#Supergirl Alex Spoilers
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“When did you know Jack on Ted Lasso was queer?”
“When they said her last name was freaking Danvers.”
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bigbangsanvers · 2 months
The Girl Who Fell in Love with the Last Mermaid and How She Calmed the Sea
written by @roadien60
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Warnings: None
In Maggie’s mind, merfolk had always been stories, but she knew that they were stories that fishermen took seriously. On her first fishing boat, last year, a crewman had come yelling that he’d seen one, and the captain had taken the news to be deadly serious: they had strapped down everything they could and brought all hands on deck that night, bracing for a storm.
Maggie had thought it to be excessive. The weather radar wasn’t showing anything. There were no NOAA warnings. But here was the captain, making them suit up in life jackets with emergency ties, and sure enough, the storm that hit them was the worst that Maggie had ever experienced as a sailor, both in her two years on fishing boats and four years in the Coast Guard.
And now Maggie had seen a mermaid, too.
A contemporary fantasy story in which Alex is a mermaid, Maggie works on a fishing boat, and together they save a little bit of the world.
Additional tags: Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Mermaids, Sirens, James "Jimmy" Olsen & Maggie Sawyer Friendship, Trans Maggie Sawyer
With art by @ancientannoyance
Do not view the art or read the excerpts before you read Roadie's fic, as the art contains spoilers.
These works were part of Sanvers Big Bang 2021 and were revealed on November 13.
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thatonebirdwrites · 6 months
DEO: Department of Extra-normal Operations
This will be an essay that looks into the ethical problems of the DEO. For the purpose of this essay, I am not concerned about the showrunners reasons for their decisions for how the show presents the DEO. I care only about examining the worldbuilding and stories inherent within the world created. So let's dig into some philosophy and theory. Whee! [Minor spoilers]
To start, this department was first created within the Superman/Supergirl universe in order to analyze alien activities after Superman reveals himself on Earth. It's made in retaliation to the appearance of powerful aliens that those in power deem possible threats. Already, the DEO's beginnings are rooted not in true protection but in stopping and eradicating what those in power deem a threat. It's roots start with dubious ethics.
Let's examine it's history:
It was led by Hank Henshaw, who is vehemently anti-alien. Henshaw is also slated to have ties to Cadmus, which experimented on aliens and attempted several rather horrific and genocidal attacks on aliens. (Note that in Supergirl: Season 2, Kara and Lena thwart Cadmus' activities. Lena Luthor saves the day by modifying an alien killing virus to be harmless to all living creatures. Bits and pieces of the worldbuilding around Cadmus showed that the aliens experimented on came from DEO facilities.)
Henshaw dies when Jeremiah Danvers "kills" him when saving J'onn J'ozz, who then takes Henshaw's place until exposed. He recruits Alex sometime before his exposure (Season 1). After J'onn is exposed in Season 1, Lucy Lane takes control. Then after J'onn helps Supergirl defeat the murderous Kryptonian Non, J'onn received a presidential pardon and was reinstated as director. He kept Henshaw's guise for publicity sake.
The show makes it clear that J'onn choses to be the Director to change the DEO. Yet, what evidence is there that this actually happens?
So that's the basic history.
We have a clandestine agency that has unethical procedures that doesn't change under a new director.
The DEO picks up aliens and throws them in a cell to never be seen or heard from again. This would likely terrorize the alien neighborhoods. This is never truly address in any meaningful manner by the Superfriends or Kara.
In fact, if anything, the show positions the DEO as being Good if Alex, J'onn, or Lucy are in charge (Kara, ironically is not in charge of the DEO at any point). However, the DEO becomes Bad if Lex Luthor or Lauren Haley or the real Hank Henshaw are in charge.
This creates a rather large ethical problem.
First of all, the worldbuilding builds up the argument that certain people are good and certain people are bad. The person we see skirting between those two extremes, and living in a morally grey area the most, is Lena Luhor. For the purposes of this essay, I'll put a pin into Lena's characterization and focus only on the DEO.
Secondly, we are told again and again what Kara/Supergirl's ethics are: justice and truth. Yet when we examine Kara's actions within the context of her DEO Supergirl duties, we are confronted with the following:
She must hide her identity, even from her best friend Lena, and thus deceives regularly. Her reasons for not telling Lena are rooted in the pressure from those at the DEO to not tell Lena but also in Kara's intense fear of loss. However, Kara will demand truth from others despite her hypocritical actions. This doesn't seem to fit solidly in the "good" category.
Her "justice" is defeating criminals. Humans go to the police to eventually have a fair trial. However, aliens are not afforded that same right. Her justice for aliens becomes judge and jury. Since she professes to "not kill," she at least doesn't extend that to executioner. This again doesn't fit solidly in the "good" category.
Thus, by examining Kara/Supergirl's actions, we see a disconnect with what the show claims is "good:" truth and justice. Yet, there is no true justice for the aliens fought and captured; their rights are rescinded (if they had any at all).
This is why the show must tell us who is "good" and who is "bad," because people's actions do not fit the show's claims of what "goodness" is versus what "badness" is. Thus the worldbuilding ends up defining Kara's actions as always "good" even if those actions cause harm to those around her.
[Side note: This isn't to say that Kara is "bad." It is to say that the binary within the show's worldbuilding lacks nuance for the complexity within Kara's understanding of the world and how she acts within that understanding. This binary simply cannot allow for such a complex examination as there is no room for it.
Because of this binary, the show actually butchers Kara's character to make her past "not good" actions as somehow "right" and "good" in the end. We see this with how Kara's harmful actions toward Lena (the lying, duplicity, deception etc) is turned into "I did just one mistake" when it wasn't one mistake. It was years of harm, but because the show paints Kara as "good," Kara is not allowed growth.
This binary of good versus bad is already nonsensical in the worldbuilding since Lena Luthor's very existence throws this entire frame out the window. Her actions, always with the intention to do the least harm and try to improve the world, don't fit neatly into the binary. The story often punishes her for this. (She breaks the binary too much I suppose.)
Yet when other people's actions fail to fit neatly into the binary, the show whispers: "Hush, don't look or think, believe us when we say this person is good and this person is bad.']
To reiterate: It's okay to capture aliens and disappear them without any right to trial If the Superfriends are doing it. This good/bad definition collapses ethics into meaningless words since the activities and procedures of both the "good" people and "bad" people don't differ in terms of impact on alien communities. This lack of differentiation is why we must be told who is good. Otherwise, how would we know?
To dig a little deeper, in Season 4, when Kara is on the most wanted list, she learns very little about the true plight of aliens. During this time, the DEO becomes "bad" under the control of Lauren Haley. Lena Luthor and Alex Danvers, who are both working with the DEO still, also work against the DEO but only to clear Kara's name. So justice is done for Kara's sake but not for the other impacted alien communities.
Once Kara's reputation is restored and she's no longer deemed an "enemy of the state," Kara returns to working with the DEO, as it is now labeled as "good" again because Alex is back in charge.
Ironically, the only person in Kara's friendgroup that questions the DEO is Lena Luthor. (Who in Season 5 will have her 'villain arc' only to be redeemed to the good side again at the end of Season 5. She's the only character, who is labeled a villain at one point, that is allowed true redemption.)
We learn very little about what alien communities actually think about the DEO and about Supergirl in particular. The most we get is the Children of Liberty plot line of Season 4; however, this plot line doesn't ever give us a solid viewpoint from impacted alien communities. Instead, we are confronted with:
We are told what alien communities are like and how lacking in rights they are. Very little of this is shown directly outside of "criminal aliens." Or the brief glimpses within Manchester's arc. However, Manchester is viewed as 'in need of redemption' despite having very real grievances with the state of things. The show then tells us that Manchester is 'bad' and the 'good' J'onn and friends must stop him.
The second time we see alien daily lives is Nia's return to her hometown, which is attacked by supercharged humans. This blended town of aliens and humans serve as an outlier. Nia actually admits that the town is unique and not representative to most aliens' experiences. So again, we don't see a direct experience of alien life in National City or other major cities.
Aliens either have significant powers that humans can justifiably find scary or they are human-like with little to no powers. Both are treated the same for the sake of the Children of Liberty plot line, which serves as an immigrant allegory. @fazedlight and @sideguitars did excellent analysis on this and the problems of these allegories based on the worldbuilding and story itself. (Note: thank you to fazedlight for finding the post in question! Click here o read their analysis.)
This makes it easier for the show to pretend that the DEO is "good" when the Superfriends are in charge. Since we don't meet alien families harmed by the DEO's actions, we never truly get an alternate perspective. Even Lena Luthor's critique of DEO is spat upon by the story, where her alien friends fail to truly counter her valid points. Instead, it's presented in the good/bad binary, which erases all nuance and ethical considerations.
Let's also consider the start of the Supergirl career. Kara is captured by the DEO 12 years after her initial appearance on Earth. However, prior to this moment, we had learned that Kara had nearly been taken by the government -- specifically Henshaw's control of the DEO. Jeremiah Danvers agrees to work for the government in exchange for Kara's freedom from being a government asset.
However, her saving Alex's flight puts her in the crosshairs of DEO, and eventually she is captured. Upon which she learns J'onn is in charge (not the original Henshaw), and J'onn's goals are revealed. He allows Kara to fight her first alien fights as Supergirl. Here we see that J'onn's methods have not actually changed anything about the DEO. The alien fight results in that alien being captured. Supergirl/Kara never hears what happens to the alien she fought and captured. No thought is given to the rights of that alien or if a fair trial will be given. Instead, we are told the alien is a "criminal' as if that somehow justifies the brutal treatment.
After Alex reveals she's an agent with the DEO, Kara fully trusts the agency.
So Jeremiah gave up his life to make sure Kara wasn't being used by the government, only for Kara later on working for the DEO, which is part of the government. Thus Kara ends up used by the government after all. The irony here.
Kara's blind spot here is:
she's privileged. A white-passing, human-passing alien. It's easier for her to hide as a human and not be clocked as an alien. Also, she's white, so less likely to deal with the complications of racism. The most she has to deal with is sexism and the DEO's procedures. This means she doesn't experience the worst the DEO and the systems that uphold it dish out to aliens.
Kara hasn't really interacted with aliens outside her friend group. She's relatively sheltered since coming to Earth due to Kal placing her with the Danvers and having to hide herself. She has no real knowledge of how aliens survive on Earth. This means she has nothing in which to compare the DEO's claims.
She blindly trusts Alex when it comes to DEO.
We don't see Kara questioning what happens to aliens until Season 3 (if it happens in season 1, I apologize as that season is a bit hazy for me). Here Psi saves Kara's life during a perilous mission. Kara then asks about her accommodations and finds out she has no window in her cell. She then demands Psi be given a cell with a window.
However, notice who Kara takes with her on that Season 3 mission: LiveWire (human but due to an accident became Livewire, so she's not an alien but a meta-human) and Psi (who is labeled a meta-human). So the two incarcerated people that Kara chooses are meta-humans and not actual aliens.
So again, we never see Kara interact with aliens outside her friend group unless she is interrogating them. Once the DEO is done with interrogations and the case "closed," those aliens disappear into these windowless cells. Which, need I remind that solitary confinement is labeled as torture for a reason?
Yet that is where aliens that are dubbed "too dangerous" end up by those with power. No rights given; left trapped in solitary confinement with (likely) no windows to never see the light of day again. Of course, because we are told the "good" people do this, it is thus "okay," despite it not differing in methodology with what the "bad" people did.
2. DEO's procedures don't match law. This is especially true when alien amnesty is put into law.
DEO changes NOTHING about their procedures after alien amnesty is put into law. This means that although aliens now have a legal right to a trial, the DEO does not provide this for them. No captured alien is given this right.
This means the DEO doesn't operate within the law.
So if the DEO can disregard laws if they so desire, then what is to stop them from terrorizing any citizen regardless of whether that citizen or alien or human?
What exactly is the ethics of the DEO?
Is the ethics dependent on who is in charge? But if one compares the tenure of the directors: Henshaw, J'onn, Lucy, Alex, Lauren, and Lex -- we see no difference in how the DEO acts.
They all target aliens and give them no rights. The aliens vanish into the cells never to be seen again. This includes some meta-aliens.
Some will claim that while the Superfriends are in charge only criminal aliens are thrown into solitary cells with no hope of release.
But that begs the question: Why do the Superfriends get to be judge and jury and/or executioner? What makes their decisions good but Lauren Haley's or Lex's or the original Hank Henshaw's decisions bad?
Why do the Superfriends get to decide that criminals get no right to a fair trial? Why do they not interrogate what is causing the criminal behaviors in order to change the conditions to avoid aliens resorting to "criminality" as defined by them?
In the end, it does not matter why an alien or meta-human engages in what the state has deemed "criminal" behavior; the methods used in capture and the end result is the same regardless.
The families of captured aliens see the same results regardless of whether "good" people or "bad" people are in charge of the DEO.
While alien amnesty is in law, the DEO, who is under Superfriend control at the time, does not alter their procedures to give the aliens they capture any rights. We never see the aliens or meta-humans captured ever given a fair trial. Nor do we see any programs to reform "criminals" or give them any chance at parole or redemption.
The only method for dealing with aliens and meta-humans uses a carceral prison system that is based in solitary confinement torture. Even the interrogation procedures used have elements of torture to them. In fact, many of the "interrogation" procedures use leading questions to entrap and force a confession under duress. None of these methods are conducive toward reform or fixing a system that deprives those captured of all rights.
Alternate systems for dealing with criminals are never explored. We never see transformative or restorative justice utilized. Both systems would require extensive dialogue with the communities harmed by the "criminals," and if there is one thing the DEO fail at consistently is dialogue with the impacted communities. Instead, their approach is top down, where their ideas of what is right and best is pushed down upon the communities they claim to serve.
Part of this lies with the fact the Superfriends can't engage in dialogue as long as they adhere to the oppressive methodology and practices of the DEO. Reform has failed to alter the ethical violations within the DEO. Alex Vidale wrote an excellent book called The End of Policing, which digs into the attempted reforms for police and how they have consistently failed. Vidale writes:
“At root, they [reformers] fail to appreciate that the basic nature of the law and the police, since its earliest origins, is to be a tool for managing inequality and maintaining the status quo. Police reforms that fail to directly address this reality are doomed to reproduce it.”
The DEO at its root was created to manage the inequality inherent between human rights and the lack of any rights for aliens. It was also created to control aliens and maintain a human status quo. The Superfriends attempt at reform fails to address this reality, and thus were doomed to repeat it.
Vidale continues:
“Police argue that residents in high-crime communities often demand police action. What is left out is that these communities also ask for better schools, parks, libraries, and jobs, but these services are rarely provided.”
Services to better the conditions of so-called "high-crime" communities are not shown to be rendered in the Supergirl world, while the Superfriends are in control of the DEO. It is not more policing that is needed, but more services which do not get provided for most of the show's story and worldbuilding. Thus, the communities that struggle with survival, who often must resort to "illegal" or "criminal" ways end up with only punitive measures that continue the cycle.
It's only in Season 6 when the Superfriends are no longer with the DEO that we start to see them engage in dialogue with the community in general (Kelly's arcs in particular touch on this for the lower income area that she tries to help, which is shown to be a mixture of nonwhite humans and some aliens).
If J'onn and others truly are seeking to reform the DEO, then that requires them to be in dialogue with the affected communities and to put forth new procedures that provide rights to those impacted. This is never done.
3. The DEO suffers no consequences for its actions.
The "Bad things" that happen under the "Bad" directors -- original Henshaw, Lauren Haley, Lex -- aren't ever addressed. Nothing really changes; instead the "Good" guys get back in control and things continue.
Was any reparations made for those harmed by the bad actors? Are the families impacted ever given compensation? We see some aliens rescued from Cadmus in Season 2 and Lex's Power Plant in Season 4, but what of the families of those murdered by Lex and Henshaw? The show fails to address this.
Instead, we are told that the "good" people are now in charge again and only "criminals" are being taken and incarcerated with no rights.
The concept of "criminality" depends entirely on who is in a position of power to dictate what constitutes "criminal" acts. One of the biggest problems with "criminality" as a concept is that it fails to interrogate the why these behaviors happen. What led to the "criminal act?" Are the people engaging in the act just "bad" people?
Often when basic needs are not being met, people may engage in acts of desperation to meet those needs. These actions may fall under what that society deems as "criminal." However, if the people's needs were met, then they wouldn't need to engage in desperate acts to meet their needs.
Another reason for "criminal" behavior stems from people who lack rights in a society. The oppressed will often fight against their oppressors using a mixture of methods (sometimes nonviolent, sometimes violent) in order to win their rights and transform society for the better. Until they win that fight, their actions are labeled as "criminal" by those in power.
Some rarer individuals may engage in acts of harm because they enjoy it such as Lex. However, this is actually very rare. Property crime and burglary is far, far more common. Yet, even those engaging in horrific violent crimes are still afforded a fair trial. Something aliens in the Supergirl universe are never given.
There's quite a few scenes where the aliens fought by Supergirl are engaging in robberies/burglaries or other property crimes. Those that seek to violently mass murder is actually rarer, and often the big villain of the season. At no point does anyone in the show reckon with the reasons someone may choose to engage in "criminal" behavior. Instead, all "criminals" are painted as "bad" regardless.
J'onn professes to be "reforming" the DEO to stop its reign of terror among alien communities. Yet, the most crucial components in changing an oppressive system? We don't really see him utilize them until Season 4, but by then the DEO is in the hands of Alex, who continues the procedures put into place by J'onn,
Paulo Freire writes in Pedagogy of the Oppressed concerning the "radical" as in the person seeking to end an oppressive system:
"The radical, committed to [human] liberation, does not become the prisoner of a 'circle of certainty' within which reality is also imprisoned. On the contrary, the more radical the person is, the more fully he or she enters into reality so that, knowing it better, he or she can transform it. This individual is not afraid to confront, to listen, to see the world unveiled. This person is not afraid to meet the people or to enter into a dialogue with them."
J'onn recognizes that the DEO's methods are wrong and unethical. When he takes over and poses as Henshaw, he wishes to transform the system. Except, this is where he fails, because he justifies his changes by claiming that now the DEO only locks away forever criminal aliens.
No thought is given as to why these aliens are making these decisions. What pushed them to rob a store? What pushed them to attack? Did they feel like they had no other choice? Was there no opportunities other than to rob for what they needed? Or to fight against a system that they deem is harming them and their communities?
These questions are not analyzed at all by J'onn or the Superfriends. They do not listen to those most impacted by the DEO. The only time we see J'onn seem to listen is when he is trying to work with Manchester in Season 4, but that results in Manchester being presented as bad in the end, while J'onn is shown to be good. Where he tried to redeem Manchester.
Yet Manchester had valid points about the treatment of aliens. His methodology in fighting back against what he saw as oppressive system is problematic, but he listens far more than Kara and the Superfriends to those being harmed by the systems that created the DEO.
So J'onn and the other Superfriends are failing to engage in dialogue with those harmed by the DEO. They fail to unveil what is truly horrifying with the DEO: incarcerating aliens in solitary confinement with no fair trial and no hope of ever seeing the light of day again.
The justification that because they are "criminals" this is somehow okay erases all the contributing factors that may make up the circumstances that lead to the "criminal" behavior. Nothing is truly done to remedy the situations that may drive someone to what the state labels as "criminal" behavior. It also unveils a horrible truth. Any alien (or meta-human or even human) can be marked an "enemy of the state" and thus a "criminal," where all rights they had prior be rescinded. We see this happen to Supergirl in Season 4. The only reason she isn't locked away in a cell with no windows is because Alex and Lena don't allow it. Unlike most aliens the DEO fights to find and capture, Kara has people fighting for her. But what about every other alien? Who is actually fighting for them?
J'onn's attempt to reform the DEO falls into the biggest trap for all radical liberators: it is all too easy to become complicit with the system at be and justify this than it is to actually change it from within.
As Paulo Freire puts so succinctly:
“Oppression is domesticating. The gravest obstacle to the achievement of liberation is that oppressive reality absorbs those within it, and thereby acts to submerge human beings' consciousness.”
Thus the DEO fails to be reformed. It's reign of terror in alien communities is not truly diminished. Nor does those fighting to "reform" the DEO engage in any dialogue with those communities to determine their needs or ways to improve conditions to decrease the need to resort to "criminal" activities.
In the end, the DEO stays an oppressive, clandestine agency that has no transparency, answers to apparently no one, takes away the rights of those they catch, and disregards laws as they please.
What the Superfriends have failed to learn and understand is that oppression cannot be defeated by reforming the system that causes the oppression. In other words, liberation cannot be achieved be reform alone.
This is why the destruction of the DEO in Season 6 is perhaps the best result at least within the rules of the Supergirl world. The Superfriends could not reform it from the inside, and by trying to do so, they ended up complicit to a harmful system. As long as they were tied to the DEO, the Superfriends would never be able to live out justice and uplift the rights of aliens and humans alike.
ADDENDUM: However, the Superfriends decision to go full vigilante is a whole other can of worms. They do attempt to be transparent in their actions for the communities they serve, but is there a way for people to hold them accountable? That isn't fully addressed. However, that would require a full essay, and this essay is only about the DEO.
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admiraldeltafleet · 13 days
ALL Chapter 13 Closing thoughts
Normally, I would have done this in the author's notes at the end of the chapter, but I was feeling too much from finally getting to the end of my very first fic, and also I think I may have had too much to say it might not have all fitted. Anyway, I'm doing it now, so consider this your spoiler warning for my fic if you haven't read it. If so, I would definitely consider doing so, especially before you read this bit, as it discusses the final chapter https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/149705248
So, with that out of the way, let me get into this. This chapter has always essentially been about establishing the new status quo after the tumult of the past three chapters. Everyone had gotten started on their healing journies by chapter 12, but some of them (cough* Alex *cough) still had some ways to go. So, I had to give them enough time not only to finish those journeys, but also to settle into the new way of things once they had done so (and wrap up whatever lingering plotlines that were still hanging).
Honestly, I'm not totally someone to reckon with the fallout of things outside the scope of the fic I am interested. There is a lot to be said about the press and public's reactions to what's happened in this fic and many others, wrangling with keeping Kara's identity secret from her coworkers or the DEO and government. There are dozens of inconsequential actions that any number of the characters do that could be overheard or witnessed that would have far-reaching repercussions, but I don't really dive into them unless they directly interest me or there is something I want to directly address. So yes, someone could totes have seen Kara superseded out of CatCo and figure out her identity or some rando at the DEO overhear Alex call Kara by her name instead of Supergirl, but will probably never happen in my fic because I don't care about that sort of thing.
Now, you may be wondering why I am bringing this up. I bring it up because that is exactly what I am doing in the opening of this chapter. Normally, I wouldn't really bother with any sort of negative outcome between Kara and the government, or at least wouldn't give it it's own dedicated scene. The reason I did this time is specifically because of a fic I read some time ago that never sat right with me. I won't say which, and really this isn't about why that fic is wrong (I don't think it's wrong at all, it just didn't jibe with my personal interpretation of the character, nothing more, nothing less. Everyone is free to write how they please). Anyhow, in that fic, Kara did something similar to what she did in chapter 10 of my fic, and when the president started talking down at her about it, she just let herself be cowed and was like, "yeah, won't happen again. My bad.). I certainly understand this reaction, especially in the context of how Kara can be in both Canon and Fanon, but that's not my Kara. My Kara stands her ground, especially when it comes to Lena. I will admit beyond that, I do deeply enjoy this scene, and I don't regret adding it at all. I did also briefly set it up back in the beginning of chapter 4 when Kara the president's visit (just more so that they had met, so it wouldn't be out of the blue when they talked again in the end)
Another thing from this scene that's more of a mention and less of a feature, but you just know that Lena made Kara a kryptonite resistant suit, and I don't know why the DEO never invested more effort in that. I have a series of headcanons about Kryptonian powers and Kryptonite, so let me know if you want to know more about that, as it is directly involved with how it works in my writings, and also how things like how anti-Kryptonian and anti-Kryptonite technologies work.
Let's talk about titles. For the longest time, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to title this fic. This is legitimately one of my greatest struggles. I seem to be able to name other people's fic pretty well, but when it comes to mine, I just don't know. For the longest time, my WIP title was Supercorp Secret Marriage which just doesn't make any sense as an actual title. Then, for another long stretch of time, I thought the title was going to be Prime, as the crux of the fic is really when Kara goes Prime mode to rescue Lena (I'm not super duper familiar with the comics, but my understanding is that there are some comics where the supes get a ridiculous power boost, and they are typically called supergirl/man/boy prime. Could not be quite right). Anyhow, that was the best I could really think of, but it never sat quite right with me. Partly because I think it's sort of boring, and also because I was petrified that someone would somehow guess where the story was going, and I wanted to do my best to shock everyone.
The other title I briefly considered was The Day the Sun Fell to Earth. This falls in the same line as a title surrounding chapter 10, specifically in reference to how brightly Kara was glowing as she descended to the DEO, it looked like the sun was falling to earth. I thought that might have required a bit too much of a leap to put together though (I did include it as a bit of a fun reference in this chapter, regardless of the fact no one would really get it but me). This title and the previous had the same flaw in my mind though, because while that scene was really the keystone of the fic, the title only related to that one scene and had nothing to do with anything else in the entire fic.
This is something that was bothering me the entire fic, from the time when I barely had the outline completed. In the end, as you all know, I went up going with At Long Last. These words are from the very final sentence I wrote for the whole fic, and as soon as I wrote them I knew that I had my title. Because, while the first scene of chapter 10 was what I built the fic towards and around, there is so much more to it now, and this sentiment fits so perfectly with what I had already written about Kara's thoughts and feelings about the secret that I was once again struck with the idea that I couldn't have planned it better had I tried.
The build up of this theme really started in chapter 2, before Kara even got together with Lena (as a brief aside, this makes me feel like I'm in school again writing a book report using quotes to support my argument, except for I wrote it and I'm explaining my own thoughts instead of someone else's). I'm just going to post the timeline of quotes as this theme develops.
Chapter 2:
If only he [Kal] would let up on Lena, she thought her life might be perfect, or at least as close to perfect as anything could ever come with the gaping hole the loss of her planet had left within her.
Chapter 3:
“So, it falls to me to preserve my culture, my language, my people, but I feel like I am failing them. For so long I have held them tightly in my heart. No matter how much I love Earth, how much I love the Danvers, Krypton has always been my home. Now, Krypton isn't my home anymore, you are,” Kara pulled back to look at Lena with pleading eyes, “Does that mean I've failed them?”
Chapter 13:
“There‘s a time you might have been right, when that's what I would have seen, but that was before I met Lena,” Kara said, her tone almost wistful, “She helped me accept that Krypton was gone, but still with me. For years while I was in the phantom zone, then on earth, I struggled to even comprehend the death of Krypton, the loss that it caused me. There were times, even after I had been on earth for years that I would wake up and forget what had happened, despite the fact that I had watched the whole thing with my own eyes. “Some days in that moment just before I opened my eyes, I expect to see my bedroom, to be able to look out over the skyline of Argo and see the red skies beyond it, and every time I woke to see our bedroom in Midvale, or my apartment, every time the window showed me National City's skyline and skies of blue, I broke all over again. And while I love you, I truly do, and Eliza, and everyone else I had on earth, it couldn't plug the whole that the loss of Krypton had made.” Kara paused for a moment, looking out of the window with a far-off expression on her face, as if in that moment she was seeing the cityscape Krypton out past the glass, but it lasted for only a moment before she continued speaking, her attention returning to her sister as she did so, “Then I fell in love with Lena. She was the first one to even come close to filling the void within me. She learned Kryptonese, not to help me acclimate easier to earth, or from some sense of idle curiosity about where she had come from, but because she knew how much it meant to me, how much it gladdened me to hear it even while it tore the scars off my wounds. Little by little, piece by piece, even before I realized she was doing it, she filled that void, until one day there wasn't a void anymore, there was only Lena. The pain was still there, but it was no longer debilitating. I no longer woke in the wrong bedroom, or on the wrong planet, I woke up to her.” ... “What I want, more than anything,” Kara said, bringing Alex's attention back to her, “Is for my family to accept my wife. I didn't need the black mercy to tell me that.” ... Kara looked around, her friends and family surrounding her, laughing and joking, drinking and playing. Lena was tucked into her side, completely at home amongst everyone, her wife was laughing openly at something her sister had just said, and finally, at long last, everything was perfect.
This theme is really what brought so much of this fic together in the way it did, and it weaved throughout my preferences to form new headcanons and all the lore about Kara and Kryptonians that helped me so much to sell this story. I love all the ideas that came from this fic so much that they have just become my default settings for Kara and Krypton going forward. This is my Kara, even more so than the one I came into this process envisioning, and I think that theme was much more worthy of the title than just that one scene (I still adore that scene though, don't get me wrong, but even it is so much better in light of the headcanons this story helped me build).
Well, I've already written so much, and I haven't actually even started reading back through the chapter yet, so I think I am going to do that so I can go back to the more "normal" word vomiting I usually do.
If anyone was curious exactly what Kara was implying when she was talking to the president right at the end, she was totally telling her that while her disguise might have been fooling everyone else, it was not fooling her. Kara totes knew she was an alien, and if the president was going to go mucking about in her family, Kara was more than capable of firing back. It might not be a morally great action, but I've always viewed Kara as someone who's family comes first over anything else.
Something else about this that no one may realize though, is that Kara does still hold them to a high standard of morals and behavior. There is one little tiny word choice that really shows that in this conversation she has with the president. When Kara is laying down the law, she says, "...if the DEO or any other agency of the government does come after Lena without valid reason." Notice, Kara specifically says, "without VALID reason," and that is an intentional word choice by both her and me. Kara would not let anyone, not even Lena, do anything morally corrupt or villainous and let them get away with it just because they are her family (She also does say this with complete confidence that Lena would never give valid reason though). She would probably still prefer to take care of it herself than let the government step in, but I digress. I talk about things like this a lot as absolute, but these are more guidelines for me, and I totally might bend them for certain fics in the future to get out an idea I have though.
I threw Lucy into this scene for no other reason than because I wanted to. Really there was nothing else behind it.
You all just know that Lena was waiting for that moment at game night where she finally got to stake her claim in public, really hammer it home even though everyone technically already knew. Speaking more on that scene, as much as I don't like certain characters (James and Mon-El) I do try not to take out my biases, valid or not, on them in my writing. I did definitely sideline them since I didn't care to write much about them than was needed, but I don't feel like anything I wrote about them was either untrue to their character nor unrealistic in an effort to justify my choices. I stand buy it. Actually, as a matter of fact, I almost convinced myself that Mon-El wasn't as bad as some of the things that sort of get glossed over in canon. In the future, I may just exclude them from my fics, though without Mon-El in this one, we wouldn't have gotten that scene where Lena was possessive and jealous.
As much as I don't necessarily care for Winn as a character (I don't dislike him, but neither do I have any particular fondness for him, nor do I think he should have come to the DEO in season 2 (hence I brought brainy instead)) He did do me a solid in this chapter and chapter 5 by giving me a path through some difficult-to-write interactions.
So, I will readily admit that I definitely just brushed CADMUS and Lillian aside without much thought or wordcount. I never really cared too much about that plot by itself. It was definitely the B plot. It only really served to push the secret relationship agenda forward by butting Kara and Lena into odd spots where the cracks started showing a bit (by making Kara act up, so that Alex would notice it essentially), then obviously they put up a big part of the plot by getting Lena arrested. After that was done though, their role in the story was over, so off they went into the sunset without much fanfare.
I love the little call back I had to chapter 3, when Alex was thinking about Kara and Lena, and she was like, "I bet if Lena pushed Kara she would just fall over. It's a ridiculous thought though." I cackle every time I read that part, no matter how many times it's been.
I could probably write a full TED talk about every paragraph in this chapter, and every other chapter for that matter, and I think this post is already ludicrously long, so I will try to only hit the main parts I wanted to address here, and maybe pick up some of the other bits when I do the further posts I have planned.
That being said, there is maybe my second favorite scene in this entire fic that I've yet to say anything, and that is the moments between Alex and Lena after Lena saves Alex from the kidnapper. I won't lie, I definitely lean a bit more towards Kara than Lena, but this scene is something that I just love more than I can express. I love to see that protective side from Lena that we are used to seeing from Kara, and Lena finally got to say her piece after so long spent holding it in. It was very hard to get that scene to flow well and I spent at least an hour writing just those few lines of Lena's dialogue. I think part of it may be that Alex just seems to never be held accountable for any of that. Some of the scenes I included in the flashbacks were just to justify having Lena bring up all these points and hold Alex accountable for it, and don't even get me started on that threat she leveled at Alex. I wrote that and it still gives me the chills every time I read it. I love literally everything about this scene, down to the smallest detail.
Anyway, I think I am going to call this here. I still have some plans to go back through and make a few more posts. There are still quite a few details and such that I packed in there that no one has, as far as I know, noticed. I wanted to go through them, since I love them, and bring them to everyone's attention so they can enjoy them like I do. Secondly, there is so much that I feel I learned in answering everyone's questions, where I feel like I know twice or thrice as much about all the characters and their motivations than I did when I started, and I want to parse back through all that. If I may brag for a moment, I think my greatest strength as a writer is how cohesive everything is, and by answering all the questions you had I learned more about my fic then I know when I posted it, and I love just how perfectly it all fits. Anyway, if anyone actually made it this far, let me know if any of that is of any interest to you
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superhero-smackdown · 2 years
Bracket(??) Announcement!
I have FINALLY (which I am very sorry for guys) finished going through my submissions and have created something that looks like a bracket. BUT, in order to include the most characters, I have devised a group round with 128 characters divided into 8 groups and have sorted them in a way that prevents this competition from becoming a batman vs spider-man final.
making the polls shouldn't take nearly as long so be on the lookout for those! this will be pinned and I'll make sure to edit this post with links to the polls, and matchups are not necessarily going to be heroes next to each other! matches can be made up by any two heroes in the same group
polls will last a day for now and one group will be posted per day
as of right now top 4 from each group will make it to the bracket round but that is absolutely subject to change so don't count on that
Without further ado, your Superhero Smackdown competitors!!!
Peter Parker, Miles Morales, and Gwen Stacy/Spider-Men and Ghost Spider (Marvel)
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (DC)
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel)
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler (Marvel)
The Incredibles and Frozone (Pixar)
Kori'ander/Starfire (DC)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
Stephanie Brown/Spoiler (DC)
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (My Hero Academia)
Charles Xavier/Professor X (Marvel)
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
Jason Todd/Red Hood (DC)
Black Noir (The Boys)
Jim Gordon (DC)
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (DC)
T'Challa Udaku/Black Panther (Marvel)
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America (Marvel)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing (DC)
Peter Quill/Starlord (Marvel)
Minhkhoa Khan/The Ghost-Maker (DC)
The Green Lantern Corp (DC)
Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl (DC)
Arthur Curry/Aquaman (DC)
Cassandra Cain/Black Bat (DC)
Queen Maeve (The Boys)
Clark Kent/Superman (DC)
Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat (Marvel)
Tony Stark/Iron Man (Marvel)
Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette (DC)
Marc Spector, Steve Grant, Jake Lockley/Moon Knight (Marvel)
Barry Allen/The Flash (DC)
Starlight (The Boys)
Kate Kane/Batwoman (DC)
Darkwing Duck (DuckTales)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia)
Roy Harper/Arsenal (DC)
Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova/Black Widow (Marvel)
Tim Drake/Red Robin (DC)
The Autobots (Transformers TV Show)
Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC)
Ororo Monroe/Storm (Marvel)
The Midnighter (DC)
Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Marvel)
Logan, James Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel)
Kon Kent/Superboy (DC)
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DC)
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
The Powerpuff Girls (The Powerpuff Girls)
Izuku Midoriya/Deku (My Hero Academia)
Ben Tennyson/Ben 10 (Ben 10)
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Kate Bishop/Hawkeye (Marvel)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
America Chavez/Miss America (Marvel)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Link and Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
The Power Rangers (The Power Rangers Series)
Kamala Khan/Miss Marvel (Marvel)
Virgil Hawkins/Static (DC)
Billy Batson/Captain Marvel/Shazam (DC)
Damian Wayne/Robin (DC)
Phineas Flynn, Ferb Fletcher/The Beak (Phineas and Ferb)
Alex, Sam, and Clover (Totally Spies)
Jubilation Lee/Jubilee (Marvel)
Alya Cesaire/Rena Rouge (Miraculous Ladybug)
Flash Thompson/Agent Venom (Marvel)
Shoto Todoroki/Shoto (My Hero Academia)
Gwen Poole/Gwenpool (Marvel)
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug)
Kaio Kincaid/K.O. (OK K.O.! Let's be Heroes)
Katsuki Bakugo/Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight (My Hero Academia)
Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (Marvel)
Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd/Wiccan and Speed (Marvel)
Viv Vision (Marvel)
Doreen Green/Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Mia Dearden/Speedy (DC)
Undine Wells and Kokoro Aichi/Alchemical Water and Heartful Punch (Sleepless Domain)
Olive Silverlock and Maps Mizoguchi/The Detective Club (DC)
Nova Artino and Adrian Everhart/Insomia and Sketch (Renegades Trilogy)
Karen Fields/Voyd (Pixar)
Laura Kinney/X-23/Wolverine (Marvel)
William Wisp/The Wisperer (Just Roll With It)
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuuko (Miraculous Ladybug)
Gizmoduck (DuckTales)
Dakota Cole/D.C. (Just Roll With It)
Rumi Usagiyama/Miruko (My Hero Academia)
Luka Couffaine/Viperion (Miraculous Ladybug)
Neena Thurman/Domino (Marvel)
Vyncent Sol/Virion (Just Roll With It)
Elpis (Valor Academy)
Captain Rainbow (Nintendo)
Moza/Emara (Emara)
Mark Grayson/Invincible (Invincible)
Jimmy Woo (Marvel)
Kirby (Nintendo)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Zorro (The Mark of Zorro)
Phil Coulson (Marvel)
Megamind (Megamind)
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Donald Duck/The Duck Avenger/Paperinik (Disney)
Saitama/Caped Baldy (One Punch Man)
He-Man and She-Ra (He-Man: Masters of the Universe and She-Ra: Princess of Power)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Games)
The Tick (The Tick)
Robin Hood (English Folklore)
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Klaus Hargreeves/Number 4/The Séance (The Umbrella Academy)
Super Grover (Seasame Street)
Wario-Man (Nintendo)
Fanboy and Chum Chum (Fanboy and Chum Chum)
Ace and Gary/The Ambiguously Gay Duo (Saturday Night Live)
Hero Cookie (Cookie Run)
Floyd Belkin/Splitter/Arm-Fall-Off-Boy (DC)
Bob Dobalina/Bob, Agent of Hydra (Marvel)
Bibleman (Bibleman TV Show)
Larry-Boy (VeggieTales)
Sharkboy and Lavagirl (The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl)
Mermaid Man and Barnicle Boy (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Daniel MacIntyre/Cactusman/SCP-2800 (SCP Foundation)
Morbius (Morbius)
Jarro (DC)
Jeff the Land Shark (Marvel)
Steel Samurai (Ace Attorney)
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gorogues · 1 year
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Spoilers for comics in December!
These are from the official solicits for that month, which you can see in full at Adventures In Poor Taste.
Evan is back, and joining in the fun with the Folding Man.
THE FLASH #4 Written by SI SPURRIER Art and cover by MIKE DEODATO JR. Variant covers by MIKE DEODATO JR. and FRANY 1:25 variant cover by JAVIER RODRIGUEZ 1:50 variant cover by MATT TAYLOR Santa variant cover by STEPHEN SEGOVIA $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 12/26/23 As the Flash continues to explore the Gallery, he meets a living entity called the Resident that he feels drawn to. Can she aid him in his battle against the Folding Man…and even if she can, does she want to? Meanwhile, Mirror Master returns, unveiling even more upgrades since we last saw him in The Flash #800—but he’s not the only one with new powers, as Irey “Thunderheart” West is eager to show the world. Also, the Stillness decide to act upon humanity as the new chapter for the Flash Family continues!
SPEED FORCE #2 Written by JARRETT WILLIAMS Art by DANIELE DI NICUOLO Cover by MIKE DEODATO JR. Variant cover by SWEENEY BOO $3.99 US | 32 pages | 2 of 6 | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 12/12/23 As Wallace and Avery race to uncover the mystery of the missing S.T.A.R. Labs scientists, something appears to be affecting their friends—is it tied to the bubbles popping up all over Keystone, or the “spooky Speed Force stuff” Mr. Terrific is warning everyone about? Also, a classic Flash character appears— and is really into EDM, but to what end? The young Speedster team-up continues!
Could it be Hartley who's gotten into EDM..?
TITANS: BEAST WORLD TOUR: CENTRAL CITY #1 Written by SI SPURRIER, A.L. KAPLAN, ALEX PAKNADEL, JARRETT WILLIAMS Art by A.L. KAPLAN, GEORGE KAMBADAIS, and SERG ACUNÑA Cover by MIKEL JANÍN Variant covers by CULLY HAMNER and TAURIN CLARKE $5.99 US | 48 pages | Variant $6.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 12/19/23 Speedsters infected! The home of the Flash is not immune from the Starro spores, and as a member of the Flash Family is infected, it’s all hands on deck across both Central and Keystone City. Irey West has a plan that requires the help of her BFF Maxine Baker, while Avery Ho, Wallace West, and fan-favorite Circuit Breaker will all be working together with the entire clan to contain the infected speedsters causing chaos across the city. Oh, and the recent issues within the Speed Force haven’t gone away… This key chapter of the Beast World saga also contains important revelations for the Scarlet Speedster’s next steps as The Flash writer Si Spurrier is joined by Speed Force writer Jarrett WIlliams, Circuit Breaker scribe A.L. Kaplan, and Knight Terrors: The Flash writer Alex Paknadel!
As per a variant cover, it seems that Godspeed is the infected member (or one of them, since the solicit later says speedsters plural) of the Flash Family.
And because we know Len is in this series...
JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 Written by BRIAN BUCCELLATO Art by CHRISTIAN DUCE Cover by DREW JOHNSON Variant cover by JONBOY MEYERS Variant cover by MIKE DEODATO JR. 1:25 variant cover by SIMONE DI MEO 1:50 variant cover by ARIST DEYN $4.99 US | 40 pages | 3 of 7 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 12/19/23 Superman and Godzilla have gone head-to-head with devastating consequences in Metropolis as the Justice League scrambles to protect their homes from the monsters—Supergirl encounters Kong on Skull Island and Wonder Woman takes on Behemoth on Themyscira! Lost in the monster mayhem, though, are Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom… what nefarious connection do they have to everything?
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 days
My tears ricochet.
by little_gay_butterfly Y/n Mountbatten is the daughter of the most powerful and richest family in Europe. At 36, she's made a name for herself, not only for being part of the family of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom, she also made a name for being a fierce business woman, the richest person in the Royal Family and completely attractive. She is engaded and completely in love with Kara Danvers, a reporter at CatCo Worldwide Media and secretly known as Supergirl. She thinks that she has everything in her life, she's great at her job, she has a lovely family, a beautiful fiance, great friends, her fiance's family loves her, her family loves her fiance, she's good-looking and she's soon to be wife of the kindest and perfect person that has ever touched this planet. What happens when she receives an envelope with information and proof that the love of her life has been cheating on her for the last year with her best friend and realize that she's not living the perfect life she thought she had? Let's take a dive into this. Words: 861, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Cat Grant, Eliza Danvers, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Maggie Sawyer, Winn Schott Jr., Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Nia Nal, Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015), M'gann M'orzz, Bruce Wayne, Olivia Marsdin, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Zor-El, Alura In-Ze | Alura Zor-El, Astra (Supergirl TV 2015), Lara Lor-Van, Jeremiah Danvers, Jor-El Relationships: Kara Danvers/Reader, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Cat Grant/Reader, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Cheating, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Cat Grant Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Protective Cat Grant, Betrayal, Partner Betrayal, British Character, Heartbreak, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, British English, Bad English, No Spoilers via https://ift.tt/3jDT0GU
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sanversandfriends · 2 years
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This writer needs no introduction. She's been keeping eyeballs glued to AO3 since the Halcyon days when the show was still good and Alex was still Alex. Behold the origin story of the Sanvers fandom's very own @performativezippers!
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get started writing fic? Have you written for other fandoms? What are your favorite tropes?   I've talked about this before, but I found fic because of research I was doing in grad school. I was studying a fan advocacy group about queer representation on Glee (bleak times!) but the group folded before I had everything I needed. I had to produce a publishable paper by the end of the semester, and fanfic was the closest pivot I could make to use the research I'd already done. So I started studying Glee fanfic, and went down a rabbit hole of canon vs noncanon representation in fanfic and what that means for queer imaginations, basically (one of my papers was called "Faberry is Love, Pass it On," and another was "Write Your Own God Damned Stories," good fucking times). And then later I was like...you know what, there's a formula to successful fanfics, and now that I know it, could I do it? What if I wrote something as a test? And oops that was in like 2013! 
I originally wrote for Rizzoli and Isles, then for Sanvers, now also for Kacy (ncis hawaii).
In terms of tropes, I'm a sucker for a good friends-to-lovers slow burn arc. That's *chef's kiss* when it's done just right. What were your inspirations for this particular story? What was it about this/these ships that grabbed you?
Not to remind people of The Wars, but if you don't mind remembering, back when Sanvers was broken up (I'M SORRY), they said it was because Alex wanted a kid. Now, I thought that was stupid, because lord knows I fucking love Alexandra Danvers with all my heart but she was definitely not a parent of the year candidate in any way. I don't remember how it happened, but to get through our pain, some of us were joking about like, "just give her a dog and dress it up like a baby" and then I was thinking, "hmm, Alex would probably want like, a big ass predator for a child" and then somehow, probably in a fever dream, it became Make Alex's Child a Velociraptor. So it's actually a direct response to canon, which is weird because it's about a dinosaur and also Kara isn't in it, but there you have it.
This ship (Sanvers) grabbed me in a chokehold from day one. I had started watching Supergirl in season one because I like superhero stuff and I like ladies, and I crushed on Alex hard from the beginning. And then Maggie showed up for season two, and it was...fucking magic. I didn't know what was going to happen, I wasn't on the spoiler internet yet, so I watched it with baited breath. So often when you see two women characters with that kind of chemistry, you're screaming at the TV "YOU GUYS, THAT'S GAY" but it never happens. And this time it did. I yelled, "Alex, that's gay," and Maggie said, "Damn Alex, that's pretty gay," and then Alex said, "Fuck, you guys, I'm gay" and then THEY KISSED. I couldn't believe it.
And Alex's coming out speech was the most me-like thing I had ever seen on television, hands down. Has the time spent away from your story changed your outlook or approach to any of the storylines or themes? Have you had any new inspirations or breakthroughs/revelations in the meantime?
I'm a much better writer than I was when I started this fic. I've learned so much, from line-level work to how to write a plot and everything between. I still really love the worldbuilding I did originally, and the character of Gertrude the Dinosaur, and most of the large-scale choices I made for the ship and the tension. What's interesting about this fic is that it's the only thing I ever outlined, and it's the only thing I never finished. Not a coincidence! If I know what's happening, I get both bored and confined, and it doesn't work for me. The trick was to wait so long that I straight up forgot what was in the outline. I literally haven't reopened that word document, and I won't until my draft is finished. Maybe I'll find some gems in there that I want to work in, but I learned my lesson! No outlines! No thinking too far ahead!! That way lies madness (and unfinished fics). Any advice for new or aspiring fic writers?
Write what you want to read. Honestly, that's it. When I'm sad, I read my own stuff. When I want to be delighted, I read my own stuff. It's really easy to get hung up on what other people say or want to see, how many comments or kudos you get (I'm very guilty of this!) but ultimately, write something that, when you want comfort, you can read and go, "oh yeah, that's the good shit right there." Maybe that's fluff, maybe smut, maybe 100k of bloody torture--doesn't matter. Write what you want to read.
(But please, for the love of lesbian jesus, my actual advice is to put the dialogue tag on the same line as the dialogue. Please!) If you were going to promote this fic with a single line, what would it be?
Alex's child doesn't like Maggie, which is difficult because Alex is in love with Maggie and also the child is a velociraptor.  If you’ve already posted some of your work, please provide a link.
You can find the fic here, but I haven't posted the edited versions of the existing chapters yet, so I honestly recommend not diving in until I've posted the first of the new chapters (chapter 10): https://archiveofourown.org/works/13799136/chapters/31724760 
"Thanks, Zipps!"
she said.
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pluckysidekick · 1 year
Hey Drewds, just 59 days to mayhem! While we wait, I wanted to share 2 recent discoveries I’ve made of new featured actresses in Season 4 (potential minor spoilers ahead).
You may remember back in July, Maddison shared an adorable story from the golf cart that brought her out to the creepy woods with the “2 heart throbs” (Alex and Tunji of course).
There was also a young woman in the cart with them, and we all speculated on whether she was cast or crew. Well it turns out she is CAST, her name is Megan Munro, and she’s listed in the premiere episode as “Young Actress” on IMDB.
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Now she and a few other returning featured actors (including Thomas Cadrot, Sharon Taylor, Ecstasia Sanders and Richard Keats who play Jonas and Shelby Glass, Officer Joyce, and Judge Abbott) are listed for 4.1, which makes me feel confident the cast listings are legit. This is in contrast to the new Season 4 episode titles that appeared this week that we have yet to receive confirmation on.
So - who does she play? Assuming “Young Actress” is a placeholder so as not to spoil her character, is she the new potential love interest for Ace? Someone who is somehow affected by the main “graves” mystery storyline? There is one other actress listed for 4.1 who plays “Corpse #3” who is also a stuntwoman, so there is certainly going to be some supernatural high jinks going on in the woods/cemetery (zombies?). Can’t wait to find out if I got even close with my speculation in The Space Between (Chapter 14 coming this week!).
OK, moving from 4.1 to the finale (4.13) and my second reveal, if you remember back on the last day of filming Riley posted a very interesting BTS video of his and Scott’s final scene at The Claw amongst what looks like a baby shower. There are a few new characters in that video revealed in that video, but the most interesting is someone named “Jessica” who was standing right behind Riley and Scott. I believe I’ve found the actress - Jessica Meraz of Major Crimes and Supergirl, who lists “Nancy Drew” as “soon” in her bio, and who certainly looks like the actress we catch a glimpse of in the baby shower scene.
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Now I believe she is integral to the scene based on where she’s standing and Scott giving her a big hug. Two thoughts I had were 1. Could she be Jean’s sister? I believe from past clues Carson and Jean get married (in episode 8) and are having a baby. Back in episode 3.11 Jean talks about her sister who has a cabin in Winter Harbor that she and Carson could visit for a romantic weekend (presumably where they are headed at the end of 3.13 after Nancy cries to him about losing her soulmate sniff). It would make sense that Jean’s sister would be a recurring character as her maid of honor, throwing her baby shower, etc.
Second thought is that she is a love interest for Ryan. Reading Jessica Meraz’s IMDB resume and while she looks young, she has been in the business for a bit and could be a good match for Ryan age-wise. It’s possible this is her baby shower and there’s a time jump (she’s wearing a bulky sweater so it’s plausible), but I lean toward it being Jean’s (I’m happy with either!). Could she be Jean’s sister and Ryan’s love interest? We won’t know for a while if this storyline develops mid-season, or who knows, we may meet her in Episode 1!
OK, hope you enjoyed these little crumbs, we are so thirsty for news literally anything is welcome at this point.
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brckentales · 1 year
hey there! this is a new multimuse rp blog, that features characters from dc & marvel (with more to come later!) . crossover friendly & headcanon based. i'll have a detailed muse list soon, but feel free to pm me or interact to set up RPs in the meantime! the writer is 18+, and i ask anyone who follows to be an adult as well, as this blog will feature mature themes, including heavy adult content, so please bare that in mind. i'm also completely open to writing on discord, if that's your preference!
also, this pinned post and everything else is mostly temporary. i'll be working on making everything look nicer as i go along!
under the cute, i’ll include a few things, including my muse list, some muses / characters i’m looking for to write opposite with, and a few other details for rp!
my messages are always open, feel free to dm!
i'm open to most kinda plots and pairings, open to any themes and ideas, we can discuss whatever tbh. i don't have any real limits here.
there’s a more detailed muse list below, but honestly? i can play most any male character tbh, whatever fits the plot or pairing we go for! i can do canons, crossovers, or ocs —— it's all a yes from me! feel free to suggest someone who might not be on the list.
again, i’m pretty flexible and can write some characters outside of this, whether canon or oc, so feel free to suggest anything, this is more just for inspiration, tbh.
Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, Robin, Signal, Batman Beyond, Green Lantern / Kyle, The Flash / Barry, The Flash / Wally, Impulse, Green Arrow / Oliver Queen, Green Arrow / Connor Hawke, Arsenal, Aquaman, Aqualad / Kaldurah'm, Superboy / Conner, Superman / Jon, Cyborg, Booster Gold, Hawk, Hawkman, Deathstroke, Deadshot, Black Adam, Vandal Savage, Scarecrow, Flashpoint Batman / Thomas Wayne, Bane, Reverse-Flash, Black Manta, Ocean Master, Lobo, Swamp Thing, Jimmy Olsen, Joker
Daredevil, Punisher, Hawkeye, Spider-Man / Peter Parker, Spider-Man / Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2099 / Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man Noir, Cyclops, Wolverine, Magneto, Archangel, Green Goblin / Norman, Green Goblin / Harry, Doctor Doom, Human Torch, Deadpool, Bullseye, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Winter Soldier, Nick Fury, Havok, Kingpin
GOT era: Jaime Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon
HOTD era: Aemond Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon, Gwayne Hightower
Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Zuko, Mako
now here's the main gist of of what i'm looking for! if you can play any of the following characters, i would absolutely love it!
Cheshire / Jade Nguyen, Artemis Crock (from Young Justice), Yara Flor, Lois Lane, Donna Troy, Wonder Woman, Talia al Ghul, Black Canary / Dinah Lance, Zatanna, Ravager / Rose Wilson, Huntress / Helena Bertinelli, Jessica Cruz / Green Lantern, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire / Carol Ferris, Punchline, Supergirl, Spoiler, Lian Harper, Catwoman, Batgirl, Dawn Granger (Titans TV), Starfire, Lilith Clay, Hawkgirl, Lady Shiva, Mera, some Arrowverse girls (Iris West, Sara Lance, Thea Queen, Laurel Lance)
Elektra Natchios, Psylocke, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Rogue, Kate Bishop, Lorna Dane, Susan Storm, Sersi, Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy / Spider-Gwen, Wanda, Laura Kinney, Black Widow, Wanda Maximoff, Danvers (MCU), Mary Jane Watson, Hope van Dyne (MCU), Claire Temple (MCU), Agatha Harkness (MCU)
Ashe or Kiriko
Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Jessie Rasberry
Abigail Roberts, Sadie Adler, Mary-Beth Gaskill
Leia or Rey
Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Melisandre, Alicent Hightower, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Helaena Targaryen, Visenya I Targaryen
Azula, Suki
Teddy Duncan (Good Luck, Charlie), Alex Russo (Wizards), Carly Shay (iCarly), Tori / Trina / Jade (Victorious), Sharpay Evans / Gabriella Montez (High School Musical)
Heather, Gwen, Courtney
Starlight / Annie January (The Boys), Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10 Alien Force or older), Daphne Blake, Kim Possible, Colette (Ratatouille), Cinderella (Disney), Betty Cooper (Riverdale), Ellie Williams (TLOU2), Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher show)
Margot Robbie, Megan Fox, Gemma Chan, Madison Beer, Anne Hathaway, Anya Chalotra, Victoria Pedretti, Jessica Chastain, Emeraude Taubia, Jenna Dewan, Candice Patton, Sydney Sweeney, Alice Eve, Caity Lotz, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Olivia Wilde, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, Conor Leslie, Minka Kelly, Alejandra Guilmant, Kennedy Walsh, Olivia Rodrigo, Hailey Bieber, Doja Cat, Hailee Steinfeld, Dakota Johnson, Corinna Kopf, Florence Pugh, Lili Reinhart, Ariana Grande, Scarlet Johansson, Bridget Mendler, Madelyn Cline, Sabrina Carpenter, Anya Taylor-Joy, Jenna Ortega, Olivia Cooke
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i-writes-things · 2 years
(Spoiler alert) Maybe a oneshot where Kara realizes it’d actually be a really dumb idea to tell the world she’s supergirl like cat grant says because she’d be putting her friends and family in danger…
Kara Zor El
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“Wait, wait, wait. I’ve got it. I’ve got it. To our next adventure.” J’onn cut her off.
“To our next grand adventure.” Kara laughed.
“J’onn’s was better.”
“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” Kara mocked her little sister.
“Grand adventure,” Nia illustrated ***. “Makes it sound more like the end of a movie,”
“Or a tv show!” Esme added.
“Yes! Exactly. Like we might still be going on adventures inbetween our next big one. The smaller expeditions might not be apart of the story but it’s still apart of our lives. You know?” They just stared at her.
“Something like that, Nia.” Alex laughed.
“Just cheers, then?” Kelly asked. Kara stood, raising her glass saying,
“To our next, grand” She glanced at J’onn. “Adventure. May it be one of our best yet. El mayarah!” Smiling, the group gave their cheers. After a jumble of clinking wine glasses, and the youngest of the groups glass cups, a calmness settled in the room.
“I don’t feel any different.” Brainy stated.
“Your not supposed to.” Nia put a comforting hand on his.
Turning away from the small group in Kara’s livingroom. Cat Grant could be seen in the distance, from a television screen.
“Good evening, National City. I am here to announce the broadcast of the tribute to our heroin of the area. Supergirl. If she’s watching this, from everyone here at Catco, and as I would assume all the good people of National City, we say, Thank you. For everything you’ve done, and everything you and the Super Friends will do in the future.” Cat had a loving twinkle in her eye. “Thank you, Supergirl.”
Kara smiled, hearing it with her super powers. She turned back to the group. She loved all of them, her family and National City itself. And took in the moment with her family.
Nia and Brainy were excitedly talking about a new suit for him, Esme was giggling from being picked up by J’onn and he laughed with her, Kelly was watching her daughter and father-in-law. Then there was Alex and Y/n. Her sisters. Having been through everything together, she remembered it all. She wouldn’t have changed any of it for the world. There were so many nights that she would stare at the ceiling. Waiting to wake up from the nightmare that she use to call her life here on Earth. But now, she had a purpose.
Kara had finally found her place on Earth.
She was home.
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ao3feed-supercorp · 1 year
Buy The Grad A Drink!
by dub_metric
Lena Luthor needs: A) Somebody to frivolously spend her fortune on B) A hug so good from somebody so hot that it has her considering skipping her long-standing therapy appointment next Monday C) A life-altering lay D) Somebody to love her unconditionally and tell her that she is so so so good E) All the above
Kara Danvers is: A) In debt, like a lot of debt B) A newly minted Doctor of Anthropology C) Desperate for the love, attention, and affection of a hot woman D) Confident that she could land a plane in an emergency situation with no prior training or contact with air traffic control E) All the above
Words: 963, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Winn Schott Jr., Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Samantha "Sam" Arias, Andrea Rojas
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Accidental to Intentional Sugar Relationship, Power Bottom Lena Luthor, Service Top Kara Danvers, Kara Danvers isn't Supergirl, But she is still kryptonian, Confident Kara Danvers, Not Canon Compliant, Eventual Smut, Kink, Spoiler they fall in love, Lesbian Kara Danvers, Lesbian Lena Luthor, Alternate Universe - No Superman, Kara danvers is so smart guys, author is not though so don't question me, Alien Cultural Differences, Alien Biology
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/9FQGk5O via IFTTT https://ift.tt/9FQGk5O
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broifoundher · 2 years
What is this junk? : An old one shot with Kara Danvers from my time before joining Tumblr.
Supergirl + Arrowverse SPOILERS
Angst (badly written), happy (yes) ending (?).
A/n : Literally just copy pasted because I’m too afraid to change it.
“Hey” she breathed in “It’s gonna be okay. I’ve got you.” She said, but you just smiled at her.
“Kara, one of my legs is crushed, I have a pole pierced into my stomach and my right arm has been torn apart. We both know I’m not gonna make it.” You whispered but she just shook her head in denial.
“No, no. *sniffle* I’m gonna bring you to the DEO and—” she said as she went to pick you up, but you cut her off
“I’ll bleed out into your arms.” You sent her a small smile. “It’s okay Kara… I’m just glad I’m not alone right now.” You said with tears streaming down your face.
Which flooded her face with more. “Never, you’ll never be alone.”
“Because I won’t be (existing) anymore. But you will still live on. I’m so sorry to bring this pain into your life…”
“No…. No, because you will live. You will live on with me. And we’ll laugh together about you being sorry again at the worst possible time. We’ll get married, have kids.” And the fact that she had already seen a future with you in it made your heart sink even further.
“Kara, please stop…” if she went on, you weren’t sure you would be at peace with dying anymore. “I love you. But I’m not gonna retrieve my apology about leaving you to deal with these shitty feelings. Kara, I…” you broke down “I wish I could have had that kind of life with you, but you’ll have to find someone else for yours.”
“Yes, please…” your eyelids were getting heavier to lift as you blinked “I don’t want to be the reason that the beautiful and amazing person I met back then wouldn’t get her happy ending.”
“My happy ending is with you.”
“No, no no.” She broke down as she couldn’t hear your heart beat anymore.
Her hands were full of your blood as she had been trying to keep it inside of you. And she hung her head down when your eyes kept staring without a single hint of life still inside.
“I couldn’t save her, Alex. She died… *sniffle* I’m Supergirl for Rao’s sake!”
“I know…”
“And the worst is, there were other people there who were in need of my help. And yet, they had to see a hero lift them up with shaky arms.”
“I’m so sorry Kara…”
“How am I gonna live without her? I was gonna propose to her! If— if only—”
“Stop, don’t think like that Kara… It happened and you will have to find a way out. And I, and James, and Winn—”
“Will never be able to replace her” Kara cut her sister off “I just want her” she whispered.
“I know…” was all Alex could say.
“Hey Kara.”
“Hey Barry, nice wedding.” She smiled.
“Thanks, I see you brought your sister as your plus one… Want to tell me what happened?”
Her eyes diverted to her own drink.
“She died Barry.”
“Oh my god, Kara. I’m so sorry.” He said as he hugged her.
“Yeah, everyone is… Even she was…” she frowned at the memory. Not making her laugh at all.
“Hey, I wish I could say you’re gonna find someone, but I’ve only ever loved one woman in my life… So I’m not sure I can tell you anything inspiring.”
She smiled.
“Thanks Barry, but you don’t have to…”
“Yes, yes I do. I’m your friend and the one who invited you here.”
“It’s ok, today I’m here for you. And I have to say, I’m enjoying my time.”
“Happy to know that, then want to come join us downstairs now?”
“Yeah, alright.” She said as she followed him down the stairs to where the others were gathered.
“And my wife” said Earth X’s Oliver.
“Ew, gross.” Kara said out loud, even the evil version of herself got to be with their loved one.
This was making Kara even sadder than before.
~At the beginning of Crisis on Infinite Earth~
“They’re gone. My parents, all of Argo. I lost them again…”
~At the end of Crisis on Infinite Earth~
“You know what Oliver told me?” Barry said to Kara “he said :
‘Dying is the easy part. That he was at peace. That the real heroes, they’re the ones that have to keep going. So he told me to keep going.”
“I guess that’s what my girlfriend meant, but didn’t have enough time to think of the perfect way to say it…”
~After Crisis on Infinite Earth~
“Good morning sleeping beauty! You have the Nobel Prize ceremony to get to in an hour or so.” You said as you straddled your wife’s body.
“(Y/N)?” She said with tears in her eyes “Am I dead? Is this heaven?”
“Hey, Darling, are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?” You said suddenly concerned, grasping her cheeks to look her in the eyes.
“No… I wish it was all only a dream…But the dream is you… being here” she whispered as she cupped your hands.
“I’m real Kara. Here.” You took her hand and let it rest over your beating heart “I’m here.” You whispered, intending to reassure, to ground her, but it only made her shake her head again as she started crying.
“No, you died. This has to be another Black Mercy!” She gently pushed you away as she stood up and started pacing. “I just don’t get how a Black Mercy could’ve attached itself to me, the multiverse was dying…”
“Kara, if you have to talk about your dreams, of course I’m always here to listen, but if you expect to find explanations, you should ask Nia…”
She stopped dead in her track. “You know Nia?”
“Kara, are you serious right now?” You asked, not in a pissed or sarcastic way, but in a worried, honest manner.
“I, yes I am. You died on the [date] I remember it clearly, I always go to the graveyard on the [date]. I bring you flowers, your favourite ones as they remind me of you, care for your tombstone, make sure to keep it steady” she hiccuped in her sobs.
“Kara…” you said, your own eyes filling with tears. You shook your head at the sight of your wife being so broken. “I’m so sorry you had to live with this.” You wrapped your arms around her body. Because you believed her.
She chuckled. “I know, you said the same thing before you died. How you told me to live on anyway. And then I told you you’ll get to live on too, together, with me. How we would get married, have kids. But then you shook your head again, apologizing and saying I will have to find someone else *hiccups* when all these years, *inhale* I’ve never been able to find anyone else…” she was weeping into your shoulder, gripping onto your shirt as you soothed her with a hand in her hair.
You don’t know how long it had been, still just processing everything. But then Kara’s phone rang.
“It’s probably Nia wondering where you are.” You whispered softly, not wanting to startle the woman in your arms.
“I don’t care. I just want to stay here with you.”
“But Kara, it’s the Nobel Prize!” You said as you pulled yourself back. “I believe you, but I also remember how excited you were about it. I mean, how couldn’t you, your friend is getting the Nobel Prize!”
“My friend?” She furrowed her brows
“Yes, Lex Luthor.”
She almost choked
“Excuse me, I don’t know if I should be more distraught by the fact you just said Lex Luthor and I are friends or because he’s receiving the Nobel Prize?”
“Neither? Because it’s a good thing?”
“I’m sorry, I gotta go.”
“Sure, say hi to Nia for me. And don’t forget to ask her about your dream.”
“I will.”
“Kara! Just in time!”
“Oh Rao, she wasn’t kidding.”
Literally just stops there. 🫤 I know, sorry. 😐 I can try rewriting it and giving it an end if you want. Just tell me. But otherwise, I just thought to share with the fandom. Okay, bye.
Alternatively, this could also be seen as a concept to which I wouldn’t be against writing a full story. In my today’s style.
Okay, real bye this time.
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paulgadzikowski · 1 year
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link. Alex Danvers, Kara (SUPERGIRL) Danvers, and Hank Henshaw of Supergirl stand talking in DEO headquarters. Supergirl is saying, "What about my cousin? He's an alien and no one's suspicious about him." Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
Thanks for reading.
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superhero-smackdown · 2 years
Group Round 1 Masterlist:
Group 1:
Match 1 - The Incredibles vs. Spider-Men and Ghost Spider
Match 2 - Jim Gordon vs. Toshinori Yagi/All Might
Match 3 - Garfield Logan/Beast Boy vs. Stephanie Brown/Spoiler
Match 4 - Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler vs. Kori'ander/Starfire
Match 5 - Jason Todd/Red Hood vs. Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel
Match 6 - Steve Rogers vs. Jessica Jones
Match 7 - Charles Xavier/Professor X vs. Black Noir
Match 8 - Matt Murdock/Daredevil vs. Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier
Group 2:
Match 1 - Kara Zor-El/Supergirl vs. Peter Quill/Starlord
Match 2 - Cassandra Cain/Black Bat vs. Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat
Match 3 - Tony Stark/Iron Man vs. The Green Lantern Corp
Match 4 - Arthur Curry/Aquaman vs. Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Match 5 - T'Challa Udaku/Black Panther vs. Queen Maeve
Match 6 - Minhkhoa Khan/The Ghost-Maker vs. Clark Kent/Superman
Match 7 - Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette vs. Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockely/Moon Knight
Match 8 - Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America vs. Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl
Group 3:
Match 1 - Darkwing Duck vs. The Autobots
Match 2 - Midnighter vs. Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Match 3 - Ororo Munroe/Storm vs. Barry Allen/The Flash
Match 4 - Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova/Black Widow vs. Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Match 5 - Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead vs. Roy Harper/Arsenal
Match 6 - Annie January/Starlight vs. Bruce Wayne/Batman
Match 7 - Tim Drake/Red Robin vs. James Howlett/Wolverine
Match 8 - Kon-El Kent/Superboy vs. Kate Kane/Batwoman
Group 4:
Match 1 - The Powerpuff Girls vs. The Power Rangers
Match 2 - Danny Fenton/Phantom vs. Izuku Midoriya/Deku
Match 3 - Kim Possible vs. Goku
Match 4 - The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. Link and Zelda
Match 5 - Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel vs. Billy Batson/Captain Marvel/Shazam
Match 6 - Virgil Hawkins/Static Shock vs. America Chavez/Ms. America
Match 7 - Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir vs. Ben Tennyson/Ben 10
Match 8 - Kate Bishop/Hawkeye vs. Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Group 5:
Match 1 - Gwen Poole/Gwenpool vs. Doreen Green/Squirrel Girl
Match 2 - Jubilation Lee/Jubilee vs. Mia Dearden/Speedy
Match 3 - Nino Lahiffe/Carapace vs. Katsuki Bakugo/Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight
Match 4 - Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd/Wiccan and Speed vs. Kaio Kincaid/K.O.
Match 5 - Damian Wayne/Robin vs. Flash Thompson/Agent Venom
Match 6 - Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher/The Beak vs. Shoto Todoroki/Shoto
Match 7 - Alex, Sam, and Clover vs. Felicia Hardy/Black Cat
Match 8 - Viv Vision vs. Alya Cesaire/Rena Rouge
Group 6:
Match 1 - Gizmoduck vs. Usagiyama Rumi/Mirko
Match 2 - Laura Kinney/X-23 vs. Karen Fields/Voyd
Match 3 - Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko vs. Dakota Cole/D.C.
Match 4 - Olive Silverlock and Maps Mizoguchi/The Detective Club vs. Nova Artino and Adrien Everhart/Insomnia and Sketch
Match 5 - William Wisp/The Wisperer vs. Neena Thurman/Domino
Match 6 - Elpis vs. Moza/Emara
Match 7 - Luka Couffaine/Viperion vs. Captain Rainbow
Match 8 - Undine Wells and Kokoro Aichi/Alchemical Water and Heartful Punch vs. Vyncent Sol Virion
Group 7:
Match 1 - Kirby vs. Robin Hood
Match 2 - Sonic the Hedgehog vs. Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic
Match 3 - Jimmy Woo vs. Zorro
Match 4 - Saitama/Caped Baldy vs. Monkey D. Luffy
Match 5 - The Doctor vs. The Tick
Match 6 - Megamind vs. He-Man and She-Ra
Match 7 - Mark Grayson/Invincible vs. Klaus Hargreeves/Number 4/The Seance
Match 8 - Donald Duck/The Duck Avenger/Paperinik vs. Phil Coulson
Group 8:
Match 1 - Floyd Belkin/Splitter/Arm-Fall-Off-Boy vs. Wario Man
Match 2 - Fanboy and Chum Chum vs. Hero Cookie
Match 3 - SCP-2800/Cactusman/Daniel MacIntyre vs. Bibleman
Match 4 - Jarro vs. Bob Dobalina/Bob, Agent of Hydra
Match 5 - Mermaid Man and Barnicle Boy vs. Super Grover
Match 6 - Sharkboy and Lavagirl vs. Ace and Gary/The Ambiguously Gay Duo
Match 7 -Morbius vs. Larry-Boy
Match 8 - Jeff the Land Shark vs. Steel Samurai
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supeherosunite · 1 year
Original Characters
Pax kent ( cousin of kara) ( Kryptonian cousin / adopted earth sister of Clark) face cam bailee madison
Edith Kent (sister of Clark Kent) face cam Heather Rattray
JaKari Kent (brother of Clark Kent) face cam Laird Macintosh
Lara Kent ( daughter of Clark Kent ) face cam Amanda Fein
Lulu Kent ( daughter of Clark Kent ) face cam Caitlin Fein
Gaia white ( Meta-human with nature powers ) face cam Georgie Henley
Uranus white (Meta-human with nature powers ) face cam Freddie Highmore
Yara smith ( mutant avenger ) face cam Bridgit Mendler
Amity Jones ( young S.H.I.E.L.D. agent ) face cam Drew Barrymore
Lilly Cullen (adoptive daughter of Alice and jasper ) (twilight) face cam Becky Rosso
Violet Smith (profiler) (criminal minds) face cam Haley Lu Richardson
Sammy Brown ( agent) (ncis) face cam Julia Butters
Senara Sohma (Zodiac member) (fruits basket) face cam Emma The Promised Neverland
Martha Kent
Clark Kent (Superman)
Jon Kent (Superboy)
Jordan Kent (Superboy)
Jonathan Kent (kon-El)
Lois Joanne Lane
Doctor Emil Hamilton
Tess Mercer
James Bartholomew Olsen
Chloe Sullivan-Queen (Watchtower)
Ryan James
Jonathan Sullivan-Queen (Speedy)
Kara Zor-El (Supergirl)
Alex Danvers (Director Danvers)
Mon-El (Prince of Daxam
Winn Scott (Toyman)
Nia Nal (Dreamer)
Lena Luthor
James Gordon (police commissioner)
Alfred Pennyworth (Penny One)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Kate Kane (Batwoman)
Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Terry Wayne (Batman)
Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Jason Todd (Red Hood)
Tim drake (Red Robin)
Damian Wayne (Robin),
Duke Thomas (The Signal)
Henry King (Gotham)
Luke Fox (Batwing)
David Zavimbe (Batwing)
Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan (Ghost-Maker)
Barbara Gordon (Oracle)
Stephanie Brown (Spoiler)
Cassandra Cain (Orphan)
Claire Clover (Gotham Girl)
Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael)
Julia Pennyworth (Penny-Two)
Tiffany Fox (Batgirl)
Harper Row (Bluebird)
Barry Allen (flash)
Iris Ann West-Allen (Eye in the Sky)
Nora West-Allen (XS)
Bart Allen (Impulse)
Wally West (Kid Flash)
Jesse Chambers Wells (Jesse Quick)
Jenna Marie West (Trajectory)
Joanie Horton (Joanie Swift)
Dr. Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost)
Ronald Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)
Cisco Ramon (Vibe)
Harrison Wells
Dr. Harrison Harry Wells
Harrison H.R. Wells
Harrison Sherloque Wells
Harrison Nash Wells (Pariah)
Maya Wells
Allegra Garcia (Ultraviolet)
Chester Phineas Runk (Black Hole)
Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)
Julian Albert (Alchemy)
Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper)
Green arrow
Oliver Jonas Queen (Green Arrow)
Felicity Megan Smoak (Watchtower)
William Clayton (White Feather)
Mia Smoak (Blackstar)
Thea Dearden Queen (Speedy)
Roy William Harper Jr (Arsenal)
Dinah Laurel Lance (Black Canary)
Captain Sara Lance (White Canary)
Rory Regan (Ragman)
Zoe Ramirez (Canarie)
Thomas Tommy Merlyn (Dark Archer)
Sara Diggle (Harbinger)
Emiko Adachi Queen (Green Arrow)
Titans/ Young Justice
Garfield "Gar" Logan (Beast Boy)
Koriand'r Kory Anders (starfire)
Rachel Roth (Raven)
Garth (Aqualad)
Karen Beecher (Bumblebee)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
Billy Batson (Shazam)
M'gann M'orzz (Miss Martian)
Evelyn Sharp (Artemis)
Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl)
Mike Dugan (starboy)
Beth Chapel (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Yolanda Montez (Wildcat)
Richard Tyler (Hourman)
Henry King Jr. (Brainwave junior)
Joey Zarick (Zarrick the Great)
Cameron Mahkent (Icicle junior)
Beebo (God of War)
Zatanna (Mistress of Magic)
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)
Ray Palmer (The Atom)
Martin Stein (Firestorm)
Nate Heywood (Citizen Steal)
Amaya Jiwe (Vixen)
Patrick "Pat" Dugan (S.T.R.I.P.E.)
Lisa snart (Golden Glider)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Miles (Ultimate Spider-Man)
Gwen (Spider-Gwen)
Cindy (Silk)
Michelle (MJ)
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
(White Wolf)
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Young Avengers
Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel)
Doreen Allene Green (Squirrel Girl)
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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