#My girlfriend has a lot of comments during Supergirl
supergirlspurgatory · 7 years
Re-watching Supergirl with my Girlfriend
Things that she’s saying
“Supergirl is just an old-fashioned sort of girl”
“Did Alex just throw away the smoke detector? That’s not safe”
In reference to ‘Yeah because I can fly’ “Ohhhhhhhhhhh.”
“He took pizza with him.”
“From now on I’m taking the stairs.”
“Lena Luthor has a good heart.”
“How does she know how to work on earth, she hasn’t been on earth yet.” Talking about Rhea
“Oh snap” In reference to the kidnapper saying he knows Kara is Supergirl.
“I’m with Kara on this, doing it the hard way, there is a chance of people dying. She needs to fly in and knock people out. We need to stop catering to pasies. In the old days we would have just cut off his hand and been done with it. I would cut cut off his hand...”
“IN A WORLD OF HURT. Because she will get out.”
“The difference between Kara and I is, I would have forgotten that dudes name by now.” (The kidnapper’s dad’s name)
“How does Maggie keep just walking into the DEO, isn't it a secret government agency?”
“Do you know why it’s fun that she’s in this shoe?” (talking about Rhea again) *Whispers* “Because she was Lois in Lois and Clark.”
“Careful she killed her husband”
“Oh no she didn’t, that is Lena’s best friend.”
“She is totall not going to share everything.” Air quotes and funny voice “I’m and alien”
“Noooo she’s a back stabber, oh wait she stabbed him in the front, she's a tummy stabber.”
“He is sooo not FBI”
“She smashed the table, do you think it’s made of rubber? Like to make it look real?”
“Oh, he had relations.”
“Yeahhhh” Under her voice when Kara throws Rick across the room. “Oh she’s going to kick your butr, you might as well bend over right now.”
“DO IT, give him a new haircut” When Kara’s eyes went red.
“You have x-ray vision Kara, go fly over the city with your x-ray vision.”
“You know what that reminded me of ‘We toys can see everything’.”
“No you didn’t, nobody was there, she did it in private. All you saw was the burning car.”
“The always say put two and two together, but obviously if it took that long, the equation was a little harder than that.”
“Yeah, because they’re doing this sort of stuff in Jr High.”
“Kara needs to accidentally step on his toes, because they’ll flatten.” Then she slapped her hands together and madesquishing noise.
“She is far more intelligent than I anticipated, not like book smarts because that’s obvious, but like now she has street cred.” After Lena uses the Alien detection device on Rhea.
Under her breath, “Getmos is Gwatameno Bay....that’s totally J’onn.”
“She’s going to MCGyver the crap out of that thing. WHAT IS SHE DOING? AHHHHH WHY IS SHE DOING THAT? “When Alex cuts her tracker out with the credit card. “You can’t plant the chip in there. THat does suck. Yeah and those wires connect perfectly into that thing.”
“That look...disdain.” IN reference to the look Maggie gives Rick when she’s going to leave the room.
“I hope you can swim...she’s a secret agent of course she can swim”
“She’s got to be there right?...don’t answer me.”
“Use your credit card it worked last time.” I asked for what. She said, “it doesn’t matter it worked.”
“Kara has very big arms, she looks like a girl I played basketball against once.”
“Literally, she is a little bit bigger than her.”
“haha she’s going to a closet....hey pun not intended.”
“Would you call her by her first name once in her life? You are not on a softball team.” 
“Name her gertrude? What is she russian?”
“Oh Snap, her comes Mon-El’s mama, mama El.” “That’s right, get out of Lena’s office.”
“But really how does she know all this stuff about Earth, she’s only been around for like a week?”
“Lena, I don’t have time for you.” Pretending to be Kara when Lena is calling.
“No everything is not okay. My sister has been kidnapped. I need you to come hug me”
“Like I said fly over and Xray it... a fly by shooting if you will.”
“I’d have blamed myself too.”
“Break your father free? What is she, superman. You’re confused sir, Supergirl is the blonde one.”
“you’re missing the point pal.” Sing song voice. “Murdereer.
“I Like that she’s taken off her shoes and her socks, I mean if you’re going to take off your shoes, may as well take off your socks too.
“Now she’s taking her pants off, WOAH!!!! She’s making a floaty with her pants. She wears boxers like you. That’s definately where she wears her guns.”
“Maggie’s gone rogue.”
“Maggie letting the bad guy out is not a good idea.”
“Oh my.” (The tech) “She totes got that from the aliens.”
“Maybeeee not the best thing to have done with your life, you know, raising a bad guy.”
“Oh snap, have you been a good father today?” When Kara was giving her speech.
“That was a quick 4 hours.”
“Hello, go punch it.” Before Kara goes and punches the glass
“Give her the kiss of life.”
“Oh nevermind, she’s breathing.”
“Just hold her.”
“How did she get there as fast as Kara” I told her Kara flew her. “Kisses, sisters before misters, thanks for the ride, dueces.”
“Awww that so cute. Finally you used her first name.”
“Punch him Punch him in the face. Kick him kick him in the little boys.”
“YESSS!!!!!!!” little kid voice “oh my nose.”
“No you guys need to talk about it. DON”T JUST MAKE BRUNCH PLANS LENA.”
126 notes · View notes
captain-josslett · 3 years
Broken Melody - Part Thirty Three
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 8.8k+ (DANG IT! I tried not writing as much... Ah well.)
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, PTSD moments, smut...ish more mentions of?
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers x Sam Arias
This Part: A week before the surgery and Emma sees Alistair for an appointment.
Ek! So close! Please, please, please, let me know you thoughts and opinions. I literally have no anons 😅 @aznblossom thank you for always leaving a comment!
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom
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A Week Before The Surgery
Emma’s feet pound the pavement as she runs along the waterfront by the city, with Robyn’s partly completely album blaring in her ears.
Emma can’t help but feel pride with how good everything sounds as she passes unsuspecting members of the public. Weaving around the couples and families going for a gentle stroll in the warm April, Saturday sun.
Her face starts to feel slightly uncomfortable from the sweat rolling down her face. The face modifier causing a strange sensation and a tightness due to her heated skin. After finding this happening whenever she exercises with the modifier on, Winn and Brainy decide to develop a new model, one that will  hopefully be more lightweight and comfortable for the wearer. Including more options and will be able to change the wearer's hair and colour.
But, Emma hopes the time will come soon where Lucy gives her the go ahead where she won’t have to wear it anymore. By Doctor Hamilton’s assessment it should be another month or two before that can happen.
Emma had ventured out without it on, but that was under Lucy’s strict orders and guidance. The lawyer had organised a little outing where Emma sat in a wheelchair with a nasal cannula, giving the impression she was getting oxygen and sat with her sisters at Noonan’s. Bruises and prosthetics were applied around her face and neck to create the illusion that Emma was still healing.
Emma did query whether it would be a good idea but she had been reassured it was. Emma even asked if she still needed the prosthetics but Doctor Hamilton explained that with the severity of the trauma done to her body, she suspects the swelling would have stayed around longer than normal.
As soon as Alex rolled Emma through the restaurant's doors it spread like wildfire that Emma was out in public. Social Media lapped it up and soon a crowd of paparazzi, well wishers and fans gathered outside the restaurant. Emma stiffly waved and played her part but was grateful when they left and she could get rid of the itchy makeup and prosthetics.
Lena was meant to have joined them at the outing, but per usual, Lena had been too busy to attend.
Emma lets out a heavy breath as her heart clenches at the thought of her girlfriend. The Sunday after Nia’s party had been utter bliss with Emma waking up in Lena’s arms. The raven haired beauty had already been awake and kissed Emma’s forehead as she greeted her. The couple then laid there for a while, planting soft kisses on each other's lips until Emma needed to pee. The blonde had come back expecting Lena would want to start the day. However the raven haired beauty had not moved.
“Didn’t you mention about spending the whole day in bed?” Lena asked in a husky voice, dripping in sex. She pulled the covers back and revealed she had removed her pajamas.
Emma didn’t hesitate in flinging off her own clothing and jumping right back into bed. That day had been magical while they moved as one, the feeling of-
Her watch bleeps, pulling Emma out of her thoughts and alerting her to another mile she’s completed and calculating what her pace is. She glances down at it to check but notices the time instead, her eyes widen and immediately she turns towards Alistair's office.
‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ Emma screams in her head as she starts running faster and berates herself for being in her own little world. Not realising she had gone further then she originally planned.
Currently she was twenty minutes away from Alistair’s office and her appointment was in ten minutes. She’s going to be late and Emma hates being late. The blonde pumps her arms and wishes she could call out for people to move or apologies when she makes people jump as she sprints past.
Finally Alistair’s building comes into view but Emma doesn’t slow down until she slides in front of the building's door and presses the buzzer four times to alert the alien she has arrived.
“Come on up Emma!” Alistair’s warm voice calls through the speaker and the buzzing of the lock follows, allowing Emma to push the door open.
The blonde races up the stairs two at a time, putting her wireless headphones in their case and turns into the hallway towards Alistair’s office door. Finding that the red headed alien was already standing in the doorway and gently smiling at her.
‘I’m so, so sorry! I’m so late! Time got away from me and-’ Emma’s mind screams out as she quickly approaches the therapist, automatically reaching up and deactivating the modifier.
“Emma, it's okay! You’re actually right on time!”
The blonde halts and frowns, immediately lifting her arm up to look at her watch. She notices the running app is still on and quickly ends the session before looking at the time.
Alistair was correct… She was right on time.
‘Huh… I must have read it wrong.’ Emma muses as she tries to visualise what she saw as she was running.
“Possibly.” Alistair agrees and moves out of the way to let her in.
As soon as she enters the office the patter of paws makes her look up from her watch as Lily excitedly trots over to her.
‘Lily!’ Emma drops to her knees and affectionately strokes under Lily’s chin. The snowy white german shepherd greets her in kind with many licks to her face and arms, lapping up the light sheen of sweat covering them, causing Emma to release a few voiceless laughs.
“She’s always happy to see you.” Alistair says cheerfully and moves towards his chair, motioning for Emma to sit on the sofa.
Straightening up Emma makes her way over with Lily right beside her.
“The water is for you as well. Did you have a good run?” Alistair asks, as Emma sits down, takes her trainers off and sits crossed legged. Lily instantly hops onto the sofa next to her and rests her head on the blonde’s lap.
Emma glances at the coffee table in front of her, on it was a box of tissues, a few books and a glass of water with a lemon slice and a few cubes of ice.
‘Thank you and yes it was good.’ Emma thinks gratefully as she carefully leans forward to get the glass, not wanting to jostle Lily too much. Seeing this, Alistair helps by getting the glass first and holding it out for Emma to take.
“Great and thank you for being willing to move your appointment to today. I am sorry about having to rearrange our time together.” Alistair says sincerely.
‘It’s okay.’ Emma shrugs, she normally sees Alistair during the week. ‘Not like I had much planned for today anyway.’ A small twinge hits Emma’s heart.
“Okay, how’s the last few days been?” Alistair asks as he leans back against the leather armchair and studies her. Emma takes a few gulps of the cool water as she thinks.
‘Yea, it wasn't too bad.’ Memories of the week flashes through her mind, who she saw, the smells, her heart clenching whenever she’d wake up in an empty apartment-
“Ah, I take it Lena is still working a lot?” Alistair asks with a sympathetic smile.
‘Yea.’ Emma answers softly in her mind, her shoulders slump and Lily licks her hand, making the blonde slowly stroke her head. ‘I understand these new investors are important, I know how important her work is but-’ Emma stops her thoughts and looks out of the window at the sea in the distance.
“You miss her.” Alistair finishes for her and Emma lowers her head.
‘Yea.’ Emma thinks weakly and can’t help but visualise their early relationship. How excited Emma was to get back to her hotel room to spend some time with her girlfriend, no matter how exhausted she felt after a gig. ‘I love her so much, I’d give my life for her but I just miss what we had when she wasn’t so busy. I mean we made it work when I was on tour and I’d call her even with the different time zones and it would be early in the morning for me.’
“That is understandable.” Alistair comments as he rests a finger beside his cheek as he ponders what Emma revealed. “You have both been through some major changes. Has she given you a time frame for when things look to be getting back to normal?”
-- -- --
During the week - Lena and Emma’s apartment
Emma checks her phone for the umpteenth time as she gets ready for Lena. On Sunday they had planned to have a date during the week and go out for dinner. Something they haven’t been able to do recently.
Emma voicelessly sighs while putting the finishing touches on her makeup, thankful that her hard work transfers through the modified face.
Standing up from the dressing table the blonde heads towards the walk-in wardrobe and takes the dress, she had spent hours deciding on, off the hanger. The dress was teal coloured, elegantly pleated and Emma had fallen in love with it as soon as she saw it. Also finding she was loving the dress even more when she zipped herself up and admired the way it hugged her toned body. She then steps into her trusted black high heeled shoes and opens her jewelry box.
For a moment she looks for her layered necklace her sisters got her. Only to feel a devastating pang when she remembers Kara crushed it.
‘No… Not Kara.’ Emma shakes her head and closes the lid. She heads out into the living area and glances at her phone again.
No new messages from Lena.
Emma flops onto the sofa, ignoring the dull ache in her head that hasn’t disappeared since leaving the DEO. Naturally when anyone asks her about it the blonde shrugs it off, not wanting to worry her friends and family anymore then she already has.
Laying down on the sofa Emma opens her phone and scrolls through social media to pass the time. She yawns and starts to feel her eyes grow heavy and eventually they close as she falls into a deep sleep.
So deep that even when the apartment door opens and closes, Emma doesn’t stir. Or when heeled shoes click over to her.
What does wake her up is a hand gently shaking her shoulder. Emma jumps, her eyes fly open as she takes a sharp intake of breath.
“Sorry love.” Lena apologises softly and strokes Emma’s cheek with the back of her fingers.
Emma nuzzles her face into Lena’s hand and kisses it before sitting up. Which causes her to become face to face with the raven haired beauty as Lena sat next to the sleeping blonde.
Emma smiles and goes to kiss Lena, until she sees the time on the oven clock. Her eyes widen and she pulls back.
“Em?” Lena pouts at the halted kiss.
“The reservation! We’re late.” Emma moves to jump off the sofa but Lena places a hand on her shoulder, halting her movements.
“I cancelled it.” Lena says hesitantly and Emma blinks at her. “I’m sorry, it got so late and you weren’t answering your phone and-”
Emma places a finger on Lena’s lips, sensing the rising guilt and panic in her girlfriend. Reaching out she unlocks her phone, noticing the messages but instead goes into Hope’s app and turns the lights up from a soft glow.
Lena’s eyes squint at the sudden light and Emma studies her properly.
Despite the make up Lena was wearing, Emma can see the dark circles under her tired, reddened eyes. Emma opens her arms and Lena immediately falls into the hug and kisses her cheek. Slowly Emma leans back into the corner of the sofa, pulling Lena up with her.
“Emma!” Lena giggles and Emma feels Lena settle on top of her and snuggles in. The blonde slowly rubs circles into her girlfriend’s back and eventually feels Lena twitch, signalling she’s fallen asleep.
Carefully grabbing her phone, Emma opens UberEats and decides to get Lena’s favourite food. Seeing that it will be delivered in half an hour, Emma rests her head back against the cushions and enjoys the feeling of holding her girlfriend. Grateful that even though they haven’t gone out on a date, Lena has still come home and given Emma this time with her.
When the food arrives Emma carefully lifts the snoozing CEO off her and quietly runs to the door. But no matter how careful Emma is at keeping quiet, when she turns around Lena is sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
“Em?” Lena’s husky voice calls out.
Emma lets out a huff of frustration as she wants to tell her dinner is ready. She wants to speak the words of love she is longing to say.
Instead Emma strides over to the sofa and places the bag on the coffee table.
“Hmm, you know me so well.” Lena smirks at the sight of the logo on the bag.
The couple settle on the sofa and listen to a playlist of soft acoustic music as they eat.
“I-” Lena starts and hesitates. Turning her head Emma gazes into regretful green eyes and watches Lena swallow before she continues. “I just want to apologise for ruining our date tonight. Time just got away from me and… there's no excuse.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it's not.” Lena tries to implore Emma to listen. “Just- this won’t be forever. I promise you that. I’m taking time off for the surgery and afterwards to look after you. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been working nonstop, so my sole focus will be on you.” She reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind Emma’s ear.
Emma beams at her, taking Lena’s hand and kisses it.
“What have you been working on?” Emma asks and Lena explains the many projects she’s been developing with the investors and her team. Emma’s eyes widen at how complex it all sounds and nods along.
Soon they finish their meal and despite how tired they both are, they head to bed for a different reason than sleep.
-- -- --
Emma comes out of the memory before she shows anything risque to her therapist. But she cannot help but smile softly at the feeling of Lena’s arms wrapped around her.
“Interesting. So there wasn’t a set time frame, just that it won’t be forever?”
‘Yea.’ Emma looks down and runs her fingers smoothly through Lily’s fur.
“Have you tried asking Lena further?”
‘She apologises and says the same thing she’s been saying for a while. Now isn’t forever.’
Alistair nods and looks down at his notes as he jots down a few more. “How are you sleeping?”
Emma hesitates, causing Alistair to look back up at her. Feeling an unease emit from the blonde.
“Emma?” Alistair asks, his eyes imploring her to be truthful with him.
‘I haven’t been sleeping well. I’m finding I-’ Emma pauses, not wanting to admit what's been happening. Taking a deep breath her mind shows him instead. Horrible nightmares that have Emma jumping awake in a panic, drenched in sweat, only to find she is alone in bed.
“You’re still experiencing nightmares?”
Emma nods.
“More than usual, less or about the same?”
‘I-’ Emma lifts her head as she tries to remember. ‘It feels about the same.’
“Okay, that is something that we will still work on and honestly I’m not surprised you are still having them.” Alistair says compassionately, trying to help Emma see she is doing nothing wrong.
“What about your sisters? How are things going with them?”
‘It’s going well. Things almost feel back to normal.’
Emma’s mind brings up the memories of Alex chasing her around the beach, laughing as she tries to catch her until she finally jumps on Emma’s back.
And memories of Kara come forward where she’d fly into the apartment bearing gifts of Emma’s favourite food, like Cadbury chocolates from the UK. The pair would snuggle up on the sofa and watch a film while they gorge on the treats.
‘I know she still feels guilty, but she doesn’t flinch when we hug or touch anymore.’
“That's a good improvement for sure. But it seems Kara is still not as open as Alex yet?” Alistair enquiries, causing Emma to pause as she reflects.
‘No?’ She answers unsure. ‘I mean, Alex still holds back in certain areas. I still catch her looking at me with such a sad expression. They both do.’ Emma plays with her hands as her sisters’ mournful faces fill her mind, that is until Lily nuzzles her nose into her fiddling hands, allowing Emma to stroke her instead. ‘Maybe it's due to Kara’s trauma?’
“Most likely.” Alistair nods in agreement. “The thing is, each of us are different, we have different likes, different dislikes and our brains are wired uniquely. Therefore we can react differently to the same events, depending on who we are.”
Emma nods and rests her head against the back of the sofa as she thinks. ‘That makes sense. So, for Alex, she has trained to be a soldier, her natural instinct is to fight and follow orders. To lead and protect. But for Kara she grew up on another planet, with a particular upbringing, she witnessed that planet being destroyed, all she had known, gone in an instant.’ Emma’s heart pangs in sympathy, remembering how shell shocked Kara had been when Clark brought her to the Danvers. A new family and a new way of life. ‘She had to be so careful, even when walking, to not put her foot through the floorboards or hurt any of us.’
“Like a god among mortals.” Alistair nods in agreement. “From what you’ve told me before, it sounds like fear was instilled in her as soon as she arrived, that she could easily hurt anyone she came in contact with.”
Emma nods.
“So, Kara broke that promise when she hurt you-” Emma immediately interrupts in her mind but Alistair holds his hand up, halting her. “To Kara, she did hurt you and I know you keep repeating that she didn’t, but from Kara’s point of view it was her hand that crushed your neck and broke your bones. She hurt someone she cares deeply about and using the powers she had sworn would protect people.”
Emma lowers her head and pinches the bridge of her nose. Feeling the pounding in her head intensify.
“Like Supergirl, you can’t protect and save everyone.” Alistair says softly, imploring for Emma to understand.
‘I know.’ Emma admits sadly, she feels Lily move and nuzzle her head against Emma’s cheek, as if sensing her pain.
The pair sit in silence for a while. The ticking of the clock being the only noise in the room.
“How are you feeling about the surgery next week?” Alistair looks up at the clock. “You’d have just gone into the theatre.”
‘Honestly, I can’t wait for it.’ Emma thinks softly and the familiar sense of butterflies start fluttering around her stomach.
“How are you feeling about that?”
‘Nervous. Excited. Terrified.’
“Terrified? About the procedure?”
Emma hesitates. Lily, seemingly sensing her tension, lovingly licks Emma’s cheek and nuzzles her head into Emma’s hand. Causing Emma to continue stroking her.
‘I am terrified about the operation not working, that it's going to make things bad again.’
“How so?”
‘It seems to be a constant reminder when I have to sign or when I go to laugh or make any noise, but all that comes out is breath.’ Emma thinks mournfully and glances out the window, memories of her sisters’ guarded eyes fill her mind. ‘I know this will take time before things can go back to normal. I just don’t want the progress we’ve made to be destroyed because the op didn’t work.’
“And if that happens?”
Emma’s stomach drops at the thought. But her mind focuses on those around her. Her family, friends and Lena. How would they react?
“Emma.” Alistair softly sighs, placing his book on the coffee table and leans forward. “You need to focus on yourself. Which you have been doing and I am pleased with our progress with your PTSD. We both know this isn’t a quick or an easy road. But you need to focus on how you feel about your voice not returning right away or, possibly ever.”
Emma swallows deeply at Alistair’s words, her throat feeling like it’s going to close over. ‘I understand.’
“Good.” Alistair picks his notebook back up and settles back into the seat. “Is there anything else you wish to discuss?”
Emma pauses and focuses on Lily as she runs her fingers through the soft fur.
‘There is something else.’ Emma admits quietly. Almost as if she’s too scared to present it.
“Which is?” Alistair asks kindly, but Emma keeps her mind closed off. “Emma, you don’t have to share if you don’t want to-”
Images start filling his mind, of the world blurring and morphing around Emma. How one second she’s at one end of the apartment and the next she’s at the other end, normally crashing into something or stumbling. How she easily lifts items others seem to struggle with, lifting Lena and Alex like they were light as a feather. Her headaches and heightened senses, especially her sensitive hearing and being able to hear a whisper across a room. How overwhelming the noise can become when she’s in a crowded place.
Alistair also feels fear and confusion pour off the young woman.
“Emma, you have nothing to fear here.” Alistair implores the blonde. “And thank you for showing me. How long have you noticed these- moments?”
‘Only recently when… erm.’ Emma’s cheeks colour in an intense blush as she remembers the moment she heard a crack from the headboard during an intense orgasm on Sunday while she rode Lena’s strap. Looking down she noticed the wood was splintering and cracking under her hands.
Once Lena was asleep Emma had sat up and felt the cracks again. She stayed there for a while as pieces started to click into place. Something was wrong with her.
“Nothing is wrong with you.” Alistair says firmly, his eyes imploring Emma to listen. “Can we test this theory that something is happening to you?” Alistair asks as he straightens up.
Emma nods and watches as he gets up and goes to one of his many bookcases. The redhead picks something up and strides back over to her. In his hand is a small, shiny ball.
“Squeeze this as hard as you can.” Alistair says while handing her the ball and moves her empty glass to sit on the coffee table in front of her.
Lily sits up, intrigued by the object Emma is holding.
‘Okay.’ Emma starts squeezing and applies more and more pressure.
Nothing happens.
“Keep a hold of it but look at me.” Alistair instructs and Emma lifts her eyes and focuses on his kind crystal blue ones.
“Have they gotten any closer to finding those responsible?” Alistair carefully asks, his eyes searching Emma’s hazel green ones.
‘No.’ Emma’s face and eyes darken and she clenches her jaw.
“Are Kara and Alex putting up the right precautions to not get taken again? I imagine they are prime targets as they are close to you? Maybe someone like Winn or Lucy or maybe your Mom or even Lena could be taken next?”
The thought of her family, her friends, her loved ones being forced into what Alex and Kara have already gone through fills Emma with a powerful rage.
She grits her teeth and her hold on the silver ball tightens.
Alistair’s eyes flick down to her hand. “Emma, look.”
The blonde lowers her gaze and gapes at the hand imprint she has made on the now disproportionate ball.
“This is a ball of titanium.” Alistair says as he picks the metal up out of Emma’s hand. “Or was.” He mutters as he turns it around in his hands.
‘What’s happening to me?’ Emma thinks, terrified at what this could mean.
“I don’t know.” Alistair truthfully admits. “Maybe it’s to do with the serum they gave you?”
‘But it was a healing serum? Not a super soldier thing!’ Emma’s mind shouts, her panic starting to build.
“That may be the case, but you need to communicate with Lena, Brainy or Doctor Hamilton about this.”
‘Do I have to?’ Emma apprehensively asks.
“Yes. Because this-” Alistair holds up the distorted piece of titanium. “Is not normal.”
Emma nods but her face scrunches up in emotion.
‘You always like being the center of attention! I hate you!’ Alex’s teenage words scream within Emma’s mind, causing her to hide her head in her hands.
“Emma?” Alistair tilts his head and Lily nuzzles her nose into the side of the blonde’s face.
‘I’m just Emma, plain, simple Emma.’ Her thoughts come out weak and feeble.
“Emma, there is nothing plain or simple about you. You are one of the most talented people I know. Your voice reaches and touches millions of lives and gives them hope.” He says passionately and before Emma can respond a buzzer goes off. “And that’s the end of our session for this week.” He says apologetically. “But we’ve made some really good progress. Emma-” Alistair says to get Emma to look at him. Slowly she lowers her hands and lifts her head. Her eyes swimming in anguish. “I really recommend that you tell someone what is happening. Anyone you feel comfortable sharing with. Maybe Lucy or Sam?” Alistair gently offers. “Just don’t keep this to yourself.”
Emma nods and gets up, making Lily jump off the sofa and trots with her to the door.
“Did you want to meet up on Wednesday like usual? Or did you want to come here on Friday instead?” Alistair offers as he follows behind her with his diary.
‘Yea Wednesday sounds good.’
“Great! I’ll see you then! Have a good weekend and remember what I said.” Alistair opens the door and smiles at her.
Emma nods but feels slightly frustrated that the appointment ended just as they were getting somewhere. She quickly rushes through, feeling like she has more questions than answers.
What’s going on?
Did she have powers?
How could that be?
Over and over these questions cycle through her mind as she makes her way down the stairs.
She passes a mirror and suddenly remembers to put the face modifier on. She chooses the face with the Marilyn Monroe beauty mark that is quickly becoming one of her favourite to use.
As she exits the building Emma starts to get her headphones out and plans a route to run home. That is until a car quickly pulls up beside her and honks loudly. Causing Emma to jump high into the air.
“Get in loser we’re going shopping!” Alex yells across Kara who beams at Emma from the open passenger window.
But the blonde momentarily stays frozen, trying to process what just happened and her sisters’ beaming faces.
“Em?” Kara’s smile fades and a frown replaces it, making Emma quickly open the back door of Alex’s car and dive in.
“Seatbelt.” Alex orders as she turns to study her baby sister. ‘She must have had a hard session.’ Alex thinks and her eyes snap to Kara’s who looks to be thinking the same thing as she bites her lip in worry.
Once Emma is belted in Alex pulls back into traffic. “Hope you didn’t mind us picking you up?” She calls back to Emma and watches her shake her head in the rearview mirror.
Kara twists around so she can see Emma properly. “We thought we could have a sister’s day and have a movie marathon?”
“Sounds good.” Emma signs and tries to smile convincingly.
“Plus it's your turn to choose!” Alex says trying to sound more upbeat than normal and wants to remind Emma. Normally her blonde sister would clap loudly and take a while to choose. Going back and forth between many classics and their favourites. Even discussing pros and cons between the choices she has.
Instead, Emma simply nods in response before gazing out of the window. Making Kara and Alex exchange worried glances as they continue towards Alex’s apartment.
Soon they are parked in Alex's parking space and the sisters get out. Emma goes to walk towards the elevator when Alex stops her.
“Do you mind giving us a hand?” Alex asks while she pops the boot open. Bags upon bags of food are revealed, causing Emma to raise an eyebrow at her sisters.
“I know! I was hungry!” Kara whines and immediately grabs a donut from one of the bags and chomps on it.
“Kara!” Alex yells and swats at her.
“Sorry! Do you want one?” Kara says with her mouth full and offers Alex a donut.
Emma can’t help but smile at the pair and reaches down to take a few bags.
“Wait! Em they are-” Alex pauses as Emma effortlessly lifts them up. “Heavy… Guess not.”
Emma momentarily freezes and remembers what she had Alistair had discussed, instead she shrugs and smiles at the red head instead.
“I got these!” Kara announces and takes the rest.
“You left me with one.” Alex says unimpressed while closing the boot. “Emma, give me a few.”
The blonde looks down and hands her sister the bags full of light goodies.
“I can take a few more.” Alex raises an eyebrow at Emma and holds her hand out. But Emma responds in a shrug and strolls towards the elevator. Alex turns her head towards Kara who repeats Emma’s shrug and follows.
As soon as they enter the apartment Emma places the bags on the island and quickly disengages her face modifier. Silently sighing in relief as she massages her cheeks.
Kara places her bags on the island and pulls out a small USB drive from her jean pocket. “Winn kindly let us borrow his drive with all the films past and present. Wouldn’t let me borrow films of the future though… Especially those based on real events.”
“Wonder why?” Alex laughs and places the last of the bags on the island. She looks to see Emma’s response, but the blonde is too busy unpacking the bags. “Em?”
Hazel green eyes shoot up and an unusual blank look accompanies Emma’s face.
“You okay?” Alex asks with a frown and takes a step towards her baby sister. But Emma takes a step away from her and around the island.
“Can I have a shower? I still feel a bit gross from my run.” Emma signs while barely looking at her sisters.
“Sure! You know you don’t need to ask!” Alex utters and watches Emma nod before zipping into the bathroom.
“Shall I get you some clothes?” Kara calls out while giving Alex a concerned look, the redhead mirrors it with a frown.
Emma pops her head around the door and nods, giving them a grateful smile before quickly disappearing again.
Kara approaches Alex’s closet. “Kara, wait!” Alex yells but the blonde has already opened the door.
“Huh, Alex-” Kara tilts her head and slowly turns back to her sister. “Why are most of your clothes not in your closet?”
“Er, laundry day?” Alex says not too convincingly and can tell by Kara’s face, she doesn’t believe her.
“That’s a question.” Kara places a hand on her hip and studies the redhead.
“Okay I can explain, but I want to tell both of you. Together.”
“Okay.” Kara grins at her sister and turns back to the closet to find something for Emma to wear.
“There should be a bag of Em’s things by the right?” Alex says while getting glasses and bowls for the drinks and snacks for the marathon.
“Found it!” Kara hollers, takes the bag out and places it on the bed. She opens it and tries to find the comfiest clothes for Emma to wear.
“Do you need any help?” Kara asks after getting Emma’s things ready.
“Can you move these to the coffee table please?” Alex asks and then gives Kara a hard look when she grabs two huge bowls filled with treats. “Do not start eating until we are all sitting on the sofa.”
“Yes ma’am.” Kara deadpans and starts transferring the stuff over from the island to the coffee table, while Alex gets the microwavable popcorn ready. Finding they all prefer fresh, hot popcorn to normal bagged ones.
Kara hears the shower turn off and super speeds over to grab the clothes she has chosen for Emma and practically skips to the door, knocking on it in a quick rhythm.
“Hey Em, I got some comfy clothes for you to change into.” Kara calls through the door and hears Emma moving around the bathroom. The door opens and Emma’s hand appears to take it. “There you go!” When the door closes again Kara heads to Alex sitting on the sofa. Her sunny attitude fading as her face morphs into one of worry. “Do you think she had a hard session today?”
“Yea maybe. I mean she hasn’t seemed the happiest the past few days.”
“Mhmm, do you think it's mainly due to Lena? She’s working way too hard.”
“When doesn’t she?!” Alex takes a sip of her drink. “Shall we order or wait for Em to decide?”
“Let’s wait.” Kara nods and sits back into the sofa cushions.
“But how is Lena, like, have you gone to see her recently?”
“Yea, I saw her last night on patrol. Actually had to forcibly remove her from her office but we had a good chat. She just holds onto what her damn family says too much.”
“Yea.” Alex says softly in agreement. She’s grown to really care for Lena, despite the rocky start. “But she’s taking time off soon for the- you know.”
“Yes, that's the plan.” They both ignore the word surgery and both feel their nerves bubbling up about it. “Are you taking any ti-”
The bathroom door opens, making the sisters drop their conversation and look at their baby sister.
Emma feels more relaxed after the warm shower but the sudden stop in her sisters’ conversation when she leaves the bathroom fills Emma with an uneasy feeling.
“Were you talking about me?” Emma signs with a tilt of her head as she continues to dry her hair with a towel.
“Just about what food we fancy.” Kara smiles too brightly. “And as usual we want the complete opposite and I was asking Alex what she thought you would want.”
“Yea and I didn’t get to answer cause that’s when you came in.”
Emma stops drying her hair and looks between her two sisters, her eyes darting back and forth. She doesn’t believe them but decides to go along with their explanation. “So what are the options? I mean, we can get different things right? Not like it will go to waste?”
“Now that is an excellent idea.” Alex nods in approval and gives Kara a bright smile as she unlocks her phone to open UberEats. “So Kara you wanted-”
“Potstickers.” Emma signs at the same time Kara enthusiastically yells the word out.
“You know me so well little one!” Kara laughs, making Emma pause, realising Kara hasn’t called her that in a while.
But she carries on drying her hair before flinging the towel towards Alex’s hamper.
“Em-” Alex starts to complain, thinking the towel would flop part of the way there. But the screwed up towel lands perfectly in the laundry basket. “Ma- huh, good throw.”
Emma bows and approaches where she normally sits in the middle of the sofa.
“Peanut, what do you fancy?” Alex looks up from her phone after putting in her order too.
Emma shrugs and grabs a handful of popcorn.
“That’s for the film!” Alex hollers and slaps Emma’s hand, causing her to jump. “Which you also need to choose what you want to watch.”
“I’ll do it!” Kara super speeds to where she left the USB, plugs it into Alex’s tv and hands Emma the remote to scroll through.
“But first I need to know what you want to eat.”
Emma shoves the rest of the popcorn in her mouth to sign. “What have you already ordered?”
“Chinese and pizza.”
“I’m happy with that. Not feeling overly hungry.”
“What?” Kara blinks in shock especially when Emma can eat a decent amount of food.
“What have you eaten today? Did you have a big breakfast?” Alex enquiries, also knowing it was unusual for Emma not to demand her own food.
“Yes Doctor Danvers, I have already eaten something today.” It was only a banana but Emma wasn’t going to admit that. Her session with Alistair has unsettled her stomach.
“Yea but what was it?” Alex presses but Emma ignores her by focusing on the tv and trying to decide what to watch. Making Alex narrow her eyes. “Emma.”
But her eyes move from Emma to Kara when her other sister motions for her to stop by signing. “Can’t you see something is wrong?”
“I know but I want to find out what!” Alex tries to sign out of Emma’s peripheral vision.
“Leave her alone Alex.” Kara warns, making Alex huff which causes Emma to look over at her and Alex gives her a soft smile.
“So, any idea what we are gonna watch?” Alex asks casually and Kara rolls her eyes.
“Lord Of The Rings Extended Editions?” Emma signs hopefully, knowing the full run time is nearly twelve hours long.
“I’m up for that!” Alex beams at the TV as the menu screen for ‘The Fellowship Of The Ring’ comes up.
“Me too!” Kara claps and settles back into the sofa. Emma smiles at both of her sisters and grabs the blanket draped over the back and places it over their laps.
“Thanks Em.”
The sisters watch the opening scenes fold out, explaining the lore of Middle Earth, the darkness and the moment all things were almost lost.
When the whistle of the Shire plays, Emma’s eyes well with tears and she sniffs. Always finding this piece of music touches her. She feels a hand on each thigh as her sisters reach out to comfort her at the same time and Emma hesitantly takes each hand. Warily to not harm them and being frightened to do so.
‘Rao, is this how Kara feels all the time?’
But Emma tries to push her earlier discovery away and gets lost in the film again.
The loud ringing of the apartment buzzer makes Emma almost jump out of her seat.
“Food!” Kara yells as she flies to the door and down the stairs to grab it from the delivery person.
Emma pauses the film and turns to Alex to sign with a raised eyebrow. “Do you think Kara is secretly a Hobbit?” Emma signs, causing Alex to almost spit out the drink she was sipping. “I mean, she has what, four breakfasts?”
Alex cackles loudly and Emma smiles at the sound.
“What are you laughing at?” Kara asks as she super speeds into the room with the food perfectly balanced in her hands.
“Oh, we were just comparing you to a Hobbit.” Alex teases and grins at the blonde.
“Alex!” Kara looks outraged. “I do not have big, hairy feet!”
“It was Emma’s idea!” Alex motions at Emma.
“Emma!” Kara shifts her focus to her baby sister but Emma shrugs and grabs her pizza off the pile.
“I mean, she’s not wrong.” Alex says as she opens a tub of potstickers for Emma and her to share.
“Alex!” Kara yells outraged.
“Kara!” Alex yells mockingly back.
“Emma!” The blonde signs and the trio start laughing. Alex rests her forehead against the side of Emma’s face. Emma turns her head to nuzzle Alex’s and smiles when she feels Kara lean over and hug both of them. Emma twists to place a kiss on Kara's shoulder.
Alex clears her throat and pulls away. “Shall we press play?”
Emma nods and grabs the remote, continuing the film.
The sisters watch the first film and immediately go into the second one, which to Emma, is her favourite. Especially the scenes with Arwen in.
When they get to the scene with Arwen talking to her father, Emma swallows deeply.
“There is still hope.” Arwen whispers back.
Emma’s stomach clenches at the words. Hope.
“Little one?” Kara turns to look at Emma, hearing her heartbeat changing.
Alex immediately grabs the remote to pause the film when she sees tears fill her sister's eyes and how Emma is desperately trying to hide them.
“No, I’m fine. Please continue the film.”
“Actually I need to use the bathroom!” Kara zips up and Alex pauses the film anyway.
She watches Emma closely as she rubs her eyes, trying to force away the tears. “Em? You know you can always tell me what’s going on? Right?”
Emma nods but doesn’t look Alex in the eye, knowing she’d break. “It was a hard session today, sorry.”
“Oh Em, please don’t apologise.” Alex says and pulls her sister into her lap, hugging her close. She feels Emma stiffen but slowly relaxes in her arms.
Kara comes back and Alex gives her a sad look.
“Everything okay?” She asks while sitting down next to them.
“It was a hard session.” Alex answers softly.
“Oh little one.” Kara places a gentle hand on Emma’s back and Emma can’t hold the tears back anymore as she buries her head into the crook of Alex’s shoulder.
Alex and Kara sadly gaze at each other, unsure what they can say or do as they listen to Emma’s hard breaths and sniffs.
Kara swallows and shuffles closer, hugging Emma’s back. “We got you little one, you're safe.” Kara feels Emma shift and move her hand over her shoulder to grab a hold of hers.
They don’t know how long they stay in this position but Kara and Alex do not move until Emma feels ready. They whisper words of love and encouragement and hope she hears them.
Suddenly Kara’s head snaps to the apartment door as she hears two sets of footprints approach. The door opens before she can do anything as Sam and Lena walk through. They both halt at the sight of the sisters.
“What's wrong?” Sam whispers quietly as she places the takeaway food on the coffee table and goes to Alex’s side, perching on the edge of the sofa.
“Hard session.” Alex answers softly and kisses Sam’s lips.
“Has she mentioned anything else?” Lena asks quietly and watches as Emma immediately lifts her head up and twists her neck to find her. Lena swallows as she sees the tears streaming down Emma’s reddened cheeks, her eyes puffy and bloodshot. “Oh love.” Lena says brokenly and goes to comfort her girlfriend, but halts as she doesn’t know where she can go.
Kara immediately moves out of the way, allowing Lena to sit next to Alex and hug Emma’s back. But Emma has other ideas as she twists and moves her upper body onto Lena and holds her close, burying her head into Lena’s neck but her lower half stays on Alex’s lap.
“We got you love.” Lena soothes while stroking Emma’s damp hair and back. She feels Kara scoot close and Lena signals that Kara can join the hug. Immediately Kara wraps an arm around Lena and places a hand gently on Emma’s lower back.
The four women quietly console the broken woman in between them and each other. Wishing nothing more than to heal Emma’s pain.
In time Emma loses steam and slowly lifts her head from the crook of Lena’s neck and sniffs heavily.
“Hi love.” Lena says gently and Emma nuzzles their foreheads together and breathes deeply.
Emma feels truly exhausted, not having cried like that in weeks, well, since she found out about her paralysed vocal chords.
“Is this the time though?” Emma’s ear picks up Alex quietly whispering to Sam.
“Maybe it will make her happy?” Sam offers back, making Emma turn her head towards the couple.
“What will make me happy?” Emma sloppily signs and Kara shifts so she can see the couple too. A small smile gracing her lips.
“Well, erm…” Alex pauses. “I’ve found I’m not really living here anymore because I’m mainly around Sam's apartment.”
“So, we’ve decided that Alex will move in with Ruby and I.” Sam finishes with a huge grin.
Emma blinks and her eyes dart around Alex’s apartment. She had noticed little trinkets and items missing but thought nothing of it.
“Congratulations!” Kara yells happily and jumps to her feet to hug her sister and Sam.
“Thanks Kara.” Alex hugs Kara back and turns back to Emma, who still looks like she’s processing. “Em?”
She watches as Emma’s eyes refocus and a small smile tugs at the corner of her right lip. She lifts her hands and holds one hand with the other and firmly shakes them. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks Em.” Alex smiles back.
“And, you can totally come crash at ours anytime, use the spare room and have sister nights.” Sam smiles at Emma and Kara.
“Well, not ANY-time.” Alex burrows her nose into her girlfriend’s cheek and Sam blushes and bites her lip.
Emma raises an eyebrow and smirks at Lena. She takes a shuddering deep breath as her body calms down from her breakdown.
“Do we want to finish the film and watch the third one another time?” Kara asks while looking through the takeout bags.
Missing the way Emma whips around to gape at her.
“But then it's not a movie marathon!”
“Kara.” Lena says to get the alien’s attention out of the bag containing burgers and french fries.
“Hmm?” Kara’s eyes are wide as she looks to see what her best friend wants.
“Emma was signing to you.”
“Sorry little one.” Kara says apologetically.
“But then it's not a movie marathon.”
“I agree!” Kara nods and shoves some french fries in her mouth. “Shall we get comfy?!”
“I need to pee.” Emma signs and carefully moves off her sister and girlfriend. But as she takes a step away from them the world morphs around her.
‘Please! Not now!’ Emma’s mind yells and she tries to halt her step, ultimately causing her to trip over her own feet.
“Wow careful Em!” Alex laughs. “Rao you are getting more clumsy than Kara!”
“Hey!” Kara yells back offended, making Lena and Sam chuckle in response.
Emma smiles back at them but moves cautiously to the bathroom door.
“Did she mention anything else?” Emma hears Lena ask as soon as she closes the bathroom door.
“No, she’s been quieter than normal.” Alex sighs heavily, making Emma’s heart clench.
“Like she wasn’t here.” Kara agrees.
“Well therapy sessions can be tough sometimes and it’s good Emma is obviously opening up.” Sam tries to reassure the group while plating up everyone's food.
Emma tries not to listen but her ears can’t help but pick up her loved one’s voices. She finishes what she is doing and washes her hands. Briefly pausing and leaning against the sink.
‘Should I tell them?’ Emma wonders and her eyes lift her to her distressed expression. Immediately she wipes her face and adopts a more neutral expression. ‘They have enough to deal with anyway.’
Suddenly she feels a piercing pain in her head. So severe that if she had her voice, Emma would have screamed out as she scrunches up her eyes. Emma then feels a droplet fall from her nose and her eyes shoot open. Her nose is bleeding. She quickly grabs some toilet paper to stem the flow. But, finds nothing more comes out, the nosebleed seemingly stops before it had even begun.
Confused, Emma repeatedly wipes at her nose a few times to make sure it had indeed stopped.
‘Weird.’ Emma mutters in her mind as she stares down at the blood on the tissue. Her head tilts as she assesses the colour and her eyebrows knit together.
“Emma?” Sam’s muffled voice calls through the door, making Emma recoil away from it. “Are you okay in there?”
Throwing the bloodied piece of tissue into the toilet, Emma flushes it, quickly washes her hands and moves towards the door, opening it to a concerned looking Sam.
“You okay?” She asks as her warm brown eyes seemingly studies the blonde in front of her.
Emma nods and gives her a small smile before moving past her to get back to the sofa.
Sam follows, watching Emma closely and sits on Alex’s turquoise chair. Emma hesitates, not sure where she can sit due to the sofa looking full with her sisters and Lena already on it.
“There’s room for you on here too, it will be a tight squeeze but I think we can manage.” Lena pats the small gap between her and Alex. Emma carefully wedges herself between the two and gratefully takes the plate Kara hands to her. Already feeling a bit hungry.
“Ready?” Alex asks while grabbing the remote.
“Ready!” Sam and Kara yell back and the room is again filled with the sights and sounds of Middle Earth.
-- -- --
Later that night Kara, Emma and Lena glide through the air towards Lena’s apartment.
“I mean, why couldn’t Gandalf have just got the Eagles to fly Frodo and the ring to Mount Doom?” Kara argues with Lena while Emma listens and smiles, enjoying the debate between the two.
“Because they are their own beings plus Sauron had the Fellbeast and the Nazgûl would have seen the eagles coming!”
“Huh, I guess. But! Then why didn’t the fellowship prepare for that? Have a few more elves firing arrows? Problem solved!” Kara declares as they touch down on the balcony.
“If you say so, Kara.” Lena beams at her best friend as Kara gently places her feet on solid ground and Emma lets off her sister.
“Well, goodnight.” Kara opens her arms and hugs Lena tight before turning and giving Emma a hug too.
“Night.” Lena yawns out and opens the balcony door with Emma following behind her and waving goodbye to Kara.
They get ready for bed together and Lena can’t help but notice the far off look in Emma’s eyes. Like her girlfriend was somewhere else.
When they slide into bed, Lena gently takes Emma’s hand and lies on her side to fully look at her girlfriend.
“Hey.” Lena gently whispers.
Emma slowly turns her head and her eyes focus on concerned green ones.
“Are you okay?”
Swallowing deeply Emma turns to lie on her side to face Lena. Her mind races with what to communicate. Should she tell her everything?
“Love, please don’t lie to me.” Lena says, seeing the clogs working in Emma’s mind, and the worry within her eyes. But suddenly Lena is yawning again. “Sorry.” She blinks and widens her eyes more to keep them open.
Emma gives her a small smile and watches her closely. ‘She’s exhausted. Tell her a half truth.’
“I’m nervous about next week.”
“That’s understandable. But we are all with you.” Lena nuzzles her forehead against Emma’s and gently kisses her lips. Her hand slowly trails down Emma’s body.
But Emma pulls back and her smile widens slightly. “Time for sleep.”
“But I want to make you feel good.” Lena yawns out, even though her eyelids start drooping from exhaustion. Emma slowly reaches out and softly runs the back of her finger down the bridge of Lena’s nose.
“No sleep.” Lena whines but feels her eyes closing anyway and a tender kiss being placed against her lips. “Lve yu.”
Emma squeezes Lena’s hand three times and watches her girlfriend fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. She stays there for a while, admiring how serene and stunning the raven haired beauty looks.
Slowly Emma rolls over, picks up her notebook and pencil and faces Lena again. She sits up against the headboard so she can sketch Lena, wanting to capture the moment and take in every detail of her love.
Once her task was done Emma places her things on the bedside table.
“Hope, can you turn the lights off please?” Emma signs and carefully slides down the bed to lay back down. Emma closes her eyes and breathes deeply, willing herself to go to sleep.
But in the dark, sinister voices start playing through her mind. Digging up her fears and dread.
Emma blows a frustrated breath through her nose and turns back towards Lena, opening her eyes to focus on the raven haired beauty. Emma’s breathing becomes heavy as she tries to stay calm, but ultimately her stomach clenches and thoughts begin pouring in of what will be happening this time next week. What will the outcome be of the surgery? Will it succeed?
As if sensing Emma’s distress in her sleep, Lena shuffles closer to her girlfriend and latches on. Unknowingly calming Emma down and relieving the ache in her heart. Emma gently kisses Lena’s head, pushing aside her fears and worries before closing her eyes, to fall into a peaceful sleep.
(Part Thirty Four)
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camslightstories · 4 years
Just because
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Baby Danvers. Alex Danvers x reader, Kara Danvers x reader.
Notes: Hello!!! I’m so sorry, I could update before I wanted to make it as good as I could. I hope you guys like it! I would be uploading a few requests and parts this week, so be prepared for that i would call it a marathon if you could.
I will be so glad and honor to read your comments, requests, feedback, suggestions and more. Thank you so much for reading! Have a great day!
Request: Anonymous - “Can you do a Baby Danvers, where she becomes a vigilante and she fights alongside her sisters and the rest of Team Supergirl, Alex is a vigilante too. Then, after their last fight they have a sister's night” 
Taglist: @captain-josslett​ @aznblossom​ @multi-images
The mid-afternoon in National City was cold and unsettled on the day after Valentine’s day. Couples walked down the main streets of the city with smiles on their faces. While vigilantes and superheroes rounded the city.
Valentine's day has been as boring as always. Unlucky for you all of your relationships happened during the rest of the year and with that, you had never been with anyone during the holiday.
Last night, you had the same great company you had every year since Kara arrived to earth. The two of you stuffed your face with candy, pastries, pizza, and potstickers as you watched rom-com movies and sang to Taylor Swift. It could be called a sister's night but since Alex actually had a girlfriend and had things to do you guys didn't.
The day after valentine's, it would take the two of you a lot to get up. A day full of stomach aches for you while Kara was exhausted but perfectly fine.
Bank robberies, kidnappings, fires, and rogue aliens had been occupying all of your’s and your sisters' day. Snow covers your black boots as you come down off the motorcycle, seeing both of your sisters in a fully engaged fight with the white martian.
Moving your glance to find any civilians in danger, you find three kids under a truck trying to shield themselves from the fight. You ran to them, from the side of the road, as another white martian arrived at the scene. You kneeled under the truck, putting one of your hands out to help a little girl, who was clinging to her teddy bear shivering before urgently speaking. “Come on, little ones. Let's get you out all out of here”
The little girls and the boy started to crawl out of the car when you heard the scream of an older woman. Looking at your side, the white martian infrared was being thrown by supergirl to the other side of the street, your side of the street.
Quickly touching your watch a force shield protected the car when the white martian tried to land on it. Your head snapped immediately when you heard the strong voice of Supergirl. “I think that's enough for both of you!”
“Okay, come on. Let's get you to your parents” You said as the force field came down and both Alex and Kara were arresting both of the rogue aliens. The kids standing shivering as you spoke.
You walked to the worried parents giving them a small smile when the kids ran into their arms. It reminded you of when you were growing up, and after each game, or show you would run into your parents and your sisters' arms with a warm smile.
“You gotta be kidding me!” You exclaim, when one of the white Martians breaks the cuffs and throws your Kryptonian sister to a building. While Alex gave a tranquilizer to the other one.
You ran up to the alien and hit him with one of the laser guns Brainy had made for the tower. When the alien glared at you, you grabbed the bombs of light and smoke and threw one in his face before throwing a white cube to him, shrinking him.
You laughed when you saw Kara groaning as she touched her head, and Alex was infuriated because the now unconscious white martian had hit her in the face.
Both of their heads snapped to you, in their way to scold you since you aren't supposed to laugh in the job only to be stopped by the voice of J’onn in the comms. “We got a bar fight in M’gann’s, can you guys take that?”
“With pleasure papa bear,” You said as you winked to your sisters while getting into the motorcycle. Kara and Alex shaking their heads with a smile before you left.
You entered the bar, this time without a mask covering your face and your casual clothes.  The smell of beer and tobacco immediately hit you as you did. The low blimming-colored lights overwhelmed your sight as you entered. Two mixed groups of men, aliens, and humans, with their chest puffing out and glares on their faces. You walked closer when one of the humans threw the punch at another guy.
The moment you intervene in the fight by grabbing one of the guy’s fists. The other 4 looked at you as if you had three heads before laughing. You rolled your eyes before interfering. “Take it outside, or don't take anywhere”
“And who the hell are you to tell us, what to do?” The guys resisting taking his fist from your hand said, before you
“As my sister once said, I can be a real puppy or your worst nightmare in less than two seconds.” You grinned sarcastically before letting go and pointing to the door.
The tall guy groaned as he saw the red and purple in his hand. Immediately launching his other fist to your face, only for you to dodge it before exclaiming. “Didn't learn any morals as a kid?”
The brunette guy just kept trying to hit you, only landing two hits one in your chest and the other in your stomach. You kicked his leg, making him fall to the floor, and grabbed both of his hands, twisting one of them, not enough to break it but enough for it to hurt.
The two groups stood silent as you made the tall guy fall to his knees begging for you to stop. Each one of them looked scared enough as you made the tall muscled guy fall to his knees groaning in pain.
“We don't grab, hit, or even touch anyone, sweetheart” You stoop close, pressing with more force into your arm. Unknowing the two figures standing behind you, one with a frown and the other with a proud smile as you spoke.
You grinned sarcastically when you heard your blonde sister call your name. Making you step away with the classic Danvers smile, walking up to your sister giving Alex a high five, as Kara looked at both of you rolling her eyes “Y/N”
“Now, why don't you get out of here, before I show you out” You quickly adjusted your oversize jean jacket, before speaking. Changing your whole dementor from bad cop to good baby cop.
The two groups of guys left in a hurry without further to say or do. The moment the guys were out of the room, you felt a hand hit you on the back of your head. Scoffing, you turned around to find Alex with a proud slight smile, and Kara with a scolding face on.
You didn't need to ask who was the one to hit your head, you already knew. Without any hesitation, you clenched your hand and fit your oldest sister in the shoulder making the blonde reporter huff in disagreement when you and Alex started to share punches.
Your blonde sister just claims before walking away. You and Alex look at each other before running after her, because of the threat. Not without giving each other slight punches and pushes in the way “If you guys don't stop and meet me at the Tower, I'm getting all of the potstickers tonight”
You walk inside of J’onn’s office to see the place as quiet as usual, putting your hand in the criminal justice book, making the blinds close and the Tower’s door open.
Kara and Alex were standing right next to J’onn or as you call him, papa bear or space dad. Nia and Lena were on the side of a medical table as Lena made adjustments to Dreamers suit and Brainy was invested in a slang book you had given him for New Year’s.
You made your presence known as you put a big take-out bag on the table as you claimed. The smell of Chinese food evaded the air. “Thought, you guys would need a little fuel if we are working tonight”
“Thank you, Y/N,”  J’onn said with a smile as you gave him a side hug.
“You are very welcome, space dad” You res[onded as the two of you pulled away, to see both of your sisters with challenging looks.
Your blonde sister said as she crossed her arms over the chest and looked at you with a serious expression. “Did you really have to embarrass the poor guy? He was trembling”
“I didn't have to, but I wanted to. He was the proper description of a frat boy” You claimed, shrugging your shoulders as you walked closer to them with a satisfied smirk on your face.
“You dated one-” Alex started giving you a look of challenge.
You responded as you held your hands up, making Alex laugh. “Yeah, before having my incredible awakening of good dating taste”
“Next time just keep it a 3” Kara said to you before cleaning her glass with her shirt as she gave you a known look of protection.
“Nixt timi jist kiip it a 3” You murmured, making your blonde older sister glare daggers at you. Alex shocked her head at both of your tactics and grabbed you by the hood of your hoodie, as Kara took her tongue out to you and you did the same.
“We are going to go before Kara and Y/N get hangry. Call if there is an emergency” She exclaimed before letting you go, as the three of you walked out of the office with your civilians' clothes.
The three of you were sitting in Kara’s apartment, bags and boxes of takeout surrounding you guys, as you ate potstickers, pizza, wings, and ice cream. Laughs and giggles filled the ears in the room. The smell of fast greasy, and sweet food evaded your noses.
Kara at your right side and Alex in front of you. The three of you comfortably sharing on sisters' night. With comfortable and baggy close you snuggle closer to the multitude of pillows behind you as Alex debated what had happened not long ago.“I can't believe he didn't say anything to you! If that were us, he would have our heads for good”
“I’m baby Danvers, Al. Nobody can say no to me” You said as you grabbed another slice of pepperoni pizza. A smug smile on your face as you did.
“You little shit-” Alex started before going to tickle you, only to be stopped by the sound of Kara’s question.
“Can we watch The Princess diaries?” Kara asked with a pout on her face. You jumped out of your seat agreeing with the blonde, as Alex sighed deeply and agreed abruptly faking it.
Kara and you knew better, she would enjoy it as much as the two of you. Sure, Y/F/M was your favorite movie but The Princess Diaries was a classic during your childhood even when Alex and Kara had left in a hurry to college, you kept watching it as a reminder of them.
Before the redhead could respond, Kara and you grabbed the M&M’s bag and the pillows and started to throw her the things as the two of you laughed, while your oldest sister tried to not get hit by the things you guys were throwing.
You guys didn't stop until the redhead admitted she had a special place in her heart for ‘The Princess Diaries’ saga. The three of you laughed before sitting to clean the things you had thrown. In a moment Kara speeded to the kitchen and came back with the s’mores she had prepared a few seconds before.
The chocolate dripping from the cookie and the perfectly smashed marshmallow, made your stomach grumble. You looked at Kara and Alex with a shy smile before speaking up with an idea. “How many of those do you think can fit in my mouth?”
“Five” Kara shot her head up before quickly responding.
As Alex did the same but questioning your actions. “Why?”
“Just because…” You started with a pouty face, looking like a kicked puppy at Alex.
“Two, before you start gagging” After grumbling and scolding you, she claimed to be rolling her eyes as she kept drinking from the wine cup.
You gave her a challenging look before diving in, the first one was the easiest. The third and fourth ones became a little complicated as your mouth lost the majority of space, the fifth one gave you chills as it entered your mouth. You looked up and smiled watching as Alex records you on her phone with a disapproving face but a small smile behind it.
After eating half of them and throwing up the other half, Kara hugged you tightly as she spun you around making you giggle as she did. The blonde tickled you into the couch where you fell and grabbed a pillow throwing it at her.
The three of you shared a small moment with smiles on your faces, warmness spread to your chest as the three of you shared a small ‘I love you’
Kara put the movie through and the three of you were snuggling together on her couch, still sharing the food you had ordered, and every once in a while a small joke during it.
Kara held you close to her chest as you started to fall asleep after the middle of the first movie. You heard the blonde and the redhead slightly talking as you fell into unconsciousness. Both of your sisters gave you a forehead kiss, before Kara pulled you up, taking you to her bed and covering you in the blankets.
Small smiles on their faces, when the two of them saw you hug the pillow at your left side just like you did when you were a kid. The blanket covering you completely, only leaving you outside your head. Your soft grumbles made them laugh before they looked at each other. Alex speaking up first “Y/N is always going to be our baby, Danvers”
“Yeap, always and forever” Kara responded nodding, hugging the redhead with a smile.
And they were right, you had always been and always would be their baby sibling. The three of you came in a package and it was never going to change. Neither their protectiveness of you and the annoyance they transmit to you every single day. But you were fine with that, there were pros and cons of being a family and for you, your family had always been the best one, and that was never going to change.
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Kara needs to realise she's in love with Lena on her own!!
This one for away from me! 😅
I've been seeing a lot of posts saying they wish Cat Grant would come back and tell Kara she is in love with Lena, or that Alex should tell her.
But the thing is, I don't want that to happen!
Guys, one of things that has been annoying people to no end is the fact that Kara has to be TOLD she's into someone. She had to be told she was into Mon El and she's basically being told she's into William.
Lena had to be told she had chemistry with James, a romance that came out of literally nowhere and didn't go anywhere but rock bottom because of the lack of build up, chemistry, communication and utter disrespect James had for Lena both as a girlfriend and as his boss.
Anyone who reads my posts knows I couldn't stand James, but at least he and Kara had actual chemistry in season one right from the get go. Kara didn't need to be told she was into James, she was aware of it. She did however have to be told by Alex that Adam was flirting with her.
So why would we want someone to once again tell Kara she is into someone rather than her coming to this realisation all on her own?
Should the writers ever put Kara and Lena together they need to come to the realisation that they are into each other all on their own. Constantly having to be told you are into someone is a poor way of showing a romance.
Antis would have a field day it Alex or anyone else told Kara she was in love with Lena. They would say the exact same thing we've been saying, that they had to be told this because there is no chemistry.
So no, I don't want Cat Grant to come back to tell Kara she's being and idiot and is in love with Lena. Should the writers want to make SC canon I want Kara to realise she's in love with Lena. I want the writers to stop making her an oblivious dumb ass who protests she isn't into someone only for another character to tell her she must be and for her to be like "yeah you must be right and I must be wrong " and to constantly second guess herself.
Kara had chemistry with Mon El but the relationship was riddled with problems, lies and a lack of respect. Not all on Mon Els part, Kara didn't have a lot of respect for him either and tried to push him into doing something he didn't want to do.
My biggest issue with Karamel and why I never saw it as endgame was because these two characters didn't really know all that much about eachother. Kara knew Mon El the ex royal guard and the new person he decided to be on Earth and Mon El knew Kara Danvers and Supergirl. Kara didn't know who Mon El truly was until just before she had to send him away. She found out he was the Prince she couldn't stand and they had no time to discuss it before he was yeeted into space. After Mon El came back he was someone completely different, he wasnt the Mon El she had known and Mon El finally got to meet Kara Zor El. This would have been good for me if he hadn't come back with a wife. But he did, and he still strung Kara along, even discussing his marriage issues with her to the point she told him she didn't want to hear it.
Now Kara and Lena have a similar issue. Lena got to know Kara Danvers and Supergirl but unlike Mon El she knew them as two separate people. Kara got to know Lena Luthor, Lena didn't have a secret second identity and didn't lie about who she was, she didn't pretend to be "Lena Thorul" or "Tess Mercer". Kara actively kept her identity a secret from Lena which would have been fine if she hadn't gone all OOC in season 3 and decided she could play Lena by being an ass to her as Supergirl but then come back and play nice and be Lena's bff as Kara Danvers. Yes, Lena kept secrets from Supergirl but she didn't do these things to hurt her, secrets were kept to protect Sam and it's not like Supergirl didn't keep secrets from Lena. Lena didn't tell Kara everything either, but why would she tell her civilian best friend about the top secret projects she was working on ? Or that she had met with Lex and was keeping him alive? What buisness is that of Kara Danvers?
Remember when Kara screamed at Mon El that she had given her heart to a lying Jack ass?
what if Lena believes she gave her heart to a lying Jack ass as well? Lena even told Kara that she had broken her heart.
The funny thing about these two is that no matter what they just can't forget about each other. Even when Supergirl was being an ass to Lena she was still there for her and Lena was still there for Supergirl. They may have been mad at each other but they came swooping in whenever the other needed help.
Remember the scene where Kara had hoped that what had happened wouldn't ruin their friendship? But Lena wasn't going to sit and take that and told her that she had real friends, ones that didn't lie to her and didn't ask her boyfriend to vilolate her trust? Kara or rather Supergirl looked broken and what did she do? Kara went straight back to Lena for the first time in RAO knows when as Kara Danvers so she could be with her best friend so she could have Lena in some way. But we still saw the guilt on her face when Lena said she could never trust Supergirl again.
Then we had the reveal and great RAO!! That was one of the most emotional scenes the show has ever produced. Kara was broken! She knew what she had done was wrong, keeping the secret for a while wasn't wrong but all the bull shit that came with it and the length of time was what was wrong. Kara herself has admitted this. Kara was practically hyperventilating when she revealed herself and when Lena just walked passed her she was broken. The look of utter relief when she believed Lena had forgiven her was amazing. Personally to me it looked like Lena really did in some way forgive her and couldn't bear to see Kara like that. She's always been weak around Kara, but the moment she was alone with the AI and only her thoughts for company the hard side of her that closes of any feelings of love came out.
Then we had Kara going out of her way to try to make Lena happy. She flew around the world to her her favourite things to make her happy. Lena really looked like she appreciated this , I know that she was pretending but part of me thinks she really did appreciate it. It only took a request and one pouty face from Lena for Kara to break the law, to go against advice not to do it just to make Lena happy. Non of that was healthy for either one of them, the problem was that they didn't really discuss the 3 years of lies and everything that came with it. They had a few tears and a hug and suddenly were bffs only with super benefits now. We know why Lena didn't bring it up, but Kara was willing to accept that everything was absolutely fine and she didn't really question it, she was to over the moon Lena seemed OK with her.
Then we had the scene in the Fortress. Lena may have been trying to play the big bad I don't need you Luthor in this scene but she failed miserably. This was Lena's turn to absolutely break down like Kara did at the award ceremony. There are true feeling of love between these two whichever type of love you decide it is. You don't break down over someone you don't care about. Lena shot Lex to keep the world and Kara safe even though she felt betrayed by Kara. Now I know people hate that Lena used Kryptonite , but I'm sorry Kara showed no signs of pain, only heart break. Plus no one gave a rats ass when Jonn or Alex used it on her and she showed it bloody hurt. Even after she was released from the fortress she showed no signs of being in any pain, so any 'torture' commentators can sit down before you hurt yourselves.
Kara STILL believed in Lena and didn't want her hurt when she was about to use the medusa virus. It was Alex who used and manipulated her. Kara was almost getting through to Lena before Alex decided trick her then to point a canon at Lena! Rememeber it was Hope that shot at Kara, Lena didn't want that to happen at all.
Lena is still fighting to help save the day even when she supposedly hates Kara. She helped during Crisis and even if she did 100% hate Kara and the super friends she is still the reason 1000s are still alive. But no one wants to remember that. No one wants to remember she's the reason National City survived the Daxamites, no one wants to remember how she helped with Reign. No one wants to rememeber how she re-created Harun El and cured cancer. No one wants to rememeber that she mass produced Harun El and gave it to Alura along with the recipe so Argo could survive. No one wants to remember she saved Argo a second time when she shot Lex. No one wants to remember that she saved all the aliens of National City from the isotope. No one wants rememeber she had a suit ready to save Supergirl from the poisoned air. Shall I go on? Lena Luthor is a hero, she's going down a dodgy path because she is hurt, confused, betrayed and traumatised but it doesn't mean she's evil. A lot of fans don't seem to understand the definition of the word at all, Lena isnt being good right now by any stretch of the imagination but she certainly isn't evil.
People keep saying how she should finally have her redemption, and how bad it is that the guys get theirs. But here's the thing, all those things I mentioned above? Those ARE Lena's redemption. To be completely honest, Lena came into the show with people believing she needed redemption because of her name. But she didn't, it wasnt Lena herself who needed the redemption, it was the family name. Lena hasn't redeemed the Luthor name so much because Lillian and Lex kept f**king it up, but my RAO she has more than earned her place as hero and not like her family at all. This right here? Is a set back and everyone likes to conveniently forget everything she's done.
The writers have made Lena very OOC this season. Personally I think she will give up on this idea of hers. Lena isn't an angel, but then neither is Kara, or Alex, or Jonn or Brainy. The only actual angels at the moment are probably Nia and Kelly since we haven't seen them do anything dodgy or kill anyone (I'm assuming bad past Brainy did) and have it glossed over like it didn't matter.
But now we have Kara still not being able to stop talking about Lena. Even in regards to possibly starting a relationship with William she can't help but compare it to what happened to Lena.
Now that was a lot, but bottom line is if Kara is in love with Lena SHE and only SHE needs to come to that realisation. Having someone else tell her would cheapen it and make it look like the writers had no choice but to have some tell Kara to make it real, just like that have been doing non stop so far.
Plus Lena and Kara can not start a relationship any time soon. That would be a terrible idea. They can realise they are in love but starting something together would be rushed and unhealthy. THERAPY! They have Kelly there! But personally I think Kelly giving any kind of therapy to her girlfriends sister and her brothers ex would be a conflict of interest. She would be biased in Kara's favour whether she would realise it or not.
Peace ✌
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nyxelestia · 5 years
I’ve talked a ton about what fandom spaces look like when Black woman steps into a racebent role, but not about what happens to Black men who play racebent roles in the same franchises.
If you think that things are any easier for Black men in fandom well…
You’ve thought wrong.
This installment of What Fandom Racism Looks Like will look at how the racism behind how the Smallville fandom treated Pete Ross – played by Sam Jones III – and how, over a decade later, the Supergirl fandom pulls from the same playbook in order to excuse heaping a ton of racism on James Olsen and the black actor that plays him, Mehcad Brooks.
It is a fact of fandom that Black characters of any gender are treated poorly in comparison to non-Black characters. When you take gender into consideration, misogynoir leaps out and the anti-black and anti-woman violence leaps out, but that doesn’t mean that Black men have ever been beloved in fandom.
Some Black men/male characters are liked a little bit more than Black women in similar shows or properties, but can you actually name one that is treated on the same level as a white male character or performer?
Can you name one that’s actually beloved?
We’re now in my fifth year of running Stitch’s Media Mix and one constant that I’ve talked about is the way that the Star Wars fandom maligns, dismisses, and makes weird shit up about Finn and his actor John Boyega.
Folks across various fandom spaces don’t limit their ire just to Finn’s existence and creating fanworks (fiction, art, and meta fandom analysis) that turn him into a villain or kill him off so that Kylo Ren could succeed as the “real” hero of the franchise.
I’m talking about folks deciding Boyega has to be homophobic because he’s Nigerian-British and because his father is prominent in their church and things like the time folks flooded his mentions calling him a misogynist and sexist and even @-ing Lucasfilm/Disney over a video of him dancing during carnival.
What Finn and John Boyega go have been going through since in 2015 is what Mehcad Brooks and James Olsen go through in 2019.
It’s an updated version of what Sam Jones III and Pete Ross went through a decade ago.
Looking back now, it’s obvious that the Smallville fandom was predictable in the same ways that many other superhero fandoms are now.
The most popular ship for the fandom was between two white male characters – Lex Luthor and Clark Kent – frenemies for life.
It’s a fandom that often treated white female characters and characters of color as obstacles in the way of the main slash relationship – instead of like Lex Luthor’s everything. It’s a ship with a fanbase that pretty much cut out or ignored the relationships either white male character had with white women or people of color in order to portray their relationship as the most important one across the series.
With that much predictability, it’s not that difficult to look back at fanworks from when the Smallville fandom was at its highest and draw connections between what fandom did over a decade ago and what it continues to do now.
Pete Ross wasn’t the first sidekick or friend in a superhero drama to be racebent.
In Smallville alone, biracial Chinese-American Kristen Kreuk was cast to play a racebent version of Clark Kent’s teenaged sweetheart Lana Lang. (And Dean Cain’s Clark Kent on The Adventures of Clark Kent and Lois Lane in the early Nineties was visibly not white.)
However, the fandom’s response to this newly Black Pete Ross was… different.
When folks in fandom deigned to write him, they wrote him as a shucking and jiving stereotype, an approximation of what they think Black men were like In 2002.
Back then, longtime fan writer teland aired one hell of a grievance about the way that folks in the Smallville fandom insisted on writing Pete Ross when the series first aired, writing that:
If I *never* see another story where Pete fucking ROSS goes around speaking stereotypical JIVE again it will be too soon. What the fuck is *wrong* with you people? Do you *watch* the show? Has Pete *ever* been anything but a normal smartass teenaged boy with a crush on Chloe and a lust for every other woman his eyes have lit upon? Has he *ever* expressed an interest in the poetry of Amiri Baraka? Does he cruise the streets of Smallville in his low-rider and do drive-bys with his do-rag arranged in Criply perfection?
 Then why the *fuck* do you write him that way, numbnuts?
This fannish insistence on writing Pete Ross as hella hood despite the fact that there are next to no other Black people in Smallville – much less a “hood” of any kind – was one of the ways that the Smallville fandom made it very clear that they didn’t actually see Pete Ross as a character. He was a bad blank slate, one that they could overlay not with the nuanced characterization that white blank slates got –
But with stereotypes about Blackness.
There is no “hood” in Smallville, Kansas.
Outside of a few racebent characters, the small country town is pretty darn white. There are several episodes of Smallville where Pete is the only character of color with dialogue. He’s frequently the ONLY black character on-screen and his dialogue and motivations aren’t exactly hard to parse –
So why was fandom’s “go to” for Pete Ross a hella hood version that dropped slang and exhibited a frankly offensive stereotype of Black existence that didn’t even apply to him?
Simply put?
The Smallville fandom, like many fandoms when faced with having to interact with or write a Black character for the first time in ages, gravitated towards what they knew from their limited interactions with Blackness and Black people. Their biases shone through because it was, for them, the only way they knew how to conceptualize Black people.
(You can see this replicated in more modern fandom with how the MCU fandom tries to turn Sam Wilson into a hard hood stereotype in fanworks or that one horrible headcanon where Miles shoplifted to get art supplies – despite his solidly middle-class existence and strong views of right and wrong.)
If you know nothing about Black people outside of what like… Fox News and your elderly grandparents in the Midwest tell you about Black people and have no interest in seeing us AS PEOPLE or doing the work to unbuild those biases, your fanworks that reference or even center Black characters will hold those beliefs.
Pete Ross was on Smallville for three seasons. In those three seasons, the fandom pretty much decided that he was set up to sit in one of two roles. Either he’d be a supportive sidekick to Clark and company, or he’d be a villain. And either way, when they wrote him, they often gravitated to writing him as a hood stereotype.
Again, there are next to no other Black people in Smallville on the seasons Pete Ross is one of Clark’s closest friends.
Smallville is a picture of white Americana right down to how the show and town takes a Highlander-esque approach to diversity where only a few characters of color are even allowed to inhabit the same space at any given time.
Unlike many of the other Black male characters that set fandoms afire with their ire, Pete Ross wasn’t a threat to established ships or character arcs. He was gone before he really had a chance to shine, written off and moved out of town as other characters took his spot at Clark’s right hand.
What happens when a Black male character is in the way of one ship or poses a threat to another?
Well, for the answer to that, we need to fast forward over a decade to the Supergirl fandom and how it treats Mehcad Brooks and his character on the show, James Olsen.  From the start, racebending Clark Kent’s most famous sidekick didn’t go well. His casting was met with frustration from all corners of fandom from folks that hated that he was a) Black and b) potentially in a relationship with Kara.
Then season two on The CW happened and the fandom kind of… started mutating in the worst way.
Certain parts of the Supergirl fandom will have you believing that James Olsen is the worst character on the show and that Mehcad is the most problematic person to ever work on a CW show.
They cite Mehcad’s (admittedly offensive) Instagram username, his championing Lena/James as a ship on instagram using a hashtag commonly associated with LGBTQ people, and a comment about how his girlfriend at the time told him that he’s “a lesbian trapped in a football player’s body” made to a trans reporter.
None of those things are great, let’s be very real here.
I don’t actually like or support a lot of how Mehcad Brooks carries himself. I don’t need to like him in order to be very aware of how he’s treated by the fandom from even before he was deemed Problematic.
One of the things I’ve been hyperaware of in fandom is how celebrities and fans of color are shunned for problematic thoughts and behavior in a more… permanent way. There are non-Black CW stars who are problematic – some of them are even on Supergirl – and who’ve presented themselves in ways that aren’t great.
But for the most part, they don’t have people calling for them to be fired or for their character to be killed off.
They don’t have folks pretending to care about marginalized people to cloak their anti-Blackness.
Which is one of my biggest issues with the way that Black male characters are treated in fandom spaces: the way that folks use social justice rhetoric and a vague “desire for representation” to excuse unsubtle racism towards these male characters and their performers.
I know we covered that folks performing wokeness is in the minority of Things That Happen In Fandom, but let’s be clear: this is one occasion where it’s frequent and obvious.
One of the ways that Black characters and performers are subject to racism from fandom is in the way that non-Black fans will reframe them as “too problematic to support” (which therefore allows them to be dehumanized by the fandom that dislikes them). If folks in fandom can claim that they really don’t like a Black character because they need to protect marginalized (white) fans from their existence, then they can’t be called racist.
Because they’re doing it for (white) queer people.
Or (white) women.
But it’s terribly transparent.
After all:
Someone celebrating (with champagne and all) that James Olsen has been shot and that Lex Luthor called him a dog does not actually give a shit about representation for people of color.
Someone fretfully worrying that John Boyega, thanks to his father’s role in their church, is a homophobe that doesn’t actually want Finn/Poe to be canon, doesn’t actually care about queer people.
Someone positing that a Black male character is actually harmful for a non-Black character – and that’s why the fandom has to distrust and dislike them – doesn’t actually care about Black people.
And if you’re out here championing a non-canon (fem)slash ship because #RepresentationMatters at the same time that you’re out here actively wishing evil on a Black performer and hoping that their character gets killed off… you can’t possibly care that much about representation for anyone but white queer people.
It continues to boggle my mind how non-Black fans seem incapable of understanding that we can see their tweets and tumblr posts. They seem incapable of understanding that we know the script as well as they do because we’ve seen them use it across the years of fandom and that we see it put into play, we’re not going to fall for it.
Hell, we’re going to call that crap out.
Pete Ross wasn’t the first Black male character to be mistreated by a white fandom. We’ve got years of evidence of Black male characters being rewritten and misrepresented and torn down in order to lift up non-Black ones. Name me a Black male character in a franchise or fandom and I’ll probably be able to tell you at least two ways that fandom mistreats them.
As we can see with James Olsen, the disgusting way folks in fandom treat and talk about Black male characters and performers. is just going to continue until non-Black fans step up and throw away the script they’re adhering to so hard.
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend s02e02 ‘When Will Josh See How Cool I Am?’
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
Yes, three times.
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Three (18.75% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Episode Quality:
Not great.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
Paula and Rebecca pass regarding Paula’s law-school plans, three times.
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Female characters:
Rebecca Bunch.
Paula Proctor.
Heather Davis.
Male characters:
Greg Serrano.
Josh Chan.
Darryl Whitefeather.
Xiao Huang.
White Josh.
Father Brah.
Scott Proctor.
“It turns out I had a hormone imbalance.” Shoulda dialled back before this one got transphobic. 
Greg’s buddies being nice and supportive after he tells them about AA is sweet - I’m always here for the dudes being good to other dudes instead of all toxic-masculine about it. 
“I’m sorry, did you just bro-hug the guy who’s sleeping with your ex-girlfriend?” Heather says, and when I say urgh, shut up, I mean I literally said that to the screen. When you got me talkin’ out loud to the tv, you know you’re pissing me off. Don’t do this thing where you pretend that people have claim over what their ex does. Don’t encourage it.
Ping Pong Girl...they are on fire with their songs so far this season.
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Chiphunk...I love White Josh. Easy favourite.
Please follow through on actually just being a better person, Greg. I can’t help but feel like they’re kinda...tossing out his old personality and replacing it with something more palatable, delivered on a big ol’ sympathy platter. I’m skeptical about this move (and it reminds me of a less-excessive version of the Mon-El debacle from Supergirl, in which the terrible love interest from season two (heavily derided by fandom) returned a ~changed man~ with none of his old flaws (which previously comprised basically his whole personality), so that the show could continue to beat the dead horse of his supposed romantic potential instead of just committing to the fact that they wrote a shitty character in the first place and no one liked it).
She’s hugging Greg’s sweater while looking forlorn now, huh? Greg, with whom she had some sex but was unsatisfied emotionally during the brief fling they had after months of antagonism? And this is prompted by Rebecca feeling that Josh (who, prior to this episode and especially throughout their not-sleeping-together friendship across last season, has been really thoughtful and kind) is now ‘not treating her well’ by spending a lot of time with his friends instead of investing in the non-relationship full of mutually complicated feelings that he and Rebecca are both struggling to navigate? Ok.
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I think it remains obvious at this point that I don’t trust this show to deliver story in good faith; I’m also increasingly concerned about what it considers to be a ‘healthy relationship’ to begin with, because of all the controlling elements and bad communication between partners that appear to be being presented without comment. I really need them to sort out where they stand and start making it consistently obvious, because I’m having a harder time getting into this season than I anticipated, even though I knew exactly what my qualms were going in. 
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seriouslycromulent · 6 years
OK. So I finished binge-watching Black Lightning on Netflix and ...
... Oh my damn! I really didn’t want to give this show a chance because I’m vehemently anti-Berlanti-verse and just general anti-CW writing, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m on board for Season 2 when it airs this fall. 
I think a part of the reason this show works for me more than the other Berlanti-verse shows is because of Mara Brock Akil. She’s the executive producer, and I’d like to believe it’s her influence and leadership that makes the dialogue and characterization on Black Lightning just 10x more realistic and engaging than the hokey after-school specials that make up the rest of the DCtv world on the CW.
Add to that the fact that the acting is far better than what I’d expect from the CW universe, and I have to say...
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I only started the show yesterday, and I’m already on episode 10 (of 13) finished. And now my biggest complaint is why didn’t this show get a full season from jump? But I shan’t dwell on the could haves and should haves. Instead, let me share why I’m enjoying this series so much:
The superhero is over the age of 40. Thank goodness! For a network dedicated to high cheek-boned youth and their parental figures occasionally offering a word of cliched advice, I’m so happy to see something developed outside of that superhero trope.
The main superhero has to juggle an actual family and full-time job. Now, like most superheroes, we don’t see him doing his job nearly as much as he should be when the action gets going, but it’s still somewhat believable that a high school principal can afford the life that he leads and have a family without going:”Where is all this money and time coming from?”
Team Anissa all the way! Granted, she did her old girlfriend wrong, and deserved to be called out on it, but she’s easily my second favorite character on the show. 
Speaking of family dynamic and Anissa, how much do I love the relationship Jennifer and Anissa have as sisters?! Like seriously. They remind me of real life sisters. Not “TV” sisters. Their dialogue and behavior toward one another -- whether they’re arguing or supporting each other -- is so on point, I feel like I’ve heard these conversations before in person between different members of my family.
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The constant commentary on Black Lightning’s outfit is cracking me up. I like how every other episode someone on the street or in the neighborhood compares his outfit to something they saw in Parliament Funkadelic or Earth, Wind & Fire. :-)
Jill Scott. She was a wonderful surprise to the cast, especially in the role she played. I wish she had had more screen time because Ms. Scott just has the most magnetic presence, and I’ve never seen her get to play a role like this.
Ha! The Garfield High School mascot is a panther. I see what you did there! 
Other cameos I’m feeling: Senator Nina Turner. Roland Martin. Antonio Fargas. I would love to see more of this type of diverse cameos in the future.
Again, I know this is a CW show, so the younger audiences are their bread and butter. But I really like the 1970s music they have playing during Black Lightning’s fight scenes. I feel like it’s a great tip of the hat to the comic book’s 1970s’ origins, and well, most of the songs are just great jams. I appreciate the hip hop music too, plus the original songs written clearly for the show. But the ‘70s music is a nice touch. 
Soooooo ... Khalil? Can I get your number? Because damn if that child ain’t fine.
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In episode 10, when that lady tried to drop her A/C unit and microwave on top of Black Lightning in the alley ... I damn near spit out my water! And when she said her name was, “Rent. Car-Note-Electric” I almost fell out of my chair. See, that’s something you just would not hear on Supergirl or The Flash.
Like most CW shows, one of my biggest problems with Black Lightning in the beginning is that they don’t write transitions well. For the first 5 episodes, you constantly feel like they’ve cut a scene that had some important information or character development for a scene they left in. Legends of Tomorrow did this a lot. I mean, a lot. But thankfully, as I continued to watch this show, that trait seems to have disappeared a bit and has become less of an issue.
I’m a bit thrown every time Tobias Whale makes a derogatory comment about Black people, then turns around and makes a derogatory comment about White people. Is it purely the result of self-hate borne from an abusive upbringing? Or is there a tad bit of genuine Uncle Ruckus lurking beneath the surface there?
Even though her attitude sometimes gets on my nerves, I love the exploration of a character with superhero powers who doesn’t want to be a superhero. We rarely see that explored in the mass media adaptation of comic books, so it’s a nice swerve compared to the current slate of superhero fare where we either see people eagerly wanting to be superheroes or we see villains reluctantly become anti-heroes, then superheroes. Jenn’s desire to just be normal in the face of the possibility that she might have a higher calling in life is a great trope subversion. 
The makeup on Gambi’s face while he was being beaten and after it had supposedly dried was not good. Dude, seriously. The makeup department dropped the ball on their end with those details. It didn’t look realistic at all and it was too over-the-top.
Another great trope subversion: The techie/hacker of this franchise is a man over the age of 60 instead of a teen or young adult under the age of 30. Sweet!
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Can I just say the Pierce family is probably my favorite biological superhero family of all-time? Yes. Yes, I can.
Favorite line of the season: “You got to bring ass to get ass.” - Detective Henderson
Jefferson’s dad’s old house has a wood-encased floor unit television set with a push button remote. Awwww, that reminds me of my grandmother’s old TV set. 
I wonder if Gregg Henry ever gets tired of playing bad guys?
Khalil’s dreadlocks look ... not ... good. Either that’s a really bad wig or whoever twisted his hair has a broken hand.
Ahhh, so Syonide does know how to aim for the forehead when she shoots. Could’ve fooled me when she was fighting Thunder that first time. 
So I mentioned that Anissa/Thunder is my second favorite character. That means someone else is my first. And it is ... Gambi. I know. I know. Go ahead and take my Black Card away, but from the first episode on, all I wanted was an episode dedicated to learning his secrets. And not just secrets as they relate to Alvin and Jefferson. I still want to know about his past. Like, why did he say he was a “monster” to Proctor? He stayed in Freeland even after he left the ASA, but does he have family that’s missing him or looking for him? Did he look after Jefferson in an official capacity after Alvin died? Was he his legal guardian? Or was Jeff in foster care and visited Gambi a lot? That man has been some places and did some things, and I can imagine a ton of backstory there to fill in.  Yes, I know he’s the only white guy in the cast of mostly minorities, but to be frank, that just makes me respect James Remar more. I’ve been a fan of Remar’s for years. I even got to meet him 2 years ago at a convention in Philadelphia. And the man’s IMDB page is ridiculously long. Seriously, check it out. So he’s not hurting for work. He’s not up and coming. He’s not an older actor struggling to keep his name in the game. He’s a respected character actor who has a very successful career. The fact that he probably has white actors telling him to turn down this project because he’s “above” it, but he’s on the show as the anchor just makes me proud to call myself a fan.  Either way, Gambi is a cool cat with a terrible mustache, whose background is a mystery. And I’m a nerd who loves mysteries and lots of character development in my genre fiction TV shows. It’s a perfect match. But yeah, he’s the only white regular on the show, and he’s my favorite. You mad? Good. His role could’ve easily been played by another actor of a different racial/ethnic background and I would’ve felt the same about Gambi.  I pretty much like all scenes with him in them, especially when Gambi interacts with Anissa or Jennifer. That cool uncle vibe is sweet, and I think it adds a nice layer to the family dynamic on the show. Anyway, enough about him ... For now.
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To sum up, I highly doubt I’ll ever go back to watching Arrow. Now that Jeremy Jordan has left Supergirl, I doubt I’ll be checking in on that show anymore either. Legends of Tomorrow is just ... ugh. But because I love Matt Ryan’s John Constantine so much, I just know I’ll probably peep an episode here and there throughout the new season. And I’ll probably be disappointed because ... ugh. And The Flash? I know a lot of people on Tumblr love that show, so I’m going to play nice and say nothing about it. 
But I’ll definitely be checking out Black Lightning season 2 and hoping that the common CW failings don’t work their way into the show. It’s a highly entertaining series, and a breathe of fresh air for this crowded genre. Here’s hoping season 2 is a full 22-episode season!
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lynnearlington · 7 years
15, 36, 50. You know who
I assume this is about - no wait I can’t even joke. I KNOW WHO. 
15) Who is scared of the dark?
They’re camping. It’s something Lena Luthor thought she’d never be caught dead doing and yet here she is, seated around a campfire with Kara Danvers and family like it’s something ordinary. For Kara, Lena supposes, it probably is.
Lena just watches the fire crackle in front of her, Kara pressed up to her side warmly. Across the fire Alex sits with her back against a log between Maggie’s legs and idly sips at a beer. James keeps throwing more firewood into the fire pit, laughing softly whenever Kara’s face lights up at the sudden shift in intensity of the flames. Winn is telling what Lena is sure is supposed to be a scary story, but the group is sort of just listening blandly. His story keeps getting sidetracked and takes so many plot twists that even Lena is having trouble following.
When no one so much as flinches at his big finish and his excited expression fades to disappointment, Alex claps her hands loudly to draw attention. “Okay, how about someone else?”
Everyone just sort of looks at each other and Lena can practically feel the way Kara’s mouth starts to open and close as she tries to think of something to fill the silence.
Lena sighs, eyes up to the starry night sky for a moment before speaking. “I’ve got one.”
She tries not to react to the way everyone practically startles at the sound of her voice, but she’s only got herself to blame for that. Lena’s trying though, trying to attend more group things, trying to integrate into this part of her life with Kara because she knows how important it is to her girlfriend.
“You don’t have to,” Kara whispers, shifting a little to look at her.
Lena shrugs and tries for a practiced, but charming smile as she addresses the group. “Have any of you ever heard the story of the black cat of Killakee?”
Winn shoots her a skeptical look, still a tad petulant at the lack of reaction to his own ghost story. “Your follow up story to my epic horror is about a cat?”
Lena levels him with an even look. “The black cat of Killakee. Are you familiar?”
He throws a twig into the fire, lips pursed as he stares back. “No.”
“It’s an old tale I heard at boarding school,” Lena starts and eyes the rest of the group, now sitting up a little to listen. She’s not sure if it’s because of the novelty of hearing her speak or because they’re actually curious about the story. “It starts at a house in Killakee,” she begins. “It’s a place in Ireland. An old house, abandoned now.”
The group listens avidly, even Kara who has twisted even more on the log they’re sitting on so she can hear the story, sipping casually at a thermos of hot chocolate. Lena takes a breath and lets the memory of trading ghost stories under blanket forts in her dorm wash over her, the story tumbling out of her mouth with ease.  
Later, after another round of ghost stories and another cooler’s worth of drinks, they retire to their separate tents. In the one she shares with Kara, Lena leans back into their arrangement of sleeping bags and blankets and pillows to watch as Kara double checks the lock on their zippered opening. An amused expression spreads over her face when Kara then triple checks the lock and the zippers.
“What are you doing?”
“Making sure it’s locked,” Kara all but snaps back at her, tugging at the zipper again and running her hands over the opening.
Lena watches Kara’s hands fidget, the nervous way she glances around as she moves to lie down on the sleeping bags. “You okay?”
“Yeah, of course why wouldn’t I be?”
Lena reaches up to smooth the wrinkled skin between Kara’s brows. “You seem fidgety,” she whispers into the dark. “More than usual.”
“You’re the one that told that black cat murder mystery haunted house story right before bed,” Kara accuses, shuffling around until they’re both covered by the thick blanket Kara had brought along. She shuffles closer, hand at Lena’s hip to bring them in together, but her eyes are darting around the tent like she’s waiting for an attack.
It occurs to her that Kara is scared of something. “Kara, it’s a ghost story,” Lena says, their feet tangling together. “It’s an old tall tale I was told as a child.”
“It was freaky!”
“It’s about a cat,” Lena laughs, though she can admit that the story had scared her in her youth.
“We didn’t have cats on Krypton,” Kara complains. “They freak me out.”
“They do not. Just last week you were cuddling that kitten you rescued from a tree. It was all over the papers.”
“Well that was before I heard your stupid story!”
“Kara, darling,” Lena soothes, trying not to laugh too hard. “You’re invulnerable, remember?”
“What’s your point?”
“What are you afraid of?”
“I’m not afraid,” Kara denies, but she doesn’t resist when Lena tugs her in closer to hug Kara’s face into her chest, their bodies curling around each other.
“I’ll protect you,” Lena jokes. “From all the ghost cats in the woods out here.”
“Don’t joke,” Kara pouts, but there’s laughter in her tone.
“You’re cute when you’re afraid of ghosts.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” Kara grumbles.
Lena feels warm, presses her lips into the crown of Kara’s head and murmurs softly, “I know.”
36) Who is the social media addict?
“You have a crazy amount of Instagram followers,” Kara comments idly one Saturday afternoon.
Walking around the couch, Lena sets a coffee mug on the table by Kara and sits down next to her, pulling her legs up on the cushions and curling her hands around her own mug. “I do?” Lena leans in closer to Kara and peers at her phone screen. Her Instagram page is pulled up and Kara is scrolling through the pictures.
“Uh, yeah,” Kara says with a pointed look. “I’d consider 15 million followers to be a crazy amount.”
Lena hums noncommittally and takes a slow sip of her coffee, almost laughing at the incredulous look on Kara’s face. “What?”
“Seriously, how do you have so many followers?”
“Kara,” Lena says on a chuckle. “I don’t run that account.”
Kara looks scandalized by the admission, her spine straightening a little. “But it’s verified! Who does?”
“That’s a corporate account,” Lena tells her, looking again at the screen. Kara’s thumb hovers over a recent picture of the food table at a fundraising gala L Corp hosted. “Jess runs it.”
“Jess runs your instagram account?!”
“Why do you sound so offended?”
“I feel like I’ve been lied to! The people have been lied to!”
Lena pushes at Kara a little with her shoulder, charmed when Kara goes with the motion and laughs. “How many followers do you have?”
“Not as many as you obviously.”
Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at the pout in Kara’s voice, Lena sets her coffee on the table and loops her arm through her girlfriend’s pulling them together and tugging Kara’s attention from her phone. “Maybe Supergirl should get her own account. I’m sure you’d have lots of followers.”
Kara’s eyes narrow, but she clicks her phone off. “You’re making fun of me.”
“No,” Lena says, but a teasing smile crosses her lips. She puts her elbow up on the back of the couch and leans her head on her fist, watching exasperation flood Kara’s face in an attractive blush.
“Do you have Snapchat?”
Lena’s brow furrows. “What’s a Snapchat?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be some kind of tech genius?”
Cocking her head to the side, amused, Lena grins. “Is Snapchat some new hardware I should be aware of?”
“Playing dumb is beneath you,” Kara says dryly.
“Kara, I run a multi-billion dollar company that has just recently salvaged its public image. I don’t exactly have time to be on social media all day.”
“That’s exactly why you should be on social media,” Kara argues, turning a little on the couch so they’re facing each other.  
“I’ll run that by the board on Thursday,” Lena deadpans, running a hand through her hair.
“You should at least get a Snapchat so I can send you fun pictures during the day.”
“You already do that, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, but not with like cool filters and stuff.”
Lena fills a little lost in the conversation, wondering what happened to the plans for a quiet afternoon snuggled on the couch, hopefully a nap. “Cool filters?”
Kara’s eyes go wide with an enthusiasm Lena recognizes right away. It’s the kind of look that means she’ll be spending her entire afternoon not napping and instead doing something like cooking every meal out of the Fifty Shades of Chicken cookbook. That’s a Saturday night she can never get back.
Before she can protest or even attempt to persuade her girlfriend to put a movie on or something, Kara’s got her phone out, twisting suddenly to scoot backwards into Lena’s body. The back of Kara’s head hits Lena’s shoulder, her back pressing against Lena’s front and Lena looks up into Kara’s screen to see their faces there, Kara’s thumb flipping through something on the screen.
“See,” Kara says and Lena watches as their faces transform, mutated into some kind of bubbled shaped. Lena laughs.
Kara snaps the picture and Lena just shakes her head at the still frame of their faces smushed together and distorted. “The internet cannot have that picture,” Lena warns, already thinking of the hysterical phone call she’d get from Jess if such a picture surfaced.
“That’s the beauty of Snapchat,” Kara says, pressing buttons and scrolling through what looks like a contacts list. “It only exists for a little bit and then gets lost in the ether.”
“The ether?” Lena asks with an arched brow. She watches as Kara clicks on a number of contacts on the list - Alex, Winn, James, Maggie.
“Yeah,” Kara says, distractedly waving into space. “The ether.”
“Right,” Lena replies slowly, wondering if now is an appropriate time for a chemistry lesson.
Clicking out of the application, Kara puts her phone down and turns a little, close enough that she noses at Lena’s jaw with the motion. “It’s fun.”
“I’m sure.”
Kara just smiles, kisses at Lena’s jaw lazily and Lena closes her eyes at the feeling, exhaling with the thought of finally getting to relax without the distraction of their phones. That is until Kara is suddenly pulling away and bringing her phone back up.
“Alex sent something back!” Kara is swiping her phone back open and Lena watches as she pulls up a picture reminiscent of their earlier one but this time Alex and Maggie with their faces pressed close together.
Kara laughs loudly and Lena sighs even as an answering grin tugs at her own lips. She stays close to Kara and allows her girlfriend to take another picture of them, this time with flower crowns atop their heads.
50) Who is the hopeless romantic?
Kara doesn’t notice the first six times. Well, she notices something is happening, but it takes six times for her to put two and two together and stop getting five.
On the same day, the 21st, for six months in a row, Lena sends her flowers, candy or some sort of small gift and then invites her out to a dinner. A dinner often so expensive that Kara almost chokes on her dessert when she catches sight of the check.
“What’s the special occasion?” Kara will always ask, but Lena never really gives her a straight answer. She just presses her lips in a thin smile, head cocked in that teasing way she has and her eyes soft. “Can’t I take my girlfriend out to dinner just because?”
In the sixth month Kara has finally figured it out and she almost rolls her eyes at herself for not realizing it sooner. A bouquet of roses arrives at her office early in the morning and Kara smiles at the elegant script across the card.
The invite is for dinner, but Kara has time in her day and she feels a sudden need to confront her overly secretive girlfriend. She calls her from her cell phone, already walking outside and heading towards L Corp.
“Hey,” Lena answers, her voice soft and intimate and Kara closes her eyes at the sound - tries to picture Lena in her office, sitting regally in her desk chair, immaculate outfit, her tone entirely dissonant from the normally reserved image she portrays at work.
“Hi,” Kara replies brightly. “Busy?”
“Not more so than usual.”
“I’d love to,” Lena answers easily.
They go to a trendy new asian fusion spot not too far from Lena’s office and Kara has to fight Lena for the check when they’re done. “Like you’re not planning on paying tonight,” Kara says, putting her wallet back in her bag.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant.”
“Can’t I treat my girlfriend to lunch if I want to?”
Lena doesn’t respond to that, just thins her lips and allows Kara to finish signing the check. Kara stands then and holds her hand out for Lena to take. They walk hand-in-hand out of the restaurant and back towards L Corp.
“Thanks for lunch,” Lena murmurs when they’re not a block away, her fingers tangling with Kara’s warmly.
“Of course.” Kara says brightly before she tugs Lena to a stop at the corner. “Oh, I forgot!”
“Forgot what?” Lena looks around, brows coming together.
“I got you a present.” Kara let’s go of Lena’s hand to reach into her bag. She fishes around for a second before pulling out a small brown paper package and handing it over.
Lena turns it around in her hands skeptically, looking back up at Kara in confusion. “What’s the occasion?”
“Happy six month anniversary,” Kara says softly, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.
Lena’s eyes go comically wide and she coughs a little. “What?”
“Our six month anniversary. Our first official date was six months ago today.”
“That’s-” Lena seems uncharacteristically lost for words. “That’s not a thing people celebrate.”
“It’s not?” Kara goes for earnest, but she can’t help but smile at the bewildered expression on Lena’s face.
“You’re teasing me,” Lena accuses, gaze narrowed, cheeks with a light flush.
“You’re a sneak,” Kara retorts, wagging a finger at Lena’s face. “Celebrating it without letting me know.”
“I wasn’t-”
“So you just happened to want to take me out on ridiculously fancy dates and send me gifts on the same day every month for six months?”
“It wasn’t because I was celebrating - I mean, I suppose it might have been, but not because - I don’t usually-” Lena stumbles over the words and Kara feels this well of affection she can barely contain.
“Happy anniversary,” Kara repeats, putting an end to Lena’s rambling.
Lena glances at the package in her hand and back up to Kara warily. “You don’t think it’s…,” she pauses, biting her lip and looking around a bit. “A bit lame?”
“What? Our anniversary? Never.”
Lena still looks skeptical so Kara steps closer, runs her hands up Lena’s arms in an attempt to reassure. “You still have to take me out later and if we’re going to Carson’s again I’m definitely ordering the porterhouse and the strip and you can’t laugh.”
Rolling her eyes, Lena seems to relax at that, she looks around the street again, eying the few pedestrians passing by before practically side eying Kara. “I love you, you know,” Lena says in a soft, gentle whisper.
It’s not the first time Kara’s heard the sentiment, but it still hits her the same as it did the first time, pumping strength through her muscles and settling a pleasant ache in her chest.
“I love you, too.”
“Happy anniversary,” Lena says with a smile, leaning up to press a warm kiss to Kara’s cheek, near enough to her mouth to make Kara chase the pressure when she steps away.
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whosaysitsfantasy · 8 years
Karamel thoughts
I don’t expect to change anyones mind or start an argument or anything I simply want to put in my own opinion.
I would like to begin by Discussing Mon-el, first off yes I am a karamel shipper, yes I love Mon-el  that being said no I don’t think he is perfect and I do think he is severely flawed. Mon-el came from a planet where it was ok to have slaves and where their citizens were put down and him and his family were raised above everyone else. He lived this way for at least 21+ years.
Now no, when you are living in a bad environment you do not necessarily have to become like those around you. People who have abusive parents or alcoholic parents do not have to become like that. That being said It is also 100% possible that those types of situations can effect how you grow up and your view on the world. Mon-el was raised to believe he deserved whatever he wanted, that he should be served. He was raised in an environment that never questioned or really showed any other alternative. For that reason he was a shit person, and he has a LOT to not only be ashamed of but to make up for.
Now when Mon-el came to earth all he knew was what he was taught. upon arriving on earth and meeting Kara and the rest at the DEO he quickly had to learn that what he knew on Daxam was not the only way and may not actually be the right way. Now Mon-el has only been on earth for a short period of time i don’t even think it’s been a year yet.. (correct me if I’m wrong). I think it is going to take longer than a year for him to completely shed 21+ years of a lifestyle he has known.
That being said.. he is clearly and actively TRYING. He’s no where near perfect and he is 100% flawed and sometimes comes across as what yes might seem as abusive, but that being said he isn’t aware of it, he hasn’t had real healthy relationships and he is trying to be better (and no I'm not saying being unaware makes in excusable Im simply saying he is not doing in with malicious intent) What everyone has to realize is Mon-el is not trying to bring Kara down, he does not want to hurt her. He is ashamed of his past, scared of how she might react to the truth because she has made her feelings about Daxam royalty VERY clear and he is still trying to learn.  I personally think the hatred towards Mon-el is a little misplaced. Just like Kara and every other superhero Mon-el deserves time to grow and face his past and his mistakes.
Now going onto Kara. I love Kara she’s adorable and sweet and so so good, but that being said if you are naive enough to claim that she is perfect you need to look again.
Kara. Danvers. Is . A . Flawed. Person.(or Alien technically ;P )
just like literally everyone. and now that DOES NOT mean she’s bad or should be hated on. NO. That just means that she is not ALWAYS right. Sometimes Kara is a little self righteous, sometimes she does not always look at every angle. SOMETIMES Kara needs a little help, she has all these powers but theres more to being a super hero then that, even the most powerful person in the world needs support. She is also very prejudice against Daxam. Which is understandable, however that doesn’t necessarily mean that she should just write them off as terrible. Both Krypton and Daxam are flawed races. Just like surprise surprise.. the human race.
Both sides have made bad choices. SO yes, Mon-el lying to her was wrong, however NO he is not evil for it because while Kara is a wonderful person she has made her prejudices towards Daxam very clear so naturally Mon-el would be afraid to tell her the truth JUST LIKE JAMES WAS AFRAID TO TELL HER HE WAS THE GUARDIAN & JUST LIKE M’GANN WAS SCARED TO TELL J’ONN. because Kara god bless her, can be very strong headed. She is very set in her beliefs which isn’t bad but can sometimes be a hinderance. It can prevent her from being open and understanding of those closest to her. Was the lying ok? No. Is it understandable why they did? Yes.
Mon-el was not proud of who he was. He wanted to change and be different because of Kara and because of how she showed him that there is something wrong with the way he lived. Now upon learning this Mon-el has actively started to try and change. He started training with her, and helping the DEO, he got an actual job and tries to be better. Does he fail? yes. But is he trying YES. For this reason saying he is terrible and deserves to rot in hell is incredibly misplaced. Is he very good in their relationship not always no. Why is this? Because he has never been in a real genuine healthy relationship. You cannot hate him because he knows nothing else. Especially when he is actively trying.
Relationships have ups and downs. Sometimes people lie because they are scared, sometimes they don’t treat each other perfectly. The fact of the matter is.. is that Mon-el keeps trying, When Kara shuts him down he learns, and he keeps trying. NOW if its a season or 2 into his role on the show and he’s still trying to side step her anger and he’s still trying to say ‘ok i’m sorry lets just carry on’ then sure start yelling abuse. But don’t tell me that someone trying to change their ways after 21+ years of being groomed a certain way is inherently bad and inherently abusive. Cause in no way does he ever try and tare her down, he actually praises her a LOT and admires her a LOT. & no their arguing doesn't count as him ‘taring her down’ because then she would be considered abusive as well because she has made some pretty cruel comments towards him too. It goes both ways. 
Cause trust me. Someone can be abusive, not realize it and then eventually work to change their ways. Specifically with emotional abuse. Relationships can be very hard, and while yes there are TERRIBLE people out there who emotionally abuse people with no remorse there are also people who realize what they have done and work to be better because they never wanted to actively hurt someone in that way.
While no not all abusers should be forgiven. Not all abusers actually care that they are hurting someone. There are people who have abused someone emotionally and not known what they were doing. There are people who have hurt people and have tried to fix themselves and have tried to be a better person because they are not proud of what they have done & because they know it is wrong. 
With all of that being said… I personally think it’s good that Karamel has broken up for now. Kara first off needs to learn that everything is not black and white. That sometimes people make mistakes and sometimes she is a little quick to judge. Mon-el needs to realize that everything is not always going to be easy. He needs to realize that his actions have consequences and that he has to really work to listen and respect his significant other if he wants things to work.
I think their time apart can give them both clarity. I think Mon-el needs to grow a little on his own without a relationship so that he can be even better and even healthier when he eventually gets back IN a relationship. He needs to see who he can be without Kara as a girlfriend and without anymore secrets. He needs a little bit more time to grow.
This same storyline happened with J’onn and m’gann and the green and white martians. This idea that your race makes you inherently evil. AS WELL AS lying about it because of how ashamed you are of it.  Did we hate M’gann because she lied about her race? Can we really blame someone for being so ashamed of what happened that they should be written off? As well Mon-el’s guard insisted he leave everyone behind.. while yes its definitely something to feel guilty about no, its not all on Mon-el. Also during that situation when there is literally very few things in which he could do and he is frazzled and being rushed out. No you cant necessarily hold it against him. Yes he should feel guilty and should work to make amends for his choices, but I don’t think you can blame someone for making a bad choice in a life or death situation like that.
Anyways.. thats kinda my own thoughts on the subject. I like to stay out of ship wars and arguments. I love all the ships and I love all the characters so I hate everyone hating on one another but I just had to explain my opinion as someone who understand various sides to everyone’s arguments. I refuse to argue about this and I will never participate in hate or endorse it.
So to just end this. If you are against Karamel thats fine, thats your choice but please don’t hate other shippers who like it and don’t tag your hate. and if you are FOR Karamel please don’t hate other shippers who dislike it and don’t attack them or single them out. Also don’t participate in hating on other ships. I really hope I don't get much flack for this lol but yea.. thats all I have to say on the matter.
Lets just all try and be kind to one another. Its what Supergirl would want <3
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myfallingstories · 8 years
Pick-up Marriage - Ch. 3 Sanvers love - Supercorp fanfic
Summary:  And after Lena... Maggie proposes! Sort of.
Chapter Three (Bonus): Sanvers love
Everyone is at Kara’s for a special edition of a movie night. Special because, while normally only Kara, Lena, Alex and Maggie participate, tonight the boys have joined in and so has Lucy. Also special because it’s going to be a challenge, they’re going to keep watching movies until only one of them is still awake. That’s also the one who wins the challenge.
Kara is sure she can win, Alex has already bet against her with Maggie. Lena is aware that she won’t win if Kara cuddles her on the couch and she doesn’t care enough about victory to push her wife – she still can’t believe she gets to call her that – away. James is confident and Winn has already given up. Lucy promises to give James a run for his money, both of them ignoring Kara as she claims she’ll kick their sleepy asses. Mon El just keeps asking what the movies are about.
Suddenly there’s a knock on the window and Clark waves from mid-air. Kara breaks into a huge smile and goes to greet her cousin. Everyone gets a round of hugs before Clark settles on the couch between Lucy and James.
At that point Winn bets Superman is going to win and Kara fights for Supergirl’s honour. Clark stops them laughing and assuring Winn that he won’t last long at all, he’s normally one of the firsts to fall asleep during move nights. Kara smiles at having her point proved and goes back to cuddling Lena.
In the end, Clark is indeed the first to fall asleep, followed shortly by Winn. Kara doesn’t resist much longer, but she manages to beat Mon El as he gets knocked out the challenge because of Lena’s alien booze that makes him fall asleep in the middle of the third movie. After Kara, James soon follows, despite his claims that he could last at the very least for four movies. Lucy and Lena start to doze off about at the same time, which leaves Alex and Maggie to choose the next movie.
*** ***
“Hey, babe, did you know the average person falls in love seven times before marriage?”
Alex looks up from the fridge, where she’s looking for another beer, disappointed at finding none. “What?”
“Baby, you’re my lucky seven”.
Alex is barely awake at this point and Maggie surely isn’t making much sense. She frowns at first, then she shrugs it off blaming it on the alcohol and searches for something else to drink.
It turns out Maggie and Alex are the ones to last for a fourth movie. Clark and James fell asleep on one another, Winn dozed off on Mon El shoulder and the boy from Daxam followed after having two or three glasses too much of whatever expensive and clearly alien liquor Lena supplied. Kara is fast asleep cuddled up with her wife, who also has her eyes closed, and Lucy is snoring softly on her side of the couch.
After making sure Lucy was asleep too, Maggie declared victory for the Sanvers but Alex upheld the rules and reminded her that only one can win. Maggie called her lame and warned her she just kicked herself out of competition because there was no way Maggie would fall asleep first.
“Come on, I’m cute, you’re cute, our wedding cake would be so cute”, Maggie reasons with a smirk.
At that Alex stops her research and turns around. “What?” she repeats. “What are you saying, Sawyer?”
Maggie shrugs, “You’re my lucky seven”.
“Are you...” Alex points a finger at her, palm up and expression confused. She frowns in that cute way that makes Maggie want to kiss every wrinkle that forms on her forehead and between her eyes. Alex then shakes her head and looks down at what she’s doing, trying to unscrew one of Lena’s bottles of wine.
“Plus,” Maggie stands and approaches her on the other side of the counter. She fishes a hand in her pocket and takes something out, but Alex is too taken by the nasty bottle to notice. “This ring would look pretty on your finger”.
Alex’s head shoots up and she puts her hands on the counter to steady herself as she takes in the little black box.
Maggie opens it slowly and reveals a beautiful and simple ring, much like Lena thought for Kara, she too considered Alex would be better off with a ring that wouldn’t hurt in case she had to fight with it on.
“So, as the seasoned lesbian here, I thought I should have been the one to propose?” she starts a bit insecurely.
“I mean, I could have left it to you, you would have done a much better job, now we’d probably be somewhere romantic and you’d be down on your knee and all of that. But I can only imagine how many people you would have stressed out to get there”, she jokes. “Lena totally freaked out, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have been much different” she smiles softly at her girlfriend.
“Anyway, Danvers. You see, the fact is pretty simple. I love you. A lot. And I think we make a pretty gay team. Also, I think I would very much like spending a life with you.”
She gives Alex her dimpled smile and the redhead feels herself melt, her hands are close to her chest and she’s looking at Maggie with her head cocked slightly to the side, waiting.
Maggie takes the box back into her hand and starts to slowly make her way around the counter.
“Last time I had a life changing revelation that made me gather up enough courage to ask you to be my girlfriend. This time I have none, so I guess no romantic crap, sorry babe. But I did watch your sister become the happiest woman in the world, I did watch the two of them go through something I’ve never considered important and actually make a damn wonder out of it. So I kinda think we should get something like that too.”
She’s in front of Alex now.
“But we’re not them. And… Well, point is, I know that neither of us gives a shit about marriage. I know you probably wouldn’t even like having to plan a wedding. So, here’s the deal. We’re not going to get married, not in the traditional sense, we’re going to have an alien union ritual. I have this friend – don’t worry he’s a male – who told me about their mating ritual and I think, if we adapt it, it could be kinda perfect for us.”
Maggie’s pacing in the little space behind the counter, looking up to Alex from time to time. Alex seems to still be processing what Maggie’s saying, what she actually just asked her.
“Basically, the couples on their planet take off for a journey around the world. Literally. It’s meant to be both a challenge and a bonding experience, as well as a chance to spend time alone away from the families. It kinda makes sense for them as their planet is not exactly easy to travel through, but also not as big as Earth. But I thought of something. We could take a leave for a while and travel across the world on a motorbike.”
She takes a break and adds, “Except, you know, to cross oceans and stuff”.
She starts pacing again, “And then there’s some more to the ritual, and it’s cute and fluffy, but also kind of bad ass, and I think you’d quite like-”
She is cut off when Alex forcefully takes her face in her hands and kisses her. “Just ask properly already, Sawyer”.
Maggie breaks into a huge smile, retrieves the box she left on the counter when she started pacing, and gets down on one knee.
“Alex Danvers, you are the most beautiful and smart nerd I’ve ever met. I totally love your bad ass attitude and your cute pining whenever I get out of bed too early for your liking. I love your over dramatic reaction to the sunlight peeking through the curtains when it’s almost midday but you still think it’s very rude of the sun to wake you up. I love the way your eyes light up in the morning – despite it being morning – when you find me making you breakfast. I love the way you care about people, the way you love your family with your whole heart, the way you’d do anything for those you hold dear, the fierce way you love your sister. And most of all, I love the way you love me.
“I love the multitude of ways you remind me you love me: when your eyes keep finding me in the room full of people, with the way you just take that little step closer to me whenever there are other people around, how you even surrender your beer to me!” they both chuckle here as Maggie’s eyes widen humorously.
“Long story short, I’m kinda hopelessly in love with you, Alex.” she says eventually, when the soft laugh has subsided.
She shrugs, “So, will you alternatively marry me?”
Alex is torn between laughing and crying and she ends up doing both as she says “Yes, I’ll alternatively marry you, dork”.
Maggie smiles brightly at her and slips the ring on her finger.
Lena fights hard not to laugh as she listens to the sweet and very cute exchange. Her eyes might be close, but she’s not asleep yet. She smiles softly as she learns the news before falling asleep with her face nuzzled against Kara’s neck.
“What about the last name? Should we take one last name?”
“What about Sanvers?” Maggie suggests with a wink.
Alex laughs, “What even is that?”
Maggie shrugs, “Our two last names together? It’s cute”.
Alex makes a face.
“Come on, it’s kinda cute”.
Alex frowns at her and shakes her head.
“Admit it, Danvers, it’s cute. Like us. We’re cute. We should have a cute last name”.
Maggie starts tickling Alex until the redhead gives in, “Okay, okay, it’s cute! Stop it!”
Just before falling asleep, Alex whispers, “We’re not changing our names into Sanvers”.
Maggie laughs and lulls her to sleep, effectively winning the challenge and the girl.
A/N: I’m writing fanfics all day right now... I don’t think that’s healthy. 
You can write me here to send me a prompt, a simple question, a feedback, a comment, or just to talk with yet another gay creampuff ;) you can also find my main Tumblr blog here: justawordunsaid.tumblr.com You are welcome to come say hello on Twitter: @Sara_NobodyO
English is my second language, just throwing that out there.
I don’t own the characters.
Link to the fanfic on Archive Of Our Own (AO3): Pick-up Marriage - Ch. 3
Link to the fanfic on Fanfiction.net: Pick-up Marriage - Ch. 3
Link to my profile on AO3: FallingArtist
Link to my profile on Fanfiction.net: FallingArtist
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alexdxnverss · 8 years
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AKA the one where Lena and Kara continue to be a PR disaster for LCorp, and where the DEO is seriously considering putting these two and Winn into a time out until they learn how to social media like responsible adults
And, update, I wrote a drabble for this just because I could, so enjoy :)
There’s not a lot of things that have been able to make Lena unhappy in the past few months since she’s been dating Kara, but Lena absolutely hates that she can’t go to the food drive going on that afternoon and spend a few hours hanging out with Kara. Kara’s going to be there as Supergirl, and as much as Lena would love to be by her side (their friendship isn’t exactly that much of a secret from the public anyways), Lena also knows that she’s been photographed standing maybe a little too close to a certain CatCo reporter several times at various events over the past few weeks. The last thing any of them need is for someone to look too closely at the pictures of Lena Luthor with Kara Danvers and the pictures of Lena Luthor with Supergirl and put two and two together.
Besides, Lena is pretty sure that Alex Danvers would kill her if she accidentally slips up and leans in to give Supergirl a quick kiss.
So Lena opens the charity’s website the moment she gets into work, smirking at the photo of Supergirl splashed across the front page to advertise her support of the event, and easily out-donates everyone because really, what is she going to use the money for herself on anyways? Lena checks her watch so many times during her morning meetings that she’s probably being rude about it, then hurries to change out of her dress into jeans and a sweater, telling Jess to reschedule anyone who comes in to see her that afternoon on her way out. Lena calls the restaurants she’s talked into supplying lunch on her way downtown, and meets up with Maggie as they walk into the park to join the crowd of volunteers.
Lena works, and Lena laughs with Maggie as they update each other on the various antics of the Danvers sisters. Lena knows she’s being photographed as she and Maggie carry boxes of food from donation bins to the sorting area. Lena knows that by tomorrow morning, every paper in town will be running a piece on Lex Luthor’s sister, helping out the people that LuthorCorp had never used to care for, and Lena’s sure that they’ll somehow find a way to continue questioning her motives, as if she hasn’t already earned the trust of National City’s resident hero and many of its residents.
She’s sure that back at LCorp, the PR team will probably be ecstatic about how good this is going to be for the company’s image, but that’s not what Lena’s here for. Technically, she’s here to help out those who need it, and Lena’s happy that she’s helping make sure that some of the poor kids that Supergirl sometimes finds scrounging through trash in the alleys for food will be able to have a good meal, but Lena’s here for the moment when Supergirl makes her appearance, beaming at all the volunteers. Lena’s here to watch Supergirl thank everyone for coming out, thanking the volunteers, thanking the people dropping off cash and cheques and boxes and tins and cans from their kitchens, watching Supergirl talk to and laugh with and take photos with the little children who flock to her and follow her around the park as she hauls heavy crates of the sorted food to the vans waiting on the street to take them away.
Lena’s here for the wide smile that her girlfriend shoots in her direction when she finally finds her in the crowd by Maggie’s side, for the brief and too formal hug that Supergirl offers her when lunch arrives for everyone and she finds out that it was Lena’s doing, for the quick whispered reminder in her ear that Kara loves her so much and that they’ll see each other later.
Lena says bye to Maggie after lunch, feeling a tinge of sadness as she walks away from the happy hubbub behind her to head back to the office. She immerses herself in her work for a few hours, only noting how long she’s been busy when Jess comes in to tell her she’s heading home for the night.
“Have a good weekend,” Lena remembers to call at the last second, glancing up from her papers.
“You too, Miss Luthor,” Jess says. “Don’t work too late.”
Lena ignores the knowing smirk that Jess shoots her before she quietly closes the door. Lena stretches, then picks up her phone, looking through her Instagram notifications and opening up the app. The picture right on the top of her feed is of Supergirl, nibbling on the corner of her family crest, and Lena can’t help that laugh that makes its way out of her mouth at the sight. The company’s page has been tagged in the caption, but Lena goes ahead and comments under the photo on her personal account; besides, the CEO of the company directly thanking Supergirl looks a lot better than a message from the company account. Lena’s sure that the comment she leaves is just formal enough, just enough to let Supergirl know it was a pleasure to work with her.
The ‘xx’ Lena leaves at the end of the habit slips out as a force of habit that Lena’s no doubt picked up from Kara, and she’s too tired to even register that she’s typed it until after she hits post and her notifications start going off like crazy. It only takes Lena a moment to realize that her many obsessed followers are breaking down across the internet, speculating whether or not she and Supergirl are a thing.
“Shit,” Lena mutters, and barely a second later her phone lights up with a call from Alex.
Lena puts her head in her hands and groans, not looking forward to trying to to worm their way out of this one, and that’s how Kara finds her when she flies in through the balcony a few minutes later, giggling and pressing a kiss to Lena’s temple.
“You’re lucky I love you,” Lena pretends to grumble, pushing back from her desk so that Kara can settle herself in her lap. “Did you know that dating you means putting up with more trouble than I would have bothered with for anyone else?”
“Yeah?” Kara laughs.
“Yes, and you know what else, Kara?”
“You’re lucky that the entire damn population of National City is somehow fooled by these stupid glasses and a ponytail.”
”Hey! You like my glasses.”
“Don’t be so sure, Danvers.”
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captain-josslett · 3 years
Broken Melody - Part Twenty One
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen, Part Nineteen, Part Twenty...
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 6k+
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, stuff... I’m so tried my brain can’t function.
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor
This Part: Lena has a question she wants to ask Emma.
Here you go, I hope you enjoy! My eyes are closing as I’m trying to write this. Such fun! Please forgive the exhaustion that is showing in this part.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray​​​, @life-is-hella-unfair​​, @natasha-danvers​​, @supergirl-writingz​​, @camslightstories​​, @thinking1bee​​, @aznblossom​​,
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Lena tries to concentrate as she goes through the mountain of paperwork that has built up over the past week and a bit since the attack. Frustration flows through her when the pile never seems to decrease in size.
When the CEO finds herself reading the same line over and over Lena sighs heavily and leans back in her office chair. She lifts the tip of her thumb to her mouth and bites. Her anxiety swirling and simmering under the surface. Taking another deep breath Lena looks down at her phone. She quickly grabs it, turning her chair towards the window and opens a playlist full of Emma’s voice and video messages as well as the songs she sent. Even if it was to ask her opinion on which lyrics sound better or a simple “Good Morning love.”
The raven haired beauty scrolls through the hundreds of files before coming across one of her favourites. It was also in video form which Lena doesn’t know if it's a good thing or not. To actually see Emma talk and sing instead of just hearing her girlfriend.
“Hi Lee!” Emma’s beaming face fills the screen. Her wavy blonde hair is down and she’s wearing Lena’s National City University sweatshirt she had sneakily packed into her bag and taken on the tour.
Immediately tears start to creep into Lena’s eyes when she hears Emma’s voice. Realising how much she misses her love’s laugh, the changes of tone as the blonde would talk about the different things that have happened to her during the day. The tender way Emma would softly whisper her name as she was falling asleep.
“I hope your day is going great! Well, I’m back in the studio-” Emma motions around her to the dimly lit recording studio and the microphone equipment next to her. “-and I was thinking about you, I mean, when am I not thinking about you?!” Emma chuckles and Lena can’t help but lift the corner of her mouth up in a small smile as a lone tear rolls down her cheek. “Anyway, this song came to my mind and I immediately needed to record it for you.”
Emma lifts her guitar up onto her lap and starts strumming. Her hazel green eyes connect with the camera, as if she’s looking straight at Lena.
You with the sad eyes Don't be discouraged, oh I realise It's hard to take courage In a world full of people You can lose sight of it all The darkness inside you Can make you feel so small
Like the previous times before Lena is completely floored when she watches Emma sing. The way in which the words touch Lena and making her heart melt and ache all at once. How even though her girlfriend is singing to a camera she somehow connects with Lena.
But I see your true colours Shining through I see your true colours And that's why I love you So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colours True colours True colours are beautiful Like a rainbow
Lena jumps and quickly locks her phone, halting the video and Emma’s voice. The CEO spins around to see an apologetic Sam standing behind her desk.
“Sorry!” Sam holds her hands up and Lena wipes her face. Trying to hide the emotions that had surfaced.
“It’s okay.” Lena tries to tidy her desk a bit before focusing back on her friend. “Everything okay?”
“Yea, it’s gone six.”
Lena’s eyes widen as she glances down at the clock on her desk.
‘Shit.’ The raven haired beauty thinks in dismay and presses her lips together until they disappear.
“You alright?” Sam asks with a frown.
“I didn’t get enough done today.” Lena uncharacteristically slumps forward and holds her head in her hands.
“Hey-” Sam quickly comes around and sits on the desk, placing a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder. “You are ahead of what you need to do, but if things get too much we can always hire more assistants. You aren’t in this alone.”
Lena swallows heavily and nods. Sam may say she’s ahead but the raven haired beauties expectations are set too high from years of trying to please her family.
“So, how about we pick up some food and go see that gorgeous girlfriend of yours?”
Sam’s comment makes Lena gradually sit up and glare at the brunette.
“Hands off Arias.” Lena growls and Sam throws her head back laughing.
“Wrong Danvers my dear.” Sam gently pats Lena’s cheek before getting up and grabbing her stuff.
Lena smiles and shakes her head. Quickly wiping the tears from her face before shutting everything down on her desk. She takes one more look at the piles of work.
Before Kara Danvers had come into her life she would have stayed until the early hours of the morning to complete her tasks. Sometimes not even leaving the office at all. But with Kara everything changed. Her obsessive, workaholic routines had been disrupted with lunches, coffee meet ups, movie and games nights. Lena found herself developing more and more friendships and she liked it.
Then when Emma Danvers swung into Lena’s life… Well there was no hope of Lena ever working late into the night again.
Because no matter where Emma was she would ask when the best time was for her to call Lena and for some strange reason Lena had given her a time that cut her working hours a lot shorter. This also meant that Lena wasn’t elbow deep in work that would distract her from spending time with her crush. Over time this became her new normal and even when Emma couldn’t chat due to the time difference (and Lena refused to allow Emma to sacrifice her sleep for her) Lena would find herself finishing work at a reasonable hour.
Finally Lena turns away from the work and stands, rolling her chair under the desk and smoothing out her grey dress.
The pair walk out of LCorp in comfortable silence towards Sam’s car, nodding at employees as they went.
As Lena settles into the passenger seat she notices her brunette friend overly tapping the steering wheel.
“Sam? Is there something wrong?”
“Erm, could we- I mean, if it’s okay. Could we listen to Emma sing?”
Lena hesitates for a moment. Wanting to keep the songs her girlfriend has sent her private and only for herself.
But the raven haired beauty reaches into her bag and pulls out her phone. Connecting it to Sam’s car and choosing a song for the pair to listen to.
The car is filled with the gentle sound of a piano and soon Emma starts singing.
It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside I'm not one of those who can easily hide I don't have much money, but boy if I did I'd buy a big house where we both could live
The corner of Lena’s lips pull up slightly as she listens to her girlfriend. Images flash through her mind of a house the pair would buy and make a home. Where everything that has happened over the past few weeks would be a distance memory. They would both be happy, healthy and even more in love.
So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do See I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue Anyway the thing is what I really mean Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
Lena can’t help but feel a slight blush build up in her cheeks. Remembering the way Emma would stare into her eyes as they lay on the bed, saying she was taking in every detail of colour and noticing the flecks of blue in them.
Lena also notices how Sam glances over at her every so often and chooses to ignore her friend. Instead turning her head to gaze out of the window and keeps listening to her girlfriend’s declaration of love.
And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple, but now that it's done I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I put down in words How wonderful life is now you're in the world
The raven haired beauty rests her head against the side of the car door. She takes a big intake of breath and lets it out gradually.
“Lena?” She hears Sam ask softly.
“You okay?”
Lena pauses as she chooses her answer. Knowing if she lies Sam will pick up on it.
“No, but I will be.” Lena slowly lifts her head up and gives Sam a small smile. The song ends and Lena chooses another more upbeat one that has Sam tapping along on the steering wheel.
An idea starts forming and Lena bites the inside of her lip. “So, did Lucy mention where Emma will be staying after she leaves the DEO?”
“No. I know she’s going to talk to Emma about it soon. Why?”
“Do- do you think Emma would move in with me?” Lena asks quietly, purposefully not looking at Sam as she says it.
“Most definitely!” Sam makes Lena jump with her loud, enthusiastic response. “I mean, she’s totally in love with you and it’s not like your relationship is brand new.” Sam beams at her friend. “Also you guys totally failed in the lesbian stereotype! You should have moved in together on the second date right?”
Lena chuckles and shakes her head. Secretly she would have loved to have moved in with Emma straight away, they were practically living at each other’s apartments anyway, even before their relationship developed further.
“Okay, I’m going to ask her. Today.” Lena says mostly to herself and nods slowly.
“Yes!” Sam can’t help but smile brightly at her friend and a surge of happiness fills the brunette. Finally some good news among the chaos of the past few weeks.
The raven haired beauty turns to smile nervously at Sam. “She has to say yes first.”
Sam scoffs. “Are you kidding me right now? Really?” Sam can’t help but raise her eyebrows. “Lee if you asked Emma to marry you, right now, I have no doubt in my mind she would.”
At that Lena’s smile lights up her whole face as she imagines Emma in a bridal gown. Walking towards her with a radiant smile on her face.
‘Lena Danvers.’ The raven haired beauty tests the name in her mind and settles back into her seat. Going over what the venue would look like, whether Emma would want a big wedding or something more intimate.
But soon the brunette starts feeling frustrated as the car crawls along the road. “Urgh this traffic!”
“Must be some roadworks happening.”
“Yea, or there's a gathering outside Em’s apartment again.”
“Yea, more and more fans have been showing up to pay their respects and show their support.” Sam says casually as she places her elbow on the car window and rests her head against her hand. “She’s gained an even bigger following than before. Lucy’s been working non stop to try and contain the true story. Apparently she’s gonna ask Emma to stage some photos and create a timeline.” Sam quickly glances over at her friend as she provides the information Lucy had discussed with her. A deep frown is etched on Lena's face and her mouth opens to speak, but Sam stops her before she can ask any questions. “Best to talk to Lucy about it.”
Lena nods and turns back to stare out of the window. Her mind races with what Lucy could have planned. Guessing that Emma would need to be kept out of the public eye for a while due to the injuries she had received.
‘Well she shouldn’t be breathing at all.’ Lena’s mind whispers and she immediately feels sick. But the feeling soon fades as she focuses on Emma’s voice.
The car slowly makes progress down the street when it comes to a halt outside a florist.
“Do you think this traffic will clear in the next few minutes?” Lena asks quickly.
“No, doesn’t look like it.” Sam whines frustratedly, slamming her head back on the head rest.
“I’m getting some flowers.” Suddenly Lena grabs her phone, unbuckles and jumps out of the car before Sam can react or say anything.
Lena ignores the looks people give her as she strides confidently across the road towards the small florist. She marvels at the colours of the flowers and heads inside.
“Welcome! Welcome!” A kind elderly couple greet her behind the counter.
“How may I help you today dear?” The gentleman asks her. Lena immediately notices recognition in his eyes but he doesn’t say anything more. Which she is grateful for.
“I would like to purchase a bouquet for my girlfriend please.”
“Ah! Any special occasion?” The elderly woman asks kindly as she starts gathering some flowers to show the CEO.
“Er- no, not particularly. She’s in hospital at the moment and I wanted to cheer her up, show her my love?” Lena cringes slightly at how she doesn’t know what to say. Not wanting to give away Emma’s state.
“Ah of course. Well our prices range differently, depending on what you choose. But, as it’s you and these are for our favourite customer, we are going to give them to you for free.” The elderly gentleman smiles kindly at her.
Lena blinks a few times and her eyebrows rise.
“Thank you sir, but I insist on paying.”
“Nonsense! Emma has been a valuable customer over the years and we were both utterly devastated by the horrific attack that befalled her.”
“Truly tragic.” His wife nods along before staring Lena in the eyes. “But is she getting better?”
“Slowly but surely.” Lena tries to reassure them.
“Good, that’s good.” The elderly gentleman nods. “Now my dear, as I am sure you are aware flowers have different meanings. What would you like the bouquet to represent.”
Lena thinks for a moment. “My love for her.” She simply says.
The couple smile at her. “Right!” The lady claps her hands and starts gathering flowers together, quickly explaining what each one means and for Lena’s approval.
Lena reaches into her bag for her card, still wanting to pay for the beautiful bouquet.
“No.” The gentleman holds out a hand and smiles at Lena’s confused expression. “Please, it is the least we can do for her.”
Lena nods but sneakily reaches into her purse and places a few hundred bills in a tip jar on the counter.
“I know she isn’t with it properly but when she can if you could give Emma our love we’d really appreciate it.” The lady says kindly as she hands Lena the beautiful bouquet of flowers. “Who knows maybe the colours will help revive her.”
“I hope so and I definitely will.” Lena cradles the flowers carefully, gazing at the roses, tulips, baby breath and daisies. Hoping she can remember all the different meanings to tell her girlfriend. “Thank you again.” Lena smiles at the couple and leaves the shop. Waving at them as she opens the door and steps out into the street.
The raven haired beauty glances around for Sam’s car and sees it near the end of the street. Lena quickly makes her way down the pavement and through the traffic to get back to the car. Sam unlocks the doors and Lena gracefully slides in.
“Wow, they look lovely.” Sam stares at the bouquet.
“They do don’t they?” Lena smiles and smells the flowers.
“Can you play more of Emma’s songs please?”
“Sure.” Lena quickly links her phone back to Sam’s car and chooses a new song for them to listen to.
The pair stay in comfortable silence as they listen to Emma’s music and crawl through the busy streets of the city.
-- -- --
Finally they make it to the DEO after picking up some food for everyone. Thank goodness Lena thought to order while they were stuck in traffic. Especially as they got food for Kara too. The waiter had given Lena a questioning look when they handed the box over to her. Lena responded by tilting her head slightly and giving one of her cold CEO stares. Only when she placed the box in the boot of Sam’s car did she realise she could have just smiled at them. Sometimes old habits are hard to break.
“Here let me take the food and you hold the flowers.” Sam quickly takes a hold of the box and Lena closes the trunk. The pair quickly make their way inside.
“Good evening.” Agent Vasquez nods at them in greeting.
“Evening Agent.” Sam smiles at her. “Oh could you do me a favour?”
“Depending what it is ma’am.” Agent Vasquez places her hands behind her back, standing at ease.
Sam places the box on the floor and takes out a few bags of food. Leaving most still left in the box. “Could you please give this food to our friends in the main cell downstairs?”
Agent Vasquez tilts her head forward and squats down to pick the box up. “Of course ma’am.”
“Thank you.” Lena responds with a small smile and heads towards the elevator. The pair first go to the labs and Sam hands over Eliza, J’onn, Winn, Brainy and Nia’s order.
Soon the pair make it to Emma’s floor and the anticipation builds within Lena at the thought of seeing her girlfriend. She knocks on the door and softly opens it, knowing Emma can’t call out to give them permission to enter.
“Hi!” Lucy greets the pair as they enter and Sam responds but the raven haired beauty focuses on her girlfriend. A smile spreads across her face seeing how engrossed Emma is in her painting. Noticing the cute way she sticks the tip of her tongue out.
Lena places the flowers on the coffee table and slowly approaches the blonde beauty. The noise of her heels filling the room. But still Emma doesn’t look up. Lena gazes down at what Emma is painting. She takes a quick intake of breath at what she sees. Amazed by the detail within it.
It seems to be from Emma’s point of view, showing Alex and Kara sitting on Emma’s bed. The pair are laughing and smiling brightly up at her with their hands joined together with Emma’s. Tears are within both of their eyes and Lena can tell the sisters were sharing a special moment together.
Lena resists the urge to kiss Emma’s head and instead heads back to the sofa.
“She’s been doing that for hours.” Lucy follows Lena over to the sofas and sniffs the air, smelling the food within the bags. Her stomach loudly rumbles making the trio laugh.
They look over at the blonde whose tongue is still poking out as she paints.
“Nothing can break her focus.” Lucy laughs and sits next to Sam.
“Oh no, I’m sure there's something or, someone, that could.” Sam raises an eyebrow at Lena and a slight blush colours her cheeks, remembering how Sam had found the lovers in the morning.
“How has she been?” Lena asks as she pulls out her meal and starts eating.
“Alright, I guess.” Lucy glances sadly over at her friend.
A hint of a frown appears on Lena’s forehead. “Sam mentioned you have a plan to move forward?”
Lucy nods and dives into detail of the plans she had told Emma earlier in the day. About creating video and images to release to the media at specific times in the upcoming months. How Emma will have to stay out of the public eye.
“I was also thinking…” Lena pauses and quickly glances over at Emma, who was still completely submerged in her task. Lena turns back to Lucy who studies her closely. The CEO leans in and Lucy copies her. “About asking Emma to move in with me.” The raven haired beauty says quietly. Not wanting her girlfriend to overhear.
A wide smile breaks across Lucy’s face and she nods. “I think that will work perfectly. I noticed how worried Emma got when I mentioned she could leave here soon.”
Lena lets out a breath, relieved that Lucy agrees.
The brunette keeps smiling at the news, hoping this will help Emma’s recovery. “Oh and Winn mentioned about developing a face modifier which Emma will have to wear when she’s out in public. He’s going to discuss it with you and see what can be done.”
Immediately Lena’s eyes light up with interest and Sam smiles at her expression of wonder. Almost expecting Lena to jump up and stride from the room to find Winn in the lab.
But the trio continue chatting and eating until they hear Emma place her brush into the cup of water. Lena looks over at the blonde and beams when their eyes connect.
Lena places her empty food container on the coffee table and picks up the bouquet of flowers. She hides them behind her back when she stands and approaches her girlfriend, her nerves prickle near the surface.
‘What if Emma says no? What if she doesn’t love me?’  
Pushing her thoughts away Lena sits on the bed next to Emma and presents the flowers to the blonde. She smiles at how wide Emma’s eyes go, how she instantly reaches out to feel the softness of the rose and studies the detail of the flowers.
Instead of asking Emma then and there Lena chickens out and starts reciting the different meanings of the flowers. Only getting distracted for a moment as Emma keeps lovingly kissing her cheek, but Lena stops the blonde, determined to tell her girlfriend the meaning of every flower. Totally not because she was scared to ask her question… Nope.
‘Luthors don’t get scared.’ Lena will always try and reassure herself in times like this.
But finally the pair kiss, only to be interrupted by Lucy pretending to heave.
Lena laughs when Emma flips the other brunette off and focuses back on the blonde. Her green eyes study her love’s face.
“So, how’s your head?” Lena asks as she runs her fingers gently through Emma’s hair and watches the blonde lift her hands to sign.
“I’ve had no complaints.”
Immediately Lena lifts her head back and laughs loudly causing the others in the room to question her. The raven haired beauty repeats the joke and the other pair laugh along.
Lena feels Emma snuggle into her side and the raven haired beauty wraps an arm around her.
“We’ve brought you some food love.” Lena says gently and kisses the top of Emma’s head. “Are you hungry?”
She feels Emma nod and goes to get up to get the container but Emma becomes a koala bear and holds on to her with a vice-like grip.
“Ow, Em, not so tight!” Lena laughs out but Emma instantly lets go, trying to move away from the CEO. But she can’t due to Lena’s own hold on her. “Hey, it’s okay. I know you just love me so much.” The raven haired beauty smiles reassuringly and gently boops Emma’s nose. Making the blonde adorably scrunch her face up.
“Here you go Em.” Sam places Emma’s food on the tray table. Emma gives her a look of gratitude. “Shall I move the picture so you don’t get anything on it?”
Emma nods as she opens the lid and shoves a huge cunk into her mouth. Hesitantly wrapping an arm around her girlfriend, making sure she doesn’t squeeze her too hard this time.
Sam clears the table of the painting supplies and her eyes widen as she stares at the painting while placing it on top of a chest of drawers.
“Wow Em. This is so good.”
“Let me see!” Lucy rushes over and gapes at it. “Awww I love it!”
Emma buries her head into Lena’s shoulder, feeling embarrassed from the praise. The raven haired beauty grins and kisses Emma’s head.
A knock makes the women look over at the door and Emma peeking slightly over Lena’s shoulder to see who it is.
The door opens and J’onn enters with Eliza following behind him. “Lucy, we are ready to go down to the cells.”
Emma sits up at J’onn’s words and stares at Lucy, desperately wanting to go with her. She turns to her girlfriend and signs.
“What’s going on?”
Lena repeats the question and Lucy approaches Emma’s bed, knowing she needs to be completely honest with the blonde.
“We aren’t making any progress with who took your sisters. Whoever they are they covered their tracks well.” Lucy rubs her shoulder as she looks apologetically at the pair on the bed. “We have the go ahead from your sister's therapists that we can ask them more questions. Especially as the R.K levels are almost depleted.”
Emma sits up even straighter at this new piece of information, looking more alert then before and grabbing Lena’s hand, who squeezes it three times.
“Can I come with you?” Sam asks confidently, ready for the looks of confusion the superfriends give her. “Well, with my time as Reign, I understand what it’s like having blackouts and waking up realising something, that is out of your control, has happened.”
J’onn and Lucy share a look and the brunette nods. “Very well.” J’onn agrees and gets ready to head down to the cells.
Emma fidgets and Lucy’s eyes are drawn to her. She wants to cry at the hope etched onto Emma’s face.
“I will ask them if they are ready to see you. But please prepare yourself that they still may not be ready.” Lucy begs as if reading Emma's mind. The blonde slowly nods and her shoulder sag.
“It will be okay sweetheart.” Eliza tries to reassure her baby girl. “They are making progress, these things just take time.”
Emma nods and motions to the painting. “Can someone give this to them? Would that be okay?” Lena speaks out what Emma signs and Sam carefully picks up the painting.
The blonde smiles at her, placing her hand to her lips, moving it forward and down, thanking Sam. Almost like she’s blowing Sam a kiss.
“You’re welcome Emma.” Sam returns the smile and heads towards the door.
Emma shifts so she can look at her girlfriend. “Will you go see them?”
Lena blinks in surprise at Emma’s request. “Are you sure?”
Emma nods. “Kara needs her best friend. Plus mom can keep me company.”
Lena stares into fading bloodshot eyes for a moment. “Alright. Can I have a kiss?” The raven haired beauty smiles shyly at her girlfriend and Emma tilts her head forward, connecting their lips.
“You guys are just too much.” Lucy mutters and Sam pushes her shoulder while shaking her head at the other brunette.
The pair were adorably, but also sickeningly cute.
Lena regretfully moves away from Emma and gracefully slides off the bed. But she can’t move away as the blonde as she won’t let go of her hand.
Lena turns to her girlfriend and smiles sweetly at her, also raising an eyebrow. “Em-ma.”
Slowly Emma lets go of Lena's hand and the raven haired beauty follows the others out of the room. She turns back at the doorway. Emma lifts her hand and does a sad little wave which Lena copies.
“Come on lovebird.” Sam gently grabs Lena’s arm and pulls her away from the door. When they near the elevator Sam wraps an arm around her friend and leans into her ear. “Chicken.” The brunette whispers and laughs at the look of outrage on Lena’s face.
“Hey! I-er-it just-I-” Lena stops and huffs as the superfriends turn to look at her in shock. Rarely, if ever, hearing the badass CEO stutter. The elevator doors open and the group step inside and wait while the elevator descends.
Lucy massages her shoulders and huffs, catching Winn’s attention.
“Lucy? You okay?” Winn asks in concern.
“No, my back and shoulders are killing me.” Lucy moans while flexing and stretching her back, trying to relieve the pain there.
“What did you do?” Sam asks with a frown.
“Nothing.” Lucy says bewildered but pauses as she thinks through her day. “Well, I did jump onto Emma to stop her going down to the cells. Maybe I just pulled something.”
Sam's face morphs into one of deep thought as she contemplates Lucy’s words. Her eyes find Lena’s who tilts her head as she tries to figure out what Sam is thinking.
The doors open and the superfriends make their way to the cell holding Alex and Kara.
Lena can’t help but feel apprehensive and a bit guilty at the sight of Kara and Alex. She hasn’t properly spoken to the sisters since their imprisonment. Her main focus has solely been on Emma.
She hangs back as the others enter the room and make their way over to the cell. Nia and Brainy are already in front of the sisters as Brainy works through his data and Nia is sitting on the floor having had her meal with Kara and Alex.
“Guys!” Kara jumps to her feet and smiles brightly at the group. “It’s so good to see you all!” Her eyes meet each of the superfriends and widen for a moment when they connect with her best friend.
“Any news?” Alex says standing next to her sister and places her hands on her hips. Immediately morphing into Director Danvers.
“Still no leads.” J’onn says quietly and Alex clenches her jaw while Kara crosses her arms.
“We’ve swept the area and any samples we take comes up with nothing.” Winn holds up his tablet to the sisters to show them his data.
Lena can’t imagine how the pair must be feeling. Obviously as frustrated, if not more, then Lena, to know their attackers are walking free out in the world which makes Lena’s blood boil.
“Do you remember anything new?” Lucy asks and Brainy pulls up some photos of other locations. “Or do these pictures mean anything?”
Brainy holds out his tablet to show the pair. They study them intently.
“No.” Alex huffs heavily and Kara shakes her head, avoiding everyone's eyes as she wills herself to remember anything that would help. “It’s still too fuzzy.”
“One minute we were with Emma and I flew off with Alex and then next we are on the way to her apartment to-” Kara motions her hand, not wanting to finish the sentence.
“I just remember darkness and feeling cold, pain. The sound of running water and a hum.” Alex says hauntingly.
“I know how overwhelming all this can be.” Sam draws the sisters attention to her. She fiddles with the edge of Emma’s painting. Wanting desperately to say the right words. “When I would wake up after Reign took over, it was the most terrifying feeling. To have these fuzzy memories but not being able to focus on them. I just wanted you both to know you aren’t alone in this.” Sam says passionately and Kara takes it in, nodding her thanks and taking a deep breath.
Alex continues looking over the data, trying to make her brain remember something useful. Anything.
“Yes, we will figure this out. Don’t lose hope.” J’onn looks between them.
The sisters nod.
“How-” Kara pauses, biting her lip. “How is she? Emma.”
“She’s desperate to see you both.” Lena says softly, making the sisters tense simultaneously.
“Yea, I had to jump on her back to stop her coming down here earlier.” Lucy jokes lightly but subconsciously rubs her shoulder and Alex frowns at the brunette.
“She painted something for you.” Sam quickly interrupts when she sees the redhead opening her mouth to ask a question. Sam holds the painting in front of her and turns it so the sisters can see.
Immediately both their eyes mist over and Kara’s lips disappear as she tries to stop herself from crying out and Alex digs her nails into her palms.
“She knows you both aren’t ready to see her.” Lena says gently, seeing their distress. “But Emma wanted you to know how much she loves you. That nothing can or will ever change that.”
Alex shakes her head at Lena’s words. ‘How can Emma be so forgiving?’
“Because you are her sisters.” J’onn responds. He didn’t mean to hear Alex’s thoughts, at the moment they are just so loud, as if she is screaming them at him.
“We’ll think about it.” Kara says and looks at her sister who does a slight nod in agreement. Despite the many hours together they haven’t spoken about the attack. Instead they are pushing their pain away and hiding it, pretending it doesn’t exist.
“That’s all we ask.” J’onn reassures them.
“What’s the news on her voice?” Alex says while crossing her arms and Lucy steps closer to the sisters.
“Well, I had a chat with Doctor Sloan and he feels ready to operate soon. Maybe in the next month or so.” She says while looking at both Kara and Alex. Lena squints her eyes slightly at the news, trying to remember if Emma had communicated this with her.
“That’s good, right?” Kara asks desperately and lowers her arms.
“It is.” Lucy smiles. But she is holding back key information that there is a chance that the surgery won’t be successful the first time. Feeling that it could dash the little hope the sisters are holding onto. Even Alex looks a bit lighter from the news.
“Please tell Emma we love her too.” Alex responds softly and focuses on Lena. “Give her a hug from me.”
“And me.” Kara adds quickly, smiling cautiously at her best friend.
“Of course!” Lena nods while taking a nervous step closer as she fiddles with her hands. “I actually wanted your opinion on something.”
-- -- --
Emma quietly strums her guitar while her mom reads in the chair next to her. The blonde pauses to write down the notes and chords, finding it slightly frustrating she can’t sing them out. But she continues on and tries to match the pitch with what she is singing in her head.
The door opening makes Emma whip her head around. She smiles at Lena as she closes it behind her and comes over to her. Emma shuffles across the bed, allowing Lena to sit next to her and the blonde carefully places her guitar on the stand by the bed.
“Hi love.” Lena kisses Emma’s lips as her girlfriend turns back around. The raven haired beauty smiles at Eliza, who watches them over her book. “J’onn is asking if you can meet him in the lab?”
“Thank you Lena.” Eliza closes her book, stands and kisses Emma’s forehead and surprises Lena when she does the same to her.
Emma smiles at her shocked girlfriend and gently strokes her cheek. Waiting for her mom to leave the room before kissing Lena again. Before things get heated Emma pulls back and signs. “How are they?”
“Well, they send their love and promise to think about seeing you soon.” Lena watches as Emma’s eyes grow sad. “I’m sorry.”
Emma nods, lowering her head and runs her thumb over Lena’s hand.
The raven haired beauty goes to open her mouth but finds the words she wants to say get stuck in her throat. Emma immediately notices and looks up at her girlfriend. Tilting her head questioningly.
“I- erm…” Lena lets out a small laugh. “This is ridiculous. The famous Lena Luthor stumbling on her words.”
Emma smiles slightly and squeezes Lena’s hand three times.
“I love you too.” Lena leans in and presses her forehead against Emma’s. She takes a deep breath and pulls away again so she can see her girlfriend properly.
“So, I’ve been thinking and I was wondering, when you are discharged…”
Lena fidgets and momentarily looks away.
“That… Whether you would like to, I mean you can say no, no pressure, but if you would like to come and…”
Emma squeezes her girlfriend’s hand, making Lena lift her eyes and gaze at her.
“Live with me?” Lena’s voice goes higher in pitch as she asks the question. Her nerves and Irish twang coming through.
Emma’s mouth drops open and her eyes fill with tears before smiling so brightly Lena thinks it outshines the sun.
“Is that a yes?” Lena asks tenderly.
Emma responds by vigorously nodding before leaping onto Lena’s lap and kissing her. Making Lena smile happily into the kiss as she wraps her arms around her girlfriend.
(Part Twenty Two)
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latoyarubalcava3546 · 7 years
Tom Sizemore Was Removed From Movie Set For Allegedly Molesting An 11-Year-Old Girl
We need to warn you in advance, this is one of the most disgusting stories we've heard over the past month, and that is truly saying something.
According to a new investigation by The Hollywood Reporter, Tom Sizemore was kicked off of a movie set in 2003 for allegedly molesting an 11-year-old girl.
Photos: Women Share Pics Of Themselves At The Age Of Roy Moore's Youngest Accuser!
The actor was filming a movie called at the time Piggy Bank (later released as Born Killers, likely to draft off of the notoriety of Sizemore's role in Natural Born Killers), when a child actress told her mother Sizemore "put his finger inside her."
THR spoke to a dozen witnesses from the film set to confirm the incident, which allegedly occurred during a still shoot, in which Sizemore, actress Robyn Adamson as his wife, and the girl playing his daughter were recreating family photographs.
Adamson remembers the exact moment she saw something she couldn't explain at the time happen when the 11-year-old was seated on Sizemore's lap:
"At one point her eyes got just huge, like she could've vomited. I was watching her. She soon reintegrated and kept going, although she had trouble taking direction. Later, when I was told about what happened, I knew exactly what it was."
No one knew what had happened at the time.
It wasn't until the next day that the actress' mother called casting director Catrine McGregor, who recalls the horrifying incident in detail:
"The mother noticed that her daughter was unusually quiet and told her she was going to take her to this swimming place that was the little girl's favorite thing. When the girl put on her bathing suit, she told her mother that it reminded her of the day before, in an upsetting way — that the bathing suit's contact against her felt like what happened when the man had put his finger inside her."
McGregor says she filed a report with SAG.
Related: Supergirl's Melissa Benoist & Chyler Leigh Weigh In On Producer's Sexual Harassment Scandal
Production assistant Roi Maufas says he remembers news of the horrific allegations spreading to the entire crew and how upset they all were:
"The little girl said what she said and we all thought, 'That fucking sleazebag.' There was never any doubt. He was this guy who was already known for making inappropriate comments, being drunk, being high. We're talking about consistent behavior, just being 'Tom Sizemore' on set every day. Then this happens. Guys reached for hammers. [Producer James R. Rosenthal, who died in 2011], who was livid himself, had to stop a group of us from going to visit Mr. Sizemore to kick the guy's ass."
Producers Jai Stefan, Michael Manshel, and Gus Spoliansky confirm they removed Sizemore from set immediately and reviewed the photos taken on the day but couldn't find any conclusive evidence of the crime. Stefan says he was emotionally distraught at the very idea it had happened:
"I was like, 'Did that just happen on my watch?' I started crying."
Without extra evidence to add, the producers say they told the actress' parents they should call the authorities; Manshel recalls:
"They did talk to the police but didn't press charges. We also talked to Tom at the time, and told him everything that had been told to us, and he said: 'I've done a lot of awful things, and I'd never do anything with kids.' We considered whether we had some responsibility to him to not pass judgment on him."
Production manager Cassidy Lunnen says "the girl was so young it was unclear to her and [later] her parents what had actually taken place and if it was intentional or not."
Related: Sean Hannity Has Already Lost FIVE Sponsors As He Continues To Defend Roy Moore Against Molestation Accusation
Spoliansky told THR they had no choice but to finish the film:
"We had a fiduciary responsibility to complete the film so we decided to go about business as usual — lacking the evidence of what happened that day... We took the allegation extremely seriously and we were willing to do anything, including dismissing Tom. We just couldn't be police, judge and jury."
And just like that, the whole thing went away. Sizemore even did reshoots for the film, which was eventually released with its new title.
Sizemore was dropped by his manager and agent, but there's no direct evidence it was over the incident.
Born Killers' second assistant director Jennie Latham recalls thinking of the incident when Sizemore was later sent to prison for assault and battery against his ex-girlfriend, the infamous "Hollywood Madam" Heidi Fleiss:
"I remember being excited that he went to jail, even if it was for something else."
It seems not for long enough.
THR reached out to Sizemore, whose rep told them "No comment."
The actress, now 26, said she is exploring legal action against both Sizemore and her parents.
[Image via Brian To/WENN.]
0 notes
Tom Sizemore Was Removed From Movie Set For Allegedly Molesting An 11-Year-Old Girl
I look younger now than when I was in my early 20s
We need to warn you in advance, this is one of the most disgusting stories we've heard over the past month, and that is truly saying something.
According to a new investigation by The Hollywood Reporter, Tom Sizemore was kicked off of a movie set in 2003 for allegedly molesting an 11-year-old girl.
Photos: Women Share Pics Of Themselves At The Age Of Roy Moore's Youngest Accuser!
The actor was filming a movie called at the time Piggy Bank (later released as Born Killers, likely to draft off of the notoriety of Sizemore's role in Natural Born Killers), when a child actress told her mother Sizemore "put his finger inside her."
THR spoke to a dozen witnesses from the film set to confirm the incident, which allegedly occurred during a still shoot, in which Sizemore, actress Robyn Adamson as his wife, and the girl playing his daughter were recreating family photographs.
Adamson remembers the exact moment she saw something she couldn't explain at the time happen when the 11-year-old was seated on Sizemore's lap:
"At one point her eyes got just huge, like she could've vomited. I was watching her. She soon reintegrated and kept going, although she had trouble taking direction. Later, when I was told about what happened, I knew exactly what it was."
No one knew what had happened at the time.
It wasn't until the next day that the actress' mother called casting director Catrine McGregor, who recalls the horrifying incident in detail:
"The mother noticed that her daughter was unusually quiet and told her she was going to take her to this swimming place that was the little girl's favorite thing. When the girl put on her bathing suit, she told her mother that it reminded her of the day before, in an upsetting way — that the bathing suit's contact against her felt like what happened when the man had put his finger inside her."
McGregor says she filed a report with SAG.
Related: Supergirl's Melissa Benoist & Chyler Leigh Weigh In On Producer's Sexual Harassment Scandal
Production assistant Roi Maufas says he remembers news of the horrific allegations spreading to the entire crew and how upset they all were:
"The little girl said what she said and we all thought, 'That fucking sleazebag.' There was never any doubt. He was this guy who was already known for making inappropriate comments, being drunk, being high. We're talking about consistent behavior, just being 'Tom Sizemore' on set every day. Then this happens. Guys reached for hammers. [Producer James R. Rosenthal, who died in 2011], who was livid himself, had to stop a group of us from going to visit Mr. Sizemore to kick the guy's ass."
Producers Jai Stefan, Michael Manshel, and Gus Spoliansky confirm they removed Sizemore from set immediately and reviewed the photos taken on the day but couldn't find any conclusive evidence of the crime. Stefan says he was emotionally distraught at the very idea it had happened:
"I was like, 'Did that just happen on my watch?' I started crying."
Without extra evidence to add, the producers say they told the actress' parents they should call the authorities; Manshel recalls:
"They did talk to the police but didn't press charges. We also talked to Tom at the time, and told him everything that had been told to us, and he said: 'I've done a lot of awful things, and I'd never do anything with kids.' We considered whether we had some responsibility to him to not pass judgment on him."
Production manager Cassidy Lunnen says "the girl was so young it was unclear to her and [later] her parents what had actually taken place and if it was intentional or not."
Related: Sean Hannity Has Already Lost FIVE Sponsors As He Continues To Defend Roy Moore Against Molestation Accusation
Spoliansky told THR they had no choice but to finish the film:
"We had a fiduciary responsibility to complete the film so we decided to go about business as usual — lacking the evidence of what happened that day... We took the allegation extremely seriously and we were willing to do anything, including dismissing Tom. We just couldn't be police, judge and jury."
And just like that, the whole thing went away. Sizemore even did reshoots for the film, which was eventually released with its new title.
Sizemore was dropped by his manager and agent, but there's no direct evidence it was over the incident.
Born Killers' second assistant director Jennie Latham recalls thinking of the incident when Sizemore was later sent to prison for assault and battery against his ex-girlfriend, the infamous "Hollywood Madam" Heidi Fleiss:
"I remember being excited that he went to jail, even if it was for something else."
It seems not for long enough.
THR reached out to Sizemore, whose rep told them "No comment."
The actress, now 26, said she is exploring legal action against both Sizemore and her parents.
[Image via Brian To/WENN.]
Real celebrity on the items
from LL Celeb Fueads http://ift.tt/2yYqmwS via IFTTT
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supergirlspurgatory · 7 years
Watching Legends of Tomorrow
Me: Is Sara using a flute to fight?
Girlfriend: I don't know, pause it real quick.
Me: *Pauses it*
GF: Yup, that's a flute.
Me: Who the fuck uses a flute for hand to hand combat?
GF: Sara apparently.
37 notes · View notes
alexdxnverss · 8 years
525,600 moments with you // in cups of coffee
Read on AO3
Because Alex Danvers measures her first year with Maggie Sawyer in all the little moments that she’ll learn from and never forget.
in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee, in inches, in miles, in laughter and strife. journeys to plan, in truths that she learned, or in times that she cried, in bridges she burned, the way that she died, the life of friends, measure in love (these will be updated with links as the chapters get posted
They have people for this, people whose job it is to run around fulfilling small errands. Still, if she’s free, Alex now insists that she can run down to the NCPD to hand over files or collect paperwork, and really, it’s no trouble at all, she’s heading in that direction during her break anyways.
The first few weeks, there’s confused glances shot over at J’onn as Alex lifts files out of the hands of other agents and heads quickly for the door, but J’onn just shoots Alex an exasperated look (there’s amusement in his eyes, though, and everyone can see it), and waves the agents on to find some other task to complete.
Maggie tried, for a little while, to hide the way she instantly brightened whenever Alex walked into the control room, flashing her FBI badge. People stop questioning why the FBI is always hovering around cases in National City, because soon it’s clear exactly who the government agent is when Detective Sawyer can barely stop herself from following Agent Danvers around the room with her eyes. Any doubt is gone when Alex’s work at headquarters is done, and instead of leaving, she always heads straight for Maggie’s desk, and Maggie grins and scoots over in her chair so Alex can sit down, and the two women practically glow as they talk and laugh together for a few minutes, heads close, before Alex inevitably gives Maggie a small squeeze and gets up to go.
It’s jarring, Detective Maggie Sawyer, always the professional, one of their best cops, always down to business, being so human. It scares the interns, who seem to be waiting for the other shoe to drop, but the older cops, the one’s who have been on the force with Maggie for years, place bets on how long it’ll take for Maggie to loosen up enough to let Alex kiss her at work before she leaves.
It’s a lost bet for all of them, partially because Maggie isn’t stupid and knows she’s still at work and knows that they’re already skating the line of too much PDA while she’s still working and Alex is supposed to be dropping in for professional reasons, and partially because Maggie catches wind of the betting a few days after it had starts, and she tells Alex, and (after that time when Alex dropped by four times in a week and didn’t even stop by Maggie’s desk, when she and Maggie didn’t even glance at each other once, though anyone looking too closely would have seen the small smirks on both their faces, and everyone is suddenly scrambling to change their bets) it’s almost two months later when Maggie grabs Alex’s arm as she stands to leave, and Alex smiles and lets one hand tip Maggie’s chin up as she leans back down, and their paperwork intern drops the pile of case files he was holding on the other end of the room and sheets go flying.
The DEO busts an alien trafficking ring selling off-planet drugs to humans (the results weren’t pretty), and when they finish interrogating the affiliated humans, they go straight down to NCPD to be dealt with on that end. Alex accompanies the convoy downtown (no one even blinks anymore when Agent Danvers wordlessly attaches herself to NCPD errands) and oversees the hand-off and the paperwork. Then, when everything has been dealt with, Alex leaves the others to head up to the squad room to pay Maggie a visit.
It’s lunch time, and Alex is half expecting to pass by Maggie eating with some of the other officers, but the balcony where they tend to take to take a quick lunch is devoid of the brunette, and a glance out a window tells Alex that Maggie isn’t out in the station’s courtyard either. Maggie’s taken to making sure that she doesn’t eat while working after chasing Alex for not looking out for herself, and by the time Alex reaches the squad room, she’s pretty sure that Maggie has to be holed up in a meeting or something. Alex wouldn’t be surprised: a brawl in a bar downtown last night had kept her out (and Alex reading on the couch waiting, even exhausted as she was after her own bust) until almost four in the morning, and Maggie had barely gotten two hours of sleep before giving Alex a quick kiss to the temple and scooting to work with her unfinished paperwork.
The second Alex steps into the room, she’s pretty sure that she hears at least two different people exhale something that sounds suspiciously like, “Oh, thank God.” Puzzled, she weaves through the desks, brightening as she spots the top of Maggie’s head.
“Hey, Maggie!”
Maggie’s hunched over her desk, resting her head against one of her hands as she reads and taps the table with the pen in her hand. She doesn’t really seem to notice Alex’s approach, or register her voice. Alex frowns, shooting a glance around the room for some kind of hint as to what’s up, but everyone seems to be studiously avoiding looking in their direction.
“Mags,” Alex says, a little louder. Maggie jolts in her seat, the pen flying. She quickly looks up at Alex, who barely has time to hide her amused look.
“Oh, hey,” Maggie manages, eyes wide and looking slightly confused. “What’re you doing here?”
“I thought I’d swing by since I was here and see if you wanted to go get lunch, but clearly food isn’t that high on your priority list right now.”
Maggie raises an eyebrow, looking back at her desk with a look that almost seems to tell Alex that she hasn’t seen any of the paperwork in front of her before this moment.
“Is it lunch time already?” Maggie asks, rubbing her temples and shooting Alex a sheepish grin that’s almost Kara-worthy. “Sorry, guess I just got carried away.”
“Babe,” Alex says, “I’m pretty sure you were just dozing off.”
“... no?”
“No, really, I wasn’t-”
“Maggie, I have eyeballs. And also, this is me you’re trying to argue with.”
Maggie huffs, shifting over in her chair as a clear invitation for Alex to squish in next to her. The taller woman does, wrapping one arm around Maggie’s waist and shooting a look over Maggie’s head at everyone hastily averting their eyes again that threatens certain death if anyone tries to pull anything.
“What’s up, Maggie?” Alex asks, keeping her voice low.
Maggie, in a very uncharacteristic move that Alex hasn’t really seen from her ever, just kind of flails both hands at the pile of folders on her desk, then sighs.
“It’s just a lot,” she finally comes up with. “Except not really, and this is definitely nowhere near the most case files I’ve had to get through? But my head’s killing me and everything’s just kind of…”
Maggie frowns, fingers drumming her desk as she tries to come up with the right word.
Alex, on the other hand, has been watching Maggie carefully since she walked into the room, and now she’s pretty sure she has a good inkling of what’s off in her girlfriend’s normally unshakable routine at work.
“Want me to get you a coffee or something?” she asks, and knows she’s hit the mark when Maggie let’s out a longing sigh and slumps against Alex.
“Don’t bother, the coffee machine’s been broken all morning and no one’s been able to fix it,” Maggie says. “Should have made myself a cup before I left this morning.”
“I can go get you some from the place down the road,” Alex offers, and she’s sure she’s never seen Maggie perk up that quickly before.
“Seriously?” Maggie asks, then at Alex’s nod she lets out a quiet squeal that’s normally reserved for the privacy of home and throws her arms around Alex, completely ignoring the money that’s now passing hands around the squad room. “Oh my god, Alex, you’re the best.”
Alex laughs and lets Maggie give her a quick peck on the lips before she gets up and walks to the doors, but as soon as she hits the hall, Alex practically jogs down the stairs and across the street to get Maggie two cups of coffee from the cafe across the way, and then to the drugstore a block down the road to get something for Maggie’s headache. Maggie practically lights up when Alex gets back, taking the medicine and both cups from her and practically gulping down the first few sips.
“God, have I told you that you’re the best girlfriend ever?” Maggie asks, pulling Alex down for a quick kiss on the cheek.
“It may have come up, yes,” Alex replies, and she hovers by Maggie’s side for another few minutes until her phone beeps with a call from the DEO. Maggie walks down to the exit with her, ignoring the look of the receptionist and she gives Alex a proper kiss.
“Stay safe,” Maggie says, as she always does. “And thank you, for the much needed caffeine.”
Kara, as it turns out, visits the NCPD within an hour of Alex leaving to talk to an officer about her scheduled appearance at an event to help out some charities. No one’s surprised when Supergirl swings by to talk to Detective Sawyer, even though a few people blink when she’s suddenly gone from the room and then back again, dropping off another large cup of coffee with a laugh and a goodbye. No one stops to comment on the strange closeness between Detective Sawyer and National City’s resident hero, because Maggie’s now well back up to her usual standards of awareness but with the slightly dangerous addition of excess energy. No one’s quite willing to get on her nerves with that combination going, so Maggie is left to her devices as she does her usual rounds, finishing her case files and doing a quick patrol around the neighborhood and her usual check of the streets around L-Corp. She ends the day stuck in a patrol car with an extremely chatty rookie, waiting for a suspect to show up at his house so that they can bring him in for a quick interrogation.
Maggie starts twitching ten minutes before their guy pulls up, the warrant crinkling between her fingers.
Alex is texting Kara in bed when Maggie gets back, coming in through the door with an almost finished slice of pizza in her hands. Alex barely has the time to look up and say hello before Maggie’s done cramming it into her mouth, stripping off her jacket and falling into bed besides Alex.
“How was-”
“Mngh, crashing so hard right now, babe,” Maggie mumbles, tugging Alex down to lay besides her. Maggie’s out like a light within the minute, and Alex carefully pulls the sheets up over them, feeling Maggie’s heart still going slightly jittery when she pulls the detective closer.
Alex nuzzles into the top of Maggie’s head, and makes a mental note to remind Kara not to try and provide more aid the next time Alex texts and says she’s made a coffee-run for a detective in need.
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