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Mold toxicity is far more common than we once thought. Any humid environment is likely to have mold damage inside the home and even inside the coils of air conditioning units (which is why you want to clean them often) If you live or work in an environment with mold damage these spores are released I the air and we breathe them in. This then affects our lung health 🫁 our lung biome, which is an extension of the immune system. Radiate Immunity is helpful in supporting lung 🫁 health and the oxygenation pathways of the body. However, you need to have mold remediation done or move of the mold damage is too bad. It can get nasty. Visit RadiateImmunity.com to learn more. #mold #moldtoxicity #mold #moldspores #lunghealth #lungs #lungbiome #immunesystem #immunomodulation #health #wellness #breathing #breathingpatterns #wellbeing #diet #herbs #herbalism #Florida #nutrients #fyp #mycotoxins (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClCskFnNtoG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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𝐓𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬: Toxicologists study a broad spectrum of substances, including chemicals, drugs, pollutants, natural toxins, and biological agents, to determine their potential harm to living organisms. 𝐃𝐨𝐬𝐞-𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬: Toxicologists investigate the relationship between the dose or exposure level of a substance and the biological response it elicits. This relationship helps determine toxicity thresholds and safe exposure limits.
Visit @ https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/toxicology/
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lucyoccupy · 1 year
Defying Destruction: Empowering Linda Ayres' Fight Against Mycotoxins, Water Damage, and Cancer - Unite in the Global Emergency Medical Campaign on GiveSendGo
IF YOU GOT SICK AFTER STATE FARM INSURANCE WATER DAMAGE CLAIM HANDLING- you are not alone.  Cancer is an ugly word.  Poisoning with intent to klll is pretty darn unAmerican, too.  Violations of ADA Title II is something officers of the Court must be held accountble for, wouldn’t you agree? PLEASE SEND FINANCIAL AND PRAYER SUPPORT — GiveSendGo.com/LindaAyres AWARENESS MATTERS CAN YOU IMAGINE…
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fastdiet · 1 year
🍎🍄🥦 Are you tired of feeling bloated, sluggish, and dealing with chronic health issues? Doug Kaufmann's Anti-Fungal Diet may be the solution you've been searching for. This diet is designed to eliminate fungal overgrowth in the body, which can lead to a variety of health problems. 🌿🍓🥑 The Anti-Fungal Diet is based on the principle that many health issues are caused by an overgrowth of fungi in the body. This can be due to a diet that is high in sugar and carbohydrates, as well as exposure to environmental toxins. By eliminating these foods and toxins, the body can heal and restore balance. 🥕🥬🍠 The Anti-Fungal Diet is a whole foods-based diet that emphasizes vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins. It eliminates sugar, grains, and processed foods. The goal is to starve the fungi in the body and create an environment that is inhospitable to their growth. With the Anti-Fungal Diet, you can improve your health and feel better than ever before.1. Understanding the Anti-Fungal Diet: Key Principles and BenefitsAnti-fungal diet is a way of eating that eliminates foods that promote the growth of fungus in the body. Key principles include avoiding sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods. Benefits include improved digestion, clearer skin, and reduced inflammation. Foods to include are non-starchy vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kefir can also be beneficial. Supplements like garlic and oregano oil can aid in fighting off fungal infections. It's important to note that an anti-fungal diet is not a cure-all and should be used in conjunction with medical treatment. Consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant dietary changes. Stick to the diet for at least a month to see results. Overall, an anti-fungal diet can improve overall health and help fight off fungal infections. 🍎🥦🍗2. The Role of Fungi in Our Health and How to Combat Them with DietFungi can cause infections and allergies, but they also play a crucial role in our health. 🍄 Probiotic-rich foods like kefir and sauerkraut can boost gut health and reduce fungal overgrowth. 🥬 Garlic, ginger, and turmeric have antifungal properties that can help combat infections. 🧄 Limiting sugar and processed foods can starve fungi and prevent overgrowth. 🚫🍩 Some fungi, like mushrooms, have immune-boosting properties and can reduce inflammation. 🍄 Shiitake mushrooms contain beta-glucans that can enhance immune function. 🍄 Maitake mushrooms have been shown to reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity. 🍄 Reishi mushrooms can help reduce stress and improve sleep. 🍄 It's important to maintain a balanced diet and limit exposure to environmental fungi. 🍴 Wash produce thoroughly and store it properly to prevent mold growth. 🧼 Use a dehumidifier to keep indoor humidity levels below 50%. 💧 Avoid damp areas and clean up any mold promptly. 🚫🌧️ 3. Foods to Avoid on Doug Kaufmann's Anti-Fungal Diet: A Comprehensive ListOn Doug Kaufmann's Anti-Fungal Diet, certain foods should be avoided to prevent fungal overgrowth. These include: Sugar: feeds fungi, so avoid all forms of sugar, including honey and maple syrup. Grains: contain mycotoxins, which can contribute to fungal growth. Avoid wheat, corn, and rice. Alcohol: contains sugar and can disrupt gut flora, leading to fungal overgrowth. Dairy: contains lactose, which can feed fungi. Avoid milk, cheese, and yogurt. Fruit: contains natural sugars that can contribute to fungal growth. Limit fruit intake. Processed foods: contain preservatives and additives that can disrupt gut flora and contribute to fungal growth. Peanuts: can contain aflatoxins, which can contribute to fungal growth. Avoid peanuts and peanut butter. It's important to note that everyone's body is different, so some may be able to tolerate certain foods on this list in moderation. Consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant dietary changes. 🍎🚫🍞🚫🍺🚫🧀🚫🍌🚫🍔🚫🥜🚫4. The Top Anti-Fungal Foods to Incorporate into Your DietLooking for ways to naturally combat fungal infections? Look no further than your kitchen! Incorporating these anti-fungal foods into your diet can help prevent and treat fungal infections: Garlic: Contains anti-fungal properties and boosts immune system. 🧄 Coconut oil: Contains caprylic acid, which is effective against candida. 🥥 Ginger: Contains gingerol, which has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. 🍠 Apple cider vinegar: Contains acetic acid, which can kill fungus and bacteria. 🍎 Onions: Contains allicin, which has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. 🧅 Yogurt: Contains probiotics that can help restore healthy gut bacteria. 🍦 Incorporating these foods into your diet can help prevent and treat fungal infections. However, it's important to also seek medical treatment if you suspect a fungal infection. 5. Meal Planning and Recipes for Doug Kaufmann's Anti-Fungal Diet🍴 Looking for ? Here are some ideas to get you started! 🥦 Focus on low-carb, high-fiber vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and kale. Add in healthy fats like avocado and olive oil. 🍗 For protein, choose grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish, and organic chicken. Avoid processed meats and dairy. 🥑 Incorporate healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, and berries. Avoid high-sugar fruits and processed snacks. 🍲 Try recipes like cauliflower rice stir-fry, zucchini noodles with pesto, and grilled salmon with lemon and herbs. 🍎 Don't forget about breakfast! Try a spinach and mushroom omelet or a smoothie bowl with berries and almond butter. 🍽️ Plan ahead and prep meals in advance to make sticking to the diet easier. And remember, it's all about finding what works for you and your body.6. Tips for Sticking to the Anti-Fungal Diet: Overcoming Challenges and Staying MotivatedSticking to an anti-fungal diet can be challenging, but it's crucial for treating fungal infections. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated: Plan your meals in advance to avoid temptation Find healthy alternatives to your favorite foods Stay hydrated with water and herbal teas Get support from friends and family Keep a food diary to track your progress It's also important to be aware of the common challenges you may face: Social events with unhealthy food options Cravings for sugar and processed foods Feeling overwhelmed or discouraged Dealing with setbacks or slip-ups Remember to focus on the benefits of the diet: Improved energy and digestion Clearer skin and stronger immune system Reduced inflammation and risk of chronic diseases Don't forget to reward yourself for sticking to the diet: A relaxing bath or massage A new book or movie A fun activity with friends or family Finally, stay motivated by reminding yourself of your goals: Healing your body and preventing future infections Improving your overall health and well-being Feeling confident and proud of your dedication 7. The Science Behind Doug Kaufmann's Anti-Fungal Diet: Evidence and Criticisms🔬 Doug Kaufmann's anti-fungal diet is based on the theory that fungi in our bodies cause health problems. There is some evidence to support this theory, including studies linking fungal infections to certain diseases. However, critics argue that the evidence is not strong enough to support the diet's claims. 🍎 The diet recommends avoiding sugar, grains, and other foods that can promote fungal growth. It also emphasizes eating anti-fungal foods like garlic, coconut oil, and leafy greens. Some people have reported success with the diet, but more research is needed. 🧪 Kaufmann's theory has been criticized for being too simplistic and not accounting for other factors that may contribute to health problems. Some experts also question the safety of long-term adherence to the diet, which can be restrictive and may lead to nutrient deficiencies. Overall, more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of the anti-fungal diet. In conclusion, Doug Kaufmann's Anti-Fungal Diet is a scientifically-backed approach to improving overall health. By eliminating foods that promote fungal growth, individuals can reduce inflammation and improve gut health. 🍎🥦 While the diet may be challenging to follow at first, the benefits are well worth the effort. Many individuals have reported improvements in energy levels, digestion, and even skin conditions. 💪🏼🌟 Overall, if you're looking to improve your health and reduce inflammation, Doug Kaufmann's Anti-Fungal Diet is definitely worth considering. With a little bit of dedication and patience, you can experience the benefits of a healthier, more balanced diet. 🙌🏼🍽️ https://fastdiet.net/doug-kaufmanns-anti-fungal-diet/?_unique_id=648a256ec40ec
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beingsanket · 1 year
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saving the #planet eating #bugs? most aren't edible, some will be #allergic(#chitin et al.),can be vector for #microorganism not killed by #cooking and carry biological& chemical #contaminants:#mycotoxins,#pesticides, toxic #metals, #dioxin, #lead et al.
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eurofinsindia · 2 years
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immanencehealth · 2 years
Mycotoxins Symptoms Of Mold Sickness You Need To Know - How To Treat Mycotoxin
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Mycotoxins are toxic chemicals that are produced by certain types of mold(fungi) that can cause a wide range of health problems. They are found in food and in the environment, and exposure can lead to a variety of symptoms.
Mycotoxins can be found in many different types of foods including grains, nuts, seeds, beans, peanuts, coffee, and chocolate. There are also naturally occurring mycotoxins in the environment. Some common sources include moldy hay or feed for livestock as well as wood products like old paneling or lumber that has begun to rot. Exposure can happen through eating contaminated food or inhaling spores from infected areas in your home.
The mycotoxin symptoms depend on the type of mycotoxin involved and how much was consumed. Common symptoms include headaches, nausea, and vomiting; respiratory problems such as asthma attacks; skin rashes; fatigue; muscle aches; liver damage; kidney damage; brain damage (encephalomyelitis); birth defects (teratogenesis); immune system problems (immunosuppression); reproductive system problems (teratogenesis). 
If you suspect that you have been exposed to mycotoxins, here are some steps you can take to keep yourself safe and healthy:
1) Test for Mycotoxins:
If you think there's a chance that you've been exposed to mycotoxins, the first thing to do is get tested. Your doctor can perform a simple blood test or other diagnostic procedure to check whether or not your body has been exposed to these toxins.
2) Take Supplements:
If your doctor finds that you have been exposed to mycotoxins, he may recommend taking supplements such as probiotics and antioxidants, which help support your immune system and help detoxify your body after being exposed to mycotoxins.
3) Eat Well:
Eating a balanced diet will help keep your immune system strong, so make sure that you're eating plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. And don't forget about protein it's essential for muscle growth and repair.
Mycotoxins Treatment
Mycotoxins treatments are detoxification therapy and anti-fungal medications. Mycotoxin detoxification is often recommended as a way to reduce the presence of mycotoxins in your body. Detoxification involves taking natural supplements that help remove toxins from your body. A detox diet may also help cleanse your system by eliminating foods with high levels of mycotoxins, such as grains and dairy products.
Bottom Line
There are numerous mycotoxins symptoms of mold sickness that you may want to know, not just for your own sake but for loved ones as well. Mold sickness can be awful, and sooner or later you may have to deal with it. It is essential to be equipped with the right information so that you can also prevent it as much as possible. Mycotoxins are very dangerous since they are hidden inside sources that we come into contact with every day. This makes it difficult to identify the source of problems ourselves. When detecting mold sickness, tests should be done and a detoxification treatment should be considered whenever necessary.
Read More - What are the benefits of peptide treatment?
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fungus-gnats · 6 months
i think it's really cool to like mycology as much as i do - it's such a vast field, with so many implications and outreaching effects (both good and bad), and it's very fun to say that I'm interested in EVERYTHING.
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monstrousdaughter · 4 months
For the film ask game: crimes of the future and velvet goldmine
never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece
(unfortunately I haven't seen either of those yet, but they're on my watchlist!!!!)
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subconsciousmysteries · 10 months
I'm in a forum group and they're telling a woman who "cooks with mostly grains" that she's got a healthy diet. I'm fucking LIVID
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𝐄𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Scientists conduct extensive monitoring of environmental parameters, such as air and water quality, soil composition, and biodiversity.
𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞: Research in environmental science focuses on climate change, including the study of greenhouse gas emissions, temperature changes, sea-level rise, and the impact of climate change on ecosystems and human communities.
Visit @ https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/toxicology/
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trouwnutrition · 17 days
Mycotoxin Control: The Role of Mould Inhibitors in Feed Safety
Worldwide, mycotoxins represent a serious risk to the health of cattle and the safety of food. These harmful substances, which are made by certain fungi, have the potential to contaminate animal feed, cause a range of health problems in animals, and eventually compromise the safety and quality of food items. Mould inhibitors are essential for controlling mycotoxin contamination, which is something that farmers and feed makers need to do.
Knowledge of Mycotoxins and Their Effects Secondary metabolites known as mycotoxins are made by a variety of fungal species, mainly those in the Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Fusarium genera. Both before and after harvest, these harmful substances can grow in crops, especially in environments with ideal humidity and temperature levels.
Mycotoxins in animal feed can cause a variety of health issues in animals, such as:
less feed consumption and increased weight
weakened immunity
Reproductive problems
organ injury
heightened vulnerability to illnesses
Furthermore, mycotoxins have the ability to build up in animal products such as meat, eggs, and milk, which could be harmful to human health. In addition to endangering food safety, this buildup causes farmers and the agriculture sector as a whole to suffer large financial losses.
Mold Inhibitors' Function in Mycotoxin Management Mold inhibitors are vital weapons in the war against the contamination of mycotoxin. These compounds function by stopping or delaying the growth of fungi in animal feed, which lowers the possibility that mycotoxin synthesis may occur. The efficient application of mold inhibitors can make a major contribution to keeping cattle healthy and feed quality intact.
Using mold inhibitors has several advantages, including:
Increased animal feed shelf life and nutritional value preservation
Decrease in the production of mycotoxin
Increased palatability of the feed
Increased feed effectiveness
Mould Inhibitors: Types There are various kinds of mold inhibitors that can be used in animal feed, including:
 -Organic acids: To stop the growth of fungi, propionic acid, formic acid, and their salts are frequently utilized. - Antioxidants: Substances that assist in stopping oxidation and the growth of mold include butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). - Sorbates: Mold and yeast development are efficiently inhibited by potassium sorbate and other sorbate compounds. - Essential oils: Plant-based natural substances with antibacterial qualities include thymol and carvacrol.
Feed Management: Using Mould Inhibitors In order to optimize the efficacy of mold inhibitors, farmers and feed makers had to contemplate the subsequent measures:
- Appropriate storage: To reduce moisture buildup, keep feed ingredients and completed feed in clean, dry environments with sufficient ventilation. - Frequent monitoring: Establish a thorough program of observation to evaluate feed quality and identify possible mold growth early. - Application on time: To stop the first stages of fungal growth, apply mold inhibitors as soon as you can after harvest or during feed processing. -  Appropriate dosage: To guarantee maximum efficacy without sacrificing feed safety, adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations for dosage.
An integrated strategy Utilize resistant crop varieties and appropriate crop rotation in conjunction with other mycotoxin management techniques, such as the use of mold inhibitors.  
Challenges: Although mold inhibitors are useful instruments for controlling mycotoxin, using them presents some difficulties: Regulatory compliance: Farmers are required to make sure that selected mold inhibitors are authorized for usage and to follow local laws governing the use of feed additives.
Regarding costs: The possible financial consequences of mycotoxin contamination should be evaluated against the added cost of mould inhibitors. Resistance development: Using the same mold inhibitors over time may cause fungal strains to become resistant, which calls for switching out the inhibitors. Impact on the environment: There is a need for more environmentally friendly substitutes because certain synthetic mold inhibitors may have negative effects on the environment. In summary Mold inhibitors are essential for feed safety and mycotoxin management. Farmers can guarantee the safety and quality of food products, safeguard livestock health, and drastically lower the risk of mycotoxin contamination by implementing these materials into feed management procedures. New and improved mold inhibitors may be developed as this field of study progresses, which would improve the ability to address mycotoxin-related issues in food production and agriculture.
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rupalic · 1 month
The Mycotoxin Testing Market is estimated at USD 1.6 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach USD 2.3 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2024 to 2029 according to a report published by MarketsandMarkets™.
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bommagoni · 2 months
North America Mycotoxin and Food Testing Market Size, Trends
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angstrom1stuff · 5 months
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Mycotoxin Testing Brooklyn
Angstrom Testing Services is registered with the EPA, and each of our inspectors are licensed by the EPA to conduct XRF lead paint inspections and lead risk assessments.
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