#My poor man 🦆
tama-art-stuff · 1 year
Es el cumpleaños de Daffy Duck
Cae un lunes
Primer día de una semana llena de trabajo
Aunque alguien quiera hacerle algún regalo probablemente no pueda
Pero, saben qué? Es bastante cómico pensar que hasta en nuestro universo él tenga tan mala suerte.
Pensé en esto porque en soy una gran fanática de este personaje, siento que le debo mucho en mi crecimiento como persona y como afecto a mis gustos. Pero simplemente mi vida laboral no me permite celebrarlo apropiadamente 💔
My poor man 🦆
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deadghosy · 7 months
Prompt: you are a resident in the hotel who makes sure people sleep. No one gets out of your grasp of not sleeping.
Warning: you aren’t an experiment, you died to og catnap’s smoke as you coughed going to hell. Also this might be long based on how your reading speed is.
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I headcannon you to always walk around at night around the hotel making sure the hotel cast sleeps as you don’t sleep much either.
“I ensure you my friend I don’t need-" immediately Alastor passes out on the ground as the red smoke exit your mouth as you soullessly stare at the powerful man’s body with your creepy smile.
You don’t give a fuck- you are quite ruthless when putting someone to sleep. You had a smug teeth smile as you dragged Alastor by his leg to his room.
Angel was hiding in the hallway scared as red smoke covers the halls. “Shit…” he says as he eyes your tall figure walkby around the other side of the hall as your red smoke exiting your mouth follows
He was absolutely fucked. Angel tried to turn to run only to bump into purple fur as he holds himself at your chest. He blushes seeing your smug smile down at him.
Before he could protest the red smoke hits his face as your wrap your tail around his waist. How did you get so damn quick beside him?! You put him on your shoulder as you walked to his room to lay him down.
No one knows…..
Now when it’s morning time, you aren’t out as usual. Only at night time as you are use to being up at night helping other sleep. It’s part of your purpose and role as you even have a moon 🌙 pendent on your collar.
Hell, Angel is the most closest to you because he has rough times sleeping after working. He wouldn’t tell you what he does but all you know. He is physically and mentally tired from his job as you hold him in your soft arm as you let out red smoke from your mouth.
Your fur smelling like vanilla and lavender helps him sleep as he cuddles into your soft purple fur as you watch tv with a bored expression. Your ear twitches as Angel snores loudly.
Your red smoke is the only smoke he likes that is red.
Charlie found you at her door of the hotel and questioned you to why you wanted to work here. And what did you say.
“I want to help people sleep…” you said with a raspy deep voice as you smirked at Charlie who seemed a little unsure at your smirk as it seemed full of confidence and sinster. But she liked your determination as she hired you.
Of course I headcannon catnap’s fur and so as yours to smell like lavender to match the soft smell of sleeping to help residents sleep better than they ever have.
I also headcannon you have claws that can be retract like a cat. You usually use your claws/nail to cut something for the crew, or to protect from demons or sinner trying to harm the hazbin hotel.
I headcannon husk walking to you grumbling drunk as he drops on your body without you even needing to use your smoke on him. Honestly you patted him as you both were cats. You both purr in each other presences. Angel and Charlie recorded the moment to save for their whole life.
I headcannon after Lucifer moved in the hotel. He was definitely scared if you because of your endless wide ass gaping smile. But after you actually showed you can stop smiling like that. He stopped having nightmares of you🦆. Poor little duck man had to hold his covers hearing your big ass steps around the halls.
I headcannon Angel and you sometimes compete trying to see who’s chest fluff is most fluffy.
…and you won💀
Literally what did he think when a 8ft tall cat creature who can make you pass out and hallucinate things have much more softer fur than him.
I headcannon Nifty one time tried to make you take a bath, but dead ass you blow the smoke in her face as she face planted on your paw. You laid her on the couch as you walked upstairs to go to bed on your own.
I headcannon that Charlie sometimes tries to make you sleep with the other residents rather than you forcing others to sleep. It didn’t work out well as you stilled stayed up to knock people out.
Lucifer one time tried to talk to you…but he couldn’t get the hang of you being 8ft tall…it actually intimidated the king of hell himself as he gulps staring up at you. He forced you to get down low like a cat to face him as he pets you.
You purred of course with your usual grin making Lucifer blush as he rubs his face in your fur with a star gazed expression. Literally star in his eyes as he actually fells relaxed by the smell of lavender. 
Alastor hates you sometimes, but he loves how calm and quiet you are despite you knocking his ass flat like a bug getting hit with a fly swatter. But he appreciates how you care for people’s health and sleep schedule.
Pentious absolutely loves you as his egg boiz cuddle up to you if it’s winter. You smile your smug smile as you whistle at the eggs who seem happy to be by you as Pentious also snugs himself in your fur
I kinda imagine when most people see an 8ft tall ass purple cat with white pupils with full black eyes staring at them. They piss their pants running as the whole hazbin crew hugs you admiring how soft your fur is.
Vaggie once seen you use your red smoke on angel, and she was concerned as she literally whipped out her spear at you as you only stared confused with a raised brow. You pushed the spear out of your sight explaining that angel couldn’t sleep and asked you to help.
I can see that vaggie, Alastor, and Lucifer were the last ones to actually trust you before believing you have good intentions to helping people sleep.
The ones to immediately trust you was, Angel dust, a little bit of husk, Charlie immediately with nifty and Pentious behind her.
I headcannon you basically breathing out red smoke on accident once and knocking out the whole hotel cast as you sit there with your ears down ashamed
I image angel dust pulling out one of those cat lasers to tease you. But he didn’t know that husk and you would immediately meow and purr for the laser as both of your eyes dilated. Angel died laughing as he took a picture of you falling on your back trying to grab the laser.
I headcannon vaggie to train you to fight only for you to prove her wrong when she woke up gasping for air to find out you used your smoke on her. She woke 5 hours….yeah she never doubted you ever again
I image when watching a movie with the crew, some of them lean on you like pillow while some just use your tail like a blanket while you snore like an old grandpa.
I headcannon the overlords once had a meeting about you as one of them seen you and mistook you for a new scary overlord. But Lucifer being the silly man he is, showed them a photo of you cuddling up with him on the couch. “Nah, he’s just a big ol cuddly cat..” he says with a snake smile as the overlords look at him like “What..the fuck..”
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bones4thecats · 7 months
How Did Charlie Meet Her Father's S/O?
Type of Writing: Random Idea Characters: Charlie Morningstar and Lucifer Morningstar Name: How Did Charlie Meet Her Father's S/O? Idea-Gifter: Random Thoughts
A/N: Here the reader is specified as a fallen angel and the role of the reader is listed below the character's photograph! By the way, this has spoilers for the first season. Now, have a nice rest of your days/nights!
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Swearing ⚠️ Spoilers for: Season One ⚠️
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Fallen-Angel! Reader ; Parental-Child Relationship
☀️ Charlie was very happy that her father was attending the Hotel more often, so when he called and said he was coming by with a guest, she was nervous immediately
☀️ I mean, she was on-edge with her father due to their strained relationship when he first arrived, but now she might be meeting one of his friends? Oh, someone help this girl
☀️ When she tried asking who the person was, she could only hear her father nervously laugh and she could practically see him playing with a rubber duck in panic
☀️ She just put it behind her as the rest of the Hotel rushed around, trying to make the Hotel look the best for the King of Hell and his special guest. Despite the fact that he's already been by multiple times ever since the Extermination Day and the original building being destroyed
☀️ Whoever it was, she was just happy her father had someone around
☀️ When the sound of her father's familiar knock entered the Hotel, everyone went near-pitch silent and watched as Charlie straightened herself out and walked to the door, opening it to see two different figures behind it
☀️ One of a shorter male with a very similar appearance to his daughter, and his large top-hat sitting on his head while he spun around a cane with a large apple decoration on top of it
" Oh! You must be my father's friend! I'm Charlie- uhm, his daughter! What's your name? " " I am Y/N. " " Y/N?! As in the angel?! "
☀️ Lucifer laughed as the rest of the Hotel looked at you shocked. It was true, you were once a highly-regarded angel in Heaven. And the only reason you fell was because you dared to defy the higher-ups and defend your oldest friend
" Yes, as in the angel. Or rather, as in the fallen angel. "
☀️ The Hotel watched as you released your wings, they were very large, but, unlike Lucifer's, they were a far darker shade. Maybe around a grey-ish white with black stripes; they looked much like an Exorcist's wings
☀️ And it made sense, you were the creator of their sub-species
☀️ Charlie just looked at your wings in awe, they were so beautiful! But, when she heard her father's cane hit the ground, she turned to look down on him and she smiled and chuckled; how oblivious of her!
" Actually, Charlie, may I speak to you, in private? " " Yeah, give us a second, you guys. "
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Fallen-Angel! Reader ; Significant Other - Courting Stage
🦆 Lucifer was beyond happy; he was finally getting to introduce his love to his own daughter! Even if the one didn't even know about the role of the other
🦆 When Charlie had asked who her father was bringing over, he just laughed while nervously playing with a rubber duck, squeezing the poor creature until the squeak grew to loud to hear
🦆 Once you both reached the door of the Hazbin Hotel, you could tell the man you were currently courting was getting nervous, so you laid a hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze, knocking him out of his no doubt wild mind
🦆 Hearing and watching the door opened made one thought pulse through the King of Hell's mind; there was no turning back now.
" Oh! You must be my father's friend! I'm Charlie- uhm, his daughter! What's your name? " " I am Y/N. " " Y/N?! As in the angel?! "
🦆 Lucifer was not at all surprised, you were an angel that was held in very high-regards in the transcript about Heaven that laid in the old books, though you were eventually given a more minor-role in his eyes
🦆 He smiled lightly and laughed as even Alastor looked at you in surprise, only for you to show your wings and chuckle as Niffty asked if she could touch them, only for you to bend one down for her to grasp
🦆 Lucifer then remembered why exactly he was here, so, with a swipe of his cane to gain Charlie's attention, he asked if they could talk in private, resulting in them going to her main office
" So, Charlie. I want to give you a thorough rundown of what me and Y/N are exactly. "
🦆 Now she looked confused, damn it Lucifer, just think straightly and get to the point!
" Y/N has been by my side ever since I was sent here. They tried defending me and keeping me in Heaven, much to our dismay, it failed, which resulted in them falling. But, anyways! Okay, so, the things is- well, the is thing- "
🦆 God damn it!
" Me and Y/N are currently courting one another. I'm sorry for not notifying you before. It's just, I didn't want you to hate them for not being your mother and I just- " " Dad. It's fine. I'm happy for you guys. Besides, I've heard you talking to them on the phone. I just figured you may have been speaking to someone else you were close too, like family maybe. "
🦆 Lucifer began to laugh, why did he ever think that his daughter would've been upset? You were by far one of the sweetest beings in existence, and his daughter was one of the nicest with you! Of course she'd understand and support you guys
" I would've appreciated a possible hint on this, but, really I am fully supportive of you guys. " " Thank you, Charlie, so much. " " It's not a problem, Dad. Now, we should go back. I'm starting to want to get to know my future step-parent! "
🦆 The King of Hell's cheeks then began to darken a few shades; Charlie was thinking of that already?! Wow, he was going to have a heart attack before he reached the age of 500,000 on this ride...
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shotokimchi · 2 years
When Their S/O Is a Seggs God
How would they react if their cute lover was like a succubus in bed LMAO Going through some hard stuff so wanted to drop this here to laugh a little JSDFHSDK-
A/N:Sorry for being inactive y'all i swear I'm not ignoring the requests, just preparing for an important exam this year, but I'll be back around Julyyyy
Little side note: Characters are aged up so don't come at me smh
part2 w/Dabi and Midoriya
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So we all know that this man doesn't sleep around randomly. My guy dates the "one" for him he's planning to marry you so if you aren't planning about settling down...
Too bad for you missy (Lemme see your ring finger bitch you gonna get wifed up💍)
After taking you out to meet his parents, this chili oil literally falls in love with you (i mean he already did but when he saw how you treated his momma and papa- boy was CHOKING ON HIS HEART❤️) so he decides to take your relationship to the next level.
Needs and excuse to leave early so literally tells his parents that he has a bad case of diarrhea ( Do ya'll know that video LMAO) and drags you out to his car
Lemme tell you he ran over at least 5 red lights just to have sex with you-
And you are just confused about why he's suddenly acting like a rabid dog i mean he's always acting like one but this time-
"Suki, why is your mouth foaming?"
On the way to your apartment, you had an inner conflict about actually taking him to a vet, you aint planning on telling him that tho.
After finally throwing you onto the shared bed like a sack of flour mf flies for a second in the air like a bloodthirsty mosquito- (the only difference is he's thirsty for the ✨All-mighty pussy juice✨)
Dw tho man asks for your consent because he loves you a lot and doesn't want your first time to be scary and all-
Wait did i say first time?
YES MF THINKS YOU'RE A VIRGIN- but guess what he's about to find out...
Before he can start kissing you, you push him onto his back and rip off his pants and leave a small peck on his lips before riding him like you are in a horse race- Good news gurl you are about to win, no one can compare
Poor man is speechless bc you are literally singing on his dick like you are the headliner in a choir...
And while you are singing you are rhythmically bouncing too LMAO
He aint scared no he just swallowed his tongue by accident- cuz you know...
He decides to grab your hips to slow you down a little bc you are causing an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9
but instead of slowing you down now you are making him jump on the bed with you too LMAOAOAOAOAO- imagine someone breaking in and seeing two floating figures on the bed
He's like "SLOW DOWN Y/N-"
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But nuh uh you are too caught up in your own horny world so you continue to milk him (Fr tho calm down queen aren't those legs tired?🦵)
After cumming for the 5th time he tapped out LMAO-
You gave him a concussion bc of making him bounce for too long KSJFHJSDKFGSDKJHSD- POOR KATSUKI
He was laying there, unconscious with drool dripping down his mouth and it took you three full minutes to realise that he passed out (OMG I'm gone-)
Fly high Katsuki Bakugo 🕊️🕊️
Dw tho you made sure to pamper him the morning after, bringing him a breakfast tray filled with pancakes and a cup of coffee. A cute innocent smile plastered on your face
"Morning, baby!"
Needless to say, he was shocked ( pretty sure he thinks it was the hottest night ever but doesn't wanna hurt his own pride by telling you that)
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So both of you are lovebirds obv because Todoroki would be the most caring boyfriend ever (i'll fight you about this one 🥊🥊🥊) so its impossible not to be in love with him
So pretty baby thinks it's going to be all about kisses, vanilla, sweet loving, him showing how much he cares about you etc.
Todoroki being a virgin is such a turn on he trusts you enough to give his first time to you (aw❤️🤍)
...but you didnt know that he was a virgin
I mean come on look at him how can he be a virgin while looking THAT PRETTY
So one time, while you guys were chilling on the couch watching Titanic and snacking on some strawberries together he decides to make the first move and gently holds your hand while whispering sweet things to your ear and then you hear the magical word (open sesame zimzalabim this coochie 🔮)
"Y/n, I wanna do it."
BIG MISTAKE SHOTO VERY BIG- So being the horny queen you are the wicked horny grin makes its way to your lips and baby is concerned Before he can say anything you immediately grab a strawberry and stuff it into his mouth and quickly try to get him off of his sweatpants
Then you work your magic on him by giving him the best and first head of his life ✨ and trust me he is enjoying it very much
Mmmm yes that famous glock glock 60000 GOBBLE UP BABES don't let em Santa Claus looking pubic hair get into your nose tho🎅
Pretty moans were filling the living room while his fingers lock with yours
But the baby was too lost in his own pleasure so he accidentally bit the strawberry and took it out of his mouth
But you noticed so you grabbed a new one and harshly shoved it into his mouth
"Dont. swallow. the. strawberry."
Babies eyes went wide
he %100 looked like this-
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So now he was drowning in his own pool of saliva trying not to bite into the strawberry while his eyes were rolling at the back of his head (bc of your amazing tongue skills)
Spot the difference between your mouth and a vacuum cleaner
When i tell you, you were sucking him DRY
like the next Todoroki generation got to the point of extinction
at this point he was trying to pry you off of his dick bc the overstimulation was TOO much lolol
Poor baby accidentally covered the couch with small burns
when you lifted your head to check up on him you were met with a sobbing Shoto
Literally thought of bringing him an oxygen tank but decided against it bc he calmed down after receiving your loving kisses You layed his head on your chest while combing through his locks with your fingers, you made sure to give him a great aftercare
"Are first times are this rough?"
You choked on Casper the ghosts dick
"WHAT-" Literally mourned for two hours bc of treating him so roughly LMAO
A/N: I'm done- sorry for the typos if i have any, i was too lazy to edit :p
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thepiratefish · 26 days
Prime defenders if there was tumblr.
Inspired by these posts! Please check them out! More of these will eventually be made in the future :>
[1] ???
✨️Jimglejangl🔔 follow
I can't believe that le frog is an actual person. One day you'll hear about how he murdered like 18 people then find him sobbing on the sidewalk becuase he dropped his food.
Edgyyyfalconn follow
A world full of superheros yet I'm still cursed to do taxes
📘📗 Simmons John follow
The idea of someone with the power to breathe water terrifies me. What if one day I go scuba diving and see some fucker off In the darkness of the sea staring at me. I'd pass away.
[ALT TEXT: A screenshot of various tags left under the previous post reading #Tide #Tide guy #Haha Tide core #Tide would never do this he's to sweet on the other hand he'd probably try giving you stroganoff underwater #Tide when visiting his relatives #Bro dosent even know about Tide #Pov your a bowl of stroganoff. END ID]
📘📗 Simmons John follow
No Fucking Way...
They hate me for my silliness (I climbed the giant fucking sword and got arrested..)
🪺Eegg🥚 follow
Anyways, stay around for the live-blog of me getting arrested ✌️😋
🏠NumberNeighborhood💥💥 follow
There was a man outside my apartment holding groceries while waiting for the light only for both of the bags to BREAK.
🏠NumberNeighborhood💥💥 follow
Just so you all know, this man is 6'0 I think wearing heels with (terrible hidden) lizard skin on one side of his face. It is night where I am, and he hasn't moved for the past five minutes. I can FEEL the anger radiating of him from my apartment.
BrunchBranch🍽 follow
There was an emo kid on the side of the road holding a rope that was tied around this smaller kid with a red aesthetic and this kid Ran off (I have no idea why) at some Ungodly speed and this poor boy got draged along I Kid you Not he ragdolled like he was in a cartoon. whole ass smoke cloud left behind and everything.
Do you think Wavelength listens to Chappell Roan?..
I'm adding this to my fanfic
💜ThatsAlotOfAshe🎧 follow
2 Notes and I invite The Hero Tide to join me on playing games on stream.
💙TidetheTidalhero🌊 follow
Dose anyone know where to find a good Pizzaplace? My boys are sick and I want to get them there favourite food! 😁
NumberJester🎊 follow
💙TidetheTidalhero🌊 follow
Oh! This is the wrong account.
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running-with-kn1ves · 2 years
Helloo, I hope you're doing well, if you could I was wondering if you could please do a yandere L Lawliet x reader story, it can be any plot you'd like. THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY🦆
A/N: I have yet to write anything for death note 'til now so here's my poor attempt at trying to write L 😅
Synopsis: You are interrogated by a certain stalker-y detective through a twisted turn of events.
TW: Yandere themes, stalking, death (non-canonical character), abuse of power
Word Count: 1200
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“After he clutched his chest he just…fell.” 
“....I see.” 
L sat with a notepad and pen in his hand, watching you intently from the other side of the coffee table. You picked up your drink with shaking hands, avoiding the detective’s prying eyes. His dark circles showed his lack of sleep, causing you to mistakenly believe his level of dedication to the case you were discussing. 
“During Mr. Fujioka’s incident, did your spouse happen to be… present with you?” L inquired. 
You sniffled into a crumpled tissue, breath hitching as you tried to answer another one of his prying questions. 
“Uh, no… I’m not dating anyone so.. I was alone.” Your professor’s lifeless body flashed again in your mind, the memory seeming almost hazy and faint now. It happened so fast; one moment you came into his office, asking for last week’s assignments, and the next he was giving his last breath on top his desk above your midterm papers. 
You had feared becoming a suspect, especially with all this “Kira” buzz going around-- but thankfully the man across from you didn’t seem suspicious of you. Inquisitive, but not suspicious. 
“What were your plans after visiting Mr. Fujioka?”
You cleared your throat, dabbing at your eyes once more before sitting up straighter.
“Well, I was just going to head home, maybe stop at the grocery store first… though I doubt I’ll have any time to do that.” you voiced. 
 Trying to wipe the redness from your eyes away, you clenched your shirt to stop from shaking. You assumed the detective must’ve dealt with emotional people all the time-- especially from the recent rise in deaths, but you still felt bad for crying so much. 
Though, you couldn’t be more wrong. L Lawliet did not often deal with witnesses up and close in such a casual manner, especially meaningless ones who were the sole observers to a random professor’s death. If it weren’t for the possible connection of your professor’s heart attack to Kira, L would’ve never gotten this golden opportunity. It seemed luck really had struck him, even though he wasn’t one to particularly believe in “fate.” 
With his knees pulled up to his chest and the empty notepad in his lap, L watched you stare at the coffee table lifelessly. You could hardly give any attention to the males’ strange sitting position or odd attire that did not reflect your average japanese detective, which normally would’ve struck you as strange. 
“Am I… in trouble?” You asked, pulling L out of his thoughts on how oddly fascinating you were when crying. “I mean, am I going to be put in jail until this is all figured out?” 
Your naivety almost made L give a pout of sympathy. How could someone be so wide-eyed and unaware? He kept a straight face despite the confiction your question caused. 
“No, don’t worry. We already have a line of suspects waiting to be interrogated, and you aren’t one of them.” He replied robotically. 
With his fingernail to his mouth, the detective tilted his head as you gave a smile of relief, pushing back more thoughts of your twitching professor and his red face. 
“But one more thing,” Getting up from the opposing couch, L moved to sit beside you. “This incident is very important; you may be a vital piece to our discovery of Kira, as a witness to one of his attacks.” 
L placed his hand near your limp one, pinky nearly touching yours. He looked to make eye contact with you, curious to see those glassy eyes that he had been staring at from behind a monitor for months. 
“I believe a followup might be necessary… There’s a few more questions I’d like to ask you regarding your relation to Mr. Fujioka.” 
You nodded your head, listening intently as the detective dared to push his hand closer to yours. He could feel the heat from your body next to him, your hand so close yet inches too far. He continued to speak though his mind wouldn’t move away from the fact that you were within touching reach, when days ago he could only caress you from behind a computer screen and paper pictures. 
“Perhaps tomorrow? Unfortunately my schedule is quite rigid, though I think I can fit you in during… lets say, eight? I’d be happy to make it worth your while.”
You moved your hand away to grab another tissue, balling it into your fist onto your lap. L bit his lip at seeing you move away, clenching his teeth though not moving. 
“A-alright.” You forced an answer, not daring to reject his proposal out of fear of being seen as noncompliant. You couldn’t afford to get mixed up with the police right now, and this was your best bet on getting this whole situation dealt with. Besides, its not like you could say no to a detective.
“I’ll have someone contact you tomorrow on where to meet. Please be sure to only bring yourself, and wear something… mildly formal.”
You batted your eyes a few times, surprised at the rules regarding another questioning. But you didn’t dare to bring up your confusion, only nodding and holding tightly to your tissues. 
L on the other hand, couldn’t believe your complete willingness. You didn’t raise any questions, going along with his proposition and even smiling at him. If he knew meeting you would be this easy, he would’ve acted far sooner! Though all areas of reasoning pointed to you behaving oppositely, he didn’t mind this twist of events. He already had thoughts on where he’d take you first tomorow. Of course, it’d all be under the guise of the investigation, but he knew if you stayed this trusting the entire time he’d have no problem taking you out to dinner and a nice romantic stroll. 
You allowed him to walk you out of the comfortable faux interrogation room-- which truthfully was one of the police buildings’ lounge rooms that were far more comforting than the cold steel of the REAL interrogation room. Once L caught wind that you were going to be questioned, he couldn’t sit still, taking over all decisions regarding your interrogation. 
Gripping tightly onto your used tissues, you listened to L speak eloquently on the case and your future questioning “date.” The words hardly entered your head though, your mind too focused on how you were going to enter class tomorrow. How you were going to finish your studies without a teacher. And how your professor’s family would react on the news you knew far beforehand.
L looked at you with sunken eyes, giving a twisted, creepy smile. He lifted the corners of his mouth like you did, his hunched over frame causing a shadow to cast over his face, bangs nearly covering his eyes as he grinned. 
The look was…. Odd, to say the least. And yet-- you smiled back, trying to cover up the fact that you had not heard a word he said within the past several minutes. Handing you your bag, the detective hesitantly put a hand to your back as you continued to walk out. You didn't flinch or move away like he had fretted. Instead, you almost leaned into the touch, feeling a small amount of comfort after such a stressful evening. 
If you stayed this trusting, keeping you to himself might be far easier than L thought.
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This idea appeared to me last night, and I'd like to know what you think.
Avocato is Ventrexian. More specificallly, a Ventrexian soldier. I imagine that, since soldiers engage in battle and die, there would be a need to have many babies.
So my thought was, what if Ventrexian soldiers had really big litters to keep up with that. So, if Avocato was to end up pregnant, he would have, at minimum, seven kittens.
I'm not sure how Gary would take the news...
Well, it will probably be a really really BIG surprise for Gary, just having one hybrid baby is already a big deal, now imagine SEVEN
I like to imagine that the Ventrexian genes are pretty strong, so they'll just be kittens! You wouldn't know they were part human if they didn't tell you. So cute 😭!!
And very scary if we're being honest, poor Avocato, although he will surely take it well, my man here is strong 🦆🙏
Even though he might faint from the news 🧍
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yakkolicious · 5 months
Meet the Blogger
Hi everyone! It's been a while, so I decided I needed to do an updated introduction post!
I'm Yakkolicious, but I go by Yakko for short. Some people also know me by my real name, but only the absolute closest of my friends. My pronouns are she/her, and I'm a funky gal who loves drawing and writing fanfiction! On my main blog, I mostly reblog things, but sometimes I do ask games and sometimes I ramble.
Things I Like
Active Interests:
Animaniacs (1993 ONLY) 🤎🩵🩷 Strawberry Shortcake (1980 and 2003 only) 🍓🍰🌼❤️💚 Clone High (2002 only) 🧬🏫🎒💋
Dormant Interests: Goof Troop 👨‍👦🐶💗 The Three Caballeros 🦆🦜🐓🎶🇺🇸🇧🇷🇲🇽 Mickey Mouse universe in general 🐭🦆🐶💖 Pinocchio 👦🦗🧚‍♀️🌠 Bump in the Night 🛌🧦🚽💚💙 Lalaloopsy (Dolls only)🧵💎🍪🎨❄📚🌙🥜 Wayside (Cartoon only) 🏫📚🪑🎙 Papa Louie 🍕🍔🌮🍨👨‍🍳 Super Mario ❤️💚🍄🌼⭐🏰 Punch-Out!! 🥊🍫📺 Road 96 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚌🚕🗳 Undertale ❤️🌼🥧🦴
DNI Criteria
I know I can't control who decides to interact with me, but this is more so you guys know what I believe. I am against people who are:
Basic DNI criteria (racist against ANY race, sexist towards ANY gender, homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, ableist, pedophile)
Antisemitic or Islamophobic
Radfems, aka TERFs (I have zero tolerance for TERFs)
Reclaiming the r-slur
Anti-agere/thinks agere is a kink or inherently sexual
In addition, the following things and people make me VERY uncomfortable:
Family Guy, American Dad, or the Cleveland Show (all other adult cartoons are fine)
Inanimate Insanity and object shows in general (please tag Inanimate Insanity, Battle for Dream Island, or whatever object shows you like)
Poor Things
Dan Povenmire (Phineas and Ferb and his other shows are fine, the man just creeps me out)
If you fall into my DNI criteria and I catch you, it's on sight. I would also recommend that most fans of the things I listed in the "uncomfy" section block me unless we're already close friends, just so you don't catch my negativity if something comes up.
Other Blogs
@yakkolicious-writing: Writing blog. Mostly posts fanfiction, but may post an original work or two.
@yakkolicious-art: Art blog.
@animaniacs-groove: Animaniacs AU ask blog. In this AU, the Warners are two years older than in canon.
@yakking-yakko: Animaniacs RP blog. Mostly a Yakko blog, but plays other characters.
@fuck-pip-pumphandle: Pip Pumphandle hate blog.
In addition to my other blogs, I'm also on AO3! I hope I'll see you around!
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 9 months
Ngl did search after if I typed his name correctly 😂but honestly both names cam and aaric just give off prince vibes so I was like hm ok
The way all my faves have limited content on all social media should be studied for my mental health and lack of fanfic, I mean ✨️rogue prince✨️
-aaric anon✨️
Gods... I need to get in a mood to like write for him cause I feel like I just realized the man exists like two minutes ago😂 someone needs to make a fanart of him, girl needs visuals.
Rogue prince sounds nice... I smelled red rouge perfume today... now I'm just taking digs at the poor lad who is crowned animal rescue ambassador in my head now. 🦆🐢🦖🐙🦃
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My OB went back on her promise to let me get my ovaries removed... even though I have MORE cysts and they are insanely painful... She won't let me... 🦆 ling hate the south!!!
Why do I need a man to say I can do this? Why can’t a single (30 🦆ing year old) woman choose to have her ovaries removed?
Why does me not wanting to risk a FOURTH miscarriage to have biological kids with a pregnancy I know would be insanely risky to both me and the child?
Not to mention my 💩 genes like could you imagine?! I would HATE myself if my poor kid had to go through half the 💩 I have….
Shouldn't my OB put my physical and mental health ahead of her own political opinions?!
And I swear to everything if she says “You are still young and you’re single you’re going to meet a nice man and decide you do want to have kids. You’re a woman after all that happens all the time.” To me again I swear I’m going to throw something at her!
0 notes
Site GC & Cali & Jali & Marly Pt.1
Ali: 🌠☄️⚡️💥🌠
Ali: Give me something to do
Moses: 🔥?
Ali: Reliably keeping the home fires burning 👏
Ali: Do yous want me to bring my drugs or my dealers, ‘cos I am a less reliable chemist atm
Bartley: Your mates will know better than to come ‘round our way
Bartley: So, you should invite them 👌
Ronan: What he said
Ali: They’re not real ones just 👶🚴
Ali: Carly knows them too, right?
Carly: cute 👶s 
Johnny: We don’t need any more scum on our site, keep them away
Ali: Not cute to you and you’re cool with my lacklustre offering, rodger that 
Carly: should be cool w how easy 🍭🍬 is to take from em
Carly: whats cuter than that? 🎀
Ali: Want to go see them first?
Ali: not feeling the ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 yet
Carly: 🌞☔️🌈
Ali: I think I left my wellies there, you can borrow ‘em
Carly: 👣💧🦆
Moses: 🔥 will still be burning when you’re done messing in puddles
Carly: grand ❤️🧡💛
Moses: cute
Ali: 😳👐🔥 or is it just me
Ronan: He’s giving it a lash there for sure, like
Carly: jealousy is 💚 & - craic to be sure, boy
Bartley: No one has time to be jealous with you, nor need, what they say
Carly: yer man there has loads to say for someone getting himself so 👅 tied w me
Ali: 😏
Ali: entirely too much talking is happening here, not enough doing
Carly: @ ro ro w my what she said 
Moses: If you’re gonna keep on playing with little boys, I’m afraid that’s not going to change, girls
Carly: v manly & 💪 to give it out to the others like theyre 👶
Moses: Come find us when you want to find out the difference, yeah
Bartley: Yeah, that don’t make them little girls, no? 🤔
Johnny: Enough
Bartley: You’re being dead creepy, Mosey boy, see
Carly: yous are all acting the maggot it’s been said
Carly: quit your messing theres a 🔥 to start
Ronan: She’s a point there
Moses: I’m the only one doing anything, none of yous can talk ‘til you’re bothering yourselves up
Carly: 🥺 ah poor 👶
Ali: You need to get in the party spirit, lads
Carly: 🎇🥳🍄😵‍💫💥🤩🌟🥴✨😝☄️
Ali: You know the line…
Johnny: Move yourselves is my line
Ali: And they do all seem to listen when you talk
Ali: must be oldest perks
Johnny: It’s knowing what’s good for ‘em sense
Carly: 💪🥊🤕
Bartley: You wish, women aren’t allowed at fights
Carly: sure look 🙄🥱
Carly: I’m a lover not a fighter, yous would be wise to catch yourself on more that way
Bartley: Tell John boy
Johnny: A girl don’t tell me a thing
Ali: Unless they have a good idea
Johnny: And that you’ve not, the good idea was on Moses
Ali: What’s a 🔥 without company though, no offence, Moses
Ronan: Full offence all of yous, she is better company
Carly: aw thats the spirit 💞🥰💕
Ali: 😁 I could be inclined to be now
Moses: You’re welcome
Carly: I don’t have faves, youre always welcome, mosey
Moses: What a backhanded compliment, Carls 😏
Carly: 🖐🍑 if you want but u know what I meant
Bartley: We got it
Carly: all love all the time, even for you, b boy
Ali: 🌞🍄🌈🍃
Ronan: I don’t have faves btw, Carls
Carly: you best not 🍯🍓🍦🍑🍒🍍🍉🍰
Moses: Peace and love, is it, Ro?
Ronan: She has her charms too, need showing again, is it, Mosey boy?
Moses: As I said, you’re welcome
Carly: don’t you love me no more? ☹️😢
Moses: Christ, you messer
Carly: I think you're unreal idk y youre being like this to me 💔👿
Bartley: 🤣🤣🤣
Ali: Shut up, Bart
Moses: I’m not being like nothing
Carly: I’d help you w the 🔥 but I’m a girl
Carly: they’d only chuck us on it 🔮📿🧿
Moses: We’ve got it handled, you don’t need to worry yourself
Ali: [Private to Carly]
Ali: Are you okay? 🔮💛
Carly: yea 🎱
Ali: Do you really not have favourites?
Carly: not of the lads 🪀💜
Carly: do you?
Ali: I don’t know, not yet
Ali: I thought maybe you really really loved Moses
Carly: thats gas 😅
Carly: today I don’t even like him 💔👿
Ali: It does sound it now 🙃 but I was 💭 I’d feel like a total dick if I didn’t do more than tell Bart to shut up about it anyway
Carly: why you’re my fave 🐅🌻🪐🌞
Ali: 🤫 on not being one of the lads, eh
Carly: cos you could build a more savage 🔥 with your 👀 closed & they’d be ☹️😢
Ali: but we’ve got 🍆 envy
Ali: bless ‘em
Carly: number 7 when I’m bothering myself with number 2 
Carly: & they say they get it 🙄🥱
Ali: you have to pretend they do though, until you can guide them towards the actual answer, that’s what works best
Carly: 👶👶👶👶
Ali: a full-time occupation
Carly: I’d be fit to go work for a nursery like
Ali: You can’t leave school too, I’ll be TOO bored 🤯💀
Carly: [insert a generic as hell irish name here to be her mum’s because she’d insist you call her by it as you’re besties] would have us cleaning caravan 1st ⛓🧹🧼🧽🧺🔒 no tah 
Ali: Tell me about it
Ali: I’ll take babysitting these boys over my little brother any day of the week
Carly: hes sweet though
Ali: He might look it
Carly: he acts it w me 😇🍼🧸🌼🧃
Ali: 🤔
Carly: but hey all your brothers love me 
Ali: of course
Carly: 🍯🍓🍦🍑🍒🍍🍉🍰 how I said
Ali: Do you think Johnny would take me to see my brother?
Carly: he’d do anything u want
Ali: Yeah but
Ali: he’ll want to take the piss, when he realises what for and where
Carly: give him the best reason to keep his gob shut & he will
Carly: you’re his fave 🔮💙🍀
Ali: 🍯🍓🍦🍑🍒🍍🍉🍰 whether he deserves it or not
Carly: u deserve to see your brother
Carly: I’ll get [her mum] to take you if he’ll not
Ali: you’re the best
Ali: worth x1000
Carly: 😳🥺😵‍💫
Ali: because you’re sweet for real, not just to catch 🐻🐻🐻🐻
Carly: ily for real 🐝💛
Ali: do they hate us or love us
Ali: do you think they even know?
Carly: with site lads & me it’s always both 🌞☔️
Ali: I need to be that sure
Carly: theyre less sure of you too but that’s class
Ali: my ☘️s looking a little plastic
Carly: you’ll be grand theres still loads of 🔮💙
Ali: My ma did me that favour
Ali: I’m gonna ask him, fuck it
Carly: he’ll say yea but if he don’t we’ve a backup 🎲
Ali: [Carly’s mum] 🌟
Carly: go for it 🎯
Ali: 🏹💀
Ali: Distract the others? I’m not taking this to the public forum for a debate 🙄🥱
Carly: 🍆📏
Ali: I’ll owe you even more if you really have to witness that… again 😇
Carly: away with ye 🐝👼🏼🦋🧚🏼‍♀️🍃
Ali: 🥺😽😽
Ali: [Private to Johnny]
Ali: Can I talk to you, and not have to hear 3 other opinions and perspectives?
Johnny: Talk about what?
Ali: I’ve got a problem and maybe you could help
Johnny: With who? Those dealers, is it?
Ali: Of course not, they’re harmless
Ali: I need to go somewhere, it’s not that far and I can pay for petrol
Johnny: You don’t need to worry yourself about what it costs
Ali: I’m not trying to take the piss, like
Johnny: It’s never worked like that with favours, you know
Ali: yeah, I know
Ali: I need to go see my big brother, my parents don’t want me to but they’re thinking like I’m a kid who’d be scared to see where he is
Johnny: He’s in [whatever the place is called because of course you know everyone would, it’s town goss]
Ali: Yeah, that’s the one, bit too far to walk or bike without some prior planning at least
Johnny: I can take you
Ali: Really?
Johnny: Yeah
Ali: I proper appreciate it, seriously
Johnny: You’re no kid, your parents have that wrong
Ali: It’s an excuse anyway, for them not going, the proper kid they’ve got to look after
Ali: he’d get a better reception in prison, I know that
Johnny: And my opinion on how family matters are meant to be handled
Ali: I value your opinion, as a friend
Ali: no one can talk properly in a group chat
Johnny: It’s just us here now
Ali: I asked you because you don’t talk to fill space, not just because you’re older, you still aren’t old enough, technically
Johnny: The rules you’re talking about don’t apply to me, I live by the only ones that do
Ali: 🙏🙌?
Johnny: That’s part of it
Ali: It’s a shame I can’t set you up with my sister
Johnny: For her, my family’ll set me up when I’m ready to settle with a decent girl
Ali: Do you already know who, like a shortlist?
Johnny: It’s a community, we all know each other
Ali: I suppose so
Johnny: You wouldn’t marry a stranger, we’ve that in common
Ali: Intriguing in theory but terrible in practice
Ali: I don’t suppose I’ll marry anyone 
Johnny: You don’t hold any of the values we do
Ali: I don’t know about any, the compare and contrast hasn’t been that extensive
Johnny: You don’t behave like any of our girls would, it tells me enough
Ali: I’m not going to attempt to marry one of you, it’s okay
Johnny: You can’t, so
Ali: Shame for me, so I’ve heard
Johnny: I’ll hear from you when you’re looking to go
Ali: Aren’t you going to speak to me tonight?
Johnny: You pointed to the difference well enough, they’re all there then
Ali: I wasn’t pointing anything out to mean we can’t talk
Ali: I’m not a kid, like you said, I know you don’t like me like that
Johnny: I can’t be getting a word in, unless I keep on putting my foot down, like you said
Ali: That would require me to ignore you completely
Johnny: You probably should, like
Ali: Maybe
Ali: I have my own rules too though
Johnny: Yeah
Ali: See you later then
Johnny: Maybe
Ali: Please
Johnny: Yours and Carly’s sugar and spice thing don’t work on me
Ali: Hm but it does on Moses so you know I’ll be very bored if you don’t show 
Johnny: If I show it’s to keep him away from her
Ali: Understood
Johnny: Later then
Ali: What about the other two?
Johnny: What about them?
Ali: Do you care if they go near her?
Johnny: A word from me and they won’t
Ali: but you know how that looks
Johnny: I know everything I need to about it
Ali: Okay
Johnny: Tell her yourself and I’ll not have to
Ali: I can’t tell her what to do
Johnny: I can
Ali: Do you want me to be jealous?
Johnny: Are you?
Ali: I know when to be quiet too, like
Johnny: I don’t know that you do
Ali: You’re not going to take me at my word on that one?
Johnny: If you was one of us, yeah
Johnny: but your word’s no good as it goes
Ali: Should’ve known
Ali: wait and see doesn’t work in this situation
Johnny: No it don’t, I’d wait and see quiet’s the last thing you are
Ali: Only because you’ve been trying to leave for the last 10 minutes and I won’t let you
Johnny: I’m still here, there’s plenty enough for you
Ali: I’m grateful to you, about the brother thing
Ali: it’s not the only reason but a big one
Johnny: Family’s important
Ali: It is, more important than some of mine want it to be at the minute
Johnny: You’re not turning your back, that’s what matters
Ali: I couldn’t, it’s not an option to me
Johnny: It’s not meant to be an option for anyone
Ali: I’ll work out how to tell them, literally doing so hasn’t really worked so maybe I do talk too much 
Johnny: I’m not saying you do here to kick you when you’re down
Ali: I knew we were friends, boy
Johnny: No you didn’t, you don’t know what we are
Ali: Isn’t that half the fun?
Johnny: I knew you were having fun
Ali: Don’t you want me to?
Johnny: It’s a with not at thing
Ali: Oh my God
Ali: you think this is like… sex tourism, that I’m that arsehole???
Johnny: Your mate is, be careful who you hang ‘round after if you’re bothering yourself with what I think
Ali: She has to live where her mum makes her
Johnny: It don’t make her one of us and she wants to stop acting like it before she gets stopped
Ali: There must be a reason they’re tolerated here, have been
Johnny: Like you said, tourists are good for what they’re good for
Ali: Then you should like her
Johnny: If she left after 1 week or 2 I would
Ali: and I don’t care what you think, just if I’m being perceived like that at all
Johnny: You come across like a peeping Tom into my life, but you don’t care about our ways 
Ali: I care, I don’t try to adhere to them, because that’d be like I was pretending to be one of you
Johnny: You care about what’s fun for you, same as Carly
Ali: I ask everyone questions, I just like to know things
Ali: as it bothers you I won’t ask you more
Johnny: It’s not your playground
Ali: It’s yours, I know
Johnny: She’s too comfortable and now so are you
Ali: For your liking or just in general?
Johnny: Have a look about and see who’s looking back at you feeling disrespected
Ali: You’re the first person to bring it to my attention but I’ll be vigilant next time I visit
Johnny: You know, you can’t say you don’t, my work here’s done
Ali: I know that not everyone feels the same as you do
Ali: but sure, I’ve got some things to think about now
Johnny: You’re welcome for it
Ali: I’m not trying to think right now though so I better go
Johnny: Mind how you do go
Ali: You don’t need to concern yourself with that
Johnny: But I am concerned, so
Ali: Why?
Johnny: Carly has made enemies, sure, I’m not one of yours
Ali: You just think I’m a voyeur 
Johnny: And how am I wrong?
Ali: because I consider the people I come to see my friends, not a spectacle 
Johnny: I don’t know that I want my family having friends like you
Ali: You’ll have to take it up with them, I’m not refusing friendship on the basis of culture
Johnny: Being a culture vulture you wouldn’t, like
Ali: Keep insulting me like it changes anything
Johnny: If I was insulting you I’d say worse
Ali: Of course
Johnny: It’s a clash, culturally
Ali: In which my polite interest is unacceptable and you saying whatever you want about me is fair game
Johnny: In which you and Carly are trying to collect us like trophies
Ali: Maybe you’re just attractive, you’re doing yourself a disservice by making it all nefarious 
Johnny: It’s your game not mine
Ali: There’s no game
Johnny: Play it somewhere else
Ali: You don’t want to be collected, I got it
Johnny: Off you go then
Ali: Do you act like a dick just to counteract the nice thing you’re doing for me 
Ali: I wasn’t about to tell any more than you were
Johnny: You tell on yourself when you’re here
Ali: Not about that, it’s private
Johnny: Yeah, this warning wasn’t put in there for ‘em to contribute to either
Ali: Bart might back you
Johnny: I don’t need their backing, it’s me and you talking
Ali: Just saying what we both know, Ronan likes me and Moses doesn’t mind as long as he thinks I’ll sleep with him like a good tourist should
Johnny: I’m neither of them
Ali: I didn’t get your names confused, I know where I am
Johnny: I’ve got my own views and I do what I reckon is proper to
Johnny: you’re not Carly, don’t act like her when 1’s too many enough
Ali: and now I’m a bad imitation, charming
Johnny: You’re not’s what I’m saying 
Ali: You’re funny but also so confusing
Johnny: What’s confusing or funny?
Ali: You show that you hate me by being quite nice, or that you like me by being quite mean
Ali: either way, it’s topsy-turvy enough to be 🙃
Johnny: Taking you to see your brother is separate, he’s your brother
Ali: it’s not the singular nice thing you’ve ever done
Johnny: It probably is
Ali: and if I was playing a game, I’d use the dead sister, gone brother card all the time now
Ali: but I won’t
Johnny: There’s places you don’t go, or it won’t feel like a win
Ali: I hadn’t assumed I was playing fair
Johnny: I had, you’re trying to prove me wrong about you being amoral like her
Ali: You’re going to settle down when you’re like 16 
Johnny: Maybe I’ll be 18
Ali: How’d you get so serious
Johnny: Not wanting Carly don’t make me serious
Ali: I wasn’t aware you didn’t so
Johnny: Fun with, you read it, if you’re not against me I’ve got nothing to get serious over
Ali: I’m not planning a coup
Ali: all I want is… I don’t know
Johnny: Come find me when you know
Ali: Only if you can give it to me
Johnny: Yeah, but saying what we both know, what can’t I give you?
Ali: You don’t know what I want yet
Johnny: I’ve got it handled, whatever it is
Ali: Oh, alright then
Johnny: Wait and see does work here
Ali: I might make a list…
Johnny: You’re a girl it’s in your mind to
Ali: I don’t think that’s in the Bible
Johnny: It’s in my life experience
Ali: Make big promises, you want to cash them, that’s my experience
Johnny: Go big or home is universal
Ali: Must be 
Johnny: Everyone’s heard it
Ali: Inappropriate time to say you sounded like my brother, as you already think I’m going to hell
Johnny: Promising you’re not burning tonight don’t count as big
Ali: Appreciated, nonetheless
Ali: Don’t know how you’d dress to burn at the stake, not like I have though
Johnny: Moses would ask what you’re wearing
Ali: Yeah, he would 😅 like an old-school pervert in a phonebox
Johnny: I sounded like your brother how?
Ali: Not that one, I wasn’t slyly calling you mental
Ali: My other older brother, he has lots of mottos like that
Johnny: You’ve not been slagging me back half enough, maybe you do have some decency in you, a knowing of how to behave like a girl should
Ali: Hilarious
Ali: I’ll have to warn you when I feel like insulting you now
Johnny: Still playing fair there
Ali: I can’t help being a delight, sorry
Johnny: You’ve good as promised to delight me now
Ali: I do, it’s not intentional but you are welcome
Johnny: What’s intentional? I’d go for that instead of
Ali: That’s a wait and see
Johnny: How you’re dressed, is it?
Ali: Yeah, I can’t lie about it, that would look stupider
Johnny: You could lie about who it’s for
Ali: I don’t know any of you well enough for it to be more than an educated guess at what you’d want to see 
Ali: but it’s always intentional 
Johnny: Guessing what they want to look at don’t need much education, Carly knows
Ali: but it’s me and you talking right now
Johnny: And you’ve got more about you than her or we’d not be talking
Ali: I’m not going to join in bad-mouthing her, you know
Johnny: Loyalty is something else important
Ali: She’s nice to me, her ma was going to take me if you couldn’t
Johnny: How nice she is, what they say, is her trouble
Johnny: and her ma, you know
Ali: People have their reasons, usually things they can’t do much about
Johnny: Her reason being she don’t live by no rules, can do as she likes
Ali: Can she?
Johnny: Sure, she reckons it to be so
Ali: I wouldn’t say there are no consequences though, would you?
Ali: People at school are pretty awful to Carly, no doubt her mum gets a similar treatment
Johnny: Behave shocking, you’re treated shocking, way of the world, no?
Ali: If only it were that fair
Johnny: It is here
Ali: Perhaps they like the certainty
Johnny: You’d be needing to ask your mate about that, I don’t know
Ali: I’ll try to remember
Johnny: You letting me go now or what?
Ali: Maybe
Ali: how’s the fire coming along?
Johnny: It’s down to Moses how it is, I’ve my own things I’m busy with
Ali: Oh, I see, I’ll have to ask him then
Johnny: You will, I’m [doing something to fix that bike they are riding in those gifs but idk about that I’m not a mechanic like Alison is]
Ali: You could’ve told me, before I bothered walking all the way to Caleb’s instead
Johnny: There’s still work to be done before you’re not walking, tell you that
Ali: 😁
Johnny: You could be here passing me [whatever tools he needs for this, because that’s obvs her only job as a girl, rude sir she’s more capable than you]
Ali: Wow, I can’t believe you trust me to know what a [namedrop the most basic tool] is 
Johnny: I’d nod to it, you can follow where I’m looking, can’t you?
Ali: You’ll see, won’t you
Johnny: What you keep on saying
Ali: We can pretend I just stood there and watched, it’s okay
Johnny: You’re dressed for nothing else, you reckon
Ali: How sweet, you care about my laundry
Johnny: I’ve sisters, I know what they care about
Ali: You’re adorable
Johnny: You’re a girl, what you trying to fight that for?
Ali: I don’t think I am?
Johnny: You don’t think you’re a girl, how’s that?
Ali: No, I know I’m a girl, that just means something different to you
Johnny: Yeah, yous have lost what it means
Ali: Can’t it mean both, or however many things we want it to?
Johnny: No
Ali: At least you’re to the point
Johnny: You don’t have proper men in your life, that’s your trouble
Ali: Do you think travellers are happier than us lot, on the whole?
Johnny: Than yours, I’ve heard about all your brothers
Johnny: and your sisters
Ali: Hardly a fair comparison, everyone knows we’re fucked up
Johnny: I could say I don’t know no unhappy travellers and you’d go I wasn’t being fair there, I’m biased or whatever 
Ali: just asking one of my many questions
Ali: Maybe you’ve got the right idea, I’m not claiming to
Johnny: We do marry your lot sometimes, not my family, but there are travellers who would
Ali: You’re strict
Ali: I got that
Johnny: It’s a community, you don’t agree with everyone in yours
Ali: Maybe no one, starting to seem
Johnny: Keeping it going, how it’s been and is meant to be, is important
Ali: Well, it was kind of you to say there’s hope for me yet
Johnny: I’m not a monster, like
Ali: Will you invite me to your wedding?
Johnny: You’d have to be yourself, it’s not for non-travellers
Ali: 😏
Johnny: You’ve time, some of my uncles waited ‘til they were 21
Ali: I’ve never been to a wedding
Johnny: I’ve not been to one of yours, can’t say what they’re about
Ali: Depends on all sorts, what sort of religious you are or aren’t, how minted, how much you like attention
Johnny: Will we crash one and see?
Ali: Umm, YES
Ali: That’s the best idea you’ve had today
Johnny: Hey now, Moses got in before me, can’t be helped
Ali: He’s trying harder to impress, that’s all
Johnny: Ah sure, he does need to at most things
Ali: What happened to loyalty, eh? 😉
Johnny: Ask it of him if you can get a word in between him and Carly
Ali: You can be the cockblock
Johnny: Thanks a million
Ali: Doesn’t seem like the sort of thing a girl should get in the middle of, like, so sorry 
Johnny: Happy to go along when it suits
Ali: She’s mad at him anyway, I happen to know
Johnny: We both know she’s not
Ali: Perhaps not enough to save your evening, no
Johnny: You don’t need to worry yourself for my evening
Ali: That means you’re going to ignore me
Johnny: It means she don’t matter enough it’s written off
Ali: It’ll happen anyway, even if your face makes him wait ‘til he reckons you’re not looking
Johnny: And on his head it’ll be, her and the trouble she brings
Ali: We’ve got a bike to fix anyway
Johnny: I have, you’re to watch me, girl
Ali: You expect me to watch you all night
Johnny: Get out of it with your thinking it’ll take all night
Ali: It will if you don’t let me help
Johnny: You’ll not tell ‘em?
Ali: Nor ruin your bike, I’ve mended my dad’s loads
Johnny: Maybe you can help
Ali: I can, you just have to let me
Johnny: Just with [something easy but not piss easy af so he’s giving her the tiniest ever bit of credit lol tis progress]
Ali: Alright
Ali: It’s a date 🔩🧰🔧
Johnny: I’ve parts to go for now but I’ll see you when I’m back
Ali: That’s okay, gives me time to hang out with Ronan or he’ll be pissed off with me
Johnny: He’s better taste than his brother has
Ali: You heard, he doesn’t have favourites
Johnny: I did
Ali: but we’re friends, when he used to go to school, we had some lessons together
Johnny: I knew he never liked school for itself
Ali: Who does? It’s beyond boring if you don’t make it fun yourself
Johnny: He’s there to learn to write and the like, not make friends with you
Ali: I didn’t stop him, did I
Johnny: You’re stopping me here, maybe, so
Ali: Fine, fine, go on then
Johnny: Later, Ali
Ali: 👋 In a bit
Carly: [Private to Moses because Winnie insists]
Carly: are you 😤😠 @ me?
Moses: At you? Why would I be…
Carly: idk but u can say if you are
Moses: You didn’t need to ask if I loved you, did you
Carly: I’m sorry
Carly: & for calling you unreal in front of the others
Moses: Yeah, so you knew what you did wrong
Carly: yea, I’m sorry though
Moses: Are you?
Carly: I’ll keep saying it if you want
Moses: just tell me why you’re sorry
Carly: for the others slagging u, like
Carly: I don’t want you to be 😤😠 or 😳 cos of me
Moses: Nah, don’t trouble yourself
Moses: I don’t care that much, you must be thinking of my little brother
Carly: what else do you want me to be sorry for?
Moses: I don’t
Moses: just don’t make me look like that again
Carly: k, sorry
Carly: again, for you
Moses: Sorry is boring, Carls
Moses: do better
Carly: I’m picking up you can have the best 🍭🍬
Moses: That’s more like it, hopes it can be a proper party aren’t totally dead
Carly: it’ll be a deadly party, I’ll bring it
Carly: 🎇🥳🍄😵‍💫💥🤩🌟🥴✨😝☄️ how I said 
Moses: It needs to be, been too quiet lately
Carly: 1 thing I’m not never, you’ll be my friend again before u know ❤️🧡💛
Moses: 😏 True enough, you were talking way too much, don’t remind me
Carly: shut me up then, boy
Moses: Not yet, no
Carly: it’s not a no never 
Moses: I’m not shooting myself in the foot because you were being a gobshite
Carly: 😄 my gob’s good for too much else, sure
Moses: Fuck’s sake 😆
Carly: & I do think youre unreal 👀💙🌊🌌
Moses: So you’re with me tonight, got it?
Carly: 🥺 yea
Moses: If you go anywhere near any of the others, I won’t even look at you for a month
Carly: what others? I’m w you
Moses: I better start being nice to you then, hadn’t I
Carly: you can still be 😤😠 I’ve not fixed it for you yet
Moses: I know what you like, subtle as that were
Carly: subtle is - craic, no fun 
Moses: A smidgen wouldn’t hurt, at times
Carly: I’ll make it up to you however you like
Moses: Fair, it is pretty good craic winding Johno up for me
Carly: now he don’t love me seriously
Moses: He’s moody, don’t you worry about him
Carly: he’s scary
Moses: oh just to girls like yourself, no one else is taking his stropping too serious
Carly: I am a girl like myself so
Moses: I’ll look after you
Carly: 🥺 k I can’t talk too much if thats what you’re saying
Moses: I’m nice to people who are nice to me
Moses: you’re not scared of me, are you?
Carly: I like how I’m scared of you 
Moses: Good answer, like
Carly: & you’ll look after me, you’ve said it now
Moses: because you’re going to make it worth my while
Moses: if you’re throwing yourself at everyone in vicinity, you get what you deserve and that’s not protection
Carly: I’ll do what you tell me to do
Moses: It would be a shame if you got hurt, you know
Moses: it’d give me no pleasure to see it
Carly: I’m about giving pleasure it’s all I want 🌺🐝
Moses: If you give it to me, you’re guaranteed to get it back
Carly: I’ll give you what you want too
Moses: You’re very sweet
Carly: ah I have tried to let you know it
Carly: maybe it were too subtle for you 🍯🍓🍦🍑🍒🍍🍉🍰
Moses: and maybe you got lost
Carly: I think I know my way round, don’t worry yourself about that
Moses: You really shouldn’t waste your time with the younger ones, you know
Carly: give me something to do & I’ll not bother
Moses: Are you with your friend right now?
Carly: yea but where do you want me & I’ll be there? 🐝🦋🍃
Moses: Yous need to pick up first, don’t rush
Moses: you could send me something though
Carly: k wait 💙
Carly: [and obvs do because this is who you are, ofc you will]
Moses: Do you like her?
Carly: I love her
Carly: do u like her?
Moses: I like you more, promise
Carly: you’re the lad I like most
Moses: That’s smart of you
Carly: I’ve not been called smart before
Moses: You’re proper smart, when you remember to act it
Carly: remind us when I need it & nothing has to go wrong 🌞🌚
Moses: I might
Carly: [send him something else to sweeten the deal here]
Moses: How am I meant to keep my hands to myself
Carly: you’re never meant to, like
Moses: I’m not meant to go near you but
Carly: but forbidden 🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🍍🥝 you’ve to eat me
Moses: Tell your mate she’s gonna have to miss you
Carly: 😋 will I walk home? 
Moses: Can’t you run?
Carly: I’ll be 😵‍💫 but sure that feels grand too 🌌🚀🌠🪐☄️
Moses: Poor baby, what you said, was it?
Carly: I don’t remember
Carly: no comment, can it be? 😶
Moses: You’ll be feeling shy when I get you in front of me
Carly: I feel I’m about to drown when round you 👀💙🌊
Moses: I want to see how red you can go
Carly: 🍓🍒🍎❤️
Moses: You want to drown, I’ll make it happen
Carly: watch you don’t yourself making me so 💦🌊
Moses: You gonna let me feel it when you get here
Carly: with all the parts of your body you want
Moses: You won’t be able to ignore that part of me
Carly: I can’t ever, had me thinking about it all the time
Moses: The way you look at me isn’t subtle
Carly: sorry
Moses: no you’re not
Carly: I’m sorry I can’t run no faster
Moses: Me too
Moses: but you’ll be happy that I’ve got no patience left when you do get here
Carly: please can’t you come get me?
Moses: I can’t walk never mind run
Carly: y can’t you drive, you can even hammered I’ve seen it
Moses: The idea of you crawling holds too much appeal rn
Carly: [do it because obviously]
Carly: theres that to watch back much as you like, so please 🙏💙
Moses: You’ve no shame, have you
Carly: catholic guilt passed my caravan by
Carly: nanny tried but I’m a girl like me, yea
Moses: I’ll show you what you’re missing in the car
Carly: you said you’d be nice to me & I’ve fucked my knees up for you w that carry on 🍓❤️
Moses: No rest for the wicked
Carly: am I though or am I 😇🙏💙
Moses: Oh, you want to be a good girl now, is it
Carly: for you
Carly: best girl you’ve ever ever had
Moses: I’ll still fuck you ‘til you can’t breathe, doesn’t matter how well you behave now, I want it
Carly: til I go ❤️💜💙
Moses: Say it’s what you’re after
Carly: I want it
Carly: I’ve been after you to fuck me for forever, years & years
Moses: By God, you’re such a state
Carly: you got me in it only u can fix it
Moses: I never did but I’m glad you’ve no daddy around
Carly: me too
Moses: What I can offer is better
Carly: hes making no offers but don’t let that make you less than unreal
Moses: Is he really a traveller? No one knows him
Carly: [her mum, I need to give you a name ma’am] don’t know him neither
Carly: what can I say but ah sure look, you know 🔮🎱
Moses: She is the one that made you this state, sure
Carly: don’t you love me? 😏
Moses: Don’t start that again, you
Carly: start your car up & I’ll behave 
Moses: Joker, that’s what you are
Moses: but I’ll be on my way
Carly: cute of you not to call us a 🤡 there I wanna keep on w being smart
Moses: You barely wear any slap compared to most the girls I know
Carly: my hands are too shaky
Moses: Not the only one with that little problem neither
Carly: but if you want me to for later I can ask ali to help me
Moses: I’ll have to think about that one
Carly: k let us know when youve decided
Moses: You are too innocent looking
Carly: why ive to act up so hard for you to see I’m not
Moses: oh I know
Carly: not yet but youre on your way to knowing 🚗❤️💜💙
Moses: So shut your mouth for now and I’ll be there before you know it
Carly: [a video of her holding her breath for the drowning of it all]
Moses: That’s not distracting at all
Carly: will I stop then?
Moses: We both know the answer to that
Carly: cos I need you to stop me
Moses: I’m no babysitter
Carly: I’m not your baby, you don’t talk to me like that
Moses: Neither of us would like that
Carly: but if it’s a show youre after like I’m a kid & I’m making you watch you can see how I can fit my ✊ in my mouth, it exists here on my phone for the craic
Carly: [and do send him that cos why wouldn’t you]
Moses: How much of a show-off you are reminds me of Bart
Carly: for that one I am sorry 😶
Moses: 😏 you really should be
Carly: I really am
Moses: He’s less of a smart arse than Ro but it’s still not working for me
Carly: I only 💭 you might like it lads at school did
Moses: I already told you the difference between little boys and men
Carly: yea though I need showing still
Moses: Someone’ll have to
Carly: you have to I cant ignore no part of u no more
Moses: I’ll still give you a lift
Moses: have to see if you can turn me on again
Carly: when you see how much I am
Moses: How do I know that’s not for your dealer, or your pal, hmm?
Carly: cos I legged it from em on your say
Moses: Good thing they don’t make her pay, be pretty poor behaviour, that
Carly: she’ll forgive me, what about you?
Moses: To be decided, nightmare
Carly: you know its all for u to decide
Carly: everything you do or don’t do to me
Moses: You can ask very nicely and I’ll debate if it’s more fun making you sweat it first
Carly: please 
Moses: What d’ya want, girl?
Carly: you
Moses: yeah, and why’s that?
Carly: cos you keep on being more & more unreal
Moses: That is pretty nice, well done
Carly: I’m not good at this but I hope you know what I mean & it’s some sense
Moses: You’re much cuter when you’re nervous and not trying so hard anyway
Carly: I’m always nervous about you
Moses: You can trust me
Moses: I will give you what you need, even if I play with you a bit first
Carly: idc I just want to give you what you need
Moses: Yeah?
Carly: yea 😳🌺
Moses: You can stay in my ‘van, as long as you don’t let anyone see you leaving
Carly: I swear I’ll be invisible then like, in the ☁️s
Moses: Just how long do you want to keep me happy
Carly: as long as youre happy w me I’ll keep on
Moses: Maybe I’ll let you be a regular visitor then
Carly: I hope it’ll be so 🔮🎲🍀🐇🌠
Moses: You can tell Ali but that’s it
Carly: you can trust me too
Moses: Let’s not get carried away, nightmare
Carly: whether my da’s a traveller or no, I’m up on how this works, boy & I know what you want
Carly: I’ll say nothing to the others
Moses: If you’re to start it, I’m the one who can make your life hell
Moses: you be sure to know and keep knowing that
Carly: I’m only after heaven from you
Moses: 😅 Alright, sweetheart, you knew who to come to for it, give you that
Carly: yea
Moses: Lucky, could be letting one of the others bore you to tears right about now
Carly: but you wouldn’t cos you want to be the 1st lad I’ve let do things to me & 🍀 yourself
Moses: What have you done, how far have you gone?
Carly: only just 💋 some
Moses: Wow
Carly: I told you I want you for it
Moses: you can have it
Carly: & you’ll look after me how you said?
Moses: Promise, like
Carly: cos I wasn’t gonna give u the knowing of how special you are but I’ve gone & told you now
Moses: now I’ll be careful, otherwise I would’ve ended up hurting you by mistake
Carly: idc if u hurt me do what you want
Moses: You’d care
Carly: I care if you think I’m a 👶 now
Moses: If I thought you were a baby, I’d steer clear of you, leave you for my brother
Carly: don’t just cos I can’t shut up & said I’ve not done this before 😳🍒
Moses: I’m going to take it, you’ll compare everyone after to me
Carly: I’ll think of you forever
Moses: You’ll miss me
Carly: you’ll miss me too when you’re married
Moses: That’s a while away, I’m not Johno
Carly: can I be a regular visitor til its not a while away?
Moses: Long as you don’t give me a reason why not, sure, why wouldn’t I want a visitor like you
Carly: 😁☁️🌼🌻🍀🌞🌈🌚🌟
Moses: dope, come get in the car
Carly: [literally run and do that gal for better or worse lol]
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glazelilyy · 3 years
scara eushing to the reader and tending to their injuries ????? even more angst potential
eye contact and then embarrassment; before the reader might confront scara about him leaving or why he was here, they thought he had left them for good
imagine if the reader met childe? and scara feels an ounce of jealousy, maybe they get close with childe (who respects their freedom desires very mondstadt hehe), who invites them to Chaos (aka Fighting hehe). scara can’t do any thing but watch because he knows he’s hurt the reader, and they probably don’t want to see thhem (spoiler alert they desperately want to see scara and childe is just filling the short fatui hole in their heart sort of >:-))
thank you for the compliments to my writing ~ honestly writing is hard and. i try :D motivation is even harder but …. :,)
— 🦆
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🦆 nonnie i am not prepared enough for this-
(for the sake of my heart): if he does manage to get out how he feels and reader starts crying, against all odds it'll make HIM start crying and then it's just him and reader crying and him not knowing how to engage properly with them until they yank him forwards and hug him <3
AND THE CHILDE MEETING BAFSDJBJHGFD I SMELL A LOVE TRIANGLE >:D or at least there'd still be a lingering sadness since childe probably knows that reader is just filling the empty void in their heart with him, whether it's platonically or romantically :( poor childe uuuu i wanna give him a hug :((( i think he'd still try to help reader and scaramouche reconcile and act as a middle man despite his feelings (which would be incredibly sad GRRRRR)
aww of course! you gave me an entire mini fic to read and it was wonderfully written!! and i understand that struggle all too well, and i'm proud of you for taking a leap and writing something! :D you can always pace yourself and write things whenever you feel like you're in the mood to write: the world will wait for you :) i hope you're doing well duckie nonnie! i'm fed with scara brainfood (and the implied childe angst </333) hehe >:)
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jamb-oree · 3 years
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I posted 116 times in 2021
6 posts created (5%)
110 posts reblogged (95%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 18.3 posts.
I added 22 tags in 2021
#i love this - 4 posts
#supernatural - 4 posts
#please😭 - 2 posts
#spencer reid - 2 posts
#criminal minds - 2 posts
#anyways - 2 posts
#autistic spencer reid - 2 posts
#fob - 2 posts
#poor spence :(((( - 1 posts
#anyways- destiel is cannon and has always been cannon and this is proof - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i’m a mess and idk how i’m passing all of my classes except for apush (i know why i’m failing that one) (spoiler alert: the teacher sucks)
My Top Posts in 2021
Hello my spicy lil amigo
hello! i’m gonna assume this is em since, well, shes the only one who has permission to call me spicy😂
0 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 03:00:06 GMT
Did something make you smile today?! 🦆
yes, actually! one of my friends who i don’t get to see often was able to spend his open period with me during the class i was supposed to have chemistry. he picked me up and gave me all the hugs and it made a very tough day suddenly a good one and i love him for it.
thank you for asking, lil duck!
0 notes • Posted 2021-02-04 03:48:09 GMT
alrighty, here it is
a sneak peek of my rewrite of the supernatural finale (:
it’s just a little bit, but it should be on AO3 soon and i’ll post it here as well!
also please don’t take this bc this is my hard work and i don’t want to see this ending up anywhere else
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5 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 02:31:43 GMT
i’ve seen so many people doing this and i have about 10 minutes until new year so fuck it i’m doing it
thank you to all the blogs who have made my 2020 fantastic
here’s a special thank you to a few of the blogs who have helped me survive 2020
@ablogofthecriminalmindsvariety I LOVE YOU EM THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU’VE DONE FOR ME THIS YEAR you’re literally my rock on this app and your blog makes my day. your writing is 100/10 and i love all your headcanons bc they’re just *chefs kiss*. thank you for putting up with my constant spam of posts and thank you for cheering me up and listening to me when i ramble about my hyperfixations. i appreciate the fuck outta you, thank you so much.
@penemily rose you’re literally amazing, your blog is essentially my news feed in the way of criminal minds posts. your content has gotten me through this shitshow of a year and your spencer hotchner and hotchner fam AUs give me life so thank you so much. and angels? i don’t have words for how good it is. i didn’t know i needed it until you gave it to us and oh man, did i need it. thank you <3
@whump-town i love your content- like always makes my day. your writing? amazing. your ideas? they kill me they’re literally so goddamn good. your angsty hotchniss fics? flawless. literally everything about your blog makes me so happy so thank you for posting content for us all
@abitcriminalminds literally your content is amazing- yas i love your content so thank you for posing. your incorrect criminal minds quotes posts are one of the best thing to have happened to me on this app and they just always make me laugh. they even make my brother laugh and he hasn’t really watched the show
thank you to all of you guys. i love you all. thank you <<3
11 notes • Posted 2021-01-01 05:56:22 GMT
here’s some transnatural week content! Sam, Dean, and Cas (:
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i added some other flag details in some slightly hidden places so find them and lmk!
(my friend did the sketch and i added the colors and the words, but they wish to remain anonymous so we are posting it from my account! they wish it to be known that this is their drawing entirely and any similarities to any other work is either purely coincidental or their own work previously posted)
@transnaturalweek day one: team free will
95 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 14:00:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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