#This was a wild ride with her
uwudonoodle · 2 months
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Canon confirmed. Both Link and Zelda are horse girls.
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loriache · 6 months
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Falin's Nightmare
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blackbatcass · 1 year
Not to get back on my soapbox but bruce & cass’s early relationship does make me want to eat drywall. any outsider could tell you bruce is obviously enabling cass’s unhealthy behaviors and yet he 100% completely believes he’s doing the right thing for her because that’s what he thinks he would have needed in that situation. and. that says some real interesting things about bruce as a person. wow, mr. wayne, are you totally sure that what you needed when you were cassandra cain’s age was someone holding you to impossibly high standards, keeping you shut up in a cave all day, training you until your lungs gave out and encouraging vigilantism to consume every aspect of your life? is that really what you think you needed? does this maybe stem from an ultimately twisted view of yourself, bruce?
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dobodleaday · 1 day
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09.21.24 “I feel empty. Don’t you?” 🫀
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catgirljaneway · 14 days
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Tuvok and Kathryn and the time Kathryn destroyed the timeline get Tuvok back.
/I Swear Somewhere This Works - Trista Mateer/
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captainbuzzard · 15 days
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man reverberating was such a funny mod.
during this inning the first ken drew a walk, stole second, then got caught stealing third before the second ken walked, the third ken arrived and drew another walk, the second stole third base, and finally the fourth ken arrived and this screenshot was taken.
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thecraftgremlin · 9 months
I think there should be a horse girl movie where our plucky protagonist takes on the ~*problem horse*~ at the ranch but instead of being wild and untamable the horse is just really stupid.
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Rain/Payu) 2
Because I'm petty, I had the crowd pick which blacklisted shows I would watch for the month of Pride. The first is Love in The Air, and even though I was mad in the first few episodes that Sky brushed off his friend running away from Payu at the beginning, Sky has proven he is a great friend, and I am very excited to get to his portion. Sorry, Rain. This Daddy x Baby dynamic needs to speed it up!
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Let's wrap this stormy weather up!
If I was the receptionist, I'd love this job for the chisme. If I was a mechanic, I'd be pissed!
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So all of this was a another test. Rain is proving himself to Payu as being worthy of his time and affection by ignoring Payu being mean to him, so even though there is definitely something happening with the yellow and blue between them, I'm ignoring it because Payu is HIGH-KEY pissing me all the way off, and I'm too focused on this room situation. Does this man have his garage room and actual house room?! What is this?!
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Black x White. Blinding Light of Love. And just like that, I'm on my fellow Slut for Christ's side because WHY IS RAIN JUST STANDING OUT IN THE RAIN LIKE A DUMMY?! Miracles happen when we least expect them.
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I am not feeling this bathing scene because there is not enough water in that huge ass tub, and out of all the things Payu should apologize for, he is saying sorry that Rain stood out in the rain. Can they just have sex already, so I can quit being petty?
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God damn it! There is pink = 💕love💕 but I am very familiar with this scene because it was all over my dash when it aired, and I'm a bag of mixed emotions. Payu hid that condom under a toy truck, but opened it with his teeth, yet he kissed Rain's leg, so like . . . shit, Payu looks fine with his hair down.
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The beginning of episode five is just horny on main from Rain telling his MOTHER that he was working on something else that was hard all night, and now we're just watching Payu work out before he peaces out in Payu's blue shirt only to end up in this! I refuse to acknowledge the colors because how did Payu find this boy AND WHY ARE THEY SCREWING AROUND IN HIS MAMA'S HOUSE?!
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Payu already claimed Rain to his face, followed him to his mama's house, and has gotten ultra possessive, yet Rain is freaking out thinking Payu is trying to ditch him. Rain is too smart to be this dumb.
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A WHOLE ASS GIRL IS IN THIS SHOW! And Rain is just insulting her and her brothers after pining after her - "fruits" - really, Cloud Jizz?
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The way I'm mad at these colors is the same way I'm mad at Rain for being upset that other people like his boyfriend. These two were made for each other.
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Number one rule of illegal race club is we don't talk about illegal race club.
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I'm ignoring the wife talk the same way I'm ignoring the colors and the singing. I am God's strongest solider.
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This legit should be the end of their arc and the fact that it is not just so Rain can get kidnapped is irritating me (yes, I know he gets kidnapped because my dash said so when it was airing).
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Oh, look, a sweet flashback telling me they were meant for each other right before RAIN GETS KIDNAPPED!
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These colors are on my fucking neck!
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*eyes popping out of my head because the colors won't let me be* Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's gonna rip that suit off of you later and fuck you on the stairs of death then ride you. Yeah, we've all heard about it, now can we get to the kidnapping plot?
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The colors are coloring on these two kinksters with Payu's "I like the sound, but not to ride" line like we don't all know what that means. So glad they found each other, but WHERE IS THE KIDNAPPING?! Does it not happen in this episode?! I thought there were only six episodes in each arc. Am I watching seven of just Rain ask the same damn questions of if they like each other?! Sonsito!
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The colors are coloring so hard with Rain in his white tank and pink boxers (that he wore the first time they had sex) drinking white milk and Payu in his black shirt with his black tea cup and blue jacket hanging out on the chair. I HATE IT!
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THE KIDNAPPING! The title card was "Sky After Rain" so let's move this along and give me my boy already! But also, if Rain was a rich bitch, this would've never happened! A delivery man asking for help? Um . . . better go find a buddy because rich bitches don't do manual labor. Finally, I appreciate that Payu's wild ass behavior of demanding Rain answer his calls paid off by him knowing something was up when Rain didn't answer. Now can we murder this bastard already for taking this awful picture?!
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A comedian said that people only kneel for two reasons: God and dick, so this man is a dick who is about to meet God because he just said that he would have his men sexually assault Rain?! DRACARYS!
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I have never been more excited to see the Bed Friend baddie! Not only because he is about to end this man's life, but also because he interrupted these two love birds making googly eyes at each other in the middle of a crime scene! And now Rain just said Payu was the only one who could screw him. WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS?!
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Rain is clearly a words-over-actions guy, but at this point it is OBVIOUS that Payu loves him, so I would tell him I don't love him just to be mean.
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And now Rain is telling Payu he would harm him if he cheats. WITH WHOM?! The damn mechanic who has to keep running interference between you two AT HIS JOB?! Y'all are such a mess and fully belong together.
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Oh thank goodness, it's my sweet summer child Sky finally!
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And his red devil because Prapai has to be the red to his bestie's blue, no?
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See, Rain is triflin' because Sky did not snitch on him dating Payu, yet Rain gave up his number quick. This is why I ignored their colors because Rain knows this is wrong, but at least it FINALLY gets me more Sky on my screen. The End!
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*takes off my glasses* These after scenes got me all the way fucked up, and even though I was fine with how they ended in the car this episode, now I'm mad as hell that Payu just offered up this fun little tidbit that he jacked up Rain's car so he could see him again at the very end.
Pushes play on episode eight
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Do you know this queer character?
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Noel is Gay and uses he/him and she/her (when in drag) pronouns!
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khawlat · 6 months
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Look, truth is, there are 24 dukes in this country. This seems to be the only one who can navigate both the upper echelons of high society and shoot someone in the head without worrying about it.
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
blows my mind there's not even a Chinese coven in The Twilight Saga. no Indian coven. only ONE coven in the Middle East/Africa: EGYPTIAN. no Greek coven, no Iranian coven, no Afghan coven, no Ethiopian coven, no Nigerian coven; FUCK ancient civilizations i guess! no one in South or Central America but the AMAZONS???? for real?????? the POTENTIAL to incorporate LEGENDS and HISTORY and CULTURE — wasted! i CANNOT with this author thinking the only vampire civilizations exist in Europe & America!! fuck off directly into the sun!!!
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
It's not a request, more of a question hehehe. if the reader gets Pickle's attention, will the Hanma family handle it to protect their "little sister"? The huge caveman always appears and disappears unexpectedly, it's not hard for him to steal a person. Especially when he sees the small prey surrounded by three strong men
(I kind of went on a tangent with this and I have no idea if it even makes sense, so I apologize for the word vomit ell oh ell.)
If you thought Baki and Jack were suffocating before, you are in for a rude awakening as soon as Pickle enters the scene. The moment they get any inkling that Pickle has taken notice of you they become COMPLETELY overbearing in your life. I’m talking they won't even let you go to the bathroom by yourself, let alone wander off without having one of them attached to your hip. You’re under constant surveillance, Jack and Baki taking turns watching you in shifts when they both can't be with you.
They do all they can to block you from any media coverage Pickle is getting, even if that’s ultimately a losing battle. They know you are aware of him, and you are bound to see him in the news and hear about him on the street, but the less interest and knowledge you have about the man the better.  It’s hard keeping you in the dark, especially when they themselves have taken an interest in him. Jack and Baki are itching to take Pickle on, while simultaneously wanting him to stay as far away from their beloved sister as possible.
The brothers do feel slightly guilty over the whole Pickle situation-the whole reason he even knows of your existence to begin with is because of them. You most likely only ever saw Pickle once, and it was when you were with your brothers in Kourakuen. It was just in passing, but they haven’t forgotten the look of sheer awe in your eyes as you took in the prehistoric man before you. You were at a safe distance of course, and sheltered behind your brothers in the event he tried to come any closer.  You had to peek through limbs and stand on tip toes to get a good glimpse, and were extremely grumpy when Jack and Baki whisked you away in a hurry. You didn’t even get to wave hello. :(
Honestly, you thought Pickle was a little cute. Intimidating, yes, but the flabbergasted look that spread across his face as he took in this new world around him, mixed with the childlike glee that lit his features when he uncovered something new or exciting… You couldn’t help but find it a little endearing.
However the brothers knew from the moment Pickle saw you, they were in trouble. That toothy grin mixed with the inquisitive gleam his eyes held as they locked on to your every movement held only impure intentions. They got you out of there as quickly as they could, but the warning glances they cast Pickle on the way out seemed to excite him more than dissuade.
At first you found it a little silly, all the effort your brothers were putting into this seemed like a waste of time more than anything. After that first brief meeting with Pickle you really couldn’t fathom a moment where you would ever again be in his presence, let alone have him be a threat to you. If anything, you were more concerned about what someone like that would do to one of your brothers if they ever got in a serious fight. You were well aware that both men were actively pursuing an altercation with Pickle, and it made you cringe thinking the sheer amount of violence they were willing and eager to inflict upon each other. It was hard for you to wrap your head around. Pickle seemed almost… Pure? What joy they found in beating on someone like that, you couldn’t understand. 
Regardless, you figure they just need some time to see how ridiculous they were being, and as time passes so will their irrational fear of Pickle getting to you.
What YOU don’t realize is that even though your encounter with Pickle was brief, he is VERY much interested in you. There was no courting in his time line, base instincts taking precedence. What he wanted he would claim by any means necessary. He is intrigued by you, a feeling of insatiable curiosity pulling him towards you. You were so tiny, yet guarded by such fierce beasts. He wanted to see you again, wanted to get his hands on you. He needed to know just what about you made you so desirable, not just to him, but to the others as well. You were new, you were mysterious, you were confusing and beautiful and you smelled so nice… If he got the chance, he would definitely steal you away and spend time alone with you, giving you his undivided attention and taking as much time as needed to unravel your mysteries and make you his mate.
Your flippant attitude towards Pickle, mixed with the awareness Pickle has taken a liking to you only serves to make the brothers more domineering. Don't you understand how much danger you are in? The brothers kept this particular broadcast from you, but they saw what Pickle did to that news reporter woman on national television and they'll be damned if you become his next source of release. They’re not leaving your side until he’s out of the picture entirely, no matter how long it takes.
As for Yujiro, I feel like overall he just likes seeing you in different, compromising situations. He takes great pleasure in seeing you squirm-watching with unparalleled interest as you time and time again get yourself into messy affairs, often without even realizing you are doing it. It’s truly incredible that you don’t realize the threat Pickle poses to you, and he can’t help but laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all. You must be blind, because it only took one look for Yujiro to ascertain Pickles intentions, and that his advances were not something you would walk away from unscathed.
Yujiro knows he can stop it in a moment. He was definitely stronger than Pickle and much smarter too. Yujiro’s presence alone would be enough to dissuade Pickle from ever looking your way again, taking only a small exertion of his power to stop him dead in his tracks and get him fleeing with his tail between his legs. But there was something about the way you were so nonchalant about Pickle that kept him from intervening. It was almost as if you were toying with him, tempting him with your big doe eyes and clueless nature. Did you feel comfortable around Pickle because you knew if necessary, daddy would save you? Surely he wouldn’t let his little Princess be ravaged by this big scary Neanderthal, right?
Don’t worry, Yujiro won’t let Pickle destroy one of his favorite toys, but he’s also not gonna play knight in shining armor unless the reward is worth it. So go ahead and play dumb, writhe and cry out for help when you inevitably get trapped in Pickles embrace. When Yujiro rips your quaking form from the cave mans grasp, and you fall into his open arms sobbing, hurt, and half naked, he expects you to show him nothing but the utmost appreciation. That is unless you prefer him watching as Pickle has a few rounds with you. Would you like that, having your father’s unwavering gaze drink in every inch of your debauched form as you are taken like a wild animal? Yujiro didn’t hate the thought of it, monitoring the situation while he smiled down on you devilishly, your face constricting in a mix of pain, fear, and pleasure as another man had his way with you.  
Whatever you want princess, just don’t wear yourself out before he gets a turn.
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thelostgirl21 · 2 months
When the Prince you're meant to be babysitting suddenly shows up and turns your whole meeting with the Sandpiper into some highly weird and confusing "Deadly Spy, Naughty Spy" routine...
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Poor Jaskier... So, are they planning on letting me go or keeping me? Do they want me to stop fucking or keep fucking? Is getting eaten something I should dread or look forward to?
Technically, it worked though, because Jaskier 100% decided that, given the choice, he'd rather continue to deal with the horny sexy prince than the scary sexy witch, moving forward!
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i-really-like-phrogs · 8 months
Some of my favorite Lydia faces from the Harvey comics
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coffee-cait · 1 year
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🦊 Live Laugh Hehe >:'3c 🦊
Thank you for all the amazing memories and for being our fox mom Nina. Wishing you nothing but the best on your new journey ahead! We'll miss you 💗
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shannonsketches · 10 months
Weird Horsegirl Ganondorf fun fact of today is that in Ocarina of Time Ganondorf rides without a bridle! Even in the concept art his horse lacks any bit or reigns (as does Epona, and every other horse).
What it mainly means is that the N64 didn't have the power to mess with an unnecessary complex item to render -- but what it could be interpreted to mean for the sake of fandom fun is that the horses are raised and trained to be ridden bridleless.
Not to be up my own headcanons about horses being a big thing in Gerudo Valley and Malon's mom being Gerudo and there being a reason that Gan's horse is specified as a pure black Gerudo Stallion because other Gerudo horses don't look like that but -- have you seen the dressings on the other horses?
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All of them, even Zelda's horse, have a call to Gerudo patterning. Except for Epona, who was only able to be approached, touched, and ridden by Link and presumably Malon herself.
It's no secret that the Gerudo are more or less pulled from African and Arabic cultures, but fun fact about Arabian horses, they used to be given as prized gifts to royalty and important political figures.
So if they are inspired by Arabian horse history --
Although the specific area of the Arabian Peninsula where the breed originated can’t be pinpointed, it is widely accepted that around 2500 B.C., the Bedouin people were responsible for developing the desert horses that became the ancestors of the Arabian horse. The nomads’ keen horse sense and meticulous attention to proper care and breeding created an animal that could withstand the harsh environment of the desert, surviving extreme heat and cold with little water and the food they shared with their handlers. A life of travel also required horses with great lung capacity, endurance and stamina. (x)
It's very possible that all of the horses in OoT have ancestry in Gerudo Valley!
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