to say ‘Hi’ to you guys real quick. I gotta get going.”
You’re greeted with a chorus of groans from the younger boys. You offer a small nod and tight-lipped smile to the older boys. Your eyes briefly glance at Eddie, whose eyes haven’t left his pretzels since first leaving yours. You tell the younger boys you’ll see them later as you begin to walk off towards the exit. Finally releasing a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. A breath that’s quickly catching in your throat again as you hear fast footsteps approaching from behind you and feel a hand on your shoulder. You relax as you turn and see Dustin’s face.
“Hey, wait. So reaalllly quick. Lucas and Mike wanted me to ask if you wouldn’t mind giving us a ride home after school?” 
“Seriously man?” You let out a genuine laugh, caught off guard.
“Oh, come onnn. You remember how much it sucks to ride the bus! Pretty pretty please??” Dustin asks, putting on the best puppy eyes he can manage. You roll your eyes and groan playfully at him.
“Fine, but whoever gets to my truck first gets to sit in the cab with me, the last 2 are stuck in the truck bed” you add. 
If you’re gonna be stuck giving them a ride, you’d at least get some entertainment out of watching them race for the best seat. Dustin salutes you before scurrying back to the Hellfire table as you turn and walk out of the cafeteria as quickly as your legs can take you.
Gareth, Jeff, and Grant share curious, confused, but knowing glances at each other and Eddie. Picking up on the undeniable tension in the air between him and this girl. Feeling their eyes on him, and before Gareth can even open his mouth, Eddie’s hand shoots up to cut him off.
They’d drop it for now, but Eddie knew it was only a matter of time before it was brought up, whether by them or the newer members whom you seemed to know so well. 
Shitshitshit! Your thoughts rapidly fly through your head as you hightail it to the library to spend the remainder of your lunch. Eddie’s was the last face you expected to see at school, in Hawkins. Let alone sitting at a table, in a DnD club with your young friends. What the hell is he still doing here anyway? Remember that comforting, hopeful feeling you had? It was long gone now, dissipating at the sight of your old best friend. Crumbling into ashes as your eyes met his, his face even more beautiful than you remembered… and hardened as he saw you. 
You were so confused. Last you knew of Eddie was that he had hooked up with some girl who worked for a record company in LA, recording a demo tape for a record deal back in Spring 84’. At least that’s what you and Eddie’s friend from the trailer park and Corroded Coffin's drummer, Ronnie had relayed to you over the phone. You’d asked her not to give you any more updates about him after that, the news making your stomach drop. When she went off to NYU later that year, you figured the band had just replaced her with a new drummer.
You enter the library and head towards an old spot of yours, a table in the back tucked between bookshelves rarely perused by your peers. Your head falls into your hands as you plop down into a chair, sighing deeply as you attempt to calm your thoughts and breathing. All those thoughts and feelings about Eddie you’d tried to bury over the last few years were now clawing their way out of the grave and overtaking your mind. 
You feebly try to push them down again. You look at the lunch you had packed for yourself. Knowing you couldn’t stomach it right now, you pull out your planner and syllabi from your earlier classes. It only leads to your thoughts of Eddie and your school work hashing it out in your head for your undivided attention. You sigh again, already knowing which will be the winner. Leaning back in your chair, you think about how exactly you got here. How the best friend you’ve ever had could barely make any eye contact with you, and the sight of him made you have a near panic attack.
It had been a cloudy day in early December 1982, when you dragged your feet across the road to the Munson trailer. Sprinkles of rain began to fall, soaking into your hair as you dreaded breaking the news to your best friend. You willed away the tears that were already building in your eyes before you could even step onto Uncle Wayne’s porch. A few moments after your weak knocks on the door, it opened to reveal your best friend. His signature cheeky smile plastered on his face, quickly slipping away when he noted the somber look on yours.
“Hey, hey. What’s wrong?” He asked softly, hand reaching for your arm as he stepped out the trailer to join you on the porch. You couldn’t look him in the eyes, you knew as soon as you did you wouldn’t be able to stop the waterfall. 
“I’m leaving, Eddie…” you mutter, voice soft and cracking. 
“Leaving? W-What do you mean?” Eddie asks, confusion seeping through his voice and features. You gulp, trying to calm yourself before you continue. “Is it your dad? Is he giving you guys problems? I told you, you can come to me and Wayne if he-”
“No-No. He’s in the tank for a DUI right now a-and Mom thinks… it’s perfect timing to just get away, put some distance…” you manage to get out. You take a deep breath before willing yourself to look up and finally meet his eyes. “We’re moving back to Virginia.” 
Your eyes search his as yours begin to well with tears. Finally saying the words to him made it real, definite, final. He sighs deeply, a small frown pulling at his lips.
“C’mere…” He whispers, pulling you into his chest as his arms wrap around and squeeze you tightly. His gesture causes your tears to fall freely. You almost feel bad that you’re no doubt soaking his shirt and leaving behind an embarrassing wet spot, but the feeling of his arms around you and the sad, anxious thoughts flying through your mind distract you from it.
“It’s gonna be okay” he says reassuringly, a hand softly rubbing up and down your back.
After a minute he pulls back, hands holding both of your arms as he looks at you with a small smile.
“They have phones back in Virginia, right?” he asks, joking lightly. Anything to lessen the frown and tears streaking your cheeks. You smirk softly in response, nodding your head as you wipe your tears. “Then it’ll be okay. We’ll call a-and talk about school, new records, DnD campaigns… that dick Higgins” A brief, wet laugh escapes your mouth at his words. 
“all the things we talk about now. I promise.” He finishes, moving one of his hands from your arm to extend his pinky finger out to you. A long playful gesture you’ve done since meeting in 4th grade. You take a moment to let his words and optimism sink in. 
You wrap your pinky finger around his, offering back a small smile. “Promise.”
The bell signaling the end of the lunch period pulls you out of your memory. You collect your things, taking your place in the halls among your peers as you head toward your next class. Only 3 more periods to get through, that’s it. Just 3. Then you can go home, and dig into your stash for some relief from this whirlwind of a day. You take a deep breath and put on a brave face as you walk into your English class. You’re one of the first students there, quickly grabbing an open seat in the back. Settling in, you pull out your notebook from your bag, facing toward the front of the class just as a patched denim jacket catches your eye. Eddie saunters in, dropping ungracefully into a seat in the back, 2 rows away from you. This can’t be happening. You lace your fingers together, resting your mouth against them as you stare at the board, not daring to let your eyes wander towards the long haired boy.
A soft gasp coming from your right grabs your attention, 
“Hey, I know you! Scoops Ahoy right?” You look over the girl as she takes a seat next to you. She looks familiar, you’d definitely seen her a few times while you were working at Scoops this summer. Donna? Denise? Debbie? You tried remembering the girl's name, knowing Steve had mentioned it at some point.
You clear your throat before answering, “Yeah, mhm. That’s me.”
“Oh my gosh. I still can’t believe what happened with the fire. I mean, a grease fire? From that god awful Hot Dog on a Stick place? Still so crazy to me.” She states, shaking her head in disbelief. You nod softly in response.
“Yeah, tell me about it. Guess they never learned grease and water don’t mix.” You breathe out a soft laugh, “Not an experience I’ll forget anytime soon, that’s for sure.”
“For sure, I bet! Hey, I thought I remembered Steve saying something about you just visiting for the summer… I’m guessing you’re here to stay?” 
You were a little taken aback at how kind she’s being. She seemed nice enough buying ice cream, but holding a full on conversation with you in a classroom was unexpected. By the looks of her, she wouldn’t be considered a ‘freak’ by any means. Not popular, but not an outcast either.
“Yeah that’s right, at least until graduation.” you respond with a soft smile that she quickly returns.
“Cool. Well anyway, I’m glad you guys made it out okay.”
“Thanks, me too” You finish as she settles into her seat, just as Ms. O’Donnel begins to speak at the front of the class.
As you settle back into your own seat, your cheeks warm. He didn’t hear that, did he? You try to pay attention to Ms. O’Donnel as she discusses The Catcher in the Rye when you can feel eyes on you. Taking in your peripheral vision confirms it. Yep, he definitely heard that. Eddie is practically staring daggers at the side of your face before scoffing, shaking his head and looking toward the front of the class. 
It takes every fiber of his being to not storm out of the classroom right in that moment, but he actually wanted to try and graduate this year, so he stays. Leg rapidly bouncing, biting down his already short nails just to attempt to calm the nerves and emotions raging through his body. Seeing you again, then to overhear that you had been visiting Hawkins in the summer this whole time… it’s too much for him to process. He’s hurting, fucking heartbroken actually, but that’s being overshadowed by anger. He knew it. Part of him never wanted to fully admit it to himself, but now he knows it’s true. You had truly abandoned him. He’s never blamed you for moving back to Virginia. That wasn’t your fault. You had no control over it, and he knew that. What he could never understand though, was why a couple months after you’d moved, you stopped calling and returning his calls. He used to go over and over in his head if he had done something, said something wrong and could never think of anything. He had tried not to let himself linger on it for too long and put on a tough front. He had been wrong about you, he’d decided. You were just like all the other people in his life that just hurt and abandoned him. That’s what he had to tell himself to move on and not drive himself crazy. Even if part of him didn’t, wouldn’t believe it. Well now he knows. You’d been visiting in the summers this whole time, and never bothered to tell him or see him? He still doesn’t understand why, but now he knows that he was right.
As soon as the bell rings, Eddie’s the first out of his seat and out of the door. You take a deep breath, wanting nothing more than to crawl in a hole and hide, the undeniable feeling of guilt overtaking you. You know you can’t, however. You’re going to have to tough it out for 2 more periods. Eddie doesn’t even attempt it, immediately walking out to his spot in the woods behind the school to smoke, to try to calm his body and mind so he can at least try to attend his last class of the day. 
Art happens to be his last class of the day, a class that he notices upon entering, is another he has to share with you. If you had known your first day was going to go like this, you would’ve just stayed in bed with Henny all day. You shake your head to yourself, knowing this is something you won’t be able to avoid and run away from for long. Is that something you even want? You tended to avoid conflict and confrontation at all cost… but you love Eddie. You miss Eddie. You know things are the way they are because of you. You have to take responsibility for it. You had known dropping contact with Eddie might hurt him, but you told yourself it probably wouldn’t bother him that much and he’d move on quickly. The insecure part of your brain told you, you probably didn’t mean as much to him as he did to you. Seeing his reaction today at lunch, and in class overhearing of your summer visits he wasn’t included in, tells you you’re dead wrong. What the hell am I going to do? How am I going to fix this?
When the bell rings this time to signal the end of the school day, you’re the first out of your seat and the classroom. Stopping at your locker to collect the last of your things into your bag before heading to the front doors. Stepping outside you take a deep breath of fresh air, digging for your pack of cigarettes and quickly lighting one. You close your eyes as you blow out the smoke, immediately feeling slightly calmer.
Then, just as if the gods have heard your plea for some lightness to this quickly souring day, you spot a familiar BMW pulling into the front of the school. You can’t deny the smile that quickly appears on your face. You put out your cig before Robin inevitably joins, knowing her distaste for it. You stroll over to the car as Steve parks it, already jumping out of the driver's seat to wrap you in a tight hug. You giggle, hugging him back.
“Hey, haircut. Miss me that much already?”
“Hush it, Y/L/N.” Steve quips. A split second later, you hear a rapidly approaching squeal before a body is pushed against your back, effectively putting you in the middle of a human sandwich hug.
“Oh, Y/N! Thank god you’re here. I didn’t know how much more of Steve I could bear on my own!” Robin exclaims exasperatedly, resting her head on top of yours. You let out a belly laugh, enjoying the comfort of their presence and hugs before begging them to let you go. 
“So, how was your first day back?” Steve asks as you both lean back against his car. 
You roll your eyes, sighing as you shake your head. 
“That’s the last thing I wanna talk about right now” When they meet you with concerned, sympathetic looks, you add “It’ll be alright though. I’m just so happy to see you guys, it‘s just what I needed.” You offer them a genuine smile.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot the familiar curls of Dustin rushing out of the front doors of the school. Eyes quickly scanning the parking lot before landing on you. You point toward your truck in the back of the parking lot. 
“Black truck!” you shout, trying to hold back your laughter as you watch his eyes follow your finger before scurrying across the parking lot.
“Uh, HELLO, Henderson?!” Steve exclaims, arms thrown in the air in disbelief.
“I don’t have time for you right now, Steven!!” Dustin shrieks in response, dodging other student bodies as he races for the best seat. You can’t hold it in anymore at that, throwing your head back in laughter with Robin.
“Jeez. Guess I’m chopped liver, then.” Steve scoffs, shaking his head as he looks back over to you two.
“Oof. That’s rough, bud. How will your fragile ego ever recover?” Robin remarks, rubbing Steve’s arm in fake sympathy.
“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up.”
You notice Mike and Lucas run out of the school seconds later, playing out the same actions as Henderson. Cursing when they see Dustin’s already ahead of them. 
“Oh, Y/N! You should totally apply to Family Video and work with us!” Robin exclaims excitedly.
“Yeah, it’ll be the three amigos again!” Steve adds, eliciting a groan and eye roll from Robin who lightly pushes him.
“While I would love nothing more, I already promised my aunt I’d work for her at the restaurant” You respond with a pout. “But, you can definitely count on me coming in to bother y’all on your shifts.” 
They have a shift this afternoon so you part ways, hugging them goodbye with promises to talk later. Steve insists he wants to hear all the details about your day, when you’re ready to share of course. You smile, waving them off as you walk toward your truck. The 3 boys crowding around the passenger door, bickering with each other. 
“Dustin was here first. You two in the back, no arguments!” You state simply as you unlock the doors. As everyone gets settled, you quickly flip through your cassettes, putting in Motorhead’s Overkill album. As you begin to pull out from your parking spot, your eyes briefly land on Eddie. He stands at the front of the school, leaning against a pillar as he smokes a cigarette. Gareth is talking to him, but his eyes are on you. Catching the events of the last few minutes, cozying up with Steve Harrington of all people. You notice Gareth’s eyes follow Eddie’s to yours before you quickly return your focus to getting the hell away from this school. 
When you pull up to a red light, you open the small back window.
“Whose house am I dropping y’all off at?” 
“Mine is fine!” Mike responds, “We’ve got some homework to work on.”
You nod before a thought pops into your head.
“Hey” you turn your head slightly to look at Dustin and the boys in the back, “How is Max doing? I didn’t see her today.”
The boys are quiet for a moment, pondering what to say, causing your eyebrows to furrow in worry.
“She’s uh- she took everything that happened at the mall… Billy… pretty hard.” Mike finally says.
“She doesn’t really hang out with us much anymore. Her and her mom moved into the trailer park actually.” Dustin adds quietly.
“She broke up with me.” Lucas says after a few moments, unable to hide the sadness in his voice.
Your eyes widen in shock for a moment before you fully turn your head back, eyes meeting Lucas.
“I’m really sorry, bud. She probably just needs some time. I’m sure you guys will be able to work things out.” You offer sympathetically, Lucas giving you a soft nod and half-smile in return. 
You sigh, elbow resting on the bottom of your window frame, driving again as the light turns green. You make a mental note to figure out which trailer she’s moved into, keep an eye out for her at school and check in on her. Hearing she’s pulled away from the group and broke up with Lucas worries you, you don’t want her to have to go through this struggle alone.
Dustin breaks the silence a few moments later.
“Sooooo, what’s up with you and Eddie?” you choke out a laugh and shake your head. Real smooth, Dustin. “I mean, from the way you used to talk about him, you two seemed really close. But I picked up on that tension at lunch. Something happened, I know it.” he prods further, like this was a mystery he’s determined to insert himself in and solve.
“Nosey much, Henderson?” you say, side-eyeing him.
“I’m just saying. We’re close with you… and now Eddie is our dungeon master, we’re getting close with him… things could get sticky if there’s some tension there, which I know for a fact there is.”
“Oh is that so?” you retort, feeling relief as you pull into the boys’ neighborhood, knowing there isn’t as much time as Dustin would like to continue pushing you for information. “Dustin, I love ya. But respectfully, it’s none of your damn business, bud.” You finish, scrunching your nose at him teasingly. He puts his hands up defensively, dropping the conversation as you pull up to Mike’s house. You bid them farewell with a smile and wave as they thank you for the ride. 
You might have sped on the drive back to your trailer, just a little bit. You still have a few more hours till your mom gets home, and you want nothing more than the comfort of home and the familiar green plant in your lungs after your day. You don’t spare a glance at the trailer across the street as you pull in, quickly hopping out of the truck and unlocking the front door. You groan in relief as you quickly rid yourself of your bra and jeans, slipping into your comfy house shorts. You grab a blunt you pre-rolled, a lighter, and your portable radio before walking out the back door and sitting on the back steps. You’re grateful your small backyard is obscured from the views of your neighbors by some trees and bushes as you light your blunt. You lean back against the stair railing, listening to the sounds of Fleetwood Mac as you let the calming effects of your weed start to take over. Even as your body and mind calm, a single question repeatedly pushes into your thoughts.
How am I going to fix this?
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blamin8r · 1 year
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These are my personal designs/references for SMG4 because of how much I draw fan art for it. You can tell which ones are my absolute favorites to draw based on how much I’ve changed them basically. It’s organized by Recolors, The Girls, Non-Human, and Excess (sorry Kaizo)
Mario: I gave him stitches on his outfit because of how often he explodes and gets hurt (Luigi fixes his clothes since that’s less expensive than constantly replacing them), and those dark marks on his face from when Zero grabbed him and did that weird crap during the 10 year anniversary video. I also gave him a star pin on his overalls too.
SMG4: There’s so much. I made him shorter, changed his body type, gave him darker skin, scars from when he was possessed by the TV Adware dude (and other various scars), eyebags, a jacket, IV on his gloves, and the arrow from the USBs. He also has the arrow on the back of his jacket, but I haven’t drawn his back view before with this design so that’s never been visible in my art yet.
SMG3: I made him even shorter than SMG4, gave him longer hair, matching scars to SMG4, darker skin, a cape, black gloves, platformer boots, the USB arrow, and I changed his body type. The back of his cape has the same skull design that’s on his hat and boots too.
Luigi: I didn’t change too much to him, just his shirt, a flower pin, and some scars. Also he’s round like Mario but not the “skinny brother” because I don’t personally believe in that. (Though whenever he takes off his shirt he immediately becomes a buff man because SMG4 logic)
X: This one was fun. He already has dark skin on his recolor self, so I also went ahead and gave him curly hair, a beard, eye bags, a beanie, hoodie, changed his height, and gave him a cool weird eye thing because why not. He and FM also have similar eye colorings to 3 and 4
FM: He’s the only recolor I decided to make not chubby but instead kinda fit since he’s a police officer. I also gave him a police styled hat, badge, different shirt and gloves, longer hair, a bunch of scars, piercings, and steel toed boots. He looks pretty cool :D
Minion: Parts of her design I did out of pure spite. Her body type matches SMG4’s but she’s a bit shorter, an overalls skirt thing, matching hat, pink gloves, some long socks, and I kept her mustache but just made it smaller. Why? Well, I haven’t headcanoned SMG4 as trans (unlike what a lot of my friends and mutual have done), but I did do that for Minion, because in my mind, she basically has SMG4’s exact body type, including the reproductive organs. But she’s still a woman. And I also believe that women (cis and trans) shouldn’t have to feel shame for having facial hair or body hair, so I kept that there, again, out of spite for people who really feminize her body in a stereotypical way in their personal designs for her.
Meggy: I’m not an extremist for Inkling Meggy or anything, I do like her as a human, but I’m still not sure why they chose to make her a human and not just a squid that’s not Nintendo styled. So instead I just gave her some other squid attributes, like the typical tentacle hair thing, but also some fins on her arms and legs. Her skin is a little darker and she has freckles now. I made her outfit more black and orange themed because I personally hate the dull whites and browns on her outfit. To reference two of her other outfits, I had her keep her college jacket tied around her waist, and her glasses on her shirt since I feel she probably needs them for reading still. I also gave her more sports styled clothes like her shorts and the knee pads. And I removed her goggles because I despise drawing them, she has too much accessories on her head and that one section is so annoying to draw. Lastly, I made her a bit muscular because there’s no way every single one of the girls has the exact same body type.
Tari: Her design just got updated when I was in the middle of working on this, and it’s really good so I only changed her body type by making her chubby and added a gradient to her hair.
Saiko: Her outfit is cool minus the colors, so I gave her a more pink and black theme for her outfit colors. I also made her more muscular and gave her some scars since she’s known as the more violent one in SMG4 who carries that massive ass hammer just casually.
Melony: I looked up where watermelons came from, and they came from Africa apparently, so I made her black (also because all the human characters are white/light skinned so I changed that) and I think it makes sense with her hair too because of the thingies that come down over her ears. It also makes the pointy things behind her hood make sense too. I changed her body to have more body fat and gave her some stretch marks and cellulite to go with it. I like her hoodie, but you can’t tell me that’s all she has on, so I also gave her some shorts, since she gets sexualized so much.. She also has shoes too, those socks would be so nasty otherwise. Her diety form is gonna have actual armour because that makes more sense than just a different colored hoodie.
Belle: I changed nothing about her, not because I don’t like her or think her design is perfect or anything, (she’s great and I miss her ;-;), but I actually chose to keep her as is just because people who look like her and have her body type still exist, they’re just not the only one or the main one. Humans vary a lot.
Karen: I didn’t change much, but since she’s a single mother, I made her body look a little more like a middle aged woman, and gave her a sweater her kids made for her too that she wears proudly.
Shroomy: I know there are multiple characters that are technically naked, but I felt that Shroomy should at least have a Boy Scouts outfit on, he lives in a world with Toads which do have clothes so it didn’t feel right to have just the badge thing over him
Bob, Rob, Boopkins, and Jub Jub: I kept them as is because there’s not much to their appearances anyway, minus a few rips and tears for Bob’s outfit.
SMG2: I made his body a little more proportional so that his head was at least not larger than the rest of his whole fucking body, and I gave him some excess scars since he and SMG1 have been around for the longest, and have probably been through a lot together. I also gave him sleeves, shoes, glasses, and matching gloves that all the SMGs now have. His antenna thing is also thicker because I don’t wanna make it too thin.
SMG1: His body is also more proportional, but that’s mainly because I didn’t like making his torso long. I also gave him clothes to match 2 a little more but darker. He’s got excess scars as well, and his gloves are opposite to 2’s similar to how I made 3 and 4’s gloves opposite of each other. He’s also got glasses like 2, and they match their head shapes.
Kaizo: I fucking love Kaizo, he looks so damn cool to me, so I kept his outfit the same, just changed up his body. He’s more muscular and has more demonic features (pointed pupils and ears, tail, more sharp teeth, forked tongue, claw-like nails), as well as a bunch of scars everywhere on his body. Plus more body hair, and based on a Kaizo design I saw elsewhere (I forgot who made it) but I made the ends of his hair dyed red because it looks cool. And piercings.
Swag and Chris: I love these two, but I couldn’t think of how to change Swag and Chris besides making them a buff and old. (To me, they’re at least in their 30’s or 40’s). I do believe in dilf Chris tho, so make whatever assumptions you want from that.
Whimpu: I actually really don’t like Whimpu, mainly for his personality, but also because of the Waifu Factory episode, it just really made me uncomfortable with how objectified and dehumanized the anime girls were in it, and he was a big part of that. Still, I wanted to change him a bit since his design is a little plain. He’s still plain, but a bit less. I added acne, buttons on the tie, and a shirt pocket with a pen in it.
Steve: I hate how I end up drawing Steve, but I didn’t want him to look too human in a normal way, because a part of his charm is being this weird block dude. So he just looks like a more blocky human with dirty clothes, a lot of scars, and a beard.
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lordgrimwing · 2 months
Side Character Fluff #03
[for @silvergiftingweek, Day 1: Beginnings]
Annatar wasn't known for his collaborations. His clothing line, Tol-Ainö, stood alone, masterful and beautiful. Accessories? Wearing his name, you rarely needed any. That wasn't to say Annatar never collaborated on a project. Sometimes, on rare occasions, he had an idea for something that required another artist. 
“Annatar,” his personal assistant said, sticking their head into his drafting room. “He's here.”
Annatar looked up from his patterns. His assistant looked at him through thin glasses. They were willow tall and thin, an uninspired mix of elf and human, the kind of person who could model for one of those sleek, modern summer-wear lines. They did, in fact, until Annatar snatched them up, keenly sensing  they were more than just a pretty body. He was right, of course, but being pretty didn't hurt.
“Good,” he said, straightening up. “Take him to my office.”
His office was tastefully comfortable. None of this modern minimalism nonsense. He waited a few minutes before following. He liked to see how other artists responded to his office. A litmus test, of sorts.
He stopped by his assistant's desk, picking up the packet of draft papers filled with thoughts. 
“I put on a pot for tea,” his assistant said.
Annatar nodded and entered the office.
Mannequins lined the room, displaying some of his favorite mockups and runway ideas. The walls were artfully covered with sketches of gowns and suits and outfits that had no practical purpose beyond pushing textiles to an extreme. Instead of a desk and armchairs for entertaining guests and patrons, tasseled pillows sat on the plush rug, inviting guests to sit or recline while imagining with him. He had eyes for none of that. 
To the left of the room, inspecting the paper thin corset on a mannequin, stood an elf.
He was facing away from the door and Annatar had a clear view of two lines of sleek black braids. Painted wood and metal beads accented the long hair. His attire was nothing impressive but they fit the person: a jeweler from a small town who wasn't quite used to being known by the larger world, comfortable in his clothes and unembarrassed by his waistline.
“Hello, Celebrimbor,” Annatar said.
Celebrimbor turned around, an easy smile on his soft face. “Hello, you must be Annatar.”
Annatar's smile was more reserved. Celebrimbor was… an interesting elf.
If there’s one thing he liked, it’s interesting things.
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epiphanyfics · 2 years
👉👈 Larissa/f!reader where reader is too nervous to go to the rave'n because of all the people that will be there so Larissa dances with them somewhere private? Just something cute and sweet and sfw 🙏🙏🙏 I am ravenous for fluffy stuff.
Our Own Private World (Larissa Weems/Reader)
Synopsis:  ^^ Request
Pairing: Larissa Weems x reader (pre-established romantic relationship implied)
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Talk about social anxiety.
Author’s Note: I hope I did this request justice because It absolutely has my heart rn.
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Big social events were never something you liked going to. It was just overwhelming. All of the people and the noises made you feel like your head was spinning. So, when Larissa Weems asked you to the Rave’N, you spilled your heart out right then and there.
“I just don’t want to disappoint you. It’s too much for me! I love you, really, so much. It’s just all those people, I can-” You were abruptly cut off and pulled into a hug.
“You don’t have to justify yourself to me.” Larissa said softly. “If it would make you more comfortable, we could have our own little Rave’N. Tuesday night, in my office.”
You pulled back a little bit from the hug. “Just the two of us?” You asked, looking up at her.
Larissa gave an affirmative nod. “Just the two of us. I promise.”
Larissa was good at calming you down and reassuring you. Just her very presence had a tendency to make you feel a million times safer.
You leaned up to give her a peck on the cheek and parted from the hug.
“I can’t wait.”
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The agreed upon night came quickly. You put on your favorite formal outfit and knocked rhythmically on Larissa’s office door.
You were greeted with a warm smile, and a single white rose. Larissa tucked the flower into your hair as an accessory. “You look magnificent.” She said, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You couldn’t help but to blush. In the back of your head, you promised yourself to get a nice vase for the flower if it survived the rest of the night. Although nothing could really be as special as the person who gave it to you.
Larissa led your into the office and shut the door behind her. The room was quiet, all except for a turntable playing a gentle melody.
“May I have this dance?” Larissa extended her hand to you dramatically and giggled a little.
“How could I say no?” You took her hand and pressed yourself against her, lying your head on her chest as you slow danced.
The warmth coming off of your partners body made you feel like you could stay here forever, safely wrapped up in her arms. And although you knew that was somewhat impossible, you would damn sure be staying for as long as you could.
“This is more magical than the ‘real’ Rave’N could ever be.” You muttered out contently. “Thank you, for this.”
“Anything to see you smile.” Larissa raised one of her hands to run her fingers through your hair.
You laughed softly. “Well, you don’t have to go to the ends of the earth for that.”
“Is that so?”
“You make me smile all the time. Just by being you.”
Larissa let out a happy sigh. “I couldn’t be more glad about that darling.”
You were never one for dances. But this? This was perfect. No strangers, no nausea inducing lights, no pressure to be presentable. Just Larissa, just you.
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ozimagines · 5 months
Hello, I just wanted to say that I hope your recovery goes smoothly and if you wanted, I thought a dating Busmalis would include would be interesting. I hope you feel better soon!
LOL I just can’t get what @wawamouse calls him out of my head. “Burdened grandpa”😂 But I mean, his love with Norma was cute af. Plus he can be goofy and disarming in the world of Oz. 😄
(And thank you! Reaching the halfway point in my meds so wish me luck!)
Dating Agamemnon Busmalis would include…
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Officer Doofy, reporting for duty
Alright so he’s not the most serious guy. So what? So he could be like Vern and Hernandez with the permanent scowls on their faces? Nah, not his style.
So what if his style was a hundred years outdated? Just meant he had… culture? Right?
Bob was his best friend. He’d never hoped to have someone like that since his brother became a total mama’s boy.
Now all he needed what a significant other. He’d thought it was Norma, but she stood him up at the altar. He’d tried not to take it personally.😭
When he meets you, he’s sure immediately. Like immediately immediately.
“Bob, look!”
“… what am I looking at?”
“Don’t you see him/her/them! That’s the future Mr./Mrs./Mx. Busmalis you’re looking at!”
*In Bob’s head* here we go again…
He talks to you immediately. Not being weighed down by things like social norms or personal space.
“Hi! I just wanted to say you’re about the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. What’s your name?”
“That’s the best name I’ve ever heard! Music! Y/N! I knew it had to be as wonderful as you are.”
“I… thanks.”☺️
His love is a little obsessive. Will write you letters -yes, actual letters- telling you all the places he’d take you and and things you do.
You’re into it, don’t get me wrong. He’s just a little much for new people.
But yes honest. Charming in a clumsy kind of way.
He asks you out, and does a dance in front of you when you say yes. 😂
He takes you out to the finest restaurant in his opinion; The Olive Garden.🥲
“Best breadsticks in town, by a mile!”
He’s wearing his goofy Checkered suit with the polkadot tie. And his lucky fishing cap.
He picks you up, with flowers of course. Daisies. Since it had been days-ies since he’s seen you! Get it?
You’re in a classy black number with minimal accessories. You get a look at his outfit and say “one second”. He’s worried he blew it just like that!
You come out wearing a pink feather boa and a Yankee’s baseball cap with a pin of a capybara saying “don’t worry, be cappy.”
“You’re… beautiful.”😍 he informs you, wide eyed.
Dating Busmalis is sort of like doing improv. It’s a lot of “yes, and”.
He mixes everything together. He gets the Alfredo at Olive Garden and asks for some pesto to mix in, with mushrooms and asparagus. Kinda slaps.
Whenever you get a fountain beverage, he has to mix the flavors. Dr. Pepper and Orange Fanta… or Sprite and Rootbeer! Sometimes he mixes in the lemonade and asks you to try it. 😄
You’re on the date, and he asks about you in school. You mention you’ve never really been the most popular but you’ve had friends. You remember playing out a recess all the craziest games in the world. Your favorite was one your friends invented, called Tunnel.
“Like… digging?”🤞🥹🤞
“Yeah, just little hand tunnels but we would see how elaborate we could make them before they collapsed.” You recall with a smile.
He still hasn’t picked his jaw up off the floor. 😛
He asks you EVERYTHING about it, down to exactly your region of the world and what kind of dirt is there.
“I’m a dirt savant.” -has no clue how stupid that sounds😂
Everything about him makes you smile. Guy’s got a great attitude, even if half the reason for that attitude is not having basic danger reflexes.
Just a fun note but I think out of everyone in Oz, if you’re gender non conforming, that’s not a turn off or even a question to this guy. Like, we always hope our favorites would be allies, but with Busmalis, the way he treats Fiona on the show… it’s canon, he’s an ally.
He will be asking you a million questions just like Stanislavsky lol
“You’re nonbinary?”
“Like neither or both genders?”
“You were born nonbinary?”
After the first date, he takes you to your front porch, like a gentleman. You lean in for a kiss and *oblivious* he leans up and kisses you on the forehead, missing your lips by a mile.
“Well?” He asks excitedly.
You’re a little confused.
“Are you my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner now?”🙃
“I… uh… sure, yeah.”😅
Dates with him are a wildcard. He’ll show up at your place and be like;
“There’s a kids interactive exhibit open at the Art and science museum! You can TOUCH a stingray!”😃
“There’s a jazz bar around here that has this guy who plays the saxophone… and fire comes out!!”🫨
“The Zoo just got a new baby panda!! It can barely open its eyes!”🐼
You just can’t predict what the next adventure will be. Either way it’s fun to watch him get excited!
Kept his old Vinyls that he plays for you two to dance to. Lots of 30’s jazz. Vaudeville style.
Kind of oblivious when people are making fun of him. You see him one time, talking to Vern and Robson, them “asking” about the relationship.
“Yeah, I bet you two have fun.” Schillinger laughs to his friends, and Busmalis just nods.
“Oh, yeah, we have the best time!” 😀And he keeps talking about you as the guys laugh at him to his face.
You’re immediately angry, but you’re smarter than the average skinhead, so you adjust yourself in the mirror to get yourself looking sharp, and walk over to them.
“Look who’s joining the party.” Schillinger regards you with an unkind smile. Robson smirks.
“Your geriatric Casanova here was telling us how much ‘fun’ you two get up to… when he can get it up.” The guys all ooh and ahh and all the other things gorillas do to impress the others. You just smile.
“You have no idea.” You say, seductively. You start to play with Agamemnon’s hair, fingers tickling his neck. He’s not following any of this so you use it to your advantage.
You just don’t want your sweet Aggie getting hurt. 🥺
“Aggie? Remember about two weeks ago… our date to The Caribbean?” The Nazis don’t have to know that’s a discount seafood buffet restaurant. They’re quiet. Busmalis’ eyes get wide and he smiles at the memory.
“Didn’t know you could handle so much!” -he’s referencing the oysters you and he devoured together but both Robson and Vern’s interests are peaked. You bite your cheek to stifle a giggle. 😋
“Aggie, remember when…” you lean in and whisper into his ear. “Remember when I couldn’t get the oysters opened, so you helped me? What was that you said?”
“Oh!” He remembers that too, reaching an unknowing arm around you. “I said sometimes you just gotta go at it hard. Some like hard, some like soft, but I really get at it, y’know?”
Vern and Robson’s jaws are on the floor. You smirk.
“I didn’t know how hard I could go. Watching you get your fingers in there and get right to the goods… it was so… hot and steamy.” You kiss the side of his face and sigh. 😘
Vern makes a face and gestures for his guys to leave. Robson follows him, casting one more confused look back at you two, still giggling and talking in code.
They don’t bother him after that.😂
You do that a lot. Protect Busmalis. He’s a good guy, and you know that. You know the relationship from the outside doesn’t make as much sense as when the two of you are alone and he’s making you laugh every second of every date.
He calls you muffin, sweetie pie, little bear (because you’re just right), puffin pal (he likes puffins, that’s it), and any variant of your name (Hannah Banana, Joe Bo, Fancy Nancy, things like that)
He’s Aggie to you. Sometimes you call him your groundhog and ask how many more weeks of winter. This is usually when he has his glasses on and you see him pop his head up when you enter. ❤️
World’s most anxious gift giver. It’s like every time he has to get you a gift for your birthday and anniversary and things like that, his mind forgets that he knows anything about you and he panic buys something insane. 😭🤣
“I didn’t quite know what to get you… so I figured you like strawberries so I got you this cup shaped like a strawberry and I got you strawberry milk. So you can put it in and you’ll know what you’re drinking… because the cup… it shaped like a… well, you get it.” 🍓
And the gift he gets and convinces himself you wouldn’t like is always so much more awesome than whatever Temu nonsense he’s found.
“Oh that? It’s just a rock. I mean it’s a geode I opened up that I got on our first date, and I told myself when we shared our first real kiss, I’d open it and give it to you. I opened it and one of the pieces fell out so I made you this necklace with that piece with an inscription on the locket that says ‘your future husband’. But I thought that was stupid… so here’s the cup.”🥲
“Aggie… that’s… I’m… I like the cup.”🙃
“Yes… one might even say I… love the cup.”🥰
“Oh.” He thinks for a second. “Well, then I’m glad I got it for you!”
He’s a virgin when you meet him. He wants to please you, but he’s never had sex with, as Torquemada put it, “neither man nor woman, neither fish nor fowl.”
You take it easy on him, helping him get out of his three piece suit and being very gentle and kissy with him.
I’m not going to say he’s a surprise deviant or anything. But you’re explaining the G-spot to him, kind of letting him tour you and understand what each part does, and he goes, “oh okay… like… here?” And then just sort of fucking hits it immediately.
Your whole body shakes and your eyes go wide. He’s certain he’s done something wrong and you’re like… nah man… that was it. You found it.
Does a little dance after finding the g-spot, like the lovable dork that he is. 😅
You move in together after that. He makes space for you very easily. Kind of a guy who doesn’t mind giving up half a closet just to watch you hang your clothes next to his.
He has a favorite coffee cup. You got it for him. It says; Soil ≠ Dirt. Yours is shaped like the poop emoji. Don’t take it personally, he thought and still thinks that it’s chocolate ice cream😂
You make his coffee exactly the way he likes it; four sugars, and lots of hazelnut creamer. His coffee looks like milk afterwards lol.
You introduce him to Pumpkin Spice Lattes. He’s never been happier!
Loves Pinterest. Finds recipes and crafts for you two on there often.
You watch the Lord of the Rings series together while eating Hobbit inspired foods. You even eat them in order; breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, luncheon, supper, dinner, so on!
He loves Lord of the Rings. Wants to be a dwarf mining in a mountain somewhere. You tell him if he ever grows a beard, you’ll braid it like the dwarves. 😘
Decides he’s gonna propose to you. Tells Bob about it and asks for help.
“He/she/they need something as special as he/she/they are! Something amazing!”
“I think Y/N will appreciate the effort, but nothing crazy right?”
“Bob, this is me you’re taking about!”😃
Bob: 😟
He takes you to a movie in the grass. It’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s. It’s at the part where Audrey Hepburn is singing moon river. He also consigned Murphy, McManus, Sister Pete, and Mukada to help with all this.
Murphy plugs in the fairy lights, McManus switches the movie to a prerecorded message from him, Sister Pete is standing with a confetti gun, and Mukada is holding a Dalmatian puppy with the ring on its collar. What can go wrong?
Well, after the lights short circuit, turning on the sprinklers, the puppy is chewing on Mukada’s pant leg, and the confetti gun shot straight through the screen, now playing a warped message that looks satanic, and everyone is booing Busmalis, who is soaking wet holding a dog smelling ring… you just start to laugh.
You can’t stop. It’s all so Aggie that you can’t help but smile and laugh yourself to tears. As everyone is booing him, you stand up, regard the Dalmatian now relieving itself on his leg, and you hug him.
“Yes, Aggie. I’ll marry you on one condition.”🥰
“Never change.”❤️❤️❤️
Your wedding is goofy. Chicken nuggets and ice cream. There’s a fish on every table that are meant to be given as gifts, but no one loves them more than you and Aggie so you get a hundred gallon tank for your fifty little goldfish friends.
You’re holding hands in front of the tank, trying to name each of the identical fish, laughing as you forget all of their names immediately.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Aggie.”
Bonus: Guy’s a Temu junkie. It’s like a dollar store that sells things for insane children. None of your cups are just cup shaped, all of your pillows are squishmallows (his favorite is the axolotl. Because he just recently learned those are real.), and he’s got a million pins on every thing with jokes that have gone over his head. You couldn’t be happier.😋
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a-pretty-nerd · 2 years
Recently I've been thinking about the DMC storyline continuing in a supernatural drama show following the events after the 5th game.
Like the pilot involves Vergil and Dante finding their way back to earth after spending years in hell. Vergile and Dante are exhausted and begin going through their mid-life crisis as they grapple with their past while also trying to build human lives for themselves. Vergil choosing to re-enter human society and trying his best to actually have a relationship with his son, Nero.
Nero has actually been busy while they were gone. Lady and Trish brought him on to the Devil May Cry team. So while D and V where down stairs lobbing demons, Nero was on the top floor splitting heads. He's also been working on wedding planning, with Kyrie. See, season ones gotta end with some wedding drama.
V is here. Why? That's a mystery and a plot point all its own. But he's here and has been working part-time as a demon hunter with Nero and the gals. Trish often takes V under her wing and acts as a mentor to him. V is adopted into the family by Nero and Kyrie especially. He and Nico also have a pretty wholesome and friendly relationship. Like Vergil, his whole deal is learning to be human again. But unlike Vergil his body is young and he has a lot more options for a future that does not involve demon hunting.
Nico makes everyone's gadgets and she makes 'em pay too. She's a smart ass, a comic relief, and another pretty face of the cast much like her role in the video games. She's a bit more chaotic and finds a surrogate father-figure in Dante as the show goes on. She's also one of the more down to earth and grounded characters if you can believe it. It might also just be that she has a better grasp on reality than some of the others.
Lady and Trish are series regulars and have their own arks but they're most often seen together. They. Are. Besties. They live together in a big ol' penthouse apartment near the DMC office. (And they were roommates.) Trish does go out and dates and parties and has fun. Lady is more of a girl boss type. She owns her own company involving the weapons of mass destruction, the ade of ridding the earth of demons, and home security. They girl boss, gate keep, and gaslight together. I love them. Auntie vibes.
I have a few ideas for running jokes in the show.
My favorite being that the cast keeps making fun of Dante for his style choices. Throughout the show, Dante keeps adding new and goofy fashion accessories to his outfits that always make him look dorky. Like a pair of oversized aviator sunglass, or a shorts and knee-high sock combo on a hot day, or the one that really got him in trouble: an unironic fedora. He was wearing it wrong anyways.
Another running joke would be Nico getting all the bitches. If there is a hot side character, Nico is at least shooting a shot. She's like the series' Joey from friends. She's a slut in the best ways possible. Episodes will end with a groggy Nero exiting his room and shuffling into the hallway, only to find the tall, dark and handsome guy from the shop earlier that Episode leaving Nico's room in what can only be described as a walk of giddy shame. He watches the man leave, then Nero shakes his head, turns around, and goes back to bed.
I would also like to have episodes that involve V dealing with having a crush on someone. Like an original character that later becomes a series main and V has to not only grapple with romantic feelings (gross) but also learn to navigate dating as an adult. He's painfully awkward but he's also just so hot he doesn't notice the people who do like him, only the ones he likes. That sounds funny to watch.
I think we brush off Kyrie a lot. I think I would love to have Kyrie act as this sweet little young-woman who is very responsible and kind to everyone, but also has a dark side. Like she's got anger issues but they come out in the most unlikely ways. Kinda like a Bernadette from Big Bang Theory. She's sweet on the outside, salty on the inside like a sea salt caramel chocolate. A lot of her arks would involve her trying to help everyone without taking away from herself and learning more about herself as a person. Maybe before her wedding to Nero she nearly calls it off because she goes through a quarter-life crisis.
I think about there being this dynamic between Vergil and Dante that has tension but they're settled on the idea that they're TRYING not to fight. But they just can't help it so their fights evolve into petty little arguments through quiet and hushed dialogue only with each other. Like during the wedding episode, Dante takes his seat next to Vergil in the front row where the family members go and starts mumbling criticisms. "Really? You're wearing that at your son's wedding?" "You're one to talk. You look like a clown who got lost in a bdsm shop." Dante chuckles. "Better than a sexless grandpa." He grunts as he crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm not a grandfather." Vergil pauses, thinks, and looks at Dante. "Do you know something I don't?" He asks abruptly. Vergil is very literal. He thinks that by calling him a grandpa that Dante is insinuating that Kyrie is pregnant. He's a lil offended that Dante would be told before him. Dante throws up his hands. "What? No!- No." Vergil is satisfied with that answer and they both give a sigh of relief. In unison they shake their heads and mutter, "thank god." Did I mention the running gag of Dante and Vergil unintentionally mirroring each other and then they get mad at the other about it?
In later seasons Nero and Kyrie do have a baby and there's a whole thing with that. At that point Nero and Vergil's relationship really begins to heal because there's this new addition to the family and Vergil is actually very excited to be a grandfather as much as he tries to hide it. Kyrie goes through a lot, obviously, but also now she has to learn what raising a demon/human will entail. Kyrie has worked at an orphanage for YEARS so she's not exactly in the dark there but, the possibility of a demon baby is kinda a big deal. Dante and Kyrie actually bond a lot during this time because Dante sustains a real bad injury for the first time in his life. He's been stabbed and ran through and he's fine but in the last magic battle he broke his leg and because it was magic that caused the injury, Dante is now forced to use his back up plan: good ol' fashion human healing. So Dante and Kyrie turn into couch potatoes together for a bit. Knitting and watching TV together while Dante drinks a beer and Kyrie sips on her doctor recommended protein shakes Nero makes her drink. They keep each other company while Nero has his coming to terms with fatherhood crisis that Nico and V try to help him through.
I also think V and Nico getting left alone to babysit would be funny to watch because they're both TERRIBLE with children. But the baby has no fucking idea and is very fond of V who is kind of an uncle to the kid. Everyone else has basically excepted that V is kinda just like another Sparda brother and Nero treats him more like a brother which V is actually really thankful for. V is the kinda guy that thinks he's terrible with kids because they make him nervous. He just doesn't know what to do with them or how to talk to them or really how to take care of one. Nico knows all that stuff, and when the kid is more around 7 she's a fun aunt but she has such little knowledge of how to entertain a baby. She just also just finds them boring. So like, when they work together to babysit its chaotic but the baby's fine.
Patty Lowell would also be a reoccurring character but about as reoccurring as Janice from Friends is. She's grown and off doing her own thing but she loves to pop in on occasion and lovingly bug the shit out of Dante. She fills everyone in on her life which changes dramatically everytime we see her. I also like the idea of her having a body guard character who is hired muscle that followers her everywhere. She's also kind of a y2k daddy's girl trust fund kinda chick and she's comedic relief.
Anyways, that's all I've got for now. I think about these characters a lot. I love them. Night.
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bestproducthere · 5 months
Step into Style: Discover the Best White Sneakers and Silver Shoes at Gypsyroad Bowral!
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Description: Explore Gypsyroad Bowral's collection of the finest white sneakers and silver shoes, perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your footwear collection. From timeless classics to contemporary designs, our shoes are crafted with quality and style in mind. Step up your fashion game with Gypsyroad Bowral's exclusive footwear range!
In the world of fashion, shoes are more than just functional accessories; they're statements of style and personality. At Gypsyroad Bowral, we understand the importance of finding the perfect pair of shoes that not only look great but also make you feel confident and comfortable. That's why we're excited to introduce our curated collection of the best white sneakers and silver shoes, designed to elevate your footwear game to new heights.
The Allure of White Sneakers: White sneakers have long been a wardrobe essential, loved for their versatility and timeless appeal. Whether you're dressing them up with a tailored suit or keeping it casual with jeans and a tee, white sneakers add a touch of crisp sophistication to any ensemble. At Gypsyroad Bowral, we offer a range of white sneakers crafted from premium materials, ensuring both style and durability. From classic canvas designs to sleek leather finishes, our white sneakers are a must-have for any fashion-forward individual.
Silver Shoes: Making a Statement: If you're looking to add a touch of glamour to your outfit, silver shoes are the way to go. Whether adorned with metallic accents or embellished with shimmering details, silver shoes are perfect for making a statement and turning heads wherever you go. At Gypsyroad Bowral, we offer a stunning selection of silver shoes, from sleek pumps to chic sandals. Whether you're attending a formal event or simply want to add some sparkle to your everyday look, our silver shoes are sure to dazzle.
Craftsmanship and Quality: At Gypsyroad Bowral, we take pride in the craftsmanship and quality of our footwear. Each pair of shoes is carefully crafted using the finest materials and attention to detail, ensuring both style and comfort. Our shoes are designed to not only look great but also provide the support and comfort you need for all-day wear. From cushioned insoles to durable outsoles, every aspect of our shoes is thoughtfully designed to enhance your wearing experience.
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Conclusion: Elevate Your Footwear Game with Gypsyroad Bowral: With our collection of the best white sneakers and silver shoes, Gypsyroad Bowral invites you to step into style and make a statement with your footwear. Whether you're drawn to the classic appeal of white sneakers or the glamour of silver shoes, we have the perfect pair to suit your style. Explore our collection online or visit our store in Bowral, NSW, to discover your new favorite footwear essentials. Elevate your footwear game with Gypsyroad Bowral today!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1. Are white sneakers versatile enough to wear with any outfit? Absolutely! White sneakers are incredibly versatile and can be paired with a wide range of outfits, from casual jeans and t-shirts to more formal dresses and suits. Their neutral color makes them the perfect choice for almost any occasion.
2. How do I keep my white sneakers looking clean and fresh? To keep your white sneakers looking their best, regularly clean them with a mild detergent and soft brush. For tougher stains, a mixture of baking soda and water can help lift dirt and grime. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as these can damage the material.
3. Are silver shoes suitable for everyday wear? While silver shoes may seem more suited to special occasions, they can definitely be incorporated into your everyday wardrobe. Pair them with jeans and a blouse for a touch of glamour during the day, or dress them up with a cocktail dress for a night out.
4. What styles of silver shoes are available at Gypsyroad Bowral? At Gypsyroad Bowral, we offer a variety of silver shoe styles to suit every taste and occasion. From sleek pumps and sandals to trendy sneakers and flats, there's something for everyone in our collection.
5. Can I wear silver shoes with other metallic accessories? Absolutely! Mixing metallics can add visual interest to your outfit and create a chic, modern look. Just be sure to balance the metallic elements throughout your ensemble to avoid overwhelming your outfit.
6. Are linen shoes breathable for warmer weather? Yes, linen shoes are known for their breathability and are an excellent choice for warmer weather. The natural fibers allow air to circulate, keeping your feet cool and comfortable even on the hottest days.
7. How should I style linen shoes for a casual look? For a casual daytime look, pair your linen shoes with light and airy pieces like sundresses, linen trousers, or denim shorts. Add a straw hat and some oversized sunglasses for a relaxed, beachy vibe.
8. Can I wear linen shoes in the rain? While linen shoes are breathable and lightweight, they may not be the best choice for rainy weather. Linen has a tendency to absorb moisture, so wearing them in the rain could cause them to become damp and uncomfortable. Consider opting for a more water-resistant shoe on wet days.
9. Do linen shoes require special care? Linen shoes are relatively low-maintenance but may require some extra care to keep them looking their best. Spot clean any stains promptly with a mild detergent and water, and allow them to air dry completely before wearing them again.
10. Are linen shoes suitable for formal occasions? While linen shoes are typically more casual in nature, there are some styles that can be dressed up for formal occasions. Look for linen shoes with sleek, polished designs and pair them with tailored trousers or a dress for a sophisticated look that's perfect for weddings or cocktail parties.
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treasuregates · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ninexis in My Groove One Shoulder Loose Top.
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theodorevg923 · 2 years
Broken Glasses and Cottontails
Glamrock Bonnie x Gen Reader
A/N: Based on my Were AU!
Did I start a brand new story because I was in desperate need of some Bonnie love? Pff no...
Main Master List
⚠️ mentions of alcohol, non-con touch, self depreciation
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You sighed as you stared up at the massive sign that marked the entrance to your new job, Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex. You had just moved back to your hometown after losing the job you had worked hard at in another city to get away from this wretched town you hated. And yet, here you were, ready to start at what used to be a place of childhood wonder for you as a lowly bar hop. 
As you walked through the entrance to clock-in for your first shirt, you let out yet another sigh at your predicament. You had already passed the interview and were issued a uniform and locker a few days before. As you trudged past the front desk, you flashed your badge to certify that you were a new employee before heading to the lockrooms to change.
A short time later, you were dressed in a simple outfit of black slacks, black button up shirt with Bonnie's Bowl logo on the back, and a deep purple server's apron. You clocked in before you headed to the bar hidden deep within the megaplex. Apparently Bonnie's Bowl and Bar 'n Lounge had been built just a few years before, after Bonnie, the lead bass, retired from the original band to allow Monty Gator and Roxanne Wolf take his place.
It had come as a shock for you, to hear your favorite of the werecreature band had retired, but then Bonnie had been an original member from the previous pizzeria. You dodged past weres and humans alike that swarmed the megaplex, not quite eager to start your new job, but also not exactly caring to be touched by anyone. A sensation that had long since come to disgust you, why you weren't sure, but it was something you learned to live around.
Finally you managed to make it into the Bonnie's Bowl and with the map of the megaplex memorized already, you took a turn at the entrance to find the unmarked hallway to the bar. Inside the bar tables and chairs scattered about the main open area, booths along the far wall and an adjacent wall, with the bar along the opposing wall. Robots, similar to the map bot that had scared you a few days prior on your tour, were stationed at the bar ready to make drinks. A minimal cheezy dark eighties aesthetic dripped from the walls to the carpeted floor with neon signs scattered about.
You looked around, noticing no one was in the bar yet, nor was the massive purple wererabbit you remembered from shows, posters, and the old plush you kept, no matter how many times you tried to toss it out. With a deep sigh, you forced your feet to drag you further in, looking about as you went. The bar was immaculate, and you had seen enough bars to know that couldn't be an easy feat. But still no Bonnie, your boss and trainer, to be found.
Further into the bar, you noticed what appeared to be a hidden hallway behind the bar. You ducked your head around the corner to look down the hallway to find a door marked office and another private. You hesitated, thinking you should try the bowling alley in search of your boss.
As you straightened up and turned around, you ran right into something, or someone, quite dense. Large warm hands latched onto your shoulders like a parasite, sending shivers down your spine. You forced your legs to move and catch your balance before you stepped away to find Bonnie in front of you.
Your heart dropped in your chest as you noticed how overbearing Bonnie's presence and size was. And he was dressed much differently than the band outfit you remembered, a burgundy button up shirt and black slacks, all his paint, accessories and piercings missing. You noticed a slight slip in Bonnie's grin as he pulled his hands back.
"You must be Y/N right? Mandy mentioned she hired a new bar hop." Bonnie's voice was the different that you remembered, sultry even.
"Uh, yeah I am. I was looking for you." You kept your tone even despite the disgust that ran through your veins at being touched.
"Sorry to give you a jump scare like that, cottontail." Bonnie's grin warmed back up. "Ready to get started?"
"Yeah, I am." You faked a smile as you followed Bonnie, forcing the bile in your throat down.
He gave you a quick run down of procedures and what needed to be done. It wasn't your first time as a server so most of it wasn't new for you. One thing you had noticed was that Bonnie didn't touch you once, even though he came close before it seemed like he caught himself. It was something odd yet endearing to you, that it seemed he was making attempts to hold himself back without questioning why. A few minutes after Bonnie set you up on the ordering system, a few customers came into start you on your first day.
A few hours later, you were released for a much needed break from too many close encounters with guests. But what you hadn't realized was that Bonnie had kept a close eye on you, intervening when a guest got to close to getting handsy. You had figured it to just be normal as he did integrate himself with what appeared to be quite a few regulars, or employees that came in after their end of shift.
Not sure of where else to go, you headed for the employee breakroom and sank down into a chair, aching feet taking a moments reprieve. With not much to do, you pull your phone out to play a game when a large hand settled on your shoulder. Your skin crawls as you jump up and away, knocking the chair you sat in over.
"Little cub? Are you alright?" Freddy, a massive golden brown furred werebear and the lead singer and owner of the megaplex looked down at you worried.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine." You flinch from the automatic fake reply as the look of worry only deepened in the bear's blue eyes.
Freddy's hand dropped to his side before you reach out to straighten the fallen chair, bile rising in your throat from the sudden contact.
"I didn't mean to startle you, little cub, I just came to check up on you. Bonnie can be a lot to handle and wanted to make sure he had not harmed you in any way."
You catch the tone in Freddy's voice, guessing he thought your reaction was caused by your new boss.
"No, I'm alright. Bonnie hasn't been rude to me at all." You force a fake smile with cheeriness in your voice to assure the bear.
"If he ever does, you can come to me or one of the others." Freddy smiled warmly at you, the bear's friendliness shining bright. "We will take care of it if he gets out of line."
You nod in reply before you grab your phone off the table. "I have to go, thank you Freddy."
You quickly duck out of the employee breakroom before the bear could reply and head back the way you came. Technically you still had about ten minutes left of your break and decided to find an empty bench to sit on. Guests mingled and passed by as you sat down with a heavy sigh, the rancid taste of bile still in your mouth.
What had you gotten yourself into? A job where contact with others was inevitable was the best option for you when you couldn't even handle having the friendliest bear you knew touch you. A frown pulled on your mouth as you rebutted yourself, disgusted with your body.
Your phone buzzed in your hand to catch your attention, an alarm signaling the end of your break. Quickly you stood up and made your way back to the bar to finish your shift, hoping you could make it through the day without getting touched again.
Your hope was short lived though as not even an hour after your break, a guest got handsy with you when you cut them off from being served. The rowdy lion grabbed your wrist, yanking your arm up as they leaned down to yell at you, alcohol soaking their breath. The movement forced you to drop your tray, glasses shattering across the carpeted flooring.
"Give me another fucking drink or it'll be your damn throat in my teeth," the lion growled at you.
Before you could reply, or barely even try to tug your wrist from their hold, Bonnie was your side, his hand around the lion's forearm.
"Let go of my cottontail, now." Bonnie's tone dropped low to a near growl of his own.
Despite Bonnie being a rabbit, a prey animal, he loomed over the lion by at least a foot and exuded a rage you only felt from predators. The lion gulped, quickly dropping your wrist as they stepped away and stalked off without another word. Bonnie's gaze glanced down to you, his own arm dropping to his side.
"Are you hurt, cottontail?"
Bile had once again risen in your throat from the contact but you managed to force a nod, desperately trying to swallow the acid down. Bonnie's fuchsia eyes watched you for few more seconds before it seemed he was content with the answer.
"I'll get a rag."
You watch Bonnie step away before you kneel down to pick up your tray and the broken shards of glass. You pile what you can on your tray, a sharp piece leaving behind a small nick on a finger. With a hiss of pain you can move your finger to your mouth, but before it reached a rag covered your hand.
You look up to see Bonnie had knelt down beside you, a slight grimace on the rabbit's muzzle.
"There's a first-aid kit in my office behind the bar." Bonnie spoke quietly to you as he pointed to the hidden hallway. "I'll clean this up."
You open your mouth to reply, to say it's just a simple cut, but Bonnie cuts you off.
"Go, cottontail."
His tone tells you not to deny him, having suddenly forgotten Bonnie was your boss. You nod and stand up to head towards the hidden hallway, dodging past a few other rowdy guests on the way. You step around the corner of the hallway you had looked down earlier in the day to the office door.
Inside was just like any ordinary office, a desk with papers and folders scattered across in a semi-organized manner, a couple file cabinets, a shelf with quite a few bowling trophies and books. Your eyes finally find the first-aid kit you had been looking for and you move to grab it from the wall. As you pull it down, you notice how quiet it was, despite the rambunctious noise that reverberated throughout the bar.
A deep sigh escaped you lips, the bile in your throat easing as you set the kit on the desk to open it. You uninjured hand grabbed a bandaid and ripped it open before you wrap around the cut. Just as you start to close the kit back up, a deep voice breaks the silence of the office.
"You forgot to clean your cut." Bonnie's tone was softer, much gentler, than his previous command.
"If you going to say your fine, I don't want to hear it." Bonnie's voice seemingly deepened as he spoke, his eyes sharpening to a glare.
A shiver ran down your spine as the Bonnie walked up to you to lean against the desk, his arms crossed over his chest. "Clean it."
You return his glare as you rip the band-aid off and toss the used one in the trash before you opened the kit back up. Without looking at Bonnie again, you grab an alcohol wipe to clean your cut that had already stopped bleeding. Once again you grab a band-aid to wrap your finger with and ripped it open.
Quietly you throw the trash away and close up the first-aid kit and step away from the desk to hang it back on the wall.
"You're not alright, cottontail." Bonnie's voice breaks the silence, startling you.
You turn to look back at him, a tinge of worry in your eyes. How did he- Had he figured out your issue already?
"Fred came to me after he talked to you on your break." A slight grimace formed on Bonnie's muzzle again. "Is it just weres or people in general that you're unable to be touched by?"
A grimace of your own set on your face as you glance away, shame filling your chest and flushing your cheeks ears. You had hoped no one would notice, much less your boss on your first day.
"Everyone." Your voice comes out near a whisper, once again rebutting yourself.
"Look at me."
You obey Bonnie, your body moving without thought to face the rabbit. He hadn't moved from the desk, but it felt like he loomed over you, teeth bared in snarl to bite through your flesh. A shiver ran down your spine as the sensation eased, leaving you nearly breathless.
"You're telling the truth." The words from Bonnie were a statement without question.
Bonnie watched you with his fuchsia eyes before he stood up from the desk. "Calm down before you leave. And if you ever need to again, you can come in here."
You nod out of habit before you notice Bonnie was already at the door and couldn't see you.
"Thank you." You voice came out at a near whisper, barely audible to even yourself.
Bonnie paused for a split second, an ear twitching to show he caught your words, before he opened the office door and left.
You move to the desk chair and sank into it before your body could start to shake. Your breath came in heavy pants for a couple minutes as your body trembled to a near violent state. Slowly your heart came down from it's frantic state, the sensation of feeling like prey diminishing, as your lungs eased from their desperation for air.
A shiver ran down your spine after your frantic state passed, eyes glancing towards the office door. What had just happened? How had Bonnie already figured out about your disgusting problem with being touched? And the anger that followed when he had spoken of Freddy, it nearly had you shrink back in fear. You took a deep breath to steady yourself before you stood up to finish the rest of your shift.
"Go sit in the office and take a break." Bonnie spoke up low behind you, startling you from the table you were cleaning.
You nod, too exhausted to fight the offer, no order, from your boss. You left the rag on the table and turn away from Bonnie to head down the hallway to the office. Your aching feet and legs take relief after you sank into the office chair, head resting against the back.
The rest of your shift had gone by quick without another incident, only a few close encounters with touch that managed to dodge with your reflexes. You let out a hushed sigh as you rest your elbows on the desk to drop your head into your hands. A slight jiggle had started up in your leg in an attempt to soothe the anxiety and frustration that swirled in your mind but it didn't help any.
You were upset with yourself, for being disgusted by contact with others despite secretly craving to know what it felt like without the reaction your body had. You had tried to force it, withstanding physical touch, over the years only to end up worse than before. And yet here you were, over two decades old and had never had a partner or even real physical affection.
You yank your head up, blinking away a few stray tears that had built up in your eyes, at the sound of the office door opening to find Bonnie in the doorway.
"Cottontail?" Bonnie's tone was soft, no where near the threatening level it had been at before.
"I'm fine." Your voice snapped a little harsher than you had planned for it to.
Bonnie's fuchsia gaze darkened on you for a second before it eased up, seemingly not going to push you any further. You pull your arms down to your lap, nails dug deep into palms as you attempted to still your leg. Silence prevailed for a short moment as you turned your head to look away from Bonnie before you heard the rabbit speak up.
"Stay here." His tone deepened, implying to you that he had given you an order.
You nod out of habit as you watch him close the door to the office on his way out. It seemed to you that he might have heard something, or someone, and left to deal with it. But curiosity got the best of you and you stood from the chair to step over to the door. Voices drifted through the door, muffled but you could still make out a few snippets.
"Did you hurt them?" It was Freddy, and he sounded angry.
"No, I didn't harm my cottontail in anyway." Bonnie's own tone dropped to match the bear's.
"Then did you figure out why-"
"Fred, you're overstepping. How they react to touch is none of your concern, nor mine." Bonnie's tone dropped further, nearly to a menacing level.
"I'm only worried Bonnie! We can't keep replacing your bar hops just because you scare them off."
Scare them off? How would Bonnie scare other employees off? Though you guessed it could be from the overbearing sensation of being prey Bonnie forced upon you earlier. Lost in thought, you had missed the next couple things they had said.
"This is your last chance, Bon. If you scare them off, I'm not going to let Mandy give you another toy to play with." Freddy's growled at Bonnie before heavy steps receded.
You quickly dashed for the chair and sank into it as quietly as you could, heart beating frantically in your chest. You took a deep, quiet breath to steady yourself just a mere moment before the door opened. Bonnie looked upset, whether with Freddy or himself, you weren't sure. You force yourself to stand to head back to the bar but Bonnie's voice stopped you before you could walk.
"Go ahead and take the rest of the night off, cottontail." Bonnie's tone had a hint of pain that caused you to grimace.
You knew you were the reason for the irritated conversation between Bonnie and Freddy, and it upset you. You hadn't meant to cause so much trouble, desperate to run from being the problem, but you couldn't. If you ran away, like you always did, Bonnie would be blamed for it and only hurt him further.
"No, I'll stay to help you finish cleaning." You spoke with a soft smile on your face.
The look Bonnie gave you was a mix of surprise and adoration. "I won't force you to stay, cottontail, if you want to leave, it's your decision."
The way Bonnie had framed his words had you a bit curious but you shoved the though away for now. "Thanks Bonnie."
And you meant it, knowing what would happen to him if you ran away. But this time you wanted to figure out how to stand strong, fight back against your weakness. You followed Bonnie out of the office and back to the bar to finish cleaning before you left for the night.
Bonnie leaned against the bar as he watched you leave, rather curious about you and your reaction to touch. His own words to Freddy came to mind, about not being his business, but you worried him. To willingly come to work in a place full of people, and a bar no less, something had to have driven you to this point even with your inability to handle touch. But what had caused it, and the disgust with yourself, to no longer want or desire the touch of another?
If you stayed again, something that had shocked him when turned down his offer to leave earlier, he wanted to know why and to see if there was a way he could help you. The pain in your eyes had been evident to Bonnie after his conversation with Fred, you had heard enough to know it was about you.
Bonnie sighed and stepped away from the bar to head to his office, he had paperwork that needed to be done. He sat in the chair, a faint whiff of your scent still in the office and it distracted him once more. Had you always been disgusted by touch, or had someone hurt you in such a way that you couldn't stand it anymore in fear of memories arising?
That thought infuriated Bonnie, forcing him shut all thoughts of you away and focus on the book keeping that needed to be done. Ever since his separation from Fred, and his retirement from the band, he had the bar and bowling built for him, with Foxy receiving Pirate Cove as a gift. Bonnie had taken on the paperwork for the extension to the megaplex as part of the agreement, meaning he had several locations to manage along with running his own two.
It wasn't an easy feat, early mornings and long nights were now a daily occurrence for Bonnie, but he managed it. All the excitement from the guests that came through kept him going. And now you had came along because of it, someone who seemed to be able to handle him, for now.
With a heavy sigh, Bonnie dropped the pen in his hand to the desk and smothered his face. He was thinking of you again, something he really couldn't be chasing after or scaring away. Though he hoped that you would stay, it had been a long time since someone like you came into his life and it was refreshing to see you not fear him.
Bonnie stood up from his chair, having given up on any chance of focusing on his paperwork. He left his office, but not before catching one last whiff of your scent, and headed for his bowling alley to play a few frames. He could only wait and see if you stayed.
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Stay Cruel Until The End - Theodore
Posted Jul 2 '22
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 3 years
Making Special
Sirius had offered to babysit. With his other two children out of the house and at school, that left Lily Luna and a Valentine's Day on a Wednesday that Sirius was sure Harry wanted to spend with Ginny. Remus had to teach during the day and had lost the teacher lottery for supervising corridors after dinner knowing that a boarding school full of teenagers were going to make trouble, the two of them not having plans until later that night, even if Sirius had already sent twelve dozen roses to Hogwarts that morning.
So there he was, with his eight-year-old granddaughter, sitting on the ground with his legs crossed as she braided flowers into his hair.
"Daddy says they're eating somewhere fancy tonight," she said.
"I would hope so."
"Well, it's Valentine's Day."
"At school, all we do for Valentine's Day is put cards into other people's shoeboxes. And I don't even like most of the kids who get one."
Sirius laughed, his head moving slightly when fingers caught a knot, "I suppose...when you get older, Valentine's Day looks a little different."
"Because it's...nice to show people you love them in special ways."
"So what are you doing for Granddad Moony?"
"Uh..." Sirius paused, "We're...going to have very late...dessert."
"He does love his dessert."
"Mhmm." Sirius nodded knowing that his evening wasn't filled with chocolate cake the way Lily was picturing it.
"But why?" she asked, coming to stand in front of Sirius, her dark red curls getting messier by the minute from all the walking around and fixing Sirius's hair, "Daddy's all sweaty about a dinner reservation, and even James is talking about it in his letters...I don't get it."
Sirius reached a hand up to put it on the side of her face, "How...about I show you?"
"Would you like to go on a date with me, Lily Luna?"
"I guess but you have to do my hair first, yours looks fabulous," she said and Sirius laughed moving to stand up, taking the tiny girl with him to the bathroom to find all her hair accessories.
They didn't leave the house, but Sirius had prepared a dinner of pancakes with strawberries--Lily's favorite, his granddaughter having a particular penchant for breakfast food. He put a flower centerpiece in the table, with a table cloth he found buried in Harry's home and lit a candle. He put heart-shaped confetti around the floor, glitter trailing everywhere in the kitchen that was going to be impossible to clean up. But then Lily walked into the space, her hair done into a bun and tied up with a white ribbon, and her eyes went wide.
"Are you sure this is my kitchen?" she asked, looking up at Sirius as he took her hand and walked her over to the table.
"Quite sure," he said, and pulled out her chair for her, "Have a seat, love."
They had a standing date every year after that, even as Lily entered Hogwarts. A first Valentine's Day away at the castle, and Sirius had written Lily with a promise to arrive promptly at 11am for their date.
"You're here!" she exclaimed when she arrived to Remus's office, dressed in a white dress with red tights for the occasion, an outfit courtesy of Sirius and his over-indulgent shopping trips. She wrapped her arms around Sirius's hips in greeting looking up at him.
"Of course I am! Dates should always show up. And be on time. WIth flowers. If they're not--"
"Kick them in the shins!"
Remus snorted, "Spare my bones, please, Lil..."
"I was going to say, leave without them," Sirius told her around a laugh, "I don't think we should condone kicking."
"Diana was asked by Corban and everyone is losing their minds about it," Lily said across the table from Sirius, her fork picking at her plate. "It's just Hogsmeade and it just happens to be in February...and it's not that I'm not happy for her, because sure, she's fancied him long enough but it's a lot of fuss. Isn't it?"
"Is she making the fuss?"
"No everyone else is," she said pointedly, staring at Sirius with all of her thirteen-year-old authority. A look that said keep up and pay attention and Sirius was doing his best to hone in on teenage drama and gossip that had Lily Luna rambling since they had left the castle. "People get asked to Hogsmeade. It's not a big deal. Because...some people don't. It's just Hogsmeade."
"Have you been asked?"
"No, because it's not a big deal. And even if someone did, it's not like I would go or even want to..."
"Of course not. Hogsmeade's boring," he affirmed, nodding as he picked up his coffee mug, "Same old stuff, right?"
"I think Remus and I stopped going when we were in our last year..."
"How come?"
"We preferred to not have the noise of the other students...just wanted to be alone. Still do."
Lily made a face, "Are you taking him to dinner still?"
"And dessert."
She smiled, "What'd you buy him?"
"A new record player."
"Yeah, but will he use it?"
"That's the question, isn't it?" Sirius joked, thinking of Remus's record player that had aged alongside them, barely functioning to get through a disc these days. Sirius had a speech prepared, promising to preserve the old one, set up a display case, or find a shelf for it in Grimmauld Place for posterity. It wasn't forgotten or being thrown out because it was old, it just needed an update.
"Yes, baby."
"....How come no one's asked me to Hogsmeade?"
"Did you want to be asked by someone?"
"No...but...it seems like a thing people are doing...even if it isn't a big deal..." she said, "Am I not pretty like Diana? I tell better jokes than her, I know I do."
"I don't know Diana, but no one's pretty like you, Lily," Sirius told her carefully, having read enough covers of parenting books to know this was fragile territory, "I don't think it's fair or kind to compare yourself to someone else. Some people...at your age, are like Diana and really excited about going on dates and their first crushes. Other people...think it's not a big deal and it doesn't have to be. Not right now, maybe not ever...and...maybe the person who wants to ask you, also doesn't think it's a big deal."
"You think?"
"I'm only excited to go on dates with you. At least right now," she said, "You...think someone will ask me one day?"
"I think, there will be a line out the door begging for your attention, Lily. And I will be there at the front of the line and making sure--"
His granddaughter started laughing, curls bouncing as she did so, "It's bad enough Dad's a teacher here, I don't need you supervising my...suitors too."
"Oh, but I have to. You know, make sure they're on time with--"
"The flowers and that they have money..."
"And?" Lily asked eyes going wide, "What did I miss? You always tell me those two things. Punctuality, full wallet."
"Those things are important but...also make sure that they plan a day for you. Doing something you like...not just what they think you'll like because that's what you're supposed to do."
Sirius gave her a wink over his coffee again as he took another sip, Lily smiling once more as she cut off a bit of pancake.
Now sixteen, Valentine's Day had taken on a brand-new meaning, Lily calling Sirius with urgency a week prior through her father's mirror, subsequently leaving the room to avoid prying ears. Lily had a date and had absolutely nothing to wear, and had been riddled with guilt that their special day couldn't take place.
But Sirius couldn't have been happier, arriving at Hogwarts and pulling Lily out for the Sunday afternoon to hit the shops along Diagon Alley. A day spoiling his favorite granddaughter. A day listening to her talk about this date and this person Lily had fallen for, hard and fast.
"Those pants aren't...too much are they?"
"Do you like them?" Sirius asked as they walked down the street, hot teas in hand, taking their time before Sirius had to return his granddaughter to school.
"I bought them--"
"I bought them."
"Obviously I like them."
"Then they're never too much."
"I'm sorry we don't get to have our date."
Sirius waved her off, "Don't apologize for that. Pancakes will be there another day. So...are you going to Hogsmeade?"
"No, actually," Lily smiled softly, a faint pink hitting the tops of her cheeks, "I said I didn't think Hogsmeade was a good place to get to talking for a first date...so she's planning something else. I don't know what though."
"Color me very impressed."
"I think you'd like her. Dad does. As a student anyway. Maybe if all goes well she'll come around for summer and you two can meet?"
"I'd like that very much."
"I...think I'll have a good time, this time. You know...unlike last year..." she trailed off, Sirius remembering the outraged call he got from Lily around this time last year when her date had seemingly forgotten all his manners, Lily getting up and leaving when the boy burped without an excuse me. That evening had ended with tea in her father's office, both Sirius and Harry listening to everything that was wrong with teenage boys, Lily's brother being called in to hear as well, just to ensure he didn't pull that shit on dates.
"Do you like her?"
"I really do."
"Then..." Sirius went into his pocket and pulled out several galleons, handing them to Lily, "It's important that they're on time. Manners are also important--which includes you by the way--"
"I remember them I swear!" she laughed
"Just checking. Flowers are a nice touch, though I suspect that's already going to happen--"
"She brought them when she asked me out," Lily giggled softly, still hanging on Sirius's words.
"And, they're already thinking about how to make it important for you. But...there's another bit," Sirius stopped walking to look at her, his free hand not holding the bags and his cup of tea coming to cup the side of her face, leaning slightly over to bridge the height difference between them, "Sometimes...when people really like someone else, they get nervous. They trip and they stumble and...things aren't always perfect. So. If...that should happen, and you know you really like this person, and you want to spend the day with them and no one else, then you, my love, get to make the day special."
"I....can make the day special."
"Do you get it now? All the fuss?"
"Holy shit, yeah, I do," she said and Sirius laughed, kissing Lily on top of the head. "..What happens if it goes well? All perfect?"
"Then you save what I gave you and you make...Thursday special instead."
Lily paced back and forth in the hallway, noises from family dinner drifting down the halls and she swallowed for the millionth time. When you liked someone, you got nervous. Not in the way that was scary, but in the best ways; like the excitement before a big Quidditch game, or how it felt to graduate from Hogwarts or when she got accepted into the Healing program at St. Mungos or the day she first bumped into the love of her life in the hallway. She felt the ring in the pocket of her wide-leg trousers, making sure it was still there, even though she had just tapped it a second ago.
She took a breath, stopping in the hallway, and looking up at Sirius. The photograph of her grandfather stayed smiling, moving hair out of his eyes, capturing a gesture that was so simple and ordinary but was exactly how Lily wanted to remember him.
"I think...you'd be really happy with this, Sirius. I think....you'd be really proud. Because I'm about to make Thursday really special for the rest of my life."
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bebepac · 2 years
Southern Gentlemen Be Like
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I am participating in @wackydrabbles​​​ prompt # 143  Get away from here will appear in bold.  
This is also chapter 3 of The Blue Honey Cafe if you need to catch up please click :  The Blue Honey Cafe and it will take you to my masterlist for it.  
The Book: TRR Pairings:  Anyone’s game at this point  TRR MC is single Word Count: 1422 Warnings and ratings:  None  this is tamer than my normal stuff  maybe it will start heating up soon. Song Inspiration: Riding Solo by Jason Derulo  as my TRR MC is playing the single field right now.  
Summary:  Riley has some alone time training with Liam. 
Liam, Riley, Maxwell, Bertrand, and Maxwell are PB characters,  all others are my own characters to help us tell our story.   
  Original Post 04/20/22 at 7:26PM EST.
Riley hit the snooze alarm once rolling back over on her side in her queen size bed.  When her alarm went off again, she got up and turned on the tv and listen to the weatherman.
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“Going to be another scorcher today!  Heat index  will put the temperature in triple digits by noon.  Heat advisory is in effect for all the viewing area.  If you must be outside today for extended periods of time stay hydrated."
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Riley walked over to her closet and decided light colors to try to keep herself as cool as possible was the way to navigate today.  
She decided to wear  a white  and powder blue boat neck top, and powder blue pencil skirt.  With her added jewelry, accessories and makeup, she elevated the look to a chic business professional look. 
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She got the ideas from a fashion blogger she followed, who was a former Miss USA.  Riley looked trendy and chic and hadn’t paid much for her outfit.
She pulled her hair in an updo so she wouldn’t have her hair on her neck, as she knew she would be walking a few blocks here and there, as it was easiest to travel  around where she worked after she parked in the parking deck.  
She headed over for breakfast at the Blue Honey Cafe, and Mason greeted her with a smile.  They stared at each other for a moment in silence; he decided to be the bold one and step out on faith that he was starting to get to know the beautiful woman in front of him, who didn’t seem to mind a blue collar man.
“That’ll be 8.02.”  
Riley bit her lip staring at him.
Without saying a word she got out her debit card and handed it to him.  
“Your food will be out in a few, I’ll bring your juice over in a minute.”
“Thank you Mason.”
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He watched Riley as she ate her breakfast; there was a small smile on her lips the whole time as she ate her shrimp and grits.  Being that there was a break in customers he walked over to her.
“What is making you smile while you are eating?”
“I don’t know, it’s just something about this dish Mason.  I love it, because it feels like love.  I can’t explain it any better than that.  I have never had anything like this, where I am from, but yet it feels like home.”  
Mason pointed to the picture of Pops hanging on the wall.
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“You’re starting to understand.  I told you, good food, feeds your soul too.  This was Pop’s first recipe he made when he opened this restaurant, and his favorite meal. I swear every time I eat this, I feel Pops, and can almost hear him laughing gregariously from the kitchen, or out here talking to everyone.  That’s why, it’s my favorite too. This dish is Pop's love for everyone, served on a plate."
"I can feel that."
"I'm glad you're starting to open yourself up to the southern lifestyle."
"Me too." 
Riley finished her breakfast and headed on to work.  Bertrand called her to his office once she walked in the door.
"Remember  you are training with Liam until he feels you are ready to fly solo. He's already in his office waiting."
"Am I late for training?"
"Liam is old school. You're on time if you're five minutes early, you're late, if you're on-time."
Riley glanced at her watch.  "Well I guess I better get going then."
She walked at a brisk pace down the hallway to Liam's office.
“Come on in Riley.”  
She smiled walking into Liam’s office.  Even though his door was open, she still politely knocked. He looked up from his watch and stood when she entered the room; he was a true southern gentleman. She thought about apologizing about the time, but since he didn't mention it explicitly, she would just make sure for future reference she was 'on time by Liam's standards.'
“So chivalry isn’t dead?”  
“No it’s not, at least not in my circle of friends that I associate with.  You look impressed Riley.”
“It’s just that…. It’s silly.”  
“No, tell me.  I want to know.”
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“It’s a fine line to walk being an independent woman. You standing just now, shows respect, like opening doors, or pulling out a chair for me, or buying a meal.  I can do all of those things for myself.”
“Maybe it’s not always about what you can do for yourself Riley.  You don’t have to prove anything for me to know that you are strong and independent.  I see it in your stride, and the way you look everyone here in the eyes with confidence.  I know you’re a perfectly capable woman, with the ability of taking care of yourself. Sometimes, it’s about allowing someone to take care of you, permitting them to allow you to take a break, because it gets tiring being the strong one all the time.  It doesn’t make you weak, permitting someone to take care of you.”
“That makes sense.”  
“Glad you see it my way.  I do really make a lot of sense sometimes.”
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Liam clasped his hands together.
“Now, who were you previously partnered with learning the system?”  
Liam smiled.  
“So we’re going to start from scratch.”
Riley laughed.  “Might be the best thing. Getting answers from him is like pulling international spy secrets from a hyperactive two year old, with the attention span of a flea.”
Liam laughed out loud, shaking his head.  “You’re really not wrong about that. What was Bertrand thinking?”
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“But I did figure out some things with the system on my own.  Believe  it or not, I’m not just another cute skirt.”  
“Let’s see what you got then.”
Liam led her over to the small conference table, and pulled out a chair.   Riley politely smiled and when she was about to sit, Liam sat in the chair instead.
He quickly jumped up laughing, “I’m just kidding! Oh my, the look on your face!!! This chair was really for you.  Please sit here.”  
Riley’s smile returned.  “You got me.  Thank you.”  Riley sat down in the seat, and Liam pulled out the one next to her.  
He took Riley through a few simple tasks.  
Liam watched in silence as she  performed the tasks on the computer.   He waited until she was done to offer his critique.  
“Thanks for not making me start and stop, that makes me so nervous and then I forget what i’m doing.  I’d rather someone see the method of my madness then show me what I could do better.”
“I’m the exact same way.”
“Why is this office so cold? It feels like a meat locker here.”  Riley had dressed for the outside temperature but not the inside.  
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“It shares the thermostat with  Donna next door; I have no control over it.”  
Liam however did not miss a beat.  He unbuttoned his blazer and slipped it over Riley’s shoulders.
“Better?”  Liam asked.
She slid her arms in, and as she adjusted it, she caught a waft of Liam’s cologne.  She also took a moment to check out his profile. Not bad at all Liam Ryerson... not bad at all.
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Riley smiled.  “Yes.”  
Riley was grinning like a schoolgirl.  There was just something so gentlemanly when a man gave you his coat to keep you warm, that she loved.  The southern charm of these southern boys here in North Carolina were nothing like the guys  she had been around in New York.  She could get used to this kind of treatment.
Liam noticed Riley’s smile as she seemed to cuddle into his blazer a little more that was baggy on her.  
Maxwell poked his head in the office.
“How’s training going?  She doesn’t need much does she?  I taught her everything I know.”
Liam tried not to laugh.  Riley covered her laugh in a cough.
“Get away from here,  I can’t have you undo my training, Maxwell!  I’m trying to take Liam’s job.”  
“Oh snap!”  Maxwell commented laughing.
“What!?!?!”  Liam chuckled at Riley in surprise.  
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“I’m kidding with you Liam.  You’re not the only one who has jokes.”
“I see you Miss Brooks, not just another cute skirt, and ambitious to boot.”
He turned to look at her.  
“If you want it, come and get it.”  
The glint in his eyes let Riley know, right off the bat, the job wasn’t the only thing he was talking about.    
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I see you Liam Ryerson.  I see you.  she thought to herself.
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tofumedic · 3 years
Brothers + Diavolo w/ a selectively mute GN!MC
summary: how well the brothers would be able to deal with you being selectively mute and how they respond to you talking to them !
Other than Diavolo, he may be the only one to know beforehand as helping in the organization of the RAD program, however it may only be overlooked if it is not present in any kind of record like schooling or medical.
When you first come into Devildom, your D.D.D. may be used as a sort of translation object between you and those present.
He is a little peeved in the beginning before you are able to explain it, he would regain his calm but would see it as a small setback to how he expected orientation to go.
Other than that he quickly learns about you and how you work so that he can work with you while trying not to dote on you!
The one that would gift you small portable whiteboards and markers if you had a preference over it for typing, professional though only dark blue and black inked markers <//3
Your first words to him are probably about answering a question or a summons, he does a lot of both but don't call him out for being clingy okay
If this man is standing or getting up to greet you expect him to stumble, just slightly catching himself on the edge of his office desk or resting a hand against the wall
When he meets your eyes you can see there's a pinch of panic of "you did not just see that please tell no one" that melts back into "oh my god???????"
He's quick to relax back into what he wanted to talk to you about, not wanting you too feel anxious or guilty for however long it took for you guys to have a mutual trust and safety net.
For the rest of the day his face remains in this pleasant smile and everyone except Asmo and Beel are suspicious, Mammon being especially on edge.
If they call him out on what has him so happy today he will brush them off for being nosy about what isn't their worries but the small blush that rises to his face as he crosses his arms does not help his case.
He is all of your noise
He gets forgetful and will try to have conversations across the house by yelling at you only to barge into your room in his petty fake anger just to see your face either amused at him or completely deadpan and he just ....🧍‍♂️
He gets anxious about leaving anywhere without his D.D.D. now what if his human needs him while he's not "bothering" you
Takes extreme pride in helping you order food when you go out places whether with his brothers or just alone, he loves it. Not only does he get an excuse to sit by your side and lean into your shoulder to see what menu item you're pointing at but it means he also has less worry about, he likes being close by to help you just in general.
Your first words are probably involving some drama he was mourning over earlier that day, probably with Lucifer or being the butt of the joke with another brother.
If Lucifer would stumble, expect this man to fully fall. God forbid you two are walking down the stairs instead of him rolling off the edge of your bed or just plopping on the carpet.
He would be so excited, his cheeks are burning even though you may have not even complimented him those words are gonna be ingrained to his memory maybe even written down in his notes app.
But he will downplay how happy he is that out of all of them he was the first you talked to, because of course it would be him the great Mammon and your first man it just made sense.
He's over the moon he won't flex it unless you start being verbal with more of his brothers he doesn't want them to pressure you into speaking no matter how much the urge bubbles up while Asmo is talking about how you would rather match outfits with him that others
He doesn't mind that much, at the beginning of your relationship he is very shy and doesn't really start talking unless something reminded him of one of his shows or games
Will gain a habit of just texting you instead of asking you a question outloud, just because he thinks its more polite and understands as in sometimes it's too much energy to open his mouth to speak
Teaches you phrases from his games, basically call outs, as an extra layer of code to let you know if you're camping out in his room that he is gonna leave for a package (going to spawn camp) or food (healing) etc
He does get jealous saying it's unfair about Mammon helping you order stuff in the "irl" while absolutely being too nervous to do it for himself as well
You two have your own codes for entering each others room, knocking to the tune of a popular sound effect from a game you play together for the ease but he enjoys when you try to do the beginning of an ost or girl group song and he tries to guess it
Your first words for him are probably you entering his room with some snacks or having picked up a package for him from his door, his response to you entering would be asking you to hold on this match or episode was almost done
So when you give out hum and either let him know you're staying or you're signing off (leaving) it's an insta-death, his attention is caught so fast
His posture extremely straight from his hunched focus as he speedquits his match closing every tab back to desktop before standing up on his wobbly legs and giving you the most affection he can handle of having that without warning
He gives you a small headbutt, pushing his forehead into your shoulder as he controls his breathing. He can't handle it that's like finale love interest marrying the protag and you hit him with it so lightly.
He wouldn't change his preference of texting you questions as it's something he's still comfortable with and you speaking to him makes him feel like he's reached masters rank without losing any matches
He is your best bet for knowing sign language, he finds it interesting that there are so many regional variations has tucked his knowledge of them into his big ol head
His movements would be hesitant as he's mentally dusting off the memory of practice but he is very good at it, though he wouldn't be more than only a pinch disappointed if you didn't prefer that way.
He be more interested in you in the beginning before learning about your magical presence and the pact hunt, it's unusual to him and he likes the study
Picks up small things that are unnoticeable to everyone but you about small habits and things that barely make it easier, like remembering to rebuke Mammon when he goes to order but forgets you don't like a certain ingredient and asks for it to be removed himself.
Would ask if you would like to learn Devildom's concept of sign language, maybe just quick easy signs for going about RAD tasks and classes
Your first words are probably said to him in the safety of his study, surrounded by books or even your homework while he reads
MC i love you very much but i feel like it would be something really stupid or cursed along the lines of
"I'm tired of people making Frankenstein's creature ugly he's literally written to be sexy" or "Why are people so attracted to Dracula he's supposed to ugly af >:/"
He would be.. very nonchalant about the fact it was you speaking to him and acting like he was talking to one of his brothers and going against you in the argument until he picks up those books to prove his side to be like "oh."
He needs a moment after such a not so public embarrassment so it would be later while you're both laying in your respective rooms and he's going over it in his head and then it hits him. It also hits that it was perhaps the most unromantic way it could have gone but it makes him smile into his pillow.
He has it as a secret weapon against Lucifer but he likes knowing something his brother doesn't
He can't look at you for too long the next day but will use the two figures of your mock argument to lightly bully you being soft on you in the comfort he wanted you to know was returned
"In case of argument, you would make a very good creation made in such a pleasing image"
He is willing to fill up space for conversations for you also, he has a lot to say but will still ask you questions and for your input so you're included
He thinks the whiteboard concept is very cute! He would be the one to get you little accessories like a bag just for that and your markers or a strap for it. He would also be the one to get you more marker colors, you having just black and dark blue is unforgivable
Enjoys asking you how you're feeling, in a way that's easier if you didn't want to write or type it all out is giving him a number between 1-10. 10 is for your absolute worst like if you are having a day that you can't get out of bed or 1 where you're feeling really good like nothing can hurt you.
Doesn't force you to go out and party with him in case it's bad for your nerves or there's a worry demons will rude about "their advances being ignored."
Likes being close to you, so you can write in a notes app or use some other alternative other than texting where he might not see it getting buried by other messages.
Asmo would enjoy either holding hands or wrapping his arm around yours of your non dominant side, he makes good by staying on that side when he's going for affection or just to be in your bubble.
You talking to him for the first time would probably being during an outfit review or ordering new face masks off of Akuzon.
And he would melt, pelting you with kisses smothering every empty inch of your forehead, your cheeks, the bridge of your nose he's so happy
Whatever you were doing or looking at becomes his favorite, a fit he wears when he feels down to keep him happy, or using a specific brand of nail polish or face mask specifically due to the memory
Would find any lisp or rasp overwhelmingly adorable, of course it fits his angel you sound undeniably perfect. Loves how conversations sound with your two voices mixing together.
He wouldn't completely understand but he isn't rude about it, his actions remaining normal to how he usually acts
If you wanted to learn their version of sign language he would try with you no matter if it was a struggle to fit into his schedule between the gym and spending time with Belphie and RAD and anything else but wouldn't want you to do it alone
He would keep you safe from anyone who had a problem with it, he's used to Belphie not wanting to talk to people other than him so he would be able to handle it especially if you two had similar gestures you used
Beel is also quite quiet in his own other from rumblings or dislike about being yelled at, he's good at still talking and holding his ground in arguments too but affection with him would be extra quiet compared to extra brothers
Your silence other than shuffles or small laughs, it's comforting like a sense of calm. It makes him think of your human dream catchers always quiet yet supposedly helpful and healing
You may verbally ask for a treat or some of his snack he brought for you two instead of a small gesture if your arms are trapped in the cuddle position you've been stuck in and any food he was eating would pause. Giving him a second he would easily give you all that was left
"Not hungry anymore" he would say his eyes warm before closing with his warm smile, he melts more into you like a jacket to let you feel how warm his heart was.
You were always special even if as an agent of chaos with some of the phrases you would drop, and he would adopt into his vocabulary and even further speaking for you in situations you couldn't
Belphie when you first met would give you a different gaze, in a slight squint almost breaking his image of being a helpless human but he would override it, continuing on like normal
At the beginning he may have even less belief in you getting pacts with his brothers but you still prove you're capable and things are normal for how he would treat you, not really changing just like Beel.
For a man (demon) to say actions are stronger than words, he certainly strains his ears just in case you answer his question in that way not that you would know and i certainly did not let you know ok??? cool cool
Other than that he really doesn't mind!!! You and Beel are really his top two people he has interest in being with and you being mute wouldn't change anything ! He may seek you more for naps outside of his room or the attic you don't move as much as Beel does as long as he doesn't curl up over your arms
In the privacy of one of your rooms- whether Asmo and Mammon are out on the town or in his while Beel is at the gym or somewhere else- is your first words spoken as softly as you can to him
Him laying across you with his head resting with his mouth close to your collarbone and ear resting almost on your neck he can feel the vibration in your vocal cords, you were probably asking him to move
Which you probably thought he was doing but any movement was so he could be closer to that feeling of your words if you spoke again, his knees tucking up while his toes curl
You wouldn't be able to fully process just how important that action was to him, you trusted him and felt safe and could let words out to him, after everything that was real forgiveness.
Him just looking over and encouraging you being chosen by Lucifer, he probably would not know unless again it was strongly present in your transcripts
He would find it interesting, it was your first surprise to him and filled him with mirth at the concept of seeing Lucifer tense in confusion his feathers absolutely ruffled
Though while you were already human which meant your interactions were sure to be interesting to him, the way you interacted was also completely different from Solomon, he would love giving you his time no matter how Barbatos would sigh already seeing it before it went into motion
It may mean a little extra work for Lucifer but he wouldn't complain he did a good job picking you for Diavolo to enjoy your company so much even if he was slightly worried on your influence on him
For doting only predict help with fixing the RAD program and making your class experience more accessible, if he tries to help too much someone would certainly have a word with him
He's known being compassionate, he just wants it to be easy for you as it is probably hard enough on you between the brothers, school, and being selectively mute
He barely uses his D.D.D. but if you prefer using that it's no problem though do give him awhile to type out his long messaged questions instead of asking them on call
First words with him may be said on a trip out to explore or in his castle during a private moment in the retreat or in his office
No matter the context it would be a mood booster, he would compliment you you're voice is perfect to him it matches the image you've shown so far
It's a delight, you never fail to surprise him he may repeat your words in his own voice laugh resting on his breath. He'd ask you to stay a little longer if he can get away with it, and if he can't he surely will try
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justalost4girl · 3 years
" If anything can go wrong, it will."
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Good night!! (Here it's still night :p )
A few weeks ago I said I would do a oneshot Lorraine Broughton x F! Reader, but it got too big so I decided to follow the initial idea and turn it into a mini series. I have two chapters written and I'm going to post them here and in Ao3, I think there will be 3 or 4 chapters in total, but I'm not sure yet.
English is not my first language, so all mistakes are mine.
warnings: mention of violence, R cursing, forgery of documents (?)
Words: 4573
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Berlin, East Side
You feel in your bones, when you wake up, the consequences of last night and think that the famous Murphy's Law decided to test you. On this side of the wall few things go right, but having an order in your head two days after joining STASI's wanted list proves that nothing is so bad it can't get any worse. Courtesy of a dumb customer who messed with the wrong people and thought revealing where you find your customers would be enough information to escape death. The Local Gang (or Angels, as they call themselves) loves to eliminate competition from the market.
Now he's dead and you have to deal with the STASI AND the Local Gang (you refuse to call them Angels).
The local fucking gang that sent a team of idiots to break into your favorite bar and made you run out the back door before meeting a customer who was going to pay well. The local fucking gang who must be pissed that you shot the six dumbest members you've ever had to face in your life. No really fatal shots, but of course that won't matter as they do business with the KGB.
Sometimes you want to ignore the rules you've made for yourself, especially "never kill someone unless it's in defense of yourself or someone you love", but you think killing six agents who don't have the ability to set up an ambush of success would be a great waste of bullets. Now you know you're going to have to leave town soon and you have no idea how to break the news to your brother/partner, how do you honorably abandon a war before it's over?
Damn Murphy's Law
You know you need to sort this out, but you refuse to stay in bed crying over what's already written and decide to leave the wonderful Egyptian linen sheets you got from your favorite client last month to face the world and it's impossible to face the world without a good amount of coffee. After a quick shower with a cup of Blue Mountain in hand, your newest addiction, you sit in a robe in a nice armchair, look out the window at dying Berlin and thank heaven for the comfortable life you've earned by working with one of the greatest smugglers on this side of the wall, perhaps from all over Germany. Some desperate customers offer you valuable items from them in exchange for passports and unlike your idiot “brother”, you don't have a rule about only receiving cash. Almost everything here comes from gifts, from the sofa, pictures, bags, clothes and even some books on your shelf. You don't even remember buying that cup, or the coffee set, for gods' sake.
If he saw you now he'd complain about being soft with customers and say something about how items aren't a bargaining chip in the real world, you'd get into a tiresome discussion about enjoying the finer things in life and how bills don't compare in the importance of yours. silver chain with moon pendant that was once an amulet for more than three generations for a French family.
At the end of the day, Merkel has a large information network and an office that takes up half the block, where she keeps as much money as she has secrets, and you have a house decorated by other people where each object symbolizes someone you've helped.
Four walls don't make a house
The thought takes away some of the almost peace you feel and you decide to finish your coffee before it gets cold.
After a quick glance at the calendar you remember about the march that will take place in Alexanderplatz square and decide to go scream for Germany one last time, hopefully you'll be able to hide long enough to see the fall of the damn wall that divides this country. It's not your country, not really, you don't even like to remember how you got here, but the experiences you gained wouldn't be exchanged for anything, not even for an original Van Gogh. Also, Merkel asked you to go and bring a black umbrella, the reason was not explained and you didn't feel like asking, sometimes you think Gordon Merkel is not his name, but how to judge the man who is your only family in this end of the world? You smile when you remember that he shouldn't have an umbrella with a story as cool as his and decide to piss him off for it.
Your phone rings, and you notice you've lost track of time. Merkel was helping a blonde woman named L, he didn't give you more details other than a few stories about how she was a perfect and dangerous assassin that you should keep your distance, as few people know how to deal with her. You thought he overreacted, but you had to take over some business from him while she was in town. She seemed important considering the way he told you about her and you knew better than to deny help to the person who always supported you and declared himself a brother, you trusted him because not even the best agent in the world could fake so much sincerity and affection in claiming this title for himself.
You reach out, pick up the phone, and decide to answer it. “Hey little sister, how are you out there? I called to say that everything is fine for dinner today, but there was a mishap and the wine ran out, bring the best Bordeaux you have, I'll return the courtesy as soon as possible." A code, of course.
He needs your services ASAP. Wine is a passport, Bordeaux means two elements, courtesy involves a child.
You can combine business with pleasure "Hi brother. I'm looking forward to today, I'll take the best wine I have, don't worry. I already know how you can thank me. I need to clean the house and go to the office first, but I'll be there on time. wait for me." you say in a voice that oozes normalcy, you never know when someone's listening on the phone especially now that you're a fugitive, disgraced customer. Your body sinks into the armchair noticing the oncoming cloud of worry
Merkel now knows you need his help, as cleaning the house means getting away and going to the office shows you're in a hurry.
"Alright, do you want me to send the driver?" He asks like he's not freaking out and offering the bloody job of one of his mercenaries
“No, bro, thanks, I know the way.” You say as if you really have an escape plan besides getting a fake passport, emergency backpack and all the money you can find.
“See you later, don't forget the wine. Are you sure you don't want the driver?" You wonder if he has forgotten that knowing the way literally means everything is fine
“Relax, see you later” It takes a few seconds for him to hang up and you can hear his sigh.
He will be SO pissed.
You put the phone down as you get up to gather the passport forgery materials and put them in a briefcase. Your cookbook is already there along with some banknotes from different countries. As you pick up the black backpack of standard clothes and accessories that always waited for you in the corner of the door, you decide to wear the first jacket you bought, the dark blue jeans, the combat boots you got from a skinhead, the wristwatch you bought. you got for your brother's birthday, thick leather gloves and a thin white shirt that matches the rest of your outfit. After all, if you can die when you open the door, then die well dressed. Be sure to keep the Colt 1911 around your waist and the Russian dagger around your ankle, after yesterday you never know, Your pocket watch with the coat of arms of the Brazilian imperial family indicates that 15 minutes have passed since Merkel's phone call
You take one last look at the house you've been so proud of in recent years, snap a photo with the Polaroid you've won, and, with a bittersweet smile, close the door. One day when the wall comes down, the government changes and your face is forgotten, you can come back here, until then you will have to make do with the photo album you keep in your backpack and this photo.
Putting on your sunglasses, you arrive on the street and decide to take a taxi on the other corner, make sure you look around before leaving your home, no one knows your address, but you can't be sure the local gang is so stupid to the point of not following you after last night.
Getting a taxi was relatively easy. Neil, the driver, thanks to the boots, mistook you for a revolutionary and talked for 10 minutes about how he hoped he could take down the wall with his bare hands, you thought it was cool, but as you passed the big river that was just a few blocks away from the your brother's office, you couldn't hear a word from him.
A sign signaling that the river was closed to visitors made your eyes fill with tears. You used to go there when the day was bad, spread a blanket in a corner and watch the stars, or just laugh at the distinct reflection the water made of the moon and stars. Merkel accompanied you on anniversaries, justifying them as bonding experiences. After some freaks started swimming in the river and executions increased, STASI took over and you replaced the dark water for the restaurant's bright lights. But seeing it tightly closed gave him a feeling of anguish and rancor. You would silently curse the wall builders for the rest of the trip.
Neil seemed to notice but didn't comment on it, you thanked him, wiped your tears and left a good tip as you descended a block away from your final destination. This time you didn't need to look around because even though Merkel was super busy, he made sure to leave some security close to where your landing place was.
A tall man dressed in a red T-shirt approached you and hugged you as if he hadn't seen you in a long time. You've known him since the beginning of last year, when he arrived at Merkel's office begging for a job, and from the first moment the way he turned grief over his brother's death into a thirst for revolution made you admire the young man. The two of you walked through the great gate hand in hand as you asked about his life with genuine interest, and Klaus increasingly believed in Merkel's theory about you having such a pure heart that you didn't care about motivation or the number of lives they took, your explanation of the judgment not being your responsibility, crossed the man's head before he escorted you to the main office.
You thanked him with a smile, opened the door and stood in front of the table in the windowless room, where your brother was already waiting for you.
"What the hell happened? Are you okay? I was about to send J to get you, please tell me what happened"—he said hurriedly as he got up and pointed at the couch for you to sit on. J was one of the most dangerous women in the building and you were grateful for not wasting her time.
Putting your backpack and umbrella aside, you answered:
"I'll explain later, little brother, now let me help you. You need passports urgently, don't you?" Yes, you were stalling and postponing the conversation. He'd call you an idiot for going out on the street right after you got on the wanted list, and he'd feel guilty when he found out why you didn't tell him. Merkel wasn't going to understand that her fear of failing him was no one's fault but yourself.
Your sentence seemed to give him some responsibility back, but still, as he held out a glass of water for you, his eyes met yours with a glint that warned that this conversation was far from over.
"Yeah, I really do, but don't think I'm going to forget about it. Let's talk when this is all over. Even if it's the last thing I do today."
You accepted the glass with a bit of trepidation and stood up towards the large center table while opening the briefcase with the supplies you were going to need, if Merkel noticed the bills he didn't say anything. Once at the table, you made two passports for mother and daughter in record time. According to the clock, 10 minutes passed, faster than a car, this deserves a celebration. It would have been six if Merkel hadn't been so curious to make you waste time pulling your watch out of your pocket just for him to analyze.
Everything was going well and there was only one last detail for mother and daughter to be taken by one Percival to the other side of the wall. Percival, according to Merkel, was strange and fickle. Unreliable and extremely dangerous, you should also keep your distance from him, as this man had crucial contacts on both sides of the wall.
"He must have fewer contacts than you", you would answer
If a loud noise didn't break the silence
The annoying noise of the door creaking made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and you almost missed the last signature, it made your body vibrate with irritation and your eyes follow to the offensive source of the sound. A tall man with short hair and blue eyes was holding the doorknob with a military posture and before you could release your anger and explain something about how people shouldn't be violent inside Merkel's office you noticed he was accompanied by a woman.
Your eyes connected to a pair of fierce, intent green eyes, surrounded by a pale skin tone and hair so blond it looked like snow. The barely perceptible frown showed she was surprised to find someone other than Merkel there, yet she looked ready for a battle. You looked into her eyes again and nodded in acknowledgment, this must be L, the woman he was talking about.
She looked at you suspiciously, but also as if she could see into your soul, and what must have been frightening, you found endearing. A few stories of murders orchestrated by her crossed your mind, but all you could imagine is how beautiful she must be when she's mad.
They say green eyes darken when we're high on adrenaline, does that happen to her?
Her analysis of the intriguing blonde ends when she notices that the man accompanying her has raised his voice and from his furious expression, it's not the first time he's repeated the question. You interrupt him before you hear him and make sure to direct the ghost of anger before him:
"Have you lost your mind? Who walks into the office without knocking? Surely you should be here asking about passports, but if it weren't for my experience and steady hands, they would be in the trash by now. Learn to be civilized. You're under two paws not four, so act human and not animal" you say in an explosive but articulate tone to make sure he understands what you say. Sometimes when you speak fast, you are betrayed by faulty diction. Not today. Today you want this man to feel every fiber of irritation that went through his body.
Hearing Merkel holding a nervous laugh, you try to relax, but judging by the cold, almost murderous look of the man in the doorway, you've definitely gotten yourself in trouble. Looking at the organized clothes, you notice it's an old police uniform, probably taken by your brother, and unless Merkel has hired new employees, you've never seen it around here. His eyes snap back to his and something inside you warns that this must be Percival. He probably wants to kill you.
Damn Murphy's Law
A brief silence settles in the room and you shake off the fear and turn away, refusing to play the glaring game with a man who almost spoils your art. On other days you might look at him at a party, but today you want to make him swallow the ink on the stamp in his hands and invite the blonde to dinner
And it's her voice that breaks the silence.
You're flipping through the two passports for failures when she says
"Sorry, miss. My friend is an unprecedented idiot. Shall I close the door and knock again? Perhaps your highness too--"
You turn her body towards her when you hear the slightest hint of irony in her tone and interrupt her with a fake smile as you look into her eyes.
"It's not necessary, I accept your apology, Miss. I always said that Merkel should have someone armed at the door to remind everyone of the need to knock on the door. Anyone who didn't knock would lose his mind as the law of my reign says. Perhaps I should start. for him, since the top head is the last thing he wears lately" you joke look at Merkel who doesn't seem offended by the statement, shrugging you look at those blue eyes again and say "the passports are ready. Let's get out of here."
You close the passports, reach for your backpack and umbrella and start moving towards the door, both agents let you lead the way and judging by the blonde's expression, she's not used to being interrupted, nor is she used to seeing someone talking like that with Merkel, but today it was acceptable. You really think she's adorable, but you know better than to let someone make fun of you, especially in front of your brother who wouldn't let you forget about it. Either she doesn't care, or she's a great actress. Anyway, that idiot is still by her side and you refuse to be the reason for his possible laugh.
Her friend probably didn't have the same acting classes and his resemblance to the local gang members, like he's going to kill you in the blink of an eye in a cowardly way, is almost frightening. If Merkel hadn't said L is a woman, you'd be scared. It makes you shiver a little and look for Merkel, but he's not following you. Looking over his shoulder you see him putting a few more piles of dollars and euros into your briefcase. With a snap of your fingers you get his attention and before you walk out the door, you hear the briefcase click closing.
Once out of the room, you look around and realize that nothing has really changed, all faces are familiar, except for three people: a couple talking to a child. After a brief analysis you find yourself facing the passport clients, mother and daughter. The man doesn't look older than 60 and has kind eyes, almost as if he doesn't live on this side of the wall.
They don't seem to notice you
Your observation is interrupted by Merkel's loud, proud voice, right behind you. Here it comes
"This is Elizabeth Loyd and Percival, two trusted clients. Elizabeth and Percival, this is my little sister, she will be on the march today, if you need anything in the future you can talk to her."
Hearing her name, you notice that Merkel really wasn't creative at all. Who would use the initial letter of a surname as a symbol? Anyone who heard the stories about L and met a loyde who knows a Merkel would make the connection. As you turn around, you swallow your nervousness and try to put on your best smile as you say your name to them. The blonde woman who finally has a name, Elizabeth, leans closer, her eyes never leaving yours, and you wonder if she can feel the jumble of emotions that is unraveling inside you.
She smiles a smile that makes you sure she does and reaches out and greets you with a firm grip, if she noticed the sweat on your hands, she didn't let on. She also looks a little more comfortable.
Maybe because she noticed you said her real name, idiot.
You hate yourself for one second and the next you want to be without gloves because it feels soft and warm.
The man, Percival, comes next and looks at you suspiciously and the smile fades from your face, you wonder if no one else can smell the strong smell he gives off, a smell of cheap whiskey and arrogance. Still, he holds out his hand and this time you thank the gods for the gloves. Make sure you don't bow your head or fail in your posture. He still looks at you like you killed his son. Useless even to pretend, for God's sake.
Merkel watches the exchange from afar and nods to Elizabeth, she responds and Percival walks away looking uneasy. You look around uncomprehendingly, feel a little left out, and wonder which computer must have Tetris installed.
You would kill for a distraction right now.
Going out on the street in a crowded march while being chased by two groups still makes you sick.
Your brother approaches and extends his hands around you. You've missed him for the past few weeks. He still wears the perfume you gave him for his birthday and it makes you sink deeper into the hug. You know he's going to be mad when he finds out what happened so you enjoy as much affection as you can
"Little sister, in addition to our conversation I need to tell you something" his voice is low in tone and you doubt you would understand the words if you weren't so close to him "but I can't do that until the march is over. Meet me at usual table at the restaurant where we celebrate our achievements, It's very important"
His even low voice is charged with strong emotion and you are genuinely worried, Merkel has never been like this before.
"I'll do it, brother, I promise. Whatever it is, we can work it out together" you say with all the certainty you can muster in your voice, because you need him to understand that this is true.
You feel eyes on you and as you look up you notice that Elizabeth keeps an eye on your exchange with Merkel while talking to the little girl's father, from the distance she probably can't understand anything and you don't know if she celebrates or cares with so much attention received. A little further away is a Percival who pretends to be busy with the coat he's wearing. He also pays attention to your exchange, but his talent for discretion is as effective as his ability to open doors.
Your eyes return to the concentrated blue eyes that are in front of you and Merkel speaks in an almost inaudible way:
"When I whistle, I need you to raise your open umbrella and stay alert. The three people we're going to cross are very important, nothing can go wrong. But if it does, I'll be at the restaurant, whatever happens find me there."
Noticing the proximity of Percival and Elizabeth, you place your hand on your brother's shoulder and smile as you speak a little louder:
"Don't worry man, it's always a pleasure to help you. I'll leave my briefcase here, then meet you to get it. Good march."
Merkel shows that she understands his strange move and smiles, you greet some friends of his that you haven't seen in a while and as you head towards the exit, you meet a pair of deep green eyes. Elizabeth is gleaming in the cold lights that are refracted by the mosaic of the gate, she looks into your eyes, ever alert, looks at the object in your hands and nods her head with a half smile, do you think the guard's idea black rain was hers.
As you wave back, you can feel that a pair of eyes haven't left your back since the moment of your brother's embrace, as the old man is saying goodbye to the family, you know who they belong to and decide not to look for them. If the STASI, KGB or local gang find you, he doesn't own the pair of eyes you want to remember before you die.
Taking a deep breath, you walk through the gate and blend into the crowd.
After leaving Merkel's office block, you take a hat out of your backpack and wear your sunglasses as you look around, not that a local gang member is here but because if he sees you in disguise he will ask a series of questions and he has enough problems already, plus STASI must be monitoring this area and the last thing you want is to be arrested. You decide to tuck your coat into your backpack to change your look, and while internally debating your ability to ignore the cold, your eyes catch the almost snowy blond hair in the crowd.
This signals that they are already on the march and you decide to get a little closer to them, but make sure you do this without drawing attention to yourself since the nasty man is still there. Elizabeth is on your diagonal absorbing all the extraneous details that might be a possible threat, she seems so focused on the job of passing the owner's gentle eyes in a safe way that it makes you wonder how important he is and if she's noticed you.
A few meters later a familiar noise floats through the march and you open the umbrella almost instantly, as do other protesters.
Out of the corner of your eye you can see Percival taking the man's family across and sometime later Elizabeth does the same. You notice that her posture has changed and when she decides to stop for a better look, the crowd drags her and you can no longer locate her.
Her feet continue forward and as some signs are raised by the protesters, you try to find your brother. Unsuccessfully. You decide to trust their ability and hope that you can meet him again at the restaurant.
You also want Elizabeth to be okay.
Continuing on the march, after two or three long blocks you notice the familiar silhouette of one of the STASI bosses, he is watching the crowd as if looking for someone, but he doesn't seem to notice you. You notice observers on top of buildings and decide to leave the streets. Whether it's the Local Gang, KGB or STASI itself you don't know and decide you don't want to know.
Your brain tries to design routes to escape and your body mimics the movements of the closest protesters so as not to draw attention to you, but when some agents in black point in your direction and make space in the crowd, you run between people to seek shelter in somewhere you know and at every step you are sure that the day will be worse than you thought.
Damn Murphy's Law
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
pretty, little maid.
request ; @iloveuro-san-blog​​: last one! 👌👌 follow up on the nsfwrequest last time, with samatoki being an butler 💘🥵. so this time, how or what samatoki would get their s/o to dress up for him and orders her around too!
# tags: headcanon; current relationship; romance; smut; nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual activities, role play, literally maid & sir kink
includes: female reader ft. samatoki aohitsugi {hypmic}
part one {click}
author’s note: ohohoho, let’s go! also i’m sorry you waited so long :((
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↘ Let’s start with how your second half offered you to be a maid; I think it’s pretty simple and at the same time a bit fun and cute.
↘ While he was in his office browsing various things on his phone or laptop, he found a page with clothes for couples. Seeing the black and white maid’s outfit, he right away remembered the previous time when he himself was a butler and carried out your numerous orders. So he quickly tossed the appropriate size of the costume into the shopping cart and then made the payment.
↘ When the package came to him after a few days, I think he would admire the lovely dress and the numerous accessories for a short while, but then he would put everything in a nicer handbag, adding some little trinkets like a silver hairpin (if you have long hair) or a precious necklace with a pendant in your favorite color (or the color of his own eyes, because he’s romantic bastard).
↘ While you were still asleep, he placed the gift bag next to your tiny figure, kissed you on the forehead, and then went to work. In a smol piece of blue paper hidden inside a colorful bag, he also informed you that it would be around nine o’clock.
↘ When you got up, you instantly noticed the unexpected present. Your cheeks turned warm and pink, and images from the previous time when you both had acted out and had definitely one of the best nights of your life popped into your head.
↘ As there is still a lot of time left before nine in the evening, you have completed all the basic activities; you ate a delicious breakfast and drank your favorite hot drink, rested in front of the TV, ate dinner, then took a long bath with bubbles and sea salt, shaved yourself, treated your whole figure with a beautifully fragrant goat’s milk cream, used your best and favorite perfumes, even made a amazing hairstyle. At the end, you put on lace lingerie, fishnet stockings, a two-color dress and all accessories. You also used lipstick, did eyes and cheekbones make-up to feel even better with your body, and you had to honestly admit that you didn’t feel as gorgeous as in your current maid outfit for a long time.
↘ You haven’t even noticed that your long-time partner has been watching you for a few short minutes from your bedroom door frame while you are busy making small corrections. You were sitting at the dressing table, touching your strands of hair and nose, and only when Samatoki coughed gently did you fastly turn towards him.
↘ You didn’t know whether to play your role or not, but you decided to surprise him from the beginning with your sudden confidence and good humor.
↘ “Oh, are you back already, sir? Should I prepare you a hot bath or a dinner?” You asked, getting up from the creamy chair, and then you walked towards the tall yakuza, smiling innocently. “Or maybe you prefer some other kind of relaxation?” You asked one more question, causing the white-haired man’s arms to tighten. Plus, you heard a low whistle of air as your little fingers slid over his hand resting on his hip. “Are you okay, my sir? How was at work? If you’re very tired, I will be happy to give you a massage.”
↘ Samatoki lost his shit in an instant and his strong hands were on your waist in a quick second. Your body met the hard wall of your bedroom as well, and you opened your eyes wider, chuckling under your breath as your boyfriend’s fingers gripped your fragile costume a bit tighter.
↘ “Hey, ‘Toki, you’re playing your part wrong.” You grunted lightly, and he just sighed loudly, staring straight into your shiny eyes.
↘ “I just can’t think rationally when you look so wonderful.”
↘ “Just give me an order.” You answered, grabbing his both wrists and standing on your toes to move closer to his mouth, which still smelled of strong cigarettes. “... Sir.”
↘ “... Oh, God. Can you just...” He moved even closer, finally kissing your lips calmly, which, unlike to his, tasted delicate and sweet, because it tasted like your favorite fresh fruit due to the addition of lip gloss. “Can you ride me in this outfit and keep calling me ‘Sir’? It’s so hot, baby.”
↘ Your cheeks were even redder than in the morning, however you nodded, pressing your chest against the young man’s body.
↘ “I’ll do whatever you want, Sir Aohitsugi.”
↘ “Of course you will. After all, you are my pretty, little maid, which I would love to devour.”
↘ Needless to say, you were definitely louder than normal that night and the delightful dress ended up a bit... dramatically.
↘ Despite this, it was the second best night in bed of your life together, and while you were bathing around two in the morning, you started talking about what kind of role play you should try next time.
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here's my design for goty 2022 (in an au where copyright isn't an issue)
name: nia mahdi
age: 11
ethnicity: persian
religion: muslim
family: nia is an only child. she was born in charlottesville, va, after parents immigrated there from iran.
notes: nia is autistic and trans <3
face mold: nia would get a new face mold that is designed based on ethnically persian features
skin tone: 25 ("tan skin with warm neutral undertones")
eye color: dark brown
freckles: yes
hair cut: wavy, very long (kanani length)
hair color: dark brown
meet outfit: a trans pride flag colored scrunchy for her hair, a light blue zip-up sweatshirt that says "i am proud to be autistic" on the back, this t-shirt (a light blue t-shirt with fan art of dreamer with a trans pride flag cape) beneath that sweatshirt, these shorts (pastel plaid knee-length shorts), lindsey's striped leggings beneath those shorts, and sperry shoes
meet accessories: bright purple ear defenders, an AAC tablet, a doll-sized version of the 2021 dc pride comic book, this pink kryptonite chewelry
(these books would have three authors - me, an author who is muslim and a second generation immigrant, and an author who is a trans woman of color. the reason for three authors is so that we can tell nia's story authentically - i'm autistic and have autism gender like nia, the second author is muslim and an immigrant like nia, and the third author is specifically a trans woman of color like nia.)
in chapter 1 we'll briefly go over this background information:
nia came out to her parents as trans on the car ride home from the last day of first grade. she chose the name "nia" because she wanted to name herself after nia nal, a character on her favorite show (supergirl) because nia nal is trans like she is, nia nal is an alien (and nia mahdi oftentimes feels like an alien around other humans), and nia nal is a really cool superhero! (unspoken: nia nal is nia mahdi's special interest.)
it took nia mahdi's parents a little bit of time to wrap their heads around her truth, but soon, they fully accepted nia for who she is.
that summer, her parents informed nia's school of her correct name, pronouns, and gender. and nia started growing out her hair, and she's never cut it since! nia loves her long hair.
when nia started second grade, nia's classmates sometimes accidentally called her by the wrong name and pronouns, but they always apologized and corrected themselves when nia pointed out their mistake. a few kids were confused, but once nia explained that she knows she's a girl just as well as you know you're a boy/girl, they all understood and accepted her :)
now onto the real content of the first book, which takes place from september to december:
nia's just started sixth grade at a new middle school. it's really loud, big, and hard. but she has a friend, ender. ender doesn't speak english well (he moved to america from turkey just last year), but that's okay because nia has trouble speaking sometimes too.
one day, nia's parents take her to a doctor, and she has to answer a lot of questions and take a lot of tests.
a few weeks later, nia's parents sit her down and tell her that she has been diagnosed with autism.
nia researches autism and feels very relieved and validated. (unspoken: autism becomes one of nia's special interests.)
at school, nia gets some cool accomodations: she's allowed to wear ear defenders at lunch and in the hallways, she can keep a tablet in her backpack to use for AAC when necessary, and she can use the school's sensory break room when necessary.
one time, nia gets very upset after receiving a "bad grade" on a reading test. a few of the questions asked her to identify characters' emotions, motivations, etc., and nia wants to explain to her teacher that her autism makes "emotional reading between the lines" hard for her. but she's so upset that her mouth isn't working properly, so she uses her AAC to talk to the teacher.
after that, one of nia's classmates makes a rude comment about her AAC. speaking through her AAC, nia explains to him why she uses her AAC. she stands up for herself.
in her free time, nia keeps researching autism and disability justice advocacy. she begins to think that her friend ender might be autistic too - he has a lot of autistic traits, and she's never felt alien around him in the way she does around most people.
she tells ender about her theory. ender says he's not sure whether or not he thinks he's autistic. but he does know that the hallways are far too loud, and he would like to be able to wear ear defenders like nia. so nia lends ender her spare pair of ear defenders.
the next day at lunch, ender gives nia back her ear defenders and reveals that he got in trouble for wearing in the hallway. the teacher thought he was wearing headphones and listening to music (which isn't allowed), and ender couldn't remember the english words to explain to her that they were just to shield him from the noise.
nia wants to help ender be able to wear defenders. she schedules a meeting with the guidance counselor. together, she and ender explain to the guidance counselor that ender just wants to wear ear defenders in the loud hallways. the counselor says that ender can't do that since he doesn't have an official accommodations letter.
nia leaves the office very upset. she knows from her research that autism diagnoses are very expensive and hard to get. she wants to find a way to get ender this accommodation without an official letter.
so nia makes a plan: she and ender write a long essay explaining why ender should be allowed to wear ear defenders.
they present the essay to the counselor, and she's convinced by their arguement. ender is now allowed to wear ear defenders in the hallway :)
to celebrate their victory, nia buys ender bright purple ear defenders (the same type she has) so that they can match :)
and that's the end of book 1
book 2 takes place from january to march
nia goes on puberty blockers. nia's glad that she won't have to go through male puberty, but she also feels weird about it. nia is very excited to start wearing a hijab, and her mom says that she can start wearing a hijab when she goes through puberty and transitions from being a girl to being a woman. so, if nia isn't going through puberty now, when will she get to start wearing a hijab?
nia talks to ender about her problem. ender suggests that she should talk to her mom about it.
nia talks to her mom about her concerns. nia's mom explains that the shift from girl to woman involves more than just her body changing: it involves growth, strength of spirit, and learning about oneself. nia's mom will be able to tell when she's ready to start wearing the hijab, even if nia isn't going through puberty. nia feels a lot better now.
the next day at lunch, nia tells ender the good news. he is very happy for her. he then tells nia that he's scared of puberty too. he asks nia how she knew she was a girl, and nia explains how it was this strong internal feeling. ender reveals that he feels like he's not a boy or a girl. he's afraid that that means he's weird or broken. nia explains that he's not weird or broken - some people are non-binary, which means that they're not fully a boy or fully a girl. ender really likes that word. nia also tells ender that some non-binary like to use the gender-neutral pronouns "they/them" and asks ender if he would like her to start using those pronouns for him. ender says that he's not sure. he likes he/him pronouns, he thinks, at least for now. nia smiles and tells him that she's proud of him.
the spring dance is in march. nia and her mom go shopping for an oufit. at first, nia drifts towards the pretty dresses. she loves how they look and feels great in them, but she wants to try on suits too. she feels a little bit insecure when she realizes that she loves how she looks in the suit too. (plus, this navy suit will go better with her purple ear defenders than the colorful dresses will.) she's scared that her classmates will think she's not a "real girl" if she comes to the dance in a suit, but then she remembers her conversation with ender - when ender asked her how she knew she's a girl, her answer was that it was just something she knew. her gender isn't defined by her clothing preferences - she's just as much of a real girl in this suit as in those dresses. so nia buys the suit, and she feels very happy and confident.
at the dance, she finds that ender is wearing a skirt (and a tuxedo shirt and blazer). she runs up to him, and they both happy stim. they have a lot of fun dancing and snacking on cheez its together.
book 3 takes place from april to june
the main plot of book 3 is going to be nia's grandmother visiting from iran for three months. nia learns a lot of new information about her family culture.
in june, to celebrate the end of the school year, nia's school has a multi-cultural night.
ender signs up to bring in some traditional turkish food and share some of the poetry his dad has written in turkish. he encourages nia to sign up for multi-cultural night too!
so nia signs up.
together, nia and her grandmother cook a ton of traditional iranian food to share at the celebration. she and her grandmother also work together to sew a special kaftan for nia.
the night of the celebration, nia dresses up in her kaftan and grabs the containers of food. as she's getting ready to leave, her father asks her to stop so he can take a picture of her. her mother says, "wait! i have one other thing for the picture!" (but spoken in faarsi). she emerges with a hijab for nia. she helps nia put on the hijab and tells nia that she's seen how nia's grown into a woman this past school year (aka, over the course of these 3 books). nia is so happy that she cries.
at the multi-cultural night, everyone loves the food and nia's kaftan and hijab. when ender sees nia's hijab, he starts happy stimming, and nia starts happy stimming too.
that's all my plans for goty 2022!
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rolanberry-rebel · 3 years
Info sheet: Kjalla Nisemi
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Name: Kjalla Nisemi Nicknames: K, Two-Guns, “oh hell, not her!”, “Gun-bunny” if you want to get shot Race: Viera (rava) Age: mid-late 30s in hyuran years, exact age unknown (even to her, really) Gender: Cis female Orientation: Whatever suits her at the moment Relationship status: Whatever suits her at the moment Profession: Professional psycho, hired gun, mechanic
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Height: 6′2″ Weight: 160lbs. Eyes: Icy blue Hair: Dark blue Skin: Greyish-blue Build: Fit, busty Scars: Deep scar along the left side of her jaw, scarring around her wrists and fingers, scar tissue along her neck. Tattoos: Blue markings along her face; a thorny blue vine splayed down the back of her neck, along her right shoulder and twining around her right bicep Fashion: Spartan and street-tough; never goes anywhere without her kickin’ boots and a good jacket. Loves leather, loves fishnets, loves denim, loves spikes. Comfortable and not necessarily showy. Dark colors. Loves red; loves black. Not afraid to show off what she’s got. When she thinks she’ll need it she's outfitted in the one of the suits of heavy armor she custom-builds herself, varying from more mobile sets of light plate to bulky, gadget-augmented battle suits. Accessories: Kjalla wears a fair amount of jewelry, a lot of it worn and tarnished, suggesting it might have some sentimental value. Often seen with a smattering of dull gold and silver rings, earrings, and a bridge piercing with a pair of rubies at each end.
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Birthplace: the Golmore jungles somewhere. Residence: Her junk shop/personal safehouse off of a private jetty near Kugane. Alignment: Chaotic Evil Hobbies: Violence, rowdy nights out, any and every manner of indulgence, creating new weapons and gadgets for her armors, salvaging and experimenting with old junk, making and spending lots of gil Likes: Exciting experiences, adrenaline rushes, the opposite sex, the same sex, swapping stories, swapping punches, money, people with guts, alcohol, tinkering away Dislikes: Cowards, soft people, pretty things, lalafel, you if you get in her way. And chocobos. Disgusting things. Personality: Erratic and unconstrained, shifting wildly with her impulsive mood swings. One night you buy her a drink and you might flirt your way back to her junk-shop; the next she might put a round through your skull. More than anything she likes to surprise and be surprised, so always expect the unexpected. Always headstrong and often arrogant, and you should absolutely never tell her what to do. Ever. In spite of her crazed impulses, when she’s not in a bad mood Kjalla can be incorrigibly flirtatious, friendly, and fun to have a good night out with. Virtues: Strong, physically and emotionally; there’s very little that will break her, and she’s seen it all. Strong leadership instinct, whether through her charisma or force of character simply overwhelming others into following. Obsessively self-sufficient and fiercely independent. Determined and diligent when there’s work to do, and will not quit until she gets it done. Streetwise, clever, skilled; not conventionally smart but picks up new hands-on skills quickly. A fierce, experienced fighter. Unfailingly loyal to those who prove themselves worth it. Bad habits: The obvious - she’s utterly immoral, indulging in any behavior if it makes her feel good. Impulsive, reckless, violent, quick to anger and lash out at others. Heart hard as a rock and a firm believer in the survival of the fittest (the fittest, of course, being her). Trusts next to no one and will betray others save her closest circle if it helps her get ahead. Stubborn as hell. Promiscuous with little regard for whom it might hurt. Huge chip on her shoulder. Has a major problem with authority. Unintelligent by conventional standards, and completely dead to magic.
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Significant Other: *derisive laughter* Children: *even more incredulous laughter* Family: All presumed dead, except for her sister Eyrisse, from whom she is estranged. Pets: Linchpin and Electrode, her pair of baby coeurls, who live at her junk-shop. Their unique grounding and electrical powers help Kjalla with her electrical experiments.
Friends: People aren’t friends to Kjalla; they’re tools, things to be used, experienced and discarded. (Most of the time, anyway...)
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You might know Kjalla if...
Merciless Mercenary. Kjalla is a notoriously cutthroat sellsword, unscrupulous - more than willing and able to do any job big or small, just as long as kids aren’t involved. (That’s the one line she doesn’t cross.) From political leaders to petty thieves, she’s taken them all. Her race may paint her as a novelty - it’s not often you see a viera mercenary traipsing around the world, after all - but she’s no laughing matter. If you hire mercenaries, work with them, or are one yourself, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of her, under one of her assorted names - some flattering, some very much not.
Underworld Surgeon. Kjalla has no magical healing talent but she’s a darn good field surgeon, and has a great knowledge of alchemical remedies, salves and drugs. A ‘side-job’ of hers is to sell her services as a mundane healer to shady characters who, for fear of the law, of the attention, or otherwise - avoid visiting a reputable establishment for healing after an incident. Criminals on the run, overdose cases, just someone who wants to stay off the grid - if you’re in need of a quick patching-up and you’d rather keep it discreet, her junk-shop is always open.
Life of the Party. Kjalla is a staple in a few of her favorite seedy dives in cities across the world - and would certainly be recognizable to regulars, given scar-covered, foul-mouthed viera with backwater accents aren’t exactly easy to miss. If you frequent these kinds of establishments, you’ve no doubt heard of, seen, and maybe even gotten into a drunken brawl with her.
Purveyor of Dangerous and Exploding Things. Kjalla loves weapons - all of them, but especially guns, bombs, tasers, flamethrowers, dynamite, and weapons far more bizarre and exotic. If you’re a weapon collector, an arms dealer, or if you’re looking to outfit yourself with something significantly more dangerous, you’ve no doubt run in to back-alley gunrunners and smugglers who’ve mentioned her as a supplier. Conversely, if you’re searching for training in gunsmithing or engineering from a master, she might consider it... you’ll probably wind up dead, though, so maaaybe not a good idea... unless that’s your kink. 
Garlean Killer: There’re few jobs Kjalla loves more than the ones where she gets to pop Garlean heads like grapes. Though one could scarcely call the viera a principled woman whose violence is politically sophisticated, she takes a perverse delight in torturing and killing agents of the empire, even if she’s not getting paid to do it. Naturally her reputation for murdering prominent officers, personnel, facilities, and stealing lots of Garlean technology has made her a notorious outlaw in the empire, and if you’re involved in any of those fields, you’d recognize her scarred visage anywhere. Just be careful - she really does love planting bullets right in those third eyes.
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Hi! I’ve been RPing forever and I’m lookin for new friends!
Adult female OOCly who’s RPed in every game you can probably think of and happy RPing lots of themes/scene types so long as we talk about it beforehand.
Kjalla is violent, rude, crude, and lustful. I however am (well, in my opinion, anyway...) none of those things, and am happy to talk with nice people! Just be aware most RP involving her’s gonna be one of those things, lol.
Available at random times, usually late evenings EST. Will always try to respond to private messages here no matter when you send them though!
Discord: I’m not on there very much, but I know it’s become a big way for a lotta people to do most of their OOC communication/RP threads so I’m willing to get on there if you wanna talk!
In-game: Anylissa Sebastis (Balmung) or Kjalla Nisemi (Mateus)
If you’re not into psychotic rabbit-ladies, I have my playful spoiled heiress, Anylissa, if you’d prefer. :>
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