#My shinies and all my pokemon in general are legit
sleebyjam · 8 months
hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHADHFJGDFAHKDGSFAKHJDSJGHFALDFGHA Encountered a shiny Articuno in ultra moon by soft resetting, but it just wouldn't stay in the ball and fainted by struggling before I could catch it. Say heck it, reset and try a regular articuno, and THE FIRST BALL I THROW catches it. I'm gonna cry
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golby-moon · 9 months
oh no I made more fakemon for people. went more with madlibs-esque prompts this time in the form of asking for a few nouns of things people like and here are the results
starting off with @wofiepyxie, who unwittingly started this round of fakemon by consistently having an insane word count in bang sprints (and daring to mention the word 'candy')
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I pictured an admittedly more spidery spider at first but a request to not make it creepy and to go for more of a wholesome Joltik vibe made me rethink, because there are enough creepy bugs (not that spiders are bugs despite my use of the computer bug pun) in this world. candy entering my brain made me try to just make the thing look like candy, which accidentally developed a weird and probably overly complicated backstory thing for it where it's a popular Halloween decoration due to being mistaken as a piece of candy which is partly because of its eye-searing poison dart frog-y colors but mostly because that's its weird defense mechanism. it eats computer data ig idk where the typing aspect really comes in it's just a weird little guy. random thought but I think it'd be hilarious if its shiny form was just like...all black, nothing noteworthy about it at all because it's just a regular color. nobody would have any idea what it even is by looking at it
next is @hectatess, who had a prompt including things ranging from witches to Rottweilers
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when people think of Rottweilers, they think dangerous and aggressive and like basically a hellhound (wassup Houndour line?), so naturally I had to go with the complete opposite and oh no it's baby, like just personified 🥺 with lilypads. really tried to go for a sad wet puppy vibe with this one, starting with sad pleading eyes with the wet lilypad hat just dropping down its face and ending with the ends of the darker fur that vaguely follows the pattern of a Rottweiler looking sort of weighed down with water (though it's also supposed to allude to a hanging witch robe, which it does not convey). carrying on that witch vibe is the lilypad hat, with the flower made to look like the pointy part of a witch hat though I know that it really doesn't look like that. the psychic typing was mostly inspired by the vibrant color of the flowers along with the fact that it's supposed to be witch-y. idk I don't name them but my brain is saying wetweiler which is really just a perfect summation of why I don't name the fakemon lol
and finally @very-offkey-kazoo, who gave me a wide range of ideas from bees to Greek mythology to vines to snakes to knives... so lots of creative freedom here which is fun in a chaotic sort of way
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I was originally gonna go for a rock type that's like idk inspired by Greek something and is covered in vines but the brain said stabby wasp thing so stabby wasp thing it is. no but I definitely overused the knife motif (and the sharp lines in general to kinda imply speed as well as sharpness) I think between the gradually sharper arms and the needle-like antennae and then the legit just knife-shaped wings but ehhh. surprisingly I actually took more inspiration from the Pawniard line than the Scyther one which is probably the cause of the repeating knife shapes, but more than that, I went for a knight vibe almost and gave it chitin not unlike a weirdly overly shiny suit of armor that's pinched off in the middle to resemble the way the abdomen and thorax of a lot of bugs are connected. as for the Greek part...idk maybe think gladiator like I didn't until two seconds ago? either way, this thing could probably protect a labyrinth or something regardless of its unspecified size, since small bugs are creepy and big bugs are horrifying. do what you want with that thought ig (side note but the color reminds me of honey mustard and I can think of nothing else now)
I think these at least look like pokemon so they turned out okay. I learned from last time (stained glass skirt thing I'm talking about you) and didn't over complicate the designs this time and did try to make their typing more obvious through colors and shapes like the official pokemon do
(for anyone that didn't notice, the first round of fakemon is linked up at the top of this post)
I apparently make fakemon now so uh idk anybody that wants one can message me I guess yay
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cadene · 8 months
To do list before they shut it down for good because we know it's coming eventually now oh god why:
- play through eshop!Crystal and soft reset for shiny Celebi. (Progress: have to beat the game. Unsure of completion)
- go back to trying to do the Ribbon Challenge with Togekiss. (Progress: over 50)
- make sure I do in fact have all the hidden abilities. (Progress: done. Just gonna double check for my own peace of mind.)
- get the Pokemon out of White's dream clearing place. (I STILL MISS THE DREAM WORLD) (Progress: may not have to. I have so many Pokemon in Dream Balls already.)
- do whatever it is that gets us the shiny Haxorus in BW2.
- use the hell out of X's Friend Safari.
- get all the Pokemon from Alola's scanner thingy.
- sigh. Guess I can start moving my breeding Ditto forward. Wonderful.
All the good that'll do me until next generation where they'll hopefully go back to the Daycare or if they keep switching it up have it be better than the stupid picnic thing.
- scour each and every game to make sure no shinies are left behind.
- use the RNG thing on Diamond to hatch legit shinies.
- get all the Home achievements.
- get the legendaries from the Ultra Wormholes. Am NOT going to try for their shinies. It took me two weeks to get shiny Mewtwo. XD
ETA oh GOD they're gonna cut off HeartGold and SoulSilver!! THE APRICORN BALLS OH NOOOOO
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hatenayousei · 1 year
I really want a shiny mew, but they're hard as hell to get.
technically, I do have one in my copy of pokemon sun, (I was addicted to wonder trading) but it has a youtube channel as its nickname, which is just tacky. not to mention the fact that my 3ds charger barely works, and how inconvenient it is to transfer pokemon from a 3ds onto a switch.
as far as I'm aware, there were only two events that gave you a chance to get a shiny mew.
one was in thanksgiving 2002 at the new york pokemon center, where, for 6 days, once per day, you could get a special gift mew. apparently, the shiny rates were locked at .5%, (1 in 200!) but that's still not a lot when you only get 6 mews.
there was another in 2005, where, if you brought your copy of pokemon emerald to pokemon festa 2005 or the pokepark theme park, you could get an item, the old sea map. this item would take you to an island where mew would spawn. this mew isn't shiny locked, and you can soft reset to get a shiny, though shiny odds in the older games are abysmal. (1/8192)
I wasn't born yet when these events happened, but even if I was, I wouldn't be anywhere near new york, japan, or taiwan.
you can actually buy a copy of pokemon emerald with the old map hacked onto it. unfortunately, I don't have the money for a gameboy advance, or the time or patience so soft reset thousands of times.
in february 2021, there was actually a worldwide shiny mew event. you were guaranteed to get it. finally, an event in my area that I was alive to witness! ...except it was in pokemon go, which I only played for a brief time in 2018, and then quit because my phone at the time couldn't handle it. it was also paid, and required doing a bunch of stuff that I probably wouldn't have even wanted to do.
so, it seems like I'm shit out of luck for a legit mew. of course, I could do the famed mew glitch, but, as I said before, my 3ds charger barely works. even if it did work, I don't have the time or patience to do all the steps mew glitch involves.
my only options, then, would involve getting it from someone else. people on ebay sell them, but I'm pretty sure that's not allowed, and I'm not compromising my online capabilities. I don't have money, anyway.
I could try to trade for it, but I don't have anything of comparable value. with how rare it is, I seriously doubt anyone would give it away for free. even the most generous person in the world would ask for something in return.
one day, I'll get my shiny mew, but for now, I guess I'll just have to wait.
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Well. I am writing this because of an impulse of idiots of mine that gave me there at 6 in the morning, I apologize if this is not understood why I speak Spanish and I usually read all the things on Tumblr with the Google translator so if you do not understand my message is the fault of my translator, it is also my first time asking something so if I do it wrong I also apologize Ah what was coming, how would the twins react ah a s / o (I think that's the way to refer to the Reader, I really don't know what it means) that he is a fan of fairy-type Pokémon, and one day he comes out of nowhere with a backpack full of approximately 30+ pokeballs, which have the same pokemon, Alcremie I apologize if this is not understood
Oof. No worries, I can understand what you’re trying to ask. (I won’t blame you for using a translator, I tend to use it too when I’m reading stuff from another language. ;w;)
Actually, I think s/o basically means “significant other”, which would refer to a partner of some kind. It could be the reader or something else (like an OC). But I feel like people in this blog use s/o as the reader.
I know there’s two other terms like s/i and y/n. I think s/i just means “self insert” and y/n is “your name”. (I just realized that I could’ve used y/n in my writing dialogue, but I’m too lazy. Y/n hates their family and they’re a demi-God anyways-)
He was so confused, it’s like opening someone’s room and expecting it to be a regular room, but all you see is 500000 Alcremies all over the place and leaving the room.
Like. Okay, he gets it. You’re a big fan of fairy-type Pokemon. But maybe this is a bit too much, my man-
He probably asked you why, like what’s the point in having so many Alcremies? Are you trying to shiny hunt for one or something?
He probably came to either two conclusions. One, you really like Alcremie. Two, you wanted to train an army of Alcremies for some kind of war.
But hey, he still enjoys being around them and playing with them. Like, he’ll admit. They’re adorable. And he finds it a bit funny that they have different forms.
He finds it adorable. He just thinks Alcremie is an adorable Pokemon in general. But maybe this is more “chaotically adorable” since you have like 30+ pokeballs of them-
It’s probably going to be one of those situations where he’s completely surrounded by these Alcremies. And he didn’t win the war against them. He just couldn’t.
He probably just ended up on the ground, being surrounded by these things. The Alcremies are probably trying to climb on top of this man to assert their dominance.
He’s clearly too weak to fight them off, so please help this man. He’s begging you at this point to help his ass from this madness-
But all that joke aside, he legit loves all of your Pokemons. Or in other words, this Alcremie disaster you created. He even plays with them at times.
He wants to kidnap every single one of these things. It’s not like the Pokemon police can stop him, but a five-year-old can-
But at first, he probably mistaken these things as actual food, not to say that he tried to eat one. But it was probably a close call. (I mean, it’s made out of whipped cream-)
He probably gives the Alcremies a bunch of stuff, depending on what form they have. Like, he’d give a bunch of strawberries to a vanilla cream Alcremie.
Please let this man carry at least ONE of these things to work. He promises that he’ll give it back to you. It’s just that he really likes them.
I mean, he can understand that you’re a fairy-type fan. But this is probably going a bit too far- (You nearly have a billion of these things)
I mean, yeah, they’re cute. But what’s the point in bringing a bunch of Alcremies into a region that doesn’t have any of its kind?
But eh. It’s whatever at the end of the day. If you and the Alcremies want to invade his office while he’s doing his job. Then he can’t stop you.
He might play with at least one of them whenever a single Alcremie has the goal of meeting him face to face. Like he’s a scary man, so they’d be brave to talk to him.
He would be interested in the fact that they have different forms. He might even try doing research regarding it (or asking you), for the fun of it of course.
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prof-peach · 4 years
Has any wild pokemon came to your place to seek help, and if so what was it like?
Well yes actually, because of our location and the distance between us and johto, we get a lot of Pokemon who stop for a rest between land masses at our lab. If they come in injured from battle, or sick from bad weather on their travels, the other Pokemon that hang around the island will pick up on it, and direct them to one of the professors, usually whoever’s closest at the time.
We get an awful lot of water types as you’d expect but I don’t really deal with them, that’s Professor Grey’s area, he’s not nervous in water like I am so he’s able to give more accurate and effective care. I will help from time to time but only really on the little land dwelling ones. The oddest water type we had turn up was a lotad. Hear me out, we’re no where near Hoenn, like at all, we don’t get them in johto, at least not wild, and the ones we get given are Pokemon we know and have helped, so we knew it wasn’t one of those. This little thing washes up on the beach along the north side, and if you’ve read anything about the island before you’ll know the North is fenced off, a zone for Pokemon to go to get away from the public, and is generally quite hostile, and off limits to guests without explicit permission and a guide. So this Lotad is found, luckily by a reasonable middle aged Ursaring, and suddenly we get a knock on the door in the middle of the night, this big mountain of a bear Pokemon holding the smallest little lotad, the thing was full of seawater and had burns form the salt and mould forming. He spent a week and a half in the ICU with strict climate control and a course of medication tailored to his species, all the while we’re all scratching our heads about how he got to us. We’d had no visitors so he couldn’t be a stray or released Pokemon, the weather was good so no storm could have carried him to us, he was alone, no trainer, no friends, no family. Ships pass through but could he have jumped off and ended up with us? We all have our theories, I personally think he got carried a fair way from home by a flying Pokemon, and dropped by accident. Either way he’s since become the little champion of our care program, he’s recovered in leaps and bounds and lives a very comfortable life in th entropic house, in the indoor pools with some Relicanth and the other little lotads, a few surskit. Happy Pokemon for sure now, we’ve had a porygon translate what he has to say but he doesn’t remember anything before waking up in the labs care unit. We just count him as the luckiest Pokemon we know, considering the terrible shape he came to us in. Must have been floating around the ocean for days.
We also get a heap load of flying types that rest between locations during migration, some of those do seem to have the odd issue which we tend to, our favourites are the migrating Fletchling that fly on through for the winter, they give a fiery display, filling the sky with little embers. Sure, fire risk, but also consider this, beautiful? We have water Pokemon on standby during this time, and usually anything that catches is caught pretty quickly. I do find the flying types will return. When some come through, and we notice them and help where we can, they’ll eventually leave to continue their journey, and then a year later they come back again, this time with families, friends, some even bring their whole flock, just because we built some trust with them that one time. We have pidgeot that repeatedly return to the island, all because we’ve patched up like several members of their family, they’re regulars to us now, and even between seasons of migration, they’ll return to see if we can help, or offer information should they encounter issues. I must say once one knows about you, the rest do pretty fast. I will forever remember fondly, gardening in peace, not a single problem to be dealt with, and then the sky went black and I couldn’t see the ground anymore, because SO MANY murkrow had landed all at once, they blocked out the light, they covered every post, every piece of dirt, all by demolished the berries I’d been growing all season. Why you may ask? Because I had hatched one random egg I found on my travels, had no idea at the time what it was, and I carried this thing around with me everywhere. When it hatched it was a little Murkrow, a little different in appearance, with a striking flash of blue under his little wings. I gave the thing a good start and sent it on it’s way. No big deal.
This little one was a lost egg from a boss Honchkrow’s clutch, how did that big boss bird know it was his child? He was the start of the variation, the bright blue under his wings. So yeah, he told them all about us, and how to get to the island, and we ended up with a HUGE amount of them, trying to bring things to repay the debt. Some found shiny items, others berries, unusual mushrooms, neat looking twigs, bottle caps, pins, buttons. To this day some of those Pokemon still hang out here, kind of dug it enough to want to stick around I guess. We don’t mind, they’re actually really good natured, and helpful too!
We get the odd dragon fly by, alwasy alerts the island’s heavy hitters when one touches down. Recently we’ve had Garchomp breeding here, they seem to like the mountains, and our resident female was putting out her siren song for a mate all spring. Summer they paired up, laid eggs, now we have little Gibble running around somewhere safe. Last actual dragon type to stop in for some help was a rather thin and dull coloured looking Charizard, had flown too far, exerted itself too much, came crashing into the labs big front doors, nearly took a patient clean out, definetly needed to replace some tables after that. With some good dinners and a bit of TLC they got fat and strong again, and went on their way.
I think once you help out a few Pokemon, word spreads, we get a lot of unusual clients, most of which have stowed away on passing ships, coming to us for information, support, and care. For instance last week we had a Krabby who came in off a cargo ship, swam to the island, made its way to the lab, SAT IN THE WAITING ROOM, legit was happy to wait, all because he had a broken claw and couldn’t get it off to make way for a new one to regrow. We helped him out and he went on home, we got a ship to pull in to return him home luckily.
This week there’s been a Magnezone and a Jolteon magnetised together, they asked for a lift from a visiting trainer who obliged, they’ve since been seperated and sent on their way, back home safe to the wild. Happens from time to time. Who knows what next week will bring haha. Every days interesting here I must say that much.
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tagfer · 2 years
i totally agree, all poketubers are absolutely annoying (i like a few nuzlockers and by this i mean i like flygonhg) but sometimes i dont want nuzlockes i just want people talkin about pokemon. but i also dont know what would make a poketuber, like, NOT annoying. what qualities would you be looking for in your ideal unannoying poketuber? what would they be like, what kinds of videos would they make?
good questions! I'm not so sure it's possible for a good Poketuber to actually exist because the amount of soul sacrificing that has to be done to make content that would thrive on YouTube would turn anyone into... well, a youtuber. a vile, half-dead subhuman.
ok like first. like this is for youtubers in general too... like fuckin ditch the constant facecam man you really don't need it. I'm not watching the video for you. Your room looks unnervingly minimalistic and you have the composure of someone who would get red-faced if someone said pokemon was for kids. i understand live video having facecam, i get that. but in a video, if you being there contributes nothing, shoo! you are guilty of the sin of vanity and will repent for eons in purgatory.
also you can just look at some people's logos and tell they were thinking about merchandise when they designed it. like not even trying to hide it. and then they do plaster that shit on merch so their 14 year old fans can have a hoodie with their stupid minimalistic logo that has no personality to it. y'know, looks just like every other piece of youtuber merch. art is dead.
also there's an overwhelming amount of pokemon content on YT that is, for lack of a better term, I'd like to call "success-centric." you know. the strongest mons. competitive/challenging battling. getting shinies. doing challenges (like nuzlockes). for a franchise as grand as pokemon you would think there'd be many topics to discuss but what gets clicks is I FOUGHT NOOB WHO HAS ALL LEGENDS WITH MY LEGIT NUZLOCKE SHINY EEVEE TEAM (HE RAGEQUIT) (MY REACTION) so that's what gets seen so that's what gets made.
god i could go on but I'm not gonna. anyway i have no idea what they could possibly make that I'd even give a chance because just even thinking about watching pokemon content on YouTube makes me so dizzy. it's so bad i don't even give any a chance anymore! i see pokemon anywhere at all and I'm like. do not recommend channel. click. bye forever
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oakhold-cheerios · 2 years
So uhhh how did I modify N’s Zorua to be a shiny one??? 🤔
More info here 👇
 Step 1. I got a ROM of Pokemon Black onto my SD card. plonked the card into my hacked Nintendo 3DS. Not the bog-standard one, It’ll detect the game was pirated, but a hacked one will play ANY pirated game. I booted the game up through the Twilight++ DS Menu.
Step 2. The fact that a ROM of Pokemon Black on a Twilight++ Menu can connect to my legitimate copy of my Gen V games is something. I traded N’s Zorua from my legit copy of Pokemon Black 2 onto my ROM of Pokemon Black.
Step 3. After saving my game, I ejected my SD card from my hacked 3DS. I plonked the card onto my computer and started up the PokeGen application. Later I opened the save file and viewed the Zorua’s data.
Step 4. I generated a hidden Trainer ID for N’s Zorua, as N’s Hidden Trainer ID was at 0. Now that ID is 65308. That’s an ID generated to make the Zorua a shiny one. I save the file, removed the card from the PC, and loaded it into my 3DS again.
Step 5. I loaded the game on my Twilight++ Menu. I headed to the Pokemon Centre and went to the PWCUR to connect to my legit copy of Pokemon White 2 to trade it back via Wireless Communications. I traded the zorua onto the legit copy of White 2. Nothing bad happened in the process. No crashes or anything. It was a bog-standard trade with no issue at all, and that’s awesome.
Result? I made N’s Zorua a shiny. The shiny sparkle and N’s Pokemon sparkle didn’t cancel out each other and played on like normal. I did this out of curiosity and nothin’ more. No issue has be dealt with, everything all fine and dandy all the way!
Honestly it’s amazing what kind of stuff can be found around this game. OK  thank you for reading my explanation. :)
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
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Top 3 Generations: Gen 1 - Gen 5 - Gen 7
Top 3 Human Characters in Pokemon: N - Guzma - Cheren
(Warning: this post contains LARGE SPOILERS.)
Soooo. Back in 2010 (holy butts, seven years ago), gen 5 came out with Pokemon Black and White. I fell utterly in love with everything about the game. Without a doubt, I hadn’t enjoyed playing a pokemon game that much since Red and Blue. The number of new pokemon was insane (the most new pokemon introduced in any generation, even gen 1), and the designs for all these new pokemon were fucking fantastic. The UI was sleek as fuck and a sheer joy to use, the sound effects and music were truly lovely, the locations were so different and creative, and imparted a true sense of travel like the games before never did. They really felt like little ecosystems you were stepping into. The lack of old pokemon made it truly feel like an exciting new world, and everywhere you looked, there were awesome new things. We got our first female Pokemon Professor (about time!), who was really cool, and most exciting of all … we had AN ACTUAL honest-to-god decent plot and fleshed-out characters.
That was always a weak point in the pokemon games. Gen 1 gets away with not having fleshed out characters and a very simple plot because it was the first of its kind. It was still a novel concept. And the relatively simple plot was iconic– archtypal. It allowed you to imagine all kinds of things on your adventure, your childhood imagination filling in the gaps. But it’s a reasonable thing to expect future pokemon games to start introducing new, interesting plots. However, that … took a while. For the most part, Pokemon was too afraid to stray from their formula, and so they recycled the same basic plot until it became extremely tiring to hear the same thing over and over again. They stuck with a minimalistic plot with very little variation, and extremely shallow, 2-dimentional characters.
In my opinion, B/W had a far more complex and unique plot. The writing was actually solid (dialogue is usually another weakness in these games, tends to be pretty awful) and the story was truly compelling. It looked at the pokemon universe in a new way, asking questions the games never dared to ask before. And, holy cats, characters with some actual dimensions? You had multiple rivals for once, and they were actually interesting in their own rights. For the first time, I didn’t hate or feel intensely indifferent towards my rival and actually felt like they were people. That’s not to say they were perfect or intensely complex, but for once, they had some degree of interest and appeal to them.
You’ll see one of the characters I listed as my favorite was Cheren, one of your rivals/friends. I related to his nerdy, logical style much more than the scatterbrained Bianca, but I did feel a fondness for both of them. The character I listed as my top favorite, though, was N.
I was intrigued by this guy the moment the player character meets him and his quirky theme music plays. He was a truly fascinating mystery to me, and I looked forward to running into him again and again. Something about this character really caught my imagination on fire. (Heck, to such a degree I even ended up writing a fanfic. I hadn’t written fanfic for anything in years.) They continued to develop his character and I was enchanted– the scene in the carnival where he asks you to join him on the ferris wheel still stands out in my mind so clearly. It was a rush of fascination and fear and curiosity (I recall shouting at my character to not join him on the wheel, ahaha, ‘Are you crazy?!’ yet simultaneously wanting to join him). That’s another thing I forget to mention– he was a truly tough trainer to go up against, so it was a little intimidating, and I recall training hard, worried about the next unpredictable time I’d run into him.
The climax and resolution of the plot didn’t disappoint, either. I definitely think he’s the most interesting character in a main series Pokemon game, and I was happy as buttery butts that there was a sequel to Black and White. I know my intense love of Gen 5 places me in the minority. But I stand by my reasoning.
In my mind, Gen 6 was a step back in a lot of ways from Gen 5. The plot and the writing for the dialogue was total shit again, and I hated your irritating rivals, which I think were supposed to be patterned after the formula of Gen 5 but just fell flat. For a 3-D game, it sure had 2-dimensional characters. I know a lot of people praise gen 6 for its technological advancements, but to me, that’s one of the least important things. Gen 6 tried to recapture the feeling of travelling great distances and entering mini ecosystems, yet I found its city intensely frustrating to navigate (whereas I found Castelia City very intuitive and fun) and it just didn’t have as much charm. There were very few new pokemon introduced, and completing the National Dex with ALL current pokemon to that date was quite the daunting task. The best thing about X/Y’s plot, quite frankly, was its post-game story, done in chapters with the Looker character.
(Note: I never picked up ORAS, so unfortunately cannot give my perspective on that.)
Then came Gen 7. I’d say it’s probably my third favorite generation, at least at the moment. The technology admittedly is nice– damn those graphics are nice. (I realize at this point, the 3DS can barely even handle the graphics; for example they originally had planned on walking pokemon following you like in Heartgold Soulsilver and that’d be SO COOL but the game would not have been able to handle it without hardcore lag) And the character models have normal proportions, (unlike the rather extreme chibi-proportions of Gen 6), which I gotta say looks really nice. The movement is so smooth, and ride pokemon are incredibly enjoyable to use and free up the need for HM slaves/HM move slots, which I think most people agree is a smart modern change. The game is just beautiful to look at, no denyin’.
It’s also a bit of a fresh breath of air, though, when compared to some of the more formulaic gens. The tropical theme was novel, and the Alolan forms gave a fresh new look at some old pokemon. They actually were bold enough to depart from some of their precious formula and try new things, abandoning traditional gyms and experimenting with totem pokemon and ally pokemon. I fully embraced these changes. The writing and plot are also quite decent, as are the characters! And that’s a huge plus. The more organic style of the routes and various points of interest on the islands does sometimes make navigation a little difficult (hard to recall where stuff is), but it suits the theme of the game well. Shiny pokemon were made easier to hunt in this gen, and quite frankly, I’m OK with that. I know hardcore shiny hunters may not agree, but I never ran into a shiny before Gen 7 and had very little interest to hunt them at such crazy odds. In this gen I actually get to enjoy some shiny pokes, though. Was Sun/Moon too easy? Yeah. The difficulty curve was definitely pretty low. But that’s probably my biggest complaint about the games.
You’ll notice in my list above, I have Guzma as my second-favorite human character of all Pokemon games. And how! Incidentally, Team Skull are easily my favorite villian team of all the games. (Plasma would be second.) I legit find myself considering getting a lil Team Skull necklace. Anyway, Guzma is frickin’ great. It’s not JUST because Bug type is my favorite type and he’s a bug boy. Although that’s a pretty nice bonus. <3 I also loved Gladion a lot! I actually liked him a lot more than his sister.
Anyway, this, err, this post has gone on for plenty long enough already tonight, so I’ll wrap things up for now.
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Feb 24, 2017.
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lastoneout · 5 years
Anyway I beat the main story for Pokemon Shield so here's my pros/cons list(also spoilers kinda??)
Fucking rad as hell soundtrack like holy shit it slaps and I want to download it.
Mother. Fucking. Facial. Expressions. You have no idea how much I have wanted facial expressions during the cut-scenes.
Cute clothes like damn.
In Pokemon Camp your Pokemon will act like they are talking to each other and sometimes they race and it's adorable.
I like the characters tbh and the arcs they have are kind of unexpected but very refreshing since they go against the typical Pokemon formula.
The gym battles happening in stadiums with crowds and shit is the best thing to happen to Pokemon in years like the hype is unreal.
Shiny catching is easier than it's ever been but you still have to put in work so it's fair.
Being chased by Pokemon in the wild area really does make you understand why in the other games they tell you not to go into the tall grass without a Pokemon of your own wtf (and also it's hilarious and reminds me of playing tag as a child like the perfect mix of fun and terror that comes with being chased it's nice to feel that again).
I love the replacement for the elite four like when I heard there wouldn’t be one I was kinda confused but the sports style finals and semi-finals was super fun and I appreciate how it cements that the Gym Leaders are actually holding back to be fair to the challengers and fighting them when they aren’t holding back anymore RULES.
Marnie cheering you on during some of the last battles was legit fantastic I loved the engagement. 
Making your own trading card is fun and I liked the poses they included.
I actually liked the Dynamaxing it was also fun. 
Getting rid of the rocks to evolve Glaceon and Leafeon was a good choice imo. I always wondered why the ice stone and leaf stone didn’t work and now that they do it feels like the games make a little more sense. I also enjoy that the only requirements for Silveon are high friendship in general and a fairy move, I never liked the Pokemon Amie/Refresh requirement. 
The epic parts of the cut scenes def FEEL epic there were quite a few times where I had to hold back from shouting “DAMN THAT WAS SO COOL!!”
I don’t think the game was worth $60.
There are a lot of places it FEELS like you should be able to explore like the castle in Hammerlocke, the lighthouse in Hulbury, and the Ferris Wheel in Wyndon. It was def a bit disappointing to see all of the NPCs talking about the Ferris Wheel and after running around trying to figure out how to get on realizing that you can’t. 
I really do not understand not having a National Dex. I know this is a dead horse at this point but as far as I can tell there was no real reason for them to cut it and not having it was also disappointing since a lot of my favorite Pokemon were cut. 
I also don’t really think that including 400 Pokemon as an alternative was wise. Having the options is nice but the fact that they had to cram all of them in as natural encounters kinda makes the game feel crowded and the constantly shifting weather/time of day requirements are obnoxious.
The graphics def could have been better. I didn’t get any of the major glitches but the ones that were there were distracting to say the least.
I’m salty with Nintendo in general for going the PS/Xbox route and locking the online features behind a paywall. It’s not as expensive as the other services and I like the family plan option but I feel like free internet stuff was kinda nice and I don’t appreciate having to pay for it now. 
Why is the day/night cycle only in the wild area until you beat the game??? Why????? And why don’t they TELL you that?????
The Pokemon jobs are nice but sometimes they don’t tell you exactly which types of Pokemon they want and that can be frustrating. 
The story is a bit railroad-y and I would have appreciated more freedom of where I can go and when. I miss being able to screw off to do whatever half-way through the game like you could in the Kanto region. 
As fun as Dynamaxing is I wish it worked for less than 3 turns?? It makes the wild raids a bit harder and it feels like it should last longer. 
Overall it was a fun game and I am enjoying it, but it left a lot of room for improvement and I seriously hope that in future games they give us a bit more.
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1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, June 23-29, 2019
I totally forgot about this until right now. Whoops! My bad.
And also, starting with this post, each weekly review response will now show the updated graphs... charts (I keep saying graphs but they’re more charts...) of the stories that got the reviews.
Destiny #010
1) OH GOD. I KNEW IT. Y'S GOING TO DIE. THE WHOLE THING WITH X AND NOT THINKING OH HER AS "HIS GIRL" WAS A BUILD-UP OF SOME SORT. This will only cause X grief as it was one of the last things he said about Y before she died. Ohhhhh god. Poor Y, she tried so hard. I simply cannot imagine being attacked like that. And speaking of being attacked, Sapphire? Really has to get over her fear. I know its difficult love, but you're hindering the rest of your team! But anyways, going back to Y, the way she was dominating at first made me soooo happy. Finally! Proof that they can win! But nope. I still can't get over it. A death so soon... unless she miraculously survives. But tbh I can't see how.
Also nil I forgot Silver even existed for a moment there. When you mentioned him, I was completely take by surprise lmao. I don't blame you or anything, it's really hard to focus on a lot of dexholders in one chapter. But I was surprised to find that none were mentioned at the end, the it hit me that of course they weren't. They've got their own battles (problems) to deal with. Those shiny pokemon aren't going to disappear by themselves. Although I hope and pray that they do. But I am really interested as to how this battle will end. Will the dexholders prevail? Will they be defeated? Or will they retreat with their tails in between their legs? So many questions. And there can be so many answers. I'm hoping that they will win, but I just don't think that is likely tho. They've practiced yes, but it's probably not enough. They need years of practice before they can get to his level.
Also I forgot to mention, but I started sweating when I realized that Emerald still had his Mega bracelet thing I forgot what it's called. I was like "Ho boiiiiii." One could easily predict that he would be targeted first. Or at least second only to Y. But I feel like Peter is definitely using the Salamence to his advantage. I mean who wouldn't? That's one dexholder down.
Speaking of Sapphire, I absolutely love how you added in that bet between her and Gold. Like I said previously the balance of fun and not fun (?) is absolutely amazing. And I can only imagine a lot of people there probably face palmed. Which I get but like it's also a fabulous way to motivate someone (especially two competitive dexholders like them) to fight. But I doubt that that either of them will still have the heart to order around the other person after this battle. Well... then again this is Gold and Sapphire we're talking about. They are two people who might still do it. And it makes for a perfect opportunity for comedy later on. Nicely played.
I've decided to use paragraphs 'cause I tend to wander in my reviews, and it makes it easier to process. I'm sorry of this review isn't as good as the others. To be honest they only thing I feel I can say now, is about how good your writing is. But that gets tiring. And I'll make sure to shut up about Peter being so powerful later on. But I'll admit you're legit making me worried.
Anyways, thank you. Its been a pleasure like always.
I didn’t really think of that as a build-up. More like... “the f*ck, X?”. If I recall, I put that line in there because he says it in the XY arc, and it was incomprehensible... at the time. And yes. Poor heartbroken Y... :( And death so soon? This is chapter 10. It’s too soon*! And yes, Sapphire needs to get over the Salamence weakness... which she has in Destiny because this was before that scene in ORAS where Sapphire did not give a FUCK, since there was no time for such trivial things. Damn ORAS...
Silver? ... Oh yeah. That’s right. Heh. Not only are there a lot of Dex Holders in the mess, but there are those who I just do not give a damn about, who always wind up being forgotten as the focus of the chapter is elsewhere. Hehe. And the Dex Holders don’t need years of practice... they just need to embrace the game mechanics!! Hehe. ... What, is a Modest Rhyperior going to win against an Adamant one if it practiced? Heh.
The Salamence over-usage is not only because of how it cripples Sapphire, but also because the guy the Mega Hunter is based on generally always has a Salamence in his singles team. ... Usually with Choice Band and Moxie and Outrage. One-shot a guy, get Moxie boost. One-shot the next guy, get another Moxie boost. And one-shot the next guy. 3 Pokemon down in 3 turns. ... And then it usually hits itself in confusion and deals like 75% damage to itself.
Ah, the competitive rivalry between Gold and Sapphire! The one that’s hardly ever mentioned by anyone else... It’s fun, though. And all lighthearted. They always need to get the one-up on each other. Heh.
I do like the new paragraphs! It makes it easier for me to respond! I really do appreciate your reviews! :)
Destiny #011
1) If shit wasn't already real, it is now. I honestly love the tension between Platinum and Sapphire, and it makes sense. They're the complete opposite of each other, one's quite literally wild, while the other is as refined as possible. It's only natural that they should clash. But I must admit, Platinum was being exceedingly rude. Like goddamn, you're fresh out of a battle, you need to find a new teammate and Sapphire is giving the perfect way in order to find her. Who cares if someone sees you with a girl sniffing. Stepping back was petty, though I'll also admit that Sapphire was being a but rude to Platinum when she told Platinum to just follow her. But it's simply Sapphire's way (as it is Platinum's), so I guess I can't complain too much. But I'm still rather peeved.
So, Peter thinks that the dexholders will get better, huh? That's new. Usually villains will boast and get cocky, and that usually leads to their downfall. Seems as if Peter is not going down that path. I found that a nice thing for you to add, because it only adds on to how clever this dude is. Like the little clues you leave for certain things, I'm not sure whether you write them on purpose, but some of them I notice and it only gladdens me.
In any case, I did not think Peter was going to manipulate Oak and Daisy. That actually quite surprised me, but in reality its a great way to gain information. After all, knowledge is power. And the more you know about your enemy, the more of an advantage you have. Meanwhile the dexholders don't know anything about him, only that that he wants to kill them for reasons? And some of the strategies he uses. Yikes indeed. Red voiced this perfectly in this chapter, with those questions of his. (And if I'm correct) I believe that this is another one of those "clues" I mentioned earlier. I believe Red might be the one to find out the answers to those questions, as he was the one to ask them. But that might just me looking too far into it. And I'm not exactly sure that that is a clue lmao. Ah well, a girl can come up with as big of theories as she so wishes.
Also, could it be possible that for a future strategy, they use Yellow for her healing? I mean, it seems practical. Their pokemon are not strong enough, and they drop one by one so easily. And while it seems rather cruel to constantly heal them only to fight again, that is reality. We do it all the time in the games and actually that brings me to another topic. The world of pokemon is wonky. We just capture these sort of "animals" and force them to fight for us? We might create bonds with them, but jeez these guys are just living their lives when bam! You come across them and then just capture them? And have them battle for you and constantly drain their health, only to do the process all over again. That is fucking cruel imo. I know certain trainers consider pokemon as companions and friends and whatnot, and that's all great and dandy, but like jeez. At least some pokemon come with you willingly and that's the best part. But whatever I'm getting off topic.
Again, personalities on point, writing smooth. Honestly I've never read something of your that felt jagged in a way. (Which is what really confused me when I accidentally skipped this chapter, and I was thrust into the future without an explanation of what happened at the end of the battle) Thank you.
I don’t think Platinum was being rude there at all. She doesn’t say anything, and from her perspective, it’s natural to be baffled at Sapphire. It’s like... you see someone sniffing at the air and the ground and the trees, and you just feel the urge to not be seen right next to that person. Stepping backwards was an unconscious decision, and hell, I’d do that too. And of course, Platinum hadn’t spent enough time with Sapphire to be used to it, or even appreciate her uniqueness. So for now, it’s an understandable natural reaction. And the cause of the Sapphire vs. Platinum minor feud that... I was going to push but abandoned because no one gave a f*ck.
One of the things I absolutely HATE about villains in anime/manga is their usual cockiness. If I had a dime every time some bad guy said something along the lines of “it’s over”... Well, it ain’t over ‘till it’s over. The Mega Hunter won’t be saying that it’s over when no one has died yet. And I left quite a few clues about him throughout the story. They become far more evident when Blue points them out later on.
Knowledge is power, indeed. Especially when it comes to Pokemon! ... And battles. 知彼知己 百戰不危 and all. And I think Red’s internal questions are a bit too blatant to be considered as clues. Hehe. But hey. That’s just a-
Using Yellow for healing? Oh, I do love how you consistently point out options that actually do happen shortly afterwards. It is, after all, the logical next step. And... ah, the morals of Pokemon. “Pokemon are not tools of war”... that’s because you’re not using them properly. HA! The Pokemon world ain’t looking too bright. Also factor in humans’ tendencies of eradication, and...
I did notice that you skipped this one, given the review order. But I respond in the chapter order, so this one comes first. As to how you NOT notice that you skipped a chapter... ...
2) I swear to god these reviews take me an hour to write lmaooo. I didn't even realize it took that long. Not like I'll stop but dam.
You don’t have to write such long reviews, if that helps you. I do enjoy reading your long reviews, but if it’s too much for you, you can shorten it!
Destiny #012
1) I wouldn't be surprised if they were copying your work ngl. In fact, they'd be stupid not too. Its that good but anyways, I'm face palming myself now. Of course it was a pokemon. What else could it have been? Honestly, sometimes I'm amazed at my own stupidity. Just like I'm amazed at your writing this chapter! Y's, Platinum's, and Blue's insecurity felt all unique! Like, one could tell it was insecurity, but each felt it in a different way. Which I felt reflected in your writing (as I'm starting to realize most emotions of the characters do) which might've just been encase of their different situations, but I feel like it was more than that. Kudos to you, that's hard to accomplish. And speaking of insecurity, this Peter guy seems to really know how to manipulate it. 'Cause I know the pokemon was doing the brainwashing, but Peter was the one putting the ideas and thoughts into Blue's mind. But he wasn't forcing them, he was juts voicing some of the thoughts he assumed were going on in Blue's mind. Also speaking of Blue, we finally have a chapter in her point of view again! It was nice seeing her again, and making sure that she was okay. But um the whole "It's not my problem" is worrying me. I completely understand why she's at that point. But still, not how the Blue I know from the FRLG chapter would act. (I say FRLG 'cause I'm not sure whether or not that's how she would've acted in RGBY. I mean she's had her small arc)
Fucking bastard. I was hoping Blue would somehow turn him down, but I suppose my prediction was correct. He "tricked" her in a way. But I guess I can only hope now that Blue will snap out of it the moment she sees the dexholders and is assured that they are indeed her friends. Seeing as how we already know she is capable of at least breaking free of his grip for a few moments with only the help of her subconsciousness and thoughts. Break free, Blue! You got this!
Also, on the matter with Y. I am so surprised she survived. The was quite a beating in the last chapter. I mean, forcefully being held in the air against her will. With things like Hydro Canon shooting at her. Not to mention the branches and rocks that pummeled her. What a remarkable girl. Even is she had on her suit. Dam. And even still wishing to fight. Is this what it means to be a dexholder? I can hardly imagine. If I break a nail I feel like crying and I start hugging my teddy bear. Well no, I don't do that either. But you get the idea.
But speaking of the time when Blue will have to battle the others. I wonder how that will play out? I wonder what the reactions of the others will be. Especially the ones close to her like Silver, and Red and whatnot. I'm sure that very moment is when my heart will break and I will cry. I'm certainly looking forward to the fluff that will help heal those wounds of mine. But Green's guilt. That will certainly overwhelm me. More than I thought X's guilt over Y's supposed "death' would have. Also, I wonder who's perspective that will be in. Lately it's been a lot of Platinum and Y, but I think it would be great if that battle was in Green's or Blue's point of view. As they were the ones who had the "falling out" in their relationship. Nonetheless, I'm sure it will be quite enjoyable. I cannot wait to read it!
Lackspeed to my babies. Treat them well I beg of you. They deserve all the love in the world. But still I thank you.
The conspiracy! First ORAS copies SA’s Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, then XY copies... er... well, I can’t say right now I guess, since you’re not far enough in Destiny. Heh. And yes, of course it’s a Pokemon. Destiny literally begins in Terminus Cave in Kalos. And you do know what’s in that cave, right?
The insecurities of the different Dex Holders are the cause of their different personalities and their situations! Blue, the lonely girl who’s been drifting away from her friends and feeling utter isolation, would have insecurities about her friends. Platinum, the proud girl who have never known defeat previously would have insecurities about her own capabilities after losing multiple times to the same enemy. And what she says is what she would’ve read in a book too. 敗將有口無言, and all. And Y, the new girl, who has a lot to prove and a lot of catching up to do, will have her own insecurities after being absolutely obliterated.
Blue saying “it’s not my problem” is the result of her drifting away so much from her friends and feeling betrayed. In FRLG, it’s subtly revealed that Blue doesn’t remain in contact with anyone other than Silver (since Red and Green had no idea what she was doing in One Island, or what she had been doing), and so if that was to continue for years, and she lets her darker thoughts go rampant, she would end up quickly reverting to her old colder self.
And yep. “Tricked”. Rampancy in AI (which is what Blue’s rampancy is based on) doesn’t require something HUGE happening. It can all start with just a subtle suggestion. And now the struggle begins, between her rampant thoughts and her rational thoughts. Hehehe...
Yep. Y took a hell of a beating... again. And yet she’s still trying to fight. The resiliency of the Dex Holders! ... Also, the resiliency of those who are in the top 5 favorites! In order to be able to fight even after such a beating, you need to be in the top 5 of my favorites. Otherwise... hehe.
Oh, Blue’s upcoming fight against the Dex Holders... it will be quite the journey!
Treat them well, eh? Hmm...
And so with that, Destiny’s chart is updated!
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With the reviewed chapters in the red circle. ... Destiny still doesn’t show a trend, as it is ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Legacy #007
1) Janecklyn from Specord here :P
Anyway, i really appreciated those "slice of life" chapters and some of the dex holders forming friendships with others outside their region! Makes the stakes higher and the mental problems more heavy.
Aww, jelly X, I have a feeling Jeremy is gonna be important to the plot.
Moon, you goofed up D:
One thing I like of your writing, is that you get the characterization pretty well, most of the time I can tell who's speaking for the lines alone. It tells me that like you love these characters 3
Intense and suspenseful chapter! Will wait for the update 3
Oh. I had no idea that you actually read Legacy. ... It happens if people just don’t review, since I have no other way to know if it’s being actually READ.
Gotta love those “slice of life” things, eh? It’s not always just chaos and catastrophe in the lives of the Dex Holders. Even if they’re always in the middle of one.
X is going to have to compete with Sky Trainer Jeremy! Hehe...
Moon had failed to properly heed Platinum’s warning, and had failed to react fast enough. Ouch.
Hehe. Thank you :) I do try to make each one sound as unique as I can, though some... just... can’t.
With this one review, Legacy’s chart now looks like...
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The red circle was the change, and so now it’s no longer a straight line barring the last chapter’s “anomaly”. Still, the trend is too clear. Legacy will not be getting an update until that dot in the red circle goes up by another 5. And it has the rest of 2019 to do so.
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sylvieusedhyperbeam · 5 years
pokemon thoughts idk
DISCLAIMER: this is just an opinion, holy hell those are a thing on the internet steve
so this is just me having collected my thoughts, because uh, i took my own advice and waited for more information - or a response from GF - in regards to decisions made with Pokemon Sword and Shield. 
and quick disclaimer numero dos, i don’t doubt that there may very well be a select few people who are taking their outrage way, way, way too far by being toxic/bullying others/sending personal insults or death threats to GF employees on twitter.  i’ve watched fandoms from the sidelines long enough to see how crazy they can get, soooo yeah.  i.  do not.  condone.  this.  nope nope nope if you’re doing that shit please stop because that crosses a ton of lines that should not be crossed, and it’s not how you voice an opinion like a civilized human being.  be civil, be reasonable, don’t be a dick.  the end.
with that out of the way, on the flip side of that coin?  just... getting a bit sick of seeing people with calm and valid criticisms of game freak’s decisions being talked down to/talked over/shot down with screams of “TOXIC/CRYBABY/SO ENTITLED!!!!” because guys, a lot of the criticisms i’ve seen are actually perfectly valid.  like, seriously, stop. 
and no, i’m not speaking from perfect neutrality here.  because no, i don’t agree with the national dex decision.  i don’t.  because i personally think the reasons we’ve been given - as well as the generic/corporate PR non-response from masuda on the matter - are overall... they leave much to be desired, let’s put it that way. 
now, i’m not an expert on technical specs and limitations, admittedly.  but i just find it difficult to believe that a console like the Switch, that can run huge games such as Skyrim, Monster Hunter World, and Breath of the Wild (all games that are infinitely more complex when it comes to animation and storage), would have a hard time accommodating every pokemon. 
that’s a lot of pokemon, yes, i am aware, but given the simplicity of the overworld as well as the rather limited range of animations for each pokemon?  yeah, between a Pokemon game with every pokemon and Skyrim, my money says that Skyrim will still be the much bigger game.  by leagues.  that’s just my take on it for the ‘technical’ reasons we were given, idk.
and as for ‘balancing the meta’, lmfao.  no, i’m not saying Game Freak can’t suddenly care about balance, that’s not what i’m saying at all, game developers can change their approach to certain aspects of their games, no problem.  but uh, if balancing meta/competitive was their sole reasoning here, there’s a... very simple solution.
just... make and enforce... rules?
make a rule for VGC that only pokes in the galar pokedex can be used in competitive. 
there.  i balanced the gen 8 meta and i did it without cutting any pokemon.  that was easy, lmao.
with my personal skepticism out of the way, i guess i’ll say that i’m a sentimental dumb with personal reasons for my disappointment, too.
because i have pokes that have been with me for years (lmao it legit makes me laugh to think that some of my treasured pokes are actually older than some children in today’s age), and i’m a bit disappointed that i might not be able to bring them with me to the Galar region.  a really good friend of mine that i got back into contact with a while back?  after getting him Ultra Moon for a late birthday present, i decided to surprise him with a shiny Treecko i bred to be on his team, because i knew Sceptile was one of his all-time favorite pokemon.  he’s in the process of trying to ‘surprise’ me with a shiny (he won’t tell me which one so i can’t say for sure if it’s galar-dex, but still :IIII ) and just... these pokemon that we exchange as gifts to one another mean a lot to both of us, cheesy as that sounds. 
so i guess we’re mutually disappointed that we might not be able to bring these little gifts we’ve given each other into the Galar region, where our friendly rivalry would continue. 
and yeah, there’s a bit of salt to be had on my end that the kanto starters will likely be in the galar dex, while all the other past-gen starters have a decent chance of just getting shafted.  it DOES burn my biscuits, just a little, because if that turns out to be the case, then just...  wow.  more pandering to gen 1 after they literally just got a pair of Yellow remakes especially for them.  okay Game Freak, we get it, you hate everyone else.  lmfao.  guess i can sit back and just pray that my serperior will be transferable, but ‘eeeey not like anyone actually likes gen 5 mons, amirite.  n_n 
...my salt kinda derailed my thoughts a little, sorry.
anyway!  guys, some pokemon mean a lot to certain people, and that’s just the bottom line.  people are allowed to be upset that they can’t bring over pokemon with sentimental value to them, lmao for fuck’s sake.  maybe some of those pokemon were on their team while they were playing the game to get through a really difficult time, and that’s why those pokemon mean so much to them.  pokemon mean different things to people, and in fact that’s a huge part of what makes pokemon appealing!!  there are different pokemon to suit different tastes!!  you like big badass dragons, you got it, you like fluffy pink puffballs that use sparkles in battle, you got it, you like living flowers/keychains/machines, you got it, you like lizard or snake children, you got it, you like big fluffy doggos, you got it, you like cats, you got it, you like spoopy ghosts, you got it, the list goes on! 
when you cut into that variety that’s been such a big selling point of the series?  yeah, just...  i don’t know, i don’t see how this isn’t going to hurt Game Freak and, in turn, hurt a franchise that i’ve come to love for a very long time. 
i’m not voicing my opinions or disappointment here because i HATE Game Freak or because i’m determined to see nothing but the BAD things about Pokemon.  it’s just the opposite!  i really love these games and the vibrant, wonderful world they’ve created and how far they’ve come!  i love the memories and friends i’ve made with these games!  i want the games to be the best they can be, and sometimes... that means tough honesty over blind devotion.  and i just can’t pretend that i’m 100% behind Game Freak in everything they do. 
tl;dr, screaming “ENTITLED CRYBABY LOL Y’ALL GROWN ASS ADULTS THROWING A TANTRUM OVER A GAAAAAAME LULZ!!!” doesn’t make people who are upset or frustrated “””see the light”””.  it just makes you look like an asshole.  people are allowed to criticize these games and the decisions that have been made with them, especially if they voice their opinion in a reasonable, civil way that doesn’t harm or invoke harassment on anyone. 
and i’m.... pretty disappointed that there are big name pokemon content creators who have apparently been mocking their own audiences for being upset about this.  lmao wow, man.  yeah, how about no and let people speak their goddamn minds without fear of being ripped apart.
in b4 “but we’re allowed to be supportive of Game Freak and we’re allowed to enjoy these games despite all the naysayers!!!”
being respectful should go
so yeah, just speaking my mind for a bit, here.  it’s okay to disagree with each other, mang.  and hell it’s perfectly 100% okay to disagree with me!!  you don’t have to share my disappointment with these decisions, it’s all good, man.  you do you and whatever makes you happy, i still wish you the best and hope you have a great day!!
but jesus, lmao just... some folks on BOTH SIDES need to have a little respect.
peace y’all, sylvie out
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s/o who catch lot of rattata and named them after pokemon berries headcanons?
Oof. I never really bothered nicknaming my own Pokemons. I think I only did that 10 times or something. All I did was name Pokemons after characters I like. Like I named a Bronzong "Shielbert" and a Chandelure "Ingo". You get the picture.
… First of all, what the fuck are these pissed off rat-looking things? And why did you name them after Pokemon berries?
Alright, so these things are called “Rattata”. He legit never saw one of those things before. Maybe because it’s not in the Galar region. But he should know of their existence because they’re literally everywhere-
He didn’t even bother memorizing the Pokemon berry list. The only way he knew about the Rattata being nicknamed after berries is from the most common berries you usually get.
Now, he would treat them nicely, if they didn’t bite his hand every 5 nanoseconds of course. Last time he dealt with rat-like things, they beat the fuck out of Emmet.
If you had a mix between a regular Rattata and an Alolan Rattata, he probably made the mistake of one of them being a shiny. He’s trying his best man-
Well, unlike his older brother, he kinda knows what a Rattata is. Well… he only saw pictures of the creature since it’s pretty much everywhere, but he never knew the name.
But you literally have an army of them. So that makes it a bit terrifying. He’s not even sure if the Pokemon berry nicknames make it worse or not-
Actually… Why did you name them after Pokemon berries? Did you think the Pokemon berries had cute names or…? He saw many people doing that sort of thing, nicknaming Pokemons after cute stuff or… flat-out inappropriate stuff.
He doesn’t really bother with nicknames much… if you don’t count him using the short version of the names from his Pokemon. For example, he might call his Klinklang “Klang” and his Bronzong “Bronz” at random.
But still, he’s pretty nice to your Rattatas. He doesn’t see much of a point in making an army with the same Pokemon, but you do you.
… Man, why didn’t he think of this when he adopted thousands of Joltiks? He never even bothered giving them nicknames and it would've made his life way more easier.
… Is there even enough English names for them? I mean, he has thousands of them. Maybe he can name them after names from other languages or something.
But now with his army of Joltiks and with your army of Rattatas named after Pokemon berries, you guys will have a Pokemon war and see who will win.
… Or you guys could combine your powers to become the most unstoppable team to ever exist. Even Ingo can’t stop you both.
So yeah, he probably spends as much time with your Rattatas just like he does with his Joltiks. He generally likes to make armies with Pokemons. Why? We will never know.
Well… he doesn’t really know what to say… Congratulations on making an actual army of rats nicknamed after Pokemon berries…
This legit reminds him of Emmet with his Joltik nonsense, but just less worse because you don’t have thousands of Rattatas. At least he hopes so.
And he did study the list of Pokemon berries. So as you were introducing him to your army, he probably picked up the names being named after Pokemon berries.
… Not that he bothers with giving Pokemon nicknames. Since it’s either that people give it cute nicknames or something extremely inappropriate.
But I mean, he’s pretty friendly to your Rattatas. Some of them might be an ass because they keep biting on electric cords, but eh, what can you do?
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nofliight · 5 years
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NAME!  ♡  Somari HEIGHT! ♡  fuck it’s been forever since i last checked. mid-5″s i think?? NATIONALITY!  ♡   Caucasian (slightly native american, a la my biological grandfather, so that’s cool) FAVORITE  FRUITS! ♡   Apples, bananas, grapes FAVORITE  SEASONS!  ♡   Spring. FAVORITE  SCENTS!  ♡   Vanilla, cooked meat, food in general, and gasoline. For some reason. Can’t really explain that one FAVORITE  ANIMALS!  ♡   Ferrets. After that is dogs - specifically the hyperactive excited sort, and after that it’s up in the air really. TEA  /  COFFEE /  HOT  COCOA! ♡ Tea - sweet tea, specifically, miss me with that unsweetened shit. I can’t stand coffee, AVERAGE  HOURS  OF  SLEEP!  ♡ ~6-8 WHEN  MY  BLOG  WAS  CREATED!  ♡   Made this one late-ish last year! But it’s a reboot of a blog I made in about 2013, which was rebooted in 2016... this blog’s history is a bit messy. RANDOM   FACT! ♡ I’ve successfully caught ~6 completely legit shiny Pokemon without going shiny hunting. All from just casually playing the game. Including a shiny legendary (Kyurem). I consider that my only accomplishment in life. FAVORITE  FOOD(S)!  ♡   I want my last meal to be nothing but cheeseburgers. FAVORITE SHOWS!  ♡  I don’t watch any TV these days - but back when I did, my Shit:tm: was the likes of Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy, Chowder, Phineas and Ferb, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic... oh, and a big note for Gravity Falls. What a fucking good cartoon. Also, a shoutout to the Equestria Girls shorts - not technically a show, but fuck, when am I ever gonna get the chance to talk about Equestria Girls these days? FAVORITE  MOVIE! ♡   n/a FAVORITE  VINE!  ♡ I’m too lazy to pull it up - but “When life gives you lemons” is a fucking classic. SEXUALITY! ♡   Ace! PRONOUNS! ♡   They/them but literally call me w/e you want! FAVORITE  BOOK  SERIES! ♡  HA! reading. fuck high school FAVORITE  VIDEO  GAMES! ♡ Kid Icarus: Uprising, Megadimension Neptunia VII, Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade, Persona 5, Mario and Luigi: Dream Team, Cave Story, Gray Garden... fuck I could go for a while, picking single favorites is Hard. FAVORITE  BANDS!  ♡ n/a what the Fuck is non-video game music FAVORITE  SUBJECT!  ♡ I’m actually really good at math! Also I’m good at spelling but I don’t think that counts as its own subject, GUYS   OR   GIRLS!  ♡   I have a preference for The Ladies, but sometimes I see a pretty guy and I’m just. Oh, LAST  TIME  I  CRIED! ♡   God it has been forever since the last time I cried. Not that I’m above it these days, more that I’ve grown so apathetic in so many areas that getting me to the point of tears is a lot harder. Also I don’t cry at fictional Stuff. Never was that kind of person. WHAT  I  SHOULD  BE  DOING!  ♡   Sleeping, probably. It’s 2 AM, FAVORITE  FANDOM! ♡   Me and fandoms generally really don’t get along. My Unfathomable salt makes them Not Like Me, and it’s normally mutual. That being said, me and Kirby can... normally get along, so I’d say that one. Get the fuck out, Mattpat, don’t ruin this one too.
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veedramon-beanie · 6 years
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Ignore the empty shelf at the bottom left and the (long since disassembled and now partial) Digimon collection on the top right shelf, but here’s the result of my late night sorting yesterday!  It’s so cool to see all my Pokemon plush set up together like this, aaa....!  I’ll go through them shelf by shelf so you guys can get a better look at everything!  I’m not gonna bother naming everything, though, like I normally do with my Digimon - because that’s too much work!  I’ll mention notable things, though.  Also assume most of my non-jakks pacific plush are bootlegs lmao, I know some that probably aren’t (bought on ebay, purposefully avoided bootlegs bc the officials/a certain style of official looked nicer, or bought off of a probably reputable site) and some that 100% aren’t (bought from the store, ie english-released Tomys and Pokedolls I bought straight from a Pokemon Center in Washington)
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First shelf!  Just a shelf for special plush, or more accurately, plush I didn’t have room for anywhere else by the time I remembered to put them in.  Mimikyu is probably real since I was avoiding the bootlegs (so many cheap bootlegs...!  They looked soft, but I just loved the accessories on the official one too much to go with a bootleg...because the bootleg’s look so poorly made in comparison) and the Substitute plushie is.  Well.  I honestly don’t know.  I’ll be putting all my future plush up here too even if they have a place to go because haha, whoops, those shelves are p a c k e d in case you can’t tell.
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Second shelf!  Here I have my normal types and electric types.  Fun fact: that Jakks Pacific Pikachu is my first ever Pokemon plush ever!  Cliche, I know.  But I picked him out from the only other option (bonsly) and he was the only non-bonsly plush in the store.  Also I like Pikachu, he’s cute.
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Water type and Ice type shelf!  Aka best starter type shelf, even if my preferences vary over the generations.  That Keldeo secret sword form (at least I think it’s that form?) was bought from an irl Pokemon Center!  I go there every time we go on vacation to Washington (my dad has work up there every so often and we used to have family up there, but we haven’t gone for a few years...)  I wish I got that Amaura, Greninja, and Popplio from the Pokemon Center, tho, haha.  Also fun fact - the glaceon behind the popplio is probably a bootleg (it came with the same kind of tag as the vaporeon) but I actually bought it from a real store.  I felt like it had to be real if a real store was selling it for $10 and it had an alarm on it and everything, right?  I feel jipped.  Give me back my money, Universal Studios, I bought it in that Hollywood walk or w/e the fuck near your park.  Nah I’m kidding; I like getting plushies as souvenirs from places when I go on trips, and it was cool to get a Pokemon one!
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Fire, fighting, rock, and ground type shelf!  That Tyrunt was also bought from the same Pokemon center (at a later date, though).  Also, that Jakks Pacific monferno in the back is the second ever Pokemon plush I bought!
Sorry for the light change on the next two, but:
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Grass types and (er, some) dragon and flying types~!  The black thing in the back is a mega shiny rayquaza, but he’s actually way more massive than he appears in the picture!  Also, the smaller snivy is something I got from the Pokemon Center as well!  I actually didn’t mean to buy it, but I got it for free with one (that’s in the next picture - meloetta) and hey, I can’t complain if the machine gives me a free Pokemon!  The bigger snivy I got wayyy back when Black and White hadn’t released over here in the US yet (ah, the dark days when you had to wait for english translations of Pokemon games...) and I actually recently found his long-since-detached tag that I for some reason kept...cool!  (God I want the shiny version of this plush soooo badly though, shiny snivy was the first legit/non-event/ect shiny I ever got in the games and not to mention I have an emotional attachment to that specific plush anyways...totally a holy grail of mine!  Maybe some day I can get it....[unlikely, lmao, especially since I have cheaper holy grails I want like the porygon2 pokedoll and any Digimon beanie ever- but I can still dream...])
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And the last shelf - my dark, ghost, psychic, fairy, and dragon types that I accidentally forgot to account for when doing the other shelves and then was like “well, shit” so I had to stick them here!  Yes I know tyrunt is on another shelf and noibat and noivern are flying/dragon and 100% should be on other shelves but by the time I remembered to put them + the shiny tyrantrum anywhere, I didn’t have enough room...all three of the plush are pretty big (especially noivern and tyrantrum tho) and as you can see, the flying Pokemon (and dragon too, but it’s harder to tell) and Tyrunt are some of the closest to the front and thus some of the last ones to be put on the shelf - and given that the bigger ones need to go to the back, I didn’t have a lot of options here.  PS - there’s a shadow lugia (99% likely to be a bootleg) pokedoll between umbreon and togekiss/next to the bigger shadow lugia and the purloin/absol and a Jakks Pacific lugia (100% legit, bought it from target at the same time I bought pichu a few pictures back) behind the meloetta (also 100% legit, got from the Pokemon center with the snivy) and the shiny Tyrantrum (100% fake, but it’s fuckin fantastically well-made)
Tbh though, I’d really recommend those bigger bootlegs, esp for Pokemon that are near impossible if not 100% impossible (like shiny mons that dont have actual shiny plush, or legitimately un-plushified mons) to get your hands on.  They have Digimon ones too (one of which I own - a Dracomon!) that are equally as varied and that’s pretty fantastic considering how selective Digimon is with its merchandise compared to Pokemon.  I know bootlegs are bad but they’re soooo nice, plus you can’t claim they’re stealing nintendo’s profits when nintendo (or bandai) hasn’t even made plush of those characters yet and likely has no plans to...so especially if you’re buying second-hand I’d go for it!  But of course, that’s really a matter of personal preference; you do what you’re most comfortable with ^^ but if you feel lowkey bad but still wanna buy one, just buy ones that don’t have legit counterparts, or something like that.  Or buy legitimate ones alongside the fake ones; that way you have a giant cuddle buddy that isn’t worth much collecting-wise AND a rarer, legit plush that you can put on display!
Anyways feel free to let me know if you would like to see any plushies more closely!  Always happy to do that~
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sleeppaw · 3 years
To those that Wonder Trade in UltraSun and UltraMoon
I have decided, in order to reduce my workload, I will no longer accept any Pokemon that evolves via Happiness. So if anyone trades a Meowth or Zubat via Wonder Trade, I will release it. In the forseeable future, I won’t have the time to raise every Pokemon I have received via Wonder Trade, and what time I have I will want to Masuda Method.
Pokemon I will no longer accept
Wingull, Zubat, Meowth, Rattata, Yungoos.
As well as that, but I have been getting rid of the suspicious Pokemon in my boxes (The Shiny Diancie, still with a Ribbon, I will keep; there was a Japanese event for a Shiny Diancie back in Generation 6. All things point to it being legit (Movesets, the “Fateful Encounter” tag, Classic Ribbon, OT is Japanese. From what I remember, there was an event in the Generation 6 games in Japan that involved a Shiny Diancie)
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