akzgaj · 1 month
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Namo Mandos.
A few people asked me to do this, so… I did it! Maybe in some one pretty day I will draw all the Valars and their childs servants.
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annatars-nine-rings · 4 months
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Art commission of Melkor and Námo done for me by the wonderful @yenyenyen19
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
I like the idea that the Valar can grant boons to men or elves they favor. Sometimes visible– glowing markings, feathers, claws– and sometimes not. Attitudes of these blessings ranged from fear to reverence to jealousy, often reflecting opinions of the Valar more generally.
Galadriel's special treelight hair came from Finarfin. Finarfin got it as a result of Manwe's favor. Given how rare it was for Manwe to bestow such gifts, this caused quite a stir. Later, Morgoth would spread rumors that Manwe was trying to set Finarfin up as the new Noldor crown prince, bypassing Finwe's older children.
Namo gave Fingolfin a blessing, and no one was particularly sure why, Fingolfin included. The truth was that Namo had already foreseen Fingolfin's death, and wanted to give him the strength to let him wound Morgoth before falling to him. Namo has always felt a sense of responsibility for those who choose to come to his halls, even if he's powerless to change their fates.
Celegorm was blessed by Orome, given the kind of teeth and claws that a few of his best disciples had been granted over the years. Orome couldn't take those gifts back, so Celegorm kept them for all his life. You wouldn't know that looking at paintings of him, though, because none of them show him with the marks of Orome's hunt. Whether this was a choice made by him or by later revisionists trying to minimize his connection with the Valar is unknown.
Varda gave blessings to both Earendil and Gil-Galad in the final years of the First Age. Both of them are said to have shone like stars afterwards, and there were some darker rumors that like the hallowed Silmarils, they would burn any unholy flesh that touched them. Some speculated that the blessings were Varda's way of apologizing for leaving the elves to face Morgoth alone for so long.
Ulmo is probably the Vala who's given out the most blessings– Cirdan, Turgon, Finrod, and Tuor all recieved boons from him, among others. But everyone who's gotten blessings from Ulmo is weirdly secretive about it. There's lots of gossip floating around– Ulmo is the reason Cirdan has a beard, Ulmo is the reason Turgon is taller than Maedhros, Ulmo is the reason that everyone likes Finrod so much, actually everyone blessed by Ulmo gets gills and he has secret underwater meetings with them– you get the idea. Well, probably no reason to consider that last one. I can't imagine any of the Valar using their power for something that foolish.
There is fierce scholarly debate on whether Thingol received a blessing from Melian, and whether her descendants could, theoretically, do the same. Elrond would like everyone to please stop asking him about it. Elrond would also like everyone to please stop talking about Gil-Galad's hair turning silver after the two of them took a very normal hunting trip together.
(Multiple Valar have tried to take credit for just how amazingly luscious and wonderful Finwe's hair is. But no, that wasn't a blessing. He's just like that.)
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kateksmallcuteowl · 2 months
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A sketch request for @midnightstar789 A scene from “Twisted doom”
A bit later than promised because I needed some time to read all the fanfics and choose the one I liked the most😅 They all turned out to be so interesting, so thank you very much for your recommendations. I hope you like it!
Until tomorrow and the next request!
P.S. I decided to make the sketch in black and white because the pink color I usually use didn’t seem to fit such a tragic moment
And a link to fic itself: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55779637?view_adult=true
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likesdoodling · 14 days
Guess what I just finished ehehehe >:D
Oh yeah- the 'I see your wife' was a bit hard to do so I just replaced it with the next best 'murderer plus innocence' parallel I could think of-
(and the tags I got to cover the last few bits got cut off, so I have decided to include the last minute of dramatic commentary here instead-
:(:( Alas alack~ poor Finrod-
Oh look it's Gondolin! And Maeglin too, fancy that. Wonder why he's there, anyway, moving on-
Fingon gets some more screentime, -and no. I am not naming the Balrogs involved. They don't deserve it >:(
And after that it's pretty self explanatory.
I mean.
If you know who Feanor and his sons are you probably get what's going on here. :'(
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naarisz · 1 year
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Dagor Dagorath has never been more chaotic.
I have a new au idea! I like the canon Dagor Dagorath trio, but I feel like these three dumpster fires would be soo fricking funny in their position.
A man, an elf and a maia. Will they save or doom the universe forever? :D
Some info for the pics:
1. Character sheet and some more information. (Sauron, Maedhros and Túrin, I forgot to write their names onto the sheet.)
2. After Námo announces the new prophecy.
3. Sauron heals Maedhros scars. (That he gave him back then, of course. Dramatic aholes.)
4. Their whole adventure consist of searching for silmarils (again, yeah) for Fëanor to break them to renew the Trees, preventing the total annihilation of every soul, fëa and ëala on Arda. Aaand fleeing from Melkor's forces, of course. They're not in warrior shape. :D
5. Bonus: Names
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edennill · 7 months
An incomplete list of Namo Mandos' metaphorical headaches:
Fëanor (no comment needed, only how on Arda can he think Mandos is putting up with him because he wants to and wouldn't throw him out if he actually was ready to leave. Doesn't help that he's actively trying to get thrown out)
The sons of Fëanor (aside from Maedhros; can't you all follow his example and actually be repentant of, you know, mass murders??)
For that matter, unrepentant followers of Maedhros, who don't care that Maedhros himself has decided they were all in the wrong
Eöl & Aredhel
Finrod (no, listen - Finrod is good and (mostly) courteous, but he's tried to wheedle out what the fate of Men is from him on ten separate occasions and is a general troublemaker. At least he didn't stay long)
The rest of the house of Finwë. There isn't an untroublesome soul among them, which is living proof that Elros is line of Lúthien. Some of his descendants though...
Númenoreans who think they can shout the Lord of the Dead into submission, demand that he give them more life, and haven't been told "no" since that one nanny when they were three who was subsequently discharged
Númenoreans who rail at him for the injustice of the universe which allows "lesser men" to take up arms against slavers and doesn't he know how unfair it is to rob someone of their life like that
People just blaming the nearest Vala for their own bad life choices
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atane-is-here · 16 days
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Mandos and Vaire / Friendship and Romance
Namo often seems intimidating to the children of Illuvatar. Not so much to the other Valar. And Vaire especially knows the kindness of his heart. Their relationship has always felt a little different from the passion of other couples. But it is founded in great harmony and understanding that will last until the world is remade and beyond.
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overlord-of-fantasy · 3 months
Namo is reading out his crimes
Feanaro, cackling like a maniac: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
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saintstars · 14 days
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The Record Keeper and the Judge
For @ainurweek
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eri-pl · 4 months
So I was thinking about the "Not the first" line (as you do)
and it occurred to me what Feanor must have been thinking.
He doesn't know Finwe is in any danger. He is in panic, the Valar want his Silmarils (as Melkor had said), the Trees are dead, allegedly killed by Melkor (yes, for Feanor it would be "allegedly"), Tulkas bullies him and then, when he explains why he cannot (in his opinion, but that's another thing) give up the Silmarils, Namo basically tells him:
You have slain your own mother by the very fact of your existence, you have no right to anything.
Because yes, that's how Feanor with all his trauma would probably understand this. And... we all know how this ended.
I don't think it's Namo's fault actually.
Namo is omniscient and has a hard time imagining how others think. He knows what happens. He doesn't know why people do things.
I suppose he thought he is clearly communicating to Feanor that Melkor killed Finwe (if you think this makes him really dumb: no. As a long-time GM and some-times writer I can tell you: the foreshadowing that seems blatant and enough is usually 3 times too small to give anyone any chance of guessing where the plot is going. It just looks widely different when you know.)
Also, being enigmatic and "style over clarity" is Namo's main character flaw as I see it.
So, as usually, everyone's at fault (mostly Melkor. As usually)
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akzgaj · 1 month
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I have found my old painting of Mandos (on the right side) from '19.
Wow. I'm impressed!
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doodle-pops · 2 months
My Sweet Kitty
Námo x reader
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A/N: My first ever fluffy Námo fic since I post a bunch of headcanons for him. I know I don’t write much for the Ainur in terms of fics (apart from Eönwë), so I hope this can be a start.
Warnings: none, fluff, humour
Words: 1.1k
Synopsis: You attempt to convince Námo of his feline qualities.
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“You know, for someone who has a dog, you radiate a feline persona.”
Your words lingered in the air, suspended like taut strings on the brink of snapping, as you awaited a reaction from your solitary audience. Abruptly, Námo turned his head sharply, his gaze ready to unleash a torrent of his pent–up irritation in response to your comment about his personality. While he had grown accustomed to his siblings’ jibes and prods, ever since love happened to him, this peculiar emotion he sensed in your words struck him deep. It nestled in his chest, a discomfort that resonated in his ears, a subtle insinuation that his persona was unappealing.
His gaze bore into you, his expression a canvas painted with a myriad of unsaid thoughts, as you chuckled and affectionately patted his dog’s head. Watching as your laughter unfurled as you sat on the floor for reasons unknown, he couldn’t help but perceive a certain angelic quality about you. Yet, the ache in his heart remained, uncertain whether your words were intended as an insult or a compliment.
“What,” he began, pausing to draw in a deep breath before continuing, “do you precisely imply by labelling me a ‘cat person’ instead of a ‘dog person’?” His viridian eyes remained fixed on you, the intensity of his gaze drilling into your consciousness, as he awaited your laughter to subside and for you to respond to his pressing query.
Clutching your stomach, consumed by laughter, you were lost in a fit of reliving the scene repeatedly, momentarily forgetting his looming question. Even his dog, Gorgumoth, seemed captivated, nestled beside you, basking in the ripples of your amusement and the gentle head pats he received amidst the spectacle. It took five minutes of Námo’s impatient staring and his unwavering scrutiny for you to regain your composure, wiping a tear away before offering another comment. “Oh, dear, if only you could have witnessed your expression—the way your head whipped around, I could have sworn it was on the verge of snapping!”
Unimpressed by the lack of attention and cheerfulness in your response, Námo made another attempt to seek an answer to his inquiry. “Care to elaborate on the meaning of your statement?”
“Oh?” Your surprise was palpable, as his insistence on uncovering the concealed truths behind your words caught you off guard. Typically, he would have rolled his eyes or showcased his exasperation at your whimsical antics; after all, your hyperactive and eccentric nature stood in stark contrast to his reserved demeanour. “Well, um, it essentially signifies that your persona bears resemblance to the behaviour of a cat. Interestingly, people who exhibit such traits are often inclined to prefer cats over dogs due to the shared attributes.”
Námo’s gaze remained fixed on you, his viridian eyes still piercing with curiosity and a hint of annoyance. Your explanation seemed to have made some sense to him, but he wasn’t entirely convinced. His dog, still enjoying the attention you were providing, nuzzled closer to you as if to endorse your presence.
“So, you’re saying that my behaviour resembles that of a cat?” Námo inquired, his tone slightly incredulous.
You nodded, your laughter finally subsiding as you caught your breath. “Yes, that’s the gist of it. Cats are often seen as more independent, aloof, and sometimes a bit mysterious. And, well, you do have some of those traits.”
Námo’s expression didn’t change much, though you could detect a flicker of introspection in his eyes. He seemed to be mulling over your words, possibly reflecting on how he came across to others. “I suppose I can see the similarities,” he admitted reluctantly.
You grinned, glad that he was taking it in stride. “It’s not a bad thing, you know. Cats are also elegant, and intelligent, and they have a certain air of mystery that’s quite intriguing.”
His lips twitched ever so slightly, hinting at a small, rare smile. “You have a way of turning a potentially insulting statement into something...intriguing.”
“That’s my special talent,” you said with a wink. “But don’t take it too seriously dear. It was just a playful observation.”
Námo’s demeanour seemed to soften as he leaned back, his dog now fully sprawled out beside you. “I’ll keep that in mind. And for the record, I do appreciate both cats and dogs for their unique qualities.”
You chuckled. “Good to know. So, do you think you’re more of a cat person now?”
He rolled his eyes, but the hint of amusement in them was hard to miss. “Let’s not push it.”
“Aw, come on now Námo! There’s no harm in being considered as a cat,” you playfully whined as you removed yourself off the floor and strolled over to where he sat, draping yourself all over his shoulders. Lifting your finger to bump his nose, you grinned before kissing the tip and chuckled as he lazily blinked like a cat. “You know, cats are also known for saying, ‘I love you’ when they blink slowly. Tell me, was that a confession?”
Throwing you an exasperated look that screamed ‘Don’t push it,’ he unconsciously inched his head closer to your lips. It was a routine habit of his: deny enjoying or wanting kisses while pushing his head in for more. He was indeed your feline. “I have no idea what you speak of,” he softly muttered, still inching his head closer and staring at your lips.
“You’re not as smooth as you consider yourself to be, Námo.” You chuckled. “You’re displaying all the qualities of a kitty right now—so needy for a kiss.”
Your statement was the worst thing you could say to ruin the moment, and his head jerked away from your lips, facing front. Recomposing himself after the accidental slip–up, he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and picked up his quill to resume his writing, as though nothing transpired between you two moments ago. He was indeed a kitten, getting all bashful and ignoring one’s presence after a confrontation. But you couldn’t resist dipping your head in to land a kiss on his cheek despite his low grumblings about you distracting him.
Leaning in, you whispered near his ear, “You’re more adorable than you realise.”
Námo’s cheeks flushed, and he coughed softly, clearing his throat as if to regain his composure. “You’re persistent, I’ll give you that.”
You grinned mischievously. “It’s part of my charm. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll embrace your inner cat entirely.”
He glanced at you, his lips twitching into the faintest hint of a smile. “You’re pushing it.”
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @sakurayaxd @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @elficially-done-with-life @eunoiaastralwings
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thesummerestsolstice · 4 months
Manwe: 'Tis pride month Namo, thou knowest what that means.
Namo: What, my king? Dost thou wish for me to, mayhap, pronounce gay dooms?
Namo: My king?? Am I to pronounce gay dooms upon the Eldar??
Manwe: ...
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dahyun · 11 months
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batsyforyou · 2 months
You Lack a Seat. The Elves + Guest Stars React
Tags: uh, random nonsense?
Author's Note: This is what I did for the 'other' and I attempted the style I've seen @a-contemplation-upon-flowers use sometimes. So, let me know how I did! Also, disclaimer, I am a firm believer that most of these characters would actually just get you a chair or offer you theirs because the elves are traditional and well mannered folk (most of the time).
Taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese
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Would find you a chair 
Feanor, Maedhros, Carathnir, Erestor, Curufin, Elrond, Ecthelion, Finrod, Turgon, Fingon, Gil Galad, Namo, Fingolfin
Would kneel on the ground to prop his leg up as a makeshift chair
Glorfindel, Fingon, Elladan, Beleg, Irmo 
Would have you sit on his arm rest 
Celegorm, Curufin, Thranduil, Namo, Sauron
Would offer you their chair 
Celebrimbor, Maglor, Elrond, Elrohir, Erestor, Eonwe, Lindir, Glorfindel, Maeglin, Finrod, Fingon, Legolas, Mablung, Manwe, Ulmo, Gildor, Finarfin
Would set their cloak out for you to sit 
Mablung, Glorfindel, Elrond, Maglor, Maedhros, Elrohir, Finrod, Gil Galad, Gildor, Celebrimbor, Finarfin, 
Would have you sit on their lap
Glorfindel, Elladan, Celegorm, Sauron, Thranduil 
Would have you sit at their feet 
Melkor, Sauron, Eol, Thranduil,
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